Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 7 hours ago
see you soon, Ad
3 hours ago
See you then!
AdLib 3 hours ago
‘Cos I’m the TaxMan, yeah I’m the Taxman!
3 hours ago
“And I’m working for nobody but Trump!”
AdLib 3 hours ago
3 hours ago
and the 1% of course.
3 hours ago
Trump is going nuts right now. Openly breaking laws?
AdLib 3 hours ago
Death On 2 Legs is showering us with lies, to flood the scene. all we need to do is say
3 hours ago
And his madness over the tax returns, Mueller report, immigration…and Repubs are just sitting back and watching our democracy burn.
AdLib 3 hours ago
‘That’s a lie” each time.
3 hours ago
I think the Dem Nom should repeatedly refer to him as a “criminal” and “lawbreaker”.
AdLib 3 hours ago
They just don’t care. It’s working for them, until…… but what is the …… that will finally wake them up?
3 hours ago
I think Trump’s now unleashed and going too far. Dems need to impeach. I’m tired of all the cowardly political calculations. He must be stopped.
AdLib 3 hours ago
For sure, but who will take the first step?
3 hours ago
Impeachment goes a long way, in getting Trump’s taxes, the unredacted Mueller report and laying it all out for the public what a criminal he is.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Not Pelosi, she will stand in the way of impeachment. Don’t know how Dems get past her.
AdLib 3 hours ago
True, but still won’t curb his excesses until 2020. Too late, imo
3 hours ago
Yes, too many disasters are coming if Dems just wait. If all they think about is playing it safe to win, all of us could lose.
AdLib 3 hours ago
And what will be left of the U.S.?
AdLib 3 hours ago
3 hours ago
And the world?
AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey Guest!
AdLib 3 hours ago
It seems incredible that the entire country is ruled by 2 men, McConnell and Trump. Seems everyone else is powerless. shame
3 hours ago
Hey Ad and P! Waz up?
Fuzzy Dunlop
3 hours ago
Now he’s telling his cronies to commit crimes and he’ll pardon them? WTF? This should be the trigger for impeachment!
AdLib 3 hours ago
3 hours ago
Hey FD!
AdLib 3 hours ago
Isn’t there something called Sedition? Can’t it be a weapon?
3 hours ago
Dudley Do-Wrong has deteriorated drastically. His poor excuse for a brain has.
Fuzzy Dunlop
3 hours ago
FD, who is to stop the bastard?
3 hours ago
PPO – That’s the thing, Dems have the power to file impeachment but Pelosi doesn’t want that. She’s just about winning in 2020 and watching Trump damage himself. But he’s damaging our country too much to sit back.
AdLib 3 hours ago
PPO – But the Repubs voted in Barr who has already declared his views that the Pres is above the law. Only the courts can intimidate Trump to stop his crimewave if Dems in the House won’t impeach.
AdLib 3 hours ago
The House, and ultimately the voters. If that lunatic keeps spiraling out of control like he has been, maybe even his own Senate will turn against him. That’s a big maybe, though.
Fuzzy Dunlop
3 hours ago
FD – I don’t know, I gave up on Repubs doing anything to protect the country until or unless the 2020 election is near and Trump is dragging them way down with him. By then, they wouldn’t do anything anyway.
AdLib 3 hours ago
You’re probably right, but this is just incomprehensible to me. Never thought this could happen, at least in my lifetime.
Fuzzy Dunlop
3 hours ago
McConnell will keep the Senate behind trump all the way.
3 hours ago
Trump’s boasting about breaking the law now. We’re not so far from him starting a crackdown on all his Dem critics. His announcement to attack and harm the major US cities by flooding them with the undocumented is a virtual declaration of a new Civil War.
AdLib 3 hours ago
How do we even attempt to counteract the tsunami of lies and propaganda constantly spewing out of the RW Media and Fox? Just keep laughing?
3 hours ago
True, McConnell has no soul, he is beyond the concept of conscience.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey, do you think Trump has a taster?
3 hours ago
PPO – Well, you know what I think. Now that he’s been going so mental, only impeachment could slow him down. If he’s worried each new act could get him impeached, at least it might limit the damage.
AdLib 3 hours ago
As much as I despise Trump, if something bad was to happen to him, the RW would start assassinating Dems left and right. A real Civil War that they could never win but many could be hurt or worse.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Only longshots to hope for on stopping Trump, none will probably happen. Impeachment, the SDNY or NY AG indicting Trump criminally. A heart attack? I wouldn’t bet on any of those stopping Trump before 2020.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Ad, only real humiliation of he and his Mob will begin to heal the infected open wound that the USA now is. Perp walks for the lot of them, like Assange. Video that even Fox cannot spin
3 hours ago
where’d FD go?
3 hours ago
Yes though we will probably have to endure another 1 + 2/3 year until Trump us out and can be indicted.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Ouch, Ad!
3 hours ago
Don’t know where FD went. He was having trouble getting onto Vox.
AdLib 3 hours ago
I know and after Trump loses, his “lame duck” period could be the most dangerous and insane part of his term.
AdLib 3 hours ago
And I agree with those who worry Trump won’t concede or leave the WH without trying to set our democracy on fire.
AdLib 3 hours ago