AdLib : Night Bito! Rest up and feel better!
bito : Good night all, rest well “and give my peanuts to brother Jake.”
AdLib : It ain’t the truth, indeed!
SallyT : Ain’t that the truth!
SallyT : Take care of the cold, Bito, and I will see on here later for sure.
AdLib : BTW – Seinfeld episode tonight was on with the Mitt Romney campaign theme: “It’s not a lie, if you believe it.”
AdLib : Yep, after a bumpy night, it is time to wrap up Vox for the night. Hope all is well for next week! Have a great weekend and Bito, feel better pal! Night Sally!
SallyT : AdLib, can I ask you if Sherlock is okay?
SallyT : Well, it is about time for AdLib and I to close up anyway Bito.
bito : I will be lurking, but I have to do some meds about now.
SallyT : Of course he is the hero on FOX now.
SallyT : Yes he should have! Bush could have pardon him but he should have been convicted.
bito : North was/is the worst of the worst. He should have been convicted of treason
SallyT : The 2500 in Iraq and Afghanistan?
AdLib : Sally – It’s a double standard, Repubs are expected to be crooked, Dems are expected to be ethically perfect. Who the hell made that the rule?
bito : What was GW’s excuse? He had a bunch of people fall on their sword for him.
SallyT : And that Oliver North…he makes me sick! I have never liked him!
SallyT : No kidding! Its like they just have to try to prove that the Democrats are crooks because they know they have so many of their own. They want to change focus.
AdLib : Sally – Clinton got impeached for lying about an affair, Reagan became a deity after allowing the treason of Iran-Contra to take place. Something is really wrong about the state of justice when it comes to Republicans.
SallyT : So, what was Bushie’s excuse?
SallyT : Isn’t it something, AdLib, all that that happen back then and no one went after him but they just can’t stop going after Obama for nothing.
bito : Iran- Contra was one that really PO’d me, they really swept that one out the door. The beloved St Ronnie!
AdLib : What was scariest about Reagan’s Presidency was how obvious it was that he had Alzheimer’s at the end of his second term and how he was being “handled” by Nancy and his staff. Really frightening when you think about it.
SallyT : Oh, I think so, too, Bito. Rove didn’t do it for nothing. No way!
SallyT : By the end of his Presidency, Reagan thought he was still in the movies and it was all a script.
bito : That’s complete BS on Rove,
AdLib : Yep, many of the same crooks. Watergate was horrible but Iran-Contra was treason and I think, even worse than Watergate.
SallyT : Yes, but Reagan couldn’t remember any of them.
bito : It was close AdLib, they did have a lot of scandals
SallyT : Rove didn’t get any of that 300 million?
SallyT : AdLib, I think some of the same ones, too.
SallyT : Do you really believe ole Rove when he tells everyone he was just a volunteer and didn’t get paid?
AdLib : Wasn’t the Reagan WH just as deep in crooks?
SallyT : Now we just have Rove.
bito :
SallyT : It gave us a lot of crooks, too, Bito.
AdLib : Sally, I think that as more Latinos, Blacks, Asians, etc. vote, the percentage of the pure white GOP constituency will be outweighed percentage wise…and as they die off, they will lose their percentage even more.
bito : Watergate sure did give us a lot of phrases, will this one?
AdLib : Bito – I agree, 47% will always mean class warfare from the 1% and will go on.
SallyT : You think people are getting smarter?
AdLib : Sally, the reality of the electorate is that over 40% of them are either convicted to their political beliefs as a matter of faith, ignorance or prejudice. That percentage will decline over time but slowly.
SallyT : I think you are correct on that one, Bito. It sure stuck to Romney.
bito : That’s probably why 47% will be around for decades, it means so much and it sunk an election
SallyT : Oh, I can imagine, AdLib.
SallyT : Except for California!
AdLib : Sally, the server issue is one that only trial and error could fix…the worst and most unreliable method when it comes to computers.
SallyT : I am amazed at how many still voted for them in the state elections.
AdLib : And the results of the election actually proved the lie of the 47%. The 47% represents the percentage of self-destructive , poorly informed voters who supported Romney instead of their own interests.
SallyT : Once you told me, Bito, I remember the Big Enchilada now.
SallyT : Wow, poor AdLib you have had a night with that.
bito : Saally I doubt I would have gotten them, I am just reading an article on Watergate and the phrases that were born.
SallyT : I think 47% probably would be it, too.
AdLib : Sorry, I was messing around with the server!
bito : Isn’t that weird Sally, that those phrases were firs used and some are still used now. Wonder what will stick from this election? 47%
SallyT : Nixon not Reagan.
SallyT : I was a decade off!
SallyT : Oh, hell I need to be in the 70’s!
bito : last hint “expletive deleted” WATERGATE!
SallyT : At this point in time…?? Sounds like Walter Cronkrit.
SallyT : Oh, geez, 1984?
bito : What’s so strange is that they are so common now.
bito : close, only one number wrong, how about this from the same era: ” at this point in time…”
SallyT : That is a pure guess because I really have no idea, Bito.
SallyT : 1982
bito : so when was the “big enchilada” first used in politics, Sally?
SallyT : Mine, too, Bito. Now I show only you and me listed above.
bito : everyone disappeared on my screen for about 3 minutes
SallyT : Everybody gone?
SallyT : Wow, I lost you guys for awhile.
bito : You’re right about that KT. Has there ever been a campaign that didn’t mention the previous leader of the party? Maybe Hoover? LOL
bito : Let me test your knowledge and it should show your age/era When was this first used: The big enchilada … or this one ” at variance with” It’s strange but those two phrases were used for the first time in politics.
KillgoreTrout : It is soooo telling that not a peep was heard from republicans about Bush/Cheney in the recent campaign. They acted like Bush/Cheney never existed.
bito : All the Dems have to do is put up tapes of Condi Rice, McGrump and Crackers on a Sunday morning talker. Case closed.
AdLib : KT – You have quite an encyclopedic knowledge of music, I always enjoy your picks! Would you be interested in taking over the Music Thread for a while, picking the themes and all?
KillgoreTrout : I love how Obama is defending Rice and pointing out the pettiness of MaGoo and his cohorts.
SallyT : The Repugs just want to find something that takes away from their history with Watergate, Irancontra, and Bush. Billy wasn’t enough. He didn’t hurt anyone but himself and that even gave him a smile….
KillgoreTrout : Ad, i love participating in the music threads. Some people in my life have told me I should be a DJ.
AdLib : All of these haters cynically lying and blaming Rice for the briefing she didn’t write, will be shamed in the end. And Obama shouldn’t and won’t back down on this.
SallyT : Thanks guys! I love doing it and I love to make people smile and laugh.
AdLib : KT – Between the Weekend Music Thread and Sunday Funnies, it’s a very entertaining weekend here and a great antidote to the intensity of weekly events.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I agree. Lesly and Ayote too. They are such fucking mean spirited hypocrites.
SallyT : Magoo is looking so bad! He is sad to watch as he completely destroys himself and any good he ever did.
AdLib : Sally – Yes, Sunday Funnies is getting a lot of views! Most people won’t leave comments to comics but that doesn’t mean they’re not reading or enjoying them! Keep up the good work!
KillgoreTrout : Sally, love the Sunday Funnies. It’s such a nice balance to the serious stuff we get involved with during the week. And comic strips often deal with the serious subjects while providing a laugh or a chuckle. Kind of like Colbert and Stewart.
AdLib : KT – How can it not be a central talking point if Susan Rice is nominated as expected? When McCain attacks her, his vote for Condi Rice should be hammered endlessly.
SallyT : I hope Kerry does hold out until there is someone that will beat Brown. But, if I were Kerry, I don’t know if I would want to be following Hilary. You are going to be compared to her and she has been so great.
SallyT : I am so happy to hear that, AdLib! I get afraid that no one is looking.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, none what so-ever. That’s my biggest complaint. Not one of those slimeballs attacked Condi Rice, after the deaths of nearly 3,000 people, ON OUR OWN SOIL!
AdLib : Sally – Great! I have become addicted to your Sunday Funnies.
SallyT : Oh, Adlib, I have a cartoon Sunday that is about that comparsion.
AdLib : I know Kerry would love to be SoS, I don’t know that he would want any other cabinet position but with the Repubs scheming to replace him with Scott Brown as Senator, I think he stays put at least for a while…until a strong opponent to Brown is available.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, I agree. I don’t think kerry would really want such an appointment, unless he thought he could do a better job than Susan Rice. He’s probably on to the republican sham they’re trying to get away with. So much has been revealed about the Goper’s true nature in the last decade, that I don’t see a lot of people buying into this anti-Rice bullshit.
SallyT : That should have been chain shorter. Damn!
SallyT : I know, AdLib, it is all about greed but I still hold out that there will be more Scrooges visited by the 3 Ghosts and change their ways. Find that being good to others makes that change shorter for him in the after life.
AdLib : McCranky voted for Condy Rice AFTER she lied and deceived over the Bin Laden warnings…and that led to 2500 American deaths. He has no credibility in indicting this Rice.
AdLib : Sally – It’s all about naked greed. Such people just want to take all they can and pay others as little as they can. There is no humanity involved.
SallyT : But, of course, I know Kerry would love to be Secretary of State or of Defense. But, hell, he is getting old and he is so rich why does he need a bigger resume’?
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I’m inclined to agree with you. This attempt to get Kerry out of the senate, by using Rice as a scapegoat, only makes MaGoo and his cronies look like vengeful pricks. They say she’s not qualified? Have they ever seen her resume?
SallyT : KT, and of course that is bull because the art museums care more about those paintings and work to preserve them for everyone.
SallyT : If I were Kerry, I wouldn’t take an appointment and risk the Senate losing a seat to Brown.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, rich art collectors will tell you they are “saving,” these great works of art for all mankind. That may be true for some, but for many others, it’a an investment.
SallyT : AdLib, I have always wonder why someone rich wouldn’t want to have their employees happy and working hard for them. I mean, I would think you would get a better feeling from that than having another Rembrandt painting hanging on your wall. You can see a Rembrandt in a museum.
AdLib : Killgore – Won’t need a recess appointment, Rice will win a nomination straight up.
AdLib : There should be a real grassroots pushback against Walmart and the economic underminers of the middle class…once the economy gets better and people can better afford to shop elsewhere.
KillgoreTrout : There is always the recess appointment. Ala Bush.
bito : I would love to see all the workers at McDonalds strike for one Saturday
KillgoreTrout : How many here think Rice will get the appointment?
AdLib : Sally – Right with you on elevating Costco…over Walmart.
KillgoreTrout : bito, how dare they?
SallyT : Bito, yes they do. As I have said before, one of the biggest cost of any operations is the turnover of your work force. You lose so much when you lose an experience employee.
KillgoreTrout : I have to say, Americans (not all Americans) are the most spoiled people on the planet. So many have no idea how good they got it in life.
bito : Yep, COSTCO thinks if you treat your workers like crap you get crappy workers giving crappy service, duh.
SallyT : I love Joe, too. He was so funny looking for pies! He is right there with the people shopping and stopping to talk to anyone.
KillgoreTrout : I thought it was quite humorous to see Big Joe at Costco. I just love that guy. He’s straight up.
SallyT : I like all the attention Costco is getting right now. It shows you can pay your employees well and still make money. Not as much as the Waltons but you still can be rich.
KillgoreTrout : I certainly wouldn’t mind paying a little more if it would benefit everyone else’s lives. And I’m far from wealthy.
AdLib : Sorry to hear that Funk, hope you feel better soon! Looking forward to seeing you out here. Sleep well.
bito : Good night funk and PPOV thanks you for all the RT’s
KillgoreTrout : Always Funk. Always have to rage against the dying of the light.
AdLib : Sally – There really does need to be a big workers movement in this nation. If we could get Dems in control in the House in 2014, I would want to see Card Check pushed through. Imagine all Walmarts, Amazon, etc…unionized! Better pay and working conditions, the US economy would just take off!
SallyT : Good night, Funk. Hope you feel better but it will be hard with our weather right now.
funksands : Folks unfortunately I have to go. I’m a bit under the weather and am running out of steam. Bito, Ad, KT, Sally, keep the torch lit and good night!
bito : Warehouse workers is very close to slave labor. To get a livable wage is a joke to them, and those are the people that they want to work until 67
SallyT : Oh, you read that, too, Funk? Wasn’t that something.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, people keep chasing that American dream. I think it was once possible, but now I think one has to be asleep to believe in it.
SallyT : In the old days, they would have done a news story on the employees too.
funksands : Sally you stole my thunder, that was a really tough article to read!
SallyT : But, my main bitch is that NBC only took the corporate view.
SallyT : AdLib, there was a woman reporter from Mother Jones that went into Amazon as a holiday worker. It was terrible the way she was treated and all that the others working there were having to do.
KillgoreTrout : bito, LOL! Sometimes I think I’m lucky that I don’t think I’m a grapefruit.
AdLib : Sally – There’s a big lawsuit against Walmart and the warehouse companies they’ve contracted with for cheating workers out of salary and making them work in awful conditions.
SallyT : No they just said how wonderful Amazon was. But, they are terrible to the people working for them. I think NBC should have addressed the employees point of view, too.
SallyT : But, never, never, never did they ask how much those workers made, hours they worked, or if they got benefits.
bito : oops, my mistake, I thought you said you were going KT! Give me more drugs!
SallyT : He showed how big it was and how fast they got stuff out.
KillgoreTrout : Ah, always look forward to the weekend music threads. I love music, of all kinds and eras.
SallyT : On NBC last Brian Williams show, they had, oh I can’t remember his name, go to Amazon’s warehouse.
funksands : She’s been typing for a while….must be juicy…
KillgoreTrout : Let’s have it Sally.
AdLib : Sally – Yes?
funksands : Sally: Yes
bito : Good nite KT get those fingers warmed up for music tomorrow.
SallyT : Okay, I have a bitch. Want to hear it?
KillgoreTrout : Well, as long as my fingers obey.
AdLib : KT – Great, I’m here too.
SallyT : Good to hear, KT. I know you have more typing in ya!
AdLib : Night Sabreen! Have a great weekend!
KillgoreTrout : We got sort of a late start, so I guess I’m good to go for a while.
AdLib : Funk – Very precisely and simply put! That is indeed the nature of Repubs, their political beliefs are all about faith, they believe in government being bad just as they believe there was an ark that held all the animals in the world.
bito : Good night Queen! See you on the twitter
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams Sabreen.
SallyT : I wish you the same, Sabreen!
Sabreen60 : Well good folks if after midnight so I’ll wish you a good night and a great week.
AdLib : Funk, please do drop me an email when your schedule’s firming up. Enjoyed seeing you last time!
KillgoreTrout : Although it works very slowly, I still have faith in Natural Selection!
Just like Karma.
SallyT : We did dodge a big bullet there, AdLib. But so many of the rich now are making their money off of dividends and not corporations that have labor bases. The people woke up to that, I think.
AdLib : Funk – Though things work that way, it’s not by agreement. What happens is that the workers just become apathetic about their government when they are doing okay. Only when they are suffering do they push back against their corporate bosses. Then, things get better and workers get apathetic again, allowing the corporate bosses to take their government back from them.
funksands : Politics = Church for most Republicans
KillgoreTrout : How true, how true. The mid level GOPers, the low info ones, think education and science is a harmful thing. They are so threatened by any change in what they have been taught, they think remaining ignorant is the smart thing to do. GOPers are some of the most frightened people in America.
AdLib : Sally – So true but up until Obama’s election, it looked like the wealthy might advance far enough to cut off a peaceful swing back of the pendulum. They almost took over the government, the tax system, the Supreme Court for a generation…we really dodged a bullet. Had Romney been able to win, the peaceful path for the people to reverse things could have been blocked institutionally. Then what?
funksands : Ad, I’ll shoot you an email the first of the year once I know my schedule a little better.
SallyT : There was a woman being interviewed on Young Turks tonight that said she was a fan of Bill OReilly put after seeing this movie about the polar caps melting she has changed her mind. She was crying that it is very serious and we need to wake up.
funksands : Corporate Socialism has been the law of the land for 80 years. They treat their workers relatively well and in return, the workers stay off the streets, in return the workers elect the aristocracy to keep the wheels greased for the corporations. Comparatively and historically not a bad deal…but someone always gets greedy eventually.
AdLib : KT – The GOP has positioned itself as The Party of Idiots. They don’t believe in reality, math, polls, science, education…how can they act smart, it would alienate their base!
funksands : KT, now you are going to make me go look that up…
SallyT : AdLib, it always has happen that way in the past. The rich just get to full of themselves and greedy and the little guys get fed up with it and pull the rug out from under them.
KillgoreTrout : Funk, not kunk. My fingers aren’t obeying to commands right noe.
AdLib : Funk – Absolutely! Would be great to see you!
KillgoreTrout : Kunk, that line…”Say my name,” will go down in film history like DeNiro’s line from Taxi Driver….”You talkin to me?”
AdLib : It may not be clear now but the pendulum could be swinging back the other way for some time against the wealthy. With the ACA, the Consumer Protection board, raising taxes on the wealthy a very popular and inevitable thing…maybe these greedy bastards have had their run and after destroying our economy and getting bailed out by taxpayers, the payback begins and the pendulum swings back to the 98%.
funksands : Ad, FYI I’ll be in LA for a week Jan 6-13. Can I buy you lunch?
bito : Watching a rerun of The ED show, I didn’t know about the fast food workers going on strike! How fucking cool is that!?!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, “bright,” is just not a word that I would ever use to describe today’s GOP. They are just too hate filled to be able to properly reason. Emotion always distorts intellect. And if that emotion is strong enough, it PREVENTs the intellect from working, altogether.
funksands : Hi Sabreen!
Sabreen60 : Hey Funk.
funksands : Hi Sallie! KT, oddly enough I’ve never seen an episode of that show. My wife loves it.
AdLib : KT – Romney was the personification of the Entitlement Class. And these pigs think hammering on Romney’s campaign points is a winner for them? These guys are used to getting bonuses when they lose, they’re nowhere near as bright as they think they are.
SallyT : Same here, too, Funkie. Rain all weekend.
KillgoreTrout : Funk, was that a reference to the last season of Breaking Bad? An iconic line by Walter White, aka Heisenberg. “SAY MY NAME!”
SallyT : Hello Funkie!
funksands : Raining raining raining raining here. Very glooooomy and depressing. Time to get out of here.
SallyT : Those CEO can work until they are 80 but lets see them work hard labor or standing at a cashier all day or serving people etc etc and see if they can work longer than 65.
funksands : Hi everyone! Thought I’d drop in for a minute.
KillgoreTrout : FUNK!
AdLib : Bring in da Funk!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, it’s their over inflated view of themselves as being “superior.” They will always look down on those less fortunate.
AdLib : Bito – That’s what’s so disgusting about that CEO group going around pushing for entitlement cuts for the 98% and tax cuts for themselves. Pigs and they are doomed to lose this time around.
funksands : Somebody say my name?
AdLib : KT – Yep, Repubs have to believe in Trickle Down like it was Biblical. Facts be damned, history and proof be damned, it just HAS to be true!
SallyT : AdLib, yes. That would get the baby boomers out of the work force. If you wanted them to work longer, pay them a bonus too.
KillgoreTrout : hey, I tell ya, I don’t get no respect. (tugs at collar nervously) LOL!
SallyT : AdLib, I also think that the President saw how much the people got behind him and all he was campaigning for, that he is not about to let them down.
bito : funksands profile funksands Corporate profits at all time HIGH Corporate taxes collected as a % of federal revenue at all time LOW. Yep, time for entitlement cuts. #p2
KillgoreTrout : The GOPers will never understand, or admit, that when the middle class has more money to spend, the economy will improve. It’s elementary economics, but they refuse to accept that if social safety nets are involved. It’s pure spite.
AdLib : Sally – Just take off the Medicare contribution cap and watch what happens. That and some other reforms could do it all.
AdLib : Killgore – I think that’s the approach of a smart and respectful person. Or just someone who lives by the Golden Rule, treat others as you would like to be treated. Obama shows respect and it’s been portrayed as weakness. Big mistake. Now the Repubs, like Rodney Dangerfield, get no respect.
SallyT : That is true, AdLib. I read an article by some professor that said it would be better to lower the retirement age for three years than raise it.
KillgoreTrout : I don’t either Sally.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, i just think Obama has, or tries to have a higher opinion of some people, that they don’t rate. Obama is, if nothing else, a true optimist.
AdLib : Sally – The Dems and Obama are smart, they can toss out Medicare reform plans that don’t cut benefits or raise eligibility age. The Repubs don’t want to say out loud what they want, they will be trapped.
SallyT : I don’t see the American people, dem or repub, going for cutting Medicare until they see the 2% give more.
AdLib : Killgore, it was a last desperate gambit…defying belief. Romney could only do it once, flip around and just lie about everything, trying to suddenly change his skin into that of a liberal/moderate . I don’t blame Obama for being taken by surprise and off balance but it was clear that he was trying to play it safe, a dumb move in a Presidential election that was as close as it was.
KillgoreTrout : Excellent Sally!
KillgoreTrout : Obama is officially untethered. The repubs just don’t seem to realize that now. They can’t waste time trying to smear Obama, he can’t serve another term anyway. But I think their hatred will continue to make fools of themselves.
SallyT : Yes, KT, her horse can’t dance any better than Mitt.
SallyT : As they say, AdLib, he’s got nothing to lose now.
AdLib : Sally – Obama’s not playing it safe now and agreed, those days are over!
KillgoreTrout : Sally and even her horse lost!
AdLib : Killgore – Oh yeah, the Carter connection to the 47% video, hammering the Repubs who use Jimmy as their whipping boy for every Dem candidate…so sweet!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, and a total lack of realizing reality.
SallyT : KT, LOL, Ann Romney has the horse.
AdLib : Killgore – And it sure looked like a good bet after the 2010 elections, Obama looked very beatable and Repubs felt invincible. Repubs are addicted to many things and hubris is one of them.
KillgoreTrout : Obama is the consummate chess player. He may have underestimated Romney’s nastiness before the first debate, but he learned quite a lot about what to expect in the following debates. Romney is a one trick pony.
SallyT : I got a feeling, AdLib, that the President isn’t going to take that “play it safe” advice any longer.
KillgoreTrout : Ah, the Carter revenge. Karma can be so sweet sometimes.
AdLib : Bito – Exactly! Once Obama’s team defined Romney in the Summer, Romney was trapped. And it was true! What he did was disarm Romney of the bounce he got from the 1st debate…until the 1st debate. And just think, if Obama had ignored the advice to play it safe in that debate, Romney would probably have lost by an even bigger margin.
SallyT : He put it on the YouTube and Jimmy’s grandson found it and brought it to everyone’s attention. That was great!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, good point. They were so over-confident of a win. that they never thought about “what if.” I’m sure they never thought Obama would win a second time. Foolish bastards. But then again, it’s to our favor.
SallyT : The story I heard was the bartender was just recording that he attended bar that night. Didn’t know it was going to show the jerk Romney really is.
AdLib : Thanks Sabreen, always appreciate Deaniac’s POV!
SallyT : And, you have to thank Jimmy Carter’s grandson for making it public for all to see!
bito : AdLib, and his camp defined him early and kept it up during the whole campaign
AdLib : KT – So true, they had totally committed to hating Obama and damaging the nation’s economy to make him a one-termer, they are just confused now about what to do…they never planned on having to legislate!
Sabreen60 : This is Deaniac’s (The Peoples View) on the moves PBO is making on the Repubs. «link»
SallyT : But, I think that tape really did the number. It was the truth from the Romney mouth. And, he is still saying it!
KillgoreTrout : Exactly bito. If Romney ever had a chance before that video came out, it was gone once the video was made public. You just can’t shit on half of the American people and still expect to win.
AdLib : Sally – Yes, meant to reply to your comment but really looking forward to the Norquat cartoons!
AdLib : Bito – No question, the 47% tape was the slam dunk on Romney. I think he would have lost anyway but that video got the message across so perfectly and quickly about who Romney really was and what he represented. Still, Obama’s campaign had done a great job of defining Romney as the greedy slime he was.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, the GOPers are suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome. The fact that he’s pres drives them crazy…literall y. They are so filled with spite, it’s affected their sanity. I really mean that, too.
SallyT : It works Sabreen. You have to put that on the Funnies page!
Sabreen60 : I don’t know if this link will work, but personally I thought the cartoon was hilarious. «link»
SallyT : I have lots of Norquacker cartoons for Sunday, AdLib.
bito : It doesn’t really matter, the tape did damage –Large damage.
SallyT : KT, yes, that is right.
AdLib : The GOP is so screwed, they insist on cutting Medicare but won’t give any details on cuts. They don’t want taxes raised and have signed Grover’s pledge…but trying to stonewall Obama means raising taxes…and blocking Obama comes first. This is going to get ugly for Repubs.
KillgoreTrout : Whoever it was, probably drove the final nail in Romney’s political coffin.
bito : I didn’t see that Sabreen, I don’t think we follow ‘him”
KillgoreTrout : Sally I guess repubs would have rear view blinders. It’s impossible for them to see ahead.
SallyT : Sabreen, that was the bartender’s story, too. Said had the camera sitting on the bar. I don’t know, tho, if that is true.
SallyT : No, KT, they put those on horses so they could only see forward. Not republicans.
AdLib : On the other hand, wouldn’t it just bury the GOP to be the party of tax increases on the 98%?
KillgoreTrout : Ad, you’ve got it.
Sabreen60 : Sally, This person on Twitter says he/she is the person that sat up the camera.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, and republicans.
AdLib : Killgore – You mean “more blinder”?
SallyT : They use to put those on horses, KT.
KillgoreTrout : Sally I could see, now I’m getting blinder. Is blinder a word?
AdLib : I think it’s a 50/50 bet on whether the Repubs will agree to the 98% tax cuts before year’s end. The sooner the better but if the Repubs let taxes rise on 98% because they’re holding out for the 2%? They could be DOA in the 2014 elections.
Sabreen60 : Ahh KT you’re never too old to care
SallyT : I heard it was the bartender at the gathering.
Sabreen60 : BTW, is it true that @AnneOnymous670 (Twitter name) is the person who set of the 47% tape?
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen I was lost, but now I’m too old to care!
SallyT : I was blind and now I can see.
Sabreen60 : Hey KT. I was once lost but now I’m found.
AdLib : Damn Bito, that sucks! Please rest, drink lots of fluids and feel better soon!
SallyT : Sorry to hear that Bito.
KillgoreTrout : hey Sabreen, I too was among the lost.
AdLib : And Romney was treated as a rube by his handlers as well, pretty funny. They needed him to believe the BS so he could act like they wanted him to. Repubs are snakes devouring themselves.
Sabreen60 : Take care of yourself Bito.
KillgoreTrout : Sorry to hear that bito. Best wishes.
bito : Hey, just sorta lurking, I have a killer cold along with everything else.
Sabreen60 : Hi everyone who appeared while I was lost.
AdLib : Bito – Yes, saw that and also heard that Romney aides weren’t surprised that they were wrong! So, seems to me that it was an intentional fraud used to keep the money flowing to Romney.
SallyT : KT, you know me….
AdLib : Hey Bito!
AdLib : Killgore and Sally – I won’t underestimate the self-destructive ness of Repubs but it’s clear, the best deal they’ll get is before the end of the year. When 98% of Americans are screaming in phone calls to them and flooding them with angry emails and faxes, they’ll fold fast.
bito : Did everyone see how far off the R’s and Mitt were on their internal polling? 5-8-10 points off and they were believing it! Wouldn’t you think that there was something wrong when your poll was such an outlier? Not them I guess.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, you naughty girl. LOL! I guess it could be called a ‘hosing.”
SallyT : KT, I just think they might hold out since so many of them won’t be there after the 1st of the year.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I think the repubs will eventually cave. They always talk a big game, until the final hours. Just think how it would make them look in the eyes of the American people. They are still smarting from the ass whoopin they got on the 6th. And they know why.
AdLib : Sabreen – Some server issues tonight that I can’t fully iron out, may be a bit slow at times but should pick up.
SallyT : Give it a blow job, AdLib.
Sabreen60 : Lost you guys for a minute. Ghost in the machine?
AdLib : I’m going to hose down this server tomorrow!
SallyT : I don’t think so, AdLib.
SallyT : Sabreen is back! I think anyway, she is showing above now.
AdLib : So, who thinks there will be a deal on the 98% tax cuts before the 1st?
KillgoreTrout : Well Sally if just us three, I’m sure all will enjoy. I think maybe some others had trouble getting connected and gave up for the evening.
SallyT : Well, I always have enjoyed being out with two guys!
SallyT : KT, I am fine and you?
AdLib : Sally, could be the case, we’ll see!
SallyT : KT, I always think it is Comcast trying to make me think I should pay them more for a faster connection.
KillgoreTrout : hey Sally, mu bud! Hope all is well in your corner of this big blue marble.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, you do wonders around here. Much appreciated. I always suspect my aging laptop first.
AdLib : Killgore – She’s not the first to suggest it but I agree with her, the tactic seems so obvious.
SallyT : Okay, AdLib, it says on my screen that it is just you and KT with me. Is that true?
AdLib : Hey Sally, glad you’re back!
KillgoreTrout : I loved Rachel Maddow’s theory on why Mr. Maggo and his minions are trying so hard to discredit Rice. It makes a lot of sense to me.
AdLib : Killgore – Yep, something funky going on with our server tonight, I’ve tried what I could for the time being so though it may slow down a little, it seems to be a little more stable right now.
SallyT : KT we have had Republican obstruction tonight!
SallyT : Hi KT!
SallyT : Now I think I am here??
SallyT : I refreshed and it wouldn’t come back so I logged out and back in.
KillgoreTrout : hey folks, I hope all is well. I’ve had some difficulty getting connected tonight.
SallyT : That was what I was saying AdLib and then the server went down.
AdLib : Sabreen, right with you on that but I like how Obama is going around the media game and taking it right to the public. If taxes go up on the 98%, it won’t matter what the media says, people will be on a rampage against Repubs.
AdLib : Night Glenn!
glenn : Good night all!
AdLib : Glenn – Maybe Dems need to preface everything with “Benghazi” to get it on tv?
glenn : Uh-oh seems the server is slowing down again! Sorry, folks, time to turn in!
AdLib : Glenn – I think we’re seeing that right now, Obama is smarter today when it comes to dealing with Repubs and he didn’t suffer the indignity of the election just to hand over a decisive affirmation from the people. He’s going to make the best case for why the Repubs will be responsible for the tax hikes on the 98% and if they don’t deal, when the 1st of the year comes and people are howling, they will pummel the GOP into submission.
Sabreen60 : What gets me (I don’t know why at this point) is that the media won’t call BS on the Repubs. Boehner wants PBO to present what should be cut. Hell it’s the Repubs who want to do all the cutting. They need to put on their big drawers and lay it out there. PBO is never going to do what they want.
glenn : AdLib–well you know it is the “liberal media”. Did you forget to mention “benghazi”?
AdLib : Kes – Yes! This should be blasted throughout the media but isn’t! That big talking point of the Repubs and Romney was “He’s cutting $716 billion from Medicare!” and now they’re whining that he won’t slash Medicare?! Where the hell is the media in exploding this hypocrisy?
glenn : AdLib–Really, really hope PBO stands firm!
SallyT : And, the President is out there telling the people to be prepared.
AdLib : And what’s just ridiculous is Boehner and the Repubs saying they won’t agree to tax increases. They don’t have a choice! They stonewall and on 1/1/2013, bye-bye tax cuts.
kesmarn : I read somewhere that the Rs were complaining all through the campaign that Obama was planning to “cut your Medicare,” and now they’re complaining because he won’t cut Medicare.
glenn : Sally and AdLib–It’s the same old “talking points”, obstructionism, and b.s.!
SallyT : And, I like that the President won’t!
Sabreen60 : It appears that Boehner would like President Obama to negotiate with President Obama. Somebody needs to hide the keys to the liquor cabinet.
AdLib : It does seem that the Repub scheme was to say they would listen to the people after the election then just whine that Obama won’t do what they want.
kesmarn : There you go!
glenn : Hey Kes–I prefer “great minds think alike”.
kesmarn : Jinx, glenn!
kesmarn : Rs don’t know the meaning of the word “serve” AdLib. So “server” just sounds like an “illegal” working at the Olive Garden to them.
glenn : AdLib–good one. I didn’t know there was such a thing as a republican server–’cause they’re sure not serving the American public!
SallyT : AdLib, tell the server that the polls were wrong and Get Over It!!
SallyT : They seem to me, Kes, that they think Romney won since they are putting everything he was campaigning on up.
glenn : Kes–I agree the republicans/tpar tiers are acting like they won, or that we didn’t even have an election at all, and that the majority of the American people haven’t made their views known.
AdLib : I knew I shouldn’t have gone with the Repub server for this site, it doesn’t run well and just wants to cut services.
kesmarn : Sally, if only the Rs would work on the 165 days they’re supposed to be there…!
kesmarn : So…I haven’t seen much media coverage of the looming fiscal speed bump, except that David Brooks is very angry with Timmy Geitner for an initial offer that is “unacceptable. ” You’d think the Rs had won the election!
SallyT : Not that they have done anything this year when they are there.
SallyT : Did you see on Rachel tonight how many days the new Congress is taking off next year? It is over 200!
glenn : Kes–those, too.
SallyT : AdLib, we are with you!
glenn : Sally–I especially like the alliteration.
AdLib : What a pain in the butt, sorry folks. Trying to get the server running a bit smoother.
kesmarn : …misogynistic, racist, immature and weepy?
SallyT : Jerks, jokers, and jackasses?
glenn : AdLib–are there any other kinds of republican besides vindictive? Well…never mind, there are hateful, ignorant, reality denying, oppositional, sociopathic. Who’s got more to add to the list?
SallyT : That’s from the movie Overboard.
kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen! It’s not just you. Apparently server issues and the chief is working on it as we speak…
SallyT : Sabreen, it is a hell of a day at sea, sir!
Sabreen60 : Hi folks. Had a hell of time logging on.
kesmarn : Back to having problems posting again, unfortunately…
SallyT : Thanks Glenn!
glenn : Sally–looks like you’re live from here
AdLib : I think this is the work of vindictive Republicans.
AdLib : Trying to make it a smoother ride on Vox, be right with you on tonight’s topics. A round of drinks on me in the meantime!
SallyT : Okay, I understand that. Am I live on here?
glenn : Sally–depends on your definition of here.
AlphaBitch : Am I drunk?
SallyT : Am I here?
AlphaBitch : Kes: Multi layers would be nice. We decorated our tree and put our Obama Claus ornament on. Looks really nice now.
kesmarn : AB, in hindsight, I shoulda put the stickers on the side panels of my car…kinda cushion the blow a little?
AlphaBitch : So I’ve been MIA for weeks now. What’s happening?????
AlphaBitch : Yes, thank you AdLib.
AlphaBitch : That car vandalism is a chicken shit thing to do. Come ask me about the sticker – I’ll be glad to tell you what you need to know. But to damage it because you don’t agree with me is so…….Republi can……
kesmarn : To AdLib, after one message that took a while to register, it seems much better now.
glenn : AdLib–Seems to be working a little quicker now.
SallyT : Poor AdLib!
AdLib : Any better now?
AlphaBitch : Sorry AdLib, didn’t mean to snarl at ya.
kesmarn : I think a few people parked close to me and opened their side doors REAL HARD into the sides of my car after I put my two stickers (Marcy Kaptur and Barack Obama) on my car, AB. You’ll have fun rollin’ through those states!
AdLib : Trying to work on it now, AB.
AlphaBitch : NO AdLib. I’m having a bitch of a time – and not an alpha one either…
AlphaBitch : Kes – we’re putting it on the ole Subaru and driving to TN/IN/MO next week. Can’t wait to see the reaction. To key or not to key, that is my question……
kesmarn : I think funkie usually shows up a bit later… Or is it “later” right now?
AdLib : Hey all, a little server trouble, how is the site running for everyone else?
glenn : Hey AdLib–server is a little slow tonight.
AlphaBitch : Am I this drunk? Where’s the FunkMan?
kesmarn : AB!! We keep missing each other. Don’t worry about the stickers. Just relax for now! You’ve been a busy lady!
glenn : AB–I hope PBO is serious about not touching Social Security. And that he is serious about standing up to the bullies in the republican/tpart y.
kesmarn : Hey, glenn! uh-oh…and everything just stalled out as I tried to send that…
AlphaBitch : Kes!!!! I owes you those stickers, gal. I’ve just been too busy to do ANYTHING fun at all. Tonight is a first…
kesmarn : Hello there, Sally! How’s your Friday?
AdLib : Having a little server issue, is the site working ok for you?
glenn : Hello to AdLib and Good Friday to Kesmarn
AlphaBitch : Hey AdLib! What’s shakin’, bacon?
SallyT : And hello there Kes!
SallyT : Hello AB and AdLib!
glenn : AB–okay “AB” it is.
kesmarn : Is we is or is we ain’t “up”? Good Friday, All!
AlphaBitch : As to the cliff: I have no dog in the fight. I just love watching PBO stand tall, though. Give ’em …..nothing. Just nothing. Bite me.
AdLib : Howdy all!
SallyT : Hello there Glenn.
AlphaBitch : You can call me AB, glenn. Many do. Others however call me bitch. Just bitch.
glenn : Hi Sally
AlphaBitch : He’s baaaaacccckkkkk! ! Quick turn over the controls.
SallyT : I made it! Wow, sorry AdLib. It looks like you have been having a bad night.
glenn : Hey Alpha–(I feel I don’t know you well enough to call you “bitch”). How are you? So..the question of the week, I guess, is to go or not to go over the fiscal cliff?
AlphaBitch : Hey glenn – Ad Lib seems to have abandoned ship.
glenn : Hi AdLib–Oh, Oh, Oh, Boehner’s crying! I love it!
AlphaBitch : Whew. I thought it was me…maybe it IS me! Wow. It’s me. Que paso, ‘migo?
AdLib : Hey there, sorry, we were down for a few minutes. Don’t forget to say “hi” or “Oh, Oh, Oh, Boehner’s Crying” when you arrive.
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!

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