Vox Populi, our weekly live chat on the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey Beatlex!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey VOX! Trump is looking foolish already and it is really early.His Shtick is wearing badly now that he is being challenged
7 days ago
And it’s so early!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hi Ad, Hi Beatlex–how are you both? Did Hillary hit it out of the park, or did Hillary hit it out of the park?
7 days ago
No question, glenn! She nailed Trump so bad he’s still reeling and has no idea what to do to respond!
AdLib 7 days ago
hey glenn!,and Trump’s response was pathetic
7 days ago
Hey Harleigh!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hi guys!
7 days ago
Ad–trump hasn’t had a clue what to do for over a year now. Except insult people! What a putz!
7 days ago
Hey Harleigh–how’s it going?
7 days ago
Oh it’s still going, nothin too exciting.
7 days ago
This is just the beginning! Trump will be battered and destroyed by November. I mean, he just said anyone with Mexican heritage can’t be a judge in any case against him. Overt, literal racism. He’s dead.
AdLib 7 days ago
Someone somewhere I can’t remember said Trump would implode,on purpose! The Presidency would be to much for his tiny little brain
7 days ago
Beatlex–I just love watching strong women take down trump. First Elizabeth, then Hillary!
7 days ago
Beatlex – I’m not a believer in conspiracy theories. Trump can’t help being the beast he is, live by the beast, die by the beast.
AdLib 7 days ago
Harleigh–at our age, nothing too exciting is a good thing! 

7 days ago
well he alienated blacks, women, HIspanics and educated white people. not much chance winnin a natioal election
7 days ago
LOL glenn
7 days ago
Elizabeth Warren nailed him to the wall! And Trump responded with a racist insult.He can’t help himself,he is such a reactionary.No self control
7 days ago
Ad–the “new latest” is now that trump bribed the attorney generals in FL and TX to drop charges against Trump U. When will Issa or Gowdy begin the congressional investigation into that?
7 days ago
The poll numbers showing it a close race leave out 10% – 15% of voters. Guess where they will end up. This could be a massive rout in Nov by Dems. And the Repubs like Ryan who are giving up all their alleged principles to support an outright racist? They will never escape their support of him.
AdLib 7 days ago
LOL I visit the hill and newsmax regularly to poke baggers! and I’m not ashamed to let y’all know! LMAO
7 days ago
Right Ad! and maybe get congress,at least the Senate
7 days ago
glenn – Yes, I saw that story, it’s outrageous and I can imagine it getting bigger. He is corrupt and dishonest through and through. Once his BS about what a straight talker he is is blown up, he’ll be food for the vultures.
AdLib 7 days ago
Harleigh! I like that too,is that the site name? newsmax?
7 days ago
Harleigh – How did you learn to speak “Bagger”? It’s a really difficult language to read and write, they spell everything differently all the time.
AdLib 7 days ago
AD when trump talks about these people it isn’t even toned down rascist shit, he’s worse than fuckin Duke the KKK puke
7 days ago
Ad–if repubs can keep repeating the same things over and over about Hillary, then Dems damn well better hold Ryan’s and all of the other repubs feet to the fire for supporting trump. Nikki Haley admitted the other day that hateful rhetoric like trump’s leads to shootings like that done by Dylann Roof. Yet, she will still vote for him!
7 days ago
Beatlex – Yes, I think The Senate is ripe for the Dems to pick up in Nov, especially with Trump sliming the Repub ticket.
AdLib 7 days ago
7 days ago
Ad,sure sign of a Troll,bad spelling and poor sentence structure
7 days ago
Hi, Y’all
7 days ago
7 days ago
Hey PPO–how goes it?
7 days ago
Harleigh – He said that Americans with Mexican heritage can’t be good judges! How much more blatant racism can there be?
AdLib 7 days ago
Beatlex–you mean poor spelling like “telepromter”?
7 days ago
I see Don The Con is at it again, or still
7 days ago
Ad–he said that judges of Mexican heritage can’t judge HIM. They can judge anyone else, just not trump, because….the wall.
7 days ago
beatlex yep… and ‘The Hill’ HRC bought off all the employees at FBI DOJ and DOS!!! with money from terroristos thru her mafia operated charity!!
7 days ago
glenn – This is why we are witnessing the end of the GOP. No matter what they allegedly stand for, they are acting like Nazi soldiers and think it can be an excuse to say, “I was just following orders.” Those who support a maniac are as guilty of his words and deeds as he is.
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey PPO! Yep, I think Don the Con says it all!
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad, You’re so right. the GOP has lost any credibility and mandate to govern byt the Speaker’s craven slobbering to Don.
7 days ago
glenn – But using Trump’s logic, an American of Mexican decent can’t be a judge of a Trump supporter either because they want the wall too. That’s a big portion of the nation.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–you got that right! Was watching Rachel tonight, and she brought up a good point. After Hillary’s speech last night, not one repub has come out in support of trump. But,once again, they will still vote for him!
7 days ago
Ad–you can’t use “logic” and “trump” in the same sentence. Does. Not. Compute.
7 days ago
glenn, perhaps, but not enough numbers of rednecks to make him Pres.
7 days ago
I still say that the beginning of the end for the R’s was 2010 when they bedded the T party.They took over,and that begat Trump!,The least qualified idiot ever put forward
7 days ago
Harleigh – Translating from Bagger, doesn’t that mean, “I know you are but what am I?!”
AdLib 7 days ago
AD I expect him to go full Hitler and start calling our frinds and neighbors niggers and spics and all the fuckin hysterical women bleeding from everywhere. If I had told you what things would become like this you would have rightly banned me for being past the fringe whackdoodle.
7 days ago
beatlex, True! Even Dubya looks erudite in comparison to this Conman.
7 days ago
it’s way past bizzare
7 days ago
glenn – They are propping up Trump so the blood on him is on their hands too. They know that he’s a racist and they STILL support him. They have destroyed their party by displaying no principles.
AdLib 7 days ago
Tes Oz,you have to be brutal to make GWB look good
7 days ago
Beatlex – Agreed, 2010 was the beginning of the end of this incornation of the GOP. Now they’ve taken over and forced their candidate into the nomination. When Trump implodes, so will their power in the GOP but they may bolt the party then, leaving it in shambles.
AdLib 7 days ago
brb, grabbing a coffee.
7 days ago
Ad–agreed. They have destroyed their party.
7 days ago
don’t forget his supporters will vote so we at least can show up and follow a straight dem ticket.
7 days ago
Harleigh–oh yeah! GOTV is so important this year!
7 days ago
Something will survive Ad,Americans have short memories sadly
7 days ago
the teabaggers started this and now the house only shows up 120 days a year and many absent.
7 days ago
Harleigh – I think Hillary is actually baiting him to go nuclear on everyone and that is a great strategy. Knowing Trump is so thin skinned, just beat the hell out of him then watch him explode in a racist, misogynist, Islamaphobe and scare voters from ever voting for him.
AdLib 7 days ago
Beatlex–yes, something will survive, but it won’t be the party of Lincoln. Of course, it hasn’t been that since they adopted the “Southern Strategy”.
7 days ago
glenn,but the Dems will get the SCOTUS pick(or 3) that’s big too
7 days ago
Ad–It doesn’t take much to bait trump, but I do love it. Now we need Warren to come out with a few more punches. Let him rant and rave daily!
7 days ago
Beatlex – True, Americans have very short memories but the GOP Party itself is disintegrating. They represent decay, hatred and bigotry, party before country and spinelessness. It is collapsing in on itself.
AdLib 7 days ago
In 1956 the repub platfor under Ike was more liberal and the best for the US. now they are the enemies.
7 days ago
He is so thin skinned,he may have low self esteem.Sounds weird,but so is he
7 days ago
Ad, surely, money before party before country
7 days ago
7 days ago
Beatlex–hopefully. At least Dems will get to pick one. I truly think Ruth Bader Ginsbug is waiting for the next Dem president to retire. So that would be at least 2!
7 days ago
Beat what do you mean… murikkkans…have…. HUH?
7 days ago
Pardon Harl?
7 days ago
Beatlex–short memories and able to resist/rewrite history in a single bound!
7 days ago
glenn,even Richard Nixon was treated as an elder statesman
7 days ago
beat, you may have it there. Most bullys are snivelling cowards under the bluff and bluster. Let’s keep at him with the Death of a Thousand jibes until kkkhe whinges himself to death.
7 days ago
Ike – protect and expand SS for everybody!!
7 days ago
Beatlex–there’s no doubt in my mind that trump has low self-esteem. Most bullies and liars do. That’s why they have to lie and bully people; to make themselves feel better.
7 days ago
Beatlex–“I am not a crook!”
7 days ago
He is really good at getting attention,and the media obliges
7 days ago
I sure hope he rolls out Sarah for more word salad hate causing massive gunfight at his rally!
7 days ago
Don’t talk about the media. Disgraceful taodying. If HRC had said 10% of the shite don the Con spouts, she’s have been run out of town on a rail
7 days ago
Beatlex–Since trump hates the press so much, I would love to see them ignore him for a couple of days, and then see what he has to say about them.
7 days ago
LOL Harl! Sayrah,the gift that keeps on giving
7 days ago
glenn – Imagine this in the GE, a political superhero team of Obama, Warren, Biden, Sanders and Bill Clinton pummeling Trump along with Hillary. And what Repubs of any standing will be backing Trump?
AdLib 7 days ago
exactly glenn! He would hate that
7 days ago
glenn, good Idea! Let the press boycott him for a while.
7 days ago
Ad–hopefully we don’t have to imagine that team. I think they’re fired up and ready to go!
7 days ago
I cannot even believe that trump will attend a real debate with HRC. muhahaha fucking moron racist mysogyn asshole.
7 days ago
PPO – True, most bullies are cowards and Trump’s thin skinned nature belies that. His need to insist his stubby fingers don’t impune his manhood screams insecurity…and exaggeration.
AdLib 7 days ago
What if he gave a Press Conference and no one turned up?? Ooooh please let it happen just once!
7 days ago
Palin – Bachmann 2016 for jebus! halalujer!
7 days ago
Some pundit was asking if Trump may refuse to participate in Presidential debates. I could imagine him refusing for BS reasons then being devastated in the press.
AdLib 7 days ago
Harleigh–Ought to be interesting to see if trump will debate Hillary. And, if he doesn’t, what “grand event” will he do instead? Raise money for the KKK? Maybe he should have a fundraiser for the wall!
7 days ago
He is going down as this sorry fuckin saga continues. If you can’t tell, it kinda pisses me off.
7 days ago
Maybe a fundraiser for Returned POWs, glenn?. You know, the ones he can’t stand?
7 days ago
glenn – I think Trump would pay a massive political price for avoiding a Presidential debate. He will be called a coward and look like one. There’s no defense.
AdLib 7 days ago
What pisses you off, Harleigh?
AdLib 7 days ago
yeah and iff he shows up he gets his dumb ass kicked by a girl. oh the shame. HRC is no Megyn Kelly.
7 days ago
And you know, this is just the tip of the iceberg. I’ll bet there are so many more skeletons in his closet that the Dems will be pulling out in front of the nation that it will wear down his supporters and the GOP.
AdLib 7 days ago
Let’s not forget that don the con is a master of TV talk. Any debate had will have him quiet, respectful, measured. that is, till the telePrompter goes off or Megyn asks him a real question instead of puffballs.
7 days ago
Harleigh–I don’t know whether to be pissed or sad. I cannot believe that so many people support this man! I am so sick of hearing from the right wing about what bad shape our country is in. The deficit has been reduced by about 60%, unemployment is below 5%, the stock market and corporate profits are at record highs, our standing overseas (at least when talking about Obama) is at record highs. Just what in the hell is so wrong with our country? That trump supporters don’t have jobs? Perhaps if they learned some writing and speaking skills, and some civil discourse, then perhaps they could get a job!
7 days ago
PPO – The only debates that Trump could play that game on were the very slanted, Trump-friendly debates. He won’t get any like that in the Presidential debates and Hillary will go at him hard. No escape, he will snap and blow himself up.
AdLib 7 days ago
Here’s hoping, ad.
7 days ago
Ad–from your keyboard to trump’s puny….brain!
7 days ago
AD that a POS like trump is running for POTUS and thinks he can fix anything.and the MSM doesn’t call him. I Read today CNN puts up little tags while he speaks and points out his lies!!
7 days ago
Harleigh, Yes, I saw what CNN have been doing. Great.
7 days ago
glenn – The party out of power always moans about how terrible things are, otherwise, why not keep the Dems in power. But they are just dissing the whole country just to try and justify their quest for power. Hillary should definitely highlight the bright side of this nation but not gloss over the real problems we have about economic injustice and racial injustice.
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO I almost peed myself
7 days ago
7 days ago
did that wrong?
7 days ago
Dick Morris took a job at the Enquirer as head cheese political guy!! LOL As a result he lost his job at The Hill!!! wahahaha
7 days ago
Harleigh – I think this was inevitable, there has been such a casualization of institutions. And with media being so encompassing, I think a Trump, a media creation, had to eventually run for the Presidency just like they compete in reality tv. Those competitions have nothing to do with worthiness, just about manipulation. So I think that eventually such a candidate was inevitable. It’s just important that he is beaten so decisively, we don’t see anyone like him again for a very long time.
AdLib 7 days ago
7 days ago
alrighty PPO, gold star
7 days ago
Thanks, ad!
7 days ago
Why is it that people named “Dick” in the political world are usually properly named that?
AdLib 7 days ago
Now, all we need is for the other networks to do the same. Yeah, that’ll happen at Fox, won’t it?
7 days ago
he knows all about military stuff cause he went to a military boarding school as a kid over 50 years ago…
7 days ago
PPO – I think that’s going to happen. As Trump tore into the press and called them sleazes and liars, they can get the best of both worlds by covering him but exposing him as a liar.
AdLib 7 days ago
Pleeeeease let it be so, ad!
7 days ago
Corporate media knows Trump is making money for them but also that if he won, they would have their throats cut.
AdLib 7 days ago
notice MSM isn’t giving all the HRC witch hunts time or space except the RWNJ sites.
7 days ago
Ad–Hillary did allude to our “greatness” some in her speech. She said something like, “America is already great, let’s make it greater!” I think she also said something about income inequality also . Don’t know if she addressed racial injustice. She shouldn’t gloss over those things; she should show how she will address them. She may not be believed,but at least she should talk about them. And, once again, highlight the differences between her ideas and trump’s. Keep the SOB on the ropes!
7 days ago
The MSM is slowly realizing they’ve been building up an enemy oif the media to possibly be elected. They’ve been building a Frankenstein that is announcing it will turn on them and tear them apart. Now I think comes the buyer’s remorse.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad, they also are making a rod for their own backs by showing themselves to be untrustworthy and of framing the news instead of reporting it.
7 days ago
Ad–I have a question about the upcoming CA primaries. Is it “winner take all” regarding delegates, or are proportioned?
7 days ago
are they proportioned?
7 days ago
Harleigh – The irony is that since anything Trump related is more attention grabbing, his dirty laundry steals attention from Hillary’s and always will. All she has to do is keep putting his on display and the MSM won’t ever have time to talk about hers!
AdLib 7 days ago
CA is proportionate.
AdLib 7 days ago
screen froze…. brb
7 days ago
glenn, I think there will be a division of delegates. It might be moot for HRC and Bernie, because the results of NJ will be in by the time the polls close in CA
7 days ago
Ad–so even if Bernie wins, Hillary will still get delegates? Do you know how many she need to “secure” the nom?
7 days ago
PPO–so if Hillary wins NJ, will that be enough for her to secure the nom?
7 days ago
Ad–I agree. Hillary should keep making the same speech about trump over and over. Just add one new thing here and there so the press has to cover it, and the trump has to defend himself.
7 days ago
So Hillary and Bernie will pretty much split the delegates in CA I think…which should put her close to or over the top. BTW, Maddow has been on a tear as a “Bernie needs to get out of the race” type, cheering on the media to declare Hillary the winner this weekend due to Superdelegates. Haven’t seen her so wrongheaded for a while. If Hillary is declared the nominee due to Superdelegates instead of pledged delegates, it will throw gas on the fire for Bernie supporters and undermine a coming together. Why don’t these single minded folks think like unifiers instead of trying to force Hillary over the top in divisive ways?
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn, yes, she needs less than 100 and there are 51 in NJj alone.
7 days ago
Then, the MSM won’t have time to talk about Hillary’s damn emails.BTW, exactly what is it that is being investigated about those damn emails? Hillary has already admitted that she was wrong to use a private server.What more do we need to investigate?
7 days ago
Just to be clear, Hillary has 1,769 pledged delegates, the only ones that count before the convention is held, and she needs 2,383. So she is still quite a ways away from reaching the nom in a legit way.
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO – Only if you count Superdelegates and legitimately, they can’t be counted until the convention because they can’t vote until then. And if they are used to hand Hillary the nomination before the convention, it will ignite a lot of conflict for Bernie supporters. People need to let things play out as they are supposed to, this stampede to crown Hillary is exactly what is dividing the Dem party.
AdLib 7 days ago
rwnj are sayin every charge up to treason for having her own server and blackberry going into SOS. It’s a long read… let me get a link. basically there is less there there than what Orly had on obamas BC
7 days ago
Ad–Yea, I saw that tonight on Maddow. I think the press needs to stop trying to tell candidates what to do, and let the process play out. Saw an article yesterday where some pundit was putting forth the premise that Bernie may go green, and run with Jill Stein. That would be a very wrong-headed move, IMO>
7 days ago
harleigh, all they’ve got is benghazi and servers! desperate!!
7 days ago
Harleigh – They also declared that Obama was a Kenyan who wanted to destroy America. They’re babbling idiots, why should enyone take anything they say seriously?
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–babbling idiots they are, but too many people take them seriously. That’s the problem in a nutshell!
7 days ago
7 days ago
glenn – That is just made up bullshit. Bernie would never even imagine in a million years running in the Green Party, that pundit is just looking for attentioon like most pundits who toss out their bullshit knowingly.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad, according to bloomberg, etc. HRC is at 108% of regular delegates so far, Bernie is at 92%. So she is still ahead and I don’t think Bernie can pull enough of a victory to reduce the gap
7 days ago
the count is insurmontable. HRC is the Nominee
7 days ago
I do hope that they show President Obama skewering Don the Con at the White House Press dinner a few years ago and bring up the birther stupidity again.
7 days ago
Harleigh–great link; thanks. Dems need to keep plastering these facts over and over.
7 days ago
Ad–glad to hear it’s bullshit.
7 days ago
7 days ago
PPO – Right, not arguing that Bernie can win the nomination. Just saying that the more there’s a push to quickly hand Hillary the nom using votes that aren’t legit YET, the more division will be enforced. There is no need for this, people need to let the process do what it’s supposed to do. Let the Superdelegates affirm Hillary as the nominee at the convention, echoing the majority of pledged delegates and the system will have worked the way it was designed. This stampede to force Bernie out before the convention even though literally, Hillary hasn’t won enough pledged delegates to win the nom is self-defeating when it comes to the necessary thing of unifying.
AdLib 7 days ago
Glenn the rwnj’s are just crazy. Now they say Steven was going to blow the whistle on HRC so she had him killed in BENGHAZI!! and Obama ordered the rescue troops(none) to stand down.
7 days ago
Hi— just back from a Tammy Duckworth organizing meeting in Illinois. I am also working with two Mo. state campaigns….busy.
7 days ago
cool Murph!
7 days ago
PPO–There’s a clip out today where President Obama got a little testy answering a rwnj at a PBS meeting. The guy asked him about him wanting to take away his second amendment rights by wanting to put restrictions on guns and the Prez, in a wonderful, fact-filled answer, let him have it. You could tell Obama was exasperated, though, and he told the guy in no uncertain terms that he wasn’t trying to destroy the second amendment. It was glorious!
7 days ago
Harleigh, Hillary needs 614 pledged delegates to win the nom in the primary process. Even if she has a plurality, by the rules, she doesn’t win the nom unless she meets that number. Maybe she will and if so, THEN Bernie must concede and endorse her. If not, that moment comes at the convention. That’s the right way of doing this, following the rules and not shortcutting the rules out of convenience…if you don’t want to widen the division in the Dem party.
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib 7 days ago
people trying to go face to face with obama using bullshit are gonna eat it. our POTUS is no slowfooted old dummy.
7 days ago
Yeas, glenn, saw that! I watch PBS Newshour with Gwenn Ifill and saw it.
7 days ago
Harleigh–granted the rwnj are crazy, but this was on Salon,written by Kevin Zeese and Patrick Walker.
7 days ago
Harleigh – And didn’t Obama call in his Kenyan Secret Police to kill the people who killed in Benghazi to cover it all up?
AdLib 7 days ago
harleigh….. and he can actually string a few words together about the subject instead of bullying the questioner
7 days ago
Murph – that sounds very cool indeed!
AdLib 7 days ago
Harleigh–I know. When will these idiots learn that our President is smarter than all of them combined?
7 days ago
Hi Ad- I just learned tonight that the AP’s calling the GOP nomination for Trump when it did was based on its polling of the unbound delegates (the GOP super-delegates),..how will that temptation be set aside with the Dems.
7 days ago
Hey Murph–Good on ya! Glad you took some time out for the Vox!
7 days ago
trump had a HUGE problem with Kelly and he thinks he is gonna stick lyin ryans tag on HRC he is going down.
7 days ago
Glenn…greetings….I am tuckered out but will see how long I will lost.
7 days ago
The RWNJs need to live in a perpetual state of siege, they have no purpose in life if they can’t imagine powerful forces actually know who they are and care enough to be dedictaed to taking away their guns, sexually assaulting their kids in bathrooms and marching them into FEMA camps. Paranoid, insecure bigoted morons, that’s their job title.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph–we are having a lot of fun tonight laughing at trump’s reaction to Hillary’s speech.
7 days ago
the boys in the Faux-val Office are at it again: http://www.abc.net.au/news/programs/planet-america/
Planet America – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Australia’s most trusted source of local, national and world news. Comprehensive, independent, in-depth analysis, the latest business, sport, weather and more.
7 days ago
there is a great video game at the end with Trump’s hair as the alien fighting hero!
7 days ago
Murph – Agreed, some will be anxious to call the nom for Hillary but it’s different, in Trump’s case, he was the only one left in the race. In the Dems’ case, they still have two candidates actively running so jumping to that conclusion has different implications.
AdLib 7 days ago
The past chair of the GOP in my county who has been long a part of the GOP national scene says that the story making the rounds at the RNC is that the PRIMARY MOTIVATION for Trump to run was a desire to destroy Obama’s legacy BECAUSE OF THE WAY OBAMA HUMILIATED HIM at the WH Correspondents Dinner two years ago…..a while back I would have thought such a notion to be nonsense….now, it seems very plausible.
7 days ago
Ad- the AP called it before Kasich left the race but I get your drift.
7 days ago
glenn: Overall, 43 percent of fourth-grade boys graded Trump’s speech as “weak.” 22 percent also gave it a “sad.” The other 35 percent said “dude, why is that crazy guy orange?”
7 days ago
Do you know how many people work for the Trump campaign in the communications department….one, just one…..Trump is a one man band.
7 days ago
Murph–for a normal, sane person, that motivation would be nonsense, but we are talking about trump. He has admitted many times that he will “counter punch” when he feels insulted, so I have no doubt that’s why he got into this race. However, I think he is in way over his head now, and only his inflated, fragile, ego keeps him in.
7 days ago
he twitter twats alot
7 days ago
Glenn….yes, for those reasons I find the conjecture quite plausible.
7 days ago
Murph – I don’t know, Trump seems to have been building up to this for a number of years, flirting with running well before Obama ran and using the Birther thing to promote himself and build a constituency. Not a big believer in convoluted theories like that. Sometimes a cigar is a cigar and baby hands are baby hands. I think an egoist like Trump wanted exactly what he’s been getting, the nation and the world’s full attention and the chance to be the world’s biggest “CEO”.
AdLib 7 days ago
7 days ago
Murph – Kasich had really stopped campaigning seriously before that, he was dead already.
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO-isn’t that sad–that 4th graders can see right through trump as “weak”, yet adults can’t?
7 days ago
Ad- I think he would have played with running for many more years because it fed his ego with little risk and enhanced his name branding. My friend believes that Trump was pushed over the edge when an huge hall full of media types led by Obama was laughing at him.
7 days ago
PPO – And 64% of fourth grade boys thought they were better at name calling and tantrums than Trump.
AdLib 7 days ago
we make him look stupid in that department ad! LOL
7 days ago
Murph–speaking of name branding, reports are coming out now that trump hotel bookings are down about 60%. So, he’s actually hurting his brand, which is great for America!
7 days ago
he lost the masters at Doral to MEXICO!!! bwahahaha
7 days ago
Glenn I have read the same thing…and his golf courses are suffering as well.
7 days ago
Murph – It’s not outside the realm of possibility but it doesn’t quite make sense. If Trump wasn’t running because he wanted to be President, how could he harm Obama’s legacy if he didn’t win the presidency. And if he wanted to become President, didn’t he know he needed a constituency which is why he might have become the Birther King? But that was before Obama insulted him so why was he going after Obama as a Birther? Hard to buy.
AdLib 7 days ago
Oh….he wants to win NOW because that is the tool that he needs to ruin Obama in history (or so he believes). His birtherism was one of his stunts. I find the shift believable. Likely never know.
7 days ago
ad do you think anything about this POS makes ‘sense’?? it’s all a big ball of WTF!??
7 days ago
glenn – And the PGA tournament left Trump’s golf coourse because corporations didn’t want their names associated with him. Someone said that instead of representing wealth and luxury as it may have before, now the Trump name represents a racist, misogynist asshole. What corporation wants to be associated with that?
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph – Way too tortured a theory for me.
AdLib 7 days ago
HP scroches his ass on every article. He is gonna be one sorry SOB
7 days ago
Trump’s name has been taken off of two international developments because of their abuse of the labor building them…
7 days ago
+Went to the Bahamas for a few minutes there
7 days ago
scorches… lol
7 days ago
Did you all read that 3 GOP Senators are in S. Korea assuring the powers that be there that NOTHING Trump has said about their corner of the world will come to pass. The contortions that party will have to execute are just beginning.
7 days ago
Harleigh – Honestly, a lot of what’s going on makes sense. An egotistical con man is trying to use the anger of the public to make himself powerful. That’s the only path he has and he’s using it as best as he can but as a wealthy elitist, he’s lived in a bubble his whole life so he doesn’t see how unable he is to fulfill his quest in the way he’s pursuing it. What has worked for him in the public is bragging, lying, conning, cruelty and telling people what they want to hear. But under the glare of the public for years, it all starts to come apart, not as controllable as a reality show.
AdLib 7 days ago
trump also has 3500 lawsuits going and coming and no the trump U scam is coming home to roost.
7 days ago
Trumps attacks are so juvenile,school yard taunting,”Crooked Hillary! Sorry Donald,this ain’t as easy as battering aroung Bush
7 days ago
Murph – Yet if asked, I’m sure they’d say they’re voting for him. The Repubs have destroyed any semblence of legitimacy and honesty they may have had.
AdLib 7 days ago
A bit of side comedy! Trump is visiting Ireland later this month to try and put the fix into local refusal to let him build a wall to protect his Doonbeg golf course from the global warming he denies! Interesting, Joe Biden will be visiting around the same time
7 days ago
agreed ad, he thought none of this through and now it’s way to late for him to fold and run even if he wanted to because the ‘quitter’ label would be on his forehaid for life..
7 days ago
Beatlex – On a debate stage with Hillary, if she calls him out on being a petty, juvenile-minded brat who can only call people names instead of compete in a forum on ideas, he will shrink like Ant Man.
AdLib 7 days ago
Harleigh–so then we could have the twitter quitter couple–palin and trump!
7 days ago
PPO – Heh! Heard about that. I guess climate change denial ends at the waters edge? Or when it’s threatening your income?
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad,he will get really flustered and stammer like teenager
7 days ago
Ad, I’d love to see him shrivel down and disappear into his own scrotum!
7 days ago
7 days ago
PPO – That would be hilarious to animate!
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO–typical repub. It’s only real if it affects you. You’re not black, so there is no racism. You aren’t poor, so why would you need food stamps? On and on and on.
7 days ago
…and at leat his pubes would be back where they belong!
7 days ago
he will… like he chose boxing as a career and his first opponent is ali or tyson or holmes. he’s dead
6 days ago
PPO–LOL! 

6 days ago
glenn, did’ya see him pointing to his ‘African American’ supporter?
6 days ago
His pandering is so transparent,to anyone with half a brain
6 days ago
PPO–OMG–that was truly pathetic. His only ONE AA supporter!
6 days ago
Oz,he called him “my African American” oops
6 days ago
And one thing that the MSM ignores to promote the hoorse race is that…national polling isn’t worth dog fur. It is utterly meaningless how close the race is nationally, we don’t elect Presidents by national vote. Only the polls in states matter and Trump is in a corner when it comes to that, despite his ridiculous propaganda about competing in CA and NY. Trump can’t win electorally, that’s what should be discussed.
AdLib 6 days ago
he denied that his hispanic slurs about mexicans isn’t rascist because mexico is a country and not a race. SERIOUSLY!!??
6 days ago
Beat, yes, I forgot that. Even more pathetic
6 days ago
Beatlex–kinda like “my boy”, dontcha think?
6 days ago
Didn’t Trump call him, “Toby”?
AdLib 6 days ago
6 days ago
right glenn,everything he says is stupid and insulting someone
6 days ago
I’m sure the poor bugger really appreciated the attention – NOT!
6 days ago
Beatlex–The saddest part is that he doesn’t see it as an insult; he was only “telling it like it is.”
6 days ago
And the violence going on outside Trump rallies, doesn’t the public see what hatred and fear Trump has whipped up and how it would tear apart the country if he was President?
AdLib 6 days ago
How can this go on until November? Trump will be a quivering pile of proplasm by then
6 days ago
He’s on a par with Palin. His VP will end up as a big loser too.
6 days ago
Ad–Some of that violence is being done by the protesters, which I think is very wrong!
6 days ago
6 days ago
Beatlex–I hope he will be!
6 days ago
glenn, yes. Dems don’t have to decend to the GOP level
6 days ago
There seems to be a coalescing of the anti-Trump, Black Lives Matter, anti-police brutality people. The irony is that if Trump was to win, there would be a revolution of a kind in the country but it wouldn’t be in favor of Trump.
AdLib 6 days ago
PPO–plus it only gives trump more of the “victim” role.
6 days ago
We have not talked about the Dems,I think at this point Bernie is doing more harm than good.
6 days ago
glenn, yes, as if he needs anything more to whinge about
6 days ago
Bern should get some also ran say at the convention but he can’t win so it’s past time for him to drop.
6 days ago
glenn – Same here, it’s horrible to see protesters attacking Trump supporters. The instigator of this is Trump but it has to stop, it will only lead to white racists coming out with guns to “protect” Trump supporters and then some horrible tragedies could occur. Peaceful protest is the only legit protesting.
AdLib 6 days ago
Harleigh,yes,time to get together and beat Trump to a pulp
6 days ago
Beat, Bernie wants more of his agenda on the policy of the Dems, so he’ll stay till the Convention at least. Hopefully, ( faint hope at that) sanity will decend and the dems coalesce to a united – sort-of- coalition
6 days ago
thats the best thing beat but I don’t think he really did care and cares less now.
6 days ago
Adlib,they held that rally in a heavy hispanic area,that does not excuse it,but they should have known better
6 days ago
Harleigh – Have to disagree, I know many want to rush the nom to Hillary but for the sake of unity, let it play out fully. I guarantee you that Hillary will win in the end, folks need too trust in their system and party and respect those who are behind Bernie. Let them see she has won in a legit way then unity will come quickly.
AdLib 6 days ago
that could work ad
6 days ago
Bernie seems a little bitter,he knew the rules
6 days ago
Beatlex – I wonder if Trump wanted that kind of incitement to violence to justify his and his followers racism and try to attract more racists and racism?
AdLib 6 days ago
Agree, Ad. At least it will follow the current rules that way and show how crap the GOP versions are.
6 days ago
Beatlex–yes and no. I truly think Bernie got some important issues to the forefront, like income inequality. As Ad said earlier, I think we need to let the process play out, which is what Bernie is saying. On the other hand, he has been trying to paint himself as a “victim” of the process, which was in full effect before this year’s primaries, so his negative speeches about that are not good for him or the unity of the party. I have full faith that he will support HRC when the time comes. At least, I truly hope so.
6 days ago
Could be Ad,I would put nothing past them
6 days ago
Beat, same here. Trumps goons riling up the protesters, then ducking away into the background
6 days ago
gleen,agreed,but he is millions of votes behind,and has a limited coalition,no?
6 days ago
The cleveland cornvenshun cud be a really fine shew!
6 days ago
Beatlex – With all respect, the rules require a candidate to reach 2,383 pledged delegates in the primary to win the nom and Hillary still hasn’t done so. She hasn’t won yet so until she does, it’s not over. Yes, the odds make it unlikely Bernie can win but Hilary hasn’t won. So the rush to declare her the winner isn’t playing by the rules.
AdLib 6 days ago
Ad I just me the writing is on the wall,he could back off of the attacks a little.
6 days ago
Beatlex–yes, he is behind and has a limited coalition, but Dems need all the votes they can get and to not let him have his “time in the sun” seems a little counter-productive to me. He should be heard and he should have a say in the platform at the convention.
6 days ago
And, as Ad says, Hillary has not won the nomination yet, so why should Bernie “give up?”
6 days ago
I agree Glenn,he has done well.I just want the Dems to win for sure!
6 days ago
Beatlex–I’m with you, and I think the more trump is exposed nationally, the better the chances of the Dems winning.
6 days ago
glenn,not give up,just moderate his attacks
6 days ago
glenn – I think Obama supporters in 2008 would agree with Bernie supporters in 2016 that Superdelegates being used in padding Hillary’s numbers is a corrupting of the process. Those numbers have been used from the start and have gamed the primary. They should never have been included because they don’t count until the convention. For example, Hillary had the majority of Superdelegates in 2008 but Obama won the majority of pledged delegates. Had the Superdelegates been added by the MSM to Hillary’s numbers, she would have been declared the winner even though Obama won more delegates in the primary. That didn’t happen and shouldn’t have. It shouldn’t happen now either, it is a gaming of the system to help the establishment candidate but undermines the rules.
AdLib 6 days ago
Beatlex, a good point.
6 days ago
Beatlex–yes, agreed. I think he has done that lately; I think the negative press he got when he went negative toned him down a little. He’s not a stupid man, and he has said many times that trump must not be president.
6 days ago
Beatlex – When was the last time you heard Bernie even mention Hillary’s name in a stump speech? The fact is that he and Hillary have already stopped the personal attacks so the meme that Bernie is hurting Hillary by attacking her daily isn’t correct.
AdLib 6 days ago
I think Bernie will get the changes he wants to the process,it is good politics in the endIMO
6 days ago
BTW folks, I have a complaint! I want to know why our wonderful PlanetPOV is not on Don the Con’s media shit – er blacklist. “The Trump campaign has periodically denied press credentials to numerous outlets this election cycle, presumably because they published critical or unflattering stories. Politico has been part of this apparent media blacklist, which also included BuzzFeed, Mother Jones, The Daily Beast, National Review, Univision, Fusion, The Des Moines Register and The Huffington Post.”
6 days ago
Ad–I agree completely. Let the process play itself out.
6 days ago
Ad….Obama had a significant number of super delegates in 2008…..and those numbers were added in….otherwise why would Hillary have conceded?
6 days ago
I am a little behind Ad,he is going after the party “machine” now too,correct?
6 days ago
Superdelegates switching allegiance to Obama
Clinton losing support of influential party officials as polls predict close contests in Texas and Ohio
6 days ago
OZ,shutting the press out is pathetic on their part,and it won’t help
6 days ago
Well, guys, it’s time for me to call it a night. Enjoyed our chat, as always. PPO, I’m going to keep that visual of trump melting down into his scrotum! G’night all. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
6 days ago
Bye glenn,nice discussion!
6 days ago
Well, guys ‘n’ Gals, I’ve created enough mayhem for one evening, so I’ll say cheerio and see you next week.
6 days ago
nite glenn, i gotta go too. later guys!
6 days ago
G’day Oz
6 days ago
Nite Glenn, PPO and Harleigh….I guess I will grab a cab at the same time and head home….25 feet from office to bed.
6 days ago
‘night Murph, watch that trecherous journey!
6 days ago
glenn – Bernie has won 46% of the delegates to date, Hillary has won 54%. A swing of 4% to Bernie ties them so it’s not a limited coalition at all, it’s nearly half of all Dem voters. Hillary supporters need too understand that the path to unity is not mischaracterizing in a negative way, Bernie or his supporters.
AdLib 6 days ago
Well, take care and I am off….
6 days ago
Seeya all! Looks like the bus came and everyone got on!
AdLib 6 days ago
Well, looks like closing time at the Vox bar! Thanks to all for a great and spirited conversation! Hope to see you here next Friday!
AdLib 6 days ago
Good stuff! Later Vox
6 days ago
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