Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey TW! How are things! AdLib 2 hours ago

All is well Ad just a lot of news to talk about and write about twilson117 2 hours ago
No kidding! AdLib 2 hours ago
If we had a 3 hour Vox, we still couldn’t cover it. AdLib 2 hours ago

Debating with myself if I want to write another piece on Walker, and I have Kanye West in the cross hairs. twilson117 2 hours ago
All of it, that is. AdLib 2 hours ago

You have that right. But I think we’ll get through quite a bit tonight twilson117 2 hours ago
Kanye is so predictable, he is genuinely deranged and never makes sense, criminally harasses his ex, he’s a nutjob. But most of all he wants attention from the white lunatics and he is happy to attack the majority of PoC to get it. AdLib 2 hours ago
As for Walker, he is just proving what we sadly learned from Repub support for Trump, they have no principles, no ethics, not standards, their game is merely about grabbing power and punishing those not in their cult. AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey TW! Where’d you go? AdLib an hour ago

Sorry for not responding my systems started a reboot. I forgot I started and update and it kicked me off. It may happen again. twilson117 an hour ago

As to Kanye I agree he is a nut case and looking for attention. I don’t know why because he doesn’t need it considering he is a billionaire he should be planning things of a charity. twilson117 an hour ago
Got it! I was hoping there wasn’t an issue on my end that kicked you off and wouldn’t let you back on. AdLib an hour ago
So did you read this article on Walker today or hear about the story? https://www.thedailybeast.com/herschel-walkers-wife-reaches-out-to-his-abortion-accuser-georgia-senate?ref=wrap AdLib an hour ago

No it wasn’t you it’s me wasn’t paying attention to the time when I started the windows update. twilson117 an hour ago

There is so much happening just don’t have enough time to assess it all and determine what I want to write about. I need to get better organizes. twilson117 an hour ago
I think it is part of Kanye’s mental issues that no matter how much attention he gets, he always needs more, he needs to see his name in the headlines as often as possible. He is a hollow human being, there is no substance to anything he says or does, IMO. It’s all about getting attention and feeding his mental issues. AdLib an hour ago

Yes I saw that on MSNBC. As I said another article about Walker is percolating in my mind. twilson117 an hour ago

You know there is strange bond between West, and Walker and Trump they all have some form of mental issues. twilson117 an hour ago

Murphy is in the House!!!! twilson117 an hour ago
The priority for me above all else is Dems winning bigger margins to keep Congress and be able to kill the filibuster. Other things are very important, the 1/6 committee hearing next week, Trump’s prosecutions by the DoJ, GA and NY, Ukraine and defeating and de-throning a nuke-threatening Putin, so much but if we win COngress, so much can be solved in this country. AdLib an hour ago
Hey Murph! AdLib an hour ago

Hey Murph did you bring the beers?? twilson117 an hour ago
Hello there. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
BTW, I did a round of contributions to Senate and House Dems and every day I am flooded with urgent requests for donations. It’s okay, I expected it but it’s quite a lot of emails. Warnock and Abrams seem to be sending the most, many daily. AdLib an hour ago
I do plan on doing another round of contributions this weekend, bracing for a heavier avalanche of urgent emails! AdLib an hour ago
Ad, thanks for supporting our candidates…..the money is flooding into the GOP coffers. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Dem fundraising has been pretty good but the fascist billionaires strongly favor the fascist GOP. Home Depot was getting a trouncing on Twitter today after it was announced that the owner has donated like $1.7M to Herschel Walker’s campaign, along with several other billionaires. AdLib an hour ago

How do both of you feel about the Dem’s chances?? twilson117 an hour ago
I did a lot of work for Obama in the South in in 2007 and 2008. I may be heading to GA. at the end of October to help there. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph so you are planning to head over to GA to help out. That should be interesting. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – I think polls are not going to prove as accurate this year so my feeling is it will be more of a Blue Wave and Dems will hold The House and win a larger majority in The Senate. It’s just a hunch about The House though, polls have not shown a Blue Wave for The House but I think the flood of women and young people registering to vote is invisible to pollsters because polling is based on turnout from the last election. Killing Roe has caused so many new voters to register. AdLib an hour ago
I ended a long time relationship with a Republican from GA who I have worked with and respected for three decades. He sent me an apologia re. Herschel Walker that his name is attached to. My response was terse and pointed: I can no longer be associated with those whose positions are irrational in the service of gaining/holding raw power against the interests of the constituency. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
And Biden’s student loan relief and marijuana conviction pardons, both being attacked by Repubs who want to block the student loan relief, will energize more younger voters who far prefer Dems. AdLib an hour ago

Ad feel the same as you do about the polling. But, I have to admit I’m concern about this election for the way all these election deniers. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – I am not surprised, I wouldn’t expect you to be anything but principled in dealing with people who willingly abandon their principles and support the destruction of our democracy out of personal profit and benefit. AdLib an hour ago
I have another ex-friend from FL who is a DeSantis supporter arguing that DeSantis’ embrace of Biden re. hurricane is in no way hypocritical esp. since De voting against aid for the NE states when he was a member of Congress. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – I share your concern, while I am hoping and feel I have a good basis for the hope that Dems have a great and winning election day, the possibility that people who are essentially enemies of our democratic system could gain power to execute their plans to end our democracy is real and worthy of worry. AdLib an hour ago
I also found out this week that the Trudy Busch Valentine campaign is trying to bring a number of Democratic activists on board in a “last push to victory”…..it is all about covering ass……her people must think we are as dumb as they are. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph been watching the news and seeing how Repubs seem to be fine with what they are doing in the sense of what you just wrote. The Rep party is no longer a real political party in the way they use to be. It all about control for them now and nothing else. twilson117 an hour ago

Ad if the Repubs take over the House it will be nothing but shame hearings and nothing will get done. twilson117 an hour ago
TW….parties have solid policy positions held over a significant period of time that are articulated in clear platforms. As you note….the GOP is now the Government of the Plutocrats. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – The twisted pretzels Repub supporters have to become to justify their support of terrible men and women in the GOP is pathetic. At least they can admit they only care about themselves. abandoned any semblence of principles and will do anything to gain wealth and power by staying on the GOP crazy train out of fear of ending their career by standing up against enemies to our democracy. There is a way to be an honest cad but none of them seem to want to admit who they really are. AdLib an hour ago

Murph the Repubs have not platform they didn’t do one at all at the last convention. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Do you think Valentine will succeed? Kind of late and pointless for legit Dems to jump on the Valentine Straw Man Express, don’t you think? AdLib an hour ago
TW….talk about bold crassness presented as responsible virtue……their Platform was Trump. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph yes it was all Trump, nothing but Trump. twilson117 an hour ago
As you say Ad…twisted pretzel Republicans…..Valentine is a twisted pretzel democrat who is getting the cold shoulder from everyone. that it is unlikely that she will even have a gathering on election night….not enough supporters to make it look legit. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Here’s the thing, we’ve been writing for years along with many others about how the GOP was being hollowed out into a vehicle for racism, greed and authoritarianism. That’s done now, the GOP is a shell organization for fascism. Nothing else matters, as long as you’re helping the GOP autocracy gain power and construct an anti-democratic system, you are the enemy. If you support the GOP, there is no horrible thing you can ever do to lose support. AdLib an hour ago

Valentine?? not familiar with her. twilson117 an hour ago

Ad agree 100% twilson117 an hour ago
TW – Repub witch hunt hearings will only look like the garbage they are to most who aren’t MAGA culters. The real problem IMO is that Dems have one last chance to prevent 2024 from being the start of a real Civil War and they need to keep The House and add 2+ Senate seats to pass election laws that salvage our democracy. AdLib an hour ago
Murph – Good, that is fitting for Valentine. But if core Dems feel this way now, how did Valentine win the nom? Repubs switching over to get her nominated? AdLib an hour ago
And Biden’s approval keeps going up, that can’t hurt Dem chances. AdLib an hour ago

Ad I agree with your assessment. Trump was their vehicle to let loose their inner Fascist desires and now they seem to believe they have victory insight to finally make it happen. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad……she won the primary because of the money she had access to without having raised much, because she really cashed in on the Busch name recognition, and playing up her “credentials” as a woman/nurse plus a pretty slick commercials campaign. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad…tell me more about Biden’s approval rating. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is working with Russia to manipulate our election again, cutting oil production a month before the election so gas prices will spike by election day. Biden should end arms shipments to them and play hardball, the Saudis are not our allies. They attacked us on 9/11, so much evidence has been covered up on that and of course the Khashoggi murder to protect the Saudis. Screw them, we’re going electric. AdLib an hour ago
What can Biden do to compensate for the OPEC/Saudi Led gambit? Prices jumped 20 cents here in the last two days. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Biden’s approval ratings are within a few points of most modern presidents, Bush aside. AdLib an hour ago
Ad….I agree with your take on the Saudis…..time to cull the herd. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – True, Trump was the guy who unlocked the cell doors of extremists to openly hate and hurt and plot against non-extremists and our country’s democracy. AdLib an hour ago
Murph – But now, do the Dems who voted her in seem to regret choosing her over Kunce or still are hypnotized by the money spent on the BS? AdLib an hour ago
Sidenote……hard to keep some things hidden in a rural community….a local pastor of an evangelical church and a PRO LIFER (I.E. anti-abortion, anti-choice) crusader has been “outed” by his daughter for having sent her to Illinois for an abortion 5 years ago. Nearly everyone around here knows that already. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Ad the Saudis oil production cut couldn’t have come at a worse time. You know the Repubs will be jumping on that along with inflation. However the jobs numbers are still strong The unemployment rate down to 3.5% and 263,000 added. Overall a decent jobs report. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Biden already said he would release 10 million barrels from our reserves to counter this, he should release a lot more at least through the election to prevent the Saudis from manipulating our elections…along with Russia. AdLib an hour ago
Ad…the dems here are a very sad lot……esp. at the leadership level….frankly someone as competent as Kunce scares them…..they are happy drifting along with token fund raising and little responsibility. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad..just ask Claire McCasskill about “her” part. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph the hypocrisy knows no bounds. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad….I hope he does tap into the reserves……and I hope that the petrol companies do not conspire to keep the prices artificially high. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Ad yes Trump was the vehicle they’ve been looking for but didn’t know it until he started showing them the way to be total crackpot idiots. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – I think i mentioned, it’s like the kind of open secret where so many joked about priests being pedophiles, it’s a common assumption today that those evangelicals, even preachers, railing the most against abortion, homosexuality, whatever are just hypocrites who are very likely guilty of what they condemn. With the embrace of Trump and Walker, the evangelicals have completely convinced a majority in this country that they are just extremist nutjobs and don’t have one legit principle or belief, let alone a religious one. AdLib 44 minutes ago
Ad….I just checked a half dozen polls and it looks to me like Biden is stuck in the low 40’s. MurphTheSurf3 44 minutes ago
Ad…sad, but true. MurphTheSurf3 44 minutes ago
Just saw that the entire Ulvalde school police department has been suspended MurphTheSurf3 43 minutes ago
I am burning a lot of two ended candles lately between the election and winterizing. MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago

I remember being engaged in a conversation and out to the blue the person asked if I was a Christian. I asked him what the hell does that have to do with our conversation. He said he just wanted to know because he was one. I told him to go to unnatural things to himself as my being or not being a Christian had nothing to do with our conversation. twilson117 41 minutes ago
TW – It’s not a coincidence that the Saudis are working with Russia now to jack up oil and gas prices. It is a plan, to manipulate the election. Plenty of Repubs have attacked the US giving weapons to Ukraine, Putin wants them in power. And the Saudis, they were getting top secret info, nuclear weapon help and more from the Repubs and Trump (let’s not forget $2B the Saudis gave to Kushner). They are intentionally trying to corrupt our election to benefit themselves. Biden should flood the market with US reserve oil between now and Nov to help Americans and prevent this tactic to control our election. AdLib 41 minutes ago
Murph – That’s sad to hear but I get it, as long as a Dem like Kunce doesn’t become a Dem leader, their little fiefdom is safe. AdLib 40 minutes ago
Ad….and Biden’s compensating for OPEC/Saudi treachery is the way to present the move. You outline the nature of that treachery. MurphTheSurf3 40 minutes ago

Ad, yes the Saudis have been getting TSI ever since Trump was in office and Jared cozied up to MSB. twilson117 40 minutes ago

Murph as they should have been. twilson117 39 minutes ago
Ad…Kunce was honest in his critique of the Dem organization that has accepted a status quo that tossed crumbs from the table in areas where their presence is only nominal but acceptable. MurphTheSurf3 38 minutes ago
Murph – McKaskill is an idiot. She made some crazy statement this week or last week about Dems needing to run on being bipartisan this year, that’s the only way they can win. What a total fool she is, no one should take advice from people who lose following their “great” insights. AdLib 37 minutes ago
Biden is already tapping reserves for 10M barrels and I see no reason that he should stop there. Protect the election from foreign interference, he has an obligation to do this. AdLib 36 minutes ago
Ad….McCasskill is a very smart cookie…..in my experience who was the last Dem to hold an important office in a state that historical had a mix of conservative dems, and moderate GOP sharing government control…lasting in the mid 2000’s MurphTheSurf3 35 minutes ago
Hi – the late choicelady has arrived. choicelady 35 minutes ago
Hey CL! AdLib 35 minutes ago

Hey CL twilson117 35 minutes ago
Ad…your thinking on oil is sensible…of course the GOP will present it as election “fixing”……oh, the gall of it all. MurphTheSurf3 35 minutes ago
Sorry I’m late. Went out to dinner, and it took forever. choicelady 35 minutes ago
Hey Ad, Murph, TW. Good to see each of you. choicelady 34 minutes ago
CL….wandering in to say howdy….how nice…..good to see you…how was dinner? MurphTheSurf3 34 minutes ago
Murph – dinner was actually quite good even though it was Mel’s Diner. Had salmon with mashed and veg – admirably cooked and tasty. choicelady 33 minutes ago

CL did you bring any pie? However Murph forgot the beers. twilson117 33 minutes ago
Mel’s Diner? MurphTheSurf3 33 minutes ago
Sorry, TW, no pie, and no beer from me either. choicelady 33 minutes ago
Murph – He used to be in the 30s, low 40s is generally where most modern presidents have been in off year elections aside from Bush because of 9/11, his numbers were way higher. But the polling on generic Repub vs. Dem is a tossup which is highly unusual for an off year with a president approval in low to mid 40s. Repubs should be far ahead and they’re not. We can absolutely win this. AdLib 33 minutes ago
Good polling context, Ad. MurphTheSurf3 32 minutes ago
It’s the “Original Mel’s” featured in American Graffiti and Grease. Been in CA since 1947. It’s quite good. choicelady 32 minutes ago
So not the “Mel’s” from situation comedy land? MurphTheSurf3 31 minutes ago
Ad – I actually did not know those polling numbers. Thanks! choicelady 31 minutes ago
TW – As soon as someone brings up a religious test in a conversation, they usually want a reason to disqualify your opinion. Good people who are religious would never see the relevance of injecting what religion another person is into a political conversation. AdLib 30 minutes ago
Any thoughts from anyone on the Putin weapons of mass destruction threat? MurphTheSurf3 30 minutes ago
Murph – Mel’s Diner the chain has adopted the “Alice” meme in some of its interior signs, but no – it’s CA based. I can’t even recall where the sitcom Mel’s was supposed to be. Just not CA. choicelady 30 minutes ago
CL…I think in Az. MurphTheSurf3 29 minutes ago

Ad Well you know me and how I feel about religion twilson117 29 minutes ago
TW…God Bless You MurphTheSurf3 29 minutes ago
Murph – I think you’re correct it was AZ. But they are generous in including that show in their photo collections. choicelady 29 minutes ago
CL…how fun. MurphTheSurf3 29 minutes ago
Murph – Exactly! Biden should come right out and say, “We will not stand buy while foreign countries try to manipulate our economy to push our people to vote as they wish. So I will equalize any cut they make that they clearly intend to impact American voters.” AdLib 28 minutes ago

Murph Thanks. twilson117 28 minutes ago
Murph – they have quite good food. And the entire staff is delightful, so we eat there fairly often. choicelady 28 minutes ago
TW – I worked for a liberal faith organization and have no problem being in sync with you on religion! I hate what the religious right has made of it all. choicelady 27 minutes ago
Ad, good wording. MurphTheSurf3 27 minutes ago
Murph – Kunce spoke as a true Dem, who could win in any state where Repubs don’t poison the democracy. I would have voted for him in CA in a minute. AdLib 27 minutes ago
I was at a post campaign thank you event with Kunce……virtually every person in the room was a person of integrity….that is who Kunce attracted. MurphTheSurf3 26 minutes ago

CL yes the religious right has been shall we say active in the practice of bending the truth to suit their needs. twilson117 25 minutes ago
Murph – McCaskill has very narrow-minded thinking but believes herself to be smarter than anyone else. She has hubris spilling out of her ears. She lost her last election because, as you and I have discussed, she tied herself to her wrong-headed belief that the way to win was to overlook Dem turnout and new Dem voter registration and enthusiasm and pander to Repubs who she thought she could win over. She is very flawed as a thinker and suffered defeat because of that. Losers are not always the best people to look to for answers, sometimes yes but not in her case. AdLib 24 minutes ago
CL – My wife always gets that salmon plate at the Mel’s DIner near us! AdLib 23 minutes ago
Ad…while I had concerns about McCaskill…I believe that her campaign’s approach was necessitated by the political environment here. I was not a big fan, but I was a fan. MurphTheSurf3 23 minutes ago
TW – I really detest the RW religious zealots. If this were several hundred years ago, I’d hang them for heresy. But, then, it isn’t, so… choicelady 22 minutes ago

CL what is your take on KBJ schooling the Alabama Solicitor General on the Civil Rights case to kill the VRA? twilson117 21 minutes ago
Ad – it is actually VERY good. I don’t do gravy – wheat stuff – but got the butter. YUM. I bet it still can’t hold a candle to her salmon pesto, but you gotta roll with what you got. choicelady 21 minutes ago
Murph – I think Putin always rattles nukes when he feels most threatened but it is a scare tactic. I’m sure China told him they will turn their backs on him if he starts a nuke war. AdLib 21 minutes ago
Ad…I think this is a pretty fair and well balanced examination of her campaign’s approach. https://www.npr.org/2018/11/30/671988738/mccaskill-blames-senate-defeat-on-democratic-failure-with-rural-america MurphTheSurf3 21 minutes ago
TW – I was OVER THE MOON at her dissertation on voting rights AND the historic ties to racial remediation. WOW is that a fine mind!!!! choicelady 20 minutes ago
TW – that said, the new majority are not at all interested in precedent, Constitutionalism, or justice…so we shall see. choicelady 19 minutes ago
Yes, the newest Justice to SCOTUS appears to have set out her read on the role of a new justice…..get out there and make noise despite precedent and the court culture. MurphTheSurf3 19 minutes ago

CL something tells me all the Rep appointees suddenly sat up straight in their chairs when they heard her provide a teaching lesson. twilson117 19 minutes ago
CL – You walk the walk of someone who acts on her religious values to help make the lives of others better, never to challenge the beliefs of others. AdLib 19 minutes ago
Murph – My view was McCaskill was locked into a mistaken belief and she remains so today. She thinks Dems need to run as bipartisans who are willing to compromise with Repubs to win this Nov. That is so out of touch with reality. Dems should compromise on tearing down our democracy? On racism? On authoritarianism? It’s so out of touch. AdLib 16 minutes ago
TW – I think, may well be wrong, that Barrett and Kavanaugh are moveable. Alito and Thomas never.Gorsuch to me is an enigma. Roberts is moveable. So…she MAY have had an influence. choicelady 16 minutes ago
CL – My mouth is watering now, thinking of salmon pesto…I’m drooling like Homer Simpson. AdLib 15 minutes ago
I think I shared that I have friends who are members of a Ukrainian Church in St. Louis. I have been to services there. The congregation is heavily first and second generation immigrants. They tell that the Ukrainians are making it clear via back channels that any use of weapons of mass destruction will lead to an assault by sabotage of the Russian infrastructure (power, water, bridges and highways) with skilled teams that can pass as Russian. MurphTheSurf3 14 minutes ago
TW – I really loved KBJ taking the RW nutters on the SCOTUS who claim they’re originalists, through the 14th Amendment and cutting them off at the knees on claiming racial blindness is in the 14th. She was brilliant! AdLib 14 minutes ago
CL….only trust the Dem appointed members of the court with occasional moments of giving the so called Chief a pass. MurphTheSurf3 13 minutes ago

CL You know I hope so. Alito is an ass along with his toady Thomas. Alito is the type of person who thinks he’s the smartest person in any room he’s in. And Thomas is, well I just leave that one alone. As to the others I have no comnment. twilson117 13 minutes ago
Ad – I am always uncomfortable thinking of it as “religious values” since I do not belong to a church. I was, for years, in and out of various churches and denominations every month. They all were wonderful (our organizational members were super), but my entire life comes down to ONE premise: Matthew 25:40 “As ye have done to the least of these, ye have done unto me.” I do NOT believe in an interventionist God or Jesus, but I see Jesus as a mentor for how to live globally and inclusively. Following the teachings leads me to justice. My personal salvation? Meh. When I’m dead, I’m dead. How I leave the world. That matters. choicelady 12 minutes ago
Murph – I’ll read that article later, thanks. But even though Dems have not been as supportive and organized as they should be in red states, there are two problems to her view in general. Just as you mentioned, the weak Dems who horde power under a failed Dem org in MO will always fight against a winning candidate to keep their own power. And second, a philosophy of ignoring predisposed Dem voters to chase after MAGAs who will never vote Dem is just living in denial and foolish. AdLib 11 minutes ago
CL….I put Yeshua bar Yusef on the same plane as the Gautama Siddartha….both religious philosophers laying our a plan for worthwhile living via respect, concern, and generosity. MurphTheSurf3 11 minutes ago
Ad – Alito thinks he’s the smartest person in the room until he meets me. I’m not even a lawyer and know more colonial law than he does. If you’re an “originalist” you need to know that shit. choicelady 11 minutes ago
Ad….Maggots were fewer in number and regarded as dangerous outliers in the GOP….that would all change. MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago
Murph – my boss does the same. We also embrace indigenous faith. We are not remotely doctrinaire. All faiths have the Golden Rule, and we all want betterment for the human condition – except the Religious Right who want dominion over everyone else. choicelady 9 minutes ago

CL Kirk: Excuse me, why does God need my Spaceship”- The Undiscovered Country, – So, Why does God Need A Religion? twilson117 9 minutes ago
Religions are fundamentally schools of thought with a religious underpinning. MurphTheSurf3 8 minutes ago
Murph – I totally have forgotten if I asked if you’ve read Christopher Moore’s book “Lamb”. It’s supposedly about the “missing years” of Jesus in which, Moore posits, Jesus and his best friend, Biff, seek the Wise Men to find out is Jesus REALLY the son of God? It is smashing. I recommend it without reservation. Bawdy, irreverent, and ultimately, deeply moving. And it ends with a joke. What could be better? choicelady 7 minutes ago
Murph – That is very interesting to hear about the Ukrainians. That makes so much sense. US Intelligence leaked a story about Ukrainians being responsible for that car bomb in Russia that killed the Putinist woman whose father was also a propagandist, to tamp down Ukrainians striking through terrorism in Russia (though all the fires in facilities in Russia weren’t an accident). But if Russia dropped any kind of nuke? The US would support Ukraine in striking hard inside Russia I think to pay a high price. Biden already warned about severe retaliation. I believe the Ukrainians and Biden. AdLib 7 minutes ago
TW – God doesn’t need a religion. Humans do. choicelady 6 minutes ago
I have associates here who refer to me as a “quasi-Christian”. I return the favor noting that much of what they believe stands outside of the Jesus story. MurphTheSurf3 6 minutes ago
Murph – those who are essentially Dominionists, seriously know nothing of what Jesus taught. choicelady 5 minutes ago
CL – Good point, I would actually characterize them as human values, the same ones that can be found in The Bible as well as in philosophy, poetry, the words and acts of great men and women in history, etc. Where humanity is learned and adopted is less important than the principles of it. AdLib 5 minutes ago

CL sounds like my kind of book twilson117 4 minutes ago
Ad….I had the honor to meet an envoy from Ukraine who was doing a tour of Ukrainian churches that are setting up a benevolent aid network. He was SO impressive. MurphTheSurf3 4 minutes ago

CL exactly. twilson117 4 minutes ago
CL….the Dominionists are inherently blasphemers. MurphTheSurf3 3 minutes ago
Ad – people forget, or never knew, that secular humanism arose as an “answer” to divisions. They looked at all the core principles in each religion and atheism, agnosticism, etc. to find the commanalities. Humanism is the amalgamation of those CORE principles. Pretty cool. choicelady 3 minutes ago
Alito has proven to be the dumbest justice on the court. Nearly everything he has said to justify his disrespectful positions on race, democracy, etc. has proven to be wrong. On Citizens United, he has proven to be an utter fool and wholly wrong. On Hobbs he used a witch-killing judge to justify his decision. He is an idiot, like Trump, who thinks he is the world’s greatest genius. AdLib 3 minutes ago
Well….friends…..I have a lot on my plate (again!) but these are crucial moments in our national journey….so to bed. MurphTheSurf3 2 minutes ago
Good night, Murph – lovely to see you. Sweet dreams til the morrow. choicelady 2 minutes ago
Take care. MurphTheSurf3 2 minutes ago
Murph – In hindsight though, those alleged “non-MAGAs” were just as loyal in voting for Hawley as Trump so they were MAGA before they admitted it. AdLib a minute ago
I think I will bid adieu, too – this time of night is hard on the eyes. Hope to see you next week? Hope to be here in a more timely manner. Hugs and best to all. choicelady a minute ago

CL correct if I’m wrong but wasn’t the Odessey about Ulysess losing faith in the Gods to the point that the rest of mankind did and they eventually died off thus putting a major dent in religion? twilson117 in a few seconds
Hey TW, once again, we get one last round when everyone else is headed home. AdLib in a few seconds

I missed all the sign offs was checking something out. Well, it’s time for me to go as well. Good discussion as always. twilson117 in 2 minutes
Good point, TW. I think The Gods or God have to be deconstructed for civilization to move forward because they anchor civilization to the fears, prejudices and flawed belifs of the past. AdLib in 2 minutes

Take care Ad. twilson117 in 2 minutes
Night! AdLib in 2 minutes
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