Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 4 hours ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib an hour ago
Our mascot for tonight’s Vox:
AdLib an hour ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib an hour ago
How’s your flippin’ Friday going?
AdLib an hour ago
Hey Ad and PPO…..not bad……love the theme……the only thing is that Flipper is likely to be insulted by the connection.
an hour ago
Hey there PPO.
an hour ago
hi all! Sad for McCain.
an hour ago
At least Flipper is a mammal. Can’t say the same about the reptile in the WH.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO….he fought the good fight…..
an hour ago
Ad…true…snakes in the grass.
an hour ago
What is in that safe must be terrifying PapayaPuss!
an hour ago
True, Murph, Disliked his politics, but he wasn’t the worst.
an hour ago
Do you think the safe is in safe keeping…or is it swimming with the fishes?
an hour ago
PPO – Though I haven’t been a fan of McCain until he stopped the attempt to kill the ACA and stood up repeatedly to Trump, the enemy of my enemy is my ally and we will lose an ally when McCain goes (though he did vote for the awful tax cuts).
AdLib an hour ago
Murph…. Mueller has it, or there wouldn’t have been a blanket immunity deal. Nuclear info!
an hour ago
Ad…..I rather liked him and very much disliked his politics…every now and then as in McCain-Feingold campaign reform and in principled stands he would shine.
an hour ago
PPO – There has to be at least a few stories about women who Trump paid abortions for, molestations, lots of horribe things done to women I’ll bet.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO….Mueller has it! how interesting.
an hour ago
Murph – Would Pecker really have destroyed all that leverage over the man who won the WH? I don’t think so. He hid it elsewhere I’d bet.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, Trump is so poisonous, that more of the same may not be enough to put him away. Overwhelmed by his evil
an hour ago
Ad…that is what I presumed but PPO brings up an interesting scenario…Mueller already has it in exchange for the immunity.
an hour ago
Hi Glenn
an hour ago
Murh, that’s how I read Huffposts article
an hour ago
PPO…hmmmm….I need to look at that.
an hour ago
McCain was not a legit “maverick”, remember in his last election when he insisted he never said he was just to win re-electiion? He brought us Sarah Palin which led to Trump. He is a very flawed man but most recently, he was rare among the Repub sell-outs in standing up to Trump at times. I am not happy to see him go now.
AdLib an hour ago
Evenin’, gents. PPO, my condolences on the passing of your mom. May your happy memories sustain you in this difficult time.
an hour ago
Hi, Murph, Ad.
an hour ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad.. accept your thumbnail sketch of McCain…..esp. in re. to Palin…he was willing to foist her on us as his VP…a man whose health has long been on the edge.
an hour ago
Glenn, Thank you and hi. Yes, been busy organising the funeral in Dublin. Sad, but a release from the cruelty of dementia she had for 15 years.
an hour ago
PPO…I did not know…..condolences and hope that peace is both hers and yours.
an hour ago
I don’t know for certain if Mueller has what was in the safe…but he has Pecker’s testimony of what was in the safe which is pretty good too. And I wonder, if an ND was part of a criminal conspiracy, can all of the people who Pecker assisted Trump in silencing, be free of their NDs?
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I think McCain’s shining moment was when he shut down that woman who called President Obama a muslim, and said she didn’t trust him. McCain’s answer to her was one of the most statesmanlike things I’ve ever heard.
an hour ago
Ad. AD = Non Disclosures?
an hour ago
Thank you Murph. ‘Little Eileen Marmion’ Star of the Variety stage 1930-1940. Lots of memories
an hour ago
Clarification–he wasn’t President Obama then, just McCain’s opponent in the race for president.
an hour ago
PPO – Trump is a moronic snake that bites himself.
AdLib an hour ago
Yes, ND = Non-Disclosures Agreements (NDAs too).
AdLib an hour ago
True, Ad, but can he kill himself, or hjust shake off the poison and go on?
an hour ago
PPO–Will you be attending the funeral?
an hour ago
PPO….found a reference to her at
an hour ago
glenn, unfortunately not. Eye injection stops me travelling in pressurized aircraft for 2 weeks
an hour ago
PPO…it is a nice write up at the facebook page with photos.
an hour ago
Ad–good question about the NDA’s. Except I don’t think it really matters. Let the lying bully try to sue them if they violate their NDA’s. Then he has to go to court and face disclosure. Never going to happen, IMO.
an hour ago
Murph – McCain was not a legit “maverick” or centrist, he was a war monger though he did act on principles at times. Palin paved the way for the open racism and hatred we see in the Trump Era (remember her racist rallies?) and McCain showed a lack of principles and vision in picking her as his VP. Again, a flawed man but at moments, he stood up for important things like opposing torture and killing the ACA.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–I’m sure you will be there in spirit, and remember her in your own way on that day.
an hour ago
Ad…I agree…..his position on war as an effective tool was particularly disturbing given his personal experience.
an hour ago
Murph, Ad. Yes. I don’t do FB, but a pal of mine put it in.
an hour ago
I have a question about indicting a sitting president. If the crimes of the sitting president were committed before he became president, why shouldn’t he be indicted? Does winning the presidency absolve him of crimes?
an hour ago
Friends will connect me via Skype to the service on Tuesday.
an hour ago
PPO – Wishing you, Fergie and the whole family the best in dealing with the loss of your mother.
AdLib an hour ago
Thnak you, Ad. It’s a bit mixed right now. Busy, sorry, sad, relieved she is finally at peace. Emotions all over the place
an hour ago
PPO–Modern technology can be so wonderful at times.
an hour ago
PPO…understandable- glad you can be there in spirit and via tech.
an hour ago
glenn – Agreed, I will remember that with a kind of nostalgia, when a Republican stood up against blind bigotry even when it wasn’t to their advantage. When McCain corrected that bigoted woman, he set a high bar that I don’t think we’ll see from a Republican again until Trump is a dim memory (working on a rockpile).
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–Understandable about your emotions. It’s best to let them go where they may; they will help you through the process.
an hour ago
Glenn…..the issue of indicting is all about activity that would incapacitate a president. The theory is that such prosecution would so harm the operation of government that the nation would be endangered. It also exists, as a principle, based on the belief that such prosecution would quite possibly stem from malicious political behavior by opposing forces.
an hour ago
PPO – Trump just becomes more toxic as he bites himself and in the end, he is destroying himself.
AdLib an hour ago
glenn – Why it may matter is that some of those people who signed NDAs may be too scared to violate them until or unless they are legally declared null and void. Look at all that Stormy Daniels has been through, she’s tough and has done amazingly through it all but I doubt many of Trump’s victims would be as bold.
AdLib an hour ago
Good news from OZ. The Prime Minister, who was trying to do Trump impersonations with Tax cuts for the Rich and cutting back on social programs, has been toppled. And the new PM is not the anointed cretin they wanted, but the 3rd pick! End of Liberal National Party?( Our GOP) Hopefully!
an hour ago
PPO….and in that short paragraph you illustrate why I regard our entire structure as fundamentally flawed……you have the means to hold your governments accountable and the way to remedy things when they are not.
43 minutes ago
Ad, does Trump have enough money to pursue shaky NDAs? Dare he go after someone, where discovery applications could unlock his Tax Returns?
43 minutes ago
Murph – Agreed. I am almost militant about not whitewashing who people really were just because they are ill or have died. I find that putting politeness above truth and the issue I have with it is those final polite opinions may last as inaccurate portrayals of people. I don’t think McCain is an awful person, I think he’s supported a lot of awful things but has occassionally stood up for decency. Most people are not black and white but degrees of gray. Except Trump of course, he’s as black hearted as they come.
AdLib 42 minutes ago
Murph–That theory of the prosecution so harming our government is so not applicable in the lying bully’s case. Our government is already in chaos. The lying bully should be removed from office first with the 25th amendment. As I understand it, the vp, and other high government officials can petition the Senate to remove him from office. I know it’s a little more complicated than that, but if the lying bully is so unable to perform his duties because of the indictment, then he should be removed under the 25th amendment. I don’t think any republicans have the gonads to even bring it up, but it does give them another path other than impeachment.
42 minutes ago
Murph…once again, we agree…McCain had a real nobility about him but the banners he often flew were not worthy ones.
40 minutes ago
glenn – The principle behind not indicting the president, whether for crimes during or before he took office, is that it would tie him up so much he couldn’t fulfill his duties under The Constitution. Of course with Trump, since he doesn’t follow the Constitution, I don’t see what we’d lose.
AdLib 40 minutes ago
Ad–Perhaps you’re correct about those who signed NDA’s. I hope they see the lying bully as wounded, because he certainly is, and they take their chances. Hard to predict, I know, and I don’t know how brave I’d be, either, if I were in their shoes.
40 minutes ago
Murph: The US has the ability to remove the President for incompetence, but chooses not to use it. Our GOP DID use it. They themselves caused the spill and election – within their own Party – to change their leader. They could see the writing on the wall about the upcoming General Election.
39 minutes ago
Glenn…..your counter is a strong one and there is room for exceptional circumstances in some of the opinions on this. As to the 25th. The VP and 50 percent of the Cabinet can temporarily remove a Pres who has the right to challenge the removal.
39 minutes ago
PPO – That’s exactly how it seems when an elderly parent has been afflicted by dementia/Alzheimer’s. As they hang onto life, they’re a fainter echo of who they used to be…but they’re still there. When they pass away, they’re gone but not suffering from their ailments anymore. It’s difficult and we’re with you.
AdLib 38 minutes ago
PPO…how does the U.Sl have ability to remove a president for incompetence.
38 minutes ago
PPO–Read about your government shake up today. And, I agree with Murph; we need a way to remedy things with the person we now have sitting in the oval office. PPO, who initiates the steps to topple your PM? Is it the PM’s own party or the opposition?
37 minutes ago
Murph – You nailed the indictment prohibition well. Which is why there’s impeachment and the 25th Amendment. I can see a scenario where, if Dems win back the House and all these legal matters keep closing in on Trump, with Mueller hammering him with the Russia conspiracy to top it off, that Repubs could finally start breaking off from him and out of self-preservation, support impeachment. Otherwise, I can imagine them being too cowardly to do so and the GOP and Trump being crushed in 2020.
AdLib 36 minutes ago
PPO–As I was typing my response to you and Murph, you answered my question. Murph, PPO is correct in that we do have the means to oust the lying bully through the 25th amendment. The problem in the US right now is that the ruling party, the republicans, have chosen the lying bully over their country.
35 minutes ago
PPO – Good news indeed! I was wondering where this would leave things since he’s still in the Liberal Party but if he’s at least not as much of an extremist, that’s a start. Now what about Labor winning back control?
AdLib 34 minutes ago
Murph…. hasn’t he proven comprehensibly an inability to correctly carry out the Duties of POTUS?
34 minutes ago
Ad….a friend, a gerontologist, often reminds me that he sees how modern medicine so often keeps those alive for whom life is nothing but a sad burden.
34 minutes ago
Ad–exactly. We have nothing to lose if the 25th is invoked. Also Pence would only be “acting president”, and perhaps, with a new Dem majority in at least one house of Congress, there would be much more checks and balances from Congress.
33 minutes ago
ad. I think that the GOP will stick by him in the Senate until there is real erosion in the base.
32 minutes ago
PPO – That’s the massive damage that Stormy’s case against Trump can really do. Maybe they too can get access to his financial records but at a minimum, they look likely to be able to force Trump to do a deposition which would be incredible and damning against Trump. Even if he took the 5th, admitting he’s a criminal, it would be a stake in his heart.
AdLib 32 minutes ago
Glenn….Pence would be President if the Congress endorsed the President’s removal.
31 minutes ago
Ad, Turnbull (ex-PM) ran a Parliament which was 50/50. He undertook that if he was defeated, he will quit Parliament and politics altogether. This leaves it a Minority Government and the Opposition Labor Party can challenge the Governor to call an election, or let Labor take over government. All fluid right now.
31 minutes ago
glenn – I do agree that Trump should be able to be criminally indicted while in office and that Pence could step into his shoes during that time via the 25th Amendment but that’s not something they’d do. The rule of law should be put on a higher level than keeping this lazy ass fraud from being kept “busy”. The guy watches tv half the day and golf half the week. He should be 25thed already, he’s not available full time to work for the country as it is!
AdLib 29 minutes ago
Murph and Ad–At this point, I’d really rather not see the lying bully impeached. I’d like to see him indicted, removed from office by the 25th, and put on trial for his crimes. I’m a little worried that impeachment will just fire up his base even more. Not sure how rabid his base will become if he’s impeached. If he’s removed by the 25th, the base will turn on all republicans who “supported” the 25th, but that’s a win-win in my book. Of course, that’s an “ideal” scenario in my book, and I don’t think it’s ever going to happen with the political climate nowadays, and the cowardice of the republicans in office.
29 minutes ago
just read in Twitter that Vice President Pence Now Being Investigated For Campaign Fraud, His Ties To Russia And Manafort….. Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk!
28 minutes ago
Ad–I agree. The lazy ass fraud (good name, BTW) isn’t doing anything “presidential” anyway.
27 minutes ago
Glenn…you actually lay out why the GOP will not invoke the 25th …..fear of the base…..
27 minutes ago
PPO – where did you see the Pence story.
26 minutes ago
Murph – The gerontologist makes a great point. Not only can extended life spans extend a burden on the elderly, it can also cause a bigger burden on the children/caretakers.
AdLib 26 minutes ago
Catch 22 for the GOP, Murph. Impeach/Indict Trump…. Lose Votes. Suck up to Trump….. Lose Votes!
25 minutes ago
Ad….absolutely……quality of life for all involved suffers.
25 minutes ago
Murph–I understand that Pence would be president if the 25th is invoked successfully. However, it seems likely that we are going to get a Dem majority in at least the House, so I believe with that scenario, there would be a much better “checks and balances” brake on Pence.
25 minutes ago
Glenn…I agree….there would be checks on him in such a case.
25 minutes ago
glenn – Agreed but the rub is that neither courts nor prosecutors could be guaranteed that a VP would use the 25th Amendment so allowing an indictment to proceed could result in the 25th never being used and Trump being tied up in a prosecution but still in the WH. The upside of all this is, Trump can and should be prosecuted in 2021 for all these crimes, the day after the Dem president is inaugurated.
AdLib 24 minutes ago
Murph – Sadly, I do agree that Repubs are so scared of Trump that even as he implodes, they will go down with the ship. Maybe that’s for the best?
AdLib 23 minutes ago
Murph–It’s true, the fear of the base is what’s driving repubs these days. I just don’t understand it, though. But for the past 30 plus years, the repubs have been able to convince their base of anything they want to convince them of, and I truly believe that if they started telling the base how much better off they’d be with the lying bully gone, the base would follow like the lemmings they are. They are very good at convincing the base that up is down, black is white, wrong is right, so they just need to work a little harder.
22 minutes ago
Ad….they go down either way do they not IF the rest of the electorate raises to the cause.
22 minutes ago
PPO – Wow, I didn’t realize that! So Labor has a window to take the PM?
AdLib 22 minutes ago
Glenn….the base has been co-opted by Trump….the GOP is now HIS…and that means that they have too little leverage to challenge him.
21 minutes ago
Ad, yes. I’m not that au fait with politics here, but that’s how I’m reading the pundits.
20 minutes ago
Ad–I agree, I don’t think Pence or 50% of the lying bully’s cabinet has the gonads to invoke the 25th, but a girl can dream, can’t she? As for the prosecution of the lying bully on Jan. 3, 2021, I’m not sure if the statute (?) of limitations would kick in. IOW, would his crimes no longer be able to be prosecuted?
20 minutes ago
glenn – I think impeachment is inevitable for Trump now but I don’t believe he will be removed for office. Yes, the Trump cult will be energized by the process but Trump will be a horribly wounded and bloodied candidate in 2020, Dems will also be united and energized and many in the GOP will sit out that election, discouraged by all the horrible truths about Trump that all these investigations by Mueller, a Dem House and an impeachment hearing will bring out. The real worry is how Trump will use his power as he is being taken down.
AdLib 19 minutes ago
PPO – And you realize what would happen if Trump and Pence are impeached as criminals? President Pelosi.
AdLib 18 minutes ago
Ad–so you think the lying bully will be impeached, but not convicted, a la Clinton?
18 minutes ago
Ad, I did consider Pelosi….of course that would be a dream target for the GOP
18 minutes ago
Ohhhhh Mammy! Wouldn’t that be a kick in the head?
18 minutes ago
Ad–wouldn’t it be President Ryan? He’s the speaker of the house, not Pelosi.
17 minutes ago
glenn – I think all the polls showing Repubs aren’t bothered by Trump using the “n” word and saying they support him on handling racial issues makes clear, Repubs are single issue voters and for many that issue is racism. For many others, it’s extremist Christianity. And for the few, it’s greed/tax cuts. These are mostly the tunnelvisioned and they don’t care about anything else.
AdLib 15 minutes ago
glenn – There are many crimes here that have statutes of limitations that will go part 2021. And I wonder if the clock doesn’t stop ticking whie he’s in the WH because he can’t be indicted until he leaves. And states can go after him for tax fraud etc., those stautes of limitations aren’t short.
AdLib 13 minutes ago
Murph–I agree that the lying bully now has control of the base, but I was trying to make the point (not so well, it seems) that other repubs, if they stood up to the lying bully, and pointed out how he’s not really a republican, doesn’t follow republican “values”, is too mired in scandals to do his job properly, that they could convince a large part of the base to abandon the lying bully. I read somewhere today, in a comparison of Nixon and the lying bully, that Nixon had 23% support of the electorate even on the day he resigned. So, maybe repubs will never move the lying bully’s base.
12 minutes ago
glenn – Yes, I think the evidence of Trump’s crimes will be so damning, Dems will have to vote to impeach but Repubs will never vote for removal in The Senate.
AdLib 12 minutes ago
Well, friends ….. heading off to bed….. nice chatting……rally tomorrow for my beleaguered Sen. Claire
12 minutes ago
glenn – The only way impeachment hearings could take place is if Dems take over The House, hence Pelosi would be the likely Majority Leader when Trump is impeached and 3rd in line for the presidency.
AdLib 11 minutes ago
Seeya Murph, best of luck keeping Claire running stronger!
AdLib 10 minutes ago
‘Night Murph. Take care. Keep l\kicking those farmers!
10 minutes ago
Nite Ad, Glenn, PPO!!!
9 minutes ago
Ad–It’s true. The lying bully’s cult members will never abandon him. There was a video on the Hill today, where two repub strategists were talking about the lying bully’s loss of support from college-educated women. One of them was saying how his support among that group had gone way down! However, the other strategist pointed out that he didn’t think that group would abandon their support for other repub candidates, such as senators and HOR members. So, the lying bully may lose their support, but not necessarily other republicans. Which, now that I write that, is another reason for repubs to start firing up the base to abandon the lying bully.
8 minutes ago
glenn – Based on what we’ve been seeing under the Trump GOP, I don’t think that Repubs will get out ahead of the fall of Trump. They’re cowards. They will be the good little lemmings they are and follow him off the cliff out of fear then when he is gone, those that remain will assure America, “Oh, I never liked him anyway!”
AdLib 8 minutes ago
‘Nite Murph.
7 minutes ago
glenn – Sounds like more wishful thinking than reality, what that Repub strategist was saying. Voters ARE abandoning Repub candidates as we’ve seen in all the special elections and primaries. They are not protected from the Blue Wave that Trump has whipped up, it will sweep many Repubs away that run in 2018 and 2020.
AdLib 6 minutes ago
Ad–You’re probably correct. I’d just like to see someone who is able to actually do something about the lying bully, actually do something. All the retired congressmen, Senators, generals, etc. can talk all they want about how horrible the lying bully is, but it’s only Congress who can actually DO anything.
5 minutes ago
Ad–Yeah, I hope the lying bully is tainting every republican with his toxic presidency. I am more hopeful nowadays, especially given this week’s news, that Dems will be able to at least take the House back.
4 minutes ago
glenn – I wish that would happen too but we’ve seen, even this week with top Repub Senators now supporting the firing of Sessions, this madness doesn’t end until the lunatic causing it is taken down.
AdLib 4 minutes ago
Ad–agreed. It will take a while to stop the madness even when the lunatic causing it is taken down. With that being said, my next sentence is good night. We live in interesting times, but I have to get some rest. G’night PPO. My thoughts are with you.
2 minutes ago
Sorry, folks, got to go.. UP half my night with funeral stuff. Take care.
2 minutes ago
November isn’t that far away now and with Trump being exposed as a criminal at this point and Manafort’s treasonous crimes being put on trial in a couple of weeks…and all the Repub Reps being caught for corruption, the Repubs should not count on voters wanting to keep them in power.
AdLib 2 minutes ago
Thanks to all at POV for your kind thooughts.
2 minutes ago
Take care glenn and PPO! See you next week!
AdLib 2 minutes ago
‘NIte PPO. ‘Nite, Ad.
2 minutes ago
Of course, PPO, take care.
AdLib a minute ago

a minute ago
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