AdLib : See you then, CL! Take care!
choicelady : AdLib, Murph – good night. See you in two weeks! Be well, dear friends.
AdLib : Well CL, looks like it’s time to close the Vox Cafe! Hope you can get some rest this weekend! Best of luck with your next week and looking forward to hearing about your HOPEful adventures the following week!
choicelady : Sounds GREAT, Murph – go sleep so you can go plant! See you in a couple of weeks! I’m doing a conference next Friday so won’t be here. Sweet dreams, good weeks.
choicelady : Murph – I always know I’m near home when I fly over MO – it’s qualitatively different from anywhere else. Trees, contours, hills – lovely. Someday I’m coming back to see Gentry County where my grandfather was from. Farm boy who grew up to be an English professor. And an Ayn Rand enthusiast, but hey – you can’t have everything…
MurphTheSurf3 : choice- I do lots of trees. I bought land that is very hilly and have a dozen mini-fields in pockets scattered about. I grow a lot of specialty items and sell to local markets, the AG independent grocers and restaurants.
AdLib : Murph – That is pretty scary stuff, considering that they are true believers! Night Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…WoW! Well gotta go for real. Bye y’all
choicelady : Murph – do you have trees around your land?
AdLib : our
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- interesting observation about the missing belt. I must look into that.
AdLib : Murph – Over the years, I’ve perennials added bit by bit, always something that bore fruit. Orange tree, lemon, apple, grapefruit, avocado, pomegranate trees, artichoke and asparagus plants. Daughter loves are “mini farm”, going in the backyard and picking something fresh to eat.
choicelady : Murph – MO is being hurt I think by IL, KS, TX and surrounding states that have ripped out the shelter belts. No trees, less rain. I fly over hundreds of miles of treeless land going East, and I think it matters that the CCC work is almost all gone. Trees help produce vapor that makes rain and keeps us cooler. Stupid, wasteful, dangerous practices of the greedy.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- I have only met one or two and have kept clear of them beyond a hello but the stuff I read and what the police say makes me think they are delusional and they act on the delusion. Those who are somewhat anchored in the real world com for a training weekend or two and then back away.
choicelady : Murph – how freaking sad for them. I remember the monitors working Y2K listening toshortwave transmissions and the fear of those who “KNEW” it was the end, Clinton was sending the black helicopters. Pitiful. Why do we who have so much freedom fear so much from our own government? It’s so sad.
AdLib : Murph, I know many of these folks need to believe this lunacy for emotional reasons but do you ever sense that there’s a part of them that knows their willingly deceiving themselves? Or are they 100% locked in with no self-awareness?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- ah! to have a cooperative climate!
AdLib : CL – Tomato plants getting taller, peas, broccoli, corn and watermelon in our main garden this year. Have strawberries, blackberries and grapes coming along too!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- my sense is that there is a contingent among the far righties who are true believers in their zealous ideaolatry. The KNOW that Obama is the anti-christ, the harbinger of doom, the bear of communist international’s red banner and that the military is being readied to take them down. They read World Net Daily, look to ALex Jones for inspiration and spend their weekends drilling. Of course in the real world one battalion of rangers with a little armor and copter backup puts them all down.
choicelady : AdLib – glad things are growing well for you!
AdLib : CL – I do like fishing though I haven’t been for a long while. Cooking what you catch, good stuff!
choicelady : Murph – I think it’s admirable when people take responsibility for killing what they eat. I can’t do it – went pheasant hunting once. Cooked it and ate it. But it seemed so pointless. Oh well – I do not fault those for whom hunting supplements a meager food budget. It’s a responsible action.
AdLib : Sleep well Murph and best of luck planting! We’ve planted our small veggie garden and it’s already growing nicely. Love them fresh veggies and fruit!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- you have a good reading on how hunting tends to do.
choicelady : AdLib – sizeist I can live with.
choicelady : Murph – I will check them out here, thanks. Sleep well!
AdLib : CL – Sexist? It’s a sizest thing.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice – around here there are ranges where you can practice with different guns – usually attached to gun shops- best way to make a choice.
choicelady : Murph – hope it goes well both now and in the hot, hot summer. May you get rain this year! Good luck, sleep well, and plant those suckers and get them growing! Be well.
AdLib : So Murph, do the TP gun people genuinely believe they will be fighting a tyrannical government and the US Army in the not to distant future or is it clear they’re just acting like they think it would really happen?
choicelady : Murph – LOL!! I hear venison is bad for you, turkey is gamey tasting, and all the rest is, well, sort of unattractive. We will have you over for a lovely domestic turkey dinner, OK?
MurphTheSurf3 : well folks this has been fun…I rise early to continue the prep for planting and the planting. We are trying to get everything in early in anticipation of a hot summer – the deeper the roots the better the chances of survival and harvest. Time is the key. But unfortunately that means risking freezes- so I have been covering plants as well….Bottom line, early morning.
choicelady : AdLib – I’d call you sexist, but let’s face it – there’s a world of difference between Murph and me. I have fair upper body strength for a woman, but I’m not a weight lifter. Male morphology is just DIFFERENT. I had such a surprise with the MP 5 – it has NO kick worth noticing! I’ve never used a shotgun of any kind, so I’d need some help getting familiar with it.
AdLib : Just thought of a big downside to the Repubs drawing out the gun vote…it only leaves more time for another terrible tragedy to occur. For the sake of the innocents, I hope that doesn’t happen but every day, I read a new story of another gun murder.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- my hunting is all with a rifle….or as I refer to it a very long walk in the cold damp with a stick that does me no good….I never get anything.
choicelady : Murph – thanks! Seriously – do any self respecting hunters use semis? Hunting GROUND venison seems wussy.
AdLib : Murph – Was thinking of CL on the recoil, I figured it would be no problem for you.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- recoil, no problem for me…there is a kick but its not huge.
AdLib : CL – And I do think that the shooting Taser is a better way to go than the handheld one. Any weapon you hold can be taken and used against you if you’re within their reach.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- probably. Here is the site: «link»
choicelady : AdLib – I am thinking SERIOUSLY about a Taser, for sure. They cost a lot though, and you DO have to register and pass a background check. But – it would be good NOT to have something that could kill someone.
AdLib : Murph – What’s the recoil like on that?
choicelady : Murph – I’m 5′ tall. Could I use that?
AdLib : CL – Tasers are a good non-lethal compromise but you have to be pretty close to be sure of the darts hitting their target.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice Remington 870 Pump Shot Gun
choicelady : AdLib – I first read that as “I shot a friend with a handgun once”!!!!! Glad I was totally wrong!
choicelady : AdLib – you have to be registered, right? I am thinking Taser. I could pass a check – it’s considered a weapon unless it’s hand held and you’d have to touch the person. Those don’t have to be registered.
AdLib : Actually, I’ve target shot with a friend’s handgun once.
AdLib : I know how to use a Lazer Tag gun.
choicelady : Murph – I would also like to learn to use a shotgun. Over and under or double barreled side by side?
AdLib : Night Funk, rest your weary head on your pillow covered Glock.
choicelady : funk – I REALLY don’t want the world to come to that! One should have a constitutional right to sleep! So you have sweet dreams and don’t worry!
AdLib : As happened with slavery and institutional racism, it will be a long and difficult road to drag our society away from the gun industry’s oppression and tyranny (ironic that while they claim they are standing against tyranny, they act like the worst tyrants in the nation) but as with gay rights, immigration, drug use, the nation does eventually bend towards common sense.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…I have a handgun, a shotgun and a rifle. My shotgun is the one I trust the most….
funksands : Folks, I must retire. Have a lovely weekend, and remember to sleep with one eye open at all times.
choicelady : Since AdLib has met me several times, he knows I’m not packing! But I have this increasing desire to go to the “Guns Only” store near my office and look at them to defend myself against – gun nuts.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….I gave them links and offered to take them on Founder by Founder. Did you know that Sam Adams favored the most restrictive of voter eligibility qualifications for fear of the uniformed rabble.
choicelady : All – guns saved my life.My friend in hiding from RW extremists gave a talk in her new area on domestic terrorism. We had terrible problems at the university with “security” who WERE skinheads, then they found us, surrounded the house while we were on the porch, just she and I. I went inside and called my husband, stepped out on the porch to watch out for her and said to him, “She’s gone to the car to get the guns.” With that – it ended. Totally. I have never been so scared. She has three guns. I’m totally FINE with that. And I don’t have any, but if it gets worse, I might. Cannot rely on my attack cat since she died, and the little guy hides under the bed. So – maybe.
AdLib : Murph – CL hides her Dirty Harry side behind a sweet, kind and gentle facade.
AdLib : Murph – Well done! Faced with facts and history, such types either are cowed or double down on their ignorant BS.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- Shay’s in well known but there were numerous small uprisings and as the Articles provided totally incapable of holding the Confederation together.
AdLib : It’s too bad The Founders couldn’t have been psychic enough to foresee that idiots in the 20th and 21st Century wouldn’t understand that only the government can legally regulate. I’m sure they would have thought it to be redundant.
choicelady : Murph – I’m not that tall nor that thin. Otherwise you’re right, of course.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…in this case the three went away….shell shocked I hope
choicelady : funk – the pix, not very good of me since I was bundled up and look like the Michelin Tire man, are among my proudest possessions. The MP 5 was freaking FUN!
AdLib : Murph – Appreciate the Franklin and Paxton background. Very helpful especially if provided to gun supporters who are open to educating themselves…unf ortunately, the most hard core ones build a bunker around their ignorance and fire at anyone who dares enter it.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…why do I have images of Sigourney Weaver when I think of you in this context?
choicelady : funk – how many with hammers? Spoons? The NRA says they are lethal weapons.
funksands : Choice: Wow, I am impressed. I would love to see photos.
choicelady : Murph – while I happen to have a ton of sympathy for Shay’s Rebellion, it was squashed flatter than a johnny cake. The society determines who is ‘the militia’. You don’t get your own.
choicelady : funk – the 60 is over a long period of time.
funksands : Same problem right?
funksands : 120,00 homicides with guns since then.
funksands : 3 convictions for voter impersonation since 2000.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- I had three posters at HP zapping me with quotes from the Founders and Framers re. guns, guns and more guns. The quotes were provided without context and without narrative. SO….I provided them with the story of Franklin and the Paxton Boys- frontier settlers with too many guns who wanted the PA legislature to do what they wanted and threatened to attack and take Philadelphia hostage. It shaped Franklins understanding of the need for a regulated and ordered militia. Washington of course greatly feared both external enemies and internal uprising (and he witnessed three).
choicelady : funk – yes. I do bunkers well. I can also shoot. I am VERY good – trained by the FBI, can handle a 9mm semi and an MP 5, the latter despite the fact it’s almost as big as I am. I have photos…
AdLib : CL – These militia people are generally living lives of insignificance and they need to feel important, they need to believe they have a mission in life to eventually oppose a great evil. They need to feel that they matter. No surprise that militias are mostly in poorer rural areas. When you’re poor and feeling powerless, you just might feel the need to compensate…and overcompensate.
choicelady : Murph – I deal with the Dominionists for over 12 years on the streets and 20-plus overall, and yeah – I’d not be good at that.
funksands : Choice, I think that would be an interesting number to know. Even more interesting if that number is low.
choicelady : Murph – OMG. I’m on a hit list already, so YES be careful!
funksands : I don’t know Murph, Choice can dig a mean bunker.
choicelady : funk – no data on ex military, but Jonathan O’Toole, the self appointed assasin for the Army of God trained with the Marines here in CA before being dishonorably discharged for his advocacy of murdering abortion providers. He was a crack sniper though. So we turned him loose with taxpayer paid training. Lordamighty knows where he is, what he will do.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- Funk….far too logical, and far too trusting…you guys would make terrible TPers
AdLib : Murph – Right, I’m familiar with that radical mentality, that the 2nd Amendment is about having an anti-government militia. That is of course just plain crazy, anyone who reads a history book knows that The Founders did not want to be murdered and usurped by whatever band of citizens wanted to overthrow America. Of course, they would be in for a rude awakening, going up against tanks, Apache helicopters and now, lasers!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- have not asked this, but I was advised to do this by a local sheriff and had his suggestion verified. They told me to make sure that those I was interviewing, and chatting with knew that everything I was doing was known to the sheriff with regular reports and on file with my attorney. I was told to them that you are doing this because you never know what “they” are going to do to try and stop me. Since the message is ambiguous – the “they” will be taken by most of them to be the tyrannical government. But no matter what they will know that law enforcement at several levels knows who I was talking to and what was said.
choicelady : Murph – this is eye opening, but I will lay odds that if the existing bill passes and Uncle Fred sells a gun to Bubba who plugs a kid, cop, mother – things will suddenly change. The mood of the nation is with us on this.
choicelady : funk – EXCELLENT point! That is how CA got same day and online registration passed here. We have to swear we are who we say – and the state has to prove we are not. So far? Not one single case of fraud.
AdLib : Funk – Agreed. This is a massive flaw in the gun nuts’ justifications. When it comes to the 2nd Amendment, they claim rights are absolute and not to be infringed on. When Voter ID can keep black people from voting, they claim rights can and should be regulated for the sake of society. Hypocrites and frauds unite!
funksands : Do we have any anecdotal #’s that show what % of these RWNJ gun clubs are ex-military?
choicelady : AdLib – most of the Saturday militia guys I’ve seen need a major diet, asthma meds, and a dose of good sense. I agree – the ‘regulated’ part is wanting.
choicelady : Murph – the guys harassing me agree with your MO folks about the right to overthrow the armed forces. God help us.
funksands : Murph, I imagine him literally “in the woods”.
AdLib : Murph – Absolutely, their paranoia and insecurity inoculates these people to common sense or logic. All they have to fall back on is BS because there is no truth or reason to their positions. And I don’t bother arguing reason with people who don’t use or respect it, there’s no point and no convincing to be had.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I was stunned with the attorney took me through the legal framework in which accountablity exists. Basically states have to define the law to permit accountability with firearms rather than the other way around.
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL…I have one person who leads a very large group in my neck of the woods on my radar whose position of the right to bear arms is that “the people” have the right to the same arms as the military since the 2nd exists to combat the power of a standing army.
funksands : Ad, they can’t be held as a “free State” either.
funksands : Re: Voter ID: Since when is it the citizen’s responsibility to prove they have rights? Shouldn’t the state have the responsibility to prove they don’t?
AdLib : CL – the phrase is very clear, “A well regulated militia”. Gun nuts regulating themselves couldn’t be held as “well regulated” by any reasonable court.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad and Choice- your arguments are the ones I proffer and hav had rebuffed (in the ways I have done)…living in the bubble makes many on the right immune to logic
choicelady : funk – you’re back! Indeed – but I’m holding out for flame throwers.
funksands : We already have 300 million guns in the US. Think how liberated, free and safe we’d be with 5 billion or so.
AdLib : Murph, your representation of their views is very appreciated, just blowing up their hypocrisy. Nope, either I have a right or I don’t. There is no qualification in the Constitution that I have to prove anything to exercise my right to vote. These fools are arguing against rights being held by citizens just by being citizens! Then the same can be said for the 2nd Amendment, if you can’t prove your citizenship, you can’t prove you have that right.
choicelady : Murph – 35??? Yikes. Nationally I knew that. But not that many states. Well – there goes THAT opportunity!
choicelady : AdLib – that’s why the Rambo wannabes had created so many ‘militia’ groups. They see this as evidence they are totally Constitutional. Gag.
choicelady : Murph – but showing ID on a gun purchase means a serial rapist and murderer can’t buy a gun either. It keeps identity sacred. I think the Baggers have dug a hole they cannot get out from. (Ungrammatical, sorry.)
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- my contact tells me that the ability to hold responsible persons we are discussing has been largely eliminated in 35 states…..and on the national level is total.
AdLib : Too bad these TP people hate the 2nd Amendment…the part before the second comma that is: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” There are no “regulation” terms for voting yet that is now licensed. The ignorance of those gun nuts is astounding.
choicelady : Murph – I find your understanding of their view very helpful. Makes me rabid, but it IS helpful. I appreciate the time you’ve put into this. We always say you should know what the other guy is thinking. You did it. It’s very useful stuff! I don’t take it as defending them, just stating what is.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- your failure to produce an ID is presented as a testimony to your not being who you claim to be thus the id law holds the vote of the real Ad Lib sacred and protected from fraud.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib and Choice…I warned you guys that I have been swimming with the TP denizens of the deep and can speak of lot of their lingo but I can only defend them to a point…
choicelady : Murph – that would not be true in CA, NY, IL and some (many? few?) other states. MO must have some heavy guilt to have protected so few from so many! They weren’t even party to asbestos trials. Wow.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL– a liability attorney told me that the lever used by those who have rendered almost all harmless is that of the exercise of a right in good faith for the necessary purpose for which the right was recognized. It elevates the level of protection the person has from suit.
AdLib : Murph, that’s them twisting away from the basic proposition. Can a right be licensed or not? If I have a right to vote in the Constitution, can my ability to exercise that right be taken away if I do not have a license?
choicelady : Murph – licensing a firearm purchase assures that the purchaser is not a rabid member of Al Qae’da.
choicelady : Mruph – I think corporations are always going to be rendered immune (violating the Common Law on strict liability) but individuals? Not so much. That IS the weak link right now.
AdLib : Skipping back a little, I do think that regulating ammo is the best path to pursue. No 2nd Amendment issues, licensing of ammo can be done without “takin’ our guns away” and a hefty tax on bullets could discourage indiscriminate use as well as finance a victims’ fund and insurance.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…they say the ID identifies the person as the one he/she claims to be, a license is a permission and there is no permission inherent in an id.
choicelady : Murph – I think the momentum from Sandy Hook carries the weight of 60 some cases of prosecuted voter fraud v over 3300 deaths since December 2012 with guns. People are not stupid.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL- I wish it was so…but in my work on my position paper I have done a god bit of research and consulted with two attorneys- the NRA and the business lobbyists have done a good job on this….they have learned a lot from what was done to, with big tobacco….
AdLib : Murph – As you know, that’s hypocrisy. Either an individual’s right can’t be held to a license or it can’t. Rights are given to individuals, not systems so their BS makes no sense and contradicts their position on guns.
choicelady : And doing background checks keep the gun world safe from nut jobs. Same difference. Serious hunters really ought to uphold this.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- their argument is that voter id’s protect the vote because they keep the false voter form the polls- crap of course, but that is the argumnt.
choicelady : Murph – I’m not saying they won’t update the law and render the seller harmless, but at the moment, I think the law is on our side here.
AdLib : CL – It does sound like a very intriguing path to explore.
choicelady : Right – and they are licensed. But if your cousin sells a gun, knowing you’re not all there, and you prove you aren’t all there, your cousin could be held responsible. I bet courts would uphold that as they do drunk driving when the host of a party has poured a few too many for you.
AdLib : Hypocrisy and paranoia are the only tools the gun extremists have, none of it makes sense. If you can’t relate to their fears, you can’t relate to their justifications.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…oddly the law has been so constructed that even the individual is largely without fault….think of those “collectors” and “traders” at the gun shows. The whole thing is written with them in mind.
choicelady : AdLib – I know that somewhere I read a case about something similar and involving selling a gun to someone whom the seller should have known was demented. Long time ago, and probably a Blue State, but I think the precedent is there.
AdLib : Beat ya to it, CL!
choicelady : Murph – the hell I saw. They freaking make us license our right to VOTE. They just took the rug out from under their own argument.
AdLib : Murph – Then remind them about Voter ID, that is literally licensing people’s right to vote.
AdLib : Interesting, CL. Have you seen this liability issue explored by legal minds?
choicelady : AdLib – I have an EXTRA LARGE SIZE roll of tin foil! Can’t be too careful!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib I agree re. licenses….but the cover answer is always the same- one does not license a right…and that is where they make their stand.
choicelady : Murph – that’s with respect to YOUR use and disastrous outcomes, but I think no one figured on suing the moths out of your pockets if you are a private person who SELLS a gun to another. I can see a parallel with alcohol, and I think, if the buyer does real harm, people would support that on a state level. Can’t sue the manufacturer. Can’t sue the user. CAN still sue the INDIVIDUAL who sold it. Coulda-shoulda known.
AdLib : CL – The gub’mint will store all of them in Area 51! If you ain’t got tinfoil on your head, they’s gonna git you too!
choicelady : Honestly – pretty soon there’ll be NOTHING left.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I know about the liability laws but under Mr. Bush and in many of the Red states (and even the purple ones) gun liability has been so reduced under the banned of a second amendment protection that accountability is close to non existent.
AdLib : CL – They’ll probably train my daughter to take guns away from married people, dogs and people who fish! It’s fiendish, I tell ya!
choicelady : AdLib – where do they keep all this stuff and people and puppies they take away? Probably Fargo, doncha think?
choicelady : No! No! Not your PUPPY!!!
AdLib : CL – Had to get a license for my dog…damn, the gub’mint wants to take our damn dogs away!
choicelady : Oh no! Not your daughter!!! Michelle Bachmann was right – re-education camp for her!
AdLib : CL – I had to get a SS card for my daughter! The gub’mint made me do that so they can take all our kids away!
choicelady : AdLib – Oh no! I had to get a marriage license! Are THEY coming to take my husband away?????
AdLib : Murph – There is a complete disconnect from logic and the way society works on everything else when it comes to guns. Cars are registered and licensed for use, marriages are licensed, even fishing is licensed. Government licenses items and people to use items that are considered critical. There is no logical reason for us to license or register anything if it’s always a game to take things away from people. And when has licensing anything led to taking it away. And who exactly is going to take their guns away? The Gub’mint? Aren’t The Repubs in control in one or more branches of gub’mint? So repub gun nuts are going to take away their own guns? There is no logic here, paranoia is all the NRA has.
funksands : Night Glenn
choicelady : glenn – sleep well and sweet dreams!
choicelady : Murph – these laws do exist well on alcohol issues in most states. You serve liquor to a drunken friend – blammo. You pay. Same with selling a gun to an rabid nutjob. It would just take a couple of cases. Most states uphold these kinds of liability issues.
glenn : Murph–I’ll keep looking for you on HP.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn….just keep sending me progressive vibes and I will be drawn back to the light for certain…HaH
AdLib : Night glenn, have a great weekend and may you dream of Roman holidays!
choicelady : glenn – I think the ‘corporate personhood’ is less reliable a means to end the insanity than suing some dude who sold his Bushmaster to an Aryan Nation or Skinhead type.
glenn : Okay, folks, I’m out of here. Nice chatting with all of you tonight. Murph, I know you have to keep channeling the t/p, but please remember to come back to the light.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…and that is exactly what the police want- to my surprise.
choicelady : Murph – thanks. I CAN do it. I just so don’t want to have to. It’s all fluff – I have to make stuff up to fill in the boxes. It adds no value to what we already submitted. None. And they sent us forms that did not apply to our situation!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- given how maimed the liability laws are by the power of the lobbyists I wonder how anyone can sue anyone with a hope of winning.
AdLib : Murph – Great argument for state registration.
choicelady : AdLib – Yup. One confiscation of your local trailer, still, and up-on-blocks car for selling something lethal to someone stupid – that’d do it.
AdLib : Funk – When you subtract the percentage of Americans that are core Republicans from polls, maybe 30%, all of a sudden polls make a lot more sense.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- sorry about the lost grant. I did work for three grant dependent organization and know how much it means. Well if anyone can do the appropriate jig for them, it is you.
choicelady : Murph – I don’t disagree, but I always look at how you can use what you have. If this is what we get – I can do this. Suing some jerk for selling a gun to an even bigger jerk? Floats my boat. And it would END a lot of the irresponsible trading with family and good ol’ boy friends.
glenn : CL–thanks for the clarification. If corporations are people too, then couldn’t they be sued also? Would be interesting pursuing that one, wouldn’t it?
funksands : Where I think we get electoral traction is when Dems in purple and red states start running on an “anti-NRA” platform. Instead of attacking “guns” and the “2nd Amendment” start campaigning against the handmaidens of the industry. It worked in 2012 campaigning against Adelsen and the Koch’s.
AdLib : CL – I wonder if all it will take is for one tragedy to take place because one “bad guy with a gun” was allowed to sell a gun to another “bad guy with a gun” to take the momentum on that issue back from the NRA?
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- that is why I think that licensing the user through the state is the key. Gets the family and friends out of it entirely. If you want to give, trade, sell a weapon to anyone they have to have a valid license…period . AND, there could be the codicil that one would surely trust a true family member or friend not to produce a bogus license.
choicelady : glenn – this would be strict liability on your granny for selling your weird uncle Harold a gun when she knew the boy wasn’t right. PEOPLE can still be sued. And, frankly, should be. Same principle as giving alcohol to drunks who then drive and kill someone.
glenn : Funk–and 30% or more of r/tp’s don’t believe President Obama is an American citizen.
funksands : Ad, 40% of Americans still think Iraq was working with bin Laden to pull off 9-11.
glenn : CL–I thought that the NRA had managed it so that “strict liability” laws did not apply to gun manufacturers. Do they apply to people using them?
choicelady : Murpy – this is a critical funding for us. We lost a huge grant last July and are coasting on fumes. But I hate it – it’s from the state, and they are totally living down to everything everyone says bad about them.
AdLib : Funk – The 90% may be softer than it appears but as a starting point, it sure looks rather intimidating. Even if the concrete number was 60%…that’s still huge.
choicelady : Murph – the only reason that leaving the family and friends issue alone is that ‘strict liability’ on such issues really would take those people to the cleaners. While I realize it’s a huge loophole for extremists, taking in someone who has openly caused harm, suing their pants off on strick liability would END THAT right away. Seriously.
glenn : Murph–I agree. If we are going to have universal background checks, then we need to have UNIVERSAL background checks.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice – my days of working on grants are long gone but I am with in spirit- tedious, pesty things done to make running through hoops an art form.
choicelady : AdLib – I think the House is slitting its own collective throat if it blocks background checks. Someone called the 90% support “soft”. But that means it may be only, you know, 80%!!! So they better wise up.
AdLib : CL – There are those in the GOP Elite who recognize, as demonstrated in The Senate, that killing background checks could seriously damage them politically. SO yes, there are those in the GOP who know that there will be a lot of trouble for them and many effective anti-GOP ads in 2014 because of it.
funksands : Murph, I agree. I’d rather have a hot hot debate on this stretch out for another year than have this gruel pass quickly and quietly. Politically that’s what I want. If even gruel can stop someone from getting shot, then let’s do it.
choicelady : Oh funk – that’s really a work of art! I thought it was longer, like a rifle or flintlock. VERY handsome indeed.
funksands : Glenn: Blunderbuss
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…I actually want the bill that is now in front of the Senate to fail….backgrou nd checks that exempt family, friends, neighbors, colleagues is an open invitation to worst sort of bedevilment. And it is such a weak effort. I want outrage and the more the better
funksands : Ad, maybe. Part of the challenge to these poll numbers is that half of the 90% that support background checks already think that we have background checks for all gun sales. Its a softer number than it looks.
glenn : Funk–is that a blunderbuss or a flintlock?
choicelady : AdLib – oh it was actually due at 5 today, but they sent it to our ED instead of me. Otherwise I’d have worked all last night. I called and pitched a fit, and they gave me an extension. I have to get ready for this trip next Tuesday, and this is how I spend the weekend. Grrrr.
AdLib : Funk – Would you agree that the backlash against Repubs would be massive if they kill background checks in The House? Wouldn’t that be a central rallying cry in 2014 to kcik them out of power?
funksands : Choice: «link»
choicelady : kes – sweet dreams and hopes for better weather this coming week! Dream of the Leaning Tower – or pizza, whichever matters more.
AdLib : Night Kes, sleep well and have a wonderful weekend. All the best to you, your Dad, his wife and the rest of your family.
choicelady : AdLib – you are so sweet! You think the GOP care what Americans think! Never mind the NRA $$$. But yes – I think background checks will pass the Senate. The House? Meh.
funksands : Get some good ZZZZ’s Kes
AdLib : Holy Mackeral (pun intended) CL, that sounds like a massive headache! And with the deadline on Monday! Why did they have to wait until the last minute like this?
funksands : House is doubtful. Really doubtful. I know that’s cynical, but heaven and earth had to be moved to even get the Senate to allow debate. House is going to be really really tough.
choicelady : glenn – flintlocks for sure. I’m not sure when the blunderbuss was developed. Or, frankly, exactly what it was.
glenn : Ciao-kes!
kesmarn : Well, kids, I think I may have to call it a day. Izza been fun. Have a great weekend, all!
AdLib : Thanks Funk! So what do you think, will background checks pass in the Senate and the House? Can the Repubs afford to kill it with 90% of Americans for it?
choicelady : AdLib – did NOT finish the addendum. Have to break out everything we’re doing on a county by county basis. We are covering 45 of the 58 counties – four pages per county, stats that are impossible to state, and I’m working all this weekend to the Monday noon deadline. I am furious and tired and have a major Excedrin Headache over it. If the people who did this were nearby, I’d be in jail for slapping them silly.
funksands : Ad, I’m focused. Lets do this.
glenn : AdLib and CL–aren’t the flintlock and the blunderbuss the ones used for a “well-regulated militia”?
AdLib : Funk – Thanks for the nod on that! I try!
choicelady : AdLib – or the blunderbuss. Either way, it slows things down.
AdLib : CL – I’m all for the Flintlock!
choicelady : AdLib – next week I’m out of town Tuesday to Tuesday. After that – TOP PRIORITY!
AdLib : CL – Sorry to hear you got blindsided with the grant issue but glad you were able to get it taken care of, definitely a priority. Will you be able to do the in-person thing next week on HOPE?
choicelady : Poor AdLib – we’re not being very cooperative are we? I did write about HOPE a few ago – did you see? Close but no cigar. YET.
glenn : Ad–A bookmark from Florence. I did buy myself, my daughter, and granddaughter some matching earrings, too. Also made sure I had a picture taken in front of the “fake” statue of David–can’t take pictures in the museum with the real one.
kesmarn :
funksands : Izz Pozzible
kesmarn : funk, will I need a “vizza” to go to Italy?
choicelady : funk dear – it was 1978, and I was single and thought I was in love. He turned out to be a creep. But hey – I moved on. But I WILL see the Mona Lizza before I die!
funksands : Ad, you almost has us back on track.
AdLib : glenn – Very glad to hear you had a wonderful trip! Bring us back any souvenirs?
funksands : Choice: And what “man” was this young lady?
choicelady : glenn – after him, I made it a point to know better company! My husband and I are hoping to go in 2015. We were going this year, but we went to Spain LAST year, and the family exchequer can’t handle another trip right now.
kesmarn : Thanks, AdLib. At least I spelled “Anger Junkies” right!
AdLib : CL – Yep, the Repubs think the rest of Americans are as ignorant as their base and they just need to cloak their hatred better. Look at Rand Paul trying to convince Howard U students that the GOP is all for black people. Like they didn’t experience the last decade and elections? “Who are you going to believe, my BS or your own memories?”
glenn : CL–hopefully you’ll get back to see her with better company!
kesmarn : I know you weren’t, glenn. I just had to laugh when I realized what I’d typed. Cool that you had a relative with that name!
choicelady : funk – I ALMOST saw the Mona Lizza – the man I was with was an inverse snob and though the crowd was about 15 people, he turned up his nose and we walked on. I could have cried.
glenn : Kes–I wasn’t trying to correct you–I thought you misspelled it on purpose. Pisa was actually the last name of my first stepfather, so I’m quite familiar with it.
kesmarn : That too, c’lady.
funksands : Maybe one day I’ll get to see the Mona Lizza.
AdLib : Kes – You nailed it with the term, “Anger Junkies”!
choicelady : kes – or hungry?
kesmarn :
glenn, thanks for including the correct spelling of Pisa. What was I thinking? Could I be tired?
choicelady : ADLib and Murph – I say bring back the flintlock. It takes about 10 minutes to load.
AdLib : Murph – I’ve said it before, we can completely regulate ammo because that’s not a 2nd Amendment issue. That is the chokepoint that should be pursued.
choicelady : funk and glenn – never have been to Italy at all, but yes, it’s a dream. Want to go to Greece, but NOT RIGHT NOW. Timing. It’s alllll timing.
glenn : Kes–the tower of Pisa is on my list for next year!
funksands : Hey Ad, its all interpretive dance. Motion makes it look like you are actually doing something.
AdLib : Hey Funk!
AdLib : CL – I like that hypothesis, I see it on the Left and Right, that kind of addiction to outrage, the need for an adrenaline boost over reason. Obama includes Chained CPI in his budget, some Dems instantly turn on him as if he was a traitor. Repubs and Dems collaborate on at least debating background checks and the RW extremists scream that their guns are being taken. Some people see politics as an emotional drug, they need that “high” of getting furious.
kesmarn : I’d better catch that tower in Pizza too, funk…before it’s too late!
choicelady : kes – OH! It must be a budget then. It has NUMBERS! Funk – I will look forward to it!
glenn : Funk-I hope you get a chance to go. It’s an incredible city–only got to see two museums,(one of which housed the statue of David), one palace, and the Duomo, but it was well worth it.
funksands : Choice, figurative “bucket list”. Sorry.
kesmarn : funks planning an article on Saving Social Security, c’lady. All I know is that it has lots of numbers in it.
funksands : Better hurry with Venice, Kes. One day it’s gonna slip slip slip under the waves.
kesmarn : Same here. Florence, and Venice.
choicelady : funk, kes – what ARE you talking about? Funk – you OK?
funksands : Glenn, Florence is definitely on my bucket list.
choicelady : AdLib – made the calls on HOPE today, but we got slammed between the eyes with a HUGE last minute demand on a grant, and I’m stuck in the office finishing it. Have to work over the weekend then off to a conference. So I raised the banner high but could not BE in the Capitol today. Thank GOD I came in and found the “we changed our minds and demand you do this incredibly stupid thing” email. Gag.
glenn : Funk–flew into Turin where my friend lives and then took the train to Florence for three days, then back to Turin. Every time I go to Europe, I marvel at their public transportation system!
kesmarn : Excellent.
funksands : Kes, I’m stretching as we speak.
funksands : Glenn, I’m really happy you enjoyed it. What part were you in?
kesmarn : Only 90 more to go. You can gitter done before midnight.
funksands : Thanks Kes, I’m looking forward to it too. I’m nearly 1/10th done with it.
AdLib : CL – I think the public is exhausted with the Repub victim meme, it’s so worn out. And McConnell howling that he’s another victim may help him with the paranoid base but he looks weaker and more spineless to everyone else. And referring to Nixon as an enemy-type…er, doesn’t that remind folks that Repubs are the ones with dirty tricks?
glenn : Funk–my trip to Italy has come and gone! Loved it, but it was too short. Told my friend next year I’m staying at least three weeks!
choicelady : funk – having outside verification of “OK-ness” is very empowering. Good for you.
kesmarn : If you have access to Netflix, it’s available there, too, c’lady. Amazing.
choicelady : kes – haven’t seen it but have been told many times it’s excellent. I have a malfunctioning DVD player but WILL see it when I get that fixed.
funksands : Hi Choice, better every day, or so I am told.
kesmarn : funkie! You are the numbers man! I saw your comment today and I’m looking forward to your article.
funksands : Glenn, don’t you have a trip to Italy on the docket?
choicelady : funk! Hi how ARE you?
funksands : Hi Glenn!
choicelady : AdLib – I think the GOP leadership really do believe all they need is a better ‘message’. WHAT they do will not register with us – we’re too dumb.
glenn : Howdy funk!
kesmarn : c’lady,have you ever seen that older (1991?) documentary called “Blood in the Face” about the neo-Nazi, white-supremacis t movement? It’s absolutely gripping. I recommend it.
funksands : Howdy all!
AdLib : Murph – I wonder if there will be a false sense of confidence within the GOP between now and 2014, since they’ve promoted their BS about changing and haven’t been challenged on it aggressively…a nd won’t until the next election cycle. The GOP Elite made clear that they think the problem is that they didn’t deceive the public enough to vote for them. Like Rand Paul, these idiots think they’re succeeding in spouting “big tent” but meanwhile, racism, voter ID laws, homophobia, etc. is alive and well in the GOP.
choicelady : Murph – that is VERY useful info. Ammo control not gun control could work.
kesmarn : Murph, I’m sure when the police see news stories about prosecutors and law enforcement being targeted, they’re really motivated to get those guns out of the wrong hands.
choicelady : kes – the son of a friend is a Michael Savage fan. He is a total loser, no education, no job, meth addict – and he’s growing more and more white supremacist by the day. It’s ALL he has – whiteness. I keep saying – the only function of skin is to keep your guts from falling on the floor. But he grasps at the ONLY thing he’s got to make him feel superior. He isn’t superior. He’s a total fail.
kesmarn : Anger-junkies. There’s truth in that, c’lady. And glenn, yes, they love to get wound up by Rush and FOX. Beats introspection any day.
choicelady : glenn – it’s more FUN to be a drama queen, too! Zowie!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib And those police want an end to ALL on line and catalog sales….too many holes in the system…They also regard the ammo as the real problem and not the guns
choicelady : Murph – yes. The two dudes hounding me are fans of them, too. I guess I can see the sense of ‘tradition’ in the NRA, but honestly – most of my LEO friends parted company over their laughing at killing cops. Takes the sparkle out of the relationship.
AdLib : Kes – The NRA loves the binary approach, any gun legislation equals total confiscation of all guns. But most gun owners and NRA members don’t buy their lies and believe in common sense gun legislation.
glenn : Kes–well, it is so much easier to be a drama queen than it is to listen to rational arguments, and come to an agreement, or at least a compromise.
choicelady : kes – it’s not a whole lot better on the extreme left. I have a hypothesis (wholly untested scientifically) that some people are so starved for something interesting to do that anger and outrage are ALL that get them up and motivated. Pretty poor excuse for “feelings”.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- LEO here still support the NRA…why I have no idea, maybe because they are the moderate organization out there. Have you run into the Gun Owners of America….WoW!
AdLib : Murph – Of course most law enforcement even in red states want background checks and registration. They’re the ones on the front line when they stop a car and a felon is inside with a gun. I don’t think enough has been pushed in the MSM about law enforcement being so much behind this gun control effort.
choicelady : Murph! You can simulate Peanuts’ Linus and his “wide eyed fanatic” stare! Holy smokes! That’s a gift!
kesmarn : And glenn — no matter how many times you re-assure them, they don’t want to hear it. They crave extremes, hyperbole, and enemies lists. Drama queens all.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….I speak a passing semblance of bagger. I just take what I really want to see, invert it, drop the vocab to 5th grade, flare my nostrils, and widen my eyes in a glare.
glenn : Kes–I swear, you and I really do think alike. The way the righties take everything to the “nth” degree never ceases to astound me.
choicelady : AdLib and kes – the RW ‘gotcha’ meme is wearing thin. Set up a situation then act shocked when people, exercising their first amendment rights, counter your stupid arguments. Getting to be a very shopworn tactic.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…the GOP civil war is close to the surface now…having said a few weeks ago that rebranding was a necessity, the meeting of the state chairs today affirmed their homophobic, racist, jingoist platform from last summer. The only way Boehner can pass things he must is with the Dems, McConnell has to create Watergate conspiracies if he is to have any chance of staying in office and despite the NRA they could not keep discussion from the floor.
kesmarn : I get so weary of the binary thinkers on the right who keep insisting that the plan is to confiscate every gun from every citizen. They do that with everything. All/nothing. Black/white. No one has ever said that.
AdLib : Kes – I understand but you’ve got support right here. As for the hypocrisy of RW Repubs yelling at and wagging fingers at the President and even spitting on black civil rights figures who are Congressmen…th en jumping on young students for stopping a Repub in obvious lies…they are all toxic spills from the same dump.
choicelady : glenn – you are such a dear heart to be so shocked!
choicelady : Murph – ever since the NRA snarked such filth about “head shots” in dissing police who wanted an end to armor piercing bullets, the LEO support for the NRA has gone into the toilet. Except for the guy who is harassing me. He is retired and just LOOOOOVES them. He and his minister – also writing me every day – want everyone armed. ONLY answer you know. Everyone. Well – they might not want you and me…
glenn : CL–I’m shocked, absolutely shocked, at what you seem to be implying.
kesmarn : ‘Zactly, glenn — and ‘zactly again, c’lady!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- part of my time has been spent making friends with the sheriff’s department here. I have discovered that the deputies are rational in re. to this whole thing. They want licensing of all holders and owners and gun registration. I was astounded. I am putting together an article and will publish at the Planet (and a few other places). I wanted as much input as I could get. PS As you know I am armed, as is everyone else around here.
choicelady : glenn – No. Not because he’s a Dem. : )
AdLib : Murph – So you now speak Bagger? Is it true that they only use misspelled words to communicate?
glenn : Kes–yelling “You lie!” at a sitting president is okay as long as he is a….(wait for it) Democrat.
choicelady : glenn – Sally’s Sunday funnies have had scads of wonderful cartoons about “ethnic outreach” from these people. They seriously do NOT get it. Heard the wife of a banker from Birmingham, AL talk about historic preservation work she did – in the Black worker housing around the old blast furnace. ALL she could TALK about was how BRAVE she was to go into the BLACK community, and doncha know they treated her real nice, and isn’t it amazing how kind they were and ….puke.
AdLib : Murph – That’s only better and better for Dems, let the RW Repubs attack black people for daring to express themselves and hold a politician responsible for his lies. They can say goodbye to the 2016 White House.
glenn : CL–Of course the students were right on the money, but you don’t think Paul or any other t/partier would say that, do you? It’s always attack the messenger, not the message. Gotta “love” the r/tp version of “outreach”, though.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…my thoughts exactly…the man went there totally unprepared to actually answer for what his positions and statements. The students and faculty took him down as much for that as for what he said there. Arrogant, holier/smarter/w hiter than thou jerk
choicelady : Murph – oh blimey – I am sorry. I pissed off three people in Modoc county by supporting the CA gun control package. REALLY scary to go toe to toe with people like that! I DO support the second amendment, would own a gun if need be, and see no reason to own semis. But you are from the state where my friend – who has three of them – is now in hiding from the skinheads etc. who were deterred from killing her because she had those three guns. Not a different world from here – but a lot closer to YOU. Stay safe, dear friend. Do what you must.
kesmarn : Thanks, AdLib. One day at a time. But on the Howard Univ situation: those kids weren’t suppose to shout out but yelling “You lie!” at a sitting President is okay?
AdLib : CL – Rand Paul’s asinine concept that people’s rights end at the doorstep of someone else’s property only works for nutjobs like him. Right, let racism flourish if the marketplace decides it should, that’s really patriotic.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I have been spending a lot of time working on my gun safety plan and that has taken me into hostile territory so I had to learn to speak TPese so I would not get lynched. I riffed on that when I said hello re. background checks as an actof oppression.
kesmarn : Thanks, glenn. She’s doing better now. It’s tough on my dad, though. He doesn’t drive anymore, so I’m the DD. (Designated driver.)
choicelady : Murph – you come say stupid racist shit in MY home, I’ll let you have it. Students were right on the money, IMHO.
AdLib : glenn – The ignorant like Paul are too ignorant to know that they’re not smart so they walk around thinking they are. The students at Howard just crushed him.
AdLib : Kes – So sorry to hear that! Hope you, your Dad and the rest of your family are holding up alright.
choicelady : Oh kes – I’m so sorry to hear about your travails! Having been close in December, that is very powerful stuff. You have our energies, thoughts, and prayers!
glenn : Kes–so sorry to hear about your week. We’re glad you’re here with us, then.
choicelady : Murph dear – what happened?
MurphTheSurf3 : After Paul did his song and dance, dare I say Minstrel Show, at Howard, the right wing media jumped all over the rude students who kept shouting out to him (you know, it’s a black thing…wink, wink)….how dare those students confront a GOP Senator with the truth…how dare they.
AdLib : Rand Paul is good for Dems. He is a media whore who is constantly pulling stunts to elevate himself in the GOP and it is working. He could be very competitive in 2016…in the GOP primary but would be poison in a GE. And his dishonesty, misogyny and racism is exactly what the GOP doesn’t want on display in 2016. Heh, tough luck Repubs!
choicelady : AdLib – technically, he opposed the use of the act on “private” businesses claiming they were sacrosanct. Well sorry – the Constitution gives NO right to owning property at all. It protects its seizure and unwarranted intrusions, but that’s the limit. If you take public goods (that ‘you did not build THAT infrastructure argument) you have to respect those who paid the taxes to keep you going. Rand has no idea there is no protection for the right to own and use property – he’s never read the Constitution at all.
glenn : Ad–Another example of Rand’s condescending attitude. He thought the students at Howard were as stupid as his supporters! So glad to see he got caught in a lie.
kesmarn : I’ve missed so much news this week. My 90 year old Dad’s wife had a heart attack Saturday night and open heart surgery on Tuesday. What a week.
kesmarn : Your friend’s loss is our gain.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello Choice…I am still here…though I have been bedeviled by a malevolent Tea Party Spirit, ask anyone.
AdLib : CL – How could there be any doubt? And he flat out lied to the students at Howard, claiming he’s always been for the Civil Rights Act…and they responded, “There’s video of you saying you oppose it.”
choicelady : kes – Yay indeed! I was supposed to be out for dinner, but my friend had to cancel, so here I is. Ungrammatical but present.
choicelady : AdLib – Rand is a racist through and through.
glenn : Hey Choice Lady–I’m doing well, how about you?
AdLib : Hey Choicelady!
kesmarn : Hey, c’lady! Are we actually here at the same time? Yay!
choicelady : Hi everyone – how are you?
choicelady : Oh Murph – sorry to miss you! Do those taxes!
kesmarn : And there’s a rhyming Brit version of that word that starts with a “B”,Murph, but google might be crawling the site…
glenn : Ad–I know, I’m always yelling at the t.v. too. It’s like the last 40-50 years don’t count!
AdLib : Kes – Or DeLuded State.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes….with another in Atlas Thuggery
AdLib : glenn – I thought Rand came off as ignorant, dishonest and condescending. Jon Stewart really nailed him and pointed out what I always yell at the TV when Repubs say, “Democrats are the ones who supported slavery.” Yes and after the Civil Rights Act was passed, they became the core of the GOP! They ARE the GOP now! What dishonesty from Paul and the rest of the Repubs who try to twist reality.
kesmarn : Yes, they have a PhD program in Atlas Shruggery.
glenn : Kes–does Eff U stand for Education for fools?
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes- they are…a lot of my farming peers just trust them to a tax preparer. I have an accountant and do them with her. I want to know the law.
kesmarn : Right, AdLib. Or Eff U.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….I will pass your words on to Bourne….and good idea about Vox Alerts
glenn : Murph–good luck on the taxes.
kesmarn : Farm taxes are complicated I hear, Murph.
AdLib : Kes –
Saw that on our Twitter! Very funny! Paul should really speak at Whatsamatta U.
MurphTheSurf3 : My taxes will be paid late- farming makes the process much more difficult and so dependent on documentation from so many sources that I automatically do an extension and aim to get it done by May 15….
kesmarn : “is” not “in”
glenn : Ad–What did you think of Paul’s speech at Howard University?
kesmarn : Oh…I SO hope he does run, AdLib. If only for the comedy value. There was a comment making the rounds today that the only university where Rand Paul should speak in Shemp Howard U.
AdLib : So what do you think, will background chec
glenn : Kes–I know–for what I spent for the light, I now understand why medicinal plants are so expensive.
AdLib : Kes, invest big time in tin foil, I hear Rand Paul is going to run in 2016 so there could be a run on it. Buy low, sell high!
kesmarn : Well, glenn — you could get a lucrative side-line going in the ole greenhouse there!
glenn : Kes–always knew you were impressive, too!
kesmarn : I do my own, too. The programs available now are pretty user-friendly.
glenn : Kes–I actually have one of those lights–I use it to keep my “heritage” orchids alive during the GA winters!
glenn : Ad–I’m impressed that you do your own taxes. I used to do my own but not for at least 20 years now.
AdLib : Remember the big Bagger protests on tax day? Glad the novelty of Baggers is long gone for the majority!
kesmarn : Yes, there’s that, glenn. Or I could invest in some of those full-spectrum lights and grow some plants for entertainment and medicinal purposes.
glenn : Kes–if you don’t want a tattoo, you could always put a down payment on a new double wide.
AdLib : glenn, just using the weekend to double check my taxes. Thank goodness for electronic filing, gives you until midnight on the 15th to file!
kesmarn : Actually tattoos (on me) would kinda freak me out, glenn…
I just figured that the Baggers would assume that’s where a tax refund would go!
glenn : Kes–tell me more about your tattoo!
AdLib : Murph – Either Bourne has turned off her notifications (which I don’t think is the case) or our emails are going to her junk folder. She needs to whitelist «email» and she should get everything. And yes, that’s a great point, I will start putting up posts again on Fridays to remind folks about Vox!
kesmarn : That guy is a total jerk, AdLib. There’s a great vid of a little 8 year old girl showing him as he really is by challenging that “program.” Spunky little cutie she was.
kesmarn : AH! Now I can thank you personally, glenn. Yes I’m going to get a tattoo now with YOUR money! HAHAHAHAHA!
AdLib : Kes, I actually saw an interview Martin Bashir did with that TN loon and he is exactly the Bagger you would expect, lying and dancing around his obvious bigotry. Bashir lept asking him if he thought that making a child responsible through his grades for his family being more impoverished is “family values”, the jerk just BS’d about, “We’re not taking away their food stamps.” No, just their home, electricity and clothes.
glenn : Kes–glad to hear MY taxes are paying for your refund! As long as we’re channeling the tea party.
kesmarn : I did mine early this year because I wasn’t too sure how the sequester would affect things and — for once — I was getting a small refund!
glenn : So…has everyone filed their taxes? Just did mine today…much as I hate paying them, I do understand the reason for them.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi Ad…Hey Ad…should we still be getting reminders from you re. Vox….Bourne claims she also does not get the notices about articles? Just asking. Are we experience a Tea Party sabotage?
AdLib : I am already formulating my plan to use background checks to take away every Americans guns. Now, who wants to help, we have a lot of doors to kick in.
kesmarn : I saw that that one TN politician who wanted to cut benefits for families if the kids had poor grades was forced to withdraw his brilliant plan. Nice to know a few of them can still be shamed into sense…
AdLib : Hey Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn and Kes…I hope my new meds arrive soon….
glenn : Murph–And, of course, a foil hat to go with the shades!
glenn : Murph–sounds like your future is so bright, you’re going to have to wear shades!
kesmarn :
That sounds like a partying group with a bright future, Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes- I have seen the light and will be organizing the Farmers Who Want to Lose it All Tea Party Klan of Missouri.
glenn : Mruph–I see. Just couldn’t think of anything to say about that, so I just said “hi”.
kesmarn : Hey, Murph! That Constitution of ours is really taking a beating from those Tea-People, isn’t it? They interpret it about as creatively as they do the Bible.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…channeli ng my patriotic tea party spirit, thank you
glenn : Hi Murph, how are you?
kesmarn : Yes…I think it takes more talent to do that kind of humor than just to go mean or take the low road.
glenn : Kes–great observation about Winters’ whimsy. Too much mean spiritedness nowadays!
MurphTheSurf3 : In the name of liberty, of Ben Franklin, of Thomas Jefferson, of my sainted mother, and WW II/Korea vet father….I will not submit to the tyranny of a background check…it is not in the Constitution…w hat more can I say…
AdLib : Hey Kes!, Jonathan Winters was a real trailblazer. Robin Williams-based his career on him.
kesmarn : And his humor was pure whimsy…never mean spirited.
glenn : Kes–Yes, I did love Jonathan Winters. When he got going on his improvs, I could just die laughing. One of my favorite memories is him and Robin Williams together. Thought I would split a gut laughing!
glenn : Hey Ad!
kesmarn : Good Friday evening, kids! glenn, didn’t you just love Jonathan Winters? Such talent.
AdLib : Hey Glenn!
AdLib : Have to pop away for a moment, be right back! Say hi though!
glenn : Okay, got my background check.
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” or “Got your background check!” when you arrive!
glenn : Very sad to hear about the death of Jonathan Winters.
glenn : Good evening AdLib. How are you?
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!

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