Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Ad, Rainbow Unicorns?

twilson117 2 hours ago
Heh! Thanks for the read!
AdLib 2 hours ago
How are things your way?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hi glenn!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Just finished your post, but need to go back make sure I got it all.

twilson117 2 hours ago
Hey Glenn

twilson117 2 hours ago
Hi Ad, TW! How is everyone tonight?
glenn 2 hours ago
Glenn doing ok

twilson117 2 hours ago
TW – Appreciate it! I started out thinking I was going to write a firebrand piece and after coming up with a more amusing title, I just decided to have a little fun writing it.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Glad to hear it, TW.
glenn 2 hours ago
I’m doing fine, glenn. Glad you made it!
AdLib 2 hours ago
So what do you all think of Pat Cipolone meeting with the select committee today?

twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad–yeah glad to be here. I probably won’t stay long, but thought I’d say hi to the early birds.
glenn 2 hours ago
Ad–I hope he threw the TLB under the bus!
glenn 2 hours ago
We won’t know till next week. Have my dvr set to record some I get it all.

twilson117 2 hours ago
I think Cipollone was backed into a corner by Hutchinson’s testimony, he knows he could be in legal trouble if he kept hiding info from the 1/6 committee. He’s confirming her stories I bet.
AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn – Always nice to see you even if you’re just popping by!
AdLib 2 hours ago
I agree

twilson117 2 hours ago
I did hear from one of the Dems on the committee that he didn’t take the 5th at all. He may have claimed Executive Privilege in some cases but he can’t when it comes to conversations with Meadows or Hutchinson.
AdLib an hour ago
What do you think of Graham trying to defy the subpoena from GA?
glenn an hour ago
And you don’t have an 8 hour hearing with someone who isn’t giving you answers.
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn I think Graham is toast and he knows it. He had no business calling anyone in Georgia unless it was a friend to say hi.

twilson117 an hour ago
Next week’s hearings ought to be interesting.
glenn an hour ago
glenn – Graham is just playing the Trump game of stall, stall, stall. He knows he’s likely in big trouble, if not individually, maybe he’d be caught up if they file a RICO case. It’s always about stalling but since this is a GA case, nothing that stalling will accomplish except possibly delay the indictments until after Nov’s election.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–He (Graham) was only trying to protect the integrity of our elections, dontcha know? Noble person that he is and all.
glenn an hour ago
Graham was clearly calling GA at the behest of Trump and when that is confirmed, Graham IS guilty as part of the conspiracy. As things are now, he was subtle enough in the conversation to slip out of a criminal charge…but not if his call was on behalf and at the orders of Trump as a RICO target.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad Bannon is saying Trump** might wave privilege so he can testify to the 1/6 committee. All the people are saying it’s a ploy so Bannon will be disruptive since there are no Jordans on the committee to interrupt every 10 seconds.

twilson117 an hour ago
glenn – I can’t wait for next week’s hearings, the noose around Trump’s neck will be tightened as they show the connections between Trump’s campaign and the militias that headed up the insurgency and attack. This is real sick stuff!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–so do you think he will testify? Speaking of Nov. elections, is Graham up for reelection this year?
glenn an hour ago
Ad I don’t think Graham was all that subtle, when he suggested not counting absentee ballots

twilson117 an hour ago
glenn – Heh! Graham wouldn’t recognize integrity if it was plastered on a wall in front of his face.
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn integrity and Graham are an oxymoron.

twilson117 an hour ago
Ad–You may be correct as far as RICO charges go, but I don’t see this DOJ bringing those charges aganst either the TLB or Graham.
glenn an hour ago
Ad and TW–LOL!
glenn an hour ago
TW – First, the 1/6 committee should say, “He can’t waive privilege because he’s not president but if you want to testify ON OUR TERMS, we invite you to do so. It appears now that the Trump crooks have all circulated the same game, that they will agree to testify as long as it’s on their terms, on live tv without initial depositions. Nope, this is all a ploy to blow up the hearings, they know better than to let the hearings be blown up by these henchmen.
AdLib an hour ago
glenn – In the end, no, I don’t think Bannon testifies, this is all a manipulative game.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad yes, it’s certainly that.

twilson117 an hour ago
glenn – Or do you mean Graham? Yes, I think Graham will lose his appeals to avoid testifying but if he does, I think he’ll just take the 5th and claim he had to because he doesn’t think he should testify.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I hope you’re correct about the committee. So far, they’ve done a great job of keeping the hearings on track and letting the people and the facts speak for themselves.
glenn an hour ago
Unfortunately, Graham isn’t up for re-election until 2026, he was allegedly re-elected in 2020.
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn, I don’t believe they will let Bannon dictate terms to them.

twilson117 an hour ago
Ad–Yes, I meant Graham, but I think you’re right about Bannon too.
glenn an hour ago
TW–I don’t think so either.
glenn an hour ago
TW – I don’t know this for sure but I saw a couple of legal analysts say that since he only asked if large swaths of votes would be thrown out, he can hide behind “fact-finding”. Had he demanded votes been thrown out, then he would be in deep trouble.
AdLib an hour ago
glenn – You may be right about the DoJ but I would not be surprised if the DS in GA brings RICO charges.
AdLib an hour ago
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–Unlike the TLB, Graham does understand the law.
glenn an hour ago
Ad–from your keyboard to the GA DA’s grand jury!
glenn an hour ago
Glenn he needs to worry about the ADA who set him the subpoena she doesn’t take prisoners.

twilson117 an hour ago
TW–Are you talking about Graham in GA?
glenn an hour ago
glenn – I think they have been brilliant and professional on the 1/6 committee, they know that these are their hearings and they know the very basic principle in hearings and trials, you never bring up a witness unless you know 100% what they’re going to say. They won’t give into Bannon, Mo Brooks or Rhodes, the Oath Keeper leader who all have demanded to be only put on live tv if the committee wants them to talk.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I agree with your assessment of the committee. I have been very impressed so far.
glenn an hour ago
The committee has been very strategic with the way they’ve structured the hearings, they know exactly how they want to present the facts so that the full story is told. No way they would disrupt all that by letting these seditionists have free air time to spew their bile. They don’t need any of these witnesses and better to forget them than hand over power to them to undermine the hearings.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–Agreed. The media gives these seditionists enough air time to spew their bile.
glenn an hour ago
Ad he may have asked that, but I don’t think he even had the right to do that. But the DA there wants him to come down and explain and I get the feeling when she is done with him he will confess to the Lincon assassination.

twilson117 an hour ago
Hi all – lovely to see you, especially glenn. We haven’t connected for a time. Hi Ad and TW.
choicelady an hour ago
Hey CL–good to “see” you!
glenn an hour ago
glenn – What I have heard from legal pundits here and there is that the GA case is most likely to be the first indictment of Trump because the evidence is on tape and so clear and the fact that they’re now subpoenaing the top Trump lawyers and officials means they’re close to wrapping Grand Jury hearings and ready to indict. Maybe before Nov but if not, I’ll bet soon after.
AdLib an hour ago
Hey CL!
AdLib an hour ago
CL–How are you dong tonight?
glenn an hour ago
CL good to see you could make it now the party can really get going. Ad pass out the beers.

twilson117 an hour ago
TW – I think that DA could get Graham to turn on Trump to save himself. he is such a gutless coward.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad – I have heard the same. The evidence is so powerful they won’t have a problem w a conviction. That will gut Trump and weaken him. His cronies will run for the hills.
choicelady an hour ago
CL – How did things go with getting the lawyer for your friend?
AdLib an hour ago
Oh, I’m sick – one of my fave people on Twitter died, and I can’t wrap my mind around it. All the good people go. The evil ones are just too mean to die.
choicelady an hour ago
Beers all around!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad-I so hope you’re right. I am so sick of watching the TLB slither out of his crimes.
glenn an hour ago
Ad – I GOT THE ATTORNEY! It was late Tuesday afternoon, but not only did I get one, I got a GREAT one. I’m over the moon.
choicelady an hour ago
Umm ad: could I stick with wine? Not a beer drinker!
choicelady an hour ago
Cl whatever floats your boat.

twilson117 an hour ago
Ab–both Graham and the TLB are gutless cowards, and I would love to see Graham turn on him!
glenn an hour ago
Thank you, TW!
choicelady an hour ago
CL–so sorry to hear about your friend.
glenn an hour ago
glenn – I’m thinking we’re about to see a lot of “the debbil made me do it” from Trump cronies.
choicelady an hour ago
BTW, I had lunch with PPO this week up in SFO and we had a great time (but missed CL who had an urgent matter to handle). While we were chatting about politics (as usual), a lady at the table behind me excused herself but wanted to tell us that she is a Republican, a Rockefeller Repub, and she said she’s so upset at what has happened to the GOP…she voted for Biden and is voting Dem this year because she doesn’t see the GOP as decent anymore.
AdLib an hour ago
glenn – she was one of the most powerful Black women on Twitter. I cannot believe she’s gone.
choicelady an hour ago
How cool, Ad!
choicelady an hour ago
CL – Who was your friend on Twitter that passed away?
AdLib an hour ago
choicelady an hour ago
CL–that’s great news about the attorney. I hope your friend’s case wraps up soon.
glenn an hour ago
What does everyone think of Musk backing out of the Twitter deal? Now Trump** will clearly not get back on Twitter and it looks like his Truth Social is in deep monkey crap.

twilson117 an hour ago
CL – Wonderful news! Great job! Very happy for you and especially that poor mom.
AdLib an hour ago
CL so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.

twilson117 an hour ago
Ad – I was so sorry to miss you and PPO and to leave you rideless. Hope all went well to and from the airport. But I NEEDED to do this, and got this superb attorney JUST as she finished one case and didn’t have another commitment.
choicelady an hour ago
Ad–did you buy that woman lunch? Great to hear that there are still some logical, decent repubs out there, especially repub women.
glenn an hour ago
TW – the woman who died I had JUST been talking to. Had NO clue she was unwell. It’s shocking.
choicelady an hour ago
That’s so sad CL

twilson117 an hour ago
I am THRILLED Musk is out of Twitter. Absolutely thrilled.
choicelady an hour ago
CL – It’s not quite “the fever breaking” but I think the 1/6 hearings and especially Hutchinson’s testimony were FINALLY the last straw in Trump holding out against the GOP turning on him. They are all moving over to DeSantis now and he is a monster too but he doesn’t have Trump’s charisma (if you can call it that) or celebrity from being on tv. I don’t think DeSantis has the persona to get crossover voting that Trump needed to win. But how funny to watch Trump declining and trying to hold onto power as DeSantis does his impression of Trump and tears him down.
AdLib an hour ago
CL–What a loss! We need powerful black women’s voices now more than ever, I think.
glenn an hour ago
Ad – I read today that Gavin Newsom’s anti DeSantis ads are ruinging DeS. He’s polling lower than NEWSOM who isn’t even RUNNING for anything in FL!!! How cool is THAT??
choicelady an hour ago
TW – Saw a joke about Musk, that only after he has all these various kids, it took Twitter for him to learn how to pull out.
AdLib an hour ago
glenn – I agree, and she was the best of the best. I will miss her terribly.
choicelady an hour ago
TW–It’s good news about Musk backing out of Twitter. Guess he just ran out of gas.
glenn an hour ago
Hello Glenn

twilson117 an hour ago
Ad!!!! Too funny!!! I also read today he’s INCREASING parental leave and other family related matters. I thought, well, sure – half the KIDS born to employees are probably his.
choicelady an hour ago
Murph is in the house

twilson117 an hour ago
choicelady an hour ago
30 minutes to get connected! I have been watching the discussion though.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CL – It was quick and easy to take BART from SFO then get to lunch. Not a problem at all! Far more important that you did what you did to help someone so much in need. Worked out great all the way around but we missed you of course. We already discussed doing it again next year!
AdLib an hour ago
Hello to all…..internet has been very sketchy here today.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – are you Comcast because the whole west coast had problems last week.
choicelady an hour ago
Murph – Sorry you had difficulty getting on. Did anyone else have an issue connecting to Vox?
AdLib an hour ago
I think it was my internet and nothing more.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad had no problems connecting.

twilson117 an hour ago
Ad – the woman I hired is boffo, is EAGER to stick it to CPS and the rotten court, KNOWS the law, and has the time. I’m delighted I found her, but like looking for your wallet that turns up in the LAST place you search, she was literally the last one on the list. I LOVE her.
choicelady an hour ago
CL – Now that is hilarious! DeSantis actually made a point of trying to slap back at Newsom, of course here in CA we despise DeSantis and his attacks are futile but Newsom has really gotten to him and that’s great! Meanwhile, seems clear that Newsom is looking to get in the Dem primary for President in 2024.
AdLib an hour ago
Everyne – the attorney I hired has a sense of humor. How fine is THAT?
choicelady an hour ago
Murph you may want to check and see if the anti-dem-rats aren’t chewing the phone lines so you can’t connect.

twilson117 an hour ago
A bit of news from Mo. There is a move on to put forth an “independent” Senate candidate (actually the person is old fashioned GOP and former Sen. Danforth is backing him). Kunce campaign trying to figure out what it would mean.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad–the scary thing about DeSantis is that even though he’s a right-wing nutter, and a total blob,he’s much smarter than the TLB, and has much better political connections, so I wouldn’t dismiss him.
glenn an hour ago
Ad – I read he is NOT running in 2024, but he’s lining himself up for 2028. At any rate, he is doing a great thing, and DeSantis is losing ground to someone NOT running against him. That’s so fine I have no words.
choicelady an hour ago
CL – And Musk was being a jerk about demanding workers come into the office, especially workers with kids, or he’d fire them for working at home. Meanwhile, isn’t it likely an HR issue for Musk to have a relationship and children with an executive who works for him?
AdLib an hour ago
glenn – I actually think DeSantis has no good ties outside FL. Where is his power?
choicelady an hour ago
Hey Murph–So glad I’m still here to connect with you!
glenn an hour ago
Murph – Oh, well, sorry anyway, that’s very frustrating when internet service goes bad.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad – if you own the company, HR is sort of…you. It should be an issue. I doubt it is.
choicelady an hour ago
Murph I believe I saw something about that last night.

twilson117 an hour ago
CL – It was your determination that found her. It’s often the last one because people who are better than average are harder to find and once you find them, you stop looking.
AdLib an hour ago
CL–That’s such good news about your attorney!
glenn an hour ago
Murph – isn’t this the “Utah strategy” now leading in MO? I like it. I’m fine with a moderate, non hysterical former GOP for your state.
choicelady an hour ago
CL – I’ve never had a lawyer with a great sense of humor but some sure try. She may be one in a million!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad – I did get a call back from my first choice, but he’s so busy he really could not have done justice to it. She is dedicated AND available. Can’t ask better than that.
choicelady an hour ago
Ad – she’s quite fun. And she openly says “F*CK” when it comes to CPS. I’m quite down with that.
choicelady an hour ago
Murph – Who is it that wants an indie candidate? Repubs who don’t want Greitens? That could split the Repub vote and make way for Kunce to slip through.
AdLib an hour ago
CL….A former senior investigator for the Jan. 6 committee is making a run as an independent for Missouri’s open U.S. Senate seat.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CL and Ad–guess I’m too close to the problem (DeSantis), so I’m glad to hear DeSantis is seen as the arsehole he really is outside of FL.
glenn an hour ago
GO for it, Murph. What is your sense of the impact of this?
choicelady an hour ago
glenn – the good news is that DeSantis is now being seen for the asshole he is IN Florida. More and more people are walking away in disgust.
choicelady an hour ago
glenn – If he became president, I think DeSantis would be a full-blown fascist from the get-go, far more dangerous than Trump. But my argument is that DeSantis comes across as a nasty, hateful snide person. Many indie and even Dem voters voted for Trump because of his celebrity and because he’s a character. DeSantis is just a miserable SOB, I don’t think he would attract enough indie and Dem voters to win…but Repub legislatures could overthrow our election and hand him the win. So yes, we need to be very cautious about him.
AdLib an hour ago
CL On the surface…..Wood looks to be the real thing and I can see old stye Repubs backing him…..but there are not a lot of those here now…my worry would be that he will attract moderate/conservative Dems.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad I honestly believe Musk is just making excuses around the entire Twitter deal. I also believe when he woke up from the stupor he was in he realize 45billion was way too much to pay and came up with the execuses around the bots.

twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – that would be a problem. Mixed feelings then?
choicelady 44 minutes ago
CL – Maybe so but it sure seems that as the roof is falling in on Trump, many RW billionaires and politicos are moving over to DeSantis and wanting him to run in 2024.
AdLib 44 minutes ago
CL yeah, that’s good news too. As far as ;m concerned, it can’t happen fast enough for people to start walking away from gop arseholes.
glenn 43 minutes ago
CL – That is a big issue, having a lawyer who can devote the time to his case that’s needed. She sounds like the perfect fit!
AdLib 43 minutes ago
CL…yes…remember that when there were dems in state government here (and even the Senate) they were definitely conservative.
MurphTheSurf3 43 minutes ago
Has anyone noticed that all is NOT going well for the RW lately? They are suffering major setbacks on many fronts. They remain dangerous, but they are NOT running rampant as they expected to be.
choicelady 42 minutes ago
Murph – Has the person running as an indie been a Repub or a Dem?
AdLib 42 minutes ago
Ad–very apt description of DeSantis. He is one miserable SOB!
glenn 42 minutes ago
glenn – I think DeSantis’ smarmy, obnoxious tyrant persona is hard to miss for any voter in this country who isn’t a Repub cultist.
AdLib 41 minutes ago
Murph – not every state is going to be flaming liberal. Problem w CA real Left is they are hideously bad at creating policy. More and more legislation is reduced to Pietism – regulating personal behavior on minute but annoying levels. It’s not good at all.
choicelady 41 minutes ago
Cl I wish the right as much bad news as possible. I’m sure they didn’t like the jobs report that came out today.

twilson117 41 minutes ago
Ad….Wood is solid GOP…worked on the January 6 Congressional Investigation. But he is pretty much a mystery and Danforth’s involvement seems a bit creepy.
MurphTheSurf3 40 minutes ago
Ad – agreed on De Santis, and I think the cult is eroding. There will always be one – it’s existed for decades (think America First 1930s to McCarthy to now) but they are losing ground due to their own rotten actions.
choicelady 40 minutes ago
Murph – Maybe but I would think that if Kunce helps promote the nationalizing of the race, that he needs to win so Dems control Congress and can save democracy from the Repub assault, he could hold the Dems and indies and only those Repubs who refuse to vote Dem vote for the indie. WHat do you think?
AdLib 39 minutes ago
Murph how is that playing out in the state?

twilson117 38 minutes ago
Well folks, I’m fading quickly, so it’s time to call it a night. I love all your insights and comments on the political scene, so thank you all for being you!
glenn 38 minutes ago
Take care Glenn

twilson117 37 minutes ago
Good night, glenn, As always it’s lovely to connect with you. Take care and see you soon I hope!
choicelady 37 minutes ago
G’night and hope to chat with you all next wee.
glenn 37 minutes ago
Ad and Choice…you raise interesting perspectives. I am going to send them along to my co workers.
MurphTheSurf3 37 minutes ago
Hi and by to Glenn
MurphTheSurf3 37 minutes ago
TW – I think Musk got petulant after being kicked off the Twitter Board and decided, “Fine! Then I’ll buy them and kick them off!” Then the reality of it all and the crashing of Tesla stock and the fall of Twitter’s value made the deal look incredibly stupid. Now he’s running away because he’s an idiot who showed the world that he’s an idiot. Too late to rescue his image now, he looks just plain dumb now.
AdLib 37 minutes ago
Ad I agree but it’s going to cost him some money they’re not going to just let him walk away without forking over some cash.

twilson117 36 minutes ago
TW – I think you’re correct, and it makes me smile. Musk got hosed. Did it to himself.
choicelady 35 minutes ago
Murph they were talking about the independent candidate for senate on MSBC last night, just how would that work? I know it was one of the lawyers on the 1/6 committee who is doing it.

twilson117 34 minutes ago
Murph – I can’t see how Wood can run as anything other than a “sane Republican” which of course is now a minority of Repubs but…as I mentioned, he could drain off Repub voters who are disgusted with Greitens but refuse to vote Dem. This is a good situation for Kunce, it messes up the game board and for Kunce, it’s an opportunity to strategize on using it to his advantage.
AdLib 33 minutes ago
CL there are some thing about Musk I admire, but I agree he is a pretty big a-hole.

twilson117 33 minutes ago
Maybe I should come run in MO. Grandfather was from Albany, Gentry County, was an America First person (gag), and I was born in NE. I am both a rational liberal and a “covered dish” woman. If you have to ask, you’re NOT from MO.
choicelady 33 minutes ago
CL I’m not from MO but I have to ask just because you said if you have to ask.

twilson117 32 minutes ago
CL – Tell me how the GOP can survive being represented as damning 10 year old rape victims to pregnancy and birth and arming mass killers with assault weapons. Dems need to nationalize the race, paint all Repubs with that brush and whip up turnout to save democracy, freedom for women and freedom from being shot at any public gathering.
AdLib 31 minutes ago
Ad…I like what you are suggesting.
MurphTheSurf3 31 minutes ago
TW – I used to sort of admire Musk. He blew that.
choicelady 31 minutes ago
TW – Musk is already on the hook for $1 billion for walking away from the deal but Twitter wants to sue him to force him to pay more (they say they want to force him to buy the company but they know he never will because the deal is so awful for him now).
AdLib 30 minutes ago
CL so cover dish has nothing to do with food?

twilson117 30 minutes ago
Ad – totally agree. They are squandering what residual “social capital” they had by NOT addressing these wretched issues head on. Defending death and childhood agony as righteous outcomes is just NOT a winner. They are doomed.
choicelady 30 minutes ago
My approach has become….”The GOP have made it easy…..as a party they are hostile to the interests of a great majority of American and now have a court in thrall to their crusades….all that can be done is to vote Democratic for every office no matter what. AND, we had best drive out the vote in record numbers.
MurphTheSurf3 29 minutes ago
It is ALL about food. It’s the foundation of neighborliness. You have community members with a new baby, a death in the family, illness, or any other need, you bring over a ‘covered dish’ so they don’t have to cook. It’s how America IS great. Kindness and compassion.

choicelady 28 minutes ago
CL – I used to think Musk was a good guy until I learned that it was all PR and that he started up nothing, he just bought into companies others had started then used his money to deceive the public that he was the inventor and futurist. He’s a narcissitic, racist elitist in reality, different than Trump but with many traits in common.
AdLib 28 minutes ago
CL – You’ve got campaign donations from me if you ran!
AdLib 27 minutes ago
Ad – that is what I learned of him, too. He’s a phony and a showboater, and that’s too Trumpian for me.
choicelady 27 minutes ago
I make a good chicken casseroled, too!
choicelady 27 minutes ago
casserole. No past tense.
choicelady 27 minutes ago
Folks I get all that about the Repugs, but what do you all have to say about Moore v Harper the case the SC is taking up for their next session?

twilson117 26 minutes ago
CL – I know I’ve said this here before but Dems should keep it simple. Republicans are pro-rape, pro-incest, pro-mass murder, anti-woman, anti-democracy and pro-tyranny. Make them have to constantly defend the undefenseable.
AdLib 26 minutes ago
I would humbly invite everyone to read my new article here. It should be an entertaining read but also makes the point that Dems need to be tough and aggressive in branding Repubs as the monsters they are. Here’s the link: https://planetpov.com/2022/07/07/what-to-wear-when-attending-the-overthrow-of-your-democracy/
AdLib 24 minutes ago
Tw – that’s what worries me most. That is dangerous. Why I hope we get LOTS of Dems downticket who can fight against that.
choicelady 24 minutes ago
CL I’m going to download the brief and read it so I can get a better understanding. But from what I heard about it if the SC rules in favor of it, that gives the Republicans everything they could ever want around voting rights.

twilson117 21 minutes ago
Murph – If Kunce just focused on the top issues where 70% or more of the nation support Dems and oppose Repubs, it could be effective in a three way race. 70% or more support choice, gun control, voting rights, and court reform. Yes, he won’t win over Repubs with that but he never would anyway. That was McKaskill’s big mistake. Whip up Dem and indie votes and hope Wood drains off enough from Greitens to make that narrow path for Kunce to win.
AdLib 21 minutes ago
CL – I love your thoughts about food being the foundation of neighborhood.
AdLib 20 minutes ago
I suggest we all need to bone up on who was behind the 17th Amendment, the direct election of Senators. This is germane to fighting Morre v Harper because the Federalist goal is to REVERSE the 17th and narrow access to all election choices. I think knowing the history of why and how we got the 17th will be essential.
choicelady 20 minutes ago
Ad…that is a good design and I will pass it on.
MurphTheSurf3 20 minutes ago
CL – I’ve been cassarolled and let me tell you, it’s a dish best not served cold.
AdLib 19 minutes ago
Ad – in my house, being “casseroled” means I forgot I had it until it turns into something with gray fuzz. Then you just throw it away. Never a good thing.
choicelady 18 minutes ago
Homework from CL….I will do it.
MurphTheSurf3 18 minutes ago
It passed in 1913, so it wasn’t a press from vets and women from WW I. I will be interested to learn how we accomplished that to see if we can’t do it to offset the forces trying to undermine universal suffrage.
choicelady 17 minutes ago