Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’ss events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey PPO~
AdLib 2 hours ago
see u soon!

2 hours ago
See you then!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Man The Forts! Sorry, I’ll read that again – Manafort is toast!

2 hours ago
Man! A fort-een count conviction sure would make sense.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey FD!
AdLib 2 hours ago
What’s the haps peeps?
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Anyone here had their security clearance pulled today?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Oh, I see the levity has begun!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Hey ad, and P.
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Levity indeed, FD!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Let’s have an Impeachment Parade! I’ll chip in!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Hi, FD! Just joshing. I’d cry otherwise

2 hours ago
The first time I heard the word “levity” may have been in a Three Stooges short.
AdLib 2 hours ago
I hear ya P! I hear ya!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
That’s funny ad!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Laughter is the best drug of all!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Remember that day in Jan ’17, when Cheeto took an oath, then walked a bit and stood for bands and behind bulletproof glass and no one showed up? Well, he’s had his friggin parade! Enough already

2 hours ago
I’m addicted to it.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Yeah P, but no tin soldiers and tanks and planes and such!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Same here ad. I’d be in the loony bin right now if it weren’t for humor and laughter.
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
So funny that his Dictator’s Parade was cancelled. Of course he blamed “the blacks” for it by blaming DC government, instead of the military which said, “Sorry, $100M is too much for our budget.”
AdLib 2 hours ago
Well, you can’t have everything! I see the Pentagon have postponed until he’s no longer POOTUS! Good.

2 hours ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib 2 hours ago
hiya glenn!

2 hours ago
I think you’re right about that P. They really don’t want to honor that degenerate traitor bastard.
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Waz up glenn?
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Evenin’, gents. How is everyone tonight?

2 hours ago
Did cuomo goof or what?

2 hours ago
FD – It’s very hard to satirize Trump though because no matter how outrageous you goo, it can become reality the next day.
AdLib 2 hours ago
i’m having a great day glenn!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Doing well, glenn. And you?
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–Not just a “goof” for Cuomo; more like a stepping on his crank.

2 hours ago
FD–Glad to hear it; it was an absolutely beautiful day here, too.

2 hours ago
I was being polite in front of a lady!

2 hours ago
This is the kind of parade Trump should have..

Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
I’m a wee bit discombobulated today, folks. My 100-year old Mum is now in palliative cafre and we don’t know when we’ll get the call from Dublin.

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
PPO – Absolutely, Cuomo blewit big time. No politician can get away with saying “America has never been great.” All he had to say is, “America hasn’t been great for everyone, for blacks who suffer prejudice, women who haven’t been believed and the poor who are demonized.”
AdLib 2 hours ago
sorry to hear that P. My 88 year old mom just recently got out of the hospital. Mini-strokes.
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Ad–Much better than I was last week. I was a little “grangy”. That’s my new word for grief and angry. Was feeling sorry for myself; it would have been my husband’s 74th birthday last week. I’ve been pretty good the past 8 and a half years; last week just hit me hard for some reason. Tomorrow, though, is my granddaughter’s 15th birthday, so much reason to celebrate.

2 hours ago
Ad, even if he said all that, the media would sound bite it anyway! He’s toast

2 hours ago
Very sorry to hear this, PPO.
AdLib 2 hours ago
That’s so true glenn. The cycle of life, eh?
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Ad, and FD. Not unexpected. It’s a miracle she hung on so long. Dementia took her 10 years ago.

2 hours ago
PPO–So sorry to hear about your Mum. We’ll try to keep up your spirits tonight (this afternoon, morning?) with some bawdy humor about the lying bully and his cohorts.

2 hours ago
FD – How is she doing now? Did the mini-strokes affect her profoundly?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Maybe it’s a kindness then, P.
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Not profoundly, but she’s had several be fore this. Each time takes a bit out of her I think.
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
FD, that’s how I’m looking at it. May God take her to Him in Peace.

2 hours ago
FD–yup. That cycle is what keeps me going.

2 hours ago
glenn….me too.
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
glenn – I know a loss like this never goes away, it just ebbs and flows. Wonderful to hear about your granddaughter’s birthday though! She’ll be driving soon!
AdLib 2 hours ago
FD, my mum had Left Arterial Stenosis for many years -mini episodes

2 hours ago
They’re so strange to witness. They come on without a notice.
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Sorry to be a drag! A Racist, a Rapist and a conman walk into a bar. The Barman says: The Usual, Mr Trump?

2 hours ago
Ad–please….don’t remind me of the driving. She’s going to get her permit next Tuesday. DMV is closed on Monday. Not sure I can handle this!

2 hours ago
PPO – It is difficult after dementia takes its toll. They become a partial echo of who they were that keeps diminishing. It’s easier on them though, their awareness of their condition diminishes as well so they can be happy even though they’re going through it.
AdLib 2 hours ago
; ; ;!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
glenn, will the rest of Georgia handle it as well?

2 hours ago
PPO–You’re not a drag; we’re here to support you, in good times and bad.

2 hours ago
PPO–Exactly! That’s what I’m afraid of! LOL! I even asked her that, and you can imagine the “teenager” look I got!

2 hours ago
Tha nks, guys n gals

2 hours ago
Is it just me, but aren’t the repubs running a bit scared these days? As well they should!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
glenn, that have simulators for cars these days.

2 hours ago
FD – I guess it’s a bit of a consolation though that she hasn’t been devastated by a larger stroke but it can be tough to watch a parent get knocked down a rung or two again and a again.
AdLib 2 hours ago
she’s a force of nature, ad! Seriously!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Hey Jenuwin!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Well, FD, if you can find anyone who admits to being a Republican, they sure are, and with good reason.

2 hours ago
Hey, Jen

2 hours ago
Hey Jenuin! Glad to meet you…so to speak.
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
FD–Yes and no to the repubs running scared. I am sooooo pissed off at the cowardly critters in congress that I could spit. They just keep letting the lying bully get away with his lies; his insults; and his incompetence! I know it’s been said way too many times, but can you imagine repubs’ heads exploding if President Obama had said or done a fraction of what the lying bully has said and done?

2 hours ago
glenn – My daughter is the same age, though I do worry about her starting to drive. They’re not extremely responsible at 15.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–Don’t think my granddaughter would go for the simulators. She’s dying to drive my car.

2 hours ago
PPO – Funny!
AdLib 2 hours ago
They’re complicit glenn, that’s why they won’t lift a finger to help Mueller, or the American people. I think a few of them are really dirty in this Russia mess.
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Well, leaders lead from the top down – in a normal party. But this bunch of cowards are taking the lowest position, then digging deeper!

2 hours ago
Ad–at least with a permit, she has to have an adult in the car with her. She is pretty responsible in her school work, and in keeping up with her sports practices; we just have to guide her through this year of driving with us, and hope that once she starts driving on her own, she’ll continue to be responsible.

2 hours ago
I think Ryan and McConnell knew well in advance that Russia was helping them.
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
As I joked about in my latest post, what can Repubs run on? Nothing. They have no independence, they’re just a puppet of Trump who’s a puppet of Putin. Why vote Repub? What argument can they make?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hello Everyone! Hope everyone is having a good evening!

2 hours ago
glenn, get her a nice boxy Volvo!

2 hours ago
or a Ford Bronco!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Ad, the trouble with GOP followers is that they are blind to reason.

2 hours ago
FD–You know, I hate to sound like a repub with all their crazy conspiracy theories, but it really doesn’t make sense to me that so many congressional critters have their thumbs (and other parts of their anatomy) up their asses when it comes to doing something about the lying bully.

2 hours ago
Then again, maybe a Volvo would be better. Less chance of a car jacking!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Evening, Jenuwin. We always have a good evening at VOX. Hope it is the same for you.

2 hours ago
glenn – I think the game is over for Repubs ever complaining about the next Dem President or Congressional leaders. After what they’ve done under Trump, they’ve lost all standing to complain and attack any Dems for anything. Once you become a traitor, your whining is just noise from a traitor.
AdLib 2 hours ago
FD–I think there was supposedly a video of ryan and/or mcconnell laughing about the russians helping the lying bully.

2 hours ago
I think you’re right glenn. I remember reading something about that.
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Disgusted with that black Dem candidate calling her Asian opponent a racist epithet. No double standars can be permitted.

2 hours ago
glenn – Yes, we made it through driving at 15/16. Though my daughter wants to have a used, inexpensive car as her first car because she “knows” she’ll bump it up.
AdLib 2 hours ago
For real P.
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
PPO and FD–LOL! Her parents have a nice, old Ford Expedition that my daughter insists she use to begin driving. It’s like a tank! My granddaughter wants a Jeep–the kind with the hard top–don’t know what model it is. But, for this first year, I think she’s driving the Expedition.

2 hours ago
I made it through my teen driving years, with the help of an over-worked guardian angel!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
at AL – a used car is not a bad idea. She’ll appreciate when she has to buy a new car with her own $$

2 hours ago
Remember, Russia has conspired with the NRA to finance Repubs and imagine how many Repubs got Russian money. I think Ryan and McConnell are dirty and either are or can be blackmailed.
AdLib 2 hours ago
she quite eventually. Too much overtime!
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
Ad–my granddaughter knows she’s not getting a new car, anyway.

2 hours ago
Ad, true! I wonder how many accepted NRA cash, aand then discovered it was laundered Russian Money? That must have scared the bejesus out…. never mind, they were happy.

2 hours ago
PPO – Though I’d want Dems to win every possible seat, I’d let that Dem lose because she is what we are fighting against when it comes to Trump and Repubs, racist haters. Good riddance to her. We’ll take back The House without her.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–I swear, it’s the only explanation for their silence/complicity in the lying bully’s administration. Talk about a “deep state”.

2 hours ago
Ad with you on that. No place for it.

2 hours ago
Yep, we do not need or want that sort of thing associated with us.
Fuzzy Dunlop

2 hours ago
glenn, more Deep DooDoo!

2 hours ago
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–saw a headline today that the repubs’ biggest nightmare is that Dems take 70 seats in the House. That would be fantastic!

an hour ago
Jenuwin – Yes, important for kids to learn to appreciate what it means to buy something meaningful.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–Yes, and they’re waist deep in it!

an hour ago
glenn, is that even possible with all the voter feckology and gerrymandering? WOW if it can!

an hour ago
If the dems take the house, they’ll have a lot more power to expose the repubs, with committees and such They may not be able to get the Senate on board with impeachment, but they can shine a lot of light. Trumpies hate the light.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
glenn – A 15/16 year old doesn’t need a new car or the stress of banging it up. On one hand, their driving a bigger SUV protects them but for other drivers, it may not be as good.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–Don’t know if it’s possible, but apparently repubs are worried about it. I’ll have to go back and read the article.

an hour ago
FD–yeah, “trumpies hate the light”, just like the cockroaches they are!

an hour ago
Yep, hit the switch and they scurry away into the cracks and crevices.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
BRB dry throat from all the yelling at the TV!

an hour ago
glenn – I heard that the margin that polls show Dems being favored over Repubs would result in a turnover of 60-some seats. So even if that number tightens, getting 23 seems very reasonable. Though I too would love to see 50 or more seats go Dem. Trump’s hair would leap off his head and run for the hills!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–it’s funny you should say that about the other drivers. My son-in-law, daughter, and granddaughter were on their way to an out-of-town soccer tournament tonight, and another driver ran into the back of their car. The Expedition has a slight bump in the fender; the other guy had to call a tow truck. That’s why my daughter wants my granddaughter to drive the Expedition; but as you say, if the accident is HER fault, it’s not so good for the other car or driver.

an hour ago
Luckily, she’ll have an adult in the car with her for this first year.

an hour ago
Trump’s hairpiece walks into a doctor’s office. The doctor asked, what’s the problem. The hairpiece said, I want you to remove this growth from my ass!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–Would love to see the lying bully’s hair leap off his head; LOL! Seriously, I’d love to see more than 23 also.

an hour ago

an hour ago
Brennan on the Moor, Brennan on the Moor, boys, Brave and undaunted was young Brennan on the Moor. Irish rebel song! Securty, schmecurity!

an hour ago
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
I hope all those having Trump Overload are energized by elections coming. Finally, the opportunity to do something to genuinely stop and weaken Trump. I think Dem turnout may far exceed expectations. And don’t forget the youth vote spurred on by #NeverAgain!
AdLib an hour ago
glenn – Yes, that’s the dichotomy. The teen can be safer though they can do far more damage if they have an accident in a big SUV.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I’m really hoping Dems turn out in numbers so large repubs’ heads will explode. I think the youth vote is going to make a big difference. Dems can not be complacent ever again!

an hour ago
Unless they hit another SUV!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–yeah, there’s always a dichotomy with teenagers. We want them to be independent; yet feel like we have to keep reminding them of the right thing to do. I’m crossing my fingers, and praying for patience beginning next Tuesday.

an hour ago
3.00. am. Phone rings in Trump’s bedroom: Trump – Answer that, honey. Hope Hicks: Hello?

an hour ago
FD–May the best SUV win?

an hour ago
Brennan may sue Trump to protect others m security clearances being taken away to silence them. Such as Mueller. How can any reasonable people not see Trump as a power mad monster? I think a growing majority does.
AdLib an hour ago
I think it would be a tie, glenn!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Brennan isn’t the only one, and it looks as if all that expertise will be lost to the one incompetend who is too dumb to realize he needs them

an hour ago
glenn – Agreed. My first requirement is that Dems take back The House. The icing on the cake would be winning 40-60 seats total. And the cherry on top would be keeping the Senate about where it is…or back in Dem hands!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–the question I keep asking is how does the lying bully think revoking Brennan’s security clearance will keep him silent? IMO, that’s the stupidest thing the lying bully could have done if he wants Brennan to shut up. Also, how can the lying bully complain about Brennan criticizing the government when the lying bully criticizes the government and the people in government every other day?

an hour ago
Of course, we all the lying bully can usually be depended on to do the stupidest thing! Stable genius, indeed!

an hour ago
FD – Good point! Could be a new reality show, “Teen SUV Duels!”
AdLib an hour ago
we all know…

an hour ago
That would be a hit, for sure!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
“I was a Teenage Monster Truck”

an hour ago
This gives me a glimmer of hope:
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
glenn – I guess we want to feel reassured that they have the maturity and responsibility to do the right thing when they’re independently doing something.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I’m trying to not get too over confident about Dems’ chances, even though they are looking better and better. However….I remember Nov. 9, 2016, a day that will live in infamy!

an hour ago
glenn, get a strict drivers ed teacher!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
FD–that would be a hit for sure! Nice pun!

an hour ago
Sort of unitentional. sort of!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
FD Boom! If there isn’t panic in the WH, they havent a f***ing clue!

an hour ago
FD–yeah, her father! He’s the strictest!

an hour ago
That’s the ticket glenn!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
glenn – It seems clear now that revoking Brennan’s clearance was just a hateful, vindictive slap at him that was being held back to disrupt any news cycle that turned against Trump…as Omarosa did. Word is he is holding onto other ones to deploy when he needs to disrupt the next news cycle that turns against him, possibly the Manafort verdict.
AdLib an hour ago
Trump is trying to silence those on his Nixonian “enemies list.”
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–sigh…I know. Raising kids is never easy, especially when they become teenagers and start driving. As I told my friends when my daughter had to go to boarding school in 10th grade away from us when we went to Saudi, “If we haven’t taught her the basics by now, it’s a little too late.”

an hour ago
Ad, I thik we’re all now aware that he does or says something ridiculous any time something against the WH is due. No one is fooled anymore, except his glued on followers.

an hour ago
That was great to see, FD. I keep thinking that all those Repubs in the Intelligence community have to be vowing to vote Dem this year and in 2020 after the ongoing assault on them and their current and former leaders. That’s a huge amount of voters!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–Yes. When the next Omarosa recording drops, we can probably depend on the lying bully revoking another security clearance. Any bets on who it will be? Think Comey’s next?

an hour ago
Looks promising, ad!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
FD – I don’t know if Trump’s really trying to silence them, he just wants to hurt anyone who he sees as an enemy.
AdLib an hour ago
FD–for sure. As usual, the lying bully is doing the stupidest thing if he wants to silence his enemies.

an hour ago
ANy chance in Hades that SHS or Kellyanne Cacophonix securty clearance is pulled? My ears can’t take any more

an hour ago
He’s trying to intimidate them into silence. He’s woefully mistaken if he thinks he can intimidate those guys! He’s a rank amateur in their experience.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
for sure, glenn.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–Except the lying bully isn’t hurting those he sees as an enemy; he’s just getting those perceived enemies more supporters. I realize the lying bully’s supporters are “loyal”, but the lying bully is so stupid, he doesn’t realize he’s hurting himself. Oh well, I hope he keeps on being stupid; there’s no indication he’s going to change.

an hour ago
glenn – I know what you’re saying. They should know by now but that’s on them if they’ve been raised to know better. And of course, teens’ brains haven’t physiologically finished growing, the areas that help people think of consequence before their actions isn’t fully developed.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–Please, Kellyanne Cacophonix will never have her SC pulled. Actually, does she even have one?

an hour ago
glenn – That’s the thing, we can’t stop Trump from a lot of insanity so as he throws so much rope around, he is instead hanging himself.
AdLib an hour ago
Good point, g.

an hour ago
See.s like Kellyanne’s hubby does not like her boos…at all. I think that’s funny. What’s it say about Kellyanne, when she sides with her boss, over her own husband?
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–I know. Raising kids is a “crap shoot” no matter how good a parent you are. We just have to keep loving and supporting them when they make a mistake and hope they learn from them.

an hour ago
Are we happy about Alex Jones’ banned?

an hour ago
FD, I don’t think they play happy families any more!

an hour ago
What is somewhat satisfying is that Trump is such a short term thinker, he can’t imagine yet what can and will happen to him when he loses in 2020 and is no longer in the WH…or protected from criminal prosecutions!
AdLib an hour ago
Yes, but Twitter really pussed out. They gave hima 7 day “time-out.” Talk about spineless!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–good…I hope he hangs himself at high noon on the White House lawn so he can’t breathe any more. And I hope his thumbs are torn off in the process. No more tweets!

an hour ago
FD With you on that. @Jack is all about money, just like everyone else, otherwise Trump would be off the air

an hour ago
Sad, ain’t it P?
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
FD–it says she’s a deplorable.

an hour ago
PPO – Yes, there are limits on free speech when it threatens others. You can’t yell “Fire!” in a theater so why should you be able to yell, “Fire guns at Democrats!” on the web?
AdLib an hour ago
That she is. She is a horrid person, inside and out.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Great point, ad.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–I hope the lying bully is out of the Oval Office before 2020, but I’ll take the criminal prosecutions. Saw an article the other day where he thinks Dems are “afraid” of him showing up in a state!

an hour ago
@Jack also seems to be a Repub who loves all his tax cuts and doesn’t want to uset his biggest ass-et, Trump and the RW Repubs. Greed drives @Jack, Republican greed.
AdLib an hour ago
Hey Harleigh!
AdLib an hour ago
AdLib an hour ago
Hey Harleigh–how goes it?

an hour ago
Hey, it’s our far-out Floridian! Waz up Harliegh?
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
I hope that his rallies get just one camera and microphone and records without going to air, unless he says something worthy of transmission. Deny him airtime.

an hour ago
True, Ad. Even Moonves boasted that Trump is good for ratings

an hour ago
glenn – Trump needs to believe he’s loved to fight off his fear of not being loved. That’s why he won’t do anything, like reach out to Dems, if it threatens his base turning away from him.
AdLib an hour ago

an hour ago
Harleigh, nice shade of Dayglo Orange, that!

an hour ago
Space Force!!!
AdLib an hour ago
YaaaaaYYY Rememberd with love and laughter!

an hour ago
PPO – And where is Moonves now? Copying Trump’s attacks on women.
AdLib an hour ago
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad, 1%’ers of a kind.

an hour ago
molesters of a feather, ad.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
So who do folks here want to see as the Dem nom (and next President) in 2020?
AdLib an hour ago
I can’t believe that they cancelled his 92 million dollar parade and I bought new Jackboots too!!!! fuck….

an hour ago
Ad, NOT Bernie! Nor, sorry to say, Hillary. Haven’t seen too many outstanding Dems yet, but then again I get Aurssie TV (leans GOP btw)

an hour ago
If you got them at Walmart, they have a great return policy!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Holy crap AD… that’s a tough one.

an hour ago
Walmart have specials on Tiki-torches as well!

an hour ago
adam Schiff seems like a good candidate. Smart, and not a pussy!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
One request, please no celebrities as serious noms for the Dems. I like Avenatti and all he’s done to fight against Trump but I don’t want to give him the Presidency for that. Or Oprah. Or The Rock. We have to be better than Repubs, not descend to their level of electing celebrities.
AdLib an hour ago
Avenatti is a medai whore. He craves attention, and that’s what we have now.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago

an hour ago
Dare the Dems propose another POC in Cory Booker?

an hour ago
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
PPO – I think it’s best to wipe the slate clean from the very divisive 2016 primaries, no Bernie or Hillary-connected candidate. Warren can take back the Progressive mantle from Bernie and be competitive. Many others can be the more moderate Dem candidate. Let’s leave the past where it belongs and move forward.
AdLib an hour ago
I got nothin at this point. LOL

an hour ago
Ad–I think we ought to look at Beto O’Rourke in TX. I saw on another website an answer he gave to a young man who asked him about the NFL protests, and it was one of the best answers I’ve ever heard. Respectful, factual, and bang on!

an hour ago
Adam Schiff!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Heh! Lebron is already King, being President would be a step down.
AdLib an hour ago
glenn, Beto is making a big impact on Tx, so maybe worth looking at. Big support at groundroots level.

an hour ago
glenn – I REALLY like O’Rourke. Saw him in an interview and he was smart, sensible, prepared and very down to Earth. 2020 may be too soon for him but he is looking good!
AdLib an hour ago
After speaking out about the non-violent protests of the civil rights marchers, Dr. King, Rosa Parks, John Lewis, and veterans, here is the conclusion to Beto’s remarks:

an hour ago
And so non-violently, peacefully, while the eyes of this country are watching these games, they take a knee to bring our attention and our focus to this problem to ensure that we fix it. That is why they are doing it. And I can think of nothing more American than to peacefully, standing up, or taking a knee, for or your rights, anytime, anywhere, in any place. But thank you very much for asking the question.

an hour ago
Adam Schiff is a smart, solid possibility. Though when Choiceady is around, she could give an argument for why she doesn’t think he’d be the right candidate.
AdLib an hour ago
Hmmm, interesting ad. she must know something I don’t, about him.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
FD–I like Schiff, too. Ad, why doesn’t CL think Schiff is the right candidate?

an hour ago
glenn – That was a great response! He is the real deal. I like him a lot.
AdLib an hour ago
Nature calls…brb
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
The one thing I agree with Avenatti about when it comes to the Dem candidate is that they have to be willing and able to punch back at Trump hard. I’m not sure Schiff is that kind of pol, he’s bright and effective but not a brawler.
AdLib an hour ago
We need the Dem Party to start right now, if they havent done so already to get faces before the cameras.

an hour ago
I like Kennedy but think he’s too young yet…

an hour ago
Ad–Yes it was. I was very impressed. Here’s how he began his response: I think this is a really important question, and reasonable people, reasonable people can disagree on this issue. Let’s begin there—and it makes them no less American to come down on a different conclusion on this issue. Right? You can feel as the young man does, you can feel as I do. You’re every bit as American all the same.

an hour ago
Harleigh–I think Kennedy will be HRC all over again. Too much baggage, even though it’s not his baggage, his family will be brought up by the repubs incessantly. And usually not correctly, you can count on it.

an hour ago
Elizabeth Warren is a fighter IMO. I would also like to see a younger generation candidate with some charisma, yes, as Obama was. Disappointed in Kennedy, he’s right on all the issues and Progressive but doesn’t seem to have the toughness it will take to battle against Trump.
AdLib an hour ago
I like Avenatti for what he’s doing now, but for president, absolutely NOT!

44 minutes ago
Ad–I like Warren, too. Not sure she has the stomach for being a presidential candidate. I’m not saying she’s not tough, nor that she can’t hold her own. But she’s said so many times that she doesn’t want to run, that I think we should respect her wishes and let her stay where she thinks she can do the most good.

42 minutes ago
You’re probably right Glenn even though they have all been dead for years.

42 minutes ago
glenn – Agreed, we don’t need a “Trump candidate” like Avenatti, plenty of strong Dems to compete for the nom. And I agree that Kennedy, as a legacy candidate, brings baggage of being from an American Royal Family, we don’t need that argument handed to Repubs in 2020.
AdLib 42 minutes ago
Ahhhhhh! I’m back!
Fuzzy Dunlop

42 minutes ago
Welcome back FD!
AdLib 42 minutes ago
FD–we missed you!

41 minutes ago
glenn, agree. The country needs level, politically trained heads to dig us out of the crap Trump had dumped the country in. Flash lawyers, though popular and effective at law, don’t necessarity know how to negotiate Washington

41 minutes ago
thanks! you guys are special!
Fuzzy Dunlop

41 minutes ago
glenn – I think it’s very clear she’s running in 2020. Warren didn’t want to run in 2016 because Hillary was running so she declined repeatedly then. Im not set on Warren being my choice but she’s in the running. I am looking for more to choose from though.
AdLib 40 minutes ago
FD but will you respect me in my SF jammies?

40 minutes ago
Sad about Aretha. Saw her with the Obama’s singing Natural Woman for Carly. Magic!

40 minutes ago
That depends H!
Fuzzy Dunlop

39 minutes ago
H, are the buttons done up?

39 minutes ago
PPO–Yes, we need candidates who have successfully navigated political contests; have put together a “network”; and I hate to admit it, have “friends in high places.” Not necessarily big money donors for that last one, but people who have been in the political trenches (which is actually “low places”, now that I think about it), but people who understand how governing and politics work.

38 minutes ago
PPO – Exactly! The Dem that beats Trump in 2020 needs to be able to hit the ground running, reversing all his EOs, getting (a hopefully Dem Congress) to end the tax cut giveaway and repair all the damage to federa agencies that Trump has done. Someone with knowledge of government and how it works is critical.
AdLib 38 minutes ago
Aretha was a force of nature!
Fuzzy Dunlop

38 minutes ago
Like many others, I was a fan of Aretha’s too, PPO. This weekend’s music thread will be dedicated to her. Jazz, blues and great female singers.
AdLib 37 minutes ago
I love the meme going around with the Queens pic as Aretha and a faux nooz logo.

37 minutes ago
Ad–I missed where it’s clear Warren is running in 2020. Yeah, I’d like to see more choices too, but if she picks one of the up and coming Dems we mentioned for her running mate, that would be an awesome ticket!

37 minutes ago
Excellent plan, ad!
Fuzzy Dunlop

37 minutes ago
Great Tweet just now! “Just bought a brand new smart TV. It changes channels whenever Trump comes on.” I want one!

36 minutes ago

36 minutes ago
THAT IS a smart TV!
Fuzzy Dunlop

36 minutes ago
Been watching a lot of Aretha videos lately. Loved the one at the Kennedy Center with Carly King. She (King) was so excited that Aretha was singing her song!

36 minutes ago
What are you H? Some kind of officer?
Fuzzy Dunlop

36 minutes ago
Harleigh. I hear Patti LaBelle is thinking of suing Fox!

35 minutes ago
glenn – I saw her on Maddow, she couldn’t say it explicitly, no one can yet, but she made it pretty clear. And she’s been making the trips to early primary states as others have.
AdLib 35 minutes ago
Oops, Carole King. My bad!

35 minutes ago
FD, they are his SPACE FORCE Jammies!

35 minutes ago
You gotta love Fox, “You need a photo of Aretha, who’s that? Older, heavy black woman, here ya go!”\\
AdLib 35 minutes ago
I know P, I just he might be an officer in the Space Force.Astro/Admiral or some such!
Fuzzy Dunlop

34 minutes ago
Ad–The things I love, love, love about Warren is that she can explicitly spell out a progressive agenda; she is fast on her feet; and she don’t take no shit from nobody!

33 minutes ago
Beam me up, Scottie! I canna, Jim, too many brass buttons!

33 minutes ago
glenn, I just love Carol King! She was part of the soundtrack of my youth!
Fuzzy Dunlop

33 minutes ago
PPO – I bought a Smart TV too but it only lasted a day, Trump came on and it shot itself. Too Smart TV.
AdLib 33 minutes ago

33 minutes ago
Fuzzy Dunlop

33 minutes ago

32 minutes ago
That’s funny ad. I don’t blame the thing.
Fuzzy Dunlop

32 minutes ago
glenn – And I hear she is a woman. Trump the Misogynist couldn’t stand the idea of competing against a woman. And in this anti-woman Trump Admin, with women widely opposing Trump, that could be a good thing.
AdLib 32 minutes ago
It’s kind of a demotion from my old job as Vagina General to keep an eye on all women but hey, a guy has to work.

32 minutes ago
So, is it General Harleigh or Admiral Harleigh or Captain Harleigh? What do they call the highest-ranking officers in the Air Force?

32 minutes ago
Fuzzy Dunlop

31 minutes ago
Generals, glenn.
Fuzzy Dunlop

30 minutes ago
glenn: Fantasyland!

30 minutes ago
Ad–For sure it would be an added bonus if the lying bully has to run against another woman. I don’t think so many women would support him the next time, even republican women. That is, if he is even around to run.

30 minutes ago
I was hoping to find that out from you Glenn. It is all modeled after Flash Gordon since that is the uppermost reaches of Dolt45’s intellect.

30 minutes ago
and for the Donald, even Flash is a reach!
Fuzzy Dunlop

30 minutes ago
Harleigh – Trump is trying to get a SCOTUS that kills a woman’s right to choose, a man who forced himself on other women and bragged about not giving them a choice to keep his hands off of them. Women will bury Trump in 2020 and maybe a Progressive woman candidate would unite Bernie and Hilllary supporters too.
AdLib 29 minutes ago
Harleigh–okay, in that case, wouldn’t it be Highest Exalted Officer of the Universe and All of Spacedom?

29 minutes ago
Fuzzy Dunlop

29 minutes ago
HEO…. I like it Glenn!!

28 minutes ago
And don’t forget what Trump is scared of:

AdLib 28 minutes ago
Ad–do you know of any other women candidates who could challenge Warren in the primaries? How about Tammy Duckworth? How about Maxine Waters? That would really blow the lying bully’s mind! Black and a woman! Not that I think Waters is a good candidate, but damn, she wouldn’t take any of the lying bully’s shit!

27 minutes ago
Grab your towel and pack a lunch FD

27 minutes ago
sure ad, he’s Putin’s puppet, and that bird knew it!
Fuzzy Dunlop

27 minutes ago
I never leave home without it, H!
Fuzzy Dunlop

27 minutes ago
It does have a ring, doesn’t it? Harleigh the Highest Exalted Officer!

26 minutes ago

26 minutes ago
Warlord Admiral for the Society for the Total Extermination of Non-Conforming Humans, otherwise known as STENCH!

26 minutes ago

26 minutes ago
PPO–Now, are you saying that Harleigh stinks?

26 minutes ago
glenn – You know I think Duckworth is fantastic, still do. Don’t know that she would run though, with a young baby. Love Maxine, would support her but she has a bit of baggage. as you say though, she would mop up the floor with Trump.
AdLib 25 minutes ago
The eppelettes on the shounders of my jammies will have to be foam filled.

25 minutes ago
NOpe! Washington does, however!

25 minutes ago
Asteroid Fleet Admiral, or in Trump’s case, Admiral Hemorrhoid!
Fuzzy Dunlop

25 minutes ago
FD – Of course, the symbol of America terrifies Trump…he’s a loyal Russian after all.
AdLib 25 minutes ago
PPO–You mean Washington thinks Harleigh stinks?

25 minutes ago
AdLib 24 minutes ago

24 minutes ago
Washington thinks anyone who isn’ta follower stinks

24 minutes ago
A royal 3 button flap in the back….

24 minutes ago
Ad–By 2020, Duckworth’s baby will be about school age, I think. I’m sure that repubs would bring up the fact that she has a young baby as a negative. Whereas, I just see it as a strong woman doing what has to be done.

23 minutes ago
Red Flannel

23 minutes ago
Fuzzy Dunlop

22 minutes ago
Harleigh–in the lying bully’s case, I think it would have to be at least 10 buttons. That ass of his is not small.

22 minutes ago
glenn, Dems can point to New Zealand, where their Prime Minister had a baby and is already back at work

22 minutes ago
glenn – Good point! I would be very happy if Duckworth wanted to be a candidate for Pres in 2020. She’s lived an amazing life, is a strong woman who doesn’t accept defeat, what a role model she’d be. And a strong Progressive!
AdLib 21 minutes ago
PPO–Exactly. Having a baby is not a debilitating disease; it’s just what we women do.

21 minutes ago
I don’t see Tammi….

21 minutes ago
multitasking is not Trumps highest anything.

20 minutes ago
or Klobachar….

20 minutes ago
Ad–how about Warren/Duckworth? Let’s really blow the lying bully’s and the republicans’ minds!

20 minutes ago
PPO – I don’t think the majority of voters would see it as a negative that a candidate had a baby while running, the men who would already are slaved to Trump.
AdLib 19 minutes ago
Spanky can tweet from Golfcart1 as he runs over greens

19 minutes ago
well, folks, great Vox this week, but I gotta go and get the weekend’s tucker . Take care and see you next week.

19 minutes ago
Later PPO.

19 minutes ago
Seeya PPO! Have a great weekend!
AdLib 19 minutes ago
Take care, PPO. Great chatting with you, as usual.

19 minutes ago

19 minutes ago
Take it easy P!
Fuzzy Dunlop

19 minutes ago
Thans all

19 minutes ago
Spanky Potemkin!
Fuzzy Dunlop

19 minutes ago
Harleigh – I don’t think Klobachar would be as strong as a candidate. Not a bad one, just not as strong.
AdLib 18 minutes ago
Ad and Harleigh–Give me some background on Klobachar, please.

18 minutes ago
I’m out oo folks. It’s been a lot of fun. See y’all next week!
Fuzzy Dunlop

18 minutes ago
There will be a batte between Corporate Dems and Progressives in 2020 though.
AdLib 18 minutes ago
FD–Take care! See you next week, I hope.

18 minutes ago
Take care FD!
AdLib 17 minutes ago
glenn – She’s a Senator from MN, solid as a Progressive, a good Dem but is not, IMO, the most charismatic.
AdLib 16 minutes ago
That’s the problem with Amy, always in the background AD. The times I’heard her she was good and she has been said to have actually crafted some legislation that went nowhere in a repub majority.

15 minutes ago
Ad–Yeah, that battle is already shaping up, I think. Dems are going to have to be careful to not be painted as “anti-business” by the repubs, whether or not it’s true. Personally, I think we need Dems who want to help businesses succeed; I just think tax cuts and no regulations are not the way to go. However, you know that repubs will paint any Dem as anti-business and/or anti-capitalist, especially if Dems adopt the “Democratic Socialist” meme that Bernie pushes.

14 minutes ago
nite glenn.

14 minutes ago
Kamala Harris has baggage too and I have really not liked how she has been stealth campaigning on Twitter. Her tweets are so calculated and often she doesn’t take up the pressing issues, falling back on safe positions on less urgent issues. A warning sign of a pol who puts career first.
AdLib 14 minutes ago
Ad and Harleigh–Yeah, we have the old dichotomy of being solid on issues while being charismatic.

13 minutes ago
Harleigh – Yes, she’s a good and honorable Dem but whoever goes up against Trump needs a good deal of charisma. Politics is show business even more now after Trump, you can’t look meek comppared to him.
AdLib 12 minutes ago
Ad–I agree on Harris. I liked her when she first appeared; she seems to be retreating as a “pol” as you say.

12 minutes ago
glenn – Dems need to be smarter and quit playing on the field the Repubs create. They shouldn’t address being pro-business or anti-business, they should focus on the American people and society, making both better off and then business will flourish. Bottom up is what they should focus on, when Americans are prospering, business will.
AdLib 10 minutes ago
Ad–yes and no. A person can be mild and even tempered without being meek. Compared to the lying bully, and according to his cult worshipers, anyone is meek compared to him. Frankly, I think some of us are ready for a little meek, or at least a little humility after all this time listening to the lying bully.

10 minutes ago
Falling asleep. Next week folks!!!!

9 minutes ago
Ad–agreed. Dems need to start crafting their message way better. A rising tide lifts all boats as opposed to a yacht that swamps the little ones in its wake.

9 minutes ago
‘NIte Harleigh. Sleep well in your jammies!

9 minutes ago
glemm – I agree but Im talking about perception over reality. The reality is that a less charismatic Dem wouldn’t necessarily be meek but the public may view them as such if they appear not to be abe to fight fire with fire. It may not be fair but it’s how these things seem to go.
AdLib 9 minutes ago
Obama ran on this but Repubs in Congress blocked him. In 2020, with a Dem Congress in control, a Dem President should focus on lifting up the 99% and telling business, they will succeed as the 99% succeed, they’ve had enough handouts.
AdLib 7 minutes ago
Ad–Yeah, I know you’re correct, but I so long for an intelligent voting block that actually understand the issues. That sounds “elite”, so I really haven’t said it as well as I should have, but it’s all I’ve got for tonight.

7 minutes ago
glenn – Like Obama?
AdLib 6 minutes ago

6 minutes ago
I know, I’m with you. That’s who I’ll support in 2020 but it won’t hurt for them to have charisma too!
AdLib 6 minutes ago
Damn! I miss having a real president!

6 minutes ago
goonight Glenn and Ad. See you next week!

5 minutes ago
I know! And not a Crisis King who needs to control each day with chaos and destruction! How can most Americans not want that badly!
AdLib 5 minutes ago
Night Jenuwin!
AdLib 5 minutes ago
Ad–so glad to be on the same page with you. On that note, I’m calling it a night, too. Hopefully, I’ll be here next Friday, if I haven’t turned into a quivering mass of jelly from four days of teenage driving! ‘Nite!

4 minutes ago
Hope so, keep one hand on that wheel!!!
AdLib 4 minutes ago
Night glenn!
AdLib 4 minutes ago
‘Nite Jenuwin. Take care!

4 minutes ago

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