SallyT :
AdLib : Night Sally! And don’t forget, “All my friends know the low rider.”
SallyT : Goodnight, AdLib! I will see you later. Sunday for sure!
AdLib : Now that sounds like a real trip! Night Sally! See you here over the weekend!
SallyT : Remember you heard it here first!
AdLib : Same here! Been really great, Sally!
SallyT : I am so glad that I am not going to the Twilight Zone alone in my Low Rider!
SallyT : Oh, I have kept you on here too long! But, I really appreciate us talking this out.
AdLib : Awful.
SallyT : They vote stupid for that reason, too.
SallyT : And, AdLib, for jobs people will let them kill them! Really!
SallyT : There is lots of rigs fracking in ND. It is like one of the states with the most going on.
AdLib : I’ve been writing about that for a while, you’re so right!
SallyT : This fracking is going to kill the water and when the water is gone it is all over folks!
AdLib : They’ve got to have an idea of a nearby fracking operation that’s responsible.
SallyT : That whole town is now contaminated! And, the water!
AdLib : That’s nothing!
SallyT : And, an old abandon service station was found loaded with hundreds of garbage bags full of them in this small town of a few hundred people!
AdLib : I hope they’ve got all kinds of lawyers going after those criminals!
SallyT : There was a truck load found on the Reservation.
SallyT : They have to pay a $1000 a sleeve in fines if caught and they can track them back to whom.
SallyT : Those people don’t matter if they get radioactive poisoning. ASSHOLES!
AdLib : WTF??? Exactly like the small pox blankets! They should be put in jail for attempted murder!
SallyT : The usually pick some poor area.
SallyT : Kinda like those small pox blankets, AdLib!
SallyT : The Reservation in ND didn’t know they were! They were dumped there without them knowing until a garage guy was picking up stuff and when to the dump and the alarm went off that he had radioactive material in his truck!
AdLib : Right! I didn’t know they were using reservations as dumps. I assume the leaders at the reservations are taking their payoffs?
SallyT : Those sleeves they use in fracking.
SallyT : Its just like those radioactive sleeves that they have been dumping on Indian Reservations. It is cheaper to pay a fine than depose of them properly. Well, you can’t depose of them, you have to store them forever.
AdLib : And major attacks on a nation that crashes its economy isn’t as important as a few extra bucks in profits.
AdLib : Well, they’re all in profit nowadays and that’s just false, it wouldn’t be that expensive.
SallyT : AdLib, 270 people lost are not big deal but profits are!
SallyT : I also heard that it would be terribly expensive and the airlines fought it because they are losing so much money.
AdLib : fought
AdLib : After 9/11, I’ve thought that there should be a constant satellite data/video upload from the plane to be temporarily stored so that we could always know what was happening in a plane and always know its location. This wouldn’t interfere with ATC or radar, it’s just a data stream. Pilots faught against this saying it would violate their privacy rights. Huh? In a public area like a plane? And at what cost?
SallyT : That is in case you have to go around weather or volcanoes.
SallyT : Another thing that they showed was that you can reprogram the flight plan from the flight deck.
SallyT : Or someone turns it while in auto.
SallyT : You have to turn the alarm off. That is just in case it gets knocked off by mistake.
SallyT : And if you switch off the automatic pilot, alarms sound.
SallyT : I know! There is so much that plane can do! It is the best one out there.
AdLib : Wow, that is very clever!
AdLib : Right, that would make sense that they would have a great deal of redundancy on so many systems…but tracking just requires a turn of a switch and a screwdriver?
SallyT : It could lose all its electrial system and there is this thing that drops down from underneath the plane (they call it the rat) and it is like a windmill that creates its own electricity!
SallyT : It is where the back up is and if there was a problem with it, they need to get in there to check the wiring. But, AdLib, you won’t believe all the backup systems that plane has on it.
AdLib : Why should there ever be an emergency that required turning off tracking?
SallyT : Sad that they are crazy people out there that make it hard to live in these times.
AdLib : Sad that there have to be disasters before people make logical changes to dangerous situations.
SallyT : Of course they didn’t want to make it too difficult in case there was an emergency.
SallyT : You just need one screw driver to remove the plate and get down to the wires. Very simple he said.
SallyT : That expert today said that was a stupid mistake and no one was thinking when that change was made.
SallyT : Oh, I am sure there will be changes made after this. Including moving that other switch back to the back of the plane.
AdLib : Then there should be some kind of kill switch that only the ATCs can use to turn it off, no one in the plane should be able to do that.
SallyT : It interferes with the air traffic controllers. Makes them watch something they no longer need to.
AdLib : They may not need it then but why not leave it on anyway at all times.
AdLib : My question is, why would or should there be a switch to turn off tracking?
SallyT : The only time they turn it off is when they have landed and taxing in. They don’t need it then.
SallyT : Oh, I saw someone in a simulator and to turn off the tracking in the cockpit is just like a knob on your radio and 3 clicks.
AdLib : Thanks for sharing your theories, so far you’re batting 1000!
AdLib : It’s been a real wild ride!
SallyT : Thanks for staying up with me, AdLib!
AdLib : I think you’re right. You can’t let criminals know how close you are to identifying or catching them.
SallyT : But, I think they have and aren’t saying.
SallyT : I sure would be checking that out for sure and fast! Where’s my CIA badge?
AdLib : I would! In my deerstalker cap!
AdLib : That is hard to believe. It’s more difficult to get a search warrant in Malaysia than in the U.S.? Hard to believe indeed.
SallyT : The older pilot had a flight simulator in his home. Would you be looking at what he was practicing and flight paths…
SallyT : They had said yesterday that they still hadn’t searched those pilots homes but I don’t believe that.
AdLib : Though it would be just as easy for a hijacker to hold a gun on the pilots or a bomb with the passengers and order them to fly where he wanted. Still, he remains an interesting suspect and it did stand out to me that the PM said they were checking out passengers and the pilots.
SallyT : But, we don’t know who else was in that crew. Or even those that were on the ground and loaded it.
SallyT : And, that co-pilot would know who was the best to be on the plane with.
AdLib : Oh! That is a good place to start. I doubt an older pilot would be willing to go along with a hijacking. Possible but less probable.
SallyT : He is the co-pilot and has been flying since 2007. ????
SallyT : No the 27 year old Pilot.
AdLib : 27 year old? With the stolen passport?
SallyT : I question the 27 year old.
SallyT : I wonder if anyone has check those pilots bank accounts…….
AdLib : I knew what you were saying.
SallyT : That 53 yr old pilot knows everything about that plane. Is someone forcing him to fly it or did someone take the controls from him and the co-pilot?
SallyT : I meant to type that the plane did more zigs to zags than at an air show.
AdLib : Low ri-der gets a little lower.
AdLib : Now that it’s been confirmed about the tracking being turned off manually, it’s hard to look at any other theory than a hijacking. And anyone doing that might be studied enough on how to avoid radar.
SallyT : You be sure to post Low Rider on the music thread for me tomorrow.
SallyT : It may have crashed on its way there but if that plane did all they said it did, someone knows how to fly it. I heard an FBI expert say that they plane has done more zigs to zags then an air show!
AdLib : I might have to second your nomination to CIA Chief!
SallyT : I am getting my Navy Seals 6 suited up right now.
AdLib : Yep, I agree with your deduction on that. They might be offering the northern route as a ruse, to keep the hijackers from suspecting that they know where they are. Then again, it could be ass covering and the plane could have crashed into the Indian Ocean.
SallyT : Get ready! I am about to replace the head of the CIA when Prez fires that jerk that is there now.
SallyT : That is why I think it stayed over water, don’t you?
AdLib : As the correspondent said, if it flew over land around the “stan” countries, there would be radar records.
SallyT : If it had kept going north, that would be right to Pakistan. But, it turned south.
SallyT : Now that is if the plane went to that airport in Yemen, which it probably didn’t but that is just a focus point.
SallyT : AdLib look at the map they are showing and then look at this: «link»
AdLib : I think you’re right, Sally. It is hard to believe that they don’t have a very good idea of where it is.
SallyT : Right! They know, AdLib. They just aren’t going to say on national television just yet. They are just confirming as much of what is out there right now but nothing more.
AdLib : He said the deactivation of the tracking is consistent with deliberate action of someone on the plane. Now how can that not be a hijacking???
SallyT : Well, he confirmed everything I told you. I still think it went north just a short distance and than turned south to get around India.
AdLib : Yipe! WHo is this Twilight Zone broadcaster on CNN?
AdLib : No kidding!
SallyT : Entered a new phase in the Twilight Zone!
AdLib : Kazakhstan?
SallyT : Pakistan or Yemen
AdLib : Watching now!
SallyT : CNN
AdLib : Where are you watching this?
SallyT : He is saying when the tracking was turned off and turning.
AdLib : But if they’re not flying the plane now, not sure how it’s a better plan to land it and wait to be discovered. And the cargo of batteries and part of the plan seems to be a bad fit. A plane will explode enough without batteries if it’s crashed int something, they wouldn’t need them.
SallyT : The PrimeMinister of Malaysia is on the news right now making an announcement.
SallyT : No, I am thinking that if they knew those batteries where on that plane, that is a reason to hijack it and use them for a bomb. I don’t know if they would use the plane again or not. But, it would make a very big bomb if they got it off the ground again without notice. Of course they have had 8 days, now 9 to do anything with that plane.
AdLib : They really need to go through that passenger list with a fine tooth comb to figure out if a terrorist or mentally ill person was on board. Maybe they already know? It’s clear they haven’t found the plane though, they’d announce it if they could.
AdLib : Sally – The Malaysians have muddied that water by asserting then denying that. The reports seem to say though that it is likely the case that they flew hundreds of miles off course and followed an established route. So are you suspecting that the batteries were on that flight to blow up the plane? Because that kind of conflicts with the theory that the plane was being hijacked to be used later to blow up some target somewhere.
SallyT : They are going through every person on that plane now and again and again to see who and what has been missed.
SallyT : I don’t know if they are or aren’t but that would be my luck, AdLib. Think I got away and oh shit! I’ve been hijacked!
SallyT : That is how they got the cargo list and found the larger than normal shipment of Lithium batteries.
AdLib : Sally – I was thinking about that, if those two guys were just innocent asylum seekers and were finally taking a deep breath in relief that they were finally going to be free…than some asshole terrorists hijacked the plane, how terrible. Then again, they may not have been unrelated to it…who knows?
SallyT : Malaysia has turned over all their radar tracking and records to the United States now.
SallyT : The United States has also confirmed that the plane continued to fly and went in the opposite direction for 4-5 hours and that is why they are moving our ships into the Indian Ocean.
AdLib : PPO – I did post that warning from US regulators that the 777 had severe mechanical flaws that could lead to a catastrophic incident so that remains a possibility but the Reuters report today confirms that its sources tell it the plane changed course to an established flight path in another direction. If the pilots had lost control of the plane, that wouldn’t be possible.
SallyT : Okay, now think about this: You are those two guys that got the fake passports, one to go see his mother. And, they really aren’t terrorist but just trying to get out of the country. They are sitting there and think, “Great! We made it!” And, then they learn the plane has been hijacked! “Oh, FUUCCK!
pinkpantheroz : The problem is, Ad, that all the theories are just that – theories. No one is claiming reponsibility for either hijacking it or blowing it up. To me, the transponder dropping out with no further contact whatsoever form anything verified, leads me to my theory. Whatever may have happened, that aircraft is no longer in one piece, and all aboard are gone, God Bless them. The media’s insatiable appetite for tragedy is getting in the way of sober, thoughtful investigation and all the talking heads and ‘experts’ are just filling air time while more real newsworthy items get bypassed. It may take months, if not years, to find what happened. You may notice one HUGE omission, likely from the 1% – no mention of whether or not Boeing should immediately ground all B-777s for thorough checks. That would cost too much, wouldn’t it? Maybe it’s loss will be written off eventually as ‘the cost of doing business’ like the GM Ignition systems.
AdLib : You have just boarded a plane that is scheduled to take you on a non-stop flight to…The Twilight Zone.
SallyT : But, AdLib thinks I have taken him to the Twilight Zone.
SallyT : And, it went north and again turned south. I say to go around the tip of India and a straight path to Yemen. See that map I gave you and they watch how the news is plotting it. You will see what I am seeing.
AdLib : As the investigation continues, the facts seem to be coming out and leading more to a hijacking than a mechanical failure.
AdLib : And then there’s this story from today: “An investigation into the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines jetliner is focusing more on a suspicion of foul play, as evidence suggests it was diverted hundreds of miles off course, sources familiar with the Malaysian probe said. In a far more detailed description of military radar plotting than has been publicly revealed, two sources told Reuters an unidentified aircraft that investigators suspect was missing Flight MH370 appeared to be following a commonly used navigational route when it was last spotted early on Saturday, northwest of Malaysia. That course – headed into the Andaman Sea and towards the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean – could only have been set deliberately, either by flying the Boeing 777-200ER jet manually or by programming the auto-pilot.” «link»
SallyT : Sorry, that it is a newer plane….
SallyT : One expert said that one is located in the tail but other said that they is a newer plane and it is located just outside of the cabin.
SallyT : They now know exactly when those systems were turned off. Within 15 minutes of each other.
AdLib : PPO – That’s a frightening thought. But doesn’t it seem that the Malaysians have been very secretive about things, especially if this was a mechanical failure?
pinkpantheroz : OOPS! finger trouble! The pilots would be incapable of flying the plane because there is no mechanical linkages to the control surfaces. It had to be huge for all 3 independent computer systems to fail at the one time. The lack of wreckage could mean that they are too small to find from the air.
SallyT : Or kill them. The pilots had oxygen.
AdLib : ppo – That is a possibility but have they concluded if the tracking was manually turned off?
SallyT : That is why they went high to knock them out.
AdLib : In that scenario, it would seem much more complicated than just preventing cell phone signals. You’ve got hundreds of hostages or bodies to deal with, the more complications, the harder to hide things.
SallyT : AdLib, someone knows what they are doing up there in that plane. They knew exactly what to do and when.
pinkpantheroz : I have a theory that it was a catastrophic breakup only. if one engine blew up and severed the hydraulics, the turbine blades peppered the fuselage and caused major failures in the electrics. the pilots couldn’
SallyT : And the plane just vanishes for days until they realize it went the other direction for hours.
SallyT : Right not at that attitude but there is something they can turn on that blocks cell signals at lower attitudes.
AdLib : Cells won’t work at that altitude anyway but the radio should be working. The pilot turns off the tracking, doesn’t use the radio and apparently drastically changes the heading. Not the most bewildering mystery it seems.
SallyT : Right, why would they turn that off? They wouldn’t.
SallyT : Oh, and there is something else on that plane that they can turn off so cells won’t work and the phones in the seat are turned off in the cockpit.
AdLib : And why would a suicide need to disable the tracking anyway?
SallyT : And, a suicide wouldn’t have flown that long.
AdLib : Yep, that seemed to be the clincher, turning off the tracking and the backup? You’re right, there is no reason but a hijacking for that.
SallyT : No pilot would ever do that.
SallyT : Followed 14 minutes later by turning off the backup.
AdLib : Then there is this: “US regulators warned of problems on Boeing 777s – Months before Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 mysteriously vanished, US regulators warned of a “cracking and corrosion” problem on Boeing 777s that could lead to a mid-air breakup and drastic drop in cabin pressure.” «link»
SallyT : I think it was when they learned that the tracking had been turned off at the cockpit.
AdLib : Right, it did seem like a sad tragedy at first but when they said, “Uh…we can’t find a crashed airplane anywhere,” that changed things a little bit.
SallyT : And, even though we haven’t heard anything, doesn’t mean they haven’t heard chatter. I mean we have the NSA you know!
SallyT : I do think we didn’t think much of it at first except that it had been a terrible accident. But, now it is different as time past.
AdLib : We dronely have eyes for them.
SallyT : I think there is a drone with a calling card for them.
AdLib : Right, that does seem to make a lot more sense than everybody being incompetent…or does it???
SallyT : And, of course to let the bad guys think we are all dumb and they got away with something.
SallyT : Like China said that those one pictures were released by mistake…..uh huh…..
SallyT : I am sure that China is included, too.
SallyT : What the government knows, they ain’t telling. And, the media is just guessing. Malaysia has turned everything over to us now. Both governments are just letting out tidbits to keep them guessing.
AdLib : Really appreciate your bringing this up, Sally. It’s been on my mind too and it seems so probable that this was a hijacking and very possibly by terrorists but most in the MSM and governments avoid saying that.
SallyT :
AdLib : If that was Cheney on the wing, how come it got shot and didn’t shoot Shatner back in the face?
SallyT : And, that was Cheney on the wing!
SallyT : Thank you!
AdLib : I will dedicate a post to your prescience!
SallyT : Remember if it comes out that that plane was heading for Yemen, whether it made it or not, I told you first!
AdLib : Maybe this is what happened? «link»
SallyT : Well, I am sure it is going to be a movie.
AdLib : Maybe this was just an episode of a new Twilight Zone series? They had a few episodes about disappearing planes.
SallyT : Now just think how fast your camel can fly with a Royal Royce Engine tied to its ass!
AdLib : It can’t be too much of a mystery as to what entity put those batteries on board the plane.
SallyT : Don’t know what else was in that cargo but those batteries have many concerned.
SallyT : Yeah!
AdLib : And it’s already got the hydraulics to make it bounce up and down.
AdLib : Heh! A low rider plane!
SallyT : Low Rider, Low Rider
AdLib : Hell, China sends us kiddie toys with led paint, why would they mind a dangerous cargo on a plane flying into china?
SallyT : No, unless they painted it a different color. Painted flames on the side and lower it.
AdLib : However, a plane that is now known to have been hijacked or suspiciously missing isn’t the best tool to use in a surprise attack.
SallyT : I guess they didn’t think anything of it going to China.
SallyT : There was more Lithium Batteries on that plane than they normally allow. The USA wouldn’t have.
AdLib : It’s a grounded theory, Sally. I have thought all along that this was a hijacking that went wrong but maybe it didn’t.
SallyT : Oh, how could I forget BENGHAZI…..SQU IRREL!
SallyT : I am probably way off with all this but it has just been rolling in my head for days.
AdLib : And we would have had ground troops in Libya. And Benghazi would have been deemed “unavoidable” by Repubs.
SallyT : Oh don’t forget, McCain would have taken out Egypt, too.
SallyT : Bush made this mess! Iraq was the biggest mistake!
AdLib : If Bush was still President we’d be in a Great Depression still and people would be fighting in the streets over cat food.
AdLib : Glad that election wasn’t even close! McCain never had a chance to win, thank goodness.
SallyT : And, New Zealand if Bush was still President.
SallyT : Right!
AdLib : And North Korea!
SallyT : Right
AdLib : We would be at war with Iran, Syria and Russia by now!
AdLib : I don’t think they really believe that “weak President” crap, it’s just their meme right now. They just don’t want America to ever be at peace, they want eternal war.
SallyT : Oh AdLib, can you imagine if it was McCain and Palin in the White House!
AdLib : Yep, I have no doubt that those nutters have already branded this a false flag operation run by the CIA to bomb somewhere so we will be justified in declaring a new war somewhere else to satisfy the MIC.
SallyT : Exactly! They don’t care who all we destroy. We are the BEST and right now we just have a weak President….acc ording to them.
AdLib : McCain is insane (hey, that rhymes!). He is a bitter, deranged old man who wants the world to go out in the flash of a mushroom cloud but convinces himself he just wants to get revenge on the rest of the world by blowing up everywhere but America.
SallyT : Of course, I am sure there are those saying all this is a false flag.
AdLib : Exactly. The leaders of any group of people crave that power and getting more of it. They want to live, they just want to use the lives of others to satisfy their personal desires.
SallyT : McCain wants it so bad!!!!
SallyT : Well, I guess that is true of our leaders, too. Send the young and poor to fight for them so they can keep their riches.
AdLib : That’s true, I could imagine the RW Repubs feigning sadness if Israel was attacked but secretly cheering it on as the beginning of The Rapture.
SallyT : It is a scary time over there and I guess here, too.
AdLib : Sally – I don’t doubt the willingness of the lower level recruits to die for their cause but the leaders know better, they just manipulate the ignorant to die for them. They want to live and become the powerful rulers they dream to be.
SallyT : Not all Republicans but the religious right.
SallyT : Hell, our Republicans would destroy the middle east because of their belief in the second coming. Goodbye, Jews!
SallyT : Ad, I agree but we will destroy a lot in doing it, too. We destroyed Afghanistan to get Bin Laden and he wasn’t there. These people think it is Allah’s will.
AdLib : I think we’ve seen that the leadership of Al Qaeda will go to great lengths to avoid dying for their cause. Just the inferiors are sent to their deaths.
AdLib : If an attack was made on oil fields and plunged us and the world into an economic disaster, the Right and Left would quickly agree on spending whatever it took to destroy those who did that.
SallyT : They do die for Allah, too, Ad.
SallyT : That war has cost so much that we will have great difficulty to take on too much right now.
AdLib : Sally – They like living though…and there wouldn’t be any cave secret enough to hide in if they declared war on the world.
AdLib : Saw that special and it was very well done. Well…that seemed very obvious, when they only protected the oil ministry and oil fields but let the museums and government be plundered and destroyed. We knew from the start that this was all about oil, most people did. They never succeeded in selling their lies to the majority.
SallyT : They like living in caves.
AdLib : If Al Qaeda took out the oil fields, they would turn the rest of the world against them. Don’t know if that’s their desired goal. I think they want to peel off those nations they despise.
SallyT : Even if it is at the bottom of the ocean, I think it was heading for Yemen.
SallyT : Did you see that special of Rachel Maddows and how Bush wanted to make sure no one set fire to those oil rigs in Iraq before we got there?
AdLib : The mystery to me is whether the hijacking was successful or not. That jet could be at the bottom of the ocean right now.
SallyT : Think about if they just took out oilfields.
SallyT : Nope, I don’t think it is a mystery to me! LOL
AdLib : Cheney mad! Cheney smash!
AdLib : Yep, it may be a mystery to us but I do think the US government knows whatever is going on.
SallyT : They won’t bomb oil fields Ad. Cheney would get mad.
SallyT : If the US knows, like I think they do, they have everyone on alert.
SallyT : Read that one link I sent you. They are mad about the drones and Syria.
AdLib : No, too many Al Qaeda ties to Saudi Arabia and many living there.
AdLib : Israel though has an incredible anti-aircraft, anti-missile defense. They have got to be very prepared right now to take down any unidentified aircraft long before it reaches their borders.
SallyT : Do you think we would bomb Saudi Arabia off the map?
AdLib : Heh!
SallyT : Ad, I was typing that as you where!
SallyT : Ad, I think they can fly over Saudi Arabia. And, I wouldn’t feel to comfortable Israel that those Saudis are on your side on the Iran deal.
AdLib : Sally…what about Israel as a target?
AdLib : And can you imagine what would happen to the country/airport that harbored or assisted with hiding this plane. If it is out there and it bombs someplace, wherever it came from will be bombed out of existence.
SallyT : No, it isn’t flying now and they have had a week to hide it.
AdLib : So what target would make sense for them to attack in that region, that this plane could reach?
SallyT : Could they set off bombs in other areas or wait until Russia invades Ukraine?
AdLib : In any case, the plane can’t be flying now because our spy satellites have got to be trained on that area right now. So it either crashed in the ocean or landed somewhere where it is being hidden. In the case of the latter, it could be used to attack somewhere nearby before it is tracked and shot down but any lengthy flight would seem to expose it to likely being downed.
SallyT : Plane have been hijacked, just one a few months ago. Have they others from long ago?
SallyT : Ad, one of those pilots have been flying for years and the young one not so long and he qualified for this plane on a simulator. I don’t know if they are in on it but maybe one of them. But with a gun to your head or bomb and your choice is to put the plane in the ocean and kill all those people or obey and land the plane, well, what to do?
AdLib : It would seem a lot harder to hijack more planes than this one, especially after this hijacking has people all over the world on alert.
AdLib : You make an excellent point about why the plane would have flown at such an altitude.
SallyT : Who says they won’t use several again to make us look left when the real one is going right.
SallyT : Now over land is harder.
AdLib : They just didn’t know what the destination would be for the 9/11 planes but they did track them.
SallyT : They have flown this plane above radar and between radar and all they have is pings.
AdLib : Sally – I think that expert is mistaken, I watched many specials on 9/11 and saw the radar tracking of the planes on 9/11.
SallyT : These people don’t care who they kill to make their point including themselves. I put nothing past them and I don’t think they are totally stupid.
SallyT : No, they didn’t know where they were going or where they turned was the expert today talking.
SallyT : I really think they might have waited to long, too.
AdLib : Radar did pick up the planes on 9/11, they just didn’t know what it meant when the planes veered off course.
SallyT : Oh, I meant that guy at FOX!
SallyT : Like they said today, there are times radar doesn’t pick up like when those planes hit the Trade Center.
AdLib : Don’t know who that is but I agree with you, they couldn’t fly that plane over land where there is plenty of radar and tracking.
AdLib : I wonder if they had such a plan but it failed and the plane went down anyway.
SallyT : I saw that Richard Murddock was saying he thought it went to Pakistan. Nope, it would have had to fly overland and India.
AdLib : Sally – It can’t be too easy to hide a jet, let alone fly it once the world is alerted to it being missing. They might have had such a plan but waiting doesn’t make as much sense as using it to attack a city immediately. Any unidentified jet would get a warning while it was over the ocean then be shot down if it refused to respond.
SallyT : Of course they might wait until things die down. They don’t have any problem waiting to attack.
AdLib : It would seem insane to bomb another country and somehow think that country wouldn’t blame those who bombed it for the bombing…instea d blaming the people the bombers aksed them to blame.
AdLib : True! I would have to think though that right now, the US and our allies would be on high alert for any plane flying towards their territory that isn’t properly accounted for…and prepared to shoot it down if it gets too close.
SallyT : We aren’t the target, Ad, they will bomb anywhere and say it was because of us killing them and that country should be mad at the USA. Of course, most are Chinese and maybe they want to spark more problems there.
AdLib : Sally – What a nightmare scenario! If they are holding people on the plane as human shields while preparing to fly the plane as a bomb into whatever enemy target they choose. One thing, they are too far away from the U.S. for that to be the target.
SallyT : Ad, the Saudis was the money behind 9-11 remember!
SallyT : To get to Yemen, they didn’t have to go over land. It was water all the way.
AdLib : Sally – It’s all speculation now but I like your theories on this. I don’t know that they’re in Yemen but your reasoning on why the US is acting as it is and why the Malaysians have been so secretive sure supports your theory. How about this article, ” Malaysia Airlines passport theft echoes al-Qaeda agent’s bomb attack” «link»
SallyT : With those batteries and that big plane, they can make a big bomb!
SallyT : Remember, they didn’t tell us they had Bin Laden until they had killed him. I am sure there are missiles on those ships but there are those poor people that could be used as shields by the AHoles!
AdLib : Well, I did read today that the US has been preparing entities to the possibility that this was a terrorist act and that the plane could have been meant to conduct an attack at a later date.
SallyT : Well, I think they don’t want the bad guys to know we might be on to them, too. We are moving ships into the area supposedly to search for wreckage but I wouldn’t be surprised to learn there is more to that and the Navy Seals 6 are on one of those ships. Were the pilots or one of the pilots involved? They claim they haven’t searched their homes but I don’t believe that. I think they don’t want it out to the public or again the bad guys, yet. My concerns are that it has been 8 days now. They have watched us search the wrong area for days.
SallyT : I don’t think they paid much attention to it at first but now I think they are and I think the US knows where it is.
AdLib : And the Malaysian authorities seem to be so obviously hiding the information they have. Something bad happened I think and they know a lot more about it than they’ll say.
AdLib : Isn’t it strange though that with all the spy satellites the U.S. has above the planet, they claim not to know what happened to the plane?
SallyT : They have had a week to hide that plane.
AdLib : I do think you’re right that this was very likely a hijacking which could have been by terrorists (or other deranged person or persons). The turning off of the beacon says a lot.
SallyT : One thing they just reported that going up to 45000 ft is dangerous for the plane but if you wanted to cause your passengers to pass out or even kill them, that is a way. But, they really question if it happened, too.
SallyT : I don’t know if they did land there just that there is an airport large enough and there might be another.
SallyT : The connections is terrorist in Yemen. I don’t know if they knew those lithium batteries were on the plane or not but there was significant amount on board, more than usual. CNN has been reporting that those batteries have caught on fire before in cargo planes and maybe that took it down. But experts said they would think that the pilot would have called it in. The plane has changed attitude, too, up to 45000 ft back down to 27000 ft and then to 32000 ft. Was there a fight in the cockpit? This plane kept going for 4-5 hours. I really think that the US knows exactly where this plane is but it has been 8 days now! Of course, we are just guessing here but ……..
AdLib : And what about all the passengers?
AdLib : Wouldn’t it be spotted though if it landed there? Even if it landed at an early hour, there would be workers who would see it.
SallyT : And read the history on the airport there: «link»
SallyT : Oh, yes! It had more than enough. Here is the distance: «link»
SallyT : I started looking at all of it and I also find this posted about 8 hours after I started thinking that: «link»
AdLib : Really? It had enough fuel to get there? What makes you suspect that?
SallyT : Okay, don’t think me silly but I don’t think it crashed. I think it is in Yemen!
AdLib : Sally – I was actually waiting to hear what you had been working on, yes, I sure would!
SallyT : But, will you listen to my theory on Flight MH 370 first?
AdLib : Are you planning on a relaxing weekend?
SallyT : Looks so, Ad.
SallyT : Night, Pink!
AdLib : Sally, looks like we’re closing up the joint again!
AdLib : Seeya PPO!
AdLib : Night CL!
AdLib : Night Sabreen!
pinkpantheroz : As usual, a wonderful mix of topics. Good night all and see you next week, as well as on the Music Weekend.
AdLib : Night Funk!
SallyT : Good night, CL!
SallyT : Goodnight to you, too, Sabreen!
choicelady : Everyone – I am out again, too. It’s been great. Have a super weekend everyone! Hugs all around.
Sabreen60 : Good night Funk. I’m out as well. Take care folks. It’s been a ball.
choicelady : funk – keep us posted on your plans. I REALLY hope your wife can understand and support you. I can feel in my gut her apprehensions, but…I hope you do it.
SallyT : Goodnight, Funkie!
choicelady : There is a regular motel in Lone Pine LOL!!!
funksands : Folks, I’m afraid I must retire. Great catching up with all of you. Looking forward to next week.
choicelady : PPO – With the exception of funk’s wife, I’m NOT sure it would fly in the US. We never cultivated a Vegemite taste,
funksands : Little slice of heaven.
Sabreen60 : Funk re your link: WOW. I wonder why your wife wouldn’t want to stay there.
choicelady : funk – I do understand timing, but you can always come DOWN and walk the lower levels.
funksands : Pink, that would make my wife very happy. For some reason she loves Vegemite.
funksands : Have to get to N. WA by the end of September otherwise you might get screwed by snow.
choicelady : PPO – THAT is a GREAT product name!
funksands : Choice: 5 months.
Sabreen60 : Nite kes. Be good!
choicelady : funk – how long would you be trekking?
funksands : This is at the top of Mt. Whitney if you want to stay overnight: Built in the 30’s of course.. «link»
pinkpantheroz : Ad, got this great idea! Mix pot with Vegemite and market it as DYNO-MITE!
choicelady : Sabreen – we have Red Pockets in CA, so I understand.
funksands : Ad, oh yeah. Good point.
choicelady : funk – OMG!!! Stunning photo and yes, I can see why you want to do this!
AdLib : Funk – Yes, Brown opposes it because he is generally a jerk (CL can fill you in on that). But we don’t need his okay on a ballot proposition.
pinkpantheroz : AdLib, can I please have the Chewing Gum franchise for Australia?
funksands : Ad, the trail is only 1,000 feet under the summit of Whitney. It’s only a 5 mile hike to the top.
choicelady : funk – I think Brown opposes it. He’s not the Jerry of yore.
choicelady : kes – are you leaving? If so, good night!
Sabreen60 : Funk, the federal workers are probably not the problem. Maryland has some very rural areas and we have some evangelicals. However, we did manage to pass gay marriage. We are a blue state, but their are pockets of Red.
AdLib : Funk – WOW!!!
funksands : Ad, does Brown oppose it?
choicelady : AdLib – ever the entrepreneur!
pinkpantheroz : G’Night, Kes. these blasted time zones drive me nuts!
funksands : This is a great shot of what I’ll be doing: «link»
AdLib : Night Kes! Have a great weekend!
choicelady : funk – if I can, I will. Last year we were jammed for time, but this year maybe not so much and we can at LEAST have lunch as we trek to Lummi.
AdLib : If CA legalizes weed I’m thinking that investing in an edible manufacturing company might not be a bad idea. Quite a customer base here. And think of the dividends at the annual meeting for shareholders! Strawberry Crunch indeed!
funksands : Night Kes!
funksands : Thank you my dear…
kesmarn : Wow…after midnight here in corn country. Time for me to say goodnight as well. Have a wonderful weekend, all!
funksands : Sabreen, won’t it be harder with all of those federal workers?
choicelady : funk – this sounds great. You do have to have a communication system so your family won’t worry. Other than that – well, I can understand your longing.
Sabreen60 : CL, Maryland is not on board, yet. O’Malley is opposed. So…
funksands : Choice, holding…..my.. ….breath……
Fergie1 : CL, that’s hilarious about the girl scout
AdLib : CL – Would be nice to plan a PlanetPOV meetup in the Summer here in L.A. and in other areas where members are!
choicelady : Dbos good night! Hope to talk more about our mutual past. Be well!
kesmarn : G’night, Dbos! Great seeing you here!
funksands : Night Dbos. Great to see you here. Come back again.
Dbos : :good night all
funksands : Ad, yep. My plan is to spend October doing some political work while I recover. I probably won’t go back to work until after Christmas. I have partner I’m developing that is going to keep plates spinning while I am gone.
choicelady : Fergie – that’s actually amazingly cool. Good for them.
choicelady : funk – I knew you and AdLib had met. Did not know it was Patsy. I missed you that day – too far from LA. But maybe this summer? I’ll let you know.
AdLib : Funk – That does give you a great incentive for getting into great shape. And 2016 will be a great year for running as well as hiking! Will you be back in time for the heart of the Presidential election?
Fergie1 : Cl, actually we were never told that rites and rituals would make up good people. It was the building of our character that would do that. Cheating and lieing were the two worst things you could do and that was grounds for expulsion.
choicelady : funk – I hear that’s true in CO as well. I so celebrate the wise Girl Scout who sold her cookies outside a medical marijuana outlet. Smart cookie!
funksands : Choice, unfortunately I have not had the honor. Ad and Patsy and I have met though.
funksands : Choice, dessert has gotten a lot more popular in the Funk household.
choicelady : funk – you and Sabreen have MET??? I have to catch up! With you BOTH.
funksands : Ad, I’ve got a bit of training to do. You’ve met me, I’ve got to strengthen up a bit before I go. Hence 2016.
Sabreen60 : Funk, you sound like you’ve had a very interesting life.
pinkpantheroz : Good night Murph. take care.
choicelady : funk – now when you entertain don’t you have to supply bongs and Cheetoes?
funksands : Kes, you can only carry so much with you. The key is once you get to a small town is to eat about 10,000 calories, so the next 3 days of 2000 calories doesn’t make you stumble.
AdLib : Funk – Hope you’ll keep in touch here to update on your trek! That is going to be an epic adventure for you!
choicelady : PPO – Pope Francis is the best thing that’s happened to the Vatican since John XXIII. I have HUGE hope.
Sabreen60 : Haven’t smoked in decades. But I’m amiable to trying what CO has to offer.
kesmarn : funk, how does one back pack all those calories? Big cans of lard?
choicelady : funk – Lone Pine is the town at the base of Mt. Whitney yes. They host the annual rendezvous of Japanese Americans and MUSLIM Americans who do the pilgrimage to Manzanar. I was a guest of the CAIR folks one year, and they never batted an eye in Lone Pine at all those Japanese and Muslim folks taking over their town. They were very welcoming and fun. It was amazingly cool.
pinkpantheroz : Choice, I think the new Head Honcho in Rome is beginning to do just that. More power to him. Bring the Church back down from the heights of power and corruption and do something for the poor.
funksands : FBI has also stated that they will not be interfering.
Fergie1 : Good night Murph! Thank you very much for this chat about our mutual jolly hockey sticks experience! Toodle Pip!
funksands : First license to publicly sell just got issued last week here! On our way!
funksands : Sabreen, let’s just say that entertaining became a lot easier in WA over the last year or so.
Sabreen60 : Pink, but the strawberry candy doesn’t go up in smoke.
kesmarn : Here’s a link to a short article on the Ohio school situation: «link»
funksands : Choice, is that nearby? There a lot of great little towns along the way. Best part of the hike? The need to consume about 7000 calories a day just to keep yourself alive! 20-25 miles a day will do that to you.
choicelady : Fergie – rites, rituals, rules – all inessential to the core of being a good person. Wish the churches would GET OVER it.
Sabreen60 : Pink, I thought I was being pretty obvious.
AdLib : Night Murph!
AdLib : CL – It is an outrage and only contributing to the ongoing slide of the U.S.’s ranking on educating children.
choicelady : funk – Mt Whitney is stunning. If you come DOWN I recommend Lone Pine for a stop over. Nifty little burg.
Sabreen60 : Funk, yeah I heard that. They’re doing a bang-up or bong-up business.
kesmarn : But AdLib, they’d make such consistent GOP voters!
pinkpantheroz : Oh, sabreen, ‘fess up. You want to visit CO for the new green stuff going up in smoke
Fergie1 : Hey CL! I do what I can! A rebel, always have been, always will be! I never take anything at face value. Question everything and have a laugh when the situation presents itself! BTW, I don’t believe in confession now – haven’t for 40 plus years!
funksands : I’m going to live blog the hike. Apparently Mt. Whitney has great cell reception. Who knew?
choicelady : Good night Murph! Be well – lovely talking with you as always. Let Bourne know I am thinking of her please!
AdLib : Kes – But if private schools can drop their standards to being just above keeping 3rd graders illiterate and in 3rd grade, how will that benefit anyone? And having a population of adults who never rose above elementary school wouldn’t exactly make for the best community to live in.
SallyT : Night Murph!!!!
choicelady : Dbos – I LOVE the USW and have an MOU with them and my organization to build union cooperatives in CA. Most of the really outstanding people I’ve ever known are union men and women – USW, UAW, IAM, on and on. Salt of the earth who know how to think collectively not just about personal gain. Glad you had that background – and horray for being a superintendent of schools!!!
Sabreen60 : Sally, I may think I’m back in the early 70’s.
kesmarn : G’night, Murph! Have a great weekend!
funksands : Sabreen, Denver is the #1 most searched travel destination on Expedia right now.
Sabreen60 : Good night Murph. Take care!
funksands : Night Murph!
funksands : Ad, the good news is that the last 1/4 of the trip is in my home state, so I can nip off the trail for a day or two at a time to visit. About 1/2 the trip though is literally in the middle of nowhere. The trail goes right down the spine of the Sierras and the Cascades
SallyT : Yeah, Sabreen, you can go hiking in CO and never leave the couch!
MurphTheSurf3 : Well I am departing….not this life….but for my bed…see you all around the Planet.
choicelady : AdLib and kes – the Dems dropped the ball on promoting the critical importance of public education. Never said why it is essential so we get crap charter schools and people – even liberals – have orgasms. They suck but get a pass. I can’t believe the war on public institutions and all on the backs of our nation’s children.
kesmarn :
AdLib, needless to say, it create strong incentives for people to get their kids out of public schools. Which is what it’s really all about, of course.
Sabreen60 : I’m thinking about visiting CO. I’ve seen some very interesting reporting about “strawberry crunch” candy.
AdLib : Funk – Holy Mackeral! That’s a long time to be away from one’s family!
funksands : Pink, exactly
Dbos : Choice; want from a steel mill millwrights helper to a School Supt in Illinois lots of detour along the way but always remember the lif in a steel town ;never met anyone as tough as the people I grew up with.My dad was a Union rep.
pinkpantheroz : Funk, my wife is happy to go camping with me, as long as it’s on the grounds of the Hilton!
choicelady : funk – right network. Wrong state.
funksands : Pink, I prefer Hummingbird Oil
choicelady : Fergie – you’re the kind of Catholic kids who actually humanize the church. “bless me dad cuz I’ve been bad’ just cracks me up. Of course I’m not Catholic, but still….
AdLib : Kes – How can Ohioans be okay with that? Keep kids in 3rd grade until they’re growing facial hair and charter schools can graduate the illiterate? That’s a formula for success???
Fergie1 : You are ALL very kind. What a joy to have met you all.
funksands : Choice, both of them? What are the odds?
Sabreen60 : Funk,
There goes the Patron.
choicelady : funk if you move to OK I can supply you with customers. I know vegan wiccan lesbians there. Seriously.
Fergie1 : Funk, you are very kind. Thank you. And yes, you’re right, it was a fantastic experience and we had such laughs – the kind that make you cry! Going into confession, one of my best friends would say just before I went in ” Bless me dad for I’ve been bad”! Well the giggles wouldn’t stop and I was next in line! We used to make things up!
pinkpantheroz : Hey, funk, don’t forget to use whale oil for the candles!
funksands : Walking the entire length of California does take a while.
choicelady : funk – well, then. Guess she won’t be going. Hard to get room service on the trail…
funksands : Ad, 5 months.
AdLib : Funk – How long do you think that trip will take to complete?
funksands : Choice, oh my god no. My wonderful wife’s idea of the outdoors is a tastefully appointed cabin with room service.
kesmarn : AdLib, here in Ohio they’re just creating a bunch of impossible to meet standards that apply only to the public schools. The private/charter school are excused from them. Kids who aren’t good readers can be kept in the 3rd grade indefinitely.
funksands : Sabreen, I’m moving to Alabama and opening up a Vegan Wiccan Lesbian Candle store
choicelady : funk – I actually do understand, but for safety, try to have someone with you. Can you leave the kids and take your wife? Does she even WANT to do that?
AdLib : Funk – Privatize air, rain and fire (anyone who wants to start a fire has to have a Pay Per Flue account).
SallyT : The car isn’t for you, Funk….
Sabreen60 : I’m back for a while. Seems I missed Funk going on some kind of scary trip.
funksands : Kes, cars are not my thing.
choicelady : Dbos – nothing that cool. I am a suburban kid from west of Chicago. My Dad though was the director of research for an organization that promoted Chicago metropolitan industry, and I learned a lot about it. My adult work was NY, OH, PA mostly with a little WV thrown in. I still look for the mills when I fly into Chicago – Gary, Inland, etc. All my deep structural history even if my Dad never worked there.
AdLib : Kes – No wonder other Repubs attacked him, he let the cat out of the bag.
funksands : 10 years running my dad’s vineyard was enough farm work for the rest of my life.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk: Green Acres is the Life for Me….
funksands : Ad, What about air? Can you believe that everyone is breathing the same air????
AdLib : Funk – Oh, he’s all for privatizing roads, the military, fire departments and police departments. Not to mention streetlights, parks, NASA and human beings.
funksands : Murph, been there done that in my childhood. No thanks
choicelady : funk – I certainly sympathize with your wife, but as one who ran away from home to find myself, I am not sorry I did it. I did not go back though. Take careful stock of that.
funksands : Choice, i’m going to invite anyone that wants to come, but for logistical reasons its really really hard for more than two people to stick together on that trail for long.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…I have a lot of farm work…would that do?
kesmarn : Couldn’t you just buy a red convertible, funk?
Dbos : Choice LadyEast Chicago Indiana Im betting
choicelady : funk – yes. Not ALL your role. You do want to have a home to come back to!
funksands : Murph, I’m fairly certain I am having a crippling mid-life crisis, but my imagination is inflamed with the idea.
kesmarn : Good to hear that, CL. She and I still stay in touch.
choicelady : kes – Whiting is a nice little town even now.
funksands : Sally, I think I’ll have to hire someone to play my role. Most of my role anyway…
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk I just got caught up on the PCT…holy mackerel! Ambitious much?
choicelady : funk – WOW! That’s amazing, but yeah, I can see why she’d not be psyched. I’m assuming you’re wanting to go alone?
kesmarn : My college roommate was from Whiting!
SallyT : Well, Funk, I say you make arrangements for a nice stay at a spa for your wife and maybe she will get a little happy about it.
choicelady : Dbos – nope West. But I spent hours and hours driving around Gary, Whiting, etc. I used to document America’s steel industries. I’ve spent more time in mills farther east, but I know Gary pretty well. Sad town it’s become.
funksands : I can’t figure out why she thinks this way…
kesmarn : AdLib, I’m surprised a Repub would be so candid about their plans to privatize the public school system and pocket the profits!
funksands : Choice, a 5 month hiking trip through CA, OR, and WA
funksands : Ad, what about those socialist roads that “everyone” is allowed to drive on? Simply inexcusable!
Fergie1 : Oh Murph – that would just push me to rebel even more! Not a clever move on their part. Lucky, I had no such experience. And any of the rules we thought were daft, we just laughed at. Great bunch of girls as well! Oh pardon me, young ladies!
Dbos : Choice Lady ;south side?
choicelady : funk – what’s the issue and why is your wife not happy with it>
MurphTheSurf3 : Pink…the CB’s could be tough but I imagine the kids were too. Still, I am happy to have gone to a place that worked to get you to fall in love with learning and comraderie
AdLib : Bye Fergie!
kesmarn : G’night, Fergie!
AdLib : Talking about education, did you hear about the state Repub legislator who attacked public schools as “socialist” and insisted that they should all be shut down and replaced with private schools?
funksands : Sally, the only thing that will stop me is divorce
My wife is not crazy about the idea.
choicelady : Goodnight Fergie – or good afternoon, whichever.
funksands : Pink:
That’s the most awesome description of a “tough” school I’ve ever heard! HA!
SallyT : Funk, I hope you get to do it!
choicelady : Hi – I’m back. Dbos – you’re from Gary? I’m from Chicago and know those steel mills well.
kesmarn : Oops. “Franciscans”
pinkpantheroz : Fergie and Murph. I envy both of you with your international education. It shows in your writings. I went to a Christian Brothers School in Dublin. I wouldn’t say it was rough, but anyone with more than one ear was a cissy! I did get good stuff in my last 2 years there, but I had to go through a few years of severe dicipline to get there. I suppose I’m OK with it now, but as I left its claustrophobic interior, I shook the dust off and never looked back. Lately, I have been in touch with a few old boys, and one has been my friend for many years. So I suupose I’ve done all right.
kesmarn : Well, for me it was Sisters of Notre Dame, followed by Ursulines, then Fransiscans!
Fergie1 : Have a lovely weekend to all those signing off here tonight. Sorry I popped in so late. Will have to do better!
funksands : I’m going to try to raise money for something, but its entirely selfish.
funksands : It’ll take about 5 months. Grrrrrrr
Dbos : In my world of PS;Sisters of the Holy Cross; Jesuits along with the Christian Brothers;still went home to my families stucco duplex of 900feet in Gary indiana’s steel mill neighborhood; great way to learn of life.
kesmarn : funk. oh.
Fergie1 : Righto Murph! I see that many are signing off now. We are still on Daylight Saving Time and you have sprung forward, so timing is a bit askew. Pity.
funksands : The PCT goes from the border of Mexico to the Canadian Border. 2,650 miles
funksands : Sally / Kes
MurphTheSurf3 : Fergie…very strict and very demanding…all in old habits…treated the girls like nuns-to-be.
kesmarn : If the Pacific Crest Trail is less than a mile and as flat as Ohio, I’ll join you, funk.
SallyT : And, really go to Argentina, Funk?
funksands : You guys want to hear something funny that I decided on last week? I’m going to hike the Pacific Crest Trail in 2016. Woo!
Fergie1 : Murph, glad to hear about your Mom. Wonder why the Madames drove your sister mad? Maybe it was a bad bunch the years she was there! It happens! My lot were pretty fantastic – all with Phd’s from Standford mostly.
kesmarn : Right! No one is annoyed!
funksands : Fergie, I’ve really enjoyed reading your comments. You obviously were very affected by your time there. I think that’s cool
AdLib : Night glenn!
MurphTheSurf3 : Nite Glenn..best to our Georgia Peach..
SallyT : Have a good night’s rest, glenn. See you later!
kesmarn : Have a great weekend, glenn! And send the leftovers of your potato salad here to the Planet.
MurphTheSurf3 : Fergie…let’s do that.
funksands : Glenn, keep it real. Have a good weekend!
glenn : Well, folks, it’s time for me to sign off tonight. Enjoyed it, as usual. I hope everyone has a great weekend. See you around the Planet.
Fergie1 : Murph, I used to fly from New York to London and get the train to Oxford and started doing that by myself at age 13! It was very exciting and I wasn’t at all trepadacious. I would so love to chat on about this. But I don’t want to annoy everyone else here and clog up the thread. Maybe we could “chat” one day on the O/T! It sound like your school was one of the progressive kind. I feel so incredibly lucky.
kesmarn : Bingo, my friend!
MurphTheSurf3 : Fergie. Mum got better. In fact she wanted me home in the next year but it was the best schooling I had ever had and I begged to be allowed to stay. I wish I could have completed my education there. My sister? Well the Madames drove her mad.
funksands : Kes, we already know what the answer is to that. The same level of care that the mentally ill get in the ER.
kesmarn : And the thing is, funk, how do you even treat drug addiction in the ER? Overdoses, yeah.. but addiction issues in the ER? How many psychiatrists work the ER? I never saw one!
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL- another one of my experiences. Met a woman at our local grocer introduced to me by the store manager. Her SNAP (food stamp) allotment was being dropped..why? She got a THIRD part time job that put her $20 over the qualification limit. The thing is the federal regs have an exception built in for just such a case. I clued her in. She got the reg on line at the library, went to the State Benefits office and she told me they ran around like rats in a fire. She had here reinstatement in 30 minutes. WHY? She had the knowledge that what they were doing was against federal law. THIS IS WHY THE GOP IS IN AN ALL OUT WAR ON EDUCATION IN ALL ITS FORMS.
glenn : Ad–People literally dying on the streets may happen, and that is probably when Dems will have to come in and clean up the pubs’ messes. I truly don’t know, Ad, what will happen, so I can’t give you an answer.
funksands : ….Might just be cheaper to start giving addicts pot so at least they have a less harmful habit. Hmmmm
funksands : Kes, unfortunately empathy for most only extends an arm’s length.
funksands : In Washington the GOP Senate and the Dem House cannot come to an agreement on $200 MILLION in drug treatment money to fill the gap between Medicaid and what the services cost. As a result drug treatment facilities are announcing closures, which will cost the taxpayer $4K A PERSON to treat in the ER’s around the state. Utter madness
kesmarn : AdLib, that was what I was thinking. Does the thought of people dying on the street, or in the hospital parking lot, or at home bother them in the least? That’s a special kind of cold.
Fergie1 : Murph, I’m sorry about your Mom and hope that she got better. My Dad actually died when I was five years old. I, too went to the “Madames of the Sacred Heart”, but that was in San Francisco for College! The Convent in England was run by the Servite Order – very progressive as well.
Sabreen60 : BBL – I hope!
glenn : Sally–good point. There should only be one George Carlin.
MurphTheSurf3 : Fergie….our Guardians were chosen by a process that included an open discussion of the candidate’s qualifications among the students. To be a guardian you had to be seen as a leader by both boys and staff. Dr. Day used to refer the Guardians as “the best among us charged to nurture even more leaders so that their ranks would never be depleted.”
funksands : Fergie, that would be the antithesis of my high school experience in deepest Idaho-stan
kesmarn : True, funk!
funksands : Kes, if everyone had their taxes and fees itemized for them every month, they’d to care pretty damn fast.
AdLib : glenn – And the end result of hospitals being closed is more epidemic type issues and people literally dying on the streets. Any question about the cost to a society when that is going on?
glenn : Kes–good question. I think they “care” in the way Paul Ryan “cares”. Those lazy people have to get off their butts, get a job, and then they’ll be able to afford insurance. Insurance without subsidies, or course, because we can’t take money from the federal government to help our poor people. Oh no!
Fergie1 : Oops, hit the button too early! Drat. It was an overall amazing and fun experience. I wish that everyone could have had such a egalitarian high school experience.
kesmarn : funk, yes! “Gets taken care of,” is the phrase. Those sick po’ folks just end up at the Mayo Clinic somehow. Or something…
funksands : Kes, their whole shows are on the web the day after
SallyT : glenn, may I make just a slight correction on that, Stewart and Colbert are the closes we have to George Carlin. There is only one George Carlin and boy would I love to have him around now! Miss him!
funksands : Glenn, tied with Christie in 3rd
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…OOOOOOOHH HHHHHHH….I get it….Duh!
glenn : Funk–I thought Rand Paul was leading the gopers!
kesmarn : glenn, I dropped cable, but they (Stewart/Colbert ) are two that I do miss.
funksands : Murph, the heart of the GOP message
Fergie1 : Murph, we had no bullying either at my school. I was a prefect and House Captain (eventually!). It was such a pregressive experience. My Headmistress actually called me into the Parlour on the last day and said: “….Name, we haven’t always agreed on things, but I respect you for your principles…… .”! Wow, that has stayed with me all my life. It took a big person to say that.
funksands : Kes, I think most people just assume that the problem just sort of “gets taken care of”.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…unclear on the three points…missed something?
Sabreen60 : Well the GOP has certainly been successful at making a lot of people believe that poor people are the cause of all their problems. They blame the poor or as Ryan said the “inner city culture” as the real problem. Never mind the corporations who send jobs overseas or hide their money. They never consider the real problem is the 1% who has and keeps the lion’s share of wealth.
glenn : Kes–I love Stewart and Colbert! Since I’ve retired, and can now stay up late, I’ve watched them almost every night they’re on! They are the George Carlins of this generation!
MurphTheSurf3 : Fergie…in my case I went because my Mum got ill and Dad was always traveling, navy officer. So my sister was shipped off to Convent School with the Madames of the Sacred Heart and I got to go to Darby. It was very strange at first, but then the culture there had lots of kids from across the pond, from across the UK, from the commonwealth, and even from mainland Europe. So we all got used to it together.
AdLib : Funk – Polls are entertaining right now but meaningless. I would love for Bush or Huckabee to be nominated!!!
funksands : Murph 1. What to be afraid of / 2. Who to blame / 3. Its not your fault
SallyT : Well, that is stupid of them, Sabreen! They better get out there and run some ads and encourage the young to vote. We can’t lose seats! That just make it more to win in 2016 plus get our candidate elected President!
kesmarn : glenn, the question I’m almost afraid to ask is: do the Deal people even care what happens when uninsured people have no ERs to go to?
glenn : Sabreen–I know, I cheated! And, damn, it felt good!
glenn : Ad–you asked about how hospitals will cope with growing expenses. The answer, at least here in GA, is that they won’t. Under Deal’s reign, 4 major hospitals have closed, and at least three more are talking about it. So, I think the pressure will be on. We’ll see what happens when uninsured people have no ERs to go to.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib AND when one considers how carefully planned out that gerrymandering process was on a national scale then my worry grows…they seem better at this crap now.
Sabreen60 : Sally, they are using that ad all over the country. Yet you have Dem SuperPacs like PrioritiesUSA saying they are not going to get involved in 2014. They’re waiting for Hillary in 2016. There is no way we can push back against the Koch money – especially if we don’t even try.
Fergie1 : Murph thanks for that reply – fun reading! We used to go punting on the Thames and I left my pole lodged in the water on several occasions as our punt took off without it! I only got rid of my “panama” hat a couple of years ago! We, too, had students from all over the world – diplomat and army types. My Mom actually went to the same school and wanted me to continue the tradition! I keep up with my “old girl” friends via email and now skype. It’s amazing to share all the different experiences we have all had.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally My pleasure, really.
funksands : Ad, I thought Reid was excellent. I’ve said before that it isn’t “the wealthy” or “the corporations” that are our enemy. It is a small group of very antagonistic wealthy and corporations
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…I will look up the Steart piece. Great closing line.
AdLib : Funk – I think though that it’s not a majority of Americans that believe that way. A majority of Americans support gun control, raising the minimum wage, gay marriage, infrastructure spending, and all manner of Progressive issues. Those people don’t want Republicans making the decisions that oppose all they want.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sab…a poster at HP who I have come to really like wrote a great comment about the culture of selfishness and fear that lies at the heart of the entire GOP message AND he says that this is very appealing to lots of folks…a core message that resonates with them below the level of logic.
SallyT : Kochs had a ad in FL that said the Obamacare was robbing from Social Security $720m. That is old stuff but they are using it again. NO! They are not taking anything from SS and Dems need to shout that!
funksands : Ad, did you see the latest GOP poll has Huckabee and Bush leading? OMG
pinkpantheroz : Sabreen, unfortunately the GOPTP sheep only seem to watch Faux Noos, so where would they get the opportunity to know what is going on in the REAL world? It is truly mind-boggling the one-eyed blinkered mentality of folk.
funksands : Sabreen, The GOP has a done a masterful job convincing enough people that their government is corrupt, incompetent and their enemy. The cynicism runs very very deep.
AdLib : Sabreen – It’s more a problem of gerrymandering which gives the Repubs and their Bagger extremists over-representat ion in Congress. The majority of Americans would have elected a Dem House in 2012 if not for gerrymandering.
MurphTheSurf3 : Pink…names from the past! So many “rambles” and “fox and hounds” My school was terrific with a wonderful head master…strict/ demanding but not oppressive and the teaching staff had great espirit de corps. Our Guardians, prefects elsewhere, were the best among us and never bullied- big brothers in the best sense of the word.
kesmarn : glenn, that Stewart quote is awesome!
SallyT : Thank you, Murph. You’re my best-est fan!
glenn : Murph–and Jon Stewart covered that makers vs. takers meme very well last night. He said something like if corporations are people and they can enjoy tax breaks and incentives, then don’t think about food stamps and Head Start and programs like that as feeding and helping a small child. Think about it as investing in a promising startup with a liquidity problem.
Fergie1 : Australia has had four Prime Ministers in about 5 years – not good.
Sabreen60 : funk, I truly don’t understand. Haven’t people watched what Repubs have been doing for the last five years? Forget about the 8 under Bush. But all the voter suppression, denying women rights – which reminds me of the “Rape Insurance” law, immigration, etc. etc. And what about the good stuff Dems have accomplished. Is no one paying attention?
AdLib : Funk – Haven’t addressed that yet but wasn’t that great? Reid hammering on the Kochs and the RW defending them as “innocent” business men being beaten up on for no reason. If only we could put the Pinocchio curse on Republicans, they’d never be able to get out of their front door.
Fergie1 : Not that keen on the Parlimentary system as it is in Australia. Yes the election cycle is preferable – they think that 6 weeks of campaigning is too long! But therre are so many factions and backstabbing that the ordinary Joe doesn’t have a chance to have their voice heard. You have to be nominated by the “Party” to run unless as an Independent and then you have NO chance!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally….well the staff there gets paid, and they don’t do 5 percent of the job you do. I mean it….so lame.
pinkpantheroz : Murph, I love the Cotswolds, haven’t been there (or anywhere, for that matter) for many years. I loved visiting Moreton-on- the -Marsh and Stowe- in- the- Wold. Didn’t get to Upper or Lower Slaughter!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey there Fergie…I left at the end of the fourth form but I am an honorary Old Boy (school tie, boater and all). I have managed to get back three or four times for sports and ribbons days. We had a large contingent of Yanks and Colonials in my day so it was a diverse experience. I have a few “still in contact” friends but when you do not live in the UK it is difficult to maintain relationships.
SallyT : Murph, I don’t think anyone would do it for minimum wage. But, HP doesn’t pay anyone either.
Sabreen60 : Oh glenn. That’s shameful. Do it yourself! Just kidding
I guess I’m just old school.
kesmarn : I hear you, Sabreen. 2014 is going to be so important. I truly hope we can get people to the polls. The prospect of not doing that and the consequences are pretty scary.
funksands : Brb
funksands : Sabreen, its gonna be really close. The polls are staring to swing back into the Dem’s favor in the general Congressional vote, but not nearly enough. They need about a 6 point lead to hope to hold on to at least one house
AdLib : glenn – It seems inevitable. How will hospitals in GA cope with growing expenses of uninsured while in non-Red states, hospitals are flourishing without such write offs? And the uninsured can only grow in such states where there are many regions steeped in poverty. Now that the rest of us won’t be helping to foot the bill for the uninsured but hospitals in Red states will be burdened with them, I think there will be a lot of pressure from their lobbyists on Repub Govs and legislatures to accept the expanded Medicaid deal.
funksands : Pink, that does sound better…
pinkpantheroz : Hi, funk, yep, it’s a nice 24C, 75F today, with showers just starting, which we need.
funksands : Ad, have you talked yet about Harry Reid using his floor time to lambaste the Koch’s publicly?
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…others here have also said they Tweet your work….I think it is a unique contribution…. if HP were to do what you are doing that would be an enormous service in place of their lame humor pages.
Fergie1 : Murph, before I do catch up, I never like to miss an opportunity to share my boarding school experience with you in the Costwolds as well! So hello “old boy”! I was there from 13 to 17 years of age and am still in contact with many, many “old girls”! My “pukka” school was in a little place called Kidlington and we used to have our manatory Sunday walks to Blenheim Palace! Are you still in touch with your “old boys”?
Sabreen60 : Kes, Also we have far too many Dems running away from the ACA. They seldom give it the full-throated support they should give it. I’m really becoming weary of some – no just Blue Dogs – in the Party. I’m looking at 2014 and pretty much holding my breath.
funksands : Glenn, not fast enough
glenn : CL–I know, and ain’t it great that the gop is losing credibility on those issues?
MurphTheSurf3 : Pink…cool summary of the nights jabs.
glenn : Sabreen–I was really just kidding with the ginzu knives. I only had to chop the potatoes; I bought celery and onions already chopped!
Dbos : Glen: thanks for the update haven’t been around on a regular basis.
funksands : You aussies getting excited for some cooler weather?
SallyT : Wow, Murph! Thank you for telling me that. I worry if anyone is looking since I only hear from about 4 of you, with CL and glenn being my regulars.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- imagine how a GOP majority throughout our government will treat the worker cooperative movement….we really have to trample these guys into the ground.
pinkpantheroz : Hi, fergie1. So far it’s the cotswolds, potato salad, Issa being a prat and the ACA. In other words, the usual melange of good stuff!
AdLib : See ya in a few, CL!
funksands : Enjoy your beets and liver
funksands : Hey Ferg
choicelady : funk – that’s funny! I like it!
glenn : Ad–I hope your prediction of repub states relenting with medicaid expansion comes true. Although I don’t need it, it would be nice if here in GA the pubs would start caring about poor people.
AdLib : Hey Fergie! You’re never late here!
choicelady : Be back soon!
Sabreen60 : Hey Fergie!
funksands : No, that’s what conservatives will start calling it.
choicelady : Hey – I have to take a brief time out. We did not yet have dinner, so…
choicelady : hi Fergie!
choicelady : funk – that’s the WA state program? Heritage Care?
kesmarn : Hey, Fergie!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- as you know I have a list serv of people with whom I have campaigned and they all get your link every week. That’s 200 people. I know your gallery gets tapped by a number of them as well.
kesmarn : I’ll have to check that out, Sabreen. I read that one of the reasons there’s been a lot of difficulty getting info out is that the GOP slashed the budget for public relations type work to educate the public.
Fergie1 : Hi All! Coming in very late and need to catch up on the conversation.
choicelady : Murph – the worker cooperative movement is reminding people that the MAKERS are those producing goods and services and the TAKERS are those living off our work. It’s having an impact already.
funksands : “Heritage-Care “
AdLib : glenn – That’s when the Repubs will collapse into a long term minority party. When all they have to campaign on is back to the stale cries of “Screw the Poor!”, “More tax cuts for the wealthy!” and “Cut benefits and services for the 99% to give tax cuts to the 1%!”, they will have fully jumped the shark.
glenn : Dbos: Hi, don’t think we’ve met, so nice to meet you. We’ve all be predicting that the pubs are going to quit referring to the ACA as Obamacare because it will remind people of who pushed for it. In addition, they will be reminding people that it was a conservative idea to begin with.
funksands : Choice, they’re really good. I have a bunch of clients that have signed up and their response has been really positive.
MurphTheSurf3 : GLENN….for the GOP its the Makers vs the Takers Myth at the root of all their spew
choicelady : funk – brains aren’t food. They’re fertilizer.
Sabreen60 : Kes, The Obama Diary has the WebMD interview and also the Seacrest phone interview.
funksands : Dbos, I think you are right. It creates just the right slippery slope that everyone will eventually surrender to.
choicelady : funk – I think the WA state program will be very open to you, too. They have apparently had the best sign ups in the nation, even better than CA.
funksands : Thanks Murph.
funksands : Choice, that I get. One a very very very few things I won’t eat. Brains being another.
Dbos : ACA is but a short stop along the way to single payer medicare health care for all ;if geezers can have it so can everyone.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…I think your loss of coverage is precisely what the exceptions are designed to deal with. Call the Healthcare.gov line, make your question know and get an answer. AND then take the question to HHS for backup.
choicelady : funk – liver.
choicelady : glenn – the GOP are steadily losing credibility on ALL those issues.
SallyT : Murph, you just use away!
Sabreen60 : glenn, I just ordered a chopper with several different size blades. I so sick of chopping I could scream. I cook mostly fresh veggies and do a lot of chopping. I hope this thing works and doesn’t make mush.
funksands : Choice! What’s the other? Hmmmm?
glenn : Ad–I think once the pubs have nothing left on Obamacare, they’ll go after min. wage, overtime, and of course, food stamps. All of which they’re doing already. I’m hopeful that with all polls showing that the majority of Americans saying they want min. wage and overtime and even help for the poor, that the pubs will finally go too far and be left with only their tparty rabids.
choicelady : Murph – I’m with you on the 60 days.
SallyT : Kes, we had the front door open most of the day so the boys could go in and out. That’s how nice it was!
funksands : Murph, that makes sense.
choicelady : ‘funk – you lost me at the beets. One of two things I cannot tolerate.
funksands : Ad, that’s a really good point.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk- since the triggering events are not time specific there is no limit as to when you can declare….now if you are asking me if you only have a certain amount of time in which to report this and thus activate the exception….in my experience 60 days has been a common number.
choicelady : funk – you should be fine. Loss of coverage IS a triggering event. That is not negligence or procrastination but, well, LIFE. You are part of that universe of people to whom crap happens.
kesmarn : Sabreen, didn’t see the WebMD interview. Gotta hand it to the Prez for using whatever means to get the word out.
AdLib : Funk – It will be too late for Repubs to poison it, especially since it’s state exchanges that are at the heart of it with Medicaid expansion. I’d propose the reverse, the Repub states refusing Medicaid expansion will be dragged down financially with the social costs of the uninsured, without the rest of America paying the costs, and they will be squeezed into relenting and agreeing to take it on.
Dbos : Here’s the truth on ACA it’s going to become so popular the repubs are going to abandon the Obama Care name and start calling it The ACA
funksands : Glenn, I made some delicious roasted beets for dinner tonight. Yum! I love good potato salad
choicelady : funk and Murph – that is consistent with what we in CA doing the outreach work were told. If you have a triggering event, you MAY sign up between open enrollment periods. I was not sure if that was just Covered CA, but this would indicate it’s universal.
funksands : Thanks Murph, but it doesn’t say if there’s a deadline even for a triggering event. I’ll call the exchange folks and ask. I lose my coverage on July 1st, so I need to be ready.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally, the faithful gatherer of weekend mirth and merriment WITH A ZING…I need a secretary to convey to you how often I use your stuff.
kesmarn : There was a strange golden glow outdoors here too, Sally. I think that it’s called “sunshine,” but I might have to google that to verify.
glenn : Hey Funk–gave my “ginzu” knives a workout today, and made 10 lbs. of potato salad! Other than that, same ole, same ole!
Sabreen60 : Did anyone see the interview PBO had with WebMD?
SallyT : Hi again everyone. We had a beautiful day here today, Kes, so we all are doing great!
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…complex but here is a good answer from ABC «link»
funksands : Ad, they’ll simply sabotage it. Fill it with poison so it it slowly dies.
choicelady : AdLib – if that’s all they have…
glenn : Murph–good one! “Load up the blunderbuss and fire at will!”
AdLib : So if all the GOP has is “Repeal Obamacare!”, what are they going to do in 2016 when 20 million Americans may be on it and it’s proven not to have destroyed America but instead saved most people money? Believe what we tell you instead of your lyin’ eyes? Is that the Koch Bros. plan?
Sabreen60 : Hi Sally!
choicelady : Hey Sally – good to SEE you.
kesmarn : Hey, Sally! How are you, hubby and the pups?
choicelady : In this current discussion there are a lot of us Pawn Stars. I might be moved to get an avatar…
funksands : Sally, lovely to see you.
SallyT : Hey Funk, that’s my line!
SallyT : Hey, funk, that
funksands : shakin? (grrr autocorrect)
funksands : Hey Glenn, what’s shaken’?
glenn : Hey Funk!
funksands : Kes, too many damn objective voters.
glenn : CL–I don’t post yet on TPV, but I do read it, and I read that article. Spandan puts out some “good stuff” on TPV. As you all said on TPV, articles like that need to be reposted and redistributed to as many people as possible.
funksands : Well, there it is.
choicelady : funk – I’m dying to hear your question on ACA?
funksands : Murph, I know the deadline for typical sign-up is March 31. I also know that if you have a triggering event of some kind (i.e. divorce, loss of coverage etc.) you can sign up after March 31. Is there a hard deadline for THAT? Or can you sign up anytime between April 1 and Nov. 15th if you have a triggering event?
MurphTheSurf3 : glenn…with the GOP it is scattershot all the time…load up the blunderbuss and fire at will.
choicelady : AdLib -precisely! He knocked it out of the park, he did.
glenn : Murph–Well, you know the repubs are going to focus on the most mundane of the facts–don’t argue about how good the ACA is; just argue that the President “lied” to the American people. Oh, and don’t forget “mom jeans”, “weak”, “dictator”, etc., etc. They just can’t make up their minds about what they want to hit the President on!
choicelady : funk – you mean I have ANOTHER anonymous fan? wow.
kesmarn : Sabreen, you have to wonder what makes some of those liberal Dems think that there will be a chance to get things done “after PBO is out of office.” Their weak support for him doesn’t bode well for future candidates either.
AdLib : CL – The RW wouldn’t have been howling about Two Ferns if it wasn’t a great play by Obama with great results.
funksands : Not me Choice, but I’ll check you out (if you know what I mean)(
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…ACA, if I can, of course.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…too bad…I see you in twitter feeds on occasion…Yours was a strong voice.
Sabreen60 : AdLib, I ALWAYS think of the Funkadelics when “Funk” appears
choicelady : funk – aren’t you the ‘guest’ who always gives me an ‘up’ rating over at TPV?
Dbos : Thanx Funk you always make it interesting.
funksands : Murph, would you be willing to answer an ACA question for me?
AdLib : Sabreen – Don’t believe that BS. It’s just a way of expressing open prejudice against Obama and encouraging it among others. Why would anyone think the Repubs would suddenly vote for all the things they block because Hillary Clinton is President? They hate her too!
funksands : Taking a social media breather (except for here) until June-ish
choicelady : Sabreen – I personally have LOVED the bla president. But yeah – scares me that we’ve come so far with his leadership , and we’re maybe willing to backtrack. I do NOT love me Hillary!
funksands : Murph, haven’t been there since the changes in November or whenever.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk….howdy… ..have not seen you around the huffieland recently.
Sabreen60 : Hey funk!
choicelady : AdLib – I adored Two Ferns! He was wonderful, and the healthcare.gov site got over 100,000 hits and over 40K sign ups last I heard.
funksands : AdLib, fearless leader…conserv ative provocateur…
funksands : Hi Kitty!
AdLib : We got da funk!
funksands : Dbos in the house….nice
MurphTheSurf3 : Dbos..hi….Betw een Two Ferns was Perfect Obama…I wonder if he thinks of the GOP in the same as he acted toward the host?
Sabreen60 : CL, This is no tiring. I actually heard somebody on one of the talk shows admit that much of what liberal Dems want will happen AFTER PBO is out of office. Seems that too many in the public just can’t tolerate a “bla” President.
choicelady : Hey back atcha, funk!
AdLib : Dbos – Great point, the RW media went nuts about Obama on Two Ferns yet CPAC was a crazyfest and they celebrated that.
funksands : Hi Choice!
funksands : Kes, its going pretty good. A little sleepy.
choicelady : FUNK!!! Great to see you!
kesmarn : Hey, funk! How’s your Friday going?
glenn : CL–I agree. Issa always violates the rules. But then, he wouldn’t be a repub if he didn’t have a different standard for pubs than Dems.
funksands : Murph, I have an ACA question for you…
choicelady : glenn – The People’s View also had a superb article tonight about how costs of insurance AND care are plummeting, so that is also good news for fiscally more conservative Dems. «link»
funksands : Evening everyone!
Dbos : MAsmedia has become a daily CPAC type comedy show; all they care about is the money hence The Prez goes to a comedy show to get the truth out; twilight zone stuff
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…and the Prez’s statement was true for 95 percent..the GOP could never measure up to such a standard.
choicelady : Sabreen – PBO just does not need another contest with his own people. If he pulls the nominee and moves on, fine. Let’s find someone who believes the same things but never said so.
glenn : Murph–Hopefully , the undecided crowd will have insurance by then, and will truly understand who lied to them, and it wasn’t the President. Well…he did say, “if you like your insurance, you can keep it”, but the insurance companies f%%ked that one up!
choicelady : Sabreen – you know, I’m fine with the nominee being withdrawn. Boffo.
AdLib : Hey Sabreen!
choicelady : Murph – the party needs to hone in on Blue Dogs and make sure they know we have their back and point OUT that cowardice usually results in a win for the GOP. YOU proved that with Claire!!! When she got a spine, she WON.
kesmarn : As the old saying goes, with friends like that, who needs enemies?
Sabreen60 : Hey folks. Yeah, it’s being reported that the WH is thinking about sitting on the nominee. Bet it’s the same bought and paid for Dems from Red states and/or owned by gun lobbyist.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen…I saw that story and we have had several such votes in the last couple of months. Blue Dog Dems panicking.
choicelady : Sabreen – it will help if we can find who those idiots ARE.
glenn : Hey Sabreen!
choicelady : Sabreen – hello by the way!
kesmarn : Oh, Sabreen! Not again. I hope that doesn’t happen. What’s the point of Reid invoking the nuclear option if Dems aren’t going to use it?
choicelady : Sabreen – WTF??? Did they name names?
glenn : Beatlex and Murph–I think our system needs an overhaul, too. But good luck with that one! I do love the idea of a 30-40 day election cycle. Don’t think we’ll ever get it, though.
Sabreen60 : Meant “talk me down”. Damn! I haven’t had a drink.
AdLib : glenn – Yes, saw that! I think it is a calculation by Christie to go back to the bully character he naturally is and that made NJ residents like him originally. His “Being Jersey” like that seems more like a device to get people to ignore Bridgegate and go back to thinking that things are like they were before it.
choicelady : Murph – yes, the white conservatives have been speaking up and SAYING they are amazed at how good ACA is. So you can trust that will show up in ads!
Beatlex : And Christie bombed at CPAC,polite applause at best
Sabreen60 : So, I need someone to talk to me down. I didn’t read the entire article that someone linked to on Twitter, but NYT is reporting that about 10 Dems may vote against PBO’s Surgeon General because he says gun violence is a health concern. #head/desk
choicelady : kes – that’s PERFECT!
Dbos : Choice Lady;Agree
choicelady : glenn – I noticed on the tape of the town hall that he STARTED to tell the protester to ‘shut up’ and did not. That is ALL he has learned – cameras are rolling dude!
kesmarn : “Out, out! Damned Christie!” (Isn’t that in Act II, SceneI?
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice but will those white conservatives associate their new insurance with the Dems….it seems like a no brainer…but that is the issue….No Brainers…lots of them.
choicelady : Dbos – he can suck all he wants. NO ONE trusts him anymore. Like Lady MacBeth – all the oils in (whatever) cannot sweeten this little hand. (OK – NOT a Shakespeare scholar but you get the point.)
kesmarn : Beatlex, it never stops. All the ads money can buy. Literally.
MurphTheSurf3 : Beatle- our constitutional structure institutionalize s gridlock.
glenn : Ad and Beatlex–did you see the Christie “town hall” meeting the other day where he had the protesters removed–after calling them names, of course. The “kinder, gentler” Christie didn’t last very long, did he?
Beatlex : Kesmarn,it sure beats America’s CONSTANT campaigning
choicelady : glenn – the issue with Waxman was KEEPING the rules Issa was violating, and the Issue with Clyburn is that Issa VIOLATED the rules as Chair. So the common denominator is not that Issa gets to yell because Waxman did, but that Issa ALWAYS VIOLATES RULES.
Dbos : Clady;Bubba’s bridge blunder followed by his hatting on electric cars ;confirms your toast statement; the man is sucking up big time to the Kochs
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- ACA is a plus for the base of the Dem party but the undecided crowd has been so swayed by the lies that a victory is going to be hard to come by.
kesmarn : Right, glenn. Once again, the two-wrongs-make- a-right argument (and Waxman wasn’t even wrong).
AdLib : Hey Beatlex! Right with you, I am really looking forward to Christie running in the primary and losing badly. As they said on South Park, “Mmm! Christie tears, they’re so sweet!”
choicelady : AdLib – Issa probably can’t be moved out unless he proves to be SUCH an embarrassment that they kick him out. But he’d not likely be replaced by a Dem.
kesmarn : Beatlex, 30-40 campaigns sound like heaven.
glenn : Kes–I saw that “argument” too. Poor wittle darryl got his feelings hurt when the big, bad waxman yelled at him, so it’s okay for wittle darryl to get back at another Dem.
AdLib : Hey Dbos!
kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen!
AdLib : CL – You’re right, San Diego county for Issa but just as Repub as Orange county. Here’s how they voted there in 2012: Romney 52.4 – Obama 45.7% . Here’s how the state of CA voted: Obama 59.3% – Romney – 38.3% . So, not likely a Dem could win in that skewed district. Pretty area though!
Sabreen60 : Hello good folks!
Beatlex : Kesmarn,30-40 DAYS!
choicelady : glenn – by late this summer and early fall, there are now with the Exchanges and Medicaid – FOURTEEN MILLION PEOPLE with new health insurance. That is POWERFUL especially since a number of them are white conservative people.
kesmarn : Hey, Dbos!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice– what worries me the most is how many Dems are incapable of arguing well (with passion and strength of rhetoric).
Beatlex : Murph,just like I said,it needs an overhaul,legisla tion moves at a glacial pace,you are falling behind the rest of the world
kesmarn : Yes. In both the Waxman and the Cummings case Issa was acting as an obstructionist!
choicelady : Hi Dbos! You’re right about that!
glenn : Murph–I’m right with you on that worry. I live in a red state, too. I am, however, encouraged by the Obamacare numbers and all of the success stories. I’m even encouraged by all of the debunking of repubs lies with the Obamacare horror stories that have all turned out to be untrue, or that the people didn’t even check the exchanges to see if they could get better insurance. I think all that Dems have to do this go-around is run ads saying, “Do you want to vote for someone who wants to take your affordable insurance away from you?”
choicelady : Beatlex and Murph – Yup. Christie is burnt toast.
Dbos : Kes; Issa needed yelling at
kesmarn : Beatlex, that Canadian system has much to offer. I suspect campaigns are not as lengthy there either?
choicelady : kes – Waxman DID yell at Issa but never violated committee rules and House procedure to DO that. Issa just killed his own efforts by closing the hearing – it means Lane was not given a chance to affirm or deny testifying, and now he has NOTHING by which he can hold her accountable. She had ONLY asked for a one week extension anyway – that was what got his knickers in a twist.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…the GOP is very good at throwing its own overboard. It will take a lot of hands but Christie is getting the heave ho.
Beatlex : Adlib,it warms my heart to see the demise of the windbag that is Criss Christie.
choicelady : Murph- we all agree, but we’ve seen how a solid on the ground strategy has wiped the Koch money off the map. There is huge truth in a mighty campaign at the grassroots level. It CAN outdo the money often. Not always – but often! This is why PBO won in 2012 – he was outspent, out advertised, but NOT out performed. That’s why the GOP are screaming – they had no idea communities of color, new citizens, women, and students would work THAT hard for PBO.
MurphTheSurf3 : Beatlex- your system has not been as corrupted by money as ours and as a Parliamentary system it tends to be more responsive to its base constituents.
kesmarn : I saw an Issa apologist today, glenn. All he had to say about his disgraceful treatment of Cummings was that back in the day Henry Waxman had yelled at Issa in a hearing. So that makes what he did right??
AdLib : One word that can tip the election in November more in Dems’ favor…Bridgega te. As the criminal case against Christie’s minions starts coming to fruition and Repubs are showcased as crooks, that typical Repub corruption can be used to sour the public on Repubs retaining power.
Beatlex : F+++ my American friends! Your electoral system needs an overhaul!Here in Canada,we have an election,and who ever wins a majority GOVERNS!If we don’t like what they are doing,we throw the bums out,and give the other major party a go at it.Simple
glenn : Ad–I think the problem in Issa’s district is that we Dems see him as slimy, but his supporters see him as taking on the black man, and in their eyes, that is a good thing. Doesn’t matter how much taxpayer money he wastes with his witch hunts; just that he gets face time in front of the cameras.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…here is my worry….we know how powerful money is in shaping the vote….Citizens United is a deep cut at the heart of a representative system
choicelady : kes – I really like her and am glad she is there!
kesmarn : At least she’s still in the House, CL. Some consolation there.
choicelady : AdLib – Issa is San Diego, not OC. But yeah – he’s heavy Red there. Too damned bad.
choicelady : kes – I remember when you were and could no longer vote for her. NOT FAIR!
AdLib : CL – I agree, resources should be focused on those 2010 swing seats…if they haven’t been gerrymandered. Issa’s district is in GOP-heavy Orange County, unlikely that a Dem could beat him but he’s so slimy, miracles do sometimes happen.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice I hope we do and the angle from which I see the world is not a particularly positive on in Redland so I have to hope.
kesmarn : She’s has integrity, CL — although, as you say, there is some room for disagreement. Too bad I was gerrymandered out of her district.
glenn : Murph–true that about the big money. But if we get Dems out to vote, we can overcome the big money, and the vote suppression the gopers are trying in many states.
choicelady : kes – I LIKE Kaptur! Don’t always agree (choice issues) but really DO LIKE HER.
AdLib : Kes – Those images are so great!
choicelady : Murph – we Dems have our Dander Up!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- I do hope you are correct.
kesmarn : My beloved Marcy Kaptur was front and center there too.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes..and I loved that the Dems challenged the chair’s ruling-+-feisty is good.
glenn : Kes–I loved that image too!
choicelady : kes – LOL!!! I like that image!
AdLib : Murph – By November, I think Dems will be very whipped up to turn out. Dems have to make this a national election on the issues and turnout will be strong.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice. Yes. Much better
choicelady : AdLib – I think we should target seats that were Dem until 2010 or where, as in CA, we might drive the rascals out. I’d put huge $$$ into Issa’s district though frankly I know NOTHING about the Dem. Better have a spine!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…part of their discipline is the power of the Big Money Brokers to force them into lockstep and an ideology which is big on zeal.
kesmarn : I loved the visual of the Dems all holding up their electronic devices with the Issa throat-slash motion image on them.
AdLib : CL – Agreed, I think Dems can do far better than the pudnuts are saying because of that one race. It actually was good news for Dems. A win would have been the best news but losing by 1% isn’t bad at all!
choicelady : Murph – whew! That sounds very positive EVEN as it remains something With Which One Must Deal. Beats more complicated stuff though! Happy for that!
glenn : Murph–OMG–Issa –what a disrespectful man! I’m so glad to see Dems pushing back against him!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- it is good. The diagnosis from four, almost five, years ago stands and the effort to chase down a more sinister cause has come up empty.
choicelady : glenn – I think the Dems are disciple. The EmoProgs are off the wall irresponsible again. What I do not want to see is that hype influencing younger voters. Shameful distortions exist on the Left as well as the Right.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice..I have read from my Florida sources that she is likely to take him on in November with a “I told you so” message.
glenn : Murph–I read on a blog the other day, that if the gop didn’t have Obamacare as a “rallying cry”, they wouldn’t be disciplined at all. That might be true, because even with Obamacare to rally around, they still seem to be fighting each other. However, Dems must never become complacent again, because the gopers will just keep pushing!
choicelady : Murph – I’m with you on Issa!
kesmarn : Well, at least it’s a relief to know that there’s no new condition anyway Murph?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….I am with you. War. Outright War.I want more Issa Lynch Mobs on the floor of the House.
choicelady : Murph – I’m not sure I understand about the test and where you are? Is this GOOD?
AdLib : KT – Ouch! You better get some sleep while you can!!!
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes- feeling good….the test ended up taking me back to the beginning a chronic blood disease that is treated by period high doses of iron infusion.
choicelady : KT – OMG I AM sorry. I gather you’re NOT a morning person…
choicelady : Murph – as someone noted, it’s always been a GOP seat since the very early 50s. That she did that well says quite a lot about chances we have in less firmly Red seats. We can win BACK those seats that should NEVER have been lost – we need only 17. They don’t have to be in Red safe areas.
AdLib : Murph – That’s my point, Sink campaigned very weakly and defensively and yet only lost by 1% in a GOP district. If Dems have an aggressive “Raise the Min Wage” message, they can have a strong showing.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I am going to read her your comments from tonight. It will do her a world of good.
kesmarn : Ouch!
KillgoreTrout : Yeah Ad. I’ll do it in the morning. Mom likes to get up at 6:30 AM! AHHHHHHHHGGGGHHH !
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- you are correct it is all about getting our greater numbers out, but the GOP is disciplined, and motivated…our side not so much
kesmarn : Hey, Murph, how’re you feeling these days?
kesmarn : CL, I hadn’t thought of the LaRouche angle for Ryan, but who knows? He just seems to be obsessed with generations of males who don’t even think about getting jobs, so I assumed he meant the royal family…
MurphTheSurf3 : He Kes.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad but Sink matched him in dollars but not in enthusiasm. She did not take him on as we all must.
KillgoreTrout : So far so good kes. Thanks for asking. Gotta go now folks. See ya on the music thread.
AdLib : Night KT! Haven’t checked, will you be doing the Music Thread?
choicelady : Murph – send her my love please? When she gets well enough I will go see her. She is never far from my thoughts. I hope she recovers and gets ALL her strength back SOON.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- take care…so sorry to see you so briefly.
kesmarn : Hey, KT. Just kiddin’ I hope you and your Mom are doing well.
AdLib : Murph – It is intimidating but look at the FL House race, Jolly beat Sink in a Republican district by 1%. ALl those millions didn’t make that much of a difference.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks glenn.
choicelady : KT – be well. Enjoy the Cape and especially your Mom. See you soon I hope!
SallyT : Good night, KT.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I think she would love to see you soon, she has just been so sick that only her family has seen her and that rarely. She is a very private person but she asks about all of you, and especially you, every week.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Homie! Of course not.
choicelady : Hi kes! Is Ryan a secret Larouchian? Lyndon’s followers all think the Queen is the biggest dope dealer in the world.
glenn : G’night, KT. All our best to your Mom, and don’t forget to take care of yourself, too!
kesmarn : Was it something I said, KT?
choicelady : Murph – they think strategic placement and quality matter as much as sheer numbers. We did it in 2012, and can do it again.
KillgoreTrout : Well folks, I have to duck out for the night. Take care all and have a great weekend.
SallyT : Well, I don’t think you have heard mine but I don’t think is crashed in the ocean.
kesmarn : Good Friday evening, Planeteers. I hear Paul Ryan is going to address the fact that many generations of men in the British royal family have never punched a time clock — and the moral evil that they represent because of that.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….out in the country near Stonebridge
choicelady : Murph – please tell Bourne I’m here and will be more than happy to come see her IF she would like that. I miss her and wish her a good recovery. Her condition is very worrisome!
glenn : CL–IMO, it doesn’t matter how many ads the Dems run. I read that the Dem lost the election in FL by less than 4,000 votes. In fact, the figure I heard was 3,456 (an easy one to remember). We need to get out and VOTE before we have a repeat of 2010.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….the Dems do not have the cash….
KillgoreTrout : Sally, I hear the flight may have actually made some sort of landing four hours after the transponer went out. I’ve heard so many theories to date.
choicelady : Sally – you have my attention! That missing flight is SO SCARY!
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL- Just got off the phone with Pat, aka Bourne, she is doing much better. Back in the hospital but it is looking like they have the infections licked and can start working on getting her back on her feet.
choicelady : Murph – where in the Cottswolds?
choicelady : Murph – I heard last night the Dems are gearing up on TV ads and can match them. I have hope.
SallyT : Flight MH 370.
MurphTheSurf3 : Beatleex Welcome
AdLib : PPO – You’re welcome whether you spring or fall into Vox.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice I went to school in the Cottswolds…Age 12 to 15/16
glenn : Hi Sally, Beatlex, PPO. Have some potato salad.
choicelady : Beatlex – welcome. Thanks for that conversation. They are bastards are our GOP.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, what have you been researching?
AdLib : glenn – There wouldn’t be a GOP if they required members to be honest or not hypocritical.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- did you see the report today that in terms of ads, the right wing big spenders are outdoing the white hats 4 to 1….frightening .
choicelady : Murph – never have been to Scotland even tho paternal grandmother was from Dundee.
choicelady : Murph – love the Cottswolds!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey Pink from Down Under….
KillgoreTrout : Hey PPO!
choicelady : Hi PPO! Welcome! You’re not late. Your ahead of us aren’t you – international date line and all. WE are late!
Beatlex : Been on a Skype with a friend,I hope we are talking about the disgusting R’s and their traitorous talk about their Commander in Chief at this dangerous time
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…for me Wales, the Cottswolds,the Northern Eeyrie of the Highlands….ano ther world.
AdLib : Murph – Yes, that is at the center of this dishonesty, the excising of the rural poor who are white (and core Republicans) and trying to state that this only applies to poor black people. Such outright racism, pandering to the racist Republican Party, he just destroyed any chance he pay have had at winning a GE for President…thou gh may have burnished his credentials with GOP primary voters (aka racists).
glenn : Murph–I have been to several of those places in the UK. My daughter used to attend boarding school at TASIS (The American School in Surrey) when we lived in Saudi Arabia. I was asking KT about New England–I’ve never been there.
pinkpantheroz : Afternoon, everybody! Missed the start due to your Spring Forward! We havent come to Fall back, either! Ah, well, better late than never.
choicelady : glenn – and it is Lyinryan who works what – 100 days a year now? All on the public dime.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…absolutely. ..the worm.
choicelady : Murph – I love London but had a chance to live in Suffolk in a small village and loved that as well (just a short time – one month). I also am over the heels in love with Ironbridge and Wales. LOTS of beauty, history, everything throughout the UK.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn: England, Wales, Scotland and Ulters are the United Kingdom.
glenn : Ad–Well, they don’t call him lyinryan for nothin’! Here is a man who has never held a job in the private sector–except for the weinermobile–te lling other folks that they don’t know how to work! Unfuckingbelieva ble!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice – happy to be an armchair tour guide. There is so much to see in the UK (and London, in many ways, is not the top of the list)
SallyT : I have been researching this for 2 days, KT.
choicelady : Murph – Ryan misrepresented the study because he chose to.
KillgoreTrout : OK Sally.
MurphTheSurf3 : RYAN….he misrepresented the Harvard Study…..The study “controlled for a number of factors, including region of the country and “urbanicity,” finding that an individual’s engagement with society has less to do with whether they grew up in an urban environment than their class background.” In other words it took into account the poor in rural America. I live in a very Who are the poor? 14.5 percent live metropolitan areas BUT 17.7 percent live in non metropolitan areas. That’s 8.5 million. But Ryan makes it clear. He wants to isolate poverty; make it an inner city issue and thus a racial one because the racial makeup of the inner city is overwhelmingly minority: black and Hispanic.
AdLib : Sally!
SallyT : Hey Buddy! I don’t want to change the subject here but don’t sign off, KT, until I give you my theory on something and hear your thoughts.
choicelady : I see Beatlex in the rafters. Come on down!
glenn : Murph–forgive my ignorance. What is the UK? I’m pretty sure you don’t mean the United Kingdom.
choicelady : Hi Sally!
AdLib : CL – Ryan’s trying to say, “When I said black people are shiftless, I didn’t mean black people were shiftless. But I do believe that.”
KillgoreTrout : Hey buddy!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey KT and Ad Lib and Sally, and Glenn and Choice and…well all of you all.
choicelady : Murph – If I go back to the UK, I will also ask you for the list. I’ve been twice, but there’s tons I don’t know.
KillgoreTrout : Glenn, definitely Cape Cod. You could also visit Martha’s Vineyard. Really beautiful.
choicelady : Murph – question of the night is about Ryan’s racism. Glenn has the potato salad secret. Scroll down.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…you have never been to the UK. I lived there and know it very well. When you decide to go ask my for my Essentials UK list.
glenn : Hey Murph, I’ve got the potato salad. Here’s a serving for you.
SallyT : Hi everyone!
choicelady : AdLib – why is it that these racists cannot own UP to their racism. If they make policy based on “The Bell Curve” why do they not stand by it?
KillgoreTrout : What’s up Murph?
glenn : Hey Murph! How are you tonight?
MurphTheSurf3 : CL and what is that question AND where can I get some Potato Salad
glenn : KT–I’ve never been to New England. However, it is on my list of places to go. I’m still trying to find a traveling companion. If I could only stay a week, where would you recommend?
choicelady : MURPH!!! Just in time for the question of the evening and glenn’s potato salad secret.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, What an asshole that guy is.
choicelady : AdLib – What disgusts me is not JUST that he said that, but that he’s trying to pretend he did NOT say it!
AdLib : Hey Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello Planeteers…
choicelady : glenn – I will do that! Mine is SO bland it is not worth the doing or the eating!
KillgoreTrout : I can’t stay long tonight, but will be here for a few.
AdLib : So how about Paul Ryan dissing all urban (black) people as being raised without a desire to work? That’s what I call outreach…to the Klan.
glenn : CL–Of course, you’re welcome any time. I learned the “secret” from my mother-in-law years ago. It’s a spice called “Salad Supreme”. I mix that, with mayo and a little bit of mustard in a bowl to taste before I mix it with the potatoes. Yummy!
choicelady : KT – love New England, no way around it, snow and all. Just love it.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I lived in Boston in the 80s. I used to hit the cape on a lot of weekends.
choicelady : glenn – send the recipe! My potato salad sucks! Can I come over?
choicelady : KT – I lived in MA and RI back in the 80s, and I miss it so much I could cry. My brother in law once owned Sea Street Books in Harwichport. I’m drooling thinking about it all.
glenn : CL–My daughter is having about 25 people over for a barbecue tomorrow evening, hence 10 lbs. My potato salad is a favorite among my daughter and her friends.
KillgoreTrout : Ouch CL. Maybe you can make it soon.
choicelady : glenn – that’s wonderful! They’d not be there without you!
choicelady : KT – that is part of why I want to be on the Cape! They’re ‘liberals’ here, too, but smug self righteous ones.
glenn : CL–Same old, same old. I am seeing progress with two of the students I work with, so that’s a bright spot in my life.
AdLib : glenn and glenn!
AdLib : Hey CL and CL!
KillgoreTrout : glenn…Mmmmmmmm !
choicelady : glenn – 10 POUNDS? Is there a reason or are you just potato salad happy?
KillgoreTrout : CL, it really is beautiful here. We had about an inch of snow yesterday and it was so beautiful. The people here are so much nicer than in Columbus. They’re libs you know!
choicelady : Hey glenn – how are YOU?
glenn : Hey CL, Ad, and KT–Today I made 10 lbs. of potato salad, so I’m sharing it tonight.
choicelady : KT – things are OK. Got an ear infection from allergies. Happens now and then. Otherwise, very fine. Except I’m here, not on the Cape!
glenn : KT–Glad to hear things are going well for you and your Mom.
KillgoreTrout : Hey CL. thanks. I hope all is well with you.
choicelady : KT – I want to move to the Cape so much I can taste it. I’m envying you!
choicelady : hi glenn!
KillgoreTrout : hey glenn. What’s up? We’re doing OK here on the cape.
choicelady : hi AdLib and KT – been reading about your Mom, and I am SO GLAD you’re there with her. That’s super.
KillgoreTrout : Her memory isn’t very good and she has forgotten to take her insulin a few times in the past, that’s why she has passed out before. She can’t even see well enough to check her blood sugar levels. I help her with that now, so hopefully she won’t be passing out any more.
glenn : ‘Evening, Ad, KT, How goes it?
AdLib : I understand, my mother would fight that just as hard. But with the incidents she’s had, it seems risky.
KillgoreTrout : Oh no, she won’t hear of it. I’m sticking around for as long as necessary. Her doctor has been trying to get her into assisted living for a while now. She won’t budge. She’s pretty healthy, except for her eyes. She’s nearly blind.
AdLib : Are you looking for a place for her?
KillgoreTrout : Thanks for asking. Things are going well. So far so good.
AdLib : Hey KT! How are things with you and your mom?
KillgoreTrout : Hey Ad! Que pasa?
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
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