Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 4 hours ago
Hey TW! AdLib 2 hours ago

Well Ad, another night and the Repugs are all in disarray. I wonder if they’re getting the Christmas list together to ask Santa to keep Trump from running. twilson117 2 hours ago
Heh! Word is Trump will announce his candidacy next Tuesday! The Repubs are going nuts, they see that the runoff in GA will be a referendum on Trump and they’re afraid. Plus, Trump is threatening Kevin McCarthy to endorse him immediately or Trump won’t support his being Speaker if Repubs win. The GOP is imploding and I love it! AdLib 2 hours ago
Trump is scared, he wants to be the first nominee to preempt DeSantis and DoJ indictments. AdLib 2 hours ago

Yeah, Trump is making a more of stink he knows he is in trouble. twilson117 2 hours ago
The DoJ needs to indict Trump on Monday! AdLib 2 hours ago

Garland is going slow, he needs to speed it up. twilson117 2 hours ago
No kidding! Trump will be the Repub nominee before long then what? They have him on the document thefts, start at least with that ASAP! AdLib 2 hours ago

Hey what is with the long delay in CA for results? Also are we going to lose the one Kattie of the White Board Fame? twilson117 2 hours ago

I saw that theft article. twilson117 2 hours ago
It does look like Dems will have 50 in the Senate since NV is looking more likely and AZ seems a lock. Then, with the Senate already decided, Warnock should destroy Walker. AdLib 2 hours ago
CA has very “liberal” rules on voting, allows same day registration and voting and all voters are sent vote by mail so as the biggest state, that’s a ton of mail votes to count including votes can come in up to 7 days after the election as long as they’re postmarked by Election Day. AdLib 2 hours ago
But at this point, the majority of votes should be very Dem favored since it’s mail-in votes. AdLib 2 hours ago

So, it will a long wait for results. Any local idea on how Katie Porter is doing, I would hate to see her lose she is a very effective in the house and I believe all who come before her are scared because most don’t have their stuff together. twilson117 2 hours ago
AZ is about to announce a new set of ballots counted, could give Hobbs a great margin over Kari Lake, lunatic. AdLib 2 hours ago
Katie Porter is ahead now and as time passes, her margin should grow. Repubs vote more in person. AdLib 2 hours ago

I have TV on in background but muted. twilson117 2 hours ago

The last I saw she was behind but that was last night. twilson117 2 hours ago
AZ results just came in…waiting for Kornacki! AdLib 2 hours ago
She’s ahead now. AdLib 2 hours ago
Great!!! AdLib 2 hours ago
AZ Dems just got a huge boost! AdLib 2 hours ago
What a week! MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

Hey Murph. twilson117 2 hours ago
Over 8k more of a lead just now for Mark Kelly and no doubt Hobbs just got a similar boost! AdLib 2 hours ago

Murph yes it has been. twilson117 2 hours ago
Mark Kelly is now just projected winner on MSNBC!!! AdLib 2 hours ago
Dems have 49 Senators now! AdLib 2 hours ago
I do not know how long I will be here….totally exhausted…..but happily surprised at the outcome. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
And I think Masto will pull it out in NV! And Warnock will in GA! AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph, great work for Nikki! She was a pickup for Dems. AdLib 2 hours ago
I was a big supporter of Kelly…..happy to see that he has won…good for him…good for his state and good for the nation. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
My donations keep paying off! AdLib 2 hours ago

Well Murph you worked your tail off twilson117 2 hours ago
Kelly has looked strong the whole way. It’s Cortez Masto who has been questionable but she looks to be in a very good position. As does Hobbs in AZ for Gov. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad….Nikki endured a lot of brutal attacks in the last weeks of the campaign…it seemed clear to me that if they could not defeat her, they would sabotage her by planting the seeds of doubt in a district that still leaned slightly red. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
At the top of the next hour, NV is releasing 20k more votes from a blue area there so we could see Cortez Masto take the lead during Vox! AdLib 2 hours ago

Ad, Murph regarding Georgia working on another piece regarding Walker and I’m not being nice. twilson117 2 hours ago
TW…I have shared your writing with several people who I regard as influencers….very well received and utilized I think. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – All Repubs can do is lie and destroy. They can’t be constructive and give a reason to vote for them, they can only try to tear down every decent person around them. AdLib 2 hours ago

Murph, Wow, don’t know what to say about that. Thank you. twilson117 2 hours ago
TW – Sounds great! Would be great to get the Walker piece out sooner than later! AdLib 2 hours ago
Well deserved respect for your work, TW. AdLib 2 hours ago

Ad hope to have it done over the weekend. twilson117 2 hours ago
So…apparently, folks here were far smarter than 99% of media pundits and pollsters who insisted that there would be a red wave! We knew it was phony, the real question is why did they all jump on board that BS? AdLib an hour ago
TW – Excellent! AdLib an hour ago
Ad….in this case the seeds were about sexuality, corruption in her labor work, and even questions about her intelligence…despicable. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Did the Bobert race going into a recount? Does anyone know? I really want to her get told to stay home. twilson117 an hour ago
Apparently, Kari Lake was expecting this new batch of votes to favor her, instead, it favored Hobbs. I think this indicates she’s lost. AdLib an hour ago
Murph – That is disgusting. It is affirming though that voters saw through the lies and smears. AdLib an hour ago
TW – I think the Boebert race will be recounted and there’s still enough outstanding votes for her to lose outright. AdLib an hour ago

Ad I hope so twilson117 an hour ago
Ad…..I cannot accept the mantle of “wise person at the Planet”….I really had given up. What I did not say before was that I attended a Evangelical Nationalist Training Seminar led by Gen Flynn largely for Q people. It was horrifying. I attended because a friend who has been lured into that cult asked me to. Scared the shit out of me. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Lake is a devout Trumpian…she will not accept the count. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Ad you attended a what????!! twilson117 an hour ago
TW…not Ad…me. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – First, you are a wise person and your discouragement was justified by the people who surround you in MO. Those of us not having that environment, could see the real pulse of the nation and the good sensibilities of most voters. As for the Flynn Qanon cult, yes, it is very worrisome. A small minority of cultists but crazed. AdLib an hour ago

I realized right after I hit send twilson117 an hour ago

Murph you must of been petrified by what you were hearing. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – The thing is, Repubs across the board, even MAGAs, have conceded so the “fraud” election BS is being ignored. If Lake wails about it, not even Repubs will validate it. AdLib an hour ago
Ad…I went because the person I went with was an early part of the Co-Op and then was drawn off by far right ideology. He challenged me to be open minded if I expected him to listen to me. So……..it was a cesspool. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph did he change his mind?? twilson117 an hour ago
Washoe County, NV votes just came in, about 10k, cut Laxalt’s lead by more than half, to about 800 votes. Looks like she will win and Dems win the Senate! AdLib an hour ago
Murph – “Open Minded” to cultists means blindly accept their cultism. They aren’t open by definition, no cultist is. But at least, you did recon and saw the enemy in person. AdLib an hour ago
TW…..no he did not, but he also respected my request that I not be identified by him as a “progressive, liberal, democrat” just someone who was curious. I also registered under a pseudonym with a false address, phone number and e mail. He knew I was doing it. All part of the deal. I also promised him that I would not write about the experience in any detail. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad….I am doing two other things as I am doing this……what has happened in the vote? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
I’ve read a bit about this christo-fascist Qanon cult that Flynn has stepped up to lead as a cult leader. They are very sick, Flynn is twisted, they are so anti-American, they want a christo-fascist state ending our democracy. Flynn is a traitor, the military should re-activate him to kill his pension since it’s paying for him to lead a fascist movement against the US. AdLib an hour ago

Murph well you at least kept your part of the agreement. But you also have an insight view of how these folks think. I have to believe it was a bit scary. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad….all that you say about Flynn is what I say as well….the weekend was horrifying…..the worship on the Sabbath was dressed up in Christian Garb but was Satanic in its tone. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – I appreciate your keeping your confidentiality with your associate but info about that cult is very much out there. AdLib an hour ago
I think I am caught up…… MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Laxalt still leads in Nev. Closing but will it be enought? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Clark County remains in NV….it is generally blue. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Batch of votes came in favoring Dems in AZ and Kelly is now projected the winner by MSNBC. Hobbs lead increased. 10k votes came in for AZ and boosted Cortez-Masto to be now only 800 or so votes behind Laxalt with at least 10k more from the same county coming later. She should move ahead then and still Clark County votes to come. She should win. AdLib an hour ago
Oh yeah, Finchem declared the loser as SoS in AZ. Yes! AdLib an hour ago

“A man with a conviction is hard man to change. Tell him you disagree and he turns away. Show him facts or figures and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic and he fails to see your point” from When prophecy fails. Seems appropriate for what Murph went through. twilson117 an hour ago
So the Dem strategy to help MAGA noms win really paid off, all of the targeted ones have lost. AdLib an hour ago
TW…great summary. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Well said! AdLib an hour ago
BTW……it looks like the Busch Family is getting a state exemption re. tax levies for one of their holdings…..Grant’s Farm…..can you say “payoff”? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
And keep in mind, Dem Govs and SoS in AZ, PA, WI, PA, CO. Sisolak conceded so a MAGA Repub as Gov in NV but not a MAGA state. AdLib an hour ago
Thinking of 2024 of course. AdLib an hour ago
Ad…you know I had not thought of that strategy….I admit it seemed insane to me but, as you say, the crazies were so far off that even “their people” could not support them. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Thanks I wished I had authored it, but it’s what caused me to buy the book. Trying to finish it. I see the Dem won the Sec of Strate in AZ. twilson117 an hour ago

I think Democracy has dogged some major bullets tonight. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – I’ve learned that sneaking suspicions are usually right on target. The Busch sabotage of Dems was alway a handshake deal to get paid back for it, this is no surprise to you and other Dems in MO. AdLib an hour ago
BTW, thinking of CL tonight as she hosts a dinner for 18 people! Hope she survives in one piece. AdLib an hour ago
I am also watching the chaos that appears to be just getting started in the House. McCarthy ma be the default Speaker but he will have an unmanageable caucus. I expect that Pelosi will work to peel off GOP who cannot afford to be associated with the madness if they want to be reelected. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Trump is having a really bad night. Damn couldn’t happen to a better person. twilson117 an hour ago
CL…..a toastto her. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – It was a dangerous strategy, it was done to get Trump the nom in 2016 and it blew up in Dems’ faces. He would’ve been the nom anyway though. But the results for MAGA candidates in this election validated that approach, they way underperformed. AdLib an hour ago

Murph I’m not so sure that he will get it. CA may have a say in that. What say you Ad? twilson117 an hour ago
I expect that the Dems are going to pull out all of the stops in GA no matter what happens in NV…..they need to send a message that they will not tolerate the game of pitting black against black without any concern for competency or integrity. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Yes, the majority made a powerful statement and warning shot across Repub’s bow who had been thinking they could overthrow democracy and not pay a price. It is very interesting that most of these MAGA candidates are conceding and NOT claiming election fraud. AdLib an hour ago

Murph I agree with you on that. If Dems keep the House, and get control of the Senate things will change hopefully. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – I think McCarthy will become a human sacrifice for MAGA Reps if they win and he’s Speaker. Be careful what you wish for, Kev. They will destroy him and he will look like chum in the water between fascist sharkc. AdLib an hour ago
TW….I think you are right that there will be significant dissent but I do not see how any caucus in the GOP House can triumph. McCarthy (or some other non-entity) will be a default choice. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Let us all recall who were the last two GOP Speakers……their fate was sealed the moment they got the gavel. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – There is a very possible and reasonable path for Dems to get 218 in The House. I think the votes yet to be counted will skew Dem and could push Dems over the top. Maybe not, but not a longshot at all. AdLib an hour ago

Here is a what if. If Dems take both the House and Senate, will Nance step down considering what she and her husband just went through? twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – However, if Dems win 50 Senators before GA runoff, I think Dems will be energized and many Repubs who went out to vote for a purpose, to give control of The Senate to Repubhs, won’t bother turning out to vote for the PoS that Walker is. AdLib an hour ago
Murph – Consider that if Repubs only have a few vote majority, MTG, Gosar, Gaetz and Jordan can all be “the Manchin” and stop anything going on with extortion to put their madness into bills. The House will be a dumpster fire. AdLib an hour ago
You know….I had a very intersting discussion today with the son of one of our assoc. members. He is a university student who shared that there was a statewide network of college organizations committed to getting college students to vote…..in an educated setting where they knew what the were voting for…..it appears that the vote was heavy democratic. I asked him what the point of that exercise was. His answer: “A message from our generation to those in power. We are going to be looking for others to serve us.” MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad….I agree with both of your observations. I wonder If Boehner and Ryan are chuckling. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – I think if the Dems have only a 1 or two seat majority, Pelosi will remain speaker. A battle for a new speaker could divide enough Dems that could make The House less governable. AdLib an hour ago

Murph that is good news. It’s people like that who are going to make the changes that are needed and they are going to want the world to be a better place for them. Dems better pay attention to them. twilson117 an hour ago
Speaking of Manchin (and Sinema)…….how will the makeup of the Senate that we are hoping for affect their power. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Ad that makes sense. twilson117 an hour ago
I do not know much about Fontes…but I am learning……thank the fates! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – In many states including red states, college voting was heavily skewed Dem. No coincidence that Repubs came out the very night of the election whining that the age to vote should be raised to 21. Of course, the age to give birth and raise a human being would stil be around 10 years old for them/ AdLib an hour ago

Murph I always held the belief Manchin did what he did because of the 50/50 and he knew he could get what he wanted by being that deciding Dem vote since Repubs voted against everything. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Boehner and Ryan are probably going through PTSD thinking about what the House will be like with a couple seat Repub majority. And Ryan came out declaring Trump shouldn’t be the 2024 nom before the election. Now, Murdoch seems to have jumped ship on Trump! AdLib an hour ago
Ad….21 and 10……well said…. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Fontes is on MSNBC…..very impressive and he has filled out my understanding what a danger his opponent was. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Sinema is up for re-election in 2024 and she will be destroyed in the primary. SO, without adding a Senate seat, Dems could have the 50 votes they need to end the filibuster by winning NV and GA this year, holding their seats in 2024 and just trading SInema for a real Dem. AdLib an hour ago

Ad I saw that about the Repubs wanting to change the age. I knew it was just BS talk on their part. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Fontes was just on MSNBC tonight and he is solid and legit, a big win for democracy and AZ. AdLib an hour ago
Ad…..I like your Sinema Scenario. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
When GOP speak of raising the age of eligibility to vote……it is just another effort to rob people of a well established right. That is SOP. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
BRB…. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Manchin is a selfish and cruel man, only about his own interests and backers, he will continue to leverage his seat as he has. We need 51 seats this year, hold that number in 2024 at least and replace Sinema and we’re there! AdLib an hour ago

Hobbs may win AZ gov if she gets a significant portion of the votes do to be released. But Lake will clearly contest if that would happen. twilson117 44 minutes ago
TW – It’s constitutional law that 18 year olds can vote, no one’s changing that. Just flailing Repubs hating life.\ AdLib 44 minutes ago
Murph – That should be the name of the plan, The Sinema Scenario! It’s a fait accompli, Dems and Repubs despise Sinema, she has no constituency. AdLib 43 minutes ago

Ad that is right which is why I said the Repugs don’t want to do that. They would be up for a constitutional amendment change since it would impact their 18 year olds. twilson117 42 minutes ago
TW – Yes, it now looks most likely that Cortez Masto will win. Fingers crossed but I’d rather be her than Laxalt. AdLib 42 minutes ago

Ad I meant to say wouldn’t be up for constitutional change. twilson117 42 minutes ago
Back….had a call from one of the association members…..he wants us to reconsider putting the association on hiatus…..he is organizing a membership meeting for next week. MurphTheSurf3 41 minutes ago
TW – On Hobbs, same story, the votes released today show a trend helping Hobbs grow her lead and Lake can go jump in herself if she wants to wail about voter fraud. AdLib 41 minutes ago

Murph putting your association on hiatus? Can you expand? twilson117 40 minutes ago
TW – Worse for Dems, pushing to prevent 18 year olds from voting would whip even more up to cote against Repubs. AdLib 40 minutes ago
Murph – I know it’s a challenge but it is encouraging that one of your members really wants to continue the association. How do you feel about that? AdLib 39 minutes ago
TW……as we saw where we thought the election was going to take us as a nation it seemed wise to take the spotlight off of the assoc as it has been labeled as a leftist cabal already. We thought that the atmosphere would have been intolerable. SOme are reconsidering. MurphTheSurf3 38 minutes ago

Ad Dems know what side their bread is buttered on. twilson117 38 minutes ago

Murph now I understand. Thanks for the clarification. twilson117 37 minutes ago
TW – True, Dems know who their voters are and protect them but Dems support democracy overall. No Dems support preventing Repubs from voting, this is not a both sides issue. There is only one fascist party. AdLib 37 minutes ago
So, would it be good for Dems if Trump wins the 2024 nom? AdLib 36 minutes ago
How do I feel about keep the association going?????? Good, really Great, question. I am of many minds and hearts about it. I had come to some peace over the decision…I think that the atmosphere will be hostile….even angrier given how I expect a number of our right wingers to be infuriated with the results. MurphTheSurf3 35 minutes ago

Ad, can Trump run from a prison cell? twilson117 35 minutes ago
There was so much doom and gloom leading up to election day, I really had to tune out the MSM but now I feel like the stormclouds have lifted…thanks to most Americans! AdLib 34 minutes ago
BTW….I am so happy that life is handing Musk a lot of shit right now. May he be bathed in it. MurphTheSurf3 33 minutes ago
Murph – But isn’t most of the Repub anger pointed at each other? To be frank, as weak as Dems are in MO, are they really seen as a bigger enemy than Repubs who turned against Trump? AdLib 32 minutes ago

Murph, it seems like it they would have been made if they won, because the Assoc would be seen as an act of defiance, The same now that they are losing. Repub seem to be always mad about something. twilson117 32 minutes ago
TW – Legally, Trump can run from a prison cell though they don’t allow rallies in prisons, only riots. AdLib 32 minutes ago
Ad….I do not think the GOP here re. the Dems here as a threat…the anger is directed to other states and the national government. MurphTheSurf3 31 minutes ago

Ad, well, I’ll take it. The orange jumpsuit will go with his orange face. twilson117 31 minutes ago
Murph – Same here, enjoying Musk proving he’s not a genius but a real moron who just had daddy’s money to invest like Trump then bought companies and claimed he was the genius who started them. He’s a fraud and a liar and watching him lose billions and destroy his carefully framed image is a joy. AdLib 30 minutes ago
Maybe Musk and Trump can get together……bosom buddies. MurphTheSurf3 29 minutes ago

Ad why don’t you tell us how you really feel about Elon. twilson117 29 minutes ago
Murph – I get it but Repubs have to be turning on themselves in MO as they are around the country. AdLib 29 minutes ago

Trump is doing all he can to get the Repubs to turn on the Turtle twilson117 28 minutes ago
Ad….since every race in Mo came off as expected…..and given the insularity of the Mo. voter…..there is not a lot of opprobrium within the state. MurphTheSurf3 28 minutes ago
How do you like this? The GOP tweeted, “Kanye, Elon, Trump” proudly before the election. Kanye destroys his wealth with his bigotry, Musk is destroying his wealth with his jerkdom and Trump is losing his wealth in the NY AG alwsuit. Losers all! AdLib 27 minutes ago
Ad…the three stooges. MurphTheSurf3 27 minutes ago

Well what does one say. twilson117 26 minutes ago
Of note…..the right wing, fundamentalist cabalists in my school district who planned to seize control of the board…..which would have resulted in our Supt. and four principals resigning…ALL LOST. ALL of THEM. MurphTheSurf3 25 minutes ago
TW – A Repub civil war seems inevitable, now that Trump’s picks mostly lost. Repubs in Congress have to be hating this along with the wealthy and corporate bosses who want to advance their plutocracy. Meanwhile, Trump is the most vindictive beast when he feels someone screwed him. He will never stop trying to destroy the GOP if he feels it’s trying to move away from him. Love it! AdLib 25 minutes ago

Murph the Gods are smiling on you. twilson117 25 minutes ago
Murph – That is a big win and fantastic news. Until Dems can control Congress and kill the filibuster to pass voting rights legislation and enlarge SCOTUS, it will be tough but accomplishing that will get people in every state out from under the thumb of oppressive Repubs. AdLib 24 minutes ago

Ad people tried to tell them that Trump was a loser but no they didn’t want to believe it. Well, look at them now, licking their wounds. twilson117 23 minutes ago
Ad…..A half dozen Trump flags in my “neighborhood” were taken down in the last two days. MurphTheSurf3 23 minutes ago
Meanwhile, FL and TX results sure look curious compared to what happened across the country. I don’t think FL has had legit elections for a while. Dod you see Trump confess to sending in feds to disrupt vote counting that was hurting DeSantis in 2018? AdLib 22 minutes ago
Ad…..apparently….a large number of parents who represented students with special needs/conditions were the tip of the spear. MurphTheSurf3 21 minutes ago

Guys, I will say Democracy has dodged a bullet. But make no mistake. The Republicans after licking their wounds will come back even more determined. As Franklin said a Republic if you can keep it. twilson117 21 minutes ago
TW – But none of this changes the Trump MAGA cult. Repubs pols see Trump as killing their chances but the GOP party is mostly populated by Trump cultists. The establishment Repubs will have a war on their hands when they try to oppose Trump who is Christ to his cultists. AdLib 20 minutes ago
Ad….interesting observations re. Tx and Fl MurphTheSurf3 20 minutes ago
Murph – That is encouraging. I think there will be some defectors from Trump but when he announces he’s running next Tuesday for 2024, the majority of MAGAs will be energized to fight behind him…against the rest of Repubs if they don’t jump on board. It will be a Red blood bath and I’m stocking up on popcorn. AdLib 18 minutes ago
Murph – What great folks, they’re dealing with enough but they stepped up knowing their children would suffer under MAGA control of schools. AdLib 18 minutes ago

Ad, yes that is what I mean. They won’t stop. What one can only hope for is the cultists get smaller in number to the point they are meaningless, but staying true to democratic principles and ideals will be essential to make sure we don’t fall into autocracy. twilson117 17 minutes ago
Ad…yes the cultists live in a world were they are standard for good sense and proper goals…they will disdain any interference from the political set. MurphTheSurf3 16 minutes ago
TW – Absolutely, the neverending battle against the evil that the GOP represents goes on every year…until Dems can pass voting rights in DC. So, enjoy the afterglow now but back to the war after the holidays. I wish it wasn’t that way but oh well. AdLib 16 minutes ago
Ad….I understand that the right wingers were stiff-armed at the board meetings by larger groups who demanded to be heard. MurphTheSurf3 15 minutes ago
Historically, this is what happens, extremism ebbs and flows. It sure has been flowing for the last decade but these losses for Repubs and the infighting could really beging the ebbing era. AdLib 14 minutes ago

Hey guys it’s been fun, but I need to call it a night. Will see you all next week. twilson117 13 minutes ago
Murph – They probably weren’t used to that. Their mentality is to take power by force, they forget that if pushed far enough, a bigger majority can get just as forceful and there’s more of them. AdLib 13 minutes ago
Of course…..I continue to say that our constitution is best friend that chaos ever had. MurphTheSurf3 13 minutes ago
Sounds good, TW! Enjoy the weekend, nice to have some good news finally. AdLib 12 minutes ago
Good night TW…..great to share the night with you. MurphTheSurf3 12 minutes ago

Take care, and get into good trouble.\ twilson117 12 minutes ago
Murph – And you’re so on target. The Constitution really needs a major overhaul but opening that door would let in the crooks and theives to destroy the country. Sucks. AdLib 11 minutes ago
There are some work-arounds though that a Dem Congress without a filibuster could use. AdLib 11 minutes ago
Ad…my experience in the Ill 13th which certainly leaned to the right in terms of constituent profile was truly won by my candidate who share her victory wit a good group of other Dem or Ind politicos…. MurphTheSurf3 11 minutes ago
Murph – That’s the way it should be and the mark of a sharp pol. Engage more people, be constructive and supportive and stand on principle for the interests of your constituents. AdLib 10 minutes ago
Ad…how many other nations have adopted the U.S. constitutional model” One….Liberia. MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago
And how is Liberia going? AdLib 9 minutes ago
Ad….there you go. MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago
Then again, look at the disaster in the UK. AdLib 9 minutes ago
I told Nikki’s people that they can count on me in the future. I think she could be a major player. MurphTheSurf3 8 minutes ago
The UK is imploding, it’s a growing disaster and I read today that they look to be starting a recession ahead of most of the rest of the world. And Brexit is making it all worse. AdLib 8 minutes ago
Very cool! I donated based on your word but have seen a bit of her since then and I’m impressed. AdLib 7 minutes ago
Ad…oh yes, parliamentary systems can be dysfunctional as well but they are much easier to set right…….three prime ministers in a very short period……they are not stuck with a completely unworkable leadership. MurphTheSurf3 6 minutes ago
Nikki’s roots are in union advocacy……love it. MurphTheSurf3 6 minutes ago
No but not having rights to free speech and many other rights via a constitution allows for real oppression by the party in power. AdLib 5 minutes ago
It makes sense, this is a perfect path for a pol, to come from a career in fighting for the welfare of the many. AdLib 4 minutes ago
Ad…….the rights you mention were adopted by us from the British traditionon. MurphTheSurf3 3 minutes ago
Well….a great discussion. I sleep much more peacefully. I admire and respect your intelligence, knowledge base and optimism. You were way more correct than I was. MurphTheSurf3 2 minutes ago
They’re talking about crypto on MSNBC now, I had a long discussion with friends at a dinner where I condemned crypto for being based on nothing and could zero out overnight. My friends disagreed and were fine investing int it saying it was no different than the stock market. I’d guess they’re remembering that conversation today. AdLib 2 minutes ago
HAH! MurphTheSurf3 2 minutes ago
That’s so kind of you! But I’ve been wrong too, just helped my predictions not to be under siege by MAGAs constantly. You are a very wise man, Murph. AdLib a minute ago
They were very adamant that they knew better and thought my caution about crypto was silly. AdLib a few seconds ago
Hats off to both of us! See you next week! MurphTheSurf3 in a few seconds
Night! AdLib in a few seconds
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