Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Harleigh! AdLib an hour ago
How are you doing today? AdLib an hour ago
hey ad! good. hurricane missed us! Harleigh an hour ago
That’s great news! I thought you were okay, seems like the southwest coast got the worst of it. AdLib an hour ago
Ft. Myers and Cape Corral look devastated. AdLib an hour ago
Hey Murph! AdLib an hour ago
yep, ft meyers to melborne. 150mph catastrophic. Harleigh an hour ago
Hi MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Hope glenn is okay! Don’t remember which part of FL she moved to. AdLib an hour ago
Harleigh – So no problems your way? AdLib an hour ago
Glenn! Yes…..thought of her last night. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Do you remember where in FL she moved? AdLib an hour ago
Sorry but I do not…she told us on one our night conversations. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
I sure hope she’s okay. AdLib an hour ago
i got a friend in cape coral. newer homes in higher areas were ok… some areas went down like dominoes. ian same latitude 100 miles west Harleigh an hour ago
Think of the madness that building on Sanibel represents. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
sanibel is fucked. the only bridge is gone Harleigh an hour ago
Harleigh – Yes, it seems like many of the folks I’m seeing interviewed from Cape Corral and Ft. Myers are not wealthy-looking, many lived in RVs and such. Devastating for these people who lost most of all they had. AdLib an hour ago
Hi everyone. HARLEIGH – haven’t seen you in forever! choicelady an hour ago
hi hon! Harleigh an hour ago
There are places that should not rebuild….it is going to get worse as the impact of warming oceans generates more and more of these terrifying storms. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Hello Choice! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
How did you cope? I had totally forgotten glenn is now in FL. Hope she’s OK. This was just horrid. choicelady an hour ago
Hi Ad and Murph, hope all is well with you. choicelady an hour ago
Harleigh are you OK? choicelady an hour ago
I was telling my wife tonight how angry I am at the corruption that allowed building in an area that was a known flood plain and surely destroyed eventually. The developers grabbed the cash, bribed the politicians and they all made out great and are probably smiling about the “suckers” they left in their wake. AdLib an hour ago
Hey CL! AdLib an hour ago
CL…..doing ok. My candidate in Il is killing it. I was at the Madison Cnty JFK dinner last night and she was terrific. Polling, what little we have, is very encouraging. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
we’re fine here Harleigh an hour ago
The legacy of FL corruption goes back at least to Hurricane Andrew. Failed adherence to building codes cost people their homes. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – that is excellent news! choicelady an hour ago
CL….I agree with you….and DeSantis is part and party to that scheme. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Harleigh – whew – big relief! choicelady an hour ago
DeSantis is possibly even worse than Trump on the corruption scale. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – I think some tough action is needed. Help bail out the residents of that area then tell FL to either avoid rebuilding or repopulating there or Feds won’t bail out FL in the future. As you say Murph, that area will be underwater in a matter of decades anyway, they should not be allowed to rebuild. And what insurance companies will insure homes there again? And any that do will charge premiums that are too much to afford. We have to change along with the changes of Climate Change. AdLib an hour ago
Ad….you sum up my thoughts very well. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
desantis, scott and rubio will steal a lot of aid money. Harleigh an hour ago
Murph – Great news about Nikki! I’m getting my share of emails from her campaign after donating so they’re working it! AdLib an hour ago
I think FL needs a conservator who monitors every federal penny. Sort of the Britany Spears of states. choicelady an hour ago
lol Harleigh an hour ago
CL – I saw a segment on Chris Hayes, Cape Coral began being sold in the early 1860s but went through huge debvelopment recently. It was the 6th fastest growing county in the US! This is insanity! AdLib an hour ago
CL – Agreed, I think DeSantis isn’t as distracted from evil as Trump is by his narcissism. DeSantis is coagulated evil. AdLib an hour ago
CL – Very funny!!! AdLib an hour ago
Carl Hiaasen, the novelist version, has books that focus on rampant expansion and the damage it’s doing. He’s very fun as a “mystery” writer with a profoundly aggressive smackdown of FL developers choicelady an hour ago
Ad – great comment – DeSantis coagulated evil. Brilliant! choicelady an hour ago
Crist needs to beat DeSantis. I was wondering as an ancillary issue, might this and the suffering of Floridians help tarnish DeSantis who just threw away $12M on flying asylum seekers to MA? And spent millions on a stunt, sending FL Natl Guard to the TX border? And focused on barring non-existent CRT teaching and saying “gay”? AdLib an hour ago
Trump always acts like the kid caught out doing wrong – he’s defensive. DeSantis is the kid with zero conscience who isn’t fazed that he’s caught just so he doesn’t pay. No conscience at all. choicelady an hour ago
I must say that all you guys have named, claimed, and framed the power of the corrupt at heart to live a corrupt life and to spread the contagion associated with it. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Trump is a psychopath. DeSantis is a sociopath. choicelady an hour ago
CL….interesting distinction. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
both are magats Harleigh an hour ago
Harleigh – well, you can’t be a mentally well person and be a Magat. choicelady an hour ago
CL – A functional US Gov’t should start deeming flood zones and fire zones around the country as nationally restricted and use eminent domain to help relocate people to safe homes and neighborhoods. Plenty of areas in CA where they have build huge developments right where fires break out repeatedly and have to be rebuilt. Government is supposed to protect lives, property and billions of tax dollars thrown away on Climate Change disaster zones. AdLib an hour ago
Harleigh as in MAGA – ATS? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Thanks CL! AdLib an hour ago
yep Harleigh an hour ago
AD….your ex of CA rebuilding on top of the cinders….reminds us all that corrupt practice is not a one party item. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CL – Good point, DeSantis is a textbook sociopath. Trump is a sociopath but narcissism seems to be what drives him instead of DeSantis’ lust for power. AdLib an hour ago
Ad – agreed. I live plunk in the middle of a safe zone – no earthquake faults, no forests, low flood risk – not much of anything, but I am reasonably sure that while I’ve traded natural beauty for safety, others have not and this demands some reflection. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – As have you (named, claimed and framed it…and nice phrase there!). AdLib an hour ago
Trump still has guilt – his raging against being caught shows that. DeSantis does not GAF. About anything or anyone. choicelady an hour ago
To start moving everyone from miami beach and Hialeah would be huge and everything within 3-5 miles of the beach in a house built before the 1993 hurricane codes will be slammed by a cat3-5 Harleigh an hour ago
Murph – Exactly, it isn’t a Repub or Dem thing, the corruption that has led to communities being built in vulnerable and endangered areas should be arrested and reversed. It makes no sense, for the residents or the taxpayers who have to keep paying to rebuild homes that will get knocked down again in a matter of years. AdLib an hour ago
Murph – we all want to be surrounded by natural beauty. It’s not working anymore due to massive overcrowding and poor prep. Hardly anyone keeps the 100 foot zone around their homes. They have to take responsibility for that. choicelady an hour ago
I was part of a GOTV planning meeting two days ago. One of the group leaders is a voter-guru….been studying the trends for 30 years as an academic at U of I Champaign Urbana. He regularly reminds us that we are dealing with an electorate that is, as a whole misinformed, deluded and easily manipulate….worse on the right but still part of the terrain on the left. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
miami area is going underwater. Harleigh an hour ago
Murph – wise person from Champaign. choicelady an hour ago
Harleigh…good plan. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Harleigh – and there will be thousands who deny as they sink that this is abnormal…glub, glub, glub… choicelady an hour ago
yep Harleigh an hour ago
CL….and with that reminder about the impact of a growing population that puts pressure on every aspect of our environment. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
I remember after Vietnam my mother was teaching and coming home furious at the dumbed down curriculum she was being given. Upper middle class white school district with very stupid kids and even more stupid parents who thought that was OK. It was heavily GOP, and the parents didn’t WANT smart kids who rebelled and challenged the powers that be. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – yes. choicelady an hour ago
CL – There are so many options that allow living in beautiful, affordable places in the U.S. that also aren’t where fires, floods or natural disasters come calling year after year. But it is so seductive, look at photos of Cape Coral, every home on the water, a beautiful place on a nice day, hard for many to resist and easy for many to override their caution. That is why Feds need to make that decision for people since FL politicians are so corrupt and profit from putting people in dangerous areas. AdLib an hour ago
CL……I was a teacher….high school, university…I saw the trends in the curriculum which was being shaped by political forces reflection social developments. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
If I had my druthers, I’d live in OH. Hate the current politics (save for Sherrod and Shontell Brown) but love the towns and landscape. It’s beautiful. But no jobs. So…people don’t move back. choicelady an hour ago
At the very least, the Feds should send notices to everyone who buys or rents in a flood or fire zone, that they are at risk of losing everything. Kind of like the warnings on cigarette packs. AdLib an hour ago
Murph – I was a TA and saw the same at even a GOOD university. Standards were lowered and rigor was considered “boozie” by white people wanting to be professors. Huh? Dumb. choicelady an hour ago
in most areas flood ins is mandatory. I’m on the hihest part of broward countyand its not required. Harleigh an hour ago
Ad – warnings on your property/flood/storm insurance: Caution, failure to move out of harm’s way maybe hazardous to your pocketbook. choicelady an hour ago
Another friend…..an academic as well…..scientist specializing in climate change and its impact on land liveability. He is clear…..the coasts, by and large, are more and more dangerous places to live. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
hell yeah Harleigh an hour ago
I knew in 1965 that we had global warming. A guy I dated was working at Scripps for the summer measuring ocean temp. Warned us all even then. choicelady an hour ago
CL…..and the internet has created an intellectual thoroughly corrupt by ignorance and malfeasance. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Hard to argue against the Champlaign guy’s observation. And yet, Biden won. A wide majority of Americans are unified behind Choice, gun control, voting rights, taxing the wealthy, etc., IOW, Dem values unite most Americans. So it’s not the issues that divide people as your friend mentions, it is ignorance and being easily manipulated, both going together, where fear can be used to convince otherwise reasonable people to support unreasonable candidates. AdLib 44 minutes ago
Floriduh magats are the worst, and their fucking mega talibangical churches. Harleigh 43 minutes ago
Murph – since the dissertation that never got written was researched out of handwritten colonial MA records, I get FED UP with the superficial crap passing for intellectualism in related areas. It is rotten research and worse scholarship. And that includes, sad to say, feminist scholarship that is really awful. choicelady 43 minutes ago
CL – Yep, we’ve seen from the MAGA disconnect with harming themselves that some human beings will hunker down in denial about things they don’t want to believe as those things destroy their lives. AdLib 43 minutes ago
LOL in 1965 a 12pack and 2 packs of cigs a day was ok! Harleigh 42 minutes ago
Ad…I think my friend would agree with you….however, he does not give as much credit to the Biden victory as you and I are wont to do…..the stench associated with Trump is, he believes, what drove voters to Biden because he was the other choice. MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago
Ad – the joke now is that Christian Nationalists are the people who took horse dewormer and worship a golden ass, so it’s a unified field theory of demented politics. choicelady 42 minutes ago
Harleigh- Brilliant and Biting. “Floriduh magats are the worst, and their fucking mega talibangical churches.” MurphTheSurf3 41 minutes ago
Roght on, Harleigh! choicelady 41 minutes ago
CL – And think how education is accelerating into the garbage with book banning, restricting the teaching of truths that make white people feel bad, letting parents control classes and teachers. The GOP is financed by wealthy and powerful people who want an ignorant and easily manipulated public. AdLib 41 minutes ago
*taking a bow* Harleigh 40 minutes ago
CL….the world of academia has been corrupted by the same forces that are bring down the overall population. MurphTheSurf3 40 minutes ago
Harleigh….Standing Ovation. MurphTheSurf3 40 minutes ago
CL – And in OH they like forcing 10 year old rape victims to go through pregnancy and have their life doubly destroyed. AdLib 39 minutes ago
Ad – if there is ONE thing we need to change it’s the differences between R and L on funding activism. The Right throws fistsful of money at anyone with a project. The Left puts us in a room to poke each other’s eyes out with sharp sticks. The smaller the grant, the longer the application. We HAVE to change that. choicelady 39 minutes ago
Floriduh ranks at the bottom with mississippi and all the gulf states. Harleigh 39 minutes ago
Ad – it’s the Red politics that make me unable to live in OH. choicelady 39 minutes ago
I did not spend 12 years fighting to get women into NY clinics just to move to OH where you have no access at all. choicelady 38 minutes ago
roevember! Harleigh 38 minutes ago
It is notable that most of the elite prep schools and elite universities are holding the line on rigor and standards. I think that this is due, in no small part, to an understanding among the rich and powerful that “Being Smart and Well Informed” is essential for those wishing to hold onto power. MurphTheSurf3 37 minutes ago
don’t use Herschel as an example! LOL Harleigh 37 minutes ago
Murph – But that’s the point, isn’t it? Trump and his fascist agenda was more than most could take. SO Biden won. Those dynamics won’t change anytime soon, any Repub nom for president will be a fascist monster. AdLib 36 minutes ago
CL – That is a marvelous paragraph about Christian Nationalists! AdLib 36 minutes ago
Twitter today had MTG and Herschel together – reminding everyone she’s single soon and maybe they should run off together. choicelady 36 minutes ago
Side story……there is an effort in Mo. to assist women DESIRING abortion to Ill where Planned Parenthood and others are doing heroic work. This is being met with very intimidating formal and informal strategies. MurphTheSurf3 35 minutes ago
I floriduh you can actually be a librul fascist commie nazi! Think about it! bwahahaha Harleigh 35 minutes ago
Harleigh….you are on a roll. ROEVEMBER! I will be using that. MurphTheSurf3 34 minutes ago
CL – You know about the funding methods of Repubs vs. Dems better than anyone else I know. Exactly, the Dem brittleness and control-obsessed approach doesn’t work today in this environment of existential problems. That’s why seeing Biden and this Dem Congress accomplish so much should be a teaching moment to purist Dems and those so caught up in pursuit of perfection. AdLib 33 minutes ago
Steal and use anything you want Murp, and everyone else too. Harleigh 33 minutes ago
OK – if we’re talking about minor girls here’s my suggestion: pair up with a church or churches that are liberal and supportive in Illinois. Get a van – not a bus but a van – and paint “Youth Rally for Faith or BUST!” in the window. Load it up with sleeping bags, cold packs, snacks, and take girls and SOME BOYS, over the line to the clinics with the church covering for them. “Yes we’re having a spiritual workshop” . Betcha it works. choicelady 32 minutes ago
Ad….there has to be a change in the Dem campaign culture if the left is to stand a chance of taking on the right successfully. MurphTheSurf3 32 minutes ago
Ad – Biden gets it. Liberal foundations do not. choicelady 32 minutes ago
CL…interesting ploy…..of course those liberal churches are regarded as santanic cults here in MOMO land. MurphTheSurf3 30 minutes ago
Murph – Good point about the elite schools holding the line on education. I’ve seen this coming for a long time, the divide between the many Americans left behind as the fewer move up. It is impossible now to buy a starter home in CA as a young person with an average salary. Owning homes, sending kids to good schools leading to higher paying careers, the fissure between those who can continue having the American Dream and those who can’t reach it anymore is a reality today. Millenials have a much lower rate of home ownership, that generation got so screwed. And each following generation seems to have it worse and worse. AdLib 29 minutes ago
CL..I agree Biden is a pragmatic old campaigner…Obama depended on him (something that is becoming clearer and clearer). MurphTheSurf3 29 minutes ago
Murph – it doesn’t matter what the RW think of the churches, cops won’t stop vehicles marked that way. Or if they do, you have cover. Get some pamphlets – change them with updates – and if you have girls who are scared, have them in the back sleeping. You do need boys who provide cover. It’s a full court press – and kids WILL step up. choicelady 28 minutes ago
Ad…you broadened my thinking on this. Thanks. MurphTheSurf3 28 minutes ago
Disciples of Christ call their churches “First Christian” which is SO innocuous nobody know what the hell it is. choicelady 28 minutes ago
Murph – I’m glad to hear it and it seemed that an Underground Railroad for pregnant women in Red States would develop. As would the efforts of the “slavers” to prevent them from escaping the state. AdLib 27 minutes ago
CL – That van idea is brilliant!!! AdLib 27 minutes ago
Oh – enlist some older guys as Dads. Make regular runs, different churches, different highways. And keep it mum. choicelady 27 minutes ago
CL….the culture among teens is in tatters right now with “narcing” a way of life for many who style themselves as “crusaders.” MurphTheSurf3 26 minutes ago
Murph – what better way to channel their energies? choicelady 26 minutes ago
Go over the river at 6 am. Home 6 pm. Bring back stuff ready for you. That’s where planning and cooperation are essential. Leave paper trails if stopped. choicelady 25 minutes ago
Youth are eager to have a way to fight back. This would be great. choicelady 25 minutes ago
Murph – I think the extremists who are called “The Left” (I thought I was supposed to be called “The Left”), The Berners and Brie Bries have really shrunken in size and momentum. After Biden won they whined that they were starting their own party and apparently, nobody came to their party (or Yang’s). They are not a meaningful influence in the Dem party, Biden and Dems in Congress have addressed most of their issues so they can’t whine about those being ignored anymore. AdLib 24 minutes ago
Ad…I agree with your assessment of the Post Biden Election Dems. MurphTheSurf3 23 minutes ago
fallin asleep here. have a good one… hope glenn is ok Harleigh 23 minutes ago
Ad – there are two political sides, not left and right, but instrumental (human action matters) v structural (all you can do is blow it up.) The latter are pro revolution, revolt, sedition, whatever., If the instrumentalists make change – they and their views become irrelevant. choicelady 22 minutes ago
Murph – When my daughter was younger, we made a concerted effort to do everything we could to make sure she got a quality education and ended up at a good college so she could have a valuable entre to a profitable career. I like all the unionizing going on now, the pressure on bringing up wages but years ago, the course of this country still looked like the division between those who will keep their heads above water and those who won’t was growing. AdLib 21 minutes ago
Ad….do you think there is a way to link the core group members here to each other so that we could keep in contact even when folks cannot make it to Vox? A e mail mailing list which one can choose to belong to or not. MurphTheSurf3 21 minutes ago
When I was escorting a guy, stranger, walked by the clinic and started talking to the antis. He then said, glassy eyed, “I could blow it up. I could. I could just blow it up!” He walked away muttering that. My escort partner watched him and said, matter of factly, “I don’t think he’s anti abortion so much as he’s pro dynamite.” That’s the structural side. Pro blowing it all up. choicelady 20 minutes ago
Ad…I suspect that your daughter was raised very well by well informed and well balanced parents. MurphTheSurf3 20 minutes ago
CL….I think I know that guy….Boom! MurphTheSurf3 19 minutes ago
All – you may know that I know Ad’s daughter and can attest to the fact she’s an amazing young woman. I’ve known her since she was 7 and have loved every change I’ve seen. Says it all about her parents who are great people, too. choicelady 19 minutes ago
CL – Good point though I would add that the motivations of those financing and leading the “strutural” side is very different from their foolish followers. They want domination while they press the fear and anger buttons of their ignorant followers to get what they want. The followers just want to be satisfied that the things they’re taught to hate are harmed or destroyed. AdLib 18 minutes ago
‘Murph – I bet you do! He and his clones are everywhere. choicelady 18 minutes ago
CL….Testimonial like that is…..wonderful. MurphTheSurf3 18 minutes ago
SIde bar….what can be done about this Judge Cannon who is a loose Cannon. MurphTheSurf3 17 minutes ago
Murph – DOJ will keep getting her reversed at the 11th. Then we can impeach her for incompetence. choicelady 16 minutes ago
Murph – Sure, we could do that though personally, I’d be happiest if people used our Short Post section to chat about issues and things between Vox’s. Just saying, it’s an open and easy way for us to all connect whenever we’d like to and to be honest, we’ve all kind of neglected that. Not a guilt trip, includes me too, but just saying. AdLib 16 minutes ago
oh – where’d Harleigh go? I missed his exit. choicelady 15 minutes ago
Ad….those underwriting and directing the “structural side” are using the weak willed, weak minded and weary. MurphTheSurf3 15 minutes ago
CL – That is the quote that really nails the whole MAGA mentality! “I don’t think he’s anti abortion so much as he’s pro dynamite.” AdLib 14 minutes ago
Murph – that’s brilliant. Exactly who gravitates to them. They promise to do all the work. choicelady 14 minutes ago
And since I am tossing out topics….any thoughts on where the Russian madness is going…… MurphTheSurf3 14 minutes ago
Ad – well that’s true of MAGA but it’s equally true of the zealous, ignorant Left. choicelady 13 minutes ago
Thanks Murph, I’m grateful to the parents who raised my daughter too. AdLib 13 minutes ago
Murph – I know so little about Russian mindsets it’s not funny, but I do know we should NOT appease them. choicelady 13 minutes ago
CL – I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to see your kind words about my daughter. AdLib 12 minutes ago
I really like her, Ad. Always have. choicelady 12 minutes ago
Another friend who began academic crusade as a “Kremlinologist” argues that the ultra right in Russia with Putin as their spearhead are making a play for a return to a unified “Russian State” and that Putin is not in charge. MurphTheSurf3 11 minutes ago
I am going to have to go. The eyes are giving out AGAIN. Nobody is telling me why, so I’m still hunting for answers. But I’m seeing slightly double, so it’s time to rest. See you next Friday? Be well, dear friends. choicelady 11 minutes ago
Murph – Apparently, the latest appeal by DoJ to the 11th would get rid of the Master and the need for Cannon if the 11th finds for them. They’re appealing to be able to use all the docs and if granted, Cannon has little purpose left other than trying to help Trump get copies of unclassified docs. AdLib 10 minutes ago
Murph – I fear Putin’s successor will be even MORE demented. Good night you two. Stay well. choicelady 10 minutes ago
Goodbye CL> I so look forward to these weekly gabfests…..so brightly lit! MurphTheSurf3 10 minutes ago

choicelady 10 minutes ago
Harleigh dropped out quickly, he was falling asleep. AdLib 9 minutes ago
Will the 11th do its duty do you think. MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago
I agree with CL’s prediction re. the future of Russian leadership. MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago
Murph – Don’t know about that possibility, I doubt it at this point, I think Putin is still in charge but this latest act is that of a desperate man who is losing. Hey, I can declare Russia as part of Alaska but fighting to take over Russia is what makes that a reality. Putin’s claim is worthless if his troops are routed from those territories. And any Ukrainians who might have been sympathetis to Russia before, most surely have changed their minds. AdLib 7 minutes ago
Yes, I think the 11th will surely protect the Constitution and the law, now that we’ve seen two Trump-appointed judges align with the Dem-appointed one in spanking Cannon and handing the confidential docs to DoJ. They will find for the DoJ because only a partisan hack like Cannon could possibly rule for Trump like she was his lawyer. AdLib 5 minutes ago
The territories that he has annexed are the most Russian (by history, ethnicity and language) in Ukraine but I suspect that the tactics used to drive out the vote (and largely falsify it) have been an eye opener to many there. MurphTheSurf3 5 minutes ago
Ad…succinctly put…….Cannon is the kind of mindless puppet that Trump loves. MurphTheSurf3 4 minutes ago
I leave the last comment to you…..I need to go….big doings in Illinois tomorrow but I have a few minutes remaining. MurphTheSurf3 3 minutes ago
Yes, think of the torture, bombings, voting at gunpoint, fascist and cruel occupation the people in those regions have experienced and seen throughout THEIR country. Not so much in Crimea I suspect but the war is coming to Crimea too. Looks like the Ukrainians are about to encircle another key area held by Russia. I think the dominoes keep falling as Putin tries to use this election BS as wallpaper to cover up the truth…Russia’s army is losing to a much smaller army that shouldn’t be able to beat a “world power”. AdLib 2 minutes ago
Ad….yes…..accurate summing up of the precarious Russian position. MurphTheSurf3 a minute ago
I think the 11th will slap down Cannon again and her career will be tainted from now on. I would love to see her interviewed, she seems like moronic conformist. AdLib a minute ago
I think that is a good place for me to bid you a good night. Two great summary insights! Thanks! MurphTheSurf3 a few seconds ago
Okay! Keep up the great work! FInd time to rest this weekend too! AdLib in a few seconds
Rest? Too weary to rest. MurphTheSurf3 in a few seconds
Heh! Rest is for wimps. AdLib in a few seconds
Damn Right! MurphTheSurf3 in a minute
So is food. AdLib in a minute
Woof! MurphTheSurf3 in a minute
And water? Don’t get me started! AdLib in a minute
Hah! MurphTheSurf3 in a minute
Night pal! AdLib in a minute
I think you many finished as you started! MurphTheSurf3 in 2 minutes
Huh? AdLib in 2 minutes
I think YOU MAY HAVE finished as you started! MurphTheSurf3 in 2 minutes
Start strong. Finish strong. MurphTheSurf3 in 2 minutes
Ah! Yep, don’t get me started because I’m finished! AdLib in 2 minutes
Finis! MurphTheSurf3 in 2 minutes
Good night. MurphTheSurf3 in 2 minutes
Night! AdLib in 2 minutes
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