Vox Populi, our weekly live chat begins at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey Khirad! What’s up? AdLib 3 hours ago

/yeah I’m here. Gonna take a cancer stick. Goona think what I’m pissed off about today. Khirad 3 hours ago
Sounds good, always best to prep angry rants. AdLib 3 hours ago

Thing is I’m trying t be less angry. Khirad 2 hours ago

Antincipation… Khirad 2 hours ago

Hey Ad twilson117 2 hours ago

Kaliningrad? Königsberg? I’m packing a legal bowl. Khirad 2 hours ago

Khirad how are you>?? twilson117 2 hours ago

It is amazing I have not gone off for Scottish Indipencence yet. Khirad 2 hours ago

I’m looking for one of the ten thousand things that flame up my bong? Khirad 2 hours ago

Such as?? twilson117 2 hours ago
Hey Guys! AdLib 2 hours ago

I’m perusing how to make viking mead. Khirad 2 hours ago

Viking mead?? twilson117 2 hours ago
I like the Mountain Dew Viking Mead. AdLib 2 hours ago

Ad how are you. twilson117 2 hours ago
Hey TW, doing well. And you ? AdLib 2 hours ago

Jereme Zimmerman on the mead. Khirad 2 hours ago

Doing okay Ad, snow is melting here in Shrewsbury. twilson117 2 hours ago
TW – Daughter is in FL this weekend for a tourney so she’s missing the melt. AdLib 2 hours ago

Mountain dew is in there. I want Heather. Khirad 2 hours ago

Well it should be gone by the time she gets back. twilson117 2 hours ago
Khirad – However, she is very meady. AdLib 2 hours ago

I like my girls read, with a good head. Khirad 2 hours ago
But do you like your police with gazpacho? AdLib 2 hours ago

Gazpacho? or Chutzpah? Khirad 2 hours ago

Oh God MTG one of several of the dumbest people in Congress on the Repugs side. twilson117 2 hours ago
Didn’t the Nazi Gazpacho persecute the Chutzpah? AdLib 2 hours ago
TW – As stupid as MTG is, I saw some lefty fool on Twitter claiming it was probably intentional and explaining why over many tweets. What a maroon! AdLib 2 hours ago

Mussolni was agnostic on Jews. Let me take a free legal puff. Khirad 2 hours ago

Left or right there is no reasonable way to explain MTG, none. twilson117 2 hours ago

MTG? How about NFTs? Khirad 2 hours ago
Meanwhile, we have an already proven crime by Trump of hording top secret papers that were required to go to the National Archives and the penalty…if prosecuted…is up to 5 years and permanent disqualification from holding public office. I am not sure about Garland but of every crime Trump’s committed, he better prosecute this or he should be attacked by all Dems. AdLib 2 hours ago

Good weed… forgive me. Khirad 2 hours ago

NFT’s have a monetary value, MTG has no value at all. None. twilson117 2 hours ago
Mussolini at least had the gazpacho run on time. AdLib an hour ago

Twilson, very much debatable. Khirad an hour ago
NFTs? How about CIA? AdLib an hour ago

Khirad I guessing you mean the weed. twilson117 an hour ago

That’s a not true about the trains.. Khirad an hour ago
And now it’s proven that the trucker astroturfing in Canada was just what most of us expected. I bet we’d find Koch money and planning behind it. AdLib an hour ago

Next thing? Pinapple on people. Khirad an hour ago

Ad I don’t know what to say about Garland I can only hope he is building a case. twilson117 an hour ago

Who here is into Canadian politics? Khirad an hour ago
TW – My personal opinion is that NFTs are what tulips were in value centuries ago. AdLib an hour ago

I think South Africa has fifteen years… Khirad an hour ago

Khirad I can just barely handle what is going on here in US politics what is happening north of me is more than I can take at the moment. twilson117 an hour ago
Khirad – I don’t believe any positive attribute promoted about fascist regimes. AdLib an hour ago
I love pineapple…people aren’t always as sweet. AdLib an hour ago

Ad you may be right about NFT’s, but I do believe we’ll be on some form of electronic currency before too long. twilson117 an hour ago

I take the p out of Spain and all that. I make history even more painful. Khirad an hour ago
TW – Adam Schiff has been frustrated with Garland for most of his term and keeps pushing publicly for him to act. I think he knows Garland doesn’t want to, like Mueller, he values the institutions and the image of independence from politics as more important than saving democracy. AdLib an hour ago
Khirad – I do follow Canadian politics a bit, especially lately. AdLib an hour ago

Adam Shiff, I like. When Cascadia happens, he can talk with me about … well… Khirad an hour ago
TW – Because the stock market is so corrupt, people express to me that NFTs and E-Coins are no less manipulated but I would argue that when aomone like Elon Musk owns such a massive stake in Bitcoin, it can and will be manipulated ruthlessly by one man to jack up his wealth…and that wealth will come from the poor folks invested in Bitcoin. AdLib an hour ago

Ad at the moment it’s tough for me to say. I hear you about Schiff, and I am wondering what is taking Garland so long to make some sort of move. twilson117 an hour ago
Khirad – If you take the “p” out of spain and you’re visiting that country, wouldn’t that make you “in Sain”? AdLib an hour ago
glenn!!! How are you? AdLib an hour ago

Ad I think once they figure out how to handle it with the SWIFT we’ll see movement in that direction. twilson117 an hour ago

Hello Glenn twilson117 an hour ago

Ad it’s been reported Biden has narrow he choices down to three women for the SC. twilson117 an hour ago
Hi Ad, hi Twilson. glenn an hour ago
TW – I want to believe that Garland is doing the important work towards prosecuting Trump and his cabal but it’s been a year already, if Sinema and Manchin get their way, the 2024 election will be overthrown and he will be replaced by Ag Marjorie Taylor Greene. We don’t have time to waste and I am concerned that Garland is too passive on this to save the country from a return with a vengeance of a Trump or Trumpist dictatorship in 2025. AdLib an hour ago
TW – SWIFT? AdLib an hour ago
Twilson–I hope Biden gets his choice through. Don’t remember their names, but the few nominees I have seen look good. glenn an hour ago
TW – I hope Biden picks Ketanji Brown Jackson. AdLib an hour ago

Ad it’s the part that handles all the foreign transactions conversions to dollars. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad–I’m with you. Garland needs to act or he needs to go. glenn an hour ago

Glenn I do as well twilson117 an hour ago
glenn – I think he will. Though I dislike Manchin and Sinema strongly, they haven’t yet blocked any of his judges. AdLib an hour ago
TW – Yes, but are you referring to SWIFT about Bitcoin? AdLib an hour ago
We are running out of runway to stop Trump and all of those trying to overturn our democracy. Each day he can continue whipping up insurrection, he and his cult become more hostile. Garland is helping them by protecting them from prosecution and he needs to move forward ASAP. AdLib an hour ago
So I don’t know if it’s inflation or insanity, but my daughter, son-in-law and I are trying to buy a house in FL and even with bids $30,000 over asking price, we keep losing out. Seems people are paying cash for houses nowadays. glenn an hour ago
I wonder if Garland is blowing this by thinking he’s going to be clever and wait for the 1/6 committee to finish so he and the DoJ look like they are operating impartially. Massive mistake, we could have sedition in the streets by next year, with trucks blocking major cities and extorting mayors and governors to do as the mob demands. The leash needs to be yanked on Trump et al ASAP. AdLib an hour ago
Ad– I agree. The longer the TLB gets away with his shit, the more emboldened his cult becomes. glenn an hour ago
Evening all – how are you? choicelady an hour ago
glenn – There is a terrible thing going on in our corrupt economy now. Corporations are announcing record profits while hiking the prices of everything, using “inflation” as a cover to grab all that Covid relief money away from the 99%. They are hiking prices because they see Repubs and many Americans not blaming corporations but Biden. As for homes, equity funds and corporations are buying up homes all over the country, intentionally jacking up the prices of new homes they buy to jack up the value of houses they already own. They’re scheme is to make most Americans renters and become wealthier as home prices keep skyrocketing. AdLib an hour ago
Hey CL! How are you tonight? AdLib an hour ago
And Democrats need to be on the airways asking why the TLB isn’t being prosecuted, or at least brought before Congress to answer questions for 11 hours. glenn an hour ago

Ad what I took from an article I read awhile back the fed is working on it’s version of a crypto I’ll have to find the article and send you the link. twilson117 an hour ago

Hey CL and Murph twilson117 an hour ago
Ad – stop dissing Garland. STOP. As you know, I’ve been part of Federal criminal and civil trials some as a subject expert. You have NO idea what goes on, so PLEASE stop the nay saying. choicelady an hour ago
Hey TW and glenn! And Murph and Ad. Great to see everyone. choicelady an hour ago
glenn – Absolutely. Fox News and the Dominionist 1%ers are now pushing to create the “trucker” sabotage of cities all across the country, in the biggest and Dem cities. This sedition is only getting worse. AdLib an hour ago

Glenn it seems everything is going sky high with inflation, and from what I heard yesterday it seems corporations are driving the prices up twilson117 an hour ago
It took 15 minutes to sign onto Vox. Getting on the site was no problem but I could not connect to the discussion. So….a bit late to the party. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad–so it’s not inflation or insanity, it’s intentional robbery. And yes, the prices are really jacked up. glenn an hour ago
Ad – long week, absolutely knackered, but otherwise OK. Still losing vision acuity by the day – surgery not until March 21. Grrrr., choicelady an hour ago
Hey CL and Murph. How are you both? glenn an hour ago
The ONLY way to stop inflation is to buy generics and shop discount stores. GM and Ford warned their authorized dealers to stop charging so much for cars! Biden is sending his minions to look at price gouging and oligopoly price control. Wise companies don’t WANT that kind of scrutiny. choicelady an hour ago

Ad what is it with Fox news and pushing all this anti democracy crap? twilson117 an hour ago
glenn – I agree. The FBI has said nothing to that point, the DoJ has said nothing to that point. People are becoming very discouraged, that they are watching the slow and ongoing destruction of our democracy. For society’s sake, something has to be done to give some confidence to Americans that we’re not going to be helpless like Canada has been as they have been attacked. AdLib an hour ago
glenn – I’m pretty OK. How are YOU? choicelady an hour ago
CL – I respect your opinion but it is my opinion that Garland seems too concerned about the institution of the DoJ in looking partisan that he is not acting in ways he could to affirm the rule of law. I’m not saying he should go after Trump immediately but people like Giuliani is so exposed and investigated by the DoJ, what are they waiting for? AdLib an hour ago
Ad – no, “people” are not becoming discouraged. Media are. Pundit aid it. We have had EXACTLY what is needed w the filing of seditious conspiracy against the third tier – Oath Keepers and Proud boys. They tie directly to the Willard and Trump Hotel meeting on J 5. From their to Stone, Giuliani, etc. plus Tommy Tuberville and from them to Trump. choicelady an hour ago
CL–So what do you know that we don’t about what’s going with Garland? Don’t you think that the longer the TLB remains unindicted the situation only get worse? glenn an hour ago
You have zero reason to say that. That is fantasy not fact. LOOK at what has been done not at what some pundit says. I am DONE with the naysaying – this is ON TARGET for a massive charge against Trump. choicelady an hour ago
glenn – I know a premature indictment is the way Trump escapes. This is a nightmare care with many issues. DOJ is targeting ONLY J 6 because it’s the clearest evidence. However long it goes is based on the capacity to convict. Weakness in the case means he walks. choicelady an hour ago
glenn – Yes, it is corporations who, also being unAmerican, have seized on the two benefits of jacking up prices for record profits. First, they get so much more money and they know people have more expendable money now thanks to Covid relief (so they want to rob people of even that). Second, they can point at Biden and blame him for prices going up and not take the heat from Americans AND promote Repubs to take over this year and in 2024 so they can get more taxcuts and have more power in a greater plutocracy Repubs are trying to bring. AdLib an hour ago
Watergate took 2.plus years, and this is going FASTER. choicelady an hour ago
Ok…I am now all caught up….A hearty discussion….Glenn so nice to be with you this evening. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Sorry you had problems logging on. Did anyone else have trouble logging in tonight? AdLib an hour ago
OK – what will we do then – give up? Roll over? No., We will be supportive of Biden, work our asses off for more Dems in both houses. THAT is how we win. choicelady an hour ago

CL is it your belief Garland will have the DOJ moving soon in charging Trump** and his minions? twilson117 an hour ago
glenn – Yep, corporations saw Americans being lifted out of poverty and having improved standards of living and their one thought was, “They have more money! We need to grab it!” AdLib an hour ago
Ad….the logging in was not an issue. I could see everything and I was confirmed as logged in by the site. I just could not write on Vox. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CL – Did your eye surgery get postponed or was it always scheduled for then? AdLib an hour ago
CL–Sorry to hear you’ve got to wait so long for your surgery. I’m doing very well. Now using only a cane to walk with, so that is a big improvement. I’ll be moving to /fl as soon as we can find a house. glenn an hour ago
glenn – actually the longer Yam Man is free, the more he undermines himself. The Truckers’ actions are GLOBAL and stem from the Yellow Shirts aided by, yes, Bannon and Flynn and Putin. If Donnie were jailed tomorrow, that would continue. Domestically there is less and less support for Trump outside the cult – and that is shrinking. Do it right – or don’t do it at all. choicelady an hour ago
glenn – that is SUPER good news! choicelady an hour ago
I will toss this in….I have been asked yo work for the Lucas Kunce Senatorial Campaign. A Democrat with a legal, military and business background. 39. Raising pretty good money. He makes sense. He will not win but the opposing side, us, will be well represented by him on the stump. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CL – I think Biden needs to do a big release of oil reserves to force the oil companies to drop prices. And a presidential study needs to be done on all these corporations to blow up their lies about “needing” to raise prices so they can be dinged for betraying the trust of the American people and taking advantage of them during Covid. AdLib an hour ago
Murph – is he running against Hawley? choicelady an hour ago

CL I’ve been seeing articles saying Trump** is losing support. But you wouldn’t know that from how the media is reporting it. twilson117 an hour ago
CL…the lines for surgeries like yours are very long here. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Glenn…glad you are up and about. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad – he is doing that. Exactly that. And MY oil prces are down a LOT because of the supply from the reserves. Can’t speak for SF or LA, but we dropped almost 75 cents a gallon. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – long here, too. I got started on this cataract stuff in OCTOBER and won’t get in until March 21 then April 4. COVID had a lot to do with it. choicelady an hour ago
CL–I hope you’re right. It’s so hard to focus on just one thing with all the lawlessness that seem to be coming out of the previous administration. I agree that we need to have a strong case so he doesn’t walk, but man, I want to see that man disgraced! glenn an hour ago
TW – Fox News, like the Dominionist 1%ers and the Trump cultists all want a plutocracy/autocracy where they will all wield much power and gain much wealth. It’s no secret, it’s out in the open now. And if they can sabotage our economy and society and blame Biden, they are confident most Americans who are not as informed as folks here, will assume blaming Biden is right and give them the national power they crave to finish killing our democracy. AdLib an hour ago
Ad…both the Dem and GOP primaries have a number of candidates. Hawley is not up for re =election but Blunt decided to retire so the GOP Primary is open. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Well, the best we have is sarcasm. We have Toiletwatergate and the Toilet Papers now. Mocking this actually has a role in suppressing the Rw. choicelady an hour ago
Ad–sigh….it seems corporations are doing their best to destroy average Americans. glenn an hour ago
CL….that sounds about right…..I have a friend who badly needs knee replacement and has been waiting 7 months. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – thanks. MO politics often eludes me. Glad if a Dem can replace Blunt. Hawley probably is going to be indicted if he left enough trail of his treason. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – all elective surgery is on the back burner, long waiting lists. choicelady an hour ago
CL..precisely. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
A friend of ours had a SHOULDER replacement on OUT PATIENT. It was pretty awful. In the middle of the pandemic, that was the best they could do. choicelady an hour ago
CL – People are becoming discouraged. Day after day, greater and greater proof comes out about Trump orchestrating a coup against the U.S., stealing top secret information to profit himself, laws being broken so publicly and in America’s face and yet none of the Trump Klan have been indicted for anything other than Bannon for ignoring a subpoena. Even if Garland is hard at work building a case, all Americans can see is rampant criminality getting worse and Trump and his cronies becoming more and more emboldened. This is very different from Watergate, there was not a moving coup going on to take over our democracy then. AdLib an hour ago
Murph–thanks. It feels good to be walking pretty much on my own. glenn an hour ago
CL…it is almost impossible to get into a rehab post surgery now because of the “mythical” COVID threat… MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Tough if people are ‘discouraged’ when it’s right in front of your face that progress is being made. I’m sone with this as theater. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – The usual culprit for that issue with Vox is either with a corrupt cookie or something messed up with the browser. Clearing cookies and restarting your browser should solve that. AdLib an hour ago

Hail Satan. Khirad an hour ago
CL–Can you cite the progress being made, because, like Ad says, it’s very discouraging watching the TLB get away with this crap. glenn an hour ago

Yeah, that’s all I got. Khirad an hour ago
glenn – Glad to hear you’re doing better! I will be rooting for you and your family to find a great house in FL! AdLib an hour ago

Ad I will say this. All those who watch Fox, OAN Newsmax who believe in the Big Lie and want to burn this democracy down and remake in the image of Trump** or some Trump** like character, will regret their decision. Orwell’s war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength need to pay attention to the last part of this trinity. Ignorance is strength for those in control, not for they people being controlled. People need to wake up. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad–thanks for the support! glenn an hour ago

Orwell never saw the common man. Khirad an hour ago
CL and Ad. I have been reading your debate with great interest….I think I agree with both of you…a foot in each camp. I believe that Garland and his people along with the January 6 Committee will nail all to the wall who can be nailed, and I know that this will take time as case building (even when apparently open and shut)…BUT…I also believe that the time it is taking is working against the battle for the House and Senate…very simply we need for people to know how truly evil Trump and his minions are and against the right wing noise machine that is going to be hard to g et out there. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph I see the 666 bill was dropped. twilson117 an hour ago

I missed a debate? That’s a good thing. I kind GO nuclear. Khirad 44 minutes ago
Murph–well said. You have summed up my thoughts well. glenn 44 minutes ago
TW….666 is going to be reintroduced next week…..the GOP who control the committee that set it a side are being pounded by the gun crowd. MurphTheSurf3 44 minutes ago
CL – We both want Trump indicted and convicted and I agree that this whole massive scheme to overthrow our democracy won’t evaporate as soon as he’s charged. In fact, I could imagine his cult becoming more hostil once he is charged. But, it would hasten a big split in the GOP, once the boogie man they’re all afraid of looks like he could be going down and that will help Dems keep power and block Repubs and their financiers from destroying our democracy. AdLib 44 minutes ago
Thanks Glenn. MurphTheSurf3 43 minutes ago

vvv, bbb, I is the dumb Khirad 43 minutes ago
Murph – What a victory it would be for someone reasonable to replace Blunt. AdLib 42 minutes ago
We are 9 months out from the midterms….the GOP aim is simple…cripple Biden….. MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago
glenn – agaoin, SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY against Oath Keepers and Proud Boys leaders. those leaders were in the Willard and Trump Hotel Jan. 5. Security for Stone and Flynn. They are being required to roll on what happened there. The head of the OKs wouldn’t open up to the House committee, but he DID to DOJ. That gives evidence on the inner circle and the planning. There are enough documents and evidence coming in from phone records on what was said and done to build the final step – Trump. This is how they go Gotti finally – it’s a RICO case. Every tier has to be vetted and milked for evidence. Then it’s airtight and the cappo gets convicted. choicelady 42 minutes ago
Hey Harleigh!!! Long time no see! AdLib 42 minutes ago
Harleigh and Khirad!!! choicelady 42 minutes ago
Okay folks, I’m fading quickly. So good to chat with all of you. It’s so nice to have actual legitimate political discourse. Hope to “see” you all next week. glenn 42 minutes ago

Yeah, I’m ooking for flame. Khirad 42 minutes ago
Lovely to see you, glenn. So good to know of your progress. See you soon! choicelady 42 minutes ago
Ad…it would be great t o have a reasonable replacement for Blunt but I doubt that will happen…still I think I am “in” to join the fight. MurphTheSurf3 41 minutes ago
CL – Mocking is very important in undermining bad people, ridiculing them helps take away respect which takes away power. So I’m all for that! AdLib 41 minutes ago
Good to see you this week Glenn…so, so, so, good to have your voice in the mix. MurphTheSurf3 41 minutes ago

Hello Harleigh twilson117 41 minutes ago
Murph – I look on campaigns such as the one you’re joining as the “long game”. choicelady 41 minutes ago
Hello Harleigh and Khirda….I failed to acknowledge your august presences. MurphTheSurf3 40 minutes ago
CL – I do want to see all of the seditionists in Congress indicted and thrown out. AdLib 40 minutes ago
hi folkslost my voice 5 months ago, just started speech therapy. was working at home. still quartined too! Harleigh 40 minutes ago
CL–I’ll accept your “positives.” I’m just not as patient as you. I want the TLB gone from the national scene! glenn 40 minutes ago
Including that piece of trash Hawley. AdLib 40 minutes ago
Murph – August presences? It’s only February. Did I miss something (snark) choicelady 40 minutes ago

Take care Glenn twilson117 40 minutes ago
G’night all. glenn 39 minutes ago

Uff da! Khirad 39 minutes ago
glenn – I worked two major federal cases. One took 6 years one 3 years. It has to be done right or don’t bother. choicelady 39 minutes ago
Khirad – Satan appreciates your hail and will send you some. AdLib 39 minutes ago
G’night! choicelady 39 minutes ago
Night glenn! AdLib 39 minutes ago
If you have not seen the MSNBC special on Jamie Raskin (Love and the Constitution)….worth the time…inspirational and real. MurphTheSurf3 39 minutes ago
Someone at the door! choicelady 39 minutes ago

Satan appreciates you all as well. Khirad 38 minutes ago

Murph, that doesn’t sound good about the 666 bill twilson117 38 minutes ago
TW….I think the proponents of 666 are not planning on the bill becoming law (too many law enforcement types oppose it) but they want to keep it alive as chum for their piranha. MurphTheSurf3 37 minutes ago
TW – Very well said about those watching Fox et al. Dictatorships are appealing to those maladjusted people who think it will help them and crush the “others”. AdLib 36 minutes ago

Murph didn’t it get split up among various committees for review? twilson117 36 minutes ago
Murph – I did not see that. I do like him a great deal. choicelady 36 minutes ago
TW….it did …and that is one of the techniques for keeping zombie bills moving along and apparent. MurphTheSurf3 36 minutes ago
CL….MSNBC is running it in a number of time slots. MurphTheSurf3 35 minutes ago
Murph – I’ll try to catch it. choicelady 35 minutes ago
Where’d Harleigh go? choicelady 35 minutes ago

Murph let’s hope it stays tied up and eventually dies. twilson117 35 minutes ago
CL…not hollywood at all…..very real world shadowing. MurphTheSurf3 35 minutes ago
Murph – well, that’s a relief. I’m sick of theater. choicelady 34 minutes ago
Harleigh and Khirad…..”Where are you?” MurphTheSurf3 34 minutes ago
Murph and CL – I am not calling for Garland to rush a case against Trump but there is so much evidence against people around him, that has been collected for years (remember, Giuliani was raided nearly a year ago and they took computers and devices). So much just in the public record and how he tried to seize voting machines, they can charge him with other crimes later but if the indictments don’t come this Spring, I promise you the DoJ will most likely not indict until after the election so as not to appear partisan. By then, with a Repub Congress in place, it could be too late to stop the coup in motion. AdLib 33 minutes ago

Cl I’ve been thinking what you said about the media pushing the angst around Garland and the DOJ. There is a lot of truth to that, so I guess the question is how do we handle that and keep a level head? twilson117 32 minutes ago
When I was approached to work the Kunce Campaign, those making the offer were very realistic. We have to find a way to sow doubt about the real agenda of the GOP/Fascisti and raise opinions of the Dems as effective agents for rural Americans as well. Not easy to do but Kunce seems committed to this. MurphTheSurf3 32 minutes ago
Ad…I regard your perspective on the need to move along so that “show trials” have a chance of breaking through the walls of ignorance, apathy, and concerted propaganda campaigns. MurphTheSurf3 30 minutes ago
Ad – if what you think is evidence isn’t coming into an indictment, it’s NOT evidence. It’s suggestive, but it’s insufficient on its face. I learned what I thought was slam dunk evidence was NOT. I remain one of the few witnesses in a Grand Jury hearing that failed to bring and indictment. I was sure the videos and still photos would PROVE conspiracy among the asshats I was testifying against. So did the Asst. US Attorney. Nope. So that ‘ham sandwich’ did not fly. choicelady 30 minutes ago
TW – I think the media are the Fifth Column. I do not know what to do about them. choicelady 29 minutes ago
Murph – I think that the 1/6 Committee’s prime time tv hearings should help in getting the word out to the Fox-Only types that evil things are going on in the GOP. But Dems seem to be MIA right now in having a coordinated campaign to educate people about all the awful stuff Repubs have and are doing. Including the SCOTUS! AdLib 28 minutes ago
CL…your narrative does support the idea of developing as air tight a case as one can but in the court of public opinion that may not be an absolute need…….I am torn between your and Ad’s perspective on this…but it takes months to get the word widely spread. MurphTheSurf3 28 minutes ago
Ad – remember that the news about the seizure of voting machines is actually quite new. Yeah – he said it. Is there HARD evidence he DID it? That’s the rub – what he says in public is NOT EVIDENCE because, you will note, he NEVER gives date, time, place or actors he ORDERED to do it. choicelady 28 minutes ago
Ad…your assessment of the Dems seems spot on. The Dems are no good at creating tightly wound missiles and then launching them at the jugular. MurphTheSurf3 27 minutes ago
Murph – the court of public opinion is an ass. I don’t care. I care about the 12 persons on the jury. That’s IT. We all freaking knew in 1972 Nixon was guilty. It took another 2 years to PROVE it with the tapes and documents. We all went NUTS waiting. Tough. Not theater. Real justice. choicelady 26 minutes ago

CL, If I had to rate the three, MSNBC, CNN, Fox, MSNBC seems to me be a bit more measured in their approach to what is coming out but still on the need to do something side. And we know where Fox stands, since I don’t watch CNN I have no idea how they are reporting things out. But it seems to me something has to break there is far too much out there for it not to. twilson117 26 minutes ago
CL – You did your job on the Grand Jury as you should have. I don’t know everything that the Feds found on Giuliani but I know that Mueller said that his report could indeed be the basis for prosecuting Trump for obstruction of justice and the DoJ is about to let that statute of limitations expire. Why? I would love to have the FBI or DoJ at least explain why they are not pursuing that indictment that is sitting on their desk, at least in the meantime while they work on these other crimes by Trump. AdLib 25 minutes ago
ONLY way to control the media, Murph, is how the RW did it. Picket, boycott, demand, yell, and threaten advertisers. We did it to get Rush off the air – and succeeded. Why are we wimping out on local and national media coverage of TRUTH? choicelady 24 minutes ago
CL..but it is that court of public opinion that will deliver the House and Senate to one party or the other. In your approach, a court victory may be the right thing to aim for but I fear it will be pyrrhic in is outcome. MurphTheSurf3 24 minutes ago

Ad I don’t think there is any swaying of the Fox acolytates, I may be wrong. twilson117 24 minutes ago
TW…I have started watching MSNBC again…..the changes in their reporting line up is measured and insightful…..I am finding the approach useful in building my own cases. MurphTheSurf3 22 minutes ago
CL – You’re right, Giuliani’s public confessions of his guilt are not all a prosecutor would want but there are documents showing that he committing these acts that the DoJ has. Add that to the Parnas investigation he’s involved in that started while Trump was in the WH, there is a ton of evidence that DoJ has. I think it is Garland’s strategy to let the 1/6 committee finish before indicting any Trumpers and that could be a massive mistake. AdLib 22 minutes ago

Murph, I think it comes down to the 1/6 committee building an airtight case against Trump** and his cohorts that even a 5 year old can see he is guilty of starting the coup attempt. twilson117 21 minutes ago
CL…the right wing media is a very well financed tool in the conspiracy to overturn the democratic pillars of the national identity. That backing has made the measures used to isolate Limbaugh far less effective I fear. MurphTheSurf3 21 minutes ago
Murph – In 2020, it seemed like the Never Trump Repubs did a far better job at attacking Trump and the GOP than Biden and Dems. AdLib 21 minutes ago
OK – comparison: in 2000 I was the stand in for a women’s clinic that had been torched by 2 brothers. First they set fire to three synagogues, then they murdered a gay couple in their home. Then they came back to Sacramento and torched the clinic. The HATE CRIMES federal charges were for the synagogue and the murder. NOT for the clinic. WHY? Different set of laws and rules of evidence. Same thing w Mueller’s report – this involves international espionage and collaboration with a foreign power. VERY different set of evidence, laws, and rules involving classified info. Mueller’s report was horrifically hard to prove. Why would the DOJ do that when J 6 is MUCH easier and actually far more damning to Trump? Why would we do a SECOND entire set of trials on international issues as we would have had to do for the women’s clinic on FACE laws not HATE CRIMES laws. choicelady 20 minutes ago
CL – But wouldn’t it be a big problem if indictments don’t come by the beginning of next year, when Trump may announce his candidacy and then DoJ would have to reconsider indicting a legitimate candidate for president? AdLib 19 minutes ago

Murph I stated back watching MSNBC at the start of the year after a bit of a break. I needed it. twilson117 19 minutes ago
Ad…I agree. The Never Trumps provided a strong line of attack but that attack was quickly marginalized by the dark right and its very well financed juggernaut propaganda machine. MurphTheSurf3 19 minutes ago
Ad – who cares if he announces next year. He will be indicted in NY or GA first anyway – and he’s toast once that happens. choicelady 18 minutes ago
TW – Agreed, you can’t talk cultists out of being cultists, they will deny every fact and believe any lie to justify their cult leader because their identity is dependent on it. AdLib 17 minutes ago
DOJ isn’t afraid of anything. Stop pretending they’re weak. They aren’t. But they are freaking careful. Did you read what I wrote about why the Mueller report crimes aren’t going to be easy and will take a back seat? It’s important. choicelady 17 minutes ago
Ad – anyone wants to understand cults, read the 1953 book, “When Prophecy Fails” about spaceship cults. It’s really insightful. choicelady 16 minutes ago
What is clear to me is that the right wing/american fascisti is directed by anti-democratic think tanks, financed by ultra capitalist wealth, and energized by maddened crowds. I would do anything, and everything to bring them down but if Biden loses the House and Senate I think it is all over. MurphTheSurf3 16 minutes ago
TW – The only question is, will the 1/6 cCommittee’s revelations reach the siloed Fox News crowd. Will they hear any of it or not? Fox won’t relay it to them, it’s a real question. Hopefully though, indie voters will get it and they’re the only ones in play to get Dems elected. AdLib 16 minutes ago
Murph – all true. And none of it is actually to do w Trump,. This is what we MUST fear: the organized QUIET fascism of the Kochs and their ilk. Again – “Democracy in Chains” is the book that scares the crap out of me. choicelady 15 minutes ago
CL – Mueller’s obstruction of justice charges though are more straightforward and fully documented. I don’t know why the DoJ wouldn’t take that completed work product and at least move forward with what Mueller saw as solid evidence of a crime. AdLib 14 minutes ago

CL When Prophecy Fails by Leon Festinger, Henry W. Riecken and Stanley Schachter? twilson117 13 minutes ago
Trump in prison won’t stop the REAL fascists at all. They hated him, too. They have much worse in store for us. And they are abetted by the JDs, the DSoc jerks, and other lefties who don’t care if fascism gains ground because they HONESTLY believe “After Hitler, us” just as in 1930s Weimar germany. choicelady 13 minutes ago
Tw – Yup. That is a very good assessment of cult thinking. choicelady 13 minutes ago
The only reason that Mueller didn’t recommend charges against Trump is the letter saying sitting presidents can’t be charged with a crime. AdLib 13 minutes ago
CL…but Trump is a Poster Boy for that crowd…not one they would have chosen but he floated to the top of a sour milk pool and was then used by them. Personally, I believe that this crowd is going to cut the legs out from under him because he does not serve their long term interests but GOP control of House, Senate and state legislatures is precisely what they want. MurphTheSurf3 13 minutes ago
Well gang…this has been a powerful, provocative and down-right scary conversation. I am going to have a stiff drink and go to bed. MurphTheSurf3 11 minutes ago
Ad – no. That’s a myth. It’s because it involves a HUGE amount of intel about foreign meddling into our election that actually, at the end of the day, CANNOT BE PROVEN. We KNOW it’s true. We cannot prove it’s true. It involves espionage acts, other kinds of info not readily revealed in court.’ choicelady 11 minutes ago
CL – But in that circumstance, with Trump announced as a presidential candidate, the GOP will beat the drum that any indictment is a partisan attack on democracy and use that as precedent to use the DoJ to destroy Dem candidates in the future. AdLib 11 minutes ago
Good night, Murph – and your work is the main stand against fascism. choicelady 11 minutes ago

Ad, I believe the only way those who watch Fox will only be convinced when Rupert tells his son to change up what he is doing and get Hannity, Ingraham and Carlson to start reporting differently. twilson117 11 minutes ago
CL – I will check that cult book out, thanks for suggesting it! AdLib 10 minutes ago
Ad – Nobody cares. The MAJORITY of Americans want Trump’s illegalities revealed. Stop thinking DOJ is wimpling or that we can’t do this. Trump is NO LONGER the fair haired boy save with the weak Congress. \ choicelady 10 minutes ago

Cl, have it in my library started it a while back got side track will have to pick it back up. twilson117 10 minutes ago
TW…and the murdoch’s are among the major general in the right wing conspiracy to create an America that is governed by a minority power….so they will not blunt their own sword. MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago
Murph – You sure nailed the structure of this seditionist/plutocratic scheme. AdLib 9 minutes ago
Ad – you have a MAJOR game changer with Mitch stuffing it up Trump’s nose. If you think that isn’t significant, you’re missing a HUGE change that matters. choicelady 9 minutes ago
We have a responsibility to fight the RW media as much as Trump. choicelady 8 minutes ago

Murph I think they would if their bottom line was in trouble. I believe I read the other day they lost 85 million in their last quarter. twilson117 8 minutes ago
Ad…”Murph – You sure nailed the structure of this seditionist/plutocratic scheme.” Could you copy the sentences I wrote that impressed you…..I want to know what struck a chord with you and then develop it… MurphTheSurf3 8 minutes ago
Tw – all major media are in trouble for going conservative and wimpy. NOW is the time to exploit that. choicelady 7 minutes ago
TW…but for them 86 million may be the cost of victory. MurphTheSurf3 7 minutes ago
OK guys – I’m also packing it in. My eyes are giving out. My shoulder is screaming from fast typing. See you next week! Have a good one, as they say downtown! choicelady 7 minutes ago
CL – Yes, Trump is the ice plow for these fascists to make their way into the authoritarian seat of power in the US (and beyond). Stopping Trump won’t stop their schemes but Trump is a god to his cult, when he falls, they will go nuts for a while then pull back from helping the plutocrats. There’s no cult with out a charismatic cult leader. AdLib 7 minutes ago
CL….please care for that brilliant crusader who resides within you…… MurphTheSurf3 6 minutes ago
Trump is NOT the snowplow for the Kochs and their ilk. Read “Democracy in Chains”. The next fascist will be most respectable, They hate Trump. But they don’t yet have a decent replacement for him. But. They will. choicelady 5 minutes ago
CL – I appreciate your point about the complexity of other countries in those potential charges but the obstruction charges are all domestically based. AdLib 5 minutes ago
Ad…your description of Trump is spot on…..but it is important to remember that he is a Poster Boy, not the Master of the Movement….they are largely unseen. MurphTheSurf3 5 minutes ago

Murph it’s only one qtr, but if it continues then it becomes a different story, so the trick would be how to keep it going. twilson117 5 minutes ago
Mur[h – thanks. I’m with my friend’s mother who said, “It’s not the years I mind. It’s the maintenance.” VERY TRUE. So I’m off to an ice pack and maintenance! choicelady 5 minutes ago
Good night! choicelady 4 minutes ago

Take care CL twilson117 4 minutes ago
Ad…..please identify my pharsology that so impressed you…seriously…. MurphTheSurf3 4 minutes ago
Murph – This is brilliant: “What is clear to me is that the right wing/american fascisti is directed by anti-democratic think tanks, financed by ultra capitalist wealth, and energized by maddened crowds. ” AdLib 4 minutes ago
Ad…Thanks! Yes, I read it just now and am in awe of the “muse” that planted that sentence in my head! MurphTheSurf3 3 minutes ago

Murph that is a good line. twilson117 2 minutes ago

Well guys I’m going to pack it in also, see you all next week twilson117 2 minutes ago
AH! Thank you both….you do realize that there is more deep thought and genuine debate here in 90 minutes than in most people’s months. MurphTheSurf3 a minute ago
Packing it in with TW….and with you, Ad. Best to all. MurphTheSurf3 a minute ago

Good night. twilson117 a minute ago
Good night…. MurphTheSurf3 a few seconds ago
Murph – Yes, it is because Trump is who he is, a tv celebrity, a con man who fooled millions into believing he was a great “dealmaker” and businessman, he was hateful and crass in a shocking way and boldly racist and criminal as well as skilled at whipping up the fear and hatred of his cult as well as playing the press like a harp while demonizing them. Despite CL’s proposition, I don’t think a replacement can just step into those shoes. Without Trump, the Koch’s et al lose their “army”. AdLib a few seconds ago
Night TW! AdLib a few seconds ago
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