Vox Populi, ourr weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib an hour ago

Hi Guest 827! AdLib an hour ago

Hey Khirad! AdLib an hour ago

Şimdi buradayım Khirad an hour ago

That’s my Turkish for the night. Khirad an hour ago

I’m embarassed to say I don’t know that phrase. AdLib an hour ago

Ah! AdLib an hour ago

Meaning? AdLib an hour ago

I am here. Khirad an hour ago

Hey glenn! AdLib an hour ago

Je suis ici. AdLib an hour ago

Ich bin hier. Khirad an hour ago

Obamagateobamagateobamagate! If you say it three times quickly, it could mean something! glenn an hour ago

Donde está la biblioteca? AdLib an hour ago

Taim anseo pinkpantheroz an hour ago

Oh, I know that last one, Ad. Where is the library? glenn an hour ago

glenn – Obamagate is the political version of a snipe hunt. AdLib an hour ago

Ad–a snipe hunt run by a moron. glenn an hour ago

Hi, guys. Drama overnight, I’m afraid. Fergie woke at 5 am with heavy chest and pain and we contemplated a visit to hospital. But it settled down. She’s resting still. pinkpantheroz an hour ago

PPO – Dobro pozhalovat! AdLib an hour ago

Hey Khirad, hey PPO! glenn an hour ago

glenn – Si!!! AdLib an hour ago

So I may have to dash. pinkpantheroz an hour ago

Добро пожалобат? Khirad an hour ago

glenn – Nothing is going to stick for a panicked Trump, looking at losing and being indicted for his crimes in 2021. AdLib an hour ago

PPO–Oh dear. Hoping the rest helps. glenn an hour ago

Khirad – Da! AdLib an hour ago

PPO–We understand. glenn an hour ago

PPO – I’m worried now anyway. What does it mean that it’s settled down, is she breathing better now? AdLib an hour ago

Khirad–Now, I know what they say about those who assume, but I’m assuming your post is either asking how we are, or asking if we’re here. glenn an hour ago

Obamagate – barrel bottom-scraping. They’re really desperate. Lovely to hear McConnell grovelling about his ‘mistake’ (SNort) pinkpantheroz an hour ago

I don’t have my Turkish keyboard figured out but: Istanbulda ise hava çok güzeldi – In Istanbul the, the weather was very fine. Khirad an hour ago

I’m present. Khirad an hour ago

glenn – The Russian phrase is “Welcome”. AdLib an hour ago

Ad, yes, she took puffs and a codeine tablet, pinkpantheroz an hour ago

I’m done with the foreign for now. Khirad an hour ago

Ad–Love that Biden has already said he won’t pardon the TLB. glenn an hour ago

glenn, Hi…. YES! GO with JOe! pinkpantheroz an hour ago

Ad–See, what did I tell you about those who assume? Thanks for letting me know what it means. glenn an hour ago

My tact with conspiracy theories has always been to come back with my own, more outrageous. Khirad an hour ago

Obamagate – Presidenting while black pinkpantheroz an hour ago

PPO – There is no escape for Trump. The economy isn’t getting better this year, COVID-19 isn’t going away and Trump’s murders of Americans for re-election won’t be forgotten. AdLib an hour ago

Presidenting while black nails it. Khirad an hour ago

PPO – So she has had this happen before? AdLib an hour ago

PPO–Yeah, but considering Barr is trying to void Flynn’s conviction, the bottom of the barrel is all they have left. And, the turtle got caught in a lie, HA! glenn an hour ago

Murph! AdLib an hour ago

Ad, sorry, but it is true that spikes are already showing where the idiots protested. pinkpantheroz an hour ago

Khirad–so what’s your latest theory? glenn an hour ago

Folks, just to save Murph the one-handed typing, he had a fall and broke his arm pretty badly. AdLib an hour ago

PPO–Yeah, that pretty much explains Obamagate. glenn an hour ago

hi folks. ppo best to your best gal. scary. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

one armed murph! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

State Department Inspector General Steve Linick has been fired, according to a senior administration official and a congressional aide. Linick, a Justice Department veteran appointed to the role in 2013 by then President Barack Obama, is the latest of a slew of inspectors general to be ousted in recent months. He played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph–Oh dear! So sorry to hear that you’re banged up. glenn an hour ago

glenn – Same here. Didn’t like when Pelosi then Obama refused to investigate Bush for crimes. Glad Biden isn’t taking it off the table for Trump. AdLib an hour ago

Ad, No. Pretty scary, but we weren’t going to jump from safe home to iffy hospital for a COPD-type episode. If she had gotten worse, I would have called the cardiac response team. We have those here. pinkpantheroz an hour ago

Glenn, I always liked that Trump eats babies he raises in Trump Tower to bathe in à la Bathory, but I need to make it more plausible, like that Joe Scarborough was in two places at once. Khirad an hour ago

Side not, why does my avatar and location not show up. Carry on. Khirad an hour ago

Obamagate: Tan Suits Are Illegal! Its in the Constitution! AdLib an hour ago

Murph–well, that is certainly grounds for firing….providing materials to Congress. glenn an hour ago

Sorry, Murph. Please god it heals well and soon. pinkpantheroz an hour ago

I think khakis and Rand Paul’s beard were illegal. Khirad an hour ago

Ad–the TLB has committed so many crimes, that Biden wouldn’t have time to govern if he had to pardon each one separately.

glenn an hour ago

glenn – And the Barr move to free Flynn is now a major disaster! AdLib an hour ago

i will be on the sidelines tonight ….. but i will read along….not a great or even just ok with one handed typing,,,,AND I broke my thumb on my good hand…so lame!!! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

What with the siezing of the phone of Burr? Khirad an hour ago

BAre arms! pinkpantheroz an hour ago

Khirad, history dump will show if the phone was used to sell after the briefing or not. pinkpantheroz an hour ago

Murph – The dictatorship coup over our democracy is very advanced. Just the House Dems and some judges left saving the last threads of democracy. AdLib an hour ago

PPO–Here’s hoping the cardiac response team isn’t necessary. glenn an hour ago

Thanks, glenn pinkpantheroz 44 minutes ago

Ah, she’s up and feeling OK! Relief! pinkpantheroz 44 minutes ago

PPO – Do they have drive up testing for Covid there? Any easier way to get tested? I’m concerned. AdLib 44 minutes ago

My point only ever was ever to say there’s a pattern with Flynn, and I suspect there might be more that Obama knew, but he was friends with Putin AND Erdoğan, and was involved in effect to kidnap someone in exile for a foreign government. I’m not saying one relationshop is worse than the other, but the Turkish one was more brazen. Khirad 43 minutes ago

Yes, Ad. Stations all over the place, but we’re OK that way. I haven’t been out for 2 weeks now, so no signs of that kind of problem, thank god pinkpantheroz 43 minutes ago

Khirad–it’s a good start. Maybe one of the babies was a girl and Ivanka made sure Daddy didn’t keep another girl baby. Tiffany’s mother whisked her away to CA so quickly, the TLB didn’t have time to eat her, so Ivanka was pissed. glenn 42 minutes ago

Khirad – Pro-Life now includes eating babies. AdLib 42 minutes ago

I am reading a lot in my historian circles about groups of jurists around the country who are banding together to create funding, and political momentum around an immediate investigation of the Trump admin with an aim to seeking serious penalties including jail for everyone including yoiu know who. MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago

Khirad – Not punching Rand Paul in the face is illegal. AdLib 42 minutes ago

Ad–yeah, the judge wasn’t buying Barr’s “defense”. glenn 41 minutes ago

What about that blond bimbette moaning that the Pandemic papers weren’t in a abinder! pinkpantheroz 41 minutes ago

I celebrated Rand Pauls neighor, also, never forget the Bowling Green Massacre! Khirad 41 minutes ago

Murph–Holy cow! That must have some fall you took! glenn 41 minutes ago

glenn – To handle all the Trump related crimes, we’ll have to turn Space Force into Police Force. AdLib 41 minutes ago

glenn, got a 5.8 from the East German Judge pinkpantheroz 41 minutes ago

Ad–Eating babies gives you a place in heaven because you saved that baby from being aborted! glenn 40 minutes ago

PP, I’m the East German judge here.

Khirad 40 minutes ago

Glenn….it was….I still think I am a kid… MurphTheSurf3 40 minutes ago

khirad! pinkpantheroz 40 minutes ago

going tonight to my first Zoom Meeting, about British and Irish Music Hall history. Haven’t done one before. Hope it goes ok pinkpantheroz 38 minutes ago

Khirad – Apparently, Trump and Barr figured the raid on Burr and kicking him off the Intelligence Com would prevent the final 5th portion of the Russia report from being released…but today, Burr had it sent fr final confirmation! It’s comin’ out and proves Russian support of Trump in 2016! AdLib 38 minutes ago

Murph–I’m not much on legal theory, but is that legal? I love it if it works, but that almost sounds like ambulance chasing to me. I thought judges had to wait for the cases to come to them; not to solicit cases. That almost sounds to me like it could backfire big time! glenn 38 minutes ago

PPO–Oh no! Not in a binder! How could anyone read them? glenn 37 minutes ago

I also wanted to say in a safe space that Paris Hilton’s former co-star is actually good in messaging. She a lying shill, but she’s good optically. I’m talking pure TV presentation, she’s good so far. I’m not saying I believe or agree with anything. Khirad 37 minutes ago

Those circles include a lot of first cass thinkers who believe a message must be sent to those who see the White House as fine mob hq… AdLibLos Angeles Administrator glennatlanta Khiradbon air MurphTheSurf3st. louis pinkpantherozmelbourne More users… Load previous messages… PPO–Yeah, but considering Barr is trying to void Flynn’s conviction, the bottom of the barrel is all they have left. And, the turtle got caught in a lie, HA! glenn11 minutes ago PPO – So she has had this happen before? AdLib11 minutes ago Murph! AdLib11 minutes ago Ad, sorry, but it is true that spikes are already showing where the idiots protested. pinkpantheroz11 minutes ago Khirad–so what’s your latest theory? glenn10 minutes ago Folks, just to save Murph the one-handed typing, he had a fall and broke his arm pretty badly. AdLib10 minutes ago PPO–Yeah, that pretty much explains Obamagate. glenn10 minutes ago hi folks. ppo best to your best gal. scary. MurphTheSurf310 minutes ago one armed murph! MurphTheSurf39 minutes ago State Department Inspector General Steve Linick has been fired, according to a senior administration official and a congressional aide. Linick, a Justice Department veteran appointed to the role in 2013 by then President Barack Obama, is the latest of a slew of inspectors general to be ousted in recent months. He played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer. MurphTheSurf39 minutes ago Murph–Oh dear! So sorry to hear that you’re banged up. glenn9 minutes ago glenn – Same here. Didn’t like when Pelosi then Obama refused to investigate Bush for crimes. Glad Biden isn’t taking it off the table for Trump. AdLib9 minutes ago Ad, No. Pretty scary, but we weren’t going to jump from safe home to iffy hospital for a COPD-type episode. If she had gotten worse, I would have called the cardiac response team. We have those here. pinkpantheroz9 minutes ago Glenn, I always liked that Trump eats babies he raises in Trump Tower to bathe in à la Bathory, but I need to make it more plausible, like that Joe Scarborough was in two places at once. Khirad9 minutes ago Side not, why does my avatar and location not show up. Carry on. Khirad8 minutes ago Obamagate: Tan Suits Are Illegal! Its in the Constitution! AdLib8 minutes ago Murph–well, that is certainly grounds for firing….providing materials to Congress. glenn7 minutes ago Sorry, Murph. Please god it heals well and soon. pinkpantheroz7 minutes ago I think khakis and Rand Paul’s beard were illegal. Khirad7 minutes ago Ad–the TLB has committed so many crimes, that Biden wouldn’t have time to govern if he had to pardon each one separately. glenn6 minutes ago glenn – And the Barr move to free Flynn is now a major disaster! AdLib6 minutes ago i will be on the sidelines tonight ….. but i will read along….not a great or even just ok with one handed typing,,,,AND I broke my thumb on my good hand…so lame!!! MurphTheSurf36 minutes ago What with the siezing of the phone of Burr? Khirad6 minutes ago BAre arms! pinkpantheroz6 minutes ago Khirad, history dump will show if the phone was used to sell after the briefing or not. pinkpantheroz5 minutes ago Murph – The dictatorship coup over our democracy is very advanced. Just the House Dems and some judges left saving the last threads of democracy. AdLib5 minutes ago PPO–Here’s hoping the cardiac response team isn’t necessary. glenn5 minutes ago Thanks, glenn pinkpantheroz4 minutes ago Ah, she’s up and feeling OK! Relief! pinkpantheroz4 minutes ago PPO – Do they have drive up testing for Covid there? Any easier way to get tested? I’m concerned. AdLib4 minutes ago My point only ever was ever to say there’s a pattern with Flynn, and I suspect there might be more that Obama knew, but he was friends with Putin AND Erdoğan, and was involved in effect to kidnap someone in exile for a foreign government. I’m not saying one relationshop is worse than the other, but the Turkish one was more brazen. Khirad3 minutes ago Yes, Ad. Stations all over the place, but we’re OK that way. I haven’t been out for 2 weeks now, so no signs of that kind of problem, thank god pinkpantheroz3 minutes ago Khirad–it’s a good start. Maybe one of the babies was a girl and Ivanka made sure Daddy didn’t keep another girl baby. Tiffany’s mother whisked her away to CA so quickly, the TLB didn’t have time to eat her, so Ivanka was pissed. glenn3 minutes ago Khirad – Pro-Life now includes eating babies. AdLib3 minutes ago I am reading a lot in my historian circles about groups of jurists around the country who are banding together to create funding, and political momentum around an immediate investigation of the Trump admin with an aim to seeking serious penalties including jail for everyone including yoiu know who. MurphTheSurf3 37 minutes ago

glenn… I believe that any review like it has to have ‘amicus briefs’ lodged before it can be looked at. pinkpantheroz 37 minutes ago

Ad–Well, we certainly would have to hire more DOJ attorneys. glenn 36 minutes ago

Khirad – Flynn is so guilty, I can’t see any way the judge lets him off. Trump needs to be forced to pardon him…after all the charges are now proven true and fresh in voters’ minds! AdLib 36 minutes ago

how the hell did i do that!!!!! i am a one handed menace MurphTheSurf3 36 minutes ago

British and Irish music? Be still my heart… you know I’ve been in pipe bands for decades now? Khirad 35 minutes ago

Murph, you’re a one-handed wizard! AdLib 35 minutes ago

Murph–Oh, I get it. That old mind over body thing; except this time the body said, “Are you out of your mind?” glenn 35 minutes ago

Khirad–Who is Paris Hilton’s former co-star? glenn 34 minutes ago

Glenn….jurists also refers to trial lawyers….and I presume any judges would be retired from the nench. MurphTheSurf3 34 minutes ago

I just have no idea what happened with Murph or how I’m from bon air and not Tucson? Khirad 34 minutes ago

PPO – Well, glad it’s not COVID but important to figure out what Fergie was suffering from. AdLib 34 minutes ago

glenn, TLB is more your Mind over Matter type. ‘I don’t mind.. and you don’t matter” pinkpantheroz 34 minutes ago

khirad……just olm mysterios me…. MurphTheSurf3 33 minutes ago

Khirad, check your settings and profile. I’ve often seen the bon air note. pinkpantheroz 32 minutes ago

Murph – Very good to hear about judges coming together to stop Trump. Amazing! AdLib 32 minutes ago

PPO–Your Zoom meeting sounds interesting. That’s right up your alley! glenn 32 minutes ago

Where do I set that? Here or on the platform. I’ll come back because that’s very curious indeed. Khirad 31 minutes ago

Murph–That makes more sense. I just misunderstood. I hope they sue the shit out of him! glenn 30 minutes ago

Ad….an old acquaintace of mine is a core leader in this….from pepperdine u MurphTheSurf3 30 minutes ago

That’s why I’m a guest. If anyone wants to look or listen in, It is a t 1.00 pm British Summer time about 9.5 hours from now! I can send the meeting id and pw pinkpantheroz 30 minutes ago

PPO–True about the TLB. glenn 30 minutes ago

Glenn….as I understand it…the effort will be to force federal and state action….civil and criminal MurphTheSurf3 29 minutes ago

glenn – “We’re gonna need a bigger boat…of DoJ prosecutors.” AdLib 29 minutes ago

Murph–hope your friend and his friends succeed. glenn 29 minutes ago

I guess I’m in bon air and not Arizona, it’s sounds a lot cooler for now. Khirad 28 minutes ago

Murph–tie him up in court forever! Then lock him up! glenn 28 minutes ago

Pepperdine: Steve Nash. Okay, I know there’s more but – unlikely. Khirad 27 minutes ago

Ad–yup! Bring those prosecutors on! glenn 27 minutes ago

I think the jurists could compile charges for criminal cases just using public information to present to DA’s. Doesn’t that sound right? IF DA’s say no, that’s up to them. AdLib 27 minutes ago

guys….i am flagging ….. recovery is alot of work so i may sneak out the side door quietly soon. MurphTheSurf3 27 minutes ago

Australia has offered him a site for the Predshenshul lirrary – a toilet block in the middle of the Woomera Rocket Range in South Australia pinkpantheroz 26 minutes ago

Murph – Just glad you could make it at all! Whenever you need to rest, you do it! AdLib 26 minutes ago

Don’t flag me! But do bide your time well. Khirad 26 minutes ago

Unless Murph is having a false flagging? AdLib 26 minutes ago

Take it easy Murph – you’re brilliant for just making it at all. pinkpantheroz 25 minutes ago

khirad…..among many oters whoregard it all as a Constitutional Crisis of the gravest kind. MurphTheSurf3 25 minutes ago

Murph outted me as Stasi. Khirad 25 minutes ago

So, my friends, here’s my dilemma. Given that I live in a state that is determined to open up everything before we even know what the numbers are; and given that I don’t trust Kemp (my governor) to be honest about the numbers, am I stuck in my house forever? IOW, when will I know when it’s safe to venture out? glenn 25 minutes ago

glenn, 4th January 2021 pinkpantheroz 24 minutes ago

Murph–glad you could be here for a little while. Take care of yourself! glenn 24 minutes ago

glenn – It’s a difficult situation but my guess is that infections will peak and lockdown in GA will have to happen pretty soon, next month, again. AdLib 24 minutes ago

pp0….prez dump should take that offer…it may be the best he will get MurphTheSurf3 23 minutes ago

Glenn, there’s a city in your state I thought required you to own a firearm. I’d out if I wanted. Kemp can suck my … Khirad 23 minutes ago

PPO–See, just goes to show how much the TLB is respected overseas! glenn 23 minutes ago

PPO–LOL! glenn 23 minutes ago

glenn – So, I don’t think you’ll be in the minority much longer than 3 weeks on staying at home. We’re lucky here in CA, they are being smart and careful but until there is broad testing and contact tracing, we’re staying locked down. AdLib 22 minutes ago

Ad–that’s what I think, too. The question is, will Kemp lock down the state, or just carry on? glenn 22 minutes ago

For someone that ran on being respected in the world again, he’s been laughed at everytime he goes abroad, whereas Obama was always respected. Conservatives live in the Upside Down. Khirad 22 minutes ago

glenn, even though Australia hasn’t suffered as much as the US, we are still keeping things tight, looney RHNJs are protesting we don’t have enough cases and want to open things up again. Whatever, I’m staying in out cocoon for as long as it takes. pinkpantheroz 21 minutes ago

Khirad–My sentiments exactly about Kemp. glenn 21 minutes ago

Glenn, my dad was born in Savannah, still have relatives, distant, there. Khirad 20 minutes ago

PPO–Yeah, I’ve pretty much decided I’m staying in for a while. glenn 20 minutes ago

glenn – Unfortunately, I think it will have to take the hospitals being overloaded and the news hammering Kemp for a while until he relents. Another reason to stay safe, I think the awful situation in NY may be repeated in GA. AdLib 20 minutes ago

Glenn…..good masking, glove wearing, 12 ft social distancing, select sites that have high profile saitation….do you need a high qusality mask? i can get it for you. MurphTheSurf3 20 minutes ago

Khirad–Savannah is a beautiful city. It’s about four and a half hours from where I live. glenn 19 minutes ago

Khirad – Trump is not only being laughed at around the world, Americans are being pitied. AdLib 19 minutes ago

I’m waiting for more leaders for openning up to get the virus. I hate to wish ill on people, but… karma Khirad 18 minutes ago

Ad–yeah, I think Kemp is going to have to be overwhelmed with numbers before he’ll back down. Don’t know if we’ll know the numbers, because I don’t know if we have testing and contact testing. Not to mention that even if we did, as I said before, I’m not sure I would trust Kemp’s numbers. glenn 18 minutes ago

AD, I, as you, read foreign press. They actually do pity us. Hoever, Lukashenko in Belarus says to just drink vodka and sauna, so, – Trump has another dictator to aspire to. Khirad 17 minutes ago

we had a rabid trumper in the co-op…..we removed him as an undesirable,,,vote was 53 to 2 MurphTheSurf3 17 minutes ago

Murph, a Trumpster in a co-op? Khirad 16 minutes ago

Well done, Murph. Glad that the penny has finally dropped for your co op colleagues. Congrats on your determination and presistence. pinkpantheroz 16 minutes ago

Murph–I just ordered masks with filters today. I’m going to wait until I receive them before venturing out again. I figure with all the “freedumb lovers” out there, I needed to get a better mask. Thanks for the offer. I’ll let you know. glenn 16 minutes ago

glenn – Nope, in GA, FL and other states with nutjob Repubs as Gov, we won’t know by the numbers, just the overloaded hospitals. But coverage of that will be overwhelming as people suffer under the GOP Death Panel. AdLib 16 minutes ago

Glenn…..did you see my offer….a serios one….i can get you a top level mask and ship it via AD. MurphTheSurf3 15 minutes ago

Ad, has anyone thought of canvassing the various state undertakers to get figures, not the pollies? pinkpantheroz 15 minutes ago

Khirad–Conservatives live in fantasy world. Did you see where the TLB said that the truckers were honking because they were “protesting with him” and the truckers said, “No, we were protesting against you?” Fantasy world! glenn 14 minutes ago

Khirad…the trumper is a lazy SOB and was with us to feed off of the rest. MurphTheSurf3 14 minutes ago

Khirad – When the US Pres resembles dictators in China, Russia, Brazil, etc. in covering up a pandemic, you know the 2020 election is truly do or die. AdLib 14 minutes ago

I had my mom make me a mask. I want more now it’s become fashionable. I’m still waiting to know if we can get verification we have antibodies though. It would make it great for me to get back into the culinary industry if we could prove I’m immune. Khirad 14 minutes ago

sorry, contact tracing. glenn 14 minutes ago

Khirad, but might you be a carrier? That’s a scary thing I worry about. pinkpantheroz 13 minutes ago

Murph and glenn – I’m happy to send it on to glenn! AdLib 13 minutes ago

Ad–yeah, it’s going to be interesting to see how all these republiscum governors are going to react when all this backfires on them. glenn 12 minutes ago

I still think Sweden is interesting. I’m sorry this is killing people more at risk. But in the long term. The more people that can develop antibodies… I dunno. I don’t have a good answer. And I will wear a mask just in case, though I’m over it. Khirad 11 minutes ago

I’m hoping that all of the soon to be out of work GOP pollies are retired to gated communities and…… nah. pinkpantheroz 11 minutes ago

Khirad – The Truck honking lie from Trump may have been trivial but was so revealing of what a compulsive liar Trump is. Yes, we know he lies all the time but feeling the need to lie so obviously in the moment like that, really destroys Trump and makes him look so much smaller. AdLib 11 minutes ago

Glenn…..do you need a great mask with replaceable filters which i will also send and a sanitation compound to clean it with. MurphTheSurf3 11 minutes ago

Murph–yes, I figured your offer was a serious one. What are the criteria for a top level mask? The ones I ordered today come with filters, so I thought that was pretty high level. Perhaps I’ll just take you up on your offer. Ad…what do I have to do? glenn 10 minutes ago

glenn – I think the Repub Govs will let things get really awful, not lift a finger to help until then. AdLib 9 minutes ago

Khirad–I think more research is needed on developing antibodies. Please keep wearing that mask. glenn 9 minutes ago

Well, folks, I’m away to take care of Fergie. Pretty sure she’ll be OK, but I’ll warm up the chariot just in case. See you all next week. pinkpantheroz 9 minutes ago

AD, I or the shovel BS. He’s a compulsive liar and people eat it up. Even Howard Stern – whatever you think of him said it blatently. We’ve read the books. I even had a friend or two that would lie even when we hadn’t done anything and could have just said the truth. It’s a personality disorder. We all know. He’s sick, and he’s getting older – no offense. But the attacks on Biden are classic glass houses… Khirad 8 minutes ago

Seeya PPO, wishing the best to Fergie! AdLib 8 minutes ago

Thanks for the good wishes, all pinkpantheroz 8 minutes ago

Khirad – Yes, Sweden had limited infections but their death rate was very high. AdLib 8 minutes ago

Murph–yes, that mask sounds great. Please send me one and all the accessories. I really appreciate it. How will I pay you? glenn 8 minutes ago

glenn….i would be happy to communicate thru ad or directly…if you can provide id info on your mask i can tell you if mine are a step up MurphTheSurf3 7 minutes ago

‘Nite, PPO. Give Fergie a hug for me! glenn 7 minutes ago

AD the death rate was high, but … until we have a vaccine, … I don’t mean to be callous but nature is a bitch. Khirad 7 minutes ago

glenn – Yes, the antibody thing is getting good marks for not being toxic but results haven’t been proven. AdLib 6 minutes ago

glenn…my pleasure and privilege to gift it to you MurphTheSurf3 6 minutes ago

Murph–seeing your description, I can tell yours are a step up. The ones I ordered come with four filters, which are not re-usable, so I can tell yours are a step up. glenn 5 minutes ago

If anything, I hope for more opportunities for people to work from home who can. I’m not of that class, but I’m thinking futuristically like black mirror mind. Also, I’m gonna hang it in. Khirad 5 minutes ago

glenn i will set this up with ad tomorrow MurphTheSurf3 5 minutes ago

Khirad – Trump is clearly mentally ill and the comment that makes on America is that, maybe 40% of Americans have mental issues. Mental illness is way more pervasive than I ever imagined pre-Trump. AdLib 4 minutes ago

i am off to bed…… MurphTheSurf3 4 minutes ago

Murph–you are indeed a kind man. Thank you very much. I don’t mind communicating directly, but how do we do that? I think Ad has to communicate each other’s email address so we can communicate. Would that be okay with you? glenn 4 minutes ago

Night Murph! Sleep well! AdLib 4 minutes ago

Take an extra pain pill! AdLib 4 minutes ago

‘Nite, Murph. Thank you. glenn 4 minutes ago

‘Nite Khirad. glenn 3 minutes ago

i would love to be an e mail fried with you…. MurphTheSurf3 3 minutes ago

AD, mental illness is close to my heart and I want to write upon it – it’s tough – I hate when people to tell me to take my meds. Anyway, I’m not going off in a huff. iyi uyumak – good night in Turkish. Khirad 3 minutes ago

friend! MurphTheSurf3 3 minutes ago

Yes, with permission, I can email each of you with your email addresses. AdLib 2 minutes ago

OK, Murph, let’s have Ad set it up tomorrow. G’nite! glenn 2 minutes ago

Ad–you have my permission. glenn 2 minutes ago

Great! I will send the info to both of you! AdLib 2 minutes ago

Thanks, Ad. I’m signing off now, also. Take care and look forward to hearing from you tomorrow. glenn a minute ago

Sounds good! Sleep well! AdLib a minute ago

glenn a minute ago

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