Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 4 hours ago
brb…. Harleigh 2 hours ago
Ok! AdLib 2 hours ago
Just to sum up my take on the SCOTUS, the theocrats have completed a theocratic coup. AdLib 2 hours ago
back… yep and it will be until we can get a blue congress and WH to add 4 more to the SC Harleigh 2 hours ago
Of the judiciary. They are in process on a coup of Congress and the presidency. I have no idea how they think this will work out for them in the long run. Americans are not indoctrinated to dictatorships and the majority will not submit. AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Murph! AdLib 2 hours ago
If the Trumpista Republicans take even one branch of Congress in the midterms, Biden becomes a ‘lame duck president’, his every effort sabotaged, he and his family facing the inquisition, while the MAGA’s tighten their control of elections and take absolute command of the U.S. government, all three branches, in 2024. And U.S. democracy becomes Kabuki theater, pantomime procedurals like in Putin’s Russia.- A bit of wisdom from a political guru who is working alongside me for Kunce. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
hi murph! Harleigh 2 hours ago
Harleigh, that really needs to be this Nov or we’re in very big trouble. AdLib 2 hours ago
Hi Ad…and Harleigh…feel free to cut and past my friends apt summary. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
yep Harleigh 2 hours ago
Murph – Generally agree but it’s not like Manchin, Sinema and the Repubs are letting Biden do much now. Yes, the Hunter Biden Benghazi type hearings and inquisitions will stretch into the 2024 elections as will impeachments against Biden for clearing his throat and waking up in the morning. AdLib 2 hours ago
An attorney in our group gave us an overview of the likely cases that will be put before Scotus to further the right wing agenda….for me a very scary one is a case involving when “personhood” begins. If it is a fertilization then the ground is established for a national ban on abortion etc. American Talibanism. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Hey TW! AdLib 2 hours ago

Hey everyone twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad…your response provides me no comfort…what is not so good now will become overwhelmingly awful. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Hi TW….. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
hi tw Harleigh 2 hours ago
Can the Democrats put together a Blue Tsunami because that is what will be needed. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

Well I guess we can all say we saw what was coming today for the SC twilson117 2 hours ago
Hello Glenn. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
yeah and the j6 hearings don’t seem to be slow the nazis down Harleigh 2 hours ago

Hey Glenn twilson117 2 hours ago
Murph – If the SCOTUS declares that they are the ones to decide when life begins, which is not an objectively answerable question, especially by judges, I think that new security for the SCOTUS will not be enough to protect them. To be clear, I don’t advocate violence but the blatant declaration that the SCOTUS is an extremist religious cabal will incite many people. AdLib 2 hours ago
Hi glenn! AdLib 2 hours ago
TW…there was a lot of discussion about how the ruling would be modified as a result of the reaction to the leak….nope…..radical zealots do not modify. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Good evening gents. Hope everyone is doing well,despite SCOTUS news. glenn 2 hours ago
Women just took a big shot. maybe this will make them vote in much larger numbers. Harleigh 2 hours ago

Murph I can’t say I expected anything different, the question now becomes what will Dems do about it? twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad…..in theory I acknowledge your point re. the capacity for wisdom on this matter from Scotus but this is the stuff the lights fires and burns it all down. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
hey glenn! Harleigh 2 hours ago
Murph – You know I’m an optimist generally but seeing how committed to the cult of dictatorship that the Repubs are (they held CPAC in Hungary???), it is realistic to expect them to use government as a cudgel against their political enemies. They will do exactly what they accuse Dems of, that’s their scheme, to make it seem that they’re only doing what Dems do when they seek truths and enforce the law. AdLib 2 hours ago
TW…..can the Dems produce a nation wide Tsunami? MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

Murph in addition I would be very concern about Thomas separate opinion he wrote twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad….so much for optimism. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

Murph I think they may be able to the question I think will it be sustainable twilson117 2 hours ago
TW…I have written on the impact of Thomas’ invitation to send cases to the court that fall under the rubric of the one they just delivered……that is what he is trawling for. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

Murph I saw on MSNBC a lot of people in different parts of the country taking to the streets, the other important question is will the Dem Party make this a major issue. twilson117 2 hours ago
TW….doable but not sustainable….yes, I can see that. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – I think the intensity of Dem voters in Nov will be off the charts. Much of the country that was tuned out is hearing about or watching the 1/6 hearings and learning that the GOP tried and are still conspiring to overthrow our democracy. High profile indictments are likely before Nov. Now, with Roe being eviscerated and threats to destroy rights to contraception and gay marriage and on from there, I think Dems should indeed be able to make Nov a blue tsunami. AdLib 2 hours ago
Harleigh–I’m afraid this will not make women show up. I don’t think it’s a big a deal to all women as it should be. Many women I know, my daughter, are more worried about inflation than the right to an abortion. Their take is “if you don’t want an abortion, don’t have one.” They don’t understand that now you can’t have one because they have grown up with abortin as a right. glenn 2 hours ago
Ad…your argument is a good one but it is so dependent on voter awareness and acumen and there is far too little of both to be had (on all sides) but the right has tooled up to use raw emotion that comes from and feeds to anger, anxiety and fear. Their machine is geared to it. Can Dems do the same. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – Marches may not be sustainable through Nov but the sheer anger within the majority of voters out there, from the revelations of the 1/6 hearings and the killing of Roe will not fade away. Dem turnout will be enormous in Nov I think, because we now see first hand what the stakes are of letting the RW retain power. AdLib 2 hours ago

Glenn just wondering does your daughter understand the SJ and Repugs are now in the business of regulating birth control as well, or will soon be? twilson117 2 hours ago
Harleigh…you just provided a data point for the observation I just offered re. the electorate. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
The women better WTFU because birth control and morning after meds are next. Harleigh 2 hours ago
Handmaiden’s Tale 2022 MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Ad–I hope you are correct about Dem voters, but I’m cynical. The repubs are going to hammer inflation, and if DeSantis is the nominee glenn 2 hours ago

Harleigh the entire country needs to wake up because this court is about the take up back Jim Crow times twilson117 2 hours ago
It is up to Dem politicians to nationalize this election, it must be nationalized for Dems to win big. This is about rescuing our democracy from an all out theocratic and despotic onslaught. This is about religious extremists taking over our SCOTUS and stripping all but white, heterosexual men of their rights and equality. Dem candidates should say, “Even if you like my opponent, you can’t vote for him and keep our democracy and rights. This is bigger than one candidate, this is about saving our country.” AdLib 2 hours ago
if DeSantis is the nominee, the TLB’s fans will flock to him. glenn 2 hours ago
true tw Harleigh 2 hours ago
Ad…I agree with every word….I just wonder how to put them to good use given the nature of the Dem electorate. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
glenn – As the first wave of prosecutions of women and people who aided them in getting abortions occur, I think people like your daughter will become more aware of what’s at stake. As for the concerns of inflation, ask her how Repubs holding hearings on Hunter Biden will help bring inflation down. AdLib 2 hours ago

Glenn DeSantis will be the nominee for the Republicans he is the version of Trump** they want without all the other crap. twilson117 2 hours ago

This ruling puts the US in Third World Country status. twilson117 2 hours ago
TW–we haven’t had a conversation recently, so I’m hoping her mind has been changed. I’ll be talking to her morebefore November because she has a 19-year-old daughter. glenn 2 hours ago
Ad….the right is so capable when it comes to launching chaff into the air that so confuses the argument that fact based logic fails to pierce blizzard. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
TW–I agree regarding DeSantis. And he is a dickhead, but he is a much more intelligent dickhead than the TLB glenn 2 hours ago
Murph – There is a lot of whipped up emotion in Dems right now. PoC were whipped up at hearing how the poll workers in GA were persecuted. They and other Dems are whipped up by this ruling, I’ve read about women crying in public as they heard about the ruling. The pieces are all there for Dems to put together the picture of Repubs conquering our democracy to install a theocratic and dictatorial regime. Fear can work against Repubs too, Dems need to put the pedal to the metal on this totally legit fear that all Americans should have. AdLib 2 hours ago
My kitten has decided it’s playtime! He’ll be one year old July 4th so we declared it a national holiday!! lol His name is Sherlock. He’s a democrat cat. Harleigh 2 hours ago
glenn – I feel pretty confident that Dems will be more whipped up about this theocratic dictatorship settling over the country than Repubs over inflation which will have reduced by Nov. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad….I agree with your assessment…..and your broad plan….but do the Dems have the kind of troops you describe willing to march into battle in unison and without mercy? MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Ad–Yes, that is going to be interesting to watch when repubs start prosecuting women for health care decisions. glenn 2 hours ago
we can hope Harleigh 2 hours ago
It’s kind of painful to see the messages from leaders around the world expressing sympathy to Americans for being Talibanned. AdLib 2 hours ago

Glenn the thing about inflation it is a normal economic process it will eventually reside as the economy adjusts. What the SC did is significant life altering event. twilson117 2 hours ago
I’m conkin out folks. night! Harleigh 2 hours ago
Bye Harleigh. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Does the GOP EVER OFFER COUNTER PROPOSALS/PLANS to deal with what they label as the most important problems (like inflation)…..Nope…..and do Dems nail them for it….Nope. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – I think you’ll see a real unification of Dems in Nov. All that’s happening gives Dems a big enemy to focus on and they’ll have no choice but to come together against this urgent threat. Afterwards, they may split apart again but as long as we can end up with at least 52 Dems in The Senate and retain control of The House, these fires of insurrection and religious rule can be put out. AdLib 2 hours ago
TW–I agree with what you’re saying, but most Americans aren’t interested in life-changing events. Inflation affects their everyday lives, and that’s what they vote on. glenn 2 hours ago
Ad I agree with your conclusion and I would cry “Hallelujah” if the Dems were to coalesce as you suggest…..but I see little that gives me confidence. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

She approval rating of the SC is at an all time low at 26% twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad–Haven’t seen what you’re talking about re world leaders. Can you expand on that? glenn 2 hours ago
Missouri is a Trigger Law State……our last clinic closed this morning. Of course we are across the river on the Eastern border from Illinois. Our western neighbors are not so fortunate. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Let’s be clear about DeSantis, he will indeed get strong support from Repubs but remember, the reason Trump won is that moderates were attracted to his hucksterism. DeSantis doesn’t have that trait, he is odious to all but the hateful. AdLib 2 hours ago

Glenn, I understand, and you’re correct most folks are just dealing with day-to-day which is understandable. So it is difficult to get them look down the road, but it is something they need to learn to do. twilson117 2 hours ago
Murph–once again, you and I are the “downers” in this discussion. I don’t have Ad’s optimism that Dem leaders or Dem voters will get the message across. glenn an hour ago
Ad…..I see DeSantis as more irritating and less ingratiating than Trump so I concur…he will be less attractive and if he has to face off with Trump it will be very bad for him. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Glenn….our downer position is, I think, a result of where we live…in the deep red. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
glenn – I hate to be so rough on people but your daughter should know that if a young woman like your granddaughter was raped, she would be forced to carry the baby and the rapist would have parental rights, being part of her life for the rest of her life. That’s what “pro-lifers” are celebrating. AdLib an hour ago

Murph your former Senator was on Deadline and she was really upset. twilson117 an hour ago
TW….I very much admire and respect Clare. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad–not so sure DeSantis won’t get strong supprt if the TLB isn’t running. Repubs are the hateful party now; that is now their DNA. ; glenn an hour ago
Murph – I can tell you that my take so far is, yes, Dems will be intensely motivated in Nov. What do Repubs have to motivate them now except the same old scare tactics of caravans and socialism and taking their guns. That won’t bring over indie voters. AdLib an hour ago
Ad….your message to Glenn is on the mark. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad–I know and my daughter and I will be having a discussion woon. glenn an hour ago

Ad I hear what you’re saying about DeSantis but the Repugs what out from Trump** and he is their means of obtaining that. Now his brashness will work against him if the Dems can find someone who can take it to him in 2024. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Exactly, to folks like glenn’s daughter, what do they think Repubs can and will do to address inflation if they’re given power? They only use their power to grab more money and power. Folks need to think this all the way through. AdLib an hour ago
Ad…I hope so but what I see around me is that those message, as tired as they shoud be, still set fires. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph how in hell did she lose to Hawley?? twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Unfortunately, MO is deep and crazy red, it’s hard to see how more reasonable people, which make up the majority of voters in the country, truly feel. But I’m telling you, there is a growing and already huge intensity among Dem voters. This is huge and insane stuff going on, people see that. AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I do hope that the Jan6 hearings will motivate Americans too. glenn an hour ago
Ad….”Folks need to think this all the way through.” That is so but people are so unlikely to do this on either side and for our side such thought is essential to generate the wave we are looking for. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – I would pay to see a one-on-one debate between Trump and DeSantis! AdLib an hour ago
TW…Hawley is part of the deeper and deeper reddening of this state where the state government used to be pretty well split between the two parties…..Truman’s state…..not anymore. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Folks there is a major issue within the country as far too many think our form of democracy will last forever, and that the changes Repugs want to install will make it stronger. Too many have little understand of how democracy really works. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad…is that enthusiasm and commitment apparent in tossup states. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Well gents I only meant to stay for a couple of minutes tonight, but as usual enjoyed the chat. By the way, my daughter is 55 years old today, so we will be having our chat soon, just not on her birthday. glenn an hour ago

Murph I get that. He is part of the problem and not the solution. twilson117 an hour ago
TW…what you describe is precisely what happend in Europe in the 1930’s…..democracy is not working, we need strong ladership. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Anyway, so I’m gong to close for the night. Take care everyone. glenn an hour ago
glenn – DeSantis has no charm or charisma to attract moderates as unfortunately, Trump did and his celebrity helped give him. Most people in the country don’t know much about DeSantis and when he campaigns in the GOP primary as being hateful and hard RW, I think that will prevent him from getting a majority of swing voters. AdLib an hour ago

Well Glenn, when you feel it’s right wish her a happy birthday for us. twilson117 an hour ago
Night glenn! AdLib an hour ago
Happy B-Day to your daughter! AdLib an hour ago
Take good care Glenn….glad you are back with us on a regular basis. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad–hope you’re right about DeSantis. glenn an hour ago
Thanks all. Glad to be back too, Murph glenn an hour ago
Murph – I know it’s discouraging to be Dems in Red states but that is not the attitude of swing state Dems, they know they can win and are now very motivated and will be in Nov. In red states though, it’s tough to be an optimistic Dem. AdLib an hour ago

Murph the 1930’s yes. I think all Repugs should be forced to ready On Tyranny, and It Can’t Happen Here. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad….what you say is true…..if Kunce were not as impressive as he is, I would not be willing to expend my energy for his candidacy…..the political environment here is bleak. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Have to disagree, no matter how much Repubs can transfer their cultism from Trump to DeSantis, he still is unappealing to indies who put Trump over the top in 2016. DeSantis is not a good GE candidate, he is ideal for winning the GOP primary but what he says to win it will offend moderates in the GE. AdLib an hour ago
Murph – What I mean is that Dems need to present the big picture to voters, think it through for them. AdLib an hour ago

Ad, I’m perfectly find with your assessment around the GE. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – It’s like playing on a sports team that wins some of the time versus one that loses every game. Hard to be optimistic when the likelihood of winning is so small but when you know on any given day, you can come out and win a game, optimism is preserved. AdLib an hour ago
Ad Lib…..I just find that so many people are just so resolutely stupid….and those who have a modicum of intelligence are so often so ignorant. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Ad the question for the GE is who will the Dems put up for him to loose to? I’m at as loss as to who there is that will run, and please don’t say Warren, I don’t want her move out of her Senate seat. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad…not many wins of late…the high water mark of hope for me was during the Obama years. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW…..you see Biden as a one termer then? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – The old saying is, “No one went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” It’s sadly true. As Repubs well know, the main motivation for people voting is emotion, usually fear. The difference now this year is that the fear factor is huge on the side of Dems so the motivation will be strong. AdLib an hour ago

Murph “resolutely stupid” YES! that indeed is the problem. Have ask have you ever read the white paper Democracy Devouring Itself: The rise of the Incompetent Citizen and the Appeal of Right Wing Populism? twilson117 an hour ago
Ad….you are correct…Dems need to put on the GOP mindset to win…Scare the shit out of your voters, Frighten them to death, Play to their fear and hatred. Disgusting but necessary. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Not sure about 2024 and if Biden or someone else runs as the nom. For this year, Dems need to be laser-focused on nationalizing the election though. AdLib an hour ago

Murph yes I do see Biden as a one-term president and I’m not at all confident Harris can pick up the mantle. twilson117 an hour ago
TW…I have not read it….title is intriguing. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – The precedent-breaking win never happens until it happens! AdLib an hour ago
Ad, what win do you have in mind? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph here is the link: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/8806z01m twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – The difference this November is that Repubs only have old hoaxes to frighten their voters, Dem voters have real and specific fears based on what’s actually happening. The latter will be more profound and motivating. Some on, caravans whipping up fear in moderates again? That trick has been played to death. AdLib an hour ago
TW – I think you’re right, I don’t know that Biden runs for re-election, I don’t know that Harris would be able to consolidate Dems behind her but Dems are likely to have a new candidate in 2024. AdLib an hour ago

Ad Biden will 82 in 2024 he may have the desire to run for a second term but I’m not sure his body will let him. twilson117 an hour ago
Called to the phone…back MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW thanks for the link. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – I wasn’t thinking of Kunce in particular or any other candidate but my point is that things seem unlikely until they happen. Things change, just a matter of how much time and what incidents need to happen to change things. GA used to be a deep red state, for instance. AdLib an hour ago

Murph you’re welcome. twilson117 an hour ago
Good points re. Biden. He is doing well and looks good. But I am 72 and in great health but I understand the reality of widening limitation. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph I keep a copy on my desk at all times just so I can reference it. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad….Kunce example is well made. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph you mean to tell me I’m older than you? twilson117 an hour ago
TW…someone has to be…. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW…do I sound older? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – I really like Biden but I don’t know that he’s the guy who can carry this country for the next 6 years. AdLib an hour ago

Murph no just like a wise man. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad….I agree……we will need a new face. Joe will have done his duty. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

So who are likely candidates? twilson117 an hour ago
And I think Dems need a “wartime consigliere”. AdLib an hour ago
You know guys….I think of how different things would be if Clinton had beat Trump. That experience points to the necessity of driving your vote to the polls. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad…the Dems do not have the rogue’s gallery that the GOP has for consigliere auditions. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Consider this, if Hillary beat Trump in 2016, SCOTUS would hopefully be sane but Covid would likely have defeated her in 2020 and Trump might now be president. AdLib an hour ago

Murph I thinking if there was any voter fraud it was in the 2016 election considering the margins Hillary lost by in Wisconsin twilson117 an hour ago
Ad….maybe….but I think she would have handled COVID far better. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW…that has crossed my mind any number of times. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph I know she would have handle COVID better. twilson117 an hour ago
Well, friends….bed calls because tomorrow beckons…..Ad, I have an essay to send to you which you can use as you wish….will send it tomorrow. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW….I have a little reading to do as assigned by you…. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
No question, Murph, Hillary would’ve saved at least 200,000 lives or more that were lost to Covid. The problem with the multiverse thinking is that Americans would never know how bad it was under Trump, she would just be savaged for “allowing” 750k Americans die. AdLib an hour ago

Murph you have a good night twilson117 an hour ago
Sounds good, Murph, do send it. Have a great weekend! AdLib an hour ago
Ad….your take on the Hilary – COVID scenario is quite likely on the mark. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Good night to you both. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – I think we should go on a Nominee hunt in the Dem party to figure out who might make a good nominee. AdLib an hour ago
Night Murph! AdLib an hour ago

Night Murph twilson117 an hour ago

Ad I think you’re right. twilson117 an hour ago
I think it has to be a fresh face like Obama was. AdLib an hour ago

Yes but who?? twilson117 an hour ago
We need to do a deep dive on candidates like Obama who may be in state offices now but are running for Congress. AdLib an hour ago
Maybe a Dem governor in a purple state? AdLib an hour ago

Honestly Ad, I don’t even know where to start. twilson117 an hour ago
I’m going to keep an eye out on the Dems running in congressional races for the first time and see if anyone stands out. AdLib an hour ago

I was talking to my buddy Ken earlier and his state gov is doing a great job she is a woman and the folks in NM like her but I don’t know if she would be interested in running for the big office. Also she is thinking about on final term as gov. but she could be a start but I know nothing about her. twilson117 an hour ago

Michell Luuan Grisham is the NM gov. twilson117 an hour ago
Hmm…worth checking out and she’s going to need a job. What about the Dem govs in red states, in KY and KS? AdLib an hour ago
Beshear in KY seems to be pretty solid. AdLib an hour ago

I don’t know anyone in those states. twilson117 an hour ago

Don’t you think the Dems have their personal favorites and will be pushing them along with some of the same ole saws? twilson117 an hour ago
The thing is, there are legit candidates in high offices right now that could be solid candidates. AdLib an hour ago
Sure, they’ll try but if the voters are looking for someone else, as with Obama, thery’ll be out of luck. We need a strong and charismatic leader to lead us into “war” against the seditionist theocrats trying to destroy our democracy. Which is why I think we agree, Biden just doesn’t have the energy to do that. AdLib 43 minutes ago

Look as much as I want Warren to remain as MA Senator, if Biden doesn’t run she is going to jump in, she just can’t resist it. She has ignored the memo about not running. twilson117 43 minutes ago

I agree with you we need fresh faces with some level of a track record. twilson117 41 minutes ago
You know I supported Warren in 2020, I think she would be that fighter but we also can’t afford to lose her Senate seat to a Repub in the process. AdLib 41 minutes ago
Yep, someone without baggage would be best. Putting up a strong, younger fighter like that against DeSantis would be a key to winning. AdLib 40 minutes ago
DeSantis is nastier than Trump, I wouldn’t look forward to a two-year-older Biden trying to use Marquis of Queensbury rules against such a dirty fighter. AdLib 39 minutes ago

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if our outgoing Gov, doesn’t make a play for the oval office in 24. He is a Rep along the lines of Rep’s we respected, but a Rep none the less. twilson117 38 minutes ago
He might but I don’t see any lane for a moderate Repub in a GOP presidential primary. The GOP has chased away all moderate voters, the nuts own the party and they want a nut like them as their nom. AdLib 37 minutes ago

DeSantis is all you say and more. twilson117 37 minutes ago

Ok I’m running out of steam, calling it a night take care. twilson117 35 minutes ago
That’s why I would like to see such a clear choice between a fresh-faced, principled Dem without baggage and DeSantis, a petty, hateful, racist narcissist with no redeeming qualities. AdLib 35 minutes ago
Sounds good, have a great weekend! AdLib 35 minutes ago

You as well. twilson117 35 minutes ago
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