AdLib : Night!
SallyT : Night!
AdLib : Well, guess it’s about that time. Once again, great closing out the night with you, Sally. You have a great weekend too!
SallyT : Well, I will let you go. Have a great rest of the evening and weekend.
SallyT : Great!
AdLib : You can watch it for free on Hulu at this link: «link»
SallyT : Thanks, I will get that!
AdLib : It’s an older film from the 1980’s but all about this. Here’s a link to the trailer: «link»
SallyT : No, should I?
AdLib : Did you ever see Koyanisqatsi?
SallyT : It is all a matter of nature balancing itself. We are the only damage to it.
AdLib : Very cool!
AdLib : I love books too. Have a few electronic but there is nothing more comfortable than reading a physical book.
SallyT : I watched this show on wolves and how they have changed the course of rivers.
SallyT : You probably can get it on Kindle but I don’t have one. I just buy hardcover books. I have loads of books and refuse to go to a Kindle. Old fashion, yes, that is me. I just love to have lots of books around. Hubby has built lots of shelves for me.
AdLib : It’s a bit scary to consider. I don’t flatly accept theories because predicting the future is very difficult but it is hard to argue the opposite, that more species are coming along and flourishing and that the climate is becoming more ideal.
SallyT : Yes, she was on there!
SallyT : I get to typing and the words from my fingers don’t match those in my head! Thank you for understanding. I don’t know what that says about you, tho……..
AdLib : I thought I recognized the author and the book, saw her on the Daily show.
AdLib : I knew you were referring to extinction, no worries.
AdLib : Very interesting! The Earth itself has gone through many cycles of extinction, become unliveably hot then frozen completely over. The balance is kind of delicate and all the pollution we’ve been causing has been tipping the scales badly.
SallyT : Here is the link you can read. Do and let me know your thoughts. «link»
SallyT : Why did I put distinction???? I meant extinction! Sorry! It is the Sixth Extinction! I am on drugs, Adlib!
SallyT : It is about how earth has gone through 5 distinctions to date and we are in the sixth now. There is something going extinct everyday. It starts with frogs. It sounds very interesting. I will tell you more after I get the book but you can read about frogs on the internet as the induction into the book.
AdLib : Ouch! That’s messed up.
SallyT : Speaking of water bills. Ours are a fortunate right now because all our sewers are now over a hundred years old and need replaced. That is in our water bills.
AdLib : No, I haven’t. Is it a hoping for Armageddon-type book?
SallyT : I have only read sections of it here on the internet. I order the book but it is on back order.
AdLib : I think that’s exactly what it will take, when fruits and vegetable cost a fortune and people can’t afford their water bills…then of course it’s way too late but then people will rise up.
SallyT : AdLib, have you read the book Sixth Distinction?
AdLib : People take nature for granted, especially the religious extremists who think humans should dominate the Earth and it needs to be destroyed via Armageddon soon so Jesus will come and take them away.
SallyT : Of course none of this ever effects the rich. They just fly to another home where there is food.
SallyT : Maybe it will take us have to pay more for food and the shortage of fruits and vegetables for people to realize there is a terrible problem.
SallyT : You can’t forget about nature. It does keep us balanced but we are always working to unbalance it and us with it.
AdLib : The farming corporations do get a lot of our water and could be more conserving than they are.
SallyT : It is about the fish and who gets the water and who doesn’t.
AdLib : I assume it’s making fun of Californians not having water? Always funny to ridicule the victims of a natural disaster.
AdLib : I love watching Stewart but Colbert makes me laugh out loud more.
SallyT : Lisa is one of those Right Cartoonist that Murph will see on that list when I get it done. She always does cartoons on Calif.
AdLib : I’m pretty much the same though I disagree with Maher much more often than with Stewart…and usually it’s only when he’s a little underinformed and dissing Obama with limited info.
SallyT : The drought in Calif that is.
SallyT : Oh, AdLib, there are a couple of bad cartoons on that this week. You will have to comment on those.
SallyT : I do like his show but I don’t always agree with him. But I don’t always agree with Stewart but I like him, too. Steven Colbert I just love!
AdLib : And with the drought we’re having here in Cali and elsewhere in the US, all the groundwater that’s being poisoned…some being made radioactive, is going to make life very difficult for people in the near future.
AdLib : Maher likes to be contrary at times, it makes him feel “special”. It’s intellectually dishonest though to be contrary just to be contrary. And that’s part of who Maher is.
SallyT : It is just horrible! And, there is such corruption involved!
AdLib : Sally – That water pollution, in TN, NC and elsewhere is a growing disaster that seems unfortunately like it will have to become horrible before enough is done to stop it.
SallyT : I think Maher got a lot of flack from his viewers on saying that. I saw some of it on FB and his site. You don’t attack Rachel. When she is on his show, she always gets the biggest reaction from the audience and she does again tonight. I think Bill knew he better have her own and cover his butt.
AdLib : Most of the MSNBC broadcast day is a wasteland. Morning Joe, Andrea Mitchell, The Cycle, Ed Schultz, the mindless hosts in the morning…
SallyT : I don’t watch all of MSNBC but I do watch Rachel and leave it on to Lawrence.
AdLib : Well…it’s no longer the time for Dems to be spineless and rationalizing about why they shouldn’t confront bad guys who are Repubs. So for those who think the continued coverage is being mean, they can whine all they want but it won’t change a thing.
SallyT : She has been the only one really reporting on the dirty water in Tenn and elsewhere. And, the trouble in the middle east. She does report and shows that.
AdLib : Good to hear that. MSNBC deserves a lot of criticism for much that has changed there but attacking Rachel for being dilligent on an important story about how corrupt the man whou would be President is, is good journalism.
SallyT : I have heard from others that they thought it too much. That is were us Dems get, we don’t want to be the really dirty guys.
AdLib : You have to be relentless to confront the powerful. Maher is missing the point if he sees that as being overkill.
SallyT : Maher does walk it back tonight. And said that MSNBC does report from research and facts.
AdLib : Rachel is breaking news on this story each week, she shouldn’t be lumped in with those just recycling what she uncovers.
SallyT : Rachel really didn’t break the story by giving the reporter credit. From there they have watched and shown the total of the depth of Christie’s drive for power and running over any that get in his way.
AdLib : Sally – It probably is too much since they just recycle most stories over there hour after hour but Rachel is doing REAL reporting and investigative work. Maher should know the difference that makes.
AdLib : Don’t think you saw my rant about MSNBC below, how they promoted Rick Perry’s candidacy for President today and are harassing people trying to unionize there, they have gone downhill fast.
SallyT : He claims it was a joke but it didn’t sound like it. On Valentines day he said that he was breaking up with MSNBC because they were too much into another guy. He thought their coverage a bit too much.
AdLib : It is the entre into revealing how massively corrupt Christie is, does Maher think it’s getting too much coverage?
SallyT : I think it probably would have been better if MSNBC had let just Rachel cover that story and not all of them. I can see where it comes off as too much. But, Rachel is so smart and she didn’t step back but held firm to her coverage of it.
AdLib : WHy is Maher attacking her on Bridgegate? Maher can be a real emoprog and ass at times, that makes little sense to me.
SallyT : She is on Bill’s show tonight and she does not walk back from it.
SallyT : Rachel Maddow has been catching hell for her coverage of Christie and Bridgegate, including from Bill Maher.
AdLib : Yep?
SallyT : On more thing, AdLib
AdLib : Sally, I was thinking the same thing, just like the old days, closing down Vox with you! Thanks for hanging out and locking up with me. Looking forward to The Funnies as always, have a great weekend!
AdLib : Sally – They don’t care, I’d say. They just look for any reason to be morally outraged at Dems even if it’s for something they’re happy to do in their own lives. It’s just about “gotcha” for them.
SallyT : Well, it has been a long time since we closed the place down, AdLib.
SallyT : I know, double standards. And, they never see that.
AdLib : Thanks Murph! Have a great weekend and very pleased you’re feeling better and better!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ok- now for sure…Ad Lib I will pass your good wishes on.
AdLib : Sally – What makes this all so clear is that Newt was pursuing impeachment against Clinton for lying about his affair with Lewinsky…at the same time he was hiding the affair he was having. So, it’s the same old story of holier than thou when it’s politically advantageous but not believing in any real morals.
SallyT : When you look at all the men on the Right that have cheated on their wives or screwed around they are forgiven. (Nancy was PG when her and Ronnie got married.) A woman who had a husband that got a BJ can never escape that? Really?
AdLib : Murph – That’s a relief, it sounded very severe, what Bourne was going through. Please send her my best thoughts!
AdLib : Sally – It would be fun to see photos of these cartoonists and how many of them have unkempt hair and are overweight. They should get the same treatment in cartoons about cartoonists!
SallyT : Especially us older women that know with age it does seem to fall to the backside.
AdLib : Sally – We still have some cavemen in the GOP who think they can still win voters over by attacking a woman on her appearance or her husbands misdeeds from 20 years ago. But they are fossils to think like that.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad and Sally…I am still here enjoying your imaging conversation.
SallyT : OOps, The ladies of this country won’t go for attacking her weight.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- Bourne is back in a rehab, hopefully home by mid march
SallyT : I agree, AdLib. The ladies of this country won
AdLib : Murph – Good news indeed. And hope Bourne is doing better.
AdLib : Sally – But Christie IS fat! Hillary is probably slimmer than the average woman in America that’s her age. SO it’s just hateful chauvinism whereas drawing Christie as anything but fat would be dishonest.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…I am..but Buddha knows why?
SallyT : On Christie, the left does draw him fat but keep to close to his own facial features. Not ugly in the face. They, the Right, are not that way with Hillary and always makes her hair look wild.
AdLib : Sleep well Murph, hope you’re on the mend a bit!
AdLib : Sally – Exactly, the Repubs are clutching a playbook from the 1990’s to use against Hillary and it won’t work in 2016.
MurphTheSurf3 : Well…we three, we happy three…time for me to make it two. I enjoyed the insights and small group chat. To bed.
AdLib : Sally – Agree with you and Murph, drawing Hillary as fat and ugly is how chauvinists think they dehumanize women. All they have is their appearance, right? SO take that away and they’re nothing. Nancy Pelosi has gotten the same treatment along the way, the most powerful “criticism” they displayed was showing her as repulsively ugly.
SallyT : I do think that if they use the Bill angle, there will be a strong blow back from the women there. Okay, another play on words.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad – I think you may be correct there. It seems that the campaign is not catching fire.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…yes…se xism…raw…
AdLib : Sally – I think the RW will be very disappointed about how impotent their attacks on Hillary from the Bill years are. No one cares but them. And the meanness just makes Repubs look uglier. It is a trap they probably can’t avoid.
SallyT : One thing I have noticed in the cartoons is that they really draw Hillary ugly and fat. She is neither. She was very attractive when she was younger (seen college pictures) and she isn’t fat but a woman in her sixties. They are really heartless there. No matter how you feel about her running, I do think that is not fair.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- I will need to try the customization… ..but this really works SO well.. I do the same for the Funnies and for any of our live blogs.
AdLib : Murph – It’s a good system. I do that with Morning Blog and Sunday Funnies so I can read and continue my comment without all the scrolling. For Vox, I usually use the onscreen customization to shrink the distance between the comment box and the scrolling display so both are on my screen. If I miss a comment, I just scroll back but otherwise I keep scrolled to the top so it will auto-scroll.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…just what I was thinking…she may have way too much baggage….biden too OR we may just have to suck it up (another play on words) and get ready to do hand to hand combat (another play on words?) stop, stop.
SallyT : I really think, Murph, that she is getting thrown around right now. The Right cartoons have been really terrible and I haven’t posted those. They have really been jumping on poor Biden, too. For sure they won’t let Benghazi be dropped. And, now Bill’s BJ is out again. (Gee, was that a play on words……)
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…I have been using the two screen strategy for the Planet for three weeks now for Vox. I open the Planet twice. I have one page on the right side of my screen with the Message Box lined up on it and I make response there. On the left side I have the scrolling screen which means that I can keep current as I write. It is really working. Do others do the same? It makes the up and down of a single screen unnecessary.
AdLib : Sally, I can only imagine the cartoons during the GOP primary for 2016!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…no hurry, no worry
SallyT : Murph, I won’t get to it this weekend as just getting the cartoons done has been tough but I will do a list for you. I can tell you that there are some really awful ones.
AdLib : KT – Sleep well! Looking forward to the Music Thread!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- If I had a kid the age of yours, I would probably do the same as you are in the Olympics.
AdLib : KT – I hope so but at this age, they don’t always roll in everything together so she can understand Putin’s being a bad guy but still wanting to watch the skating.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- tapping into your wisdom here- where do you see a Hillary nomination going…is it a trap, a minefield, a highway, a fantasy…what are your journeys through the journals telling you?
SallyT : Nite, nite, KT! You have a good night’s sleep so you can jam like crazy tomorrow!
MurphTheSurf3 : KT best to you and I will send HP your good vibes…HaH…
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- it would be a good resource.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- the cliche is that “a picture is worth a thousand words”- but the Funnies illustrate that there is nothing shallow in this. Those drawings are so often translated back into words, or are transformed into other kinds of images…the cartoon capture the essence…
SallyT : Murph, I will do that for you.
SallyT : That right should have Right.
KillgoreTrout : Well, it’s time for me to bid all adieu, for now. Hope to see you on the music thread this weekend. I think it’s great that there is so much participation since the nasty old Huff and Puff ran off such good people.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- it would be interesting if you were to at some point put together a list…
SallyT : And, some are just on foreign publications and just as right as those here.
SallyT : Yes, I know who they are and yes they are with certain publications. I am sure you know who they are, too. Some are just published on the net, too.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- when you work on your Sunday Funnies- have you identified illustrators who are just not to be trusted- are they associated with certain publications and publishers.
KillgoreTrout : Well Ad, I’m glad that knowledge didn’t ruin it for her. She sounds like a pretty bright little girl.
SallyT : I’m here, Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- best to you high flying and a grand time
KillgoreTrout : Have a great weekend Murph!
AdLib : KT – I have explained to her though about why Putin is an evil guy and Russia is a tyranny. I told her about the anti-gay laws and how Putin and Russia is behind terrible wars. So, she knows that…but she still loves to watch figure skating!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- are you still here?
choicelady : Nite Murph.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I think that’s smart. let her enjoy the sports without the heavy bullshit behind the games. She’ll learn soon enough about the bullshit.
MurphTheSurf3 : Nite Choice.
choicelady : AdLib – I sure hope so. I’ll let you know as soon as I can when I’m free,
choicelady : Good night all! I’m fading away……
AdLib : Rest well and have a great weekend, CL. Hope to see you when you’re down here in LA!
choicelady : KT – good flying then. Be safe!
choicelady : Murph !! LOL!!
choicelady : Murph – I did the same. It’s a screwed up world, but they’ve honed insanity to a fine art. The Ukraine oddly is THE place for anti-gay hate, but it’s not the issue driving them, it is for Russia.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I resemble that comment…nyuck, nyuck, nyuck…take that, porcupine! Moe! Moe! Moe!
KillgoreTrout : Have a great weekend CL. I’m flying to the Cape, so wish me no cancellations due to weather.
AdLib : Murph and KT – Agreed, I even feel guilty recording some of it for my daughter but being 10, she’s only seen them once and doesn’t remember them. But whatever they are supposed to inspire is absent with their being held in Russia under Putin, with all the oppression and cruelty there and what has been going on in Ukraine and Syria because of Putin. The IOC is a corrupt, unethical bunch and I find the Olympics unfortunately distatsteful.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- a friend sent me five minutes of clips showing gay men being beaten up in public in russia… he asked me to join his boycott…I did…I actually signed a pledge to watch nothing…and now that I know more of what set off the Ukraine I am even gladder I did….frankly the corruption that has suffused the IOC is also a huge turnaway for me
choicelady : Murph and KT – I’m seeing descent into Stooges land here. And with that I bid all good night. I was up before the crack of dawn and on the road to Oakland at dawn. I’m fading out. Be well everyone – stay warm – and KT – when you drive to the Cape, may it NOT snow at any point along the way!!! Let us know when you’re going!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, may the Scharwtz be with you!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad – yuk, yuk, yuk…..
KillgoreTrout : Ad, can he do bacon?
AdLib : Murph: “I went up with the Jedi Master to his apartment and yoda-yoda-yoda, he made scrambled eggs in the morning with his light saber.”
choicelady : Murph – pretty much the same. Used to love the winter Olympics, but this one has way too much ugly to be interesting.
KillgoreTrout : I haven’t watched the Olympics either. The true Athenian spirit is just not there.
choicelady : Murph – The Donald is such a little man. And he bullies because of it.
KillgoreTrout : LOL Sally!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…I have boycotted the Olympics quite purposely and quite publicly.
SallyT : KT, but a bear has hair on his chest……
KillgoreTrout : For sure Ad. It’s the whole bear image. In Russia, the bear was a big symbol of strength for them. Much like our Bald Eagle. Only the eagle also represents freedom.
choicelady : Sally – separated? Well the issue just gets bigger and bigger, doesn’t it?
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice – Oh yes, Trump much have thrown a gold plated shit fit the next day because he must have know how often that clip would be played.
choicelady : Murph – yes, the president is Yoda not Yada.
AdLib : Murph – Right in your correction, you are!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib. Yada is Seinfeld…Yada, Yada, Yada
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Yoda not Yada
AdLib : KT – It’s an outdated thing here but old school Russian guys think they look “manly”.
SallyT : I haven’t watch any of the Olympics. I thought I read somewhere that Putin and his wife were separated. In the bedroom for sure, maybe.
KillgoreTrout : Ah Murph, that was great. Mr. O really took him down a few pegs. I loved the look on Trumps face as the cameras panned the audience. Definitely not pleased was the Donald!
choicelady : Murph – I remember that dinner (the night before PBO took out bin Laden) and I’ve never seen a more furious man than Trump. When the president mocked him about some trivial thing saying “those are the decisions that would keep me up at night” it gets only more wonderful knowing what PBO was facing the next day!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib. It was. Cool- our president is. Graduate of Yada School am I.
AdLib : Murph – And wasn’t that the night Obama gave the green light to take out Bin Laden?
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- your choices pointed to Putin as a pretender and I have to wonder if he doth indeed protest way too much.
KillgoreTrout : Why is Putin always going without a shirt? What’s up with that?
choicelady : KT – Trump sues everyone for every thing.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT I just saw a replay of the WH Press Corps dinner when Obama skewered Trump and then slow roasted him during his monologue…Trum p is a sore loser and a nasty contender.
AdLib : Has anyone here been watching the Olympics? I’ve recorded some for my daughter but can’t bring myself to watch them.
SallyT : I do think he protests too much, CL.
choicelady : Sally – that’s how I took it, but it’s a stretch, though as someone noted, you never see MRS. Putin.
SallyT : I think it was a reference to gay men being more fashion oriented, CL.
KillgoreTrout : It was hilarious when Trump tried to sue Bill Maher for saying Trump was the love child of an orangatang.
choicelady : Sally – is it meant to imply he’s actually gay?
choicelady : Sally – I totally don’t understand the curtain reference.
KillgoreTrout : Ha! I can see Sochi from my front porch! Too funny.
SallyT : How about Putin commenting on the curtains. Did you get the reference to, well, you know. Curtains he noticed?
choicelady : AdLib – Trump may actually win the lottery for STUPIDEST faux candidate EVER.
AdLib : Sally – Glad you’re feeling better! Sorry to hear you were ill!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, he is a media whore, not doubt.
choicelady : Murph and Sally – the one where Sarah is on her front porch watching? that’s a howl!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- I passed your photo of Sarah watching the Olympics around to a bunch of people.big laughts
KillgoreTrout : Sorry to hear that Sally. Also glad to hear you’re better. I guess you folks got some rare snowfall not too long ago.
AdLib : KT – There was an article on Trump about what a fraud he is about running for office, exposing that he would never put himself in such a position but wants all the attention for faking that he’ll run. Never, he will never run for any office and would be soundly defeated if he did…but he won’t.
SallyT : CL, that is what I meant by Walkers luggage being found. He is getting deeper in trouble.
choicelady : Sally – have you been sick? I’m so sorry!
choicelady : Murph – if it can be shown that Ted Cruz is not a legal citizen, then he cannot be a Senator, and yes indeedy it all falls out from there.
SallyT : Hello everyone! Buddy, I have been down for a couple of days but much better now!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- oh PLEASE by all of the GODS POLITICAL may this be so…Ted…we cast thee forth from the Senate Chambers…You Dog, You Scoundrel, You Deceitful Beast
choicelady : Sally – what was it like being able to ski down the streets of Portland?
AdLib : Murph – Then Cruz should be hung on his own petard. I will contribute to any Dem running against him if that Dem pledges to contest Cruz’s citizenship.
choicelady : Hey Sally! Well Walker has a couple of legal issues hanging over HIS head – and he’s close to an indictment. So…
KillgoreTrout : Hey Buddy from the Great Northwest! How are you this evening?
choicelady : Murph – she can’t produce those documents either. We are getting perilously close to having NO country of origin or residence for Ted’s mama.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally T….howdy oh wise sojourner of editorial cartoon land.
AdLib : Hey Sally!!!
choicelady : KT – Oh Trump. Of course.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…in the Immigration and Nationality Act…Under that provision, Cruz only qualifies for American citizenship if his mother was “physically present” in the United States for 10 years prior to his birth, five of which had to be after she reached the age of 14. The only definitive way to prove Eleanor Cruz’s 10 years of physical presence would be with documents such as leases, school registration, utility bills or tax records.
SallyT : How about Walker? Think he will run. However, his lost luggage has been found.
choicelady : AdLib – if Mrs. Cruz is an “illegal: then so is he! He’s not even an ‘anchor baby’!
KillgoreTrout : What about Trump?
choicelady : AdLib – I agree about the ego factors with Santorum and even Newt. I’d never rule those two out.
KillgoreTrout : CL, he did have a lot of baggage with the family values types though. Cheating and a few divorces.
AdLib : Murph – Many questions about Cruz’s mother, whether she even can provide a U.S. birth certificate…wh ich brings up a very funny idea…what if Ted Cruz’s mother, the mother of a radical Bagger…was an illegal immigrant in the U.S.???
KillgoreTrout : Ad, plenty of big coffers among the RW Christians. Santorum is their guy. Maybe Huckabee.
choicelady : KT – Newt did not have major scandals hanging over them. Cruz (citizenship) and Christie(corrupt ion) do. I do not discount their individual Chootz-pah (to quote Bachmann) but they really do have heavy baggage.
MurphTheSurf3 : There is no record for Eleanor in Wilmington De. her birth place claimed.
AdLib : KT – I agree with all your predictions, I think Santorum definitely wants to run, he’s addicted to the attention it got him. And Newt is the same, what has he got to lose if a nutjob billionaire wants to pay his way?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- what do you mean, how long his mother lived in Canada…how does that affect her citizenship
KillgoreTrout : I wouldn’t be surprised to see batshit crazy Rick Santorum make another run.
AdLib : Murph – The legal issue has to do with how long his mother hadn’t lived in the U.S. and if she was a Canadian citizen then. If that is the case, he isn’t American and for that to be the case with a Bagger…is just to deliciously ironic.
choicelady : Murph – nope. No records.
KillgoreTrout : If Newt Gingrich had the balls to run, I think Cruz and Christie will too.
choicelady : Murph – the Canadians have demanded Mrs. Cruz’s birth certificate so Ted Cruz can renounce his Canadian citizenship and be a ‘pure’ American, but she can’t produce it. So she MAY actually BE a Canadian making him NOT a US citizen after all. The plot thickens.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- really….no records from her place of birth…if so how delicious…
AdLib : CL – I do think that the Repub primary and debates in 2015/2016 will be like a wild reality show. Christie’s ego is as big as his appetite and as damaged as he is, I think he’ll run anyway. So will Walker! And amongst the openly corrupt will be the radical Baggers forcing the corrupt “moderates” to go extreme on top of being criminals. Wow!
KillgoreTrout : Well CL, there’s always FOX News and CNN!
choicelady : Murph – it appears that Mrs. Cruz, Teddy’s mommy, cannot produce HER birth certificate. So she may not be a natural born American at all.
KillgoreTrout : Those like Cruz always do it to themselves. True wisdom lies in realizing how much we DON’T know.
choicelady : KT – Stewart and Colbert will be bereft if any of these dudes don’t run. Where will they get fresh material?
MurphTheSurf3 : Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, when his parents were working in the Canadian oil business. His mother, Eleanor, is a native-born American, while his father, Rafael, is a Cuban who didn’t become a U.S. citizen until 2005.
choicelady : AdLib – LOL!!! That’s precisely right – he’s streaking, pretending to be the clothed Emperor!
KillgoreTrout : CL, comedic gold, for sure. Stewart and Colbert have the easiest jobs in the world.
AdLib : KT – You mean the guy who now claims he didn’t support shutting down the government? And who attacked most Repubs in an interview this week? Like McCarthy before him, he is a demagogue who is so oblivious to how self-destructive he is. Wasn’t so long ago, he represented someone with a lot of power. Today, he’s way down the ladder. Pretty fast, actually. Guess that’s what happens when you streak in front of the country then claim you were wearing the Emperor’s clothes all the time.
choicelady : KT – well, when you’ve been anointed by God, of course you’re smart. Only problem is that Cruz’s Daddy anointed both Cruz AND Rand Paul – so who’s the Chosen? I saw a sign once that said, “Jesus loves you, but I’m his favorite”. So now which one is the Real Deal? I can’t WAIT for the civil war between those two!!!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I agree, but if he is truly uneligeable then the irony is supreme.
choicelady : AdLib – I could seriously wait for that!
KillgoreTrout : I think it’s hilarious that Cruz really thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room.
AdLib : CL – I’m not as crazy about pursuing the kicking out of Cruz for not being American because I resent that whole attack on Obama and am less comfortable with it. But…whatever Dem runs against him next time, should wait for him to win his primary then file a suit against his legality to run. That would be a lot of fun to watch.
choicelady : AdLib – Haw-haw indeed. He is really kind of repulsive.
choicelady : AdLib and KT – Cruz is NOT naturalized so he’s not even a citizen if his momma wasn’t an American citizen at all.
AdLib : CL – I thought they were so funny, this nerdy-looking, gawky white guy trying to look attractive and buff? As Neslon on the Simpsons would say, “Haw-haw!”
choicelady : AdLib – I’d really like someone to make sure about Cruz’s citizenship because he could be kicked out of the Senate for lying.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, what a hilarious coincidence huh?
AdLib : CL – SO funny that birthers would oppose a top fave of the Baggers…and that he really may be a “feriner”!
choicelady : AdLib – the work out photos were sort of disgusting actually.
KillgoreTrout : CL, isn’t that just delicious irony?
choicelady : AdLib – as a woman I find his appearance nerdy and not very attractive!
KillgoreTrout : Not at all Ad. That’s why I’m going. There is really no one else right now.
choicelady : KT – I also think there are ‘birthers’ on our side who are quite willing to point out that his momma cannot produce HER American birth certificate, so that means he may NOT be a citizen after all.
AdLib : CL – As a woman, how attractive does he look to you? I can tell you that as a man, I find his appearance nerdy and not very attractive.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks CL. This is something I just can’t ignore. As I said, I’m the only sibling that is free to do this.
choicelady : AdLib – No good looks? Didn’t you see his workout photos? HE thinks he’s hot!
AdLib : KT – That is scary! SO glad they were there to look out for her and help her! But with all those conditions, it doesn’t sound like she can really live on her own safely.
KillgoreTrout : I think Cruz is definitely out of the running. People in his own party are tired of his bullshit.
choicelady : Murph – I seriously think the GOP has nothing and no one at all.
choicelady : KT – sounds very nice and OK for several months. I’m glad for you both.
AdLib : CL – It is a logical prediction but no matter how much coaching he has, Ryan will have no appeal to women, elderly, minorities and most indie voters because of his budgets and policies and the continuation of the white male agenda. And he has no charisma or good looks, how does he excite the base? I know…nominate Sarah Palin as his VP! If at first you don’t succeed in destroying the country…
KillgoreTrout : CL, yeah, there is a spare bedroom. No worries there. It’s a nice little two bedroom ranch style.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice and Ad…ryan may become the default…like McCain and Romney…the GOP may no longer be able to field a national candidate
choicelady : Murph – that Arkansas story is beyond despicable. I cannot understand what is in the GOP’s minds. Seriously do NOT get it.
MurphTheSurf3 : Are you all tuning into what is happening in Arkansas re. medicaid….real ly tragic and an illustration of how powerful and how wrong the far right has become.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, her friends and neighbors are really great people. They watch out for her all the time. They may have even saved her life a few times when they found her unconscious a few times, due to diabetic seizures. Real guardian angels. Libs too.
choicelady : AdLib – I agree, but he has no scandals (yet) and hits all the right notes. Rand Paul is over – he’s cooked his own goose. All the others, too. So he really is the last man standing, not Perry.
AdLib : Murph – That would be a dream ticket for me, Biden/Warren…a nd a nightmare for Repubs! They’d go even more mental than they are now!
choicelady : Murph – if she did as Veep with Biden, I’d be for that for sure.
AdLib : CL – Ryan is so weak though, hard to see him rallying people in the GOP.
choicelady : Murph – she might run as Veep then. MAYBE.
AdLib : KT – Very cool that she has friends and neighbors to help, that’s great! But yes, no substitute for your being there.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I think that is her position right now. But if there is no Hillary wouldn’t that up the ante?
KillgoreTrout : Thanks glenn, she took care of me for much longer, lol! Have a great weekend.
choicelady : Murph – I SERIOUSLY believe Warren won’t run. Ever.
AdLib : Have a great time glenn, hoping for a big win! Night!
MurphTheSurf3 : Nite Glenn….too short a time.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…Biden/Warr en?
choicelady : glenn – well, hate losing you, but it’s for an honorable reason! Good night and sweet dreams!
KillgoreTrout : Yea Ad, I go every summer for a visit. This will be a prolonged visit, for sure.
glenn : Alright, folks, it’s time for me to call it a night. First soccer game tomorrow. Actually, it’s a tournament, so there will be four games over the weekend! Whew–I’ll be hoarse by Monday! Take care everyone, and have a great weekend.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad, choice It’s becoming clearer and clearer that no GOP candidate seems to be able to stand up to national scrutiny…
AdLib : Murph – I think Biden is the strongest candidate right now to step in if Hillary falters. And he is a solid Progressive. Don’t know who else would be in the running but I could support multiple candidates.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, she will eventually, but she can still get around OK, but she needs insulin shots 3 times a day. I can take care of that myself. My family is no stranger to diabetes.
choicelady : AdLib – I think it will be Ryan.
AdLib : Back to my other question, if Christie, Kasich and Walker are too damaged from their scandals, as they appear to be, who do you think will eventually win the GOP nom for Pres in 2016?
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice – Ad Lib I agree. Who should be in the warm up pen if Hillary blows it or is blown up
glenn : KT–You truly are a good son.
choicelady : KT – does she have a room for you? I’d hate to think of you sleeping on the couch!
KillgoreTrout : Thanks Ad. She is delighted I’m coming. She really can’t live alone any longer. She has good friends and neighbors, but there’s nothing like family.
AdLib : Murph – Let’s not forget that Obama was an unknown to most voters in 2007. And Hillary had the lock on the nom then. It could happen again.
glenn : KT–Sounds like a plan to me. I know what it’s like to be without a job when returning from a job overseas. Will your mother need nursing help?
choicelady : KT – do you have to keep utilities on, too? If so, just be sure you set heat no lower than 55 to keep pipes from freezing. I say that as an ‘old experienced hand’ from those climes.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I honestly believe the Cape is one of the world’s most beautiful places. It’s mostly liberal too!
AdLib : KT – I remember you went out there last year. I know she’ll be so happy to have you there.
choicelady : Murph – I agree, but if Hillary bombs out – and she may – we should have ‘back up’.
KillgoreTrout : Enjoy your weekend kes. Get a few more walks in before old man winter comes back.
choicelady : KT – that’s very wise. But I’m so glad you can be there. I adore the Cape, miss New England a lot.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes- so nice to see you if only for a short while….
choicelady : kes – sorry to see you leave. Have a lovely weekend!
KillgoreTrout : glenn and CL. My brother and his wife might be moving back to the US in June. They live in Oman right now. His work project is almost finished and he may be out of work come June. He’s 64 and will soon be 65, so any new employment is a in doubt. I will stay with her until they get there. I’m keeping my apartment in Ohio while I’m gone.
AdLib : Night Kes! Have a nice weekend and thaw out!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- as to who I would like….there are several truly progressive members of Congress who impress me mightily but I do not see them having a chance.
choicelady : AdLib – yes, in fact, I can do that. Let me check the conference schedule – I don’t give a rip about most of the speakers or the meal. I’ll be right near LAX. I will let you know by Tuesday when I find the damned schedule!
glenn : G’night Kes. Stay warm. Enjoy your visit.
kesmarn : Kiddoes, I may have to bow out early. May have the Fave here tomorrow. Hope you call have a great and vortex-free weekend!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- seriously, although I am not enamored by the choice…I think Hillary is the most likely nominee and the likely winner.
choicelady : KT – actually the figure you always hear are from the “Southtowns” not the city. We could stand downtown, no snow, and watch it bury Lackawanna two miles south while we were in sunshine. It’s very odd, lake effect.
glenn : Murph–okay, you’re still avoiding the question. And…we promise, we won’t “disown” you if you’re wrong. Seriously, who would be your choice as the Dem nominee?
AdLib : CL – Don’t suppose you may have time for lunch while in LA?
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- seriously- me as an oracle- I am the DOOMSAYER as AdLib will attest to in all things electoral….he has a better track record.
KillgoreTrout : No doubt CL. Buffalo gets a huge amount of snow every year.
glenn : KT–The winter weather isn’t much better on the Cape than it is where you are now, is it? Are you making a permanent move to the Cape?
choicelady : Murph – !!!!!!!!!!!!!
kesmarn : KT, she’s so lucky to have you available to move in and care for her!
choicelady : KT – Oh that’s wonderful!!! It’s great for both of you, and the Cape is beyond amazing. Glad to hear it!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- you mean for President…well Perry, of course…..
KillgoreTrout : I’ll be living on the Cape in a week or two. My mother is practically blind and can’t live alone any longer. She can’t drive, and she lives a long way from the supermarket and pharmacy…etc. I’m the only one of my siblings that is free to move there to help care for her.
choicelady : Murph – since you had the acumen to support PBO, who is YOUR choice for 2016? I’ve decided you’re our oracle.
glenn : KT–That’s the rugged spirit!
choicelady : KT – the latest I’ve seen snow in Buffalo was June 6. It’s not over.
MurphTheSurf3 : CHOICE…I think you may have asked me a questions…I had a phone call and had to absent myself….
choicelady : glenn- LOL!!!
glenn : CL–I’m sorry you may have to fly in turbulence. I’m sure the polar vortex will hit CA harder than the rest of the U.S., because, after all, you have all those “homosexualism people” there.
KillgoreTrout : No way glenn. I’ve seen it snow here in the first week of May. This is just a brief respite.
choicelady : kes – I read that, yes. He thought it was insulting. Well…if the shoe fits.
choicelady : KT – I’m not so sure she can survive them all.
kesmarn : CL, as you know Joe the Not-Plumber lives not far from me. And he was whining to a local that the other guys at the Jeep plant were calling him a tea-bagger. That hurt his widdle feelings…!
KillgoreTrout : Hillary eats scandals for breakfast! LOL!
choicelady : glenn – that is really ugly to read. I have to fly to LA at the end of next week – and it is supposed to rain here and there. AND I HATE TURBULENCE! Not freaking fair!
KillgoreTrout : It’s a little bit of heaven for now CL. But it’s just a short break, I’m sure. None the less, very much appreciated.
choicelady : KT – Joe the Plumber is working at an auto plant. NOT as a plumber.
glenn : KT–You may have dry pavement for now, but I read yesterday that the polar vortex is gearing up for another big ‘un–in approximately 6-10 days! So, don’t put away your snow gear just yet.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, all politics I’m sure. I doubt it is on his merits as a real plumber.
choicelady : glenn – none of them has mentioned running. I think if Hillary takes more hits, more people WILL come forward.
kesmarn : AdLib, Ohioans are souring on Kasich, but I’m afraid the guy who’s running against him is not terribly strong (Ed Fitzgerald). His first choice as Lieut.-Gov had to be dumped because of IRS troubles. Not well vetted. Made Fitz look kinda bad.
choicelady : KT – that’s progress – no ice, snow banks. Wow.
AdLib : Like Sherrod a lot! And I like Biden a lot. It may not seem likely now but a true Progressive has a chance at winning the Dem nom. And whoever the Dem nom is will likely beat the Repub nom by a big margin.
glenn : CL–Has he mentioned running? For that matter, have we heard about anyone except Clinton and Biden?
choicelady : kes – oh the ‘pale people’ syndrome! Years in Buffalo made me understand that. We were like moles emerging from underground!
KillgoreTrout : kes, I could actually walk to the grocery store on dry pavement. No black ice or from crusted snow banks.
choicelady : glenn – Whitehouse is the Senator from RI and an amazingly great guy.
glenn : KT–Hey, Joe the Plumber has joined a union!
choicelady : KT – did you hear Joe the Plumber is now in a UNION job?
glenn : CL–well, there you go! I’m not as politically “savvy” as you, so who is Sheldon Whitehouse?
choicelady : AdLib – over and over Kasich has shown one talent: pissing off the voters of OH.
KillgoreTrout : Joe is the real everyman. Not like that poser Joe the Plumber.
kesmarn : Hey, KT! I actually took a walk around the park on Wednesday. There were only 3 other “pale people” out there blinking in the bright sunshine!
AdLib : Kes – Very interested to hear your take on it! Do you really think that this will sour Kasich with voters in OH? I did see that 70% opposed his fracking in state and national parks.
choicelady : kes – he had MURPH though. Murph – who’s YOUR pick?
choicelady : glenn – well PBO didn’t have much more than us when he started!
kesmarn : I think Biden is one of the most underestimated people around. He’s done a lot of good things during this admin, and has been quiet and humble about it all.
KillgoreTrout : Kes. I would too. What’s up Homie? Enjoying our little heat wave?
choicelady : kes – I’d go Sheldon Whitehouse as well.
glenn : CL–Okay, that’s two of us. Do you think Biden has any chance? I also like Biden’s wife, Jill. She seems to be a geniunely nice person, like Biden himself.
choicelady : kes – oh I’d go Sherrod for sure!
AdLib : glenn – My prediction is that Biden will run, knowing that the front runner often stumbles. There may be some real Progressives running as well which could put Hillary on the defensive for so long, her lead shrinks.
choicelady : KT – totally agree.
kesmarn : CL, I’d so love to see Sherrod Brown run.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I admire Warren for not choosing to throw her hat in the ring. She knows that she already has a job to do. I feel the same concerning Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
choicelady : glenn – I’d definitely go Biden.
kesmarn : Kasich is beginning to look like Christie-lite here, AdLib.
choicelady : kes – she is peeving mainstream people by her apparatus sitting out the 2014 elections that most of us think are critical. Deciding to put Hillary ahead of the nation reeks of RW choices. Not good.
glenn : Ad–As we discussed some last week, I’d still like to see Biden get the Dem nomination.
AdLib : Kes – I think this story is really going to “tar” Kasich as it all comes out. Just the thing and momentum of corruption to hurt him in a re-election this year.
KillgoreTrout : Hillary is not a progressive, but who is that may have a shot? I think there are few genuine progressives in the dem party.
choicelady : AdLib – even thought I’m furious at Howard Dean’s backstabbing of Obama, I’d still take a serious look at his running again.
kesmarn : I have a feeling it may not be Hillary — and I’m not even entirely sure why.
glenn : Kes–same old, same old.
AdLib : I do believe Warren, she’s not going to run this year against Hillary and I wholly understand that. But don’t discount someone else winning the Dem nom, Hillary could stumble, a bombshell could come out about her, she might say something really messed up, no guarantees or coronations yet.
glenn : KT–I really don’t care whether it’s a woman or a man–I just want a progressive candidate, and I’m not sure Hillary is progressive. As CL keeps saying, she has too many ties to the wrong people.
choicelady : KT – I know that about Ron, but he doesn’t appeal much.
kesmarn : Hey, AdLib! I saw that news about Kasich and fracking. He is SO slimy. Also just today he signed a bill that will shorten the early voting period and make absentee voting harder.
KillgoreTrout : CL, Ron Jr. is quite liberal. He doesn’t have a chance though and he probably wants no part in it either.
choicelady : Murph – indeed that is a major reason! Control the media, and your bad deeds can be swept under the virtual rug longer.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes- doing good
choicelady : KT – Warren has said, and I believe her, that she is NOT interested.
kesmarn : glenn, doing well these days. Yerself?
MurphTheSurf3 : CL- getting caught which is why they are so anxious to control the internet and own all the rest of the media
KillgoreTrout : glen, I don’t know. It may be time for a female president, and she has certainly got the juice. I’d love to see Elizabeth Warren run.
AdLib : Hey Kes! Are you up on the bombshell today about Kasich lying on fracking and turning the OH environmental protection agency into a PR vehicle for Halliburton?
kesmarn : Hey, Murph! How are you?
choicelady : Hi kes! I’m getting less and less fond of Hillary,so I’m kind of sorry to hear that.
glenn : Hey Kes–how are you?
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey – Kes- entering with a big news shout out
choicelady : KT – I don’t like Ron much. He defends his Daddy too much.
kesmarn : Hey, kids. Our local paper printed a Quinnipiac poll that showed Hillary defeating ALL potential GOP candidates among Ohio voters by large margins — in most cases double digits. That surprised even me — and I live here.
choicelady : Murph – because you get CAUGHT in this day of 24/7 media and online investigations. NO one gets away with it.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- I think that the GOP will be desperate for a candidate….for the Presidency which is why they are ALL IN over the Senate races….back to my favorite topic
KillgoreTrout : I’d like to see Ronald Reagan Jr. run for pres. He’d never make it though, because he’s a gay man.
AdLib : KT – No way does anyone in their right mind (non-Repubs) want to return to a Bush Presidency!
glenn : KT–Same old question, different day. Do you also think it’s way too soon for another Clinton presidency?
choicelady : KT – my entire lifetime is WAY too soon for another Bush.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- blatant because they know their base is either too stupid or too corrupt to care?
AdLib : CL – And what is very interesting is that Dem Govs today don’t seem to have any dirt like this on them, it’s so one-sided.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, as I’ve said before, it’s WAY too soon for another Bush presidency.
AdLib : So what’s coming into focus, the only “moderate” Repub around by default…could be Jeb Bush and as discussed here, he has enormous ugly baggage, not counting that electing another Bush as President isn’t exactly at the top of most people’s list.
choicelady : Murph – it used to be that this kind of corruption was for the old machine Dems. I’m shocked frankly that the GOP have been so blatant.
AdLib : CL –
choicelady : AdLib – that’s an insult to hammers. THEY have a function!
choicelady : glenn – I totally agree about ALL the Bush Crime Family, from granddaddy on down.
AdLib : CL – The Baggers have many choices and that is all Perry appeals to, establishment Repubs don’t like him and know that, even though he wears glasses, he’s as dumb as a bag of hammers. They will not back Perry.
KillgoreTrout : K-Sick is the consumate corrupt politician. He’s just playing politics here.
choicelady : AdLib – the GOP corruption seems so – ummmmm – Democratic. I’m surprised the GOP think they can be so corrupt and get away with it.
glenn : CL–C’mon. My 11-year-old granddaughter has more smarts than gwb. It doesn’t take much to be smarter than gwb, so jeb is not prize, either. I had to live in FL when he was gov., and instituted “no child left behind” and all of the testing nonsense.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- like I said, this is a row of scoundrels
KillgoreTrout : CL, well, he IS a Bush! The apple doesn’t fall to far from……!
choicelady : glenn – not on its own, no. But as part of a long series of assaults on fracking – it helps a LOT.
AdLib : Murph – And we can’t forget Bob McDonnell either. And Rick Scott’s so dirty. GOP governors are really taking a dive.
choicelady : AdLib – I’d not disagree, but the tone seems to be exasperation – he’s all that’s left. I’d not rule out Ryan and Mitt AGAIN however.
glenn : CL–I agree that it is a huge boon–just not sure it will screw the industry completely. I’m not disagreeing with you–I just don’t think it will be the downfall of fracking.
choicelady : KT – Jeb indubitably has more smarts than W, but he’s venal, stupid, and awful in his own right.
AdLib : CL – It’s just plain dishonest and yellow journalism IMO. It is collaborating with Perry to promote him, there was no “news” angle to interviewing him and he’s on a publicity campaign around the MSM now, they just contributed to that.
KillgoreTrout : CL, Jeb actually tried to make something of himself, where W just didn’t give a shit. Until his pastor got him to accept Jesus. Which I always had a hard time believing in his “rebirth.”
choicelady : glenn – his position in the energy industry is a HUGE boon to the anti-fracking forces.
choicelady : AdLib – thank you!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib thanks for the Kasic link.
pinkpantheroz : It must piss the GOP off to hell not to be able to nominate Arnie Swartyouknowwho!
glenn : CL–I’m not sure that one exxon exec will “well and truly screw the fracking industry”–but I see it as a start. He’ll probably get fired, which is okay in my book. Give him even more reason to speak out against fracking.
MurphTheSurf3 : How can the GOP have any reputation left given….AD LIB…named Kasich…how about Pat McCory in W. VA. who has been a servant of the Duke’s and has poisoned his own people as a result.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I purposely waited this long before watching Stone’s movie about W. Any sooner would have made my head explode.
AdLib : Here’s a link to the Kasich story in the Columbus Dispatch: «link» . It’s just unfolding now and is going to get worse…
choicelady : KT – Jeb is a fuckup too. He has a huge Medicare swindle on his ticket. He just managed to get out from under it.
KillgoreTrout : CL, ;)!
choicelady : AdLib – I did not see it, but with everyone else falling by the way, they may have decided he IS the ‘last GOP standing’ and interviewed him. But if so, it’s strictly stupid on their part.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT He was..and Jeb is sneaky little varmint too
KillgoreTrout : Exactly Murph. W was also very jealous of Jeb. His dad did favor Jeb. And it’s no wonder. W was a real fuck up for most of his life.
choicelady : Murph – oh yes, he had Daddy issues, but his own religious zealotry and venality were his first and only principles.
AdLib : CL – It is a promotion of Perry IMO to do a one on one interview with him in 2014. You saw it, was there any news value?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…I am not as down on MSNBC as you are….
choicelady : KT – DON”T HELP! I can barely write NOW.
choicelady : glenn – I saw that, too!!! Because he has filed a lawsuit, this become a precedent case. He has well and truly screwed the fracking industry.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I add to his Iraq rationale- the desire to do it better than Dad, and to create a Muslim Israel Client State (plus the oil)….
KillgoreTrout : CL, “is you learning?”
choicelady : Everyone – my biggest beef with W is that after listening to him all those years, I can’t write or speak well anymore. The decider, misunderestimate , I’m doomed…
KillgoreTrout : I can’t say CL. I haven’t been paying much attention to local news lately. You probably know more than I do about him right now.
glenn : Ad–I also saw an article headline today–didn’t read the article–that said an Exxon exec. is now against fracking because it will reduce his property values. I think it was in TX, not OH, but I’m glad to see that these stupid people are being hit at home (literally) with their stupidity!
AdLib : Murph – There is no good reason to give Perry that kind of time on an allegedly Progressive network (MSNBC isn’t that) and be interviewed by a Republican (Abby Huntsman) when the Presidential campaign is so far away. Except, to help Perry with name recognition, that is why Perry has been on a media tour lately, it only helps him at this point and MSNBS wholly cooperated.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- yes, he fell under the religious right’s spell as well.
choicelady : Murph – it’s layered. He wanted to go into Iraq for religious reasons to cause the Fall of Babylon. Pairing up with neo cons is to rape the globe of natural resources before the End Times. The fit is excellent – and he had it all.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Is this Kasich stuff really fresh?
KillgoreTrout : the decider.”
KillgoreTrout : True glenn. Bush tried many times to appear as he was in charge, instead of Cheney. That’s why he so adamantly referred to himself as
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I look to his handling of Afghanistan in its first stages- right out of George HW Bush’s book and that was not neo-con…and then 18 months in the goals were changed to include state building, ally acquiring, and resource grabbing. Golden stuff for the Neo cons.
choicelady : KT – what is the Columbus news all saying about Kasich?
choicelady : AdLib – I’d not heard that at all, and I pay attention to OH. That is amazing stupidity on his part!
KillgoreTrout : Murph, he was also very much co-opted by the religious right.
choicelady : KT – that movie underplayed his demented view of the world.
AdLib : Murph – Kasich lied about being involved in turning the OH state environmental agency into a pro-fracking campaign arm of the oil companies, even partnering with Halliburton! The state watchdog on environment under Kasich was operating as the oil companies’ PR firm and used taxpayer money to design a strategy to attack and marginalize environmentalist s! And Kasich lied about not knowing, proof has come out of his office being in on the planning. Big stuff, Kasich’s going down I think.
glenn : KT–I think gwb had a modicum of phrases he had memorized, and when he had to go “off-script”, he couldn’t make coherent sentences, much less coherent thoughts! Not to mention it’s hard to think when you’re being led around by the nose by your veep!
KillgoreTrout : I just watched the movie W. last week. He really had an inferiority complex, and a daddy complex. He was not a well adjusted man.
choicelady : Murph – was he coopted or did he go willingly? Neo cons and Dominionists are such a lovely couple.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT…and Bush was coopted by the neocon crowd.
choicelady : KT – that may be correct. He also was deprived of his brain when Franklin Graham converted him to Dominionism.
KillgoreTrout : I think Bush had a modicum of smarts really, but he was just fried from all the booze and coke. He was burnt. That’s why he had such a hard time uttering correct sentences.
choicelady : AdLib – well that’s not exactly an endorsement by MSNBS so much as, maybe, a provable fact?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…I saw those Perry interviews…I regarded them as set ups for stupid things to be said. And they were.
choicelady : KT – I definitely agree EXCEPT that Bush had an ear piece that let him appear to be reasonably intelligent. When he did NOT have it – he was in the Perry camp of ‘so dumb we have to water him’.
glenn : Ad–I’m with CL–MSNBS is pushing Perry??? What’s up with that?
AdLib : CL – MSNBS had a one-on-one interview with Rick Perry today and that was surrounded by comments like, “He may be the last man standing to get the nom now.” I couldn’t watch anymore without losing my lunch.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I never thought it possible until I saw the last presidential nominee debates. LOL!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…I will look for it.
choicelady : Murph – that is my understanding, yes.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad – how has Kasich been bit.
choicelady : KT – LOL!!! Truer words were never spoken!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- in Germany there really is no choice in this IF the company wants access to state contracts….and the model works so well there that they exported it as have the other four major German auto producers.
KillgoreTrout : AH, Perry. The man who makes George W. Bush look smart.
glenn : Murph–the story about VW is on (dare I say it) HP. Didn’t look closely to see if it’s “original” with HP, or came from another site, but that’s where I read it.
choicelady : MSNBS is pushing PERRY??????? OMG.
AdLib : So how about that poor GOP? Their top noms for 2016, their one bright spot of Governors, keep biting the dust. First it was Christie, then Scott Walker and now John Kasich! Who’s left to be the nom??? BTW, MSN-BS (misspelling is intentional) was pushing Rick Perry today. Uh-huh…he’s now smart because he wears smart-guy glasses, BTW.
choicelady : Murph – that’s very cool of VW. Even without employee ownership, those are excellent ways to assert real economic justice across the boards.
glenn : Murph–great news about your friends in AZ. For some reason, even after losing the presidential election, the beating the gop took after the government shutdown, and the beating they just took on the clean debt ceiling bill, the r/tps seem to be MORE blatant than ever in their discrimination and vile policies! I am so hoping it’s because they are gasping their last breaths, because I am so sick of hearing their nonsense.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…correct …misstated it…the councils also include membership from the community and the government.
KillgoreTrout : I remember when I was in the Marines, I had a few friends in the air wing of the corps. They were treated very well. The reason being, the Corps did not want disgruntled workers, working on their aircraft. Seems pretty sensible to me.
choicelady : Murph – I think the work councils aren’t the unions but the way unions and management work together. And they can still do that, but it is much harder.
AdLib : glenn – Yep, that’s in TN. It would be so sweet to have a re-election turned around for the union and indicting the lying of Corker and Co.
choicelady : KT – you are totally correct.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…where is the story re. VW….It is they that suggested the idea of a union because of their 123 plants worldwide only two do not have works councils (i.e. union groups)..the one in Communist China and the one in Tn.
KillgoreTrout : The execs at VW know that a happy worker makes for a better product. They aren’t as stupid as some of the GOP politicians.
choicelady : AdLib – absolutely. So long as you are totally non partisan, you can get tax deductions for work on moral leadership on justice issues.
AdLib : CL – Great! Can we get tax breaks too!
choicelady : glenn – I was so hoping VW would file!!!!!! That seriously ROCKS!
KillgoreTrout : That’s great news Murph.
glenn : CL–Speaking of NLRB, VW has filed suit against three legislators for “unfair labor practices” in the union election. I think it’s in TN, but I’m not sure–wherever the VW plant is that just voted out the union. Anyway, VW wants another election.
choicelady : AdLib – we have.
AdLib : Why can’t someone start their own religion that states that anyone who supports oppressive laws goes against their religion and won’t be allowed in their businesses?
choicelady : glenn – you are always and forever a bitchin’ lady.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- I have to look into this MSNBC story- it has flown by me
choicelady : Murph – that is GREAT news!
KillgoreTrout : HA! glenn.
choicelady : KT – chris has integrity on SOME things. Not ALL things.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT…I spoke with an old friend in Tuscon today. He is gay and he says the gay community has had it. What is often missed is that many in that community in a retirement area are also persons of some means and many, oddly, are GOP. He told me that since this is the third time in five years that the state’s leadership has passed laws that would discriminate against them..and for the first time many of those wealthy gay folk are telling their GOP legislators that ANY DEM would be better than any of them.
choicelady : AdLib – NBC’s moves sound like blatant violations of NLRB. Hope they get hoisted by DOL and maybe DOJ?
KillgoreTrout : Chris Hayes really has integrity I think. He refused to sub for Olberman when he got suspended by MSNBC. I admired that.
glenn : KT–Medicine or poison–I hope those legislators choke on it! There are a couple of other things I hope they choke on, but since I’m such a “refined” commie lib, I’ll not mention them.
KillgoreTrout : AH, that’s great glenn. A taste of their own medicine. Or is that poison?
choicelady : glenn – that’s super!
AdLib : Only Chris Hayes has met with NBC workers seeking to unionize.
choicelady : KT – there was huge pushback from the mainline faith community who are decrying the idea that LGBT rights infringe on “Chrisssss-tian ” ones. BS. You have a right to beat the crap out of someone or discriminate against them? NO!
glenn : KT–Also saw that a restaurant in AZ has put up a sign that legislators are not welcome there. Good on that restaurant!
AdLib : Murph – Here’s some background: “In Wednesday’s letter to MSNBC, Trumka, et al., accuse Peacock Productions of forcing workers to attend mandatory anti-union meetings and employing legal maneuvers “to impound the ballots the workers cast in a June election. In an email to Salon regarding the MoveOn.org petition, Schultz wrote that Moveon.org “has never been an ally of Ed Schultz.” Maddow, Sharpton and O’Donnell did not comment.
KillgoreTrout : I love it CL. Let it bleed.
choicelady : glenn – that is unfortunately too true.
KillgoreTrout : I saw today that Arizona has joined Kansas and other backwwods states in persecuting gay people.
glenn : CL–It got overlooked because there is no “backstory” in r/tp echoland–only things that can fit on bumper stickers. Otherwise, it takes too long to explain to the bagger base.
choicelady : KT – I’d not discourage the foot shooting.
KillgoreTrout : Absolutely Ad. Those idiots continue to shoot themselves in the feet.
choicelady : KT – But Rand secretly loves him a Nugent…
choicelady : glenn – I keep wanting to remind everyone who points fingers at Ayers that he and PBO met on a Board where they were asked to participate by the ANNENBERGS – those Reagan family friends. How that kept getting overlooked is beyond me.
KillgoreTrout : glenn they mostly agree with him. Rand Paul came out against Nugent, but that was purely political. He’s got his eye on 2016.
AdLib : Are we not better off to have Nugent so visible as the face (or ass) of the Baggers? What better advertising for voting Dem could there be?
choicelady : Murph – BINGO. Glad that wasn’t horrible. Save for being on the roof for two hours.
glenn : KT and CL–Remember when all we heard was how PBO “palled around” with terrorists? But…a poopy pants “patriot” who calls the President of the United States vile, disgusting names is just “peachy” according to the right wing nut jobs!
KillgoreTrout : I cut my cable months ago. Haven’t looked back since.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…is your MSNBC reference to Comcast?
choicelady : AdLib – I thought Maddow and O’Donnell had met with the strikers? I’m not following ANYTHING these days. Sorry as hell to hear that.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I was on the roof for two hours…fixed… .
AdLib : CL – MSNBC is waging a war against those people trying to set up a union for their main production company! The same hosts who are so outraged about attacks on unions, won’t say a single word publicly against that. Including Rachel and O’Donnell. Really sad state of affairs over there.
choicelady : KT – I believe the GOP are bottomless.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…surely Ted’s wonderful little ditty “Jail Bait” can’t offend can it?
KillgoreTrout : CL, just when you think they’ve sank as low as they could go! Boom. They go lower still.
choicelady : Murph – yikes! Is it easily fixed?
choicelady : PPO – We will wait to have you back!
choicelady : KT – that man is beyond disgusting. A pants crapping racist draft dodging pedophile is the hit of the GOP celebrity circuit???
KillgoreTrout : Me too glenn. ANYDAY!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…we have had lovely weather for three days (except for the 60 mph winds that tore off a section of my roof’s air air vent spine…but what the heck)…
pinkpantheroz : back in a few.
glenn : KT–I’d rather be a commie lib any day than a tea bagger!
choicelady : AdLib – I watch only Maddow and O’Donnell.
KillgoreTrout : Whew, that’s good news! I wouldn’t want Ted Nugent to come and shoot me or anything. We all know what a “patriot,” he is! Barf!
choicelady : Murph and all you affected by Polar Vortex and storms – are all OK?
AdLib : Okay, just an OT rant but MSNBC is such garbage now! They report on Putin urging more violence in Ukraine and Russia playing an evil game of chess with them and Syria…then, “Thanks for that report, Sue. Now, what is your favorite competition at The Olympics?” Add to that Ed Schultz’s attack on unions/MoveOn/Sa lon, that place is becoming a real swamp.
pinkpantheroz : Murph, of course Puke-in can. He;ll then judo-toss the polar bear into a pit of gays.
choicelady : KT – actually it’s NOT illegal. Rest easily.
KillgoreTrout : Just kidding CL. We don’t have anything to hide anyway. Unless being a commie lib is now illegal!
MurphTheSurf3 : KT…I fear we chased one away…not intentional…pl ease coe and join us….we will not bite…well, not hard.
choicelady : PPO – now Palin and Bachmann – that’s something to worry about!
choicelady : KT – NSA doesn’t monitor blog talks. It’s too dull.
pinkpantheroz : choice, the Pussy Riot at the back are Palin and Bachmann.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…could be.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Murph. Yeah, let’s have a special shout out to our “mystery guests.” I hope they’re not NSA!
MurphTheSurf3 : Pink…can Putty Baby do the dog shooting thing bare chested riding a polar bear?
choicelady : KT – No the Barbarians at the Gate remain the Koch brothers.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice, Ad, Pink, Glenn, KT and the TWO MYSTERY GUESTS….Hey there.
KillgoreTrout : CL, Barbarians at the Gate?
glenn : Murph–sounds like a touch of “cabin fever” to me!
pinkpantheroz : Naw, murph, the Dog Shooting biathlon
AdLib : Hey Killgore!
choicelady : Hi KT – same old same old – just read Murph’s day. Yawn. Another day, another Cossack…
KillgoreTrout : I see many of the gang is here! That’s good to see.
glenn : CL–And, you as well.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey Glenn…I have a very exciting…fanta sy….life
AdLib : Murph – I had no idea that the Cossacks were still around! What Olympic sport were they competing in, The Freestyle Fist Curling?
glenn : Hey KT
choicelady : MURPH!
choicelady : Hey glenn – good to see you!
glenn : Hi Murph–what an exciting life you lead! Pussy Riots at the back door, Cossacks at the front! Oh my!
pinkpantheroz : Hello every body. Tonites topics are……….?
KillgoreTrout : Hey Planet peeps? What’s happenin?
glenn : AdLib–Same old, same old.
AdLib : Hey Murph!
AdLib : Howdy PinkPantherOz!
MurphTheSurf3 : Had to sneak Pussy Riot out the back door as Cossacks were at the front…Hello!
AdLib : What up glenn!
AdLib : Hey CL!
pinkpantheroz : Hi, choice, finest kind!
glenn : Corrupt republicans–Hi AdLib, PPO, and CL. How is everyone tonight?
choicelady : Hello AdLib and PPO – how are you?
choicelady : CorruptRebplican s – or something.
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “Hi!” or “CoruptRepublic ans.Govs” when you arrive!
AdLib : Hey ppo! Welcome!
pinkpantheroz : Hi, AdLib, just signing in for the fray
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
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