Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey TW! AdLib 2 hours ago

Hey AdLib I’m a bit early but wanted to say thanks for posting my article and taking the time to read and comment. twilson117 2 hours ago
Absolutely, my friend. It was such a thoughtful and well written piece, thanks for writing it! AdLib 2 hours ago
The Trump overthrow of the election seems to be really getting fleshed out now. AdLib 2 hours ago

Yes it is. Now it’s a matter of what the committee is going to do with everything they have. twilson117 an hour ago
I am looking forward to the public hearings, I think t satrt next month. AdLib an hour ago

The memo that was released about seizing the voting equipment has got to hurt. twilson117 an hour ago

I will for sure have the TV on. twilson117 an hour ago
Evening all! choicelady an hour ago
That was talked about last year so it’s not really news in that sense but to have it documented is a bit remarkable. AdLib an hour ago

Hey CL how are you. twilson117 an hour ago
Hi CL! AdLib an hour ago
Hi Tw- find, thanks. How are YOU? choicelady an hour ago
Hey Ad! choicelady an hour ago

I’m fine got through the booster ok and now feel comfortable in knowing just waiting for wife to get hers. twilson117 an hour ago
So we lost big on voting rights but the 1/6 committee got the Trump WH docs. Not a wash but it’s something. AdLib an hour ago
I come bearing missives from PPO. He hopes to rejoin us soon, but he has taken up the important responsibility of helping kids, some with disabilities, in their local regatta. That’s where he is today (its being Saturday already, down under.) He sends everyone his best. choicelady an hour ago

Yeah the voting rights bill went down, but I feel there will be some level of rebound. Don’t know what it will be but, I’m thinking it will make folks more determined to show up regardless of the repugs put in front of them. twilson117 an hour ago
Do we think Trump will be indicted now? Clearly, he led the insurrection, phony elector slates, cheering on the attack on the Capitol and not sending in help, having memos drafted to seize voting machines and ballots and delay until February? Come on, this is treason. AdLib an hour ago
CL – How cool of PPO! But he is missed. AdLib an hour ago

He is on an ice sheet and crapping in his pants because he hears the ice cracking all around him. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad – PPO misses us but is working out how to fill the hours without Fergie. This is a way. choicelady an hour ago

Hey CL that’s great news about PPO thanks for sharing. twilson117 an hour ago

CL let him know we’re thinking of him. twilson117 an hour ago
I read yesterday Sheldon Whitehouse’s recipe for advancing voting rights INTACT. He is recommending they go back to what happened in 1965. There IS a process w the filibuster to let every Senator speak and then – it’s done. It cannot be stopped. Amendments cannot be added. and then they vote. It takes days, weeks, but it GETS DONE. I think that’s where we are. choicelady an hour ago
TW – Not to mention the GA investigation, the NY cases, I can see all of these falling in on Trump this year. AdLib an hour ago
Ad and TW – I will let PPO know. He will be back soon, after the regatta for kids is over. I gather it’s a Big Deal and lasts several weekends. So soon but maybe not immediately. choicelady an hour ago
CL – He needs to do whatever he needs to do to get through this difficult period. AdLib an hour ago
Ad – that’s what i said to him. Filling that emptiness is so very hard. choicelady an hour ago
TW – I know Moscow Mitch’s proclaimation that African Americans are turning out like Americans are, has whipped up the Dem base. AdLib an hour ago
Well, here we are. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
To recap – there ARE ways to deal w the filibuster, and I think they will take them up. choicelady an hour ago

I agree PPO should do what makes him feel good. It’s going to take time. twilson117 an hour ago
Oh, yeahhhh – Twitter is on FIRE choicelady an hour ago

Hey Murph twilson117 an hour ago
MURPH!!! choicelady an hour ago

Ad good ole Mitch, you know the last I checked I was almost sure I was American. twilson117 an hour ago
CL – But can that be done in The Senate without a vote? AdLib an hour ago
PPO sends his best, Murph – he’s helping with a kids’ regatta. He’s trying to find ways to deal with the Great Quiet of his house. This is one. choicelady an hour ago
The Missouri State Legislature has now taken up legislation that will disenfranchise black and hispanic citizens here who live in the three significant urban areas while making it much easier for those living in rural areas to get ballots by mail. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Hey Murph! AdLib an hour ago
It is all part of the plan to give the appearance that the nation has been swept up in a tidal wave of GOP support….. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
The way Whitehouse explained it, the debate goes on, 2 speeches per Senator (OMG) then it’s over. It’s done, Majority vote. It’s like the Clorox for Filibusters – breaks up the mildew and lets us get on with things. It is EXACTLY what happened in 1965. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – watch this space in MO: You will be a target for the DOJ or other lawsuits against these discriminatory laws. choicelady an hour ago
TW – Moscow Mitch tried to explain it away but then another quote of him bragging that “his party” is proud of having so much white people. He is a racist SOB. AdLib an hour ago
CL – how does the procedure you describe to bring forward the voting rights bill in the Senate set aside the rule that 60 members of the Senate must ok a bill moving forward that is not governed by exemptatory rules. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Well good ole Mortimer Mitch just can’t help himself. twilson117 an hour ago
I loved Biden’s question – what are the Republicans FOR? Joni couldn’t answer. She just named categories not what they’re FOR in those categories. choicelady an hour ago

CL they have nothing but obstruction squared. twilson117 an hour ago
They are running the 60 votes with the “talking filibuster”. The rules say once that is done, the vote requirement is back to simple majority. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – The 2nd Confederacy is here, fascism is spreading quickly state by state. AdLib an hour ago
TW – that is all they’re about. The party of NO. choicelady an hour ago
A set aside note…..A physician at Mercy Hospital in Washington Mo. is now in critical condition and being vented for COViD AND it has just been revealed that he did not get either immunization or the booster. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – that’s appalling. What is WRONG with people? choicelady an hour ago
Murph – I see it another way. Republicanism stands for nothing now but grabbing power. That is all they are focused on now and doing it in a way that’s cruel and racist which energizes their deranged base. AdLib an hour ago
CL….you are the duchess of doctrine…..I bow to your superior knowledge. Where can I find this rule in the Senate Rules of Procedure. Do you know? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph it makes no sense for those in the medical profession to be so against being vaccinated. It’s just not logical. twilson117 an hour ago
CL – But my question is, doesn’t it require a vote to proceed as Whitehouse describes? AdLib an hour ago
LOL! Murph – I’m not the one who did this on the filibuster. It was the amazing Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse from RI. Only claim I have is I once lived in RI. That’s it. I “read good” though. He knows his stuff, does Sheldon. I am cautionsly optimistic we’re going to run the room on the GOP. choicelady an hour ago
There is legislation being proposed in our state senate to RESTORE THE STARS AND BARS TO SETTINGS WHERE SUCH DISPLAY IS IN KEEPING WITH STATE HISTORY AND TRADITION. WHo would have thought that this is How the South will Rise Again. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – as a Daughter of Missouri, can I wade in with them and object? Grandpa was Albany, Gentry County born and raised. I oughtta have a say, right? choicelady an hour ago

Murph and I’m guessing they deathly afraid of CRT being taught to their children. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Just insane, how could a doctor who’s seen the madness in hospitals not get vaccinated. He was willing to die for his ignorance, so be it. AdLib an hour ago
TW- CRT being a LAW school course, I think we need ot keep saying that. choicelady an hour ago

Murph when will they learn they lost the Civil War, and I don’t give a damn if they call it the war of aggression, they lost that one too. twilson117 an hour ago
CL….this story seems to deflate our hopeful talking filibuster balloon…. https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2022-01-18/senate-democrats-push-for-talking-filibuster-to-break-impasse-on-voting-rights MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CL – But if The Senate could do this without a vote, why didn’t they do it on the voting rights bill? AdLib an hour ago
TW……these confederacy restoration actions are, at their heart, about gathering the haters into a hardened GOP supporting rank and file….. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad…I have the same question you do about the t alking filibuster. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – this isn’t THE “Mr Smith” version but a round robin of all senators. I will trust Whitehouse (Sheldon) over USA Today. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – The DoJ needs to crack down hard and often on this movement towards racist fascism or it will become deeply roote in Repub states and oppression and violence will grow. AdLib an hour ago
Ad – there is a MAJOR point to be made about taking a standard vote FIRST. Just if you get lucky and Sinema and Manchin have a Damascus conversion. This puts ON THE RECORD who is for and against. This is ESSENTIAL to prevent accusations of railroading by the Right. NOW they will move into the next phase. choicelady an hour ago
CL….it would seem that if what Whitehouse is saying is so it would seem that the 60 vote rule is a paper tiger. Is that so? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph they are fooling themselves because in the end there aren’t enough of them left, which is why they are doing what they are doing. The demographic shift in population is upon us and it doesn’t look good for them which why they are doing what they are doing. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad – through the DOJ and Mark Elias suits, we have triumphed in WI, MI, and OH over voter suppression issues. I do NOT see anyone backing down. choicelady an hour ago
CL – Changing to a talking filibuster does require a vote on that in The Senate and Manchin and Sinema have already said absolutely not. AdLib an hour ago
Murph – it takes WEEKS to get through the formalities of filibuster challenge this way. Can’t do it on every bill – but this one is worth it. choicelady an hour ago
TW…your numbers are correct…but…..50 years ago the Nixon Whitehouse launched a study of how the GOP could hold onto power even if it was a permanent minority party. What we are seeing with this Confederate action is an outcropping from the study and the plan emerged from it. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CL – That is very good to see, we just have a fight on many different fronts now, including states now passing racist and fascist laws. On top of voter suppression laws that need to be fought and attacks on election workers that are now finally starting to be charged. AdLib an hour ago

CL there is one thing I believe about voting and those who are trying to suppress the vote. Those who have suffered the ills of suppression will kept at no matter what is put in the way. twilson117 an hour ago
glenn!!! AdLib an hour ago
No, Ad – Sinema and Manchin voted against cloture. NOT against the voting rights act. They uphold the filibuster – and so does this strategy. It IS the filibuster in WEEKS of debate we almost never do because it’s WEEKS of debate. They apparently are going to the mat over voting rights. It’s worth it. choicelady an hour ago
We’ve missed you so much, glenn!!! AdLib an hour ago
CL and Choice…one of you is correct in your understanding of the Talking Filibuster. I am having a hard time sorting out which is which. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Hey Glenn twilson117 an hour ago
glenn!!!! Hi- lovely to see you! choicelady an hour ago
GLENN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Good evening all glenn an hour ago
CL – You missed what I wrote, Manchin and Sinema have said they will not vote for a talking filibuster. AdLib an hour ago
GLENN….how are you, my dear? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – the “Mr smith goes to WA” talking filibuster isn’t what’s on the line. It is the 1965 process of EVERY Senator sp;eaking a max of 2 times for a set limit. AFTER that, NO amendments can be entered, and it is a simple majority to pass. It hasn’t been used since ’65 because it’s incredibly tedious. But it will be now. Ted Effing Cruz did the Grandstand w “Green Eggs and Ham”. This is VERY different per Whitehouse. It will go on for weeks but get the job DONE. choicelady an hour ago
No – they said they won’t vote for a single person standing and delivering. And they don’t GET to vote – it is a procedure that is already part of the existing rules. Nothing is being changed. choicelady an hour ago

Murph what I’ve learned is those who have power do not want to give it up and will do anything to keep it. But eventually they lose. We’re going to be in for some tough times that’s for sure. twilson117 an hour ago
Karl Rove and Roger Ailes were key members of the study group convened by Nixon to address what the demographic studies were making it very clear….the GOP base was shrinking in such a way that it would be necessary to create a structure in which a minority party could exercise majority power. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad – I trust Whitehouse to know what’s what. choicelady an hour ago

Murph isn’t that an autocracy? twilson117 an hour ago
CL – Well, that would be phenomenal! But will Schumer do that? And why haven’t they scheduled that to take place? AdLib an hour ago
Thank you all for your reactions. It makes me feel special. I’m doing better every day, Murph. Typing is a little difficult because my right hand doesn’t work well, so please forgive my typos. glenn an hour ago
CL – Also, why have Dems turned to looking at the Repub watered down election bills now instead of pushing this forward. AdLib an hour ago
CL and Ad….I am sending an e mail to a fellow academic whose field of expertise is legislative rules of procedure. I gotta know that that the hope that CL has laid before us is not ephemeral. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad – they are working on scheduling per Whitehouse. And they had to go through the original vote to put it on the table. BTW – Collins and others are in discussion w Dems on key parts of the bill that MIGHT make the ongoing anti filibuster action less necessary. You know this isn’t a one and done. choicelady an hour ago
glenn, don’t have any concern about typos! Just to have you here is wonderful! AdLib an hour ago
Ad – you can push through PARTS easily, then you save the smaller parts for later and the long haul. This is NOT a ‘watered down bill” but a segmented bill. ‘ choicelady an hour ago
glenn – as the Queen of Typos, you’re going to have to catch up with me! I’m so glad to see you!! choicelady an hour ago
Glenn…..I regard your typos as moments of grace….shouting out that YOU ARE BACK! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph and glenn – AMEN!!!! choicelady an hour ago
CL – That doesn’t sit right for me. If Dems can do this, why would they be negotiating with that phony Collins on passing few and weaker provisions? AdLib an hour ago
CL–This discussion on the filibuster is so interesting. It’s helping me to understand….somewhat. Anyway,it’s so good to read yours, Murph’s, and Ad’s thoughts on ths. glenn an hour ago
Ad….it may be that these efforts to seek some GOP support is another one of the “bipartisan” support efforts which seem to be de rigeur MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

CL it keeps getting pointed out the filibuster only a senate rule and good ole Mortimer Mitch changes it whenever he wants, so how the hell is that Manchin and Semina claim changing it would upset the balance of regular rule? twilson117 an hour ago
Oh Ad – Just stop please. They are doing all they can to get this done. It’s sausage not quiche. Just accept that they ARE doing it even if it’s the hard way. Who CARES if Collins is an asshat if she does occasional things right? I’m just NOT into purity. I’ve created and gutted and worked so many good bills in so many rotten ways to get what I want I have no patience with purity at all. Trust them. They want to get this DONE. choicelady an hour ago
And to be clear, the only item that Collins, Romney, etc. are willing to negotiate on is the Electoral Count Act which would just, “The goal is to change the Electoral Count Act to limit the ability to throw out certified electoral votes when a joint session of Congress meets to count the votes of a presidential election.” AdLib an hour ago
That’s it! Why wouldn’t Dems pass that along with actual voting rights laws? AdLib 44 minutes ago
Tw – I don’t know and no longer care. If Machin and Sinema want the effing rule, we will stuff it up their noses. You live by the filibuster, you suffer by it. choicelady 44 minutes ago
TW…..Manchin and Sinema are bought and paid for…they are in Mitch’s back rear pocket….an appropriate placement for two asses. MurphTheSurf3 44 minutes ago
Ad – then you do that. And then you go on with that done. And then you do whatever you need in a larger or smaller bill. WHO CARES if it all gets DONE.\ choicelady 44 minutes ago
Thank you all for your kind words; it is good to chat with you all. glenn 43 minutes ago
In the meantime while the Senate is passing bits, DOJ is suing AND winning cases. Three states ended gerrymandering. That ain’t nothing. ONE of them is Ohio. choicelady 43 minutes ago
Both Sinema and Mancin have earned this reprisal- a primary challenger. MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago
Murph – The “bipartisan” explanation is silly to me. All Repubs opposed the voting rights bill and McConnell has held them all in line to oppose every bill except the Infrastructure bill. Bipartisanship is a ridiculous goal nowadays and a poor excuse for delaying a voting rights bill if it could be passed as Whitehouse describes. AdLib 42 minutes ago

Cl I suppose the most surefire way of fixing this problem is finding candidates who can replace some of the stuck in the mud repubs. twilson117 42 minutes ago
Yup. They will be hurt – but not if the challenger is a Bernbot as threatened by Bernie. choicelady 42 minutes ago
Ad…bipartisanship might be Quixotic….but the appearance of bipartisanship as a goal marks a difference for Dems from GOP… MurphTheSurf3 41 minutes ago
CL–it does seem that progress is slow, and that it has to come in bits and pieces. Hopefuly, though, we will get progress. glenn 41 minutes ago
Ad – you’re missing the point. It’s NOT “bipartisandship” here. It’s taking what you can get which IS important, and getting it done, THEN you use the process for the rest. choicelady 40 minutes ago
CL – It’s not purity, it’s logic. Where is the logic in investing time and energy in passing a tiny part of the Voting Rights Bill instead of passing that as part of the whole package. I don’t get it. AdLib 40 minutes ago
Well, bone up, Ad. It’s how it’s done. It’s not theater – it’s substantive alliance. We don’t care about Collins, but we KNOW there are five GOP who will support this act, and this gives THE M protective cover to vote WITH us on the larger bill because the asshats voted on part A. choicelady 39 minutes ago
My experience in working with the legislative process in two states where my side was the minority convinced me that in the long run making it clear that our side want cooperative action with the other side……even as we accepted that this would not happen. MurphTheSurf3 39 minutes ago
CL – But damage is being done now so it is pretty urgent. You’ve seen the stories in TX where they are rejecting a lion’s share of voter registrations due to their unconstitutional law. AdLib 38 minutes ago
Ad–perhaps I can answer your question to CL. Because half a loaf is better than none. glenn 38 minutes ago
Murph. Thank you. choicelady 38 minutes ago
Wouldn’t it be nice if the tone of this discussion tonight was representative of “chat” on the net? What a better nation we would be. MurphTheSurf3 38 minutes ago
Ad – are you aware that DOJ is suing TX on several fronts? This is a multipronged attack on fascism. choicelady 37 minutes ago
CL MurphTheSurf3 37 minutes ago
Murph – I think it is mistaken for Dems to chase symbolism when a house is on fire and needs to be put out ASAP. That’s what struggling to pass one tiny provision as bipartisan looks like to me. AdLib 37 minutes ago
glenn – if Collins et al. back an easy part, others can back a hard part more easily. choicelady 37 minutes ago
It is NOT symbolism. It’s TACTCS. choicelady 36 minutes ago

Look the VRB is going to be subjected to constant attack from republicans and the SC. When the court stripped section 5 they told congress to come up with a newer form of preclearance, but, I believe even if they do it will still get struck down by the SC. But it doesn’t mean they should keep at it. After all it’s not just African Americans Asians and Hispanics affect by this voter suppression, they are impact some of their own folks as well. twilson117 36 minutes ago
Ad….I think I will rest my argument on the last point made…..it is in Democratic interests to be seen as the party of inclusion even when invitations are offered to those who are very unlikely to take them up. MurphTheSurf3 36 minutes ago
Why does anyone need purity? Whitehouse laid out the main process. The sidebar votes are to give OTHER GOP protective cover. Just remember it’s how we got VRA in 1965. It worked. choicelady 35 minutes ago
Murph – choicelady 35 minutes ago
A black minister I know very well…..who is also a social and voting activists tells me that he welcomes these efforts to steal away the right to vote…..as it is enflaming his base. MurphTheSurf3 34 minutes ago
Ad – come up here where the state legislature is NO LONGER WORKING WELL, and I’ll put you in my job and see how it goes. We long ago learned how to make things work in pieces when all aroound you are asshats. choicelady 34 minutes ago
CL – you and I work in the jungle and not in the clear. MurphTheSurf3 33 minutes ago
Murp[h – YES!! Add in Mitch’s gigantic gaffe (he meant what he said) and that tactically is the WORST THING they could have done. choicelady 33 minutes ago
glenn – Gotcha but CL is saying we will get the whole loaf through Whitehouse’s process…so why don’t Dems in The Senate just put all their energy behind that instead of this intentional distraction that McConnell originated to be a distraction. Remember, Dems have the VP right now so this law has McConnell’s support because it would affirm that VP Harris can’t reject an actually corrupt vote in 2024. It should be the law no matter which party is in the WH but their support is totally to protect the GOP if they overturn or defraud the 2024 election. AdLib 33 minutes ago
Murph – Have machete. Will travel. choicelady 33 minutes ago
Ad – it is crucial we not wear out every Senator., so the LESS there is to debate on the bill in chief, the damned better. choicelady 32 minutes ago

Murph as I said earlier no matter how hard Repugs try to still the vote of others, they will find a way and it will be done in such a way it will surprise them. twilson117 31 minutes ago
CL…Mitch is bailing water from his boat as fast as he can but even if he stays afloat his ship of state will be damaged. MurphTheSurf3 31 minutes ago
Ad–I sometimes wish Dems would chase “symbolism”–aka lies in my book–but then I think sinking to your opponents’ low level makes yo no better than them. Dems need to keep pointing out repubs’ lies. A few articles I’ve read say that Americans are getting fed up with repubs’ lies. glenn 31 minutes ago
TW – NO ONE in their right mind should ever think Black voters will be cowed. NEVER think that. They will read the laws and find a way. Always. Survival is the name of their entire history., choicelady 30 minutes ago
Glenn…you spell out the way to walking the higher road. MurphTheSurf3 30 minutes ago
glenn – absolutely. choicelady 30 minutes ago

CL I know that for a fact. twilson117 29 minutes ago
CL – Just to update, there are not 10 Repub Senators to even support this one small change in the Electoral Count Act. So as of right now, it is not able to pass. We shall see but I think it will end up being a distraction that may not be passed in the end after all. AdLib 29 minutes ago
Murph – Mitch is bailing so fast he’s ripping up the boards. choicelady 29 minutes ago
CL…good one. MurphTheSurf3 29 minutes ago
Ad – wait to see. You have no more clue than we do if it will work or not. choicelady 29 minutes ago
If you are the dominant party but not 100% in charge, you never lose the game even if you lose the skirmish doing what is seen as the right thing. choicelady 28 minutes ago
Murph and CL–I keep hoping tht someday all, or at least most, Americans will prefer the highroad. glenn 27 minutes ago
Sidebar…I have a neighbor who is taking a busload of anti-vaxxers to the anti mandate march this Sunday……gawd….what a trip that would be…..like a getaway at a lunatic asylum. MurphTheSurf3 27 minutes ago
Murph– and a great way to get sick, too glenn 26 minutes ago
The guy leading the pilgrimage…..is a super Trumper and a QAnon disciple…..he’s the whole package. MurphTheSurf3 26 minutes ago
glenn – there are really good indicators they will. 62% do NOT want Trump in 2024. The religious right is crashing ({RRI poll 2020), DeSantis has his dreams of glory and NO support in FL. DOJ is winning cases, and SCOTUS 8-1 is upholding our fight against Trump. choicelady 26 minutes ago
CL – The thing to consider in my book is whether we are in a real emergency where we need to focus on putting out a house on fire or if we are not in such an urgent time and time and energy can be spent on symbolic actions. AdLib 26 minutes ago
Murph – the anti vaxx rally? “I see Dead People.” choicelady 25 minutes ago
Ad – of course it’s a real emergency. Why do you think YOUR way is better if they who work the system don’t? choicelady 25 minutes ago
I don’t tell Congress what to do. I read what they ARE doing, and I like what I read. choicelady 24 minutes ago
YOU call it symbolic. I call it strategic. choicelady 24 minutes ago
Glenn….you have said wha I was thinking…..there is a great likelihood that the demon seed of COVID will be planted in many bodies as they wend their way East. The organizer has taken to referring to the bus trip as a “Blessed Pilgrims’ Journey to Trumps Valiant Stand Against Demoncratic Autocracy:”” And that is a quote. MurphTheSurf3 24 minutes ago

Murph I think a Forest Gump saying is appropriate for that group of anti-vaxxers, ‘stupid is an as stupid does.’ twilson117 24 minutes ago
Murph: Hell is Empty. Al the Devils are on the Mall. choicelady 23 minutes ago
My concern is that if we don’t pass voter protection laws soon, even if they get passed later in the year, some lawsuits by Repubs will cause Trumpier courts to say that we are too close to an election and that they not be implemented in 2022. AdLib 23 minutes ago
TW – Forest wasn’t wrong. choicelady 23 minutes ago
Choice….”there are really good indicators they will. 62% do NOT want Trump in 2024. The religious right is crashing ({RRI poll 2020), DeSantis has his dreams of glory and NO support in FL. DOJ is winning cases, and SCOTUS 8-1 is upholding our fight against Trump.” Talk about good news. MurphTheSurf3 23 minutes ago
Ad – don’t make up trouble. SCOTUS never once has voted against a voting rights issue or for a Trumpian one. choicelady 22 minutes ago
Ad…your cautionary note re. Trumpier courts is well t aken. MurphTheSurf3 22 minutes ago
CL – Because politicians too often think about perception and how it will affect their re-election over taking action that may lessen support for them. Manchin claims (falsely) his voters want him to do what he’s doing. AdLib 21 minutes ago
Murh – up to a point Trump judges suck – but time and again they have voted AGAINST the RW. There are a few, but they’ve been over-ruled. choicelady 21 minutes ago
one last topic….any thoughts on the Russian threat to Ukraine. MurphTheSurf3 21 minutes ago
Omnicron is running rampant through my ALF. However, for some reason, mgt. has continued with business as usual, with the dining room open. However, I have had all my meals in my room. Simetimes the aides bring up the food from the dining room and sometimes I make my own. Anyway, I’m trying to stay safe–not easy, glenn 21 minutes ago
glenn – being safe is often being the odd one out and lonely. I’m sorry. But you ARE doing the right thing. choicelady 20 minutes ago
Glenn…you are one smart c ookie…I hope others are taking heed. You have come too far to let the boobs rule the day. MurphTheSurf3 20 minutes ago
Murp[h – Russia backed down before. I think they will again. I see that Russia has restored the Czar’s residence. Will Putin go live there? choicelady 19 minutes ago
Murph – Yes, look at the decision today by a RW judge to block the vaccine mandate for federal workers…claiming the Biden and the federal government have no right to tell their own employees what they want? The SCOTUS again protecting the TX anti-abortion vigilante law from going to a district court and being blocked, on and on. AdLib 19 minutes ago

Murph DeSantis wants his own private police force and it seems his idea has caught on with some other gov. I see shades of Sinclar Lewis It Can’t Happen Here were he talks about Buzz Winthrip’s Minute Man force. twilson117 19 minutes ago
Glenn…pardon my ignorance….ALF…Assisted Living F??????? MurphTheSurf3 19 minutes ago
Murph–those statistics/percentages you quoted are encouraging. glenn 19 minutes ago
TW….I have not read of DeSantis storm troopers…need to look into it. MurphTheSurf3 18 minutes ago
Glenn…the stats are courtesy of the wise choice lady. MurphTheSurf3 18 minutes ago
Ad – you do know that SCOTUS already said there WERE legit reasons for health care workers to be mandated? Well Biden CAN rule for federal workers legally, and SCOTUS will likely shove that lesser judge into a barrell. choicelady 18 minutes ago
Murph–Assisted living facility. glenn 18 minutes ago
CL – You’re mistakjen, I did not say SCOTUS, courts in 2020 prevented anti-gerrymandering laws and other election laws from taking effect because they claimed it was too close to the election. This has happened many times in the past. AdLib 18 minutes ago
I wasn’t talking about that but about vaccines. choicelady 17 minutes ago

Murph he is proposing it, at the moment. It’s just the fact he would come up with something like that under the guise of protecting the elections. twilson117 17 minutes ago
AND one more side note…..any thoughts on the stuff coming out from the Trump WH……the draft order for the military to seize voting machines…clear violation of the comitatus rule. MurphTheSurf3 17 minutes ago
SCOTUS didn’t say anything like that around elections. That was either lower courts or Mitch. choicelady 17 minutes ago
Murph–our choice lady is indeed wise and well informed! glenn 16 minutes ago
We have multipronged attacks on voter suppression laws going on. This should be resolved well before the 90 day “window” some things prevent. SCOTUS ruled right up to 2020 against Trump. choicelady 16 minutes ago

Murph, I believe that is one of many stiletto memos that will do him and his entire band of misfits in. twilson117 15 minutes ago
CL – Yes, ultimately Biden will be proven to have the power over fed workers but my point is that RW judges can throw a wrench in the works and stall something that causes damage to elections. As I mentioned, look at the SCOTUS not ruling to stop the TX anti-abortion law, they’re forcing women to be harmed by it day after day despite how unconstitutional it is. AdLib 15 minutes ago
Well….friends….and we are friends…..but honest ones…..I once again find myself encouraged by the quality of this discussion. This level of interaction is SO RARE! Thanks to Ad and all of those who founded the Planet. MurphTheSurf3 15 minutes ago
Alright my friends. I’m fading fast, so I’m going to sign off. Thank you all for your warm welcome and kind words. I hope to be here again next week. glenn 14 minutes ago

Glenn take care and be well. twilson117 14 minutes ago
OK – the shoulder is giving out, the arm is aching, and I’m about to give glenn a run for her money on typos as well as pain.I am going to bow out and go ice my shoulder. I start PT soon. Can’t WAIT. I’m sick of hurting doing normal things such as typing. Lovely to see everyone! Good night! choicelady 14 minutes ago
Murph – I think the hammer is going to come down on Trump and his cronies later this year, the stormclouds and evidence are gathering. AdLib 14 minutes ago
Take care glenn! So great to see you! AdLib 14 minutes ago

Take care CL twilson117 14 minutes ago
Fare thee well…choice! MurphTheSurf3 13 minutes ago
Thanks Twilson. You take care as we;; glenn 13 minutes ago

Murph he is getting it from several fronts and he doesn’t have enough bandwidth to battle them all. twilson117 13 minutes ago
Seeya Murph! AdLib 13 minutes ago
“nite CL glenn 13 minutes ago
Yes, Ad…I think your thinking on Trump’s long walk on the short pier of his besotted Presidency is coming to an end. MurphTheSurf3 13 minutes ago
Murph – And we thought it might never happen to Trump. AdLib 12 minutes ago
Nite…one and all….you are the BEST! MurphTheSurf3 12 minutes ago
Thanks Ad I enjoyed chatting wth you all glenn 12 minutes ago

Take care Muph twilson117 12 minutes ago
Murph! glenn 12 minutes ago
Same here, glenn! So wonderful too have you back! AdLib 12 minutes ago

Now I’m having typo issues. twilson117 12 minutes ago
TW – I never have typo prbolnes. AdLib 11 minutes ago

Well it happens to the best of us. twilson117 10 minutes ago
So the daughter is flying out on a red eye tomorrow night. AdLib 10 minutes ago

So she is heading back to school. Hopefully she has a warm coat and all. Temps have been down. twilson117 9 minutes ago
Boston bound. AdLib 9 minutes ago
She should be prepared. AdLib 9 minutes ago

So by Mondy she will be ready for classes?? twilson117 8 minutes ago
Yep but they’re doing distance learning for the first two weeks. AdLib 8 minutes ago

From her Dorm? twilson117 8 minutes ago
Yes. AdLib 8 minutes ago
So, not ideal but at least she’ll be back. AdLib 7 minutes ago

I see. Well that’s good. But I have to think she must think that sucks. twilson117 7 minutes ago
Yep, they held off for longer than many schools but Covid has just blown up too much. AdLib 6 minutes ago

It has better safe than sorry. twilson117 5 minutes ago
Indeed! She’s boosted and all and all students have to have had a covid test within 72 hours before arriving so hopefully they will all be safe when they go back in the classroom. AdLib 4 minutes ago

I’m waiting for the announcement of another variant it’s bound to happen. I guess this is the new normal for 2022. twilson117 4 minutes ago
I know, I dread it but I am hoping we get a break over Spring and Summer before another wave comes. I think we will. AdLib 3 minutes ago

I’m with you on that. I and my wife and daughter want to see our granddaughter. twilson117 2 minutes ago
That’s so important. We’ve lost too much time with family after 2 years of Covid. I hope for all of you too that you can all get together. AdLib a few seconds ago

Well I’m going to call it. Again thanks for posting my article and commenting on it. I will respond over the weekend. twilson117 a few seconds ago
Okay, thanks for being such a talented writer! Sounds good, have a great weekend! AdLib a few seconds ago

You as well. twilson117 in a few seconds
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