I live in a very red state that voted overwhelming for Trump where support for him has barely wavered (and when it does, it recovers quickly). I have neighbors who are being hurt every day…….and yet they stand by the man…..Why? Who are my neighbors, my friends….?
- They are soybean farmers whose crops have lost their principal value as an export to China. And those same farmers are finding it nearly impossible to access the relief funds they have been promised (while the agri-businesses are in the express lane.
- They have children who live in Poplar Bluff where MidContinent Nail Corporation, the largest employer in the area, is about to close its doors thanks to steel tariffs.
- They own a roofing company that has employed a group of men from Central America from a small town for 20 years- the work here in the biggest roofing months- but now they can only get a handful to even consider a six month stay here out of fear of U.S. treatment of temp workers.
- They are wage earners who were promised a huge tax cut but got nearly nothing while those who want to swallow up their farms to expand agri-corps, or who want to be allowed to dump industrial waste into the soil, or who want efforts to organize laborers to be virtually, or who stand in the way of efforts to improve schools or address infrastructure….got 83 percent of the benefit while my neighbors got 17 percent.
- They are mothers, fathers, single folk, old and young who are discovering that small changes in rules governing medical care is allowing insurance companies to deny coverage for visits, procedures and drugs because the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have given insurers permission to reclassify that which they have covered ever since The Affordable Care Act went into effect.
So why do they stand by their man? Why do they proudly wear these….

In 2017 a social psychologist published a story in Psychology Today in which he summarized findings that were identified earlier in a review paper published in the Journal of Social and Political Psychology. Psychologist and UC Santa Cruz professor Thomas Pettigrew argued that five major psychological phenomena can help explain Trumps unwavering support by those who attend events like this one.

1. They Embrace Authoritarianism
An attraction to authoritarianism refers to the advocacy or enforcement of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom, and is commonly associated with a lack of concern for the opinions or needs of others. It is characterized by belief in total and complete obedience to an authority who is believed to be “the best hope for” and “the only legitimate voice of” those who follow him/her. They look to this person as a prophetic figure and savior. The result is a submissiveness to the authority.
Those with the syndrome often display an irrational anger toward outgroup members, and when challenged, a tendency toward aggression. The typically have a resistance to new experiences, and a rigid hierarchical view of society. The syndrome is often triggered by fear and anxiety , making it easy for leaders who exaggerate threat or who fear monger to gain their allegiance.
2. They Have A Strong Tendency Toward Prejudice
While it would be grossly unfair and inaccurate to say that every one of Trump’s supporters have prejudice against ethnic, racial and religious minorities but it would be equally inaccurate to pressume that many do not. It is a well-known fact that the Republican party, going at least as far back to Richard Nixon’s “southern strategy,” used strategies that appealed to bigotry, such as lacing speeches with “dog whistles”—code words that signaled prejudice toward minorities that were designed to be heard by racists but no one else.
While the dog whistles of the past were more subtle, Trump’s are sometimes shockingly direct. There’s no denying that he routinely appeals to bigoted supporters when he calls Muslims “dangerous” and Mexican immigrants “rapists” and “murderers,” often in a blanketed fashion. Perhaps unsurprisingly, a new study has shown that support for Trump is highly correlated with attributes that mark racist ideology and commitment.
3. They Have very Limited Out-Of-Group contact
Outergroup contact refers to contact with members of groups that are outside one’s own, which has been experimentally shown to reduce prejudice. It’s important to note that there is significant evidence that Trump’s white supporters, who make up the vast majority of his base, have experienced significantly less contact with minorities than other Americans. The racial and ethnic isolation of Whites at the zip-code levels is one of the strongest predictors of Trump support. Support for Trump has be shown to be far higher among those voters’ who have significant physical distance from the Mexican border for example.In Trump’s speeches, he appeals to his base by making a clear distinction between groups that they believe to have a generally higher status in their society (themselves) and those groups that are typically thought of as belonging to a lower status (immigrants and minorities).
4. They Have a Victim’s Outlook: Deprived/Cheated
Relative deprivation refers to the experience of being deprived of something to which one believes they are entitled. It is the discontent felt when one compares their position in life to others who they feel are equal or especially inferior but are perceived to have unfairly and undeservedly had more success than them.
Common explanations for Trump’s popularity among non-bigoted voters involve economics. There is no doubt that some Trump supporters are simply angry that American jobs are being lost to Mexico and China, which is certainly understandable, although these loyalists often ignore the fact that some of these careers are actually being lost due to the accelerating pace of automation.
These Trump supporters are experiencing relative deprivation, and are common among the swing states like Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. This kind of deprivation is specifically referred to as “relative,” as opposed to “absolute,” because the feeling is often based on a skewed perception of what one is entitled to. For example, an analysis conducted by FiveThirtyEight estimated that the median annual income of Trump supporters was $72,000. If such data is accurate, the portrayal of most Trump supporters as “working class” citizens rebelling against Republican elites may be more myth than fact.
I have my own thoughts on the matter…..the role of ignorance and arrogance…….
“All that is required for a democracy to fail is for its citizens to be uninformed” – John Adams
I have worried about this for many years. And so have others. The Atlantic published a particularly fine reflection on the matter several years ago just days after Trump’s victory (or, as I see it, America’s loss). Titled “Ignorance Does Not Lead to Election Bliss:Perhaps the country’s political state owes itself to the failures of its education system” the article points out that Americans by and large do not know much about the Constitution, about Federal or State Government, about those who hold office and those appointed to office, about candidates, or about associated topics. They read very little that is serious. They know only bits and pieces of history.
BUT, they believe they are very well informed and innately wise. Ignorance PLUS Arrogance. So, here we are……I was a Republican, and an active one, for most of my political life (40 years) but in 2004, after the disasters that marred the first Bush Admin I changed parties. I worked for Barack Obama in 2008 and in 2012. What struck me time and time again was how few of those who supported my candidate had much of an argument as to why they did. Their support was based on how they felt about Obama, how excited they were, how their friends felt…..My point is that many of the dynamics that put Trump in and give him a good chance of holding on….did the same thing for Obama. The difference, of course, is……well there is just too much to say on score.
Well done. I have experienced Trump supporters that exhibit all four points, as well as your addition of ignorance and arrogance. I sometimes think that a need for authoritarianism and their believing that they’ve not gotten their due are the strongest components for many.
I am not sure it is possible for those with that kind of mind set to ever help move us forward toward true solutions to the problems our country and our world are facing. The amount of bigotry that underlies much of what they believe is also a real stumbling block!
Remember when that crowd marched with posters of Obama as Hitler, or Mussolini, or Mao…..when they accused him of being an Imperial President….but they are, as a group, incapable of self examination and assessment. Such people cannot cooperate, they cannot be non-partisan because they are fundamentally ahistorical…even living outside of their own personal experiences.
Your analysis of why trump’s supporters stick with him reminds of a song written by Curtis Mayfield, The Cocaine Song. Trump is the Pusherman/ Con Artist. However, a very large factor in their support for trump is racism and fear of the rapidly changing demographics of the USA.
Another connection with the song…..While Cocaine seems to make things better it almost always makes them worse. Same to Trump.
I always did like Curtis Mayfield. And speaking of songs, this just came up from Randy Rainbow! I can’t seem to get the link up for it, but it’s on YouTube so you can do a search. It’s called Suckers.
I shall take a gander!
Here it is. Randy has hit the nail on the head AGAIN!
So what was the fifth thing? Being ignorant of our Constitution and how our government functions? I suppose that would make sense. I have to say, however, even reading this interesting piece, I still have trouble understanding how the people you describe, most of whom are some form of Christian, a lot of whom are probably pretty judgmental about morality in others (never mind what Jesus said about “Judge not…”) could possibly put their faith in someone as freaking immoral as the Lyin’ King.
I can barely think of anyone more immoral and even criminal, especially if we’re picking someone to lead our country. He had three wives, all of whom he cheated on, he’s had dozens of women accuse him of everything from rape to sexual harassment (one of the rape victims was at Epstein’s place and was only 13!!!), he was a peeping Tom at his beauty pageants, he lusted after his own daughter and touched her inappropriately at the Republican National Convention for God’s sake!!!, his foundation is closed because it was a sham, he had to pay $25 million to former students ripped off by his “university,” he paid a porn star and a Playboy model hush money during the campaign so the public wouldn’t know he had had affairs with them (and he’s an unindicted co-conspirator in that matter), he cheated many small-business people out of money he owed them for work they did on his behalf, he went bankrupt six times stiffing other businesses and the taxpayers of millions and wrecking Atlantic City, the list goes on and on. And don’t even get me started about all his lies and the fact that he appears to be a Russian asset in Putin’s pocket. What Christian supports someone this vile?
I left the “conservative” movement in 1963 because even back then I could see it had policies that didn’t really help the country. I was proven right. And every president since Eisenhower on the Republican side has been worse than the one before. God only knows what the next Republican might be like. Hopefully, I’ll never live to see it.
One last thing, I knew exactly why I voted for President Obama. I was blown away by the first speech I heard him give in 2004. I read his books, saw his talent, agreed with his ideas, knew he would care more about the country than himself, and he showed us an example of, as John McCain put it, “a decent family man,” and a “citizen” who had prepared himself well for the job with his degree in political science and his Harvard law doctorate. Besides, his middle name, Hussein, means Kindness! I really just love that.
Talk about going from the sublime to the ridiculous…
First….this reply is a really a Main Post…it has that much meat in it. Thanks for taking the time to offer your thoughts.
I did not address the “religious, faith and values based” hypocrisy in my post. I should have as that is one of the things that most disturbs me. Their claim to that name is based on the stance that they are anti-abortion. They are not pro-life as that applies to so much more. But even in that they are so mean spirited and so unwilling to bring others along to their way of thinking……they do not consider the harm they do in their exercise of the “golden rule”.
I too was an Eisenhower Republican (too young to have voted for him but shared in his vision and the vision of the moderate right)….beginning with Nixon and the Southern strategy things went wrong…that the GOP who led the legislative fight for the civil rights bills would become the party of race baiters and hate mongerers is inconceivable is extraordinary.
Obama was and is a very special person. Not perfect by any means but no one is….he was worthy of the office and worked very hard to serve the people in spite of partisan power grabbing. And yes, his middle name is a fitting name for him.
“I’m undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I’m in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform.” (Rachel Maddow)
Have you read his two platforms? Inspiring and 180 degrees of difference with the current GOP positions……
No, but having lived through all these administrations, it’s easy to see the about-face.
Here it is:
1. Provide federal assistance to low-income communities;
2. Protect Social Security;
3. Provide asylum for refugees;
4. Extend minimum wage;
5. Improve unemployment benefit system so it covers more people;
6. Strengthen labor laws so workers can more easily join a union;
7. Assure equal pay for equal work regardless of sex.
Wow. A few Republicans I can think of need to see this!
They will declare it fake news, or call Ike a Squish or a RINO…unless they are unusually bright and/or honest.
In 1956 the Republican Party did not have white southern Democrats in it, although black people could not vote or live and work with white people in most of the country, north, south, east and west. This is the period of time trump and his supporters think was GREAT.
Yep, every prez since Eisenhower has enabled ur government to get worse!
The use of what is supposed to be Christianity is indeed a twisted and ugly thing that RW has adopted.
I love your comment about Obama. He exuded kindness and decency.
And sadly those presidents are from both parties…LBJ comes to mind.
I wouldn’t go that far. No president has been perfect, but I’ll take any of the Democrats over the Republicans. LBJ had some pretty significant legislation passed, like the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, which Republicans have been trying to dismantle ever since.
Vietnam War……that alone…..makes Iraq look like a backyard scuffle. Yes he got a lot done early on domestically and that was the result of his knowing how to work the Senate in a time where bipartisanship was accepted and expected AND there were solid Dem majorities in both houses AND he had the afterglow from Camelot and the funeral cortege’s dirge playing in the background……I would add that a number of his Great Society programs were patronage boondoggles that made life worse for many blacks.