Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 2 hours ago
I am here early running to get something to drink.
MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Good evening gentlemen. It seems one former president is having a very bad week. Well, it couldn’t happen to a more deserving individual. All I can say is “LOCK HIM UP!!!”

twilson117 an hour ago
Hey Murh!
AdLib an hour ago
AdLib an hour ago
Hey TW~!
AdLib an hour ago
My keyboard is squirming!
AdLib an hour ago
TW – Seems pretty clear now that the DoJ has to indict Trump or bury our democracy. I think they’ll do the former.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad my money is on indictment.

twilson117 an hour ago
Whaqt’s funny is that Trump has been howling for more info to be released and as it has been, it is more and more damning. But I guess that was the only BS he could come up with when caught red-handed.
AdLib an hour ago
I think Murdoch and other powerful people in the GOP already know that Trump is going down, hence their already stepping away from him.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad I think his calling for more information is just a smoke screen.

twilson117 an hour ago
The question is will Lindsey, and McCarthy find their gonads and be able to do so as well.

twilson117 an hour ago
And if the Nov elections go our way as it seems they’re trending, all of this extremism by Trump, MAGAs, and SCOTUS will fully backfire and hopefully result in Dems passing Roe, election reform and SCOTUS reform to set the country back on a democratic course and crush the MAGAfascist movement.
AdLib an hour ago
TW – Agreed, it seems the only propaganda he could come up with, hoping the DoJ would keep with tradition and not reveal anything so his lies could stand. Massive backfire though on Trump. Now all of his coverup lies are exposed. Obstruction upon obstruction.
AdLib an hour ago
I agree. If the DOJ does not move on this particular brand of lawlessness (which makes Nixon look like a rank amateur) its integrity is torpedoed and the ship of state is likely to go down with them.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
He has an incredibly inexperienced and unconnected crew of attorneys. What you get when you not pay people for their services and everyone knows it.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Well, I have to say the elections are a bit tricky as voters seem to be finicky at times but I agree Republicans are on the wrong side of the abortion issue especially with all these draconian laws they’ve passed.

twilson117 an hour ago
TW – I think the Repub pols will only jump ship on Trump when they get creamed in election after election. Not even Trump’s indictment will change it IMO, they’ll still rally to him out of fear of his base turning on them. But if there’s a Blue Wave this Nov, election laws then passed nationally to wipe out Repub corruption, the Repubs will lose election after election until they finally abandon this fascism.
AdLib an hour ago
This Adlib agenda is one to hold high: And if the Nov elections go our way as it seems they’re trending, all of this extremism by Trump, MAGAs, and SCOTUS will fully backfire and hopefully result in Dems passing Roe, election reform and SCOTUS reform to set the country back on a democratic course and crush the MAGAfascist movement
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Well as they say Murph you get what you pay for, or in Trump’s case what you don’t pay for.

twilson117 an hour ago
I liked Biden’s words yesterday and today….he is out to defeat the MAGA REPUBLICANS AND THEIR NEO-FASCISM.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Biden has to keep hammering them and pointing out how they are trying to tear democracy down and replace it with something they won’t like.

twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – I don’t think Garland wanted this to be where he ended up but I think even as reticent as he is, he’s got to recognize there’s no going back or veering off now. The 1/6 committee has helped to prove Trump’s attempt to overthrow the 2020 election, this theft of secret info could rival that in terms of the damage this one man has done to the nation. You can’t throw your hands up after all of this and say, “Well, he was President. Whatcha gonna do?” Especially since Garland is well aware that Trump’s fascist movement is very active and just activated again to try and kill FBI agents in OH. And the magistrate and his family have been threatened, this fascist movement constantly using violence and the threat of it to terrorize the rest of the country must be broken. He knows that, he has to.
AdLib an hour ago
I think that Biden is being coached by a more aggressive, and more in tune group of campaign advisers and organizers. The woman who has taken over the WH Twitter account is a very clever tigress who handled the now famous State of NJ twitter account.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Right, when you’re famous for not paying your lawyers, scapegoating them to protect yourself and being obviously guilty of treason and espionage against the U.S., can’t imagine any decent lawyers racing to his side to represent him.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad I agree. Garland may be quiet, but I think he won’t let Trump’s lawlessness go.

twilson117 an hour ago
Ad….that might be the core of a new invitation to join his legal team..if you are out to commit professional suicide and go bankrupt.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – If it wasn’t for the growth of propaganda in social media and regular media, with all the awful things Repubs and Trump have done and said, this election should swing by double digits to Dems. But even with so much against the Dems, I am confident Dems will make it a big win this Nov and America just might have it’s democracy saved in the nick of time.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph I just heard about her watching the Christ Hayes show, anyone who responds to a snarky comment with ‘you mother’ gets my vote.

twilson117 an hour ago
Ad….your reading of Garland is mine as well. Trump and his people’s naked aggression and the stupendous missteps/crimes that Trump et. al. committed in handling docs coupled with Trump clearly framed as the author of Jan 6 seige.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad I can only hope you’re right.

twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – That’s what seems very possible, a righting of the ship in a big way could be the result of Trump, MAGA and the SCOTUS that wouldn’t have otherwise have happened without their excesses. In another timeline, where Roe isn’t overthrown and 1/6 doesn’t happen, our democracy might have still been in a nosedive in 2023. Don’t want to get ahead of myself though, we still have a tough fight this Nov to make this come true. Ah…the thought of Manchin and Sinema being told to fuck off by the rest of Dems in Congress would also be satisfying.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph, Ad, the Repugs have underestimated Garland. They take quietness for lack of strength and determination. Not smart on their part.

twilson117 an hour ago
I am now working with the Nikki Budzinski campaign for Congress (Illinois 13th) who is running agains a GOP Model Woman, Regan Deering who comes from great wealth made by stepping on a lot of lives with views about Choice, Guns, Voting that are right out of the MAG GOP PLAYBOOK.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad I agree there is still a lot to do.

twilson117 an hour ago
Murph what is your assessment of her chances??

twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Yes, this is another smart move by the Biden aides, to turn him loose on the Repubs with the righteous anger the rest of the country feels after Roe, 1/6, etc. He went as far as to call MAGA semi-fascist…but there’s nothing semi about it. We need to see Biden as the fighter, very happy about this. And that NJ Twitter person for him is also just what we need. This is a war, time that Biden and Co. acted like it.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph – Yep, Rudy should just star in a commercial, “To all lawyers, come and work for Donald Trump! Look what it did for me!”
AdLib an hour ago
There is no incumbent because the 13th is a new district. Southern Illinois and Northern Missouri are kissing cousins in terms of their politics but the area is ripe for Democratic ideas that will serve their reall interests.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad….maybe we can get the makeup folk to engineer a rivlet of black dye oozing from the top of his head as he delivers his message to fellow attorneys. “Look what it did for me.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Indeed, Garland was reticent out of respect for precedent and institutions but Trump and MAGAs saw that as weakness so they’ve gone on criming. But I think Garland was holding back and finally reached the end of his rope, justice needed to be done and that’s the course we’re on. I can’t imagine in my wildest dreams that Garland comes back and says, “Nah, I’m not going to indict Trump, it wouldn’t be nice.”
AdLib an hour ago
Ad I agree with you assessment of Garland.

twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – What is Deering’s district like? Purple, light red, light blue?
AdLib an hour ago
I have also told the Trudy Busch Valentine campaign what I think of them and their chances- which I think is precisely the plan engineered by the GOP with Dem fellow traverlers. Guarantees the election the Rightest of Wingers Schmidt (current treasurer) to the Senate. I will not play this game..
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph politics is indeed an ugly game.

twilson117 an hour ago
The Deering/Budzinski contest is being fought in a newly formed district…the 13th….a real mix of small towns, country, smallish cities, higher ed giants and rubes on every corner…feels like home to me.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Funny! And Rudy could hold up his license to practice law with “CANCELED” stamped on it. And he could hold up an indictement from Georgia. “It sure won’t be boring to be Trump’s lawyer. At least until the trial’s over and you’re doing 5 to 7 in Leavenworth.”
AdLib an hour ago
Murph do you have a feel for which way the new district is leaning??

twilson117 an hour ago
Ad…..Rudy should hire you to craft his newest entry in the political media.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Busch is a Repub cut out or perfectly happy to act as one so yes, I see no reason to waste time on her worthless campaign when you could actually help elect a real Dem like Deering.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph, Rudy can’t afford Ad, he’s got no money.

twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Do you think in such a district, ending Roe will have traction for Deering?
AdLib an hour ago
Hey CL!
AdLib an hour ago
At last! Hi all – nice to see everyone!
choicelady an hour ago
CL is in the house!!!!

twilson117 an hour ago
TW…the district has largely voted Republican, again very much like Missouri with similar demography, but their are several smallish cities and towns that have trended Democrat. The Dem governor is well liked there as well. The District can be formed around a essage of “Dems know your needs and will work to meet them).y
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
So sorry I’m late. I’m the cook. It does what it does. Tonight it didn’t.
choicelady an hour ago
TW….I thought that Ad could volunteer for Rudy…a dream come true.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Mruph – LOL!!! As if!
choicelady an hour ago
Murph – I will be Rudy’s endorsement consultant while he is in prison dripping his dye over his buff cellmate.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad – THIS I could see. I’m for you getting that job.
choicelady an hour ago
Glad you made it, CL.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad…..Roe is hitting people at every level and in every community….esp as it points to the broader GOP approach to women, to the rights of everyday citizens.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph I suppose Rudy would be grateful.

twilson117 an hour ago
Good to see you, AdLib. Good to see you, Murph and TW.
choicelady an hour ago
TW? Rudy? Grateful? Seriously?
choicelady an hour ago
Hey CL…..good to see you. Some news from me that you may not have seen: I am now working with the Nikki Budzinski campaign for Congress (Illinois 13th) who is running agains a GOP Model Woman, Regan Deering who comes from great wealth made by stepping on a lot of lives with views about Choice, Guns, Voting that are right out of the MAG GOP PLAYBOOK.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
If Repub Men know what’s good for them they better get on the right side of Roe.

twilson117 an hour ago
CL – You deserve big props right now for saying all along that Garland was moving towards nailing Trump. I have to admit, I was doubtful. He did start late, as the 1/6 committee revealed, but he did finally get the ball rolling.
AdLib an hour ago
CL…second message posted already: I have also told the Trudy Busch Valentine campaign what I think of them and their chances- which I think is precisely the plan engineered by the GOP with Dem fellow traverlers. Guarantees the election the Rightest of Wingers Schmidt (current treasurer) to the Senate. I will not play this game..
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Oh, Murph that’s wonderful! What area does 13 cover? I grew up in a Western Chicago suburb.
choicelady an hour ago
Murph – thank you for being honest and honorable about Valentine.
choicelady an hour ago
Murph – I would hope that was the case, even for those who oppose abortion, the idea of 10 year old rape victims forced to give birth and women forced to carry fetuses without skulls to be born dead has to seem wrong to genuine people of conscience.
AdLib an hour ago
All – for some of these poseurs, maybe the only thing to say is what they did years ago when David Duke ran? “Vote for the crook. It’s important.” So v Valentine: “She’s terrible and STILL better than the GOP.”
choicelady an hour ago
CL south east Ill. ending at the southern border just north of St Louis. U of Il is in it.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Whoops, misunderstood that Budzinski is the Dem! Got it!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad – across Am erica white women are enrolling as Dems in record numbers. Roe matters.
choicelady an hour ago
Murph – OK – isn’t that SouthWEST Illinois? I have been gone a bit.
choicelady an hour ago
My contacts in the black and latinx communities tell me that the GOTV efforts are stronger than they have ever seen.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – that is music to my eyes. (OK sloppy comparison, but you get it.)
choicelady an hour ago
I want people out there in OHIO where the Dem party sucks but Ryan needs the help. All hands on deck for him.
choicelady 44 minutes ago
Tw – Exactly! Did you see that MAGA nut Blake Masters in AZ wipe his site of all his extremist anti-abortion vows then release a “reasonable restrictions” commercial? Like the SCOTUS Repubs, they all seem justified to lie to get power to do extremist things. I think it’s too late for Masters to get away with his BS.
AdLib 44 minutes ago
Ad – this is getting insane. If you’re rabid one day and “reasonable” the next, trust this = WE DO NOTICE!!!
choicelady 43 minutes ago
CL…yes SW…typing too fast
MurphTheSurf3 43 minutes ago
Murph – thank you. I was having brain glitches trying to do geography.
choicelady 42 minutes ago
Ad I read about it. It wouldn’t surprise me if we don’t see more of that taking place.

twilson117 42 minutes ago
CL – I’ve seen that registration info about women dwarfing men in signing up to vote. I think the Kansas vote speaks more about what Nov will be than pollsters who are using the models from 2020 or 2016. They show generic Dems up 5 which is good and a constant increase but I think it will be a blue tsunami with all these rightfully pissed off women voting. Do you think there’s any chance Beto could win in TX with this behind him?
AdLib 41 minutes ago
All – I think the sanitizing on choice is like astroturfing and whitewashing. They can SAY whatever they like – but social media has the receipts. I won’t ever trust a GOP person again.
choicelady 41 minutes ago
MAGA Poker Rules……the hand you lay down at the end of the betting is the one you say it is even if that differs completely from what you see on the cards…”What do you mean that my 2, 4, 7, 9, Jack hand doesn’t beat your 4 Aces….it sure does….and then snatches the pot from the table.
MurphTheSurf3 41 minutes ago
Murph – That’s fantastic news!
AdLib 40 minutes ago
Murph – cheating. It’s what the GOP do.
choicelady 40 minutes ago
CL what is confusing is that the new 13th runs on a diagonal from West to the East of the State.
MurphTheSurf3 40 minutes ago
CL – Yes, McConnell and the Repubs are going after Ryan very hard. Will be donating to him, if he could win, that would mean other Dems could win by bigger margins in a wave election.
AdLib 39 minutes ago
Murph – gasp – you mean the Dems gerrymandered? Ohhhh – say it ain’t so? (I know it is.)
choicelady 39 minutes ago
All, I know there is a big push among women around the Dobbs decision, but, what’s the action plan for cementing their right to control their bodies and decisions around birth control?

twilson117 39 minutes ago
Ad – Vance is backed by one of those slimy RW billionaires. It really is all hands on deck w money etc. But the Dem party in OH is wussy. I worry about his chances v. TV ads. MONEY does matter. I donate a LOT because I genuinely like Ryan.
choicelady 37 minutes ago
CL – Right, I don’t think Masters’ obvious con job will work at this late date. It’s almost oscenely funny, that ad he released on the day he wiped all the extremists anti-abortion crap from his website, accuses Mark Kelly of being an extremist about abortion! Right out of the Rove playbook, accuse your opponent of what you’re guilty of.
AdLib 37 minutes ago
TW – The SCOTUS rightwing lurch makes what is passed in legislation more solid than what comes via the courts. Pelosi already has passed a VERY strong bill that could pass a strong Dem senate. That would not perfectly prevent SCOTUS from overturning it, but it would challenge the Federalist determination to do away with Common Law. If they overturned legislation, they’d have NOTHING upon which to stand.
choicelady 36 minutes ago
CL I will add Ryan to my donations list…and yes the Dems gerrymander…play the system or be left out.
MurphTheSurf3 35 minutes ago
Murph – I like the MAGA Poker idea! How do they ever win, don’t they all throw down whatever cards they have and always claim they have a Royal Flush?
AdLib 35 minutes ago
Murph – “Play the hand you’re dealt.” Only way to go.
choicelady 35 minutes ago
I am agreeing with every post from CL, TW, and AL,,,we are smokin’
MurphTheSurf3 34 minutes ago
Sidebar – anyone heard from PPO lately? I had DMs on Twitter up until he went to Ireland, then…???
choicelady 34 minutes ago
I have e mailed PPO…with no response.
MurphTheSurf3 33 minutes ago
TW – The action plan is that if Dems win at least a net of 2 seats in the Senate and hold The House, they pass a national right to abortion after killing the filibuster (probably conditionally). Then it is the law in all states and every election afterwards will be about allowing Repubs to strip that right away from half of America.
AdLib 33 minutes ago
Murph – worrisome.
choicelady 33 minutes ago
CL., Thanks, I do recall hearing something about Pelosi passing a bill in the House I need to go check it out. Thanks again.

twilson117 33 minutes ago
Ad – yes. That’s the strategy.
choicelady 33 minutes ago
CL – Yes, Vance is backed by Thiel and another wealthy jerk whose name I can’t think of right now. There is little public support for him, just tribal support for whoever the Repub is.
AdLib 32 minutes ago
TW – we do have a live bill that can easily be renumbered and revived next year from the House. Senate – need at least two more. At least.
choicelady 32 minutes ago
Ad – I am hoping Ryan’s authentic creds get him through. He did work for Trafficant, but Trafficant once upon a time was an honorable guy. And Ryan broke from him when that was no longer true. That’s clear OH politics. He’s the real deal.
choicelady 31 minutes ago
All, what gets me is Dem’s know the Repub’s playbook by heart and yet keep falling for what they do over and over again. I feel like they don’t have a concerted strategy to end the Repub’s nonsense.

twilson117 30 minutes ago
TW – I think that day of subordination to the GOP just ended. Biden is coming out gangbusters. Called MAGE ‘semi fascist” and is pulling no punches. He needed wins. He got them. NOW the gloves are OFF.
choicelady 29 minutes ago
CL – My suggestion if I could offer it to Dem leaders is that they swiftly nix the filibuster, pass Roe and elections reform then immediately pass judicial reform to enlarge the SCOTUS to 13 and add term limits and oversight rules so such extremism by molesters and perjurers can’t happen again nor can the bills passed be overturned out of malice instead of judicial precedent.
AdLib 29 minutes ago
Ad – BAM!!! I agree.
choicelady 29 minutes ago
I didn’t know that PPO was out of contact. I will reach out to him.
AdLib 28 minutes ago
AD…..The New SCOTUS courtesy of the Leader of the Planet
MurphTheSurf3 28 minutes ago
Ad – please do. I will try DM again on Twitter. I am worried about him. This was a sad journey. I’m concerned.
choicelady 28 minutes ago
Speaking of missing folk…what of our friend from Atlanta who was so laid up. She returned for a while and then….
MurphTheSurf3 27 minutes ago
CL – Just DMed PPO now. WIll let you know if I hear anything, let me know if you do.
AdLib 26 minutes ago
I did, too. I hope he’s OK. Has me worried.
choicelady 26 minutes ago
glenn is not in superb health, so this may be just too late for her, but yes, it worries me, too.
choicelady 25 minutes ago
Love Glenn……
MurphTheSurf3 25 minutes ago
Okay, dare I say it? Biden seems to be looking like FDR right now in terms of passing the most important, big scale and long term legislation for the country. What do you think?
AdLib 25 minutes ago
I hate that we’re none of us getting any younger. The system is messed up.
choicelady 25 minutes ago
Ad – I totalaly agree. He is also skyrocketing in the polls.
choicelady 24 minutes ago
AD….you stole my secret image of Biden…….FDR reborn…..
MurphTheSurf3 24 minutes ago
Yes, glenn is very missed when she’s not here but sometimes she reads Vox after it’s posted. Hope she sees this and knows we’re thinking of her.
AdLib 24 minutes ago
Murph – yup. That’s Biden: today’s FDR.
choicelady 24 minutes ago
CL – Can we have the filibuster killed and have a Dem Congreess pass a bill that reverses time?
AdLib 23 minutes ago
Murph – if one more Bernbot calls Biden a “neoliberal” I will barf. They don’t know anything about economics much less Biden.
choicelady 23 minutes ago
Don’t forget, FDR had terrible poll numbers in his first term.
AdLib 22 minutes ago
Ad – I’m for all of that. Thought I don’t want to go back to the 2017=21 period, thank you.
choicelady 22 minutes ago
You know that one of the most compelling images I have of Biden governs my view him: Taking the late night train home each night and returning every morning to be with children after the tragedy that could have broken his family AND taking the same seat with another facing him and holding open hours for anyone who wanted to talk to him.
MurphTheSurf3 22 minutes ago
Found out my new SIL, our niece, her husband, and our Greatnephew who is 1 all had COVID. Greg’s daughter did, too. Scary af ter nearly three years of NOTHING.
choicelady 21 minutes ago
All, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the Dem’s need to learn a lesson from Scipio Africanus in how he finally defeated Hannibal Baka.

twilson117 21 minutes ago
Ad – I agree on that “Amtrak Joe’ image.
choicelady 21 minutes ago
TW – can you elaborate?
choicelady 21 minutes ago
TW…say more about Scipio and Hannibal
MurphTheSurf3 21 minutes ago
Murph – I just think we’re on the same page. It’s actually mind-numbing how many bills on many big issues Biden has signed, it’s easy to forget some but make a list, it would rival FDR’s list. I was a big fan of Obama but Biden has accomplished more than Obama, our last Dem president, in 2 years against 8 years.
AdLib 20 minutes ago
CL – Maybe we can just go back to the 1990s for a while? And I can have a really bad haircut?
AdLib 20 minutes ago
Ad….and Obama knows that Biden is leaving him in the dust with legislation…..BFD, BFD, BFD, BFD et al.
MurphTheSurf3 19 minutes ago
CL…..I think the chances are good that all of us here have pretty bad haircuts.
MurphTheSurf3 19 minutes ago
Ad – Joe did more numerically, but he did not face the GD Tea Party, Obama’s health care has revolutionized lives for the better, but the sniffy purists refused to vote, and for 6 of his 8 years he got nowhere via Congress. I think Joe did slightly smaller bills (the issue is complexity not significance) but fingers crossed – will have a Dem majority for at least another 2 years.
choicelady 18 minutes ago
BFD? Biden whispering to Obama at the Signing of Obamacare…”This is a Big Fucking Deal” followed by that mysterious Obama smile and a chuckle.
MurphTheSurf3 18 minutes ago
Murph – I just got my hair cut. Super cuts. Meh.
choicelady 17 minutes ago
CL…that is where I get mine cut…..
MurphTheSurf3 17 minutes ago
All, Scipio was in two battles he lost to Hannibal. After the defeats he went back to Rome and trained and trained. When they meet on the battlefield again and Hannibal let his Elephants loose he hand his troop open a path for elephants to run down as they only run in straight line then the troops closed ranks and as they say the rest is history.

twilson117 17 minutes ago
Hubs did, too – his was better than mine. In the 90s I had pretty cool hair, but I had to pay for it. Now I don’t. And, well, back to the 90s.
choicelady 16 minutes ago
I love the image of Elephants. How fitting.
MurphTheSurf3 16 minutes ago
All my point is Dem know the Repubs play book they need to let them run down the path and then close ranks and well, you know.

twilson117 16 minutes ago
Murph – That is such a poignant image of Biden. I think he will end up truly beloved in our history. He’s accomplished FDR-sized goals and instead of fighting WWII, he’s fought a domestic fascist movement, Covid, a crashed economy, Climate Change disasters and threats, and a corrupt SCOTUS. We’re in the middle of history so we may take a lot of this for granted but it is pretty remarkable to think of all he has been fighting and accomplishing. Of course, it’s not just him, he has one of the most amazing Admins in our lifetimes to accomplish so much and manage so many crises.
AdLib 15 minutes ago
TW – that’s absolutely fascinating and yes, instructive!
choicelady 15 minutes ago
Well, friends…the witching hour is upon me…..I need to depart shortly as I have a trip across the border into Il to work for MY Candidate in the 13th.
MurphTheSurf3 15 minutes ago
Murph – Exactly, BFD x 100. Obama should be proud though, he hammered through the ACA and opened the door for Biden to get more huge things done.
AdLib 14 minutes ago
AD, as always, so astute and so global.
MurphTheSurf3 14 minutes ago
Murph – do you need a passport yet to go from MO to IL? I’m just waiting for a violation of key constitutional principles out of MO. Have a great weekend!
choicelady 14 minutes ago
Well Ad, you certainly have a lot on your plate.

twilson117 13 minutes ago
AD…Biden’s role in getting the Obama HealthCare Program through the obstacles in Congress was very significant.
MurphTheSurf3 13 minutes ago
I think I shall follow Murph out the door. I have a big day tomorrow – and I am already exhausted by it. See you all next week! Anyone hears from PPO please let me know.
choicelady 13 minutes ago
Murph – Thanks for doing such great work! It does make a big difference!
AdLib 13 minutes ago
CL…..no passport required…now getting back into Mo. I have to prove I am an idiot.
MurphTheSurf3 13 minutes ago
Murph – Good point in Biden’s help in passing the ACA.
AdLib 13 minutes ago
Ad….I doubt I make a difference but lots mes do.
MurphTheSurf3 12 minutes ago
Ad how are the folks in you area feeling about the ACA now that’s it’s been around for a while??

twilson117 12 minutes ago
I wasn’t crazy about Biden in 2020 but fully supported him. He may end up being the most transformational president in the end.
AdLib 12 minutes ago
Murph how are the folks in your area feeling about ACA now that they’ve had it for a bit.

twilson117 11 minutes ago
Murph – You do make a difference, your work directly and those who are inspired to work and contribute by your example…including me. Your candidate will get a contribution from me now.
AdLib 11 minutes ago
Ad, my last message was meant for Murph

twilson117 11 minutes ago
TW…I will answer your question to Ad from a MO. point of view…the blessings of the ACA are evident everyday but the state government here has coopted ownership of the program as theirs even though they refuse to pass Medicaid expansion.
MurphTheSurf3 11 minutes ago
TW….you DID ask about Mo. I just jumped the gun.
MurphTheSurf3 10 minutes ago
Murph I figured you would seem my typo mistake.

twilson117 10 minutes ago
Murph – Isn’t that the way Repubs are? Fighting against any help for their voters then when Dems force it through, they take full credit for it. No wonder Trump became their leader, the GOP is just about the con.
AdLib 10 minutes ago
Ad…thank you for those good words and support for my candidate.
MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago
MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago
Murph what the saying about imitation best form of flattery?

twilson117 9 minutes ago
Murph – Just one small example of how your work makes a difference,
AdLib 9 minutes ago
TW……or theft.
MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago
Murph yes, but we know the truth don’t we.

twilson117 8 minutes ago
One of the members of the association ran for the school board here and, to my surprise won…..and she mentioned the association as one of her support networks.
MurphTheSurf3 8 minutes ago
You know Murph, if Dems do win a bigger majority in Congress and election reform is passed, the days of MAGAs cruising to victories in gerrymandered districts will be over. Dark money would be over. And Citizens United could be killed.
AdLib 7 minutes ago
Murph you’re having an impact.

twilson117 7 minutes ago
I may have three more association members in the wings…we may get back to our numbers when we started the co-op.
MurphTheSurf3 7 minutes ago
Murph – That’s fantastic to hear! So you do see that you are making a difference!
AdLib 7 minutes ago
Ad….more hope in every word from you.
MurphTheSurf3 7 minutes ago
Well….I think that others, younger others have stepped up into leadership roles and that has helped a lot.
MurphTheSurf3 6 minutes ago
That’s great news Murph, about the association growing to the co-op’s original size. You are good at making good things happen!
AdLib 6 minutes ago
Well if young ones are stepping up it’s because they have a great example in you my friend.

twilson117 5 minutes ago
We can only do so much as individuals, we can do what we do but if we do it in a principled way, it can inspire more people to do what they can do. The acorn and the tree
AdLib 5 minutes ago
AD….I give much the credit to our newer members….one of the things I am most pleased with is that the two black families invited four others and one came followed by two more. I am hoping that the first family from that church (A Mission Gospel Church founded during Reconstruction) will be the next president of the association. I have stepped aside before and would do so again gladly.
MurphTheSurf3 4 minutes ago