Vox Populi returns tonight! Hope to see you here at 7:00pm PST for a lively and live chat!
AdLib 9 hours ago
A very Happy New year to all.
2 hours ago
Hey PPO! Happy New Year to you!
AdLib 2 hours ago
And Fergie!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ta very much!
2 hours ago
Just listened to the classiest First Lady’s final speech. Wonderful.
2 hours ago
I missed it, looking forward to hearing it.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Did you have a nice holiday?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Very quiet. Did a lot of skype calls to friends and family overseas. It is hard to get into the Christmas spirit when it is 100F, like today!
2 hours ago
Wow! Not even near that in LA!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey glenn!
2 hours ago
Hi glenn!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey PPO and Ad
2 hours ago
It’s snowing here in Ga, mixed with sleet! YUK!
2 hours ago
I see Trump is still denying that he was advantaged by the hacking ffrom Moscow. He is missing the point. Because he is so self-jusifying, he is ignoring the fact that Russia HACKED THE USA’ electoral system!
2 hours ago
glenn, you need too vacation in Australia!
AdLib 2 hours ago
I mught set up an AirBnB room for Planeteers visiting!
2 hours ago
PPO–It’s funny you should say that about getting in the Christmas spirit when it’s warm outside. I was raised in NJ, and my husband was born and raised in FL. The first year we were married, he said, “I hope it’s warm for Christmas.” I looked at him as if he were crazy, but warm weather at Christmas was what he was used to, so that’s what he wanted. It’s all in your perspective!
2 hours ago
Ad–Yup–a vacation in Australia is just what I need!
2 hours ago
PPO–Let us know when you set up your AirBnB!
2 hours ago
PPO – I think Trump is losing the argument big time over Russia now.
AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn, the Aussies are slowly changing the food they eat, from the stodge of Turkey, Ham and Christmas Pudding to seafood and salads.
2 hours ago
PPO–much better food for the warm weather!
2 hours ago
took ’em long enough, like 200 years!
2 hours ago
Better late than never, right?
2 hours ago
Ad, he’ll never admit it
2 hours ago
I think turduckens may still be a bit popular in some parts of the US.
AdLib 2 hours ago
the best stuffing for Turduckens IMO is a stick of gelignite and a lit fuse!
an hour ago
PPO – That’s my recipe for Trump cabinet nominees!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–yeah. My son’s-in-law “go to” Christmas food is Italian….lasagna, meatballs, and eggplant parmesan–all homemade, of course.
an hour ago
Oooooh, with you on that one, Ad!
an hour ago
Ad–I like that recipe. Too bad the Dems are probably not going to use it.
an hour ago
grabbing a coffee – BRB
an hour ago

What’s up, peeps?
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Hey Fuzzy!
an hour ago

How are ya glenn?
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
glenn – That sounds delicious! We have had beef dishes like steak and such that are a great alternative too.
AdLib an hour ago
Hey Fuzz!
AdLib an hour ago

Hey Ad.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Freezing. We are having snow and sleet tonight here.
an hour ago
How are you?
an hour ago

It’s about 2 degrees here in central Ohio.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Been raining a lot out here in LA but that’s very appreciated with the drought we’ve been having.
AdLib an hour ago

Yeah, I imagine rain is pretty welcome in your parts, Ad.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Fuzzy–Yeah, but it’s supposed to be that cold in Ohio. This is not right for GA, not mention too early in the year. We usually have these storms in Feb.
an hour ago
Ad–Glad to hear you’re having rain.
an hour ago

Our weather has been crazy. It will be in the low 50s for a few days, then drop to just single digits, then back to the 40s and 50s. Crazy.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
glenn – That’s pretty crazy!
AdLib an hour ago
Back again. Hiya Fuzz!
an hour ago

Hey Pink! Mmmm, coffee sounds pretty good right now.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Ad–yeah, last week at this time, I was in FL where the temps were in the 60’s at night and 70’s and 80’s during the day! Glorious!
an hour ago
glenn, our overnight temp in Melbourne will be 80F!
an hour ago

I wonder what the weather will be like in ten years. I wouldn’t want to live in any coastal cities or towns.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
PPO–I know that’s a little high; but I like warm weather!
an hour ago
Fuzzy, there is a report that a ginormous iceberg is about to separate from the Antarctic. I better get my Speedos out of the cupboard
an hour ago
Fuzzy–what are you talking about? There is no global warming–it’s snowing here in GA, and you’re having single-digit temps. 

an hour ago

Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
glenn – The temp’s been like that out here in LA, pretty normal for how it used to be. I know it’s temporary but I like nostalgia.
AdLib an hour ago

Oh yeah glenn, I forgot. Silly me.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Ad–yeah, your weather is nice, too. Does the rain bring the temp down?
an hour ago

wow, a brand new year, eh? Oh yeah, Fuck 2016! Good riddance!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
PPO–sorry to be so forgetful, but refresh my memory. Melbourne is right on the coast, right?
an hour ago
Are you near the water?
an hour ago
Fuzzy–Once the trumplethinskin is in office, we may be looking back at 2016 with fondness!
an hour ago

That’s a horrible thought.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Yes, glenn, down the southern coast, above Tasmania. Luckily, while Melbourne is flat mostly, I live on one of the few bumps about 150’AGL
an hour ago
Fuzzy-I know, but I’m not very optimistic about our new president.
an hour ago
glenn – Since it’s not humid out here, it always cools down at night anyway. The rain comes in mild and cold weather.
AdLib an hour ago

To say the least, glenn. I wonder how long it will be before Trump loses his mind. I think the job has far too much pressure and demand than Trump can handle.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
well, glenn, we’re stuck with him for a while. Just hope someone on his team has more than one brain cell to keep him from destroying the planet.
an hour ago
anyone got some polonium? Oh, yes, his little Russian Mate.
an hour ago
Fuzzy–a friend of mine has a pool going on when trump is going to be impeached.
an hour ago

Ad, I spent about 2 months in the Mojave desert many years ago. 115 in the day and about 40 degrees at night. Takes some getting used to.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
PPO–Not too many on his team with any brain cells, as far as I can see.
an hour ago

I think most of them are criminals.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Fuzzy–yeah, I lived in Iran in the 70’s and Saudi Arabia in the 8′
an hour ago
I see that the workforce in Trump Wash. are suing for being stiffed, yet again!
an hour ago

Wow, how’d that come about? Job?
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
oops–in Saudi Arabia in the 80’s. Quite a difference in temps between day and night in the desert.
an hour ago

My brother has been living in Oman for the last ten years. He has to stay for one more year. Job.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
PPO–Yeah, and this time, we, the taxpayers are probably going to have to pay those contractors if they win the suit. The man is a walking disaster!
an hour ago
Wonder what will happen when he stops payment to White House Staff
an hour ago

Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Fuzzy–yeah, my husband’s job.
an hour ago

The GOP is already trying to reduce government workers pay to 1 dollar an hour. Some old rule from the mid 1880s. No kidding. How stupid can these cretins get?
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
PPO–Don’t know that he actually pays the staff. And, supposedly, he’s not going to take a paycheck, so don’t know how he’d pay them anyway. He’s raising money to pay his transition team. Good ole Kellyanne is out having fundraisers to get paid!
an hour ago
Fuzzy–it’s not stupid; it’s cruel and vindictive! From what I understand, if the workers don’t do work on what they want, then their pay is reduced.
an hour ago
I’d love to dropkick that woman off the Washington Monument!
an hour ago
The Trump Lemming Express has tracks leading right off a cliff but they are so tunnelvisioned that they are ready to go full steam ahead.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–Now that would be a great fund raiser! I’d pay to see you do that!
an hour ago
I’d pay to do it!
an hour ago
an hour ago
Did you see the poll Repub Marsha Blackburn put up on Twitter, thinking she’d confirm a majority would affirm killing the ACA but it went big time the other way? And the poll Kalima mentioned in a comment about most Trump voters wanting Dems to keep Trump in check. We’re loooking at the biggest case of buyer’s remorse about to take place.
AdLib an hour ago

The GOP still has nothing to replace the ACA with. Nothing good for the people anyway.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Ad–Yeah, I saw that. Those trump voters really are idiots. They made sure our government was majority republican, but they want the Dems to keep trump in check. How the hell do they think Dems are going to do that with a republican majority?
an hour ago

What really sucks is that people are going to die because of the GOP.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Fuzzy – I’ve spent time in the desert and desert cities when it’s gotten as hot as 125 degrees which is like being hit with a giant blowdrier the second you step outside.
AdLib an hour ago
Yes, Ad! What a debacle for her. Cringeworthy big time. Like you, I think a lot of folk are looking at each other and saying ‘What have we done?’
an hour ago

Oh yeah Ad. I loved it though, once I got used to it. It was like being on some other planet.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
PPO and Ad–not so sure it really has sunk in yet with a lot of trump voters. My neighbor across the street, who otherwise is a nice person, is excited to see trump inaguarated. So much so that she’s having a party in our clubhouse so a bunch of people can watch it together. She knows my politics, so needless to say, I was not invited.
an hour ago

I bet that made you really sad, eh glenn? 

Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Ad–the best thing about living in desert climates is you save on washing towels, because you dry off the minute you step out of the shower. Of course, then you have to spend a fortune on mosturizer so your elbows don’t look like camel’s knees!
an hour ago
glenn, get a few like-minded folk and hold a wake at the same time!
an hour ago
Fuzzy–Yeah, I was really upset! NOT! She did say I could come if I wanted to, and I told her I wouldn’t want to see that if she paid me.
an hour ago

Good for you, glenn. I’m not going to watch it. My stomach just isn’t that strong any more.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
PPO–Unfortunately, I live in a republican neighborhood, don’t know that many people here, and I don’t want to acknowledge his “big day” in any way, shape, or form.
an hour ago
glenn and PPO – I still coonfess to a complete lack of understanding of the emotional or uneducated voter. Who would make decisions in their own life or for their children the way these people make decisions on voting. Would you intentionally let your kid drive drunk and get in an accident just to teach them how dangerous drunk driving is?
AdLib an hour ago
Fuzzy–my patience isn’t that strong either. I don’t want to throw things at my TV, and I”m afraid that’s what I’d end up doing!
an hour ago

My mother said that she just can’t accept Trump as her president. I feel exactly the same. I strongly disliked W, but at least I could acknowledge him being president. Barely.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
an hour ago
Ad–I haven’t had many conversations with my neighbor about it, because she knows how I feel, but she did say to me, that she was sick of politicians! And that’s why she voted for trump. I really don’t think many of these people thought this through; don’t know why, but they seemed to have a visceral reaction to trump that just made them follow him like lemmings, no matter what he says or does. It just blows my mind. I wish I could say it’s something in the air or water, but I breathe the same air and drink the same water, so I don’t get it either.
an hour ago
Fuzzy–exactly. I go back and forth about this. On one hand, I have to acknowledge that this cretin is actually president, but I don’t have to like it.
an hour ago

glenn, I am amazed that so many people couldn’t see Trump for the real con man he is and always has been.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Fuzzy–me too. And these are adults! They have just been fed such a diet of right wing nonsense that real facts just don’t seem to penetrate.
an hour ago

I just refuse to call him “my president.” Hillary won the popular vote by nearly three million people. The oligarchs won, for sure. The rest of us? Nope.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Fuzzy–that’s the only way most of us can handle it; we have to reluctantly acknowledge that he is being sworn in as president, but he will never be “my president”. He doesn’t represent me or my values.
an hour ago
These types of Trump voters are like drunk drivers themselves. “
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–that seems to be the only explanation that makes sense. They’re drunk on something, I just can’t figure out what it is.
an hour ago

I really believe that Trump won’t last 4 years. I’m not sure what will transpire, but I don’t think he can handle such a heavy weight job.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

Maybe Trump will tweet himself out of the job?
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
glenn – Drunk on victimization and fear?
AdLib 44 minutes ago
Fuzzy–don’t know how he’s going to “bow out”. Other than impeachment, and I truly don’t see the repulicans impeaching him. They’re still supporting him even with the russian hacking, so I don’t know how he’s going to get out of it. Don’t know if there’s an option in the Constitution for the president to quit. Not to mention, then we get Pence, who’s even worse!
44 minutes ago

You got that right, Ad. Also a bit of a superiority complex.
Fuzzy Dunlop
43 minutes ago
Ad–that seems to be about right. Years of right wing propaganda have made them bloated with both!
43 minutes ago

Trump eventually turns on everybody, and he’ll do something the GOP won’t tolerate.
Fuzzy Dunlop
42 minutes ago

Nixon once said, “When the president does it, it’s not illegal. I have no doubt that Trump thinks the same.
Fuzzy Dunlop
41 minutes ago
Fuzzy–maybe. We can hope, but if the russians hacking our election haven’t made them turn on him, I can’t think of anything that will make them turn on him. So far, the GOP has tolerated every bit of his nonsense, despite their “pretty speeches” that deounce him. When push comes to shove, he still has an “R” next to his name, and politics trumps country every time for repubs!
40 minutes ago
Fuzzy–they’ve even changed their opinion of putin, from a negative one to a positive one, according to polls I’ve read.
39 minutes ago

I Trump will do something reallly, really stupid and dangerous, and the GOP will have to deal with him.
Fuzzy Dunlop
39 minutes ago
Fuzzy – I know a number of people say that but I don’t see why Trump would want to go down in histiry as the only man to quit the Presidency. However, if he’s looking at a landslide against him in 2020, I coould see him bailing on re-election.
AdLib 39 minutes ago

Trump has the potential to start a war somewhere where there isn’t one yet.
Fuzzy Dunlop
38 minutes ago
Shades of Nixon, without Nixon’s political cunning
37 minutes ago

I don’t see him quitting voluntarily. I think he’s dangerous, even for the GOP. They’ll have to save their party, because that’s all they care about. Right now, they must think they can control him. I don’t think they can.
Fuzzy Dunlop
37 minutes ago
Fuzzy–trump has been doing really stupid things for the past year and a half, and all the repubs have done is talk. Probably the only thing that would do trump in is if he wants to save Social Security, Medicare, or Obamacare. They’ll turn on him quickly then! But I don’t see that happening either!
36 minutes ago
36 minutes ago

True glenn, but he didn’t have executive power. He could be very, very dangerous, in a myriad of ways.
Fuzzy Dunlop
35 minutes ago
They definitely cannot handle someone who is more of a con artist than they are. I can’t see any good happening for the next few years.
35 minutes ago

I think you’re right P. Trump is truly a loose cannon.
Fuzzy Dunlop
34 minutes ago
Wonder how the Loony religious are justifying a sex predator and cheating liar… oh, wait a minute! He’s just like them!
33 minutes ago
And how about his now insisting that American taxpayers pay for his wall? And that somehow magically, though he can’t get Mexico to pay for it now, he can make them pay later???
AdLib 33 minutes ago

Well folks, just wanted to pop in for a bit to say Hi. Take care all.
Fuzzy Dunlop
33 minutes ago
See ya, Fuzzy. Keep warm!
32 minutes ago
well, I think I’ll say cheerio as well, Ad and glenn. Take care and see you next week.
30 minutes ago
PPO – The truth of what phonies the religious right are is out for all to see now. No follower of Christ would support the hatred, selfishness and greed that Trump supports.
AdLib 29 minutes ago
Well, I leave for a few minutes, and everyone else leaves. Oh well, guess I’ll say good night too. Ad, I think we’re going to spend the next four years trying to figure out what trump will do next, which is part of his appeal to his supporters. Seems to me that the opposite should be true, especially for people who call themselves conservatives, but I’ve given up trying to figure them out. I do know that the republican politicians in DC are giddy with anticipation in shredding our social safety net, so I don’t think anything good is going to come along in the next four years. I truly don’t think the Dems are going to be able to stop them.
25 minutes ago
I do think glenn that they will very quickly be fearful or villified over what they want to do. They seem to be realizing that this may be a lot harder than they think.
AdLib 24 minutes ago
Yeah, I do see signs of some repubs–Cotton, of all people–re-thinking this repeal of Obamacare until they have a replacement. From what I’ve read, it will only take three repubs to vote against the repeal and it won’t happen. But ryan and mcconnell are sneaky, and are going to try to sneak the repeal or at least the de-funding into other bills and get it repealed one way or another. It definitely will be interesting to see the contortions they perform in their zeal to “punish” Dems.
20 minutes ago
To punish Dems, and to negate President Obama’s legacy.
19 minutes ago
I hate to say it but we may need them to succeed in defunding the ACA to have it exposed how they are destroying the lives of Americans. They’ve persisted with this magical myth about how their hatred of the ACA is because they want better for Americans. Idjits like Trump voters may need to be brought into severe suffering before they realize what idjits they’ve been…but so many millions of Dems and anti-Trump people will be devastated as well.
AdLib 18 minutes ago
And therein lies the problem. We are going to have to hit rock bottom; many people are going to be hurt, and perhaps even die before the trump idjits realize what they have done. As I said, it ought to be interesting (read puke-worthy) to listen to mcconnell and ryan justify what they are doing.
15 minutes ago
It was instructive enough to see what a POS McConnell insisted he is by suddenly claiming that the American people woon’t accept Dems blocking a Repub nominee for SCOTUS. They have no shame, none.
AdLib 14 minutes ago
Yup, no shame, no sense of irony, and no sense of hypocrisy. With that, I’m really leaving now. Always nice chatting with you, Ad. Hope you have a good week. See you next week.
13 minutes ago
Same here, glenn. Stay warm this weekend!
AdLib 12 minutes ago
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