Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events being tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 7 days ago
When you arrive, don’t forget to say, “Hi!” or “Throw the book at Trump!” when you arrive!
AdLib 7 days ago
AdLib 7 days ago
Throw the book at trump! Hi, Ad, how goes it?
7 days ago
Hi Glenn!
AdLib 7 days ago
Very well, and you?
AdLib 7 days ago
Can you believe how much has happened only 5 days into 2018?
AdLib 7 days ago
So, here I am in the GA mountains (almost), freezing, but getting warmer and warmer reading about the book trump loves to hate! How much of it do you think is true?
7 days ago
I would guess the majority is true with some trivial gossip that isn’t true.
AdLib 7 days ago
What do you think?
AdLib 7 days ago
Glad it’s getting warmer there! Trump wanted global warming, he got the hot seat!
AdLib 7 days ago
I really think this book could reveal how solid the obstruction of justice case is against Trump, Jr., Kushner and now Sessions!
AdLib 7 days ago
That’s, my take, too. What really makes my blood boil, though is the spineless, cowardly (are they the same thing?) f***ing Congress who just sit on their asses trying to think of more ways to screw the middle class, while enabling the liar in chief to still occupy the WH. The man should have been gone six months ago, but now, after that North Korean tweet, he should be removed from office immediately.
7 days ago
Now that trump’s in the hot seat, do you think his orange make up is melting, because he has his head so far up his ass?
7 days ago
I’m hoping Mueller will bring his case forward soon. It certainly seems that he has evidence for at least obstruction of justice. Speaking of which, I read an article the other day where John Dean said that if Nixon had had foxnews at the time of his scandal, he may not have had to resign. I hope that’s not a harbinger of things to come.
7 days ago
I really agree with you, it should be part of the Dem’s national campaign theme this year, that Repubs are sitting on their hands in support of Russian attacks on our democracy and a mentally unstable loon in the WH just to make billionaires wealthier. I wouldn’t use the word in a campaign but they are traitors to this country for doing so.
AdLib 7 days ago
41 degrees CELCIUS here! Melting keyboard! Sorry I’m late
7 days ago
Trump’s hair won’t be able to stand the heat and will back it’s little suitcase and leave for Aspen.
AdLib 7 days ago
Yeah, and why aren’t Dems speaking out about it NOW? For that matter, why isn’t the so-called liberal media asking lyin’ ryan and bitch mcconnell their opinions on trump’s NK tweet, and the things in the book?
7 days ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 7 days ago
hi glenn, ad
7 days ago
Hey PPO–You’re melting and I’m freezing. What a world!
7 days ago
I can just imagine the tap dancing going on in congress about responses to THE BOOK
7 days ago
glenn, I do wonder if the propaganda machinery of the Right could protect Trump from impeachment but if it does, wouldn’t it be worse for them to have Trump running in 2020 against any Dem than Pence?
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn, seeing that horrible weather even in your neck of the woods. has it started to thaw yet?
7 days ago
Wow, hope you’re typing from a bathtub filled with ice, PPO!
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO–saw an article today about a Dem congress critter on MSNBC who says that many repubs think trump is everything and more that is said in the book, but they won’t act. Damn, spineless cowards! Can anyone imagine if any Dem president, much less Obama, had done one quarter of the shit that trump has done?
7 days ago
107.6 F ! A/c can’t cope
7 days ago
glenn- One guess I could make is that Dems want to keep their powder dry for closer to the election. Maybe they’re concerned that if they come hard at Trump with almost a year to go, people might tune it out a bit by Nov?
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–not sure I understand your question correctly. Are you saying it would be worse for Dems to run against pence? Or worse for repubs to run pence in 2020?
7 days ago
glenn, this is what happens when any sence of shame, responsibility or resistance to corruption vanishes. God Help us in future years if this stays the norm
7 days ago
glenn- And we’re a bit in between here in LA…after the horrendous fires we had.
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO–Luckily, we didn’t get the snow. We’ve actually had sunny weather; it’s just been damn cold sunny weather. Lows in the teens (F), and with the wind chill factor, down into single digits. But, no snow or ice, which is a really good thing.
7 days ago
dodged a bullet there, glenn.
7 days ago
What about the arson attack on Moore
7 days ago
Ad–sorry, here I am complaining about cold weather, but you are having to deal with those fires. Have they affected (effected) you any?
7 days ago
moores accuser?
7 days ago
Damn, PPO–that’s hot! Sounds like desert temps!
7 days ago
PPO – My feeling is that by their once again trying to dodge any responsibility that they have to the American people, all Repubs in Congress are now fully stained with the same stench of being Anti-American as Trump and his OTHER collaborators.
AdLib 7 days ago
yes, every couple of years we get northerly winds straight from the desert. Cool Change will hit later tonnight dropping back into 70s
7 days ago
PPO–that’s the main worry, isn’t it? That the idiot trump has shattered the norms so far that we may never get back to what is normal!
7 days ago
PPO–Good to hear relief is coming soon.
7 days ago
glenn- Trump’s winning the GOP primary, having diehard voters who happily put aside all his terrible words and actions and pols who won’t act to stop him as a threat to America all demonstar
AdLib 7 days ago
Well, think about it. blithely ignore criticism, smear anyone with contrary view, lie your face off, divert and demean. Great example for future generations isn’t it?
7 days ago
…demonstrate that their party has no principles anymore. They are the embodiment of corruption.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–I agree. The majority of Americans need to get off their asses and vote every republican out of office. If Dems can’t re-take the House this year, then the Dem party needs new leaders.
7 days ago
I just hope Mueller strikes soon and hard. Would love to see the Trump Ponzi money laundering scheme topple into RICO!
7 days ago
glenn, floating the proposition that it may be better for Dems to run against the most hated leader in the country than a phony like Pence who is not as hated.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–no doubt. It was bad enough watching their corruption with holding up Obama’s SCOTUS nomination, but watching their corruption with the tax “reform” bill, and now their blatant corruption to kill Social Security and Medicare is just a corruption too far, IMO!
7 days ago
PPO – We’re on the same page, the GOP and its core are actually without any moral core, just driven by hatred, greed and fear. Not one principle anymore. Wait till they try to howl about the deficit again!
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO – Arson attack on Moore?
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–okay, got it. Hopefully, either trump or pence would lose in a landslide, but it’s a tossup as to who the corrupt GOP thinks can win, I guess.
7 days ago
Ad–I think PPO is talking about the arson attack on one of Moore’s accusers. I believe it’s actually the one who was 14 when she “ran into” Moore.
7 days ago
glenn- The Skirball fire was just several miles from us, we weren’t in danger but the smoke made the air thick with toxic materials, it was bad but being in the path of the fire would’ve been far worse. But it doesn’t negate you and millions having to deal with this freeze.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad, sorry, finger trouble. Yes, Moores accuser’s house was torched apparently.
7 days ago
Ad–you forgot one thing that drives the gop, and that’s their hypocrisy. I’m not on Twitter, but I wish one person who was would point out to trump that when Obama was president, it was a “sluggish economy”, yet now that trump’s “jobs, jobs, jobs” are less than Obama’s, suddenly the economy is “roaring”. How can that be?
7 days ago
glenn – I am 100% confident that the country will get back to normal for the most part once Trump is taken down in 2020…hopefully before, when he’s impeached. That’s what Dems are stuck with all the time, coming into office to fix Repub’s disasters.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–I’m glad you weren’t in the path of that fire. Seems we all have our weather issues to deal with.
7 days ago
PPO – Which is why Trump must be taken down in a “bigly” way, to show everyone, especially the younger generations, what happens to destructive, hateful and selfish people even when they’re in the WH.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn, I’ll steal that and put it up!
7 days ago
Ad–I know. However, no matter how many times it’s pointed out that Dem presidents have to come in and fix repub’s disasters, nothing ever seems to change. Sometimes, it so wearying to me. We are still fighting the same fights we did in the 60’s with equal rights, and the same fights we fought from the beginning of both Social Security and Medicare. Why is it that repubs don’t think government is “for the people?”
7 days ago
PPO–steal what? The twitter question?
7 days ago
glenn – Yep, Dems would have to be complete morons not to win in a huge wave in Nov, take back the House and hopefully The Senate. They aren’t that bad, this should be like 2006 when Dems crushed Repubs in Bush’s midterm only even bigger. Generic Dems are ahead of generic Repubs in congressional polls by 15% which is insane, it’s never been that high!
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn, yes! I’ve asked you question on Twitter
7 days ago
Ad–I hope you’re correct. And, hopefully, by that time, the lying twitter in chief will have been impeached. Lock him up!
7 days ago
7 days ago
PPO – When Mueller drops his indictments, I think many of the Trump Admin and Trump and maybe even Repubs in Congress will be hammered. The GOP is rightly going to look like a criminal operation and you’re right, the RICO act could really be applied.
AdLib 7 days ago
Mouthwatering concept, AD!
7 days ago
Hey, Ad, complete change of subject, but have you heard from Murph lately? I know I haven’t been on VOX for a while (except for last week and tonight), just wondered if he’s okay.
7 days ago
Ad–A day to be celebrated, for sure!
7 days ago
glenn – It has been a parade of corruption by the GOP day after day. They passed a tax fraud bill that 2/3 of the country oppose. This year will be even more disastrous for them. And if Dems GOTV, win state governments in this tsunami then fix some of the gerrymandering, we could keep Repubs out of power for a long time.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–keeping repubs out of power for a long time sounds good to me!
7 days ago
Ad, maybe the country needs a completely new political Party, so that this type of codology can be avoided in the future.
7 days ago
glenn- Did that news come out recently about the arson? I hadn’t heard that! No doubt a God fearing, pro-life evangelical Christian committed the arson. Check Moore’s wife’s hands for the smell of gasoline.
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO–I think that’s an interesting concept, but it would also take at least 10 years, IMO, for any “new” political party to be able to have any influence.
7 days ago
Ad, apparently they’re already questioning a suspect
7 days ago
Ad–it was in the news today about the arson. Police are saying it doesn’t have anything to do with Moore, that it’s a young man who has caused “trouble in the neighborhood” before.
7 days ago
glenn – Repubs do count on voters never getting smarter about being lied to and they’ve done well counting on that. But poll numbers show they are indeed wising up about Trump and the BS the GOP spoons out to them. I don’t think it’s going to be so effective in the future.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–perhaps we should check bannon’s hands too.
7 days ago
I LOVE the fact that ‘Our Lawyer is a Jew’ is in fact an Evangelical Christian! ( He was born Jewist, but converted)
7 days ago
PPO–and that he voted for Moore’s opponent!
7 days ago
Thanks glenn, we were never in danger from the fires but we know people who were and had to evacuate. It was pretty scary.
AdLib 7 days ago

7 days ago
I think one win for Repubs is that they are so good at propaganda for morons that when they are out of power, too many moron voters happily agree with them that life sucks now and they’re happy to buy into Repub lies about Dems being to blame and that they will make everything great. Maybe after Trump though, that spell will have worn off.. His name should be used whenever Dems take power again to wake up voters of what voting Repub really can bring.
AdLib 7 days ago
Well, gents, time for me to call it a night. Great chatting with you both. PPO, you’ll have to let me know if you get any reaction from your twitter question. Take care, both of you. PPO, keep your cool, and Ad, stay out of the way of fires!
7 days ago
glenn, it’s already being retweeted.
7 days ago
Goodnight, g take care
7 days ago
Ad–yes, trump’s name should be brought up every time any repub complains about the deficit, or any time any repub complains about a “sluggish economy”. Trump took a “sluggish economy” and made it worse!
7 days ago
glenn – I can check in with Murph, he’s been here regularly except the last couple of weeks. It’s still holiday time so Vox gets a little quieter sometimes.
AdLib 7 days ago
Thanks glenn! Have a great weekend!
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO–yay! Hope it gets many retweets! G’nite! Ad, glad to hear Murph’s been around!
7 days ago
Well, I’m heading to the refrigerator to stick my head in. Cheers everyone!
7 days ago
See ya PPO!
AdLib 7 days ago
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