Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events Begins tonight at 7pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 4 hours ago
Don’t forget to say “hi “or “yes collusion “when you arrive.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Yes, collusion, but Michael Cohen is not my attorney, and he represented me on the Stormy Daniels matter, but Hillary Clinton colluded with the russians, why isn’t anyone investigating that, and kanye west thinks I’m great, and I give myself an A+ because no one has done more for America than I have, and why aren’t those black people giving me praise for lowering the already low black unemployment rate, and it’s Melania’s birthday, and I did get her a card, and I’m the best. Will that do for a greeting, Ad?
2 hours ago
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hi all!
an hour ago
Mr Mueller, Cohen will plead the 5th!
an hour ago
I think the country is going to need a lot of psychological counseling after Trump is gone. How many people don’t know what’s true or real anymore?
AdLib an hour ago
Mueller: TRrumps already confessed I don’t need Cohen any more!
an hour ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib an hour ago
Hi, Ad, glenn.
an hour ago
In essence, Trump has said I’m guilty but I’m innocent fake news.
AdLib an hour ago
Well, I suppose Fox & Friends doesn’t count, seeing they are not a news team. Gibberish Central should be their name.
an hour ago
hi gang
an hour ago
an hour ago
I love that Trump has destroyed his defense against prosecutors looking at Cohen’s files. He said Cohen has it really represented him on much, there goes any legal strategy in stopping prosecutors from examining everything.
AdLib an hour ago
an hour ago
Hey Harleigh!
AdLib an hour ago
an hour ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib an hour ago
I’m back, evenin’ gents. Hope everyone is doing well.
an hour ago
Wonder when Wun Tin Lung asks Hu Flung Dung to move US troops out of Korea?
an hour ago
I wanna know who thinks up all this shit. Spanky just ain’t this swuft and is often incoherent.
an hour ago
Doing well, how about you glenn?
AdLib an hour ago
Often incoherent? Did you see clips of his rant on foxandfriends?
an hour ago
Ad–doing well. Same old, same old.
an hour ago
glenn it was embarassing.
an hour ago
Priceless views of the Fox Panel frantically trying to shut trump off and failing, miserably!
an hour ago
Harleigh–apparently not for the person occupying the oval office. He doesn’t have to capacity to be embarrassed. And there’s no reason you nor I should be embarrassed by what he says; it’s all on him.
an hour ago
Like trying to shut up a drunk at the center of attention. lol
an hour ago
Lawrence O’Donnell suggested last night that it was direct intervention by Murdoch that stopped the “interview” with Trump at Fox and Friends. Cut him off with the comment: We are running out of time. A prophet statement?
an hour ago
Drun k Un cle Don at the wedding
an hour ago
PPO–one of my favorite words is “gobsmacked”. I think the picture the picture of those hosts should go in the dictionary next to that word.
an hour ago
perfect description, glenn.
an hour ago
Murph–we can only hope that it was a prophetic statement.
an hour ago
worserer than even Palin
an hour ago
‘Running out of time’ Freudian slip?
an hour ago
Trump plainly looked like a crazed, rambling mess on Fox. And McConnell and Ryan just shrug as a lunatic is in power in the name of their party. The GOP must and will be crushed this November. They have reached 100% corruption, there’s nothing left but that in their party.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–that could be, too. Freudian slip, that is.
an hour ago
Harleigh, yes, Fox should have had Palin there to interpret
an hour ago
Reminds me of rayguns last 2 years.
an hour ago
Ad…I experience that corruption at work in my own backyard all the time.
an hour ago
What was Ryan thinking firing the Chaplain?
an hour ago
Harleigh–at least in raygun’s last two years, he had Nancy to keep him in line, and/or interpret for him. I don’t think Melania can understand all of her husband’s rants, and she surely doesn’t want to speak.
an hour ago
One can only worry how crazed Trump will become after the Mueller indictments against Jared and Don Jr. come out. Not to mention everything coming out from Cohen. Trump must be removed then, he will have gone insane.
AdLib an hour ago
Too late, Ad.
an hour ago
ppo great question. I don’t think we should be paying for religion btw. chaplain services LOL WTF??
an hour ago
Ad–“gone” insane? I believe he’s already there; but the cowardly congressional critters won’t do a think about it. His rant the other day was not sane; nor was it anything even resembling a presidential “speech”.
an hour ago
PPO – What I’ve heard is that the Chaplain asked The House to consider the poor when passing their tax fraud bill. Ryan told him not to be political…because caring about the least of us is not something a Christian should do. According to Ryan.
AdLib an hour ago
ppo is right, way too late.
an hour ago
The problem is that the GOP are so desperate to hold on to power at any cost, they can say Trump is ill and have the VP substitute
an hour ago
Harleigh–I’m with you. We shouldn’t have a chaplain paid for with our tax dollars.
an hour ago
Hey peeps, whaz happnin?
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Jared and Don Jr….hmmmm, where are they? One of them is supposed to be working in the WH
an hour ago
PPO–You know, at this point, I’d almost rather see pence in there. It can’t be any worse than trump.
an hour ago
an hour ago
Harleigh, personally, I agree that there shouldn’t be a religious figure in Congress but they don’t seem to influence anything.
AdLib an hour ago
There are chaplains in all branches of the military.
an hour ago
an hour ago
Hey Harleigh!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Hey FD!!!
AdLib an hour ago
Greetings Pink!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
I have to get out more shot glasses tonight!
AdLib an hour ago
How goes it, Ad?
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Hey Fuzzy, how the hell are you? Long time, no “.see”
an hour ago
Long time no see, FD. How are you?
an hour ago
Going well, FD. Great to see you back at Vox!
AdLib an hour ago
Hi glenn, I’m doing fine, and you?
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Yeah, thought I’d pop in for a bit!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Fuzzy we were just doing a comparison of Spanky’s mental health and contrasting it with you. LOL
an hour ago
Doing well, became a great grandmother last week. Sorry Ad, PPO, and Murph, for repeating myself.
an hour ago
Ad…your read on the chaplain is exactly so. He also called on members to be “mindful that the institutions and structures of our great nation guarantee the opportunities that have allowed some to achieve great success, while others continue to struggle.”
an hour ago
PPO – As bad as Pence would be, the example of removing Trump needs to be set and could scare Pence from going as extremist as he’d like to.
AdLib an hour ago
Well, Fuzzy, our stamina isn’t as much as it used to be, but we rattle on
an hour ago
That’s a tough choice H. We twisted in different ways though!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Ad–agreed. And pence can’t do much without congress.
an hour ago
Congrats Glenn
an hour ago
Glad to hear it P.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Ad, agree, and also, for all his incompetence, Pence might just listen to Congress now and again
an hour ago
Murph – How unChristian of him? Doesn’t he know that in the House, the poor are just for trickling down on?
AdLib an hour ago
Thanks, Harleigh.
an hour ago
PPO..the chaplains in all branches are there as a “service” to the members to provide spiritual counsel and solace….that argument cannot be for the House of Representatives.
an hour ago
Ad–I thought the poor were for “trickling ON”.
an hour ago
FD – lol
an hour ago
I don’t think Pence will come clear of this campaign shennanigans.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Hello Fuzzy….(still cannot get used to referring to you in that way)….long time…
an hour ago
nope. Pence is part of it all.
an hour ago
i’m twisted with an eye on the future…the other, is just twisted in every aspect.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
I keep adding to my list of Trump people who The House will need to investigate when Dems take over. Nunes, Pruitt, Carson, Zinke, so many more!
AdLib an hour ago
FD….and where is Pence these days….witness protection?
an hour ago
It must be blindingly obvious that Trump’s gotta go, but no spine in Congress to act. Pathetic
an hour ago
FD and Harleigh–doesn’t matter what pence has done; the cowardly congressional critters won’t do anything.
an hour ago
Ha! Good question, Murph! BTW, How are ye?
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
but Mueller might, glenn.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Murph–I think it’s jared and ivanka who are in witness protection. Last I heard, Pence is addressing the NRA.
an hour ago
We hope we get some of Congress back in Nov.
an hour ago
Murph – There are no souls to save in the congressiional Republicans. The remaining ones were sold at a fire sale to the devil once Trump won.
AdLib an hour ago
Pence addressing the NRA? Who would Jeebus shoot?
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
SlumLord Millionaire Hannity is copping a bit of flak these days. Good!
an hour ago
FD–Mueller can only present his case, it’s up to congress to act on it. At least that’s the way I understand it.
an hour ago
I am glad we all survived the rapture.
an hour ago
That’s a very gray area glenn.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
BRB. Fergie stirs!
an hour ago
Murph – Seems like Jared and Ivanka are huddled with Pence in a secret secured location. But is it Mueller-proof?
AdLib an hour ago
FD–jeebus would shoot all the liberals, of course.
an hour ago
glenn – You beat me to it!
AdLib an hour ago
FD….ok…..we are in the midst of the mess created by Trump’s tariff nightmare and are facing a reality – our soybeans may sit unharvested as there are no China contracts.
an hour ago
I didn’t H. I went up there and got chewed out by the old guy! He said I never signed a loyalty oath!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
FD–I hope so. Because I definitely would like to see pence in gray prison stripes just like trump.
an hour ago
Murph – No hope in sight to rescue farmers from this soy bean crisis with China?
AdLib an hour ago
Sorry to hear that M. Think your conservative neighbors will see the light?
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Harleigh–oh–the rapture happened? Damn, I missed it! Guess, I’m not rapture worthy.
an hour ago
PPO – Hannity is still on Fox as an affirmation that “We’re not really news, you know.”
AdLib an hour ago
FD so you got sent back….. well there is always next years end of the world. HAHAHAHA
an hour ago
I would love to see that G, but rich pukes never do time.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
I’m looking forward to it H!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Ad…the politicians are pretending there is no crisis…..AND because it has Trump’s face pinned to it….his followers are largely numb to the meaningof a tarriff war.
an hour ago
FD–I know. But a girl can dream, can’t she? Perhaps the next time you go to see the old put in a word for me, will ya?
an hour ago
glenn – My hope is that the statute of limitations doesn’t run out on a number of charges that NY state can file against Trump after he’s either removed or loses in 2020. So he can be criminally prosecuted.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph, as the orange doofus said himeslf, he could shoot someone in public and his fans would still love him. That wasn’t verbatim, but you get the drift.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Ad–From your lips to the prosecutor’s ears.
an hour ago
Pruitt, devos and Carson are sure doing their part to destroy duhmurikkka.
an hour ago
Ad…it has never been tested but the argument can be made that statutes of limitation can be extended if prosecution is blocked by unavailability.
an hour ago
Murph – Sad but effective way of explaining the situation. Trump’s face is pinned to this crisis so, thanks to his liar’s logic and his followers’ mindless belief in his lies, no problem here.
AdLib an hour ago
How’s the VA doing?
an hour ago
Murph–didn’t you say last week that some of your farmers were wising up to what the tariffs are doing? Or, is it the liberals’ fault that there is no trade with China?
an hour ago
Will do glenn, but I think he/she/it is on vacation.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Is there a single competent Head of Department anywhere?
an hour ago
OK for now P.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
FD, why not nominate for Chief? You’d be as good as anyone?
an hour ago
P, the criminal cabal is trying to privatize the VA. Bad move. They just want to direct fed funds to private hospitals and clinics.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
PPO–I think they’re all “competent” in destroying their departments. Is that what you meant?
an hour ago
Ad…yep….so far there is whining, and moaning….why did the Dems allow us to get to the point where Trump had to go to war to save us from Chinese cheating~ Yep,that is what is making the rounds courtesy of the Propaganda Machine.
an hour ago
I don’t want the job, P!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Murph – Check this out, no statute of limitations on these six crimes: “If you kill someone: A charge of murder can be made at any time. Fraud and embezzlement: You will be looking over your shoulder forever. War Crimes: If you commit a series of crimes against humanity – a la Slobodan Milosevic – then you will never be forgiven just because you have lived a long happy life. Kidnapping: Do not think you can get away with taking someone’s children. Treason: Some of our famous spy cases have been prosecuted decades after the events took place. We never forgive treason.”
AdLib an hour ago
Ad….lots of ways around this…
an hour ago
So Trump’s crimes related to fraud and treason can be prosecuted after he’s out of office.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–OMG! These people are so damn twisted! Their “logic” is unbelievable!
an hour ago
FD, you’d be nuts to want it!
an hour ago
I don’t have the admin skills. The government wouldn’t like my ideas.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Murph – Hate to say it but people who are that intentionally ignorant and literally leaping over all logic and intelligence to support the man harming them…deserve to be harmed.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I think it will be very difficult to prove treason. But fraud should be easy, given trump’s business “model”.
an hour ago
Ad…the voter bears personal responsibility for the choices made.
an hour ago
FD, aren’t those inabilities the perfect resume? Seems so looking at the fools doing it now
an hour ago
Anybody who has had a generally good reputation, would have it destroyed by Trump. Look at those he already shamed, without cause.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Ad–but the people who are intentionally ignorant are not only hurting themselves; they’re also hurting us. It’s amazing to me that there is no “bottom” for this administration’s supporters.
an hour ago
I think I’d do OK, but then again, I just smoked a great big bowl!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
These farmers have put gasoline and a torch in Trump’s hands and are blaming the Dems when he sets their crops on fire. Well, the herd needs to be thinned when there are that many deranged people in it.
AdLib an hour ago
FD–Well that bowl would probably help you do even better!
an hour ago
Ad, and Murph. Worry about to collateral damage to those servicing the farmers, seeds, sprays, equipment etc
an hour ago
Hasn’t failed me yet, after 45 years+
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
PPO….the hit on the Mo. economy will be…wait for it….Huuuuuuugeeeee
an hour ago
Murph, and they’l still blame the libruls!
an hour ago
Ad–repubs have no other option than to blame Dems. They will never take responsibility for trump, and as far as I can see, never admit they made a mistake.
an hour ago
glenn – Trump has committed enough fraud for trials to go on for a decade.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO….yes indeedy!
an hour ago
Hey, Trump hires…”only the best people!” If you’re running a crime syndicate!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
FD, talking about the Mob, what do you call a shysta with dozens of cellphones and pleads the Fifth? Consglieri
an hour ago
Murph–yes indeedy. But it will never be the fault of trump’s tariffs. It will be the fault of the few Dems in the Mo. legislature who didn’t vote lockstep with the repubs. Or something like that. I may have made an incorrect assumption, though, about Dems in the MO legislature. You do have some, don’t you?
an hour ago
Murph – Agreed but when reality proves voters made the wrong choice, as long as they accept reality and are willing to use the next elections to correct their mistake, they can be forgiven. But I can’t forgive folks like this who double down on their choice who’s destroying them and the country.
AdLib an hour ago
OK peeps…is Cohen going to flip? Like a coin tossed into a fountain.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
betcha some of his cellphones are ‘Flip’ phones1
an hour ago
Ad–I hope trump’s fraud trials go on for decades and that he’s locked up while they’re going on. Even if it’s in a federal prison, I want to see him locked up. With no access to twitter, or a cell phone, either.
an hour ago
FD – Cohen is going to flip like a gymnast on meth.
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn…Dems in the assembly…yes, but nearly all from the cities and we know who lives in them……(pssstttt, you know, the colored folk)
an hour ago
Tonya Harding’s got nothing on Cohen. (btw, I love Tonya) That gal’s got guts.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Do you all really think cohen is going to flip? I have my doubts.
an hour ago
glenn – In prison, no one can hear you tweet.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–riiight–then it’s their fault for sure!
an hour ago
Ad–oh, they can hear you–they just ignore you.
an hour ago
glenn, Cohen is a wanna-be wise guy. Even the real wise guys flip when looking down the barrel of 20 to 30 or more years in prison.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
cohen will talk and cut a deal.
an hour ago
FD–Don’t understand your Tonya Harding reference. Can you explain?
an hour ago
Ad…I wonder a lot about those who belong to the zealous 30 percent.
an hour ago
I hope you all are right about Cohen.
an hour ago
PPO – I do resent that the aggressive ignorance of farmers and other Repubs like these will cause collateral damage to the livelihoods of decent people but that is the cause and effect of such cult-like behavior.
AdLib an hour ago
Tonya was a figure skater who was the the first to do a triple axel. Maybe I should have said…spinning!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
There is going to be a lot of flipping, and flipping off once the arm twisting begins in earnest.
an hour ago
FD–okay, got it now. Hey, she’s going on Dancing With The Stars next week, so we’ll get to see her spin a lot.
an hour ago
FD The same who was banned for the Nancy Kerrigan assault?
an hour ago
Some GOPers are already running for the hills. I am loving it! (sorry McDonalds)
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
glenn – Cohen is the cliche of the immoral, slimy lawyer. He has no core values to keep him from flipping when facing much of his life in prison, away from his kids and wife. He’s flip like a spring-loaded burger patty!
AdLib an hour ago
an hour ago
Murph–Hope you’re right about the flipping. Personally, if I worked for trump, I would’ve flipped a long time ago. But, then again, I can’t see myself ever working for him, so I guess it’s a moot point.
an hour ago
Murph – A recent study came out confirming what many have been saying all along. The one thing Trump supporters have in common is concern about the loss of white supremecy.
AdLib an hour ago
Yeah P. nobody really knows if she was behind it. Her husband and his insane friend definitely were. You should cath the film..I Tonya. It’s really good, and quite funny.
Fuzzy Dunlop
44 minutes ago
Glenn….I hope they are waiting for the best deal.
44 minutes ago
Murph–You know, I am of two minds about them getting deals for flipping. They should spend time behind bars too.
44 minutes ago
Trump Voters Driven by Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Anxiety …
4 days ago – A new study suggests that the white, Christian and male voters who supported Donald J. Trump were driven by concerns over losing their privilege.
AdLib 44 minutes ago
But I really want to see trump go down and go down hard!
43 minutes ago
Ad…I often say that for many of zealots it takes very little probing to get to the core motivation: anger about Obama and a desire for vengeance against him and his water carriers.
43 minutes ago
glenn……and his whole blighted family.
43 minutes ago
If I were Trump, I would be changing my drawers, several times a day. Did you guys catch his meltdown on FOX and Fiends?
Fuzzy Dunlop
43 minutes ago
glenn. RICO? Oh, please!
43 minutes ago
Alright gents, I have to call it a night. Glad to see all of you here tonight. Take care, and have a good week. G/night
42 minutes ago
nite hon
42 minutes ago
See you, glenn. take care and hugs to grandchild
42 minutes ago
RICO would fit nicely, but I don’t think there is a statute on the books to cover all this cabal has done.
Fuzzy Dunlop
42 minutes ago
FD – Agreed, I Tonya should have been nominated for Best Picture, great black comedy.
AdLib 42 minutes ago
PPO–RICO with a vengeance.
41 minutes ago
Night glenn!
AdLib 41 minutes ago
fraid ‘m noddin out too. have a great weekend
41 minutes ago
Night Harleigh!!!
AdLib 41 minutes ago
41 minutes ago
Surely some proof of organized crime is there. Hope they go for it and strip what little Trump really has away from them
40 minutes ago
See you, H
40 minutes ago
Ad, it was a wonderful film. i loved how they told the facts…..(sort of) A great piece of film making.
Fuzzy Dunlop
40 minutes ago
Trump is a short term thinker, part of the reason why he committed so many crimes including conspiracy with the Russians. He doesn’t recognize that he will lose all his power in 2020 and won’t be able to protect himself or his crime family from convictions and prison.
AdLib 39 minutes ago
Well, It’s my birthday, and Fergie is laying out brunch, so I’d better go and make all the right noises! (Ducks for cover!) Cheers all.
38 minutes ago
FD – Agreed, I didn’t know until watching it that she didn’t participate in planning the attack on Kerrigan.
AdLib 38 minutes ago
Happy birthday, PPO! Have a wonderful day!
AdLib 37 minutes ago
Ad, Trump truly believes he is a “stable genius,” who can con anybody and everybody…including the justice department. He is amazingly delude in that regard.
Fuzzy Dunlop
37 minutes ago
Thanks. Cheerio all
37 minutes ago
FD – I hope it convinces Trump to do the interview with Mueller!
AdLib 37 minutes ago
Take care P, and say hi to Fergie for me.
Fuzzy Dunlop
37 minutes ago
Me too Ad. Trump would incriminate himself in under two minutes.
Fuzzy Dunlop
36 minutes ago
And when the prosecutions of Trump and cronies occur after he’s out of the WH, I don’t want to hear any calls for mercy or protecting him because he was in the WH. He showed no mercy, the rule of law is damaged, it needs to be applied to repair it.
AdLib 35 minutes ago
And for the Repubs like the farmers Murph describes, they should be properly seen as the enemy of our democracy and not courted but beaten in the elections that follow. They are beyond reason and saving themselves, they should be sidelined.
AdLib 33 minutes ago
Tell that to Nancy Pelosi, who, once again argues against impeachment. Maybe she thinks Trump can be removed in a different manner. I don’t know. even Comey is against impeachment. WTF?
Fuzzy Dunlop
33 minutes ago
FD – Was always pissed at Pelosi for not supporting impeachment of Bush for war crimes including torture. Doslike it here too but the reality is that we’ll never see a 2/3 vote to remove Trump with these disgusting Repubs holding so many seats so in the end, it would be futile anyway. But criminal prosecution once he’s out of office, she damn well better support that!
AdLib 31 minutes ago
However, if Mueller’s report on Trump showed massive proof of conspiracy with Russia and obstruction of justice, Repubs suffering after a blue tsunami in Nov may roll over on Trump to save themselves in 2020.
AdLib 29 minutes ago
Sorry for repeating myself but I can’t wait for November! The beginning of the end for Trump and the GOP.
AdLib 28 minutes ago
What really got me about the things Comey has said on his book tour……someting like it should be the voter’s responsibility…blah blah blah… and not impeachment. This is after he said that Trump was completely incompentent for the job he holds? Is it any wonder that people are collectively saying what the fuck?
Fuzzy Dunlop
26 minutes ago
I step away and the room empties…how did they all know I was coming back!
26 minutes ago
Trump is a clear and present danger to not only America, but many other countries as well, not to mention his destruction of all America is supposed to value.
Fuzzy Dunlop
24 minutes ago
FD – And Comey said that after he manipulated voters by announcing the re-opening of the Hillary investigation. Comey is a pompous ass who thinks he is too superior to make mistakes and meanwhile, the idiot helped elect Trump which cost him his own job! Of course he blames everyone else but himself.
AdLib 24 minutes ago
Murph – You took the keg with you by mistake and folks ran off.
AdLib 23 minutes ago
FD….I remain very po’d at Comey…..and I have to say his lack of acceptance of his role in creating this creep in the WH.
23 minutes ago
Ad….there were some thirsty folk at my doorstep.
22 minutes ago
I see Comey, right now, as the enemy of my enemy, and therfore my friend. But, it is always a shakey allience.
Fuzzy Dunlop
22 minutes ago
FD – Yet Repubs are fine trading off US and world destruction for enriching the wealthy and getting campaign money. The needle on GOP corruption is past full.
AdLib 22 minutes ago
Murph – We need a longer hose from the keg!
AdLib 21 minutes ago
I’m pissed at him too, but if helps bring down Trump and his cohorts, I’ll give him a pass on past fuck-ups.
Fuzzy Dunlop
21 minutes ago
FD – We’re inteigent enough to hold two thoughts at once about someone. Comey is an elitist ass whose ego leads him to make bad decisions AND he is honest and principled in many other areas.
AdLib 20 minutes ago
no doubt Ad. They don’t give a fuck about America or Americans. It’s all about the Benjamins.
Fuzzy Dunlop
20 minutes ago
FD – It’s gotten to such an extreme now, almost a parody of corruption but it
AdLib 19 minutes ago
it’s real!
AdLib 19 minutes ago
comey is a Boy Scout…swimming with sharks.
Fuzzy Dunlop
19 minutes ago
I would accept the notion of mixed motivations and inconsistencies in application but…given the enormous consequences of what I regard as an act of personal petulance to attack “that woman” and a willingness to protect Trump’s name to be major flaws
18 minutes ago
FD – Comey is a Boy Scout in some ways and an egotistical jerk in others. The way he violated multiple FBI procedures because HE was going to protect the FBI’s reputation. And instead, he seriously damaged it himself and through electing Trump.
AdLib 18 minutes ago
Well guys, it’s sleepy time in the old town tonight. Take care and stay forever young!
Fuzzy Dunlop
17 minutes ago
Thanks FD! Hope to see you next Friday!
AdLib 17 minutes ago
FD….I think I will join you in going to bed….OH! YOu know what I mean.
17 minutes ago
Murph – I think Comey will go down as one of the biggest fuckups in FBI history.
AdLib 17 minutes ago
No worries, we’re open minded here.
AdLib 16 minutes ago
Ad…I am with you and his book is largely apologists effort.
16 minutes ago
And I found the reception underwhelming compared to Fire and Fury.
AdLib 15 minutes ago
Ad…Fire and Fury was more salacious in tone but also a mixed bag.
14 minutes ago
And with that…good night, friend. I love these 90 minute oases of sanity.
13 minutes ago
Yes though Comey’s book came out in the midst of the Cohen raid, it should have been more impactful but what can Comey really talk about without damaging Mueller’s case?
AdLib 13 minutes ago
Same here, have a great weekend!
AdLib 13 minutes ago
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