Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 4 hours ago
Hey PPO! AdLib 2 hours ago
How are you doing? AdLib 2 hours ago
hey there, Ad. pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
How is the sailing going? AdLib 2 hours ago
Waiting to go out to the tower to run the race. pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Sounds like a lot of fun! AdLib 2 hours ago
Are you sailing today? AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey glenn! How are you doing tonight? AdLib an hour ago
Hey TW! AdLib an hour ago
Hey Add Hello PPO I’m doing well how are you guys doing Using my voice Function tonight So please forgive lack of punctuation glenn an hour ago
Goodevening twilson117 an hour ago
glenn – Punctuation is so formal, no worries! AdLib an hour ago
Did you hear back from A2 yet? AdLib an hour ago
Peter Navarro has to be one of the dumbest PhD’s on the face of the earth. twilson117 an hour ago
The have acknowledged the ticket but I will check my email after the chagt. twilson117 an hour ago
Navarro has always struck me as a raging moron. Angry, self-entitled and always spewing idiocy. So happy he was arrested, cuffed and held. AdLib an hour ago
Did we loose glenn? twilson117 an hour ago
Ok, they’re usually pretty responsive, typically within a couple of hours I hear back. AdLib an hour ago
I hope she’ll be back. AdLib an hour ago
Yay, she’s back! AdLib an hour ago
Hey Glenn twilson117 an hour ago
Yes Navarro is totally out in left field. twilson117 an hour ago
Good evening till 12Hope you’re doing w glenn an hour ago
And next Thursday that the 1/6 committee has it’s first prime time hearing! AdLib an hour ago
So glad to be back probably can’t stay long cause I can’t stay up late anymore but just wanted to have a little chat with 1 glenn an hour ago
Glad you’re with us for the moment. twilson117 an hour ago
Thanks Wilson how are you doing glenn an hour ago
glenn – We enjoy whatever amount of time you can be here. AdLib an hour ago
Ad appreciate you posting one of my articles today. twilson117 an hour ago
Glenn I’m doing okay, just feeling sad for the parents of Uvalde. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – Scheduled another for tomorrow and the others will follow too. I like to give them each their spotlight. AdLib an hour ago
Do we think something might really happen this time with gun laws? AdLib an hour ago
Ad appreciate that. I will be trying to increase my production over time. At some point I’ll reached the goal of becoming a real writer. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad I do not. Republicans are too far dug in and hooked on the NRA money. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – You may be shocked by this but you are a real writer. AdLib an hour ago
Murph is in the HOUSE!!! twilson117 an hour ago
Hey Murph! AdLib an hour ago
Add No I don’t think something might really happen this time with our gun laws We need a new congress And it’s not going to have I don’t think it’s going to happen this year glenn an hour ago
Hello Ad, TW, and Glenn. What are we talking about? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Hey murph glenn an hour ago
Murph I’m dissing on Navarro twilson117 an hour ago
Glenn, I see you are using voice-function….how techie of you! How are you doing? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – I hate to say it but I agree, the powerful industries own too many politicians, mostly Repubs but add Manchin, Sinema and some other Dems who are loyal to their greed for corporate money and keeping their seats and are fine watching children murdered as the price. AdLib an hour ago
Murph I’m doing well As I said earlier Using voice function Eliminates punctuation but who needs punctuation right Don’t know how long I can stay but I’m here for a while glenn an hour ago
Ah, Navarro….such a huge ego……he keeps on incriminating himself on tv while re fusing to even speak with those who want to hear what he has to see in an investigatory setting. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Glenn, your posts are making good sense. Hope you can stay awhile but take care to marshall your personal resources and do what is best for you. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Navarro should be the head spokesman for the Dunning-Krueger Effect. AdLib an hour ago
I think Harvard is about to call Navarro and request he return his diploma twilson117 an hour ago
Murph So glad you’re here tonight Wanted to tell you about my conversation with my nail tech Regarding Florida’s don’t say gay bill The tech was so happy That this bill was passed she said That she knows this Stuff is happening in other states and it’s so glad it’s not happening in Florida be cause of the law and I said well I haven’t heard of anything Teaching the students about being gay or glenn an hour ago
Navarro is proof that no one should be respected just because they have an Ivy League diploma. Add Don Jr. and Kushner to that list too. AdLib an hour ago
Ad Dunning-Krueger that’s good. twilson117 an hour ago
Did you all see the story about the incumbent NY GOP Rep who was broadly endorsed by the GOP UNTIL he dared suggest that he was open to efforts to control the sale of combat-level rifles…and then he was dropped so fast and so hard that he withdrew today…Fascism at work.. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
glenn – What’s kind of scary is that this Trumpian/Racist/Authoritarian movement has unleashed such hatred, bigotry and cultish brainwashing in what seems like 1/3 of the country. These people are truly dangerous because at the very least, they support and give aid and comfort to this Trumpian Nazi movement. AdLib an hour ago
Glenn….your nail tech is part of a very large segment of our people who demonstrate that ignorance is not bliss but a blight. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph Did not see that story but it does not surprise me Baffles me but does not surprise me glenn an hour ago
Murph – Yes, saw that and saw that DeSantis extorted the Special Olympics to drop their vaccine mandates and they folded. the 1st Amendment is dead in FL, they have seceded already and taken many Dems like our good friends glenn and Harleigh with them. AdLib an hour ago
Ad just went on to amazon and order a crate of lemon juice and having it shipped to Navarro so he can pour it all over himself so it will make him invisible. twilson117 an hour ago
Glenn….I have had conversation like the one you had with your nail tech. I know of a family that is making plans to leave this state in expectation of similar laws passing here. They have two children who would be so badly affected that they are not going to wait for the hammer to fall. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Add Exactly And prior to this conversation I consider this woman fairlyAnd prior to this conversation I consider this woman fairly intelligent People are so willing to believe the worst nowadays and It just gets propagated over and over again glenn an hour ago
DeSantis is one of several GOP governors who are showing how their ilk wields power….. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Did you see the story that the 1/6 committee now has evidence that connects Alexander Ali to Trump and the extremist groups and that they planned kill lists, tent camps to hold millions and militia led “policing” to take over until Trump was confirmed in a second term. What we will learn in the 1/6 committee hearings will blow our monds. AdLib an hour ago
minds AdLib an hour ago
Murph I’m glad to hear that your friends are getting out But so many people cannot do that glenn an hour ago
TW – AdLib an hour ago
TW – But Navarro looks like he’s been bathing in lemon juice for 40 years. AdLib an hour ago
Twilson LOL glenn an hour ago
Hey Zefram! AdLib an hour ago
Ad….now let us hope that people pay attention and do not accept the well studied and crafted denialism that negates damning reality. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Hello Zefram….. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad you think with his PhD he would know all the lemon juice in the world won’t make him invisible but what the hell, he makes for good tv on the Ari show. twilson117 an hour ago
Hello Zefram twilson117 an hour ago
Add as long as republicans Are still in congress or at least the majority in the senate I don’t think anything will come out of these January 6 committee hearings yes they may blow our Mines But only the little people will beBut only the little people will be prosecuted will never ever come to trump he will not he will walk out of this scot free just like he has his whole life glenn an hour ago
Hi folks… ZeframCochrane an hour ago
glenn ….. my friends who are getting out are taking big losses doing so…. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Glenn…..my expectation is that the GOP will win the House and hold the Senate blunting anything revealed the the January 6 committee leaving on the Justice Dept and state based AGs to put the truth into play. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph and glenn – This is the same frog in the slowly boiling water that can be seen in history as a country becomes savagely fascist. FL and TX are leading a current fascist takeover of their states and exporting it to more red states. Have no doubt, LGBTQ are first because they are among the most vulnerable targets but people of color and different religions will follow. MTG did a video today announcing that White Nationalism is nothing to be afraid of. Yeah, this is happening. AdLib an hour ago
Ad it’s a shame people have feel they have to uproot their families because of rank stupidity. It seems we’re reverting back to times we rather not think about. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad….Mo and Oklahoma are not far behind. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph Sorry to hear that your friends will be taking a loss I hope that people like them realize the importance nowadays of the ballet and will be voting accordingly and frequently not frequently in 1 election but in every election but most of specially the midterms I truly believe That the majority of the United States people agree with democratic ideas and policies But they have been brainwashed to be so scared Like my nail tech And they won’t vote glenn an hour ago
Murph – I worry that we may have already lost TX and FL to a fledgling fascism that grows worse every day. They are hobbling and corrupting elections so much, I don’t know if a majority of votes could remove Abbot or DeSantis. AdLib an hour ago
Hi zepfram glenn an hour ago
Glenn and Ad…the long term GOP conspiracy to enable minority rule is bearing fruit…evil, disugusting fruit. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
For those of you not in L.A., the LA Times had an Op Ed piece today re: Ted “I’ve got Secret Service protection” Cruz who said of the recent Uvalde shooting, “I get tired of all the politicking,” he told CBS. “It happens every time there is a mass shooting.” Nothing says ‘inured to gun violence’ like casually adding “every time there is a mass shooting.” ZeframCochrane an hour ago
Murph and Ad I was having as conversation with a friend earlier and we were talking about the possibility of loosing our democracy. He is still of the opinion we won’t but can see the possibility it could happen. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – I wouldn’t be surprised if Navarro thinks that he can escape this prosecution by sticking his head under his bed and since he can’t see anyone else, they just disappear. AdLib an hour ago
Ad twilson117 an hour ago
Zeframe…Cruz is a poster child for that kind of idiocy and equally as frightening are those who speak those thoughts in back rooms and closed conversations. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Add sadly I agree with you This is not going to end well Unless Democrat’s Start As hard as republicans do glenn an hour ago
Navarro should have taken a cue from his namesake silent film star Ramon Navarro (original “Ben Hur”) and remained silent. ZeframCochrane an hour ago
Ad…I firmly believe that if the Dems cannot hold the House AND gain a working control of the Senate the fascist wave will roll forward. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Zeframe, Cruz should be dropped in a nest of rattle snakes, the only question I have will they bite him or welcome him home. twilson117 an hour ago
Zefrem….a little film literacy at work. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Frankly, Cruz should be shot and pissed on…and not necessarily in that order. (Apologies for my translation from the French original.) ZeframCochrane an hour ago
Zefram…..do you take your name from warp speed thinking? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
I knew you were going to ask that, Murph. ZeframCochrane an hour ago
Zef….we trekkers grok! MurphTheSurf3 44 minutes ago
glenn – I think you’re right, gun laws will fail again thanks to the Pro-Death party of The GOP. AdLib 44 minutes ago
Murph – You’re right, MO, OK, AL, MS, TN and other states are all folllowing TX and FL into this New Fascist Confederacy. It is scary when you really think about swaths of the US being anti-democratic tyrannies. FL is a monstrosity under DeSantis. AdLib 42 minutes ago
Here is a story for you all…..a local sheriff here in response to the events in Texas had a meeting with his force and two associated forces and make it crystal clear….”Since Columbine law enforcement identifies where the danger is and goes in…even when outgunned….” I said “bravo”……others put thumbs up….today…one week after that meeting, he has been suspended for “politicizing” …. MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago
Muprh have you seen any of the new Star Trek Series? Discovery, Picard, and Star Trek Strange New Worlds? twilson117 42 minutes ago
Gentlemen This discussion tonight Is very depressing I am trying to do my best to counter act to SantosI am trying to do my best to counter act desantis Have an appointment next Tuesday To try to get my voter ID I can’t I can’t drive anymore so I can’t get a license I will let you know next week about the trials and tributes I can’t I can’t drive anymore so I can’t get a license I will let you know next week about the trials and tribulations of trying to get this I have to have a lot of paperwork of course to prove who I am and where I live As I said I’ll let you know next week how it goes glenn 42 minutes ago
Ad…I have given thought to resettling in FL….no more….. MurphTheSurf3 41 minutes ago
So as for tonight I’m losing steam quickly So I’m going to sign out I hope everyone has a good week and hopefully I’ll be here next week glenn 41 minutes ago
Take care Glenn. twilson117 40 minutes ago
TW…I know of these recent takes on the Trek universe….but to invest in them I need to commit time I do not have and money I have better uses for. MurphTheSurf3 40 minutes ago
Glenn…good luck getting permission to exercise the franchise! And yes, all of this is very tiring and wearisome. MurphTheSurf3 39 minutes ago
Murph I know what you mean. twilson117 39 minutes ago
Murph – Yep and unfortunately, the massive outrage there should be continuing against Manchin and Sinema, to follow their corporate bosses and claim the filibuster is more important than stopping the fascist takeover of our democracy through a voting rights bill, is so disappointing. They are right now two of the darkest figures in what’s happening now because they could help stop this minority rule twisting of our democracy but they are too loyal to their corporate owners. I wonder if they’re just planning to flip to being Repubs and being rewarded for preventing Dems rescue of democracy? AdLib 39 minutes ago
Build up your steam, glenn…we are rotting for you. MurphTheSurf3 39 minutes ago
Murph Loved the way you put that Getting permission to exercise the franchise Good night my friend and take care glenn 38 minutes ago
Good night all glenn 37 minutes ago
Ad…your insights re. Manchin and Sinema are ones I endorse. I fully expect the GOP to swamp the filibuster in the first week of the GOP controlled Senate…minority rule rocks! MurphTheSurf3 37 minutes ago
Ad Citizens United is having the affect Obama said it would and Alito shook his head in disagreement. Money has always been a major factor in politics since the ancient times. twilson117 37 minutes ago
Good night, Glenn. MurphTheSurf3 37 minutes ago
Zefram – That’s a great point about Cruz and his inhumanity reflected in normalizing mass shootings. AdLib 37 minutes ago
Night glenn! Glad you were here! AdLib 36 minutes ago
I wonder if fascism is really good for business…that was the thinking in Italy and German not so long ago….and look where that took them. MurphTheSurf3 36 minutes ago
Zefram – Very funny about Navarro remaining silent! AdLib 36 minutes ago
I happened to catch the last few minutes of Chaplin’s “The Great Dictator” on TV, which included the final speech of Chaplin as Der Phooey. You might look at the text of that script…it’s amazing how apros po it remains 90 years later. ZeframCochrane 34 minutes ago
Murph we have a 21st centry version Hungry. If businesses want to stay in business they have to fork over money to Orban. And who pays the price, the little people. Yeah these fools who think it’s a better form of governing because they are too lazy to read, think and act. twilson117 33 minutes ago
Murph – I am boycotting FL. Imagine if Germany had a Disneyworld when Hitler took over, who would take their family there? AdLib 33 minutes ago
Something about my man Kunce for Senate here in Mo….his principal opponent is a woman who is part of the Budweiser family…..who came out of nowhere….Establishment Dems are flocking to her…I smell a rat. MurphTheSurf3 33 minutes ago
After running for office, she’s probably sadder, Budweiser. ZeframCochrane 32 minutes ago
Zefrem….thanks for the silent film lead…I will follow up. MurphTheSurf3 32 minutes ago
Murph – Actually, I think the Repubs won’t kill the filibuster until or unless they get a Repub president because if Dems take back control before that, they’ve screwed themselves. AdLib 31 minutes ago
TW…I have read that Orban is extorting money from business following in Putin’s footsteps. MurphTheSurf3 31 minutes ago
I thought about following in Putin’ ZeframCochrane 31 minutes ago
Sorry…I thought about following in Putin’s footsteps for a time…but they were such small feet. ZeframCochrane 30 minutes ago
Zef….sadder, budweiser……SHEEEESH! BUT OH, SO CLEVER. MurphTheSurf3 30 minutes ago
TW – I was thinking the same thing this week, Citizens United is doing exactly what it was intended to do, as Obama stated and Alito shook his head at in the SOTU. The wealthy own our political system so much more today than before Citizens United and in just 2 years, the damage and takeover could be cemented in. AdLib 29 minutes ago
Ad, I think the GOP is going to go full throttle to take over the mechanisms of government as a way of influencing the next national election… MurphTheSurf3 29 minutes ago
Ad…and the comparisons to pre-fasicist Italy and Germany and the role of the wealthy is frightening in its similarity. MurphTheSurf3 28 minutes ago
For the record, we get Paramount + for a year for free from T-Mobile and I have watched the new Star Trek series. Picard is disappointingly poor, Discovery is good but falls into drama too much for my taste but the new series with Captain Pike and the Enterprise, Strange New Worlds is very much in the original Star Trek mold and I’m enjoying it. AdLib 27 minutes ago
Here’s your ballot in 2028, folks: TRUMP…Yes or Yes? ZeframCochrane 27 minutes ago
Murph Orban has all the media in his pocket and many businesses as well yes he has taken several pages out of Putin’s book. twilson117 26 minutes ago
Zefram – The final speech by Chaplin in The Great Dictator is one of the most powerful and evocative speeches in movie history, IMO. I have posted it here before and when I watch it, I still get goosebumps. We need Dem leaders to step up and say such things about standing against the evils of fascism, which is the GOP today. AdLib 25 minutes ago
Another side note- the Principal of my local HS (with the backing of his Superintendent) has doubled down on building security here which includes special training for teachers to teach them how to secure their individual classrooms. Both are fine educators who I support. Their efforts make sense given where we are and where we are going. MurphTheSurf3 25 minutes ago
Zefrem……your ballot “joke” – not far from the hope the trumpistas have. MurphTheSurf3 24 minutes ago
As Zefram recommended, here is that Chaplin speech as his character impersonates the Hitler character in the film. It is an amazing speech, if you haven’t watched it, you really should. AdLib 24 minutes ago
https://www.youtube.com/embed/J7GY1Xg6X20?wmode=transparent&jqoemcache=iNXDq AdLib 24 minutes ago
Ad and Zef that Chaplin speech should be mandatory watching for every Dem pol. MurphTheSurf3 23 minutes ago
Ad…thanks for the link…you are so skilled in manipulating the tech here. MurphTheSurf3 23 minutes ago
Murph it is a crying shame teachers and students have to go through this. In our day it was hiding under our desks in case of a nuclear attack. Like that would save us. twilson117 22 minutes ago
TW – So much insanity floods us every day but how about CPAC holding it’s conference in a Hungarian dictatorship? WTF? AdLib 22 minutes ago
As the former Operations Director for one of the professional schools at UCLA, I organized several Active Shooter training sessions for our faculty and staff. One of the videos the police screened for us was of a 12-year-old girl who was the state champion target shooter who walked through a course and accurately shot 20 targets with a handgun and rifle in less than 90 seconds. Hardening schools is a complete canard…the security officer will be the first victim. ZeframCochrane 22 minutes ago
Zef – “Sad Budweiser”! AdLib 21 minutes ago
TW…..what they are being taught is actually very effective….clever ways of sealing off classrooms and organizing to attack the attacker. MurphTheSurf3 21 minutes ago
I can’t believe that during the nuclear age threat, we were actually safer with Duck and Cover! ZeframCochrane 20 minutes ago
Ad…I am amazed at how little attention the CPAC in Hungary story got. MurphTheSurf3 20 minutes ago
Murph I hope they never, never have to use those tactics. But, it has become the way of the world. All because the NR twilson117 20 minutes ago
Murph – Yes to a number of your comments about the Repubs using their control in Congress to finish the job and disable democracy. This is why I say we have a narrow path but a viable one this Nov to retain power and grow Senate Dem majority to allow for killing the filibuster and passing voting rights laws that prevent this overthrow. AdLib 19 minutes ago
Zef…..I don’t think I understand your observation about the target shooter… MurphTheSurf3 19 minutes ago
Zefram – I wonder though if Trump would be so damaged by all the criminal indictments and trials that even with the election corruption, he could still lose. AdLib 18 minutes ago
Murph (cont) All because the NRA who shills for the gun lobby and the gun lobby puts profits over lives. Our children have to go to school with the threat of the possibility of someone might come in and shoot up the place for not damn good reason other than being pissed at someone. twilson117 18 minutes ago
Ad…I hope you are correct….but I have little confidence in the voter…..short term economic realities will drive many to make very bad long term decisions. MurphTheSurf3 17 minutes ago
The Republicans and NRA think that having armed security at schools and a single-point entrance will do the trick. It’s meaningless against shooters who are relatively skilled with firearms and determined to kill people and are willing to trade their life for the lives of others. ZeframCochrane 17 minutes ago
Zefram – That info about the 12 year old target shooter is important. Not only that, what we haven’t seen really are groups of shooters attacking “soft targets”, just lone wolves. Did you prepare for that scenario because I’m concerned that may come next. AdLib 16 minutes ago
Zef……your observation is a wise one…..I have been impressed what my local school district has done to address those realities. It won’t be enough to stop the carnage entirely but it will, I think, be effective in limiting it. MurphTheSurf3 15 minutes ago
Murph you know how I feel about this gun violence, if you recall I wrote several pieces when out on yaberz I have an article up here that Ad was kind enough to post. It’s got to stop. twilson117 15 minutes ago
Ad…you idea re. groups/squads of shoots is a horrific nightmare. MurphTheSurf3 15 minutes ago
TW…I agree….fully. MurphTheSurf3 14 minutes ago
Well, we had an active shooter at UCLA several years ago, and the campus went on lockdown. I ended up herding a classroom of 100+ students and their instructor from an unsecured lecture hall into one of our secured classrooms during that incident. It’s fortunate (if that’s the word for it) that there was only one shooter and that he killed himself after being locked inside a small office after shooting his professor. ZeframCochrane 14 minutes ago
Zef the 12 year old target shooter is impressive, but, it’s who lot different when someone is firing back. twilson117 13 minutes ago
Murph – I’m not saying it’s very likely, just that there is a path to save this country from falling into darkness for at least a lifetime and the combination of Repub extremism, the 1/6 hearings and trials, the SCOTUS ending Roe and gun restrictions in the midst of rampaging gun violence, it could absolutely sway enough people to elect Dems to control Congress. No guarantee but a definite possibility. AdLib 13 minutes ago
TW, are we to assume that a classroom teacher pulls out their 457 Magnum from their desk and starts firing? And what’s to prevent law enforcement, who (unlike Uvalde) are actually storming the building to neutralize the shooter don’t mistake the teacher for the active shooter? ZeframCochrane 12 minutes ago
Ad….the list you provide should certainly be enough to persuade….but people have to be able to tell truth from fiction and sadly very few do AND the people on the right are very effective and convincing liars MurphTheSurf3 11 minutes ago
Zef you are raising a damn good question. Because the cops will see someone with a gun and I think we have a good idea of what they will do. twilson117 10 minutes ago
Zefram – Everything the GOP suggests as responses to stop more shootings is just performance art. Urging door control instead of gun control is absurd as it sounds. And what happens if instead of shooting kids, a killer sets the school on fire and there’s only one exit where he can pick off all of those who don’t die in the fire? This insanity is intended to distract everyone from gun control laws and appear to be doing something. What they really want is to drag things out until the public is freaked out about something else and they can quietly bury all efforts, like the policing “negotiations” after George Floyd that were smothered over a year. AdLib 10 minutes ago
I was told during all of our Active Shooter training that law enforcement assumes that anyone with a gun in the building is a potential active shooter and they are trained to neutralize the threat and ask questions later. ZeframCochrane 10 minutes ago
Among the steps that have been taken in the schools I know are drilled down holes in the reinforced floors in front of every door. Those holes are for metal poles that are dropped into them that secure those doors (which are also reinforced) remarkably well. MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago
Zef but that is what Republicans want to do is arm the teachers. But, like one teacher said if he came upon a shooter and recognized him (and it is usually a male) he would be more inclined to try and talk him down than shoot him. twilson117 9 minutes ago
…neutralize with extreme prejudice ZeframCochrane 9 minutes ago
From the initial reports at Uvalde (which are certainly suspect, given the changing stories from officials over the past several days), the shooter shot out the windows in the classroom door and gained entry that way. ZeframCochrane 7 minutes ago
Zefram – That is terrifying. I am so glad to hear no students or staff were injured but what an awful aspect of attending school to now be a part of life. Hardening schools? The Repubs who have forced this on us are more about hardening hearts to the executions of students and teachers. This is madness. AdLib 7 minutes ago
Let’s not forget that city schools have proven to be remarkably secure (when they used to be frequent targets for gang violence) because of very well developed entry control and lock down procedures. Not a complete answer but still of use. MurphTheSurf3 7 minutes ago
There are certainly ways to make it very difficulty for anyone without a bazooka to enter a locked classroom…but who is going to pay for all this hardening? Certainly not through higher taxes, good heavens? ZeframCochrane 6 minutes ago
Zefram – As anyone who has ever been in a saloon gunfight knows, the more people shooting at each other only makes it safer for everyone else. Aside from the multitude of bullets flying around. AdLib 6 minutes ago
Well…..friends…..I am campaigning for Kunce in the AM and need to get some rest. Good discussion tonight. So glad you joined in ZeframC. MurphTheSurf3 5 minutes ago
Let’s face it, repugs are talking out of their butt holes on this entire harding schools and arming teachers. twilson117 5 minutes ago
The town drunk at Tombstone was asked where he was when the gunfight erupted. “Under the table,” he replied. ZeframCochrane 5 minutes ago
Take care Murph. twilson117 5 minutes ago
Thanks, folks. It’s been wonderful chatting with you all. ZeframCochrane 4 minutes ago
Zef the town drunk knew what the had to do. twilson117 4 minutes ago
Well, he did have a nearly full bottle of rye with him at the time. ZeframCochrane 4 minutes ago
Murph – I don’t know, there’s nothing that the RW fascists can say to those who aren’t part of their cult to manipulate the majority on Roe, on the 1/6 attempted overthrow or gun violence. The majorities have only grown on the right side of all of those issues. Repub lies work on their cultists but not so much on the public at large. AdLib 4 minutes ago
Zef well you can’t let a bottle of Rye go to waste. twilson117 3 minutes ago
Zefram – That only makes perfect sense. It is inevitable that a teacher with a gun during a mass shooting event will be shot and killed by police. As you describe, that will be out of necessity by the officers, no time to have a discussion, they burst in, see someone with a gun, they will shoot him or her. AdLib 2 minutes ago
Well, I’m calling it, see next week. twilson117 a few seconds ago
Zefram – Issue 1. People aren’t drinking enough rye anymore. Issue 2. People need to wear hats again. AdLib in a few seconds
Bye, TW. ZeframCochrane in a few seconds
Thanks for making it tonight at the last minute, Zefram. Maybe we can grab lunch or a cup of coffee next week? AdLib in a minute
The only rye most people see these days. is with a pastrami sandwich ZeframCochrane in a minute
Great! Let’s have a pastrami sandwich, too! ZeframCochrane in a minute
Now you’ve got my mouth watering for a pastrami on rye with a side of rye. AdLib in a minute
See you, AdLib! ZeframCochrane in a minute
Now that sounds rye-t. AdLib in a minute
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