Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 5 hours ago
see u soon
3 hours ago
Okey dokes!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Interesting evening yesterday. Went to a Soiree in Dublin (via Skype) about Dublin’s long gone Theatre Royal, and had a selfie taken from there!
2 hours ago
You took a selfie when you were there in person?
AdLib 2 hours ago
No, a lady who was there took one with me on a laptop screen. I’ve retweete what she did
2 hours ago
Oh! Now I get it!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Sounds like a lot of fun!
AdLib 2 hours ago
So what do you think of Trump shrugging at Saudi Arabia executing an American permanent resident?
AdLib 2 hours ago
The nostalgia! Memories flooded back. Wish I knew how to record. It would have been a treasure..
2 hours ago
How cool! I imagine many knew your dad.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad, the dim fucker just doesn’t get it. He has no clue how to be a Prez. Bluff, Bluster and Con ire his tools of trade. Can’y put a proper sentence of more than 5 words together.
2 hours ago
…. and I can’t spell!
2 hours ago
Shouldn’t be a surprise, Trump locked lips with Putin after Putin poisoned people in the UK to execute them.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Yes, the audience were mostly my age and would have been to the Royal for the Pantomimes each Christmas
2 hours ago
Evenin’ gents. PPO, your skype experience sounds way cool!
2 hours ago
Hey glenn! How are things with you?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hi, glenn, yes very fabulous! a great talk and sing along about the famous Theatre Royal in Dublin, demolished in the 60s. a 4,000 seater! Huge!
2 hours ago
PPO – Wow! So much to share between all of you, fantastic!
AdLib 2 hours ago
I’m fine, Ad. A little cool. Had to put on a sweatshirt tonight; temp in the 50’s.
2 hours ago
Well, what’s the latest insanity – Ye will be the new UN Ambassador?
2 hours ago
A sing-along? What a wonderful, fun time that had to be!
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–did you sing along by skype? It’s so nice to be able to use technology for such fun things.
2 hours ago
glenn – So it’s not snowing there so far? 

AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–haha! Bite your tongue!
2 hours ago
PPO – Maybe Trump will make Ye-ck AG?
AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn, we sure did. Fergie got into the old Batchelor’s song – ‘I Believe” We also did Dad’s signature tune, Dublin can be Heaven.
2 hours ago
PPO–Don’t you think the lying bully is putting out a trial balloon for Ivanka to be nominated? After all, she has so much experience.
2 hours ago
PPO – Yes, you should’ve recorded it, would have enjoyed seeing it!
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–Aww, that brings tears to my eyes.
2 hours ago
Ivanka as UN Ambassador, Kanye as AG?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–who is Ye-eck?
2 hours ago
I hear Ye will be renaming the WH, the ‘Cuckoo’s Nest” Very Apt.!
2 hours ago
glenn, Kan YE’s new name! the -eck is Ads!
2 hours ago
Kanye now wants to go as “Ye” so I was just making his name more accurate.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–those choices are no more crazy than anything else this administration has done.
2 hours ago
Oh, sorry, I missed the unveiling of the new nickname. Is it pronounced “yee” or “yay”?
2 hours ago
glenn – Can’t be crazier than Trump’s likely standing by to let MbS (Saudi Prince) assassinate a journalist.
AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn – Pronounced “yay, I’m a moron!”.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–exactly. The “good” news is that journalist wasn’t a citizen, so NBD.
2 hours ago
Ad–LOL! on the pronounciation!
2 hours ago
the bad news, glenn is he was a permanent resident, which in normal times should mean something, but….
2 hours ago
Ad–plus, we can’t let a little thing like assassination (especially of a journalist) stand in the way of money.
2 hours ago
glenn – Yep, only a permanent resident. When MbS kills an American…it still won’t matter to Trump. How is that not ANOTHER impeachable offense, betraying his duty to protect this country and its people…which includes permanent residents.
AdLib 2 hours ago
I pronounce it, g, like yeh, as in Ye eejit!
2 hours ago
PPO–the bad news is that the lying bully isn’t doing anything about it. What a heartless son of a bitch he is! There is nothing normal about him!
2 hours ago
Agree, Ad, he won’t do a thing. Useless POS.
2 hours ago
Hasn’t Trump given license to kill jounrnalists? He’s said that they’re the enemy of the people. Some have already been killed in this country. This is insanity! I’m thankful the election is only 24 days away!!!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–it isn’t an impeachable offense because IOIYAR. Only Dem presidents get impeached, dontcha know?
2 hours ago
Let’s all make sure to keep the Blue wave peaking all the way
2 hours ago
PPO–I hope the repubs are buried in that wave!
2 hours ago
Trump will be impeached. He won’t be removed unless Mueller has him nailed 100% on being a Russian agent but that will be enough to poison him politically in 2020.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad, remember, only if there is a viable Dem candidate opposing him. Avennati is now a non starter with his financial woes.
2 hours ago
Ad–yes, the lying bully has given license to kill journalists, but again, NBD, according to repubs. Do you really think he’ll be impeached?
2 hours ago
I checked my bellweathers today, FiveThirtyEight.com and Cook Political Report, Dems have edged up a little more in favorability to win back the House, still close to 80% probability.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Silver better have this one right!
2 hours ago
PPO–If the Dem party is dumb enough to nominate Avennati, we almost deserve to lose. Although he’s on “our side”, he’s almost as bad a choice as the lying bully.
2 hours ago
PPO – Well…even a mediocre candidate could beat Trump who has cemented a majority of Americans and voters against him. But there will be a plethora of great candidates running in the Dem primary…which I think may be the largest field we’ve ever seen.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–okay, here comes my cynicism again. What were the odds for HRC in 2016?
2 hours ago
glenn, zero for me. She’s fab, but too toxic right now. Buyers remorse won’t change that, IMO
2 hours ago
An Avenatti will not be among the top of the list. He is appreciated by Dems for what he’s done in suits against Trump, it has been very meaningful, but he’s not what Dems want for a post-Trump president.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Want to put odds on BETo?
2 hours ago
Ad–I hope we don’t get into that game–anyone but trump. I want a wonderful candidate, like O’Rourke or Adam Schiff, not a mediocre one who will just barely beat the lying bully.
2 hours ago
Glenn, agree. Must be rock solid, 100% backed candidate.
2 hours ago
glenn – I think Mueller will drop the info and charges on Trump that will be undeniable for impeachment and Dems, controlling the House, will impeach him. However, they won’t win the 2/3 vote in The House to remove him so he will be a wounded, damaged criminal in the eyes of the majority in 2020 and lose to whoever the Dem candidate is…who won’t be Avenatti.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–I think you misunderstood what I asked Ad. I do NOT want to see HRC run ever again. When Ad said chances of Dems winning is 80%, I was just being sarcastic, and asking what HRC’s chances were in 2016, and she still lost.
2 hours ago
Oh, sorry, glenn. I see what you mean now
2 hours ago
glenn – Cynicism is a wise first reaction to anything in politics nowadays but you should read my latest post at The Planet. The polls had Hillary winning the popular vote by between 2% and 3% and she won by 2.09%. The polls in 2016 were generally correct but they were undermined by many things, most especially, the Electoral College. Which isn’t an issue this year.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–Hope you’re right with the impeachment process, but once again, I hate to bring up a Clinton, but remember what happened when Clinton was impeached. He won re-election by a huge margin. If the lying bully’s cultists think they’re being “picked on”, they’ll come out in droves, don’t you think?
2 hours ago
PPO–No problem; I don’t always explain myself too well.
2 hours ago
Ad–okay, but if it’s all the same to you, I’ll hold onto my cynicism until the election is over. Especially with all the voter suppression the repubs are using this election.
2 hours ago
PPO – TX is corrupt politically, Beto would probably have to win by double digits to see results showing that he won. I think Beto may win in votes but by the time they make it through the TX political system, he may lose to Cruz. I’m still hopeful, I think he has a great shot to win! And he’ll be a big favorite as a presidential nominee.
AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn – I’m confident that Dems will have a strong candidate in 2020. I was just saying that they wouldn’t even need one to beat Trump because the anti-Trump vote will be a majority then.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Please let it happen, Ad. More GOP criminality will only complete the destruction of the USA as any kind of moral force.
2 hours ago
Ad–there’s good news and bad news about Beto winning. He’s already said that if he wins, he will stay in his Senate seat for his entire term, which will be during the 2020 election. However, if he loses, he’ll be free to run, and have lots of momentum, I think.
2 hours ago
Ad–GA also has a corrupt system. The person who oversees the voter rolls in GA is the same person who is running for governor. How’s that for securing your win?
2 hours ago
glenn, here’s a thought. What if the GOP throw Cruz under the bus to elect Beto, so he doesn’t represent a threat in 2020?
2 hours ago
Ad–I hope you’re correct about the anti-trump vote.
2 hours ago
PPO–that’s an evil thought, but I wouldn’t put it past the repubs.
2 hours ago
glenn – First off, huge difference between Bill Clinton’s impeachment and Trump’s. First, Bill had very high favorabilities. A majority liked him before the impeachment and many resented that he was being impeached for an affair, which seeed a ersonal matter. Trump has a majority already disapproving of him and his impeachment will be based on betraying all Americans. Hard to rebound with people already disliking him by playing victim because you got caught in treason.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–I understand what you’re saying about the differences between the two impeachments, but you know as well as I, that those differences never stopped the lying bully from playing victim.
2 hours ago
glenn – Repubs are pulling out all the stops on voter suppression…the reason that Dems need a blue wave to win by a high enough percentage that it would be impossible for the couple of percent that suppression can deliver to give Repubs the win. Worried about Georgia but I can see big lawsuits if the results stink from corruption.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO – Dems are already picking up seats in blue and purple states like CA, NY, PA, WI, etc. They don’t need to win these red district seats but I think voter suppression won’t be enough for Repubs to win all those and they’d have to.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–the lawsuits have already begun, although I believe Kemp (the gubernatorial candidate) will drag his feet until the election is over. He is saying that the voters he has put “on hold” will be able to vote with provisional ballots, so he’ll come up with a reason that their ballots don’t count. There’s no telling how long he’ll drag it out.
2 hours ago
glenn – That’s good news either way. If he’s TX Senator, great. If he runs for the Dem presidential nod, great!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–true. Didn’t look at it that way. It’s a win-win when you change the perspective just a tad.
2 hours ago
Ad–Dems are picking up seats, how? In what elections?
2 hours ago
Here’s hoping the majority of the upsets are for Dems. As you say, we need every GOTV push to overcome the imbalances of the gerrymander and stacking.
2 hours ago
glenn – While the economy et all has been the best environment for Trump, he has never had a majority of Americans approving of him. After all the hell he’s unleashed AND Mueller’s exposing of him as a criminal and a traitor? And the economy slowing down as it already is? It can’t get better for him and he’s lost all those needed voters who wanted to try something new and give him a chance.
AdLib an hour ago
How was Wall Street today?
an hour ago
Didn’t someone once tweet that if the Market crashed 100+ in 2 days, the Prez should be impeached? Let me see…..
an hour ago
an hour ago
glenn – Of course, Trump will play victim but that won’t work on people who already dislike him. Clinton’s impeachment moved undecided voters to support him. There are virtually no undecided voters for Trump to influence when he’s impeached, nearly every American is already decided on liking or disliking him. Truly, a very different situation than Bill Clinton.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–You know, it’s funny you said that about voters giving the lying bully a chance. Don’t remember where I read it, but that’s just what someone said about Beto. That they’ve had cruz for umpteen years now, so why not give Beto a chance? And, of course, there’s the famous rolling billboard with the lying bully’s tweet proclaiming that cruz has done nothing for TX, so there’s that.
an hour ago
PPO–Wall Street was up today after the “correction” of the last two days.
an hour ago
an hour ago
PPO–Yup, that tweet was shared all over social media.
an hour ago
glenn – It won’t be left up to Kemp, the court threw out his “exact match” fraud last time, they will do it again and by law, those voters votes will be counted. Abrams no doubt has her lawyers ready and waiting to jump into action after a court ruling and election results.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–It wasn’t up much, only about 30-40 points, I think, but at least it stopped hemorhaging.
an hour ago
OK. But when will the Cult45’ers wake to 20K Ford jobs gone, No new coal/steel jobs , etc ?
an hour ago
Ad–I so hope you’re correct again. Abrams is playing a smart game, with the lawsuits. They’re not coming from her campaign, (I don’t think). The one in court right now is from the ACLU. Let’s Kemp’s “exact match” fails again.
an hour ago
glenn – Here in CA, there are a number of Repub seats favored by Dems to win and no voter suppression. Same in NY. PA had their voter suppression and gerrymandering BS trashed by the Dem Gov who came in, WI has seats favored to turnover from Repub to Dem, MN, MI, on and on. Check this out when you have time, and this is a conservative group, the Cook Political Report:
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–The cultists will never admit that those things are due to the lying bully. It will all be the Dem’s fault, even though the repubs control all branches of government.
an hour ago
an hour ago
oops–let’s hope Kemp’s….
an hour ago
PPO – Typically, in wave elections like this one, the majority of races that are neck and neck go in the same direction. Repubs would have to win virtually all of the tossup elections, like shooting the moon, not something to bet on.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I want to see a blue tsunami so badly! Let’s hope all those courts the repubs have stacked will follow the law.
an hour ago
According to Cook, Dems have only 2 House seats as tossups, Repubs have 29! And that doesn’t include all the Repub seats where Dems lead right now.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–Do you think Dems will be able to get anything accomplished with only one branch? IOW, with a “divided” government, how much do you think Dems can get accomplished legislatively? Not talking about impeachment, just legislation.
an hour ago
The Dow was up 287…but over the last 3 days, that means it’s down around 730! And with what’s going on with everyone abandoning the Saudis and the trade wars, I think the market is headed for worse times.
AdLib an hour ago
good question, glenn. I’d like to know that as well
an hour ago
Ad–once again, it’s looking good. Just hope it turns out better this time. I’m hoping young people and women will turn the tide, so to speak.
an hour ago
glenn – Swing voters are annoying, they are the types who sometimes say, “Let’s try someone new and see what happens!” Sometimes, like in Obama and Beto, that’s a good thing. In Trump, not so much.
AdLib an hour ago
Can a Dem house block effectively any more insanities from the WH?
an hour ago
Leonard Pitts had an interesting column the other day wherein he said that the majority of Americans agree with progressive programs almost across the board, but we keep losing.
an hour ago
Dems need to push hard on Medical, infrastructure and employment issues
an hour ago
glenn – The Trump cultists are gone, they need to be written off. Any change in their mentality will have to come from their finally quitting on Trump after suffering so much under him. I think most will just blame everyone they hate for how much more miserable Trump makes their lives so basically, forget about them and just steamroll over them.
AdLib an hour ago
Here are the stats: Abortion? Sixty-four percent of Americans support Roe v. Wade. Guns? Sixty-seven percent want stricter laws. Taxes? Sixty-one percent say the rich need to pay more. Health care? Fifty-six percent want government to ensure coverage to all Americans. But it’s not just opinion polls. It’s also presidential polls. Republicans have won the popular vote only once since 1992.
an hour ago
But..The question is: What are the rest of us willing to do in response? Are we willing to play the long game as conservatives have? Are we willing to play with the ruthlessness and calculation they’ve shown? Are we willing to organize, to meet at the intersection of our manifold causes, concerns and lives? November 6 will give us the beginnings of an answer. Until then, one can only hope. Progressives are the larger of the two main ideologies in American politics. Yet they were just forced to watch in impotence as conservatives reshaped the top court by an act of sheer political thuggery. The lesson should be clear. It’s great to have size on your side. But it’s how you use it that counts.
an hour ago
glenn – Dems won’t be able to get any of their bills passed but they will be able to force compromise on protecting Dem issues and limiting Repub destruction. They should make it clear that this is a 2 Step Process, first taking The House and slowing and stopping the Trump Disaster Machine. 2nd, electing Dems to the Senate and WH to have an all-Dem-Controlled government when big changes will happen.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–As I have said before, I am encouraged by the number of prominent republicans who have denounced the party and even urged people to vote Dem. I just hope it makes a difference.
an hour ago
glenn – I really do believe that polls, even though they’re showing Dems strongly ahead, are not reflecting the depth of Dem turnout that is coming. So many young and women voters have been registering, if they turn out as I think they will, Dems could have a much bigger night than predicted and I think they will.
AdLib an hour ago
Hopefully you’ll be right, glenn. .well, Time for me to depart. It is summertime here now so mid afternoon and the groceries won’t deliver themselves! Cheerio
an hour ago
Ad–Do you think Dems will actually be able to force compromise? I have my doubts about that. I am hopeful, though, that Dems will at least get more of their ideas out in front of the public, because it seems that our corporate-owned media just pushes conservative’s thoughts.
an hour ago
G’night, PPO. See ya next week!
an hour ago
PPO – Absolutely, Dems can block any and all legislation from Trump AND they can investigate the hell out of everything he has done, including Executive Orders, hauling down cabinet officials every day of the week to explain and provide facts and figures…and they will have subpoena power!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad– I definitely agree that it is a 2-step process, and that Dems have to be more focused. We need to win more governorships too.
an hour ago
Also, the Repubs have just pulled out of many House races to concentrate on not losing as much as they probably will. When a party is pulling out of races that have Repubs in office, you know that they know which way the wind is blowing.
AdLib an hour ago
i do think Dems will force compromise. No budget gets passed if Dems don’t vote for it when they control the House, same with raising the Debt Ceiling and all of the other buttons Repubs pushed against Obama to get things they wanted.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–that’s also what I’d like to see. Investigations to bring to light all of the lying bully’s corruption and illegalities.
an hour ago
The Dems are licking their chops at investigating all the things Repubs have refused to provide oversight on. Including Kavanaugh, that is NOT over.
AdLib an hour ago
From your computer to the voters’ ballots, Ad! Or something like that!
an hour ago
I know, I always keep a degree of doubt in mind but I feel very certain that Dems will win the House and that is Step 1. Trump will be terrified.
AdLib an hour ago
Oh, I hope Kavanaugh is not over! Have you been reading about his and his father’s part(s) in the baby powder lawsuits, and the holding back of information? One article I read likened the withholding of info on K’s father, and maybe even K’s rulings on it, as akin to that of the tobacco companies holding back info about how nicotine is so harmful.
an hour ago
Wow, we’ve got thunder, lightning and rain here in LA right now.
AdLib an hour ago
Didn’t know this was coming!
AdLib an hour ago
Uh-oh! Well, go hunker down. I’ll keep hoping; and see you next week!
an hour ago
No, I haven’t heard about all of that on Kavanaugh’s father! Not surprising, Kavanaugh is a creepy, lying, abusing little POS. It had to come from somewhere like his creepy father.
AdLib an hour ago
Ok, have a great weekend and stay warm! 

AdLib an hour ago
You should read up on it. It’s very interesting.
an hour ago
I’m going to, thanks for filling me in!
AdLib an hour ago

an hour ago
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