Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 4 hours ago
Hey JJ!
AdLib 3 hours ago
How are things?
AdLib 3 hours ago
Getting by, Adlib. Good to see you.

3 hours ago
At least you don’t have FBI investigations into you. I hope…
AdLib 3 hours ago
We’re in the process of intermittent snowy weather out her on the East Coast. I used to like it, but now all I have time for are the problems. My sympathies go out to all the government workers who are being forced to work without pay. Our government has never been more weak.

2 hours ago
The rest of the gang will start coming by in 30 minutes or so, they’ll be happy to see you here.
AdLib 2 hours ago
I guess I’ll just hang. I’m currently binge-watching Supergirl.

2 hours ago
That storm is going to be especially bad in the very Northeast from the map I saw. I think it is going to get a lot worse for government workers before the shutdown ends.
AdLib 2 hours ago
I watch it with my daughter!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Girliest superhero series ever. And yet it really kicks ass.

2 hours ago
Yep, I think the recent season was even better. She enjoyed the Wonder Woman movie too (so did I).
AdLib 2 hours ago
Me too.

2 hours ago
It’s kind of cool that the WW movie, which couldn’t get made for decades because execs insisted there wasn’t an audience for an action movie starring a woman, was a better and more successful film than most of the others.
AdLib 2 hours ago
I think it actually took this long for the right people to come along who can write the right stories and do the characters justice. Fortunately we have that now.

2 hours ago
Can’t argue with success!
AdLib 2 hours ago
The sequel could be how she battles and defeats Trump.
AdLib 2 hours ago
She’d just need to lasso him with her Lasso of Truth and he’s implode.
AdLib 2 hours ago
To defeat Trump we need Machete (Danny Trejo), the permanently angry undefeatable Mexican cop/agent from the Robert Rodriguez movies. Great stuff. The Mexicans always win.

2 hours ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hi Ad! JJG

2 hours ago
What’s up, Pink?

2 hours ago
starving for a hamberder and a covfefe from Nambia

2 hours ago
Yes, Machete should lure Trump to inspect the border then spring his trap!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Wonder what BS the Orange Blight will spout?

2 hours ago
Hamberders are a dish best served cold. Along with cold fries.
AdLib 2 hours ago
yes, all that lovely congealing fat

2 hours ago
You mean Trump?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ew, cold grease.

2 hours ago
Yes Spreech from WH imminent i understand

2 hours ago
Isn’t Cold Grease the Secret Service name for Don Jr.?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Good One, Ad!

2 hours ago
I think Melania’s SS code is Tupperware

2 hours ago
PPO – When is he supposed to speak…aka…”ooze”?
AdLib 2 hours ago
stand by – checking twitter

2 hours ago
So no Machete?

2 hours ago
I’m all for Machete! Maybe he could give the response to Trump’s speech? With his fists!
AdLib 2 hours ago
I will be making a major announcement concerning the Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border, and the Shutdown, tomorrow afternoon at 3 P.M., live from the @WhiteHouse. 9:51 AM – 19 Jan 2019

2 hours ago
How many people are watching the news on Saturday afternoon?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Sorry, dates screwed up !

2 hours ago
What do you think he’ll BS about?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Declare an emergency?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Probably, b ut it will be challenged immediately.

2 hours ago
See where the WH is supposed to have leaked Pelosi’s travel plans to Afghanistan so she would have to stay in Washington for the shutdown. Boy, what a bunch of murderous thugs

2 hours ago
Trump and the GOP are taking a beating in public opinion. Many top Repubs have been urging Trump to declare an emergency, not because they think it is one or it will get his wall built but to take it off the table so government can re-open.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Which would have put her and others lives at risk including our military in Afghanistan.
AdLib 2 hours ago
absolutely. Utterly disgraceful.

2 hours ago
And Nancy Pelosi will have all kinds of things she can do to return the favor to Trump. Including beginning impeachment.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad, could the Pentagon offer Speaker Pelosi a lift on one of their supply Aircraft? Nothing special about that.

2 hours ago
PPO – Now that Trump has publicly announced what should have been secret, it’s probably not safe to go out there until a bit of time has passed.
AdLib 2 hours ago
True, Ad. But people have gone and returned before any news filtered out. But I do see your point.

2 hours ago
The Taliban would be smart to stay alert in this period because she might go, not worth the risk.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Welcome, guests! Pull up a covfefe and a hamberder!

2 hours ago

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Ad, looks like signin probs

2 hours ago
Yep, let me check..
AdLib 2 hours ago
AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn – Was there a problem signing in?
AdLib 2 hours ago
hi glenn!

2 hours ago
Ad–yup it was me! Yes, I kept getting the message that I needed to log in to post messages, but every time I tried to log in, I got the VOX box. I’m here now!

2 hours ago
How is everyone tonight?

2 hours ago
Who is in englewood? Murph?

2 hours ago
Best line I read all week…the shutdown belongs to the Tortoise and the Hair.

2 hours ago
Oh! The workaround is to close the Vox window, login as usual on The Planet then open the Vox window.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph is in MO.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Guest 747, read my note just above about logging in.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–Problem is I couldn’t close the VOX window. I think I’m in, but I don’t know see my name in the users’ box. I’m back to being a guest.

2 hours ago
He He I see #PresidentPelosi is trending!

2 hours ago
I see your name glenn, and posts.
AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn, your name is up and posts are coming in

2 hours ago
I’d bee cool with that

2 hours ago
OOHH if only……

2 hours ago
Yeah, I see it now, Ad. Okay, here I am.

2 hours ago
PPO – It’s fun to imagine but Repubs in The Senate would keep a traitor in the WH than have Pelosi as President.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Well, there’s a lot of whoopass heading the WH way. We can but pray and trust Mueller and his team

2 hours ago
Yeah, I like President Pelosi, but Ad is correct; the repubs would never put up with that.

2 hours ago
I feel like I’m living in a country led by a B-movie stupervillain.

2 hours ago
Ad–what do you think of Mueller’s statement today?

2 hours ago
jjg, you are!

2 hours ago
Do we think The House will start impeachment hearings?
AdLib 2 hours ago
jjg–except it’s more like a D-movie. “D” for dumbass!

2 hours ago
B-movie is far too generous.
AdLib 2 hours ago
AdLib 2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib 2 hours ago
X moe like it, tapes and all

2 hours ago
Hey Planet Peeps!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Hi Murph!

2 hours ago
Hey FD–how goes it?

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Wazz up G? doing well, and you?
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Hi….it took me a bunch of tries to get logged in…..but here at last….and NO I am not from Englewood. Yes, I could see the discussion but I could not participate.

2 hours ago
Hey Ad, and P. What’s the low down?
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Is Fuzzy here?

2 hours ago
Hey Murph! You and arrived at the same time!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Wondering if #Defendant1 will declare SOE tomorra

2 hours ago
Ad–I think the House has to investigate the BuzzFeed allegations first; if there’s some “there” there, then yes, definitely.

2 hours ago
I think a couple of us were having the same problems logging in.

2 hours ago
if I were Trump, I wouldn’t even want to give the SOU!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
glenn – I’m not sure, some are saying it was Mueller’s way of making it clear the leak didn’t come from him or his people.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph–you’re correct; I was having problems too. Luckily, we’re in!

2 hours ago
glenn, mueller’s team is advising caution. Some but not all is wrong

2 hours ago
Ad–do you think Mueller’s statement refutes the allegations in BuzzFeed?

2 hours ago
I agree glenn, it should be a top priority for House Dems now to investigate if Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress. And from that, impeachment may result.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–My first thought when I read Mueller’s statement is he’s being very cautious. I’m hoping that the reason his investigation is taking so long is that he is making sure he has the lying bully wrapped up like a trussed bull before he makes anything public. IOW, so the lying bully and his lying republican cohorts cannot dispute his findings in any way, shape, or form. That’s my hope, anyway.

an hour ago
Yes, something weird was going on with our server I think, seems to have settled down now. Sorry Murph, glenn and FD!
AdLib an hour ago
Would that be enough to sway Trump’s co-conspirators in the Senate?
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
I’ve had no problems at all Ad.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–no worries. We’re in now.

an hour ago
The BuzzFeed editor and the journalists who wrote the article say their Fed sources aren’t backing down from their assertions. Maybe this came from SDNY?
AdLib an hour ago
Oh, glad all was cool when you logged in FD!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, someone else thinks SDNY as well.

an hour ago
Whoops! We lost Murph!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–not sure, since there have been so many investigations swirling around the lying bully. Did the SDNY ever interview Cohen? Or know what’s going on in the Mueller investigation?

an hour ago
It stands to reason that people are finally taking more action against Trump. I mean, he’s ruining this country, and quickly. He’s doing to America what he’s done to every business he ran.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Yes, the SDNY did question Cohen but he would not agree to flip for them.
AdLib an hour ago
FD – I do think all of this will snowball and crush Trump. Especially if such an indisputable crime as telling your lawyer to lie to Congress is proven.
AdLib an hour ago
I can’t but wonder just where will those pukes in the senate finally draw the line.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
FD–I hope that the lying bully now occupying the oval office has finally convinced most people that having a businessman in the oval office is NOT a good idea.

an hour ago
oops–should say, “I hope that HAVING the lying bully….

an hour ago
They can’t seem to get it through their thick skulls that America is not a “business.”
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Did you see that photo of him with a bandage on the back of his hand? Looked like someone who had an IV. I wonder what his health and chemical intake is like now with everything coming at him.
AdLib an hour ago
Didn’t the Cohen Indictment state that the lies and disinfo was done by direct orders from you-know-whho?

an hour ago
He’s doubled his daily dose of Big Macs!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
And how sweet is it to see the narcissist have the SOTU taken away from him…by a woman!
AdLib an hour ago
Yep P!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
oh man, Pelosi has his number….bigly!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–not sure that telling your lawyer to lie to Congress will ever be “proven”. The lying bully and his republican sycophants will just say that cohen is lying. Of course, it’s interesting to see two proven liars calling each other liars…wonder how it will end up. I think Liar #2, (cohen) might have documentation, or at least Mueller does.

an hour ago
Ad, sweet, indeed! She is bullet – and- bully proof!

an hour ago
AOC really has FOX sweating bullets, eh? They’re flat out afraid of her…hence the daily attacks.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
FD–exactly. But, there’s a lot they can’t get through their thick skulls–like trickle down economics, and the libs have ruined this country, and on and on and on.

an hour ago
One feisty lady, AOC. Good for her. Another who will not be silenced by Big Money

an hour ago
FD – I think the Repubs in The Senate will only turn on Trump if it looks like he’s going to be proven to be the traitor and criminal he is. Otherwise, they won’t do a thing. They voted to remove sanctions on Russia! Without getting anything in return from Russia like stopping their attacks on our elections! They are all traitors.
AdLib an hour ago
Them is some mytee thick skulls G!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–who had the bandage? The lying bully? Probably had to have a blood transfusion.

an hour ago
Melanie bit him!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
glenn – Which is why we don’t need Bloomberg or Schultz running for the office, no more billionaires, ever!
AdLib an hour ago
glenn, I think there is doco, due to the fact that the directive from POTUS is specifically mentioned in the indictment.

an hour ago
For realz, Ad!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–I agree! No more billionaire businessmen.

an hour ago
Adderall infusion

an hour ago
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
I am back…good Lord, the site is all sketchy tonight!

an hour ago
PPO – Yes, the SDNY has Trump nailed as a conspirator in the hush money payoffs. But will they indict? Not before Mueller, I think and not if Barr is AG.
AdLib an hour ago
Welcome back Murph! Sorry about the issues!
AdLib an hour ago
It is anice crowd we have here tonight.

an hour ago
Wil check everything out with the server.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I agree. The tortoise is going to go down with the ship of the fool! Unless he is shown bullet-proof evidence that the lying bully is a traitor.

an hour ago
Ad…it could be on my end as well…weather is odd.

an hour ago
I think the Turtle is in on the Russia mess. Mcconnel and Ryan too. They HAD to know what was going on.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
yes, murph. We’re all keen to see the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning, or the beginning of the beginning, whatever!

an hour ago
PPO–But…his emails! Hope the docs show what a traitor the lying bully really is!

an hour ago
it’s the beginning of whatever the end will be! Churchill said that, didn’t he?
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
McConnell, the slimy slug, is 100% responsible for the continuing shutdown. He needs to go ASAP.

an hour ago
Wanted to share that the company I use for pest control just hired a new tech. Late 20’s. An Army Ranger with tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. Told me he voted for Trump and has come to doubt him. He is particularly disgusted with Trumps words and actions when he is with those serving…..regards them as demeaning and self serving.

an hour ago
FD–they did know what was going on. President Obama told them. The tortoise told Obama not to make it public, or the tortoise would basically call him a liar. Then, of course, the repubs swept the legislative and executive branches, so they decided to bury it.

an hour ago
FD, yes, words to that effect after Rommels got beaten on Nth Africa

an hour ago
That does not surprise me glenn! Thanks!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
PPO–The Tortoise and the Hair both own the shutdown.

an hour ago
FD…Winston’s words. “It is not even the beginning of the end. but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

an hour ago
glenn – I’m willing to bet that there is corroborating evidence of Trump telling Cohen to lie to Congress. And what about Don Jr. lying to Congress? And Trump making up the lie of “adoption” to cover up the Trump Tower meeting? There’s a lot of phone records and other data like texts that could support this.
AdLib an hour ago
Great line, that! glenn

an hour ago
Yeah, I was being facetious!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
FD–that’s the CliffNotes version of what happened, but the tortoise and lyin’ ryan were both informed of the russian interference.

an hour ago
McConnell’s approval numbers are in the 20s! He is very disliked in KY. 2020 could be the year Dems take back The Senate and kick McConnell to the curb.
AdLib an hour ago
I think maybe that’s why Ryan got, while the gettin was good.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Did anyone read the cover story of Atlantic this week? “Impeach”. Author makes the argument that the process of moving toward impeachment formally would help correct the ship of state.

an hour ago
Murph – As long as he and others in the miitary finally realize what a fraud Trump is, they’re welcome into the tent!
AdLib an hour ago
I agree Murph! America needs to show the rest of the world that will do what’s right.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Isn’t Kentucky on of the states most dependent on federal funding? Why is that not being yelled from the highest sopt?

an hour ago
Murph–there are lots of people who regret voting for the lying bully. However, not sure if that will translate/transfer to votes for a Dem in 2020. They’ll just say it was all the lying bully’s fault, and never see the larger picture of all the republicans who enabled, covered up for, and lied for the lying bully. And, of course, it will somehow all be the Dems’ fault in the end.

an hour ago
They tow that line, P. Even when getting shit on by their masters.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
For Trump, it is the beginning of the end of the beginning!
AdLib an hour ago
Did you all see how Kain took the floor from McConnell by introducing a major bill and asking for unanimous consent to proceed. The President Pro Tem asked if there were objections and McConnell had to formally make one. There is no rule that says only the majority leader intros bills. It is a customary practice. Expect more of this in the days ahead.

an hour ago

an hour ago
That’s awesome Murph. I never knew that!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
FD – Ryan saw the writing on the wall, that he would lose the gavel and he didn’t want to fight in an election he could lose anyway, to be demoted. Little selfish coward Ryan, the worst Speaker in our lifetimes.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–didn’t read the whole article; just excerpts. Not sure that the process of moving toward impeachment will “right the ship of state.” Based on his history, the lying bully will just lash out more viciously and stupidly. It’s not the “ship of state” that has to be righted; it’s republicans that have to be righted, IMO.

an hour ago
The numbers regarding McConnell are interesting but he has had very low numbers before. His control of the GOP in KY keeps him from being primaried and in that state any R is better than any D is seems in general elections.

an hour ago
But I am glad that a major publication is coming out to impeach now.

an hour ago
No doubt Ad. And he didn’t get to fulfill his life’s dream. Taking food and medicine away from old people and those in poverty.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Glenn…I take your critique of the Atlantic article as one that I too share.

an hour ago
Murph – Yes, saw that Atlantic article and I agree. Dems sound a little too skittish about impeachment but the process is important to begin, they can always determine at the end of the process that they vote against impeaching if the evidence isn’t there…but it will be.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–no, I didn’t see/know that about Kain. Good for him! It’s about time Dems started pushing back in the Senate!

an hour ago
Hell Ad, they’ll have to add evidence.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
PPO – No one has to yell about KY being the most dependent on Fed jobs, they are getting hit badly de facto and if they’re not turning on Mitch, they’re ignorant Trump cultists. I think they are turning on him though.
AdLib an hour ago
There is a public housing project for the elderly in my county….subsidized housing but no subsidies coming in. The complex is privately owned and has a contract with HUD. I have heard that the holding coming is working hard to keep everyone there in place but that their bills are coming due as well.

an hour ago
Ad–I think Ryan and Gingrich are running neck and neck for “worst SOH in my lifetime.”

an hour ago
Wait until their food assistance runs out. It’s going to if Trump doesn’t cave soon.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
glenn – Either way, it helps elect a Dem. Whether disillusioned Trump voters voote Dem or just don’t vote for Trump, Dems win.
AdLib an hour ago
FD…..Trump can always Big Macs for everyone when the assistance runsout.

an hour ago
CNN reports: President Trump plans to make Democrats an offer to end the shutdown, not declare a national emergency, in his Saturday speech, an official says

an hour ago
PPO…when Trump makes an offer on TV without having presented it in situ with the Dems….I cannot believe that it is anything but a showboaters act.

an hour ago
Murh – Saw Kaine do that and I do hope he and other Dems keep doing so. Especially when McConnell isn’t there to block them!
AdLib an hour ago
Agree, Murph. More smoke and mirrors to deflect from Russia

an hour ago
McConnell apparently has been hiding out……and now faces a real problem being absent.

an hour ago
HA! Oh yeah Murph! What a chincey prick he is. Serving fast food to champion atheletes. Then he had the cluelessness to state publicly they he “paid,” for it. That would be a first!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–Not necessarily sure that disillusioned trump voters will stay home. As I say, they may not blame the republican party for the mess we’re in, and continue to vote for republicans, regardless.

an hour ago
AOC and a team went looking for him in the Senate section of the Capitol. He was hiding from them. I’m starting to love that gal!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Murph–small correction to your post….”when trump makes an offer on TV without having presented it in situ with limpdick and Coulter….

an hour ago
Murph – Maybe KY is too corrupted for a Dem to win but Dems won in AL and KS. Trump is that toxic and McConnell may be on the ropes this time.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–absolutely loved AOC and a couple of her cohorts in the “Where’s Mitch” video! Priceless!

an hour ago
here’s hoping, Ad.

an hour ago
FD – Yep, poor Ryan, didn’t get to destroy the poor and elderly. He’s still going to Hell.
AdLib an hour ago
Maybe ole Mitch is secretly having a breakdown. Coming apart at the seams. HA! Karma!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Has everyone seen the latest AeroMexico ad? Priceless as well!

an hour ago
Haven’t seen it P.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Maybe the bandage on the lying bully’s hand is from him trying to give the tortoise a blood transfusion, so he can stand “tough”.

an hour ago
Murph – Trump is so ignorant, he seems to have thought that real people wouldn’t be hurt by a shutdown, just Dems in DC.
AdLib an hour ago
I don’t think McConnel requires any blood….well, maybe the blood of children.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
They offer ‘DNA Discounts’ to rednecks who have mexican blood in the – 14% discount if you’re 14% Mexican, etc Hilarious response.

an hour ago
PPO–Yes, I saw that AeroMexico ad. People get a discount for however much Mexican ancestry in their DNA. If you have 10% Mexican ancestry, according to a DNA test, you get a 10% discount.

an hour ago
It’s that Ad, or he just doesn’t give a flying fuck. I choose the latter.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–according to the lying bully, Dems aren’t real people.

an hour ago
FD–true dat about the tortoise.

an hour ago
Sociopaths are incapable of empathy. Literally incapable.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
OK, folks, got to depart. see you all next week with hopefully LOTS to discuss about where trump will go to jail!

an hour ago
glenn – I think Ryan may be the worst because even though he was disgusting, Gingrich did accomplish a lot and pushed Clinton to doing some of the things he wanted. He self-destructed with the shutdown (ironically) but Ryan proved a faiure in most every way, including getting the tax bill passed that for the first time in US history, made the public more upset than pleased.
AdLib an hour ago
‘Nite PPO. Have a good weekend!

an hour ago
Seeya PPO!
AdLib an hour ago
Later P! Say hey to the misses for me!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Food stamps/SNAP will run out between Feb and March. Then Trump’s ppoor, rural voters will turn on him.
AdLib an hour ago
They’ll be brainwashed into believing it’s all Pelosi and Schumer’s fault.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–My biggest fear is that ryan still thinks of himself as some kind of “policy wonk” and will run for another office, like prez sometime in the future. After all, American voters have very short memories, and republican voters even shorter ones!

an hour ago
Got dropped out again. I could see the dialogue but my text box was frozen…this seems to be a problem on my end.

an hour ago
Ad–not sure the poor, rural voters will turn on the lying bully. That’s why repubs are working so hard to blame the shutdown on Pelosi and Schumer.

an hour ago
PPO – So Trump may dangle DACA agreement to bribe Dems to fund his wall? Let’s not forget that it was Trump who also tried to kill DACA to use them as hostages for what he wanted. Trump isn’t giving Dems anything by just reversing another attack he made last year.
AdLib an hour ago
FD–I must have been typing my reply at the same time as you. Great minds think alike, and all that, dontcha know?

an hour ago
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–if the lying bully dangles DACA, will the Dems bite?

an hour ago
I had to explain to the owner of our local grocery story (an independent store since the chains do not operate in such a small market why the SNAP and WIC programs were endangered. Thought it was the Dems!

an hour ago
glenn – What makes more sense to me though is that disillusioned voters aren’t motivated to vote. Trump has only reduced his own support, not built onto it.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–we have to keep reminding people that this shutdown began when republicans controlled both legislative branches and the executive branch of the government. Pelosi and Schumer were in the minority, and had no power to negotiate with the lying bully.

an hour ago
glenn – The Dems better not give in because Trump dangles DACA over their heads. The Dems are winning on this and right now, DACA is safe. You don’t give away something for potentially nothing. Trump’s wall is a monument to him and racism. As Pelosi said, it is immoral and nothing should be accepted as barter for that.
AdLib an hour ago
I’ve already had to remind a few idiots that Trump himself took credit for the shutdown. These people are genuine, dyed in the wool suckers. The very people P.T. Barnum was referring to!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
And the second phase of the shutdown workup was when Trump reneged on a deal made with Senate GOP and House Dems. He got cold feet because of Limpbaugh and Coltface

an hour ago
Ad–once again, I hope you’re correct. I just know that republicans seem to be fighting like rabid dogs nowadays, and no insult against Dems is too low for them. I do hope that is turning off a lot of independent voters, just not sure about dyed-in-the-wool republican voters. However, I do agree that all the lying bully has done is basically solidified his base; not added to it.

an hour ago
I think Pelosi is really coming into her own now. She knows government like the back of her hand, and she has real chutzbah!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
glenn – Ryan’s career is over, he left with Obamacare in place and helped cause the longest gov shutdown in US history. He’s toast.
AdLib an hour ago
Mencken: “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste or the intelligence of the American public.”

an hour ago
FD–yup, and remind them of that, too. Every day!

an hour ago
True dat, Murph!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
oh I do, I do! It’s my duty.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
FD–Agree about Pelosi! She is definitely showing her political chops!

an hour ago
Ryan…imagine him as Romney’s VP…oh wait….this is the same Romney who talks tough but wilts the moment he has to really stand up and be counted.

an hour ago
W Bush had great respect for Pelosi. He has said that she reminded him of his own mom…..

44 minutes ago
Ad–hope ryan never shows his smirking face again, but I’m sure in a few months, he will join the ranks of those “roundtable discussions” the “news” shows so love! And he will pontificate about givers and takers.

44 minutes ago
Fuzzy Dunlop

44 minutes ago
I’m sure he’ll be barfing up Randian nonsense!
Fuzzy Dunlop

43 minutes ago
We have soy bean farmers here who are now having to sell their crops to third party buyers who sell to China….of course, they are taking a big hit and who do they blame…..? Not trump, not yet.

43 minutes ago
Alright, gents, time for me to call it a night! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Murph, try to stay warm; I think some extra cold weather is coming your way this weekend.

43 minutes ago
glenn – Have to disagree, the GOP has been shrinking in people who identify themselves as being a part of it. The extremists are left, like the dregs they are, and while the percentage of Repub percent is high, it’s because so many reasonable people have left the GOP that the 30% or so Trump Cultists represent maybe 90% of the GOP. The numbers for Trump have shrunk. Look at the 2018 elections, all the swing states that put Trump in the WH went blue statewide.
AdLib 42 minutes ago
Well peeps, take care! Gotta call it a night!
Fuzzy Dunlop

42 minutes ago
You stay warm too, glenn! Have a great weekend!
AdLib 42 minutes ago
Ryan will show up on Fux for sure…..you make a pretty penny for being a penny dreadful.

42 minutes ago
Ad–once again, I hope you’re correct.

42 minutes ago
See you next week, FD!
AdLib 42 minutes ago
So long to Glenn andFuzzy.

42 minutes ago

42 minutes ago
Well, this was a spotty night…..AD how do you read the Buzz Feed Cohen story in light of the Special Counsel Spokesperson caveat statement.

41 minutes ago
Is grav still with us?

41 minutes ago
Murph – We’d pass out holding our breaths for Trump voters to turn on him, even as their lives are being hammered by him. They are strong Trump supporters because they are ignorant. So they can’t recognize they’ve been conned. We need to fix the country without them.
AdLib 40 minutes ago
Hate, anger, fear, anxiety and frustration are the fuel that power the delusional thinking…

40 minutes ago
I think the BuzzFeed story may be legit, maybe Mueller wanted to set down a marker that he and his people didn’t leak?
AdLib 39 minutes ago
Ad…that makes sense.

39 minutes ago
The Feds who were the sources for BuzzFeed are standing firm that what they said is 100% true.
AdLib 39 minutes ago
Well…I had not heard that the fed sources were holding firm…I wonder if they might be state based though.

38 minutes ago
Usually, when big stories like this are disputed by someone high profile, the story is withdrawn and apologies are made. I have to think that the BF editor, who says he stands behind the story, has more info that proves it.
AdLib 37 minutes ago
What do you think about the story?
AdLib 37 minutes ago
Yes, the BF editor was on MSNBC earlier and said that the Feds were solidly behind the story even so.
AdLib 36 minutes ago
I heard a very interesting interview on NPR yesterday with a New York Financial Reporter who said that the prosecutors have been after Trump for decades but never had the proper wedges in place to dig out the truth….being a family wholly owned enterprise but now they are hot on the trail and will not settle for anything less than huge financial penalties and guilty verdicts that bar involvement in the financial world and likely jail time.

36 minutes ago
The BF story feels true to me…..it is part of the pattern that is Trump World.

35 minutes ago
What is your read on Barr?

35 minutes ago
I heard that report, having Cohen turn on Trump then having the National Enquirer and the Trump Org’s CFO turn on Trump, I have to think they are brimming with evidence against Trump.
AdLib 34 minutes ago
Barr is a great liar. He is a phony and IMO, he will prove to be Trump’s ally and an adversary to justice against Trump. What do you think?
AdLib 34 minutes ago
When one looks at the timeline for the Nixon Watergate debacle the GOP hung with him for a long time….it took a massive amount of incriminating evidence to wear their loyalty down.

33 minutes ago
Barr struck me as a con man but he also struck me as endlessly self serving. If the case against Trump et. al. is as bad as I think it is then he will toss Trump under the car, then under the truck, then under the train…..

31 minutes ago
Yes. SOmetimes, you have to look at the opposite of a story to affirm how much sense it makes. Would Cohen and Don Jr. lie to Congress similarly with no coordination with each other or Trump? That is far harder to buy than Trump telling Cohen, his employee, to lie so as to hide that Trump was dealing with Russia on the Moscow hotel while he was lying to the country about it.
AdLib 31 minutes ago
Your logic is solid.

31 minutes ago
Yes and that’s why I’m frustrated but not surprised that Repubs continue to follow Lemming Trump over the cliff. They have to know the end is coming but they’re too scared of his wrath to even save themselves…or nearly. When they see the GOP’s numbers tanking along with Trump’s, then the cowards might finally stab him in the back.
AdLib 30 minutes ago
Did you know that Trump Moscow project was codenamed Манхеттен by Putin’s people. That’s “Manhattan” in russian.

29 minutes ago
It is not as if they were really trying to hide what was going on…..all part of the pressure on Trump I think.

29 minutes ago
I don’t know, Barr is a smug elitist who thinks he’s smarter than evryone else. He has the hubris to defend Trump even in the worst of situations. But…we can only hope his ego about how history will remember him may work against Trump.
AdLib 28 minutes ago
I see the GOP in my state taking a route away from Trumpian thinking….led by the new governor…perhaps this has to happen at the state level first.

27 minutes ago
No, I didn’t know that it was…The Manhattan Project! And it’s going to blow up Trump in the end!
AdLib 26 minutes ago
Barr…is smart and he will get the same warnings from the ethics officers that the acting AG got….this whole Trump thing is radioactive and it will kill you if you are not careful.

26 minutes ago
Manhattan…..BOOM! Putin has such disdain for week minded but still useful fools like Trumpski

26 minutes ago
I suppose though that taking all the blows he has from Trump, Mueller doesn’t want anyone thinking he hasn’t been wholly professional as IC.
AdLib 25 minutes ago
Ad…also makes sense…and Mueller also wants to be sure that no one can levy charges of partisanship at him.

24 minutes ago
That’s good to hear, one would hope that seeing how far the pendulum has swung, it has to finally swing back in a sane direction.
AdLib 24 minutes ago
Well….it is time for me to say “adios amigo”! P.S. My friends in the UK are besides themselves with worry….The conservatives are in the muck up to their eyeballs.

23 minutes ago
One wrote me…”Brexit Suxit and Fuxit”

23 minutes ago
The reason Trump was so careless about committing all the crimes he has is that he was confident he could just lie and get away with everything as he always has. Is Barr aware enough, outside of the bubble of his own self-importance, to realize that he can’t control what happens if he assists Trump? One would hope but I didn’t see an enlightened guy in those hearings. He still believes that mass incarceration was right, he isn’t the most evolved guy.
AdLib 22 minutes ago
What gets me too is tht Trump can’t or won’t see how subserviant he is to Putin. Someone with Trump’s ego, being seen as his lapdog? Men with a spine wouldn’t go along with that.
AdLib 21 minutes ago
I agree re. Barr who shamelessly bartered his own nomination AG but now, like the car chasing dog, he may have caught the car and has no way to deal with it.

20 minutes ago
True, I think Mueller released that statement to protect his own rep. Why would he care if an article said Trump subourned perjury? Plenty of false claims out there he never responded to. Nope, this cut close which to me, means it had a lot of truth and that’s why Mueller felt he had to say something.
AdLib 19 minutes ago
Again…makes sense.

18 minutes ago
As for Brexit, hopefully all of this madness will lead them to take a new vote. It would lose now.
AdLib 18 minutes ago
Not many other solutions at this point. I heard a hard Brexit could shave 10% or more off of the UK’s GDP.
AdLib 17 minutes ago
Ad….another referendum is the only way out. If the UK does exit the EU…..Scotland will disassociate and Ulster will follow.

17 minutes ago
Yep, Barr was such a manipulative ass, the way he campaigned for AG, I don’t trust him as far as I could throw him.
AdLib 16 minutes ago
P.S. The Welsh Parliament has indicated that it will pursue separation as well….perhaps aligning withte the Republic of Ireland.

16 minutes ago
There will be an uprising of pro-Brexit nutters, like Trump Cultists would flood the streets if he was impeached. The extremists will try to sabotage countries taking the right path.
AdLib 15 minutes ago
My beloved UK will be no more…..the reality of passion drive ignorance wrapped up in jingoistic nationalism is a cancer.

15 minutes ago
And with that….the exit beckons. Good nite Ad, and JJG wherever you are!

14 minutes ago
That would be an even bigger blow to the UK. I’ve heard that the only 3 choices are a hard Brexit, a new referendum or a new election.
AdLib 14 minutes ago
Right, get some rest, pal!
AdLib 13 minutes ago

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