Beatlex : Hi Outlandish! I was x27 over there,cancelled my account and am never going back
outlandish : I just signed up yo say hi! Some of you might know me from Huffington Post so I’m late to the party but Happy New year.
choicelady : Well folks, it’s now 9:45 pm, and I think I’m alone here. So to any REALLY late attendees – sorry to miss you, and we hope to see you NEXT Friday on Vox. We had a very good evening, so join us next week for yet another rip roaring discussion. Good night to all – and if you’re in the path of a storm, please stay warm and safe.
choicelady : Beatlex – you still here?
choicelady : Good night KT and thank you – that IS one of my faves! See you tomorrow and sweet dreams. Hope the storm passes OH by this time. Stay safe and WALK carefully anyway! Big HUG to you!
KillgoreTrout : «link»
KillgoreTrout : Well my dear friend, it’s time I say toodle loo, for now. I’ll leave you with this great standard!
choicelady : Luckily for me, the cops took care of it all. But justice was NOT always served as too short sentences were given. We do our best as jurors, but they have biases, can be swayed, and then what? On the other hand I once was at an anti-death penalty rally as a speaker, and the man facing the injection three days later was on the phone. I do believe he was innocent – and the night he died I could not sleep. I think those family members he supposedly killed were pleased – I was horrified. I could NOT stop thinking about him. It was awful. I know I could kill in self defense. I don’t know if I could under other circumstances.
KillgoreTrout : I know you do Cl. Again, I just hope that I’ll never be faced with such a horrible choice.
choicelady : Cheerio! Stay COOL!
choicelady : KT – I have had reason in my life to know these things not for family but for friends. The visceral reaction – even unto death of the perp – is very real. I get it.
Fergie1 : Oh I really better get out of here, I keep hitting send before I’ve finished and I haven’t had a drop of liquid gold yet. So one and all – it’s been great. If I type everyone’s name here, I’ll miss saying cheerio and stay warm and safe where ever you are.
KillgoreTrout : Fergie, have a great weekend. Hope to see you tomorrow.
choicelady : Fergie – drinks, too.
KillgoreTrout : I know CL. I hope I will never find myself in that position, let alone my mom. The social contract must be upheld. But again, if it were to happen somewhere, sometime. I wouldn’t shed a tear.
choicelady : Fergie – next time please know you’re encouraged to bring popcorn or a treat of your choice. We all do and then live vicariously through each other’s selections! LOL!! Thank you for being here – you add a hugely interesting dimension!
choicelady : Fergie – this is a ‘dream job’ (unpaid) to be able to talk with everyone. I do have to pick up the empties though…only drawback.
Fergie1 : Cl, thank you for ‘hosting’ this Vox PoP. You’re terrific.
choicelady : Good afternoon to you, too, Fergie! Lovely having you here.
Fergie1 : Good Night (afternoon here) to all you wonderful people.
choicelady : KT – your reaction is totally honorable! But it’s why we have juries and don’t let family extract vengeance. The feelings however are utterly justified!
KillgoreTrout : Have a wonderful weekend Sabreen. Hope to see you tomorrow with your usual great music picks.
KillgoreTrout : Sure CL. Stupid trends are not race based. Often times white kids want to immitate black kids. It’s all horrifying. Certainly a breach of any respectable social contract. But then, so is vigilantism. All I kow is that if someone did this to my 83 year old mom, it would take a train to stop my vengence. And several cops!
choicelady : Good night, Sabreen – wonderful having you here!
Sabreen60 : Well good people, I’m out too. Y’all take care. Ya here!
Fergie1 : I KNOW Murph – I was pulling your leg!
choicelady : Murph – we grow and learn from you every time you’re here. Thank you for everything you’ve done AND helped us understand!
Sabreen60 : Take care Pink!
choicelady : KT – I see your point. Wonder how, if the knockout person is white, someone will view the situation if they have killed an elderly Black woman? It has happened that it is white kids. It’s all despicable no matter who, no matter what.
MurphTheSurf3 : Fergie- not to worry….it fits…All of us…in a good way.
KillgoreTrout : My pleasure Murph!
Fergie1 : Murph, Don’t call me a ‘malcontent’ until I’ve looked it up :)!!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice, KT and Sabreen- the old hands….POV is livelier for what you bring to it and to me.
KillgoreTrout : CL, unless a shooter has had his elderly mother killed by one of these punks. I know, it’s not a very enlightened position, and I don’t advocate it, but Karma doesn’t always come through the courts.
MurphTheSurf3 : Fergie and Beatle- Kudos to you both for the present of your presence.
MurphTheSurf3 : Pink- so glad you have become part of our little family of malcontents.
choicelady : Murph – good points.
choicelady : PPO – You’ve not upset ANYONE. Good talking with you. Be well!
KillgoreTrout : Gee Pink, you sure do know how to make an exit!
Take care and hope to see you on the music thread!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I put You Tube and the Fame issue in the same box as the Video -+– each separates us from the world and at the same time elevates us within it.
choicelady : KT – I understand, but then the shooter is just another punk looking for fame, and so it goes. Better your first suggestion that they be tried for murder and attempted murder. NO MORE blowing it off as a ‘prank’.
pinkpantheroz : Well, having upset everybody, I’ll be off!
A great debate on so many subjects and I wish all in storm areas a safe and good night. See you all next week!
KillgoreTrout : I DO believe in our justice system and do not advocate vigilantism, but it wouldn’t break my heart if a few of these assholes get shot dead.
choicelady : Murph – listen to PPO! We don’t want to lose you!
MurphTheSurf3 : Pink the generator sits outside and away from the building…but a good warning.
choicelady : Murph – in “Home Alone” the dumber robber wants to be ID’d as the ‘wet bandit’ by stopping up sinks. This ‘FAME’ issue is HUGE with too many people who otherwise have nothing. Even notoriety is better than nothing in their minds.
choicelady : Murph = that may be a factor. But YouTube highlights are as much to blame – a horrific way to get your ‘fifteen minutes of fame’.
KillgoreTrout : Cowardly it is PPO! They even attack elderly women. They need to be locked up, and for many years.
pinkpantheroz : Murph, best of luck with the storms. Don’t forget to vent the carbon monoxide away from you from the generator if you need it.
choicelady : PPO – the role of the media in renaming it and shaming those doing it DOES MATTER. We are now wrestling with a request from police NOT to name or write of mass murder perps. I think there is a lot to be said for that – deprive them of fame, even posthumously, and maybe they will stop DOING some of it.
MurphTheSurf3 : Pink- a note before I go….the knockout game, it seems to me, is another expression of a culture where the video world has inured so many of our young to the pain of real living, or so I think.
choicelady : Murph – nothing beats good neighbors in a situation such as this. All of you be safe and well. You sound TOTALLY prepared, and I’m relieved.
KillgoreTrout : You deserve it Murph. Just think of all the people you’ve helped get a better life.
pinkpantheroz : Sorry, hit ‘send’ too soon. The punch here is called a ‘king hit’ and they’re trying to rename it the ‘cowards blow’ in the media to deny any positivity to youth for it.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sab..thanks for the note of caution….takin g care and being moderate
MurphTheSurf3 : CL I will do my best to weather the storm but I have a good portable generator and plenty of fuel, well stocked larger, and my coop has two four wheel drive vehicles among the members and a plow so we will be ok.
choicelady : PPO – most of the ‘knockout game’ here has been pretty limited, so I am NOT happy to learn you’ve having a REAL problem with it. I’m horrified people have died! How dreadful! I think narcissism and desperation greased with alcohol are terrible parts of our society. I hope authorities can find a way to end it. How awful!
KillgoreTrout : OH PPO, that is truly horrible and senseless. People who do that should be chatged with attempted murder. Let’s see hoe 20 years in prison is so attractive to these animals.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- a very great compliment from you Sir…thank you.
choicelady : Sabreen – she is one of a kind, for sure!
Sabreen60 : CL, I love her comments
pinkpantheroz : CL, is ti too late to bring up the increasing problem of a horrible ‘game’ happening everywhere, namely the ‘Knockout Game’ where some poor innocent is sucker-punched to knock them out? Here in Australia it is becoming very prevalent with many people dying from severe concussion. Alcohol-induced violence is huge here now and the authorities are trying to stem the tide.
choicelady : Murph – that’s presuming you have POWER of course. Be careful out there!
KillgoreTrout : Rake care Murph, and I just want to say, you walk the walk and don’t just talk the talk. This country needs more like you.
Sabreen60 : WOW, Murph be careful and don’t overdo.
choicelady : Murph – please take care of yourself. I will now watch Imo or whatever they’ve named it with concern. Do you have animals? I hope they’re safe if you do. Keep lots of logs for the fire, good books, lots of hot stuff to eat, and stay safe. Drop a line now and then and let us know you’re OK?
Fergie1 : Good night Murph. Take care and try to stay warm! Great as always to see you here.
KillgoreTrout : “oops”
choicelady : Sabreen – you and Aquagranny over at TPV would make a hell of a party!
MurphTheSurf3 : Well….folks, prepping for really bad weather this weekend will require that I be up and at em in the early AM. A farm needs to be battened down before heavy snows and bone biting cold. Have a good weekend.
KillgoreTrout : CL, it’s a challenge, for sure. But I love it.
Fergie1 : CL and KT – you are such charmers! :).
choicelady : the one person I admire more than any on MSNBC is Engel, the war correspondent. His reports are amazing, deeply factual, and he was the ONLY reporter to “pipe out” the very last combat troops leaving Iraq. It was incredible and well worth watching. He adds real value to every report he makes.
KillgoreTrout : Good Fergie. I think we all know what’s being “said,” here. No spelling police on VOX!
Sabreen60 : Cl, Glad you mentioned heavy drink
Friday night Patron – what can I say. One drink is all it takes.
pinkpantheroz : This is a train of thought site in real time, so don’t worry about syntax or spelling, as long as your point makes sense. (Which puts me off the chart right there!)
choicelady : KT – you keep up just fine. No problems.
KillgoreTrout : I’m a pick and peck typist. I need editing. No time on VOX!
choicelady : Murph – That’s funny! But I do think he’s grow as Sabreen noted. He has become a very thoughtful and funny guy giving up the bombast of his past. Growth is good.
Fergie1 : KT, me too! But then I feel embarrassed and I’m going to stop feeling that way as of now!
Sabreen60 : CL, I haven’t read Rev Al’s book, but I understand he does a lot of reflection. He’s matured and I think he’s lost that large ego. I give anyone credit for reflecting and realizing that they may have been an ahole at times.
choicelady : Fergie and SAbreen – we just excuse typos as “dyslexia of the fingers’ brought on by fast typing and perhaps heavy drink depending on the time of night and the people involved.
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, I just have to let my typos go on VOX. I just can’t keep up.
choicelady : Sabreen – O’Donnell was Chief of Staff to Moynihan. I think one of the HUGE divides in America is between those who have worked in government – legislature mostly – and those who never have. I’ve done street organizing AND policy, and it gives me a very different view as it does O’Donnell. I agree about his ego, but I get a lot of straight skinny from him I get nowhere else.
Fergie1 : Oh Sabreen, I obviously can’t even spell Mormons! I make more mistakes than……! Don’t worry about it ;. We all do it (well lots of us, in deference to those who are just perfect!)
pinkpantheroz : Right you are, CL, I’d forgotten that serfs actually had some rights, and the lords had obligations to them.
KillgoreTrout : I don’t watch cable news, but I do like Rachel. She is one smart person. She also has a great sense of humor. Can’t really be human without a sense of humor.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL- yes even Andrea….as to the Rev….well, I think he has a good staff…
Sabreen60 : I mess that last comment up with plenty of typos.
choicelady : PPO – Serfdom conveyed a certain authority and control to the peasants. You could NOT screw them over entirely or they’d stop producing. Today you’d just outsource the work and dispose of them, so I think the system is rooted in early stages of the “dark, Satanic mills’ of early capitalism.
KillgoreTrout : Exactly CL!
Sabreen60 : CL, I agree with you about MSNBC. I know it’s corporate owned, so I don’t expect much. But I simply can’t stand to watch. I have to filter out so much bs. I think all the pundits are allowed on a pretty tight rope. Given O’Donnell doesn’t get off script. But at least he seems knowledgeable if somewhat egotistical.
KillgoreTrout : Yes Fergie, but look how he treated them! Yikes!
choicelady : KT – Well they ARE willing to sacrifice their women, that’s for sure.
Fergie1 : KT, Henry VIII had Six wives! Closer to the Mormans!
pinkpantheroz : the GOP are almost back to 1066 and all that. Serfdom is alive and well in the USA!
KillgoreTrout : No doubt PPO! Are there no prisons..no work houses?
choicelady : Murph – on the whole, yes. EVEN Andrea Mitchell can do well when she works at it. I like them far more than most of the men. I am pleasantly shocked at how much I’ve come to like the Reverend though – he used to be a blowhard but has come to be quite a passable and sensible analyst.
KillgoreTrout : CL, that’s what happens when “family values,” are based on the Henry the 8th!
choicelady : PPO – Exactly. When the GOP said they wanted to return the U.S. to ‘before Roosevelt’ who knew they meant TEDDY????
MurphTheSurf3 : Sab- yes it put faces on the work done and yet to be done.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice-even the caucasian ladies with the exception of Mika in the Morning Joe Atrocity do very well.
pinkpantheroz : CL and KT – Dickensian, more like. ‘Please, Sir, I want some More”. MORE??????
choicelady : KT – Victorian values are alive and well with the GOP.
Sabreen60 : Murph, I missed your story. It takes to long to catch up. That’s a great experience! I hope you share it everywhere you blog. I know that made your day.
KillgoreTrout : I’ve seen a lot of hilarious stuff from thr RWers about Colorado’s new law taking effect on Wednesday. The same old reactionary Chicken Little crap about the country is ruined and all is doomed because weed is now legal there. As if people haven’t been using weed for decades, in every state. They are so predictable. Some of the rants were just hilarious.
choicelady : Murph – and the women tend to be women of color or, in Rachel’s case, lesbian. I think they have had experiences of being outsiders that makes a huge difference.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- the women commentators on MSNBC are the most reliable and most stable in my opinion.
choicelady : Murph – if all the commentators I once liked suddenly turn into raving egomaniacs, where WILL we find good ones? It’s why I’m here, on TPV, a few other places. There is honesty there not ego. It’s as if everyone on MSNBC turns into a raving loon. Maybe it’s the water?
MurphTheSurf3 : Fergie- the GOP base feasts on the witchhunt nonsense and the GOP keeps on feeding it to them.
Sabreen60 : Good night glenn. Have a great week.
Fergie1 : G’nite glenn. Lovely to see you here. Have a pleasant weekend and take care.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- agree about Ez
KillgoreTrout : Ah, bless you glenn. I will. Take care and have a great weekend.
choicelady : glenn – good night and sweet dreams! Be well and have a great weekend. LOVELY to have shared time with you!
choicelady : Fergie – agreed. It think the paucity of policy will harm them in the elections. I HOPE.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…good night and best to you.
glenn : All-well it is time for me to call it a night. Enjoyed sharing stories of our youth tonight! Everyone take care, and I’ll see you around the Planet soon, I hope! For those of you in the cold climes, stay warm. And, KT, please be careful when walking!
Good night.
Fergie1 : Murph, I agree with you wholeheartedly about the ‘witch hunt’ scenario. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, that’s all they have. It’s a sad state of affairs that although a Party is in opposition, they have nothing positive to offer, to say, to share. They are doing America no favors, just holding it back. Disgraceful.
choicelady : Murph – another person whose head is too big to fit into the door.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice and Sabreen- Ez wanted to create a Super Blog associated with WaPo, paid for by WaPo, but not reporting to WaPo as a kind of uber-journalism site to explore the “real stories”. It all seemed overblown to me.
choicelady : Sabreen – that’s the story I heard, too. I think he will be sorry if he leaves WaPo.
choicelady : Fergie – it is the ‘single payer’ approach for those in poverty. It was expanded, but many governors had the right to refuse and did. It will harm millions of very poor people.
Sabreen60 : CL, Wasn’t he asking WaPo for 7 figures to create another blog and they turned him down? The last I heard he is suppose to be leaving WaPo.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen- just in case you did not…here is a repeat…FOR ALL….ACA News….today I got invited to stop by our local clinic (run by a wonderful woman osteopath) for their “open house”. She decided to have a completely optional Welcome Event for new patients who are new to the “I am insured” experience. As many of you know I live in a poor, rural area. There were 18 people there. I knew three of them and had helped two of them get signed up. The office manager walked everyone through the basics of managing your medical care, billing, and general procedures. Three docs stopped by and each welcomed everyone warmly. I just stood by and watched. Several of those attending were obviously emotional. When the doc asked if there were questions – one lady raised her hand and said: “I am just so happy to be insured.” Applause broke out. WONDERFUL. They are planning to do these open houses several times in the next few months.
glenn : Fergie–As far as I can tell, the “al queada connection” is kinda like Bachmann’s “muslim brotherhood connection”. Did you see Jon Stewart’s take on bachmann’s connections? I hope he does another one on the “al queada connection” to Benghazi.
Fergie1 : Murph, the one area I am not up on is Medicaid. My friends in the U.S. tell me that I know more about U.S. politics than the average Joe! But this one has eluded me. Apologies.
choicelady : Sabreen – while you were gone I reported that Ezra’s new blog site crashed and is not yet fixed. glenn and I are in hysterics over it!
KillgoreTrout : Fergie, The Benghazi thing is all about Hillary. The right is scared to death of her. They want Bengahzi to use as hammer to beat her with in 2015 and 16.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen- did you catch my note earlier re. ACA?
MurphTheSurf3 : Fergie- GOP witchhunting has been that Party’s bread and butter for a long time. Benghazi, the Birth Certificate, Acorn IRA, Fast and Furious, ACA- it is all one and the same for them.
Sabreen60 : glenn, Ezra was one of the main people singing the doom and gloom of the ACA. He predicted by in October the death of ACA and of course PBO’s presidency is ruined. PBO’s presidency has been ruined so many times according to the press that I’ve lost count.
choicelady : Fergie – the best the RW can do is call the NY Times an Obama ‘shill’. It’s not working.
Fergie1 : True KT. And from what we are hearing, the Bengahzi bullshit is just that. The GOP are still tring to spin that one when it’s turning out that Rice ‘s version is now closer to the truth. I can’t write all that one GOPer said about that here, but it was total spin re the Al Queda connection.
choicelady : glenn – yes. I know. ROTFLMAO!!!
choicelady : Beatlex – what a fascinating experience that must have been! And here I thought Canadians were above reproach with ALL Americans. The new ‘conspiracy’ I learned tonight is that Harper and PBO are planning to have RCMP storm America to quell the “revolution” the RW is planning for the Spring. So I guess you’re baddies now…
KillgoreTrout : Beatlex, I can see it now. I guaruntee that none of them knew what they were talking about. They’re “all knowing,” when they don’t know their ass from their elbow.
glenn : CL–Hadn’t heard that about Ezra Klein’s blogspot. What a shame! Oops, hard to type that with a straight face!
MurphTheSurf3 : Fergie…I live in a Red State where the legislature has blocked Medicaid expansion. The Governor wants it and he is going to challenge the GOP incumbent in the Senate. A lot of people here are unhappy and getting unhappier about this.
Beatlex : I remember on HP when I let it be known I was Canadian,how the trolls would come down on me,waving their empty sleeves.It was a hoot
choicelady : Murph!!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….yes, i finally got someone smart who simply deleted my previous efforts and I started again….I got my application done, qualified for assistance, and I enrolled in a plan…almost the same cost BUT better coverage AND a very good deal related to dental (a bonus for signing with a certain company). As it turned out it was the company I had been with but with better premiums, lower deductibles and a smaller out of pocket maximum.
choicelady : glenn – Yup. Hiltzik is showing the way.
KillgoreTrout : Fergie, and the GOPTP is clinging to this like the Bengahzi bullshit. They love to beat a dead horse.
choicelady : BTW – I understand that Ezra Klein has a new BlogSpot that crashed its first few days… laughing is the only response I can have.
glenn : CL–That is all I ask of the media nowadays–althou gh nowadays that seems to be too much to ask. Tell the truth–the good, the bad, and the ugly, but tell it the way it is. Give me ALL the statistics and facts and figures–not just the ones that fit your agenda. So, good on that reporter from the LA Times.
choicelady : KT -they got healthcare.gov up and running FASTER than Medicare Part D.
Fergie1 : Exactly KT! I was going to include that in my message.
choicelady : Fergie – yes, the ACA is turning out to be VERY good for most people. The one harsh problem is the Red States’ governors who refused Medicaid expansion leaving about 5 million very poor people UNINSURED by any means at all. Horrible. But it’s once again on the GOP.
Beatlex : choicelady,exact ly!
KillgoreTrout : I know the GOPTP will jump on Obama at the slightest chance, but really, what government program of that magnitude ever goes off without a hitch, in it’s early stages?
choicelady : Beatlex – best advice is when people are self destructing, get out of the way. Let’s be the quiet rooting section!
Fergie1 : The Repubs can be as gleeful as they want now. Their hypocracy still shines though like a beacon of doom and gloom. They have nothing better and the ACA is better than nothing. The Repubs are still mired down in their “do-nothing” attitude for the past 4 plus years and need to be reminded of that at every juncture. The MSM is useless and hardly balanced towards the left. It is up to us to keep the fires burning.
choicelady : Murph – has your personal problem with enrolling ever been cleared up? One of my friends New Year’s Eve had the same problem with CoveredCA.com. My own Ex.Dir. has had the problem – and I hope SOMEONE is looking out for you all!
Beatlex : One really good thing is the battle that is going to take place in the Pub Party,Lets hope they rip each other to shreds
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- the Obama insurance promise- we now know that this did not apply to about 2.7 percent of those who have insurance. I think the tacticians decided that the best course was to offer the best scenario. Had the marketplace launched without a problem I think that this would have blown by at speed. Instead….
choicelady : glenn – our one true friend in MSM is Michael Hiltzik, the business reporter for the LA Times who is no flaming liberal. He has, right from the start, told the truth about the website, the costs, the coverage, everything. He is getting other MSM people to pay attention and change their stupid tune.
glenn : Choice–Once again, I agree. That is…if the “left-leaning” media gets those stories out there.
choicelady : Murph – that would describe my descent into fury, yes! Hard to watch, isn’t it?
choicelady : glenn – I think the success will make the problems now simply irrelevant.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL..I do not have the experience of Moore that you do. I wonder if your experience of Moore is like mine of Jackson. Initially impressive, then questioning, then dubious and finally scornful.
glenn : Choice–I just hate that the repubs are so gleeful about it, I guess. As you say, this too, shall pass.
choicelady : glenn – that’s what I mean. We all were naïve.
glenn : CL–I agree. Who would have thunk that corporations would try to screw the American people (she asked tongue in cheek)?
choicelady : Murph – being from Chicago I know that about Jackson. I know it’s true and STILL have more respect for him than for Moore. Which was my point. I used to love Michael. NO MORE no Moore.
choicelady : glenn – the one thing about the ‘keep your insurance’ is that NO ONE thought companies would start selling JUNK after the ACA was passed. That includes policy observers across the country. That came as a shock – we should have figured out that corporation would always find some way to screw things up. It wasn’t insurance – it was expensive useless paper, but it passed too many state tests and a lot of people got hurt. But this, too will pass.
KillgoreTrout : I think fame and fortune comes with it’s own sort of bubble after a time.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice..having lived in Chicago and having had to deal with PUSH (People United to Save Humanity) – a front most of the time- I can tell you that to know him was to distrust him and to work with him was to disdain him.
glenn : Sabreen–On one hand, I agree with what you are saying. On the other hand, I think PBO did himself a disservice with “you can keep your insurance”. As a progressive, I see the fault entirely with the insurance companies, who with all of their posturing before the ACA was rolled out, should have been saying, “Wait, we won’t let people keep their insurance”, but I do feel that PBO handed the repubs a talking point that he PBO didn’t need to hand to them. I am positive the ACA will stand on its merits; we just have to get more stories like Murph’s out there. I also believe that the so-called “left-leaning” media is not even close to being left leaning. So, I’m in a muddle–and I don’t want you to think I’m not glad every day that we have President Obama. I think he’s the right man for the job, and I admire him tremendously.
choicelady : KT – Moore just lost it when he got famous. I know people who worked for him. He refused to let them unionize and screwed them out of overtime and did other anti-labor things all the while he’s berating corporations for doing those things.
choicelady : Murph – I think far more of Jesse than of Michael.
choicelady : Murph – you use your education and background to help people make sense of their lives NOT to disparage them or their views. It makes ALL the difference.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice = Moore is indeed all wet…a white Jesse Jackson (who I cannot stand)
KillgoreTrout : Moore has done some good stuff, but at last, he is another ideologue that is stuck.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL- there is something of the “intellectual snob” about so many professional progressives…I can be very “heady” but experiences like the one today keep me grounded.
choicelady : Murph – I used to worship Moore. We corresponded years ago before he got famous. Now he never replies. I say of him that I used to think he walked on water. Now I think he’s all wet.
choicelady : Murph – I think, as is generally the rule, the people who will rise will be those directly impacted by help from ACA and other programs. It will NOT be from the entitled self styled ‘progressives’ who actually are amazingly ignorant.
MurphTheSurf3 : Moore is a self aggrandizing overfed weasel!
KillgoreTrout : Take care Sabreen.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen…did you see my post earlier about the Doctor’s open house for new patients at her office today? You might find it of interest re. ACA.
choicelady : Sabreen – so much from Moore and his ilk is just wrong I am constantly shocked. I have the same crap (a technical term, of course) from the CA single payer people who know NOTHING about ACA. Or single payer for that matter.
Sabreen60 : Gotta go help hubby. Hope to BBL.
choicelady : Sabreen – PERFECT analysis, thank you.
choicelady : glenn – I do think they’ve risen, and the willingness to stand for hours in long lines to vote in 2012 was evidence of that. They will NOT riot in the streets – the communities know it’s counterproductiv e, but they ARE taking action!
Sabreen60 : glenn, I honestly don’t know how much more PBO could do in “selling” the ACA. I don’t miss his speeches and in everyone he talks about it. In his press conferences he talks about it. It’s written op-eds about it. He’s had local interviews about it. The Repubs have spent millions against the ACA. The corporate media was dogging it before the roll out. The left (or supposed left) like Michael Moore and his ilk have dogged it continuously. If people don’t know about the ACA by now, IMO they are willfully ignorant. At some point you have to take responsibility for what you don’t know and do something about it, I think.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I’ve been thinking of writing a post and sharing some I’ve written throughout the years. I have two collections. Should have more, but I am not disciplined much as a writer.
glenn : Beatlex–I agree. The repubs can only vilify poor people for so long before the poor people start realizing they’re being exploited. Although, frankly, I thought they’d start realizing it a lot sooner than this. DeBlasio’s message seems to be resonating with progressives, and as Murph says, we need to be more committed to our people.
choicelady : Beatlex – with the exception of some MSNBC folks, MSM are NOT looking to help the Dems. They are too intertwined with the 1%.
Beatlex : choice,that is what I think,the gap has widened so much.If only the MSM would do their job on it
choicelady : KT – poetry! Wow – that’s impressive.
KillgoreTrout : You know better than I CL. I was the original Ferris Beuller in HS. I didn’t really take an interest in learning until after the Marines. I did start writing poetry around age 14.
choicelady : Beatlex – the strategy on unemployment insurance is to hold the GOP up to account for why they will not help people in terrible conditions. That may be a game changer.
Beatlex : I think the dems best bet is to go hard on inequality.Like De-Blasio is.A lot of people are hurting,and how will republicans keep saying no?
KillgoreTrout : Have a great weekend Homie. Stay warm and well fed!
choicelady : PPO – We will be here when you return.
KillgoreTrout : CL, very few people ever will be. The man was absolutely brilliant.
pinkpantheroz : Glenn, you may be right. We don’t get much ov the nitty-gritty here about day to day American politics, but I still admire his guts and determination despite all that is thrown against him. I’m now taking a wee coffee break. Back soon.
glenn : G’night Kes. Sleep well! Enjoy the fave 7th grader!
choicelady : KT – I’d say the decline was rapid in the early 70s and STARTED with priviledged white suburbanites. My mother quit teaching over it – a school of middle and upper middle class kids whose parents wanted good grade with NO work or thought.
Sabreen60 : Good night kes. Take care of yourself.
choicelady : kes – I’m taking heart your fave can GET there. Bodes well for your weather situation. Enjoy!
glenn : PPO–In a couple of speeches recently, PBO has been a little more “forceful” in calling out the repubs. However, I am so sick of our “hesaid/hesaids omethingelse” politics. I don’t think PBO has done as good a job as he could have in pointing out the positives of the ACA, nor have other Dem politicos.
KillgoreTrout : CL, my fovorite novelist, Kurt Vonnegut often lamented about how crappy our public schools had gotten since he was in school, back in the 30s.
Fergie1 : Cheerio for now kes. Have a lovely weekend yourself and stay safe.
choicelady : kes – sorry to see you leave, but you DO need your strength. Have a great weekend and fun time! See you next week I hope!
pinkpantheroz : G’nite, Kes. sleep well.
choicelady : Murph – yup. Dems are weak kneed.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- Dems are fighting better but still they are constantly punching up against the GOP who seem to get the high ground time and again despite idiotic positions and policies.
choicelady : KT – thank you for that! I try, but I’m no Ralph Waldo! Never will be!
kesmarn : Well, kids, so sorry to leave the party early, but the Fave 7th grader will be here tomorrow so I need to rest up. Have a wonderful weekend, all!
choicelady : Thanks Sabreen – I’ve saved it.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- polling is as you say- a moment measuring the way the wind is blowing right then and there BUT that is the case all year round and I worry that we Dems do not seem to be able to commit to our people and our party in the way the GOP does.
KillgoreTrout : CL I can believe that. You are a wonderful writer, yourself. Our language has lost much of it’s original elegance.
kesmarn : It’s amazing — the depth and talent that could be found in factories, CL!
choicelady : KT – Oh that IS disgusting. And he’s so much better than that! Sorry he lost it over that infernal Barbie Doll.
Sabreen60 : This article was written by PBO in 1983 when he was about 22. He was gifted then as he is now: «link»
choicelady : Beatlex – please do just write to AdLib. He will pass on your message.
pinkpantheroz : As we say in Australia, I think that the President should show ‘a bit more mongrel’ in his dealings with Congress and reflect it in his speeches. Looking forward to the SOTU!
choicelady : kes – I knew steelworkers in Buffalo who were retired and would make reference to “Dante’s Inferno” and know where it had come from. They were at best high school grads, but they had had a very good education.
Beatlex : Murph,I will do just that
KillgoreTrout : Bashir intimated that someone should take a shit in Palin’s mouth. I hate Palin, but what Bashir said was truly disgusting and far lower than any decent liberal should even think, let alone say on national TV.
choicelady : glenn – very good point.
MurphTheSurf3 : Beatlex- Ad Lib has the e mails of our members. If you ask him to sent SmotPoker a note he will.Choice can pass the request along or you can e mail him at the admin address.
choicelady : Fergie – there is a time and place for ‘folksie’ and I do NOT mean the idiocy of sucking up over ‘cheesey grits’ as Romney tried to do. But we will never have another ‘ask not what your country can do for you…’ so long as that is seen as ‘elitist’
kesmarn : I just finished a book of letters to home written by Marines in WWI. Boy could those leathernecks write!
glenn : CL–I did not find MHP offensive either, but the point is, that the rightwingnutjobs got to blow up about it. As someone said last week, Dems have got to stop resorting to the repubs/tpartiers level and “up the discourse”, instead of reacting to the stupids.
Beatlex : Christie will be exposed for the bully he is.And a shiver went down my spine when I typed “Christie will be exposed” Yuck
kesmarn :
His temperament is “not presidential” to put it mildly.
Fergie1 : I agree with you CL. PBO is indeed a gifted speaker but seems very muted in comparison to those whose oratory soared in times past. PBO appears to be hiding it under a bushel of late. Have more thoughts, but I’m too slow typing to keep up!
choicelady : KT – even my grandmother wrote more elegantly than we do now. Big loss, IMHO.
choicelady : kes – LOL!!! Perfect!
KillgoreTrout : CL, Ralph Waldo Emmerson is my favorite writer/philosoph er and reading his essays is a challenge, and had such vision. Just amazing. because he wrote as people spoke in those days.
kesmarn : Exactly, glenn. To paraphrase Scotty of Star Trek: “Cap’n, he’s gonna blow!!”
choicelady : glenn – folks from NJ and Philly are a world unto themselves it is true. I cannot see Christie “play in Peoria”.
choicelady : kes – I sure hope that’s true. His sound off to teachers was DISGUSTING.
glenn : CL and Kes–I think Christie works well in NJ, but put him on the national stage where reporters are bound to piss him off, and I think he loses all credibility. Do we really want someone who can’t control his temper with reporters acting for us around the world?
choicelady : KT and glenn – I did not find MHP offensive and have no clue what Bashir was supposed to have said.
Beatlex : Last I heard from SmotPoker he was was asking me if I was going to be on Killgore’s music thread early,about 2 Saturdays ago
kesmarn : Right — there have been quite a few documented instances of bullying, CL. I don’t think he could make it through a long campaign without exploding at some point.
choicelady : KT – I often wonder that. Even though I think PBO is a gifted speaker, NO ONE is doing the Gettysburg Address or Second Inaugural – we just don’t talk like that anymore, and we’ve lost some greatness because of it.
KillgoreTrout : I don’t Perry did anything that was as disgusting as what Bashir and the duck dummy said!
choicelady : kes – I find him occasionally engaging when he is NOT being political and that will not last with voters. If he is guilty of that nasty lane closure trick to try to pound on a NJ mayor (who would not be blamed anyway) then he’s toast,. His bullying is just too obvious.
KillgoreTrout : CL, Menken was correct about a lot of things. Where has that sort of quality writer gone these days?
glenn : Murph–I know, that’s what worries me. And, the repubs still dominate the Sunday “news” shows. There never seems to be any pushback from Dems. Not to mention how stupid some Dem pundits seem to be acting lately–between Bashir and Melissa Harris-Perry (or is it Perry-Harris)!
kesmarn : Yes, and the most recent Gallup poll for “Most Admired” man and woman had Obama and Hillary in the #1 spots.
choicelady : Murph – Mencken was correct. Of course.
choicelady : Murph – the MOST recent poll had Obama up 5 points now that the ACA has kicked in. I think polls reflect temporary worries, and that’s no longer such a concern.
kesmarn : CL, he’s like an even less lovable Kasich in that regard — he really has it in for public employees (and their pensions).
pinkpantheroz : Bealex, I think he got thoroughly smotted and is keeping low over the – er- religous hols.
Beatlex : If the Dems make an issue out of income inequality,maybe some of the T’s will recognize that they are victims of it.Probably not though
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice, Kes, Glenn and whoever else is discussion the vapid nature of the electorate….RE CALL that the polling continues to show Obama in a tail spin, the GOP gaining ground, the Senate likely to go Repbulican and the House not budging…Mencke n said that no one ever went broke underestimating the American People.
Sabreen60 : Thanks CL, Kes. There’s a saying that doctors in the ER call motorcycle riders “donors”. People did drive as crazy back when I was riding. I wouldn’t ride today.
choicelady : Fergie – hope your cool down continues. Your weather is worrisome!
KillgoreTrout : I don’t know Beatlex. I do know he was getting pretty down because he lost his mother in October. That’s got to throw one for a loop. I hope he’s OK.
Fergie1 : So glad to hear it kes. May it stay that way. Luckily no great heat here just at present. Only 75 today. And may that continue.
kesmarn : Haven’t seem SmotPoker recently, Beatlex.
choicelady : kes – I don’t get it either. What bothers me is that his strongest ‘message’ is a war on labor, esp. public employees, and THAT is a huge concern.
kesmarn : Wow…hadn’t seen that poll, CL. What people see in that blowhard is beyond me…
choicelady : glenn – I do see that in the Right – facts make NO difference. But the NYT piece does itself have SO MUCH evidence it at least quells the waffling middle. I know we will never make inroads in the extreme.
Beatlex : Where has SmotPoker been? I poked some smot in his honor over the holidays
choicelady : kes – I ask these questions in light of the rather horrifying poll saying Christie leads Hillary by 2 points. That is attributed to independents, and frankly it’s worrying.
kesmarn : That’ll be interesting, CL. I think he’s losing whatever minimal cred he ever had. I sense folks are getting weary of the relentless negativity.
glenn : CL–The right doesn’t have to make any inroads against the NYTimes story. They don’t believe it; it’s just a marketing ploy for Hillary, and more evidence of the “lamestream media” giving PBO a pass. As someone said here on VOX a while ago, you can’t fight faith or beliefs with facts–no matter how many facts you give a true believer–you can’t change their beliefs. That, IMO, is the most scary thing about the right!
choicelady : kes – I am looking to see what Clybourn (sp?) has to say about Issa’s other doctored ‘evidence’ on this.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sabreen, gladd you didn’t buy the farm! Not much protection on a motorcycle.
kesmarn : CL, on the Benghazi thing, I think even the RW voters are getting weary of beating that dead horse.
choicelady : Beatlex – we are asking if there’s any strength left in the Baggers including pounding on Benghazi and other scandals. NSA can be an issue, too. Pretty fluid.
KillgoreTrout : Neither did I!
kesmarn : Doing fine, Fergie! Hope you’re handling the heat there.
Beatlex : What’s the topic Povers?
choicelady : Sabreen – glad you survived!
choicelady : kes – the Right is pushing back. Will they make any inroads against the NY Time story?
Fergie1 : Oh Hi kes. Sorry, everyone is typing so fast. I meant to thank you as well. Hope all is well with you.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks CL. I don’t know how I wasn’t.
Sabreen60 : See we’re talking about falls and the indiscretions of youth. I use to ride a motorcycle. Need I say more. I think everyone who rides will go down at least once. Thank goodness I wasn’t going fast. I’ve fallen down so many times it’s no funny. I thought I was just a klutz. But a chiropractor said one leg is a little shorter than the other which throws my balance off. So maybe it is more than just being a klutz.
choicelady : KT – never knew guardian angels were on the clock.
kesmarn : The NYT pretty much blew all the Benghazi lies out of the water, thank goodness!
KillgoreTrout : Kes, that’s what my mom always says. She said I had a guardian angel, and she alsp I better be more careful because the angel is tired of the overtime!
choicelady : kes – LOL!!! I am thinking we should maybe evaluate whether the extreme right (or left) will continue to be a barrier to progress for the remainder of 2014. Will Benghazi go away or not?
kesmarn : A few more gray hairs for Dad, no?
KillgoreTrout : I had a pretty good goose egg on my forehead, from the steering wheel. The car? It got towed away and my dad gave it to the tow guy. I think he didn’t want me driving after that. I wonder why?
kesmarn : We could discuss the future prospects of the Tea Party, but it might be a short discussion!
choicelady : glenn – oooohhhh yeahhhh…
glenn : CL and Kes–Not my best look, either, when I hadn’t seen my husband for six months! Not to mention the soreness in certain parts!
kesmarn : It’s amazing what the human body can handle.
choicelady : Everyone – do we want a topic for discussion tonight?
Fergie1 : Cl – who said I haven’t – he does so much more! I now have a weapon!
choicelady : KT – most young folks are, but then you read the tragedies. I’m so glad you weren’t one of them!
choicelady : kes – my bruises always go yellow and green pretty quickly. NOT my best look.
KillgoreTrout : CL I was indestructable in my youth! Or so I thought. Well, I’m still here. Not sure how that happened.
kesmarn : glenn, mine too! Sort of an eggplant color.
choicelady : Fergie – you are a masterful woman to have refrained from milking this accident for all it’s worth!
kesmarn : KT, you have lived a charmed life! Somebody has kept you here for a reason!
glenn : Kes–Yes, a lovely shade of purple with yellow highlights!
Fergie1 : Thanks glenn and KT. Actually no pain after I got the stick. But before that yes OUCH! I hadn’t even fallen – sober or otherwise! Ah the vagaries of this aging business. I’ll be fine. But have refrained from asking hubby from peeling me a grape!
choicelady : KT – what happened to you AND the car?
KillgoreTrout : Kes, yeah, I guess so. I’d hate to think I was the only one. I once dumped my car in a drainage ditch at 80 mph!
choicelady : glenn – Wow – sorry you bore the evidence of the fall but glad you had a witness!
kesmarn : Haha! Little hard to explain those, glenn. Did they turn that lovely purple color?
choicelady : Sabreen – holidays ARE for that. It’s a force to keep want at bay, and to remind us of bounty. So yeah – Monday sure. Back to the straight and narrow, but I’m glad you’ve had fun! That’s what elastic waistbands are FOR.
glenn : Kes–The funniest part of that story is my husband was away on a U.S. Naval carrier at the time. He came home about three days later, and if my daughter hadn’t been there to back up my tale of falling, he would have been very pissed about the bruises on my butt and arms!
KillgoreTrout : LOL PPO! That makes it even funnier. I can see the raised cards now!
choicelady : KT – there is wisdom in growing older but less flexibility anyway. If we knew then what we know now – we’d STILL do stupid stuff. it’s what youth is for.
kesmarn : Weren’t we all, KT?
KillgoreTrout : glenn, that is a pretty funny picture!
Sabreen60 : CL, I have been so bad since Thanksgiving – no gym – eating everything I can get my hands on. If all stops Monday. It’s back to acting like I have good sense
KillgoreTrout : kes, and car crashes too. Although I would never do such a thing these days. I was young and dumb at one point.
choicelady : PPO – THAT is funny!
kesmarn : Wow…Fergie, it’s gotta hurt to walk on it, no?
choicelady : Fergie – so sorry to hear that! I hope whatever is decided it heals quickly and well.
pinkpantheroz : KT, maybe, but you only scored a 5.9 from the East German Judge!
KillgoreTrout : Ouch Fergie, the Femur? Ouch again!
kesmarn : glenn, too funny! What can you do but laugh? IF you can walk away that is…
choicelady : glenn – I hope the dirty laundry cushioned your fall! That’s scary! Glad it turned out OK.
choicelady : kes – Oh I wish I’d thought to record it. I’ll watch for the repeat. Thanks and enjoy!
glenn : Kes–I fell down a flight of stairs in my 30’s with a laundry basket in my arms, and it was hard to find me in the pile of laundry. And…of course it was dirty laundry. Laughter at the bottom, too!
KillgoreTrout : Oh I don’t know CL. I’ve been told I bounced well. I don’t know about the pazzaz part.
kesmarn : KT, yes a few drinks really loosen up the joints! You can take amazing spills under the influence!
Fergie1 : CL,Hit the wrong button. “bounce back effect” is an illusion these days. Anyway, I’ve cracked a bone in my femur and have a jazzy walking stick until the decision is made re what the heck is down the pipeline to FIX it!
choicelady : PPO – thank you! Twitter had a great photo today of Lena with the Tuskeegee Airmen c. 1943. Wow. ALL of them were glorious to see.
kesmarn : So O/T right now, but I have PBS Great Performances “La Traviata” on in the background and it is amazingly wonderful. I totally recommend it if you get a chance to watch it.
KillgoreTrout : not a bad idea glenn. Get a patent.
choicelady : KT – now let’s be honest: there’s a world of difference between bouncing and oozing. The latter protects, too, but it lacks pizzaz.
KillgoreTrout : Oh, I just love Lena Horne. Thanks PPO!
glenn : KT–Perhaps we should ask LLBean to add some “bounce effect” to their clothes.
choicelady : Murph – you can not give names, but if they will let you give first names, it helps. They can do it on their own, too.
KillgoreTrout : kes, I’ve done that drunk. Funny how flexible and loose the body can be after half a quart of Scotch!
pinkpantheroz : Glenn and KT here’s the link to Lena Horne’s New Fangled Tango. enjoy! https://www.yout ube.com/watch?v= wSBrgB1AWPA
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- yes there are places looking for stories and I think I may place this one….I have to think about it since I don’t want to put anyone on the spot.
choicelady : Sabreen! So good to see you! How is your New Year going?
kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen!
Fergie1 : Cl, you’re so right about the lack of ‘bounce back’ effect. It
choicelady : KT – NO one over 50 bounces!
kesmarn : I fell down a flight of stairs when I was 40 and I couldn’t stop laughing when I got to the bottom and realized I hadn’t broken anything!
Sabreen60 : Happy New Year again everyone!
KillgoreTrout : Ha Cl. I have little “bounce,” left these days.
choicelady : glenn – there is a site on healthcare.gov I think that takes stories. I urge everyone to put those out or get the people to do it themselves. It’s important.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I think your question is so well placed….ask it now, but don’t expect an answer.
choicelady : KT – I’ve had several nasty falls since age 50 with NO broken anything though a terrible sprain of my right ankle that bothers me 12 years later. We don’t bounce as we did, do we?
KillgoreTrout : Yea Homie. It sure feels like it.
glenn : Murph–Speaking of getting your story out, I think I saw online somewhere that the DNC, or perhaps it’s another organization, that is looking for positive stories about the ACA. Have you heard or read anything about that?
Fergie1 : Hi glenn, This year we watched it on TV! I like my comfort now! And close to the fridge for sustenance – liquid gold! Past the age of waiting 2 hours for taxis etc. Indulgence suits me much better!
KillgoreTrout : Oh of course CL. I do the “penquin walk!”
choicelady : Murph – I think it will take time, but it will be very interesting to learn if those newly insured feel gratitude to the force behind ACA – PBO. I don’t think that’s a question for now, but over the next months it will be interesting to see.
kesmarn : I wore my LL Bean stuff today too, KT. It’s warm and it lasts forever! But even in that outerwear a mile is a looong way under these conditions!
KillgoreTrout : CL, I used to laugh when I or one of my friends took a spill. Not so funny when you pass 50.
choicelady : KT – What would we do without LL Bean? Still and all – be careful out there.
KillgoreTrout : kes, it’s about a mile each way. I layer up pretty well. Thank you LL Bean!
choicelady : KT – as one who spent years walking 2 miles each way to school, I KNOW black ice. I’m amazed I don’t need hip replacement for all the spills I took back then.
glenn : Murph–what a heartwarming story that needs to be heard nationwide. Your docs sound wonderful!
kesmarn : KT, I hope that store is close. Walking out in these -20 wind chills is hazardous to your health!
KillgoreTrout : CL, luckily, my reflexes are still pretty good. Black ice is the worst. You can’t see it.
choicelady : Murph – that is SUCH a great story! You are changing your part of the world, and now you have friends to do so as well. Wheeee – we are honored to know you!
kesmarn : Such good news, Murph!
glenn : PPO–Okay, I’ll just do it!
choicelady : KT – Oooo – you be careful out there!
MurphTheSurf3 : FOR ALL….ACA News….today I got invited to stop by our local clinic (run by a wonderful woman osteopath) for their “open house”. She decided to have a completely optional Welcome Event for new patients who are new to the “I am insured” experience. As many of you know I live in a poor, rural area. There were 18 people there. I knew three of them and had helped two of them get signed up. The office manager walked everyone through the basics of managing your medical care, billing, and general procedures. Three docs stopped by and each welcomed everyone warmly. I just stood by and watched. Several of those attending were obviously emotional. When the doc asked if there were questions – one lady raised her hand and said: “I am just so happy to be insured.” Applause broke out. WONDERFUL. They are planning to do these open houses several times in the next few months.
choicelady : glenn – and I yours!
choicelady : Fergie – I agree. I was about 2 hours from home but stayed overnight. NOT driving with drunks, thank you.
KillgoreTrout : I choose to live without a car, so I have to walk to the grocery store and back. That damned ice can be tricky. Talk about dancing!
glenn : CL–I’ll be your backup and cheering section any time!
kesmarn : He really is worse than Papa Kim. CL.
pinkpantheroz : Glenn, oops hit enter instead of Tab. There’s the new fangled tango, and there’s nothing to it. Yoiu just sorta stand there and just sorta do it.
choicelady : kes – I had entertained the hope for about five minutes that Lil Kim might bring a breath of lie to N. Korean – but he’s WORSE than his father.
glenn : PPO-you’re on! You’ll just have to show me the steps of the “new fanfled tango”.
KillgoreTrout : Lil Kim is no better than the animals. They are probably better than him. At least they don’t know any better.
Fergie1 : Many thanks CL! Yeah, not bad considering no more going out on the town as in days of yore! Young at heart, but not daft!
choicelady : PPO and glenn – thank you for being our cheering and backup folks.
kesmarn : OMG! Barbaric! Kim is truly nuts.
pinkpantheroz : Glenn, I’ll stand on the side and do the ‘New Fanfled Tango” with you.
choicelady : PPO – first I heard the uncle was hanged then eaten. I am beyond disgusted if the latter is actually true.
KillgoreTrout : Among other things CL!
kesmarn : PPO, I didn’t see that about the execution in Korea. Scary stuff!
glenn : Fergie–your NYE celebration sounds wonderful. Were you actually at the fireworks, or did you watch it on TV?
choicelady : KT – NINE???? That’s bone cracking COLD.
choicelady : hi Fergie – your NYE sounds great. Delighted you could join us!
kesmarn : Hey, Fergie! You’re having the complete opposite in weather — well over 100 F there, right?
KillgoreTrout : It’s now 9 degrees F here in Columbus, and that’s without the wind!
pinkpantheroz : Yes, CL, very Nat. enq. but did anyone see how Kim Jong Un executed his uncle? Utterly savage. How anyone could deal with this cretin after reading that will be forever a mystery to me.
Fergie1 : Hi all from the Land Down Under. Hope you all had a fun NYE. We watched the Sydney Fireworks, had a nice bottle of bubbly chilling, but opted for my fav. tipple of V & O. When you open a nice bottle of bubbly, you are committed to finish it and I thought better of that just at this time! Then we Skyped the East Coast rels. and friends in Europe, so lasted until after 3 am!
choicelady : kes – I am so in agreement. I wish to finish my days never once being mentioned in a tabloid.
choicelady : PPO – I watched a mama hippo teaching baby to swim. Baby was like a beach ball with stiff legs – bounced all over the top of the water. Incredibly endearing and very interesting to see.
glenn : PPO–Sounds as though you and I ought to be partners, seeing as our dancing abilities are about the same. We could always just stand on the side and clap for Murph, KT, and CL.
kesmarn : I don’t want to be a weird headline, CL.
KillgoreTrout : PPO, I thought the hippo was rather nimble!
choicelady : kes – cats eating their owners is soooo National Inquirer!
glenn : Murph–then you are in a good place if you hate the heat.
KillgoreTrout : Funny you should mention that glenn. It starts tomorrow sometime in the afternoon.
kesmarn : YES– otherwise they want to gnaw on your toes, CL!
choicelady : PPO – It’s the heart not the steps that define dancing. You are totally welcome.
glenn : CL–Nice to bring in the new year with friends
choicelady : kes – never mind the milk, even the TP – it’s CAT FOOD that is essential!
pinkpantheroz : glenn, A VOX Dancing Club? Not a pretty thought! I dance like the hippo in Fantasia, actually, not even as well!
choicelady : Murph – I am with you on heat. Here it gets a very dry but incredibly hot summer – of course it’s a very dry and warm winter this year. Creepy.
kesmarn : Right, CL! The stores were almost entirely out of milk. And of course, I had to get cat food. They get ornery when they’re hungry!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Murph! Que pasa?
KillgoreTrout : Oh no doubt CL. One of my favorite places in the whole country!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…I love seasons and I really hate the heat…not a Georgia Peach.
choicelady : glenn – we will be happy to dance. Will you join us?
choicelady : kes – I know the ‘rush to the store’ mentality. Lived through a LOT of that in RI and Buffalo.
glenn : CL, KT, and Murph–You all should start the VOX Dance Club!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice – our snow will be new coming down from the heart of Canada.
choicelady : PPO – glad you’re warm, but yes, Buffalo and Boston are my roots with friends and family, so I share your concern.
kesmarn : Oh it’s just crazy here! Not only lots of snow, but windy and very low temps too! I managed to sneak out today to stock up before ANOTHER round starts tomorrow>
KillgoreTrout : Hey Homie! It’s colder than well digger’s ass here in Columbus!
glenn : Murph–I think I’m an old grouch, or I lived too long in warm climes; I find nothing fun about getting ready for cold weather. But, good on ya for finding it fun!
choicelady : KT – I lived in MA and RI for a time – it is magical when that happens. LOVE the Cape.
pinkpantheroz : Scary thought about all that snow – a balmy 75F here Down Under. We have relatives in Buffalo and Boston, not fun there, I think.
choicelady : KES! How are you? How are you faring in the snows of January?
KillgoreTrout : The Cape is indescribably beautiful with a foot od snow or so. Postcard perfect!
choicelady : Murph – YOU all are having snow, too????? I did not realize that. Is that storm ION I think is the one? Stay warm, dear friend! Be sure to have enough soup and basics. I’m an old Buffalo Hand – stockpiling is STILL a way of life for me.
glenn : Happy New Year, Kes!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi there Kes.
kesmarn : Happy New Year from the frozen tundra, dear Planet Peeps!
choicelady : KT – I’m glad she can preserve SOME independence even with someone else, but that’s good in blizzards. I loved NE storms, but in case of problems, always good to have someone there.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…getting ready for a foot of snow and a deep freeze…..on a farm it is fun to get ready.
choicelady : glenn – I was with friends and had a grand time. Stayed over since I was 2 hours from home, and it was fine.
KillgoreTrout : She is in good hands CL. Thanks for asking. She can no longer live alone. It’s so sad to see such a vital woman succomb to age. She has someone with her though.
glenn : Hey Murph–Are you staying warm?
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I do a 45 minute DVD aerobics workout every day in the AM and a yoga stretch in the PM.
glenn : CL–Nothing special for New Year’s Eve. I did manage to stay up and watch the ball drop–even got a glimpse of the peach drop here in GA (on the TV). Then as soon as those things were over, it was bedtime. I truly can’t remember the last time I went “out” for NYE. How about you? Hope someone here on the VOX did something exciting; I like to live vicariously.
choicelady : Murph – I will not be able to keep pace since my Latin is very rusty though I find I can read it sometimes even if never write it at all.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…it is the Lingua Latina
choicelady : glenn – I do dance aerobics daily and still can cut the rug. Not so good for the rug either…
KillgoreTrout : Ha glenn. Not as long as I used to, but I can still work up a sweat!
choicelady : MURPH! Only you would give what I think is a Latin New Year’s greeting. Happy one to you, too.
MurphTheSurf3 : Felix Sit Annus Novus! Feeling classical tonight!
choicelady : glenn – did you do anything special on New Year’s Eve?
glenn : KT–As long as you can still dance, everything is fine!
KillgoreTrout : CL, absolutely.!
choicelady : KT – love the way the felt feels between the toes?
KillgoreTrout : CL, it’s OK if you dance barefoot! More fun too!
choicelady : KT – Kalima came and departed, but she’d agree about the tiny keys. The world of tech is not always kind to us older sorts.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Kalima. My new keyboard is smaller than my last. So is the type. My old eyes had to magnify it a bit!
choicelady : glenn – dancing is not good for the felt I understand, but what the heck. DANCE!
glenn : CL–Happy New Year to you too, and to everyone else here on VOX. Kt–I believe that dancing on the pool table is an excellent way to stay warm; however, I don’t think it does much for the pool table.
KillgoreTrout : Hey glenn and Beatlex! Hope this evening finds you well.
choicelady : KT- how’s your Mom? I heard the blizzard was raging on the Cape, but that’s never really clear this far from there.
KillgoreTrout : PPO, Da!
choicelady : Hello dear glenn and Happy New Year! I am pretty much with you on beverages…
KillgoreTrout : You’nver tried to stop my dance! (not that I’m such a good dancer) Happy New Year to you CL and all your loved ones.
glenn : Good evening, all. My choice of beverage tonight is a hot cup of apple cinnamon tea. Boring, I know, but it keeps me warm! Brrr! And, I know I’m not as cold as most people, but it’s still damn cold! 21 degrees is cold in my book! Hope everyone is staying warm!
choicelady : KT – I put myself in YOUR hands, KT – you are often the engine of change here. How was your holiday?
KillgoreTrout : Take care Ad, Hey CL, we are in your loving hands!
choicelady : KT – since when did we ever stop you? Welcome and Happy New Year!
KillgoreTrout : Well, damn, if I can’t dance on the pool table, I’m going elsewhere!
choicelady : Kalima – I know you’ve left, but Happy Hols and a great New Year. Wow – Japan knows how to celebrate!
choicelady : pink – you may drink any damned thing you want. If it’s gross – just keep it to yourself…
pinkpantheroz : Is it OK then to mix vodka?
Kalima : “Ahead of” this darned tiny keyboard.
Kalima : Oops, forgot to say sayonara. See you soon and take care. Sayonara.
Kalima : Happy New Year cl. I’m 17 hours ahead if PST and it’s still our New Year’s hols here.
choicelady : Hey Beatlex – it’s the Sphinx test. You did pass. Now you’re a superhero on Vox. Welcome! And welcome to all who already did this. We will begin at 7:00 PST, later for those of you who had morning three hours earlier, too. And for those in Australia and Japan – I can’t calculate your time, but welcome if you can be here. See you at 7:00 CA time.
AdLib : You’ve passed the test, Beatlex! Happy 2014!
Beatlex : testing
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Guest Hosting tonight will be the always wonderful and witty Choicelady. I would ask you to give her the same amount of respect you give me as your host but I’ve got no reason to punish her yet. Seriously, have a great Vox tonight, no dancing on the pool table or mixing gin in the bathtubs, you’re on your best behavior now! Have fun!
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