Vox Populi, our weekly live chat on the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 7 days ago
Don’t forget to say “Hi!” or “Marco is a chocker!” when you arrive!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hi Glenn
7 days ago
Hey glenn! Hey Murph!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hii Ad
7 days ago
Hello PPO
7 days ago
Hi murph, Ad, glenn! Jesus H Christie!
7 days ago
Murph – FYI, I didn’t realize we had a setting on Vox that didn’t allow guests to read along if they didn’t register and sign on. That’s fixed so you can spread the word to folks who just want to read along as guests that they can now.
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 7 days ago
Marco is a chocker and trump is a focker! Hi everyone!
7 days ago
Doesn’t Christie look like a big fat sellout?
AdLib 7 days ago
I will do that at Yabberz…this may explain why several said they had a hard time getting on.
7 days ago
Glenn…great line.
7 days ago
Loved the video where the KKK supports Trump demonstrator got trump to revert to ’50s intimidation
7 days ago
Chockers and Liars and Pants Wetters, oh my!
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph. thanks. Do you think trump will sue me now?
7 days ago
Ad–good one!
7 days ago
Glenn…only if you are from the Main Stream Media
7 days ago
Maybe Christie’s made a deal to endorse Trump if he gets a Presidential pardon!
7 days ago
Did everyone hear about trump’s newest idea? He’s going to do away with the first amendment so he can sue everyone in the media. I think he should take it one step further and ask Congress to overturn it now. After all, they aren’t doing anything else. Or better yet, he should ask President Obama to pass an executive order to overturn it. Then President Obama can take advantage of it now and sue Fox, Glenn Beck, etc. and it will be in place when trump becomes president and he can begin using it from “day one”. (NOT)
7 days ago
Christie had no political future along the usual routes so he is rolling the dice
7 days ago
So isn’t it pretty plain now that all you have to do is cut a commercial with the inspirational speeches of Lincoln, FDR, Kennedy and Obama…then cut in clips of Trump calling Cruz a “pussy”, calling everyone “Liar!” and calling Mexicans rapists and criminals…bye-bye Trump. I mean, how hard would it be for Dems to tag him as too much of an embarassment to be President?
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph–I’m from the “liberal media” dontcha know?
7 days ago
glenn – I thought Trump was going to use Emminent Domain to take away all the news stations from their owners and just have them all broadcast pro-Trump propaganda if he became President.
AdLib 7 days ago
You know, just like his hero Putin?
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–hell, Dems to tag him as an embarassment? I think the repubs are doing a pretty good job of it already. I like your idea, though. I don’t think Hillary or Bernie should do it; the Democratic National Committee should be running those ads! Now!
7 days ago
those Trump rallies are starting to look very like Germany in the ’30s
7 days ago
Ad–that, too. That’s why businessmen should never run for office. They’re not used to people questioning them, or if people do question them, they just fire them. Can’t do that with the media, although that’s what trump wants to do.
7 days ago
Looking at the big picture, Trump will be decimated in a GE as strongly as he’s been elevated in the GOP primary by the MSM. Apparently, Dem research firms have been digging up lots of dirt on Trump and claim only a small fraction has even been out in the public yet. The Trump University fraud and illegal workers fine are just the small tip of the iceberg and it’s a yuuge iceberg!
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO–Aren’t they, though? Sure, let’s just punch people who don’t agree with us. Let’s just get rid of our “free” press and sue the hell out of them for repeating what you say. That’s the ticket!
7 days ago
Ad, better get that iceberg front and center so it doesn’t melt away.
7 days ago
Ad–I don’t think any of those things will change the minds of the true trump supporters. Hopefully, those independents who are “on the fence” will jump over to the Dem side, or at least quit straddling!
7 days ago
PPO – It’s tooo yuuge to melt. Trump has a loong and slimy history as a greedy elitist. All his misdeads aren’t going anywhere, he will he flailing around helplessly in the GE.
AdLib 7 days ago
Here’s hoping, Ad. Could America as it is, sort of, today, be the same if that cretin got the nod? I don’t think so, Tim
7 days ago
PPO–it was interesting to watch the clips of marco ridiculing him. I didn’t watch the debate, but I did watch the clips of the meltdown. Trump was rattled whether or not he wants to admit it. So rattled that he sent out three tweets with the words misspelled!
7 days ago
glenn – Exactly, the Trump Drones have pledged their undying loyalty to Herr Trump but in a GE, indies and conservative Dems…AND moderate Repubs will be too alarmed to vote for anyone but the Dem nominee.
AdLib 7 days ago
Insiders with the Dems say the research on Trump has revealed a treasure trove of negative info that is an opposition research bonanza and that to date only about 1/5 of it has even been alluded to in the campaign.
7 days ago
I love that Lindsey Graham is kicking sand in Trump’s face.
7 days ago
PPO – Always keep in mind that even if Trump is winning 50% of the GOP, that’s only 14% of the voting public. Too much for a lunatic like him to get but way far away from anything resembling a majority in a GE. And Latinos, women, blacks and Muslims will be among the energized turnout to keep Trump out.
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO–Miss Lindsey was on a roll last night. The sad part though, is that most repubs will buckle down and accept trump as their nominee, if that’s what happens in the convention. The Dem candidate should just run all the clips of other repubs bashing trump and then ask, “Now they want you to vote for him?”
7 days ago
Murph – Yes, that’s the info I was talking about. If last night proved anything, it’s that Trump has a g;ass chin and falls easily when smacked with negative attacks. Not a goood trait foor someone building his whole appeal on being a strong man dictator type.
AdLib 7 days ago
Mussolini and Hitler did not handle critique well either…..
7 days ago
Ad–and there’s the rub. For seven years, we’ve heard all about President Obama acting like a dictator and taking away “freedom”; yet trump actually IS a dictator, and wants to destroy the Constitution, and nary a peep from his supporters!
7 days ago
glenn – They’ve been running clips today oof Christie dissing Trump as not equipped to be President aloingside his absolute endorsement of Trump. They all do look like such frauds and liars, it’s obvious to all but the core GOP Borg.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph–No dictator handles criticism well. That’s why one of the first things they do is have the government take over or shut down the media.
7 days ago
Murph – Do you think Trump has a good chance of winning a GE?
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…I do not UNLESS we are hit by a major terrorist attack
7 days ago
glenn – Because the racist RW attacks on Obama are always cloaked in some “higher principle” like standing up for the Constitution. When really, they embraced Putin and Trump, they crave authoritarianism. Saw a study that linked all the different types of voters supporting Trump, the one thing they had in common was being authoritarians and wanting that in a President.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad and Murph–with all of the negativity about trump by republicans, how are they going to align this current negativity with the “vote for the repub candidate” if trump becomes president? Talk about turning yourself into a pretzel to justify something!
7 days ago
Barney Frank ” Ted Cruz is universally considered one of the meanest sons of bitches who’s ever served in Congress”. Pity he’s no longer around
7 days ago
Ad–I get that authoritarian thing that the repubs have going. But…how come they’ve been screaming for seven years about what a dicator President Obama is? Does. Not. Compute. And, again, how are they going to promote trump as their candidate when for seven years all we’ve heard about is President Obama’s “abuse of power”?
7 days ago
Murph – I don’t know, look what happened to Ben Carson when the Paris and San Bernadino attacks happened. If it’s Trump vs. Clinton or Sanders, I think support will flood behind the Dem because they will be the only one with experience in government. Trump would seem like a bigger risk, as someone with no experience.
AdLib 7 days ago
correction….if trump becomes the nominee. Heaven help us all if he becomes president!
7 days ago
I’d propose that the public would floock to the more establishment candidate for security if there was an attack, not the inexperienced outsider.
AdLib 7 days ago
flock that is, my “o” key keeps repeating!!!
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–oooo my!
7 days ago
glenn – They will twist themselves around as Christie has but it will all ring just as phony.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn –

AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–do you think any repubs will notice? The DNC needs to get those ads prepared now!
7 days ago
Do you think the lack of a vote for the SCOTUS nominee will “fade into the woodwork” or will it still be a big part of the conversation come November?
7 days ago
glenn – I don’t expect the the mindless Repubs dedicated to Trump to ever change their commitment to him, they don’t matter. All that matters is that Indie and Dem voters…and many moderate Repubs pay a little attention. It will be obvious by November how awful and ill equipped Trump is for the Presidency. He can’t win.
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO–Barney Frank certainly has a way with words, doesn’t he?
7 days ago
I do think that Repubs want to use the SCOTUS position to convince Repubs to support Trump but it won’t be enough compared to the landslide of dirt Trump will be buried in.
AdLib 7 days ago
Aren’t the Republicans suuposet to be the great believers in the Constitution? Then how do they explain away Trumps wish to trample on the first amendment and all the other silly things like electing a Supreme Court Justice when the President presents a candidate?
7 days ago
Ad–do you mean he can’t win because he won’t have enough support or he can’t win because it would be a disaster for the US? Never mind, I think I know your answer–it would be both!
7 days ago
The GOP meme is that the Dems have mishandled the ISIS threat….and only they can do it right…..the public is oh so dumb….
7 days ago
PPO – Point well taken but who really believed that Repubs cared about The Constitution and principles? Just a means to an end on what they want, they happily use the rest of The Constitution as toilet paper when it doesn’t support what they want.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn, it is both, but the DNC needs boots on the ground to GOTV and prevent it going to the GOP by laziness and default
7 days ago
PPO–that’s the dilemma that the repubs face in their obstructionism. Many people, including the president, have been making fun of the “strict constitutionalists” for saying that basically, a president’s term ends in January of his last year. Or at least a Democratic president’s term.
7 days ago
7 days ago
I asked this question last night- Dem enthusiasm as measured by registration and primary/caucus turnout is low…..why? A cause for concern?
7 days ago
glenn – Trump will never have enough support to win. Latest polls show 80% of Latinos disapprove of him. A majority of women disapprove, same goes for young voters, blacks and many minorities. There just aren’t enough hateful white men out there to give him the Presidency. And when you look at it electorally, state by state, he’ll lose FL with the high Latino population and that will be about all the Dems need with all the other states that are blue or lean blue. But Latinos, blacks, women and young voters will swing other states too. Trump would have a landslide loss.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph–I think you’re partially right about the public being so dumb. The other part is our f**ked up media by not informing people as to why we even have a group such as ISIS. The one thing trump got right is saying that gwb is responsible for 9/11. Yet there was deafening silence on the repub side on that one
7 days ago
Ad–I so hope you’re right about trump having a landslide loss. It would do my heart such good!
7 days ago
Murph – It’s annoying that without a Dem debating these Repubs, their lies about ISIS go unchallenged, especially by the moderators. As we know, ISIS is on the run right now, losing lots of territory and finances, slashing what they pay their mercenaries, their leadership keeps getting bombed. Can’t remember the exact figure bout the current estimate of ISIS troops is down substantially now. In a GE denate, the Dem would blow up that lie with facts and figures.
AdLib 7 days ago
Glenn…..that is so…but Trump has also beaten the drum about what he calls a weak-wristed response to ISIS in the first place by the Obama admin AND that is what he will focus on.
7 days ago
Oops–hit “return” too soon. And deafening silence on the media’s part by not explaining how and why ISIS was “created”. Of course, “explaining” things to some of the public requires an attention span of more than three minutes and most people want bumper sticker politics. That way, they don’t have to engage in critical thinking.
7 days ago
Murph – Not a concern. Which party has been getting a massive amount of coverage in the primaries? It ain’t the Dems. The MSM is helping whip up Repub turnout by being in essence a cheerleader for the GOP but all that will change in a GE.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph–true, the trump supporters love beating up and killing people!
7 days ago
PPO – I don’t think Dems are lazy, they just aren’t as motivated as the Repubs because the televised circus in their party gets the majority of airtime. Won’t be a problem in the GE.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad and Murph–circling back to Christie–which cabinet position do you think he’s angling for? VP or AG?
7 days ago
Ad Lib…hope so but Dem operatives I know are concerned…..Dem base is so celebrity oriented while Bernie is getting large crowds and Hillary has a strong organization the forecasts based on current turnouts are worrisome
7 days ago
Glenn….AG….but what a nightmare that would be….he may be hoping for a pardon….
7 days ago
glenn – You know I’m not a wishful thinker, just trying to reason out what the causes and effects are and how they will end up affecting things. I’ve always said Trump had a great shot at winning the GOP nom so I recognize his appeal and the MSM’s contributions to his success in the GOP. But I donb’t see the dynamics working favorably for him in the GE, two very different animals. The norm is, you pander to your party in the primaries then move to the center in the GE. Trump has no room to move to the center, his core support is because he’s an extremist and he would risk losing his core supporters if he veered to the middle. Will Indies and Dems vote for an oobnoxious bigot? Nope, just Repubs.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn – I think Christie hopes he could be VP, would settle for AG but will have to accept being on UI (Unemployment Insurance).
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph – That kind of thing annoys me. Those Dem operatives seem like many people in politics that knee jerk respond to the immediate situation as if it is identical to the future. One has nothing to do with the other. The motivation of Dems to get out the vote in a GE is wholly different than in this primary. To be frank, I think many Dems see Hillary as the inevitable nominee and that’s not giving an urgent reason to vote. In a GE, very different, with Hillary or Bernie vs. Trump, there will be a very urgent reason for Dems to vote.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph–hoping for a pardon is probably Christie’s biggest motivator in endorsing trump.
7 days ago
Ad–Christie on UI would be delicious. Isn’t that a “government handout”?
7 days ago
Ad–and what annoys me is that many Dems see Hillary as the inevitable nominee. The only way to overcome that is to get out and vote in the primaries so that she isn’t the inevitable nominee.
7 days ago
I like that conclusion about Christie and a pardon, glenn!
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn – Agreed but that seems to be the obvious problem depressing Dem turnout. Too many Dems see the primary as a fait accompli so they don’t need to vote.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–as soon as Murph said it, I “connected the dots.” It does make sense–at least in my feeble, liberal mind.
7 days ago
Ad…the operatives I know well are the stats people from the two Obama campaigns….
7 days ago
Murph – The very experienced people have been the ones wrong at every turn with regards to Trump. And stats are about the immediate picture, they don’t speak to the future definitively.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad and Glenn…what can Christie add to the Trump campaign….what does he bring to the table….no standing in the GOP nomination race; despised in his own state; term limited there anyway…..Trump may treat him as he did Palin, a 48 hour party favor.
7 days ago
Murph and Ad–speaking of stats, what does Nate Silver have to say about all of this? Is he even still doing that kind of thing?
7 days ago
All the experts have discounted Trump from the start. Now they represent Trump as having broad appeal and a serious threat. I think they’re batting 1.000 for being wrong.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…..these people are very good at their jobs….we ignore them at great risk.
7 days ago
Murph – Christie sure doesn’t bring any value as a VP. He wouldn’t win his own state and going up against the diversity that the Dem ticket will likely have, they would loook like an archaic ticket.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…and Christie style is Trump’s style…no added value.
7 days ago
Murph–not to mention that both christie and trump are both bullies of the highest order!
7 days ago
glenn – Hillary beats Trump in nearly every poll taken…and Hillary has been attacked incessantly in the public, Trump hasn’t been. Bernie beats Trump in polls by much wider margins and even if they beat him repeatedly with “socialist”, so much more dirt on Trump to beat him down.
AdLib 7 days ago
I don’t know them so not dissing them personally but their worries are not even borne out by all the polling to date, which favors either Dem over Trump and at this point, Trump would be polling higher than after being hammered in a GE.
AdLib 7 days ago
Yes…and both are hogs for the spotlight…..which is why Trump will not keep Christie on the state with him.
7 days ago
Ad–are both the repub and Dem conventions in the summer? For the life of me, I can’t remember.
7 days ago
glenn…they are.
7 days ago
Christie will just be shilling for Trump to get any scraps Trump could throw him in the future…but Trump won’t win so Christie will have prostituted himself out for nothing.
AdLib 7 days ago
Thanks, Murph. Which one is first, do you know?
7 days ago
glenn – Yes but the Repubs are having their convention early (in July?) and the Dems are having theirs in August I believe. So after the spectacle of the Trump RNC, comes the sanity of the DNC.
AdLib 7 days ago
The Democratic National Committee convention will be the week of July 25, 2016 — a week after the Republican …
7 days ago
Ad–it really ought to be an interesting repub convention. Will there be any others in the race besides trump come July, do you think?
7 days ago
Murph–right after my birthday on the 23rd.
7 days ago
The comparison of the conventions, with the Repubs frothing at the mouth in their full fledged lunacy and the Dems looking like smart and sensible people, the election will be tipping the Dem’s way from the start.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–as far as I’m concerned, the debates and town halls have already shown the stark difference between the two, but the repubs posting on some of the sites I visit insist that the Dems aren’t getting the “hard” questions. LOL!
7 days ago
Murph – The Dems moved it up from when they had originally planned. Even so, it’s the perfect order, like being the hoome team. The Visitors are up first and strike out then the Home team comes up and hits a home run!
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–great analogy!
7 days ago
glenn – That’s a good question. Even if Trump is way ahead, if it looks like he won’t get the majority oof delegates he needs, then yes, others will stay in the race heading into the convention, hoping to win on a second ballot. If Trump secures the majority he needs, I think the others will suspend their campaigns.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad and Murph–have to tell you all that I have made my first foray into being more involved in the local politics here. Have joined a group that is trying to stop our governor from taking over public schools. He wants to pass a constitutional amendment so that the state can come in and take over local school districts. It’s going to be on the ballot in November, so this group is trying to inform people about the ramifications of this so they can vote “No”. So far, haven’t done much but research; it’s a start. You two have motivated me!
7 days ago
My hope is that Trump gets the most delegates but doesn’t get all he needs too win the nom. Then a brokered convention would take place and the GOP would tear itself apart. Most likely thoough, I think Trump will win the nom outright.
AdLib 7 days ago
Glenn…doesn’t the state Board of Ed or Dept of Ed have oversight of your public schools already?
7 days ago
Great to hear, glenn! That is critical to stop! Look at what happened in Flint and Detroit, the state comes in and takes over local things and destroys them.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–the only time I can think of that a convention tore a party apart was the Dem convention in Chicago. Can’t remember, though, what tore the convention apart, except for the Vietnam War and the protestors.
7 days ago
Ad…Portman has already said that if Trump wins then GOP office holders up for reelection will have to make a choice between backing him or winning.
7 days ago
Glenn…meant to also say that our involvement…being a community activists…is wonderful….please keep on with it.
7 days ago
Murph–Yes, but this is a constitutional amendment to eliminate the district school boards and appoint a state “supervisor” to help the “failing” schools.
7 days ago
glenn – That’s right! It was a disaster foor the Dems and led to their losing that election. Would love to see history repeat itself but on the Repub side this time.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ah….so this is about eliminating local control from the “failing” i.e. black? districts? how about rural white ones?
7 days ago
Murph – Very telling but Portman will be disappointed because that kind of thing rarely turns out well for a party, running against their Presidential nom?
AdLib 7 days ago
True….but the GOP is creating a narrative in which Trump is shown to be a liberal plant….and that disassociation from the nominee is necessary….i have GOP friends here who say that the convention may have a lot of empty seats if Trump is the one.
7 days ago
Murph–according to Gov. Deal, this is not “race-based”; he’s only trying to “help”. And, the amendment doesn’t set out any criteria for what constitutes a “failing” school–other than Deal’s opinion. So, of course it will focus on the black schools and not the rural white ones, IMO. That’s what we’re trying to stop–Deal getting to make all the decisions for the communities. As Ad says above, look how many states have come in and destroyed local communities.
7 days ago
With McConnell shutting down the SCOTUS and pissing on The Constitutioon, Trump as the Repub nominee wanting to ban all Muslims from the country…no Repub will be able to run away from the GOP’s insanity.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph – Trump will be so high profile as the leader of the GOP, there will be little success for Repubs trying to run away from him.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–and don’t forget trump wanting to spend millions, if not billions, to build that wall and deport all those Mexicans!
7 days ago
Murph–I hope they all stay home. And that they all stay home from voting, too!
7 days ago
glenn – And kill the ACA, and defund Planned Parenthood and start trade wars with China, Japan and Mexico? Nope, no mainstream support for Trump and Repubs this year.
AdLib 7 days ago
Of course, this could be the beginning of a scenario like that which destroyed the Whig Party…..
7 days ago
Ad–yup! Let’s make America hate again!
7 days ago
Murph–one can only hope!
7 days ago
glenn – That’s what many pundits are missing. 40% of the GOP oppose Trump. 60% of all voters oppose Trump right now and 80% of Latinos oppose him. There is not a path for Trump in a GE.
AdLib 7 days ago
So, my friends, it’s time for me to call it a night. Take care and enjoy your weekend and week! See you next week!
7 days ago
Night glenn! Have a great weekend!
AdLib 7 days ago
As to the SCOTUS….I floated an idea I read that come January 3, 2017 with a Dem Senate seated…and Obama with 13 days remaining in his admin….could nominate and have confirmed within a week with a rules change……that is “trump” card
7 days ago
Ad–can’t wait for trump’ s takedown! It will be glorious.
7 days ago
7 days ago
Take care Glenn. God luck with Deal!
7 days ago
Murph – True, that’s a legit scenario oon the SCOTUS. Just depends if Obama feels that at that point he owes it to the new Dem President to mnake that choice.
AdLib 7 days ago
And he could do it even if there was a GOP pres…how about Holder…a parting shot…
7 days ago
Well…it is time to go to bed….long day…longer tomorrow.
7 days ago
Murph – The GOP has already fallen apart. The RNC has no control anymore, estab Repubs and their endorsements are meaningless. The GOP will in a way die this year but it will continue, either disabled foor years or slowly working its way back to functioning.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…BUT the GOP controls 2/3 of the state govs and right now has the House and Senate…..
7 days ago
I think they lose the Senate and many state seats this year. If the SCOTUS gets another liberal judge, maybe gerrymandering is broken up and Dems have a chance to win back the House soon too. This is the high watermark for Repubs, it will recede this year.
AdLib 7 days ago
Fingers crossed but committed to working for it all. Goodnight.
7 days ago
Goodnight, murph, sorry, my break took longer that I thought
7 days ago
Cheerio, ad.
7 days ago
Night Murph! Night PPO!
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