Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 4 hours ago
Looks like a ghost town! MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Hey Murph, guess it’s one of those weeks. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ah well……9:30…….yes, one of those weeks. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
CL may still be on the mend, PPO has his last regatta to attend and TW said he was going to miss this week. AdLib 2 hours ago
Our group is a bit thin right now. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Yep. I may have a new member coming in for Vox et al. AdLib 2 hours ago
Maybe next week. AdLib 2 hours ago
That would be good…… MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
As you know, it’s not easy to find people who are comfortable with such a dynamic conversation. AdLib 2 hours ago
Fast moving and dynamic. AdLib 2 hours ago
How well I know……thinking on one’s feet, even on line, is daunting for many. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Well, perhaps I shall take advantage of the unexpected half hour and get a little extra rest. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
exactly. I think some people are intimidated and think they won’t do a great job while others just don’t have the interest or whatever. Well, we’re here. Did you see the text that the 1/6 committee released? AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad….which text…..? I have seen quite a lot on 1/6 of late. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
The one from an unidentified source on 1/5 asking Meadows about details of a call between Trump and Repubs in Congeress to plan a 10 day stall on 1/6 counting electors. AdLib 2 hours ago
It seems to be a smoking gun on Trump’s involvement, planning and intention of sedition. AdLib an hour ago
Ah yes. Also the missing log hours. Also the roleof Ginni Thomas. Also… MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
All of those too and…thankfully…info on the DoJ taking Grand Jury testimony and subpoenas on the funders and Trump’s top people involved with 1/6. AdLib an hour ago
Jan. 6 DOJ probe expands to Trump “VIPs” — and maybe members of Congress: report New subpoenas issued by the Justice Department could “reveal if members of Congress were in on the plot” https://www.salon.com/2022/03/31/doj-jan-6-criminal-expands-to-vips-and-potential-involvement-of-members-of-congress-report/ AdLib an hour ago
Ok, then I did…..someone sent me a fake story from somewhere showing Trump in cuffs being dragged off a boat…headline said that he had been apprehended by the Coast Guard fleeing from Florida on a yacht registered to a RUssian oil company! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Heh! That’s quite a whopper! AdLib an hour ago
Hey TW! AdLib an hour ago

Hey everyone sorry I’m late twilson117 an hour ago
Your report may be a harbinger of the prophetic story I referred to. Howdy TW. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Great to see you! Thought you might not make it tonight. AdLib an hour ago
TW…the party just got started…..I was very late myself. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Not going to stay long but just wanted to pop in and see what’s cooking. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – No way that Trump would be arrested ike that, he’d be allowed to surrender himself I’m sure. I hope that day happens. AdLib an hour ago
TW…what’s cooking? Maybe Trump’s Goose might finally be on the rack. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad….I am sure you are correct but wouldn’t that be something…orange man in bracelets. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Trump’s rallies have been shrinking in numbers, he’s now tied himself to post-Ukraine War war criminal Putin and DeSantis is making a big push to get ahead of Trump in primary talk. AdLib an hour ago

So what do you think of Trump** hijacking his WH photographer’s book deal twilson117 an hour ago
Ok…just a bit of fun…I am going to the world premier of “The Karate Kid- the Musical”! WooHoo…kultcha Mo. style. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Hate to say it but Trump stealing from someone who trusted him seems to be the norm. I don’t feel as bad for the photographer because anyone who would choose to work for Trump deserves to be screwed by him. AdLib an hour ago

Murph I saw that his rallies are drawing less people, guess they’re getting tired of hearing the same old song. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – You should stream it! AdLib an hour ago

Ad you’re right it’s what he does. twilson117 an hour ago
Ginni Thomas certainly had very specific ideas about who should and should not be working in the WH MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

He’s greedy SOB twilson117 an hour ago
There is nary a single Trump flag to be found in my small corner of the world. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Does anyone really believe she and hubby don’t discuss issues coming before the court? twilson117 an hour ago
The Karate Kid thing is a trial run for what they hope is a trek to Broadway. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Trump always tells that cliche story about “You knew I was a snake…”, he literally advertises that he is a crook who betrays anyone if it benefits him. And still, suckers line up. Did you hear his Truth Social is tanking? Of course, he robbed the suckers who invested then ran. AdLib an hour ago
TW…the two of them refer to each other as “the best of friends” and Ginni has referred to discussing her actions with her “best friend” in inteviews. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Chris Hayes was talking about her time in a cult on his show tonight. I think she is having a cult-lapse twilson117 an hour ago
Ginni Thomas seems to be very screwed up mentally so of course she’s prominent in the GOP. AdLib an hour ago
Murph! That’s big news! What happened to all the Trump flags? What’s going on? AdLib an hour ago
Has Trump succeeded at anything he has done? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph this Sep I will have been married 52 years there is nothing my wife doesn’t know. twilson117 an hour ago

I didn’t know she was such a ding-bat twilson117 an hour ago
TW – I saw a quote from Thomas claiming he is only complete when he’s with Ginni. And that they’re two peas in a pod. Any denial that he doesn’t know and support her attempts to overthrow the government is obviously BS. AdLib an hour ago
Ad…the flags have been slowly disappearing but in the last four days the most fervent disciples of the Orange Lord that I know of have gone dark in their support. Maybe the failing rallies are just another sign of how little real support he has. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Got it! I thought it was a local musical. Hope it’s a lot of fun! AdLib an hour ago

Ad I saw him say that in a clip MSNBC has been playing on all the talk shows twilson117 an hour ago
TW….52 years…..Ad Multos Annos! Salve!……Many More Years….and Health MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Ad a new dark lord is rising and his name is Darth DeSantis twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Trump has only succeeded in fooling people into thinking he was a successful billionaire. And racists into thinking they can hate their way back towards 1950’s white supremacy. AdLib an hour ago

Murph Thanks twilson117 an hour ago
De Santis is frightening….but then again, that term befits most of the GOP! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Success as a fraudulent activity. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Yes, I saw that, Ginni connected Clarence to knowing by saying she told “her best friend”, which any married person would likely call their spouse anyway. AdLib an hour ago

He’s picking a fight with Mickey and that’s a fight he will lose, especially if the duck gets involved. twilson117 an hour ago
TW…Mickey and the Duck! Dynamic Duo. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – That is so amazing! Cheers to you and your wife, what an incredible marriage! AdLib an hour ago

Murph Damn Straight twilson117 an hour ago

So how is CL doing? twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Maybe that view in 2016, that Trump would be a poison pill for the GOP ticket, will come true in 2024 if he runs and he may not. AdLib an hour ago

Ad I’m starting to have doubts Trump** will run in 24. twilson117 an hour ago
I have a friend who is a judge and a professor of law…he has long said that without a binding ethics code SCOTUS is an engine constantly in danger of running off the rails. With Thomas as the virtual conductor that seems to be a given. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Absolutely, DeSantis is truly a cruel, determined dictator. FL is barely a democracy but it has become so fascist under him. The US would be on fire if he stole the WH. AdLib an hour ago
DeSantis is what I fear most….a Trumpista at heart who has real competencies in managing a governmental structure…. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph agree the SC needs an ethics code twilson117 an hour ago
I have seen though that DeSantis remains in positives in polls. FL has many great folks in it but so many wackos. Consider a state that elected DeSantis, Rick Scott and Marco Rubio. At least the Fed Court smacked down the FL anti-voting laws and put them on a 10 year probation where judges have to clear any future changes to election laws. AdLib an hour ago
TW….another example of how much was left undone in the creation of the Constitution. At best, an outline that was supposed to be filled out in subsequent conventions that never happened. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

The imitators are worse than the originals twilson117 an hour ago
TW – CL has been doing a little better, she’s been posting occassionally on Twitter. AdLib an hour ago

Ad give her my best twilson117 an hour ago
Ad…Florida is dominated by a deep right wing consortium. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
I miss CL MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
I also miss several others among our regulars. Any word on them? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – So is Roberts just going to sit and watch as his SCOTUS is destroyed as a political and legally-unsound haven for RW extremists who want to take down democracy? AdLib an hour ago

Murph I agree. Didn’t they do that by design thinking over time people would make it better and stronger? twilson117 an hour ago
Ad..the Chief Justice has very little real power….. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Ad I don’t think there is much Roberts can do. He has no control over the other justices. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – I have my doubts too about Trump running again but if he is indicted, he may run solely out of self-preservation, so he can pardon himself…even though it’s illegal. But he knows a president would never be indicted while in office. AdLib an hour ago

In essence all the SC’s are independent players. twilson117 an hour ago
The Chief convenes the court, assigns case loads, and office locations. AND the dominance the crazy right now has on the court means that his moral authority is negligible. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
I have read that Mira Lago is a ghost town. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – I don’t know if DeSantis is very competent but he does know how to aggressively use government to attack enemies and empower friends. Trump spends so much energy on getting attention instead, DeSantis would be the real dictator who destroys democracy if he got into the WH. AdLib an hour ago
TW – Will do! AdLib an hour ago
Ad…that is the competence I was speaking of…..he knows how to effectively pull the strings. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CL is very missed indeed. AdLib an hour ago
So is glenn. AdLib an hour ago
Agreed! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
M urph – Which regulars were you thinking of? AdLib an hour ago
Glenn and CL came first to mind…..but I think there are some others….. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Some have suggested that the CJ can make rules for the SCOTUS, including ethics rules. Do you know if that’s true? I haven’t checked it out yet. AdLib an hour ago

Darth DeStantis is an unproven Dark Lord who thinks he knows everything and that is what makes him dangerous, and a lot of people are going to get hurt as long as he is in office. And the only way he should get close to the WH is a vacation tour with his family. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – At the very least, Roberts could have a discussion with the other SCOTUS judges and see if they would voluntarily agree to rules of conduct. AdLib an hour ago

Ad that would make sense, but do you really think Thomas will listen? twilson117 an hour ago
Scotus is a committee with a permanent chair who has virtually no real power. So, I would find it incredible if he were to have such authority to legislate ethical stadar. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad…who would support Roberts if such a discussion were to be engaged? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – DeSantis happily murdered thousands of his people and like with Trump, they supported him just as much. But DeSantis comes off as so hateful, he doesn’t have the star power and “businessman” rep that Trump had in 2016 so I don’t know that he would attract enough swing voters as Trump did. Or have Russia able to help him as much as they helped Trump. It amuses me, Russian trolls like Tulsi Gabbard are whining that their following has been slashed to double digits after Russia was cut off from Twitter. AdLib an hour ago
Sidenote: I got my second Covid Booster shot today…… MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

I think Mitch was giving Thomas a message in his floor speech, to the toon of ‘we got your back for now, but you need to reign in your wife because we don’t want to give Joe another bite of the sc apple.’ twilson117 an hour ago
Ad….interesting …. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW…I missed that Mitch moment…..can you sum it up? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Roberts may not have authority to force ethics on the others but he surely could ask them to voluntarily do so, for the sake of the perception of the court. He has to know that his SCOTUS now holds the least respect of any SCOTUS in history and after the Thomas revelations, is crashing. AdLib an hour ago
Murph – Very cool! I need to get my second booster! Maybe end of next week, with a day off before Vox. AdLib an hour ago
Ad considering who the makeup of the conservative side of the court I truly doubt that he would have the support he would need. After any ethics code with teeth would be seen as a direct slap at Thomas, a darling of the crazy right. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Yes, I saw that lying hypocrite Mitch wail about how mean Dems were being to Thomas…while refusing to vote for KBJ on the basis of “principle”. AdLib an hour ago

He essentially blamed the left for all that is happening to him at the moment and indicated he supports him and his judicial right to choose what cases he will or won’t rule on. Supporting judicial right etc. But I just felt there was a hidden message in what he was say. Indicating he was reading the tea leaves to see which way the wind would blow on this situation. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – You’re probably right but what would it say about Roberts as the CJ, sitting on his hands and not even trying to rescue the SCOTUS from being dismissed as a political and anti-democratic fascist entity. AdLib an hour ago
The GOP has supported nothing positive in such a long time. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Interesting times are indeed upon us. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – And…no one has seen Thomas in person since he was allegedly released from the hospital, he has still not attended any hearings in person, only remotely. I wonder if he’s been really hurt by getting COVID (I don’t believe the press releases that seem to be covering up his health issues and why he was in the hospital). AdLib an hour ago

Ad I was wondering the same thing. twilson117 an hour ago
Roberts would set himself up for an embarrassing rebuke if he were to put forth a code of conduct agenda…of course, given how secretive the workings of the Court are perhaps he would be willing to chance hidden embarrassment….of course it could leak..from the right…. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph congress can put a bill on the floor to get things moving right? twilson117 44 minutes ago
Murph – So a majority of voters in Nov are expected by many to win based on censorship and book banning, criminalizing being a woman or being trans or gay and howling that they will stop the teaching of CRT which isn’t being taught? And Rick Scott promising to tax the poor and end Social Security and Medicare? ALl Dems need is a cohesive messaging and they should be able to pull out Nov. AdLib 44 minutes ago
I would be very happy if CT was unable to return to the court but the lack of rules make it possible for him to be virtually invisible without any challenge. MurphTheSurf3 44 minutes ago

Murph I think congress should go ahead and put something on the floor to get the discussion going it might force the SC to do something on their own. twilson117 43 minutes ago
Murph – I think that the other judges wouldn’t leak that Roberts wanted a code of ethics and they refused, makes them look far worse. He could have already attempted this or might in the future, I don’t think he would be risking much, the SCOTUS doesn’t really leak. AdLib 43 minutes ago
Ad….I am so depressed at what I regard as abysmal understanding on both sides of the political continuum…..I am not sure that a cohesive message that is fact based will penetrate the hate, anger, anxiety, on the right or voter apathy/lack of knowledge on the left. MurphTheSurf3 41 minutes ago
Murph – That is part of what’s outrageous about the SCOTUS. No ethics rules, lifetime appointment, lots of secrecy and now many decisions without even hearing arguments. The SCOTUS is headed towards making rulings that some states and government entities will simply defy. AdLib 41 minutes ago
TW – If we could win a net of 2 more Senate seats and hold the House, the Dems in Congress would likely get to reforming the SCOTUS, voting rights, etc. But we must win this Nov or the following 2 years will be grinding everything to a halt and witch hunts a-plenty by Repubs. AdLib 39 minutes ago

Murph I understand your frustration around the lack of understanding of the political process on both sides of the fence. twilson117 39 minutes ago
Ad….and that is the beginning of a secessionist energy….. MurphTheSurf3 39 minutes ago
Ad…I fear your hope re. electoral victory for the Dems is a forlorn one. MurphTheSurf3 38 minutes ago
Ignorance is not bliss….it is blight. MurphTheSurf3 38 minutes ago
Murph – As you’ve heard me say before, I don’t believe it is realistic for Dems to chase after Repub voters to win elections. They should solely focus on swing voters and maximizing Dem voters. And Repubs promising to make abortion illegal, teaching actual history illegal, raising taxes on all people making $100k or less (even nothing) and ending Social Security and Medicare…well, that seems pretty persuasive as an argument to vote Dem. AdLib 37 minutes ago

Murph if the form of democracy we have come to know changes the way the right wants it to we will never get it back. twilson117 37 minutes ago
Well!!!! 10:30…we managed to fill up the better part of an hour! MurphTheSurf3 37 minutes ago
Ad…I agree that you make a good case….I just do not know if it has a chance of penetrating the white noise. MurphTheSurf3 36 minutes ago
TW…I think you are correct……one all power is in the hands of fascist right only revolution will undo them. MurphTheSurf3 35 minutes ago

Murph do you think those on the right who support Putin may change things and wake some folks up? twilson117 35 minutes ago
Murph – We’re already there, we are living in a New Civil War right now and states have already seceded in concrete ways. By violating the constitutional rights to vote, to have an abortion, to have free speech about racial history of the country…it’s not similar to the last Civil War and secession, it’s the new “gray zone” version…but not so gray. We need a strong DoJ to go after these constitutional secessionist states. AdLib 34 minutes ago
TW…the support of Putin is so incredibly wrong headed that I think it points to how unthinking that crowd it. S o……sadly, no. MurphTheSurf3 34 minutes ago
Murph – That is a great quote! “Ignorance is not bliss, it’s blight.” AdLib 34 minutes ago
Ad….the seceding states you id are set to seize control of the national government on a permanent basis. MurphTheSurf3 33 minutes ago

Ad a gray zone, interesting. twilson117 32 minutes ago
Murph – I don’t know if Dems can get their act together on aggressively spotlighting the fascist regime that a GOP in power would bring but maybe, the televised 1/6 hearings and indictments of major Repub figures will help make that happen. AdLib 32 minutes ago
TW – Yep, this New Civil War is The Blue and The Gray Zone. AdLib 31 minutes ago
Ad…the quote is one I have used for years….I do not know the origin…..it may be mine. MurphTheSurf3 31 minutes ago
Friends, we have done good service to the cause of intelligent dialogue…I wish we could package it and sell it. MurphTheSurf3 30 minutes ago
Murph – Yes, which is why it is so urgent for Dems to hold Congress and net two more Senators to fix election laws before the 2024 presidential election. Otherwise, it will be like riding a train that’s heading off a cliff, the end of democracy clearly ahead and we’re stuck on the train just watching our own coming destruction. AdLib 29 minutes ago

It’s always good to be able to discuss things openly and listen to what each other has to say. twilson117 29 minutes ago
Ad…I agree with you…I just do not know how the Dems do it. I know a number of regular Dem voters whose ONLY issue is inflation. Inane but a powerful driver. MurphTheSurf3 28 minutes ago
Agreed, I have found nothing like it across the web, definitely not at the mega-sites like Twitter and Facebook. AdLib 28 minutes ago
The Planet remains unique……I wish we could infect those other sites with its integrity. MurphTheSurf3 27 minutes ago
Murph – I think the oil companies see a dual benefit to inflating gas prices, robbing billions from Americans AND hurting Dems and Biden so they can get Repubs in power to help them rob the people even more. AdLib 27 minutes ago

Ad what is wrong with those folks, it’s more than inflation. I get it that things are costing more and money is tight, but inflation isn’t the only issue. twilson117 26 minutes ago
Ad….correct…a Koch mentality is far more far spread than most realize. MurphTheSurf3 26 minutes ago
TW…short sightedness and narrow perspective ensures voter ignorance. MurphTheSurf3 26 minutes ago
Well…I need to fold up the parchment for the night. This has been invigorating. MurphTheSurf3 25 minutes ago
Murph – I wish it was easier to attract people to The Planet who are more committed to the mega-sites but that in itself is a conflicting sensibility. I have sworn off Facebook because they are flat out evil. I do post occassionally on Twitter but at none of these places can real conversations happen. Peopl opine and others either agree or argue. They don’t have conversations, they’re not built for that. AdLib 24 minutes ago
I wish you both a good night and fine morning1 MurphTheSurf3 24 minutes ago

Murph you’re correct. Sadly far too many people refuse or can’t see past their nose when it comes to the political and world wide situataion twilson117 24 minutes ago
Night Murph! Have a great weekend! AdLib 24 minutes ago

Take care Murph. twilson117 24 minutes ago
Ad…your last words re. the Planet and the Web as a whole are right on point. Good night. MurphTheSurf3 24 minutes ago
TW – Americans are so short sighted. Remember how Dems lost Congress in 2010 because Repubs demonized the ACA? AdLib 23 minutes ago

Yes I do. Now everyone wants it. Go figure. twilson117 22 minutes ago

Ad you are so right about people’s inability to have discussions. twilson117 22 minutes ago
Americans bought into the BS of the Repubs that the ACA would destroy healthcare, doctors wouldn’t be available, etc. Now, they are doing the same thing with inflation, CRT, the border, LGBTQ rights, it’s all such a cynical game and American swing voters are so ignorant, they fall for it too often. AdLib 21 minutes ago
TW – Yes, I could write an article on that. There are podcasts where people are just listeners, social media where people just toss out short opinions but conversations that regular people can have? Not that I see anywhere else. AdLib 20 minutes ago

While I know inflation is a real thing, but it’s not something that will last forever. But as you’re pointing, most people don’t have a grasp on economics and they will listen to someone they believe knows more than them. twilson117 19 minutes ago
The thing is, inflation is happening all around the world! It can’t be Biden’s fault as a simple fact! Yet, how are Biden and Dems countering this demogoguery? AdLib 18 minutes ago

I know inflation isn’t Biden’s fault, but for most people it doesn’t matter, for the simple reason he is the current president and all that is wrong with the US economy is the current office holders fault. twilson117 15 minutes ago

Well, I need to call it night. As always a good discussion. twilson117 13 minutes ago
You’re right but it’s like being on a bumpy road and just turning at the next corner even if it means going right off a clidd. AdLib 13 minutes ago
cliff AdLib 13 minutes ago
Sounds good, have a great weekend, my friend! AdLib 12 minutes ago

You as well. twilson117 12 minutes ago
Thanks! AdLib 12 minutes ago
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