PatsyT : My kids see right thru this garbage. the other day they had Joe Madison on the Rev Al show and they were talking about how Obamacare is like slavery… we werer laughing when Joe Madison responded with > there are over 8 Million signing up for the exchanges Name me one person that signed up for slavery <
AdLib : Murph – Great work CL! Get some rest and keep me informed on any news on HOPE next week!
choicelady : LOl!! AdLib – GREAT.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- how fast are your ACA packages being produced after application. The federal site is three weeks
AdLib : CL – Or country without a man. Or, No Country for Old Baggers?
choicelady : AdLib – that graphic would have burned up the internet. Thank you for NOT posting it!!!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…Ted as the Permanent Palin and the Potent Paul – really a nightmare.
choicelady : Well everyone – I was out on the road last night doing an ACA “how to enroll” thing, and it was GREAT, but I got home very late. I think it’s taking its toll. See you all next week I hope! Have a lovely weekend.
AdLib : CL – That seems so natural, Cruz is a mirror image of the Palin mindset. He is everything she tried to be. I did try to create a graphic with Cruz’s head on Palin’s body but it was so wrong, I could never post it.
choicelady : AdLib – if he doesn’t exist, he can’t be a citizen. Man without a country? too funny.
choicelady : Patsy – that may be it. English is the world’s language we say. So those who don’t speak it are obviously subversives.
PatsyT : CL, I am just taking their argument to the extreme and just watch you might here the same from them but in code of course.
AdLib : CL – SO if Cruz was born under the Canadian health care system and he renounces it, doesn’t that mean he was never born and therefore doesn’t exist so he can’t be a Senator?
choicelady : AdLib – Palin and Cruz are best buds sharing the Dominionist goals and memes.
PatsyT : Choice maybe its because of they don’t speak english over there or so they think.
choicelady : Murph – or Cuba where Cruz’s daddy once fought FOR Fidel. Now he’s a Dominionist and creepier than his kid.
AdLib : Murph – Such ignorant, egotistical, self-righteous people truly believe that they are “chosen” (Bush and many other Repubs claim that God told them to run for office) and that whatever they do to grab power will eventually be respected once they have that power. That’s how I see Cruz, he was an opportunist like Palin (I see Palin as cut from the same cloth) and they see their party and everyone in it as waiting for them to rise and take control. People only hate them because they’re jealous. Egomaniacs are mercenaries and will step over any bodies, on the other side or on their side, to get the power they see themselves as entitled to.
choicelady : Patsy – if they don’t mind WHITE socialism, why do they hate so much of Europe? I agree with you, but…
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- true….I say drop them all in Puerto Rico for a couple of weeks for a reality check.
choicelady : Murph – do NOT tell that to the Baggers who see and have SAID they don’t see Canada as a foreign (because it’s white) nation. All the Baggers know are the Plains where the fundies and zealots live.
choicelady : Murph – zealots take the anger of the mainstream as evidence of their superiority.
MurphTheSurf3 : Cl…that is a plot…Those white folks are all hand puppets
PatsyT : But its white socialism so thats not to bad
choicelady : AdLib – Cruz renounced the Canadian health system that raised him up.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- your narrative for Cruz does make sense but his followers remain steadfast and that is his base. He came to DC over the bodies of mainstream establishment GOP so he does not care if he is loved or note. In fact, he will parlay their hate into a sign of his righteousness.
choicelady : AdLib – those are the problems I’ve heard, too, and because his father is naturalized, and because they had not lived in Canada as landed immigrants, it’s all a huge mess. Cruz is just ignoring it, but if it’s unpacked and he is NOT a US citizen – he can’t even VOTE. Oh love it I do!
AdLib : Patsy – Yeah but they got that socialism up in Canada with their single payer health care! I’m a scared of foreigners who loves them socialism!
choicelady : AdLib – yup. That would be perfect. CRUZ for President 2016!
PatsyT : Yeah you see Canada is nice and white even the ground is white up there so its much much better then that strange dark Kenya
AdLib : Murph – From all I’ve heard, Cruz has serious citizenship issues because his mother was out of the US for too many years for Cruz to automatically become a citizen. Personally, I hope it’s all worked out because I absolutely want him running for President in 2016!
choicelady : Murph – yes, lived near there in Buffalo. Same with Vancouver. But overall Canada is and is perceived to be whiter than the US.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- have you been to Toronto? White? That’s the minority population…and somehow it all works up there.
choicelady : Murph – can they spell “opportunism”? ??
choicelady : Patsy! LOL!!!!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- yes Rand is not following in his Dad’s footsteps. I know several Ron Paulians and they do not understand Rand’s turn toward fundamentalism.. .
PatsyT : Canada the other white meat
AdLib : CL – Cruz has already burned many bridges in the GOP, he will have at least backroom enemies in the GOP if he runs for President and tries to gather more power in the Senate. The Repubs in the House are very angry at him for taking over their side of the Hill!
choicelady : Murph, Murph, Murph – Canada is not a foreign country, doncha know? It’s white. Tsk tsk – false equivalencies.
MurphTheSurf3 : I don’t think the citizen thing is real – the worst part of it for Cruz is that if HE can run then the Obama birthers are dead wrong…oooops.
choicelady : AdLib – oh, we can live in hope that he will be thrown overboard by the party. I see it happening already!
AdLib : Murph – I think Cruz envisioned things very differently, he saw himself as being the savior and star of the GOP with moderates fearfully supporting him and the baggers providing him with the money and power to force the other Repubs to kneel before CruZod. Instead, he has become a marginalized crackpot, he may not recognize that yet, who is hated on both sides of the aisle and just like his role model, McCarthy, when his cult lose their power, he will be trashed and discarded for good by his party.
choicelady : Murph – someone noted today that RON Paul does not seem at all happy with RAND Paul’s drift to the Dominionist Bagger camp. A family rift is appearing! Ron is totally Libertarian. Rand is, well, not clear what but not that.
choicelady : Murph – that is where his dual citizenship may bring him up short. I’m not sure he can even run until he renounces his Canadian citizenship, and he can’t prove he has it for very complex reasons. It’s a quagmire from which he can’t pull his Wellies.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I don’t think he wants to be President (way too much work and responsiblity) but he is dying to run for the office. The exposure, the money…..like Paul but with a higher profile outside of the Paulista circle.
AdLib : CL – You nailed it, their being oblivious to how offensive they are is one of the immutable traits of being a belligerent religious fanatic. They do see their speeches and events as propaganda that will convert others to their cause so they are fortunately making their lunacy and hatred so public.
choicelady : Murph – as with Romney, they interpretation of the polling is that it is flawed. Even his own.
choicelady : Murph – I think you’re correct. His citizenship problems though may cut his career short. It will be fun to watch.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- even Cruz’s own poll showed the GOP was behind.
choicelady : Patsy – very, very cool.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- it is my theory that Ted wants to be the TP Kingmaker with a permanent seat of power in the Senate. Think Jesse Helms.
AdLib : Murph – How about Cruz insisting that the Dems were losing and they were winning. He knows it’s a lie, they know it’s a lie but the need of the people there to believe in what they need to believe is and should be a bit scary to most Americans.
PatsyT : The place was packed and it was great to see so many young families out learning and engaging in the future.
choicelady : Murph – they are too arrogant to understand how they look to normal people. They will continue to broadcast because they think they hung the moon and we all should be in awe.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice – but we who watched from the outside have the chance to have our understanding of them confirmed. I wonder how much longer they will be able to have their events open for broadcast. Private taping, private dispersal of the DCD’s and then they will leak out.
AdLib : Patsy – I would love to come but my daughter has a baseball game tomorrow and a basketball game on Sunday!
choicelady : Patsy – have a great time there! I’m amazed – right in the heart of OC, too. But there IS a great university there, so I guess that makes sense. Glad you went!
AdLib : Murph – Yes, saw that confrontation with Cruz and as always, the Repubs when heckled come up with a lame line attacking Obama and their audience robotically cheers and laughs like it was clever but most Americans seeing that will see him in an even worse light. He really is become such a hated figure, he is what Sarah Palin tried to become.
PatsyT : Its the first time they have had this in Irvine. Its usually on the Mall in DC
choicelady : Murph – I did like that, but it is lost on the crowd and on him. They’re the Elect. They can dish it out. God says they don’t have to take it.
choicelady : AdLib – I will actually pray for that! I don’t even care if there’s no god – my energies will help them to self destruct!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I regarded the value of the taunting to be for those watching it…Cruz cannot really engage those who disagree with him and what did he keep saying- That they should be civil and respect the rights of others when they assemble..THIS to a TP audience when he is a TP candidate. Hypocrite supreme.
PatsyT : AdLib If you can get to Irvine this weekend you would love this event, the Solar Decathlon. I took my girls last weekend and we might go back ! «link»
AdLib : CL – As we’ve seen and as articles about political psychology have affirmed, the more a true believer is pushed to question their beliefs, the harder they cling to them. That is the Tea Party in a nutshell. The more they have to face how they are hated and what failures they are, the more devout and committed they will become. I too give them a strong chance of picking the 2016 Repub nom as one of their own and if that happens, there will be a landslide like we haven’t seen in decades.
choicelady : Murph – Pyrite Boehner?
choicelady : Murph – yes, I saw that, but I think in that setting it only made him look good. Now if other GOP folks had taunted him…but he’s more of the hero than he was to the VV folks there.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- yes, he has sold his soul to the demons and what his prize, the Speakership, has turned out to be fool’s gold.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad did you see Cruz today at the Family Forum event- he got the Tea Party Treatment from a bunch of lefties who mocked him in a relay taunt that took up a third of his time.
choicelady : AdLib – I’m with Brooks – they will not repent by 2016, will put up some wacko, and they will lose. BIG TIME. Cannot be complacent, but they really ARE their own worst enemy (to paraphrase Dorothy Parker – even IF I’m alive…)
AdLib : Murph – The image of Boehner that comes to mind is a Nazi Collaborator. He knows how horrible the Baggers are and how much harm their plans would cause the nation but out of self-preservatio n, to retain power, he goes along with them.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- Re. Boehner….he seems like such a lost soul- I do not feel sorry for him…reminds me of the Zombie talk funk and I had.
AdLib : Night Sabreen, have a great weekend!
AdLib : So what do folks here think this all means for the 2016 Repub Presidential Primary? I think it will be the most bloody civil war for the GOP as Baggers who feel betrayed battle against mainstream Repubs who will try to pander to them. Their debates should be on PPV!And a Bagger like Rand Paul could come out as their nom (Ted Cruz may have genuine citizenship issues preventing him).
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen- best to you…thanks for the chat tonight.
PatsyT : All the Best Sabreen
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…well done…well deserved….be well, stay well.
choicelady : Good night, Sabreen. Lovely to talk with you!
Sabreen60 : I’m going to say good night, also. Nite Kes. I’m going to stay positive if it kills me
kesmarn : And I’ll fire off a MacIntosh in your direction,AdLib.
choicelady : kes – that is awesome news! So HAPPY for you! And selfishly for us having you here! Keep on enjoying them apples!
kesmarn : Many thanks, c’lady. Saw the doc yesterday. He said he’s “amazed and pleased.” That makes two of us.
choicelady : kes – you have two apples? How nice for you.
MurphTheSurf3 : Night Kes……I think your last observation is spot on.
AdLib : Kes – Sounds like there’ll be a couple of slices of apple pie and a few fritters on the menu! Email me one if you can!
choicelady : Kes – sweet dreams and a lovely weekend. Keep healing – it’s wonderful to have you here so often now.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Kes!
kesmarn : I think I’ll have to call it a day as well. Good night, kids, and have a great weekend. We’re having two — count ’em — two Apple Festival in these parts this weekend.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Sue!
Sabreen60 : Nite Sue. Lets hope this fiasco is resolved within the next few days.
AdLib : Night Sue! Sleep well!
choicelady : Patsy – I thought of you when I read that NRC is skeleton crews.
AdLib : Boehner has got to be near a nervous breakdown at this point. He’s got to know he’ll be remembered as a failure and a loser and that he is on his way out. Be careful what you wish for, who knows who will be leading the House Repubs next but if Dems win it back as I think they should, Pelosi will be the one with the gavel again.
PatsyT : We don’t know who is minding the nukes.. The NRC has furloughed 3600, leaving only 300 on the job. No over site in an already poorly regulated dangerous industry. «link»
choicelady : Sue – what are you reading?
MurphTheSurf3 : Night Sue….
choicelady : AdLib – If the relatively sensible GOP vote with the Dems – and all 200 are now on board – it will pass without any Bagger obstruction, yes. It’s all on JB to DO it.
SueInCa : Well people I am going to have to get off of here. I surely enjoyed this company but my book is calling me and it is just now getting good. See you all during the week. Take care everyone.
Sabreen60 : Murph, I think you are absolutely correct. This really sucks. I just don’t know who the baggers will listen to and whether Boehner has the balls to do the right thing.
AdLib : CL – Agreed, they could try to ignore the Senate bill with Obama on board but I think the pressure is too great against the majority, The 30-40 baggers may resist but Boehner will have no choice but to bring the bill for a vote and without the Baggers, it will still pass.
choicelady : AdLib – I don’t disagree. I’m trying to see this through his own eyes, bloodshot though they may be.
SueInCa : elevate stupid, I like that phrase
choicelady : Sue – I don’t think the Baggers understand democracy other than it give rights to THOSE people (you know – us) and think they can do whatever they want.
kesmarn : That’s what I’m thinking. And when Wall Street and the Kochs apply pressure, too, even the crazy House will have to buckle.
AdLib : CL – No, way too late for Boehner to be a hero, he is a feckless victim of circumstances no matter what happens. And a loser.
choicelady : AdLib – oh they always have the choice to continue to elevate stupid. Always that.
SueInCa : But Murph tea baggers do not understand all of that. They can barely understand how government works. Global finances are a total mystery to them
Sabreen60 : kes, I think PBO will sign a short term raising of the debt ceiling even if he doesn’t want to. If it’s clean, he may sign it. I know it will do a lot of damage to people if the debt ceiling is not raised, but if it’s not and the damage occurs, it will bury the naysayers.
MurphTheSurf3 : SIX WEEK HIATUS on the Debt so that it can smash into the heart of the retail year between Thanksgiving and Christmas…This is ALL about tying up the Obama administration so NO progress can be made on its agenda AND about cntinually going after ACA
AdLib : CL – Obama will endorse that Senate bill and when it comes to the House, Boehner and the mainstream Repubs won’t have much of a choice but to bring it to the floor for a vote.
choicelady : JB can be the hero or the goat. His call.
choicelady : kes – I think the Zombies want to raise the debt limit for 6 weeks, NOT pass a CR. But the Senate today got a bill for a clean CR and debt ceiling they are laying on JB soon. He will have to act in some what that does not further reduce GOP standing to around 5%.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes….it better be- full faith and credit is for real…we have been the world’s reserve currency and the harbor for depositing excess capital….the moment our debts are like an argentinian IOU it all implodes
SueInCa : Yes it will Kes but not before baggers make asses out of themselves to round out their repetoire (spelled it wrong)
AdLib : Kes – I think the debt ceiling and government shutdown get resolved by next week. The GOP is getting hammered way too hard to sustain it all for one more week and Obama will not allow them to let the shutdown continue while extending the debt ceiling.
SueInCa : He knew you meant to Sabreen
choicelady : Sabreen – KT knows you love him. Not to worry.
Sabreen60 : I missed saying good night to KT.
kesmarn : So is this $%#&@ debt ceiling going to get raised?
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue…ok you can edit the selections…
SueInCa : Now Murph let;s not go putting labels on anyone. I love that Sprint commercial
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…WWZ and the mindless…exact ly.
AdLib : Night Funk!
PatsyT : Nighty Night funksands
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…the idea of Twerking for JB…now that is something that only a Zombie would do.
choicelady : funk – good night. Have a great movie and weekend!
AdLib : World War Z is an movie about Baggers, the way I look at it.
SueInCa : I have lots of friends in Maryland. Silver Spring, Hagerstown, Fredircksberg and VA and WVA
funksands : Nighty all. Good to see you Patsy.
Sabreen60 : Good night, Funk. Take care until the next time.
choicelady : Sabreen – Oh, of course you’d be on the radar. But it must be interesting!
PatsyT : Ha Funksands after all the zombie action in the teapublican congress you can watch more?
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk World War Z is not really a Zombie movie but it is a very good film…tell how you like it.
kesmarn :
G’night, funk! Hug the wifey!
funksands : Twerk it Murph. John likes that.
Sabreen60 : No Sue, I’m actually in sane Maryland. Love our Governor & Senators. Even most of our Congresscritters are sane. It’s just that I’m in Silver Spring, right outside DC. So our local news is not much different than the so-called beltway press. If fact local picks up beltway BS and runs with it.
SueInCa : Ah Funk you should have asked me, I know that place well. I spent many months traveling there for 4 years
PatsyT : Yep and serpents would be crawling out of the big eyes from Minnesota
choicelady : Murph – you or Boehner? He’s always game. I’d like to think better of YOU.
funksands : Folks I gotta run. My wife wants to watch World War Z and won’t watch a zombie movie without me. You’d think someone who pushed a human out of her body wouldn’t be scared by anything….
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- with enough booze anything is possible
choicelady : Murph – YOU kiss Boehner! I’m not!
kesmarn : Sorry, had to step away for a bit. G’night, KT!
AdLib : Patsy – I think if you cracked open Marsha Blackburn, spiders and centipedes would crawl out.
SueInCa : Has anyone seen our new beautiful Bay Bridge? I took Anthony over it last weekend at night. It is gorgeous
choicelady : funk – I got into the gallery of the Senate while I was there for the 50th Anniversary March, but NOT all that! Good for you. The kids will remember it well. Never mind what they thought now.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT CHoice…Peace is Flowing Like A River…or Joy is Like the Rain….Let There Be Peace on Earth…let’s all hold hands…give us a kiss John Boehner…
SueInCa : LOma Prieta was a big one for sure
choicelady : AdLib – the Loma Prieta was felt so far away it does give a sense of it all.
funksands : Night KT!
SueInCa : Texas right Sabreen? Or is that Food?
AdLib : Night KT! Looking forward as always to the music thread this weekend!!!
choicelady : Sabreen – I totally forget where you are that you are the ‘crazy radar’.
funksands : I was in DC with my family the day before the shutdown. We Senator Murray’s office to give us an intern to show us all over the Capitol Building. Got to ride the underground train, see Al Franken speak on the Senate floor. It was awesome. I could have stayed there for days. My kids of course were bored senseless.
AdLib : CL – I felt the big SF earthquake down here. I was kinda joking though, didn’t expect a regular quake to be felt down here!
PatsyT : AdLib that M Blackbird gal is really a animated repub doll ..
KillgoreTrout : Murph, sort of!
choicelady : Murph – LOL!!! Yeah KT is posting infinite versions of Kumbaya.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks Sue, glad you like it.
Sabreen60 : CL, Sue – One of the drawbacks of living in this area is we hear about the crazy before most people around the country.
choicelady : KT – good night dear friend. Get rest then go do that music! Have a great holiday weekend – Indigenous People’s Day.
PatsyT : Ah yes we are finding out here that the “storage” plan is full of shit and we are just winging it.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT is your theme about how we need to reach out to our brother and sister GOPers in the spirit of reconcilation?
SueInCa : Night KT looking forward to that theme. I always look even if I don’t post
AdLib : Patsy – Hasn’t one big thing that’s come out of this is the hypocrisy of the Repubs railing against government? They got it shut down, Marsha Blackburn boasted about how Americans would realize they didn’t need all that government and instead, the Repubs scrambled after each big headline to express outrage over government not being funded. Their hypocrisy is astounding but how can most Americans not disqualify all their anti-government BS after seeing them rush to fund government piecemeal?
funksands : Did you guys see the picture of the dude mowing at the Lincoln Memorial?
choicelady : Patsy – it IS the storage (I use the term loosely) that worries me.
SueInCa : 30 miles east puts it very near humboldt
KillgoreTrout : Well good people, I think I have found a theme for this weekend’s music thread and will now start working on it. Good night to all and have a great weekend!
PatsyT : Even though Humbolt Bay has been shut for some time
choicelady : Patsy – Yup. Earthquakes and reactors do NOT mix!
SueInCa : I know Patsy, that is why I mentioned it. Jinx CL
choicelady : Sue – same thought!
PatsyT : Eureka is not far from the Humbolt bay reactor site and they still have Tons of Nuke Waste Hazard up there.
SueInCa : Sabreen how can Glenn Beck pick himself up?
choicelady : Sabreen – pick up trash? what? they’re hauling each other off the Mall?
SueInCa : LOL you are right CL we would be living in a tent right now
choicelady : Patsy – yeah the interactive maps are kaput.
Sabreen60 : Tomorrow Glen Beck and crew are suppose to come to the Mall and pick up trash. Don’t ask. I don’t have a clue.
choicelady : AdLib – if you felt an earthquake in Eureka down in LA, trust me – Sue and I would NOT be on tonight!
KillgoreTrout : Totally shameful CL.
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy and Sue…I know that federal dollars go into schools but throught the state coffers and as you say they are already dispersed
PatsyT : How can anyone tell where the earthquakes are the USGS map site is shutdown !! «link»
SueInCa : Yes, I have not heard different CL
SueInCa : LOL you are funny Adlibv
choicelady : Sue – everyone OK up there?
AdLib : Didn’t feel the earthquake down here in LA.
SueInCa : No CL Tony told me, 30 miles east of Eureka.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks folks on the SS knowledge.
choicelady : Murph – schools in CA get LOTS of federal money, but it’s already here.
choicelady : Sue – there was an earthquake?? did not know or feel that, did you?
KillgoreTrout : For real Sabreen and the Baggers would be just fine with that. Except for those that are vets.
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy- the schools are state funded…so sorry no
choicelady : Patsy! Schools depend on federal $$$ but I think they’ve already got them, so no luck there. Snow days, heat days, not no money days. Sorry!
AdLib : Hey Patsy!
SueInCa : Hey Patsy how are you? Earthquake near Eureka tonight
funksands : Patsy, it shouldn’t. It’s my understanding that most federal education grants have been paid out and the states are drawing down on it. If it goes for another 6 months that may be a different story.
SueInCa : I was reading on the SS website and it was referring to how SS invests and I think tbills was the answer to why funding would stop or be less that normal
KillgoreTrout : Thanks for adding that CL. I’d have been in deep doo doo long ago if it weren’t for the VA. They possibly may have saved my life.
AdLib : Sabreen – I’d say this, if Obama had never been President, if McCain had won and proposed the ACA, the Repubs would have voted it in. Then VP Palin would have boasted about it. As we bombed Iran and Syria. Thank goodness we don’t live in that alternate universe!
choicelady : KT – that said, remember when Reagan raided Social Security for some $86 billion? For took the money for the secret war in Angola. None of it paid back. So they loot it then say it’s a drain on the taxpayers. Yeah. Right.
PatsyT : Hey Folks! Does anyone know about what happens to the states if this bananarepublican shutdown keeps going … my kids want to know if this will shut down the schools.
choicelady : KT – both SS and Medicare have independent funds, and no , we are NOT going into deficit over those. They do not draw down from general tax sources.
funksands : KT – Tbills kept on Treasury’s ledger. Not much of “trust fund” “lockbox” or anything else.
SueInCa : Yes it is KT but it has something to do with the investments that SS deals with.
Sabreen60 : KT, What would the veterans do without the VA? And what would seniors do without Medicare? Oh wait…die, like they did prior to Medicare and Social Security.
choicelady : KT – I’ve never heard anything but good about the VA. My Dad had Parkinson’s for 60 years. His neurologist was VA. I loved him. He really took outstanding care of my father.
kesmarn : I’m thinking not, Sabreen. But I’m also thinking he never would have proposed RomneyCare. He only did what his handlers told him to.
KillgoreTrout : Isn’t SS financed by a trust fund?
SueInCa : I doubt if he would have Sabreen. He was even dissing his own healthcare law
AdLib : CL – I know what you mean but anyone with a truck would be worried about losing it so I think it’s less likely that any of them would back up their hateful talk.
KillgoreTrout : Oh crap Sue, I hadn’t thought about that!
funksands : Sabreen, the tentacle jammed into Romney’s brain stem would have never allowed him to do that.
choicelady : funk – well, they DO hate government. They want it all to be destroyed because they want to rebuild it. Rebirth of a Nation as a theocracy with unfettered capitalism.
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen I have been getting treatment from the VA for a few decades now. They may be a little slow, but they’ve NEVER failed to treat me.
Sabreen60 : I want if Romney had won and proposed RomneyCare, if it would have been met with same hostility?
funksands : Bagger Theme: “We don’t hate government. We just hate YOUR government”
SueInCa : Morons have no sense of right or wrong, they just spew Murph
AdLib : Murph – Hate to say it but low info folks like that who don’t even keep up on really big things in the news, don’t vote. So I wouldn’t worry about folks like her, they never vote anyway.
choicelady : Sabreen – oh,. The VA. Different thing entirely. Medicare, too. Not ‘government programs’. Nope. Nothing gov’t run here…
SueInCa : It is not KT but will be in a default
funksands : Sabreen, they would have to crack open the walnut that is their mind to let anything in or out
MurphTheSurf3 : SUE- I agree but so many idiotic statements followed by statement that surely even she must have figured would be the wrong thing to say.
SueInCa : They will never see it Adlib
KillgoreTrout : cl, I think if you have direct deposit, there should be no problem. Supposedly SS is not part of the shutdown.
AdLib : Sue – So is there a parallel for Baggers in Captain Phillips? Trying to take an American hostage against the will of the government?
choicelady : Murph – always good when the spokespeople for a RW movement prove to be nut jobs.
MurphTheSurf3 : THOSE TRUCKERS….Fox really pushed Truckageddon IN DC…and nothing happened. I loved the reports of traffic moving smoothly as a reporter pointed to the occasional truck drifting by AND then they interviewed the few truckers who showed up and they were total loons. Fox wins again.
choicelady : AdLib – well, it’s NOT clear our SS checks will arrive on time. Too many people laid off. So yeah – let’s scare granny and Uncle Albert – about time TRUTH prevailed about who the enemies really ARE.
SueInCa : Murph there are morons on the AFrican America side too.
Sabreen60 : Funk, And you know the gubbermint don’t know nothing about medical stuff. Have these people ever heard of Medicare or the Veterans Admin – Walter Reed or any of the government run veteran health care facilities?
AdLib : Funk – Yep, for Repubs to lose the white demo…and some of the Senior demo…that doesn’t leave much else.
choicelady : Murph – yeah. That young woman needs help.
funksands : Murph, that’s the rule. Not the exception.
choicelady : AdLib – It was never, for me, that 1 million would show but that one would be carrying McVeigh materials. THAT worries me always.
AdLib : CL – Many seniors worried that the shutdown would stop their SS checks and Medicare. A debt default would have. Seniors don’t like to be scared and they remember who they’re scared of. I have to think many are now more scared by the Baggers than by that black man in the WH.
SueInCa : The corp lady was excellent CL. Now I know why she was treating in real life
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad A wave election….as you know I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the electorate. On Missouri TV there was an interview with a young black woman who works at one of our state army bases. In the course of three minutes she told the audience that she had no idea the shut down was coming, and then when it did thought it did not apply to her since she was in the military (as a civilian?), and then was angry that the commissary was closed and finally did not know who was at fault for it but she felt sorry for Obama because he was in over his head. Grrrrrrrr.
KillgoreTrout : Sounds like those truckers went “round the bend!”
choicelady : Sue – glad to hear from you on Captain Phillips. BTW – the scenes in the infirmary? Those were REAL Navy people grabbed up on the run acting as they thought best. No scripts. That may be why it worked so well.
SueInCa : I wonder how they handled their DOT paperwork for this stunt
SueInCa : I will say this again and again, CL, I do not get that mentality. Funk I am going to see that this week
KillgoreTrout : That’s too funny CL. Truckers do not have that kind of time to waste on such silliness. They’re also not known for their smarts. I just had to say it.
AdLib : CL – I didn’t buy that propaganda for a second, about “thousands” of truckers converging on DC to arrest Dems and force Obama out of office. Maybe there was half a dozen, if that? Never believe numbers given by people who were home schooled on math and science.
funksands : I want to see “Gravity”
choicelady : Ted could make Granny’s apple pie out of moose flop.
SueInCa : Just a little tidbit. I went to see Captain Phillips today, it was a good movie, a bit long, but seeing him at the end in shock from the experience was really touching. People clapped when it was over.
choicelady : funk – I did NOT see the white male shift at all! Hoo HAH!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- great summary of the Box the GOP are sealing themselves into…..their base are the very people who will be the most hurt by their reforms.
kesmarn : KT, rumor had it that a bunch of truckers were going to converge on the DC beltway and block traffic until the Prez was arrested. Yes. Lunacy.
funksands : ….Skewed
funksands : Ted Cruz is of course claiming the poll was…wait for it….
choicelady : KT – there was supposed to be a total shutdown of DC by 1 million truckers AND they were originally comin’ to arrest all the Dems and try them “in the people’s Grand Jury”. Until it was pointed out that laying hands on a member of Congress gets you life in prison…
funksands : Ad, did you see the big shift of white males away from them in the last poll? I bet that scared the crap out of them.
Sabreen60 : Funk, I don’t know if it was even 90. Maryland state troopers said they didn’t notice anything different. Virgina said “it was pretty much a non event”, but traffic was slow as is the usual case on any rainy day.
AdLib : Funk – That’s libtard to you.
AdLib : Murph – And there are a lot of Repubs who feel like you and are now becoming former Repubs (Independents). I do think 2014 could very well be a wave election, do you?
KillgoreTrout : I missed it, what was Truckageddon?
funksands : Sabreen, my favorite line: “Remember the old Crosby, Stills, Nash song ‘4 dead in Ohio’? Well now its 4 dead in Benghazi!”
choicelady : AdLib – it would be superb if the over-65 crowd finally wised up that it isn’t the Black Guy in the White House who means them harm. I say let them articulate that and see how many old people smack ’em with their walkers!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen- Fox really pushed Truckageddon…a nd nothing happened. I loved the reports of traffic moving smoothly as a reporter pointed to the occasional truck drifting by AND then they interviewed the few truckers who showed up and they were total loons. Fox wins again.
kesmarn : Thankee, funk. So Semi-geddon was a bust, I hear?
AdLib : Murph – Ryan and the Repubs are about to be DOUBLY pounded, as they fight to raise the age for SS and Medicare and cut benefits and/or raises! Obama is perfectly positioned to make a very public fight against their FURTHER attack on America. Shutting down the government, threatening the economy over the debt ceiling and then threatening to damage SS and Medicare? Most Americans don’t care as much about the deficit anymore so the Repubs won’t have any sympathy for attacking the social safety net as an encore to shutting down government. They look evil!!!
choicelady : Sabreen – I heard there were supposed to be 1 MILLION of them. I gather most decided to earn a living and that about 10 showed up. Off by 999,990 is a bit of a miss.
funksands : Kes, I already think of you that way….
Sabreen60 : Gee Funk, we’re on the same wave length.
funksands : Sabreen, its estimated about 90 showed up and drove around
KillgoreTrout : Sure kes. Possibly even Yankee!
choicelady : Sue – we need archives of your Dominonist articles! They’re baaaaack…
Sabreen60 : Oh yeah. It seems that we here in the DC Metro area should have been overrun with truckers – 3000 of them. I don’t know what happened. I saw one on TV who said he was going to drive around the beltway because of Benghazi and another who said the government should stay out of medicine because that should be left to the doctors. [sigh]
funksands : Did everyone survive the RWing TruckerLypse?
kesmarn : I wanna name too. Can I be a Catholic, bleeding heart, rust-belt Northerner?
choicelady : Murph – that is my dread. I think, given Tim McVeigh, that one can stand pretty clearly away from thinking they will take the government but still know they can do GRAVE harm.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey Sabreen…I never said hello.
KillgoreTrout : Me too kes.
choicelady : kes – most creative name calling on the blog o sphere.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- and that returns us to one of your themes re. dominionists and the corruption that taking down the wall between church and state brings
kesmarn : I love the name-calling that goes on around here.
KillgoreTrout : LOL!
funksands : Hi Murph / Sabreen
funksands : Pretty good KT, you Taoist Pinko Femi-Apologist
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello funk….
choicelady : Murph – that sense of entitlement stems very much from their self conception as God’s “elect”. Very dangerous position.
Sabreen60 : Hiya Funk!
AdLib : CL – Absolutely, even some of the so-called safe districts can be vulnerable to low GOP turnout and high Dem turnout. 2014 does not look to be an election where most Repubs are motivated to support their Rep.
KillgoreTrout : Hey funk, you socialist, communist Maoist! How goes it?
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- most of them understand but they are brigands and they live by a simple standard- they have the right to pillage when any law or standard does not support their agenda.
funksands : Thanks Kes. Hi Sue
choicelady : Sue – I totally agree with you. They are in for a shock.
funksands : Clady, you as well!
SueInCa : Funk great to see you
kesmarn : funk! Wonderful article!
SueInCa : Exactly CL and deluded as they are they think God wants them to do this. I think God has a big surprise for them in the afterlife. It is just too bad someone cannot come back and tell us what it is.
choicelady : funk! Wonderful to see you!
funksands : Evening Libs.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…what is burning the chaps of the reasonable ones is that people like me who actually supported them, working for them, donating to them, and voting for them, who are now saying NO MORE OF YOUR ILK…no more…THIS dooms them with folks like me and they need folks like me.
AdLib : Sabreen – Boehner is a dead man walking. He has now been proven to be craven, cowardly and a loser. Disrespected by Dems and Repubs, the worst and most useless speaker in modern history. He will go out like Bush did, at the bottom of the heap, right where he belongs. So then, who is the next Speaker? Nancy Pelosi!
SueInCa : I know and it drives me nuts KT
choicelady : Sue – right. As I said over in that essay I wrote, you don’t say NO to God.
KillgoreTrout : Sue, that granite wall is impeneratable.
choicelady : Sabreen – yes, I did see it. And yes, we were talking about that Koch hand washing stunt. They created this monster. Now they’re running away for their lives!
SueInCa : You know a good portion of the Teabillies think God is on their side? With that crazy attitude, they are not going to give up easy
choicelady : Murph – are we dealing with House Reps who do not understand the branches of government, the process for passing bills, and basic democracy?????? They think what the House passes should automatically be the law????
Sabreen60 : Hey CL, If you get a chance try to watch Rachel’s show. It really is pretty much, “first you say you do, then you don’t; then you say you will, then you won’t. The craven Koch brothers had the nerve to write a litter to the Senate pretty much saying “nuh uh” – we didn’t want the government to shutdown. The groups who wanted a default on the debt ceiling are now saying they don’t – except Americans for Prosperity – they still want a default.
kesmarn : Yes, c’lady! The fact that we have it worries me. It’s brutal!
AdLib : Murph – Glad you expressed that. I hope most Repub Congresspeople see the same kinds of response. They can’t spin their way out of this one. They have either betrayed America by holding it hostage in the eyes of reasonable people or they will end up being seen as traitors to their base for giving up the extortion game without killing Obamacare. It’s a lose-lose for them and it’s about time.
choicelady : kes – we actually HAVE the Ryan budget. They can’t accept just that – they want more.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…and Ryan is being pummeled from the Right because he says that the budget has to be worked out with the Senate and the President….the y are that crazy.
SueInCa : Good for you Murph. We have to continue to call them out on their lies. You know you hit a sore spot when they get all butthurt and lash out.
choicelady : Sue and kes – yes. He could not help himself – he’s demanding cuts in basic social program, and Boehner took up the call. Think of them all as people needing AA…
kesmarn : Such a relief to hear that…because it seems those blasted Ryan budget numbers will not die.
AdLib : Kes – Ryan is soiled as a loser after 2012, he is hopelessly tied to The Ryan Budget and comes off as a brat to most. He is not likeable and IMO, not a viable candidate at all for most Americans.
choicelady : AdLib – in all the gerrymandered districts reside a significant number of both mods AND independents. The GOP continue to forget that. With Dems making reasonable arguments, and being adult and not zealots, this will move those people toward sanity and away from the idiocracy.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- I am sure it was. But I then called the office here in the district and then in DC and sent e mails to both objecting to the poll, a propagandist tool, and repeating my comment to them.
kesmarn : Oooh…that’s the third rail
SueInCa : Kes he brought up medicare and SS again
kesmarn : c’lady, I may have missed that! What did Ryan say?
MurphTheSurf3 : My point- which is what you are all saying. The GOP must be snapped in two. It must be broken, purged, cleansed and made to either reform or die.
SueInCa : Murph I bet your response was discarded as soon as the convo ended
choicelady : kes – Ryan crossed the line day before yesterday and opened his mouth. He’s toast.
Sabreen60 : Sue, I could be wrong, but I think Boehner is a goner one way or another. He hasn’t been able to accomplish anything, unless being an obstructionist is an accomplishment. I sure that it is with the baggers, but I would like to believe there are at least some Republicans in Congress who believe governing is necessary.
AdLib : Adding onto my projection about 2014, many Repubs may not vote Dem but they won’t go out energetically to vote Repub either. SO Dems will benefit from crossover voting as well as depressed Repub turnout. The Baggers really miscalculated, the shutdown and extortion has super-energized Dems to turn out in an off year election because now they badly want to take power away from Baggers and have Dems take over the House. I think we can win that too. Can you imagine the Bagger heads exploding at seeing Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi with the gavel again! I would love that!!!
KillgoreTrout : Well CL, he sure has a hard on for Obama and the Dems.
choicelady : Murph – good for you!
kesmarn : I’m glad you didn’t tell ’em what they wanted to hear, Murph!
choicelady : Sue – I try to keep the spelling so I won’t screw it up if I need to be “professional” at some point. It’s SO ACCURATE to call him Boner!
kesmarn : I hope so, KT. His budget numbers are still taken as the gold standard by some.
MurphTheSurf3 : There is an effort going on to try to put a reasonable veneer on the crazies. I got a call from my local Congressman’s office- a Push Poll that was set up to get me to say what is crazy is really ok. I did not cooperate with it and told the pollster that my position was simple: My Congressman is a good guy who is doing his best AND I am going to work against him because he is a Republican. Hemight not be a Kamikaze but he is on the deck crew fueling the planes. So he has to go too. They were not happy.
KillgoreTrout : kes, I think he is being exposed now as being a part of this Bagger nonsense.
kesmarn : I’m wondering if Paul Ryan may be able to come out of all of this relatively intact, though. He’s kept a very low profile.
SueInCa : CL out of me, you and Kes you are the only one who spelled his name correctly. Kes and I spelled it with the lack of respect it deserves lol
AdLib : CL – That’s good news but too little too late. The Repubs will never shake off the rep of shutting down the government to kill Obamacare and though the public may not have the longest memories, they will remember when Dems remind them that the Repubs tried to rob them of health care.
KillgoreTrout : The Divine Vacuum?
SueInCa : Alan Grayson would agree with you CL
choicelady : kes – exactly. They absolutely do not get it. They think THEY will be ‘reborn’ not having a clue it’s not about being DEAD.
kesmarn :
SueInCa : How do a group of 40 or so people hold the whole country as hostage?
kesmarn : Sue, I think he’s finished no matter what. Boner, that is.
choicelady : Sue – Boehner is done no matter what. He can go with grace or be the man history reviles as the guy who killed democracy.
AdLib : CL – Great points about the Dominionists! And though they are too much in their delusions to see it, the polls are roundly rejecting the reality of that ever happening. The public sees them and their allies as the villains in this, not the heroes they all think they are.
kesmarn : Nope. Your first mission is your last mission, CL!
KillgoreTrout : Ha! Good one CL!
SueInCa : True that Sabreen. I am just curious how this will all end. If Teabillies stay in Congress and Boner goes to a vote, his leadership position is gone
choicelady : kes – the Kamikaze Caucus wants a 2012 do-over. Someone needs to tell them Kamikazes NEVER get do-overs…
KillgoreTrout : That’s a pretty fitting name for these morons, kes.
kesmarn : Hence the term “Kamikaze Caucus,” KT?
choicelady : Sabreen – today in the Sacramento Bee the front page story is how CA GOP are ending their war on ACA and instead telling constituents how to sign up for it. THAT is amazing since they have been in the lead on obstruction.
AdLib : CL – Yep, that is the winning meme for the Dems and they don’t need me to tell them. Nationalize the House elections in 2014, make it all about removing the Baggers from power by not voting for any Repubs. AND…all Repubs voted to shut down government so Dems should hang that albatross very publicly around the necks of each and every Repub running for re-election and ask, “Do you want more of this?”
KillgoreTrout : Don’t ya just love all these government haters who have cushy jobs in the…..governme nt?
SueInCa : Probably Adlib but in the end everyone with a brain will know they lost.
choicelady : AdLib – back to the Dominionst base. This shutdown is meant to eradicate the government, the democracy, the Constitution so the desperate in America will turn to the Dominionist Baggers for salvation, create a theocracy, and put the Baggers into power as the only salvation.
Sabreen60 : Sue, I don’t see the hardcore baggers giving up. Boehner has to bring a clean CR to the floor. Will he or won’t he? I actually turned on Rachel tonight and she had a funny but informed skit about how the different groups within the Republican party (inside and outside the government) have changed their positions on the government shutdown, the debt ceiling and “Obamacare”. The bottom line is they don’t know what they want and they don’t know how they’re going to get it.
kesmarn : They are fundamentally anarchists.
KillgoreTrout : CL, it’s hard to believe that such people still exists in the 21st century, but they surely do.
AdLib : Sue – I don’t think the Baggers can ever afford to give up on their standoff, they just need to be overruled by the majority of fearful Repubs. Their raison d’etre is killing government and destroying the Obama Presidency and the big cash cow for Cruz, Heritage, etc. is the ignorant base out there that hates and wants the Baggers to act out their hatred. Cruz, Paul and Lee will never openly admit defeat or peace, they can’t afford to.
choicelady : kes – yes, those ARE the messages we need to keep alive!
choicelady : KT – anyone who can carry a major hurt for 150 years does not know reason. Like the Hatfield-McCoy feud that eventually no one knew the origins of.
KillgoreTrout : Oh Snap, CL.
kesmarn : funk’s article on the winning Dem strategy was really excellent!
KillgoreTrout : CL, i was going to say the same about the “Northern War of Aggression.
kesmarn : Oh — and that article is pretty long — but very good.
choicelady : KT – I seriously believe the toy in the Bagger Unhappy Meal will be mooning the recipient.
kesmarn : AdLib, I sense a change in the atmosphere, too. Just earlier today I was talking to a woman who was not particularly a fan of the Prez’s, but she is now furious with the GOP. I doubt she will vote Repub for a long time.
SueInCa : CL I have a post that was on FB that spoke to the messaging for Dems in the coming year. I think I saved it and will post it on the Planet and email it to you if I still have it.
choicelady : Sue – these are the same people who have carried a grudge against the Dems since at least Ruby Ridge (perpetrated by GHW BUSH, but never mind.) They will never get over the grudge. They’re not over the War of Northern Aggression.
KillgoreTrout : A meal complete with a little frowny toy!
AdLib : Kes – Thanks for the link, have it open in another tab, will read it after Vox!
choicelady : AdLib – the post you had about messaging is what we need to focus upon. Dems: Me or the totally insane party?
SueInCa : So when do you all think the Teabillies will get tired of their standoff? I am thinking that they are so greedy and so “without a soul” that it won’t be soon unless they think they can get out without damage but I think that is highly unlikely
AdLib : KT – You nailed it, The Bagger Unhappy Meal!!!
choicelady : kes – what a totally scary thought. You’re correct, of course!
AdLib : A little speculation, I don’t see that the GOP can improve their disadvantage with voters too much by 2014 elections. First, any agreement will keep one or more budget votes and/or deficit votes on the calendar before Nov 2013 and their stubbornness or ongoing threats will refresh Americans about how much they hate Repubs. Also, if they insist on more draconian cuts using extortion, they will look like helpless losers since they will be scared to follow through. Lastly, the Dems know that the 2014 campaign is a national campaign, it’s all about, “Even if you like your Republican Rep, a vote for him/her is a vote for more Tea Party madness.” I really think the Dems have a strong shot at taking back the House in 2014. Thank you Ted Cruz and hateful Baggers everywhere!
KillgoreTrout : Actually, Jagger is a pretty smart guy. He’s got a degree in business from the London School of Economics. If I’ve heard true.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- they needed to get folks like you involved in the vetting of the contractors and in the design of the services to be rendered.
SueInCa : Indeed, Kes
kesmarn : c’lady, I guarantee Mick knows more than the entire Tea Party put together — even after years of drugs!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…leaving so soon!
KillgoreTrout : Greed and avarice just never wins out, in the end. Wait, aren’t those the first names of the Koch bros?
SueInCa : Thanks BFF I bookmarked it.
choicelady : kes – my first reaction to the Rolling Stone reference was “What does Mick Jagger know about U.S. politics?” I need to slow down and read more carefully.
kesmarn : For later on, here’s a link to an amazing Rolling Stone article called “Inside the Republican Suicide Machine.” «link»
choicelady : Murph – it’s good SOMEONE intelligent is working it out in FL. Great you could connect people to them.
Sabreen60 : Good night, glenn. Sorry you have to leave and I just arrived.
choicelady : AdLib – Bagger Bad Value Meal? Eeeuuuuwww – with KT’s manure image, this is NOT working for me!
KillgoreTrout : LOL! The UNHAPPY MEAL!
kesmarn : G’night, glenn. Best to the granddaughter!
choicelady : glenn – lovely to see you if only briefly. Have fun tomorrow!
KillgoreTrout : Night glenn. Itt must be a lot of fun watching your daughter’s games.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- because the South Florida navigators are located in a University Clinic setting and they had a big federal grant. They are the lighthouse in northern Florida.
choicelady : Murph – it’s our ‘handlers’ I hate. Don’t even know the online folks yet. I think they’re OK. This would have been much better without a private contractor that had a PR background NOT an educational or community organizing one.
AdLib : KT – So true, the Bagger Bad Value Meal!
SueInCa : glenn have a good time at the game
AdLib : glenn – Best of luck to your granddaughter in her soccer game! Sleep well!
kesmarn : It’s the reverse Midas touch, AdLib. Lately everything they touch turns to manure.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, it’s that “combo platter,” at work!
choicelady : Murph – but not everyone would do what you do. Your basic instincts are to solve problems with compassion. That is not a universal trait. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
glenn : Alright, my friends, I’d love to stay and trash the teabillies some more, but I have to get up at 6:45 a.m. tomorrow, (early soccer game) so it’s time for me to depart. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. Thanks for making my Friday night!
AdLib : Hey Sabreen!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- that’s our experience with the on line techs….a mess.
AdLib : Kes – And what I find amusing is that Baggers are running around quoting the outlier poll that showed Obama at like a 37% approval rating…while it simultaneously showed the GOP Congress at 5%! Calling attention to that is a win for them??? They just don’t know how to lose without making themselves look like even bigger losers.
kesmarn : Trophy: “Ted Cruz — Participant” (in chaos)
choicelady : Murph – under even more concerns of that family, thank you for getting them to a Navigator in FL who can really help and NOT screw them over.
SueInCa : Hey Sabreen.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…like the award…as a volunteer I am a little freer to move like this….I am getting an education.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sabreen, good to see ya!
choicelady : Sabreen! Great to see you!
choicelady : AdLib – he’s a millennial who thinks he gets an award just for Being Ted.
kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen!
kesmarn :
“Little lizard teeth” indeed!
Sabreen60 : Hi Planeteers!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- The young man will be eligible for a crazy quilt of programs- federal and state but they needed a guide, a navigator to put them all together…and the Florida system works against them doing that.
kesmarn : Right, glenn. A re-run of the Romney delusion of winning.
KillgoreTrout : Cruz is racking that self professed big brain trying to place blame on Obama and the dems. Of course he’s lying through his little lizard teeth.
choicelady : Sue – the medical device tax. It’s a hot issue with Baggers and pretty much a non issue with everyone else. MIGHT be something of a bone to toss, though I like AdLib’s focus on making Baggers and Boehner crawl and giving nothing.
glenn : Kes–Personally, I hope the cruz supporters continue to believe that the polls are wrong. Then, when they lose in the poll that really counts–the 2014 elections–they can complain some more about how the polls were “skewed”.
AdLib : Sue – So it’s a surprise to Ted Cruz that the loser in a confrontation doesn’t get what they wanted when they started the fight? He must have won a lot of soccer trophies for just participating.
SueInCa : Oh not a big deal, well if you do not need one that is
choicelady : Murph – I guess the online sites are. Do NOT get me started about working for the private contractor handling the outreach and education. May they have learned from how they screwed us over how NOT to screw over the Enrollers. (Same people as you – state’s term.) We HATE the private company and all its ineptitude.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- thank God for the GOP (hardly ever say that) but their nonsense gave ACA a breather.
kesmarn : The medical devices tax, Sue.
AdLib : Hey Sue, checking out your link right now!
SueInCa : Two great minds BFF
SueInCa : What tax are you talking about?
kesmarn : Hey, BFF! I quoted from the Cruz smackdown article too.
AdLib : Murph – Very cool of you. So will he be covered or is he a victim of Rick Scott’s refusal of Medicaid expansion?
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I have been following what several mayors are doing and their emphasis on local signups. Good for them. I have heard that your sites are a model for what works.
KillgoreTrout : So true CL. Texas has the most uninsured children than any other state in America.
kesmarn : Further example of Teabilly logic: all polls are showing a huge decline in approval for the GOP. Cruz: “All the polls are wrong.”
choicelady : Hey Sue! GREAT story, thank you.
AdLib : CL – Personally, I think the tax is not something that is a big deal, it should be left as is but since it’s not a big deal, as long as the revenues come from elsewhere, let the Baggers have that since the Dems want it too…it won’t really be a Bagger victory anyway!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…my comment to Choice was for you as well. Florida…I thought Missouri was misery!
choicelady : Oh Murph – you’re amazing! Interstate Navigator of the Year award to you!
glenn : Murph–read a headline in AJC today about how President Obama “knew” the exchanges weren’t going to work, yet went ahead with them anyway. Didn’t read the article; just another conspiracy theory.
SueInCa : Hi everyone. Looks like Ted Cruz got smacked down by President Obama today lol «link»
choicelady : KT – that failure to expand Medicaid is the saddest and worst part of this entire story. It’s heartless and cruel. But yeah – it’s also freaking RACIST by half!
AdLib : glenn – That is an oxymoron, “teabagger logic”. They just want what would be most emotionally satisfying and simply twist themselves like pretzels to justify it as having logic instead of being driven by their fear and hatred.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I had a request at HP from someone I know there to provide some direction for a mother of a young adult disable son re. Health Care Insurance. I spent half the day wading through the mess that is Florida. They get the prize for setting up the most roadblocks to ACA info and help. I did quite a bit of newspaper reading and found that the University of South Florida had Navigators that she could get to. Set up an appointment for her and now she is connected. Her son had a closed head injury, motorcycle, when he was 16 and has been totally dependent on her ever since. She fell into one of those traps where he seemed not to be covered.
glenn : CL–I also like the SODDI argument from the “personal responsibility” crowd.
KillgoreTrout : 26 states are refusing money for expanded medicaid programs. Guess what color they mostly are.
choicelady : AdLib – if the Dems give up the medical device tax – a pittance – will the Divine Left turn on Obama AGAIN? Even Dems don’t like that tax.
kesmarn : There should be a tax on the number of hours a Senator wastes in windbaggery. A million an hour. Mr. Cruz!
choicelady : glenn – that’s exactly correct. I maintain the degree of brushes many of them have with the law makes them masters of the SODDI argument – Some Other Dude Did It. So they understand demonizing some poor sap other than themselves.
KillgoreTrout : That sounds about right glenn.
AdLib : KT – By the time the battle over the government shutdown and deficit ceiling are over, that is, the beginning of the year, most of the bugs in the ACA website will have been worked out so it will be a moot point. And notice how all the rest of the Repubs have abandoned any big Obamacare demands, just tax on medical devices and as long as the revenue is replaced, hopefully from the wealthy, fine with me.
KillgoreTrout : For sure Kes. The Baggers are grasping at straws, as usual.
choicelady : Murph – CA’s web site is doing GREAT. We are up and running, no problems past the first two days. The federal one is just taking the largest – by far – load.
glenn : KT–once again, TP logic is non-existent. I’ve been trying to come up with an analogy for their “logic”, and here’s what I think. They are the type of people who won’t pay money to put oil and/or gas in their cars and then complain that the damn car doesn’t work.
choicelady : KT – they get the problem is high volume demand. They just twist it. Lots of us wrote Yogi Berra’s comment: “Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.” Same point.
kesmarn : KT, and they always ignore the fact that there are weeks left in the enrollment timeframe yet! No need to panic about glitches in the first 48 hours.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…the website remains a mess…but the phone banks are going very, very well and the walk in sites are also doing well. Whoever designed the webpage should be shot- and not have health care.
choicelady : Murph – what’s up with FLORIDA and ACA?
AdLib : Murph – So tell us about your adventures in ACA land!
KillgoreTrout : A lot of baggers are pointing to the difficulty in signing up for the ACA as another indication of the train wreck they call Obamacare. What these morons don’t understand is there a difficulties because the ACA is so popular and people are crashing the sites trying to enroll. Very myopic, as usual.
choicelady : Hey Murph – lovely to see you!
kesmarn : Ted Cruz, complaining about the Prez staying strong: “… at the end of the day, the president still said he wouldn’t negotiate,” Cruz said. “We began talking, that was good today. But he continued to maintain that he will not negotiate or compromise on anything. And if that is the position, that’s not going to lead to a resolution.”
glenn : Hey Murph–are the exchanges up and running now? I was just going to ask if anyone had from you. How is it going?
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello Ad Lib and Kesman
glenn : CL–I agree. But then again, tpers don’t want to pay for anything; they just want to complain. Their “logic” escapes me every time. Probably because there is no “logic” just magical “beliefs”.
kesmarn : Hey, Murph!
AdLib : Hey Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi KT
AdLib : CL – That is so cool! A real public option and being embedded in the Red states! How could that be sweeter???
KillgoreTrout : Hey Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello All….Just finished fighting with an ACA battle for some folks in Florida.
choicelady : glenn – if you don’t pay dues to the union, why the HELL should you reap the benefits they achieve?
KillgoreTrout : Yep Ad, we saw them digging in the graveyard.
choicelady : AdLib – biggest joke of all is that in all states without exchanges, there IS A PUBLIC OPTION. CA and other Exchange states will get it in 2015, but it is reality starting Jan. 2014 – a government health care plan like the one KQ and Boomer1949 both got. Cheap, comprehensive, cool.
glenn : CL–Now there’s an idea for the unions. I like it.
AdLib : CL – I love the Frankenstein aspect of this for the Kochs and Wall Street, we all saw this coming!
glenn : Kes–Once again, I “hear” you. I live in a completely red state. It is an interesting theory, though. And I’ll just bet there are plenty of teabillies that would just love it…until they couldn’t support themselves any more. My computer is acting up, so I didn’t get to read the comments, but I would bet money that there was at least one teabilly saying, “Yea…let’s do it.”
kesmarn : That would help, glenn.
AdLib : glenn – Nope, it’s not possible to do that. the ACA is the law of the land, not just non-Bagger areas and anyway, what better just desserts than to get Baggers appreciating and supporting Obamacare?
choicelady : kes – that IS the problem isn’t it. There are good people there. Maybe we could break it out by voter reg.?
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib. Brooks basically said that they let the inmates take over the asylum and there’s no way this can end well for them.
choicelady : glenn – I very much like that as I think right to work states should put it into practice. You don’t want to join the union? Fine. No benefits from the union negotiations. No representation in grievances. No NOTHING. You believe in hyper individualism – live by it with your corporate masters. That would end RTW in a matter of months.
KillgoreTrout : CL, maybe we can give them all a sedagive!
kesmarn : Oooh, glenn– as a victim of one of those gerrymandered districts, I hope that doesn’t become reality!
choicelady : AdLib – when the funders run away from what they funded you KNOW they and the party are OUT of control! Sure they’re lying – they unleashed this and now cannot control it. Dr. Frankenstein? Meet your monster.
AdLib : Kes – Brooks threw up his hands over all the GOP breakdowns?
kesmarn : Isn’t that really slimy? The Kochs denying that they ha anything to do with this? They had EVERYTHING to do with it.
glenn : CL–read an interesting article on HP today, written by a Harvard economist. His “theory” is that we should let all those gerrymandered districts have it “their way.” No Obamacare, no Social Security, no Medicaid, no military posts, IOW, no federal money/support whatsoever. According to him, it’s possible. He claims we should let them have it “their way” until the 2016 elections, then see what happens. It was quite interesting, and he swore he was serious, and that it could be done.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I think there are several such encampments across America.
choicelady : kes – I heard the evening news on NPR coming home. Brooks was in despair, yes.
kesmarn : That giant “Crow Pie” they’re going to have to eat is the best dessert imaginable, AdLib.
AdLib : The Kochs came out and declared they don’t share the Baggers’ views???? Yes, they are lying but still!!!
choicelady : KT and glenn – a very solid wise person told me I have a RW militia encampment about 20 miles from here. THAT is real. The FEMA camps are not.
kesmarn : That seems to be the thought of the few rational ones left, c’lady. David Brooks basically just threw up his hands in despair tonight on PBS.
AdLib : I have to say though, there are so many just desserts being served to the GOP, I can hardly keep focused on one.
KillgoreTrout : Ad I expect them to explode any day now.
choicelady : kes – we hope that is where they are going and that they get there.
kesmarn : You betcha, glenn!
KillgoreTrout : I don’t know glenn, but there will surely be plenty of barbed wire and machine gun towers! At least that’s what the Baggers tell me.
kesmarn : c’lady, they are just sleepwalking right to the cliff’s edge.
glenn : Kes–you’re right–it’s not the size of the rifle; it’s how you aim and shoot it, right?
AdLib : KT – On that count, the Baggers must be all plugged too!
AdLib : The Baggers are really going nuts now. I loved their desperation today, saying that they won because Obama is negotiating with them…about negotiating!!!
choicelady : kes – yup. 11th day, and people are beginning to feel it. Not going well for the Baggers. Turned on CNN with the TP talking heads – Ann Coulter and others – with one guy intoning that the figures lie because PBO carried only 17 Red areas while Clinton carried 70 or 80. Never mind the gerrymandering or possible total disaffection of independents in those gerrymandered districts. Or polls in general. Or, well, REALITY. That little fact about PBO and gerrymandered Red districts let them all know they were ahead. GOP? Please proceed.
glenn : KT–do you suppose we’ll get FEMA tents or FEMA trailers? Will they be big tents?
kesmarn :
Size isn’t always everything, glenn…
KillgoreTrout : Woha Ad. That could surely be declared a disaster area. Never been that much feces in one place before.
glenn : Kes–I “hear” you. Guess it depends on the size of their rifles…
KillgoreTrout : glenn they are readying the FEMA camps. Look out now!
glenn : Hey AdLib, Greetings, KT
kesmarn : glenn, having some troops quartered in my house could be quite entertaining!
AdLib : The Baggers tried to shut down the internet by plugging up the tubes in their house but all it did was make their toilets back up.
KillgoreTrout : Homie! What’s happening?
kesmarn : Well, here we are on — what is it? — day 11 of the shutdown?
choicelady : AdLib – I will be on the lookout for the mug and will cherish it always!
glenn : Hey kes–the teapartiers may not have shut down the internet, but beware–Presiden t Obama is going to quarter troops in your house soon!
KillgoreTrout : Greetings glenn!
AdLib : Hey Kes!!!
choicelady : Hi kes! Nah teabillies don’t know nuttin’ about shutting us down.
AdLib : Hey glenn, happy Vox Day to you too!
KillgoreTrout : I don’t know about best day of my life, but it sure is fun. A bit out of the ordinary other six days.
choicelady : Hi glenn – happyVOX day to you, too.
kesmarn : Good Friday evening, kids. I see the Teabillies haven’t managed to shut down the intertoobz yet.
AdLib : Yes, congrats to you CL, the Morning Blog Mug is on its way!!!
choicelady : AdLib – well, refreshing is, mmm, refreshing!
glenn : Hi everyone–happy VOX day!
choicelady : KT – what a shock that was! I just stumbled into my fifteen seconds of fame! But it was lovely I must say.
AdLib : CL – I moved to my other computer and hadn’t refreshed the Vox screen. All is well now!
KillgoreTrout : Hey CL. Congrats on being our 200,000th comment.
choicelady : KT – you make it sound as if VOX day is either a drag on the firmament or the best thing in your life?
AdLib : Patsy was here a bit earlier, she picked up on my SCTV reference in “GOP Blows Up Real Good!”
choicelady : AdLib -= you’re the moderator – if YOU had the wrong page, we’re in deep doo doo.
KillgoreTrout : Oh, pretty much the usual, except for this being VOX day.
choicelady : Hey KT and Sue – nice to have REAL people to talk to. I was burbling – and no one was there.
AdLib : CL – I was here, had the wrong page up though!
choicelady : It’s OK Adlib – should have noticed I was alone… Sigh.
AdLib : What up KT?
KillgoreTrout : Hey Planeteers? What’s shakin?
AdLib : Thanks for getting the ducks in a row, I’m bringing my duck hunting gun like Elmer Fudd, “It’s duck season!”
AdLib : Hey CL! Sorry!!!
choicelady : Oh good – I’m talking to myself. Sign of dementia…
choicelady : Hi to you, of course, AdLib. No progress yet on HOPE – I’m getting ducks in a row. First steps are always dull.
choicelady : Hey – no fair! Early start! Hi Patsy – it is SUPER to see you here!
AdLib : Okay, one more SCTV bit which has Tea Baggers as contestants, “Half-Wits”: «link»
AdLib : One more “Blowed up real good!”, instead of Neil Sedaka, imagine it’s Ted Cruz. «link»
AdLib : Hey Patsy! I knew someone would get the reference! Hope to see you tonight!
PatsyT : Ralph is a gonna try to make it … he is still busy riding his 18 wheeler to stop the Socialist agenda of that kenyon president «link»
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
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