• AdLib : Yep, a good time to wrap a great Vox! Take care slm and have a great weekend!
  • AdLib : slm – Time and again, the wealthy are hung on their petards through their hubris. In fact, I think their favorite dish is hanging petards over hubris.

  • sillylittleme : well i might as well call it a night as it is already morning. night adlib.

  • AdLib : slm – Yep, there is so much material out there on Rand and his father’s racism (remember, Rand was on Maddow stating that the Civil Rights Act should be repealed and racists should have the right to practice racism?). That video will be front and center should Rand run and win.

  • sillylittleme : night miles

  • sillylittleme : adlib – if they thought that, they would have done it. they may be horrible but they’re not stupid. have you seen their koch industries ad?

  • AdLib : Same here Miles, have a great weekend! And props on the great entrepreneurial work you’re doing!

  • sillylittleme : Rand thinks he knows stuff, but he don’t know jack. Besides his dad killed his chances with his racist crap.

  • AdLib : slm – I don’t know, the Kochs have become so convinced of their entitlement to be tyrants over our democracy, I wouldn’t put it past them to convince themselves that unlike their father, they can successfully own their own majority political party without the GOP establishment in their way.

  • MilesLong : Great chatting with you all, I’ll see you around the digital neighborhood…

  • sillylittleme : send them by 3d printer. lol

  • MilesLong : Got it, slm. I’ll email them to you.

  • MilesLong : Too true, Adlib.

  • sillylittleme : miles – two bacon chili dogs and chili tater tots.

  • AdLib : Rand Paul is such an obvious bullshitter, with all of his lame attempts at trying to look appealing to independents but toting around a history of extremism and spite for any but the wealthy. Hope he does become the Repub candidate because he will fall apart in a GE like The Fountainhead’s building demolition.

  • sillylittleme : adlib – i get what you’re saying, but it would be easier to let them live their miserable lives. even if it means we suffer a bit longer.

  • MilesLong : So, I need to go get something REALLY bad for me from Sonic…

  • MilesLong : Adlib: If, and only if, he’s telling the truth. Another truism about the Right is that they ALWAYS lie.

  • sillylittleme : adlib – true but the koch’s don’t want to start a bircher party, their dad tried it and failed

  • AdLib : slm – Of course we couldn’t allow that but my point is, the irony of Ryan’s plan is that it would decimate the GOP far more than the Dems.

  • sillylittleme : miles – i blame his parents!!!

  • sillylittleme : i can’t stand lyin ryan. i think we should charge him with defrauding the government by pocketing his lodging stipend and sleeping in his office

  • AdLib : SLM – Well…the TP are getting their money from the Kochs who are Repubs but are their own party.

  • MilesLong : Rand Paul is certifiably insane. He couldn’t pass his medical boards so he invented a certifying body of his own. I pity his patients.

  • sillylittleme : adlib – nooooooooooooooo oooooo

  • AdLib : Miles – Maybe we should let Paul Ryan have his way for a while, slash Medicare and SS until enough of the racist Repubs are gone then plug it all back in. If not for the collateral damage to good folk who are Seniors, that would be a Repub plan for cementing the GOP as a minority party.

  • sillylittleme : adlib – i was just a kid but boy was that a seismic shift

  • sillylittleme : miles – they ain’t dyin fast enough…

  • AdLib : slm – Yes, it really completed its flip in a big way in the 1960s with LBJ’s getting the Civil Rights Act passed.

  • sillylittleme : adlib – they can’t because they’re getting their money from the r’s.

  • MilesLong : As for racists, Oprah said it best, we just have to wait for them to die.

  • sillylittleme : miles – more like the no nothing party…

  • AdLib : Miles – I know it probably won’t happen but the fantasy of the TP starting their own party would be so sweet.

  • sillylittleme : adlib – it started before the 60s, lbj just put the final nail in that coffin…

  • MilesLong : And it looks like the Tea folks are going the way of the Whigs…

  • AdLib : slm – The truth is that the Repubs of Civil War times were the Dems of today, they just flipped their party affiliations in the 1960’s.

  • sillylittleme : adlib – maybe they can duct tape themselves in…

  • sillylittleme : adlib – just like lincoln, although they’re still fighting that legacy…

  • AdLib : SLM – Yep…and we could simultaneously make Obama Day “Free Gay Marriage Day” too, that would really get Repubs to lock themselves indoors and not go out to vote!

  • sillylittleme : adlib – they’ve already pretzeled themselves…

  • AdLib : Miles – Right, just trying to polarize Repubs from voting even more and since they now claim MLK was a Republican (huh?), inviting them to vote on Obama Day would really tie them in knots!

  • sillylittleme : and then can we finally retire reagan once and for all

  • AdLib : Miles – Holy Mackeral! I remember now hearing something about this but it’s a real gamechanger!

  • sillylittleme : adlib – anything to keep them from voting against their own best interests and ruining it for the rest of us

  • MilesLong : Adlib: That’s what I’m talking about!

  • AdLib : Miles – The Repubs name everything after Reagan, after Obama is out of office, why don’t we name it “The Obama Election Day Holiday”? That would piss off the RWs and just out of spite, they might not vote on “Obama Day”!

  • sillylittleme : totally changes rinoplasty…

  • MilesLong : Adlib: Take a look at this: «link»

  • sillylittleme : ooh miles – i think you’re on to something…

  • sillylittleme : adlib – we definitely need to do something as too many people don’t vote because they think their vote is wasted, hopefully MS teaches them that votes do count.

  • MilesLong : Adlib: I say do it on MLK’s birthday, it would cut down on the dumbed-down racist crowd! {laughing}

  • AdLib : Miles – I’m fascinated, what materials could be used to create organs from a 3-D printer?

  • MilesLong : Adlib: A lot of them are used in cartilage replacement, noses, ears, even bone replacement.

  • AdLib : Miles – Yes, a Monday holiday, employees get the day off paid as long as they provide their employees with a ballot stub and employers get a tax rebate from the Feds so it’s not an expenditure, just a minor reduction of tax revenue.

  • MilesLong : Adlib: Not necessarily, there are a lot of neutral materials that can be used.

  • sillylittleme : miles – saturday is shopping day and orthodox jews and muslims wouldn’t vote on the sabbath…

  • AdLib : Miles – Wow…would that be done with stem cells?

  • MilesLong : Adlib: The make it a Monday holiday.

  • AdLib : Thanks slm!

  • AdLib : Miles – Hate to say it but we might get even lower voting turnout on a Saturday when people have so many other things going on. I’d rather bribe the lazy ass voters to get more of a democracy going on and pay them for a day off in the middle of the week…if they can prove they voted!

  • sillylittleme : miles – there’s a man in tonga who made a 3d printer out of e-waste. impressive.

  • MilesLong : Adlib: Organs, tissue, artificial limbs and other appliances and on and on.

  • MilesLong : Adlib: I think the most effective use for the technology is in medicine.

  • sillylittleme : adlib – that’s a fine idea

  • AdLib : Miles – That is fascinating! I am very interested in the prospects of 3-D printing and especially how it can continue to make huge impacts especially in the Third World.

  • MilesLong : Adlib: Just make it on a Saturday.

  • AdLib : slm – That’s very good to hear about MA, wish it was that way in most red states…but in Dem districts, they’re shrinking available polling places. I would actually like to see an optional holiday declared for election days, take that day off and provide your voting stub to your employer the day after, the Feds then provide a tax rebate to reimburse employers for that day off. If voting percentages went up above 80%, as I think they would with such a plan, bye-bye Repubs.

  • MilesLong : slm: Not sure, I just saw that big-ass assembly “printing” walls.

  • sillylittleme : wow are they using solar panels for energy?

  • MilesLong : slm: Not really! {laughing}

  • MilesLong : slm: The technology is pretty compelling. In Africa somewhere they have a huge 3D printer that prints concrete homes.

  • sillylittleme : fishing miles, tsk tsk ;=}

  • MilesLong : Now if I only had the good looks, then I’d have the full package. But a big pink cat isn’t always got it going on in the looks department!

  • sillylittleme : hey about a howitzer that shoots straight…

  • AdLib : Miles – That ain’t bragging, that is fantastic news and a meaningful contribution to a community! Very cool and well done!

  • MilesLong : Adlib: Ain’t that the truth!

  • sillylittleme : MA has polls everywhere, most people don’t have to walk more than a block or two, unless you’re in Boston and Worcester, probably Springfield too…

  • AdLib : Miles – Yes, it can be discouraging at times when one considers the low points of the majority but there are many truly good people out there, many with minimal ability to improve their difficult situations and I feel it is a responsibility of those of us more fortunate to remain conscientious and dedicated…sinc e just a turn of fate could have put us in their situations.

  • MilesLong : slm: I thought about it, since I’ll probably be given one of the printers, but I have no earthly idea right now.

  • MilesLong : I drive people who can’t get there on their own to the polling places every election…it just has to be done.

  • sillylittleme : miles – that’s so cool. do you know what you want to make with the 3d printers?

  • MilesLong : I ‘m just not wired to give up I guess…

  • sillylittleme : adlib – I’ll drag people to the polls if it means making sure Paul doesn’t take MA. I swear sometimes it really is easier living in a blue state. When we make a mistake we don’t make it twice…

  • MilesLong : I’m about to build a computer and 3D printer assembly plant in Englewood, one of Chicago’s poorest neighborhoods and creating about 500 tech jobs for those in the community. No brag, just fact.

  • AdLib : Night PPO! Glad I had a chance to chat with you tonight!

  • AdLib : slm – Much in common with you and your dad, when it comes to me and my mother. She badly wanted to vote for Hillary but to her credit, she really listened to my side of the debate and eventually came to agree to vote for Obama. I too have my reservations about Hillary and would not commit to voting for her in the primary but like you, if she wins the primary, I would of course support her bid for the Presidency…ove r Rand Paul.

  • sillylittleme : miles – i tried that for a couple of years, turns out i’m a people person and can’t survive without them…

  • MilesLong : Adlib: As you know, it’s depressing out there. So much so I often think about just worrying about me, and the hell with the rest. But that helps no one, even me, in the long haul.

  • sillylittleme : adlib – isn’t the definition of an intelligent person one who knows they don’t know everything

  • MilesLong : Hey, some folks just can’t hang!

  • AdLib : Miles – I feel the same, I would rather be working hard to keep up with the wit and wisdom of others than be that sharpest crayon. That’s what I get out of The Planet, I’ve been very educated by the folks in this community about so many different things…I just have to remember not to have expectations that most people also want to be educated by cleverer people than themselves.

  • sillylittleme : oh no miles where did everyone go?

  • sillylittleme : night pink

  • sillylittleme : adlib – i know what you mean. i left the middle class ’cause it was gonna leave me anyway and i’m happier. people with little means are more polite than people who don’t think their shit stinks or is it that they like the smell of it?

  • MilesLong : Nite, PPO…

  • pinkpantheroz : well, that’s it for moi. See you next week, and in between. Cheers.

  • AdLib : Night Beatlex!

  • sillylittleme : nite beatlex

  • AdLib : slm – I learned a real lesson when I saw former hippies turning into yuppies in the 1980’s, how malleable principles and wisdom is when it comes to many folk out there. All the lessons that should have been learned in the 1970’s were just tossed aside when greed took center stage.

  • sillylittleme : adlib – during the primary season he and i tussled. but he gladly voted for him in the end. we talked the night he got the nomination numbers he needed and he cried. my dad never cried. so even though i won’t vote for her in the primary if she wins the nod i’ll vote her in my dad’s memory

  • MilesLong : Nite, Beatlex…

  • pinkpantheroz : Good night, Beatlex.

  • Beatlex : Goodnight my friends,I have had a long day.I am sure I will wake up to some new STUPID thing from the R’s

  • pinkpantheroz : Ad, fergie1 put in a priceless quote on the main page and I’m stealing it for here! “I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it.” in “Life of John Stuart Mill” (1889)

  • MilesLong : slm: Because they have been made scared of EVERYTHING.

  • MilesLong : Adlib: It’s really becoming a pain in the ass in this country being the sharpest crayon in the box all the damn time… {sigh}

  • AdLib : slm – My mother is still around and she’s expressed such excitement about finally voting for a woman President. I did my best to convince her to vote for Obama in the primary and she eventually did so…but is thrilled at the prospect of Hillary in 2016.

  • sillylittleme : miles and adlib – what scares me is that so many people in my age group who did have access to a good education seem to have forgotten everything they learned

  • AdLib : Miles – It is a bit disconcerting and not an expression of elitism to recognize that nearly half the people in America are not well educated or informed. And that sure seems to be getting worse aqs public education and the MSM news keeps being dumbed down.

  • sillylittleme : adlib – thanks, he wasn’t happy but he like President Obama. He just was a feminist at heart.

  • MilesLong : Adlib: Because the Bell-Shaped Curve of IQ distribution demonstrates that just under a hair under 50% of the people in this country are of sub-normal IQ.

  • sillylittleme : beatlex – that is for sure. and it wasn’t newsvine that censored me and i was quoting something from one of msnbc’s shows to boot. i wrote them back that considering what he did to this country, anyone should be able to call him what they want. of course i got no response.

  • AdLib : slm – Sorry to hear about losing your father.

  • AdLib : Miles – Er…community organizing is what helps win elections, why was that so hard for these people to understand?

  • MilesLong : slm: Me too!

  • sillylittleme : miles – just seeing him walk out still gets me verklempt

  • Beatlex : SLM,A LOT more freedom here for sure!

  • sillylittleme : all – best organization of voters ever!!

  • sillylittleme : beatlex – it’s slm for wrist ease and yes. i followed murph’s postings and searing truth and others as well. I went over to msnbc with the “other” group of refugees but was censored on day one for calling cheney something far tamer than most of the trolls. So when mopschell and murph reached out, i was happy to find a place to express my views.

  • MilesLong : Adlib: Exactly!

  • MilesLong : For those who want a little history to bask in: «link»

  • pinkpantheroz : Yes, Miles, he sure organized a rather large community, didn’t he? :)

  • AdLib : Miles – From the start, just like Jackie Robinson, the first black President wasn’t allowed to express anger…or he would become The Angry Black Man. But having to put up with all the racist shit and other hateful garbage, he wouldn’t be human if he wasn’t feeling a lot of anger for the awful people out there. He just isn’t allowed to show it because he’s not white.

  • pinkpantheroz : Ad, I still remember when it happened and still get thrills. For God’s sake, look at what we might have been burdened with!

  • sillylittleme : all – my father really wanted to vote for the first woman president. unfortunately he passed a few years ago. i miss our political convos

  • MilesLong : Adlib: When they made so much fun of him for “merely” being a community organizer, I laughed my ass off when he organized a whole country to vote for him…twice.

  • Beatlex : SillylittleMe,ar e you a HP refugee?

  • AdLib : Miles – I had a similar experience, after Obama’s 2004 speech I spoke with a neighbor who was Republican and mentioned that he would bean ideal candidate for President and his response was what you would respect, “He’d never get elected….for one main reason.”

  • MilesLong : But don’t get me wrong, he’s brilliant.

  • pinkpantheroz : SLM, I don’t think she would, being a smart person. She’s seen what happens to smart black people in the White House.

  • MilesLong : Barack does have a temper, but it’s so well hidden no one really suspects. But it’s Michelle who manages him just perfectly.

  • sillylittleme : adlib – ok got it. i thought about wandering in there. i’ll have to check it out over the weekend…

  • sillylittleme : miles – he KNOWS she’s smarter than he. hoping she’ll consider 2024

  • pinkpantheroz : SLM, that’s our Time out for O/Time segment ( top left of page

  • AdLib : slm – Sorry, TO/OT or TOOT stands for Time Out for Off Topic, you’ll find a link to it in the 4 square boxes in the right column, it’s where anyone can post any comment on any topic.

  • sillylittleme : miles – kennedy made sure he was. that was his legacy. teddy the president maker. makes up for a lot of what he didn’t do.

  • MilesLong : He is very much as you see him, a little more animated when the press isn’t around. She is amazing, she’s got everything going on and is as smart or smarter than he is.

  • pinkpantheroz : You’re a prophet as well as a scholar, Miles. I’d have loved to be there for all of that excitement.

  • AdLib : slm – How excluding of me, of course those of deep dush beliefs, especially since we’re talking about Chicago, should be treated as equal to all other pizza beliefs!

  • sillylittleme : adlib – what’s to/ot

  • MilesLong : Believe it or not, when he gave the speech in 2004 I stood up and announced to the entire restaurant that that was our next president. Most people thought I was nuts.

  • AdLib : Very cool, Miles! Any particular impression left with you from meeting Barack and Michelle back then?

  • sillylittleme : adlib – no deep dish?

  • MilesLong : LOL! Yes, Adlib, we reconciled very early!

  • sillylittleme : miles – i read his first book the day it came out. his speech at the convention had me hugging a box of tissues. i knew then that everything would be ok. rotten rethugs,

  • pinkpantheroz : What an honor, Miles. You are in stellar company. I’ve been lucky to meet 3 Irish Presidents and one Aussie Prime Minister.

  • Beatlex : What were they like to talk to Miles?

  • AdLib : Miles – I just hope that people of both thick and thin crust beliefs were tolerant of each others’ strongly held views. ;-)

  • MilesLong : I met POTUS and FLOTUS way before he ran for president, when he was a senator.

  • AdLib : slm – I posted a comment on TO/OT today that quoted a Pew Research poll showing 60% of Americans have no idea which parties run both houses of Congress. That explains a lot about why corporations and their GOP shills are able to get by with so much.

  • sillylittleme : miles – did you know them when they were just fabulous and now are FABULOUS

  • Beatlex : AdLib,hello,yes we did,it is just another stupid distraction ploy by the R’s,to fire up their stupid base

  • MilesLong : Adlib: Just briefly…but since PBO and I are from the same neighborhood in Chicago, it’s what we all expected.

  • sillylittleme : adlib – sociopathy is their stock and trade

  • AdLib : PPO – Just browsed Vox and saw a lot of talk about pizza! Some hungry Voxers tonight! Hope the bar didn’t run out of beer!

  • sillylittleme : miles – you were waaayyyy down the list. lol thanks i’ll be sure to do some reading and watching….

  • pinkpantheroz : sorry, sticky keyboard!

  • pinkpantheroz : Yes, we did, Ad. Good reding ther below

  • MilesLong : Okay, anyone want me to pick them up something @ Sonic?

  • AdLib : Did you discuss the Boehner threat to sue Obama for being a black Democratic President?

  • sillylittleme : miles – just sent

  • MilesLong : slm: here: «link»

  • MilesLong : slm: Miles Long with a space from Chicago.

  • AdLib : slm – Yep, whether it’s the economy, the environment or society, corporations are living up to their sociopathic rep.

  • sillylittleme : miles with or without a space

  • sillylittleme : adlib – corporate ownership of public utilities is causing our demise

  • MilesLong : The same icon as I have here.

  • sillylittleme : miles – which is your pic, i’ll friend you now

  • AdLib : sillylittleme – The MSM and their “news is instead an industry all about prostitution and very little about news and truth.

  • MilesLong : slm:…and not very good ones.

  • sillylittleme : adlib – there are no real newspeople anymore, they’re all entertainers…

  • AdLib : Night Kes, thanks so much for hosting Vox tonight!

  • MilesLong : slm: You can drop me a note using your real name…after all, you’ll learn mine! {chuckle}

  • AdLib : sillylittleme, as for a topic, how about that ridiculously fickle MSM who with each election, claims the Tea Party has won over the GOP then declares the establishment has. These are local elections that are based on local issues but the MSM has to load every result with national implications. And they call themselves “the news”?

  • MilesLong : slm: We’ll have to figure something out.

  • sillylittleme : ok miles, but i don’t have a fake fb account

  • MilesLong : Nite, kesmarn…

  • sillylittleme : night kes

  • MilesLong : slm: I’m the same person there as here.

  • MilesLong : slm: Find me on FB and drop me a note. I’ll send you a link.

  • kesmarn : Well, I do have to be up with the chickens (if I had any chickens) so I may take my leave for now. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

  • sillylittleme : miles – so where can i read your stuff

  • AdLib : Thanks ppo, missed the Vox Pop folks!

  • AdLib : Hey Kes! I know it’s late your time, I’m here now so if you need to get some sleep, no worries.

  • MilesLong : slm: Figure of speech from a Wordsmith!

  • sillylittleme : miles – about that wheelhouse…

  • kesmarn : Hey, AdLib! Just as I was lighting the midnight oil lamp! Good to see you!

  • pinkpantheroz : Hey there, ad. you were missed.

  • kesmarn : Right — well written and really thought-provokin g! This is something HP never could have done!

  • sillylittleme : ablib – topic please…

  • MilesLong : slm: I really do all my writing at night: novels, short stories and screen plays.

  • AdLib : Just in time to wish Harleigh a good night!

  • pinkpantheroz : that’s what I mean, kes. They’re so good.

  • kesmarn : G’night, Harleigh! Have a great weekend!

  • kesmarn : PPO. there have been some terrific new articles published on the Planet recently. I can hardly keep up sometimes with commenting on all of them. But I do try to read ’em all.

  • pinkpantheroz : Good night harleig.

  • MilesLong : Nite, Harleigh…

  • sillylittleme : night harleigh

  • pinkpantheroz : Sleep well, KT see ya next week.

  • Harleigh : well later guys. have a great weekend!

  • MilesLong : KT: I have a big wheelhouse!

  • kesmarn : Thanks so much, Homie! I’m glad you could be here tonight. Looking forward to the Music Thread!

  • KillgoreTrout : Miles, that sounds painful! ;)

  • sillylittleme : kt – have a good night. must get to the music thread…

  • MilesLong : Nite, KT…

  • pinkpantheroz : I must admit to feeling rather small compared to the new planteers who have joined. I’m feeling really challenged to be as erudite and knowlegable. But it’s great to be a part of this family.

  • KillgoreTrout : Well homie, great job holding down the fort tonight (or bar). I too must bid you folks adieu! Hope to see you on the Music Thread this weekend!

  • Harleigh : LOL sharp sticks $5 ea.

  • MilesLong : How so?

  • sillylittleme : miles – you just kill me

  • MilesLong : I’m fine…I write at night so this is right up my wheelhouse.

  • kesmarn : Where’s the bleach? My brain! My eyes!

  • KillgoreTrout : slm, not lately.

  • pinkpantheroz : Pplease, harleigh, I’ve just eaten!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : PPO…I think we are all taking care of The Planet and the planet….

  • sillylittleme : harleigh – damn my eyes…

  • kesmarn : Well, Planeteers, what do you think? Is it time to close up the Planetary bar? Or are there still some of the world’s problems that we haven’t solved yet?

  • KillgoreTrout : It’s wonderful work though, isn’t it?

  • sillylittleme : kt – have you seen searing truth around lately? miss his words of wisdom

  • Harleigh : Newts wife plays the freedom horn also too. Here’s a thought for eveyone tonite since I pivoted to Newt… imagine him and callister on a moonbase, running towards eachother…. naked! MUHAHAHA

  • MurphTheSurf3 : KT- the heaviest is done. Now it is all weed and pest control, training the plants, and some harvesting. Harvesting gets heavier in July and peaks in August.

  • pinkpantheroz : G’night, green.

  • pinkpantheroz : Goodnight, Murph. take care of the planet. You seem to be the only one!

  • KillgoreTrout : Sllep well Murph, sounds like you got a lot of work ahead of ya tomorrow!

  • kesmarn : Absolutely!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Take care all….and a last word to all of our new Planeteers….yo u are adding a lot to our community.

  • sillylittleme : night gc

  • kesmarn : G’night, Chica Cat! Have a great weekend!

  • sillylittleme : night mts3

  • kesmarn : G’night, Murph! Wow…12000 square feet — that’s a lotta garden! Rest well!

  • KillgoreTrout : Same here GC! Bush was just pissed because they wouldn’t join in the Menage a’ Guerre with England and America!

  • sillylittleme : gc – no kidding, the irony is that before we rescued them in ww2 they financed our revolution, what an insult. oh and fries are belgian

  • MilesLong : Nite, Murph… Dream Green.

  • GreenChica : I’m ready to sign off too my fellow planeteers. Until next time!! Eat all the freedom fries ya want!!!

  • kesmarn : Lord yes! Francophobia! Jacques Chirac was so much smarter than Blair…

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Well….friends it is 11 and we have been at this for two hours…..I need to get to bed…my life is controlled by my gardens….now one dozen of them…1000 square feet each….what in the hell was I thinking when I expanded this year….

  • sillylittleme : kes – i always eat before food shopping but when i go to this place i go hungry, terrible habit ;=}

  • GreenChica : Kilgore, I was embarrasssed to be American during that “freedom fries” bullshit.

  • kesmarn : I know, right?

  • Harleigh : kesmara don’t foget flag stickpins an terrorist fist bumps.

  • KillgoreTrout : Ah yes, Francophobia! Remember Freedom Fries? The “Freedom Kiss?”

  • sillylittleme : kes – they’ve obviously never been to a 5 guys as that is one of the things they ask. and they want specifics. who doesn’t like spicy mustard. yellow is so yuck

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…been to a 5 Guys….frankly I nearly choked when I heard that story too

  • kesmarn : SLM, this Italian market has a bakery attached too. I really have to stay out of there…

  • GreenChica : Kes, that was so dumb. They’re very provincial.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : SLM and PPO….your use of butchers is the way to eat meat…I agree…make it count.

  • kesmarn : Remember the kerfuffle when the Prez went to 5 Guys Burgers and asked for Dijon mustard on his burger? The RWNJs went crazy over his “French taste” in condiments. That’s just how petty they are.

  • KillgoreTrout : A little bit of both.

  • sillylittleme : kes – sounds yum. southern? midwestern?

  • MurphTheSurf3 : KT…old kind with walk up windows and picnic benches or the new fancy brazier models?

  • MilesLong : Have Dairy Queen all over Chicago, too.

  • sillylittleme : kes – i shop at an italian deli and i always get ground lamb there, because i can pick a piece and they’ll grind it in front of me. plus the deli has yummy premades and don’t get me started on the attached bakery

  • KillgoreTrout : Murph, Dairy Queen is all over Ohio.

  • kesmarn : SLM, it’s a chain that sells ground steak burgers and milkshakes made with real ice cream and has a diner-like interior.

  • MilesLong : slm: here: «link»

  • MurphTheSurf3 : OK…how about the old Dairy Queens….they were only open from April to October in much of the country…made you long for the cones, the dips, the malts, the peanut buster parfaits and the dogs…and dennis the menace as their mascot

  • pinkpantheroz : At least in Oz, we still have local butchers who’ll cut or mince anyway you want. for a price, of course!

  • Harleigh : murf our RR is in a mall! LOL

  • sillylittleme : harleigh and mts3 – what’s a steak and shake?

  • KillgoreTrout : slm, no, I don’t think, though it might have been.

  • kesmarn : SLM, no Wegman’s near here. But I just learned of an Italian market that will do it. (My cousin is their IT manager and he told me.)

  • Harleigh : murph… me too

  • sillylittleme : kt – market basket formerly demoula’s?

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Harleigh…sorry about RR…ours is good. Steak and Shake I am a bit less happy with…

  • MilesLong : Harleigh: We have one of those too, but it’s too far for a mifnight run!

  • KillgoreTrout : Believe me slm, I was probably the poorest guy in that town!

  • kesmarn : My son’s favorite, Harleigh. They have a nice retro look too.

  • sillylittleme : kes – do you have a wegman’s? i think they will do it…

  • Harleigh : the red robin here sucked but I like Steak and Shake.

  • kesmarn : It’s hard to find a place that will grind beef for you now. None of the Kroger stores around here will do it.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : There was a time when I could actually eat all the good stuff we are musing about right now….alas those days are (almost completely) gone.

  • sillylittleme : kt – ooh woburn hmmm

  • KillgoreTrout : Damn Homie!

  • KillgoreTrout : It was long time ago, in Woburn. I can’t recal the name of the place. Not Stop & Shop. It wasn’t that big.

  • pinkpantheroz : Murph – sheer luxureh!

  • kesmarn : KT! You know you’re not going to get e-coli when you do that!

  • sillylittleme : mts3 – yum

  • sillylittleme : kt – which market?

  • MilesLong : Murph: Ditto!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Harleigh…loved the A and W’s – Root Bear Floats and Fries with Chili!

  • KillgoreTrout : When I lived in Mass, i used to buy ground Porterhouse from the local supermarket! Burger Heaven.

  • sillylittleme : harleigh – me too and me too

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Green Chia…no, no, no…that’ Red Robin…I am a gourmand of fast food!

  • Harleigh : I’m old, I miss A&W.

  • kesmarn : G’night, Sabreen! Have a great weekend!

  • GreenChica : Excuse me, Murph. A purveyor of fine hamburgers and other delicacies.

  • pinkpantheroz : Night, sabreen

  • MurphTheSurf3 : PPO…but at sonic it is not retro because sonic has never changed.

  • Harleigh : nite sabreen

  • MilesLong : Nite, Sabreen…

  • KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams Sabreen.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen…good night to you…much fun tonight.

  • sillylittleme : night sabreen

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Green Chia…burger joint? Is the Mona Lisa just a drawing?

  • Sabreen60 : Well folks, I’m out. Good night to all and I hope you have a great week!

  • pinkpantheroz : Ah. retro type fast food. Gottit!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : PPO…Sonic is a wonderful American drive in hamburger/hot dog stand that still has carside service and wait staff on roller skates.

  • sillylittleme : ok now I want a chili dog….

  • KillgoreTrout : Ah, the good ole days! Now where did I park my 57 Chevy?

  • GreenChica : Pink — it’s a burger joint. I don’t have one in my town.

  • pinkpantheroz : BRB2

  • MilesLong : PPO: Here you go: «link»

  • kesmarn : BRB!

  • kesmarn : Haven’t tried that yet, Murph! Haven’t even had one of their hot dogs yet! I do like their burgers, though…

  • sillylittleme : pink – its drive up and roller skatin staff…

  • MurphTheSurf3 : KT…and Sonic has waitresses on roller skates carrying your tray to the car….freak out!!!

  • pinkpantheroz : Green, I’m with you. And what the hell is Sonic, anyway? (Poor outback schmuck)

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Miles and Kes….and about those wonderful mixtures of koolaid and icecream…

  • sillylittleme : kt – get the tots with chili and cheese. mmmm

  • MilesLong : Indeed, Murph!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Kes and Miles….at sonic, it is all about the hot dogs and onion rings

  • KillgoreTrout : Sonic has tots? Mmmmm.

  • MilesLong : Sure, you all figure out what you want and I’ll pick it up!

  • GreenChica : Hey would you guys stop talking about SONIC ????? (stomach gurgling)

  • kesmarn : Miles, bring back some tater tots??

  • kesmarn : I worked the May primary here, and I do have to say that the Diebold machines then had a paper backup. But I think that change was made when Dem Jennifer Brunner was SoState under Strickland.

  • sillylittleme : mmm sonic – enjoy miles…

  • KillgoreTrout : Excellent point PPO. The NSA can tally the votes! Sorry, just being silly. I think it’s a very good idea.

  • MilesLong : As soon as I’m done with you all, I’m off to Sonic.

  • sillylittleme : night glenn

  • pinkpantheroz : G’night glenn. take care.

  • GreenChica : See you later Glenn

  • KillgoreTrout : Oh sure glenn, blame me! NO PIZZA FOR YOU! Have a great weekend anyhoo glenn!

  • MilesLong : Online is way too easy to hack…believe me, I know! {wink}

  • kesmarn : G’night, glenn! If we order a pizza, will you stay?

  • MurphTheSurf3 : glenn…I will not take your leaving personally

  • Sabreen60 : Nite glenn. Take care!

  • pinkpantheroz : KT, yes, why can’t we have online voting as well? Surely, if we can figure out the Higgs boson, some brains can develop a foolproof system.

  • MilesLong : Nite, glenn…

  • glenn : Alright, folks, since KT won’t give me a slice of unAmerican pizza, I’m going to call it a night. Seriously, I am going to call it a night. Enjoyed “chatting” with you all. See you around the Planet! Have a great weekend.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Long phone call, planning overthrow of western civilization, back now

  • MilesLong : Issa is Congress’ ONLY felon…

  • sillylittleme : miles – diebold sued ma because we wouldn’t but their machines for incapacitated voters. the rfp was for paper ballot to be printed. diebold lost the bid because they don’t spit out paper.

  • kesmarn : What I heard was that some mysterious “last minute” changes were made in Columbus — to computers there. And the Dems were upset about it. Maybe that’s when Anonymous stepped in? We may never know…

  • KillgoreTrout : Tough call Sabreen!

  • Sabreen60 : KT, I hope you’re right. I think I despised Issa just a little less than I did Cantor.

  • KillgoreTrout : GC, Maher does a pretty good job of flaying Issa and those like him.

  • MilesLong : It wasn’t the voting machines, it was the mainframe that was being fed the votes. The exact same thing happened in 2004, this time switching to the out-of-state system was blocked. No flip of the numbers and PBO won Ohio.

  • KillgoreTrout : We can make smart phones that turn your house lights on from a couple thousand miles away, but we can’t make a fool proof voting machine? Suuuurrreeeeee!

  • GreenChica : Kilgore, I don’t get HBO (I think Maher is on HBO?) but I’m actually not all that crazy about Maher. I don’t think I could stand to watch Issa unless he were being flayed.

  • glenn : KT–Oops, sorry.

  • kesmarn : Miles, it seems we heard very similar stories about that night. The look on Rove’s face was priceless.

  • sillylittleme : miles – those diebold machines are horrible

  • MilesLong : kesman: The tech was that the Ohio mainframe was supposed to go down and the count was to be switched to a system out of state that Rove controlled. Anonymous kept the flip from happening when Rove expected it to and he lost his cool live, on air.

  • kesmarn : That election was so dirty in Ohio. Nothing like having the GOP Sec of State also being a stockholder in the Diebold electronic voting machine company AND the Chairman of the Committee to Re-Elect Bush…

  • KillgoreTrout : GC, Issa has been on Real Time, more than once, and Maher always makes him look the fool he is.

  • sillylittleme : kes – that would explain the melt down

  • pinkpantheroz : No, Miles, that;s utterly amazing news to me. Wow. So Rove was playing fast and loose with the actual numbers? Throw him in the slammer, now!

  • KillgoreTrout : Pizza is not American. You communist/social ist/Muslim loving terrorist!

  • glenn : Harleigh–good point. I agree we should have more tyrants like our President

  • kesmarn : Miles, I had heard that too. That there was a last minute hack in Ohio on the Diebold machines and Anonymous blocked it. Wonder if there’s truth to that?

  • GreenChica : Kilore -+- what do you mean about Maher. What did he do?

  • glenn : KT–Green Chica “stole” my answer. You, sir, are not an American, if you can’t tell the difference between football and soccer. Please turn in your citizenship at the door. But, before you do, may I have a slice of pizza please? :)

  • sillylittleme : sabreen – slm is good. ya issa – an arsonist, an insurance cheat, and a car thief, perfect material to represent people.

  • KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, I think Bill Maher already did. Issa just doesn’t know it yet!

  • MilesLong : PPO: Did you know Anonymous kept Rove from stealing Ohio like he did in 2004? The story is epic, and was the reason Rove had the meltdown live in FAUX. The flip of the numbers that was supposed to happen @ 11PM didn’t go through because Anonymous blocked his people from logging in.

  • kesmarn : glenn, I’m sure Coulter thinks it’s more ‘Murrikan to watch a bunch of enormous guys on steroids give each other traumatic brain injuries. (Apologies to our football fans.)

  • KillgoreTrout : LOL GC!

  • GreenChica : Harleigh — same here.

  • Harleigh : Sabreen60 the O is my kind of tyrant! LOL I’mm 66 and he’s the best pres so far. imo

  • Sabreen60 : Oh sillylittleme, Don’t even get started on the IRS fiasco. Somebody needs to put Issa out to pasture.

  • GreenChica : Kilgore — if you call it football, you are unAmerican.

  • KillgoreTrout : glenn, you mean “football?” ;)

  • GreenChica : Glenn–I’m embarrassed for her. Well, I’m embarrassed that I’m the same nationality as someone that stupid.

  • sillylittleme : kes – the not nice kind of old money, oh you meant the marblehead… ;=}

  • kesmarn : Mark Shields said that same thing tonight on PBS, Sabreen. How can the GOP call him a weakling and a tyrant at the same time?

  • glenn : GC–but coulter’s rant wasn’t actually about the Prez. Her rant was about all of those “unAmerican” people who follow soccer. Because if you are a third-generation descendant, you don’t watch soccer. It’s only liberals and “new” immigrants who watch soccer, and it’s a diabolical plot to take away the “personal responsibility” .

  • Sabreen60 : Harleigh, But according to the Teapublicans PBO is a Tyrant and he’s weak. They make absolutely no sense!

  • kesmarn : SLM! That’s funny. And somehow not surprising!

  • sillylittleme : sabreen – and they’re still going after lerner even though w appointed her and she’s one of them…

  • pinkpantheroz : Oh, Miles, the joy of seeing the bewilderment, then panic on Fox when Ohio was called. Priceless!

  • GreenChica : I’ve noticed that the Daily Mail is on a full=blown campaign to smear the Clintons these days.

  • sillylittleme : kes – ablow is old money from marblehead ma. he kept the marblehead…

  • Sabreen60 : kes, me too. What else can he do? If Repubs decided on day one that they were going to say no to everything and he wants to do as much good as he can to move the country forward, he really has no choice. Now they’re talking about impeaching him because of his position on climate change. But the idiots also want to impeach Kerry, Holder and they wanted to impeach Sebelius.

  • GreenChica : Kes — Coulter was blathering on about the “soccer” plot too. WOW!!!

  • KillgoreTrout : President Obama is a remarkable man and the GOPers are just a bunch of dullards, and they know it. It hurts their liwwle feelings.

  • Harleigh : PBO it’s all his fault all the time anywhere in the world anytime. He’s awesome.

  • pinkpantheroz : GC, You got it in one!

  • kesmarn : glenn, I saw that! I guess it was D. Keith Ablow who said that Obama arranged the World Cup as a distraction. {{Ding-dong!}} I actually know someone who knows Ablow and I hear he’s a real ass. Surprise.

  • GreenChica : Aside from the obvious “uppity” stuff, I wonder if they feel put down because he is so eloquent.

  • MilesLong : PPO: They were STUNNED when he was re-elected by a landslide!

  • sillylittleme : kes – they are so jealous of his coolness and easy smile, and probably after a few meetings they realized how much smarter he is and that flipped them out, remember they did attend the first few wed music nights at the WH

  • KillgoreTrout : Barack Obama killed JFK! I swear! ;)

  • GreenChica : Sabreen — that narrative is so bizarre from the right wing. Obama has got to be the most humble president we’ve had in my life time. I find him incredibly polite, well-mannered, and self-deprecating . What on earth are they talking about?????

  • pinkpantheroz : Sabreen, they’re pissed that the POTUS doesn’t know his place. Trouble is, he does and it is the President of the United States, God Bless him! and they just can’t stand that.

  • glenn : Sabreen–don’t understand why PBO should be more humble. After all, according to the pundits at foxso-callednews , he’s the one who set up all of this world cup soccer stuff as a distraction. Also, he is responsible for all kinds of stuff that happened before he was even born, so why should he be humble?

  • KillgoreTrout : Some people too, can hear dog whistles!

  • kesmarn : PPO, I saw the video of the bite and it sure didn’t look “accidental” to me!

  • sillylittleme : pink – surprised he got that. at least he only bit him. he could have really hurt him (nut kick)

  • kesmarn : Sabreen, I honestly think that has been the narrative all along. Uppity is the word. How dare he hold his head high and make bold decisions? Me? I’m truly glad he does.

  • pinkpantheroz : kes, no it’s Strike 3! and He’s out for 9 Int. games.

  • kesmarn : KT, you’re right. Nada!

  • Sabreen60 : kes, I happened to catch Melissa on some show and she says folks (especially black folks whom she’s spoken with) are pissed off with McConnell’s comments that President Obama needs to me more “humble” – read he’s uppidy.

  • sillylittleme : kes – that it is. I think this may be the year that we see actual change. ie. no more mid-term malaise…

  • GreenChica : THanks Glenn…it came out fine!

  • kesmarn : PPO, I hear that’s not the first time he’s bitten someone!

  • glenn : GC–I’m working with a new computer, so sometimes my posts don’t turn out the way I want them to. I meant that I love your phrase, “sticky little nasties”. Good one!

  • KillgoreTrout : I think the most the GOP can do to the president is issue a censure against him. They got nothing!

  • pinkpantheroz : Anyone watching the World Cup? Had a laugh when the Uruguyan bit the Italian!

  • kesmarn : SLM, we’re talking about how good Boehner’s ranting is for Dem fund-raising!

  • glenn : Sabreen–hopeful ly the same thing that happened when gingrich led the impeachment proceedings against Clinton will happen again. The American people will finally get tired of a republican House’s antics, and vote the bastards out.

  • kesmarn : Sabreen, I saw that great fund-raising record the Dems set on the day Boehner announced the suit. THANKS Johnny!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Sue…good night..so glad to see you…really

  • Sabreen60 : Good night Sue!

  • GreenChica : Sabreen, I got an email about that too. I guess it’s true that the wackier they get over there, the more it helps wake up the Dem base.

  • sillylittleme : I’m back – what did I miss? ;=}

  • pinkpantheroz : Kes, Sonic Tonic!

  • glenn : Dbos–g’night.

  • glenn : Sue–g’night. Have a good weekend.

  • Sabreen60 : Nite Dbos!

  • kesmarn : Well then Harleigh, it must be time to drive thru that Sonic window KT mentioned!

  • Harleigh : nite sue!

  • KillgoreTrout : Hey, maybe they should rename the store, Chronic!

  • glenn : GC–Love it. :)

  • Harleigh : KESMAN I don’t know about morale and csr relations but anytime is a good time for a buz, especially Friday nights

  • MilesLong : Aside to the room: Man, Blade Runner is really without peer in the sci-fi movie genre!

  • Sabreen60 : Chica, The thing is the DCCC raised more money in one day because of Bonehead’s threat to sue PBO, than any other day in 2014. Bonerhead knows what impeachment would mean for the Republican Party, so he’s throwing out the “I’ll sue him bone” to keep the Teabaggers at bay. But it’s rallying the Democratic base. So I say, ‘please proceed Boehner’.

  • KillgoreTrout : PPO, you can also use the word “BASTARDS!” ;)

  • pinkpantheroz : oops!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Goodnight Dbos…so glad you spent some time with us..see you again soon.

  • pinkpantheroz : Ciao, dbos. BTW you can use the word BASARDS here!

  • kesmarn : G’night, Sue! Thanks for being here, BFF!

  • KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams Sue. May rain fall on you and yours. The good kind, of course.

  • kesmarn : Have a great weekend, Dbos!

  • kesmarn : PPO, yep. We have to remind them of the dirty tricks and the importance of VOTING.

  • pinkpantheroz : Cheerio, Sue. Good to hear from you.

  • Dbos : Gotta GO been FUN remember VOTE the BSTRDS out

  • SueInCa : Well I have to leave. It was really nice talking with everyone again. It was really good to see a full house.

  • KillgoreTrout : I hear ya Homie!

  • kesmarn : KT, way to have good employee morale AND good customer relations!

  • MilesLong : kesman: It does take discipline on my part!

  • GreenChica : Glenn — Everything GOP does or says is designed for the TV sound bites. They want sticky little nasties attached to the Dems so that dumb voters will remember it at voting time. They don’t bother to make sure if any of it is true or not.

  • pinkpantheroz : kes, WE have to keep reminding the sheep.

  • kesmarn : Miles, that would be way too close for me. I’d be driving through on the way home too often!

  • KillgoreTrout : Sonic gave some lady and her kids a bag of bud! OK it fell into their take out order from a girls uniform pocket. Great advertising though!

  • kesmarn : glenn, that they are. I just hope people remember how they’ve behaved throughout this Prez’s term.

  • MilesLong : kesman: I just found out they opened one about a mile away.

  • Dbos : Miles half price after 8

  • MilesLong : GC: Probably…

  • glenn : Kes–I don’t think the repubs think that far ahead. Or,if they do, they’ll just cry “foul” when Dems do the same thing they have done. Just as they have done since the beginning of PBO’s presidency. As we said before, hypocrites, one and all.

  • kesmarn : Sonic! Just arrived about 2 years ago here, Miles. A guilty pleasure.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Miles…I LOVE Sonic….

  • SueInCa : That happend in Maryland Miles, that was funny but if a kid had gotten it, oh no

  • Harleigh : mile-loL SONIC

  • KillgoreTrout : Miles, I hear they’re giving away freebies!

  • GreenChica : Huh oh, Are the NSA watching us?

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…you made me gag

  • kesmarn : Say hi to the NSA for us, Murph!

  • MilesLong : Okay, I’m past chocolate…I think a trip to Sonic is in my future!

  • GreenChica : Dbos, exactly.

  • pinkpantheroz : Kes, maybe POTUS could impose performance criteria on Congress. No bills passed – no benefits! If we worked like that we’d be out the door in second

  • Dbos : GC then blame the pres

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Phone call….must take…be back

  • GreenChica : Pink — I believe that’s the point. Not only to do nothing but to keep the president from doing anything.

  • KillgoreTrout : PPO, you think they’re peeved now, wait until they lose again in 2016!

  • glenn : Sue–two different rulings. The protective space and the recess appointments just came out the same day.

  • kesmarn : Chica, that’s the trouble with dealing with a party that is totally cool with dirty tricks. You don’t want to stoop to their level, but they just keep lowering the bar.

  • MilesLong : PPO: Not until we vote them out…

  • Dbos : Recess is what the SC really does when its in session; they are getting marching orders from the Kochs and his ilk along with the teabagging wife of thomas

  • pinkpantheroz : KT, Sabreen, I despair that Congress will never get down to DOING ANYTHING!

  • KillgoreTrout : Oh, and they all have government paid healthcare.

  • KillgoreTrout : slm, they can by LOTS of Maloxx!

  • sillylittleme : i’ll be right back…

  • GreenChica : Kess, you’d think GOP would stop crying “impeach” every five seconds. I don’t remember Dems doing it but GOP seems to see that as SOP

  • KillgoreTrout : Excellent point Sabreen. Talk about one branch of government trying to supercede another!

  • sillylittleme : miles – I don’t get why these people insist on living a phony life. It would give me stomach problems…

  • kesmarn : glenn, you have to wonder if they GOP ever considers that one of these days they’re going to be on the receiving end of these little recess tricks and then there will be a SCOTUS precedent ruling already in place?

  • MurphTheSurf3 : All I am here and reading your thoughts…good ones…

  • SueInCa : I heard about the protective space but not sure about recess I am assuming it had to do with judicial appointments? Hell SCOTUS is the last group to scold or tell POTUS what to do.

  • Sabreen60 : Murph, It’s my understanding that it’s pretty unusual for the Court to be so specific. The opinion said 10 days is a recess. So 9 1/2 is not. Apparently it’s also pretty rare for the Court to step on the Senate toes about what it should or should not do. It doesn’t seem that they took into account all the obstruction from the Republicans.

  • MilesLong : slm: Did you see Perry later in the clip? He’s gay as well, his own wife busted him with some guy in his administration.

  • KillgoreTrout : ;)

  • kesmarn : Well, on the counter anyway, KT, but yes — and looking better than Bachmann’s!

  • glenn : Murph–the way I understand it is a recess is a recess when Congress calls it a recess. And, the repubs deliberately did only three days to not make it a “recess” so President Obama could not make appointments. I only heard the tail end of a discussion on Chris Hayes last night, but they were talking about how this goes back to the early days of our republic when it took a lot longer to get back and forth from DC, so the legislators didn’t want the President to do anything without them. But, then, at that time, recesses WERE longer.

  • sillylittleme : miles – it’s the only time she gets to…

  • GreenChica : Sue, it was all bad this week

  • SueInCa : I think I missed something, better go read the SCOTUS news.

  • KillgoreTrout : kes, “their folded faces on the floor….” Pink Floyd-Lunatic

  • GreenChica : okay slim….okay slm

  • GreenChica : Miles :lol:

  • sillylittleme : gc – slm will do (I don’t want you to get carpal tunnel) ;=}

  • kesmarn : OK, I’m back.

  • MilesLong : Still one of my favorites: «link»

  • SueInCa : The President? Since when do the judges tell the President what he should do?

  • KillgoreTrout : Murph, I think the SC determined a recess was only their “yearly,” holiday.

  • GreenChica : Murph — by letting them get away with it, SCOTUS is pushing them to stop doing it?

  • MurphTheSurf3 : BRB

  • sillylittleme : MTS3 – that’s what I got out of the 10 day rule, or maybe I misread the opinion

  • GreenChica : Silly — I think he’s on the ship….

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Polly…come back soon

  • MurphTheSurf3 : ALL/ANY may I return to SCOTUS re. Obama recess appointments. One SCOTUS watcher who has read the liberal justices opinions says their push was on Congress to get its procedural game together…when is a recess really a recess….sugges ting that the President should be pressing them on this…thoughts. …

  • Sabreen60 : Hey PollyTics and Chica!

  • sillylittleme : gc – is he still around? or did he make it to the ship?

  • PollyTics : must run…will be back. nice to see ya’ll

  • KillgoreTrout : Those same eyes e! Holy Jeebus!

  • sillylittleme : KT – we’re not gonna take it should be blaring on Nov 4

  • GreenChica : «link»

  • GreenChica : Michelle Bachmann’s alter ego:

  • KillgoreTrout : ;) Homie!

  • glenn : Sabreen–Yup, for sure they are all hypocrites!

  • Sabreen60 : Dbos – But what I don’t understand is why the so-called liberals on the court went along with the opinions – even though they did make fun of Scalia.

  • kesmarn : Gotta step away just for a sec here… clothes in the dryer! They’ll be wrinklier than Bachmann’s face if I don’t get them out.

  • KillgoreTrout : Miles, Bachmann?Palin music? How about anything from Twisted Sister?

  • PollyTics : :) me too…had a little time before I had to get dinner on the table

  • sillylittleme : MTS3 – a jury and 2 alternates….

  • MurphTheSurf3 : PollyTics…now I remember….got it…Well, I am so pleased to see you here at our weekly rumble

  • GreenChica : Hi Glenn

  • sillylittleme : miles – you so bad

  • MurphTheSurf3 : NOW WE ARE 14

  • glenn : Hi PollyTics and GreenChica

  • kesmarn : I heard that it was unanimous, Chica…

  • sillylittleme : glenn – my cousin just moved back north from AL, and she is relieved…

  • MilesLong : A little Bachman/Palin music for you: «link»

  • PollyTics : <-+-Barbara McDonald

  • PollyTics : murph, I signed all correspondence with both my “real” name and my aka

  • Dbos : Sabreen The present bought off SC is a fully owned subsidiary of the republican bagger party

  • GreenChica : I didn’t quite understand the SCOTUS ruling about the 35 feet that it wasn’t really unanimous? Did anyone understand what that was all about?

  • Sabreen60 : glenn and there is a 100 ft. buffer zone around the SCOTUS. Hypocrites!

  • PollyTics : thanks kes nice to be welcomed

  • MurphTheSurf3 : PollyTics…but I do not know you by this user name…correct?

  • SueInCa : Oh my little victim’s advocate friend, escribat, well good to see yo again

  • PollyTics : :) hey kilgore

  • kesmarn : Hey, PollyTics, welcome!

  • PollyTics : Murph…why yes we have. You have been emailing me with updates about the HP leave

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Polly Tics..the better word for the far right is reactionary…de fined in terms of what they oppose

  • KillgoreTrout : Hey PollyTics!

  • sillylittleme : sabreen – not crack, maybe heroin? after all we need to support the warlords in Afghan

  • glenn : Murph–not to worry. Sometimes I don’t make my point so well.

  • GreenChica : Sue — it’s only me, escribacat. My disguise is in disguise!

  • kesmarn : Sabreen, I was really disappointed by the recess appointments one. 60 SECONDS is not a session of Congress. It’s just a dirty trick to obstruct. As usual.

  • SueInCa : Hello Green Chica, and Polly Tics I am new here, well new in the sense I have not been here for awhile, glad to meet you

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Hello Polly Tics…have we met?

  • GreenChica : Hey Polly, I agree. Conservative now seems like an old legend from bygone days.

  • Harleigh : when the little bird is in Michelles haid she thinks she’s talkin to jebus! Glory!

  • glenn : SLM–oh, I know all about that guns being allowed thingy. As I told you, I live in GA, where we have “open carry” everywhere except the state Capitol building. LOL

  • sillylittleme : gc – if that was giving it to her no wonder she’s so koo koo

  • MurphTheSurf3 : WE ARE NOW ONE DOZEN…..

  • PollyTics : GreenChia, the term “conservative” is so often misused. The right is anything BUT conservative…t hey all have become radical

  • Sabreen60 : kes, I think the SCOTUS must have smoked crack before writing these last two opinions. I guess all the doctors/staff who have been killed and the clinics that have been bombed was done by people who were having consensual conversations. And the ruling about recess appointments is absolutely stupid. And thanks to Harry Reid judicial appointments will not be filibustered.

  • sillylittleme : miles – truth

  • SueInCa : Harleigh we could share BatshitcrazyBach man jokes all night long

  • KillgoreTrout : Good one Harleigh! Especially the “wrong,” time part!

  • MilesLong : Harleigh: True about the bird, but unlike a broken clock, she’s never right.

  • sillylittleme : glenn – just as congress doesn’t allow weapons in the capital…

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…DuH! I was and now I get your point…..thanks .

  • GreenChica : tive

  • GreenChica : I caught that Neil Cavuto giving it to Michelle. It was nice. I thought he was conservatie

  • kesmarn : :lol: Harleigh!

  • Dbos : Thanks Murph and they made him appologise

  • Harleigh : I love Michelle especially when that little bird pops out of her forehaid and announces he wrong time.

  • MilesLong : {and watching the final cut of Blade Runner on the other screen}

  • glenn : Murph–I thought you were referring to the SCOTUS ruling on the Planned Parenthood and abortion clinics no longer having a buffer zone. And Rachel Maddow did a show on it last night, where she pointed out that the SCOTUS has a HUGE buffer zone, but that they will not grant that same right to PP and clinics.

  • GreenChica : Miles — didn’t even notice!!

  • KillgoreTrout : Hey e!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Green Chia (secret identity in place) Howdy

  • pinkpantheroz : Thanks, Murph!

  • kesmarn : Hola Chica!? Que pasa?

  • KillgoreTrout : ;) ;) ;)

  • MilesLong : GC…sorry, first night with the new fingers.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : PPO Bachmann and Cavuto epic battle at «link»

  • MilesLong : Hey, GG…

  • kesmarn : What was in that pepperoni, KT!? :lol;

  • sillylittleme : KT – yes you did and yes that would be…

  • GreenChica : Good evening planeteers

  • KillgoreTrout : Michelle Bachmann said she believes jesus would return in her lifetime. That would be the first time Michelle ever saw a man coming! (I didn’t just say that)

  • Dbos : KES great point

  • sillylittleme : dbos – she won’t leave the comfort of her grift

  • pinkpantheroz : Glenn, thanks I’ll check it out after VOX. Too good to leave right now!

  • kesmarn : glenn, I heard about that. The SCOTUS has protected entrances and exits, but nobody else is allowed? And how about the perimeter around the last Repub Natl Convention??

  • sillylittleme : kes – i’ve been waiting for an op-ed from Harvard School of Public Health. If something like what went down in the 90s, and the Sox are playing at Fenway. You will hear the shot heard round the world for the second time from MA.

  • pinkpantheroz : Miles, you’re SO right about GETV. Even from Oz, I’m encouraging all my friends there to vote.

  • glenn : PPO–it’s on a lot of sites. I saw it on Salon and Slate.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn..can you clarify your last comment…not sure I get it.

  • Sabreen60 : Miles :D :D :D Yeah, but maybe he prayed away the gay. Never mind. It didn’t work.

  • glenn : Murph–Rachel Maddow had a good one on that last night. The SCOTUS gets to have a buffer zone, but one Planned Parenthood. SMH

  • MilesLong : Harliegh: Doesn’t matter, it’s us who have to get out the vote. They are a constant.

  • kesmarn : I hear you, SLM. I think there will be problems with that one.

  • Dbos : She claims responsibility for the bagger movement and she going to take her morons and leave the republican party; that is where we are in this country right in the middle of a hillbilly family feud.

  • Harleigh : Miles they will still run on red meat and bullshit with some aid from the evangelical churches

  • KillgoreTrout : Harleigh, LOL!

  • sillylittleme : kes – that decision has me so mad I want to spit. The justices should have been in Boston in the 90s when every doctor’s office in Brookline and Boston went on lockdown because someone started shooting up an ob/gyn office

  • MilesLong : Sabreen: Yes, but you have to admire her for being in a gay marriage.

  • Beatlex : MilesLong,no they don’t,but if dems stay home….

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…the ruling regarding the abortion clinics is interesting…9 justices and four different reasons for agreeing.

  • pinkpantheroz : Sabreen, where did you see that? I need a good laugh.

  • SueInCa : me too sabreen she looked stunned

  • Sabreen60 : Harleigh, I caught a highlight of a “FOX” pundit telling Bachmann in so many words, that she’s batshitcrazy.

  • MilesLong : By and large, Republicans have absolutely nothing to run on this midterm.

  • SueInCa : mts i think god has some special stuff planned for all of them

  • Beatlex : Sayrah is a nasty woman who the press adore for her STUPID statements.

  • kesmarn : Speaking of Westboro, do you think this latest SCOTUS decision is going to encourage them to challenge restrictions on how close they can get to military funerals and such? The one on abortion clinic “clear zones”?

  • sillylittleme : MTS3 – nice pic

  • Harleigh : kilgore I was thinking the slogAN Would be ‘Y’all come git yer screech on!’

  • sillylittleme : glenn – now I’m really laughing out loud

  • MurphTheSurf3 : A Palin Pic I love… «link»

  • glenn : SLM–either that, or she quit in the middle of her partner’s orgasm.

  • sillylittleme : glenn – beauty exudes from within, no inner beauty, no outer beauty…

  • KillgoreTrout : Pshawwwwwwwww Sabreen! ;)

  • glenn : Miles–that’s because she probably never shut up. And, I don’t think she looks that good with makeup, much less without.

  • pinkpantheroz : Harleigh, I hear she’s applied to be Pontiff of the Westboro Baptists Church. She;ll fin in fine there.

  • kesmarn : KT, awesome!!

  • Dbos : Sue writes about theKoch owners of theTeabag sheep ranch.

  • SueInCa : harleigh did you see her stunned look when cavuto went off on her/ IT WAS PRICELESS

  • KillgoreTrout : Harleigh, the campaign slogan could be “Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte!”

  • Sabreen60 : KT, If only my “wisdom” matched yours – and your intellect!

  • kesmarn : glenn — figures she would have backed McDaniels in Mississippi, doesn’t it? Sigh….

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Harleigh…I would give money to such a ticket. I would

  • sillylittleme : glenn – she probably doesn’t know about open primaries. who knows if she even bothers to vote

  • Harleigh : Does all this mean that y’all ain’t supporting my campaign for a Palin-Bachmann 2016 ticket for jebus?

  • pinkpantheroz : kes, pointers to Sue’s articles, please?

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Dbos…recall that she is employed by one of the Propaganda wings of the Koch/Murdoch axis and that alone guarantees her exposure

  • sillylittleme : dbos – right you are…

  • glenn : Beatlex–sometim es it is comedic relief to see what comes out of her mouth. I especially loved the rant where she didn’t want any Dems to vote for a repub. So much for “outreach”.

  • MilesLong : slm: …and probably smells the same?

  • kesmarn : YES! For new Planeteers, Sue has written some amazing articles here — on the Kochs and the religious right extremists and their plans. If you can catch them, they’re terrific.

  • SueInCa : ha ha KT it is getting serious

  • sillylittleme : miles – she probably lies there like a salmon that’s been dead for a week. she doesn’t like to work…

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- I recall your series. It was stunningly predictive and prophetic. Hope you will pick up the quill again.

  • Beatlex : Dbos-EXACTLY!

  • KillgoreTrout : Sue, you got any water there?

  • glenn : Kes–oh yeah. She was all pissed off because cochran in MI got Dems to vote for him. You know, we can’t have that “crossing the aisle” stuff. Purity forever!

  • Dbos : The Sarah problems remains only because the moronic press keeps her and her ilk in the news ; history will condemn them more than the idiot lady from alaska

  • MilesLong : glenn: Glen Rice said she wasn’t that good in bed.

  • SueInCa : I wrote a series on the Kochs here, if you guys get a chance go back and read it, it was very dark. CA is beautiful today Sabreen, very mild weather

  • sillylittleme : miles – CR rocks. He’s always spot on…

  • Harleigh : silly – lol

  • Sabreen60 : Hi Sue. I’m well. How are you out there in lovely CA

  • Beatlex : ROTFLMFAO MILES!!

  • KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, how are you, wise lady?

  • sillylittleme : Harleigh – you made me spit

  • kesmarn : KT, good point. That will be her job description forever!

  • glenn : Miles–well, BS is her stock in trade. She might get at least 1,000 horny old men who think she’s “hot”.

  • MilesLong : As for the Quitter from The North Country, Chris Rock said it best: “Calling her on her bull$hit is like calling a retarded person for double-dribble. Some $hit you just have to let go.”

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Harleigh…In that and in everything…fol low the money and the Kock Klub is where the vaults are…they and their fellow Kocks

  • SueInCa : Hey Sabreen, how are you?

  • Beatlex : Harleigh.LOL!

  • sillylittleme : Kes – sarah plain and tall, looks decidedly plain these days. not as much enthusiasm as in the past. running out of money perhaps?

  • Harleigh : Never give a sucker an even break! In 2009 The Koch brothers through Dick Armey and his Freedumbwerks front created the Astro-turf Teabaggers. I’ve concluded that all Teabaggers are Koch’s suckers in an Army of Dick’s.

  • KillgoreTrout : kes, she’s never quit being a psycho beyotch!

  • kesmarn : Ouch…that’s never fun, Sabreen. Hope things are better now.

  • Beatlex : Yes Glenn,Sister Sayrah is back at imparting her vast wisdom and knowledge of politics

  • Sabreen60 : Kes, Friday’s been good. Better than Thursday – a little drama with my son :)

  • Dbos : hey sabreen

  • pinkpantheroz : Miles, She With The Voice That Shatters Tupperware will alwys be a serial pest, all noise but no substance

  • MilesLong : The T-Party was the only place with a low enough aggregate IQ where she could operate…

  • kesmarn : glenn, I have to admit, I hadn’t heard that one. But then– has there ever been anything she hasn’t quit on?

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…Palin’s job now is simple…read the orders slipped under her door by the paymasters and execute them.

  • glenn : Hey Sabreen

  • MilesLong : Glenn: It’s all BS. Where the hell would she go who would have her?

  • kesmarn : AdLib will be here a bit later, so save him a daiquiri…

  • Dbos : Slm it is

  • sillylittleme : pink – we’re flashing now?

  • KillgoreTrout : PPO, this is the “Poppin Mob!”

  • MurphTheSurf3 : PPO- a flash mob of cats…

  • glenn : Kes and Miles–what do you think of the quitter from Wasilla’s threats to leave the republican party?

  • pinkpantheroz : Hey, sabreen! welcome to the flash mob!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen…we have quite the crowd at the bar tonight but pull up a stool and order a tall one.

  • sillylittleme : dbos – slm will do… ;=}

  • kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen! How’s your Friday?

  • sillylittleme : pink – they never thought about reality, they prefer the voices in their head.

  • Sabreen60 : Hello Planeteers!

  • kesmarn : Miles, I’ll never forgive him for inflicting screechy Palin on the nation.

  • sillylittleme : dbos – he must have a very dark master indeed…

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Sue, Kes, having been banned from three sites for actually engaging the redskis I learned that a roundabout approach is best

  • pinkpantheroz : You’re so right, SLM, they are so entranched in their own lies and spin, they can no longer see reality.

  • SueInCa : oh heavens no Kes but I will make a pizza

  • MilesLong : MTS: He also put the country at risk with that circus clown as a running mate.

  • KillgoreTrout : No thanks Sue! Enjoy!

  • Dbos : Sillylittleme he’s more valuable to people he serves thats for sure

  • kesmarn : Do they go with pepperoni, Sue?

  • Harleigh : miles – well in all fairness to mclame Obama is half white and that cornfused the shit out of him

  • SueInCa : BRB taking a shor break, I am getting a magnum bar KT, want one? :-)

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Miles..Mc had a couple of good moments in the campaign making the case that Obama had every right to be his opposite number…..but overall he empowered the Palinistas and the incipient Tea Party

  • sillylittleme : pink – they didn’t take debate and never learned critical thinking…

  • kesmarn : He’d look great doing the demo on what to do in case of a crash. He’s an expert.

  • sillylittleme : dbos – maybe he can train johnnie mac on how to actually serve the public

  • kesmarn : Not a difficult task, I imagine, Murph! :-0

  • pinkpantheroz : Murph, the GOP natives arfe easily confused.

  • MilesLong : I love that it’s eating away at McCain that he was the first candidate for POTUS who lost to a Black man!

  • sillylittleme : sue – in her small mind and on the ranch in WY, no where and no one else…

  • Dbos : Had a friend at an academy he was in training as a fighter pilot ;he put one plane on the ground and is now a flight attendant instead of a pilot ;true story.

  • SueInCa : Good for you Murph, on FB they say I am mean lol

  • KillgoreTrout : Wasn’t Liz, one of the Children of the Corn?

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Sue…I think I have been 3 since I joined HP in 2009…there were two others…and I carry that name to all but two of my sites…on two conservative sites I am in disguise carefully planting questions to confuse the natives.

  • SueInCa : Wait a minute, what happend to the devil’s spawn’s run for the Senate? Does she really think she can go up against Hill?

  • sillylittleme : MTS3 – that seems to be where failed r’s go… the senate

  • Harleigh : silly little me mcain was the bottom of his class and if daddy had not been a admiral johnny boy would hAVE never flown.

  • kesmarn : Beatlex — rocket surgeon indeed! :lol:

  • KillgoreTrout : By all means slm!

  • kesmarn : :lol: glenn. YES! She thinks she’s the GOP answer to Hillary. I think not!!

  • Beatlex : Kes,she is no rocket surgeon for sure

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Harleigh…so having been passed over twice, no general’s stars for Hanoi Johnny…he looked elsewhere for fame and fortune…and he found them in the Senate.

  • sillylittleme : KT – I may use that, or may I use that?

  • glenn : Kes–she was drugged. Drugged on daddy’s darkness.

  • SueInCa : I know Miles, I was sharing it with everyone in the campaign out here

  • KillgoreTrout : That’s funny B! Morticia Snerd!

  • sillylittleme : Beatlex – mortimer snerd had more movement

  • SueInCa : No MTS but I will look them up. When did you become a 3?

  • MilesLong : slm: Indeed! And that was during training, no less.

  • kesmarn : Beatlex, I saw that interview. Liz looked drugged!

  • MilesLong : Sue: The timing was PERFECT!

  • sillylittleme : miles – that man should have to pay the pentagon back for the five planes he flew into the ground

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- you were not here during the Viking funeral rites for HP…did you read the posts here re. same?

  • SueInCa : I know Miles. Rolling Stone did a killer expose on him and his “service” to our country, right before the 08 election.

  • Beatlex : That interview Darth Cheney gave with daughter Liz sitting there looking like Mortimer Snerd

  • kesmarn : KT, Kling-on is great!

  • Harleigh : LMAO murph, #4 was in Nam and #% was as a trainer!LOL

  • pinkpantheroz : KT, ..on the Starboard Bow?

  • sillylittleme : sue – that really ticked me off re: Bergdahl

  • MilesLong : Sue: McCain was hung over when he was shot down, and miles away from where he was supposed to be.

  • SueInCa : oh glenn I longed to get those words past the moderator at hp.

  • kesmarn : I heard that was McCain’s nickname, Sue! And he has the gall to criticize Bowe Bergdahl?

  • sillylittleme : Beatlex – lol

  • glenn : Sue–I really don’t think you should insult the devil that way. His daughter would at least have some logic, I bet!

  • SueInCa : I know Kes, McCain was the Songbird of Hanoi

  • sillylittleme : MTS3 – I’m good with the glasses. Lifetime windows gal…

  • Dbos : The real story is that the president is fending off enemies internal and external to do whats best for AMerica.

  • kesmarn : They sure did not like the truth at HP, Sue!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Harleigh And after the war, he proved to be a piss poor trainer and of no inspiration to anyone…

  • Beatlex : SLM,Dumb Bit@h?

  • KillgoreTrout : A Cling-on?

  • SueInCa : Liz is the devil’s spawn, I never could say that on HP :-)

  • MurphTheSurf3 : SLM..again practice making perfect. You can also enlarge your screen. On a Mac it’s “command” and the “plus sign”

  • kesmarn : A pee-on?

  • sillylittleme : Beatlex – Liz is the worst. What’s the opposite of a scion?

  • Harleigh : Murph poor ol johnny boy crAShed everything.5 total and 1 in a war zone.

  • SueInCa : pfft you earn them every week, glenn

  • glenn : Sue–thanks for the kind words.

  • kesmarn : Dbos — pretty creepy collection there, no?

  • SueInCa : I agree Kes, the right sounds more and more desperate and I loved that KT, I heard it in my studio, hubby still watches the rabble

  • KillgoreTrout : I loved it Miles!

  • sillylittleme : MTS3 – better than I imagined. although reading glasses may be needed sooner rather than later

  • kesmarn : Right! He said “They’re trying to sue me for doing my job!

  • Dbos : Putin Mcsame and the Bohner the presses genius level leaders of the free world ;jeese

  • Beatlex : I wish Dick! Cheeney would crawl into Saddam’s spidey hole and stay there! And take daughter Lizzy Borden with him!

  • MilesLong : KT: It was epic!

  • KillgoreTrout : The president mocked the GOPers for trying to sue him. It was great. He told them, DO SOMETHING and I won’t have to go over your heads.

  • sillylittleme : glenn. so sorry for your predicament.

  • SueInCa : glenn you always fight the good fight, you are a star down there

  • kesmarn : Lately I’ve had a sense that more and more people are figuring that out too, Sue. That the Prez is smart, capable and not trigger-happy. The GOP is looking worse and worse!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : SLM…how is the double screen working. It is a key.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : SLM…practice, practice practice.

  • glenn : SLM–Unfortunate ly, I’m in GA, so I am swimming against the tide.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Harleigh…for McCain, every possible war, is a chance for him to refight Vietnam…he is in the skies over Vietnam and maybe this time he does not lose his plane.

  • MilesLong : POTUS never let’s them see him sweat!

  • sillylittleme : MTS3 – that’s what I meant. you so much better at expressing things on the fly and always. bowing low

  • SueInCa : THAT is what really fries them MTS, he cannot be bested no matter what they try

  • MurphTheSurf3 : SLM and its not a story because the media coverage of Putin made him into the giant he is not. Obama wins again.

  • KillgoreTrout : We are Sue, we are! The “royal,” we that is!

  • kesmarn : My count says the same, Harleigh!

  • sillylittleme : glenn, i’m in MA so not sure we can help any more than we have,,,

  • glenn : KT–Hope it’s a large pizza.

  • Harleigh : kesman by my count since 2007 Mccain would have us in 5 new wars

  • kesmarn : Plus it all makes the Prez look a little too Presidential, too SLM!

  • MilesLong : I’m thinking about heading over to the chocolate shop around the corner…it’s been calling me all day!

  • SueInCa : I think you know the answer MTS, where they have always been in the dressing room getting fit for that tight dress or those slick hairdos or their trying to look casual suits

  • kesmarn : Sounds great!

  • sillylittleme : MTS, well it’s not a big story because Putin isn’t their champion and they don’t want him to be seen as a coward, lol

  • glenn : SLM–We definitely have to GOTV!

  • KillgoreTrout : Mmmmm, hand sliced pepperoni, swiss cheese and crackers!

  • SueInCa : Well I hope we are enjoying it KT

  • kesmarn : KT, what’s on the menu tonight in the snack department?

  • SueInCa : LOL even the Chinese are looking for oil elsewhere lol

  • KillgoreTrout : Sue, unfortunately, about 2,000 miles away!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- and where is the media coverage of Putin’s slinking off? Where is the reporting of the total chaos inthe Crimea and win backs by Ukraine’s forces

  • sillylittleme : miles, what if she decides not to run?

  • kesmarn : True, Sue! If McCain and Co. had had their way we’d be in a full blown war in the Ukraine now (and everywhere else).

  • MilesLong : slm: Hillary is really the one to beat. It’s hers for the taking.

  • glenn : Kalima–well, then, good morning to you.

  • SueInCa : Hey where’s mine KT?

  • sillylittleme : miles, none taken. which girl? hill or liz?

  • MilesLong : Dbos, that’s because a hair under half of the population is brain-dead…

  • KillgoreTrout : Ah, that’s better. Snack prepaired and ready to go!

  • SueInCa : What about PUtin? Seems he is on the losing end all over. Obama was right as usual and R’s are too stupid to take a lesson

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Dbos…there you are.

  • Kalima : Hi glenn, it’s morning here.

  • Dbos : The evidently bought off thing that we have in this country today ; that why 60 percent of the people don’actually know who to blame as Murph stated else where

  • Harleigh : we could talk about bengazi Bengazi but after 2 years and 2 dumpster loads of bullshit we still go nuttin!

  • MilesLong : No offense

  • kesmarn : See you later, Kalima! And — my pleasure.

  • MilesLong : And then they’re going to be beaten by a girl!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn..I do not know what gets the DEM GOTV to the tsunami level and that is what we need.

  • sillylittleme : beatlex, we’ll do what we can. We need to knock their blocks off in the voting booth…

  • Kalima : Thanks kes. Have to dash and see you soon. Thanks for doing this at such short notice.

  • MilesLong : I’m hoping that in his last year he gets Midievil on the Republicans.

  • kesmarn : Beatlex, we SO hear you on that one. We might be heading UP THERE!

  • SueInCa : Dbos you are totally on the mark with that and like SLM says, what press? Murrow is turning in his grave trying to find a way to come back and show them how it is really done

  • glenn : Murph–do you think this suit will FINALLY get Dems up and out to vote? And, speaking of voting, all of those Dems who voted out for Cochran in the primary should come out in the general and vote for the Dem running. Anyway, back to the original question. I know Boehner is doing this to rile up his base; do you think it will rile up the Dems?

  • sillylittleme : dbos, what press?

  • Beatlex : WE all know the R’s have nothing,they are just firing up their base.Please my American progressive friends,WORK HARD and Pleeeze don’t let them take over both houses!! Don’t make me come down there!! ..LOL

  • kesmarn : Well, if we’ve exhausted the Boehner suit, there’s always that fascinatin’ Supreme Court!!

  • sillylittleme : miles, looking for the rock obama… ;=}

  • Dbos : This BS with the Repugs and every lying thing they do has taken our country down a terrible path; where is the press in this fiasco.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Kes- got a topic for us to focus on?

  • SueInCa : SKM I agree but he is starting to speak up

  • Kalima : Hi Sue, good to see you. Take care. Can’t stay.

  • MilesLong : slm: He can’t ever be that Angry Black Man…

  • SueInCa : Thanks Harleigh I need to start commenting instead of just reading though.

  • sillylittleme : miles, potus is far too easy on them…

  • kesmarn : Kalima! Great to see you! I know you may not be able to stay (different time zone, folks) but it’s good to see you!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Obama is starting to really roll with his schtick re. the Nada, Nowhere, Nothing House

  • glenn : Hey Kalima–good to see you here on a Friday night–or whatever day or night it is for you.

  • Harleigh : sue lots of folks left there. good to see you again. lots of the good guys here!

  • SueInCa : Hi Kalima

  • sillylittleme : MTS3 he’s still trying to find the way out of the barrel of merlot

  • Kalima : The basics of Vox have been written quite plainly for everyone to read above the comments. Thanks, and enjoy your chat.

  • kesmarn : Exactly, Mile! He really is the grown up in the room!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…and not going anywhere is what Boehner wants.

  • SueInCa : Harleigh I think I knew you as rbateman. I have not been to hp seriously since about 2011

  • sillylittleme : kes, even Turley?

  • MilesLong : kesman: Plus POTUS called it out as silly.

  • kesmarn : Dbos, we can see you getting thru!

  • glenn : SLM–of course they can try to change it. If you’re going to sue the president, you have to come up with something. But Benghazi? Then shouldn’t we sue gwb about the original 9/11?

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Dbos…..oh, yes you are

  • pinkpantheroz : be right back, grabbing a brew.

  • kesmarn : Murph, the experts I’ve heard have ALL said: “This is going nowhere!”

  • Dbos : Not getting thru

  • Harleigh : Sueinca.. we were hp fans for years, I was rgateman, librrldem, badlib, gtidriver…. kept getting baned for calling out trAITORS etc… usually at about 2000 fans each time … 5 since like 2007 or so… LOL I still luv you though!

  • sillylittleme : kes, they really need to be voted out. what a bunch of rotters..

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…Here is where I stand…Boehner is using the suit to distract his own base, to throw them a bone. He knows that he cannot deliver. A suit will require a bill from the House, passed, sent to the Senate, and then not passed (but even if it were- OBAMA WOULD HAVE TO SIGN IT)….I have been reading a number of Constitutional historians and not one thinks this is plausible. So what is the distraction for…to try, try to avoid an impeachment debacle…

  • kesmarn : I loved the Prez’s response: “They’re trying to sue me for doing my job.” I think he read AdLib’s article! :-)

  • SueInCa : Thanks PPO I thought that was the case.

  • kesmarn : SLM, I’ve read that some analysts are saying the real goal is just to gum up the works of government any way possible to convince people that only the states are capable of getting things done. A sort of back-door to state’s rights.

  • sillylittleme : glenn, well they can always change it to the issue of the day. What is it again? Benghazi, IRS, etc?

  • pinkpantheroz : Sieinca, yes the Aussie Government is trying to have them pardoned as part of the custom during ramadan(?) to give amnesty to people.

  • SueInCa : Better Egypt than Syria, if you have to be somewhere. Of course with changes in leadership(and I say that lightly) no telling what Egypt is like now, in reality

  • MurphTheSurf3 : SLM- Boehner is using the suit to distract his own base, to throw them a bone. He knows that he cannot deliver. A suit will require a bill from the House, passed, sent to the Senate, and then not passed (but even if it were- OBAMA WOULD HAVE TO SIGN IT)….I have been reading a number of Constitutional historians and not one thinks this is plausible.

  • Beatlex : Dick Cheeeeney wins the brass balls of the week award.His”Never has a President harmed so many people” meme

  • glenn : SLM–there are no specifics–that ‘s the whole point. However, I think after the SCOTUS ruling on the recess appointments; that they may focus on that.

  • kesmarn : I do too, Sue. Wouldn’t want to spend 7 years in an Egyptian prison…

  • sillylittleme : kes, of course, so do the Kocks, er Kochs know?

  • SueInCa : Yes it is Kes but reporters have to be just as careful as laypeople when they are in foreign countries. I hope their country of origin are working to get them freed

  • kesmarn : SLM, I really don’t think Boehner has a clue. He’s awaiting further orders from the Koch brothers.

  • sillylittleme : kes, scary. aja is a godsend

  • MurphTheSurf3 : SLM-+- i.e. silly little me…took me a year to figure this out.

  • sillylittleme : All, so does anyone know the specifics? Does Boehner?

  • KillgoreTrout : Be right back folks, gotta fix a snack!

  • SueInCa : Harleigh your avatar looks familiar

  • kesmarn : I do miss AlJazeera. Shame about their reporters in Egypt though, no?

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Beatlex- multitasking- to quote Martha G- “it’s a good thing.”

  • sillylittleme : MTS3, thanks for the tip

  • SueInCa : KT I still have cable but watch either local, Democracy Now or AJA

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- not delivering is what they promised.

  • glenn : Murph–Poor boehner–NOT

  • KillgoreTrout : Snark away Harleigh!

  • Beatlex : Multi-tasker Murph!

  • SueInCa : Murph and a waste of our taxpayer money. These people have not delivered on any promises. I do not get what people are waiting for?

  • pinkpantheroz : KT and all, I guess that the best advice on VOX is to put your addressee first so they know to whom you’re replying.

  • KillgoreTrout : Sue, I dumped my cable several years ago and haven’t looked back since.

  • sillylittleme : Sue, I do so that I can vent for a bit. But just in the am.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : BASICS OF VOX FOR ME…..I open up two screens. One to read the comments and one to write my own. It makes life for me easy.

  • Harleigh : Kilgore I can still snark though right? LMAO

  • SueInCa : Silly, I know that is why I never tune in to cable “news”

  • Beatlex : LOL Sue! It is sad and more than a little pathetic

  • kesmarn : KT! You summed it up!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn….Boehner is trying to keep what little control he has left in place. To do that he has to keep the impeachment plan from happening…so this suit crap is a diversion.

  • KillgoreTrout : The basics of VOX are “BE NICE,” and “BE FAST.” I think everybody here has the NICE part down!

  • sillylittleme : Sue, because the media tells them they are…

  • SueInCa : I see that and I am loving it, Murph

  • kesmarn : Hey, Murph, I have to say they’re all doing great! Up there over all of our heads, folks, are some guidelines for how to participate, if you need ’em. Feel free to jump in with your thoughts!

  • SueInCa : Beatlex they are all convinced they are still relavent.

  • glenn : Kes–what in the hell is wrong with Boehner? I really believe the repubs have lost their minds–what little minds they had.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Sue….there has been a lot of action here of late as you can tell…so many new and outstanding members.

  • Beatlex : Pink.really,what a boneheaded move! Boehner is really losing it

  • MurphTheSurf3 : KES….you are taking the torch….could you run through the basics about Vox….lots of new folks or semi new folks here.

  • kesmarn : Hey, lookin’ good Harleigh! That must be quite an improvement for ya!

  • SueInCa : Thanks MTS, I have missed all of you too, I read constantly but do not always comment. I am the ghost of Planet past

  • pinkpantheroz : Beatlex, It’s mind-bogglingly stupid of the Banana republicans to float that lead zeppelin. It’ll never get off the ground.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Sue…I am serious, I really felt great when I saw your name here. You have been deeply missed….

  • kesmarn : I understand, AdLib! We’ll catch you later. No prob!

  • KillgoreTrout : Same here glenn. Just the way I like it, too.

  • SueInCa : Nada, KT just nice to be home again

  • Harleigh : kesmarn, notice how I slimmed down? I’m on my new HP 4G laptop winders 8 ansd retired my 2002 tower! LOL

  • AdLib : Kes, can you sub for me as host for a while? Got delayed and am remotely Voxing right now.

  • KillgoreTrout : Sue is in da house? Hey Sue, que pasa?

  • SueInCa : MTS hanging out, doing work on my business good to be back. How have you been?

  • kesmarn : Shall we start off with the lawsuit? Can’t go too far downhill from there!

  • Beatlex : BINGO KES!

  • sillylittleme : kt, I can see that…

  • MurphTheSurf3 : SUE IN CALIFORNIA….Wh ere have you been…OMG! So excited to see you.

  • KillgoreTrout : slm, things can get “poppin,” here at VOX with a good size crowd.

  • kesmarn : Beatlex, how about Boehner’s frivolous lawsuit?

  • glenn : KT–my week was uneventful. At my age, that’s a good thing. Granddaughter comes back from FL tomorrow with her cousin, so next week will be a little more eventful.

  • SueInCa : Good Kes, thought it time to stick my head in and see what’s u[

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….with so many of us here and quite a few new or relatively new folks…might it be worthwhile to review how Vox runs?

  • Beatlex : The R’s did so many moronic things this week.Where do we start?

  • kesmarn : Hey, Sue! How are ya?

  • KillgoreTrout : ‘sup Homie?

  • sillylittleme : kes, slm works fine

  • MilesLong : Thay wouldn’t find any value in it, PPO.

  • SueInCa : Hello, long time no see

  • kesmarn : Good to see Harleigh here. He didn’t get too much time to chat last week. And hi to sillylittleme! (Might have to shorten that to SLM?)

  • pinkpantheroz : Ha, if only HP could see this crownd now!

  • glenn : Kes–it’s summertime weather here and I love it. Of course, I’m not outside working. But I like hot weather better than cold.

  • KillgoreTrout : Hey glenn, how was your week?

  • MilesLong : Sultry here in Chicago…100% humidity.

  • pinkpantheroz : yes, Beat, midwinter. 5 degrees Celcius

  • KillgoreTrout : Wow, the gang’s almost all here!

  • glenn : WOW–hard keeping up with all the people popping up. Hey, KT and Murph

  • kesmarn : Hey, glenn! Getting hot and muggy here in Ohio. How’s the sunny South?

  • sillylittleme : KT, thanks

  • pinkpantheroz : Hi, kes, any thoughts on a subject to begin, as if we didn’t have a plethora?

  • glenn : Hi Miles, Kes, and Ad–what’s up?

  • KillgoreTrout : Glad you could make it slm!

  • Beatlex : Cold in Oz Pink? Your winter I guess hey?

  • MurphTheSurf3 : WoW! There is a HUGE crowd gathered at the Vox Cafe….are the drinks on the House tonight? Is Ad Lib buying? Woooooo Hooooooo…Paaaa arrrrrtaaaaaay

  • sillylittleme : glenn and harleigh thanks

  • kesmarn : Hey, AdLib! I missed you in the parking lot!

  • pinkpantheroz : Beatlex, freezing my dangly bits off here in galeswept Melbourne.

  • KillgoreTrout : Hey folks, what’s the rumpus?

  • glenn : Sillylittleme– Welcome

  • Harleigh : cool. hi sillylittle me. welcome

  • kesmarn : And running in out of breath from the parking lot, here comes kes, pinch-hitting for AdLib until he can get here! How is everyone this Friday evening?

  • AdLib : Hey folks! Happy Friday!

  • Beatlex : Hey Pink! doin’ good,and you?

  • pinkpantheroz : hi, glenn.

  • glenn : Evening, Harleigh, PPO, and Beatlex. How is everyone tonight?

  • pinkpantheroz : I’ll get the beers

  • MilesLong : I say we rearrange the furniture before everyone gets here…

  • sillylittleme : Hi, first timer, be gentle ;=}

  • pinkpantheroz : Hey, Beatlex, howzit going?

  • Harleigh : I’ve been waitin for you all my life Pink! LOL

  • Beatlex : Where is our intrepid host? What is the subject??

  • pinkpantheroz : Now don’t all rush at the same time!

  • Harleigh : empty room? time to raid the fridge

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