Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 4 hours ago
Hey PPO! AdLib 3 hours ago
How are you? AdLib 3 hours ago
Hi, Ad. Fine thanks. Sorry about last week, pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
No worries. You were missed of course. AdLib 3 hours ago
Everything okay? AdLib 3 hours ago
Yes, a bit iffy this week. Easter used to be special. But I must mutter on. pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
Sorry. I know holidays are among the most difficult. AdLib 3 hours ago
I was curious about the regattas? Were they open for everyone? Is it an annual thing? AdLib 3 hours ago
Some are club boats only, some are open to any sailboat. We have classes made up of keelboats, Off-the beach and one-design classes like Dragons, Etchells and 2.4s. The keelboats sail in handicap Divisions to keep the results as fair and close as possible. pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
We will be hosting World Championships next Season, so we need as many vollies to qualify to run the races. pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
Are you doing anything special over the Holidays? pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
Interesting. How do the handicap Divisions work? Do they have a delayed start time? AdLib 3 hours ago
That’s exciting, the World Championships. Will you be participating in them as you have in the regattas? AdLib 3 hours ago
Not really doing anything special. Our daughter is away at college in her first year, this is the first year she hasn’t gone on an egg hunt in the backyard. AdLib 3 hours ago
That’s part of it. We have 3 Divisions, broken up roughly by size, eg, 40 foot+ are in Div 1, 30-40 Div2 and under 30′ Dic 3. then inside the Div, each boat has a handicap. Multiply your elapsed time by the hanicap to get your corrected time. This places you in the fleet. pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
That was our big fun of the day on Easter, hiding the eggs and figuring out new places to hide them then watching her look for them. We have Easter dinner but that was the most fun. My wife sent her plastic eggs with candy and I sent her Easter candy as a surprise that she got yesterday. Time marches on, kids grow up and move out and annual traditions become fond memories. AdLib 3 hours ago
Well, I hope to have qualified by then to be part of the Race Management Team. Apart from the mechanics of what signal flags to fly and timing rules, I have to learn the Rules of Racing. pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
Of course, that makes perfect sense! Multiplying the time by the fraction for the handicap. AdLib 3 hours ago
Do the World Championships work the same way, with multiple divisions and handicaps? AdLib 3 hours ago
Sounds lovely, Ad. We never had children, so nothing like that for us. pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
Glad she’s growing up and an adult, she’s playing college ball and doing great, enjoying being a college student, very happy about that. AdLib 3 hours ago
So did you see that the SCOTUS succeeded in ending democracy in WI? AdLib 3 hours ago
The World Champs are usually limited to an individual type or class of boat, like, for instance, the Olympics have the Lasers, Finns, 470s, 49ers, catamarans. Each class gets its own medals. Wold championships for classes like the Lasers draw up to 100 boats. Imagine trying to start them in choppy seas and shifty winds. Hike herding kittens. pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
Glad for her, and you. You must be very proud. pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
I would think it could be a bit dangerous too, boats could be veering into other boats. AdLib 3 hours ago
Yes, very proud of her and happy to see her achieving on her own. AdLib 3 hours ago
We will have dozens of rescue craft all around the courses and at the start/finish lines. pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
Are accidents rare or typical? AdLib 3 hours ago
Well, as most of them are heading in the same direction, there can be scrapes and bumps, but protest hearings can fix those, and a little paint! Strict rules for boats crossing each other’s tracks. so quite rare for a major crunch to occur. It can happen in very busy fleets. pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
I see. I’m just imagining a worst case scenario like you mentioned, very windy and choppy seas when they all start off. Do all boats start at the same time or are there heats? AdLib 3 hours ago
Rescues are often just towing in a boat who has lost its mast or broken gear. Sometimes fishing crew out who went overboard, but each boat likes to return to shore with the same number of crew they set out with! pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
That is always a good policy, caring about returning with the same number of crew you left with. Of course, there’ve got to be RW boaters who wouldn’t be quite as concerned about the count and would call it rigged anyway. AdLib 3 hours ago
A regatta usually comprises a set number of races, can be up to 20 for small boats doing 4-5 races a day. Many classes allow you to drop your worst finishes, eg, a 5 race series means you can drop your worst race, 2 races in a 8 race series, etc. pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
A boating accident, for your edification: https://twitter.com/ResusCGMedia/status/1514592744756240386?s=20&t=bY0JM5PgyJkuaH1dyrepKQ
https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3NwYWNlX2NhcmQiOnsiYnVja2V0Ijoib2ZmIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH0sInRmd19zZW5zaXRpdmVfbWVkaWFfaW50ZXJzdGl0aWFsXzEzOTYzIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6ImludGVyc3RpdGlhbCIsInZlcnNpb24iOjR9fQ%3D%3D&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1514592744756240386&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwidget-b.flyzoo.co%2Fchatrooms%2Fchatroom%3Fxto%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fplanetpov.com%252F%26url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fplanetpov.com%252F%26idWebsite%3D53f264e0684ea81a905e562d%26mode%3Dfalse%26id%3D5409fa15684ea8126cbd2fec%26mobile%3Dfalse%26gcn%3Dnull%26w%3D1263%26h%3D491%26hs%3D491%26fzla%3Dauto&sessionId=ef24456b211b75f9a2658bfd0ac76b3ef98bdcdf&theme=light&widgetsVersion=c8fe9736dd6fb%3A1649830956492&width=300px AdLib 3 hours ago
Magic! Love the Russian promotion of Moskva from Cruiser to Submarine! pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
I’m new to boat racing but a bit of a sports fan so sorry for so many basic questions but I’m interested in how it works. How long are the races? If they can do 4-5 a day, I gather they’re not terribly long. AdLib 3 hours ago
Yes! And entertained by the running revisions by Russia of how it sank. About 5 different official claims and then of course, they talk about attacking Ukraine more viciously…but if Ukraine didn’t sink the ship as they claim, why claiming the need for revenge. Whoops! AdLib 3 hours ago
NOO. Most races are between 1 hour for small ones to up to 4 hours for the big ones. Some Keelboat Regattas have one long distance one that runs overnight. pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
But having learned from the MAGA cult, no amount of self-contradictions will shake the brainwashed Russians from believing ridiculous propaganda. AdLib 3 hours ago
Well, it does boil down to whether Ukraine sank Moskva, or it did what it was told and fucked itself! pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
Wow! So the 1 hour ones can do 4-5 a day. I imagine some of the 4 hour ones do multiple races a day too? AdLib 3 hours ago
Ad, they don’t hear anything else. pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
But they were hearing other news or at least they could have before Putin shut down much of the internet and all the independent news entities in the country. AdLib 3 hours ago
The 4 hour ones are usually in the afternoon. Time is also spent getting to and from the marinas to the actual course. pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
So, do you think it’s correct to blame those who have bought into the propaganda even though they had opportunities to learn the truth or are they hapless victims? AdLib 3 hours ago
Right! That makes sense, the time it takes to get from the marina to the starting line. Then prep of course. AdLib 3 hours ago
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=800a57016b&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-a:r-8020215124341959135&view=att&disp=safe&realattid=f_l218ujlp0 pinkpantheroz 3 hours ago
That link doesn’t work. AdLib 2 hours ago
I can never remember how to sens stuff~ pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Looks like a lot of Vox folks took off for Good Friday? AdLib 2 hours ago
What are you trying to send? AdLib 2 hours ago
sent it via gmail pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
A graphic? If so, you can right click on it and select Copy Image Link. AdLib 2 hours ago
Can you try sending again? Got the email but the video didn’t play. AdLib 2 hours ago
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=800a57016b&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-a:r-8020215124341959135&th=180303b2ec69c856&view=att&disp=safe&realattid=f_l218ujlp0 pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
The link doesn’t work on Vox since the video is in your email but you can forward it as an attachment by email and hopefully this time it will work. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ah, ok will try pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Each week there seems to be a little good news that’s balanced by equal or more bad news. It gets a bit exhausting after a while but it’s vital to persist. AdLib 2 hours ago
Well, it looks like we’re the only ones with little to do! pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
I know! Holiday weekends can be unpredictable here. AdLib 2 hours ago
So I’ll wish you and yours a Happy Easter and please stay safe. July is getting closer! pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
cheers for now. pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
TW said last week he would miss tonight. AdLib 2 hours ago
Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you in July! Be prepared for heat! AdLib 2 hours ago
Good! pack lightly! pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Ciao pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Indeed! July in CA is usually very warm. AdLib 2 hours ago
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