pinkpantheroz : Well, that’s it for moi. hope the glitches of the new system are worked out. I like it. Take care everyone, and I’ll see you in the Music Thread.
pinkpantheroz : Cheers, funk. Before you go, ponder this. Britain has so much to answer for. India/Pakistan, Ireland/Northern Ireland, Palestine/Israel . All partitioned and all have seen much tragedy as a reult.
Miles Long : Good night…
funksands : Night Sabreen, I’m right behind you. Pink, Miles have a good weekend!
funksands : Yet another example of well-meaning imperialist powers f-ing everything up.
Sabreen60 : Well folks, I’m out. Good night everyone. Take care.
Sabreen60 : Funk, It’s a terrible situation.
funksands : Night Glenn! Way to take one for the team!
Sabreen60 : Sounds like fund glenn. Good night and get plenty of rest.
funksands : Sabreen, there truly is no “solution” to this. I empathize with both sides in this. I agonize for the Palestinians and understand the Isrealis point of view. There is too much history, too much to forget and “get over”, too many extremists in power for this to end well. I’m beginning to think that only a Gordian Knot solution will work. And of course I have no idea what that would be.
pinkpantheroz : ‘night, KT
Sabreen60 : Good Night KT. Sleep well.
glenn : Night KT.
glenn : Okay, my friends, I’m “toast”. I spent two and a half hours today in an indoor trampoline place with thousands of screaming kids and music blaring at decibel levels not meant for human ears, so color me “done”. That one’s for you, Funk. Anyway, I hope everyone has a good weekend, and I’ll see you around.
KillgoreTrout : Hope to see you on the music thread tomorrow!
funksands : Night KT!
KillgoreTrout : Well folks, I bid you all adieu!
Sabreen60 : Yeah, Funk I know. But that doesn’t make it right. How do you throw a people out and tell them to be happy with being thrown out? Unless they kill off most of the Palestinians like the Native Americans this will never end.
funksands : Snowy
glenn : Funk–laundered and bleached to keep it white, right?
funksands : I like my history like I like my money…laundere d
Miles Long : Out of sight, out of mind?
funksands : I prefer not to think about that
funksands : Who?
glenn : Funk–don’t forget those landowners pulled themselves up by their bootstraps–afte r they committed genocide toward the Native Americans.
funksands : Who?
Miles Long : Yep, and thank God we imported all those black and yellow folks to tidy up the place for the conquering whites!! Woohoo!
KillgoreTrout : No disagreement there.
funksands : Miles, this country was built solely on the gumption and hard work of white Christian land-holders. Everyone knows that
glenn : KT–I disagree. The repubs have been trying to tell us for years that the US is a country for only white people.
Miles Long : So what does that mean, KT?
KillgoreTrout : Miles, before Europeans got here it wasn’t one country, but 500 nations.
KillgoreTrout : OK Sabreen I got it now.
glenn : PPO–thanks for the link. I scanned it quickly; the last line is the best. “It is high time Australia realised that pursuing an ethical and honest approach to the conflict is in the interests of Palestinians and Israelis.” Substitute “United States” for “Australia” and it sounds right. The problem is, who gets to determine what is “ethical and honest”? Certainly not our repub politicians.
Sabreen60 : You read it wrong KT. I’m asking if America is suppose to be a country that embraces all peoples and the white supremacy advocates are wrong in wanting this to be a “white only” country, why is is ok for Israel to want to be “Jewish” only country.
Miles Long : I guess if genecide is a viable solution, the US was “made” for white folks.
KillgoreTrout : No miles,
Miles Long : KT are you forgetting that this country was already inhabited when white folks from Europe stopped by?
KillgoreTrout : I’d say it’s been a country for white people since it was founded. We only pretend it’s for everybody.
funksands : Sabreen, I think you know the answer to that. Isreal was created specifically by the British to settle Jews. The US was not set aside by the British for the white race
Miles Long : The total aid the US gives to Israel amounts to about $140B a year. The aid this country gives to the Palestinians amounts to merely millions…
KillgoreTrout : You said America can’t be a country for white people?
Sabreen60 : KT, I don’t know? How did you read it?
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, did I read your comment wrong?
glenn : Sabreen–good question.
pinkpantheroz : glenn, here’s an article from the Age newspaper: «link»
funksands : There is no solution other than two states, but there ain’t much land left to divide up.
KillgoreTrout : Israel also makes their own weapons. But we sell to them to keep their functioning democracy alive. Hamas is also a democracy, but I wouldn’t call it a functioning one.
Sabreen60 : Why is it perfectly ok for Israel to be a country for Jewish people, but the USA cannot be a country for white people? Seriously. Why is one right and the other wrong?
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, I agree to an extent, but look at the Muslim world. They can’t even get along within their own religion.
funksands : Nothing is going to change until both electorates get rid of their hard-line parties. Bibi and Hamas have to go.
glenn : KT–Yes, Israel is our ally, but the bottom line is that they are using our weapons to kill Palestinians. That’s the perception of the Palestinians, I would think. So, how does our supplying weapons to our ally help the US?
Sabreen60 : Funk, I think wars are really fought over land. Religion is the scapegoat. I don’t see a solution other than two states. I don’t like Bibi. I think he’s making things worse.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, not specifically. We supply Israel because they are our only ally in the region.
glenn : PPO–so we supply Israel so they can kill Palestinians?
glenn : Anyone know what the international community is saying/doing about the Israel/Gaza conflict? Especially the UK? Speaking of the UK, where’s Murph tonight? Anyone know?
KillgoreTrout : It might glenn. PBO is pretty smart about staying out of conflicts in the Middle East.
pinkpantheroz : Funk, supply by all means, but no feet on ground.
funksands : KT, no doubt
funksands : Pink, too late. We’ve sunk too much into that fixer-upper to back away now.
glenn : KT–I agree that staying out of it is the best course for us. Do you really think that will happen though?
KillgoreTrout : funk, I think there would be a lot less killing.
pinkpantheroz : glenn, the US should stay away from Israel/Gaza. It’s to nobody’s advantage to become mired yet again where we’re not only intruding, but not wanted.
KillgoreTrout : Glenn, yeah, or Hitchens.
funksands : Humans will always find a way to kill each other. Religion just provides lube.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, we’ve tried about everything by now. We should stay out of it. Of course, Israel gets most of it’s weapons from us.
funksands :
glenn : KT–go with the Lennon solution?
glenn : All–should we stay out of the Israel/Gaza conflict? What steps could the US take to help? I’m not trying to be a smartass, just trying to understand what it is the US should/could do. No matter what we do, it’s going to be wrong somewhere. So, what is the best course for the US?
pinkpantheroz : Funk, disagree. Looking at the fundamentalist crises all over the world, it looks as if relgion is the root of it all.
KillgoreTrout : Oh, I forgot, funk!
funksands : I mean more anarchy!
funksands : KT, nooo! That’s the only reason we don’t slide into anarchy!
KillgoreTrout : glenn, get rid of religion?
Beatlex : Glenn,it is public domain now!
glenn : Oops–Israel/Gaz a problem?
glenn : Sabreen–What are some solutions for the Israel/
KillgoreTrout : That sounds about right.
Sabreen60 : BRB
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, but McCain passed the “Short Arm,” inspection!
pinkpantheroz : KT, a closed fist with an upright middle finger ( with a white hood on top, of course.
glenn : Beatlex–I’m stealing McPlane Crasher!
KillgoreTrout : Ooooooo! I shudder at the thought.
Beatlex : This Malaysian thing is right in McPlane Crashers wheel house
KillgoreTrout : McCain is running a “marble deficit.”
glenn : KT–Priceless! What do you suppose the symbol for FALEK is?
funksands : I’m beginning to think there is no solution in Isreal. Palestinians need to be relocated. We should set up a country for them and partition off…oh wait…
pinkpantheroz : Well, Crash McCain oughta know about crashed airpplanes.
KillgoreTrout : FALEK envy?
Sabreen60 : The media is pathetic. They keep giving McGrumpy the mic. And he keeps disrespecting PBO. Oh! I guess that’s why they keep giving him the mic.
glenn : Funk–LOL
pinkpantheroz : LOL Funk!
funksands : Orange Crush
pinkpantheroz : glenn, FALEK symbolism!
glenn : PPO–so what’s the beverage of choice at STENCH?
KillgoreTrout : Good one PPO!
pinkpantheroz : I’m a delegate at the STENCH Convention, The Society for the Total Extermination of Non-Conforming Humans! Boehner is the keynote speaker
KillgoreTrout : funk, now that would be something to see!
funksands : Stand your ground Ad!
glenn : Ad–would that be the “royal” order of the FALEK?
KillgoreTrout : Ad, are you wearing your hoodie?
funksands : I think we should invite Isreal, Hamas and Fatah to work out all of their differences on Family Feud. Winner-take-all
KillgoreTrout : McCain lost a few more marbles over that plane being shot down. I didn’t know he had any more marbles to lose!
Sabreen60 : The people in Gaza have no where to go. There will be a whole lot more killed if Israel prolongs these attacks.
AdLib : Funk, I’m at the convention for the FL Association of Law Enforcement Klansmen. Ssh!
glenn : Beatlex–the downing of the Malaysian is Obama’s because.
KillgoreTrout : Because he’s weak B. Hadn’t you heard?
Sabreen60 : Actually not Funk. I brought it up, but no discussion since I’ve been here.
pinkpantheroz : KT, true, sadly.
glenn : Funk, we’ve only touched on it briefly. What a clusterf**k, as my husband used to say.
Beatlex : And the downing of the Malaysian airliner is Obama’s because……?
KillgoreTrout : No, not really funk, but the violence pretty much is the same old violence. They’ll never learn.
pinkpantheroz : funk, what can be said on both tragedies in this forum? Not much, I’m afraid.
glenn : PPO–thanks,now I see it.
funksands : I’m sure Isreal/Gaza has been beaten to death as a topic already?
Sabreen60 : glenn, Now I see it.
pinkpantheroz : I can see Adlibs moniker on top, glenn. hit f5 to refresh
Sabreen60 : glenn, I didn’t notice. I’m not the most observant person in the world. Just ask hubby
glenn : Sabreen, did you notice that Ad’s name is not on the top? So, he must really be at a remote location!
funksands : Pink, thanks for writing it!
pinkpantheroz : Funk, is that the one with the cans on each side and a tube? I’d like to see that!
KillgoreTrout : Well PPO, everybody needs their cockles warmed now and then!
Sabreen60 : AdLib, If you could type that comment can’t you give us a little more?
pinkpantheroz : Off, topic, Thank you all for your kind words on my little article last week. Warmed my cockles!
KillgoreTrout : And bib overalls!
glenn : Funk–I hope he has lots of tinfoil, too.
funksands : You’ll never recognize him in his beer hat…
KillgoreTrout : Funk
Sabreen60 : Oh Funk. You didn’t
glenn : Funk–if Ad is at that location, I hope he’s well undercover!
funksands : Sabreen, if it makes you feel better, I’ve never considered you classy.
KillgoreTrout : funk, as Malcolm X famously said, “We didn’t land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us.”
Sabreen60 : Yeah Funk. We’re in a class all by ourselves. It gets lonely out here sometimes
funksands : Ad is at the 2014 Monster Truck Oath Keepers rally in Crescent City
funksands : Sabreen, AAmericans weren’t “immigrants” in the classical sense were they?
glenn : Ad–you don’t have to go into hiding because we had a few glitches tonight. Things are working fine now. BTW, I was wondering where you were.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, is it a super secret location?
AdLib : I’m still at a remote location, hard to write but readin along!
KillgoreTrout : glenn, that’s a given. They dump on the president no matter WHAT he does. It’s sooo boring, really.
Sabreen60 : Exactly Funk. Irish were hated, Chinese (may still be hated by some)Italians. Of course AA’s are now and probably forever more will be hated my some
glenn : Sabreen–maybe. But I don’t think they’d miss a chance to dump on the President some more–white, brown, blue, purple, red, green–hate trumps color in the repubs book.
funksands : Hey Sabreen, KT
KillgoreTrout : Oh yeah Sabreen. The white GOPers are scared shitless of minorities, who won’t be minorities for a whole lot longer.
funksands : Which is oddly enough, one of our strengths.
funksands : Everyone immigrant in America seems to hate the next immigrants that come after them. Takes about 2-3 generations for their kids not to care anymore.
Sabreen60 : Hiya Funk!
Sabreen60 : glenn, Those white folks who are acting out are very much afraid of the “browning” of American. Folks from Ukraine are white. Maybe they wouldn’t like more immigrants coming into the country, but I seriously doubt they would be as batshitcrazy. After all white folks ancestors migrated here from some European country.
funksands : Not much Glenn, just got back from a little dinner. Thought I’d pop in and say hi
KillgoreTrout : funk is in da house!
glenn : Hey Funk–what’s up?
KillgoreTrout : glenn, the GOP just uses her as a fund raiser.
funksands : Happy belated evening everyone
glenn : Sabreen–yes, but there are actually some repubs telling the palindora box of lunacy to STFU. Of course, they’re telling her that because they’re afraid they’re going to lose elections, not because she’s just dead wrong.
KillgoreTrout : You’re right Sabreen. Only in the USA.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, I saw that. Too funny.
glenn : KT–You betcha–the palindora box of lunacy is at it again in another language. Jon Stewart’s take on that the other night was priceless.
Sabreen60 : KT
Only the USA media would give Palin the time of day.
KillgoreTrout : Did you know that Palin is now throwing in a little Spanish in her word salads? Now she can butcher two languages at the same time!
glenn : KT and Sabreen–Yeah, I saw that story about the kids going to camp. Made me laugh out loud–but then again, it was so damn dumb! But,Sabreen, I think the repubs would act the same way if it were refugees from the Ukraine. It would still be Obama’s fault–he would still have to do SOMETHING–but when he wants to do something, then they would vote it down. So, I really don’t think they would act any differently toward Ukranian refugees
Sabreen60 : So what about Israel and Gaza. Anytime I hear ONE person killed on one side and 200+ killed on the other side, I think something is amiss.
KillgoreTrout : I think you’re right Sabreen. It would be a whole different story.
Sabreen60 : Yeah KT. They’re mean, heartless SOB’s. They have no problem with giving corporations millions in tax breaks, or letting the uber rich high their money off shore rather than pay their fair share; or the taxpayers footing the bill for all their antics in Congress – but don’t spend a dime on feeding kids fleeing violence. I think it’s because they are brown kids. I don’t believe they would act like this if kids and women were coming here from Ukraine.
KillgoreTrout : I can’t believe the media is still giving Palin a public voice. What’s that tell us?
KillgoreTrout : Oh yeah, crazy sells big time these days.
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, and downright mean!
Sabreen60 : KT I saw that story about the kids going to camp. I’d like to believe these crazy people are in the minority. But of course they get all the media coverage.
KillgoreTrout : Absolutely Sabreen.
KillgoreTrout : No such creature glenn. They’re mythical. Did you see the putz in Oracle chase down a dusload of childre, ranting and raving? Turns out they were American kids being bused to a YMCA camp! OOPS!
glenn : BRB
Sabreen60 : KT, BryanJFischer is batshitcrazy. Just as you said.
glenn : KT–aww, come on. Tell us how you really feel. What in the hell is wrong with these people? How can you say you live in the greatest country on earth–an exceptional country, and then act so despicably? What happened to “compassionate conservatives”?
KillgoreTrout : Totally despicable glenn.
glenn : KT–Speaking of making repubs human, what do you think of their response to the children turning themselves into the Border Patrol?
KillgoreTrout : No doubt glenn. These people are just batshit crazy…and mean.
pinkpantheroz : KT
glenn : KT–I’ll give Alan West one thing–he has a lot of chutzpah–someon e who had to leave the military because of his stupidity, commenting on anything military. Alan West is a disgrace to his former uniform.
KillgoreTrout : PPO, if we could only invent an app that would make repubs human!
Sabreen60 : KT, I am going to look at Bryan Fischer’s TL. BRB
glenn : Sabreen–Yes, some teachers do allow students to use calculators–the y are a useful tool. However, MOST teachers do not allow students to use calculators until they can do the addition and subtraction with paper and pencil. At least, as a former teacher, that’s the way I and the teachers I knew did it. But then, I taught elementary school, so we had to teach it!
pinkpantheroz : Sabreen, if only they could develop an app to make kids smarter rather than dumber, they might learn something instead of how to use thumbs!
KillgoreTrout : More gems from Allen West; Sadly, hundreds of Ukrainians and 298 souls on MH17 have paid the price for the weakness and abject cowardice of Obama’s ‘flexibility.’ “And here in America we quibble over a lawsuit against this charlatan. “The blood on Vladimir Putin’s hands was poured by Barack Obama who is indirectly responsible, accountable accountable [sic] and no different than Neville Chamberlain’s weakness in the face of the 20th Century maniacal dictator Adolf Hitler.”
Beatlex : So the downing of the Malaysian airliner is clearly Obama’s fault I suppose according to the R’s
Sabreen60 : Hi Beatlex!
Sabreen60 : Really glenn. Amazing. But you know it’s my understanding that some math teachers allow their students to use calculators. So the kids find it hard to add and subtract.
glenn : Good evening, Beatlex. We’re discussing, as usual, how stupid repubs are.
pinkpantheroz : Hi, beatlex! We’re all over the place tonight!
KillgoreTrout : Oh yeah! Several slaps.
pinkpantheroz : KT, someone needs a good slap!
KillgoreTrout : Hey B!
Beatlex : Hi guys! just got home,whats the buzz?
KillgoreTrout : PPO, here’s another gem. Bryan Fischer @BryanJFischer Follow Obama politicizes deaths of AIDS researchers on Malaysian plane. We know how to stop AIDS: persuade men not to have sex with men. 12:04 PM – 18 Jul 2014
pinkpantheroz : KT, Just when you think they can’t get any more crass….
Miles Long : Okay, fair question: When did some white folks get so f-ing crazy? Or were they always that way?
glenn : Sabreen–I actually had that happen to me once. Granted, it was a long time ago, but I went into a Burger King and the cash registers were not working properly. My order could go through to the back and the register apparently added up the total, but did not show the cashier the change to give. I had to tell the cashier how much change to give me. She didn’t understand, or didn’t believe me, so I actually had to count it out for her. Very sad.
KillgoreTrout : McCain really needs to “spend more time with his family.”
Sabreen60 : PPO – McCain went on FOX and called the Commander-In-Chi ef a coward. So at this point anything goes.
KillgoreTrout : PPO, check out this total stupidity; Bryan Fischer @BryanJFischer Follow In his remarks, President Obama politicized Malaysian airliner tragedy, used it to press the radical homosexual agenda.
Sabreen60 : PPO – The late great Helen Thomas said the “liberal media” tag was a lie. She knew way back then and it’s even more evident now. It’s all corporate owned.
pinkpantheroz : Not to demean a horrific occurrence, but did you see all the old warhorses trotted out to camment about MH17? Disgusting
Miles Long : PPO: Unfortunately the stupid half of the country still believes it.
Sabreen60 : Miles I heard a comedian – I believe Sinbad – make a joke about McDonald workers. The register has icons for whatever you buy. And you key in the amount and it tells the cashier how much change is owed. If the keys don’t work, the cashiers are up the creek without a paddle. So sad.
KillgoreTrout : wouldn’t say
glenn : Miles–what you’re telling me is so damn depressing. So…what do you think Dems should do?
KillgoreTrout : Miles, I would say the guests, as much as the anchors and the topics they choose.
pinkpantheroz : Isn’t it so laughable the the media is still tagged as ‘Left-wing’? that perception is long gone!
Miles Long : glenn: It won’t happen. The guests and the subjects covered on nearly all of those shows are governed by corporate interests.
KillgoreTrout : Common Core ed looks promising. Of course, the repubs are against it.
Sabreen60 : Same here glenn. I choose the sites I visit because of the smart people.
Miles Long : Sabreen: They do NOT teach anything that promotes abstract thinking. The whole No Child Left Behind thing was to create high school graduates just smart enough to make change at McDonalds.
glenn : Miles–Those Dems are sometimes invited onto the shows, but the moderators ask them about republicans’ talking points. It’s time for Dems to copy what the repubs do–don’t answer the question the moderator asks, just keep spouting talking points. Did you see Maddow’s show the other night where they had the awards for being the best at repeating talking points? It was really funny! But, if Dems started doing that, then the moderators MIGHT ask repubs about Dems talking points.
KillgoreTrout : Good question Sabreen. From the looks of things, they don’t.
Miles Long : Conservatives have turned this country into a virtual cesspool.
Sabreen60 : KT, But didn’t the older folks take “Government” or “Civics” in high school? Do they still teach how the government works?
KillgoreTrout : Me too glenn.
glenn : KT–That’s why I hang out here on VOX–to learn from people who are smarter than me.
Miles Long : Sabreen: Half of the country IS. It all began when Nixon declared war on the intelligentsia. That was the beginning of the ruling class trying to make the country as dumb as possible.
Sabreen60 : glenn, absolutely!
KillgoreTrout : Afraid so Sabreen. Far too many Americans can’t name all three branches of government.
Sabreen60 : Miles I was kinda listening to Maher and heard someone say that 40% of the people don’t know who controls the House and the Senate. Are we really that ignorant?
Miles Long : Glenn: Democrats who would discuss those things are NOT invited to any of the shows you’re talking about.
KillgoreTrout : Yeah Sabreen, that’s just depressing. We should sue the republican in the House for not doing their jobs and wasting our money! At least we’d have standing.
glenn : Sabreen–Exactly . Why aren’t there Dems on TV talking about the good news about Obamacare? The good news about the economy? The good news about how corporate profits are higher than they’ve ever been? I love the way PBO has gone on the offensive lately; we need more Dems to stop responding to the repubs, and start setting the talking points to the positive things that are happening!
Sabreen60 : KT, the same people who paid for the 50+ ACA repeals and the gazillion hearings on Benghazi and the IRS – We the taxpayers.
KillgoreTrout : Obama drinks beer!
Miles Long : Not move this country forward.
Miles Long : We had half the country vote for GWB because he was the kind of guy they’d like to have a beer with.
KillgoreTrout : Good point glenn. Me, I like to hang out with people who are smarter than me. That’s how we learn.
Miles Long : Glenn: Hate makes you stupid.
Sabreen60 : glenn, I agree. However, I saw Angela Rye who said Dems are going to lose seats in the House. My problem with that is we don’t even have strong Dem strategist let alone Congress people. I have yet to hear strong voices from Dems Congress critters supporting PBO. Maybe they just aren’t invited on TV. But then again, maybe I’ve missed them because I don’t watch often.
KillgoreTrout : Just who is supposed to pay for Boehner’s frivolous lawsuit?
glenn : KT–Let me ask you something. If you knew someone was smarter than you, wouldn’t you try to learn from that person? That is truly what I don’t understand. PBO has given the repubs so many openings to work with him, and to “look smart”, but they just keep spouting dumber and dumber things!
KillgoreTrout : Oh, I don’t doubt that at all Sabreen.
Miles Long : Glenn: stupid white folks are terrified of their becoming a minority in the next generation.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, people who do that are just spoiled children. Like the kid who throws a tantrum in the cereal isle because his mom won’t buy him some Captain Crunch!
Miles Long : Won’t work Sabreen. The Republican Party is going the way of the Whigs.
VegasBabe : Bugger.. doorbell! brb
glenn : Miles–I tend to agree with you, but it just makes me so mad that we are still fighting racism and misogyny in 2014.
Sabreen60 : KT, And everything they’ve tried to bring him down has failed. This law suit is a joke and anyone with half a brain knows it. I think they are trying to ruin his legacy at this point.
glenn : Sabreen–It’s not the Dems on TV who need to sound positive. It’s the damn Dems in the country who need to get out and VOTE! I don’t care how much you disagree with PBO, you cannot call yourself a Dem or a Progressive and vote for republicans, or sit out the vote and give it to the repubs. That’s just plain dumb, IMO!
KillgoreTrout : They despise him glenn, because he’s much smarter than they are, and they know it.
VegasBabe : Oh I don’t know…I accept it as realistic. dems remain some of the most apathetic voters evah!! they know what to expect. we suck!
Miles Long : Glenn: It’s because President Obama destroyed any notion of white exceptionalism.. .twice. The racism is never far below the surface.
Sabreen60 : VB – Yeah but you never hear Repubs on TV talking about how they’re going to lose. Can Dems who come on TV at least sound positive?
KillgoreTrout : Oh Miles, I understand!
VegasBabe : Nice Miles! can you speak Japanese?
pinkpantheroz : BRB, grabbing a coffee
glenn : KT–I replied to your post about the republicans on OT. Anyway, I just don’t understand how so-called patriotic Americans are so hell-bent on destroying the President of the United States. The twice, duly elected, by both popular and electoral college vote elected President of the United States.
KillgoreTrout : Oh, I know VB. It sure would be great to shut out the GOPTP.
Miles Long : I’m half Japanese, KT…
KillgoreTrout : Miles, for me, it’s never come up!
Sabreen60 : PPO – My comment box is very small.
pinkpantheroz : Miles ‘Yeah, you’re right!’ Long!
VegasBabe : KT: we’re dreaming if we think we can get control of both houses….nothin g wrong with dreamin’, huh?
Miles Long : Size doesn’t matter…or so I’ve been told.
pinkpantheroz : You’re up OK, glenn
glenn : Okay, I think I’m here. PPO–yes, my comment box is small.
VegasBabe : what are we talking about tonite? Hows’ everyone feel about Lebron’s latest move?
KillgoreTrout : It would be a dream to have control of both houses of Congress.
pinkpantheroz : Is everyone’s comment box small at present?
Sabreen60 : Hey VB!
pinkpantheroz : Hi VB!
KillgoreTrout : Hey VB!
VegasBabe : Hellow folks! How’s everyone tonite?
KillgoreTrout : We might not win back the house, but we surely will pick up a few seats in the Senate. Although I would love a dem majority in the House.
pinkpantheroz : I hit f5 to refresh every now and again.
Sabreen60 : Hi glenn!
pinkpantheroz : keep trying, glenn. looks like there’s still a little problem or two
Sabreen60 : KT. It’s so depressing to hear Nate Silver & Dem Strategist Angela Rye say Dems are not going to win back House. I hope they’re wrong.
glenn : Good evening, all. Going to try one more time to join in.
KillgoreTrout : Wow, republicans are being as mean as ever, and I hope they screw themselves in the coming elections.
Sabreen60 : KT, oh. I couldn’t get on at all earlier. The page wouldn’t load.
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, I meant the format we tried earlier this evening.
Sabreen60 : KT. The new comments are still at the top, but the comment box to type in is very small.
KillgoreTrout : I like the new format because new comments appear at the bottom instead of the top, but it seems to have a few bugs, Sabreen.
Sabreen60 : WOW Miles. More details, please.
Sabreen60 : Oh please KT. I don’t think I can take it
pinkpantheroz : Hi, Sabreen!
pinkpantheroz : This format looks tiny at present, now flicking betweeen normal and small
Miles Long : I have the go ahead on a $13.6M jobs project for Chicago’s South Side.
Sabreen60 : Hiya PPO!
KillgoreTrout : Bryan Fischer @BryanJFischer Follow In his remarks, President Obama politicized Malaysian airliner tragedy, used it to press the radical homosexual agenda.
Sabreen60 : Love some good news Miles.
Miles Long : Well, you want some good news, Sabreen?
pinkpantheroz : Yayyy! Bak up and OK. The new system needs a bit of tweaking, but I do like the format. better on the eyes!
KillgoreTrout : Bryan Fischer @BryanJFischer Follow Obama politicizes deaths of AIDS researchers on Malaysian plane. We know how to stop AIDS: persuade men not to have sex with men. 12:04 PM – 18 Jul 2014
KillgoreTrout : Have any of you seen the crazy shit repubs are saying about the plane that was shot down? Bat shit crazy.
Sabreen60 : Hey KT. I thought my usual Friday night was ruined
Sabreen60 : Miles, I am so angry and sad at the events this week – plane crash, Israel and Gaza.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sabreen!
Miles Long : Great, Sabreen. You?
Sabreen60 : Hi Folks. So we’re back on air? Hope everyone is well.
Miles Long : Yeah…I’m here. What’s the hardware PP is running on?
AdLib : Hey all, apologies on the bumpy Vox tonight, tried out a new software that kept crashing our server. Hope you refresh and find your way here!
Miles Long : So, what’s up with everyone else? My week was spectacular, but it means about 2 years of serious work ahead.
AdLib : Night pal!
Harleigh : later adlib
Harleigh : well I’m off to bed. see ya next week! same bat time…
AdLib : Well, better to have them removed…and sold on eBay.
Harleigh : Light up the night sky!
Harleigh : Well we made over like 60,000 of them since 1945 and all the bs about reducing… like just because you take off a part it is no longer a bomb. with a 10,000 year or better half life. The Russians had just as many.
AdLib : Man, I got those coming out of my ears, just used a bunch for 4th of July!
Harleigh : triggers
Harleigh : by xmas those will drop to the $600 range and the new stuff will be even more amazing. Not to mention I still need to post some plutonium troggers and spare W54 parts on ebay tommorrow.
AdLib : Yep, for all my work for the NSA I really need a more powerful…whoop s…I wasn’t supposed to say that…
Harleigh : When it is like ‘top’ of the line it’s about $1300 or more but I am not into development or gaming.
AdLib : Got it. Well, Black Friday isn’t THAT far away, maybe they’ll come down a bit by then.
Harleigh : I got a 17 HP pavilion for $379 at Best Buy.Works fine for surfin and video and the usual word stuf which is abot all I do. Next step up and touch screen is abut $250 more.
AdLib : I’m getting ready for a new laptop, I like the ones that also have a touchscreen.
Harleigh : I need to duct tape the caps lock key too. Still way better than my 12 year old pentium 4 PC
AdLib : Call me old fashioned but I have carrier pigeons delivering my bytes of data.
Harleigh : it speed that counts when surfin an I cAN watch every show on cable now too. it is awesome. I was debating on getting 4 more mg of rAM BUT DON’T NEED IT YET .
AdLib : Whoa! That’s one mean machine!
Harleigh : Yeah… I’m all trimmed out in my new 17″ laptop and wireless mouse!And a 12 up and 43mbps down speed connection! lol
AdLib : Those damn Chinese hackers! Bring it on!!!
Harleigh : hee hee
AdLib : Personally, I blame you, Harleigh.
Harleigh : Iswear I didn’t touch a thing.
Harleigh : peekin in the ruble…
AdLib : Sorry folks, the chat app crashed! All is back up and our conversation has been saved here: «link»
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