AdLib : “BARACK IS BACK”. Didn’t I say the meme would be “The Comeback Kid
AdLib : Heh! The HP headline:
AdLib : My prediction for Debate 3: Romney comes out like a bully again but the act has worn quite thin. Obama stands firm and smacks Romney down but not as often. The debate will be called for Obama but it won’t change the polling numbers which will have slightly rebounded for Obama after this debate. Why Romney won and got a bounce was because Obama was seen as the overwhelming favorite in a debate. Obama’s lackluster performance gave Romney a once-in-a-campai gn boost for besting Obama in the eyes of the superficial. That can never happen again. If polls move back to more solid leads for Obama nationally, that is where they will stay no matter how Romney does in Debate 3 because he can’t relive what happened in the first debate.
KQµårk 死神 : Thankfully I recorded the debate so I got to see it. After reading some of what the MSM said they obviously still want the horse race so they gave Romney much more credit than he should get. He lost badly.
AdLib : Sally…then again, maybe he misspelled “blonders”?
AdLib : KQ – Thanks pal! All I was doing was betting into the odds. Obama had an unusually weak debate, that’s an oddity, expecting that to happen again especially after the fallout from it was not going with the odds. Same with calling the Biden debate, he has won or been competitive in all debates he’s been in, why wouldn’t he beat an amateur? Here’s one more debate prediction, the 3rd debate is not going to matter or differ much from this debate.
SallyT : Did he ever say how many women he ended up hiring from those binders? And, how much were they paid in comparison to the men?
SallyT : Oh, there you go, AdLib, and he keeps them in Alpha order.
KQµårk 死神 : Well AdLib it looks like you were right. Obama was the comeback kid.
AdLib : Sally – Hmm…maybe Romney said he wears blinders around the many women he’s married to?
SallyT : AdLib, are you sure Romney said “binders full of women’ or did he say full bondage for women?
AdLib : Hey all! George Will gave the debate to Obama? Heh, the RW nutters will be attacking him in 5…4…3…2… 1…
bito : Faithy B. Goode @fcummings “Please proceed.” My new favorite way to silence an asshole.
SallyT : Bito, I agree on those undecideds on MSNBC. That guy who said he was voting for Romney because of his business record and as Governor of Mass. Obviously he doesn’t know that Mass was 47th in job growth under Romney. And the girl when asked about Romney never saying whether he agreed with equal pay for women said that we needed jobs first before being concerned about pay. Really? Don’t you want to be paid the same that the guy is going to get paid for that job that comes available? Most were young and the others just looked like they didn’t know how to vote because they just aren’t capable of evaluating anything they hear.
bito : Coffee Party @coffeepartyusa RT @rictracee: omg…. George Will said Pres Obama won the debate. & said it was the best debate he’s EVER SEEN IN HIS LIFE..
bito : Oops, got called away for meds, so it looks like bed time for me also. I cannot understand these “undecideds” on MSNBC and their non answers. They almost sound like Mitt’s answers.
choicelady : I see AdLib gave up, and Murph is MIA, and nothing from Sally – so I’m heading back to the TV. Night anyone who’s left!
choicelady : Hi – anyone home?
choicelady : Sally. Well, that explains it all!
SallyT : Yep, that is it, CL!
choicelady : Sally – I hear high altitudes thin the blood and thus give less oxygen to the brain?
SallyT : CL, it is an altitude thing is Colorado. They are way up there and not down to earth.
choicelady : bito – I’m not sure. If Colorado is that stupid… Obama has done more for folks in the working class and the extractive and other industries than anyone in YEARS. And he’s not coming for their guns either.
bito : C’Lady, Didn’t they have Ryan winning over Biden? They are biased!
choicelady : Colorado ought to be smarter than that – larger win, please.
bito : PublicPolicyPoll ing @ppppolls Obama won narrowly among both men (48-43) and women (49-46) in Colorado: «link» …
choicelady : bito – I want to add to Chris Rock’s lineup – it’s also not so hot if you’re an ethnic white blue collar male. Romney sells them down the river daily, and we all HAVE to get that point across regularly!
choicelady : G;night Murph!
choicelady : bito! That CNN poll is freaking AMAZING! That’s HUGE given their bias!
choicelady : Sally – went to listen to the TV wraps, and yes – Mitt couldn’t hold it as well as Ryan. You know – older guys…
bito : MoveOn.org @MoveOn Great news: CNN says its post-debate poll skewed Republican, and yet still had Obama winning 46-39. #ObamaWins
bito : utaustinliberal @utaustinlibera l What @MittRomney taught voters: In 2012, women belong in the kitchen and in a binder. #Debate
bito : Chris Rock @chrisrockoz A Romney presidency would be great unless you’re poor, gay, Mexican, Black, a woman, a student, or a dog. #debates #leadfromwithin
SallyT : Murph, I love that you are leaving laughing!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- My last moment here tonight….is a big laugh from you regarding the Palinina….love it.
bito : David Shuster @DavidShuster On Libya, Obama actuallydid call it an “act of terror” 1 day after the attack. Here is the transcript. «link» #current2012
bito : thinkprogress The debate’s big moment pic.twitter.com/ vAJp1Kyo
SallyT : Hey, it was a great night! Bristol Palin got voted off Dancing With The Stars tonight, too!
MurphTheSurf3 : Well….I am going to sign off and go to visit some other blogs….pleasur e being with you all tonight.
bito : Night, Sue, FC!
bito : Ari Melber @AriMelber When Obama says “please proceed” you know you’re falling into a hole.
SallyT : CL, you mean Mitt couldn’t hold it as long as Ryan apparently could after all the water he drank during his debate with Biden?
bito : 32 SECONDS! tracysolomon @tracysolomon RT @thinkprogress: 32 seconds after the debate ended, Fox started blaming the questions. WATCH: «link» …
SallyT : Good night Sherlock.
SueInCa : Ok for some reason I keep getting a delay on this thread. I am gonna head out but we are the definite winners tonite. I thought he won last time just by not being the rude asshole
foodchain : So sorry to leave you all. I can’t say I didn’t want more blood drawn by Obama but if people think this worked well, the OK. Big day tomorrow. Take care all
SueInCa : That is the pained look CL
choicelady : Now let’s be fair – Mitt’s no kid. Probably has prostate problems and had to go to the bathroom.
SueInCa : He also seemed to need his family right after. It took him along time to meet and greet. how needy
bito : Ditto Mitt: Brass Nuckles @BrassNucklez President Obama socialized with the audience for sometime after the debate. Mitt Romney immediately left. #tcot #teaparty #GOP
choicelady : Take care Patsy – lovely to see you!
SueInCa : Murph I knew that would happen bye Oatsy
PatsyT : I’ll check you guys l;atetr
MurphTheSurf3 : Al Sharpton is saying that Romney left within five minutes of the debate ending while Obama hung around for 40 minutes.
choicelady : Sally – they keep acting as if Obama’s mother was unmarried. It’s so deeply embedded in the GOP soul that anyone black or who has sex with someone black HAS to be unmarried and an unwed parent.
SueInCa : you mean unwed mothers and single mothers and fathers. they go out an buy assault weapons for their kids at gun shows that sell to gang bangers and never check backgrounds
bito : Translation Is @Translation_Is @smokey_herring @PlanetPOV GOP already think POTUS is crazy a Black man that thinks he’s President?..lol Newt said he is illegitimate POTUS
choicelady : Sally – next we will have photoshopped pix of Obama’s mother with a gun…
SallyT : Guns don’t kill people, unwed mothers do.
SueInCa : I meant the swiss joke CL and I screwed it up
bito : On first debate: Eva 47% Carafa @evacarafa @PlanetPOV @Choicelady320 Me too. Maybe not on style, which I didn’t need media’s .02 on. Certainly on substance, PBO definitely won.
SueInCa : It is easy for me to say what he missed but what he covered was important and it helped him win…..
choicelady : Sue – I think the China story will make a better set of ads than could be debated here. It needs the people, not just the president’s accusations. But one thing needs to be said – even in a blind trust the owner CAN say in advance what the limits are, and Romney could make clear he wants NO investments in Chinese companies or US companies operating IN China – and he has not done that.
PatsyT : Trending… Binders full of Women : «link»
SueInCa : CL they have to come up with excuses. Damnit Obama missed the “all of your campaign staff are Bush rejects or some such word”
SallyT : CL, maybe that question to Romney was for his base. Romney told his base that the problem with guns is unwed mothers and loser kids.
choicelady : bito – ROMNEY got shorted on time??? He kept interrupting and talking over the president! BOTH debates Romney stole time, both of them!!!
SueInCa : oops I meant Switzerland how did I say China?
bito : Ed Schultz @edshow ALERT: complaining your guy got shorted on time = your guy lost #msnbc2012
KQµårk 死神 : I just woke up how much butt did Obama kick?
SueInCa : No matter now it is done and Obama deflected everone of the questions. He styill did not ask Mitt if he visits his money in China. Bito I think that story is going no where because there are no tax returns. It has been around for a long time
bito : DCCC @dccc #debate wrap up: the President talked about women as breadwinners for American families; Mitt Romney talked about them as resumes in binders
choicelady : Well even if the semi-automatic question was a set up, Mitt totally blew it with that incoherent mix of unwed mothers and guns. I was actually slackjawed trying to figure that out. What an IDIOT he is!
funksands : Sue, that’s a good point. Not many voters that are undecided probably list LGBT rights and climate change as their top concerns
SallyT : Right, Sue, and that is why AdLib and I thought the questions were setup and why did the semiweapon even come up.
SueInCa : Watson that is why you are the great complement to Sherlock, you listen and you record those thoughts to bring them out when most needed
choicelady : bito – that is incredible! a PONZI scheme???? Where is the MSM on THAT story?
SueInCa : Funk he did say those things. I think he got way more across in a concrete way then before. He counted off his real major accomplishments tonight
SallyT : Sue, also that guy that shot Gabrielle Gifford had both parents at home. Romney doesn’t know shit.
bito : Turtles Mom @editedbeyondyo u «link» icolnews.com/rom ney-son-investig ated-for-8-billi on-ponzi-scheme/ … Romney and son investigated for 8 mil ponzi scheme via @toodle52
funksands : Patsy / Sue I agree with that, but there were several chances to simply say “we did that. And it helped, and I want to do more”
SueInCa : Obama was the only one who really described looking to the future for energy efficiency. Undecideds are not real deep people Sally climate change would mean little to them
choicelady : Patsy – will do. She is not one of my fave people sometimes – she used to tear strips off me and her other allies – but I’m loving her “in your face” acts against the “Old Boys Club” as she calls the bishops.
SallyT : Nothing about Climate Change tonight.
SueInCa : I have heard that from you CL hope she slayed the dragons today or yesterday
PatsyT : Choice I love the Sister !!! I am such a fan! Tell her I love her work!
SueInCa : Oh I agree Sally apparently Mittens did not.
choicelady : Sue – Sr. Simone Campbell whom I know well (we roomed together in DC and worked together in Sacto) probably left every ONE of the baggers whipped and gutted. That woman has a nasty tongue and a red hot temper. Don’t let her soft spoken interviews fool you! She’s a bear when she’s pissed!
SallyT : In the school shootings and the one in the theater, those kids had both parents at home.
PatsyT : Funk he could have get into that but I think he wants to make more time for more questions and glad he did Still he won that point
bito : Boston.com News @BostonDotCom Debate fact checks & analysis: «link»
SueInCa : Funk I think you can bring them up only so many times without being seen as preening. He got them across tonite
bito : Nate Silver @fivethirtyeigh t Looks like Obama named winner by CBS, Google and PPP snap polls. No word from CNN poll yet.
funksands : Am I the only one that thinks the President’s campaign is too shy to bring up his genuine accomplishments? Or are they simply counting more on comparatively running against Romney?
choicelady : funk – lots of stuff left on the table. He had his points to make, and he made them and Candy, bless her heart, backed him right up. Tripoli MIGHT have muddied the waters as would the Congressional cuts on security. He honed in, made his point, departed the victor. Short, clean, sweet.
SueInCa : The accused them of not being Catholic
SueInCa : LOL Choice mention that to Cecile Richards. Did you hear the teapers today were rude and nasty to the Nuns on the Bus?
PatsyT : Love it Choice!
choicelady : Sue – so why is it when somone runs amok with AK-47s his PARENTS, man and woman, are always on TV crying? I still think Planned Parenthood ought to open gun stores adjacent to clinics. NO ONE would fuck with them then!
bito : ThinkProgress @thinkprogress Right-wing spin is that when Obama said “acts of terror” in a speech about Libya, he was not talking about Libya
SueInCa : thanks Murph
MurphTheSurf3 : Let me try that again…CBS snap poll of undecided voters, Obama 37 Romney 30 Tie 33
funksands : Choice, why didn’t the President bring up the Tripoli? Something’s weird here
SueInCa : Did anyone catch when Romney tried to lay the blame on assault weapons on single parent families?
PatsyT : …. Romney “Binders full of Women” Translate: “Women in Binders”
choicelady : funk – yes it is. I’m deeply grateful it is!
MurphTheSurf3 : Daily Kos Staff, Front PageRSS Daily Kos editors Profile Diaries (list) Tue Oct 16, 2012 at 07:58 PM PDT CBS snap poll: Obama wins by kosFollow for Daily Kos permalink 38 Comments / 38 New U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney are pictured during the second U.S. presidential campaign debate in Hempstead, New York, October 16, 2012. REUTERS/Jason Reed attribution: REUTERS Winner. CBS snap poll of undecided voters, MoE 4% CBS Snap Poll Obama 37 Romney 30 Tie 33
SueInCa : We are back on track and all the whiners can now STFU
choicelady : bito – REznik nailed it!
bito : Daily Kos @dailykos CBS snap poll: Obama wins «link»
funksands : Choice, your experience with Mormons is very atypical
SueInCa : Andy Borowitz Romney sets personal best for faking personal empathy
choicelady : funk – Romney is also going to have to deal with the fact that yes there was a request for security upgrades but from the Embassy that is in Tripoli NOT in Benghazi!!!
bito : Jeff Reznik @jeffreznik What this #debate showed is that 1st one was just a fluke for Pres.O, but that Romney’s the same rude, lying bully wherever he goes. @msnbc
SueInCa : Funk he got smoked on Libya
choicelady : AB – fire? Earthquake? What’s going ON – aren’t you in MA? Yikes!
funksands : Romney is really going to wish for a do-over on libya
SallyT : Kalie, good nite and enjoyed spending the debate with you!
SueInCa : Yes he is the one who was on PBS
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue Stockman was Reagan’s budget director
SallyT : Good night AB! Rest well!
SueInCa : Night AB Ant will prob go to Hawaii
kalie : Good nite all!
choicelady : bito – a call went out around 3 this afternoon for everyone who tweets about their birds, cats, and dinner or celebs STAY OFF TWITTER during the debate. Maybe they did – tho egos are hard to tame.
SueInCa : Is it David Stockton that worked for Reagan? He called it squarely for Obama and had nothing but praise
AlphaBitch : Fire, panic and earthquake, plus debate stress. I’m wiped out like Kes and nodding off now. Thanks for being here during my stressful day, Planet People!!!!! Buenas noches.
Sabreen60 : So, thanks to you and twitter I watched most of the debate. I think the President definitely won this debate. He hit Romney on his lies as much as he could while attempting to convey what he has done and what he wants to do.
bito : Good night k’es and thanks for your kind thoughts.
SueInCa : Kalie I think she has gone teaper with CNN but secretly I think she is a dem. Night BFF sweet dreams
SallyT : Night, Kes.
choicelady : sleep well, kes. Lovely to have you here!
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams kes!
kalie : Sue: I thought Candy was gop, but they eat their own.
bito : Twitter Government @gov Update: There were just over 7.2 million tweets during the 2nd Presidential Debate at Hofstra tonight.
MurphTheSurf3 : Romney look pained a number of times during the debate tonight.
choicelady : AB – I don’t understand any of it. Mormons I know fairly well are prochoice, solidly for all human rights, and not idiots. So I’m a very poor person to ask about it all. Like all religions, there are many gradations, and I am lucky to know the good folks.
kesmarn : Whew…my short night’s sleep has now caught up with me. The adrenaline is all gone. I think I may have to crash! Thanks again, dear friends, for making this so fun and fascinating!
SueInCa : CL that is too funny. How does a cult believe the devil could come near them? Isn’t that their premise they are untouchable as long as they stay together?
foodchain : Sue, I’m so glad I don’t hate Candy. She’s done some bad shit on CNN
SallyT : Granholm says the President showed he wanted the job and he wants jobs for all of us!
SueInCa : GOP is gonna hate Candy after this they did not like her going in
choicelady : food – essentially, yes. Supposedly if the Devil grabs you, you slip out of the magic underwear and get away. Again – I am NOT making this up.
SueInCa : prob so Kalie he was pretty bad tonight. Candy was way better than I expected
KillgoreTrout : Romney came across like the spoiled child that he is.
kalie : Sue: Isn’t Roms pained look because he believes that he is the clear choice and he can’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want him?
choicelady : food – Obama did great messaging. Not overly wonky but talking about how every single policy, his or Romney’s, will impact real people. It’s an excellent display. Romney tried to do that – but he had no policies! He has nothing to say because he changed his mind again at 5:30 and can’t catch up with himself.
AlphaBitch : CL: The magic undies and Kolob and the whole weird theory of Mormonism is just too much for me. Lying for the Lord? Please what happened to “Ye shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall set you free”????
kesmarn : The one “undecided” voter certainly made a huge point of getting a pic with Ann Romney. Weasel.
SueInCa : No drama Obama
MurphTheSurf3 : kalie….I worked a lot with the campaign in 2008 in five states and got to know him pretty well at lots of events….he is really cool….as in interesting and as in calm.
foodchain : LOL, so its a fire wall from the devil. Hahahahaha
bito : Jay Newton-Small @JNSmall Fox’s Brit Hume: the president will probably be declared the winner on most people’s cards. #obama #debate
SueInCa : I was pleased too MTS. He was strong without being obnoxious. Romney always looks like he is pained, perhaps constipation?
kalie : Murph im amazed at how he keeps his cool.
foodchain : So this went well? I wanted more from Obama but I’ve become somewhat physical about this
KillgoreTrout : After tonight, Mitt needs some Kevlar undies.
choicelady : food – these are magic underwear that go OVER your own underwear so the devil can’t catch you if he grabs your butt. I am NOT making that up.
MurphTheSurf3 : Obama’s best debate since I have followed him….excellent really…from someone who is not a naturally good debater- very reflective and very studied in how he communicates in a format that is a gunfight.
kesmarn : With thumb tacks!
kalie : Patsy, you have to beware of the good lookers because they have been getting away with alot, and him, for a long time.
KillgoreTrout : Ouch, steel wool undies!
SueInCa : Kes I have plenty of those thumbtacks
kesmarn : food, that would be a YouTube moment!
foodchain : Man, I really want to see their panties. Really, why would anyone feel God need you to wear panties.
choicelady : Sally -Current is right. Rmoney NEVER gives details. He’s the master of “I say so therefore it IS so.” Whatever the hell it is…
kesmarn : Yay, BFF! Steel thread! Got any thumb tacks?
KillgoreTrout : I agree CL. How someone can still be undecided, at this point in the game is somewhat beyond me though.
AlphaBitch : Let’s make Mitt and Ann some new magic panties. With the symbol “L” for Losers
foodchain : Kes, my daughter pulled her dad’s britches down in public–it’s a good two beer story–but I really am waiting for someone to do that to Mitt
PatsyT : For some repubs all you need is good hair and they will believe you.
choicelady : kes – are you sure you don’t need to send those steel scrubbers to Ryan for his next phony soup kitchen stint? I know the guy who runs St. V. de Paul AND the man who runs Catholic Charities in Y’town and they were PISSED!!!
bito : Ben Smith @BuzzFeedBen ! RT @mckaycoppins: Sununu in the spin room: “The president quite often is a liar.”
KillgoreTrout : Murph, time will tell. Short time, at that.
PatsyT : Candy did a good job and her hair looked great.
SueInCa : Kes I have stainless steel thread you could crochet into magic underwear
kesmarn : AB, I have some steel pot-scouring thingies here that we could crochet into magic underwear.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL- great observation.
SueInCa : I have already voted and we watched tonite on PBS. Even Stockton said Obama was the clear winner.
choicelady : KT – I found it interesting that more blonde white people swirled around the pres than around Romney afterward. That IS good since these were conservatively picked undecideds.
SallyT : Current is giving it to the President. They say that Romney still did not give any details to how he was going to do anything.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- do you think the Polling is behind the momentum you spoke of before
foodchain : Whoa, what I saw scared me and yet the numbers are good. Guess I might be able to trust the MSM and tweeters
kalie : Some have already voted.
kesmarn : c’lady, the Prez “gelded” him good!
AlphaBitch : Ann’s horse will dance no more. I would have shaken hands with Mitt and asked about his magic panties. Don’t you think we can make him a special pair, Kes?
KillgoreTrout : I think Obama will definitely get a bump, for sure. I also think most people have really made up their minds already. I think Obama won some indies tonight.
bito : Bonnie W @newfrontpagesk y Energy prices have always gone up. Do people actually think they are going to stay at a price and not move, ever? I don’t get that #debate
choicelady : kes – does this mean Ann’s horsey is a gelding tonight???
PatsyT : But I guess its a job
kalie : I agree with Rev Al that the audience was set up, and not by the Dems.
SueInCa : Sorry I missed it with you all but I cannot type and listen at the same time. OBAMA IS THE CLEAR WINNER
PatsyT : Murph sometimes he seems so out of place on there
foodchain : Choice, just saw that too. GOP gives it to Obama
kesmarn : If FUX called it a draw, Obama slayed him.
choicelady : Patsy – your description is right on that’s how we knew whom you meant!
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy- good description.
PatsyT : Murph I don’t have my glasses on and can’t see spelling across the room so I called him bald repub dude
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- How do you see the polls in light of your comment….
choicelady : Schmidt gives it to Obama? Well, good on him, as Molly used to say!
bito : AdamSerwer @AdamSerwer Fox is calling it a draw. I think we know what that means.
PatsyT : Thanks Murph!
KillgoreTrout : Murph, Obama was getting his momentum back for about a week now.
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy…that is Steve Schmidt, McCain’s key manager during his run
kesmarn : Her horse just couldn’t dance tonight, AB.
PatsyT : Bald Repub dude on MSNBC gives to the Pres!
choicelady : kes – Brooks needs NOT to be polite. It was CHILDISH not “boyish” behavior.
AlphaBitch : Ha Kes. She did not look happy post debate, did she? Almost as sad as when Rafalka lost.
choicelady : kalie – sorry – rebaptism is a HUGE dislike among every other religion. Mormons were baptizing victims of the Holocaust – incredibly nauseating and vile! The apologized – but I think they still DO it.
MurphTheSurf3 : Obama won, BUT is the win big enough to get him the momentum back…..I don’t know.
kalie : So i could see a Romney type with foreign leaders, him taking them down a peg, and their handlers taking mittsy and his big underwear away to a quite room.
PatsyT : Choice I agree with you he had the facts
KillgoreTrout : Gee Kalie, I really don’t know. I’m an atheist.
kesmarn : It the last shot, Ann seemed to be grooming her mustache hairs, AB.
bito : FunkSands @funksands Candy FAR exceeded my expectations of her. Yes that was a bit of a back-handed compliment. #debate
choicelady : kalie –
AdLib : Have to pop away for awhile! Be back in a bit! Obama won!!!
choicelady : bito – I thought Obama won last time, too. I’m not into style. SUBSTANCE is the answer, and Obama never lacks that.
AdLib : So true CL!
kesmarn : c’lady, Brooks referred to it as “boyish.”
AlphaBitch : Got kicked off. Post debate – does Ann have a new bumpit???
kalie : KT and isn’t there a religious law against being baptized twice? Those people are just ewwwwwwwwwwww
choicelady : AdLib – the bullying just looked incredible insecure and childish! If he can’t make his points when he has the time, then tough luck, baby. But he demands, whines, pouts, and stammers in his sense of entitlement being dismantled.
KillgoreTrout : Only Mormons could baptize people when they’re already in heaven, or elsewhere.
kalie : When is next debate?
kesmarn : Mark Shields said: “When Romney told his staff in MA to ‘go out and find some women to hire,’ he was advocating Affirmative Action right there.”
bito : AdamSerwer @AdamSerwer The problem with chalking up an Obama win to Dem post-debate spin is that last time liberals didn’t act like Obama won
AdLib : Romney’s bully act is getting old, as I had imagined it would. A third time will really wear it out.
choicelady : bito – YES!!! That is EXACTLY what I thought – we baptize you when you’re dead.
AdLib : Kali – Yep, he’s still recharging from his rant after the 1st debate.
choicelady : Romney’s entire performance was playground – “uh uh MY turn” every time. It was last time, too, but THIS time he was up against a cool and deliberat yet warm hearted president who TOOK NO SHIT from Mitt.l
kalie : Matthews getting tired.
AdLib : With the 47%
AdLib : Matthews said that when Romney said he cared about the 100%, he stuck out his chin and Obama knocked him out.
kesmarn : b’ito, I think it was.
bito : Michelle Goldberg @michelleinbkly n Is it just me or was that debate as bad for Romney as the first one was for Obama?
kalie : Bito, over my dead body they will.
SallyT : Granholm says the President won and she was so glad it got the 47% in.
PatsyT : Rachel Maddow Loves it and so does Tweety
AdLib : Well, guess Matthews isn’t going to be tearing his hair out tonight!
kesmarn : David Brooks (Repub) says Obama won. “More poised. More fluid.”
bito : David Roberts @drgrist We’re all children of the same God, which is why we baptize y’all into his name after you’re dead!
AdLib : Bito – Yes! That is good news! Always the indicator of the loseres.
KillgoreTrout : Mittens just got his sorry ass whooped!
kesmarn : Ann looks extremely nauseated.
SallyT : Mitt looks shot
AdLib : Leaving everyone with Romney as the 47% man and NO RESPONSE!!!
bito : AdLib, agree, looks like the RW is already spinning that Candy is in the tank. More to come?
PatsyT : That Rocked!!
AdLib : Obama wins!
KillgoreTrout : BINGO! Finally! Obama IS a master chess player. Romney, you’re in checkmate.
kalie : The 47% who mitt hates…say it now.
AdLib : Yeah baby, that’s what I’m tslking about!
PatsyT : YES!! Go Pres!!!
SallyT : Here it comes!!!!
kesmarn : Here we go!
AdLib : Bito – Sure hope so!
bito : Jonathan Chait @jonathanchait Here comes the 47% reply that Obama has been working on. Let’s see what he has.
kalie : Go Obama!! You just aren’t mean enough.
KillgoreTrout : Mass was 49th in job creation under Rmoney!
SallyT : But, they are the 47% Mitt and you said they weren’t your problem.
KillgoreTrout : OH AD, he said the number 47! Jump on it Obama.
PatsyT : Why are they baptizing the dead of all of these other religions? Same God?
AdLib : Bito – Though I don’t like her last pro-Romney question, she hasn’t been partisan. Hearing the bitching about Crowley is encouraging news.
kalie : My passion flows from my show horse and i really care for people who are out of work, but they really should be more responsible.
kesmarn : Are Muslims children of the same God, Mitt?
MurphTheSurf3 : 100 Percent…if Obama does not take the 47 Percent shot now then it is a choice, a decision…on his campaign’s part….we will see
KillgoreTrout : Oh boy, here comes the metaphysics!
SallyT : Oh, God, we brought in GOD!
AdLib : Crowley picked a pro-Romney question as the last question!
bito : Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch Sorry there have been so few RR tweets to RT but it’s mostly just bitter complaints that Crowley is in the tank for Obama, who is a liar!
PatsyT : Here we go He know what it takes…
SallyT : Government can create jobs! Infrastructure and politics!
bito : Missouri AFL-CIO @MOAFLCIO Obama-we need to close tax breaks for corporations shipping jobs overseas.Romney wants to expand them. That won’t create jobs here. #debates
AdLib : bullshit question!
AdLib : What a softball, bullshot wuestion!
kalie : SAlly i saw that ad about ATT jobs too.
SallyT : And, infrastruture.
AdLib : Obama is looking better on this investment/econo my issue than Romney with the same.
kesmarn : The economy of the future, the energy of the future! Yes, Mr. President.
KillgoreTrout : Go Candy. Don’t tell us what we already know Mittens. We have to do this, we have to do that. But never any concrete plans.
AdLib : Wish Obama would mention that calling China a currency manipulator would send our economy nosediving.
kalie : Oh now we can compete with anyone….its Chinas fault not Obamas, right?? They hack and they lie and you moved jobs there?
bito : Max Fisher @Max_Fisher Romney’s threat to label China a currency manipulator is the 2012 version of Obama’s 2008 promise to renegotiate NAFTA.
SallyT : The union brought the call center back to the US for AT&T.
choicelady : I think Obama is saving Sensa for the campaign trail. It’s not good to give Mitt talking points on his “investments” – he will NEVER shut up.
kesmarn : “Hippies at the Wall Street Journal”!
AlphaBitch : Too quick on the trigger, Ad?
AdLib : Come on Obama nail Romney on China!
KillgoreTrout : Ah, come on Ad.
choicelady : That might be the way to save Planned Parenthood – bond with the NRA. Guns and NO ammo. Who screw with THAT?
bito : OurFuture @OurFuture Effective tax rate is the lowest in 40 years according to hippies at Wall Street Journal. «link» …
SallyT : Kalie, I second that.
AdLib : I am steering clear of the gun puns…I will get into too much trouble.
kalie : Obama Wins, cuz i said so.
KillgoreTrout : CL, ah, those were the days!
kesmarn :
choicelady : KT – spoken like a middle aged man. Guys under 25? Full automatic. No finesse, but auto all the way.
KillgoreTrout : Too funny kes!
PatsyT : He know what it takes!
SallyT : KT, LOL!
bito : Jason Gooljar @wfpman Mitt is doing a 360 revolution on gun control what the hell? #debates
AdLib : It’s 7:29 and the debate is supposed to end at 7:30, isn’t it?
choicelady : Sally – PP becomes a guns and condoms outpost? could work…
kesmarn : But can easily be converted.
KillgoreTrout : Most men are semi-auto when it comes to sex.
AdLib : And Romney offshoring his money!
SallyT : Than why is Bain closing a plant right now and sending the jobs to China, Mitt??
kesmarn : Experts say that this “currency manipulator” BS means nothing. It accomplishes nothing. Just a lotta verbiage.
AdLib : Sensata indeed!
PatsyT : Oh this opens up a good one for the Pres … Go Him Pres!!! Sensata!!!
kalie : On day 1, he will start more wars. With China next.
kesmarn : 0% taxes and 0 regulations for entrepreneurs! Y’all come to the wild west!
AdLib : Trickle down government? Ain’t no such thing!
KillgoreTrout : Rmoney..DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS.
SallyT : CL, well, maybe that is how Romney will replace PlanParenthood.
bito : National Priorities @natpriorities Education programs are about 2% of total federal spending «link» #debates #education
PatsyT : Hey maybe Mitt is on to something that AK47 could be a new form of birth control
kalie : Its less attractive? Why Mitt, what did you do?
kesmarn : Romney cannot possibly have a leg to stand on with outsourcing!
AdLib : Mitt…king of outsourcing is going to help stop jobs from going overseas? What a joke!
KillgoreTrout : Crowley doesn’t want to be viewed in the same light as the first moderator.
AdLib : Obama’s closing statement must be a recounting of his accomplishments.
choicelady : I’ve heard of sex, drugs, and rock and roll but not premarital sex and AK 47s. Mitt is really warped.
SallyT : The President should stop and not push on that.
kalie : Candy is so happy to cut off Obama.
bito : RT @lysana @thepeoplesview I nominate @goldietaylor for moderating a future debate! << So moved.
KillgoreTrout : Malarkey! You gotta love the Irish.
AdLib : Murph – no 47%? What happened?
KillgoreTrout : Oh yeah, Romney is not big on education.
kesmarn : Otherwise known as malarkey, AB!
MurphTheSurf3 : Where is the 47 percent….in Obama’s “closing” only missing piece from what I can see.
AdLib : Are married people not able to operate ak-47 because their wedding rings get in the way of pulling the trigger?
BourneID : Good evening all. I’ll be following the chat but I’m completely talked out.
AlphaBitch : Kes you say flip flop, I say cow plop
kesmarn : YAY! Call him on the flip-flop.
bito : The Democrats @TheDemocrats RT @BenLaBolt: Romney was exposed tonight. Rattled when forced to defend his policies.
PatsyT : OK Choice I’ll take your word on that
kalie : Wait Patsy i think i saw that in a Jack Nicholson movie…
choicelady : Patsy – speak for yourself. I can multitask…
kesmarn :
kesmarn : Got it, c’lady.
KillgoreTrout : Exactly Sally. In 2007 I believe.
PatsyT : Hold on I smell Malarky … You really can’t operate a AK47 while you are having sex.
choicelady : kes – no automatics are NOT legal but as KT says, it’s easy to change over from semi to full.
kesmarn : The solution to the problems with “Fast and Furious” is to have more guns out there?
bito : Betsy S @BetsyS48 @greenhousenyt fact checks Romney claim 580,000 fewer women working. BLS says 253,000 more women working #vftcdebate
AlphaBitch : Patsy: Mitt has special panties for his AK47s too.
AdLib : Really? Fast and furious? It was a Bush program.
SallyT : It was started under BUSH!!!!
kesmarn : WTF? Shooters will go away if we make it harder to get divorces?
kalie : He is so out of touch, we need to set him up on the south side of Chicago for a week, so he can learn other cultures. I will pick the neighborhood.
KillgoreTrout : Kes, you can buy them, but you need a special permit.
AdLib : What??? Sex out of wedlock is an answer to ak-47s?
SallyT : That would be a good one, too, AdLib. Do you think it will come up? No one there looks like they are “green”.
MurphTheSurf3 : Where the hell is Romney going with his AK answer….
KillgoreTrout : Almost all assault rifles can be easily converted to full auto. It’s a very simple process.
AdLib : Change culture of violence? Romney, who got in Obama’s face says that?
PatsyT : Mitt has an elevator for his AK47’s
kesmarn : I think automatic weapons are legal, no?
kalie : He likes the big guns in the big cities…nice guy.
AdLib : Sally, yep, though how about a climate change question too?
bito : The Boston Globe @BostonGlobe Fact check: There were no women partners at Bain Capital during Romney’s time: «link» #debate #debate2
KillgoreTrout : The NRA has too much money and power.
SallyT : That is why I said it was a good question from these guys, AdLib. They seem to be asking questions that already have been covered before.
AdLib : CL – Yes and the NRA too.
choicelady : WE are blocked by Congress from doing one damned thing about guns.
AdLib : Sally – It is a legit question but it seems like most lobbying groups are getting a question about them.
AlphaBitch : Maybe from that woman, Ad. She got de smokers mouff.
bito : Andrew Kaczynski @BuzzFeedAndrew Obama’s exact quote is: “No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation.” «link» …
KillgoreTrout : No doubt kes. Only a rattlesnake gives warning before he bites.
kalie : AK47s should be out of the hands of criminals, and folks, if you vote Dem all the way down your ballet, it may become a possibility. Otherwise fuggetaboutit.
AdLib : Really…assault weapons is a top issue for undecided voters?
SallyT : This is a good question from this audience.
choicelady : Candy affirms he called it an act of terror. The details had to emerge.
bito : Karen Finney @finneyk Romney is LYING – that’s right say that a little louder Candy – Obama said it was an act of terror from the beginning.
AdLib : Candy called Romnaey’s lie out!
kesmarn : Mitt is really a rattle snake, isn’t he?
KillgoreTrout : Romney just said that Obama called it a terror attack, now he says it took too long for Obama to say that?
PatsyT : Give it up Nit Wit Mitt
bito : Chris Savage @Eclectablog Obama is showing righteous pissed offness as Mitt Romney’s politicization of the deaths of our diplomats.
KillgoreTrout : What else would you call such an act?
choicelady : kes – SERIOUSLY she said that since there was no DATE when it was supposed to happen, well, golly, what COULD they DO?
PatsyT : YESS !! go get him Candy!
KillgoreTrout : I love it, give him the rope Obama.
kesmarn : Good, Candy!
kesmarn : Liar!
PatsyT : Pres Shut him down!!!
AlphaBitch : the memo was dated 8/6/01; Condi thought they could do nothing about it because they were not given the dates of the attack.
kesmarn : Excellent!
choicelady : APOLOGY TOUR???? Idiocy and a LIE.
KillgoreTrout : That’s noble Sally. For real.
kesmarn : c’lady! HAHAHA! Condi wanted a date?
SallyT : I knew he wasn’t going to let Hillary take the blame by herself!
AlphaBitch : Grover wants to kill Big bird.
choicelady : AB and kes – the title of the morning memo was “terrorists to hijack planes and fly them into skyscrapers”. Condi says they weren’t responsible for that – there was no DATE.
bito : Progress Michigan @ProgressMich RT @lhfang: Mitt Romney’s trust is so blind it coincidentally invested $10 million into Tagg Romney’s company
kesmarn : Right, KT.Bush knew the score on WMD.
KillgoreTrout : Absolutely Bito.
kalie : Oh right Grover from Sesame Street that bad place.
kesmarn : AB! Yes!
AlphaBitch : Kes: “I believe the title of the memo was ‘Bin Laden determined to attack in the U.S.'”
KillgoreTrout : Ah kes, bush spent nearly his entire time trying to prove WMD existed. He knew they didn’t.
choicelady : If he raises Glen Dohery I will leap through the screen and kill him. Glen was on the Advisory Board of Military Religious Freedom Foundation – he did NOT ever meet Glen no matter what he lied about!
bito : I miss the whole political importance of the Libya account on this election. Mitt wanted answerers before any investigation. purely political
AdLib : Yes, the President was playing politics with the Libya attack, not Romney.
SallyT : Bush read a book while the planes were hitting the towers!!!!
AlphaBitch : Kalie – that was a Grover Norquist statement. Rove is many ill things, but even Ham Rove is not stupid enough to say that.
kesmarn : Jinx,Patsy.
kesmarn : Why didn’t Dubya see 9/11 coming? Why did he think there were WMD in Iraq?
AdLib : Patsy – Because he wasn’t a black Democrat.
PatsyT : Why wasn’t Bush held Acountable for 911?
kesmarn : b’ito, thanks for keeping up the Twitter feed. I meant to say that earlier. Sending you all the best.
kalie : Mitt acts like he is separate from the GOP but according to Rove, he is just the hand that signs what he is told to.
choicelady : The Embassy in Libya is in Tripoli, NOT Benghazi. The request if it exists was in Tripoli.
SallyT : I hope he gets to that cut from congress because the question was why was extra security denied.
bito : Super Voter @wanotw Mitt may “not be in favor” of rounding ppl up, but he knows that his allies in Congress are and they write the bills that he’d sign into law
choicelady : Blind trusts can be told what to do and NOT do – Romney I’m sure did NOT invest in liquor and tobacco. But he never limited investments in slave labor anywhere.
KillgoreTrout : The repubs also obstructed a proposal to spend more on embassy security.
AdLib : They did, kalie and Paul Ryan voted for that cut.
kalie : I thought the congress cut funds for diplomatic security.
KillgoreTrout : I knew this was coming. Hillary already took responsibility.
KillgoreTrout : Romney does lose his temper whenever challenged.
SallyT : I think Romney might let his temper show here.
AdLib : ROmney is looking a bit manic, no?
SallyT : The President isn’t going to let Romney run away with this debate!
KillgoreTrout : Romney’s falling apart. He’s totally losing it! HAHA!
PatsyT : SENSATA!!!
kalie : Long story short, i asked him if he played soccer and he said no and he doesn’t do landscaping either…
SallyT : GOOD ONE!!!!
PatsyT : B L I N D T R U S T !!!!!!
kesmarn : Good!
AdLib : Whoops…Romney ‘s explanation of self-deportation ain’t helping.
kesmarn : We’ll let Joe Arpaio “help” them make that decision.
KillgoreTrout : Not so Secret Service?
PatsyT : Panty Pete
KillgoreTrout : Stop dodging the questions Mitt, you incredible ass.
AdLib : kalie – Do tell!
SallyT : Who are all those guys in the dark suits there by themselves?
kesmarn : He’s a manufacturer of magic underwear, Patsy.
kalie : Ad lib if i had time i would tell you what hispanic car salesman said to me other day…
PatsyT : Who is Pete?
SallyT : AdLib, he is running for office for petes sake!
kesmarn : Bingo!
AdLib : kalie – Romney’s pathway to citizenship for immigrants leads to his gardening equipment.
choicelady : Oh so the ONLY route to citizenship is via the military? I guess that’s why we have to have more wars.
kalie : Rom said he would make a pathway for children of illegals…not sure how…maybe path to the border.
KillgoreTrout : No Sally, he never does.
SallyT : I just didn’t want her to have to self deport, Kalie.
AlphaBitch : I hope he does, Ad.
AdLib : Sally – Nope, Romney said nothing in detail.
SallyT : Did Romney say how he would fix it?
kalie : ok Sally, i get that.
AdLib : I think Obama will remind everyone about self-deportation .
KillgoreTrout : I don’t blame you. That video of Rmoney talking about the 47% he doesn’t care about, is a very damaging thing. USE IT OBAMA!
choicelady : The people who are waiting are NOT being displaced by those who are undocumented.
kesmarn : Dream Act, Mr. President.
SallyT : Kalie, I think she was just acknowledging the President before she asked Romney the question.
AlphaBitch : Keep it up, Mitt. Losing Mexican American votes now.
choicelady : Immigration and Romney? Oh please his father was NOT an immigrant but an expatriat.
kalie : And if you are unemployed you can do landscaping at his house, as long as he is not running for office.
AdLib : Killgore – I’m getting a hernia! 47%%%%
KillgoreTrout : Sel deportation? Is that like self abuse?
AdLib : Blah-blah-blah! Let me tell you some gobbledy gook that won’t answer your question.
KillgoreTrout : AD, 47%!! Hit Rmoney with that Obama!
kalie : She called him President? Oops. Self deport yourself.
kesmarn :
choicelady : Reagan recovery – HUGE high interest rates, inflation. I remember. All the social programs are GOOD because the obstructionist House has prevented our movement ahead. We need MORE of Obama’s policies – and NONE of Mitt’s.
PatsyT : Self Deportation!
kesmarn : Loraine, right? May I invite you to self deport?
AdLib : Lots of lies and cherry picking. Can’t Obama say, “Look at this quarter billionaire, do you really think a man with a house that has a car elevator cares about you?
KillgoreTrout : OK Rmoney, just how are you going to this?
kesmarn : Good point, AL.
MurphTheSurf3 : Reagan recession….hug e public spending, a massive growth in the military, Volcker’s new prime rate….
kalie : Okay now throw Obama a softball.
PatsyT : Mitt, Go back to Binders full of Women
KillgoreTrout : Reagan also grew the deficit tremendously.
AdLib : Kes – Maybe Obama’s afraid that mentioning the Repub House might make people think re-electing him would lead to the same stagnation.
kesmarn : Yes, food, but not quite the way I was during the first debate. The Prez is doing well.
AlphaBitch : Ask the folks on food stamps if they are happy they have that net, mittens.
kalie : All these problems because Romney helped to ship jobs overseas.
KillgoreTrout : Liar, liar. How can you create job growth evey month and lose jobs every month?
foodchain : Is any one else angry?
AlphaBitch : O needs to quote McConnell.
KillgoreTrout : He did not double the deficit. It was over 10 trillion when he took office.
kesmarn : Could all that congressional obstruction have anything to do with not being able to get everything done?
AdLib : Sally – Yep, very suspicious.
SallyT : And, he read the question, AdLib.
AdLib : CL – I agree, he just didn’t sound natural.
choicelady : Clinton’s promise is necessary to repeat now – there is no fast track to undoing the crises created over 40 years. It began in 1973. That’s how bad it is.
kalie : That was a gift to Romney from Candy…
choicelady : The questioner is inaccurate – we have almost zero inflation, so how is everything “so expensive”. I smell a set up.
KillgoreTrout : Obama said in 09, that our recovery would be slow and not without some sacrifice.
AlphaBitch : CL: It was a bitchy “in your face” heart, not pea picking. But fun to watch people slow down to read it or get stuck behind me in traffic in NH and OH, hoping it would make them think.
kesmarn : Clinton said: “When things were starting to improve when I was president it took a while for people to be able to really feel it. I promise you, you will feel it. Hold on.”
AdLib : Yep Sally!
SallyT : We both caught that one, AdLib.
KillgoreTrout : Very transparent too.
AdLib : Very dumb question but they probably wanted a black man asking Obama what he’s done for him, very premeditated.
kalie : Obama looks more Presidential than R.
choicelady : AB – bless your pea-pickin’ heart for having the courage to have that bumper sticker!
MurphTheSurf3 : That was a dumb question but soft pitch and Obama will use it
SallyT : Oh, yes, have the black man ask that question.
kesmarn : He is.
AdLib : Romney is down.
AdLib : Yes, more extreme!
SallyT : Way to get the voucher in there, Bush didn’t want that….
kesmarn : Pained and yet simpering at the same time.
AlphaBitch : Obama must have seen my sticker: Thanks Mitt for all those jobs you created – in CHINA AND INDIA!!!! Drove across the US with this – nasty sneers from Virginians and hugs from folks in Montreal.
MurphTheSurf3 : Obama did his homework and he has practiced
MurphTheSurf3 : Romney is looking a little pained
AdLib : This one is another winner for Obama.
SallyT : Obama loves to talk directly to the people.
KillgoreTrout : Romney keeps touting his business experience, but he had all the time he wanted to make major decisions. As president, he can’t have that kind of time.
kalie : You go get him bulldog bama!
kesmarn : Nice rebuttal! Romney = Bush
choicelady : BAIN is NOT small business, and it was HANDED to him, he never earned a danged thing!
kalie : He is delirious…he doesn’t create jobs!!
KillgoreTrout : Different time? How so?
SallyT : Romney came up in small businesses? The ones he closed?
choicelady : SEnsata!!!! More free trade agreements? Any protections for American labor? Environment?
MurphTheSurf3 : The Obama smirk…I like it.
MurphTheSurf3 : ROmney and SMALL BUSINESS…four pinnochios…he killed it…
KillgoreTrout : The deficit grew to over 10 trillion under bush
AdLib : Bush opposed small business?
choicelady : Wow – Romney is totally changing his position on contraception and it’s totally contradictory!
kesmarn : Why didn’t Romney protest Dubya’s debt at the time? He was curiously silent.
kalie : Yes lets move yet more work, to Latin America now.
AdLib : Bush opposed trade?
PatsyT : ask him about Sensata!!!
AdLib : Energy makes him different from Bush? Drilling?
kalie : Yeah, Bush was more moderate than the severely conservative Romney.
MurphTheSurf3 : BUSH…he is going to avoid the question entirely…by repeating his own standard….same stuff…
choicelady : Ohhhh nice question for R – how are you different from Bush?
kesmarn : Lie!
kesmarn : He’s going to dodge the Bush question.
choicelady : One of the best parts of this – romney is looking like a spoiled brat and Obama is good.
KillgoreTrout : Maybe not an idiot. The GOPers hate to talk about bush.
AdLib : WOw! Great question! Biggest difference between Romney and Bush!
choicelady : kalie – technically in 1978 they revised the Black people aren’t people issue in the LDS church. Technically.
kesmarn : HAHAHA! The Leper!
KillgoreTrout : In other words, an idiot.
choicelady : Has anyone noticed that the ABC title blocks are actually ACCURATE for Obama’s policies?
kalie : Choice, certainly black people are subordinate to Mormons too, right?
kesmarn : No doubt.
AdLib : Obama of course wins this one hands down.
KillgoreTrout : Who wants to bet Rmoney comes back with religious freedom bullshit?
kesmarn : Yes!
AdLib : The war on War on women is on!
choicelady : Nice shot, Mr. President – Lilly Ledbetter and “I’ll get back to you”?????
kesmarn : Way to go, Barack! Bring up the war on women!
kalie : Right, Romney says women can work all they want, but no birth control, sorry.
SallyT : Mormons don’t want women in the work place.
choicelady : Romney wants wimmin in the workforce to work for LESS than men.
kesmarn : c’lady…there you go with those pesky facts!! (Luv ya)
AlphaBitch : Kes – cuz they don’t have no planned parenthood.
choicelady : kes – Mormons believe in subordination, so they make the brew. Decaf of course. He had no more women than Cuomo or any other governor of his time. I was IN NY and know that. LIAR.
SallyT : What we can do for young women is to cut off PlanParenthood.
kalie : He still has the mindset that people that have been laid off are bad employees…booo o
AdLib : So, the same employers who pay women less will pay them more when they hire more.
kesmarn : AB Godly wimmen stay home bearing chillun, dontcha know?
AdLib : What laws will he pass? Nothing!
MurphTheSurf3 : Women….that’s his idea…flexible hours….
AlphaBitch : “Can’t we find some women?” Shame on you for not KNOWING some capable competent women, Mr. Romney.
kesmarn :
foodchain : I’m thinking Romney has Bain salespeople on this rather than the GOP
choicelady : Hey AB – well the prom queens I knew…all works.
KillgoreTrout : Funny AB. I hope you’re enjoying Boston. Great town.
kalie : kes very funny…
PatsyT : Binders full of Women!!!
KillgoreTrout : I like joints!
SallyT : And, when I was Gov of my state we were 47th in job growth.
kesmarn : Who’s gonna make the coffee…!
AdLib : Romney’s lame allegory has nothing to do with helping women.
AlphaBitch : KT: I read prom queen. shame on me.
AdLib : CL – That’s a Killgore-Adlib joint!
kesmarn : I guess cutting out the middle man makes one a socialist.
choicelady : ADLib – oooooo. I LIKE that! EVen in MY position that will be something I quote!
KillgoreTrout : Ad…LOL!
SallyT : And he looks like he is enjoying it as much as a porn star does for the camera, KT.
AdLib : Killgore- ROmney changes positions more than a porn queen with a bad back.
choicelady : YES! A Lilly question! I saw Obama the morning he was coming back from Capitol Hill to sign that. It’s one of my BEST moments!!!
kesmarn :
kalie : Romney: Women don’t need to work.. borrow money from your parents..
AlphaBitch : You fast, Frennie.
KillgoreTrout : Romney changes positions more often than a porn queen.
KillgoreTrout : The Ledbetter act, that repubs shot down.
AdLib : Yep! Romney will just say “I’m married to Ann!”
choicelady : What IS Romney’s plan? Wait – what day is it? What TIME? He changes plans as often as most men change their underwear.
kesmarn : Lily Ledbetter, Katherine.
KillgoreTrout : Rmoney, tell us how you balanced the budget in Mass.
kalie : Romney has the last word…
AlphaBitch : Bingo Murph. Romney balances budgets by shipping jobs to China.
choicelady : Romney – “of course they add up” because he SAYS so?
kesmarn : Yeppers, Sally!
SallyT : Kes, we are together tonight!
AdLib : I ran a business, invisible and undefined loopholes are what I know.
PatsyT : I think I see a little too much spray tan….
MurphTheSurf3 : Olympics…he balanced the budget by getting the largest federal grant before or since…
choicelady : Sally – that’s not even a smirk – it’s a pasted, frozen desperate “let’s pretend I’m not getting whooped” grimace!
SallyT : You ran business into the ground, Romney!
kesmarn : Ran businesses…rig ht into the ground!
KillgoreTrout : Obama put his boxing gloves on tonight!
kesmarn : Romney’s starting to tilt his head to the side. That’s a good sign for us!
SallyT : That is not a smile on Romney’s face. That is a smirk!
kesmarn : Good shot on Big Bird/Planned Parenthood!
PatsyT : Here is the Romney Tax Plan «link»
SallyT : I am with you on that AdLib. The 47%!!!!
kalie : New spin: Romney is not well, looks pale at debate. Will Obama help if he faints?
KillgoreTrout : Hey Kalie. Glad you’re here.
kesmarn : Right, KT. No 20% tonight.
SallyT : Romney color is weird tonight. He needs makeup.
kalie : KT different day, different plan…
AdLib : I am going to get the equivalent of a blogging sore throat if I have to yell “47%” at Obama one more time!
kesmarn : Well,cutting welfare and foodstamps WILL put women in poverty, Mitt.
KillgoreTrout : Really Mitt? What happened to the 20% ACROSS THE BOARD tax cuts?
SallyT : That hasn’t worked Romney!
kalie : Trickle down, oh no you dont.
kesmarn : Romney reminds me of Ron Popiel — schlock salesman.
kalie : He thinks bus drivers should pay more in taxes…and he is trying to figure out how to ship their jobs to China.
AdLib : Er…Obama…47% !
SallyT : That is true, Kes.
KillgoreTrout : In your face Rmoney!
kesmarn : It’s amazing how few Americans know that Obama lowered their taxes.
kalie : He can claim it but he doesn’t understand what he is talking about.
funksands : Why not $50,000? No tax on investments. The real reason Romney running for President
kalie : Oh my capital gains and dividends,,,,hah ahaha
KillgoreTrout : Hit Romney on the deficit.
AdLib : 47%!!!!
PatsyT : Hey bwe get a bucket of deductions … Bucket for the food line you mean
SallyT : Us middle class have loads of capital gains!
AdLib : Fantasy land BS on taxes! Come on Obama, nail him!
kesmarn : O% CAPITAL GAINS??? Madness!!
bito : The Fix @TheFix Romney gets a question on specifics about his tax plan. Obama campaign HQ is beaming. #debates
KillgoreTrout : I was thinking the same Sally.
AdLib : Candy doesn’t have Radditz’s strength.
SallyT : His ass, KT.
MurphTheSurf3 : Any moment now….violins imported from the Vienna Philharmonic will begin doleful tones of pain.
PatsyT : David Axelrod @davidaxelrod Mitt loves wind jobs, he just doesn’t support the tax credits that have boosted the industry and created thousands of jobs.
KillgoreTrout : Where is Romney pulling those stats out of?
choicelady : KT – doubt it’s perfect, but it cleaned London air so much they actually got rid of centuries of grime and ended the deaths by lung disease that was chronic prior to its intro.
kalie : Bring rates down for the wealthy..oh now hes for middle income people, right, but they haven’t donated to his campaign…
choicelady : Candy – stand UP to this BS artist!!!
bito : One Wisconsin Now @onewisconsinno w @PaulRyanVP plan would cut pell grants for 60,000 students in the first two years. #debate #wiunion
KillgoreTrout : CL, I did not know that.
AdLib : Romney thinks being a pushy asshole worked the first time, is he overdoing it this time?
choicelady : KT – yes. There IS clean coal in the UK and Poland and other blighted areas.
kalie : She said no already
kesmarn : Can no one shut this man’s mouth? He is horrible.
choicelady : funk – there is a clean coal technology used in Europe that we can adopt. It’s what saved London from killer fogs and that friends of mine used when I was there. So we’re directing coal in that direction – and Romney doesn’t even effing KNOW it.
PatsyT : Yes Candy!! Shut him up!
KillgoreTrout : Shut up Romney.
bito : Melissa Harris-Perry @MHarrisPerry If somebody doesn’t say Deepwater in the next 10 seconds I am going to go crazy! Do we not remember what happened here? #BP
KillgoreTrout : No such thing as clean coal.
kalie : Imaginary jobs, like the kind Romney creates in the US.
kesmarn : Gas prices were over $4/gal in 2008 under Dubya.
funksands : COAL will save us all! Hell with clean coal, I want BLEACHED coal!!!
choicelady : Romney can TRY to lay costs on Obama, but almost anyone knows it has nothing to do with the president. That is seriously NOT working.
AdLib : Yeah, Obama got the first laugh on Romney tanking the economy.
KillgoreTrout : Oh Snap!
choicelady : Romney lies and is now panicking because PBO is fighting back on FACTS.
SallyT : The oil drilled here doesn’t stay here!!!!
KillgoreTrout : Obama does not control gas prices.
bito : TruthTeam2012 @TruthTeam2012 FACT: President Obama is making historic investments in clean coal, and keeping coal miners safe and healthy.
kesmarn : Right, Patsy. Captive audience.
choicelady : Romney is losing his cool – he did NOT expect Obama to fight back!
foodchain : sorry as a late one but ONE POINT PLAN feels good
kalie : You’ll get your chance after me, im always first…
PatsyT : Those coal guys were made to stand there!
MurphTheSurf3 : romney is moving from assertive to obnoxious
AdLib : Disrespectful asshole
choicelady : Now Romney is insisting permits are cut on federal lands and waters – he is starting to LOSE it with Obama.
kesmarn : On NPR earlier today, an analyst said: “Romney needs to lose the ‘perma-smile.’ “
kalie : Lies Lies Lies
choicelady : KT – Keystone segment over Ogallala aquifer is the ONLY part in question, and yes, it HAS to be researched.
KillgoreTrout : Is FOX going to say Romney was rude and disrespectful.
AdLib : Romney is trying to goad Obama into getting hostile.
PatsyT : Go Obama!!!
kalie : They are gonna duke it out…
kesmarn : When you’re caught in a lie, repeat it. Romney rule.
kesmarn : “I try to be consistent.” Right, Prez!
KillgoreTrout : OOOOO! First bitch slap! Go Obama go!
AdLib : Bam! Champion of coal shuts down plant!
SallyT : Hey, you kill a bunch of birds, I would like to know why!
KillgoreTrout : Obama didn’t say no to the XL pipeline. He asked for more time to research.
kesmarn : Keystone is to sell oil to OTHER countries — not here.
AdLib : So far, too early to decide one way or another but if Obama keeps going Presidential then attack and Romney keeps whining and lying, he could end up the winner in the end.
kesmarn : Exactly, CL!
kalie : Drill baby drill XL…he has homes on the coasts…Times up!
KillgoreTrout : The question isn’t about jobs now dick head.
choicelady : kes – we don’t have to kill the wilderness. Romney wants it because business “wants what it wants when it wants it” and it is quite possible NOT to use federal lands to do it!
kesmarn : snark
kesmarn : It’s important to rip open the wilderness.
KillgoreTrout : Obama’s in the house tonight.
choicelady : We on the Left DO have to come to some deep level of understanding about fracking. It’s NOT all “Gasland”. We need to know more. Geology counts!
MurphTheSurf3 : Romney does not seem to have any new lines…and he is doubling down on the lies.
AdLib : Foodchain, so far, Obama is off to a good strat and has his swagger going on.
choicelady : food – she kicks butt, too, does our Candy!
AdLib : Obama’s being very Presidential then…he attacks Romney.
foodchain : Hey Adlib! Somewhat terrified even if artificially so
AdLib : Hey Foodchain!
kesmarn : kalie, right. He’s never had to listen.
AdLib : Have to give the first skirmish to Obama.
foodchain : sorry, we are on tape delay. Fear has gripped us
AdLib : Romney looks like a bully.
kalie : Romney doesn’t listen well.
foodchain : Any one scared of Candy? I love that she’s taking initiative in what is the most limited role a female has been given, but poop, on , she scares me
AdLib : Romney beaten back by Crowley.
SallyT : There Romney goes trying to take over the debate.
kesmarn : Candy — no! Don’t let Romney seize control!
AdLib : Hey CL!
choicelady : Live feed slower than TV – already heard Obama kick butt on romney’s ONE POINT plan.
KillgoreTrout : Go Obama. Don’t pull any punches.
kesmarn : Just realized by PBS (only channel I can get) is way ahead of the feed. He’s about to say that bankruptcy thing.
AdLib : Yes! Get him on the 47%!
SallyT : There was no one to finance GM in bankruptcy but the Government! Mitt Lies!
kesmarn : Detroit going through bankruptcy = bust the unions.
SallyT : I thought Candy couldn’t ask questions.
kalie : Agree AdLib. Most Americans are at what level??? Keep it simple.
AdLib : Lie. Drink!
AdLib : Too much info right now from Obama. Less details and more focus on the details he does mention.
choicelady : Go Obama on rebuilding manufacturing and NOT becoming an elite banana republic!
KillgoreTrout : Obama ain’t playing tonight. I’ve seen that determined face before.
AdLib : But Obama has to talk affirmatively first. Then, he gets into Romney’s “Let Detroit go bankrupt.”
funksands : I’m going to pre-answer for all of Romney’s questions: “I just will”
SallyT : yES, Kes, that was the first lie.
kesmarn : You know they’re gonna cut Pells.
SallyT : He can promise him one in China, AdLib.
kalie : Please Barack talk about his record in NOT creating jobs….that is where his experience lies.
AdLib : Phony, promising a job?
AdLib : I know what it takes…but I can’t tell you…
KillgoreTrout : Romney is stammering already?
kesmarn : Mitt looks nervous.
SallyT : Move to China.
AdLib : Hey kalie! Welcome!
SallyT : First lie.
KillgoreTrout : A high school “degree?”
kalie : Hi all. Borrow money from your parents…oh, they are not venture capitalists?? Too bad.
AdLib : Yawn…yes ROmney, please avoid all details.
kesmarn : Barack is back!!
AlphaBitch : Thank Candy, Ad.
AdLib : Lame first question.
kesmarn : Un-committed = mercenary dopes?
AdLib : Romney looks flushed. Like the turd he is.
AlphaBitch : Murph – waiting for locusts (Romneys?) and plaque (Ryan)
KillgoreTrout : Obama. I have a pretty good idea who the MSM will say won.
AdLib : Obama came to play, that’s his game face!
SallyT : I heard that this area where they are having the debate is a high income area.
AdLib : AB! You’re in the debate tonight!
AlphaBitch : Me.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB- fire, earthquake and panic attack! Same here.
AdLib : QUick poll, who do you think will win the debate tonight?
AlphaBitch : Everyone but me Sabreen. In Boston right now Murph.
AlphaBitch : Funk: Jack tinis? Urp!
kesmarn : You’ll be to drunk to ride him then, funk.
KillgoreTrout : Start your engines Planeteers!
AdLib : Here we go!
MurphTheSurf3 : AB…where the heck are you?
kesmarn : Merci buckets!
funksands : I’m drinking jack daniels all night until Obama gives me my pony
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- always the optimistic but I am operating pretty low to the ground and the nastiness has escalated exponentially in the last 24 hours.
Sabreen60 : WOW AB. I hope everyone is ok!
AdLib : Hey Kes – Just added the live feed, reload the page and it will be there!
AdLib : shift
kesmarn : Howdy, All! Is there a live feed link I can click on? No cable here, as you know…
AdLib : Murph – The shoft to Romney is real but as solid as warm jello, it’s going to start sliding right back to Obama after tonight’s performance.
SallyT : That is if they think Romney is a nice guy!
SallyT : Well, than these women are probably to dumb to know that their husband has been cheating on them for years.
AlphaBitch : Sabreen: Today I had a fire, a panic attack and then an earthquake (which made my hotel sway and we are – for the first time EVER since I hate heights – on the top floor. Guess how I’m feeling/????/ Right with ya.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- Romney came off as a nice guy- who would never do what “they” say he is going to do….and it has worked. I think the shift is real….
AdLib : Hi Sabreen!
AdLib : Hey AB, good to see you!
SallyT : Murph, I have a real problem believing that it has narrowed with the female voters. I just don’t think it has.
Sabreen60 : Hey folks. I’m going to check in here and Twitter. I’m counting on you to give an account of what’s going on in the debate. If you sound positive, I’ll turn on C-SPAN. Yeah, I know what that makes me – but what can I say
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi Funk- I am really ashamed of so many people right now….neighbors , so-called friends, even campaign associates….so many lazy and unconnected people.
AlphaBitch : The invitation is to the Obama-Biden debate. I was unaware that they are debating each other. Oh dear – whom do I choose???
funksands : Hi Sally!
MurphTheSurf3 : I need to say that I think the election could be stolen by the money, the chicanery and the stupidity of the voter. When I saw Obama’s lead among women virtually disappear I got a terrible sinking feeling. And I have read nothing that makes sense of it.
AdLib : I have tuned out the MSM today, the BS is astounding on the day leading up to a debate. Who the hell cares what pundits think will happen> They’re nearly always wrong and their advice is nearly always flawed.
funksands : Hi Murph! Sorry America sucks right now.
AdLib : Hey Murph! Well…only a month left in this cycle. Keep your hip boots on just a little longer, we’ll make it!
funksands : I’ve had to double up on debates. WA Gov debates taking place after each Presidential debate
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello everyone. This has been one of the nastiest days I have ever experienced in electoral politics. On all levels – President right on down, and I do mean down. The money is being used to create a cesspool. It’s awful. I really hate the GOP and I used to be one of them.
AdLib : Funk – My mother is working the Obama call banks. She’s shared that the people who she was calling in CO and NV were nasty often but recently, she has been getting more people open to or already voting for Obama.
funksands : It’s because I’m impatient.
AdLib : Hey Sally!
AdLib : Funk – Impressed that you caught that so quickly!
funksands : Thanks Ad, I just realized that
funksands : My mother is voting for Romney. I’ve always been suspicious she isn’t my real mother though.
SallyT : That will be no problem for Funkie, he has always been fresh!
AdLib : Hey Funk! don’t know which kind of phone you have but when you type on an iPhone, you have to keep refreshing the page to see new comments.
AdLib : My mother just called to say she was worried about the debate. I told her that as long as Obama does better than he did in the last debate, the MSM can’t help but say he did better. IOW, with expectations lowered so much and respecting Obama as the bright man he is, he’s learned his lesson and he’ll come well prepared to take back the election and momentum. I’m not worried, I know how capable he is and that’s what I shared with her.
funksands : Fired up! Ready to watch! (typing on my phone though)
AdLib : Our Live Chat For tonight’s Obama-Biden debate begins at 6:00pm PST begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
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