Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see yout then!
AdLib3 hours ago
Hey PPO! How are things?
AdLib2 hours ago
Hi, Ad. Newsflash! I bought a boat!
2 hours ago
So Australia is not going to put Charles on it’s currency?
AdLib2 hours ago
WOO-HOOI!! Congratulations! That is huge!
AdLib2 hours ago
Thank goodness, no, not on the 5$ note anyway. coins????
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
The irony is that Charles In Charge and the royal circus are trashing the royalty thing by trashing Harry and Meghan. Kind of funny. Everyone hates Charles.
AdLib2 hours ago
yes, a one man 14 foot miniature America’s cup. Called a 2.4mR
2 hours ago
A beauty!
AdLib2 hours ago
Have you taken it out a bit?
AdLiban hour ago
Well, why not. He had his tart all the time while Diana brought up the boys. We’re getting close to a referendum to become a republic. I’ll vote for it.
an hour ago
Not just yet. I hope to in the near future, after insurance and stuff
an hour ago

Hello everyone
an hour ago
Hi, TW!
an hour ago
I know I can’t be the only one who thinks Camilla is a sleaze for cheating on her husband and having an affair with a married man then throwing Harry and Meghan under the bus to profit her image. In the US, we’d call her “Trailer Trash”.
AdLiban hour ago
Hey TW!
AdLiban hour ago

Nice boat PP
an hour ago
I’m also putting my townhouse on the market and moving closer to the yacht club.
an hour ago
PPO – Sounds like a lot of fun. I’ve been on a sailboat and helped out but only a couple of times, I really enjoyed it.
AdLiban hour ago
PPO – Walking distance?
AdLiban hour ago
CL let me know that she has an important event tonight and can’t make it for Vox but will be back next week.
AdLiban hour ago
Thanks, both. I hope to get lots of fun out of ‘Bond, James Bond AUS007! Hopefully walking distance, so I don’t have to drive ! cramps my style!
an hour ago

PPO James Bond??
an hour ago
Why would anyone want to live in Florida??
an hour ago
Yes, thats its name.
an hour ago
PPO – License to Keel.
AdLiban hour ago
Good one, Ad! Must remember that!
an hour ago

Ad that’s a good one
an hour ago

PPO I take it you’re a James Bond fan
an hour ago
PPO – Florida is the equivalent of falsely represented Air B&B, the representation looks so good but when you get there you find out it’s a run down trailer with the roof caving in. Don’t know how Harleigh and glenn deal with living there.
AdLiban hour ago
She already had that name. Won’t change it – supposed bad luck. And yes, I devoured all of the Bond books and early films, not the later crap.
an hour ago
Thanks! But the names Bow, James Bow.
AdLiban hour ago
Oh, how are H and glenn?
an hour ago
PPO – Harleigh and glenn were here within the past few weeks, Harleigh seems fine and glenn is coping with dialysis which can be very challenging.
AdLiban hour ago
Glad that they’re doing as well as can be.
an hour ago
PPO – Then you’d probably agree that Connery was the best Bond. I would put Daniel Craig 2nd.
AdLiban hour ago

Did anyone see the latest on Santos claim to fame? He supposedly said he produced the failed Spiderman musical.
an hour ago
Agree. Sean , Craig and then the rest.
an hour ago
Really didn’t like Roger Moore in the role of Bond but he was great as The Saint.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad Yes Sean was indeed the best, but the Remington Steel guy was also pretty good.
an hour ago
Roger’ scripts were a bit too comedic and camp for me.
an hour ago
Pierce was OK, but Sean will always be #1 for me.
an hour ago
TW – Do you think Santos is just in denial that he’s coing to be tried and convicted for financial crimes? It seems like he’s in denial and just trying to enjoy the party to the fullest until he’s dragged out in handcuffs.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad Santos is trying to find the Nile so he can just float away and get eaten by crocs.
an hour ago
Santos will be the MVP in the Superbowl, mark my words!~
an hour ago
TW – Pierce Brosnan was not bad but a little lightweight for the role, good look for the role but his acting and charisma didn’t come close to Connery. Just annoyed that Connery turned out to be such a screaming misogynist in real life.
AdLiban hour ago
Hey Murph!
AdLiban hour ago
an hour ago

PPO I agree Sean was the best he set the standard for all that came after him in that role. Pierce Bronson did a decent job.
an hour ago
an hour ago

Murph is in the house.
an hour ago
What’s the hot topic in the house tonight?
an hour ago

PPO so do we get to call you capatin now that you bought a boat?
an hour ago
PPO – Moore’s films were corny and the knife in the heart was the one with the young ice skater who he had to treat like a granddaughter instead of a love interest because he was so old at that point. Most of Moore’s Bond movies were cringeworthy, that one in particular.
AdLiban hour ago
Sid you all hear that Santos produced the Spiderman Musical on Broadway? He did….I swear he did….caught in a WEB OF LIES. Get it?!
an hour ago
Well, one claim to fame was having dinner with The Skipper from Gilligan’s Island!
an hour ago
“Would you like to fly in my beautiful, my beautiful balloon?”
AdLiban hour ago

Murph yes
an hour ago
All this rubbish about Santos is becoming a real DRAG!
an hour ago
I love MTG and other Repub cavemen and cavewomen telling people to shoot at a baloon that’s 60,000 feet in the sky and stand out there shooting as their bullets come raining back doiwn at them. So easy a caveman can do it.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph the question I have is since he wants credit for it will he take credit for it being a total flop according the article I read.
an hour ago
I see that you all have been engaging in BOND-ING.
an hour ago

Murph yes, Bond, James Bond
an hour ago
I agree with your judgment. Connery is 1 and Craig is 2
an hour ago
Murph, I bought a boat, ‘Bond, James Bond’, an 2.4mR and it took off from there!
an hour ago

All, here is a short quiz what was the first James Bond movie?
an hour ago
Dr. No
an hour ago
an hour ago

PPO winner, winner, chicken dinner.
an hour ago
TW – Santosman, Santosman, does whatever a Santos can. Spins his lies, any size, catches hell, just like crimes. Look out, here comes the Santosman!
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…you are so Clever and so Swift…how do you ever do it?
an hour ago

Ad, now that’s really funny.
an hour ago
Bond Trivia: What was the 2nd Bond movie?
AdLiban hour ago
Thanks all!
AdLiban hour ago
From Russia with lovw
an hour ago

From Russia with Love
an hour ago

Goldfinger – my favorite was the third.
an hour ago
We have two winners! Okay, I’ll make this a little tougher. What other famous achievement was the family of the Bond producer known for?
AdLiban hour ago
How in the world could you guys ignore the First Casino Royale?
an hour ago
With David Niven? Easily!
an hour ago

Murph that was the only Bond Movie I didn’t see.
an hour ago
TW…run out and get it……gag!
an hour ago
Murph – I enjoy the first all-star Casino Royale with Peter Sellers, David Niven, etc. That and What’s New Pussycat are in the same category for me as 60’s “hip” comedies.
AdLiban hour ago
Cubby was the family who grew the first Broccoli
an hour ago
PPO – Bingo!
AdLiban hour ago

Murph I plan to along with the latest ones so I can complete my collection
an hour ago
Ad….Woody Allen as Jimmy (i.e. James) Bond…where else.
an hour ago
TW….ah, you are a collector!
an hour ago
Now a harder one, what Bond movie screenplay was co-written by Ian Fleming but was not a book?
AdLiban hour ago

Murph yes, I am.
an hour ago
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
an hour ago
oh, Bond? Die another day
an hour ago
PPO – Good guess, that was an Ian Fleming written movie but wasn’t it first a book? There’s a Bond movie though that Flemin wrote as a screenplay only.
AdLiban hour ago
The answer is…Thunderball!
AdLiban hour ago
Thunderball is the Bond movie that was only written by Fleming as a screenplay and was never a book.
AdLiban hour ago
TB was a book!
an hour ago
AdLiban hour ago

Guns of Navarone with Sellers and Peck Anthony Quinn
an hour ago
Of course, in reality, often the movies only shared the name of the book with Fleming’s work
an hour ago
PPO – Just doublechecked and Thunderball was written as a novel…after the screenplay and film.
AdLiban hour ago
ChcSEwi1qbvP9vr8AhUJVGAKHTCLAEQYABAPGgJ0bQ&sig=AOD64_0q_c7XHqjj1JpPi4ec77Z5o1JUCw&adurl&ctype=5&ved=2ahUKEwjiza3P9vr8AhWzV3wKHc97CikQvhd6BAgBEHk” style=”word-wrap: break-word; overflow-wrap:break-word;”>https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&aiChcSEwi1qbvP9vr8AhUJVGAKHTCLAEQYABAPGgJ0bQ&sig=AOD64_0q_c7XHqjj1JpPi4ec77Z5o1JUCw&adurl&ctype=5&ved=2ahUKEwjiza3P9vr8AhWzV3wKHc97CikQvhd6BAgBEHk
an hour ago
PPO – Just saw this: “Because the book was based on the original idea written for the screenplay, it means that Thunderball is actually not a technically a Bond novel, but the first novelization of a Bond film even though the book was released before either of the films sharing its story. So there’s that as well.”
AdLiban hour ago

PPO check me on this wasn’t take off on Thunderball?
an hour ago
So I guess we’re both right.
AdLiban hour ago
an hour ago
Just realised we’re actually talking about something other than politics! Nice.
an hour ago

PPO Octopussy, wasn’t that take off on Thunderball.
an hour ago
Murph – True, they just used the titles in a number of cases, barely using anything from the books in many cases.
AdLiban hour ago

PPO I’m trying to remember if Thunderball was Conerey’s last Bond movie.
an hour ago
No. Octopussy was a short story , published with another, ‘Property of a Lady’ and one other
an hour ago
TW – No, Octopussy was a Fleming novel but Never Say Never Again was based on Thunderball.
AdLiban hour ago
And Never Say Never Again was Connery’s last movie as Bond.
AdLiban hour ago

Ok got it.
an hour ago
AdLiban hour ago
the other was ‘The Living Daylights.
an hour ago
You guys…your knowledge of Bond….impressive….and a little scary.
an hour ago

All, here is a piece of trivia for you what James Bond movie did she play in and where did she go to school.
an hour ago
Technically, The Spy Who Loved Me was the first Bond movie not based on a book, all they used was the title of the book bedause Fleming soured on that book and didn’t like it.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – Not clear on the question.
AdLiban hour ago
Here’s one last one, which actress was the only one to be in two Bond movies?
AdLiban hour ago
Nah, we were right there when the whole era kicked off, spys everywhere!
an hour ago
Moneypenny in many!
an hour ago

Sorry, the question was what movie Bond movie did Grace Jones star in and where did she go to grade school.
an hour ago
I should say, the only Bond Girl to be in two Bond movies, PPO is right, Moneypenny, M and other actresses were in multiple Bond films but not as Bond Girls/romantic interests.
AdLiban hour ago
Grace Jones…I can see her in the movie as an assassin and it was a Roger Moore film but I can’t remember which one/
AdLiban hour ago
A View to a Kill….as May Day…Jones role
an hour ago
Well, peoples, gotta go throw a shrimp on the club BBQ this afternoon. See u next week. Trivia – why was the researcher and weapons guy called Q?
an hour ago

Murph you are correct and where did she go to school?
an hour ago

PPO stay safe
an hour ago
SO, on a newsy note, what is China’s strategy in floating surveillance balloons over the US? Provocation over the US building up its forces in the South China Sea and Philippines?
AdLiban hour ago
PPO – Quartermaster
AdLiban hour ago
Seeya PPO! Have a great time!
AdLib44 minutes ago
Ans: originally his title was to be Quartermaster
44 minutes ago
AdLib44 minutes ago
44 minutes ago
Okay, so back to my China question, what do you think they’re up to?
AdLib44 minutes ago
China balloon….a show of force from the PLA perhaps…purposely provocative and aimed at keeping U.S. Sec. of State visit from happening….is one theory I find intriguing.
42 minutes ago

Ad, I think they want to see if Santos will take credit for floating the big one. Also, the last part of my Bond question about Grace Jones, she went to Central Tech my old HS in Syracuse.
42 minutes ago
And on a different topic, aren’t the Repubs digging a bigger hole for themselves in 2024 by using their majority in Congress to essentially just troll the Dems while polling shows McCarthy and Repubs plunging in approval?
AdLib42 minutes ago
Murph – Why would China want to keep Blinken from the visit? A US official hasn’t visited China in 6 years, that’s not great for China.
AdLib41 minutes ago

Ad what else can the Repugs do? The have nothing to run on.
41 minutes ago
Ad…there is a daily agenda published in the House showing committee meetings, floor action, ceremonial events etc. I just read that to date the speakers’ off has only been able to get this out 3 times because of all the chaos.
40 minutes ago
TW – Maybe Santos will claim to actually be the China balloon?
AdLib40 minutes ago
Ad…the suggestion is that the PLA (People’s Liberation Army) is opposed to any effort that might bridge U.S./Chinese interests.
40 minutes ago

Ad why the heck not. What’s he got to lose? He will probably take credit for the great Jobs report as well.
39 minutes ago
TW – I always liked Grace Jones, she was the perfect 1980s icon and fascinating.
AdLib39 minutes ago
TW…well…..the super jobs report did not happen before Santos got to Congress so there is a clear connection.
38 minutes ago
TW – I know but the GOP is such a hollow drum that only beats itself, how can that win national elections? By guess is that it can’t and Dems will win in 2024 solidly.
AdLib38 minutes ago

Murph you have a point, so I suspect at some point he will do find some way to take credit for it, then maybe that will be all Kevin needs to bounce him.
37 minutes ago
Murph – Very interesting. And this debt ceiling extortion looks like it will implode the GOP. Notice how terrified they’ve gotten to assure that they won’t cut SS and Medicare or refuse to lift it? They are running scared because all their financiers have threatened them not to tank the economy and cost them billions.
AdLib36 minutes ago
A GOP friend, a fellow academic, prof of political science, believes that the only way the GOP resets is for the sane GOP in the House and Senate to form a virtual “coalition government” aimed at moving things forward and at identifying the do-nothings so that their reelection chances diminish. It will take years for the GOP to regenerate but he sees no other path.
36 minutes ago
Murph – But if that’s what Xi wants, he could have just not setup a meeting.
AdLib35 minutes ago

I think the Repugs believe they have the election in the bag because the actions they’ve taken to get their folks elected in the places where the votes get counted.
35 minutes ago
Ad….XI and the PLA may not be on the same page.
34 minutes ago
Well, Santos is creating a ton of jobs in the DoJ so that may be true.
AdLib34 minutes ago

Murph that’s interesting. My only problem with is the sane part.
33 minutes ago
TW……the question is have they secured enough of the voting mechanism to do as you suggest.
32 minutes ago

Murph yes that would be the question. Lord knows we need a reasonable group of Repubs for things to work.
31 minutes ago
Murph – The one thing that I think undermines that theory is that Repubs are absolute cowards and terrified of the core of their base that is Trump’s extremist, fascist cult. They couldn’t even stand up against the bigoted rejection of Omar despite several saying they would. I don’t see that ever happening, corruption is all-encompassing, the GOP will only change after Dems get big enough majorities to fix democracy and get rid of gerrymandering. Then they’ll have no choice if they want to ever be in the majority again.
AdLib31 minutes ago
TW – Considering that Dems control the governorships in all swing states and legislature now in some, I don’t think Repubs are that confident they can steal the next election.
AdLib30 minutes ago
Ad…I do not disagree with you, nor do I believe my prof friend would….I think his “only way out” scenario is spot on BUT as you say between lunacy and cowardice in the GOP ranks there will be no redemption.
30 minutes ago
I take that back, Dems don’t control either in GA but they do in WI, MI and AZ.
AdLib30 minutes ago
And PA!
AdLib29 minutes ago

Murph it just seems that what we call reasonable Republicans are afraid of their own shadow and unwilling to stand up to the MAGA crowd. They don’t want what happen in Albuquerque
29 minutes ago
TW….my response to Ad is the same for you…Ad…I do not disagree with you, nor do I believe my prof friend would….I think his “only way out” scenario is spot on BUT as you say between lunacy and cowardice in the GOP ranks there will be no redemption.
28 minutes ago
Murph – It’s a legit hope but a fascist party doesn’t really change in the way he proposes. It only chasnges out of necessity to grab power and if the filibuster is ended and voting rights laws are passed that end gerrymandering, the fascist, extremist GOP will lose all subsequent elections until those greedy to get back in power are whipped up.
AdLib27 minutes ago

Murph yes Repub have resorted to fear tactics and will do whatever it takes to remain in power.
27 minutes ago
Ad…..your scenario is realistic but it results in a government so lopsided that the potential for tyranny from the left is also real.
26 minutes ago
TW – Agreed, the spineless “reasonable” Repubs are not going to fight their base which is now MAGA extremists. There is no voting base for anti-MAGAs in the GOP, They can’t win primaries to win GEs in the end. That’s what 2022 elections proved.
AdLib26 minutes ago

Ad and Murph what is your take on the Roberts reveal about his wife placing people who have cases before the SC?
25 minutes ago
Murph – Consider how the Repubs were shut out of power in controlling Congress for around 25 years…until they changed. History repeats itself, Repubs will be unelectable as MAGAs if gerrymandering is ended.
AdLib24 minutes ago
TW…..the Roberts story lines right up with the other corrupt jurists on his court…..The Supremes need to made to adhere to the same code of conduct as all other federal judges.
24 minutes ago

Murph no argument here on what you just said.
23 minutes ago
TW – The Roberts revelation explains a lot as to why Roberts does not want to have ethics rules for the SCOTUS, he’s corrupt too!
AdLib23 minutes ago
Ad….I am not arguing with you…my point is that balance between the parties is good for them both…a deflated GOP and an overly inflated Dem Party is not a good option, but still better than the government under GOP control.
22 minutes ago

What is frightening is how Republicans are flocking toward authorism as if that form of governance will give them what they want.
21 minutes ago
I think the Ropberts Court is on the verge of having its decisions ignored and that would be so destructive to the institution and the US but they are radicals making legislative decisions and soon, if they continue, states and the public will have no choice but to exercise civil disobedience against SCOTUS decisions. And SCOTUS has no mechanism to enforce their decisions, they only apply because people and states choose to obey them.
AdLib20 minutes ago
TW…I wonder how they would feel about autocracy if it is leftist (as man GOP believed FDR’s New Deal)
19 minutes ago

I meant authoritarianism.
19 minutes ago
Ad…interesting point about a quiet revolution against a corrupt court….hmmmm……might work.
19 minutes ago

Murph good question.
19 minutes ago
Murph – When it happened last time and the Dems controlled Congress for 25 years, it led to Dems becoming corrupt and ignoring the needs of the public. So yes, it’s not good when you don’t have to work at your job and become bribed by special interests to do their will but that’s what happened last time. And Dems became weak and spineless without competition. So you are right, it’s not great but it’s worse to have fascists gain power.
AdLib18 minutes ago
TW – Repubs have been pro-authoritarian for much of the modern era. They supported Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes and Trump to be dictitorial and cheat against the Constitution. It’s not a new thing, it’s been a downward spiral since Nixon.
AdLib17 minutes ago

Murph it seems to me the crop of Repubs in Congress and the Senate have no concept of what good governance looks like. It doesn’t seem like they are at all in office to serve the people as much as they are looking for their consulting gig or Fox TV show.
17 minutes ago
Ad…..I agree with your analysis but it adds to my argument that our much praised (by us) structure of government scenarios like the ones you and I have described.
17 minutes ago
TW……a gig in the House gets you a gig in the Fox House…yawp.
16 minutes ago

Maybe if Dommion wins it’s libel suit against Fox that might cause some change.
14 minutes ago
Murph – There is always “a bridge too far” and the SCOTUS is so corrupt and egocentric that they seem to feel unbound by ethics, precedent or acceptance by the majority. They have already crossed the line but further incursions will move the people and blue states to simply refuse to follow them and that is the beginning of the end of theis SCOTUS. Re-establishing a respected SCOTUS will be difficult though if Americans are pushed to the point of ignoring them.
AdLib14 minutes ago
TW….the Dominion suit is a serious threat to a fundamental corrupt propaganda organization.
13 minutes ago
Ad….again I largely agree but it is a road that has chaos on all sides.
12 minutes ago
Murph – Agreed, the structure of our democracy is very flawed, the product of compromises with corrupt people and states (slavery) at its founding. The Electoral College was intended to be anti-democratic. Gerrymandering is an obvious corruption of democracy but Repubs and Dems haven’t moved against it in over 100 years. Real problems are sewn into the fabric of our democracy.
AdLib12 minutes ago

Murph I agree, and from reports they seem to have a solid case, but it remains to be seen if they actually win. If they do I believe there will be a major house cleaning over at Fox News.
12 minutes ago
Ad….there is a good reason why our model has not proven to be a template that others seek to emulate.
11 minutes ago
TW….the cleaning out of the Aegean stables….crap everywhere.
11 minutes ago
TW – Very good point about the Dominion lawsuit, combine that with Newsmax and OANN getting kicked off cable, the RW terrorist propaganda industry could be hobbled moving forward. But it will never disappear, especially since it’s co-funded by Russia, China, etc.
AdLib10 minutes ago

Ad, yes, but who is our Heracles?
10 minutes ago

Murph yes, but who is are Heracles?
9 minutes ago
Murph – We do agree on that but it is either dealing with a degree of political chaos or being overthrown by fascists and the former is preferable.
AdLib9 minutes ago
TW…you got the reference! Classical education rules! Who is our Hercules? That is the question.
9 minutes ago

Franklin said A Republic if you can keep it.
8 minutes ago
Ad…generally agree the lesser of the two evils for sure but still very dangerous.
8 minutes ago
Murph – There is no ideal model of a democracy that I’m aware of. Look how the parliamentary system has destroyed so much in the UK and now in Israel. I can’t believe the in-broad-daylight overthrow of democracy in Israel that’s being conducted by the criminal Netanyahu right now.
AdLib7 minutes ago

Murph my undergraduate and graduate degrees are in Business but I’ve always had a thing for Greek, Roman and Viking folklore.
6 minutes ago
Ad…no ideal model but by and large the Parliamentary system is the most flexible…..in Israel the system has been hijacked. In the UK……what happens when the populace falls prey to an effective mind blinding campaign.
6 minutes ago
Murph – It’s not like there is a choice though. Either the MAGA GOP is shrunken as a national party or we lose our democracy for probably the remainder of our lifetimes.
AdLib5 minutes ago

Ad I think we’re marching up to the precipice of another Civil War.
5 minutes ago
TW….a Renaissance Man!
5 minutes ago
Ad…I agree…..dangerous but necessary.
5 minutes ago

Murph I will accept that. Thank you.
4 minutes ago
Murph – You can say that about parliamentary governments but the real world examples are disasters there too.
AdLib4 minutes ago
Ad…again in general parliamentary systems are more flexible and more responsive to the need for change….
4 minutes ago

Things are getting dicey all over, the Israeli is getting much more confrontational with the Palestinians.
2 minutes ago
TW – I don’t know that we are headed to a literal civil war, that is, armed battles between dueling armies to take over regions. I think the modern day civil war is already happening, a division between MAGA states and all the others, where their little kingdoms operate like fascist regimes. Example, look at FL. It is insane to watch it fall into greater and greater fascist control over so many areas. Would I send my daughter to school in FL where the state demands all her data on her periods? Crazy but it’s happening right now.
AdLib2 minutes ago
This has been a fine discussion…I even enjoyed the first part although I am generally in the dark in matters Bond. Best to you both.
a minute ago

Murph I have trouble seeing this country adapting the a parliamentary form of governing. Most don’t know how our existing government works.
a minute ago
Murph – Then why aren’t we seeing positive change to parliamentary systems in so many places where that system exists?
AdLiba few seconds ago
Up for a call, TW?
AdLibin a few seconds

Looks like we lost Murph yes call me
in a few seconds
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