Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 10 hours ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Ad, how are you?
2 hours ago
Doing well! And you?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hello all….the sign in was a bit tricky tonight….Harleigh is here but not in the users list….are you ghosting? on stealth mode?
2 hours ago
Ad–eh–had a bit of a depression this week, due to the fact that my husband’s birthday would have been Thursday. Then, of course, the news doesn’t help lately.
2 hours ago
Hey Murph–How are you?
2 hours ago
Murph–Harleigh was here about two hours ago; he might be offline now and will return later.
2 hours ago
Hi Glenn….the depression….anniversary depressions are among the worst….how do you deal with it….?
2 hours ago
Thanks for the heads up, Murph. Anyone else have issues signing into Vox tonight?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Glenn…fine….catching up and distressed as you are by the news.
2 hours ago
Murph–I talk to my daughter, I try to get out of the house and see people, I try to remember the wonderful life we had together…just the usual. While time doesn’t always heal; it does lessen the grief.
2 hours ago
hey there, crispy critters. Still here, are we?
2 hours ago
Sorry to hear that, glenn. Glad you’re here.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey PPO–how are you?
2 hours ago
Glenn…sounds like you have a very workable plan that allows for grief and promotes healing…good for you.
2 hours ago
Hey PPO, just digging my bomb shelter!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Thanks, Ad. It always helps to talk to people, even if it’s online. Plus, when it’s online, you can’t see my tears.
2 hours ago
Fine thanks, glenn. Sorry this is a painful period for you.
2 hours ago
Fergie’s doing the same, Ad. She’s doing a grand job! 

2 hours ago
Thanks to all of you for being so understanding. It’s been almost eight years now, so I am able to handle it a little better as time goes by.
2 hours ago
glenn, family is so important when you’re dealing with such difficult feelings. We all need reminders of the things that really are of value in life when things seem dim.
AdLib 2 hours ago
For any who might be interested….I did a long essay on how the U.S. would likely conduct a preemptive attack on the NKDP…it makes for chilling reading.
2 hours ago
PPO – That’s great to hear! She should join us when she can for Vox but always happy to see her on the music thread!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–absolutely! Which is why I always try to tell you gentlemen how much I appreciate you all, even though we’ve never “formally” met. It’s important to let people know how you feel. That being said, that’s enough about me; let’s get on with trashing trump!
2 hours ago
Ad, she’d love to be on Vox, but the IBS keeps her , er, prisoner in the bathroom at this time.
2 hours ago
PPO – I second ad’s invitation.
2 hours ago
Murph–I have it “bookmarked” to read later. I’m always interested in your perspective on what’s going in the world.
2 hours ago
PPO…so understandable and such a burden.
2 hours ago
Hi, Murph. Will read later. Thanks for understanding. Now, when do the media go to a beach near Caracas to film the Marines landing?
2 hours ago
Murph – Have your post open in a window, will read it!
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–as long as Fergie knows we’re thinking about her.
2 hours ago
PPO–Caracas or Guam? Hmmm…
2 hours ago
PPO – Then please say hi to Fergie tonight for me!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Will do, folks. She knows you’re all rooting for her
2 hours ago
Thanks everyone…reply at Yabberz or to my e mail….ad has it and anyone here is welcome to contact me there (be sure you put your Planet Name in the Subject Line).
2 hours ago
Murph – I heard today that the scenarios played out by the military in an attack on NK always end with at least a million on each side being killed. That’s terrifying indeed.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad…those numbers seem quite reasonable…..
2 hours ago
Ad…or quite insane
2 hours ago
Scary indeed, Ad. bet the SK casualties are mostly civilian
2 hours ago
Reasonably insane.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–you know, it’s ironic. I just read a book that had a lot about preppers in it. It was fiction, but preppers were some of the main characters. It was set in the Cascade Mountains in Oregon. They have some interesting theories; but their preparation skills cannot be “sneezed at” at this time.
2 hours ago
PPO….its military will take a very heavy hit. Its civilians will get a bit of cover. People in NK will suffer immensely.
2 hours ago
PPO – Supposedly, the US knows where most artillary is but no way to wipe it all out at once, a million in SK could be killed just by standard weaponry, nukes aside. It’s noot possible and most except Trump know this.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–now there’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one…”reasonably insane”. Kinda like saying “president trump”.
2 hours ago
… with emphasis on the ‘Moron’ glenn!
2 hours ago
Glenn and Ad…here in MO….the militia preppers are having special drills this weekend.
2 hours ago
A quote on Twitter today: If your God is cool with nuking an entire country but not with two guys marrying—you might consider exchanging that God
2 hours ago
glenn – Anything is possible but we know Trump just hurls empty threats. In fact, first he threatened to attack NK if one more threat was mad, then NK threatened too shoot missiles at Guam and did he attack? N, he just repeated, “Okay, starting now, if you make anymore threats I’ll attack you.” Like all bullies, he is a loudmouth coward who makes empty threats.
AdLib 2 hours ago
You can say the same with black Voter Supression
2 hours ago
Murph and Ad–you know, I read an article online the other day about what we did to North Korea during the Korean War, so it’s no wonder they hate us so. I’m not saying that excuses their behavior; just explains it a little more. And, of course, our stupid, idiotic guy who occupies the WH (sometimes) just plays right into their hands, IMO. Hopefully, trump’s generals and military analysts will help trump to understand.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Ad, and remember how they yelled at Obama and his Syrian ‘Red Line’?
2 hours ago
Glenn….Kim has a point….countries that give up their nuclear programs experience regime change (Libya and Iraq for ex.)
2 hours ago
And yes, preppers are feeling so tingly right now, they’re loving that all the money they spent at InfoWars and on Glenn Beck’s site on survival crap, will pay off big time. Sorry to disappoint them but there’s not going to be a nuclear war.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–The LOL was for your “moron” comment; not for the twitter comment.
2 hours ago
Ad…and if there was….they will burn too…just a bit later.
2 hours ago
Murph – Kim’s hold is too tight. His army idolizes him and he keeps them well paid and fed. No chance of a peasant Spring
2 hours ago
Figured that, g! 

2 hours ago
PPO–there are still many trump supporters on twitter and other sites who are so “happy” that we have a “president” who “stands up to” NK, and doesn’t “let” them “have” nuclear weapons. Like NK hating us just began with President Obama.
2 hours ago
PPO…I was thinking of the influence of external powers who would not fear him.
2 hours ago
glenn – I think the adults in the Trump WH have already shown that they won’t follow his batshit crazy crap, they’ve come out and contradicted him publicly! When has that ever happened before?
AdLib 2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Glenn….Trumpsters….the sons and daughters of arrogant ignorance.
2 hours ago
Ad–I hope your prediction that there is not going to be a nuclear war is correct. I’m hopeful that neither trump nor kim are not that stupid, but I have my doubts, which is why we can’t be sure.
2 hours ago
Murph – It’s like the Tea Partiers who think they need the 2nd Amendment to fight the government if they become too much of a threat. Yeah, lootta good that semi-automatic will be against helicopter-fired missiles and tanks.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad…..precisely….a couple of dozen marines could take out every militia group in Mo…..bunch of fat, out of shape, disorganized ruffians.
2 hours ago
Ad–the so-called adults in the trump WH may have contradicted him publicly, but will the generals contradict him if he really does decide to push the nuke button? See, I told you I was depressed; I’m into the worse case scenario, I guess.
2 hours ago
Glenn….this should comfort you….the opinion in military circles is that the military would block him because they would regard the order as unlawful.
2 hours ago
Ad and Murph–most of the militia groups I’ve seen online aren’t very organized, nor very smart. Their philosophy is that guns solve everything…and most of the time they end up shooting each other. Which is the best case scenario.
2 hours ago
glenn – The press and pundits get panicked too easily IMHO. Kimmy knows he would be destroyed in any nuclear exchange, that’s exactly what he doesn’t want, that’s why he’s building the nukes, he wants to protect his regime from destruction. And the MAD policy is inescapable between any twoo countries with nukes. And now that I’ve seen the generals stand up against Trump’s dictator-speak, I’m relatively confident they wouldn’t follow his orders to nuke NK even if he was crazy enough to order it.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Glenn…we now the same crowd!
2 hours ago
Murph – It would be fascinating to watch though.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph–thanks for that; it does comfort me somewhat. We are going to have to leave it up to the sane people in the military, because we sure as hell can’t depend on our congress critters to do anything to stop him!
2 hours ago
Ad…note my comments in support of your positions re. the Kim perspective and generals not ordering the launch.
2 hours ago
glenn – Yes, I am pretty confident that the current generals will respond like the ones in Trump’s admin AND they will listen to them and to their opinions over Trump. Generals have families too, they don’t want their kids growing up in a post-apocalyptic America for no good reason.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Glenn…the Congress, for nearly 20 years now has passed off its obligation to oversee the President’s use of armed force.
2 hours ago
Ad and Murph–with trump ramping up his rhetoric, he almost has to “do” something, doesn’t he? I guess, on the other hand, if kim doesn’t do anything, then all of the trump supporters will applaud trump’s tough talk!
2 hours ago
Murph – Yes, you’ve put your finger on the justification they would use, that it was an illegal order (genocide usually is).
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Harleigh–are you really here?
2 hours ago
I am hoping that Congress will pass the bill that’s been proposed about Congress having to sign off on a first strike with nukes.
AdLib 2 hours ago
hey guys
2 hours ago
Hey Harleigh!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Australia has a dog in this fight now, with Fucking Malcolm Turnbull throwing Australia right in with Trump!
2 hours ago
Hey Harleigh!
2 hours ago
Ad–haven’t heard about that bill, but it’s a great start. Hope it passes with bipartisan support, like the russian sanctions bill did.
2 hours ago
Harleigh….I mistook your early sign in for your flying under the radar in stealth mode.
2 hours ago
well russia is fake news again huh?
2 hours ago
glenn – But the reality now is that no one takes Trump seriously. Not even the NKs! Or our generals (who he claimed to know more than in military matters). Trump has already become a lame duck in the sense that no one believes a word he says.
AdLib 2 hours ago
lol yeah my norton performance!
2 hours ago
Harleigh–maybe…seems like the noose seems to be tightening around Manafort, so who knows where that will go?
2 hours ago
Great distraction, h! Never mind Russiagate, worry about fallout!
2 hours ago
Trump gets a flattery folder twice a day….voluminous and engaging…he loves it…..But those pesky intel briefings…YAWN….
2 hours ago
Ad–well, it’s hard to believe anything trump says. If he doesn’t want to “own” it, he’ll claim he never said it; or he was only kidding; or he was being sarcastic! So, how do we know when he’s serious about something? When he hugs himself while he’s talking, like he did when he talked about “fire and fury”?
2 hours ago
Sure seems like what Trump is dooing was predicted. As the investigation intensifies on Russia (and Manafort), suddenly Trump is changing the subject with nuclear war. Coincidence? Hardly!
AdLib 2 hours ago
yep, the sessions thing was another distraction. Manafort is singing his ass off to avoid prison.
2 hours ago
Ad….and Glenn….Trump would risk it all to keep his business out of the spotlight.
2 hours ago
Harleigh–hopefully, Manafort will have a chorus of back-up singers soon!
2 hours ago
I predict a lot of equipment ‘failures’ if Trump gives the orders. also, evacuation of POTUS to a Mountain Cave, and lock him in for a couple of months.
2 hours ago
PPO….locking him up for his protection and then provide fake news to think the world is gone….Pence as Prez…yuck….but still better, if only marginally.
2 hours ago
Looking forward to his Tax files and the TRumpzi schemes he’s running
2 hours ago
Murph–yeah, I read the other day that Mueller is looking into the finances; I hope we get to see some of them.
2 hours ago
Murph – I was happy to hear that Trump gets those propaganda folders showing how loved and wonderful and powerful he is. The more disconnected he is from reality, the more brazen he is and the more his popularity tanks. Attacking McConnell??? Only a fool who believes his own propaganda would think he had the backing to do that. Trump is falling due to his massive hubris and those BS foolders are accelerating it so please, keep it up!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad…..interesting take on the flattery folders……feeding his hubris….making him more careless.
2 hours ago
They got kushner on a money thing already so mueller has got more ammo every day. this is not the fake HRC shit.
2 hours ago
Ad and Murph–I agree; trump’s need to be loved will be his downfall, hopefully.
2 hours ago
Harleigh….but Kush is in the middle east making peace…..how dare you besmirch him.
2 hours ago
I’m pissed off with this bunch of amateurs screwing the whole world….for profit!
2 hours ago
Harleigh–well, they are opening up the investigation into HRC’s emails again. I think I’ve asked this question before, but what, exactly, are repubs hoping to find in HRC’s emails?
2 hours ago
LOL besmmirch indeed.
2 hours ago
Murph–“flattery folders” LOL!
2 hours ago
glenn, they have to find them first!
2 hours ago
glenn – I do think it is understandable to be a little concerned when Trump blathered his war BS and “fire and fury” crap but we know him now, he is an idiot. There is only one way that he thinks is “negotiating”, threatening others. That’s all he did during the repeal and replace, what he’s doing with McConnell, what he does with Mexico and Canada and China, etc. All he does is howl empty and nasty threats. So I just don’t believe them now, why should anyone? He is a liar.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Glenn..who is reopening the Hillary stuff? Have not read that.
2 hours ago
Murph–Kush is out of the country so he can’t be arrested!
2 hours ago
glenn a smoking gun from benghazi or leaks of classified info
2 hours ago
We had a saying at the flying club. So-and so crashed because of the LAMMs – ‘Look At Me, Mammy!’
2 hours ago
Ad….the recordings transcripts of T’s conversations with the heads of state of Mex and Aus tell us all we need to know about his diplomatic skills.
2 hours ago
Harleigh – Mueller has Manafort, Flynn and Kushner on filing false disclosures, federal crimes that are punishable with up to 5 years. So he starts off with lots of leverage. Add all the financial criminality? This will be a takedown…to quote Trump…”the likes of which the world has never seen before!”
AdLib 2 hours ago
You have to watch this, then you’ll see why Trump lies…the likes of which the world has never seen before:
AdLib 2 hours ago
Mueller has assembled an extraordinary cadre of attorneys skilled in deep financial investigation…scary as hell to Trump and his gang.
2 hours ago
Good one, Ad.
2 hours ago
These folks are all 1%ers and will say or do anything to avoid prison. mantis and kelly etc and the other used generals will flee.
2 hours ago
Ad….the clip…what a find….perfect.
2 hours ago
PPO – Right with you, I’m angry tooo about how our country is being damaged for the profit and ego gratification of Trump and his cronies.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph–in answer to your question about the emails, it may not be an investigation, per se, but a federal judge has ordered the state department to search its own records to find more of the emails. “An agency ‘cannot limit its search to only one record system if there are others that are likely to turn up the information requested,’” Mehta, who was appointed to the court in December 2014, wrote in his ruling. “To date, State has searched only data compilations originating from outside sources—Secretary Clinton, her former aides, and the FBI…. It has not, however, searched the one records system over which it has always had control and that is almost certain to contain some responsive records: the state.gov email server.” This is in response to the FOIA suit that Judicial Watch has filed.
2 hours ago
PPO – That’s Trump all over, a LAMM!
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO and Murph, saw it last night on MSNBC and though it was a perfect illustration of what a phony and fraudulent showman Trump is. And his refusal too be moore specific about “fire and fury” is a confession that it’s BS.
AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn my gues is that they will all be duplicates like the last batch and the ones on Humas laptop with weiners weiner.
2 hours ago
Glenn….ah…..that makes sense….I cannot imagine there is anything new there….mostly the originals that then went out of the system and became the basis for the investigations.
2 hours ago
Ad–trump has the “best words”–that’s why he uses them over and over again.
2 hours ago
glenn – Now that is a real witch hunt that will yield nothing. Of course Trump and this Repub judge wants to turn the focus on someone who has noo power in the country and didn’t betray America to steal the presidency. It will go nowhere.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph, in other words, nothing to see here, but spend millions on a useless effort -like voting fraud.
2 hours ago
there have been over 60 hearings, investigations and commissions on HRC. zippo.
2 hours ago
Harleigh and Murph–doesn’t matter if they say the same thing; it’s the “scandal” that counts.
2 hours ago
I am regularly amazed, although by this time I should not be, at how short Trumps attention span is…today at his Jersey club he gave an impromptu presser and was like a frenetic tennis player rushing to return the ball but hitting it all over the court.
2 hours ago
amazing people get paid to invent a dead horse to whip!
2 hours ago
glenn – I heard that foreign diplomats played a drinking game on Trump’s limited vocabulary when he gave a speech. Trump would be speechless without using a superlative or being able to refer to himself as “me”, “I” or “Trump”.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO- precisely, a costly diersion.
2 hours ago
Harleigh–I read a good line the other day–“Conservatives have been investigating HRC for over 20 years and not one grand jury has been convened; they’ve been investigating trump for three months and we already have a grand jury and indictments.”
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Murph – He is not well adjusted mentally, that is clear to us but the rest of America is discovering it the more they hear him talk.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–of course it will go nowhere. That’s not the point, the point is to get the 30% of America believing that HRC has done something wrong, anything, to justify their hatred of her.
an hour ago
glenn it’s not just low fruit…. it’s blatant piles of it rotting on the ground and they think they are powerfull and slick enough that it’s all OK.
an hour ago
Ad…I hope the awakening comes soon…the sooner it comes….the sooner the GOP will feel safe to consider the means to remove him.
an hour ago
Lovely line on Twitter: Fire and Fury won’t stop the Grand Jury!
an hour ago
Harleigh….great word picture….piles of rotting fruit.
an hour ago
How funny is it that Pence got caught preparing to run in 2020? He is such a lying weasel, lies right to Trump’s face about it. Trump will turn on him eventually, he does on everyone.
AdLib an hour ago
With Pence outpacing Trump in funding for 2020 I would say the cat is out of the bag. Trump will not believe it until he is ready to turn on Pence.
an hour ago
I’m waiting for trump to turn on the wrong person one day. Someone who has the real scoop on him, can prove it with paperwork, and bring him down. A lot more powerful people are beating the drums for impeaching trump using the 25th amendment. Never know when the crescendo will become so loud that even congress can’t ignore it.
an hour ago
Murph – Are you seeing that in MO? The beginning of Repubs pulling away from Trump? He’s making it so easy, betraying his voters on his promises on Repeal and Replace, attacking McConnell, calling the House Repeal and Replace bill “mean” after hawking it as fantastic, etc. And when his voters see he can’t get anything of import passed with a Repub Congress? Trump exhaustion has already set in after 7 months, after 2-4 years, voters will be rushing to the polls to vote out Repubs!
AdLib an hour ago
I have a feeling he’ll be outted like raygun wasn’t. raygun was seriously impaired and allowed to stay in office because he was on a short leash in a bubble and no NET. Dolt45 has real mental problems.
an hour ago
glenn – You woon’t have to wait too long, that persoon’s name is Independent Counsel Robert Mueller.
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn…I am a big advocate of the 25th….Suspends him from office….called by the VP with 1/2 of the cabinet…and then made permanent by a Congress unwilling to reinstate him.
an hour ago
Sorry, folks, have to call it a day. Hope to see you all next week, if there is a next week. Covfefe with Kimchi for dinner tonight!
an hour ago
murph not with this cabinet.
an hour ago
lol later PPO
an hour ago
Harleigh – That was scary enough, having Reagan with Alzheimer’s in the WH and Nancy and others behind the curtain pulling the strings. Trump is far mroe dangerous of course, being a hostile, lying narcissist.
AdLib an hour ago
Seeya PPO!
AdLib an hour ago

an hour ago
Sounds delicious!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad…Ignorance plus Arrogance holds sway. Trump is Winning. The main lame stream media representing the deep state is throwing up one lie after another. Until something he does or does not do bites them in the ass, the 30 percent will believe him.
an hour ago
Ad–I hope Mueller gets the “goods” soon. As you say, trump exhaustion is beginning to set in. On the “bright side”, though, our “fearless leader” had brought the stock market up all by himself, and
an hour ago
oops, and will take credit for it. (In case you all missed it, that last sentence is snark).
an hour ago
Glenn….Mueller is building a case that will be iron clad I suspect…that takes time.
an hour ago
That’s the same 30% that feel Obama was on vacation and allowed 9/11.
an hour ago
Harleigh…that’s them.
an hour ago
Murph–I think no matter what trump does, he’s always going to have that 30% or close to it. It may go a bit lower, but there are always going to be people who support him, no matter what he does.
an hour ago
Murph – No question, his 30% cultists who are ignorant authoritarians are lost causes. They need to be marked as social obstacles and avoided, not pandered to. Even a criminal conviction of Trump (which might be possible) woould be seen as Deep State fraud by them. They are lost causes. Dems should ignore them and pitch to more mentally functioning Repubs and indies for 2018 and 2020. Let Trump have his rejects, they’re not worth having in any case.
AdLib an hour ago
I troll the Hill and some of the really rwnj sites. simply amazing.
an hour ago
Glenn….generally I agree but if he junks the ACA they will be burned in large numbers and the blame will be hard to buck.
an hour ago
glenn – They say prosecutors go after the little fish first too flip them against the big fish. When you start with a campaign manager, NSA and Trump’s son-in-law, who else could that big fish be? Trump will be caught and shoown to be the criminal he is. The 30% won’t care but the 70% will and it will be over for Trump.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–not so sure I agree with you on that. The blame will be hard to buck, but trump and his cultist 30% will find a way to blame it on Obama or Hillary. It will probably Hillary’s fault because she wasn’t elected president.
an hour ago
HAHAHAHA if they burn the ACA then all their base of rural white people become uninsured. no HC and no more welfare. I especially love all his supporters that lose land for the wall and end up on the mexican side! hilarious.
an hour ago
Harleigh–yeah, I love those who will end up on the Mexican side, and those who will get no compensation for their land, due to “eminent domain.” However, just as trump supporters don’t understand nuance and diplomacy, they sure as hell don’t understand “irony”.
an hour ago
Murph – That could happen but I think McConnell’s glad to be done trying to repeal the ACA and won’t pay attention to Trump’s attacks on him to go back to it. He only has so much time left to pass everything else he wants to pass. But if he does sneak it through, you’re so right, the outcry from Trump vters and everyone else over a destroyed HC system will bury Trump and Repubs.
AdLib an hour ago
Okay, gents, you have cheered me up somewhat. Thanks. I’ll see you all next week, I hope.
an hour ago
Good night!
an hour ago
sleep well and go to you tube and watch ‘duck and cover’ from when we were kids. if you just curl up under a school desk after the flash….
an hour ago
glenn and Harleigh – And with the lawsuits that would come from Eminent Domain attempts, it would be many years just to settle those so no way Trump’s wall could be built while he was in office even if Congress gave him all the tens of billions it would cost. Then the next Dem President would just kill it!
AdLib an hour ago
well i’m noddin out too. later guys and have a good week.
an hour ago
Night Harleigh!
AdLib an hour ago
So Murph, what’s the atmosphere like among Repubs in MO?
AdLib an hour ago
You there, Murph?
AdLib an hour ago
Well, folks got to run…this has been fun….very lively…..
an hour ago
I am here…got pulled away by a phone call….
an hour ago
Got it.
AdLib an hour ago
We have a former GOP county chair who is a neighbor. He is sickened by what has been done to his party.
an hour ago
And aside from the Trump cultists, what do they think about Trump’s threatening nuclear war?
AdLib an hour ago
The older leadership is all that way but live in fear that if they pull down the edifice of hate and anger that has been erected as the new GOP there will be nothing left.
an hour ago
It is amazing how many people I know who are right leaning are pumping their fists and yelling “Yeah, Trump don’t take no shit.”
an hour ago
In a way, they are probably right. But if they acted like men instead of victims and cowards, they could replace the emptiness of fear and hate with actual agendas that could help their lives.
AdLib an hour ago
If only they could watch that video of him repeating that same phony threat on so many issues.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad…..I live in an area that 20 years ago was solid Blue…..dixiecrat maybe but blue…..that generation turned the tri county region from blue to red…they fear the fall of the party.
an hour ago
Even NK responded with ridicule at his obviously phony threat. But his supporoters would cheer if he pissed all over them…which he is.
AdLib an hour ago
The video….more fake news….falsified video….an actor…..I think that once Alex Jones did not go under when he created the meme that the shooting of kids was a phony to promote taking away arms truth was dead.
an hour ago
Hey Funk!
AdLib an hour ago
Hello my friends. Great to see you!
an hour ago
I have only been to one Trump rally and the moron factor is really, really high.
an hour ago
Funk, old bean, what’s the haps!
an hour ago
We were about to close up shop but hung around for some last minute chatter…..many topics tonight…
an hour ago
Hey Murph! Just having fun in the ashtray that is Seattle
an hour ago
Murph – I wonder if this iteration of the GOP will be like Japan losing in WWII and holdouts locked in their bunkers for years thinking the war is still going?
AdLib an hour ago
Funk….the ashtray that is Seattle. What a hoot!
an hour ago
The skies have been filled with smoke for 2 weeks. Worse air than Beijing!
an hour ago
Ad….I fully expect that what began as the Tea Party and morphed into the Trump Movement will be with us for years…the know nothings have a way of persisting.
an hour ago
Funk – I hear BBQ sales on the West Coast are plummeting.
AdLib an hour ago
Funk, I always think of Seattle as the Great Northwest. Not so…
an hour ago
They’ll be around until they get their ass handed to them in elections
an hour ago
Funk….those I am thinking of are not at that level…the angry minions.
an hour ago
Ad, no doubt. King County has put out alerts saying that if you don’t need to be outside, don’t go.
an hour ago
Murph, I get it.
an hour ago
I know some of those minions unfortunately.
an hour ago
Murph – After 2020, they could become a true minority national party for decades. In that wilderness, the control f the Trump Cult shuold whither.
AdLib an hour ago
Also 55 days with no rain.
an hour ago
Funk, I know many, including those whose lives will be horribly affected if Trump’s agenda comes to pass in any way.
an hour ago
Does Trump have an agenda?
an hour ago
Funk – That is horrible. What’s the status on the fires?
AdLib an hour ago
Ad…my fear is that the GOP who seem so able to play the political game will beat out the Dems again, a party that still seems at sea.
an hour ago
Still blazing away in BC. Supposed to clear out tomorrow or Sunday
an hour ago
Funk…he does…..although it is a moving target….he just has no good ideas and anything he supports will hurt.
an hour ago
Funk…am I correct in my belief that your part of the world has only recently become tinder as a result of shifting climate patterns.
an hour ago
Murph I fear more him being used by the truly evil rather than just the regular grifter action that he engages in. I think he’s very vulnerable.
an hour ago
Funk…that is so….but even the truly evil are unlikely to trust him as a “good cop” one who once bought stays bought.
an hour ago
Murph – I think the meme about the Dem party is untrue. When has any party out of power had a singular leader and a powerful agenda? All that an oout of party power has is to oppose the party in power. In 2010, Repubs won back the Senate on whipping up hate and fear of Obamacare. They had no leader or agenda outside of opposing what the party in power was doing.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph, kind of. This particular dry spell is not due to climate change…but that said, what climate change IS doing is creating new “norms” within regular occurrences like El Nino and La Nina. Wettest winter ever followed by the driest summer ever just isn’t normal, but it may be soon
an hour ago
Ad…I am not so much speaking to a leader or an agenda as to a willingness to engage in the kind of dirty in-fighting that marked their campaign against Clinton…
an hour ago
Funk….that makes sense….and it is sad and worrisome. Here in Mo. we are seeing much dryer summers and much warmer winters….making a mess for those who plant and harvest.
an hour ago
Like me.
an hour ago
Funk – But you can always depend on Trump to sabotage whatever he touches and whoever he aligns himself with because of his rampant narcisism. Only Russia, Wikileaks and Comey saved him from losing the election.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, no doubt. But before I was worried that he was a crook, and would install 3 Supreme Court justices. Now I worry that anyone with good flattery skills can make him do anything they want. That’s troubling
an hour ago
Murph, what do you raise?
an hour ago
Ad…..Russia….if Trump has a mouthful of PutinShit he would not say a thing that is negative. Thanking Putin for kicking 700 plus off of our consular staffing (about half russian who are now unemployable) and all who were dedicated to their work. Not a word to them either.
an hour ago
Murph – This is what the MSM is focused on, describing Dems as rudderless and withoout an affirmative agenda. Not completely untrue but parties out of power always run against the party in power. Until we’re gearing up for 2020, there won’t be a Dem spokesperson for the party that has any media attention (Tom Perez has been virtually invisible).
AdLib an hour ago
Funk…I am a “truck farmer”. I have a dozen 1000 square foot plots of organic vegetables that I sell to restaurant supply house. My surplus goes to food banks.
an hour ago
Nice. That’s what I pictured when I thought of your operation. Funny…
an hour ago
Funk – Yes, Trump is easily manipulative but he is manic and can turn on whatever or whoever he supported in a split second. So even as a patsy, he’s undependable.
AdLib an hour ago
Good point
an hour ago
Ad….I agree but Trump and the GOP are so vulnerable right now that some trends should be emerging and again I am not certain the Dems can rumble the way they have to.
an hour ago
Funk….why are you amused that you had a sharp picture of my ops…..I know how sharp you are so it does not surprise me at all.
44 minutes ago
Dems are outperforming both Clinton and Obama by 9 points in swing districts nationwide. Not sure how that helps them in local elections they ignore, but the House may be in play. We ignore local races to our peril
44 minutes ago
I don’t know. It’s just the picture in my mind I have of you when I think about you. Of course that’s probably because you told me two years ago and now I think it was my idea
43 minutes ago
Funk, ignoring local elections is one of my examples about the Dems not playing the politics game in the bare knuckled rumble in the gutter way that the GOP does.
42 minutes ago
Murph – And can you imagine the onslaught against Trump in 2020 (if he’s still in office)? As Putin’s lapdog? As a nuclear madman? Seen as a liar by 2/3 of America? The real problem in 2018 and 2020 is what to leave out of anti-Trump ads!
AdLib 42 minutes ago
Funk…so funny…..maybe we spoke of it but I have certainly dropped a number of clues…and you picked up on them.
42 minutes ago
Ad….I see all of that….I suspect many of my neighbors will just refuse to even take a glance…of course if they are part of a high 20’s or low 30’s crowd even with gerrymandering the results in the elections will be a harsh lesson (if they are close to being honest)
40 minutes ago
Murph – It’s only going to get worse for Trump and Repubs. Historically, presidents’ polling declines markedly by their 2nd year. And Trump Exhaustion has already set in. People will be so sick of Trump and Repubs in 2018 and 2020, Dems will have a windfall of support even if they spend a fraction of the usual amounts in elections.
AdLib 40 minutes ago
The special election in Iowa recently was a good sign. The Dem beat the Repub by 10 points in a district that Trump won by 17 points.
39 minutes ago
Ad….a sign of what you are suggesting will be a fall off in his crowds……Ye Gods! It is almost 11.
39 minutes ago
Funk what election was that? Was it covered by the national press.
39 minutes ago
Nope. Totally ignored. Which is odd considering how much coverage of the MT, GA and KS races they had
38 minutes ago
Funk – While the DNC is still run poorly and won’t stick its neck out for Dems in red states unless a win looks very possible well in advance, I hear more Dems are stepping up to run in local elections in red districts and states. Even Paul Ryan has a solid Dem challenger!
AdLib 38 minutes ago
Funk, I need to look it up. An example of how the Dems miss the boat.
38 minutes ago
Thanks for the lead.
38 minutes ago
Ad….challengers are running very far ahead of the norm and very, very far ahead of the GOP.
37 minutes ago
Ad, yes! There are now something like 31 new Dem challengers to previously “safe” districts in CA alone, am I right?
37 minutes ago
Murph – Why do you think Trump held his recent rally in WV? The state he won by the biggest margin? That shows he’s afraid of trying to attract crowds in other states.
AdLib 36 minutes ago
Funk – Yes, I heard about that election, very cool results for Dems and a sign of things to come!
AdLib 35 minutes ago
209 new Dem challengers already in House races nationwide
35 minutes ago
Ad I think you are spot on in that analysis. It is in those states that his base is still very strong…..and that is why it will be a sign of faltering support if those rallies begin to fall off.
35 minutes ago
It is creeping closer and closer to 11…I need to hit the sack. 5:30 AM comes fast. Best to both of you. This is terrific.
34 minutes ago
Murph, great seeing you. Take care
34 minutes ago
So long Funk and Ad!
34 minutes ago
Murph – Voters are reactionary. The Bush disaster led us to Obama. Racist hatred of Obama led us too Trump. Hatred of Trump will lead Dems back to power. Sad but true, that’s how democracy works.
AdLib 34 minutes ago
Murph, get some rest and have a great weekend!
AdLib 33 minutes ago
Ad, everyone in your world good?
33 minutes ago
Funk – That number is very encouraging. And all most have to do is run against Trump and the Repub House member they’re opposing for voting for Repeal of the ACA.
AdLib 32 minutes ago
Yep, everyone’s doing well. How about in Funkland?
AdLib 32 minutes ago
GOP had 79 at this same time in 2010
32 minutes ago
Wow, haven’t heard that stat! Love it!
AdLib 31 minutes ago
Not bad. Just getting ready for the big day in a couple of weeks.
31 minutes ago
See the difference between me and Don Jr., he says “Love it!” when offered to collaborate with Russians against our democracy.
AdLib 31 minutes ago
Bog day?
AdLib 30 minutes ago
I’m just hoping the party can support them a little bit. Not convinced. Perez is a good guy, but just not sure if he has the chops
30 minutes ago
Big day, that is?
AdLib 30 minutes ago
Yeah, the big surgery on August 23rd. Officially moved to sweaty palms level 2
30 minutes ago
Perez is playing the role of being a good guy but I see the same DNC behavior of not putting money into Dems in red districts.
AdLib 29 minutes ago
Oh yeah…you holding up okay?
AdLib 28 minutes ago
I’m just not convinced the Dems learned anything from 2016. The stupider that Trump looks, the more the party seems to think that they can run against that to the exclusion of any new message
28 minutes ago
I’m fine. Just want to get it over with
28 minutes ago
Is your daughter in high school this year?
27 minutes ago
Establishment Dems are thick as mud. They simply don’t learn which is why I was hoping Ellison would win and lead the DNC. When Howard Dean succeeded, he was shown the door and derided as the Estab Dems took over from him.
AdLib 26 minutes ago
I understand, the waiting is sometimes the most stressful time. Keep yourself occupied!
AdLib 26 minutes ago
Yes, she starts next week, great memory! Yours?
AdLib 25 minutes ago
I’ve run into brick walls for months when I ask “12 million Dem voters voted in the primaries for someone that isn’t a Democrat. What do you think we can learn from that” Typically the answer is “we don’t need them”
25 minutes ago
I graduated from high school in June, one headed to 8th grade. Growing up fast!
24 minutes ago
leftists, liberals, progressives, Democrats all think we can do it without the other. So stupid.
24 minutes ago
Funk – Tribalism is moronic but pounded into so many Dems’ heads. They’re still hating on Bernie and blaming him for Hillary losing!
AdLib 23 minutes ago
“one” graduated. I graduated several years ago I swear!
23 minutes ago
And vice versa. Bernie supporters convinced they would have won if the “fix” wasn’t in.
23 minutes ago
Wow! Where is she going to college? That’s right, you have a daughter a year behind mine! 8th is a fun year for them as long as getting into a private high school isn’t needed or a big deal.
AdLib 22 minutes ago
Yep, I assumed that’s what you meant. You are very mature for your age, though.
AdLib 21 minutes ago
He is going to stay in “transition” in the high school system for another year (he’s autistic) and then to Bellevue college for a couple of classes in the spring. We are taking it slow. The other kid? Well he’s either going to be a splatter-painter, software tycoon or angry drifter depending on the day
20 minutes ago
Funk – Yep, though I think the percentage of Bernie supporters who are still whining about the primary in 2016 is far smaller than the Dem purists out there who are ranting over Bernie daily. It’s an obsession.
AdLib 20 minutes ago
Thankfully Dems in my area are having no such debates. I see a lot of unity around here. Only on social media do I see this huge schism
19 minutes ago
But my blue bubble is probably different then more lightly shaded areas of the country
18 minutes ago
Right, sorry, I forgot. Sons! Sounds like a very thoughtful path for your older son. As for your younger, the teen years really tweak their personalities, maybe more like spinning the Wheel of Fortune and hoping it doesn’t land on “moody”, which it always seems to.
AdLib 17 minutes ago
Good thing we never went through that
16 minutes ago
Well thanks for keeping the fire lit so I could find you. Have a great weekend!
16 minutes ago
Same here, I’m seeing it on the internet more. Sites where those who voted for Hillary just can’t let a day pass without slapping at Bernie for being such an asshole and keeping Hillary from winning (because he had the gall to run against her).
AdLib 15 minutes ago
Funk – No kidding! But I didn’t sign up to be on the other side of the fence! Oh wait, I guess I did. Damn it! Always read the fine print!
AdLib 14 minutes ago
Yep, very glad to see you and chat! Hope you can make it next week but if not, wish you a smooth procedure and a swift recovery!
AdLib 14 minutes ago
Thanks man. Take care
14 minutes ago
You too!
AdLib 13 minutes ago
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