680 Family Separations
Mississippi Hits Rock Bottom

Six hundred and eighty family separations by courageous defenders of freedom were carried out – as the invaders showed up for school armed with brightly colored book bags, and smiles. Or, as they arrived for work. For work. Living the Dream – and dreading the nightmare.

The authors of this tragedy made very clear that they have been planning these armed raids for months, but they gave no thought at all to the children – not even to how they would get home from school. That is child endangerment. The D.A. that was named, Hurst, could not be that stupid, to have never given thought to what would happen to the children; this is premeditated and intentional, and the D.A. acted willfully to abandon children and endanger them. And, they separated crying children from their parents, maybe for life, and they were monsters and didn’t care.

This is the clearest proof imaginable that the investigation was racist in intent and conception: They endangered small children, after planning for months, and never thought of the safety or welfare of the kids that would obviously be traumatized and left without care providers! Whether or not the District Attorney had a valid legal goal or purpose; they behaved monstrously to attempt to achieve it. And, they obviously committed crimes, crimes that could send a civilian to prison for life.

To me, these thoughtless, useless, stupid family separations in Mississippi are an act of mass terror; and should be treated as such.

This is another attempt by Trump and his followers to subvert and destroy the rule of law. It can’t be due process because it can’t be correct. In affect, these children have been punished without trial or legal representation. What was their crime?

Trump has enabled racism to proportions most of us thought were no longer possible. He is a cancer, and he must be stopped first. These are dark days. We’ve never looked blatant, murderous racism straight in the eye. At least, not in the last half-century.

Someone has to stand up for these children and their families. We have to start standing up for what we believe in.

This is atrocity. Those children were emotionally scarred for life. They were terrorized. We all were.

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Air Force brat. My dad was shepherd to a bunch of B-52's; the GI's called that place "20 Minutes From Armageddon;" because a missile launched in East Germany would pop over our heads twenty minutes later. That put me in some of the best schools anywhere. I wrote in the Press Office of a powerful, charismatic Midwestern Governor. I dabble in graphic arts. My 50+ entertainment sites get a few million visits, and I have stopped counting the fans, likes, and shares, per year. I've rambled the world, hitched around the continent (counter-clockwise). Climbed a couple of teeners, been to a couple of thousand rock, blues, and jazz concerts. I was at a free concert on Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, CA with about 350,000 freaks and hippies; and other festivals. I won a writing contest when I was six. It was a Poe-like horror story taken from an account of a mining disaster. I had already been reading Edgar Allan Poe (which may explain a lot). I could read before I could talk. I implemented some of the first client/server, TCP-IP networks (the Internet) at many of the world's largest corporations. I know a half-dozen programming languages, and have implemented and administered many network operating systems. Right now I build ebikes, and lithium batteries from scratch. I was taught that race and ethnicity don't set us apart. I think that the best thing that could happen in this country would be if a woman were to be elected President of the United States. I admire President Obama more than any man in history, save one.

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Opie Cat
Opie Cat

There is no excuse for this latest raid, or any of the over the top actions of this poor excuse for an administration. Racism is a part of our government that should make every decent American angry and sad.


Amazing how guns can be “legal” but human beings can be “illegal.” Strange times in this country alrighty. 

“The ‘president’ of the United States is a fragile demented racist who literally does nothing but watch TV and play with his phone, I will never forgive the people who gave him the most important job on earth.” Sorry, I know this is a quote. I just neglected to jot down who said it first. I would point out, however, that this must have been put on my list of notable quotes a while ago because what he has been doing lately has been horrendous. Frankly, I wish he’d spend more time watching TV and playing with his phone. Oh wait, actually, his playing golf would be preferable. Whoever heard of a presidency conducted on twitter???