Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 2 hours ago
hey Ad! see ya soon
2 hours ago
Seeya then!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Very quiet! Has the clock changed?
2 hours ago
Hey PPO, colluded with any Russians today?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Nope, the clock changes early Sunday morning for us.
AdLib 2 hours ago
OK. No, seems all he Russian agents already are taken up. None to spare
2 hours ago
There must be a few not talking to Trump’s cronies!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Can Mueller hang in there long enough?
2 hours ago
If Trump tries to fire Mueller, I think the revolution really begins, people will floood in the streets.
AdLib an hour ago
Nah. I don’t think so. Not enough common sense there at present
an hour ago
There have been lots of marches and protests by millions of Americans this year. If he tries to blow up the FBI, it will be lighting a short fuse.
AdLib an hour ago
here’s hoping Mueller can’t be summarily fired. Makes a total mockery of US ‘Justice’ otherwise
an hour ago
Hey Harleigh!
an hour ago
Hey Harleigh!
AdLib an hour ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib an hour ago
an hour ago
Hey Ad, PPO, and Harleigh. How is everyone tonight?
an hour ago
Ad, if Mueller is fired, will the investigation keep going?
an hour ago
Everything good with you, glenn?
AdLib an hour ago
Doing OK, glenn.
an hour ago
Everything is good with me, Ad.
an hour ago
hey guys, just a quick stop…. working all weekend. 25 a hour plus comm and I need the money! lol
an hour ago
PPO asks a good question, Ad. Will the investigation continue if Mueller is fired?
an hour ago
PPO – Yes, all his crew will continue even if Mueller was removed so it won’t make anything go away, just make things so much worse for Trump.
AdLib an hour ago
Harleigh, good to “see” you, if only for a few.
an hour ago
thanks glenn
an hour ago
Oh goody. Anything that makes things so much worse for trump is good in my book.
an hour ago
Harleigh, same here, glad you could at least pop in!
AdLib an hour ago
No worries H, good to see you if only for a few
an hour ago
What is the opinion of the esteemed pundits here at The Planet on trump’s Asian visit?
an hour ago
How many leaders/countries do you think he will insult?
an hour ago
glenn, all of them. Especially Vietnam. Probably will restart the war there.
an hour ago
glenn – Trump is leaving so weakened and indictments falling all around him, it won’t be a good trip for him because he has no strength with other leaders, especially China.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–Yeah, I was thinking the same thing myself about Vietnam. He’s itching for a distraction. I bet he brings up POWs and how he could’ve saved them all!
an hour ago
It will be bad for the USA, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see Trump humiliated subtly.
an hour ago
glenn, shove him overnight into John McCain’s cell!
an hour ago
He has lost any respect personally and the US. They all know his word is worthless and therefore the US.
an hour ago
Ad–I beg to differ. No matter how much he is humiliated, insulted, or whatever, trump will say it was a fantastic (or whatever his adjective du jour is) trip and how all of the other leaders loved him. But, yes, I agree, by anyone else’s standards, the trip is not going to be good for trump.
an hour ago
He’ll be shooting citizens with Duterte in The Phillipines to prove his voters wouldn’t leave him.
AdLib an hour ago
Sad and true, H. Why is he going anyway. Wonder how many demonstrations will China allow?
an hour ago
PPO–great idea! Trump in McCain’s cell would be priceless!
an hour ago
Good time for kimmy to fire off a couple missles.
an hour ago
PPO – Yes, not great for the US but we have to accept between Trump becoming stronger or weaker, whatever weakens him helps America in the long run.
AdLib an hour ago
Trump thinks the Hanoi Hilton is a real hotel!
an hour ago
missiles… lol
an hour ago
Good one, H!
an hour ago
Harleigh–that is a scary thought; because there’s no telling how trump will react.
an hour ago
Trump will rename it to the Hanoi Trump Resort!
an hour ago
PPO–and cover it in gold!
an hour ago
glenn – Totally agree, If Trump fell off The Great Wall he’d say it was exactly what he wanted to do. But the polls show that the more he lies, the more support he loses and the more peoople see him as a liar.
AdLib an hour ago
Anyone there will be hired to The Administration Foreign Affairs area
an hour ago
Well there are 2 fleets that can do nothing over there except get nuked if they try to attack a country that has a huge military and dug in for 50 some years.
an hour ago
Ad–is it too much to ask for trump to fall off the great wall?
an hour ago
Harleigh – I think you’re onto something there, if Kimmy wants to make Trump terrified, he would shoot a missile or two into the ocean while Trump’s in SK.
AdLib an hour ago
MAybe Japan can serve him some Fugu for appetizers
an hour ago
Ad, more terrifying would be to fire them while AF1 is in the air
an hour ago
Ad–it doesn’t matter how many polls show trump as a liar, or how many people see him as one. The only people that can do something about it Congress, and it looks like they’re too busy raping the American public to do anything about trump.
an hour ago
Kim is smarter than Dotering Dolt45. bigly
an hour ago
Shit, Harleigh, anyone is smarter than DD45. ANYONE!
an hour ago
Congress is a shambles. no credibility on either side now. Just petty bickering and screwing the taxpayers
an hour ago
PPO–that about sums up Congress.
an hour ago
Ad–from the very top, please.
an hour ago
he’ll demand a golf cart, no way he could walk that.
an hour ago
an hour ago
Mitha Rump, pleeze to lean against this carefully loosened wall for photo shoot, without photo!
an hour ago
well i gotta get to bed. later folks.
an hour ago
Later, H.
an hour ago
xceellent, H Good night
an hour ago
glenn – My point is, the only way to stop Trump is for Dems to win in 2018 and 2020. If we can win the House a year from now, Trump will be stopped for good! He’ll lose in 2020. So his sinking in the polls will mean the end of him before too long. And next year is an election year, not as much he will be able to do then…especially with indictments flying around him…and probably at him!
AdLib an hour ago
PPO-With an Asian accent, wouldn’t it be Mitha Lump?
an hour ago

an hour ago
Ad–I agree. What do you think Brazil’s new book will do to Dems getting independents to vote for Dems?
an hour ago
“Mr. Trump, you can see a perfect site for a new Trump Hotel at The Great Wall if you just lean over a little more…”
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I like it! Just a little more…
an hour ago
sorry…Brazile’s new book
an hour ago
‘Mr Trump, please crawl a little further into the VC cave. That’s enough Sir. STart Pouring the Cement!
an hour ago
glenn – I think Brazile has hit a wasps nest already buzzing in the Dem party and it will only get worse before it gets better. Hillary supporters are angry, Bernie supporters are, Brazile is only out for herself like too many in the Dem Establishment.
AdLib an hour ago
Twitter is reporting that the Narrative from her has dissolved. I don’t know what that means. Don’t know the person
an hour ago
Ad–from what I’ve read, the DNC made the same agreement with Hillary that they did with Bernie. So, I don’t get why the primary was supposedly “rigged” in Hillary’s favor.
an hour ago
Clearly, the debate schedule and what was going on behind the scenes at the DNC was meant to slant the election too Hillary…who had come in as a white knight to rescue the badly run organization. What about the failure Wasserman Schultz is now clearly proven to be, she ran the DNC into bankruptcy, (greater) corruption and huge losses.
AdLib an hour ago
After all, Hillary did win more votes than Bernie (and more than trump, for that matter, but that’s a different story.) So, do you know exactly what Brazile is complaining about?
an hour ago
glenn, apparently that story is now totally debunked
an hour ago
PPO–which story? Brazile’s?
an hour ago
PPO – Like the idea of cementing Trump into the wall! Then he could be The Great Trump of Gyna!
AdLib an hour ago
no, the ‘takeover and rigged primaries
an hour ago
PPO – It does seem much of Brazile’s claims have been rebutted though the hacked emails did reveal the DNC was tilted against Bernie and for Hillary. Brazile though, has buried herself.
AdLib an hour ago
I must say I’m getting more and more bewildered trying to keep up with all the shhite emanating from Washington.
an hour ago
You know, I really liked Bernie, and I thought he has some great ideas. However, why wouldn’t the DNC support Hillary over Bernie when Bernie only became a Dem to run in the primaries?
an hour ago
Ad–or the Great Lump of Gyna!
an hour ago
glenn, that’s logical, but then…..
an hour ago
Love it, Ad & glenn!
an hour ago
glenn – The argument that Dems who supported Bernie could make is that the intentional burying of debates and other activities by the DNC to undermine any challengers to Hillary helped her win more votes. Had it been a level playing field from the beginning, it’s possible the outcome would have been different though Hillary still may have won.h
AdLib an hour ago
Late to the Prom….what’s up?
an hour ago
glenn – Because an election should be fair and then the winner is supported by both sides. Allowing Bernie to run as a Dem but tilting the board against him in some ways (not all ways that Brazile claimed) created this divide in the party.
AdLib an hour ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn! You are here…..you were missed!
an hour ago
Jeez, Ad, I wish you all over there would get over 2016 already. It’s all done, its over. It is what it is now. So the Dems need to concentrate on the future decimation of the GOP and get to work
an hour ago
Ad–maybe….I just don’t see where Bernie was at such a “disadvantage” with the debate schedule, etc.
an hour ago
Hiya Murph!
an hour ago
Murph–hey, how are you? Thanks, I missed my weekly dose of sanity.
an hour ago
PPO – It’s a big problem, there are angry Hillary supporters and angry Bernie supporters pointing intolerant fingers at each other, just what Russia and Trump would want. I don’t think this gets resolved until the Dem primary begins and the Hillary vs. Bernie dynamic is officially irrelevant.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–I agree. But the Dems are so good at snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory. Maybe someday someone will figure out why!
an hour ago
And, certainly the infighting doesn’t help. OTOH, many Dems pride themselves on welcoming new ideas!
an hour ago
an hour ago
glenn – The initial strength of any candidate is name recognition. If voters don’t know other candidates well, they will vote for the one they do know. Hillary started with virtually 100% name recognition, Bernie was an unknown and got little coverage at the start. Slashing the number of debates to 6 and scheduling them during major sports events and holidays was intended to prevent other candidates from building awareness with voters. Not cool.
AdLib an hour ago
Sad, and Mad, about the Walmart killings. White supremacist killed 3 hispanic men. Other white folk there carried guns but no one drew on the white terrorist. So much for Good guys with guns.
an hour ago
an hour ago
How about that “Progressive” group that came out against Northam to call him racist just before the election?! They want actual Repub racists in power in VA instead???
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn..working like a banshee to make something of the ACA enrollment mess and it really is, quite intentionally, a mess.
an hour ago
glenn – Yes, the bottom line is that while both sides may have legit resentments, everyone has to put on their big boy and big girl pants and focus on winning against a potential dictator who is destroying the country…something that neither Hillary nor Bernie would have done.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph – Are the folks you know who are enrolled aware about it being that time of year?
AdLib an hour ago
Ad…I sent each one a personal kit with step by step instructions laying out what they have to do.
an hour ago
The way to defeat Russia and Trumpism is to unite on a way forward, not fight over who was most wronged in the past.
AdLib an hour ago
Very cool, Murph! Any of them wanting to give it up because Trump is against it?
AdLib an hour ago
Ad….I do not know…but if they do they are foolish indeed.
an hour ago
BTW, Brazille tweeting saying she never said HRC rigged the election – it was Trump misquoting her.
an hour ago
Ad–totally agree. It’s time for Dems to unite going forward, not fighting.
an hour ago
PPO–well, of course trump misquoted Brazile. He even misquotes himself, or denies he ever said what he actually said. So what else is new?
44 minutes ago
Looks like the Repub budget is already underwater and in big trouble. Hope folks get busy contacting their Congresspeople as they did with the ACA repeal.
AdLib 44 minutes ago
PPO – I don’t think Brazile used those words but her portrayal of the situation was that the primary was rigged.
AdLib 43 minutes ago
Ad–good. That budget should be underwater. It still amazes that the republican budget will add $10T to the deficit, but no one is talking about that. Deficits don’t matter when we have a republican president.
42 minutes ago
As I said, I don’t know her, or her politics. And when did Political parties stop leaning more toward one candidate rather than another?
41 minutes ago
glenn – It’s like people spending all their time complaining about a collapsed bridge instead of fixing it.
AdLib 41 minutes ago
Ad, you got that right! STOP IT!
41 minutes ago
glenn – Looking forward to the CBO score on this Frankenstein budget…if McConnell doesn’t try to rush it through before a CBO score once more.
AdLib 40 minutes ago
Ad–yup. It’s what the DNC seems to do best. And, boy, did that bridge collapse. But, we do need to move forward. Hopefully, Perez can get a ground game going like Dean did.
39 minutes ago
Only Trump’s ignorant base, around 32%, think the tax bill will lower their taxes. Many more people know it won’t. And hoow about the way it makes the cuts for the wealthy permanent but only temporary for the 99%!
AdLib 38 minutes ago
Well, shopping duties call. Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy your extra hour!
38 minutes ago
Ad–once again, I cannot fathom how repubs in the Senate can vote on this budget without even reading it, or knowing what the CBO score is. That’s what they all complained about with the ACA, that no one knew what was in it. Remember, their continual quoting of Pelosi, “You have to pass to know what’s in it.” Bloody hypocrites.
37 minutes ago
PPO – While you’re out, I could use a beret!
AdLib 37 minutes ago
37 minutes ago
‘Nite, PPO.
37 minutes ago
You said you were going shopping.
AdLib 37 minutes ago
The kind you’d find in a secondhand store?
37 minutes ago
“you have to pass IT…”
37 minutes ago
Yep, raspberry if they’ve got them but I’d take a boysenberry.
AdLib 36 minutes ago
Maybe a fartleberry! cheers!
36 minutes ago
glenn – The Repubs know they’re lying about the tax bill, just as they were about the ACA repeal. They just want too cut the taxes of the wealthy donors who are angry at them. They really don’t care how this would destroy the lives of most Americans.
AdLib 35 minutes ago
So they don’t want the CBO blowing up their lies as they rush to pass it to benefit their owners.
AdLib 34 minutes ago
Ad–I know I sound like an old fart, but when did lying become so prevalent? I understand spin, I understand “finessing” the fine points, but they are just outright lying. The problem is they keep getting away with it.
33 minutes ago
Amazing how all those ignorant Trump voters have forgotten all his promises about taxing the wealthy and Wall Street and helping them.
AdLib 33 minutes ago
Lying used to be an art. Trump’s crass nature has made lying defiant. “Yeah, it’s a lie but my dumb followers will believe it so screw you.”
AdLib 31 minutes ago
And, just what in the hell do the wealthy have to be angry about? Holy cow, corporate profits are in the stratosphere, CEOs are making insane amounts of money, the stock market continues its upward trend, they have their puppet with five working digits in the WH. WTH are they so angry about?
31 minutes ago
There’s so much for the Dem nom to use against Trump in 2020, including bringing back respect and honesty to the WH. So much to choose from though!
AdLib 30 minutes ago
Ad–yup. Lying has just become another way to stick it to “libtards”.
30 minutes ago
glenn – The uber wealthy are deranged, they have spite towards all those people who have money that they should have.
AdLib 29 minutes ago
Not only bringing back respect and honesty to the WH. Bringing back respect and honesty to our country from our allies.
29 minutes ago
The alt-right is built on big lies, lying is just as legit a tool to them as anything else.
AdLib 28 minutes ago
MAGA? Throw that back in Trump’s face?
AdLib 27 minutes ago
MADA – Make America Decent Again.
AdLib 27 minutes ago
Yup. Lying is just a tool. I’m not lying, though, when I say it’s time to call it a night. What happened to Murph? Tell him I said “goodnight”. And a good night to you, too Ad.
26 minutes ago
Thank goodness for decent folk like you and others here at the Planet.
26 minutes ago
Murph may have needed sleep a bit more than he realized!
AdLib 25 minutes ago
25 minutes ago
Same here, glenn. Nice to see you back!
AdLib 25 minutes ago
Thanks, Ad, glad to be back.
25 minutes ago
Have a great weekend!
AdLib 24 minutes ago
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