Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 4 hours ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 3 hours ago
C U soon
3 hours ago
AdLib 3 hours ago
Ok, now, where were we? Ah, yes! YetiPubes!
2 hours ago
Yeti doesn’t know how disgusting and small he is.
AdLib 2 hours ago
It doean’t take up Mush room in his shorts
2 hours ago
His junk is no bigger than a toad’s stool.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Toads have bigger tools than his
2 hours ago
I just tweeted this, what do you think about this alternative approach for Dr. Ford: Maybe Dr. Ford should let Grassley block her from testifying then go on 60 Minutes with all of her supporting witnesses and documentation the night before Grassley holds the vote? Will Murkowski and Collins go along with Grassley’s rigged game after that?
AdLib 2 hours ago
I always knew Trump was part fungus.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Was that you? I saw that yesterday, or something similar. She should do it. Piss them all off and upset the script. M itch says for GOP not to worry, Kav will be the next Justice
2 hours ago
Just tweeted it a little while ago.
AdLib 2 hours ago
What’s your Twitter handle, and do I follow you?
2 hours ago
Guess it’s not the first time it’s been suggested but I like that approach since the Grassley scam is rigged against her and the truth.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Did you see her lawyer’s letter that was just released?
AdLib 2 hours ago
not yet. Huffpo?
2 hours ago
I saw it on Twitter:
AdLib 2 hours ago
I really like Dr. Ford’s lawyer, Ms. Katz. She is so sharp and on the money!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Disgusting way to treat a victim. No morals whatever.
2 hours ago
hi Jenuwin!
2 hours ago
This is so obviously a scam, as someone said, Repubs just want to check the box that they let Dr. Ford speak but are already decided on voting Kavanaugh onto the SCOTUS even if he is an attempted rapist.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Jenuwin!
AdLib 2 hours ago

Hi PPO and Ad Lib! Hope it is a nice evening for everyone!
2 hours ago
Doing fine, and you Jenuwin
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Harleigh!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Lovely day here, Harleigh.
2 hours ago
Hey folks!
2 hours ago
On the other huge story tonight, looks like the NYT have knowing published hearsay about Rosensteing that could get him and Mueller fired and destroy our democracy! WTF???
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hi glenn!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Evening, Ad. How are you?
2 hours ago
hi glenn.
2 hours ago
Deliberate, Ad?
2 hours ago
Hey PPO. How are you?
2 hours ago
Just fine today, glenn, though a bit upset about the NYT story on Rosenstein. Supposedly, Trump was ready to fire him tonight but was talked out of doing it tonight.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–so do you think the lying bully will wait until after midterms to fire him?
2 hours ago
This gets more and more convoluted. When will it ever end?
2 hours ago
PPO–It will only end when the lying bully is tried, convicted, and out of office.
2 hours ago
Can’t Rosenstein sue for wrongful dismissal, sue and get YetiPube’s tax records?
2 hours ago
Ad–why do you think the NYT would print such an irresponsible story?
2 hours ago
PPO – Yes. They KNOW that the accounts they got about Rosenstein were second hand, not from anyone who was in the room when he said whatever he did. WAPO and other news outlets have spoken with people in the room and they all say Rosenstein was saying sarcastically, wiring himself to tape Trump.
AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn…money, circulation.
2 hours ago
Well I had to get a cyst the size if a nickel surgically removed yesterday. It was on the center back of my neck at the hairline. Now I have 9 staples there. I think I’ll keep them and say it’s piercing!
2 hours ago
Benign, H?
2 hours ago
Harleigh–Just think of all the signals you can pick up with all that metal in your head!
2 hours ago
glenn – I don’t know now. With the Mueller investigation closing in on him, I could imagine Trump firing Rosenstein now on the heels of this mis-reporting.
AdLib 2 hours ago
H, did they replace it with a transponder?
2 hours ago
Harleigh–seriously, though. Hope it was benign, as PPO asked.
2 hours ago
Ad–and just give the lying bully more ammunition about the lying press. I heard that his cultists were chanting, “CNN sucks” at his rally tonight.
2 hours ago
PPO – I don’t think so, I think Rosenstein can be fired without cause, only Mueller can’t be fired without cause but if Trump makes up a “cause”, there may be recourse for Mueller to sue but he can’t get re-hired without the Senate doing that.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Don’t know yet PPO. I don’t miss the voices as much as I thought I would.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Question: how does Ivanka know what YetiPubes’ willy looks like?
2 hours ago
glenn – Don’t know, maybe these reporters thought they’d get scooped if they didn’t come out with it ASAP?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–speaking of “cause” for firing Mueller, isn’t that what he’s trying to do with the unclassification of the FBI documents?
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Harleigh, hope it all went smoothly and you’re feeling okay!
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–Ivanka has tweeted about her dad’s junk?
2 hours ago
y mother was in college out west a few months before the Roswell crash too!
2 hours ago
glenn, yes, calling it ‘Fake News’!
2 hours ago
Ad–it’s all well and good to worry about getting “scooped”, but don’t you have to have verification of your story first? Shame on the NYT!
2 hours ago
Harleigh–it gets more and more eerie…..cue Twilight Zone music!
2 hours ago
H Calling occupants of Interplanetary craft!
2 hours ago
glenn – Bingo! Trump is trying to “trump up” charges against Mueller and Rosenstein so he can take over the DoJ and kill the Mueller investigation. But I think it’s way too late for that, no doubt Mueller has an emergency plan, like kicking all investigations to US Attorneys and state AGs.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–OMG! You’d think the one thing she’d be quiet about was that! Guess she hasn’t said anything about Dr. Ford, has she?
2 hours ago
g, of course, not!
2 hours ago
PPO – I know how you feel but hang in there, the blue wave is getting bigger each day. Most normal people want the madness to stop and desperately want to put Dems in to stop it.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Harleigh – Aliens are supposed to probe you elsewhere!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Actually, all of this is so ‘normal’, what will we do when we get a real president and Congress? We won’t have half as much fun!
2 hours ago
Ad–I still haven’t completely figured out what the lying bully is trying to “prove” with these documents. Doesn’t the FBI have an obligation to investigate when they think there is something to investigate? I truly don’t understand what the lying bully’s complaint is regarding Carter Page.
2 hours ago
Well my farts have had some flames lately…. oh noooo
2 hours ago
PPO–I read yesterday that some republicans in TX, that’s right TEXAS, are telling folks there to vote for republicans.
2 hours ago
glenn – I think it is a violation of journalistic ethics to rely on second hand accounts and not corroborate with first hand witnesses. WAPO did, why didn’t NYT before publishing such explosive charges?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Stop smoking in the toilet, H!
2 hours ago
Glenn…..surely Dems?
2 hours ago
PPO–Perhaps if we finally get a real president and congress, we can actually go about enacting laws that benefit the American people, instead of just the 1%.
2 hours ago
PPO–Oops, you’re right–my fingers got ahead of me. To vote for Dems.
2 hours ago
Someone else thinks up all of Spanky’s bullshit. The have somebody thet will go along with anything. Notic ther a 3 or more a day? and they it goes away,,, and the next and the next
2 hours ago
glenn, now that’s a radical idea! Way too socialistic! Pooere people might actually get medical cover! Wow!
2 hours ago
Ad–Exactly. The NYT deserves all of the scorn the lying bully will heap on them. Although, I hate to see him have ammunition, in this case, it’s justified, IMO.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
glenn – What I’ve heard is that this document release is coming from Fox News and those aligned with them, to force Rosenstein and others in the FBI to refuse Trump’s orders to release documents that compromise safety, giving Trump cause for firing them for refusing. This is all so evil.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–I know, I’m just one of those radical libbies! And proud of it!
2 hours ago
The WH think nothing about peoples’ lives. Look at Puerto Rico.
2 hours ago
But they are brown people PPO
2 hours ago
Many people on Twitter and FB have signed up to immediately go out and protest if Rosenstein was ever fired. Could get really crazy.
AdLib 2 hours ago
I see N.C. folk are complaining about lack of power a week after the storm. Tell ’em to go down to PR!
2 hours ago
Oh, H, I forgot that! You’re right
2 hours ago
NC officials still deny climate change and have legislation they passed to prove it. morons.
2 hours ago
PPO – Just saw a segment on Maddow that coal ash is now contaminating NC rivers and lakes due to the flooding. Mercury and other poisons in it. Could be a massive disaster that Trump won’t address because of his pro-coal mentality.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Coal ash and toxic pig shit are in the water now.
2 hours ago
NC is probably the most corrupt state in the country and that’s not easy to do. A Dem is now Gov but the Repubs in the legislature are as bought and crooked as they come.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–The lying bully actually tweeted that his “idea” for the documents came from Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity, and Jeanine Pirro. So these three are now running the country. Great! You did say where the lying bully actually did back down about the documents today. Even though he says he may still do it, he’s backed down for now.
2 hours ago
Flint has better water! LOL
2 hours ago
Millions of Chicken corpses and hogs as well. Epidemic on the way,
2 hours ago
Harlleigh – Yep! All the anti-regulatory BS of the Repubs comes back to poison their people as anyone could have told them. But the Repub voters in NC, they’d rather be poisoned than vote for a Dem.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–and wait until those rivers flow into the ocean. And don’t forget the hog farms’ refuse.
2 hours ago
Thanks Obama!
2 hours ago
Of course, now the EPA is too poor to do anything but wring their hands and blame Hillary!
2 hours ago
Lock her up!
2 hours ago
glenn – I heard that our allies, who would be connected to those emails and operations as well, including the UK, warned Trump that people would be killed if he released that info.
AdLib 2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Ad–Those people in NC have already been poisoned; that’s why they voted for repubs in the first place. It’s just going to get worse–but they got what they wanted–no regulations. Be careful what you ask for.
2 hours ago
Millions of acres/sq miles will be contaminated when the waters subside. I don’t think I’d want to live in rural NC
2 hours ago
Ad–yeah, that was the reason given. I also think someone finally read those documents and told the lying bully what was in them, which wasn’t what he thought was in them, and he used our allies as an excuse.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
PPO – Repubs deby Climate Change while record floods, storms, fores and natural disasters destroy the country year after year, more and more. They BS about how awful regulations are and the states with less and lax regulations get poisoned. At some point, the ignorant who support and vote for them have to be seen as adversaries too.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Same shit happened in the same places 2 years ago.
2 hours ago
PPO–Of course, blame the former Secretary of State for the EPA’s failings. Makes sense to me.
2 hours ago
Of course, Ad, but it affects Dems too!
2 hours ago
BRB coffee break!
2 hours ago
Ad–The ignorant who support and vote for them know, deep in their black hearts, that they were conned, but they will never admit it in a million years. Because if they do, it just shows their ignorance, and the one thing stupid, ignorant people will never do is admit that they are stupid, ignorant people.
2 hours ago
I mentioned previously, a good friend of mine lives in NC, on the coast right about where the eye of Florence came ashore. Still no electricity, he’s been told it won’t be on until next week. Streets are passable but markets not open. He isn’t seeing yet what destruction the aftermath will be, he’s hoping for the best but hard to see NC recovering for a long time.
AdLib 2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Something like 2/3 of them don’t hve insurance.
2 hours ago
Ad–It’s always the aftermath that’s the problem. Plus the major highways have to be passable, gas stations have to have power and gas, markets have to get supplies, all of which takes time. I hope your friend has plenty of supplies/food/water.
2 hours ago
glenn – The last time Trump released classified docs about Carter Page and FISA, it blew up his and the RW’s conspiracy theory about the Steele dossier starting the investigation. No doubt a full release of docs would further blow that up but would also get informants killed.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Harleigh–insurance? Isn’t that a socialist thing?
2 hours ago
my emergency end of the world plan will be me and Robin having to go to glen and listen to all our music and smoke weed. the end,
2 hours ago
they got rebuilt to some extent 2 years ago on soshalust money!
2 hours ago
Ad–I know. I think someone finally got to the lying bully and actually talked some sense into him. They probably had to use pictures with stick figures and cartoon guns to get through to him!
2 hours ago
Harleigh – Just venting but how stupid do you have to be to be a Repub in a state that gets hit by a 100 Year Storm one year then a 1,000 year storm two years later and believe Climate Change is a hoax? Have these dummies ever considered why the hoax BS is pushed so hard? It only benefits oil companies! Why do they think they should believe it?! Morons!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Harleigh-You and your wife are coming here? Sounds like a good plan to me.
2 hours ago
PPO – Oh yeah, such as my friend, he’s impacted and like good folks living in states with big moron populations, they bear the brunt of the morons’ votes right along side them.
AdLib 2 hours ago
In floriduh we got very toxic green algae and red tide on east and west coasts from big sugar/AG… no tourists. we lose
2 hours ago
Ad–Climate change is a hoax because scientists get money to study climate change, and if they say it’s a hoax, then they won’t get any more money, so there! That is the gist of a post I read on Yahoo yesterday. I don’t often go to Yahoo, but when I do, it’s like yaaaahooo!
2 hours ago
What about Flynn trying the old mistaken identity with Kav, then?
2 hours ago
glenn – Well said. It’s a legit psychological syndrome, the more evidence there is to make an ignorant person doubt his beliefs, the stronger he clings to them because he can’t accept he’s ignorant nor is mature enough to accept responsibility for bad decisions.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–I know how your friend feels living in a state with a big moron population. Although, there’s hope for GA with our Dem candidate for governor!
2 hours ago
Harleigh – I heard that only around 5% or so of homeowners have flood insurance in NC. The sad thing is, a lot of the flooded areas are where poor people live, they couldn’t afford flood insurance, they sure can’t afford to rebuild.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Glenn we have to since floriduh is going under….. sooner rather han later. I believe the scientists than say once it really gets going it will accelerate quickly and then cut loose.
2 hours ago
I am now convinced that the Education system (for want of a better term) in the Us produced the highest number of Morons per Sq mile than anywhere else.. That or they elect more of them!
2 hours ago
Ad–right. Isn’t it the Dunning-Kruger syndrome?
2 hours ago
Harleigh, looks as if the East Coastal Tourism industry will be dead and gone in a few years
2 hours ago
Red tide Rick wants to be a senator for this disaster.
2 hours ago
glenn – When I was trying to convince my friend to evacuate (he didn’t), I warned him that I knew many people in New Orleans and Louisiana who had such horrible stories to tell in the aftermath of Katrina. I tried to warn him, it’s the aftermath that’s the most dangerous, deadly and awful. Glad he and his wife and their house are fine but it’s not going to be easy for most in NC in this aftermath.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–Speaking of our education system, I read an interesting article today. People are finally realizing that the standardized testing we have been doing for the last 20 years isn’t producing any better results. And, get this that people are admitting that teachers were right when we told the so-called experts that’s exactly what standardized testing would do. At least the way we are currently using standardized testing.
2 hours ago
Harleigh – My friend in NC said his neighbors explained to him that the most important supply to have in getting through Florence was…planety of alcohol.
AdLib 2 hours ago
I’ve seen and heard on local news that the green slime smells worsre than dead bodies. ost folks don’t want to fish or swim in that.
2 hours ago
glenn, like here, i think that students are taught how to pass exam questions, very little else.
2 hours ago
glenn – Yep and I think Trump had to confront the realization that the FBI would refuse him and when he pushed to get the docs out and agents were killed, it might be a bit tough to lie his way out of.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Test was supposed to measure learning results…. what a shame.
2 hours ago
Harleigh – You mean Red Tide Rick isn’t beloved for contaminating FL and throwing so many out of work?
AdLib 2 hours ago
250,000 tons of dead shit on the beaches. c’mon down!
an hour ago
Ad–I recall that you said he told you he wanted to see what it was like to go through a hurricane. Well, he’s learning, isn’t he? That doesn’t sound exactly how I want it to sound; I’m not judging him–just saying he is now getting the first-hand learning experience he wished for.
an hour ago
Well, look at it from Red’s viewpoint. He’s Red Tide Rick. You expect him to tackle Green Tide as well?
an hour ago
Ad–alcohol and potato chips or Cheez Doodles, plus plenty of peanut butter!
an hour ago
glenn – Makes sense that it makes no sense when these climate-denier morons try to explain why they are the way they are. I kind of think it’s just part of their built-in bigotry, against everyone not like them which includes educated and professional scientists. The Know-Nothings who rebel against education and facts.
AdLib an hour ago
Those 2 conditions down here go hand in hand.
an hour ago
Harleigh–considering that the green slime is mixed with the dead bodies of fish, it’s not surprising that’s how it smells.
an hour ago
glenn – The rational folks are trying to break away from the ignorant in GA, they’re making progress but the ignorant won’t give up easy. Would love to see Abrams win Gov!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–Yup. The Know-Nothings is a great name for them. We should also add, And Don’t Want to Know Nothing, Either.
an hour ago
It’s more than fish, sea turles, dolphins, whales, sharks, manatees…. it’s fucking criminal.
an hour ago
Ad–You and me both! Would like to see Abrams win Gov!
an hour ago
Gillum looks like he’s gonna upset the white supremicist Desantis.
an hour ago
harleigh, if the world keeps going like it is, that green and red shit will spread everywhere and destroy th oceans
an hour ago
PPO–Well, he could be Red and Green Tide Rick to prove he doesn’t have a war on Christmas!
an hour ago
lol glenn
an hour ago
Harleigh – The oceans have been rising faster than predicted, FL is going to be underwater much sooner than estimated:
AdLib an hour ago
Harleigh–Yeah, it is looking good for Gillum, isn’t it? Seems like DeSantis keeps stepping on his crank with his racism and racist cronies.
an hour ago
Killum, Gillum!
an hour ago
PPO – That’s been part of the long term plan of the Repub Elite. Slash taxes and funding for education, the ignorant are much easier to manipulate.
AdLib an hour ago
Harleigh–I agree. It’s fucking criminal. Yet, no one will be prosecuted for their criminality. Somehow or another, it will be Obama’s or Hillary’s fault.
an hour ago
PPO–Good slogan!
an hour ago
glenn – Thanks! Couldn’t remember it offhand, Duning-Kruger syndrome, exactly!
AdLib an hour ago
Harleigh – Thanks to Red Tide Rick, imagine how much in tourism is being lost by FL due to this! Yet many Repubs follow his finger pointing…at Bill Nelson! When RTR loosened the restrictions in FL!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad and I had a few words earlier about Kavanaugh, but what does everyone think? Shoud Ford go full court 60 minutes ?
an hour ago
AD it was predicted the ocean rise 6 inches by 2070. more like 6 feet by 2050. Once antartica calves off things will be ripe for the greenland ice shet to slide in…. with thermal expansion we’re done
an hour ago
Harleigh – Which makes it surprising that the race is tied for Senate in FL!
AdLib an hour ago
oh no shit
an hour ago
PPO–Yes, I think she should go full court 60 Minutes, and while she’s at it, she should press charges in MD. I read today that the MD AG is willing to open a case, if she decides to press charges.
an hour ago
glenn – It was more like my friend didn’t understand how bad it would be and figured he might as well stay because it could take weeks to get back to his house. He told me he’d never stay again.
AdLib an hour ago
Harleigh, disaster loms if the Gulf Stream diverts or weakens. Europe will freeze PDQ
an hour ago
Ford should go for it now she’s been identified. poor thing
an hour ago
good idea glenn. She should do that
an hour ago
Harleigh – I am very happy to see Gillum pulling away in the polls. A Dem Gov in FL could help straighten out that state in a big way!
AdLib an hour ago
Go Beto!
an hour ago
I’m aware of that too PPO. It all unravels on multiple fronts rather quickly
an hour ago
18 more inches and the everglades are gone…. salt water swamp
an hour ago
Well, folks, it’s been great, but shopping beckons. Cheers for now
an hour ago
nite PPO
an hour ago

an hour ago
Harleigh – I’ve kind of given up on the US to be able to reduce carbon in time, it’s too late as it is. States are doing good on this around the country but seems like the focus may be best spent on how to engineer reducing the heating of the Earth in other ways. Saw an episode of Vice on many methods being explored to cool Earth back to where it needs to be.
AdLib an hour ago
I know! ook off a few nukes for a nuckuler winter….. uh oh… I better take that one back.
an hour ago
glenn – Right with you on that. Dr. Ford should not bend to the rigged circus of The Senate, go around them to 60 Minutes and by Sunday, file a criminal complaint against Kavanaugh. Then, when Grassley has his vote on Monday, it will be for a guy charged criminally with sexual abuse.
AdLib an hour ago
Well I’m fallin asleep. See ya’alls nex week
an hour ago
And Dr. Ford can get her story out with all her supporting witnesses and evidence.
AdLib an hour ago
Night Hareigh!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–and therein is the dilemma for leaving, because sometimes it does take weeks to get back to your house. You may be safe and sound somewhere else, but you are worrying about your house and things. And, some people can’t take weeks off from work; I read today that some employers in NC are saying that evacuation is no excuse for taking time off. And that’s with mandatory evacuation! I do have some advice for your friend, if you’d like to pass it on. He needs to get himself some of those plastic totes with lids and every hurricane season, load them up with his important papers, insurance, mortgage papers, any financial statements, like bank, credit card and stock papers. Keep those bins in a place where you can get to them in a hurry, so you can just pick them up and take them with you when you evacuate. He should also have a bin with canned goods, can opener, water, and some other non-perishable food items to take with him when he evacuates, so he has food when he comes back. He’ll need to put some paper towels, toilet paper, rags, some tools and other necessities like that in another bin to take with him. Then when he comes back from his evacuation, he has the supplies necessary to clean up any damage. For what it’s worth.
an hour ago
glenn – Very valuable info, I’m going to send your entire message to him! He and his wife are retired, another reason I thought they should evacuate and just think of it as a two week holiday.
AdLib an hour ago
Oh, and tell him not to forget any jewelry or valuables he may want to take with him, including family pictures. Also make sure he has plenty of cash when he goes back, because if the electricity is gone, ATM’s don’t work. Anyway, he can come up with what’s most valuable to him and his wife.
an hour ago
I’m just the opposite, I’d be fine about leaving my home, knowing it could get damaged or robbed. Multiple people, including some in their home, were killed by falling trees. Not interested in rolling the dice and being trapped in the aftermath of a hurricane!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I wish him well, and hope he doesn’t have to go through another hurricane, even if he does evacuate.
an hour ago
Those are such great points, sending your second message to him too!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–as we both said last week, your home can be replaced, your family can’t!
an hour ago
The sad truth is that NC will get hit again by another powerful hurricane sometime in the near future. The sea’s temperature has been rising, the warmer water stokes bigger and wetter hurricanes, this is the reality we’re stuck in right now.
AdLib an hour ago
One of his first texts to me when he saw Florence coming right at him was, “I made a big mistake moving here.”
AdLib an hour ago
Oops, I was typing my advice. I missed Harleigh and PPO leaving.
an hour ago
He’s only moved there 2 years ago, lived in LA before that. Their home looks wonderful, right on the water, like a dream. Too easy to put aside the thought of a hurricane.
AdLib an hour ago
Yep, missed PPO but got to say bye to Harleigh.
AdLib an hour ago
Do you think Trump’s short attention span will have him forgetting about people in NC?
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–Yes, I think NC will get hit again, so it’s better to be prepared. It’s not a big mistake if you can take it in stride. Be thankful you and your wife are okay, there was minor damage to his house (right?) and he learned a lesson. I hope he takes my advice about preparing to evacuate; it helps to feel you have some control of the situation.
an hour ago
Well, the lying bully has already been to NC, told people to “have a nice day” and that one guy got a “free boat out of the deal”, so his work there is done. Whatever the count of damage and lives lost was when he was there is the final count, never to be changed, and that’s that!
an hour ago
His house was actually fine, just some ancillary damage but he now swears he’ll never go through a night like that agian and will evacuate next time.
AdLib an hour ago
And I know he’ll appreciate your advice, being a hurricane newbie as he is.
AdLib an hour ago
Don’t you think most people are exhausted of dealing with Trump in power?
AdLib an hour ago
Happy to help any friend of yours.
an hour ago
When you’ve been very self-sufficient in life, you assume you can handle anything…but Nature can remind you how far ore powerful it is.
AdLib an hour ago
Do you think Dr. King will testify in front of the corrupt Senate?
AdLib an hour ago
Whoops…Dr. Ford!
AdLib an hour ago
OMG–Exhausted is not the word. Despairing, anguished, almost to the point of hopelessness, and at the same time, hopeful that we can pull out of it. I alternate between being hopeful and cynical as you well know.
an hour ago
I know but last week I saw a flash of optimism from you. Are you more confident about a Blue Wave coming?
AdLib an hour ago
It’s coming!
AdLib an hour ago
You know, I’m of two minds about that. On one hand, I think she should, just to get her story out there. On the other hand, McConnell has already said that they are going to push through to get Kavanaugh on the Court as soon as possible, so I wonder if it’s just an exercise in futility. I always come back to the thought that she almost has to testify just because she can’t let the repubs say she was afraid to.
an hour ago
It’s still an 80% probability at fivethirtyeight.com that Dems take The House. They may take the Senate too!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–yes, I do have my flashes of optimism. It’s kind of like the tide that goes with the blue wave. It comes in and it goes out. Depends on what day it is.
an hour ago
I was thinking the same thing but am now thinking that if she did a national tv interview instead, before the vote, and was able to present other witnesses and evidence to bolster her claims, it could be more effective and protect her from further abuse from these Repubs. And could help put the vote in question.
AdLib an hour ago
I’m beginning to believe that it’s we women who are going to have to save our democracy. I’m so gratified to see so many women running, and also to see how women are reacting to the repubs’ latest attack on women with the way they’re treating Dr. Ford.
an hour ago
Playing by Grassley’s corrupt rules could only be helping them play the rigged game they’ve set up and have herself attacked and humiliated in front of the whole country.
AdLib an hour ago
What about on Bluesday?
AdLib an hour ago
I agree, but still think that repubs and their stupid supporters will still try to say she wants to avoid being questioned under oath. The hypocrisy stinks to high heaven (about testifying under oath), but that doesn’t matter to repubs and their supporters.
an hour ago
No question in my mind, it’s up to women to save this country. I wrote a post right after the Women’s March saying as much, women have the numbers and the high ground to take down Trump and the Repubs. They are the biggest group that is most at risk under Trump. And us men will be marching right beside them but it’s an era for women to lead.
AdLib an hour ago
That’s not as important to me as Dr. Ford presenting her case in full and making it as impossible as it can be for Murkowski and Collins to vote for Kavanaugh.
AdLib an hour ago
I know, but sometimes you have to beat them at their own rigged game. Because of the amount of time that has passed, I don’t think the issue is ever going to be settled, even if she does bring charges, because I don’t think she’ll ever be able to “prove” it. Barring Kavanaugh or his slimy friend, Judge, confessing, that is. No matter how many witnesses she comes up with, it still boils down to “he said, she said.” And as we both know what “he said” always counts more than what she said.
an hour ago
That’s what Grassley, the old idiot that he is, doesn’t get. If the public is very convinced that Kavanaugh tried to rape Dr. Ford, how can Collins and Murkowski vote for him and expect to be re-elected?
AdLib an hour ago
Thank you for being the kind of man that will march right beside the women!
an hour ago
It’s only a “he-said/she-said” if all of Dr. Ford’s witnesses are excluded. That wouldn’t be the case if she went on 60 Minutes.
AdLib an hour ago
Exactly. What is important is that Dr. Ford present her case, in person, under oath, to the rigged court Grassley has set up. I also think Schumer should be talking to the republican men and trying to get one or two of them to vote no. I would love to see a republican man come in and give Kavanaugh a thumbs down, a/la McCain with the Obamacare vote.
44 minutes ago
Does she have witnesses other than her husband and her therapist?
43 minutes ago
Grassley is rigging the Senate hearing to be a “he-said/she-said” by excluding all the witnesses who would blow that up. That’s why I now question whether she should participate in that farce.
AdLib 43 minutes ago
I know, but I still think she has to go under oath to at least convince Murkowski and Collins about her veracity. If either one of them vote no, I hope they lose their next elections in a landslide. Pretty sure Stephen King will make sure Collins loses her next election, don’t know about Murkowski.
42 minutes ago
Yes, there are classmates and friends who can testify that word went around school after the assault, that Dr. Ford discussed the attack well before Kavanaugh was trying to get on the SCOTUS, witnesses to how Kavanaugh and Judge being drunk, evidence in their yearbook of bragging about chauvinism, etc.
AdLib 41 minutes ago
Yeah, Stephen King for Senator! Collins has been a bit of a fraud at times, she is toast if she votes for Kavanaugh.
AdLib 40 minutes ago
We certainly live in interesting times, don’t we? I’m running out of steam, so I’ve gotta go now. Really enjoyed our chat, and please give my best to your friend in NC.
40 minutes ago
Same here, thanks so much for the advice that I can share with my friend! Have a great weekend1
AdLib 40 minutes ago
39 minutes ago

38 minutes ago
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