Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then! AdLib 4 hours ago
Hey TW! AdLib 2 hours ago

Hey Ad twilson117 2 hours ago

I see more and more folks are dropping off of spotffy twilson117 2 hours ago
Lots of news piling up today. Pence declaring “Trump was wrong” about him being able to overthrow the election could be at the top of the list. AdLib 2 hours ago
Yes, saw that too. Podcasts are too. AdLib 2 hours ago

Saw that also printed out a copy of RNC resolution to censure Cheney and Kinzinger, look like Trump** talking points. twilson117 2 hours ago
The Spotify CEO stated to the company that he is just fine the way things are. Don’t know that shareholders will agree. AdLib 2 hours ago

Well the latest person to say they were living was Indie.arie twilson117 2 hours ago
The GOP explicitly declared the attack on the capitol ‘Legitimate Political Discourse’ AdLib 2 hours ago

I believe I saw something where she provided some info on Rogan saying some very racist stuff. twilson117 2 hours ago
This is officially the day the GOP died. AdLib 2 hours ago

My my American pie this is the day the GOP died. twilson117 2 hours ago
Yep, Rogan’s used the “N” word repeatedly and other bigoted talk as well. Remember when Bernie praised Rogan for endorsing him? AdLib 2 hours ago

Well, we all make mistakes. twilson117 2 hours ago
“And they were singing, ‘Bye, Bye. Miss UnAmerican Guys.” AdLib 2 hours ago
Bernie made a lot of mistakes. AdLib 2 hours ago

I hope things will change for the betterment of my granddaughter. twilson117 2 hours ago
TW – I think we’re going to go through some bad times first…if Dems don’t pass election reform before 2024. They need to pick up two Senate seats net and hold the House this year for our country to be saved from the brink of authoritarianism and oppression. AdLib 2 hours ago

I’m working on another article with the tentative title of Books, Bible & Black History. Taking a swing at the book banning taking place in the country. twilson117 2 hours ago
Fantastic topic! AdLib 2 hours ago
I saw a photo juxtaposing the book burning in Nazi Germany and the one by religious extremists in the US this week. Very similar. AdLib 2 hours ago

I agree Ad, I know a lot of folks are running around like wet hens thinking the dems don’t have a chance in the upcoming election, but there may be a surprises given how the economy is doing. twilson117 2 hours ago
Here it is: https://twitter.com/YourAnonNews/status/1489631159432749059?s=20&t=MBVPyNbQGj5aEWdoidV84w
https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3NwYWNlX2NhcmQiOnsiYnVja2V0Ijoib2ZmIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1489631159432749059&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwidget-b.flyzoo.co%2Fchatrooms%2Fchatroom%3Fxto%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fplanetpov.com%252Fwp-admin%252Fadmin.php%253Fpage%253Dwpseo_dashboard%26url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fplanetpov.com%252Fwp-admin%252Fadmin.php%253Fpage%253Dwpseo_dashboard%26idWebsite%3D53f264e0684ea81a905e562d%26mode%3Dundefined%26id%3D5409fa15684ea8126cbd2fec%26mobile%3Dfalse%26gcn%3Dnull%26w%3D1263%26h%3D491%26hs%3D491%26fzla%3Dauto&sessionId=e2ec57dfa124abae4539adbfadbfe63368919c7a&theme=light&widgetsVersion=0a8eea3%3A1643743420422&width=300px AdLib an hour ago

Well, the title is tentative for the moment, but that clip you just sent sort of gets to the point. twilson117 an hour ago
My theory is that by next November, inflation will be under control, jobs records will continue, Omacron will be gone and hopefully no new rampant strain will follow and…The 1/6 hearings will enforce the truth about the Repub attempt to overthrow our democracy and indictments of many Repubs will sour voters on Repubs. I hope, we need everything to fall our way thos Nov. And most of the court decisions on gerrymandering have been going for the Dems/democracy. AdLib an hour ago

You know 54% of US adults have a literacy proficiency at 6th grade level and they want to burn books? twilson117 an hour ago
Yes, the evil in those dominated by fear and hatred has been unleashed. It’s pretty scary how we are sinking into fascism as normal. AdLib an hour ago

I will drink to that. twilson117 an hour ago

Did you hear back from Murph? twilson117 an hour ago
That’s why Trump became so popular, he speaks at the same level as those with a 6th grade english proficiency. AdLib an hour ago
No, never heard back from him. Hopefully, he’ll be here tonight. AdLib an hour ago
Hey CL! AdLib an hour ago
Hi Ad and TW – how are you! choicelady an hour ago
Doing fine, how are you, CL? AdLib an hour ago

Trump** may have gone to Wharton but he doesn’t speak as if he did. twilson117 an hour ago

Hey CL twilson117 an hour ago
Hoping PPO and Murph and Khirad will show and maybe glenn? choicelady an hour ago

PPO is in the House!!! twilson117 an hour ago
TW – Trump went to Wharton because his father paid for him to go there. Clearly, he did poorly there, he has blocked everyone from seeing his transcripts. AdLib an hour ago
Hi de Hi! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Hey PPO! AdLib an hour ago
I’m doing ok. Seeing less clearly day by day. CANNOT WAIT for the cataract surgery in March and then April. choicelady an hour ago
PPO!!! choicelady an hour ago
How ARE you, dear Friend Down Under? choicelady an hour ago
Good luck with the surgery, CL pinkpantheroz an hour ago
CL – So you need two sessions for the surgery? One eye at a time? AdLib an hour ago

Yes back when it was easy to get in all you had to do was pay off the admin director and his dad did. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad – yes, one eye at a time. That way if it glitches, you still have one, and if it’s good you have even better. choicelady an hour ago
Thank you, PPO. Then when you get here I can truthfully say, “Here’s lookin’ at you, Kid.” choicelady an hour ago
TW – Exactly. And he didn’t get into Wharton originally, didn’t he transfer in? Always easier to do. AdLib an hour ago
CL – That’s what I thought, that makes a lot of sense. AdLib an hour ago
Ad – We’re talking Trump’s daddy’s payoffs? choicelady an hour ago

CL cataract surgery?? My last visit to my eye specialist he said I’m may have the start of cataracts. I hate getting old. twilson117 an hour ago
Hello all. Getting bye day by day. Busy this week with repairs to my townhouse from a big storm a few weeks ago. New ceiling lights, plugs installed. 2 trees cut up and taken away. The back patio is so much brighter today! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad – Yes, it’s MUCH better than risking both eyes in case… choicelady an hour ago
So a lot of breaking news today…what was at the top of your list? AdLib an hour ago
PPO – that’s a LOT of things put to rights! Good on you! choicelady an hour ago
CL – Yes, talking about how Fred bought Donnie into Wharton and he graduated at the bottom of the class with a 6th grade vocabulary. AdLib an hour ago
Ad – Well, Mike Pence grew a vertebra. Not a spine yet, but a bone. choicelady an hour ago

Well PPO it sounds like things are getting taken care of, hope it continues without any hickup. twilson117 an hour ago

CL but for how long? twilson117 an hour ago
Ad – I remember one of the retired Wharton faculty saying Donald was the dumbest student he ever had. choicelady an hour ago
Thanks, TW. those insurance payments don’t sting as much now! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO – That sounds like a lot of good work done in a short period of time. Glad to hear there’s a “bright side” to the trees being gone. AdLib an hour ago

CL I remember reading that about Trump** also. twilson117 an hour ago
TW- Pence and the vertebra? Or me and my eyes. I’m losing the thread here. choicelady an hour ago
CL – Why do you think Pence finally admitted what any other VP would have said a year ago? AdLib an hour ago

Pence verterbra, twilson117 an hour ago
Such a pity Pence didn’t call the defeated former guy out sooner. Would have saved lives. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad – I follow TeaPain on Twitter who said, wisely, only reason Pence said these things is that HE knows Trump is in perilous trouble and won’t survive. choicelady an hour ago
CL – Yes, I remember that too and the fact that he’s prevented anyone from seeing his transcripts is evidence enough that he was at the bottom of the class. AdLib an hour ago

CL Trump**’s time at Wharton was uneventful, and I remember reading about what some of his professors said about him being the dumbest person in class. twilson117 an hour ago
Tw- as long as Donald is going down, Pence will add a vertebra every time he testifies. Kind of the obverse of the bells and the angels thingy. choicelady an hour ago
Ad – his name isn’t even ON the commencement program. I don’t think he ever graduated. choicelady an hour ago

CL, I don’t know what to do with that, the bells and angels part I mean. twilson117 an hour ago
CL – I think Tea Pain is right about that but I also think that Pence has seen how Trump has been whipping up his cult against him again and he probably felt he had to jump in with this obvious truth sooner than later or be cemented in as a Repub traitor. AdLib an hour ago
He does want to run for president (but he’ll never win. AdLib an hour ago
Or…did he just want to keep the country in sus-Pence? AdLib an hour ago
That’s from “It’s a Wonderful Life”. The mythology was when a bell rings, an angel has gotten his/her wings. Donnie for sure ain’t no angel. choicelady an hour ago
Ad – someone said Pence better have USSS protection NOW since Donnie is probably going after him for this. choicelady an hour ago

CL well for Pence it will take more than bells, foghorn perhaps. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad – NO ONE is in Sus-Pence about that dullard. choicelady an hour ago
cl, I’m not sure about vertebrae for Halfpence. Perhaps a bit of cartilage pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO – I could see that. Mile, flabby, cartilage. Yes. That works. choicelady an hour ago
MILD, flabby… choicelady an hour ago
CL – I think too that once SCOTUS didn’t stop the 1/6 committee from getting Pence’s and Trump’s records, he wanted to get ahead of the revelations that Pence had full knowledge of a coup and said and did nothing to try and stop it…aside from violating the Constitution as Trump demanded. AdLib an hour ago

PPO Halfpence I like that. twilson117 an hour ago
CL – I hadn’t heard that! So Trump may have failed out of Wharton! AdLib an hour ago
Is everyone feeling badly that poor Facebook has lost the economy of half the countries in Africa? Not me! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad – I do not, as a trained historian, believe history repeats itself. However, IF IT DID, I stand with ONE thing from Karl Mars: “History repeats itself. The first time for tragedy, the second time for farce.” 1930s Germany and Italy were the tragedy. Donnie is the farce. choicelady an hour ago

Ad his name was never on the graduation program so there is the possibility, but he got his grades sealed so we will never know. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad – whatever the reason, his name is nowhere on the commencement program and CERTAINLY NOT as a triumphant leader as he boasts. choicelady an hour ago
So much happened this week but Trump vowing to pardon the seditionists and declaring that he wanted Pence to overthrow the election seems done and done. Trump must be indicted or the coup will continue and succeed in 2024. AdLib an hour ago
Kicked out, failed out, dropped out – he never graduated much less w honors. choicelady an hour ago

Ad if the people believe he will deliver on that, lots of toll booths available for sale. twilson117 an hour ago
tw, why should we be , if not surprised, then suspicious about his College history. The fucker’s a Con Man! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad – he will be, but right now they have to get the inner ring around him because JUST as he’s doing already, he will say, “Oh, *I* didn’t to X.! HE did X”. They have to get testimony from Stone, etc. from Jan. 4-5 and wrap it around his neck. “The first to squeal get the deal”. NAIL that sucker so he cannot wiggle OUT. choicelady an hour ago
PPO – It is a good day when Facebook crashes financially and the reason being that they have reached the end of their pyramid scheme. You can’t keep adding members indefinitely when you’re already in the billions. AdLib an hour ago
Ad, remember when it took years to unsubscribe? Sneaky suckers. pinkpantheroz an hour ago

PPO have to say when I read that it was the first thing that came to my mind. He had the money to hide his records and the truth. twilson117 an hour ago
CL – So true and even though it is more absurd and farcical now, it is just as dangerous because the cultists are oblivious. AdLib an hour ago
I saw some assessment that even the cult is moving away. He lost a LOT with his admission he was vaxxed. He lost more from focusing always on himself. By the end of this month, it will be amazing if 25% even back him. The idiocy exists, but he’s toast. choicelady an hour ago
TW and CL – Also, on the program, it usually states if one was Cum Laude or Magna Cum Laude. He doesn’t even appear on it as graduated though! AdLib an hour ago

CL you think Stone will turn on Trump**?? twilson117 an hour ago
Ad – He is not only NOT magna, summa, cum laude – he’s not ON the program in any way. choicelady an hour ago
TW – Stone turn on Trump? In a nanosecond. None of these people have an iota of loyalty if their butts are on the line. choicelady an hour ago
TW – If Trump got re-elected, and unless the election is overthrown, he won’t, he’ll pardon those seditionists and probably enlist them in a private brownshort militia. AdLib an hour ago
MURPH!!!! choicelady an hour ago
Hey Murph! AdLib an hour ago
How are you, dear friend? choicelady an hour ago
Hi Murph! pinkpantheroz an hour ago

Hey Murph. twilson117 an hour ago
That took a while….signing on, that is! Glad to be here. Read this quote from CL while waiting: “As long as Donald is going down, Pence will add a vertebra every time he testifies. Kind of the obverse of the bells and the angels thingy. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – don’t you think that’s FACT? choicelady an hour ago
CL – I think that once the 1/6 committee starts their primetime hearings and the coup is fleshed out along with Trump and his cronies all being committed to it, support for Trump and the GOP will fall hard. But when the indictments of Trump and people at the top of his regime come, the GOP will crash and burn as it goes into outright sedition mode. Which it kicked off today by supporting the attack on the Capitol. AdLib an hour ago
How Am I? Doing rather well…..the Association (the successor to the Co-Op) is on much more solid ground now thanks to our new attorney AND the intervention by the State Farming Bureau and the Small Business Association. Quite the flurry of activity. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph that’s good news. twilson117 an hour ago
Great news, Murph. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO – Yes, Facebook is an evil enterprise and preventing people from unsubscribing is a clear indicator of that. Let alone, selling everyone’s personal data and lying about it. AdLib an hour ago
Glad I never put anything in during the month I was signed up! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Murph – So great to hear that!!! AdLib an hour ago

Murph are you able to provide more details? twilson117 an hour ago
Murph, I assume to opld coop tried to restrain the Association’s trade? pinkpantheroz an hour ago
A sidenote: one of the attack strategists was to after us for ancillary services we offer. A key one was prescription assistance for the elderly. We were being challenged as not having the credentials to oversee meds. We never had a problem but it was a technical matter. Well, a woman from the area has stepped up. She is a Nurse Practitioner and is now the Assoc. “Medical Officer” MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
sorry, the old coop pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO….exactly so…… MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
PPO – I never even opened a Facebook account for me personally, just one for The Planet when we started up. But my wife has an account and maybe through that or just a traiangulation from people I know, they still have way too much info on me…and I’ve never had an account! AdLib an hour ago
Ad – Totally agree. Here’s the thing. I think Murph, as an historian, will see this. UNLIKE Hitler and his Gestapo and Brown Shirts, Trump’s followers are NOT the desperately poor. Oh, they may believe, but the followers are the strivers, the mid managers, the wannabe capitalists. They are NOT poor. This means they have a LOT to lose unlike Hitler’s following. I see the potential for violence and have done for years. BUT the numbers are relatively small. This is NOT post WW I. This is reasonably affluent 21st C. It does matter. With the Oath Keepers et al. going down HARD, very few will risk losting what they have for Donnie and simply to own the Libs. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – That is fantastic. I didn’t know your association helped the elederly with prescriptions, very cool! AdLib an hour ago

Murph so they (the co-op) were upset the Association was being innovative? twilson117 an hour ago
TW….oh, it is our very existence that upsets them. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad – I don’t ever feel stalked by Facebook because I’m very quiet. I am stalked by Bed, Bath, and Beyond and things I buy. One CAN be careful on social media, but the minute you look for towels and bedding, you’re DOOOOOOMED. choicelady an hour ago
Kick in the teeth for the N.C gerrymanfering GOP. Told to redraft! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Murph – how cvery cool she did that!!! choicelady an hour ago

Murph Old always has a problem with New. twilson117 an hour ago
CL – That is a very good point, that these Trump Cultists clearly have money that they pour into buying guns, Trump flags, expensive pickup trucks, paying to travel to rallies and contribute to Trump. These are not desperately poor people for the most part, as you say. AdLib an hour ago
PPO and all – we have stopped gerrymandering in WI, OH, NC and several other states. The courts are handing the asshats their hats. This isn’t going as they’d planned. Kind of like the election challenges. The bad news is the fascists are vile. The good news is that they are really stupid. choicelady an hour ago
CL – I know what you mean but much of that is due to cookies. When I buy something and start seeing the targeted ads to buy the same or similar things when I’m on websites, I always clear my cookies and it stops that immediately. AdLib an hour ago

CL that’s an interesting point regarding the financial distinction and timing. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad – The Trump folks are not going to risk their livelihoods for him. They see his disloyalty. There will be dome – have been since the 90s – but NOT massive numbers at all. choicelady an hour ago
cl, so true, but they are annoyingly noisy and can bully people away from voting. Hopefully the GOTV teams are in place for the Dems. pinkpantheroz an hour ago

PPO at least some folks see the flackery of the Repugs. twilson117 an hour ago
PPO – Yes, Dems seem to be doing very well in the bigger gerrymandering challenges. In fact, I read that for the first time, Dems are projected to pick up new House seats after redistricting. AdLib an hour ago
PPO – I think people don’t remember the rise of Black militias last year. They are veterans, ALL of them, male and female, and that is WHY they exist. They WILL be at the polls. Trust me on this. choicelady an hour ago
Ad – Yes, gerrymandering did not go well for the GOP would-be dfascists.\ choicelady an hour ago
CL…re. Hitler’s base….your portrayal of most of Hitler’s followers is accurate but key followers (his money people, military advisers, political leaders) were among the movers and shakers unhappy with Post Versaille Germany. Most of those figures were well hidden which is not the case with the Trumpsters….however, his rank and file (those folks who we see at Trump’s rallies in the crowds) they look a lot like Hitler’s crowds. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
I’m sorry folks – I cannot see very well. Typos abound. I’m doing what I can. I can translate if needed. choicelady an hour ago
Here’s hoping that those MAGA-type fools have a come to jaysus moment, just like so many have when they suddenly get told they’re dying from Covid and nothing, not even Chlorox, can save them. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Murph – I do see that. My husband and I have tracked them for years. That said – they are ones to show up at rallies but no necessarily at riots. choicelady an hour ago
Don’t worry, CL, we get it. I’m sort of similar. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
CL – That is the thing we should really appreciate, evil people who are dumb give us hope to overcome them and their evil. So far, pretty good. We need to see the elections suits now in GA, TX and elsewhere be won for democracy. AdLib an hour ago
PPO – good point! choicelady an hour ago
Hey Murph, you saw the news about the bill in MO which will legalize murder? AdLib an hour ago
The newest gerrymandering effort from the GOP are efforts to break up urban districts attaching them to suburban contiguous territory which are overwhelmingly Red. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad….what bill is that….so much here legalizes murder. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
We also need to take in that all the local, state, and special elections since last year have been major DEM VICTORIES. The media don’t tell us this. Nate Silver (tarnished) doesn’t say – DEMS are SWEEPING to victory across the nation. choicelady an hour ago
CL…your typos are wiser than most people’s carefully edited texts. MurphTheSurf3 44 minutes ago
Murph – that is getting shot down by courts. choicelady 44 minutes ago
Murph – aww – what a nice thing to say, thank you! choicelady 44 minutes ago
CL…..yes, so far the courts are doing their duty. MurphTheSurf3 44 minutes ago
CL – The thing is, Trump cultists have been sacrificing their careers and businesses…and their lives to Covid thinking they are winning something by doing so. They are deranged and many of them will continue even after seeing so many of the 1/6 insurgents imprisoned. I don’t have much faith in their acting in their own interests. AdLib 44 minutes ago
Ad – sacrificing to COVID is one thing. I have a far lefty associate who says he won’t get vaxxed because he has a GREAT immune system. He, a chain smoker w a horrid cough. Un huh. Living in denial is one thing. Strapping up and getting locked and loaded is QUITE another. choicelady 43 minutes ago
Murph – If past is prologue, the GOP efforts to steal away voting influence from black communities by splitting them up should fail in the end. AdLib 42 minutes ago
BRB- choicelady 42 minutes ago
I was at a meeting this AM (business group) and a number of members were talking about the “disastrous jobs report that was about to crush the Biden WH” and then it came in. I shared it first reporting not only last month’s numbers but the adjustments from the previous two which were hugely positive)….and I wonder why those folks don’t like me. MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago
Murph -you and I are Cassandras. Nobody loves us. choicelady 41 minutes ago
This week, our slimy Prime Minister entered a hairdressing salon and washed a stranger’s hair for the cameras. Couple of points: pinkpantheroz 41 minutes ago

Murph and CL any precedent for a census redo since it’s been pointed out Trump** messed with it? twilson117 41 minutes ago
CL…..Cassandras of America Unite! MurphTheSurf3 41 minutes ago
Murph – From The Hill: “Missouri prosecutors say proposed self-defense bill from GOP state lawmaker would ‘make murder legal’ —- “Prosecutors, police officers and local politicians are sounding the alarm about a self-defense bill in Missouri’s Senate, saying the legislation would effectively make murder legal in the state. The bill is sponsored by Republican state Sen. Eric Burlison and was last discussed at a hearing in the state Senate’s Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee on Tuesday, The Associated Press reported. According to SB666: “Under current law, the defendant has the burden to prove he or she reasonably believed physical or deadly force was necessary to protect him or herself or a third person. This act provides that there shall be a presumption of reasonableness that the defendant believed such force was necessary to defend him or herself or a third person.” The bill further says that any person who “uses or threatens to use force in self-defense is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action for the use of such force,” with the sole exception of using force against a police officer on duty if the person “reasonably knew or should have known that the person was a law enforcement officer.” AdLib 40 minutes ago
1 would you permit anyone other than a qualified person wash your hair/ pinkpantheroz 40 minutes ago
2. Yeuuuuch Factor10 pinkpantheroz 40 minutes ago
Murph – Here’s the link: https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/592763-missouri-prosecutors-say-proposed-self-defense-bill-from-gop-state AdLib 40 minutes ago
PPO…I have been following your reptilian PM…ever since you alerted me to the antics of the admin….good lord…. MurphTheSurf3 40 minutes ago
Ad – that bill will NOT survive challenges. But let it be known that it cuts both ways. Some tough Black grandmother shoots a white guy messing with her kids – SHE can invoke it. And don’t think it won’t happen. NOBODY screws with Black women. choicelady 38 minutes ago
CL – Very good point. While the MSM keeps pounding Biden’s numbers down then innocently asking, “Why are Dems chances this year so bad?”, Dems have been winning all around the country, even races that are competitive. AdLib 38 minutes ago
Ad….I heard something about the proposal…..it is self defense if you think it is…..nonsense…..I think that all of the police groups and prosecutors are screaming their heads off. MurphTheSurf3 38 minutes ago
Murph, love ‘reptilian’ toally apt~ pinkpantheroz 38 minutes ago
Murph – that makes us CAA. We sound like the auto club. choicelady 37 minutes ago
TW…census adjustments are possible but require a complex process of review that needs to be originated by state legislatures or via judicial review. MurphTheSurf3 37 minutes ago
CL – But this cult mentality of Trumpers shows that they will mindlessly follow and do what they think Trump wants them to do no matter how they destroy themselves. This is derangement, mass psychosis as happened to bring Nazi Germany into power. AdLib 36 minutes ago
CL…How about CAU (Cassandras of America United) MurphTheSurf3 36 minutes ago
Murph – I see there are legal challenges to the census going on, too. We are NOT rolling over!\ choicelady 36 minutes ago
https://www.youtube.com/embed/wX3obl37NoQ?wmode=transparent&jqoemcache=IKNL0 Ewwwwww! pinkpantheroz 35 minutes ago

Murph, my guess we’re going to need a lot of adjustments as there seems to be a sever undercount, but, we’ll see. twilson117 35 minutes ago
Ad…..I will do some more research on the Legal Murder bill and then send out an e mail blast to my crowd here. MurphTheSurf3 35 minutes ago
Murph – Shows how destructive and self-destructive these Trumpers are, that they were rooting for a bad jobs report which would hurt the stock market and the economy that they depend on. AdLib 35 minutes ago
Ad – the cult, sure. But the SIZE of the cult is shrinklng. Note that the Religious Right has shrunk from 24% of the population in 2000 to only 13% today. They are angry, fearful, virulent – but they are SMALL in numbers. I do worry McVeigh types. I do NOT worry massive uprisings. choicelady 34 minutes ago
PPO…thanks for the video…repulsive really. MurphTheSurf3 34 minutes ago
Cl, they may be smaller in number, but the huge money still remains pinkpantheroz 34 minutes ago
PPO – I wouldn’t let Morrison wash my dog…who has a higher IQ than Morrison BTW. AdLib 33 minutes ago

Ad, Murph I have a copy of the Jobs report here on my desk and let’s just say it’s interesting and for those hoping it would tank Uncle Joe, well they are as one would say SOL! twilson117 33 minutes ago
PPO – the money can’t buy foot soldiers. It does, however, buy the media. And THAT worries me more than anything. choicelady 32 minutes ago
CL…the Religious Right are a huge part of the anti-vax movement here in Mo. Jeebus has told them that all they need to be saved is HIS GRACE and MERCY……blind faith is no substitute for evidence based reasonng. MurphTheSurf3 32 minutes ago
AD, And I see the defeated FG is auditioning as a disc jockey at Mar a Lardo. pinkpantheroz 32 minutes ago
TW- CNBC biz folks were agog today over the job numbers! choicelady 32 minutes ago

CL I bet they were. twilson117 31 minutes ago
TW- what are your key takeaways from the jobs reports. This is your bailiwick MurphTheSurf3 31 minutes ago
PPO – LOL!!! choicelady 31 minutes ago
CL – But you know how this always goes in the South, white men would get away with murder, a black woman would be sent to prison. Look at the case this week where a black woman tried to register to vote with givernment entities telling her she could…then is sent to jail for 6 years while white men around the country actually voted illegally for dead relatives and got probation or 3 days in jail. AdLib 31 minutes ago
Murph – I would hope that bill goes down but the fact that the Trumpers in MO want a law to allow them to kill and lynch whoever they want is shocking and disgusting. AdLib 30 minutes ago
6.6 million new jobs in a single year….the first time in U.S. History…..no wonder he is in trouble with the voters! GAWD….so frustrating. And the GNP is Up, Bigtime. Inflation is a real problem but that will come under control with an expanded economy. MurphTheSurf3 29 minutes ago
True – but Black women will start calling on the language of the bill. The attorneys will flock in and make the case. What has happened with Arbery’s trial and Derek Chauvin are GAME changers. NAACP-LDF are geared UP and ready to go. Bring it ON. Even this woman who tried to register may have her sentence changed due to challenges. It’s not even 2020 anymore. Jan. 6 and other issues have made a major difference. choicelady 29 minutes ago

Murph total nonfarm payroll increased by 467,000 in Jan, leisure and hospitality up by 151,000 this is good for the food service industry. twilson117 28 minutes ago
Ad….you frame the bill as its proponents would not want it described but it is the truth and the law enforcement folks see the trouble that lies ahead. MurphTheSurf3 27 minutes ago
TW…thanks…..spotlights. MurphTheSurf3 27 minutes ago

Murph haven’t gone over it completely but from what I can see overall a good report for the country and bad news for those hoping things would tank for Uncle Joe. twilson117 27 minutes ago
Murph – I think that’s a good idea, this bill reflects a bloodthirsty mentality in the MO GOP. They want to see more innocent people killed, especially people of color. This is sick, racist fascism. People of MO need to know what Repubs are conspiring to do, openly, to literally kill their own innocent citizens. AdLib 26 minutes ago
Murph – i don’t know about YOUR cops, but OUR cops, conservative though they are, are seeing real problems with the RW. It’s making them neverous. We had two LEOs murdered by a Bugallo Boi. That did not help the Right at all. choicelady 26 minutes ago
TW…it is only bad news if the public is aware and they are so easily gulled and cullied (to quote J Adams) MurphTheSurf3 26 minutes ago

Murph the issue is and will be inflation. twilson117 26 minutes ago
Ad….all one need do to get the measure of the GOP electorate here is to look at who represents us in the House and Senate. MurphTheSurf3 25 minutes ago
Murph knows I have MO roots – grandfather from Albany, Gentry County. I hate what that state has become. And I think people MAY start rethinking things when Hawley – and he will be – is indicted.\ choicelady 25 minutes ago
CL – Very good points (as usual!). Yes, the hardcore Trump extremists are smaller in number and shrinking (while many are going to prison due to attacking The Capitol on 1/6). Still, they are deeply funded by the Kochs and other RW Dominionists and they are still plotting an overthrow of the country as Trump announces almost daily. AdLib 24 minutes ago

Murph what’s with your Gov, saying he will only appoint someone to a position who has his same Christian Values? twilson117 24 minutes ago
CL…the people I know in law enforcement tell me, on the side, that these folks worry them as much as those on the far left (who do not have the backing of a political party). MurphTheSurf3 24 minutes ago
My dear friends, fatigue and pressing demands tomorrow – a rally AGAINST the homeless I’m infiltrating – means I can’t see clearly, and I’m exhausted. I am sending my love and respect but bugging off now. Same time next week I hope? Hugs to each and all. choicelady 23 minutes ago
CL..how do you see Hawley’s indictment going down. MurphTheSurf3 23 minutes ago
Murph- I believe it. choicelady 23 minutes ago
Time for me to go. Lovely being back. Apologies for next week, I’ve been asked to help at a regatta. (getting a reputation for being a soft touch!) pinkpantheroz 23 minutes ago
PPO – Yep, looks like DJ Drump had to get a part time job working at his own resort. AdLib 23 minutes ago
Murp[h – he was a co-conspirator on Jan. 5 and earlier. He’s toast. choicelady 23 minutes ago

Take care PPO twilson117 22 minutes ago
Ciao all\ pinkpantheroz 22 minutes ago
Hugs, PPO – enjoy the regattas! Nothing heals half so much as water. Bravo to you! choicelady 22 minutes ago
G’night! choicelady 22 minutes ago
TW….the governor here, who got his office because his predecessor was forced to resign, ,and he inherited it, is desperate to appeal to the deepest levels of the GOP base….and Christian Zealotry gets him there. MurphTheSurf3 22 minutes ago
CL – I sure do hope that woman has her sentance overturned. AdLib 22 minutes ago
We say so much, so well here……what facebook does not do well at all. MurphTheSurf3 20 minutes ago

Murph so based on what he said, someone who might be a Christian but doesn’t see things the way he does from his Christian point of view can’t be appointed to an office? Sounds like the making of a discrimination case based on religion. twilson117 20 minutes ago

Murph does he get the fact he’s opening himself up to a lawsuit that even the right leaning SC would have problems with? twilson117 19 minutes ago
TW….generally political appoints are exempted from those kind of protections….l MurphTheSurf3 19 minutes ago
Murph – Parson is setting up the state to be sued all over the place by anyone who isn’t Christian for violating federal law by having a religious litmus test, even if they weren’t hired for other reasons. AdLib 19 minutes ago
TW – You beat me to it! Indeed, taxpayers in MO just got put on notice that tax dollars are going to go to people who don’t “share” Parson’s Christian beliefs. AdLib 17 minutes ago
Ad and PPO….what you are saying is technically true but Parsons approach is short term thinking with recovery from damage later if he wins….thus he chose not to renew the state’s COVID emergency to appeal to anti-vax, anti-mask crowd which is now causing widespread prescription shortages and freezing out the use of hospital rooms for intensive care unless they are on intensive care floors. MurphTheSurf3 17 minutes ago
Federal law prohibits any religious test used for any government office in any state. AdLib 17 minutes ago

The only thing wrong with religion is the people who profess to be religious. twilson117 16 minutes ago
Since one the foundations of right wing thinking is that any federal law that they do not agree with is unconstitutional….well, you see where that goes. MurphTheSurf3 16 minutes ago
Murph – And the sad thing is, Covid is greatly receding in most states that don’t have such suicidal policies as MO. AdLib 15 minutes ago
TW – Well said! AdLib 15 minutes ago
TW….sadly there is a lot wrong with many religions which is why they attract so many who are so wrong. MurphTheSurf3 15 minutes ago

Murph I have to admit I was really surprised to read that coming from a gov. twilson117 15 minutes ago
TW – I’ve found that many genuinely faithful people, like Choicelady, are the ones who don’t go around yammering about what good Christians they are. They live it so they don’t have to sell it. AdLib 14 minutes ago
What is keeping COVID from grabbing the headlines here is that the death rate remains low….but long term harm remains the likely aftermath for those successfully treated in the short run but who were not immunized. MurphTheSurf3 14 minutes ago

Murph, I am guessing he will have walk back at some point, because it just sets up a no-win situation for him on so many levels. twilson117 13 minutes ago
AD….CL and I are “churchy” in the same way……a rational approach to humanizing philosophies put forth by great thinks such as Siddartha and Yeshua. MurphTheSurf3 12 minutes ago

CL I agree with you on that. twilson117 12 minutes ago
Murph – Did you see the GOP’s statement that the 1/6 sedition was ‘Legitimate Political Discourse’? I told TW earlier, today is the day the GOP died. It is now a self-avowed, Anti-American terrorist organization. AdLib 12 minutes ago
TW…he will not be able to go forward with his Christians Only litmus test but when forced to step back he will cite it as another example of the Democratic Pagans taking over a fundamentally Christian Nation. MurphTheSurf3 11 minutes ago
Murph – I’d also suggest that Parson is possibly doing what Abbott and DeSantis are doing in their states, masking the actual death rate from Covid by messing with the reporting. AdLib 11 minutes ago
Ad…I saw the statement and remember that the RNC condemned the action in no uncertain terms shortly after 1/6…but of course, so did Trumpski! MurphTheSurf3 10 minutes ago
Ad….that is possible but I know the medical community here really well and it is dominated by private provider groups who have been very honest and very direct in their reporting. MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago
Murph – And you’re both people who put their beliefs into good works. Unlike the majority of these gun-obsessed, police-beating racists that declare themselves to be “Christians”. AdLib 9 minutes ago

Sorry got knocked off the internet twilson117 8 minutes ago
I have a post of “Jesus” armed to the teeth carrying racist placards and leading a Proud Boys Group (called the Apostles)……underneath is this statement….”Not My Lord, or My Savior. Yours?” MurphTheSurf3 8 minutes ago
Murph – But this is a watershed moment when the GOP declares that a violent and deadly attack on our Capitol intended to overturn our election and democracy, was a legitimate “discourse”. They are declaring treason and sedition as justified. They are a rogue, criminal org now. AdLib 7 minutes ago
Well, Ad and TW, this has been terrific….good golly, Miss Molly, don’t we cover a lot of ground. MurphTheSurf3 7 minutes ago

Sorry got knocked off the internet twilson117 7 minutes ago

Murph, he just opened himself up to all kinds of heat. twilson117 6 minutes ago
Ad….I hope that the clarity you have re. the GOP is adopted by their backers and 2nd level leadership. MurphTheSurf3 6 minutes ago
Murph – Well, that is good to hear. I don’t want to see death numbers going up but as it is now, around 2500 Americans are dying each day from Covid. I remember when that was shocking in 2020 but today, thousands dying from a pandemic is not news. AdLib 6 minutes ago

Ad, what a bunch of bunk that was, ‘legitimate” discourse, right out of the Trump** playbook. twilson117 4 minutes ago
Murph – Today, the GOP made clear that they support the violent overthrow of our democracy and see all those who participate in it as legitimized. This is crazy. And following Trump’s promise to pardon them, maybe we see more coming out of the woodwork as 2024 approaches. AdLib 4 minutes ago
TW…of course he has but since the state will be defending him…..and he will make hay over it…..no real loss for him. MurphTheSurf3 4 minutes ago
TW – I think it’s even worse than Trump to have a whole party declare that attempting a violent overthrow of the country is legitimate. AdLib 3 minutes ago
Ad…as you may recall, I, like my Dad, was an Eisenhower Republican….the GOP of today has nothing to do with that legacy. MurphTheSurf3 3 minutes ago
Welp! I need to get moving. We had a lot of snow here and the cleanup continues tomorrow pretty early. So, until next week….Keep the Faith! MurphTheSurf3 2 minutes ago

Well, I suppose in their world it makes sense. twilson117 2 minutes ago

You take care Murph. twilson117 a minute ago
Murph – I remember that. But the GOP has been possessed by an evil now and there doesn’t seem to be any going back. AdLib a minute ago
Sounds good, Murph! Glad to hear the good news for the Association, get some rest! AdLib a minute ago

Hey all I’m heading out as well, see you all next week. twilson117 a minute ago
Thanks TW…..And yes, Ad……they have lost their hearts and their souls and their minds. MurphTheSurf3 a minute ago
So long! MurphTheSurf3 a few seconds ago
TW – Great chatting today! Have a great weekend! AdLib a few seconds ago

You as well. twilson117 a few seconds ago
Thanks! AdLib a few seconds ago
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