Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 2 hours ago

Hey Adlib twilson117 2 hours ago
Hey TW! How are you doing? AdLib 2 hours ago

Doing okay. Granddaughter will be heading out early tomorrow. My daughter will be taking her home she is spending the night with her. But we miss her already. twilson117 2 hours ago

I was reading last week’s conversation saw at the tail end you and Murph talking about possible visual conversation on vox? twilson117 2 hours ago
Aw…at least you had the time with her that you did. AdLib 2 hours ago
Yes, I’m leaning more towards an audio-only conversation instead of video though. AdLib 2 hours ago
Some people don’t have cameras, some don’t have fast internet and some folks might want to keep their appearance private if they’re in red states. AdLib an hour ago

Yes, she spent the first week with her aunt and last week and part of this week with us. Spent lot of money on books for her, movies and museum of science in Boston twilson117 an hour ago

Voice huh. How will you handle the talk over? twilson117 an hour ago
Sounds like it was a lot of fun. Nice to spoil grandkids though, right? AdLib an hour ago

Yes she is clearly spoiled and she knows it. Can’t believe she will be 16 in two months. twilson117 an hour ago
Some programs let the host moderate conversations, people can text in the app to say they want to jump in. AdLib an hour ago
I can’t believe my daughter is 19. AdLib an hour ago

Yes and now a college sophomore or second year student, I think that’s the preferred terminology. The do grow up fast. twilson117 an hour ago

As to the voice if we have to type in our response how is that different from what we’re doing now? twilson117 an hour ago
The last few years kind of flew by, the previous years seemed much more moderate in speed of passage. AdLib an hour ago
How it would work with that system is that a person would merely message to the host they want to jump in then the host would open their mike. AdLib an hour ago

I mean it would be nice to see everyone visually but I understand not everyone has a camera and the internet speed can be a problem. Along with controlling it. twilson117 an hour ago

To be clear not oppose just wondering how it would work. I know it’s usually just been the four of us. twilson117 an hour ago
I think a rotation of talking would also be easy to set up. AdLib an hour ago
We would need a system though so it wasn’t a free-for-all and someone might get sidelined. AdLib an hour ago

Yes you would. twilson117 an hour ago
Hey glenn! How are you doing today? AdLib an hour ago

He Glenn how are you? twilson117 an hour ago
Hi Ad and TW! I’m doing well, how are you both? glenn an hour ago

Doing okay Glenn. twilson117 an hour ago
Interesting concept of the audio VOX glenn an hour ago
I’m doing well, thanks glenn. AdLib an hour ago
Would you be interested in an audio Vox, glenn? AdLib an hour ago
TW–I know how you feel, missing your granddaughter. As you say, they grow up so quickly; glenn an hour ago

Glenn, you’re correct about that. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad—yes, I think an audio Vox would be great. glenn an hour ago
Until you go through it, you don’t fully understand when others have told you, “They grow up fast.” AdLib an hour ago

Glenn her last visit was three years ago couldn’t come back due to COVID. twilson117 an hour ago
So how do we feel about Build Back Better finally passing and taxes being mandatory for corporations and Climate Change being funded? McConnell looks like a fool too. AdLib an hour ago
TW–Ad–ain’t that the truth about not realizing how fast they grow up. I feel like it was just yesterday I was picking up my granddaughter from school. Now she’s in her sophomore year of college and will be 19 yo the 18th of August! glenn an hour ago

I read a piece today that Trump** has gotten help with his financial situation to the point he’s now cash flush to the tune of 300+ million. twilson117 an hour ago
TW–Three years is a ling time to go without seeing her; especially during her teen years. They change so much during those years. glenn an hour ago
Wishing your grandaughter a happy birthday! My daughter is a rising sophomore in college as well, I thought of your grandaughter playing soccer as a youngster and my daughter doing the same in softball and now…college students! AdLib an hour ago

Glenn you’re right about that, she has grown so much. But she is on the short side 4:11 and not likely to grow any more. She is short like her mom. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – All the more hundreds of millions for those suing Trump to get. He should be left penniless by the time all the civil lawsuits are done with him. AdLib an hour ago

Ad I do agree with you. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad–best part about Build Back Be Better passing is McConnell looking like a fool. Then he goes and blocks the veterans bill to prove what an evil fool he is! glenn an hour ago
TW – I don’t see how Trump can have grounds to stand against all the civil suits since in civil court, it’s a preponderence of the evidence and not as in a criminal court, beyond a shadow of a doubt. AdLib an hour ago

Glenn blocking the vet’s bill is not looking good for the Repugs. Not good at all. twilson117 an hour ago
glenn – Yes! McConnell lies all the time but he did claim that if Repubs didn’t take the majority this year in The Senate that he would retire. I don’t care if Dems at least hold the House, gain 2+ seats in The Senate, trash the filibuster and pass a flurry of legislation to rescue and protect our democracy. AdLib an hour ago

Ad he got help from an old friend on refinancing a lot of his debt along with a bank Jared turn him on to. But Trump’s problems deep and long. twilson117 an hour ago
TW–I didn’t see that about the TLB being flush with cash. I did see a headline–didn’t read the article because can only read so many abut him–that says the RNC won’t continue to pay his legal bills if he runs for pres in 2024 glenn an hour ago
TW – The Ted Cruz fist bump on denying healthcare to vets is so devastating to him and Repubhs. AdLib an hour ago
TW – Yep but if he is indicted as I think he will be and loses a number of civil suits, Trump will find loans called in and the cashflow reduced to a drip. He may not end up imprisoned but he should be bankrupted. AdLib an hour ago
Ad–yes it’s so delightful that your daughter and my granddaughter are on such similar paths. glenn an hour ago
And now that the 1/6 committee has succeeded in exposing what an anti-democratic monster Trump is, the Murdoch entities have been pounding a stake in his heart. I think Trump is done and he will disintegrate as the cases proceed against him. AdLib an hour ago

Glenn he got help to get him out from under on loans coming due, an old friend came to his rescue along with Jared introducing to a bank that helped. But I did see were the RNC said if he didn’t stop bashing candidates they would stop paying his legal bills. twilson117 an hour ago
TW–I was also referring to her growth in maturity during the teen years. It is a wonder to behold! glenn an hour ago
glenn – Yes, I’ve enjoyed that and hearing about your granddaughter’s adventures! AdLib an hour ago
Ad–penniless and in jail. glenn an hour ago
Do you think Trump will be indicted in GA or by the DoJ? AdLib an hour ago

Ad let’s see how long the Murdoch snub lasts. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – There was no such thing as a Murdoch snub before this, they seem to have clearly jumped ship to join the DeSantis machine. AdLib an hour ago

Ad I think he will and that will be great, when it happens, we should through a party. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad–hope you’re correct. So many lawsuits for the TLB to defend. Did you see where he has threatened (again) to sue CNN? glenn an hour ago

Murph is in the house. Hey Murph twilson117 an hour ago
I think Trump will first be indicted as part of a RICO case in GA and then indicted by the DoJ. So anxious for GA to indict that orange disaster. AdLib an hour ago
Hey Murph! AdLib an hour ago
Hi…what’s up. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad–no I don’t think he’ll be indicted. At least not by the DOJ, maybe GA, but somehow or other he seems to weasel out of indictments. glenn an hour ago

Ad I don’t care as long as he gets indicted. twilson117 an hour ago
glenn – So funny, could you imagine the discovery phase of a lawsuit if Trump sued CNN for “lying” about Trump being a liar and promoting “The Big Lie”? It’s just a phony threat. AdLib an hour ago
TW…just read your note about Trump being flush with cash from sources unknown…..anything else about this? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Hey Murph–how’re you doing tonight? glenn an hour ago
Murph – I saw Kunce kicking ass this week on Twitter, he’s looking fearless and determined. AdLib an hour ago
Glenn…I am working my butt off for Kunce…the next three days I will be pounding away for votes. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad–I sure hope you’re right about the indictments, but I really don’t think it’s gong to happen. glenn an hour ago
Ad….fearless and determined……as Trudy Busch Valentine is feckless and dull. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad–I know–put the liar under oath. glenn an hour ago
glenn – I think GA’s indictment of Trump is impending and unavoidable. He is on tape literally asking for fake votes to be given to him. As for the DoJ, I think it would be very hard for them to not indict Trump, it would be an invitation to the overthrow of our democracy in 2024. I haven’t been a big fan of Garland but I can’t imagine he wants to go down in history as the man who let Trump destroy our democracy. AdLib an hour ago

Murph just that he made money from the sale of the DC Hotel the Old Post Office, Jared hooked him out with a bank that has refinanced several of his notes that are due and an old business friend helped him out with some refinancing other loans to the point he has about 300 mill in the bank. twilson117 an hour ago
Everyone knows it’s a phony threat…. glenn an hour ago
TW….so why would most of the folks help him out…where’s there advantage? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph–good on ya!! Kunce is lucky to have you working for him. glenn an hour ago
And on top of everything else, gas prices are down and have been for over a month, this anti-inflation bill is being passed and Repubs are at a loss on what they can use in Nov to argue that their treason is preferable to Dems in power. AdLib an hour ago
Ad…a comment I picked up tonight is that without indictments January 6 is not an isolated event it is Act 1 of long greek tragedy. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Glenn…I have met him twice….my personal reaction to him is much the same as my response to Obama on the campaign trail. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad….your arguments are cogent….but so many who will vote are brain dead. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad–Once again, I hope you’re right; but youknow me and my pessiss glenn an hour ago
Murph – Very good point. Without an indictment, 1/6 was a dress rehearsal for a 2024 performance. AdLib an hour ago

Murph well you have Jared his son-in-law, and is old business partner twilson117 an hour ago
you know me and my pessimissim. glenn an hour ago
Glenn….I think because we live a deep, dark red swamps…..pessimism is a natural response. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
glenn – Your doubt is absolutely justified but seeing what is going on with the Grand Juries in GA and DC, it seems more likely to me that Trump’s teflon has worn off and accountability is coming. AdLib an hour ago
Murph–that is an apt description of J6 without indictments. glenn an hour ago
TW…both of those folks may have personal reasons for throwing him a line……but he has run out on so much debt in the past I am stunned that anyone takes the risk. MurphTheSurf3 44 minutes ago

Murph a firm called CGI Merchant Group bought the Trump Hotel in DC or I should say took over the lease and Steven Roth an old business partner came to his rescue. twilson117 44 minutes ago
Murph – You always have to identify who are the brain dead, it’s the 30% or so that are slaves to Trump and a fascist GOP. But a poll came out this week showing Seniors and indie voters have all swung hugely away from supporting Repubs. Dems now have a solid lead with indie voters, a complete reverse of where it was just a couple months ago. AdLib 44 minutes ago
Hi. I’m in and gone. Major tech issues. Phone is dying, computer erased my ability to connect to anyone. So hi snd bye all at once. Next week? If the tech gods permit. 🙄🙄🙄 choicelady 44 minutes ago
Hi there choice lady!…. MurphTheSurf3 43 minutes ago

Hello CL. twilson117 43 minutes ago
Choice….thought the contact was fleeting, it is still all good. MurphTheSurf3 43 minutes ago
Hi Murph. Can’t stay. Talk to you all soon. Tech is not our friend! choicelady 43 minutes ago
CL! That’s messed up! AdLib 43 minutes ago
CL – Glad at least you could stop in to say hi! AdLib 43 minutes ago
Ad–that’s what worries me about no indictment…that next time they will be better prepared. And I truly beliieve that without indictments it will happen again. After all, why shouldn’t it? They got away with it once…. glenn 43 minutes ago
CL…gone…..unfortunate. MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago
Murph–no wonder you’re working so hard for Kunce. I hope he prevails. glenn 41 minutes ago
glenn – I think Garland has to be aware of that. If he let Trump off the hook, Garland would have given a thumbs up to Trump and the GOP overthrowing our democracy in 2024. I don’t think he wants that on him for the rest of American history. AdLib 41 minutes ago
Murph – I hear Greitens is falling in the primary polls. Repubs are scared across the country at the extremism and corruption of their candidates putting them at a disadvantage in Nov. AdLib 40 minutes ago
Ad….I have to believe that Garland, for all his apparent stoicism, has to be deeply troubled, if not enraged, that he is not sitting of SCOTUS….this has to be motivating in a quest to purge the political system of these scoundrels. MurphTheSurf3 39 minutes ago
Ad……I hope Greitens gets the nomination….he would be easier to scuttle than a couple of others on the ballot. MurphTheSurf3 38 minutes ago
Ad…polling here is remarkably unreliable. MurphTheSurf3 38 minutes ago
Ad–here’s hoping Indies are swinging away from repubs, and not just the TLB. I did read an article where a MAGA supporter is now done with the TLB because of the TLB’s Saudi golf tournament. Apparently this former supporter has ties to 9/11 and is disgusted with the TLB taking money from Saudis. glenn 37 minutes ago

Hey folks I have to take a call will have to leave early. Good talking to you all see you next week. twilson117 37 minutes ago
I still feel that in general, Garland would oppose the DoJ investigating and indicting a former president. But I think the specific situation we’re in, that Trump tried to commit a coup and is still pursuing it, makes such academic concerns about institutions and the separation of powers less urgent than protecting and defending our democracy. AdLib 36 minutes ago
This is how brain dead the GOP is…….the GOP backing out of support for a bill to deal with disastrous health crises among veterans that go back decades….at last a deal was struck and then the GOP got pissed because the Dems are making progress on other bills. Those vets are enraged. MurphTheSurf3 35 minutes ago
! glenn 35 minutes ago
Murph – I understand but I do have the Trump election in 2016 as a cautionary tale for Dems hoping the most extreme Repub wins primaries. AdLib 35 minutes ago
Glenn…everytime I see your acronym -TLB—-I chuckle heartily. MurphTheSurf3 34 minutes ago
Murph–I hope you’re right about Garland. Revenge is a dish best served cold, but he needs to speed it up before it becomes arctic! glenn 34 minutes ago
glenn – It is so disgusting how Trump snubbed everyone who lost someone in 9/11 to bow to the Saudis and Trump even declared that nobody knows who was behind 9/11. Sick and perverted manchild. AdLib 33 minutes ago
G’night TW. See you next week. glenn 33 minutes ago
Ad…..good point….I have given up on three St. Louis pastors who are playing the same old song: So What have Democrats REALLY done for us? The have not earned our support.” SO foolish. MurphTheSurf3 32 minutes ago
glenn: “Democrats have gained ground against Republicans ahead of the midterm elections, with a new poll showing Democrats holding a 4 percentage point lead on a generic congressional ballot. The USA Today-Suffolk University poll shows that 44 percent of respondents would vote for the Democratic candidate if the election for Congress were held today, compared to 40 percent who said they would back the Republican.” https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3577587-democrats-gain-ground-on-generic-congressional-ballot-poll/ AdLib 32 minutes ago
Remember Trump at one of the first debates claiming that he losts HUNDREDS OF CLOSE FRIENDS who perished at the towers…. MurphTheSurf3 32 minutes ago
Murph–I hope vets are enraged enough to remember this come mid terms. glenn 32 minutes ago
Murph–I’m glad to amuse you. glenn 31 minutes ago
Ad…I find those polls reassuring, but every major poll showed the Hillary was a sure thing. MurphTheSurf3 30 minutes ago
Ad–you forgot greedy. Sick, perverted, and greedy manchild. glenn 30 minutes ago
Murph – Yep, Trump’s actual first words about 9/11 on that day were to brag that he now owns the tallest building in NY…which was still a lie. AdLib 30 minutes ago
Ad–I’ll believe the polls when Dems win the midterms. glenn 29 minutes ago
Ad…..as long as Trump and his dark hordes play to anger, anxiety, prejudices and fear that dominates their either they can pretty much say whatever they want without fear of challenge. MurphTheSurf3 28 minutes ago
Glenn….I like your position….I too will believe the polls when they are confirmed by the actual turnout. MurphTheSurf3 28 minutes ago
Murph – The polls were pretty much correct on 1/6, Hillary did win the popular vote by more than 2% but a very small number of votes in the Rust Belt thwarted democracy…and so many intervening factors including Comey and the FBI, Russian hacking and disinformation and Trump’s campaign being helped by Russia, Kochs, etc. made a difference. Most of that won’t be in play in Nov. AdLib 28 minutes ago
On that note, I’m calling it a night. Always a pleasure to chat with you gents. Murph, thank you for working for our democracy in your part of the woods. glenn 27 minutes ago
glenn – Trust me, I never forget that Trump is sick, perverted and greedy. AdLib 27 minutes ago
Okay, have a great weekend glenn! AdLib 27 minutes ago
‘Nite glenn 26 minutes ago
Ad…that is my point…..I do not think the polls are capable of including all of the variables (many of w hich you listed) and with the corruption that has become standard in drawing representative districts things are even more opaque. MurphTheSurf3 26 minutes ago
Murph – Indeed, we are in Nazi-esque times when the Big Lies are frequent and litmus tests for the loyal fascists. AdLib 26 minutes ago
I agree that some corruption factors are not always reflected in polls but don’t you think 2016 was a very unusual year for all of the interference in the presidential election? AdLib 24 minutes ago
Ad…..I guess the part is over….probably good since this old campaigner is more aware of the “old” every day. MurphTheSurf3 24 minutes ago
Khirad, is that you? AdLib 24 minutes ago
Ad…my worry is that the 2016 experience may become the norm. MurphTheSurf3 24 minutes ago
But the Comey/FBI meddling in the last days of the election haven’t been repeated. And the Russian meddling was given a wide open berth on social media and regular media, not the same today. AdLib 22 minutes ago
Side note….the bipartisan election reform bill has a lot of good in it but it puts even more power into the hands of the courts…the least democratic of the three branches. Given SCOTUS….I worry. The other piece that worries me is that governors emerge as the ultimate arbiters of fairness in electoral process. MurphTheSurf3 21 minutes ago
Ad. I am speaking of meddling, turning, sabotaging in all its forms becoming “the way it is done….or undone.” Again I do not trust the courts now. MurphTheSurf3 20 minutes ago
Murph – It’s not an ideal backstop for defending our democracy but I’ll take it for the time being. More important is Dems holding The House and gaining 2+ in The Senate so they can kill the filibuster and pass real election reforms that defend against this fascism. AdLib 20 minutes ago
Ad…pray hard to those extra two Dems in the Senate because if we lose the Senate the filibuster will be gone and we will see a fire storm of GOP Fascist legislation aimed at buring down the hoiuse. MurphTheSurf3 18 minutes ago
Right, a legit concern looking at SCOTUS and the 5th Circuit especially. But if Congress goes bigger for Dems in Nov, along with SCOTUS reforms to prevent their meddling in elections, passing voting rights measures could stop the Repubs no matter how they’ve corrupted their states to date. AdLib 18 minutes ago
Yep! But it sure looks more likely than not that the Dems will gain those 2 seats. AdLib 17 minutes ago
I think the GOP, in step with the plan hatched in the Nixon White House to make GOP minorities capable of overruling the majority, is approaching its ultimate goal…absolute control of all three branches and the processes that choose them. MurphTheSurf3 17 minutes ago
And with the ending of Roe, I think Dems running for Congress have gained a big bump in support. AdLib 16 minutes ago
I agree. They have succeeded in overthrowing the Constitution with a corrupt SCOTUS. They are passing laws to overthrow presidential elections and the gerrymandering is being pushed (with the help of the SCOTUS) to overthrow a democratic Congress. We have one last chance before their fascist infrastructure is solidified, this Nov, to overthrow their overthrow of our democracy. AdLib 14 minutes ago
Ad….really appreciate you…but I think the glow of life on the West Cost impedes your taking on the deep pessimism that seems well deserved by the point where we are on the brink of losing the noble experiment. MurphTheSurf3 14 minutes ago
I spoke too soon….your last post echoes mine….now that really scares me. MurphTheSurf3 14 minutes ago
Murph – I see it the opposite way, your being surrounded by MAGA lunatics may make you more cynical then I am. AdLib 13 minutes ago
Ad….but I live in one of the states that is beating the drum that seems to me to be accompaniment to peril we are marching toward. MurphTheSurf3 12 minutes ago
As much as I deplore the SCOTUS ending Roe, that may be the biggest factor in rescuing this democracy. AdLib 12 minutes ago
Ad…how so……Scotus as heroic….do tell MurphTheSurf3 12 minutes ago
I know, it’s awful that you have to be a minority voice of reason in a state too full of extremists and fascists. But the difference will be made by what happens in purple states, GA, PA, WI, OH, etc. Red and Blue states will remain consistent but if purple states put Dems over the top, we can preserve our democracy despite the majorities in red states. AdLib 10 minutes ago
Sidenote….I had the chance to go to an event at City Hall in St. Louis where I heard the mayor, Tishaura Jones, speak about her plan to use city health funds to assist those needing an abortion in their travel to other states and their aftercare. MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago
And the SCOTUS, by being Christian Nationalists, have activated the majority of women in this nation to come out and fight to protect themselves. AdLib 8 minutes ago
I agree with your last statement….can you explain this one: “As much as I deplore the SCOTUS ending Roe, that may be the biggest factor in rescuing this democracy.” MurphTheSurf3 8 minutes ago
That’s brilliant, Murph! No doubt there will be hateful howls against the mayor doing that but she is brave. AdLib 8 minutes ago
So you see the monster that Scotus has become as a primary motivation to a democratic tsunami. MurphTheSurf3 7 minutes ago
Ad…I supported her campaign for the office, and this, and other significant initiatives, tells me that my instincts were spot on. MurphTheSurf3 7 minutes ago
The State’s AG and Governor have already declared war on her. MurphTheSurf3 6 minutes ago
Yes, I mean that by robbing women of their right to their own lives and bodies, the SCOTUS has unleashed women voters to fight back aggressively against them and those Repubs who think like them, wanting to force women into a kind of maternal slavery. They have started a wildfire that is burning against them, their hubris brought this to be. AdLib 6 minutes ago
Ad Lib….from your lips a mandate I hope. MurphTheSurf3 5 minutes ago
Typically, the party out of power is heavily favored in an off year election but since the Roe ruling, that has flipped in all the polls I’ve seen. Dems are now favored to hold The Senate if not grow their majority. The House is seen as tight but a majority of voters have said they prefer Dems to be in power. AdLib 4 minutes ago
I have tried to gently open a discussion with women I know who are deeply GOP (the current GOP) to measure their reaction to the Roe decision and the subsequent actions by states, with Mo being one of the worst. MurphTheSurf3 4 minutes ago
Have you had any luck in getting a response from them? AdLib 3 minutes ago
Ad…I do hope you are a prophetic. MurphTheSurf3 3 minutes ago
It’s not just wishful thinking, all the polls are showing the same thing. Yes, polls should be taken with a grain of salt but what matters is the trend and the trend has flipped big time towards Dems. AdLib 2 minutes ago
A difference today from the 2008 when I met the Lysistra Ladies. is that the climate of outright suppression of opposing views seems to have silence many who worry that they will be associated with the “OTHER” party. MurphTheSurf3 2 minutes ago
Ad……I do not have much faith in polling….too many bad experiences. MurphTheSurf3 a minute ago
Murph – That’s terrible but in this more hostile Repub environment, I understand that. However, in the privacy of the polling booth, I think there will be more women who have voted GOP previously, voting Dem to defend themselves. AdLib a few seconds ago
Ad…again I pray that you are a Prophetic Wisdom Figure….really. I need to go….I have a 7 AM breakfast meeting with my Get Out the Vote team….tick, tick, tick. This was great. MurphTheSurf3 in a minute
It’s different this year, now it is personal for women. They know that if they or their daughters are raped, they become property of the state and lose their autonomy. A very different environment than just the threat of Repubs to women in the past. AdLib in a minute
Sounds good! Keep up the great work and get some sleep! AdLib in a minute
Thank you so much….it may well be that “cloaked rage” from the women will turn the tide. MurphTheSurf3 in 2 minutes
Goodnight. MurphTheSurf3 in 2 minutes
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