AdLib : Onto your Cosmic Treadmill! Night!
MurphTheSurf3 : This could go on so time to make like the Flash and dart away.
AdLib : MM had so many powers, he really was a one man Justice League.
MurphTheSurf3 : How about the Martian Manhunter…now there’s a tricked out dude
AdLib : No evil shall escape my sight.
MurphTheSurf3 : ShaZam!
AdLib : Murph – Guess it’s “Up, up and away…to bed!” now. Sleep well pal, see you here over the weekend!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- it’s you and me and our comic books….and we didn’t even get a chance to consider the Marvel Universe. Dead tired. Time to say good night….hope to catch up on my Planet reading tomorrow.
AdLib : I think there could be a movie channel that featured all the guilty pleasure movies like that one.
AdLib : Whoops, CL left before I could say goodnight! Well, wherever you are CL, sleep well!!!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad – We may have been the only ones who saw it.
AdLib : Murph – I liked Doc Savage too. Did you see that Doc Savage movie back in the 1970’s, despite its corniness and low budget, I really enjoyed it back then!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- if we Switch to Wonder WOman will you stay.
AdLib : Murph – Most are in pretty good condition, they’d make for a nice little sum but not a fortune. I was saving them to give my kid if I had one, my daughter does love superheroes as I did when I was a kid but she’s not the comic book collector type so I might sell them finally.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- Kal El could shrink himself because he had absorbed so many solar rays from our yellow sun that his cells were more malleable and thus a earth based tech mixed with Krytonian tech could succeed with him andnot them.
choicelady : OK both of you – this is descending into technical Superman talk that is making my eyes cross. So I shall leave you to it. Be well both of you – I send my love and hugs to both for all you’re doing. Stand tough Murph and keep on keepin’ on AdLib.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib I was a Tom Swift fan AND Doc Savage
AdLib : Murph – But Superman would shrink himself down to go into Kandor from time to time. With his super-intellect, he could surely have extrapolated out that ray to apply to multiple people.
choicelady : Murph – LOL!! AdLib – never heard of Encyclopedia Brown but did know Tom Swift. My DAD (b. 1914) liked Tom Swift!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad LIb-+– you have a fortune if you have the right issues in the right condition
AdLib : CL – I liked Encyclopedia Brown when I was in elementary school and Tom Swift.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- yeah- for guys being super is a big bridge to adulthood. And I live the idea of a “gloating safe space”
choicelady : Murph – looks as if yes, she will be locked out. I hope it makes her mad as hell. She put those people in office – and look all the good it did her.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- there is a special election coming up in November and I bet my sister will not be able to vote. Hell if they are keep born in Texas judges from voting- she is in big trouble.
choicelady : AdLib – but not yet please!
choicelady : AdLib – you could RETIRE on what you’d make on your comics!
AdLib : Murph – Same here, I’m quite an aficionado on the golden, silver and bronze ages of DC comics. Still have my old collection!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- as an old hand DC guy- Superman did not have the technology enlarge Kandor – Supes is just not the kind of guy to keep a flea circus…..remem ber when Batman and Robin got trapped there and somehow got super powers?
choicelady : Murph – this is a ‘gloat-inclusiv e safe space’. Come any time.
choicelady : AdLib – you’re giving waaay too much credit. I was deeply into Nancy Drew.
choicelady : Murph – yeah. My brother was into all that, too. Maybe it’s more appealing to boys? I liked them but did not LOVE them.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- of course, but I need a little space to gloat a bit given how much my sister has dumped on Obama and the Dems.
AdLib : CL – Nope, it just means you spent more time doing things probably a bit more constructive than reading comic books.
choicelady : AdLib – three clowns? A three-ring circus of God’s Anointed Kings! Maybe it will be America’s first Triumverate???
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I am a guy and DC was the real real world when I was a kid
AdLib : CL – Hmm…I wonder if Perry is still planning to run for President again…against Cruz and Paul? Now that would be the best entertainment I’ve ever seen!
choicelady : Murph – when is the next election in TX? I had the devil’s own time getting some ID together with my name change – it took two months. Hope she does not get locked out of voting. Or maybe, snidely, I DO.
AdLib : Murph – I’m an old school comic book fan, always liked Kandor but he did kind of keep them as a flea circus in his FOrtress of Solitude when he should have placed them on another planet and enlarged them.
choicelady : Murph – sorry. Kamikazes don’t GET do-overs. Perry is DOA.
choicelady : Does this mean I’m terminally boring? Yes. It does.
AdLib : Murph – Less cagey than it is wise and respectful. You’re there to help your sister and not make her feel stupid for coming to you about this. Meanwhile, to keep you from pressing her in the right direction, you have the knowledge that she’s smart enough to learn through her frustration what she should learn.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- Perry is still making sounds about running for Prez again.
choicelady : Murph and AdLib – how do you guys remember all of this on Kandor etc. I read it, but I sure did not internalize it. Now if you want a discussion about the transition from feudalism to capitalism I stand ready.
MurphTheSurf3 : I wanted to be sure that I was speaking with candor of Kandor
choicelady : AdLib – I wonder how Perry is taking to Cruz and Paul being anointed when HIS anointing did NOT result in God putting him into the White House. Someone should have ascertained he can count to three before choosing him…
MurphTheSurf3 : Kandor is the name of the former capital city of the fictional planet Krypton in the DC Universe. It is best known for being stolen and miniaturized by the supervillain Brainiac. Upon its recovery by Superman, it has been traditionally kept and monitored in the Fortress of Solitude.
choicelady : Murph – good idea.
AdLib : Rick Perry: “What am three departments me want to kill? One…two…me forget, oops!”
MurphTheSurf3 : I think i will work on a merger of the Choice and Ad Lib strategies for deal with Sis…..hanging back but offering assistance with records…hmmmm. ..cagey
choicelady : Murph – the GOP totally screwed up here. They are harming their OWN women – your sister – not minorities and libruls. They seriously misjudged this.
AdLib : Well, Rick Perry sure looks the part of Bizarro Superman.
choicelady : AdLib – with great Kandor? Ohhhhh that is BAD. Thank you!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I think you are correct- she needs to experience the frustration and she will eventually tell me the whole story…..then I will have to stand mute except to say- well I hope you get your rights back…
AdLib : Murph – And my Supergirl will express her super punches to the chauvinists in TX with much Kandor.
choicelady : AdLib and Murph – I like AdLib’s advice better than my own. GREAT idea.
AdLib : Murph – You know your sister and we don’t so take what we say with a grain of salt but I think that one good way to begin would be to help as you could on brainstorming how she could get the documentation she needs to qualify to vote. Just going through that whole process should be a daily reminder of how the GOP has tried to screw her. Then maybe suggesting she help other women in doing the same? Maybe the recognition of all of that would on its own get her to see the light that this is not a party to keep empowering?
choicelady : Murph – as for the voting thing. I’d advise standing mute and letting her fight it out. It will be good for her to be “on the outs” in Texas for once. It’s important NOT to say anything that puts her focus on YOU. She needs to GET and STAY mad at the GOP men.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- Supergirl was from Kandor-so her mission makes sense.
choicelady : Murph – she will get over it. LOTS of medical pros hated Medicare and now think it’s the best thing since sliced bread. She just needs time to see how much it helps!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad and Choice- I want to play this right with my sister (and her friends). Add in that she is in healthcare…a speech pathologist and gerontologist AND opposed to ACA….(I can hardly believe it).
choicelady : AdLib – GO GO GO Superwoman!
choicelady : funk – yeah – when did politics downgrade into cage fighting? Shoo-eeee. Not fun.
AdLib : WOw, Funk! This year, my daughter is Supergirl! She’ll be flying down to TX to knock out Rick Perry and the GOP for taking away women’s right to vote!
choicelady : funk – that is maybe NOT the best thing to offer to Murph. Fight to the death is a real bummer, man!
funksands : Murph, its a never-ending fight to the death. Just keep that in mind to keep yourself fresh!
AdLib : Night Funk! Take care!
AdLib : Murph – Exactly, that’s what I had in mind when I wrote that. It is a natural yet selfish human trait, to only care about what happens to oneself and actually take away a sense of superiority when others one considers beneath them are oppressed by their government. The less selfish and better educated recognize slippery slopes and fight against them before they end up as your sister has, right in the middle of one.
MurphTheSurf3 : Night funk…I value these Friday night morale builders
choicelady : funk – will do!
funksands : Tanks baby, you da best.
funksands : Night everyone! Keep up the fight!
choicelady : funk – good night good friend. Lovely to see you here.
choicelady : AdLib – McCauliffe v Cooch – in the choice of the lesser of two evils, why the HELL would you pick the GREATER? McC is good enough to help hold the Senate, and who knows who will smack him around while he’s up there?
choicelady : funk – awesome punkin! thank you. Mine looks just like – a pumpkin. No imagination was expended on this at ALL.
AdLib : Funk – I can’t stand McCauliffe, he is a slimy DLCer. It is definitely a choice of the better of two evils and Cooch is definitely the most evil.
funksands : Folks, I gotta check out. Let me leave you with this awesome halloween pumpkin! Ad, what is you daughter going to be this year? «link»
choicelady : Murph – that is EXACTLY what I was thinking. Niemoller.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- Niemoller… First they came for the communists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the socialists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.
funksands : CLady, ever the comparative voter.
choicelady : Murph – NEVER discount the power of fear – fear of “that one”, fear of the lies they hear, fear of change. Even when it’s good people resist change. I understand it viscerally, even though I get it intellectually, and visceral reactions are the more powerful.
AdLib : Murph – Sorry for your sister but I hope she represents a lot of Repub women who become righteously outraged at having their votes taken away by the GOP in TX. Not to rub it in but they stand by while blacks and the poor are disenfranchised but they don’t recognize that it’s only a matter of time until the Repubs decide another group needs to be disenfranchised to prop up their election hopes and she happens to be in it. A slippery slope indeed. One can only hope that this law is also overturned by the DoJ if they win back oversight over TX and those women turn around and vote in Wendy Davis in response.
MurphTheSurf3 : funk…saw the Maddow show on this….how can anyone not know what the GOP is up to, or more properly, down low to.
choicelady : funk – yes, but he’s OUR turd.
funksands : What’s even worse for VA is that I think McCauliffe is a bit of a turd and he still is going to cruise.
choicelady : Murph – a silent “ITYS” still counts.
funksands : HA!
choicelady : funk – well, you cannot say the conservatives don’t have standards.
MurphTheSurf3 : choice…of note She has not talked to me- fearful of a “I told ya so….”
choicelady : funk – I think the feds ARE looking to wade into Texas voter issues.
funksands : CL, I’ve found that as long as something is COMPLETE and TOTAL bullshit, conservatives will buy it.
funksands : Murph, Maddow had a great piece on that last night. Really f’ing crazy. The feds better sue the shit out of Texas over this.
choicelady : Murph – I’m sorry that happened to your sister, but sort of NOT at the same time. When YOUR ox is gored…
choicelady : funk – it’s funny how NOTHING trumps SUPERLATIVE every time with the Baggers.
funksands : CL, Cucinelli is 74% unfavorable with women. He’s going to get crushed.
AdLib : CL – There’s some chicanery by Coochie and his friends on cutting out voters from the roles but the courts are in on it and the numbers may have an impact but not enough for him to win. The Cooch is going to screw the pooch.
funksands : Ad, I don’t think so. He’s a bit of a kook. But hey, no one expected Delaware or Alaska last time out either.
MurphTheSurf3 : A bit off topic but in the area…I have shared that my sister and her husband are GOP to the core in Texas….AND THEN….the new Texas laws that are aimed to reduce the woman’s vote. My sister is so angry. She cannot produce the documentation she needs to prove she is who she says she is after having voted in Tx for 30 years….in the same precinct. Her husband told me that she went to the county clerk’s off ice with five of her friends and they had to be asked by a guard to leave…
AdLib : Funk – Love it! NothingCare’s so easy and effortless to sign up for, the premiums are nothing and there are no deductibles. Sign up today…by not signing up!
choicelady : Anyone – what is happening in Virginia? It’s going to be a full scale rout!
AdLib : Funk – Hmm…it is possible that McConnell loses to Bevin and if so, it should leave Bevin severely beaten up. Meanwhile, Alison Grimes is rested and raring to go with all the momentum at her back. Either way, whether McConnell wins or loses, Alison seems to have an air of destiny around her right now.
funksands : NothingCare’s website works perfectly. It’s easy to set up. Everyone qualifies. It kicks ObamaCare’s ass
funksands : McConnells’ riposte with NothingCare should be entertaining
funksands : “The only Republican in the state of Kentucky who can lose this seat is the guy who’s in it. Mitch McConnell will lose this race. In the history of the United States there has never been a Congressional leader in either the House or the Senate who has ever lost a primary – ever. This will happen. The more his people talk the better it is for my campaign.” – Matt Bevin, Mitchie’s primary opponent
AdLib : Funk – That’s it exactly! She will have such a powerful hammer to just batter McConnell with…that is, the health and lives of many Kentuckians! Of course McConnell will respond with some dishonesty about “repeal and replace” but lacking an actual plan, such BS should be easily exposed by her.
MurphTheSurf3 : Grimes is looking better and better.
funksands : Ad, he still has to get past his primary
funksands : “Hi I’m calling from Alison Grimes’ campaign; do you support or oppose Senator McConnell’s attempt to take away your health insurance?”
AdLib : CL – Who would have even thought it possible in 2012 that Mitch McConnell, one of the top enemies to Dems, Obama and any Americans who want progress for the US, could lose his seat to a Dem? Now, if we could only get TX to turn blue by the time Ted Cruz is up for re-election…
funksands : Can you imagine how Grimes’ opening statement against McConnell will sound like? “I’m Alison Grimes and Mitch McConnell wants to take health care away from 150,000 Kentuckians”
choicelady : AdLib – it’s lookin’ good for Allison.
AdLib : Yeah, how does Mitch McConnell run on killing the ACA when it’s becoming such a huge success in the state? Oops…maybe Alison Grimes can help with that?
choicelady : funk – ACA was designed with Lohan in mind.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…SO that explains so much….he is an outstanding guy and so dedicated. And the way he handles Paul and McConnell references is wonderful.
funksands : CLady, no pre-existing conditions, that girl is gonna need the ACA once she loses her SAG card.
choicelady : funk – take THAT Mitch McConnell!
choicelady : AdLib – NO to Lohan. You have to be smart, trained, and coherent. I’d not sic her on my worst enemy.
choicelady : funk – more like 50,000 have signed up while he languishes. Those figures are our silver bullet, stake through Cruz’s wretched heart.
AdLib : Murph – Damn, you’ve discovered my full time job! Okay, I am Gov. Steve Bashear of KY. Just keep it between us, okay?
funksands : How about Kentucky? VERY impressed. Great story about the guy in charge of the roll-out there. A one man army.
choicelady : Murph – what we stress about calling rather than online is that everyone’s needs and story are different. This is NOT a cookie cutter operation – it is tailored to YOU and what is best for you and your family. That message works VERY well – people like the idea they are individuals and that this program treats them that way. I hope that might be helpful to the rugged “show me” Missourians!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- thanks for the moral support
funksands : Ad, I like that. I want Ted Cruz to slip into his coffin every morning in a cold sweat knowing that by the time he rises to meet the night another 5,000 people have signed up.
AdLib : Hmm…maybe we can get Lindsay Lohan to work off her probation as a Navigator for young people?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- Gov. Bashear of KY said exactly the same thing in several interviews last week.
choicelady : funk- LOL!!!
AdLib : So far, all of the estimates about the ACA have been surpassed. The savings on premiums, the amount of people wanting to sign up, the amount of youth signing up, the smaller annual increases in medical expenses, on and on. I think it will be a greater success than it was predicted to be.
choicelady : Murph – well, you have a far greater battle than I. I have ignorant people, too, but they listen and are reasonable. And they NEED health care. So do your folks – and necessity IS the mother of all things, not just invention.
funksands : “Un-named source high up in the administration encourages young people to pay for medical insurance by skipping ‘one night of binge-drinking’ . Lindsey Lohan calls for an apology”
choicelady : funk – Yup. Just don’t name me.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- like your experiences- makes me feel more hopeful.
choicelady : funk – it’s my husband’s most fave.
funksands : CLady, can I quote you on that? Good ad copy for the ACA on TV
choicelady : Murph – LOL!! So sorry you have Vogons in your midst!
choicelady : AdLib – we are seeing 26-plus signing up since they’ve been on the folks’ insurance since 2010. Yup – GREAT incentive, and very, very good monthly costs. They don’t have to sacrifice but one night a month binge drinking.
funksands : CLady, that book is so great. Such great commentary on the ridiculousness of the universe around us.
funksands : Murph, see? Easier to argue with someone when you are picturing them as Vogons.
choicelady : funk – my fave line was when the young hero (forget his name) is trying to save the girl but faces that massive bureaucracy. He says, “I can do this. I KNOW how to queue!” GREAT send up.
funksands : Murph
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk- I know those Vogons- they take up the best table in the diner for much of the morning and order hardly anything while critiquing the universe around them.
funksands : Ad, that is an excellent point.
funksands : Hmmm, maybe not. Vogons seem more pleasant that the GOP
AdLib : Funk – Good point. Also, think about this. Now that young people can stay on their parents’ insurance until they’re 26, when they lose insurance at that age they will already have lived with its benefits all those years and feel stripped of something they’ve depended on. I think they will be very acclimated to the concept of needing health insurance.
choicelady : Murph – I’ve BEEN a gov’t contractor (very low paid on historical mitigation projects) so I know there’s a place for them. But I trust gov’t experts far more than private contractors any day of the week. Take the NSA…
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice – I will look into Families USA
funksands : Vogons:Here is what to do if you want to get a lift from a Vogon: forget it. They are one of the most unpleasant races in the Galaxy. Not actually evil, but bad-tempered, bureaucratic, officious and callous. They wouldn’t even lift a finger to save their own grandmothers from the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal without orders – signed in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public inquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters. The best way to get a drink out of a Vogon is to stick your finger down his throat, and the best way to irritate him is to feed his grandmother to the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal. On no account should you allow a Vogon to read poetry at you.”
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- yes, the crwod representing the Contractors at the Monkey Show in Congress did not impress me.
choicelady : Murph – GREAT story. BTW – Families USA is looking for good stories if you have any to share. You can send them to me or I will send the contact to you. They are seriously working to get the word out.
funksands : Ad, for sure.
funksands : Ad, one thing going for us is that a majority of Gen Y ers believe that government is there to help us.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…read Hitch a long time ago…I will look it up
AdLib : So Funk, your advice is “Don’t Panic”? And bring a towel?
choicelady : AdLib – yup. We got the young’uns. Big surprise to everyone!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- yes, young people….here in Mo…the people at the Mo Health Institute are saying that it is the young who have been on ACA up to 26 Mom and Dad insurance who at 26 are realizing that THEY NEED INSURANCE….one story is of a 27 year old who has developed allergies and cannot afford to see anyone…he signed up WITH six of his friends at MHI….
choicelady : funk – I get it, and I have only scant familiarity with Hitchhiker’s Guide! Thanks for that – made me laugh.
AdLib : CL – That’s great news. I have been thinking in the back of my mind that once again, the youth are dismissed as being too apathetic when it may turn out that they’re not. Same thing happens almost every election, where the pundits declare that the youth vote won’t turn out and it does again and again.
choicelady : Murph – unfortunately, all gov’t contract have to go to the LOWEST bidder. That’s why so much gov’t service from contractors is not all that hot. We should have the right to use government employees expert in the fields. But noooo.
funksands : Murph, you ever read Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? If not, then my sidebar wouldn’t make much sense. If you do, I think you’ll get a chuckle when they appear.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk Vogons?
choicelady : AdLib – oh I so agree! It’s like my neighbor – she has a well developed theory of who’s to blame. Every bit of it is incorrect. I worry because she is a smart person, but she has a hard on against the President. Do NOT understand it.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- yes tilting at windmills is sometimes necessary.
AdLib : Night Sabreen!
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk- good advice….
funksands : Murph, the GOP are Vogons.
choicelady : AdLib – reports we’re getting (we mentioned while you were out) is that at least in CA and a couple of Red states I learned the younger folks are NOT waiting. They are signing up because they all have seen someone bust a leg or have an accident. It confounds our expectations, and it’s all good.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- Covered Ca, the KY program, WA program, NY program and several others are the way to do….BTW I have gotten great help from the folks at the commercial EHealth.com folks. ACA should have hired them to run its site.
AdLib : CL – I understand but I have little patience for people who don’t even take the time to find out who made their life more difficult.
funksands : Murph, pick that one guy and address your response to him. At the very least it’ll confuse them.
funksands : Night Sabreen
AdLib : Funk – The 28 year olds and up will come in along the way, as the program settles in and after they take a spill and pay their first emergency room bill, they will make a beeline for the website. Enrollment may lag but I think enough will sign up by next year to make the economics of the program work.
MurphTheSurf3 : Good Sabreen
choicelady : Murph – you really need NOT to suppress your feelings about the GOP so much…
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…the GOP is skilled at one thing….promoti ng a culture of festering pus like lies that spread infection, ooze and stink.
choicelady : Murph – that is an excellent point and it makes your speaking out VERY important.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk- good advice but this crowd IS the hard core. I was angry with myself for getting so pissed off but my friend told me that they were clearly trying to egg me on but that had I not risen to the bait the others in the diner would have walked out saying that the TP crowd must be right because the Obama guy kept his mouth shut.
choicelady : Good night Sabreen – sweet dreams!
Sabreen60 : Thanks CL. Well I’m going to say Good night everyone and hope to see you later. Take care.
choicelady : Murph – we are lucky the Covered CA site is going well. And yes – people are calling in states w/o exchanges and getting GREAT help. That’s fine, too – even without the ‘music’ some dipshit Senator said was an evil thing to do to people on hold. He’d complain if they had it – wasting money or wrong kind of music. Something!
AdLib : CL – That’s good to hear! I do see that as how it looks to be. I am not concerned about the website not being fixed, Obama knows that’s his top priority right now, it will get done. And people ARE getting signed up already even though it wasn’t anticipated that people would really make their move until closer to Jan 1st when coverage would begin.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- You are undoubtedly correct but the battles that lay ahead are huge.
choicelady : Murph – yes. But I had to get pretty damned firm with her. I really like her – but she’s not the brightest bulb sometimes. She is VERY opinionated! It bothers me she thought the GOP had done her no wrong but Obama had screwed her. She says he’s “crooked” because he put Hillary in as SOS. Can’t figure THAT out.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- sadly, 9 in 10 can set up accounts but only 1 in 10 is getting an application processed. The phone number is the best route.
funksands : Ad, that I agree with.
funksands : Murph, you need to start peeling the least mouth-breathinge st guy off from that pack of TeaBillies and make him your project. Quit fighting with all of them. Focus on the weak one and convert him.
AdLib : Funk and Murph – By this time next year, there will be an army of millions of Americans who are insured thanks to the ACA who will be the best campaigners for it, just by having conversations with friends and families about the reality of how it helped them.
choicelady : AdLib – she’s on a very limited income, but she is blaming Obama for what Abel Maldonado did holding the budget hostage until the Leg. agreed to cut “supplementary services” for Medi-Cal.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….did you finally get her to understand that her meds costs were not a Dem cost?
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk – with you on both of your last points…one person at a time and helping those who have been shat upon to see who is sitting on their faces…gross but I am really pissed tonight
choicelady : Murph – propaganda OK. That scares me. Stupid and blind, they blame the WRONG people.
funksands : Ad, the key is getting healthy people enrolled. I have no doubt people that really need it will do whatever it takes to get enrolled. Someone who is 28 and healthy will have to be reached a different way. And we need a lot of them.
AdLib : CL – She was complaining at paying $3 for meds? Huh??? Does she have any idea what an uninsured person would pay??? Damn, there are small minded people in every income range!
choicelady : AdLib – I think many of the bugs are already OUT of the healthcare.gov. Remember – it was how KQuark and Boomer1949 go into the High Risk Pool. It was just overloaded – that is how desperate people ARE. It’s smoothing out, people are signing up, and it’s going MUCH better already.
funksands : My RWNJ brother in law in Idaho had the GALL to complain that he couldn’t get on the federal exchange to get insurance for he and his family of 5 kids. I yelled at him over email that he qualifies for the tax credits for small employers, which I remind him of every damn year.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- not many black folks here but lots and lots of poor people who blame Obama and the Dems for one piece of bad GOP legislation after another….Propa ganda Power
choicelady : Murph – I forgot to say my neighbor is on Medi-Cal and Medicare which is why she has to pay for her meds. That is a state choice, not a federal one. Thank one of the GOP senators for that. It was his demand in exchange for voting for the budget.
AdLib : Funk – IMO, the ACA will be a success if it ends up being able to get millions of Americans health insurance who couldn’t afford it or due to pre-existing conditions, wouldn’t be permitted to have it. I do think the website’s bugs will get worked out in a matter of weeks, the majority in a few weeks and the rest within several more weeks. By the end of January, I think many people will be enrolled, the website will be working well and the Repubs will be on the ropes.
funksands : Murph, it really is one person at a time. Every single person that has a positive experience or has a good story to tell is a walking safe house for the next person to seek shelter in.
choicelady : funk – converting NON mouth breathers is the first step to the latter. Thank you for taking it.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk- what is start to emerge is that people like you, smart and enageged, will have to be the ACA prophets……
funksands : Murph, those are the people that I really feel for. I wonder if they’ll be able to direct their anger at the right people? I’m not confident.
choicelady : Murph – I had a Black neighbor blame Obama for her having to pay $3 for her meds. I had to YELL at her finally to say that was a decision made by our state legislature in 2009 before ACA, before Obama had any role in it. She is SO down on Obama and all for things he did NOT do. That’s how powerful lies are.
Sabreen60 : Nite KT. Take care.
funksands : CLady, yeah it was a good moment. He’s not a mouth-breather though, so it wasn’t some resounding victory or anything
MurphTheSurf3 : Nite KT…thanks for the help last week.
choicelady : Sabreen – if you don’t pay more than 9.5% of your adjusted gross income toward your insurance, you won’t be allowed to change. ACA depends on employer coverage to keep the system viable. So figure that out first. If you’re under that – you are kinda stuck.
funksands : Sabreen, probably not. I can’t. But I’m planning on dropping the employee side of my business in 2015. I’ll need it then.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I had a caller who was SOOOOO angry with ACA because his hard working neighbor and his wife did not have enough money to buy marketplace insurance and they were not poor enough to get Medicaid. I explained to him that his neighbors were falling in the crack created by the Mo. assembly’s decision not to expand Medicaid. It took me three retellings to get him to understand it was a GOP choice to make his friends suffer.
Sabreen60 : Funk, CL I’ve got to do some research. I’m in MD so our website is up and running. However, my hubby still works and I’m covered under his policy. I need to find out if we can get cheaper insurance on the exchange. I doubt it, but I need to look.
choicelady : funk – GREAT! Great for you and your son and GREAT you got that guy to SAY that.
AdLib : Night KT! Looking forward to the music thread as always! They seem to be getting more and more popular every week!
choicelady : Good night, KT – I will look forward to your music thread tomorrow. Thank you as always for your dedication. It brightens our weekend!
funksands : Night KT and thanks.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sab- I completely agree with you. ON a dare from one of the Tea Party nuts in my backyard I came up with 56 instances where members of Congress directly insulted the President….she could only come up with 1 from a Dem Congressman against Bush….I like Joy Reid and the whole crowd from the MSNBC sponsored The Grio – smart cookies all
funksands : Murph, I told a colleague of mine that I was really thankful for the ACA, because now when I go off of my existing insurance I’ll be able to get coverage for $400 less a month than I could before, even though I and my son are uninsurable. He looked like I pole-axed him for a moment, and then said. “That’s pretty great”. Ha!
choicelady : KT – I keep thinking how good ACA will be for white underemployed families. The kids will get health, mental, and dental treatment and it will transform them – can you imagine NUTRITION advice that can help them be healthy? I do think it will be amazing in just a couple of years.
KillgoreTrout : Well gentile folks, time to say good night. The music thread is done and I hope you all enjoy it.
choicelady : Sabreen – that is the difference. Lots of us attacked Bush and many crossed lines, but NEVER did elected officials disrespect him. NEVER.
funksands : Ad, I’m related by marriage to a few of “those people”
choicelady : AdLib – I KNOW ACA will be successful and helping MILLIONS of people. We can accommodate them in our hospitals and doctors’ offices, too. It’s already helping homeless folks I’m getting signed onto our expanded Medicaid (Medi-Cal in CA) program. They FINALLY don’t have to go without meds and help! One guy got so much better – tonight he has a JOB for the first time in YEARS. It’s only part time – but it’s a JOB because he got several med problems FIXED. Wheee!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I have full faith in the success of the ACA. Even ignorant RW hillbillies will like it. It will make for less doom and gloom from the right wing talking heads. Of course, they’ll just manufacture more doom and gloom in some other area. They’re good at it, if nothing else.
Sabreen60 : Murph, I saw Joy Reid on some show this evening. She was livid. She said these people’s goal is to “humiliate” the President. If anybody comes out on national TV and call this crap exactly what it is, I think it will be Joy. All I know, is Bush was never disrespected to his face. Nor any other President that I know of in my lifetime. I think people may really underestimate how pissed off African Americans are – even those who may not agree with all of PBO’s policies.
AdLib : Funk – I saw a study showing that some of the poor people supporting the Repubs would indeed be willing to have their social safety net damaged as long as it damaged it for blacks and other types they despise. Again, there are people who exemplify the cliche, “Cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face.”
funksands : Ad, even marginal success will cause a tremendous amount of harm to the GOP
funksands : Ad, I think it will be good enough. Define success?
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- in the last three days I have spoken with a half dozen medical professional at the clinic/hospital I go about ACA- they are as uniformed as those yokels in the diner. Yesterday I got so angry about it I went to the President’s Office at the Hospital and chewed the ear off of some hapless admin asst. She said the hospital is taking a “non political position in regard to the plan and was going to wait to see how it was working before weighing in.”
choicelady : funk – a friend’s daughter has a bumper sticker: Born right the first time”
choicelady : funk – by all means. It’s a great in-your-face statement!
AdLib : Does anyone here doubt that by this time next year, the ACA and its site will be a success and millions of Americans who didn’t have health care before will have it? If not, how do Repubs win in 2014 with their lies and fear mongering about the ACA fully exposed?
funksands : CL, that is so awesome. I’m going to tell my wife that one!
choicelady : KT – if we don’t meet before that, I will look for you there!
choicelady : funk – my fave button among prochoice people v anti abortion folks: “When the Rapture comes, will you REALLY go away?”
KillgoreTrout : I agree with the great Mark Twain, all the fun people will be in hell!
funksands : Ad, I’d buy that theory. If they can’t inflict damnation on them, they can at least inflict scorn and invective against them.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- good luck in the elections….eve ry dem, any dem, is better than every GOP.
choicelady : glenn – tell Ms. Nunn to have patience. It’s going well. 700,000 people have established accounts to enroll exceeding the hope by over 200,000 for the month that is not over yet. A good hunk are on the FEDERAL web site, too. It’s NOT a problem. Stop jumping ship Dems!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- if you can get any info on the GA rollout I would appreciate it. I am trying to put together a picture of how the marketplaces are being perceived in the Red states.
funksands : True. I might just sleep through the Rapture…..
KillgoreTrout : Oh I know CL. That’s what makes them so scary.
AdLib : Funk – Deep down though, I wonder if those enr-timers aren’t at least somewhat aware that their hoped-for apocalypse may never happen so in the meantime, if they can see the people they despise and blame for their lives being failures, suffer, they’re happy to go down with them?
Sabreen60 : Good night, glenn.
choicelady : funk – nahhh – we all will burn in hell. No harps for us.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk, AD, Choice…I got the scoop that Jeff Sessions, R from Tx, did in fact say he could not stand to look at Obama IN THE WHITHOUSE at a table with the President just a few feet away. His claim is that he muttered it under his breath and did not intend for the President to hear it Obama apparently pretended not to.
KillgoreTrout : Exactly funk, they’re just like the radical Islamists that can’t wait to die.
glenn : Murph–not sure how ACA is going in GA–don’t hear much about it. I did read today that Michelle Nunn, a Democrat who is running for Saxby Chambliss’s Senate seat, wants the the individual mandate delayed. In case you don’t know, Chambliss ran for Senate last year, won the election, then decided he need to resign this year, so there is a special election next week. Yes, I will be voting for every Dem I can. Also, there are Woodstock City Council seats up for election, and I am studying the candidates carefully.
choicelady : KT -they seriously believe that if the crash democracy they can rebuild it as theocracy and use it to change the world for the Second Coming. SERIOUSLY they believe that heretical view!
funksands : KT, they crave it like oxygen. It fulfills them. It’s one reason why we can’t ever get a damn budget passed. Why would end-timers give a shit whether Medicare is solvent in 30 years? We’ll all be strumming harps by then
AdLib : Thanks glenn! Night!
choicelady : Murph – I do not understand people’s blindness to reality. I’m so heartened by what happened with McCaskill and so sad it seems to have changed NOTHING in MO. BTW -that horror of a rape story is where my grandfather was from – the family originate in and moved back to Auburn, Gentry County. I hope reopening the case will bring justice to those privileged and disgusting boys. Horrible.
KillgoreTrout : Sleep well glenn!
KillgoreTrout : funk, that’s what is so frieghtening about these fundie end timers. They WANT it to happen.
funksands : Ad, I think Pallone is ready. He’s pissed enough
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice and Funk…good points that get to the heart of their resolve.
choicelady : glenn – it’s lovely talking with you. Bundle up and sleep well. Hope you don’t have to chip ice off your car tomorrow – it’s REALLY too early for that! Sweet dreams!
AdLib : Funk – So which of us gets to be Johnny Smith?
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey Glenn before you go….how is ACA going in GA?
funksands : Night Glenn!
choicelady : Murph – when racism trumps everything else, you might as well leave it alone. You really CANNOT fix stupid.
funksands : Murph, it doesn’t matter does it? It’s all about dogma now.
MurphTheSurf3 : CHoice our USPS delivery man must be a cousin to the clerks at my local office….they are ALL being betrayed by the party they vote for.
glenn : Holy cow, folks! It’s getting way tooo late for me! Time has really flown by tonight here on Vox. Everyone take care, and have a great weekend! I’ll be up early tomorrow freezing my buns off for an early soccer game–and another at noon! Murph, CL, AdLib–keep up the good work! See you around the Planet!
choicelady : funk – now I remember that scene and the story. Yup – that’s Cruz.
funksands : KT, I posted the link to that initial scene
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk- they are so lost…I even used examples of people we all know who work their asses off on subsistence farms and cannot afford health insurance. In their demented way they blamed that on Obama when the state assembly decided not to expand medicaid-+-they talk in circles. Bastards.
choicelady : KT – yup. He called them out BEFORE they existed. King has good insights.
funksands : Choice check this out. You’ll love it «link»
KillgoreTrout : Sarah Palin in a man’s suit. And the finger on the big button! Scary shit. King IS good at horror!
choicelady : Murph – that is freaking stupid. And nothing you can do about it. Our USPS delivery guy is anti union, hates CA state workers – and now HE is under the gun, he won’t talk to me because I TOLD him this would happen.
AdLib : glenn – I think we need things to come to fruition to get past them. The best way to put a stake in the heart of the Baggers is for one of them to run for President and as happened with the shutdown, put on display for the whole nation to see how truly horrible they are. And the only way for the rest of the Repubs to take back the party from these extremists is for them to fail that big. So, while the election year will be awful and disgusting, I think it is a necessary evil to be rid of an unnecessary evil…The Tea Party and GOP control of the House.
choicelady : KT – Oh – I remember! Yes – good equivalence. Creepy character with NO character Scary dude.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I have been wading in the pool of suffering that IS the lives of so many of those who live in my state…for that crowd of TAKERS on SS and Medicare- many of them retirees from Chrysler assembly who are now proud to be anti union….sickeni ng
choicelady : Murph – did you hear the endorsement of Christie that was entirely negative? LOL!! But why oh why did the Dems put up such a weak candidate? She is the equivalent of what’s her name who lost to Scott Brown. Formless.
KillgoreTrout : Martin Sheen played him to the hilt!
funksands : Murph, did they come around? Act ashamed? Apologize? Or did they just harumph?
funksands : KT, good catch!
MurphTheSurf3 : funk…did what matter?
choicelady : funk – ahhhhh who is Greg Stillson???
KillgoreTrout : funk is that a DEAD ZONE referrence?
funksands : Regardless, good on you Murph.
MurphTheSurf3 : CHoice- I agree. Christie budget is a disaster and like all things GOP built on the backs of the middle class, with pay outs to the rich. His opponent in the race would be a better governor and she is not all that competent.
choicelady : Murph – GOOD FOR YOU!!! I hope it doesn’t come back on you, but bravo!!!
funksands : Ad, Cruz is Greg Stillson for sure.
AdLib : Sabreen, I was in Louisiana a bit several years ago before Obama’s Presidency. Prior to that, I thought racism had declined over the years in the South. The time I spent there really opened my eyes and made me feel so naive.
choicelady : Sabreen – I hear it here in CA. We have a lot of “refugees’ from the deep south. LOTS of religious conservatives – and the racism is just micrometers from the surface. It’s everywhere but definitely NOT in full bloom as it has become again in the South.
funksands : Murph, did it matter?
MurphTheSurf3 : TODAY I HAD A HUGE FIGHT WITH SEVERAL TEA PARTIERS IN A LOCAL DINER OVER CRUZ AND ACA…..they were bad mouthing the program- one lie after another and I finally had enough. There was a table for of them. I was with a friend. I am a regular and so are these people. We really got into it. I basically accused them all of being selfish beyond belief and that their words and efforts to defeat ACA was the moral equivalent of stomping all over their beloved Bible.
funksands : Ad, what’s more surprising is that I’ve seen the “behind the scenes” of these interviews. They do some prep of the interviewees so they have an idea of what kind of comedy is going to occur and what kind of questions are going to be asked. Getting caught in that situation is stupid.
choicelady : AdLib – totally agree.
Sabreen60 : CL, I haven’t had to endure anything other than white guys shopping where I shop with their stars & bars tee-shirts. What I endure is “hearing” all this racial shit that I’ve had to listen to for since I was old enough to understand. As I said, people in the South are enduring far more than I am and I feel for them.
choicelady : glenn – that is absolutely true. And that is why I think he will never get the nod. Which is good in its way but anyone else could be problematic.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Murph. Quite true. I think Christie is smart enough to know that he would be on the wrong side of history if he kept up his opposition. Christie is actual a fairly smart republican, few though may they be.
funksands : Choice, check your email
funksands : KT, that would, if anything bring about the endtimes.
choicelady : Murph – he’s going to have to stop stomping on teachers and firefighters and ordinary people to get a ‘middling’ ID. He’s reactionary, too – he just has a mild sense of humor. I can see when he’s charming. It’s just rare and superficial.
AdLib : glenn – I felt the same way watching that, when Mandvi asked him if he realized he was on camera, that just nailed it. And he did a brilliant job of not stepping on the guy’s rants when he could have for comedic effect. Consider that, a political satirist and a comedy show…removed a racist from his political position. I’d put up the Daily Show’s record for making a difference against many MSM outlets.
glenn : Ad–The only reason I don’t want CCCC or SS to run for prez is that I think he will tear this country even farther apart–at least during the months before the election. He will throw out more lies, bullshit, crapola, and anything he can make up, and his base will eat it up! And…the base will be repeating it for years to come as if it is the truth, and everyone else is just too “stupid” to see it. I’d really like to see our next presidential election be a little less vitrolic. Of course, I’m an optimist–that’ s why I taught for 20 years–I always thought I could get through to the little critters. Anyway, my point is, although I think Cruz would lose in a landslide and that may be the only way to shut him up, I don’t think it would shut him up. And the stupid media would continue to give him press–just like they now do for Cheney.
KillgoreTrout : Oh, wouldn’t that be just the perfect storm? Cruz and Palin?
MurphTheSurf3 : KT Christie did what he did because the pollsters are saying that the gay marriage referendum he put on the ballot he will be on is going to go down in defeat by 30 points – he had to get distance from it or he would be deeply embarrassed. The man is trying to put himself out there as the middlin alternative.
funksands : Mmm cocktails….
choicelady : KT – I’d love a Cruz/Palin ticket, but that’s too much to hope for. Everyone is saying maybe Rand – but he’s almost as good.
choicelady : Murph – great for Pallone standing up to Christie!
KillgoreTrout : Oh Ad, a Cruz nomination would be manna from above!
AdLib : Murph – Yes, Pallone, that’s the guy. He hit a home run with his standing up and calling out that the Emperor had no clothes.
choicelady : Sabreen – one of the ‘white privileges’ is HEARING the crap that gets said. They think we white people agree, so the lid is off until we push back. I can only imagine what you endure. I am absolute gobsmacked at the open racism. Even from otherwise smart people – or I once THOUGHT they were smart…
KillgoreTrout : The TPGOPers are imploding over Christies reversal of his fight against gay marriage. Heads are exploding and now they say Christie is Obama’s pal! Boy they are a crazy lot.
MurphTheSurf3 : Pallone has also taken on Christie….call ed him a fraud and showman…to his face.
AdLib : KT, you mentioned below that Cruz was done as a Presidential candidate because he’s pissed off Repubs and everyone else except Baggers. That’s exactly why we should want him to run and why he could win the Repub nom…in an ugly fight too. If only he could win, in a General Election he would destroy the GOP and Dems would see the biggest sweep in memory. For that reason, I really hope he runs and wins the nom.
choicelady : Murph – I LOVED his Joisey accent. I was hoping he was ‘connected’ just for that moment.
KillgoreTrout : glenn that was too funny. This jerk had no clue he was being barbecued by his own words.
funksands : brb
Sabreen60 : Funk. It’s something. I’ve spoken with a couple of black folks who moved to MD from the rural south a couple of years ago. They were astonished at how clueless I was about what they had to endure. This stuff is really in your face now.
MurphTheSurf3 : Frank is a BALLSY Joisey pol and no want craps on him without losing a limb
funksands : Glenn
choicelady : funk – yup. Not one of our finer days.
glenn : Funk and Ad–The best part of that interview was when Mandvi asked him, “You know that people can hear us, right?”
funksands : CL, yikes. What a crappy way to spend your trip
choicelady : Murph – thanks. Could NOT remember his name. He ROCKED.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib – that was Frank Pallone from NJ calling out Barton and gang for trying to use HIPPA to scare people away from the marketplace…..
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, I couldn’t believe he actually said it with a straight face. It’s so 1950s.
choicelady : AdLib – that is EXACTLY what it felt like when the Jersey Senator did that. “You know this is a fake and a sham, don’t you???” GREAT moment.
funksands : KT, better than “I have a black friend in my basement”.
funksands : Ad, he was great. “Yes please proceed to tell us how concerned you are about the website supporting the law you’ve tried to repeal 752 times.
choicelady : KT – that “black friend” thing was jaw droppingly awful.
glenn : Funk–I like SS too; that works for me.
choicelady : funk – our “in your face” meeting should NOT begin that way. My placid husband went NUTS with their lies. Not a good moment for friends.
AdLib : CL – Must say it was cathartic seeing that Rep call that sham of a hearing for what it was. It was like an actor in a mive suddenly looking to the camera and telling the audience, “You know this is all phony, don’t you? They’re just actors pretending to be upset.”
funksands : Glen, that’s a great name. I’m partial to Senator Shutdown myself
KillgoreTrout : Asif Mandvi interviewed that creep from NC that had to resign because of his totally racist remarks. Funny interview. This a hole actually pulled out the “I have a black friend,” card.
choicelady : glenn – I’m delighted to call him CCCC.
funksands : CL, I’m sorry I couldn’t come and yell at them with you.
choicelady : funk – I had no email capacity sitting in the Honda dealership. I HATE THOSE PEOPLE. It was a horrible experience. I thought of you then decided if I could find you I’d not drag you into it. They were absolutely rip off artists. But we had very little choice – bum alternator.
glenn : CL–creepy doesn’t even begin to describe him. I think, though, just for brevity’s sake, we should begin calling him CCCC–short for CreepyCanadianCu banCruz.
Sabreen60 : CL, I saw that Senator. He was awesome.
funksands : Sabreen, the locks are off the toybox in the South aren’t they?
KillgoreTrout : No doubt CL!
choicelady : funk – it totally creeped me out what with the baby in a carrier right in range. Yikes.
AdLib : Thanks Funk! Appreciate the props!
funksands : CL, you always have my email. I’ll email you my cell.
funksands : Choice, it certainly is. Open carry is okay here. Not much of it west of the mountains, but you get north and people start getting a little squirrley
choicelady : KT – 999 is just the cover for 666. Don’t EVER forget that!
KillgoreTrout : Long hair and beards, do not a hippie make. Just look at Duck Dynasty!
Sabreen60 : Yeah Funk. I had watched Maddow’s reporting on all the shit going on in NC.
choicelady : funk – that’s a gentle and loving request…
MurphTheSurf3 : Greetings adlib
choicelady : glenn – he is creepy isn’t he?
choicelady : AdLib – long live the Sen. from New Jersey calling that HIPPS crap and hearing a “Monkey Trial”. That is so stupid and they freaking KNOW it.
AdLib : Hey Murph!
funksands : Choice: @QueenMarytAmon: @funksands CL et al want you at the Planet! Now!
glenn : CL–Don’t worry–I would NEVER vote for Canadian-Cuban Cruz. I really can’t even stand to look at his pictures.
KillgoreTrout : It probably wasn’t Godfather’s pizza though. Remember 999!
AdLib : Hey Funk!
choicelady : funk – question. I WAS in Bellingham briefly with car trouble a couple of months ago. A young couple with a baby were in the waiting room. When they stood up, the guy – bearede and hippie looking – was OPENLY carrying a GUN. Is that legal in WA???? (I couldn’t contact you or would have.)
KillgoreTrout : Hey, Mussolini ate pizza!
funksands : Nothing wrong with it, just made me feel dirty after eating 4 slices.
AdLib : glenn – Yes, saw that interview and props to the CNN reporter for not giving up when Blackburn released an avalanche of BS out of her mouth. HIPPA only applies to medical records, that’s it! When the CNN reporter made clear that no medical records are involved with the ACA site, Blackburn’s avalanche just grew heavier. Repubs like her are just truly terrible human beings with no conscience and I think most people watching that would see her for the liar and fraud she is.
Sabreen60 : CL, Thank you. I never YELL!!!
funksands : Ad, I’ve been replaying the Issa hearing on the GOP control of the House in my mind since this morning. I loved it!
choicelady : funk – what was wrong with the pizza? How can ANY pizza be bad???
funksands : I had to do something after the pizza I had for lunch. Ugh.
choicelady : glenn – OK you may EAT Cuban, but you don’t have to VOTE Cuban. Sounds yummy and I can eat that, too.
funksands : Glenn, that sounds awesome.
funksands : Sabreen, you sounded like you needed a pick me up.
KillgoreTrout : LOL!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi Sabreen.
glenn : CL–Just to show you what a commie-loving person I am, I had mojo pork with rice and black beans–a favorite Cuban dish–for dinner.
Sabreen60 : Funk
Your Tequila comment got me. Say hello to my little Patron
choicelady : KT – you effete intellectual mustard snob you.
KillgoreTrout : My pleasure glenn!
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk- improving in the sense that we now know that we cannot count on the website to process applicants but the 800 number works and the new info at the website re. plans in the area and the subsidy calculator is drawing lots of attention
funksands : “Uh, hi Wolf I’m an undecided voter from Ohio that likes to listen to both sides…and I don’t know shit”
choicelady : funk – I suggested to Sabreen she call you in. I have every confidence she did not yell at you.
KillgoreTrout : Hey, I put brown mustard on my burgers! I’m such an elitist.
choicelady : funk – now THAT I can eat. Sounds GREAT. Love them both.
funksands : Sabreen, you virtually yelled at me. The force is strong with you…
Sabreen60 : Hiya Murph!
choicelady : AdLib – ohhhhh yeahhhh. “Need more information” is the euphemism for “I don’t know shit”.
funksands : …and a beer..
funksands : An arugula and quinoa salad….
Sabreen60 : Hey Funk. We called and you came!
choicelady : funk – stuffing it with WHAT? Do share – I no longer can eat much of anything, and I live vicariously through my friends.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…thanks.. .so many people with so many question many falsehoods plaguing their understanding.
glenn : KT–Thanks for all the kind words!
funksands : Murph, how are things? Improving?
AdLib : Sabreen, nothing makes me more irritated in an election year than seeing focus groups of undecided voters after Presidential debates, mildly insisting that “we need to hear more before we can make a decision” when you have two diametrically opposed candidates who have said far more than anyone needs to hear to make up their minds. These are apathetic, below average intelligence people and they are in every demographic.
choicelady : KT – a man I knew years ago had one all encompassing term: commienazis. It kinda covers all the bases.
funksands : Both!
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk….hope it was tasty….and not just filling
glenn : Hey Murph–although we love hearing from you on Vox, I think ACA work is a tad more important.
funksands : Murph, I was stuffing my face. (feeling guilty)
KillgoreTrout : Why glenn you are definitely one of those commie/pinko/soc ialist/Moaists!
choicelady : MURPH! Lovely to see you, and thank you for doing so much for ACA enrollment!
choicelady : glenn – you radical teachery person you. Teacher is just another version of ‘treachery’ you know. We seeeee you.
MurphTheSurf3 : Howdy- joining you all late tonight. I was doing ACA work from 7 to 10.
funksands : Hi Glenn!
glenn : Hi Funk!
funksands : Glenn, you were a teacher? What level?
funksands : Hi KT!
funksands : Thank you. I was told you commanded my presence.
glenn : KT–And, I’m dependent on the government–twic e. I get SS and I also get a pension from my years of indoctrinating all those children to liberal thinking–otherw ise known as teaching.
KillgoreTrout : What’s up funk?
choicelady : FUNK!!! Great to see you!
KillgoreTrout : I think Cruz is done for, as far as presidential aspirations go. He’s too full of himself and…wrong!
funksands : “ChoiceLady”: Now with more “acerbic”
choicelady : glenn and AdLib – yes, the extremists will continue to BE extreme, and this will cost them big time.
funksands : Howdy!
choicelady : AdLib – The Emos just like outrage. They don’t really have plans, just anti-plans. They are also not all that uncomfortable with Rand – forgetting he got anointed with Cruz as a ‘king’. They have no understanding of politics or process. To hell with them all.
glenn : Ad and CL–I don’t think people will forget this shutdown, because I think Cruz and his missiles (or his minions) are going to try to force another shutdown come Jan. or Feb. He’s already promising it. We’ll see if McConnell and Boehner will stand up to him at that time.
KillgoreTrout : I’m a communist/social ist VA care receiver. Tsk, tsk!
choicelady : Sabreen – that is what the slavering single payer people don’t get. That is how EVERY nation built its programs. Takes time.
AdLib : CL – To all of the Emos concern trolling about how Americans will forget the shutdown by November 2014, I say, “Do you think that Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and the rest of the Bagger Klan will NOT be continuing to throw red meat to their base to fundraise off of? They’re just going to shut up and hide under a rock between now and then?” Each time Cruz, Lee, Paul, Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, etc. mouth off, they will remind Americans of the shutdown and how horrible the GOP is. Every filibuster, every threat made about the continually upcoming debt ceilings and budget deadlines, the threats of the Repubs will hammer home how awful they are to have in power. So no, no one will be able to forget about the Baggers by Nov 2014 and that’s how we will defeat them.
choicelady : KT – the ACA reverses the support for insurance and makes it support for PEOPLE. That is why the insurance companies in many states are NOT getting involved. I have read – cannot find my article – that in those states without state exchanges, we WILL HAVE a government plan – public option by default. It is scheduled to be offered in state exchanges in 2015.
KillgoreTrout : Well the president should get the props he deserves. He’s fought long and hard to get it done.
Sabreen60 : CL, Plus I think it will be improved over time. Just as Social Security was improved.
glenn : Ad–Speaking of bullshit mountain, did anyone see the interview with Marsha Blackburn on CNN where the interviewer asked the same question multiple times, and Blackburn never answered it? Apparently the new “meme” in r/tp land is the healthcare.gov website is violating HIPPA laws, even though, as the interviewer kept pointing out to Blackburn, the website doesn’t ask any health questions.
choicelady : Sabreen – I agree. I’d like it to survive with his name. It’s a very good program.
KillgoreTrout : I was basically referring to “Romneycare.” But you are correct. They wanted to protect the status quo of big insurance.
choicelady : KT – that’s likely true. But it’s good with me either way. When we do trainings, we say ACA just to keep politics out of it. But my members LIKE “Obamacare” because Obama Cares.
Sabreen60 : KT, I use both. But I lean toward Obamacare because when it becomes really popular, I want him to get credit for it. I want his name on it.
KillgoreTrout : The term Obamacare is also double speak to hide the real intention of the ACA. The GOPTPers don’t want their minions to hear the words AFFORDABLE CARE.
choicelady : glenn – LOL!!
glenn : AdLib–GOBS is a good nickname, because, according to Jon Stewart, they do live on “Bullshit Mountain.”
choicelady : KT – actually I will disagree that ACA and the GOP version are the same. They are not. GOP gave a miniscule “support” for premiums and imposed HUGE deductibles ($15K per person per year). ACA is the dead opposite and that is why the GOP hate it.
KillgoreTrout : I always refer it as the ACA. Obamacare is a flat out lie, because it was originally a republican idea.
choicelady : KT – they totally misunderstand that dolphins do NOT decimate fish stocks. Factory fishing does! If they want to grind up factor ships…
glenn : Sabreen–I agree about the independents. That seems to be what happened during the presidential election last year–people–es pecially independents–on ly started paying attention around September or maybe later.
KillgoreTrout : That is sad CL. I think it’s because of their diet being so dependend on the fishing. Even though dolphins aren’t fish.
choicelady : Sabreen – I tend to agree. I am on a panel of people doing initiative reform, and even there we have people who simply don’t get it, and they even LEAD various organizations. The ignorance is mind boggling. Chief wacko? The woman from ACLU. MAN she is ignorant.
AdLib : CL – Yep, I think the whole campaign of lies and propaganda the GOP has engaged in against the ACA will be hanging around their necks along with the shutdown in 2014. They will be confirmed in people’s minds as the party of BS…in fact, how about we help them out and give them a revised nickname, instead of GOP, they should be GOBS, “Grand Obstructionist Bull-Shitters”.
choicelady : glenn – I agree. It will be ACA NOT “Obamacare”.
Sabreen60 : CL, AdLib I have believed for a long time that “independents” are mostly low information voters. Whenever I’ve seen so-called independents interviewed concerning issues never seem to have a good understanding. Many seem to be of the false equivalency cadre. I just think they don’t pay attention – maybe until right before an election.
KillgoreTrout : I think the GOP has a serious PR problem on their hands as long as they embrace the TP nut bags.
glenn : CL–I agree. I think once the ACA website is working properly and people are able to sign up, it will spell d-o-o-m for the lying republicans/tpar tiers. I still think that within 2-3 months, the r/tps will stop calling it “Obamacare” and begin using it’s proper name, because by then, it will be too popular to have the president’s name associated with it.
choicelady : KT – I’m with the Japanese. Too bad they don’t have the same regard for dolphins that they slaughter with impunity. I don’t get that.
choicelady : AdLib – Palin may be OUR secret weapon. I’d add in Michelle, but I think her legal woes will sideline her. Between Sarah and Cruz, we have us a TEAM of people pissing off the mainstream.
KillgoreTrout : That’s the only way I can see it being done. Of course, I would never shoot such a majestic animal. The ancient Japanese used to consider bears and people as being the same in importance and majesty. Smart people they were.
AdLib : Man, remember that speech from Palin at the RNC in 2008? The red meat and the pit bull with lipstick. Such a BS show put on fr the nation, wasn’t positive at the time that most Americans would fully see through it but Palin made sure they did with all her gaffes after that.
choicelady : glenn – yup. I am a ‘card carrying, knee jerk, bleeding heart pinko.”
choicelady : AdLib – I think ACA will make low info voters into appreciative voters. The stories making the rounds of GOP folks discovering the affordability of health care for themselves cannot be suppressed. It is making a MAJOR difference in people’s lives.
glenn : Cl–oh come on…”poor grizzly”. You must be a bleeding heart liberal commie pinko, or something. Besides the grizzly may be dead, but the lipstick wouldn’t be smeared.
choicelady : KT – I’d love to see them, too – at a safe distance!
KillgoreTrout : You betcha CL…wink..wink!
choicelady : glenn – I think that would be the only sane way to do the lipstick thing. But poor grizzly!
choicelady : AdLib – I totally agree. DeBlasio actually is the GREAT HOPE because he pushed on speaking good sense and won.
KillgoreTrout : I would love to watch Grizzlies, but from a great distance.
glenn : KT–I think I’ve also solved the problem of how to put lipstick on a grizzly. You shoot it dead first!
AdLib : CL – Yes, just the way I see it. Low info voters are in every salary range, every area, many people just haven’t been brought up with a sense of citizenship. They see politics and government as something abstract, that doesn’t really affect their daily lives and “a bunch of stubborn people arguing”. So, when they can be reached and support one side or the other by a big margin, landslides can happen. BTW, I am so pleased about DeBlasio! You know I was not a fan of Christine Quinn and she was leading for a long time. She was Bloomberg Part II. Very happy for New Yorkers!
choicelady : KT – If it comes out of Sarah MOUTH it must be true! Right?
KillgoreTrout : LOL glenn. If it’s on the internet, it MUST be true! HaHa!
choicelady : KT – Sarah would be the LAST person to even try with a Mama Grizzly!
choicelady : glenn – you poor thing. So easily led…
KillgoreTrout : What happens when you put lipstick on a Grizzly? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t want to be around to see it attempted!
choicelady : KT – some friends said that if she really HAD gone hunting in a helicopter, all the gear, the chopper, the guide would have made whatever she hunted cost about $100 per pound!
glenn : KT–But…but… I saw the pixtoor with her kneeling in front of the dead bear, with her camo and all, and the gun and all…how can you say she’s not a hunter?
choicelady : KT – that’s right – she never did.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, people who know Palin personally say that she never did hunt. It’s all folksie PR bullshit.
choicelady : glenn – oh wow I would have LOVED to see Palin with a gun. Aimed at herself. I hear from Alaska friends that she had to ask Levi to teach her to shoot – and it did not go well.
KillgoreTrout : That’s funny CL!
choicelady : AdLib – I am discovering ‘low info’ voters are all kinds of people, not just white trailer park residents. People just are not that into politics. So good messages and good candidates can win. Just look at NYC!!!
glenn : CL, KT and Ad–I’m not sure about the Palin Easter thingy, but I did see her reply to Piers about not going on his show because she was too busy shooting bears, or something. And, of course, she had the gun pointed toward her! Gun safety and all that, dontcha know!
KillgoreTrout : I would have believed it too. Some stories in the Onion ARE believable when they satirize people like Palin and Bachmann.
AdLib : glenn – IMO, the “center” of the electorate could be those people who are just low info voters and not that engaged in politics. Anyone who is informed would be hard pressed not to pick a side. Only those who are uninformed would see the current political dynamics as “a difficult choice” between similar parties.
choicelady : KT – LOL!!! Cher used to say her fingers had dyslexia. Except she spelled dyslexia correctly. Gave her away.
KillgoreTrout : Pardon my spelling folks. I’m not a speed speller.
choicelady : KT – that’s why her “war against Easter’ meme was believable. She has said stupid shit galore!
choicelady : glenn – yes, and you may well BE it. The RIGHT is so extreme. I voted for GOP candidates, mostly local, when they were running in the ‘good old days’. One Congressman back in the 60s went to bat for my brother’s conscientious objector status. You’d NEVER find that today. NEVER.
AdLib : CL – Didn’t see that but not so far fetched that she would say something like that. It’s not as crazy as somethings she has said.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I read an article about that. I don’t blame Piers for being fooled, that is absolutely something Palin might say. I mean hey, according to her Paul Rever was ringing bells and shooting his musket to warn…the British!
That is something say really did say! Bwaaaaaaa.
choicelady : Sabreen – it will never happen, and frankly I’ve not seen word one from Feinstein about that. Never a peep in the papers or in the news. So it may have been a temporary aberration based on over-reaction the first few days the web site did not work well.
glenn : CL and AdLib–do you think we actually have a “center”? I truly do consider myself in the center, but don’t know if I’ve “pulled” left so far because of the “right” being so far right. I actually used to think republicans had some good ideas–at least I think I remember that–but I’m not sure anyone can define the “center” any more.
AdLib : glenn – That would undo her quite well! The Repubs have the main flaw of liars, they can’t keep their stories straight. The shutdown was both a great victory for the GOP and a horrible attack on our nation by Obama. Man, keep your stories straight, Baggers.
Sabreen60 : CL, et al I understand some Dems from Red states plus Dianne Feinstein are calling for “Obamacare” mandate to be delayed for a year. Unfreakingbeliev able. Can’t we stay together longer than a month?
choicelady : AdLib – over at The People’s View, Aquagranny says they can “suck the big cactus”. It makes me laugh every time she says it! So sucking the tailpipe is right up there with the cactus.
AdLib : Hey Sabreen! Is that being here with your patron or Patron?
choicelady : AdLib – without Emos and focusing on the center, we can win. They are insignificant numerically so long as they don’t pull down the mods. I totally agree on your strategy.
AdLib : CL – With you on the Emos, they can go suck a tailpipe. But they have no sway right now, 70% of the public dislikes the GOP and now see them for the political terrorists that they are. Emos whining about Dems fall on deaf ears. I do agree that the polarization should try to be lessened by those on the Left but my strategy would be to go heavily after those in the middle who are more reasonable, especially those who are Repubs due to their economic views, those are people who can be convinced to vote Dem for economic stability and reponsibility.
choicelady : Everyone – did you see the spoof about Sarah claiming Jesus celebrated Easter with his disciples? It was a joke, but a lot of us took it in and believed it for a time. She’d SAY that!
choicelady : glenn – I hear you!!! WHAT logic indeed!
glenn : Hi Sabreen
glenn : CL–Actually it’s not “sly” of me at all. It’s just logical. I still have difficulty understanding r/tp “logic”. The only “logic” of theirs I “understand” is “Benghazi”!
choicelady : Sabreen – thank you. BTW – I got reinstated within one hour last night on Twitter. THAT never happened before! Whee!
Sabreen60 : I don’t know if he’s still there, but I’ll tweet him.
choicelady : glenn – ohhhhh that is sly of you indeed!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sabreen, always good to see ya. Father Tequila?
glenn : AdLib–here’s the question I’d like to ask Coulter. If the shutdown was President Obama’s fault, then how could it be such a huge success? Does that mean that Coulter thinks the President did something successful?
choicelady : Sabreen – tell funk to come over, too?
AdLib : glenn – The same Dick Cheney who boasts about torture and is afraid to leave the country for fear of being tried for war crimes, yep, that’s the one.
choicelady : Hi SAbreen and Sabreen’s Patron! Both of you are welcome!
Sabreen60 : Hi Everyone. I was on Twitter a about an hour ago and was feeling a little weary. Funk was there and suggested Tequila, so I’m hear with my Patron
KillgoreTrout : They’ll begin to see that they were lied to by their leaders.
choicelady : AdLib – yup. I’m fine with the circular firing squad. Just so it’s THEM and not US.
AdLib : KT – I don’t think so, like all zealots, they are so walled off into their delusions, they have already decided that the shutdown was a huge victory for them. That’s the meme on Fox News, Ann Coulter was applauding it as a great success.
choicelady : AdLib – exactly. And somewhere along the line, our voices about democracy and process need to drown out the “I WANT IT NOW” Emos. They sunk the Dems in the 70s – and I was part of it – not hearing the other parts of America. We need to do a lot of bridge building with rural folks, blue collar white ethnics, Main Street small business, people who are just afraid. NO MORE MOCKING of them. No more dissing of their worries and concerns. The secession movement in Northern CA needs to be heard. We need to be aware that what is good for LA is NOT good for Modoc.
glenn : Ad–the same Dick Cheney who had his heart monitor unhooked because he was afraid someone would mess with it?
KillgoreTrout : I also think that once the registration for the ACA irons out, more and more repub constituents will see the ACA as a good thing.
AdLib : CL – The Tea Party takes circular firing squad lessons from Dick Cheney.
KillgoreTrout : The TPGOP knows that they messed up, with this whole shutdown business, despite their rantings about it being the dem’s fault. They know they screwed the pooch.
AdLib : AND…when Americans see that in contrast with Repubs, with Dems in control of Congress, things get done and there are no more fiscal crises, I think the Dems will earn a long term at the helm.
KillgoreTrout : That is? And probably should be!
AdLib : CL – If ever there was a time for Dems to make a push to grab the brass ring, it’s 2014. The momentum we have now is huge and is what we need to beat the gerrymandering. If we have 2 years of a Dem House and Senate which can push through Obama’s agenda, it will be profound.
choicelady : Sooner or later everyone shoots themselves in the foot. Only the GOPTP goes back and reloads.
choicelady : KT – my fave putdown about anyone applies to the GOP…
KillgoreTrout : Like you say CL…fight fire with fire.
choicelady : AdLib – TOTALLY think that’s the right strategy. Call out extremism wherever it may be! We pushed a lot of them out last year. We can do it if we’re smart NEXT year.
KillgoreTrout : I have a “feeling,” that the TPers really did shoot themselves in the feet. A lot of normally conservative people are sick of their lunacy and fanaticism.
choicelady : KT – the GOP is profligate, DEMS are fiscally responsible. But in campaigns – we can’t afford to be. Until we overturn Citizens United, we have to court the $$$
AdLib : KT – Absolutely, gerrymandering is making Dem control of the House harder but it is not insurmountable. There are enough competitive districts, more than the 17 needed, where a Dem advantage of 5% could bring in a landslide of seats. I think that the Dem Party must run 2014 as a national campaign and urge Indies to vote against more Tea Party madness by voting against all Repubs, no matter how much they may like their Repub House member.
KillgoreTrout : Ha, it’s funny, penny pinching used to called conservative. Until the Kochs came along, that is.
choicelady : KT – I do not always approve of big money, but fight fire with fire…
choicelady : KT – we need us a Koch level funder. We could get the money IF the Dems weren’t such pennypinchers.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks CL. I hope you’re right.
choicelady : KT – I think gerrymandering is mostly in the deep home turf where they have less chance of being unseated on ideology. Even Ohio is soft and Dems have a chance. This is up to the DCCC who damned well better make the effort there and elsewhere!
KillgoreTrout : I think the baggers are the real threat. They are totally unreasonable.
choicelady : glenn – go for it! Sounds GREAT.
AdLib : KT – You know my math, if the Dems need to win by 5% in the more competitive districts, maybe half of their advantage comes from motivated Dem turnout and half comes from moderate Repub disgust and not turning out to support Baggers.
choicelady : KT – I will try that, thank you.
KillgoreTrout : Will Gerrymandering be any real hindrance for the dems?
glenn : CL–My herbal tea fave is Cinnamon Apple Spice made by the Celestial Tea Company. In fact, I’m going to go make a cuppa now. BRB
choicelady : KT – what I think will happen is that we will change, Dems will take control BUT the GOP left will be the hardcore ideologues thanks to redistricting. The ones vulnerable will be mods who will be primaried by the TP who may win then get skunked by the Dems.
KillgoreTrout : CL, try Valerian tea. Supper relaxing and a nice flavor.
choicelady : AdLib – I agree. Too many seats now up for serious reversal not to have some hope of total change.
KillgoreTrout : That would be really great if we could rid our government of such fanatical ideologues. So much better for everyone.
AdLib : CL – I’m with you, I think the combination of Obamacare becoming a big success, the shutdown and ongoing extortion attempts, people will be so sick of the Repubs trying to use blackmail and threats of economic collapse on a regular basis that Dems will win.
choicelady : KT and glenn – any faves I the herbal tea department? I’m not all that fond of anything but chamomile. Which I think I just spelled incorrectly.
glenn : KT–I’m inclined to agree with you. I don’t think Dems will win a majority of the House, but I think we’ll get rid of some more baggers in 2014. Ad–do you think we’ll get a majority?
KillgoreTrout : glenn, herbal tea is also comforting.
choicelady : glenn – I knew that’s what you meant.
choicelady : KT – remember AdLib reminded us that we need to gain ONLY 17 seats, and more than that are well in play. I heard over 29 last count.
glenn : oops–my hand-knit afghan..
KillgoreTrout : CL, those are wonderous moments.
choicelady : glenn – oh,,,,lovely!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I think the house will definitely lose some of their more radical members. Will gain a majority? I don’t know. Hopefully, for sure.
choicelady : AdLib – YES. I truly believe that the Dems will win. I put not one iota of hope in the Emos. Let them eat cardboard. But rank and file and pushback on voter ID? You betcha.
glenn : KT–I always have a good book in front of me. I read a lot. And, I have herbal tea instead of wine. I also snuggle up in my hand-knit (knit by my dear friend in Italy), and I’m all set.
choicelady : KT – STOP! You will make me leave! Book, fire, wine. Wow.
AdLib : So what do you think? Will the Dems win back the House in 2014?
choicelady : AdLib – it sounds GREAT. I like it when people give a ‘gift’ of entertainment to their neighbors. It’s so – neighborly!
KillgoreTrout : glenn, no great wine and a good book to curl up in front of the fireplace yet?
AdLib : CL – Actually, I heard the homeowner is a tv producer who has built this up as a way of entertaining the neighborhood families…espec ially kids.
choicelady : glenn – we have a wood burning fireplace and need a sweep before we crank up. Pretty soon we will have the ‘no burn’ days – always the ones where you WANT the fire. Our valley though holds the smoke and it’s dangerous.
choicelady : glenn – I heard in some states that churches that open to Navigators are getting INVESTIGATED. So much for ‘persecuting’ religious conservatives.
glenn : CL–Yes, I am still loving my house, and yes, it is comfy in the cold. I could even crank up the fireplace (gas) if I wanted to, but I just crank up the heat instead. Haven’t used the fireplace since I moved in two years ago.
AdLib : CL – That’s great news! I have no doubt that by the end of November, the site will be working well, maybe not perfect but very well and many millions will have signed up by November 2014, when the Repubs will still be howling about Obamacare.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I loved it out there, as a novelty, but surely wouldn’t want to live in such a place, year round. I love trees too much.
choicelady : AdLib – Ohhhh a Halloween nut! Sounds GREAT. We have Christmas nuts here and a couple of houses next to each other that start for Halloween then morph to T’giving and onto Christmas. Cannot imagine their electric bill.
glenn : CL–No, we do not have a state exchange here in GA. In fact, our AG has proudly stated that he will do everything in his power to thwart the navigators working for Obamacare. Don’t see much in the paper about it–we have an R governor and an R legislature, and although the newspaper has SOME liberal columnists, (at least according to the tp nuts, they’re liberal), I haven’t read anything good or bad about people getting healthcare. Not yet, anyway.
KillgoreTrout : I have no doubt the glitches in ACA registration will be sorted out soon enough. The TPGOPers just have another temporary hammer to bash Obama with. Like all their other hammers, it will soon dematerialize.
choicelady : AdLib – this won’t be fast. There is a LOT to consider, and the fact that 700,000 have accounts is EXCELLENT. This is NOT buying blue jeans. In fact that makes me laugh – I bought a couple of blouses online, and the entire order got screwed up from a MAJOR retailer!!!
AdLib : glenn – It wasn’t a haunted house, it was a front yard with animated skeletons, dancing water, they really went all out!
choicelady : KT – I would agree about the ‘alien planet’ thing. That’s why the astronauts trained in those areas. You’re totally correct.
KillgoreTrout : Ha! Yep, say the deniers.
choicelady : AdLib – as of today, 700,000 set up application accounts, exceeding the hope for the month by 200,000.
AdLib : I saw a stat today on the ACA site, I think it said about 90% of those who visited were able to set up accounts but only about 30% were able get all the way through the application procedure.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I found the Mohave to be sort of like an alien planet. Not that I’ve ever been on an alien planet.
choicelady : glenn – are you still loving your house and is it comfy in such cold?
choicelady : KT – oh there’s no CLIMATE CHANGE. Pure fiction you know…
glenn : KT–Yup–suppose d to be sub-freezing temps tonight.
choicelady : glenn – what do you hear about health care enrollments in GA? Do you have a state exchange – I don’t think so but am not sure.
glenn : Hey AdLib–were you scared? But any haunted house can’t be as scary as some republicans/tpar tiers nowadays!
KillgoreTrout : Climate change? What climate change?
choicelady : KT – I think of the Mojave and Phoenix as one – and hate them both. I think the desert in parts is gorgeous, but it’s still not full of trees and hills and soft lush things. Miss Ohio – like Sacramento because it’s as close as I get to my Midwest roots.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, you’re having freezing temps?
choicelady : AdLib – so glad you had a good time!
glenn : KT–Believe it or not, I am in GA–about 40 miles NW of Atlanta.
choicelady : glenn – yes, I have seen the sniveling GOP apologetics for PartD, hell fire and damnation for ACA. These turkeys forget the internet KNOWS ALL. Don’t need the NSA!
KillgoreTrout : CL, I spent about a month and a half in the Mojave desert years ago. 116 to 120 in the day and about 40 at night. Whew! Confusing indeed.
AdLib : Just got back from taking my daughter to a Halloween house. Much fun was had!
glenn : CL–Glad to hear that people in areas without state exchanges are getting through. Guess the cons didn’t or couldn’t mess things up as badly as they wanted. Also read an article this week about how Boehner was complaining about when Medicare Part D was “rolled out”, and he wanted to help FIX the problems, not scrap the whole program. Some of the quotes were priceless, as they were the exact opposite of what he’s saying now.
KillgoreTrout : What’s up Ad?
choicelady : Well AdLib – that was fast. Did you have fun or what?
choicelady : KT – I love that time of year and those conditions. Miss them. We’re in the 80s by day, 40s by night – very confusing!
AdLib : Good evening all!
KillgoreTrout : Hey glenn. What part of the country are you in?
KillgoreTrout : Hey CL, good to see you at the helm this evening. We are having the sort of Ohio, fall weather of my youth. Cold, and grey, but not yet freezing. Great Halloween weather.
choicelady : glenn – Medicare and SS are off the table. The chained cost of living is riding on the GOP RAISING taxes on the wealthy. When pigs fly… NO we will NOT get immigration reform.
glenn : Hi KT–how are you?
choicelady : Hi KT – how are you? We’re discussing health care and sub freezing temps in glenn’s part of the country. What are things like there?
glenn : O.k., so I’m going to ask the big questions, now. Will we get immigration reform in Congress? Are SS and Medicare “off the table”?
choicelady : glenn – yes, and being in CA does make it better. My understanding is that most people in areas without state exchanges though are getting through, setting up accounts, and doing OK with healthcare.gov. So much for the naysayers!
KillgoreTrout : Greetings and salutations fellow Planeteers!
glenn : CL–good to hear. Of course, you live in CA, so that makes it easier, right? You DO live in CA, don’t you?
choicelady : We’re hanging in – the outreach and ed on health care is going well. We have a great set of educators on the job!
choicelady : Well then, we’ll get out mulled cider or something to warm you up! It’s so odd to think of you being sub freezing! One always thinks it’s warm there! Wrong, but there it is.
glenn : So..how is your work going?
glenn : CL–Things are cold in my neck of the woods. We’re supposed to have sub-freezing temps tonight. BRRRR–so thought I’d come to Vox to get warmed up
choicelady : Hi glenn! Lovely to see you. How are things in your neck of the woods?
glenn : Hi Choice Lady, how are you?
choicelady : Good evening Planeteers – Say Hi when you come on board!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. I may be a little late so taking the helm at 7:00pm sharp (until I arrive) will be the always-charming and enlightening, Choicelady. Hope to see you then!
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