Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey Harleigh!
AdLib 2 hours ago
I think we’ve got more advertisers than Laura Ingraham now.
AdLib 2 hours ago
LOL sorry, phone
2 hours ago
No worries!
AdLib 2 hours ago
It is cool to see how Ingraham was slapped down so quickly by a 17 year old she bullied.
AdLib 2 hours ago
every week brings more and more bizzare shit. The kids have a wave going for sure.
2 hours ago
I have never watched faux, Ingraham is just one of their bs peddlers
2 hours ago
hay ppo
2 hours ago
And add their movement with the MeToo women’s movement and the Latinos who have been watching the Trump Gestapo arrest good people to deport. A perfect storm will bring a Blue tsunami.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Social Media is now main source for real news. Fox hasn’t cottoned on that they’re becoming irrelevant
2 hours ago
that is coming for sure
2 hours ago
Hey Ad, Harleigh
2 hours ago
I dont watch Fixed News unless a big anti-Trump event happens that I know they won’t want to cover.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Anyone left at the WH?
2 hours ago
The average Fox viewer is too old to use a computer or smart phone.
AdLib 2 hours ago
I love that they got fed up with trumps ranting in Iowa and went to commercial. First time!
2 hours ago
I applied to be Spankys lawyer and they said I didn’t have a law degree or experience. I said yeah so fucking what difference does that make in this admin??
an hour ago
That’s got to be SOP, no more free coverage of Trump propaganda and rambling. He only spreads lies like boasting “the wall” is now being built and over $1 billion was allocated for it. Both straight up lies in that speech.
AdLib an hour ago
Harleigh, I think a prerequisite is you have to know nothing about the law, you probably have seen too many law shows to make it.
AdLib an hour ago
oh that could be it. LOL they can’t get anyone.
an hour ago
I think Rupert has finally given up on spanky
an hour ago
Ad, …….Hillary!
an hour ago
You know, you haven’t used your 2nd mortgage to pay off a call girl for a client you claim you never told about it. Now that is a lawyer who knows the law. Not.
AdLib an hour ago
no shit
an hour ago
PPO – We should be able to sue Fixed News for acting as a Russian propaganda agent.
AdLib an hour ago
Tell stormy to keep the money. It was for nothing. No contract, no Spanky no Dennis, nothing!
an hour ago
Hasn’t Fox taken the word ‘News’ out of their logo?
an hour ago
The conspiracy theories Russian bots and Fixed News put out are identical and seem coordinated.
AdLib an hour ago
Would love to see InsHannity in the dock! He’d piss himself
an hour ago
and they keep trying to tie it all to HRC and Obama. LMAO
an hour ago
Someone tried to sue Fixed once and lost so I guess that doesn’t work. Dems should pass a “truth in advertising” law for news networks, force Fixed to drop the “News” from their title.
AdLib an hour ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib an hour ago
an hour ago
Evening, gents. How is everyone this evening?
an hour ago
Ad, wasn’t there a truth in Ad law and was repealed by the GOP?
an hour ago
hey glenn
an hour ago
Stormy’s going to make a lot more than that in her suit against Trump and Cohen.
AdLib an hour ago
Doing well, glenn. And you?
AdLib an hour ago
PPO – There was an equal time regulation that would have prevented Fox News from existing, that was repealed by Repubs.
AdLib an hour ago
the Fairness Doctrine was repealed by repubes and faus won a court case in FL claiming they were entertanment
an hour ago
So Paul Ryan still hasn’t said if he’s going to run. He’s a scared little jellyfish!
AdLib an hour ago
Doing well, too Ad.
an hour ago
Harleigh – Exactly, that’s it!
AdLib an hour ago
Australia is Doomed! One cricketer was found doing a Tom Brady on a ball and was banned for a year. Whole country in uproar! Aussie Cheating? Never!
an hour ago
He deflated his cricket ball? How is that possible?
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–Oh no! What’s the world coming to? Cheating in cricket!
an hour ago
No, he illegally roughed up one side with sandpaper to change its flight
an hour ago
Ad–I think ryan is waiting to see how much dirt Mueller has on the person occupying the Oval Office.
an hour ago
Thought they were clever, except for the 20 slow-mo cameras all over the place catching everything!
an hour ago
PPO–those damn cameras!
an hour ago
BTW, I thought Spanky’s family was well off, so why is Eric shilling for donations for his Dad?
an hour ago
PPO–Are the donations for his dad’s 2020 campaign?
an hour ago
Palin said it best – you quoted me verbatim out of context.
an hour ago
an hour ago
PPO – I figured, just joking!
AdLib an hour ago
an hour ago
Harleigh–did she really say that?
an hour ago
More like a Yogi Berra quip
an hour ago
Trump is a greedy bastard, he never wants to spend his own money on anything. That’s why he fundraises then lies about how he finances his own campaigns.
AdLib an hour ago
pretty close glenn.
an hour ago
Is there anyone who isn’t corrupt, a Nazi or a wifebeater in the Trump admin?
AdLib an hour ago
9 years ago… i’m surprised she didn’t get a jon with Spanky
an hour ago
job … lol
an hour ago
A First in Australia ( or maybe the world) this week. A Member of Parliament have a speech in the House while breastfeeding. Imagine that in Coongress!!!!!
an hour ago
Harleigh – Trump was worried that Palin’s crazy could upstage his.
AdLib an hour ago
Mitch letting a baby suck his tit…. EEEEWWWWWWW
an hour ago
an hour ago
PPO – In the US, it’s the politicians who suck.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–May also come true in Congress if Duckworth is re-elected.
an hour ago
As I mentioned before, I’d vote for Duckworth for Pres!
AdLib an hour ago
attacking her and her handicap. lowlife scum
an hour ago
Maybe, glenn. So much old shit being thrown out these days.
an hour ago
Ad–Me, too! A strong, progressive woman like Duckworth would scare repubs to death!
an hour ago
Harleigh – Repubs have attacked teen survivors of mass shootings and a vet who lost both legs fighting for her country. They are scum.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, hopefully all that hate will come home to roost in Novemeber. GOTV will be vital and registering the young ones.
an hour ago
you bet they are… reeks of desperation.
an hour ago
PPO–When repubs can’t debate on the message, such as gun control and veterans, attack the messenger!
an hour ago
At least Melania is taking a phony stand against cyberbullying! Still waiting for her to call out Laura Ingraham and the scum who ridiculed Duckworth losing her legs for her country.
AdLib an hour ago
……..still waiting……..
an hour ago
PPO–We need a blue tsunami, hopefully, young people will provide it. They’ll need plenty of help from the old folks, too.
an hour ago
they are steadily losing their gerrymandered districts too
an hour ago
ANy comments about trump’s new quac….Doctor getting VA?
an hour ago
The momentum in the Millennial voters sure seems real and long term. They did a lot of voter registration at the marches last week and I heard 3 million Millennials will be elligible to vote this year and 3 million more by 2020.
AdLib an hour ago
glenn and Ad. Here’s hoping the momentum stays
an hour ago
Ad–Loved that David Hogg’s sister called out Melania to ask her why she hadn’t chastised Ingraham for bullying David. Also loved Hogg’s reply to Ingraham’s non-apology “apology”.
an hour ago
an hour ago
brb Fergie needs a covfefe
an hour ago
PPO – That Dr. gave Trump a rectal exam with his nose. I think even Repubs in the Senate may block his nomination. He is totally unqualified to manage a department of 300k people.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–read an article today that says the “good doctor” may have realized that running the VA is way over his pay grade, and he may even withdraw his own name. The person occupying the Oval Office just can’t seem to find decent help nowadays.
an hour ago
glenn – Yes, I assumed that he would feel the pressure to accept her apology but he wasn’t swayed by convention (or her total BS apology). He called it out for the selfish move it was and now she’s lost I think 10 advertisers! If her show could be canceled because of how nasty she was, that could set a great precedent. Meanwhile, RW snowflakes are crying that this sets a bad precedent cause she made a BS apology and all!
AdLib an hour ago
and the USPS is delivering amazon packages…. what a dumb fuck
an hour ago
glenn – He would save himself national embarassment if he withdrew his name. Why volunteer to be a spectacular failure?
AdLib an hour ago
Harleigh, that was hilarious!
an hour ago
no shit
an hour ago
Poor Dr. Kildare. What will he do?
an hour ago
the WH delivers more foopaw bs than the Onion.
an hour ago
Harleigh, I think I get why Trump lies like that, he just wants to damage the reps of those he sees as his enemies, he knows he’s lying but he also knows he lies so much, no one can catch up with all of his lies and some will stick. He learned that from Roy Cohn.
AdLib an hour ago
Harleig–yeah, isn’t it amazing that Amazon is paying the USPS to deliver packages…which is one of the functions of the USPS? You know, delivering stuff….
an hour ago
I mean, that Dr. is a liar! Trump is 237 pounds? Maybe his right leg is.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–If Hogg stays in the spotlight for a while, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him run for office whenever he’s eligible, and for president someday. He is one savvy kid.
an hour ago
The wonderful thing about Social Media is that calling BS on people who used too be bulletproof is having an effect. Jones, Limbaugh, Ingraham, All duckin for cover these days. Good
an hour ago
Ad, that weight was a typo, should be 327 lb.!
an hour ago
Beckypoo gone too
an hour ago
glenn, and that bit of USPS is the only bit making a profit!
an hour ago
PPO–Karma is a bitch, especially when aided by social media!
an hour ago
Harleigh – That’s Trump’s MO though, he was quoted years ago as saying something to the effect of, “You can lie and people will just believe you.” He isn’t being stupid when he lies (when he does everything else he’s being stupid), he’s just following the Roy Cohn/Joseph McCarthy tactic. Lie often and big and they’ll never be able to keep people from believing some of it.
AdLib an hour ago
Harleigh–who’s beckypoo?
an hour ago
glenn beck
an hour ago
HArleigh Snort!!
an hour ago
PPO–well, according to repubs, a government agency shouldn’t make a profit, unless it benefits repubs somehow.
an hour ago
glenn – I don’t think people will ever forget Hogg and I expect him to be politically active and a leader with other Parkland students from now on. Yes, he and his fellow students have the moral standing and attention to be movers and shakers now and in the future.
AdLib an hour ago
BTW has the AC of E finished fixing Obama’s bit of the Border yet?
an hour ago
Ad–and no matter how many times that lie is shown to be a lie, people will still believe it, and keep bringing it up…Benghazi, emails, etc.
an hour ago
I got a YUGE boost in pay
an hour ago
Harleigh–love it!
an hour ago
PPO – Now that’s more accurate, Trump is over 300 lbs, anyone can see that!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–Agreed. Our country is in good hands with those young movers and shakers. Here’s hoping they get plenty of support from the ones who can help them.
an hour ago
Ad, they have to install stronger shock absorbers in TheBeast, to compensate for the extra load.
an hour ago
The incresa in military budget and pushing debt a couple trillion is worrisome.
an hour ago
PPO–Wow! I must be sitting low in my seat tonight. AC of E?
an hour ago
glenn, it is up to all of us to ensure they stay engaged and LISTEN to them
an hour ago
Harleigh, a poll came out recently showing most people are seeing no pay raise. Repubs gave too much to the wealthy and now their taxcut will hang around their necks like a noose. You know after the midterms, they’re going to cry poverty and insist that Medicare, Welfare and Social Security will need to be cut because we can’t afford to pay for them. Then what will Trump cultists say? They depend more heavily on all of those than Dem voters.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–agreed! I’d vote for Hogg or Emma any time!
an hour ago
Army Corps of Engnearz, De onz what fixed noo Auleahns
an hour ago
PPO–got it, thanks.
an hour ago
Ad, I think Trump Cultists are painfully becoming aware that Spanky has royally screwed them, breaking every promise he ever made.
an hour ago
medicare and SS are not general fund items and are not a contributor to debt. that’s all lies.
an hour ago
Just 32 percent of the working adults report taking home more money due to the tax cuts, which Trump signed into law late last year. Of those saying they are taking home more money, 38 percent say the extra pay they receive helps them a “great deal” or a “fair amount.” Forty percent say the extra pay helps “some” or “just a little,” and 22 percent report that the extra pay “does not help much at all.”
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–Dems really need to stay on message for the coming midterms. Keep pounding on that deficit; keep asking voters how the tax cut affected (effected?) them, keep pounding away on how ryan wants to take away SS and Medicare. No personal attacks; just the message.
an hour ago
an hour ago
Agree glenn. The message is what is turning red districts blue.
an hour ago
” “We’re going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,” Ryan said during an interview on Ross Kaminsky’s talk radio show.”
AdLib an hour ago
well I’m done. been a long week. Remember if jebus sees his shadow Sunday we get 6 more weeks of bad winter weather. nite guys.
an hour ago
Repubs just added $1.8 trillion to the deficit with the tax cut and now $1.3 trillion with the new budget. Nearly $3 trillion and when we see next year that revenues are way below what these liars promised, all hell will break loose.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–and Dems need to keep reminding ryan that SS is not an “entitlement”. They also need to keep pounding away that if repubs hadn’t passed the tax cut, we wouldn’t have so much debt and deficit. It’s typical repub logic; make a problem with tax cuts then make scapegoats to fix the problem they created.
an hour ago
April Fool, H! Rather Ironic that Easter Sunday hits that day!
an hour ago
‘nite Harleigh. Have a good week.
an hour ago
Trump’s ass can be used to bolster levy breaks during floods.
AdLib 44 minutes ago
Plant him on the border, Ad. They won’t be able to scale hom!
44 minutes ago
Ad–all hell will break loose only if Dems have a focused message, and all Dems keep focused on the message. I mean, already, the person occupying the Oval Office is lying about the wall being started. Plus he wants to take money away from the military to pay for the wall. Dems have to keep asking, “When did trump say the military would pay for the wall?”
43 minutes ago
glenn – Yes, I think Dems can keep the message simple. Repubs will take away your SS and Medicare next year, because of the tax cuts, if Dems aren’t in control. And America needs a check and balance on Trump. Very simple and effective.
AdLib 43 minutes ago
ANy chance of the WH staff being sent back to Russia soon?
42 minutes ago
glenn – Dems need to make that point to voters, Repubs don’t care that they would take away SS benefits that Americans have already paid for.
AdLib 42 minutes ago
Ad–I hope Dems can keep it effective. I still can’t believe Dems lost the presidency to trump, of all people. Yes, I know all the reasons; it just still blows my mind. And, it still comes down to one thing, IMO, which is that the “libtards” lost. That’s all most of those people care about.
41 minutes ago
PPO – Maybe the Easter Bunny will dress up as Santa on Easter/April 1st?
AdLib 41 minutes ago
PPO–How many times do you have to be told? There is no collusion!
40 minutes ago
PPO – Yes! Trump could use his ass as his wall!
AdLib 40 minutes ago
Ad–speaking of Easter, was there a White House easter egg hunt this year?
40 minutes ago
Ad, aren’t next Christmas’ Cards in the shops already?
39 minutes ago
glenn.. happening Monday….. late as usual. Only 5 eggs. Can’t afford more. They cost money, y’know
39 minutes ago
Trump is crowdfunding for more eggs
38 minutes ago
glenn – Trump can’t get wall money from the defense budget without Congress passing a bill and Dems will filibuster that. Dems will win, midterms are always a referendum on the party in power.
AdLib 38 minutes ago
PPO–Got it. An Easter egg hunt/roll the day after Easter. Are they going to use the leftover eggs from Mar-A-Largo? Can you imagine the uproar if President Obama had held the Easter egg hunt AFTER Easter?
37 minutes ago
PPO – I thought Trump’s staff was in Russia?
AdLib 37 minutes ago
glenn…. oh so true. Wouldn’t surprise me if he did use M A L’s cast off eggs!
37 minutes ago
Ad–I know that about the defense budget, and you know that about the Defense budget, and even if the person occupying the Oval Office knows that, how much you want to bet he’ll convince his base that it’s downright unAmerican for him to not be able to spend money the way he wants?
36 minutes ago
Ad, still one or two skulking around the empty WH Corridors keeping their eyes down to avoid contact with Firere-in-Chief.
35 minutes ago
Mueller will lead the Easter egg hunt at the WH, no doubt he’ll find Russian nesting dolls instead of eggs.
AdLib 35 minutes ago
A lot of the eggs will have bugs!
35 minutes ago
Not to mention that it’s a “national emergency” to build that wall so we need to use the military to not only fund it, but to build it. Can’t tell if they’re going to build it before or after the parade!
34 minutes ago
glenn – We need to forget about Trump’s base, they are lost to him. All we need to do is energize our voters and GOTV, we far outnumber them.
AdLib 34 minutes ago
Ad–Well, Spicey can always dress up as the Easter Bunny again, if Mueller is busy.
34 minutes ago
glenn,,, a terrifying thought! Well, that’s it for me for this week. Keep your chins up and don’t despair.
33 minutes ago
Ad–Not sure we can forget about his base; but I’m positive that our voters have to be energized. So Dems need to focus their message.
33 minutes ago
PPO – Trump will “fake fire” all of his staff on April Fools Day then be surprised when they all celebrate and flee.
AdLib 32 minutes ago
Take care, PPO. My best to Fergie!
32 minutes ago
Ta Ta
32 minutes ago
glenn – Thank goodness for the judicial branch, Trump’s claims of national emergencies to force his illegal requests through won’t work.
AdLib 31 minutes ago
Ad–that would be a lot of tweets to fire all of his staff! Of course, firing by tweet is what he does best.
31 minutes ago
glenn – Just one tweet, he can use their “nicknames”.
AdLib 31 minutes ago
Ad–that’s another point that Dems have to make–that we need to stop repubs from loading the judicial branch up with conservatives.
30 minutes ago
Hopefully, they all know their own nicknames.
29 minutes ago
Well, Ad, time for me to call it a night, too. Had a big dinner out tonight, and it’s making me sleepy. Take care; see you next week.
28 minutes ago
I’m not as concerned about Dems and enthusiasm, Trump is the best tool (and he is a tool) for that. Enthusiasm has been hugh for Dems for over a year, since Trump’s inauguration and the Women’s March. It’s only going to get stronger as election day comes and we have a chance to stop him! What could be more exciting than that to get Dems out?
AdLib 28 minutes ago
Sounds good glenn, rest well and see you next week!
AdLib 28 minutes ago
Ad–Guess I’m just a tad cynical about Dems since we have the person we do occupying the Oval Office. Hope you are right; we can’t afford to have repubs in control of both the presidency and Congress. Time for a change!
26 minutes ago
Outta here!
26 minutes ago
AdLib 26 minutes ago
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