Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 4 hours ago
see you soon pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
See you then! AdLib 2 hours ago
Hi, Ad. Well, a great hearing start last night. Thompson didn’t pull punches. pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Absolutely and Cheney really laid out the whole 7 stage plan well. AdLib 2 hours ago
And Trump’s guilt was unequivical in both of their speeches. AdLib 2 hours ago
She was impressive. Jusy goes to show, sadly, how the rest of the Republicans have descended into the FNG’s hellhole. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
I really disliked the old style of Repubs but some of them at least had a sense of principle and patriotism. Today, they’re all frightened liars who only want power and money. AdLib an hour ago
They ran a bit out of steam with the witnesses statements, but that is only to be expected. We can look forward to more skewering next week. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Agree, some of them have a smidgin of conscience and dedication to the Constitution. I never thought I’d say this, but Pence did the right thing. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
The big puzzle piece that put so much of the plan together for me is that the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers acted as an advance force to attack the fencing and herd the Trump-angered protesters into the Capitol. This has to be why their charged with sedition. AdLib an hour ago
This can be the problem with logistically planning a hearing to lay out the case for the DoJ while trying to hold citizen-viewers. AdLib an hour ago
Hey TW! Looking forward to the next hearing? AdLib an hour ago
Quested’s testimony and filming of the PBs and OKs in the carpark was powerful. pinkpantheroz an hour ago

Hello all, yes I am. twilson117 an hour ago
Hi, TW~! pinkpantheroz an hour ago

Hey PPO twilson117 an hour ago
glenn! pinkpantheroz an hour ago

Hello Glen twilson117 an hour ago
Pence did do the right thing. Was it because he had decent counsel telling him he could be liable for criminal violations of the Constitution and sedition and he did it out of fear? Maybe so, he doesn’t seem principled otherwise. AdLib an hour ago
hey glenn! What did you think of the hearing last night? AdLib an hour ago
I don’t care what motivated him, it was enough to stop the overthrow. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Good evening/afternoon all. Hope everyone is doing well. glenn an hour ago
PPO – And someone mentioned that the FBI has been reviewing Quested’s video with a lip reader to figure out what they were saying when at a distance. AdLib an hour ago
Thanks glenn, doing well today. And you? AdLib an hour ago
PPO-been a lomg tie since we were both here at the same time! How are you? glenn an hour ago
Ad, yes, and I shouldn’t be surprised to get the results later. pinkpantheroz an hour ago

Hello CL twilson117 an hour ago
Hello, y’all I am going to try this tonight. choicelady an hour ago
Hi, glenn, yes, long time. I’m managing to cope without Fergie1 by keeping busy volunteering at my sailing club. Health OK. 4 jabs now. how are you? pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO – Agreed, I’m very appreciative Pence didn’t fold but at the same time, it’s a little sad that when someone doesn’t side with sedition, they’re treated as a hero. That should be a basic thing that all pols should do, they take an oath to do it. AdLib an hour ago
HI, cl! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Hi CL. So your vision is still a bit challenging? AdLib an hour ago
Hi TW, Ad, glenn, and PPO – let’s see. Seeing being the operative word. Hi PPO! choicelady an hour ago
Yes – better, no question after the haze of yesterday, but still questionable. choicelady an hour ago
CL – Glad it is at least better! AdLib an hour ago
this growing older stuff needs work. I will put in an angry letter as soon as I get an address. choicelady an hour ago
Pence is a turd, but for once he did right. No hero, though. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad–didn’t watch it live, but did see a tape of Cheney’s speech and I’m impressed. Time to lock him up! glenn an hour ago

I agree with you about Pence PPO twilson117 an hour ago
PPO – Agreed. Pence did have the authority, in the absence of ANY communication from TFG, to take command. But so what? choicelady an hour ago
So 20 million people watched the hearing last night. Granted, most were older but that’s to be expected. Younger people were more likely to watch it streamed or not watch at all. Still, that is a chunky number. AdLib an hour ago
CL–so good to see you! How are you? glenn an hour ago

Frankly I’m still processing what I watched last night. twilson117 an hour ago
It wasn’t a flop as TFG said. As FOX said. We were ON it. choicelady an hour ago
CL – Does God have a Complaint Department up there? If so, can I talk to a manager? AdLib an hour ago
Ad – I’m trying to find the url or email for the God complaints line. I’ll let you know. choicelady an hour ago

I heard on the Nicole Wallace’s show 20 million watched last night. twilson117 an hour ago
Impressed how Johnstone skewered TFG straight away, no waffle, just called him a criminal. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Tw – yes – and that was just on TV, never mind livestreaming. choicelady an hour ago
glenn – It was so powerful. Murph was watching with a group of Dems and after the first part of the presentation, many were emotional. It really hit hard. AdLib an hour ago
PPO – Yes indeed. choicelady an hour ago

CL I’m guess it was far more than the idiots over at Fox thought twilson117 an hour ago
Ad and glenn – I cried again as I had 1/6. This is terrifying to me. choicelady an hour ago
Was Murph with Dems? I thought he was in the Redneck section! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO–I know how difficult it is to keep on after losing a spouse. So glad to hear you’re coping by getting involved in activities. I’m doing well. glenn an hour ago
TW – I kind of feel that way too, I’ll be processing that hearing by watching the others and having the blanks filled in. AdLib an hour ago
PPO – Murph has found a Blue community around St. Louis if not his home area. choicelady an hour ago

Ad I agree with you on that there is so much to take in twilson117 an hour ago
glenn – it is lovely to see you. I’m glad you’re doing well. choicelady an hour ago
Thenks glenn. I’m travelling to Ireland and US in July to finalise Fergie’s headstone and visit her pals and VOX pals in San Francisco. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
As I mentioned to PPO, the key part of the hearing for me was learning that The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers acted as an advance troop to plow through the barricades and drive the crowd that Trump prepped to “Fight like hell!”, into The Capitol. The plan is now so clear to me. AdLib an hour ago
PPO – We can hardly wait to see you! choicelady an hour ago
CL–Growing old is not for the weak! glenn an hour ago
To all: What was the biggest takeaway for you in the hearing? AdLib an hour ago
Ad – I had known about the PBs and OKs as advance units. But it was STILL powerful to see the whole depiction of them not just in words. choicelady an hour ago
The Blubbermouth is toast! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
glenn – NO. It is NOT. choicelady an hour ago
CL – His email address is: TheRealGod@heaven.com AdLib an hour ago

Ad the fact that all the people came in and told Trump** he clearly lost the election. twilson117 an hour ago
I love that TFG has denounced his own daughter as an ignoramus for believing Barr. Is that an “up” for her? choicelady an hour ago
Ad–It looks like the committee has the receipts! glenn an hour ago
Thanks, AD – never did have his email before! choicelady an hour ago

CL are you surprised? He would throw his own parents under the bus if they were still alive. twilson117 an hour ago
glenn – if the committee has the receipts, think what Garland has! choicelady an hour ago
TW – I’m not surprised. Bet SHE is! choicelady an hour ago
CL – I was knocked back, watching it all again and in the timeline with Trump’s speech and Congress fleeing. It is so shocking, I think some people still have trouble grasping it as a domestic terrorist attack to take over our government. AdLib an hour ago
CL–For me, the problem with Garland is what will he do with what he has. glenn an hour ago

CL it explains why her idiot of a husband went to Sudi Araba to land the deal he did. twilson117 an hour ago
agree, glenn. If Garland has all this and more, why isn’t he moving on them? pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad – if anything convinces Americans of the severity of the crime, it will be these presentations. Watergate did the same. Before they were on TV, most people were waffling on Nixon. Not after. choicelady an hour ago

Glenn I hear you on that. There seems to be this issue of not wanting to jail a former president. twilson117 an hour ago
cl, don’t forget, though, that there are still Nixon fans out there. pinkpantheroz an hour ago

CL I’m not sure the Watergate analogies work for this situation. twilson117 an hour ago
CL – I hadn’t connected it all though, I knew the PB and OK went early to The Capitol, I assumed they went to the rally first, not skipped it to position their “troops” to break through the barricades and drive the maddened crowd of Trumpers in. That sealed up the full scope of the plan for me. AdLib an hour ago
glenn – Garland has made no bones about it. NO ONE is above the law. He will indict, try, and we hope convict this horrid man. Garland is building a RICO style case to cut the floor out from under Trump. Everyone indicted to date will roll on him to get a lighter sentence. He’s toast. Garland is the boldest AG we’ve maybe ever had. He’s just, as AGs are, very quiet about it. choicelady an hour ago
I hope that, in the end, RICO hits the entire Family and strips all the remaining assets, if they actually have any. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
The J6 committee is doing a bang up job of showing cause and effect. choicelady an hour ago
TW – Yes, that is key for convicting Trump, showing that Trump knew the election wasn’t stolen. Just wishing it wasn’t and lying about fraud isn’t a defense to sedition. AdLib an hour ago
PPO – if we can’t strip the assets federally, NY and GA will. choicelady an hour ago
Ad – you nailed it!!! choicelady an hour ago
Ad– Watching it all again and the timeline pretty much show that it was a planned domestic terrorist attack. I think the problem most rational people is that they can’t believe the president of the united states would so blatantly commit sedition. That’s what I can’t wrap my head around. There had better be some consequences for him! glenn an hour ago
And can we connect the dots here to 2016 when Trump whipped up the whole fraudulent election lie because he thought Hillary was going to win? This is important in proving that this was a tactic, not a belief, that Trump intended to use if he ever lost an election. AdLib an hour ago

Cl I know people keep referring to Watergate, but that was a different of Republicans. Republicans that changed their tune once presented with clear evidence of Nixion’s guilt. The Republicans we have now refuse to accept the hard facts and are steadfast with Trump**. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad, don’t forget as well he was priming his mob even before the election that there would be widespread fraud. He just didn’t mention he was the fraudster! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
glenn – we had the same disbelief in 73-74. The hearings changed all that. Yes – presidents CAN be that corrupt. choicelady an hour ago
PPO–Yes. I’m very disappointed with Garland. glenn an hour ago
glenn – That is huge! Yes, Thompson and Cheney made it clear through how adamant they were, they have the evidence to prove that Trump was involved in the overthrow of our democracy. It’s coming, I can’t wait to hear all the details! AdLib an hour ago
PPO – speaking of fraud, did you see today that in MI the petitions to demand voting fraud investigations were themselves RIDDLED with fraudulent signatures??? The GOP can’t help themselves! choicelady an hour ago
Ad–for sure the treasonous lying bully trumpeted his intentions from the beginning. glenn an hour ago
Next hearings are mornings on the 13th and 15th. They will go on to September. I am loving this. Shades of Watergate!!! choicelady an hour ago
Ad, I don’t watch the Murdoch Muppet Show, so have they begun to try and change their BS yet? pinkpantheroz an hour ago
CL – Yes, I don’t expect the MAGA cult to change their delusional minds but I do expect that the hearings will remove all doubt from the minds of the majority of Americans, that Trump and these other traitors are 100% guilty of attempting a coup to overthrow our democracy. AdLib an hour ago
Ad – Amen! I don’t try to influence the MAGAts. I want the “worried middle” who need to hear the truth and CAN deal with it. choicelady an hour ago
Tw–Yes, we were dealing with a different type of repub back during Watergate. glenn an hour ago
As long as this convinces Dems to GOTV, we should be OK. But arrests will drive it home more! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
glenn – that is the saddest part of this. There are no principled GOP other than Cheney and Kinzinger. BTW – Kinzinger reps the part of IL that my forebears founded. I am going to write to him to thank him for upholding 19th C., Republican values. Because he is. choicelady an hour ago

Ad for me the question hanging in the air is will the Dems use this in their reelection runs? They will have plenty of material to use, but will they?? twilson117 an hour ago
glenn – You really nailed it! That is the real problem, it is hard for the average person to accept that a President would abuse his power to overthrow elections and install himself as dictator. It seems so unreal. But these hearings should ground it all in truth and by telling the story, make it all very real. AdLib an hour ago
Tw – Oh, I definitely think the Dems will use this well. Along with “kitchen table” issues. choicelady an hour ago

CL I hope so. Because they have a strong case. twilson117 an hour ago
PPO – That’s the trick to what Trump and Repubs say, it is ALWAYS projection. When Trump accused Dems of trying to subvert the election, it was telling us that’s what he’s doing. AdLib an hour ago
Yes. And we Dems all know it. choicelady an hour ago
:Lis tened to CNN in the car today – they were doubled down on how awful Trump was, how good the J6 evidence was. THAT was a shocker. CNN!!! choicelady an hour ago
Ad–Yes let’s get the majority back to sanity. At the very least, will the repub leadership make sure the TLB is not able to run? glenn an hour ago
glenn – TLB? choicelady an hour ago
Tweet just now: “Last night. Fox News had lower ratings than usual. It is likely safe to say that a quarter of their regular audience left to watch the hearings.: pinkpantheroz an hour ago
” pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO – GREAT! choicelady an hour ago
PPO – Nope, Fox is all in on ignoring the facts the hearings bring out, invalidating the committee as a fraudulent and politically skewed affront to America and whitewashing the guilty parties, especially Trump. They are also trying to distract by focusing on the bi-annual caravan invasion, gas prices and inflation. The destruction of our democracy has to be covered up by them because they were and are a party to it. \ AdLib an hour ago
CL–that really does sadden me–that there are only 2 people who will admit what the tlb really is. glenn an hour ago
One thing I do hope happens, that the financiers of the coup attempt are identified and prosecuted in RICO fashion. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Yes – But I don’t know the acronym, TLB – ? choicelady an hour ago
CL – Yep, the goal should be informing and activating the reasonable majority in the country, forget the Trump cultists, you can’t use facts or reason to change the mind of a brainwashed cultist. AdLib an hour ago
CL–Treasonous Lying Bully, you know, my name for the former person occupying the Oval Office. glenn an hour ago
PPO – I think that is very much part of the DOJ investigation. Garland added 131 new attorneys to his department for Oct,. this year. That’s not for no reason, and I think your issue is it. choicelady an hour ago
glenn – TLB! Perfect! choicelady an hour ago
cl, That Lying Bastard – glenns monicker for he whose name shall never be mentioned.’ pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO– great news re fox audience. glenn an hour ago
PPO – it’s GREAT. TLB it is. choicelady an hour ago
Sorry glenn!!!! pinkpantheroz an hour ago

Glenn I have another name for him but I can’t use it hear twilson117 an hour ago
PPO–I like yours too because he is a bastard too! glenn an hour ago
TW – Dems absolutely need to nationalize this election but will they? I hope so. They need to run on voting for Dems to save our democracy from a coming coup in 2024, saving our children from being sacrificed on the altar of the NRA, saving women from forced pregnancy and in some cases, death. Don’t take the bait of arguing gas prices or inflation, tell Americans that what will any of that matter if the country is lost to a dictatorship. AdLib an hour ago
TW–not to worry, you’re among friends; call him whatever you want. glenn an hour ago
While they’re at it, can the Committee show the various churches involvement in the brainwash and tax the bastards? Remote, but….. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad – all excellent points. choicelady an hour ago
PPO – I think it’s a sidebar, but it’s an important sidebar. If the J6 committee doesn’t address it – well, the IRS can. choicelady an hour ago

Glenn, then let’s just go with A-hole without all the adjectives I normally use in front of it. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad–preach it brother! Dems need to get our the messaging! glenn an hour ago
glenn – I don’t know that the GOP will get in Trump’s way of running again, don’t know if he will but at a minimum, we better see the DoJ prosecute Trump for stealing 15 boxes of top secret info and the penalty for that includes not being able to hold public office ever in the future. AdLib an hour ago
TW – choicelady an hour ago

Ad, I agree with what you said, and yes the question is will they. twilson117 an hour ago
TW–asshole works for me too. glenn an hour ago
TW, Finest Kind! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO – That story about 1/4 of Fox viewers leaving to watch the hearing is music to my ears! AdLib an hour ago
I think it’s a mistake to UNDER estimate the Dems. They are ON this. choicelady an hour ago
CL–I hope you’re right and Dems are on this! glenn an hour ago

Hey Murph twilson117 an hour ago
Murph! Hiya pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Just in from a campaign meeting. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
OK all – I’ve held up reasonable well, can see pretty OK, but not yet perfectly. I’m getting worn out trying to keep up. It’s definitely better, so by next week maybe I’ll be BAAAAACK. But I need to do drops in eyes and stuff so am bugging out. Hugs to all – “see” you soon. MURPH! Just as I’m leaving! Hugs to you, too. choicelady 44 minutes ago
Speaking of Dems being on this, I got my Florida ID this past week, and should be getting my voter’s registration n the mail soon! glenn 44 minutes ago
take care CL. See you soon!\ pinkpantheroz 44 minutes ago
Nexst week should be better – have a great week. Hope the hearing reveal much more! choicelady 44 minutes ago

Take care CL twilson117 44 minutes ago
Choice……I will read the whole thread…I am sure you had great things to say. MurphTheSurf3 44 minutes ago
Good night all. Miss you, Murph. We will catch up. choicelady 43 minutes ago
PPO – We really need to build momentum for 2024 to have a “Take Out The Trash” election where Dems vow, if they get a majority, to take apart these militias, go after “churches” spewing hate speech and political agendas, get rid of the filibuster and outlaw assault rifles, fix immigration, healthcare, abortion rights and civil rights and promise to enlarge the SCOTUS to 13 and take power out of the 5 theocrats who are tearing apart the Constitution, one decision at a time. AdLib 43 minutes ago
Hey Murph! AdLib 43 minutes ago
G’night CL glenn 43 minutes ago

Murph did the folks at the campaign have anything to say about the hearing? twilson117 43 minutes ago
Ad, that list is long – about 50 years long! But we can start. Hi-Yo Silver….Away! pinkpantheroz 42 minutes ago
glenn – Excellent! One more Dem vote in FL! Absolutely need you! AdLib 42 minutes ago
Ad– you lay out an ambitious agenda for the Dems. From your keyboard to the the glenn 42 minutes ago
TW- the meeting’s business and planning got done in the first hour. The next 90 minutes were all about last night. MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago
I am still at the meeting site. MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago
Dem leaders! glenn 42 minutes ago

So Murph what was their take? twilson117 41 minutes ago
Hey Murph! glenn 41 minutes ago
PPO – Yes, it’s a long list but we need that kind of aggressive and purposeful movement by Dems if they’re in power, and like after FDR, Repubs could be shut out in the wilderness by the majority for decades as long as the real needs of the people can finally be met and reflected in legislation. How long can we keep going while Congress is forced to reject what the majority wants? AdLib 40 minutes ago

Hey Murph I have a crazy question for you. I’m guessing where you’re at there are lot of gophers so my question is do all the Republicans have their heads in the gopher holes? twilson117 39 minutes ago
Good discussion here…..ad’s agenda is compelling….. MurphTheSurf3 39 minutes ago
Ad– good question about Congress rejecting what the majority wants. But we’ve all said it before, the majority needs to see the importance of voting! glenn 38 minutes ago
glenn – I think the Dems NEED to confront this fascist push by the GOP with big change that will help everyone. Tax the wealthy and corps that have been robbing the public by raising prices unjustifiably and increase Social Security, that’s another item to add. I saw Warren talking about a proposal they are pursuing to add more than $2,000 to SS payments. That should pull in a lot of older voters that might have voted Repub. AdLib 37 minutes ago

Ad an impressive agenda. twilson117 37 minutes ago
TW I was struck today how little was said about last night…..I cannot say at this point what it about. Many did not watch. Others tuned in Fox. Those I know who admitted to watching and are GOPhers spouted the usual lines about deceit from the left…what I noticed is that there was little energy or commitment behind their reactions. MurphTheSurf3 36 minutes ago

Murph now that is interesting. I get the feeling that some might realize something is wrong. twilson117 35 minutes ago
Perhaps some are waking up to how indensible their position is. MurphTheSurf3 34 minutes ago
This is just the start. The Progressives have had an aggressive agenda, moderate Dems should be on board as well with all of these basic Dem values. Make the 2022 and 2024 elections about a better America through positive changes (getting rid of the filibuster makes all of this possible) against a nihilist GOP bent on corrupting elections, stealing power and ending all the programs most Americans need and depend on like SS, Medicare, teh ACA, etc. AdLib 34 minutes ago
Ad-once again, you lay out what Dems should be doing, but as long as we have a Congress like the one we have now. There is no repub who will vote for an increase in SS payments. They want to abolish SS. glenn 34 minutes ago

Murph, I wonder if some actually watched but won’t say out of fear. twilson117 33 minutes ago
TW….I have friends saying the same thing. MurphTheSurf3 32 minutes ago

Ad Hear what you’re saying but Chuck and Nancy don’t seem to be getting that message to the troops. twilson117 32 minutes ago
Murph–wouldn’t it be nice if some repubs finally realize that they were duped by a con man on a massive scale? Or at least realize, like you say, that their position is indefensible? glenn 32 minutes ago
One very interesting development is that the Kunce campaign has been hit by a big wave of donations and volunteer signups in the last 24 hours. MurphTheSurf3 31 minutes ago
glenn – Exactly! Dems need to accept that we are in a war right now, the time for half-measures and calling Repubs “my respected colleague”. The Repubs are running on and as fascists. You don’t beat fascists by playing footsie with them, not when they are trying to brainwash the public, incite civil violence and overthrow our democracy. Gloves off Dems, fight to keep and improve our democracy or after 2024, you won’t be able to. AdLib 31 minutes ago
Well, TW, I hope that the reactions to the hearings will galvanise Chuck and Nancy to be more forceful. pinkpantheroz 31 minutes ago
Murph–that’s good news! glenn 31 minutes ago

Murph it wouldn’t surprise me. That part about the Proud Boys being an advance guard that started things off has to have an impact on Trump** die hard believers who wat to believe all his lies about the election. twilson117 30 minutes ago
Ad–Amen! Gloves off! glenn 30 minutes ago

PPO I hope so as well twilson117 30 minutes ago
The space between the interests of the GOP leadership and its rank and file is SOOOOO wide but carefully camoflaged……waking the GOP base to how they are being fooled is key. MurphTheSurf3 30 minutes ago
TW – Yes, that’s what I’m concerned about. Dems don’t have a charismatic pol that can lead them in this fight, the older and more amiable Dems don’t have the fire in their belly that we need now. I actually wouldn’t mind Obama stepping in but he never would, out of deference to Biden. AdLib 29 minutes ago

Murph but will it be enough for them to say they had enough of the lies from Trump**? twilson117 29 minutes ago
I like Ad’s zealous tone, and clearly considered agenda…..we must catch fire because this is DO or DIE. MurphTheSurf3 28 minutes ago
Trump is much less of a presence in this state than he was. Few speak of him. MurphTheSurf3 28 minutes ago
Well, gents, as much as I’m enjoying our discussion, I’m getting tired, so I’m going to pack it in. Take care all, great chatting with everyone tonight! glenn 27 minutes ago

Murph now that is indeed interesting. twilson117 27 minutes ago

Take care Glenn twilson117 27 minutes ago
Let’s not underestimate President Biden. There is a steel fist under the velvet glove. He is getting stuff done, after years of inertia. pinkpantheroz 27 minutes ago
Murph – That is very interesting. I wonder if the visible affect of the hearings won’t really tell the story. Maybe the stealth story will be, Repubs discouraged after admitting, if only to themselves, that they are on the side of the fascists and bad guys and Dems not speaking about it as much but sobered up and more determined to save our democracy from these madmen. AdLib 27 minutes ago
Dood night Glenn…glad I was able to say h owdy. MurphTheSurf3 27 minutes ago
Take care glenn! Wonderful to see you! AdLib 27 minutes ago
g’night, glenn. Lovely seeing you again. Stay well. pinkpantheroz 26 minutes ago

PPO I agree Biden is getting things done in spite of his approval ratings which is a distraction. twilson117 26 minutes ago
“night all glenn 26 minutes ago
PPO…I am with you re. admiration for Biden. MurphTheSurf3 26 minutes ago

Someone needs to clue the press in on the constant reference to approval ratings vs accomplishments. twilson117 25 minutes ago
OK, folks, gotta love you and leave you. I may not do a Vox before I meed Ad and CL in SFO soon, but I’ll be thinking of you. Cheers for now pinkpantheroz 25 minutes ago
Murph – In terms of waking up MAGAs to how they’ve been used, fingers should be pointing at the hundreds of 1/6ers who have been arrested and convicted with no support or aid from Trump or Repubs. They were the ignorant cannon fodder, their lives are worthless to the leaders they follow. AdLib 24 minutes ago

PPO take care. twilson117 24 minutes ago
PPO – Look forward to seeing you then! Take care! AdLib 24 minutes ago
The impact of rank stupidity in the electorate is never clearer than when the grassroots blame the President and his party for the kind of things that are deeply and directly affecting them. The high price of gas is NOT Biden’s or the Dem’s fault UNLESS YOU ARE SUGGESTING that we should not be backing Ukraine and would be happy to top off our t anks with Russian oil MurphTheSurf3 24 minutes ago
Ad, where are the pardons????? Hee Hee! ‘byeee pinkpantheroz 24 minutes ago
PPO – Pardon me? AdLib 24 minutes ago
I mean, pardon me! AdLib 23 minutes ago
all those GOPers looking for pardons…….. pinkpantheroz 23 minutes ago

Murph right on!! twilson117 23 minutes ago
PPO – wish I could join you. MurphTheSurf3 23 minutes ago
Ad….I know several people with family who were part of the 1/6 attack….the words youi offered just now are being spoken quietly among them. MurphTheSurf3 22 minutes ago

Murph why is basic economics escaping them? twilson117 22 minutes ago
What was/is Trump’s skin in the game…one thing that has really hit home is his daughter and son in law denying him. MurphTheSurf3 21 minutes ago
Murph – I think it’s worse than stupidity but there is plenty of that. The MSM has whipped up the negativity against Biden because they see it as good for ratings. They magnify the lies about blaming Biden for Afghanistan, gas prices, inflation when they know that’s happening all around the world. Every time they mention an attack on Biden for gas and inflation, they should also state that this is not Biden or the US, it is the result of Covid and quarrantines which TRUMP exacerbated! AdLib 21 minutes ago
TW….people are amazingly ignorant..the dumbing down of the American mind. MurphTheSurf3 21 minutes ago

Ad to blame Biden for Afghanistan is insane there was no easy way to get out of that situation. Always easier to go in than get out. We saw that in Vietnam. twilson117 20 minutes ago
Ad….the MSM are doing as you suggest…..some of the media (many of the media argue that their job is to be the “loyal” opposition but it is time for them to choose as well)……Fox’s way of representing the GOP is what is needed in the progressive, liberal, left leaning press MurphTheSurf3 19 minutes ago

Murph but the ignorance gambit goes only so far at some point they have to accept the facts. twilson117 19 minutes ago
Murph – I would hope so. These poor ignorant rubes were used, flat out used so Trump and Repubs could steal power and when their plan failed, they left all their followers to drown. This talking point should be hammered by Dems and press that wants us to keep a democracy. AdLib 19 minutes ago
TW….you speak of GOPhers….I speak of Asstriches with their head in the sand or up their asses. MurphTheSurf3 18 minutes ago

Murph I have come across some folks who call themselves just simple folks who are very sophisticated in areas that surprised me. twilson117 17 minutes ago
Perhaps there will be an awakening awareness. MurphTheSurf3 17 minutes ago
Murph – That’s one thing that hit Trump but I can see the GA investigation and Grand Jury being energized by the 1/6 hearings along with the DoJ. All of this could come crashing down on Trump and the GOP at around the same time. I hope the GA prosecutor indicts Trump by this Summer, the evidence is in her hands, that phone call is a crime. AdLib 17 minutes ago

Murph twilson117 17 minutes ago

I do hope the GA DA starts moving forward. twilson117 16 minutes ago
I wonder what the next six hearings/presentations will bring? MurphTheSurf3 16 minutes ago

I do as well hopefully they will be as impactful as last night. twilson117 16 minutes ago
I think if there is a preponderance of prosecutions of Trump and the people around him, there could absolutely be a turning of the tide of some who support him. They may not vote Dem but as with GA in the senatorial runoffs, they may just be discouraged and not vote. AdLib 15 minutes ago
Among the most interesting aftermaths from last night is the implication the Trump cabinet was threatening him with the 25th…I have wondered why he seemed to back down post 1/6…that could be it. MurphTheSurf3 14 minutes ago

Let’s not forget Trump** has to sit for a deposition in NY with the NY AG that should be interesting. twilson117 14 minutes ago
It is my hope that we are seeing cracks in the wall and that the whole thing could come tumbling down esp. if the Dems and Dem allies start playing hard ball. MurphTheSurf3 12 minutes ago
The other thing to remember is that even though Biden’s polling may be lower, elections are a contest between two people. Often, an election is about the record of the incumbent, Biden certainly ahs many big accomplishments to counter bad things that have happened on his watch but in a contest against Trump, it transcends voting on Biden’s record. It will be about an exposed seditionists running against a decent man who some may blame for gas and inflation but respects and stands for democracy. I don’t know that after Trump is beaten up by the hearings and prosecutions, that people will be able to vote for someone exposed as evil as Trump will be. AdLib 12 minutes ago
One thing i do know is that both the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers are hemmorghaging membership. MurphTheSurf3 11 minutes ago

Murph from my view there is no reason for the Dems not to play hardball, but the underlying question is will they? There is a lot on the line and we need them to do it. twilson117 11 minutes ago
Ad…like your thinking here…n exposed seditionists running against a decent man who some may blame for gas and inflation but respects and stands for democracy. ” MurphTheSurf3 10 minutes ago

Murph that is a good thing about the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers twilson117 10 minutes ago
Murph – I think the remaining hearings will paint the full picture with myriad facts and testimony, of how Trump and many Repub pols and aides attacked America. They will lay it out, make it plain and in essence, lay down each of the 7 layers of this plot to overthrow America. AdLib 10 minutes ago
We are of one mind….. MurphTheSurf3 10 minutes ago
Well this mind needs to get some sleep. Campaign events tomorrow. MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago

Well I know I’m going to set my DVR to make sure I get it all. twilson117 9 minutes ago

Glad you showed up Murph twilson117 8 minutes ago
Ad….like your plan….hope that the committee leaders are as focused as you are. MurphTheSurf3 8 minutes ago

Ad I’m going to call it as well. Take care twilson117 8 minutes ago
Yeah…me too. Good night to you both. MurphTheSurf3 8 minutes ago
TW – I think the GA DA is going to have a powerful case and I absolutely can imagine Trump and his lawyers and aides being convicted. If that doesn’t discourage less crazed Repubs from voting, nothing would. AdLib 7 minutes ago
Night Murph! Been quite a week! AdLib 7 minutes ago
It has…..and the weekend is showing signs of being as eventful here in Mo. MurphTheSurf3 7 minutes ago
Really? AdLib 7 minutes ago
PS…what about the Ginni Thomas brouhaha… MurphTheSurf3 6 minutes ago
Yes…Kunce has decided to take on Budweiser very directly….. MurphTheSurf3 6 minutes ago
I don’t think anything will happen there. Dems only recourse is to win power, add 4 justices and maybe establish reforms that allows the rotation of judges out of and into the SCOTUS. AdLib 5 minutes ago
Very interesting! How is Kunce doing that? On what issues? AdLib 5 minutes ago
I have been saying to all who will listen: No matter how you look at it, the Democratic Party is more for you and your needs that the GOP at every level. MurphTheSurf3 4 minutes ago
Kunce is clear minded and down the middle….that is an appealing profile here…Budweiser is being seen as a rich hobbyist. MurphTheSurf3 3 minutes ago
Murph – The GOP is saying it all by themselves! They had no platform in 2020, they refuse to have a platform in 2022 aside from Rick Scott’s, “We’re gonna tax most of you more and take away your healthcare, SS and medicare.” They’re not offering one single policy to help any of their voters. AdLib 3 minutes ago
Kunce is also showing greater strength is a head to head with the GOP front runner. MurphTheSurf3 2 minutes ago
Why is that the GOP gets away with that empty strategy? MurphTheSurf3 2 minutes ago
I have a call to make about tomorrow’s rally……wish us good fortune. See you next week. MurphTheSurf3 a few seconds ago
I am an optimist, I know it’s a hard road to hoe but the dynamics of this country feel like they may be changing. After 1/6, after the increasing shootings, Roe, etc. Kunce doesn’t have a great chance but maybe there is just enough of a change hitting enough people out there to make a win possible. AdLib a few seconds ago
Good luck, I think it will go very well! Get some rest, see you next week! AdLib a few seconds ago
In polling Kunce is closing the gap. MurphTheSurf3 in a few seconds
Watch what happens as the hearings continue. AdLib in a few seconds
And with that….and embracing your optimism……I say good night. MurphTheSurf3 in a minute
Being a trumper is going to be turned into an anchor around their necks. AdLib in a minute
Night pal! AdLib in a minute

Weird error 531 or something. Just wanted to say hi. I have a rare Friday off since I started working at a restaurant. Khirad 15 minutes ago
Hey Khirad! Missed you! AdLib 15 minutes ago
Oh, didn’t know about that, how’s it going? AdLib 14 minutes ago
Yes, just had to fix that error. Just happened. AdLib 14 minutes ago

Hell’s Kitchen is more reality than most realize – but I get to play with my knives. Khirad 13 minutes ago
Really? You’re working for a Gordon Ramsey type? AdLib 12 minutes ago

No, chef is cool, but it’s a usual kitchen with tempers and hugs. Khirad 12 minutes ago
It seems like an exciting experience with challenges every night but hopefully, happy endings. AdLib 11 minutes ago

https://www.prooftucson.com Khirad 11 minutes ago
Now I am very hungry! Are the pizzas as delicious as they look? AdLib 9 minutes ago

Sous chef and aspiring sous chef almost went to blows the other day. I’m like, I just work prep and pantry – I’m pretending I’m not here. Khirad 8 minutes ago
Tight quarters and egos of creative people can make for sparks. Hope they worked it out. AdLib 8 minutes ago
I am torturing myself by looking at the dishes. So many look so good! AdLib 6 minutes ago

They hugged it out, but then chef went after me – while working the meat slicer – for not putting the basil oil recipe back in the ‘bible’ correctly, even though I couldn’t find it. It’s now my fault that the recipe binder is fucked up? “Yes chef” – that’s all you say. Khirad 5 minutes ago
Right, from watching all the Ramsey shows, “Yes Chef” is all you can say. AdLib 4 minutes ago
Sounds like a nice gig! AdLib 4 minutes ago
Aside from the occassional flare up which seems like it happens in all kitchens. AdLib 3 minutes ago

I took my folks there. My dad remarked with the front of the house staff – well, it can’t be that hard to come to work? There’s hotness. I have a 35% discount, and free mealwhen I’m working. Chef said had he known I was coming in on my day off he would have comped me and my parents. Khirad 2 minutes ago
Very cool! AdLib 2 minutes ago

Kitchen culture is for real. I should write about it. Khirad 2 minutes ago
Yes, that would be very interesting! AdLib a minute ago
Heh! Father knows best! AdLib a minute ago

I’m gonna think about. Sorry, but I’m working, so prolly won’t chat for a while more. Friday is a suss day to get off, but, it’s summer in Arizona and they’re cutting hours. See ya! Khirad in a few seconds
Have a great evening!
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