bito : I know I’ll have a good night I just did my meds.
AdLib : Sorry to hear that, Sally. Hope that a good night’s sleep helps!
SallyT : Good night to you both!
SallyT : I will do that. I hope I can kick whatever this is that I have right now. Don’t like the stuffed up head!
AdLib : Night Bito and Sally! Thanks for figuring this out! Have a great weekend and get lots of sleep…we’ll be up late celebrating on Tuesday night!
SallyT : I do know people come for the music.
AdLib : Bito – That’s true! The more new material there is here on the weekend, the more traffic there will be!
SallyT : I hope so, Bito. I get kinda lonesome on the weekends here.
AdLib : That you did, Sally! And thanks so much! You have a wonderful day tomorrow, have a fantastic birthday and a terrific weekend!
bito : I think we have a wining idea! It will bring more visits on Sundays when it takes off.
SallyT : Well, I ended up closing with you after all.
SallyT : Got it! Thanks!
AdLib : Sally, great! You can complete it and submit it on Saturdays or earlier in the week and we can schedule it for posting on Sundays.
SallyT : Okay, I will work on something and you can check it out for me and let me know for Sunday.
AdLib : Sally, yep. That would work.
SallyT : Or Sunday….
SallyT : So, I would set one up on Saturday and continue on that one until next Saturday?
AdLib : And though I think Bito’s title is a lot of fun, since we post Music Thread on Saturdays, Sunday would be a great day to post cartoons.
AdLib : Sally – You shouldn’t feel restricted to post anything whenever you want by making a weekly posting of cartoons. I do like Bito’s suggestion of using your latest weekly post for posting comments with cartoons you want to post throughout the week.
SallyT : Oh, okay, I see.
bito : You can still post it mid week as a comment in your weekly post Sally.
SallyT : And, your fingers won’t get inked!
bito : “Sallies Sudndie Funnies on Saterday ”
SallyT : AdLib, I have a collection for this weekend that I have saved but there are times when one is so good you like to get it out there because of the timing. But, I am flexible and will do them any way you think best.
AdLib : And if you publish them on Sundays, they could be like the Sunday funnies.
AdLib : Sally – Just an editorial perspective, since political cartoons are very topical and timely, it might be best to have weekly roundups which you could compile through the week then publish on the weekend. That way you create collections for each week. What do you think?
bito : Sounds good to me Sally, What ya think AdLib?
AdLib : Night Bito! Take care and rest well! Great to see you here tonight!
SallyT : Bito, I think I would like to add them daily and others could too when they come across one. Some of those that people and the videos are so funny! That way the comments aren’t pushed down and on another page. You can always refer someone to the Humor section, too.
bito : Get some sleep sally and Happy B’day, I’m off to meds and beds. G’night AdLib, see you soon
AdLib : Hey…I thought you were going to sleep, Sally. The birthday girl should be rested for her big day!
bito : Or you could do it like TO/OT and just keep adding the funny things as they pop up. which either one you want.
AdLib : Sally, if you do it from week to week, you’ll get it down quickly!
SallyT : Okay, I think I got it. You know I ain’t too good at that. It took me a long time to learn how to turn on the dash lights of my car!
AdLib : Sally – Yep, you could do it each week like we do Music Threads each week.
SallyT : AdLib, like I was doing an article? Would I have to do that each week?
AdLib : Sally – You can compose it like any other article in your dashboard.
SallyT : I will be happy to do it for you, Bito! Do you guys set up an area for it?
SallyT : Ryan must have been in a room that Obama just left.
bito : Sally I think a stand alone humor post would be cool, we talked about quite awhile ago but no one ever did anything about. Looks like your the one to start it to me
AdLib : Just saw this in our news widget: “Paul Ryan says he ‘can smell success’ ” . What they left out: “Ryan also remarked about how amazed he was that ‘success’ came out of the back end of horses.”
AdLib : Bito – Agreed, CL is amazing!
SallyT : I try to do them at night after most have done their comments. I will be happy to do them anyway you think works best.
bito : Goof night C’Lady and just reading about all your work makes me tired.
SallyT : I try not to post too many at a time because of that.
SallyT : Bito, yes, I know. They push comments down.
bito : We need to start a separate post Sally for Cartoons and humor,don’t you think? I’ve got some ideas for it.
AdLib : Bito – I’ve evolved a bit in my views of Blue Dogs to be more understanding but I still have a bitter taste in my mouth from how they sabotaged the ACA and Medicare for all. Still, there is a reality that Red states won’t elect Progressives and you need 60 Dems in The Senate to pass anything nowadays.
bito : Night funk, night Sally, hope you both have nice weekends. GOTV!
MurphTheSurf3 : Thanks Sally and Happy Natalday
AdLib : Wonderful work, Choicelady! Thank you so much for putting so much into that prop! Hope it’s ahead in the polls! We’ll be voting for it, you know that! Sleep well!
SallyT : Thank you, AdLib and CL. I hope I feel happy tomorrow!
MurphTheSurf3 : CL best on Prop 39…I have read about it…with folks like you involved it is well represented.
choicelady : HAPPY BIRTHDAY SALLY!!!
bito : That’s the way i feel about Blue Dogs too C’Lady, I’ve had some very good ones, and two really bad ones in Florida.
AdLib : Murph – Or how about this, optimism is sometimes just early realism?
choicelady : Suddenly I’m afflicted with the yawns, so I think I will head to bed, too. For the past 2 weeks my organization has been hell bent for leather pushing Prop. 39 that closes a huge corporate tax loophole AND directs half the recovered revenue to entry level green jobs. That’s HUGE for communities of color and those never headed to college. We worked this thing to death – and we mobilized communities across the state. I’m now coming down off the high – and crashing!! See you all Tuesday – and keep calling and doing whatever you can for the outcome! Keep the faith!
SallyT : Night Murph, you spectacular Murph, you!
AdLib : HAPPY BIRTHDAY SALLY!!! Have a wonderful day tomorrow, you deserve it!
SallyT : Anyway, thank you CL and AdLib. I think I will sign off. I am pretty sure that Mr. T will see that I have flowers and breakfast in bed tomorrow for my BD! You all have a good night and I will be posting my cartoons over the weekend and I WILL BE HERE ON TUESDAY!
AdLib : Murph – Thanks for all you do! Get some rest, sleep well and dream of blue spreading across a map of the US!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad and Choice….good words on both sides of the fence…so I teeter on the pickets. Good night…early morning at Lysistrata Central.
SallyT : Exactly, AdLib!
bito : If the glove don’t fit.. That’s why he wear mittens he hides everything
AdLib : Sally – If a Repub President killed Bin Laden and rescued the economy, they would be carving his head into Mt. Rushmore.
choicelady : ‘Night funk! Be well, dear heart, and get rest. See you Tuesday!
choicelady : Murph! Be on guard against Polly! Seriously – you’re right to be guarded. It ain’t over.
MurphTheSurf3 : Night to Sally and Funk…dreams of victory on Tuesday await
choicelady : Murph – thank you for reminding people how Reagan built his strength. Then do NOT forget to remind them of S&Ls, of the 1987 crash and 10.8 percent unemployment, and that little thing called the Iran Contra Affair. He was a lying sack of shit.
AdLib : Murph – Optimism is sometimes just realism.
SallyT : Bill Maher tonight told the Repugs on his panel that if a Republican President had Obama’s record to date, they would be naming a bridge after him.
bito : Good night Dear AB, say hello to the Blov!
AdLib : Night Funk! See you on Tuesday! Have a great weekend!
AdLib : Sally, you’ve closed the Vox bar on many a night, no worries tonight. Get some rest and I’ll see you on Tuesday night…for a chat and a celebration!
choicelady : Sally dear – this is not meant to be a forced march! If you need sleep, then sleep you shall have! We will see you Tuesday we hope!
funksands : Folks I gotta go. Great seeing all of you. I look forward to Tuesday and happier days….
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…all of this is forcing me from my standing position of wary pessimism to guarded optimism….Gosh …any moment now I will turn Pollyanish.
bito : Like I said Murph Hoyer started the blue Dog Caucus, the reason most people don’t see him that way is that he is a solid dem first and backs Pelosi up to the hilt even though he disagrees with her fiscally.
SallyT : AdLib, I really am trying to stay up and close with you, as I think of it as my contribution to you. But, I don’t think I can hold on to my laptop much longer.
choicelady : bito – the issue about Blue dogs is this: they represent people who are who they are. They are not just “tools” but are often enormously respectful of their constituents. When they have been in office for a time, they CAN and DO move on issues toward more liberal/progress ive positions. But they have to build trust first, and I honor them for doing that.
AdLib : Murph and CL – Yes, to the unprejudiced eye, we are climbing out of the recession but gradually. And the 12 million jobs Romney lied about creating, is actually how many are anticipated to be created over the next 4 years anyway. And Obama will be in office to get the credit he deserves for it.
funksands : You got it Murph. States and the private sector got thrown the stimulus for triage, and since then have been abandoned by Congress.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….Romney ‘s loyalists are still Smitten with Mitten and cannot shed the glove
MurphTheSurf3 : funk…I love to remind people that the keys to the reagan recovery were the lowering of interests by the Fed, huge public spending, and the tripling of the debt….they freak out.
choicelady : Murph — well, MITT found LOTS to hate. He just lied about what!! I know you’re shocked at that. Mitt. Lying.’
funksands : The revisions added another 84,000 to Aug. and Sept. too
MurphTheSurf3 : CL..yes and the negatives about foreclosures and bankruptcies are way down….plus the slight uptick in unemployment showed an increase in the labor force (participation rate)… what is to be unhappy about.
AdLib : Night AB! Sleep well and have a great weekend!
choicelady : AB – sweet dreams! Welcome home and see you, we hope, Tuesday!
MurphTheSurf3 : Nite AB
SallyT : Good night, AB. Have a great weekend!
choicelady : AB -= any time! He got blacklisted and did not work for 18 months due to his commitment. Nasty story.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB….and the media totally downplayed it…feeding into Ad Lib’s line…for them it is always about keeping the race tight.
AlphaBitch : Night Funk. Sweet dreams.
funksands : Night AB
bito : Hard to believe but Gabby had a hard time with funding because she was a blue dog, she became a darling after she got shot.
AlphaBitch : Okey dokey peeps. I’m out. My regular life resumes tomorrow. Hoorah!
choicelady : Murph – LOVED the jobs report, the consumer confidence index, the uptick in Manufacturing AND exports, the housing price increases, the housing STARTS increase – all GREAt news that caused the stupid and venal stock market to to up. And the GOP is indeed sputtering. And they keep saying stupid ass stuff that even the MSM is refuting!
funksands : Murph, I just tell people that this is the jobs growth you get when the private sector is doing all of the lifting without any fiscal policy of any kind from Congress.
AlphaBitch : Jobs report was great, Murph. What else can I say…
AdLib : BRB…
AlphaBitch : CL; So I’ll have to make his acquaintance.
MurphTheSurf3 : Bito…Hoyer would look Blue Dog but he is very much in Pelosi’s camp…giving cover to Boehner and still moving along teh Pelosi agenda.
funksands : Murph, I went to her comedy tour here in Seattle with the wife, who loves her. The show was awesome, she the least funny of the whole group. But then again she’s kind of the tent pole of the show.
SallyT : I’ll watch her with you, AB. I like her, too.
choicelady : AB – I agree on both issues. But I’m in over my head with domestic concerns here, and my husband is the 30-year Mideast peace activist in the family!
AlphaBitch : But it was the fact Perry NEVER ONCE debated White that did White in. I would have made a video of all the drunk Texans who love to chicken dance, with a Rick Perry chicken and clucking in the background. He won’t be made fun of (if he knows it)
bito : Hoyer actually started the blue dog caucus so he might be able to draw just enough R’s
MurphTheSurf3 : WE HAVE NOT SAID MUCH HERE TONIGHT ABOUT THE JOBS REPORT….any thoughts…love the GOP reaction…”but , but, but, but”
AlphaBitch : Murph: I can watch her for hours, sad to say. I need the comic relief.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB Yes, Perry is every bit as dumb as he appears and White is every bit as smart
AlphaBitch : CL: There are two things I know well. AFG and Palestine. Both hard (read: losing) issues, but for some reason, I’ll take the underdog in the fight every time.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB…love Miller for about an hour and then she wears on me.
choicelady : AB – I will TRY to get myself to read his books!
AlphaBitch : Stephanie Miller made fun of Rush calling Christie fat today. High-larious.
funksands : Murph – Thanks for the reminder. Is it possible the Dems are more competitive in Texas than the Democratic party gives them credit for?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…2014….ye s…but you know the GOP will be pulling the same game as they have in the last two…sabotage but the results laid at Obama’s door….in 2010 we got a GOP wave from that. Will 2014 be different.
choicelady : AB – no I stay away from Mideast stuff because it depresses the living crap out of me. I can take only so much of the Dominionists, and that aspect scared the bejeezus out of me as well.
AdLib : How does Boehner stay in control of a House that will be even more extremist? We see how the GOP turned on Christie just for complimenting Obama…if Boehner cooperated with him, I can only imagine the attacks that would come and Rush calling for his removal from leadership.
bito : Hoyer is possible, I think,
AlphaBitch : Murph: Perry would NOT debate White. White would have eaten his lunch. Perry just refused ANY debates.
choicelady : AB – I know they love Jews who will turn Israel over to Christians, and I think Cantor is in that league – but they do not trust Jews, do not like them, and having one in power goes that bridge too far.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…same thing happened to White vs. Perry last time. He had a good chance, but no funding.
funksands : AB, I saw that
AlphaBitch : CL: Maybe it’s Findlay. can’t remember spelling GET THEM
bito : the whole temper of the county could make a huge change if 7 GOP house members compromised on some issues and four in the Senate. It wouldn’t win at first but it would melt the complete freeze and show that we can compromise.
choicelady : Murph, bito- I do’t really know Hoyer. How is he on issues?
AlphaBitch : Ted Cruz is a sumbitch.
choicelady : bito – you know, I’m OK with a blue dog Dem in charge if we get it back. Slow and steady wins the race.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…the GOP has a Mormon nominee….so a Jewish Speaker? but your point is well taken.
AlphaBitch : CL: Did you read Paul Findleys books about Israel? Deliberate Deceptions is one.
choicelady : AB – good luck with getting your MIL back home. Good for you on the political education! Her vote still matters in the popular vote total!
AlphaBitch : Funk, you watchin’ me?
funksands : You know what makes me sad? Ted Cruz is probably going to beat Paul Seldon. Even though Seldon got endorsed by nearly every paper in Texas. He’s pretty hot that all of the Dem money and machinery went to go support candidates out of state.
choicelady : Murph – He’s NOT a ‘perfected’ Jew – not converted – which even as a Zionist makes him suspect.
AlphaBitch : CL; They love the Jews. Will help Jesus come back sooner.
AdLib : Murph – So there are only 25 seats needing to be flipped for Dems to take the House. If they could grab 20 this time around…they could take over in 2014.
MurphTheSurf3 : Bito…I agree. How about dealing with Hoyer?
SallyT : Okay, guys, this is what I hope. I hope that after all these millionaires and billionaires spend all this money, they lose and we get campaign reform passed!
choicelady : Murph – I agree. Cantor would be an unmitigated disaster. Not the Boehner is any gift to humanity, but Cantor???? I’m wondering though how the Religious Right would deal with a Jew in power?
AlphaBitch : CL; Urp. No baby eels, por favor.
bito : Like I said last week Murph, it won;t/can’t be Pelosi, it will have to be a blue dog.
AlphaBitch : I gots to gets up at six and help get my mother in law ready to return to IN. I feel a bit for her; she is in her 80s and we hammered her on why a vote for Romney was just plain wrong, despite what Mike Huckabee says or Dr. Charles Stanley (yikes he is scary). Made her watch videos of Mittens lying. I think she may actually vote – in IN, which doesn’t really count – for Obama.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib..if Cantor is in the TP gets more power and Boehner will be out forever (and probably primaried). I think he needs to challenge whoever challenges him.
choicelady : Good night Sabreen! FORWARD indeed!
AdLib : Night Sabreen! See you on Tuesday!
choicelady : AB – Basque food here is much better than Basque food there. Some is outstanding – but my husband inadvertently ate what we were avoiding: baby eels. Said they were good before he knew what they were. We have a Rick Steves book of phrases that INCLUDES the phrase: I don’t eat anything with eyes. It came in far too handy.
SallyT : I think that sounds great, AB! I hope later, we will all be singing!
AdLib : Murph – I haven’t been following the House races as closely but if they were to lose 20 seats, that would be huge! Still, I don’t see Boehner trying to build a coalition with the Dems. Instead, I think Boehner may be out and Canter may be in.
AlphaBitch : I’m going to an AMAZING concert by a 12 year old, who shames Adele when she sings. She is the daughter of a very politically connected friend. The concert is on election night. I think it is a good thing for me to do.
SallyT : Good night Sabreen. I will see you later.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen…from your typed words to the electoral deities will
funksands : Night Sabreen!
Sabreen60 : Well good folks I’m out and will check in on Tuesday. We got this!! Forward!!!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…if there are a number of House Seat GOP losses…I count 20 now….the GOTP is going to be royally pissed….will they support Boehner. If not, will Boehner need to pull a parliamentary trick and create a coalition with Nancy (or someone fronting for her who the GOP could stomach(
AlphaBitch : CL: I love the BAsque food. Went to several Basque restaurants in Elko, NV once.
choicelady : funk – if you don’t have 60, you HAVE to be concerned!
AdLib : Who would have predicted Dems would win the Senate seat in IN? And Claire was expected to lose in MO. Instead of this being a gain for Repubs as originally thought, Dems are likely to increase their majority in the Senate and pick up a few seats in The House.
funksands : Bito, I think Heitkamp can pull it off. Berg (?) the guy she’s running against is such a plutobag.
choicelady : funk – it’s a wonderful country. Granada in some ways was my fave – it’s like being in Morocco. Very different feel to it. LOVED the Basque country, too – simply stunning. Madrid feels like Washington DC, parts of London and NYC – if it weren’t for the language, you’d not think you were out of the US. Lovely Beaux Arts architecture, gorgeous parks and boulevards. Excellent city all way around. Loved it all – except the food. NOT crazy about the food. Oh, well…
AlphaBitch : Terrific, Funk. Please take the idea and run with it. Rox would be so proud…….(dar n it. There I am talking about her AGAIN)
funksands : AB: Yep, I know a few people that would find that especially irritating.
AlphaBitch : Maybe Planet can sell it for a fundraiser.
bito : I like your Senate numbers Funk
AdLib : CL – In the Senate, that is.
AlphaBitch : Funk of the Month????
funksands : AB, you have TOTALLY given me the best gift idea!!!
AdLib : CL – Well…if the House remains in GOP hands, a bigger Dem majority and simple majorities still wouldn’t accomplish much.
SallyT : CL, my husband has always held my hand but now a days he has to to keep me up!
choicelady : Sally – I will look for that film. Never much liked Jane until now. She’s doing much better work these days.
funksands : CL, I don’t know. The bigger the majority, the less cornered Reid may feel.
AlphaBitch : The Blov was a little worried because I kept talking about one of my dear sister girl friends a little too much on the 6,000 mile trip. I had lunch with her today, and was saying the Blov was like “Can’t we talk about ANYTHING other than what Rox said or did?” So she is making him a calendar with a photo of her every month and one of her witty sayings. She is a real smart ass.
choicelady : funk – we could move mountains with 55 Senate seats IF Harry will abolish the supermajority rule.
bito : Yes you can AB, nYou have a huge heart! just look at all your kids.
funksands : CL, that sounds nice. Spain is probably #number 3 on my to-visit list.
choicelady : AB – you will have to share bito with me. We have history together. But I’m not possessive. OK with you, bito?
choicelady : Sally, AB – we women of a certain age are GREAT. In Spain the young women are lovely. The older women aren’t. Can’t explain why exactly. Does not matter – the men treat them as if they’re beautiful so they GLOW! They’re not conventionally pretty, but they are confident, happy, and know they matter. And they return the favor to the men. I saw SO many couples holding hands! It ws lovely – and my husband and I held hands, too! And they smiled at us!
AlphaBitch : And Funk, that’s why the ladies love you.
SallyT : If you get a chance, CL, try to catch Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding s with Jane Fonda. It was a little film that I don’t think was in the theaters very long. Funny though!
AdLib : Think back to the beginning of this election cycle. Dems were worried that we would lose The Senate and the WH. What a difference a GOP Primary and Romney candidacy makes.
funksands : Ab, when you are 60, I think it’s legal to love everyone.
AlphaBitch : Funk: I thought 284 or 292. Gut feeling.
funksands : I’ve got 294 for Obama. 55 Dem Senate seats.
AlphaBitch : Can I love BOTH Bito and Funk, AND then ADD Nate????
choicelady : Sally- oh yes! Wonderful film! So is “Hope Springs”. REALLY wonderful and incredibly sexy at the end!!
AdLib : AB – No fair! I think Nate is right, Obama will get over 300 EVs. And win the popular vote.
AlphaBitch : There are days, Ad, when I believe it and days when I don’t.
AdLib : AB – In the US, 60 is the new 40 and 40 is the new 30…so that makes you 30.
AlphaBitch : So did I miss the prognostications ? What will the final electoral count be? And no fair quoting Nate Silver.
choicelady : AdLib and funk – well of course! 60 is the new Afghan 35. Thought that was common knowledge.
funksands : Bito behave yourself. Turn those powers on Romney’s election servers or something.
AlphaBitch : Bito, you knows I lubs you bestest.
choicelady : AB – well there is that “learn from your parents’ mistakes’ thing…
SallyT : CL, I liked that movie!
AlphaBitch : Crap no, CL.
bito : Well, now I’m jealous funk, sounds like it’s time for some sabotage editing on your comments.
Sabreen60 : Funk, If you drank a kettlebell and lived to tell the tale then I’m sure you’re in Guinness – even it was just a 10lb bell.
AlphaBitch : Ad – you are a cruel man.
choicelady : AB – went to see “Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” because the whippersnapper reviewer sneered at it. EVERYONE there came in revenge of that review. We all looked GREAT, loved the movie, and we all laughed at the same jokes. We are not our parents’ 60s.
AlphaBitch : Funk: Yeppers lil man.
SallyT : Funkie!
AdLib : AB – So 60 is the new Afghan 35?
AlphaBitch : CL: My parents did NOT vote, but I have not missed an election.
funksands : 60?
AlphaBitch : Even though I really, really, truly am 60 this year, my Afghan chirren assure me that if I moved to AFG, no one would believe it and I would only be 35. Too bad I’d have to be in AFG…..
choicelady : Sabreen – that all sounds GREAT.
choicelady : Murph – I remember 1980 and the college kids who were “too good” to vote for Carter. Still peeves me! I cannot understand that. NPR story today – kids vote if their parents voted. But people HAVE to understand it DOES matter!
SallyT : I’m hitting the hard stuff just because it is an election!
funksands : That too.
AlphaBitch : Not to mention the bitchin’ babeness of us, Funkman.
AlphaBitch : Margaritas on me.
funksands : AB, I am honored to have fans of the quality and caliber of the intelligent, witty, thoughtful and hilarious ladies on this site.
choicelady : funk – we ALL will hit the hard stuff if PBO wins FL!
MurphTheSurf3 : funk…yes
choicelady : Sabreen – I am peeved no one in MSM picked up on Ann’s comments about Mitt’s mental fragility. That is damned scary.
funksands : Murph, those census years can build up walls of political opposition that take 20-30 years to break down. Its really sad.
Sabreen60 : CL, Spinning has actually helped my back and my kettlebells class is in my Chiropractor’s facility.
choicelady : bito – I heard the same. I think it was over a week ago, but I heard Obama was ahead in FL. One lives in great hope!
AlphaBitch : Hey Funkster – you’ve got three (or maybe four, if it was both Sue and Kes) fans now. Dude.
choicelady : AB – of COURSE I’m a “funkfan”!
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…precisely so….the grapes of wrath….I had a discussion with four young people yesterday and made the same point. They are in their 20’s admit they did not vote in 2010 and are now worried about a number of GOP positions. Well better late than not at all. Still…
AlphaBitch : Sabreen – it was so very, very scary.
funksands : If Obama wins Florida, I’m hitting the hard stuff way early.
choicelady : funk – I think you have to make up your own description of the TB job details!
AlphaBitch : Bito – don’t toy with me now.
Sabreen60 : AB, I’m surprised that the MSM didn’t pick up on Ms. Ann’s comment about Mitt’s mental health. Well, maybe I’m not surprised.
bito : Florida may be out of Mitt’s reach
AlphaBitch : Funk: I passed one once.
choicelady : Sabreen – I do aerobics and Pilates and despite my back am incredibly flexible and upright. I think exercise and a reasonable diet are the keys to the kingdom. Google “90-year-old female athletes” and see how GREAT they are! Move it or lose it! I am very healthy – nothing at all wrong save the herniated discs, and my chiropractor has that under control.
bito : Murph, I heard he needed fifty four percent of all Hispanics Tuesday
funksands : I think I drank a kettleball once.
funksands : Murph, what’s sad is that none of this voter suppression bs had to happen. If only we’d shown up during the mid-terms the GOP wouldn’t be in control of every swing state statehouse.
AlphaBitch : CL: you cougar, you. Can’t remember if it was Sue or Kes, but we decided to be “Funkfans”. YOu can join our club, if’n you want.
funksands : CL, get me a job description…
SallyT : Funkie, go rake the leaves, you young snapper!
choicelady : funk dear – you’re in serious danger of becoming our Toy Boy.
MurphTheSurf3 : Anyone else see Granholm tonight and her mathematical analysis re. how much ROmney needs on election day based on the early voting numbers….her point that this is fueling desperation and dirty tricks.
choicelady : AB – well there you go, Sally – just say you’re born on Feb. 29 and you’ll live forever!
Sabreen60 : Sally, we’re the same age. Suddenly, I’m scared. So I’m spinning 3 times a week and doing a kettlebells class once a week. Actually, my doctor scared me.
funksands : Hi AB!
AlphaBitch : FUNKY!
choicelady : Sally, AB – we’re all in the same ballpark. And we look GREAT doin’ it!
AlphaBitch : Sally – did she do the camel toe pants?????
funksands : I’m really happy to note that everyone here is older than me. I like being the youngest.
AlphaBitch : CL: If Sally is a leap year baby, that “6” would mean “24”.
SallyT : AB, my daughter went as Sally O’Malley on Halloween one year. It was a laugh all night.
choicelady : Sally – you’re 6 E? That’s an odd age…
AlphaBitch : Bito: Guess Queen Ann will REALLY have to worry about the Mittens emotional health…
AlphaBitch : CL: Remember Sally O’Malley from SNL? She turned “FIFTY – FIVE OH BOOK ‘EM DANO”. My GFs and I had the Sally O’Malley club and celebrated each of our 50ths. Now I’m a 60ith.
choicelady : AB – one of Mitt’s own staff outed him on the ‘donations’ giving things the STAFF had bought TO people to pretend donate to Mitt. these people are beyond awufl!
bito : I don’t know how they’ll spin that one AB, especially Mitt.
Sabreen60 : Murph, This ad is beyond desperation. I guess they’re just throwing everything against the wall at this point.
SallyT : CL and AB, I am admitting to 36, with is correct if you are looking at the number in the mirror!
AlphaBitch : Me too, Sally. Did you see the riff on Mittens canned goods collection today? From the “valley of the (canned Mitt laughter) Giant Douchebag”
choicelady : AB – OMG – SO sorry Sally! You’re a lovely 25!!!
AlphaBitch : Bito: what will the spin be as to why they didn’t carry their home states?
SallyT : I really like Stephanie!
SallyT : Thank you, Sabreen. Yes, I am hoping my fine wine, although uncork, isn’t turning to vinegar just yet.
AlphaBitch : CL! Sally turns twenty FIVE tomorrow. Shame on you!
AlphaBitch : Had to call AT&T and ask why I no longer had Current TV. They “upgraded” us back to the status and now I watch Stephanie Miller in the mornings. So funny.
choicelady : Sally – happy birthday!!! You’re what – 29 tomorrow?
Sabreen60 : Happy Birthday Sally. Sorry you’re not feeling well. And you’re getting better, not older!
AlphaBitch : Ad: You didn’t put “competitive” in quotes.
bito : Between Romney an Ryan, neither of them will carry any state they ever lived in, that’s some real pull, eh?
choicelady : Murph – bito knows this: I also worked 3 years with IAM on the Eastern Airlines strike. For several weeks I made soup and brought it to strike HQ then stood the picket line while the guys ate. It was the BEST time of my life! Lucky for me, they liked the soup!
AdLib : So, any question that after this loss, the GOP turns farther right? I mean, how many moderates are left in their party? Their activist base is concentrated In Baggers. This could be the last competitive national race for the GOP for a while.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- wonderful ideas. Will note them.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen, Choice, Sally…the Florida Hispanic Ad «link»
choicelady : Murph – took gold carnations to a couple having their 50th anniversary, banana bread to several widowers, articles and photos to others – always something that said thank you to them for their time, their stories.
bito : Sabreen I heard that that one is bombing! The Hispanics in Florida don’t care and don’t follow Castro and Chavez, what a ignorant campaign move?
AlphaBitch : I see his contrail above, CL.
choicelady : AB – funk was here, hopes to return. Probably issues. He will come back if he can.
AlphaBitch : Hey Sally – true, younger Cubans don’t hold as fast to the Castro “I hate big government” issue. They don’t buy into it.
SallyT : Sabreen, I haven’t been contributing much tonight. I am down in the weather. The last couple of days have been tough on the old bode, which by the way, because a year older tomorrow!
Sabreen60 : Sally, that’s what I heard, too.
AlphaBitch : I would so move there for the summers, CL. Incredibly nice folks.
choicelady : Sabreen – NO! I’d NOT heard about that ad!!! How incredibly stupid.
SallyT : Sabreen, I heard about that. I also heard that younger cubans think it is silly. They are not afraid of the old boogie men.
choicelady : AB – I lived in or spent lots of time in all those places, so I share your concern. You did NOT bring Texas cooties! It’s the climate deniers who did that!
AlphaBitch : Where’s my Funkman????
Sabreen60 : Hi Sally. I didn’t know you were here
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- my strategy as well…and my natural impulse. Like your gift approach….terr ific.
AlphaBitch : Aside from the Cubanos aqui, all Latinos who can are voting Obama.
Sabreen60 : Oh, didn’t anyone hear about the Romney ad running in FL that links the President to Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez?
AlphaBitch : Hey there fearless leader.
AlphaBitch : We drove 6,000 miles. Went to NY (Niagara, not to be confused with Viagra), Vermont, Maine (Bah Hahbah), Montreal (where we attempted to surrender passports and seek asylum from stupidity), Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Lovely, lovely. Fine people, ‘cept a carload of Virginians.
choicelady : Murph – I think we instinctively understand what Lakoff dicusses on “moral messaging” – finding that key ground we share with others and respecting them for sharing it with us. Then you can move on from there. You did that also with the gifts you give by helping people find health care coverage. I did a lot or oral history work – and I never showed up at people’s homes without SOMETHING to give them in exchange for their giving me their lives. I’ve had other historians sneer at this – but honestly I get stuff and develop ongoing relationships they will never have. It’s all about being human and seeing other people’s value.
AdLib : Hey Sally and AB!
MurphTheSurf3 : AB…the coast for sure, the last minute efforts to Get Out the Vote, the battles against those who are trying to subvert the democratic process etc.
Sabreen60 : Hey AB!
bito : I’ll look AB, been sorta out of the loop with most things especially my email, sorry
AlphaBitch : Hi Sabreen!
AlphaBitch : Hey Murph – what’s being supported? Aside from the East Coast and Mittens, I see nothing in need.
Sabreen60 : It seems as though I missed saying good nite to those who left while I was away
AlphaBitch : Yes I am home. I feel just horrid about what has happened to those lovely, lovely places I was just lucky enough to visit. Feel like I “brung the Texas cooties” to ’em. I wanted to pledge tonight at the bene, but threw a party.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB…welcome to tonight’s support group.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….there are a number of us here on the Planet who speak the same language and your backstory reinforces why this is so…thanks.
choicelady : AB! How are you! WHERE are you? Are you back home yet? How was the trip and did you get caught in the storm?
AlphaBitch : Hi Bito. did you get the email? I can send a photo!
bito : Hello AB! Good to see ya!
choicelady : AdLib – we will be here when you return!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…blushing ….I was also trained in community organization and group facilitation…. treat people like comrades, friends and fellow travelers (I know, socialists!) and a community develops. I think that is what draws people together. There is a meanness about GOP gatherings (compare the RNC and DNC conventions). AND I do love it.
choicelady : Murph – I remember you said that’s your background. Mine as well though I taught more sociology/politi cs with Global Capital but also did Labor History. I loved teaching, and yes, stories matter. I do that in trainings around CA that I do now – helping people learn how to advocate and “speak truth to power”. I make them see they CAN do it by using funny and interesting stories of successes others have had. It works wonders to underpin critical issues. And you’re doing it for us now! Thank you!
AlphaBitch : Well hello buena gente!
SallyT : Even tonight, Nate Silver said that state races were hard to measure.
SallyT : I am not surprised that there are spectacular stories there because Murph is working in the place and he is pretty spectacular himself!
bito : Night Ralph, get all the fellow at the race track out to vote, especially those shop fellows.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL..I am a retired history prof specializing in social history and I look for the stories. My classes filled based on my love for the stories, and I got a lot from my students as well. When you tell the stories, the truth emerges.
choicelady : bito – it’s at these state race levels that Nate is NOT very good. State aspects of the presidential, yes. NOT of the state races per se. Keep the faith!
choicelady : Murph the stories you’re giving us from your ONE headquarters are simply spectacular. I cannot think they are isolated. But wow – they are totally inspiring!
AdLib : I have to pop away for a few minutes, BRB in a little bit!
bito : I want Nate to be wrong on one pick of his, the Senate campaign in AZ!
AdLib : I do think that in seeking a closer race, the polls and MSM have been undercounting and underestimating the Latino, women’s and youth vote. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a more decisive victory for Obama than has been told to us by the MSM.
choicelady : Good night Patsy! Have a good weekend!
choicelady : AdLib and bito – I am soooo hoping Nate is right!
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….work the phones for them….I have to tell you…a little old lady (literally, country folk) came to the office today saying she wanted to volunteer but could not make phone calls. So we got her working on mailers. She turned out to be 86 and had decided to vote for McCaskill because her great granddaughter asked her to. So, since she was going to vote for her…”I read up on her….my kind of woman….” I could see how proud she was. Wonderful.
PatsyT : I have to turn in early… up early with kids in the am… Till election Day … GOTV! Good Night all
AdLib : Bito – I really am hoping that Nate Silver’s prediction is on the money, if Obama wins over 300 electoral votes, we won’t have to deal with the potential madness the OH vote could become.
bito : Night Susand 900 seemyou on twitter.
choicelady : Hope to see you again funk!
choicelady : Goodnight KT -see you tuesday! Sleep well!
funksands : Be back in a bit…hopefully.
AdLib : CL – Exactly!
choicelady : AdLib – your robot could hardly have LESS humanity than Michelle!
AdLib : Sue, rest well and have a great weekend! See you here on Tuesday!
choicelady : BTW Murph – my grandfather hailed from Albany, Gentry County, and my grandmother and aunt lived in KC, so I have legit ROOTS.
bito : Looks like it’s g’night OHIO, Good night k’es, Good night KT. The place to watch Ohio votes are the Columbus returns
AdLib : CL – Actually, my robot is so much like Michele Bachmann only with a bit more humanity.
choicelady : AdLib – I will check with my local Obama HQ as well.
PatsyT : Nighty Night KT all the best…
choicelady : Murph – trapped it on Favorites and will call over the weekend. Thank you!
AdLib : Night KT! See you on Tuesday for our Live Blog and Live Chat on the election!
choicelady : ‘Night Sue! See you here Tuesday!
SallyT : Night to you Sherlock!
SueInCa : Oh Night all
AdLib : Night Kes! Have a restful weekend if you can!
SueInCa : I think I am going to shut down too. If I don’t see you all this weekend, I will catch up with you on Tuesday. Cannot think of a better place to get the returns than right here
SallyT : Good night, KT! See you later on here!
choicelady : kes – have a lovely weekend! Hope to see you here Tuesday if you can join us! <<<<HUGS>>>>>
bito : Saw a poll with Clair up 5 now, hope she wins by 10!
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….here is a link «link»
AdLib : Bito – You do a great deal! We do have tens of thousands of readers here and many on Twitter who recirculate your tweets. You do what you can…and that’s not an inconsiderable amount!
SallyT : Good night Kes and good weekend to you, too.
SueInCa : night BFF the texts are yours for the taking
choicelady : AdLib – GREAT that you converted a Republican into a REAL robot. Does it look like Bachmann or would that be too creepy?
KillgoreTrout : Well good Planet Peeps, I must say good night! Take care all. This time next week we’ll have a blast!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Kes !
kesmarn : Well,dear friends,I must say good night. I hope you all have a great weekend.
choicelady : Murph – I will do it! thank you!
Sabreen60 : BRB
funksands : Murph, its pretty easy to do it.
choicelady : bito – I am with kes – you do miracles!
AdLib : CL – My mother is here in CA and she mostly gets CO and NV numbers to call at her Obama GOTV office.
SueInCa : Murph is it registered Dems?
choicelady : Sue – oh lordy – those needles are EVERYWHERE. Stepped on one once. Had thick soled shoed, but it was scary. I believe in needle EXCHANGE – it gets them off the street, out of dumpsters, out of the ivy. They suddenly have value.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….yes. You can make calls for Claire. Go to her website and the volunteer links. It will give you choices. There are shifts you sign up for. You connect via the internet to an active list page and then the page calls you. You report each call on the page and it keeps connecting you to the next caller.
AdLib : CL – Yep, I’m talking about an actual robot, the one that programs this site and plays chess with me. It was originally a Republican voter but I reprogrammed it with information.
PatsyT : Kes and Bito YES the online tweeting is awesome…
KillgoreTrout : Da Lotto, Ha! I never heard that one before.
SueInCa : Bito you find other ways to help out. You are so engaged it makes me feel incompetent
choicelady : kes – it was in some warehouse/indust rial area. The restaurant had spaghetti with garlic toast – and the “toast” was garlic flavored Wonder Bread. Can’t say they lied. It was pretty weird. I DO understand the drive to self medication in desperate people. Not sure I’d be any different.
kesmarn : b’ito you ARE doing something when you Tweet!!
kesmarn : ‘Zactly, KT. Or “Big D” or “Da Lotto.”
SueInCa : CL we played bocce ball at the waterfront park in Martinez and found needles in the ivy that surrounded the courts. We had to watch the kids real close
bito : I do wish I was healthy enough to do something, I miss it, even phone banking.
AdLib : Patsy – You are welcome to borrow the PlanetPOV Robot. Just reserve it and you can have it feed you pizza, walk the dog and do Mitt Romney impressions (very easy for it).
choicelady : Murph – any way for those of us in CA to get call lists in MO?
KillgoreTrout : kes, they call that hillbilly heroin!
kesmarn : c’lady, I think I can imagine what Day’s Inn you were staying at. It is sad,but it’s how some people cope.
SueInCa : I missed the story, was there a link? I am so slooooowwwwww
choicelady : AdLib – wellll, just so “robot” is not some euphemism for a very wonderful woman and girl I know who are close to you! A REAL robot? FINE!
kesmarn : This is Oxy and Dilaudid country, AdLib. What can I say!?
MurphTheSurf3 : CL..the metro areas need every worker they can get to do GOTV. Happy to take help. What do you have in mind.
PatsyT : Hey I want a robot that feeds me Pizza… can they take the dog out too?
choicelady : kes – I honestly believe you, but I’d just NEVER thought about it. Toledo is the only place I’ve been where, at a Days’ Inn, I looked out the window (ground floor) to find a needle left there during the night. My husband and I checked out.
KillgoreTrout : LOL!
AdLib : Kes – That’s funny…though I suppose it shouldn’t be.
bito : funk it wasn’t aimed at people that have been working, it was aimed at everyone who wants a win and hasn’t done any work
SueInCa : Let me clarify the statement, because of the external poll workers, my people were great
AdLib : CL – I will have my PlanetPOV robot feed me pizza and hold up my drink’s straw as I type nonstop all night!
kesmarn : c’lady, the crazy thing is: it’s true!
choicelady : Murph – any way to help GOTV in MO from another state?
MurphTheSurf3 : bito- GOTV is SOOOOOO important…work ing it the next four days.
kesmarn : There you go, KT. People here are all about overmedicating.
SueInCa : but the workers have addtnl work after the polls close. I was a supervisor and I hated the job.
AdLib : Bito – Good point, 4 hours on GOTV can only be a good thing!
choicelady : kes – that is the funniest thing I”ve ever read about nursing!!!
funksands : Kes: «link»
KillgoreTrout : I was over medicated once before a minor surgery. Whoooopie!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- No…local folk who have lived here for a long time make the best watchers and judges…they have cred I do not have. So….in any case polls here tend to close shortly after the posted hours, lots and lots of early AM voting….and the polling places close up shop very quickly. I have few complaints about how the polls work here.
funksands : Ad, even better!
choicelady : bito- that’s a superb suggestion. Here though we don’t have early in person voting, so I think I’m in for a longish day. Probably will go over to Sac Labor Council to help phone. Once they dragooned me into precinct walking though…HATE that with my back.
kesmarn : funk, in the Toledo area it’s impossible to overmedicate anyone. You never get anywhere near their home doses.
AdLib : Funk – I like that idea! Maybe we add a little charity angle to it, everyone who wants to join the pool to guess electoral vote count agrees to donate to the Red Cross for disaster relief for Sandy victims? The winner receives a PlanetPOV Morning Blog mug.
funksands : Bito, I put in my last two hours today. I’m done.
SueInCa : True dat Patsy
PatsyT : Great Idea Bito!
funksands : Kes, just don’t accidentally overmedicate anyone while checking your phone.
SueInCa : I am ok with any time Adlib, no workee for me, just tending to my daughters needs that day
KillgoreTrout : I think it might take two or more days for the final count.
choicelady : AdLib – 4:00 sounds good to me if it’s good for you. Can your lovely family supply you with food and drink while you keep us going?
PatsyT : Kes and Sue – Breaks- as in broken arms and legs send to xray
SueInCa : ok bff i can text you and you can slip into the broom closet
bito : A request/ suggestion from the Obama camp. Everyone spend 2 hours to GOTV from now to Tuesday, just 2 hours could work wonders if everyone did it.
funksands : Ad, 4 sounds civilized enough.
choicelady : KT – well, one can pray it stops him up forever. Ow!
SallyT : Well, the election will be over by the time they get to Oregon……
AdLib : So folks, should we start the Live Chat at 4:00 pm PST? Earlier?
SueInCa : Murph are you a poll workera? If so you will not get out before 9 or 10 your time. In june we left at 9″45 finally
KillgoreTrout : HA! CL, let’s hope not!
kesmarn : BFF…what are breaks?
funksands : Ooo! We should have a “closest to the pin” contest for electoral votes and Final Dems Senate seats. Winners get a PlanetPOV mug
choicelady : AdLib – I know Magic Underwear is supposed to stop knives and bullets – does it stop loss of sphincter control?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…I will join you all at the end of the polling day in my county….the lines will not be long and most will vote in the AM- farm country. I will joint when I get home. No election night party for me….too hold for that nonsense.
SueInCa : Kes I can text you so you can read on breaks
funksands : I’m taking off work at noon so I can start celebrating
choicelady : AdLib – I’d go earlier. We need to get warmed up. I’m not sure WHAT I’m doing election day. Hubby is actually working, but I feel impelled to make calls or something.
kesmarn : Predictably…I am scheduled to work. Am requesting on-call if they can pull that off though.
AdLib : Hey Funk! Guess Mitt will really be putting that magic underwear to the test on Tuesday.
SueInCa : 5 is good for me, I can sit in the living room with my new and improved laptop with a great battery
funksands : Earlier!!!!!!!!
KillgoreTrout : Oh darn, they would go so well together.
choicelady : Hey funk!
funksands : Patsy, that’s awesome.
AdLib : Sue – Yes, there will be an open thread on the election all day and a Live Chat open beginning at 5:00 pm PST, when the first polls begin closing…unless folks here would like it to start earlier? What do you think Planeteers?
kesmarn : Hey,funk!
choicelady : Oh Sabreen – I am VERY familiar with the Delphi issue! KT – you MIGHT be able to get away with the mask,but like NOT the sign.
funksands : Howdy everyone!
SueInCa : Hello Funkster
SueInCa : Just think if he won, they could impeach him right away Sabreen
Sabreen60 : Hi Funk!
PatsyT : I hope everyone takes a camera with them, thats all I gotta say
choicelady : AdLib – last Lame Duck Obama wrought near miracles (unnoticed by the effing EmoProgs) getting a deal that had 86% of what WE needed and 14% of what the rich wanted. He likely can do it again if we win big for him and narrow the seat control for the House.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…greetings .
SueInCa : Yea I heard that one Sabreen
PatsyT : Funk I think some of us are wearing this «link»
KillgoreTrout : Hey Funk!
SueInCa : I like that KT
KillgoreTrout : Could I wear an Eisenhower mask with a t-shirt that says LAST DECENT REPUBLICAN ?
SueInCa : My “step daughter” is a real potty mouth CL and she said it took all her strength to stay quiet
funksands : Hello everybody. 4 days to go. Everyone have their “I Love Kolub” shirts ready?
bito : I can’t find right now Murph.
choicelady : AdLib – I think you could get away with that…
Sabreen60 : My mistake. It’s Delphi and Romney’s being investigated. «link»
AdLib : So when Obama is re-elected, do you think that this Congress will vote to restore the tax cuts for the 98%? Seems like a good strategic move for the Repubs. In Jan, they can then “blame” the last Congress for doing the wrong thing and not cutting taxes for the wealthy.
SallyT : Well, there is nothing wrong with jet black hair like Elvis’ momma!
SueInCa : Will there be an open thread on Tuesday Adlib?
choicelady : Sue – when grown ups (and this is stretching the man’s status) refuse to deal with kids, they are BEYOND HOPE. Dissing a kid on Halloween candy over a MASK???
choicelady : Sally – the other alternative is champagne color. Not any better.
AdLib : CL – How about if I just wore a suit and had play money falling out of my pockets then moaned about my tax cuts going away?
SueInCa : Or that nice cool Pink tint Sally
MurphTheSurf3 : bito…I will look
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….re. voting in a mask….NO
SallyT : I think it should be against the law to have blue hair!
SueInCa : Adlib a dude in Nevada refused to give candy to a kid with an Obama mask
choicelady : AdLib . No. No masks. No declaration of your intent. All no-nos.
KillgoreTrout : Patsy, wear it under another shirt, and when you’re done voting, take off the top shirt!
AdLib : Can you vote in a Halloween costume? What if I wore a Romney mask and voted for Obama?
choicelady : Sue – yes that sort of thing is no good at the polls. It IS “electioneering “. Unike the similar T-shirts worn by little old blue haired anti-abortion ladies in courts. The federal marshalls could NOT ask them to take off their clothes! And believe me – we were grateful!
SueInCa : LOL Patsy I wish I could come down and hang out with you
bito : Either TO/OT or in the twitter timeline Murph
PatsyT : I thought I would just hang around at the post office and Walmart wearing that
Sabreen60 : Hi Patsy!
kesmarn : B’ito, it’s true it’s a fat joke, but after all the stuff I’ve seen about Michael Moore… and so much worse.
AdLib : Sabreen – Adelphi?
SueInCa : What about Adlephi and Hi Oatsy I like the shirt
choicelady : bito – isn’t that the numer 11? LOL!!! You’re so smart!
SueInCa : Be careful Oatsy. Check the rules in your area. We were told anyone wearing election specific had to change before they could vote.
Sabreen60 : So will this story about Adelphi get legs?
choicelady : Hey PAtsy – LOVE THE SHIRT!!!
kesmarn : Sabreen I watch the old Hitchcock TV series on Netflix. Love them!
AdLib : Patsy:
! And hiya!
bito : The just went digital 1o1oo1o1oo1oo11o o1ooo11
kesmarn :
Patsy! I want one!
MurphTheSurf3 : By Food.
choicelady : Murph – indeed vote GOP when the GOP people do the right things! Missouri Proud is a GREAT way to describe it!
AdLib : Enjoy Foodchain! Have a great evening!
bito : Night food
Sabreen60 : Nite Food. I’m also a Hitchcock fan. His series of the 50’s run every night here during the week on AntennaTV
MurphTheSurf3 : bito- where is this story about Sandy’s impact on voters? Would love to see it.
choicelady : AdLib – oh crikey yes! And my former groups (I was on the board for several years) National Religious Campaign Against Torture is in total fear because Romney already said he WILL USE “ENHANCED INTERROGATION”! !!!
bito : I saw that on Twitter k’es, I thought it was funny but some one went sour and accuse him of poking fun a fat people. HuH?
PatsyT : Hey Guys what are yyou wearing for Election Day? Here is my wardrobe… «link»
KillgoreTrout : Night FC.
SueInCa : I agree Adlib and I think it should be finished…done. ..cut out of the landscape of politics
KillgoreTrout : kes, that’s hilarious!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue/Choice…The GOP clerk in my county and her staff are first rate…Missouri Proud we call them. REALLY stand by their principles. While the County Clerk here did ot need my help, I made it clear that she was one of three GOP I was voting for on a long state ballot.
AdLib : CL – That’s good to hear. The problem though is that with The Patriot Act in place, a Repub President will have the tools to abuse. It’s a legit argument to explore, can too much power be too dangerous to have available…beca use you never know who may get access to it?
choicelady : food – oh Rear Window is one of my faves! Enjoy!!! Have a great weekend!
kesmarn : food, have fun. I LOVE Hitchcock.
choicelady : kes – LOL!!! When I saw the photo though, Christie was on the left so it was 01!
SueInCa : night food enjoy
bito : Cool Murph, I hope they do get tossed like a bad meal.
foodchain : Gotta go, watching “Rear Window” with husband. Big week for Hitchcock. Chris Hayes tomorrow am!
choicelady : bito – did NOT see your story on Sandy-related vote changes! I’ll go look! Thank you!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- Yes, Christie is a huge (in more ways than one) ego. But, I think he was really feeling overwhelmed and Obama said- “Got Your Back.” In NJ that means a lot.
kesmarn : b’ito, someone said that when Obama and Christie stand side by side they look like the number “10”
SueInCa : Yes adlib. I am taking my daughter to vote and then on errands so we can keep busy that day.
AdLib : Bito – I saw that story you posted about people changing their vote to Obama because of Sandy, very affirming story!
SueInCa : Good Murph sounds like some really good people in your area
choicelady : Murph – I think, across the country, voting officials have HAD IT with groups such as True the Vote. Good for the MO officials for reminding them they could be arrested for what they are doing!!!
AdLib : Sue – That’s good to hear. It sure is what I seem to be feeling out there, that people are very enthusiastic on both sides to get out and vote. As for the meme about Obama possibly losing the popular vote, if Obama wins the swing states he’s favored to win, he could wrap up this election before polls close in the West. That could discourage Repub voters from voting while Obama voters would seem to be happy to add their vote for the winner.
SueInCa : Hopefully it will also draw attention to our poor infastructure KT
bito : He has a lot more spots
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…I was at a training yesterday for Poll Watching. I am not doing it but I need to know what our watchers are being told. Several True the Vote types were there. They kept interrupting the trainer to correct her re. photo id, challenging registrations, not helping the car bound at their cars etc. Finally, the trainer told them that they needed to keep their organizational tactics out of the polling place or they ran the risk of being ejected or even arrested. They looked stunned. Remember this is GOPland.
choicelady : AdLib – the convention speech was PRE hurricane. I think Christie will always be conservative and very much so. I think he will never again be a pitbull against Obama. He really DOES have a great deal to thank the president for, and he’s not likely to forget it.
KillgoreTrout : If anyone on the east coast still denys climate change, they are hopeless fools.
SueInCa : They criticized Obama for acting in advance, you know they are just fuming
choicelady : AdLib – under this administration, the Patriot Act is fully Constitutional and being well handled. No violations of civil rights even for the most RW skinheads, militia folks, NO one. And they ARE alerted. They know from the Southern Poverty Law Center and others who’s who. The FBI are paying attention to my roving band of assholes, too. Not a big deal – but paying attention.
KillgoreTrout : Obama was ready, even before the storm made landfall. He wasted no time at all, and it’s driving the pathetic RWers crazy.
SueInCa : Sandy The Ultimate October surprise Bito
AdLib : Murph – I will keep that in mind but I also recall Christie using the word “I” in his keynote address for Romney far more than he mentioned Romney. The man is very selfish and self-centered. I just don’t believe obese leopards change their spots.
SueInCa : You are right CL they are calling it Obama’s Katrina with no actual proof
bito : Yahhoo did a story on how many people switched to Obama because of Sandy, if I didn’t post it, I tweeted it. Non scientific but they went to PBO
kesmarn : They’re trying to “Katrina-fy” Obama, c’lady. Ain’t happenin’.
SueInCa : People are helping people as they always do in NY when trouble hits. You always have your looters and bad guys but the majority are helping each other. They even had fake pics on the internet about storm damage. People are ignorant
choicelady : kes – Molinari’s person said they had no lights, no power – with lights in the background as she spoke. She also said roving bands of looters – and no reports have ensued. The RW is trying to make Obama look as bad as Bush – and except for the whiners, it’s not working.
AdLib : CL – That would be so cool, if Bob Kerrey could pull out a win in NE!
kesmarn : Thanks, BFF! My instincts told me that and it’s good to have it verified.
AdLib : CL – Yes, I am concerned about the same thing, a rise in domestic terrorism by the RR and racists in a second Obama term. However, this won’t be a surprise to the DoJ and FBI, they will be expecting that and ironically, the Patriot Act crap which I and many others oppose, will be a major tool in catching these people…hopeful ly before and not after their plans come to fruition.
bito : Obama’s street organization in Ohio over 3 to 1 Sabreen. They took the early vot, they’ll take the same day GOTV!
choicelady : Sue – that’s another “tipping point” All this hype and all this RW lying anger is making the “unlikely” voters VOTE. The amount of registration is waaaay up everywhere. And everyone – if True the Vote people challenge anyone at the polls – they have NO RIGHT TO DO THAT. They can file complaints, but you do NOT have to show another citizen your ID or prove any damn thing TO them!!!
SueInCa : don’;t Kes my niece is there and some friends and they say not so
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- NJ is a really small and crowded state- most of it is- and Christie is the kind of guy who NAILS people when the results are bad and he was looking at really bad outcomes…and then Obama came riding in and took a lot of pressure off of him.
KillgoreTrout : I bet Sandy changed a lot of climate change deniers’ minds. That storm was HUGE!
kesmarn : c’lady, Rush is playing that game of focusing on the angry people post-Sandy. “Clean this mess up — yesterday!!” types. Also the predictable horror stories about “gangs” roaming in a lawless NYC looting and pillaging. I’m not buying it.
SueInCa : Adlib I think it is having the opposite effect people want to vote, not stay at home. It seems that way here anyway.
choicelady : Murph – I agree with that. Never underestimate the power of disaster to change people. When he got what he desperately needed, he was good enough at core to admit it. I think we are seeing a sea change – not everywhere, not everyone, but we ARE seeing something honest and honorable happening. The “Tipping Point” that always comes. Always.
AdLib : Sabreen – It’s the last desperate move by the MSM, Obama holds onto his advantages in the swing states so all they can do to worry people and keep them tuning in is invent this “popular vote loss” meme. I call bullshit.
foodchain : Bito, you’re right about the qualifier
KillgoreTrout : Yeah Murph, I think that will be the case. I do see that Obama does indeed at least try to get bipartisnship. I think his love of the constitution compells him to do that, at least to some extent.
Sabreen60 : I heard Karen Finney mention on Lawrence that because of early voting Romney needs to win 54% of the remaining votes in Ohio in order to win. I think she said Romney needs to win 55% of remaining votes in CO or NV in order to win.
MurphTheSurf3 : A WORD ABOUT CHRIS CHRISTIE…spoke with a friend from NJ about Christie. He told me that Christie was REALLY SHOOK UP AS THE STORM APPROACHED – EMOTIONALLY EXHAUSTED – per the scuttlebutt from the command center at the capital…he got his first call from Obama and came back relieved. He thinks that Christie and Obama really connected….and that their comraderie was in no way staged or forced.
choicelady : bito – YES!!!! That was just GREAT!
bito : For a GOP, he was a good one food
AdLib : Bito – I think we’ll still have the “Just Say No” crowd in The House BUT…with the “Fiscal Cliff” and end of the Bush tax cuts happening on Jan 1st, they simply won’t be able to just say no. The rest of his term, Obama will need to get creative with Exec Orders (though I’m not crazy about them, it’s the only way for him to move the country forward with these baggers controlling The House). And maybe in 2014, we’ll stand a chance of taking back the House.
choicelady : EVeryone – may I just say that the media are focusing on angry people IN AREAS THAT WERE NOT THAT HARD HIT to say how horrible it is, no federal or Red Cross help, etc. But they won’t get it – there is mess but no damage. And these folks better learn what we in Buffalo blizzards know – you have to be prepared to take care of yourself at least 3 days. “Trust in God – but tie your camel.”
foodchain : Chuck Hagel was a good GOP
bito : Dud you see Hagel endorse Kerry C’Lady?
foodchain : Choice, that’s great news about Kerrey
SueInCa : Murph my mother is from NY and she is tough as nails.
SueInCa : NJ was hit the hardest of all. PG&E is back there helping them. 250 CA workers
choicelady : All – I’m hearing stories Bob Kerrey is drawing ahead in NE. Don’t know if it’s true, but people did like him and like him still.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- I live in NJ for three years and know of what you speak.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- I agree when you add in “AS” and Sue pointed out that since he will have no third term he can be brutally honest and name the pain.
AdLib : Sabreen – I think Obama will win both the popular vote and electoral vote. Most polls don’t poll cell phones, those are heavily Obama voters.
foodchain : CA is having very high early voters and a 2:1 dem registration so that should push up the numbers and places like TX and GA have GOP stats of +16% shich isn’t all that high. so the pop vote could be good for Obama
choicelady : AdLib – what scared the crap out of me, and you all know I have good reason, is that if Obama wins, the True Believers in the End Times are quite capable of real, serious, OK City type violence to “fulfill” prophecy. They are already signaling this – Franklin Graham, worst of the worst, said if Obama wins, it’s the End of Time. And he MEANS it.
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, it’s possible, but I doubt it. I think Obama has a lot more supporters than these talking fools would let us know.
Sabreen60 : The MSM new meme seems to be the President may not win the popular vote. Of course, we know the MSM always has an ulterior motive – ratings.
foodchain : I think Obama has a lock on both the popular vote and the electoral college. I don’t see how voters get to election sites without cars, gas, power, etc and that could hold down the NY, NJ vote.
AdLib : CL – Some people go most mental when dealing with religious issues (just look at the GOP), maybe that’s the reason?
SueInCa : Never underestimate easterners Murph. They are tough. Staten Island is already live again. There are many more boroughs that were not affected than were.
KillgoreTrout : Murph, I should have said not AS concerned. He spent his first year, and longer, almost bending over backward to get bipartisan support. This was of course, before he finally got wise to just how nasty the GOPers were.
bito : I did think that might happen last week Sabreen, I don’t any longer
choicelady : KT – I think we will narrow the House, not likely take it back, and yes, the win for Obama and loss of seats will make the GOP HAVE to either compromise with Dems or be held up as the people interfering with progress. THAT is the GOOD that came out of Christie’s embrace of the president! People LOVE this and want more of it. If the Baggers et al. don’t get that – they are doomed. People are sick of their extremism.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- So the truth will be free and wielded by the OMAN. Hmmm.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen- the popular vote is going to depend enthusiasm in the Blue States and since the northeast is awfully wet right now, I think a repeat of Gore Bush is possible
kesmarn : I have no science to back me up,Sabreen,but I feel he will win the popular vote.
SueInCa : Murph because he can point it out loudly in a second term. He does not have to be so politically correct. No third term
bito : Since I try to use the editorial we on twitter because it’s everyones account, CL I stay away from wing nut arguments so I don’t have any problems. sorry to hear you do.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I think Sandy knocked some sense into Christie’s head. It’s got to have a strong effect, after seeing all that destruction and loss of life.
choicelady : Sabreen – that worries me. He needs the popular vote which means ‘safe states’ MUST have huge turn out for that alone.
foodchain : Choice, it just keeps getting better!
Sabreen60 : Does anyone think the President will win the electoral college but lose the popular vote.
SueInCa : LOL I hear you Adlib
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- why do say Obama will not need to be concerned about bipartisanship in the second term.
choicelady : food! I’m from the Chicago area! I LOVE Chicago! Miss it like crazy!
SueInCa : The only time trust will be an issue is in the WH for Christie but I still don not trust him
AdLib : Sue – Christie is an opportunist, plain and simple. He saw it as advantageous to his career to give Obama a bear hug so he did it. He should not be trusted. You don’t get a body like his by generously letting others have the last lamb chop.
KillgoreTrout : Obama won’t have to be too concerned with bipartisanship in his second term.
MurphTheSurf3 : Since Goldwater lost the GOP impulse has been to move to the right, victorious or not….the same is going to happen this time Obama win or lose.
choicelady : Sabreen – Christie is not going to change his core beliefs, but he MAY have been shell shocked into being more adult. Time will tell. Trust isn’t the issue – or, LOL, trust but verify!!!
foodchain : We’re in Chicago so we get very little
kesmarn : food, it is like a hurricane of ads on TV, radio,mail, phone.It never stops.
KillgoreTrout : Actually, I haven’t had to deal with any Romney zombies. Just a lot of GOPer junk mail.
AdLib : As folks are saying here, be prepared for some of the extremists on the RW to freak out when Obama is re-elected. And I don’t mean just that night or that week. The Kochs will pump millions into reviving the hatred and racism of the Baggers and try to use them to fight against Obama as they did in 2009. We will still have a fight on our hands but we will be fighting from a position of strength.
kesmarn : Sabreen, I missed that Christie slam against Rush. Wow!
bito : Thre and WI k’es, Obama hi ahead large in Wisc.
foodchain : gosh, Kes and KT how is it to be in Ohio?
choicelady : Sue – oh, man I get trolls!
kesmarn : I’ve read that too,b’ito.
choicelady : ADLib and bito – way to go on Twitter! I have been cut off TWICE for doing NOTHING. Not violated the rules. So someone is after me. I’m being VERY circumspect about my replies to things now. Took four days to be reinstated!
SueInCa : I just don’t trust him, he always does what is good for Christie, gop convention anyone?
bito : Christie saw a loser and looked at 2016
Sabreen60 : Sue, I appreciate Christie praising the President. But I am with you. I don’t trust him. I do like the fact that he is one Repub who is not afraid of Rush. After Rush called him a fat fool, Christie tweeted, yes I am fat and I sometimes I’m a fool, but I’m not (paraphrase) strung out on drugs.
foodchain : Sue, I worry about volume but these are blue states and they’ll figure out something
bito : Black helicopters are out now it’s Obama’s drones!
SueInCa : CL I don’t get trolls on twitter either
choicelady : Sue – I think he’s absolutely honest about THIS one thing. He’s a petty guy, probably mobbed up, but I do think he is being honest that he has been incredibly happy with Obama’s disaster response. It may be a growing up moment – not a total change but a capacity to be adult. That’s GREAT if it’s true!
SueInCa : Food I think they will get it done. East coasters are resilient
AdLib : CL – Surprisingly, we don’t really get trolls much on our Twitter account so I’m not so concerned. Must be that force field Bito constructed. Well done, Bito!
kesmarn : c’lady, it’s not easy with Rush, but he seems to be blowing harder than usual of late.
foodchain : Ad, Nate has it 80% chance of 303 for the electoral college. How the east coast votes now with no power could affect the popular vote though
kesmarn : I wiuld SO love it if Ohio became irrelevant, AdLib. After all the money the Kochs poured in here!
SueInCa : What does everyone think of Christie? I don’t trust him and I think he is more thinking of 2016
KillgoreTrout : So many of the low info GOPers firmly believe Obama will be the end of America. maybe so, the end of the rich white America men.
choicelady : kes – Rush is going berserk? How can you tell?
choicelady : Sue – all the “black helicopter” anti-government, anti-women, anti-abortion extremists 1992-2000 have reproduced and their spawn are even meaner than they were. Night of the Living Dead looks like a picnic compared to these purveyors of hate!
AdLib : BTW, OH represents 18 electoral votes. Nate Silver is projecting Obama to win 303 so even if OH got delayed, if Obama wins the other states he’s expected to win, the GOP’s plan to undermine the vote count in OH could be moot.
SueInCa : LOL Bito he takes awhile to warm up to some things, others he is Johnny Rocket. I will tweet some comments to PP
bito : Sue, I want him to get a separate account also, talk him into it please
SueInCa : I see Sally/Watson in the background
kesmarn : Rush is going completely berserk.
SueInCa : KT I would say more like hate. The closer it gets, the more hateful they get
choicelady : AdLib – not to US, but to the trolls, maybe?
kesmarn : Ka CHUNK! Voted!
choicelady : kes – I know levers! Ahhh the good old days!
SueInCa : oh then you all just followed me. dang i have been following you all for a year now
KillgoreTrout : Oh Sue, no doubt. They’ll be crazier than they already are. They are filled with such doom and gloom about Obama.
AdLib : CL – Er…you think it’s a secret who I’m voting for?
kesmarn : Sabreen, you were just channeling a little TN there with the hollows and the hollers!
AdLib : Sue – I tweet on our PlanetPOV account alongside Bito.
choicelady : AdLib – hmmm. Tweets about your vote kinda take the “secret ballot” edge off it all. Up to you, but…
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen…absolu tely. The more of us on this….the better.
SueInCa : go for it adlib except I don’t have your twitter account
choicelady : Sue – I agree. Remember the wackos when CLINTON got re-elected!
Sabreen60 : I meant “holler”.
KillgoreTrout : FC, good for you. I had to help my mom vote in the Mass primaries in Sept. She isn’t totally blind, but she’s getting ther, sad to say.
SueInCa : your parents sound like mine Bito
kesmarn : I remember those old lever voting machines, b’ito. My parents took me too, so I could learn what it was all about.
AdLib : Sue – I voted absentee ballot for a few years then in 2008, I went to my voting location and had my daughter put my ballot in the box. This year, we’re doing the whole thing live! Should I send tweets as I mark each box on my ballot? That’s the real question!
bito :
SueInCa : I think the hate will get worse KT. They are going to lose their batshitcrazy minds
KillgoreTrout : I’m seriously looking forward to an Obama win next week, I can’t wait to rub it in the faces of all those really offensive GOPers. They will probably disappear for a few days, knowing they’ll have to eat crow.
bito : My parents showed me how to not mess around and which lever to push for straight Dem!:-)
SueInCa : Now they have braille voting machines. We had one in June
Sabreen60 : Murph, I was just going to hollow for help and link to the Free Press article when I saw your comment. I close to that edge again. I sure hope the DOJ, FBI or somebody is looking into this. Ohio has a history and this should not go unchecked: «link»
foodchain : my mom lost her sight, I took her to the voting booth. It was the most important vote I remember
SueInCa : I like mail in have been doing it for years. Last time I voted in person was 2004 in Nevada
AdLib : I do think the GOP plan is to so mess up and delay OH’s vote count so that in the meantime, they can try to pull a Bush and try to declare Romney the victor. Here’s the fly in that ointment, if Obama sweeps enough of the swing states…he won’t even need OH!
kesmarn : I was so worried about this particular election, though, I couldn’t wait to vote. I thought: if I get hit by a bus before Nov. 6, my last words are going to be “now that bastard Mitt’s gonna have a better chance…aiiiiii iii….”
KillgoreTrout : What’s up Bito?
bito : Hello all, sorry I didn’t say howdy earlier
SueInCa : That is cool Adlib. We had a young lady bring in her nieces to show them how to vote. They got I Voted stickers to wear back out.
foodchain : Everytime I see Rick Scott, I think of skeletons. Guy’s creepy
kesmarn : I used to do that when my kids were little too, AdLib! They loved it.
SueInCa : LOL Food my grandson must have talked about him at some time
choicelady : I vote on election day. I love it, go early, do my civic duty and rub other people’s faces in it. You know – another kindhearted person for democracy.
AdLib : Kes – As I did in 2008, I am going to my voting place and letting my daughter deposit my vote for Obama in the ballot box!
foodchain : Skeletor is a main character in Masters of the Universe, arch enemy of He-Man. comes from having boys that are 27
KillgoreTrout : I’ve heard that it might take a few days longer than usual to find the winner this year, due to mostly Sandy’s wrath.
SueInCa : oops BITO
SueInCa : My niece is in the Bronx and they saw very little storm effects Hi BIOT
bito : You’re Right AdLIb Drudge has been laffed at for week on his Big Scandal.
choicelady : bito – oh that is waaaay bad visuals about Gov. Scott! Ick!
choicelady : Sabreen – oh that IS good news! We’re relieved for you! A friend of mine near Albany, NY had the same good thing – the storm seemed to split and go around them. No problems.
SueInCa : There was a state senator in WI who got caught with a 16 year old boy they could not charge because it was consensual
AdLib : Hey Bito! Great to see you here!
foodchain : Sue,haha, wait I have to look it up
choicelady : AdLib – I know. Breitbart, Drudge, Trump – all the “in the know” scandal mongers have NOTHING. Our side, on the other hand…
AdLib : Sabreen – Glad to hear you got to vote when you did! Hope all is well your way after Sandy!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sabreen!
kesmarn : That’s three!
SueInCa : I voted last week on MOnday
bito : I think he may enjoy the flogging, he looks the type/
kesmarn : Sabreen and I have already voted. Anyone else?
Sabreen60 : Hi Kes. I’m in Silver Spring MD and we pretty much dodged a bullet. We didn’t even have our power go out.
SueInCa : Ok don’t laugh but who is skeletor?
AdLib : CL – Drudge has been trying to pump up that story about a US Senator scandal for a week already. After their “breaking news” about a public video Obama taped years ago, I think they’ve lost all credibility in the MSM.
foodchain : KT it’s just that the 50/50 makes this hard: past vs future
choicelady : Oh bito – no I did not see that. And hi,dear friend!
kesmarn : Hi, Sabreen! Glad you got that vote in. How did you fare in Maryland? During the storm?
bito : C’Lady, did you catch my reply to you on the Forbes HC article–speakin g of a huge Mitt lie.
foodchain : Rick Scott should go the way of “skeletor”
KillgoreTrout : FC, in many ways, we’ve always been a divided country. I think it just seems worse now, because of the information age.
choicelady : Hi Sabreen! Agreed about the flogging of vote supressing governors.
SueInCa : KT I think I read that. I will go back and look but it was reported somewhere. I will ask my gossip friend Todd
kesmarn : Right…what does that say about their phony “True the Vote”? They don’t want neutral observers watching them true it??
Sabreen60 : Hi folks. I’m so glad I voted early before the hurricane hit Maryland. Gov. O’Malley did extend early voting until 9:00pm today. Rick Scott of FL should be flogged non-stop from now until November 6. I can’t believe how he is refusing to do anything to help prevent people from having to stand in line for 5 hours.
choicelady : kes – ohhhhh let Texas and Iowa just TRY that.
foodchain : I wonder how we will stop being a divided country. It ain’t good for us
SueInCa : KT if some people did not try to fix elections we would not be considered third world, they only have themselves to blaim
KillgoreTrout : Hey FC.
choicelady : AdLib – I read there’s a ‘scandal’ involving a US Senator. It was on Drudge so we can rule out the usual – the GOP who are covering up their sexual proclivities. But so far – nothing. Right up there with Trump’s HUGE revelation…
AdLib : Hey Foodchain! Yes, that’s so true, Obama has lucked out his entire political career in facing weak opponents. Thank goodness! A strong Repub really could have won this election!
foodchain : Hey choice, just too busy lately
SueInCa : If they try and succeed, who is gonna accept the election results. BFF nice try they are authorized by the Human rights treaty
kesmarn : Hey, food!
KillgoreTrout : Yeah Sue, that bugs me. I’m glad that there will be some neutral eyes watching, but the UN? It does sound very third worldish.
choicelady : Hi foodchain! Good to see you!
foodchain : SUe, I’ve been heller all week
kesmarn : BFF, I just got an email from a friend that said that Iowa and Texas are looking into arresting those UN observers.
choicelady : Everyone – Common Cause put out a hugely useful link for us – www.866ourvote.o rg It’s ALSO a phone number – 866-Our-Vote which is 866-687-8683. On election day you see anything wonky at your poll? CALL. They will direct one of tens of thousands of people to take care of it.
SueInCa : heller food
foodchain : hello I mean
KillgoreTrout : I’m pretty sure the GOP will try some sort of election shenanigans. They are extremely desperate.
foodchain : heloo all
foodchain : Ad, someone said Obama is lucky: Allen Keyes, Sarah Palin,
SueInCa : So UN observers will be here in the third world country of America. Way to go baggers
kesmarn : Hola,AL! Good to be here.
kesmarn : Murph, that is what we might have expected from Husted. Not to be trusted — at all. And “Hey there!” to KT,my fellow buckeye!
AdLib : Hey Kes! Nice to see you!
AdLib : Here’s something odd. I was thinking a couple of weeks back that it could be a boost for some event to happen that allowed Obama to show again what a great President he was. My thought was, maybe the killers in Benghazi were caught, a terrorist attack stopped…but then I thought, I really don’t want something bad to happen. With Hurricane Sandy, that very thing happened and gave Obama that opportunity to breakthrough the campaign BS to reveal himself as the brilliant leader he is…but the cost was and is way too much. In any case, there is a silver lining to those massive clouds but people on the East Coast have died and many are suffering so it is a mixed bag.
SueInCa : bff hi
KillgoreTrout : Ah, kes is in da widget! Hey homie!
SueInCa : ‘done Murph
kesmarn : I think you’re right, c’lady. No re-runs on hanging chads.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes here it is again «link»
choicelady : BTW – HI kes!!!! Didn’t say that first, sorry!
choicelady : Murph – I bookmarked the story and will send it to CATHOLIC friends of mine in Ohio – people who LIKE Obama and are grateful for his commitment to those in need.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…read this article on the Ohio voting machine patch…just installed by that crook’s office…http:// www.freepress.or g/departments/di splay/19/2012/47 68
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, after hearing Lincoln’s name, I want to ask, OK, but what have you done for us LATELY!
choicelady : kes – this time the Dems have the DOJ. This will NOT fly.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL Spread the word.
choicelady : Murph – holy freaking shit. That’s AWFUL! Holder and the district US attorneys must be notified if they have not been.
MurphTheSurf3 : AND how about the super long lines in Florida for early voting ESPECIALLY in Democratic areas. AND Scott will not do what Christie and Bush did…extend early voting time.
kesmarn : Good Friday evening, friends. Heard part of an interview with Ohio Sec of State Husted today in which he said they were expecting/planni ng for a recount. I smell malarkey a-comin’…
AdLib : CL – Yes, the GOP’s predictions…he ll, the predictions of most pundits have been just failure after failure.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, yeah, there will be a paper trail.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- Thanks for that…the more who know the less chance of real problems.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks Murph.
choicelady : KT – I think they’re trying to do a Molly Ivins: dance with the one that brung you. Problem is – in this case the date is a corpse. GOP ain’t been what it was in a century. Too bad!
SueInCa : Murph I will post that on my two election pages on FB. I belong to two groups and they spread far and wide
AdLib : Murph – Yes, I’ve heard about that but you can bet the Obama team has as well. My understanding is that there are paper trails on those machines so if there is any odd results, they better lock down the paper trail and count from those.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…here is just one of the many links on the patch. «link»
choicelady : ADLib – LOL!!!! Kudos to your wife!!! Who is wonderful!
KillgoreTrout : Did you all see the new GOP ad telling black people to vote republican because LINCOLN freed the slaves? Unbelievable in it’s racist overtones.
choicelady : Murph – is the patch a fix or a rip off??? I read something that said Mitt’s kid doesn’t own the machines after all – he owns some other thing that can’t influence votes. Not clear even AFTER reading it…
AdLib : Sue – Yep, if he hadn’t pardoned that murderer, we very well could have been in a much more vicious fight between Obama and Huckabee and the RR.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- Yep «link»
choicelady : AdLib – the GOP remind me of that GREAT line Ed Asner had as Lou Grant on MTM when he told her as a cub reporter he had this GREAT World War II story: the Japanese had just bombed – San Diego. That’s the GOP story on ALL predictions.
KillgoreTrout : Murph, software patch?
SueInCa : I bet I have only experienced a tropical storm in Charleston sc and Wilmington NC
AdLib : CL – I will send your husband a Tweet about being obedient to his wife…as long as my wife gives me permission to do so.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I’m in the middle, Columbus.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sue, I was there last year for hurricane Irene. Whew! Scary stuff.
MurphTheSurf3 : Did you all here about the software patch added to voting machine programming by the Ohio state government? Alarm bells are sounding everywhere…..
SueInCa : He blew it with the Seattle Police murderer and his greed for a spot at Fuks News Adlib
choicelady : KT – oh yes. All centered in Y’town. Where are you again? I lose track.
SueInCa : LOL CL i bet he does work for you
AdLib : Sue – And remember how before the GOP primaries, many were touting Huckabee as a likely winner of the nom if he ran?
KillgoreTrout : OH CL, I didn’t know you had family and friends in OHIO.
SueInCa : KT that is good, being on the coast like that could be disastrous
choicelady : AdLib – can you write a note to my husband? It’s not that he’s reluctant to work for me, it’s that he forgets I’m there. He has ADD…
KillgoreTrout : I take comfort in the fact that Obama already has more than the 270 electoral college votes needed.
AdLib : Murph – That is just disgusting. Sure hope our Lysistrata Ladies help bring about more women standing up to the oppressiveness of their churches and the denial of them to be fit to have their own opinions!
choicelady : KT – been worried about her. My friends and family in Y’town did OK, too.
choicelady : Murph – Peoria Illinois? Wow – that’s the baseline on conservatism. We are watching something powerful here!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sue and CL. We didn’t get anything but a little wind and rain. My mom is fine, she lost power for only a day, and not trees got blown over in her yard. Got be thankful of that. Thanks for asking.
AdLib : Sue – Whether any man admits it or not, at various times throughout the week, they do indeed work for their wives.
choicelady : Sue darlin – we ALL work for you! But yes – women who have HAD IT are coming forward everywhere. Remember “Designing Women” years ago where exactly this issue – can women serve the church – arose and they all LEFT their churches? Does not work to put down half of humanity – and Jesus lifted UP women. Only the male hierarchies can’t live with that.
SueInCa : Shuckabee is like that they held a service where all the wives reaffirmed their agreement to be submissive to their husbands
AdLib : So, any doubts about Obama being re-elected? He has a ton of lawyers in OH to keep a close eye out for any monkey business with electronic voting machines or the SoS meddling.
MurphTheSurf3 : The BISHOP OF PEORIA is ordering his priests to read a letter condemning Obama from the pulpit on Sunday. I have heard that there is either a boycott OR a “stand up and turn your back on the priest” action being suggested.
SueInCa : adlib that is the way in some evangelical churches, the man is the head. My husband says he works for me
choicelady : Evenin’ KT – how are you? Did your part of O-high-O survive the storm and how is your mom?
AdLib : Hey KT! Good evening to you!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey KT
KillgoreTrout : Hey planeteers. I offer an unmittigated hello to all.
AdLib : Murph – That is just fantastic! Wow! How insulting of their Pastor to treat them that way and turn their church into a GOP HQ but wow, what a response to his chauvinism!
choicelady : Murph – I swear, honestly, this is a world of change. Your lovely women are making a HUGE difference. This is not isolated, but you ARE making this happen for them with your kindness. Kindness and decency count!
SueInCa : I am so sorry KT I did not see your name up there. HI KT
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey Bourne, Choice and Sue…be sure to read my story from the Lysistrata Ladies (as named by Bourne)
SueInCa : that is incredible Murph
choicelady : Hi Bourne, KT! Gang’s all here! Mostly.
AdLib : CL – UnMittigated Disaster describes the Mitt Romney Campaign.
choicelady : Oops – saw AdLib’s “sign in”. I refuse to be Unmitagated Disaster. I will be thrilled to be Un Mitt anything else though.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey Ad Lib….here is a story for you….The Lysistrata Ladies have been regulars at the McCaskill HQ. Heard today that at the Wednesday evening Bible Study the Pastor gave a mini-sermon regarding demoncrats who were drawing certain women in the congregation away from the Gospel and that the men who loved them needed to exercise their Biblical authority in the family and call them back to God’s way of life. The woman who told me that said the ladies sat there, heard the pastor out and then one of them announced to the entire group that she and a bunch of her friends were volunteering for McCaskill against Akin and that if anyone wanted information they could ask them. The other ladies in the group raised their hands to show who they were. Today they brought several more.
SueInCa : Cl adlib gave us two choices I chose to make fun of mit
AdLib : Hey Choicelady! Great to “see” you!
SueInCa : yes we are, hi Bourne, MTS, Adlib, SueinCA and Cl
choicelady : Sue – how did you get to be unmitagated disaster? You’re waaaay too cool for that!
AdLib : Hey Sue! Welcome to our last Vox Populi where Mittastrophe will need to be discussed!
choicelady : Murph – good imitation of an echo chamber. Nicely done! Hi and how are YOU AdLib, too.
BourneID : Hi Sue
AdLib : Are we feeling positive and upbeat about the election on Tuesday?
SueInCa : Unmitigated Disaster here and accounted for
AdLib : Hey Bourne! Wonderful to have you here tonight!
BourneID : AdLib. KT, Murf. I can’t believe I’m alne with 3 sexy men…but I can handle it. Hope you’re all well.
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” or “UnMittigated Disaster” when you arrive!
AdLib : I’m ba-a-a-ck!
AdLib : I’ ve got to pop away for a quick minute, brb!
AdLib : Hey Murph! Welcome to Vox!
MurphTheSurf3 : Looks like I am the first….hello, hello, hello, hello- echoing back in the empty hall…..
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
Vox Populi – 11-2-2012
AdLib is online.
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