AdLib : Murph – Yep, pretty disgusting. But though we’ve been cautious about Obama winning in Nov, imagine what a big victory could mean across the board. If Romney sputters badly and Obama looks sure to win, Repub turnout will be depressed and Dems will be energized. Congress could become more Dem populated. x
MurphTheSurf3 : AL…HaH! Now to win back the House and strengthen the Senate and then we go after the state governments….d id you see what Brownback did in Kansas with the help of Koch money? x
AdLib : Murph – Or is it Obama holding the football for ROmney and Ryan to try and kick? x
AdLib : Thanks to all for quite an enjoyable Vox Pop tonight! Looking forward to seeing Ryan confirmed tomorrow as Romney’s VP. I know we’ll have a lot to chat about next Friday so see you then! x
MurphTheSurf3 : Wishing you all a good night and Snoopy Dance dreams featuring DC’s newest match made in heaven: Mitt and Paul in the Presidential Tango! I wonder which one has the rose clenched in his teeth? x
AdLib : Night KQ! Have a great weekend, pal! x
KQµårk 死神 : I’m out too have a good weekend all. x
AdLib : Murph, have a great weekend and I share your props to the Brits on a great Olympics (despite Romney’s predictions)! x
AdLib : Murph – Agreed, a more mother-influence d man like Romney would definitely be the type who looks for a stronger woman as a wife to be his surrogate “mom”. I would bet she holds greater sway in the household than he does. x
KQµårk 死神 : I actually heard it second hand from tweets so don’t I don’t have details. x
choicelady : Murph dear – a very good night to you, fellow Brit at heart, and sweet dreams. I will have AdLib send info to you. Be well! x
AdLib : KQ – What did NBC say? That the calls are a poor reflection on Romney as having a spine as President? x
choicelady : Murph – I’m not so sure about the Bishops. Oddly,as conservative as they are, they are institutionally grounded and not inclined to yield to the mere NARasites. Their sense of universal authority and institutional superiority makes their “going over to the other side” highly unlikely. But they ARE stupid enough to take IN NAR people such as Paul Schenck etc. who are changing the peoplein the pews – and that is a serious risk to Bishop authority down the road. But the conference of biships has roundly condemned Ryan, so I’m thinking this is not even about the church – it’s about the GOP base of extremist faux Christians. x
AdLib : Murph – Yep, Romney will prove himself to be The White Ass Prophecy come to life and maybe some fervent Mormons will sneak a cup of coffee to wake up from their bad dream. x
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL….before saying good night, and saluting the serendipity of sharing the VP pick-over with you, the Planets being aligned…I want to salute the Brits for doing a great job on the Olympics. I am a Brit at heart and am very proud of my adopted country for its genial good nature and steady organization that appears to have carried it off despite the shortage of cash. So…Hip, Hip…Hoorah! x
KQµårk 死神 : God Ryan is being announced in front of the USS Wisconsin. Remember when Obama gave a speech in front of a few fake columns? x
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…agreed. x
choicelady : Murph – I don’t think Ann wears the balls, but she is the tough, fiesty, dutiful wife who defends hearth and home with claws out. I do think Romney sets the standards – but he married well and raised his kids great so they all do his bidding and protect him at every turn. Someday I suspect we will hear about Romney what we learned about Reagan – the REAL story. x
AdLib : Murph – As you know, I think Romney is a pompous idiot so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s thinking that he can win the Presidency through lies and cheating and talking the public out of their need to see his returns. He no doubt is also considering what happens if he loses and he doesn’t want his returns out there when he goes back to lying and cheating in the hedge fund world. x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…your reading is mine as well….of course there are bishops who fit that description as well…not a majority by any means but I wonder if the attraction to the money the GOP controls might bring others over to his side. x
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…methinks Ann may wear the balls in that family. x
KQµårk 死神 : That’s what NBC said AdLib. x
choicelady : Murph – oddly, despite the fact that Ryan is nominally Catholic, he has pissed off even the BISHOPS with his draconian plans. The Bishops are disgusted with him – across the boards, universally. What fascinates me is that the play I think is actually for Dominionists who now have a “catholic wing” in those who’ve infiltrated the Catholic church but who are REALLY part of the New Apostolic Reformation that is trying to destroy the church. Ryan is right on board with them as was Santorum. So no – it’s not Catholics they are courting; it is the extremist fundamentalist Dominionists: the talibangelists, the Teavangelicals. It is a deeply scary phenomenon, but it may well backfire because of how much Ryan has pissed off his own denomination. x
AdLib : KQ – Really? Mitt’s sons called Portman and Pawlenty? As you say, outsourced those calls? Any question what a castrato president Romney would be? x
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….If romney does not release his returns the many charges now circulating about the IRS amnesty, his real wealth being far greater, many more off shore accounts, zero or near zero tax bills, donations to organizations during his moderate days that the right would hate, and so much more will stick…..but better to let it stick without hiim providing the evidence that nails it down as well…yeah. x
AdLib : FC – Nope, this VP pick couldn’t be better news for us and Obama. I mean, the issue of the economy, upon which Romney intended to attack Obama, is now attached to the Ryan budget as an issue. Romney can’t attack Obama on jobs without Obama attacking Romney on killing SS and Medicare! A huge blunder by Romney but he’s in a corner, he lost the Summer which no challenger to an incumbent President with 8.3% unemployment should do! And think how offensive the GOP convention will be now! Indies will be running away from Repubs in droves! x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL Just drawing the logical conclusion. x
choicelady : Murph – LOL!!! Does this mean Romney single handedly has absolutely destroyed a major religion all by himself???? The White Horse is now the White Ass??? Love it! x
AdLib : Murph – Obama, Reid and the Dems already know as we do that Romney will never release his 2009 returns because he paid zero or near-zero income taxes. He will never show them and this respponse is logical and smart. Whatever his intention, I think Romney will try to play “good elitist cop” to Ryan’s “bad cop” but Romney will stumble in that role because he is a terrible actor who can’t relate to being “good”. x
choicelady : Murph dear, yes I do, and I love you right back. That was just toooo funny! Made me laugh, and that’s been a rare thing lately. Thank you! x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…how do you read the Ryan choice from your “religious” perspective…is this a grab for Catholic support? x
foodchain : OK, I’m laying my fingers down. Off the keyboard, up the stairs. Thank you all. x
choicelady : KQ – Romney has absolutely NO core values other than making as much money as he can. I guess he seems to care about his family – though it looks as if he’s play acting most of the time – but who knows. That he made others call the losing candidates for him – typical. That’s the kind of president he’d be – someone ELSE would have to do the work, take the blame, do the shit, and Romney’d be around for photo ops, period. x
MurphTheSurf3 : SO..Is the White Horse Prophecy now the White Ass Prophecy? x
AdLib : KQ – Thanks for the props on the Hail Mormon pass! That’s sure what it looks like, as credible as magical underwear. x
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ- Mitt did not make those calls himself….snive ling little toad…..and those are my kinder thoughts! x
foodchain : Ha!!! The image of Ryan on Mitt’s car is making my dream machine tonight. x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….you know I luv ya….and luv is always gifting with joy. x
KQµårk 死神 : And again Romney showed the sniveling wimp he really is. He actually outsourced his calls to Portman and T-Paw to his son Tag. x
choicelady : Murph – uhhhhh, thanks. I think. x
AdLib : FC – I completely agree! Mitt has just put his candidacy in a Paul Ryan kennel on top of his car and it is going to fly off while he’s on his way to DC. x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….only the best for you, my dear! x
foodchain : Ad, could we have hoped for more! x
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….your rationale covers my thesis pretty well as well. The Hail Mormon pass will have the effect of driving the House and Senate races too…giving up without seeming to give up…I expect to see a very scripted Romney….with promises that his tax returns will not become public info? x
AdLib : FC – Yep, they will be going locally as well but with Ryan as VP pick, watch the senior citizen vote tip surprisingly for Obama…and those coat tails could be huge in winning Senate and House seats! x
choicelady : Murph – having my cogent and incisive analysis summed up as, yeah she’s like shit attracts flies, is at best, humbling. LOL!!! x
AdLib : KQ – Both points are true and they both mean that our projection that he looks like he will lose decisively in Nov is exactly what they’re seeing. x
KQµårk 死神 : Love the Hail Mormon pun. x
KQµårk 死神 : Hmmm… good call AdLib. x
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….yeah a faux Obama is better than a “real” Palin…so why did Romney pick Ryan….back to my earlier question… x
AdLib : Murph – My guess is that Romney’s internal polling shows that it will be a massacre of him in Nov by Obama and that part of that will be because of Repub apathy about him. Their only hope is that a combination of SuperPAC ads, voter suppression and a very energized Repub core could maybe help him thread the needle. I think it’s la-la land thinking, no way, they’re just deluding themselves. What this pick says to me is that…they know they’re going to lose and are throwing a Hail Mormon pass that will end up incomplete. x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…you make a good point….she is attractive in the way that dung attracts flies….point taken. x
foodchain : Mitt is lost: this is a gambit to gain any local/state advantage he can to block the dems and to hold for 2016. This is an admission x
foodchain : Ad, all I can think is local: Tommy T for WI senate, other local votes. He cannot win the Pres and so he must go for any strong econ candidate–tea folk– for any measure of control they can x
KQµårk 死神 : AdLib picking Ryan shows two things about Romney. The 1st is he’s desperate and worse the 2nd shows he will always bend to his base on the even on his biggest decisions. x
choicelady : Murph – well, define “attractive”. She simply justifies absolute amorality and personal accumulation. That stream is very large in US history and economic philosophy. From Social Darwinism to Libertarianism to Dominionism, the search for a way to embed absolute selfishness and unfettered accumulation as a moral value has been the hunt equal to Diogenes’ search for an honest man. x
AdLib : Hey Bito!!! x
MurphTheSurf3 : KW-+- I am quick and I had the comment ready to go…i have had the feeling for several days. x
AdLib : Murph – Man, maybe I should never leave VP again! But my bet is that even a stand-in for a Kenyan Obama would beat Palin. x
bito : just watched the 4X100, women race. at 42 flat~ now that ia blazing! x
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…so why is he doing this…is the GOP brain trust saying the WH is lost so it is all about using the top of the ticket to support the House and Senate races? And Mitt is hoping to hang on long enough so his tax records are not exposed and he ends up a “dignified” leader in the party? x
AdLib : KQ – Don’t tell anyone but I got advanced word and have been stalking Paul Ryan for an interview! x
KQµårk 死神 : Wow murph you have some major pull at Huffy. I see your comment at the top reading the ryan story. x
AdLib : Jumping in a bit late but the Ryan pick tells a huge and damaging story about Romney. If he needs a VP to lock down his own base…at the risk of alienating Indie voters, his internal polls must be saying that he is a big loser in November and that enthusiasm on the right is very low. Romney can’t win with Ryan because, as we saw in the special election in NY in a Repub district voting Dem, even elderly Repubs don’t want to kill SS and Medicare, let alone indies! x
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….did anyone fill you in….Romney stepped down and has named Palin as his nominee designate….Oba ma has admitted he was born, raised and is still living in Kenya and his stand in double occupies the White House. x
KQµårk 死神 : CL it’s as certain as it gets. x
foodchain : Choice, Gosh I love how you talk! x
choicelady : Is Ryan the pick or is that still speculation? x
KQµårk 死神 :
We noticed you pick the most peculiar times to leave. You sure you aren’t an under cover right wing reporter. x
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….your analysis is on the mark….there are many other elements of the story narrative and the philosophical discussions that contradict each other and actually undermine central tenets the Rand philosophy. I have no idea why she is attractive- but she is. x
choicelady : food – yes, I think her capacity to justify utter selfishness has made her atheism utterly irrelevant. She unleashed the power of absolute self interest which The Family et al. justify as falling to The Elect since they are more Godly (in the tautological justification that you’re rich because you’re Godly and can prove you’re godly because you’re rich…) She’d HATE being lumped in with the religious right, but she’s NOT in a position to protest, they are happy to tell you. x
foodchain : Score two for Rand! No God and no (family values/christian ) morals x
AdLib : Hey all, finally back. Man, I go away for a few minutes and Paul Ryan gets picked for Romney’s VP. I should do this more often! x
KQµårk 死神 : Rand’s personal bio where she died penniless on guvment assistance is the epitome of GOP hypocrisy. x
choicelady : AB – apparently she WAS. SEveral men, Alan Greenspan among them, appear to have boffed Ms. Rand for years. She was indiscriminate. x
foodchain : How does the right bless an aetheist? $$$$? x
foodchain : Oh what a hussy she is x
choicelady : food – now you can read St. Ayn AND go to church. She’s been blessed and passed, and she’s too dead to protest. x
foodchain : trouble is you can’t read Ayn Rand and go to church. oh oh x
choicelady : ‘Night AB and Sabreen! Sweet dreams to you both! x
KQµårk 死神 : Night AB and Sabreen x
Sabreen60 : Nite AB – I’m out, too. x
choicelady : Murph – the thing I never understood about The Foundtainhead – the design and drawings etc. were purchased by the people who built the building. It’s not a work of art, it’s a free market SALE to them. From that point on, what they do with it is THEIR business. It seems to me the book is not about free enterprise but is hostile to it and moves squarely into radical anarchism and elitism. ARchitects SELL their work, period. Only one or two – Wright, Pei – have the clout to demand fealty to their ‘vision’. All others? It’s commerce. So the story never made any sense. x
KQµårk 死神 : So if Romney and Ryan are elected are kids going to all have to read ‘Atlas Shrugged’ in public schools. x
foodchain : AB, lol, really though, the stars at night….rest well beneath them x
choicelady : AB – someone over at The People’s View called them the Talibangelists. All good words, all good observations that they can barely deal with ONE Mormon, never mind two. x
AlphaBitch : See y’all tomorrow. Really now. x
foodchain : Night Sabreen
Sabreen60 : Good Night Food! x
MurphTheSurf3 : HP is screaming RYAN on its front page…. x
foodchain : Kids in town Choice, Good and tired x
choicelady : Good night, foodchain – have a lovely weekend! x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL that link is not complete. Try again. «link» x
AlphaBitch : CL: And I think we all know that the Teabangelicals would vote for ONE Mormon in his fancy panties, but no way they would take two! Seriously, Huntsman was a good candidate and would have been the most formidable foe, as ALL my Repub friends agree. x
choicelady : Well the religious right have simply decided that atheist Rand is St. Ayn. She’s dead. She can’t retaliate. x
foodchain : not quite the midnight hour here but close. Take care all. May tomorrow give us even more fun than the Mitt olympics x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL Here ya go…a snarky telling of the story but there are nicer ones out there that bland it down…«link» ingboing.net/201 1/01/28/ayn-rand -took-govern.htm l x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL and Romney and Huntsman hate each other…..each dissed the other royally during the primary campaign. x
choicelady : Murph – she did take gov’t assistance? When? That’s rich! x
foodchain : Ryan et all talked the Galt until atheism came up: pretty quiet now x
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen…Ryan has monthly Ayn Rand seminars for his staff and requires all read Atlas Shrugged before starting there….of course she is an atheist who set aside her own principles to take government assistance…cou ld be fun. x
choicelady : EVeryone – IMHO the only Veep pick that could be troublesome for Obama is Huntsman. Other than that – they all suck and are almost as vulnerable as Sarah. x
KQµårk 死神 : The ironic part about the Ryan pick is that Romney finally pleased the right AND left. x
Sabreen60 : Just a little of whats being said on Twitter: “Ayn Rand meets Joseph Smith,Jr. Mitt Romney meets Paul Ryan’s unique Catholic/Ayn Rand new religion of extreme selfishness. What a team.” x
foodchain : I’m sorry, but I don’t think this is bad news x
bito : Obama announced on Aug23, a Sat. x
foodchain : I x
AlphaBitch : KQ: I prefer to think of it as “not gullible” instead of “paranoid”. But it makes one very suspicious, doesn’t it? x
foodchain : Murph, it’s always the military above any starving child–to protect us–in some other country x
KQµårk 死神 : AB I’m always paranoid era weary about cheap tricks. x
Sabreen60 : Romney is a coward. Why would he announce a VP on a Saturday morning? That’s worst then a Friday dump. BTW, I’ve got the TV on and just heard Mitt’s lying welfare ad. x
choicelady : KQ – I bet they will HAVE to because AARP et al. will blast the airwaves with the consequences of the cuts. They will get only ONE chance – vote for Medicare or vote for your future financial insolvency. x
MurphTheSurf3 : Jennifer Granholm just made a compelling Ryan case…she is highlighting the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities analysis of the catastrophic outcomes resulting from a Ryan Budget Plan….his cuts would require most of the Fed government’s programs to disappear….exc ept the military… x
KQµårk 死神 : Oh believe me CL I know it would never work and people getting Medicare now would definitely get benefit cuts but I don’t think most seniors will look that deep. x
choicelady : Murph – while I might actually enjoy Meg Ryan as Veep, it would NOT be likely she’d be a Republican I think. x
choicelady : KQ – but if everyone UNDER 55 pulls out, then who funds the last guy in the pot who is 55 and a day old? If you don’t have everyone contribute – the stone soup principle – then you will get water and eventually nothing at all. It will immediately decimate our current Medicare coverage including affordability, provider rates (cut so we will lose providers), and coverage. All free tests will be gone, and we will lose more and more with rates going up and up. How anyone 55 and over could believe it will be OK for them is insane. ABSOLUTELY INSANE. x
MurphTheSurf3 : Just out….the Daily Standard is betting on Ryan (and, no, it’s not Meg) «link» x
Sabreen60 : KQ, I would like to believe those who are 70+ may have 40+ adult children and would not like to see them saddled with pretty much having to fend for themselves once they have used up their vouchers. x
AlphaBitch : OK, why would Ryan accept UNLESS he was sure they could “win”? He is too ambitious to go down in flames for Romney. AND Rove is one of the “people” that assured W. that he had in fact “won” FL when the news had announced Gore had won. Be wary, my friends, if it is Ryan. There are tricks up the sleeve. x
foodchain : So Mitt want Wi? not enough there for the damage Ryan will do x
bito : Chernynkaya @Chernynkaya First Question for new VP pick: How many tax returns are you gonna release? x
Sabreen60 : NBC is reporting that it will be Ryan. x
foodchain : If Mitt is announcing in VA…….? x
KQµårk 死神 : Sadly I still think Romney would win a majority of seniors because the Ryan plan would not kick in for people over 55 so Ryan would help with the ‘I don’t want guvment healthcare and don’t stop my Medicare.’ x
choicelady : Hey bito – did not see you before. How are you? I sincerely believe in Harry. He is SO straightlaced he’d not lie about Romney. Question is – did someone lie to him? But has anyone taken note that it is one Mormon dissing another’s tax records? That gives Harry another kind of cred, y’know. x
foodchain : Bito, share that! x
KQµårk 死神 : Ah you are absolutely right CL. I had a bonehead moment. x
choicelady : Murph – if Mitt picks Ryan, it will be a field day. It will conclusively prove that the GOP hate everyone including seniors. I’d love that pick – and AARP does kick ass commercials that’d be a wow. x
foodchain : Wow Choice, did not know that. I think of corn as an extremely inefficient product for cattle, humans and energy but I don’t know the chem partiulars at all x
AlphaBitch : Bito! You’re laughing! It’s not nice to laugh at the less fortunate. x
KQµårk 死神 : I think you are right bito. I was really mocking huff n’ puff for another Nostradumbarse prediction. x
choicelady : KQ – being a sociopath and having Asperger’s are not mutually exclusive. Has anyone noticed how he walks – from his hips up he moves all of a piece. There are those who would say he has a stick up his butt, but I find it very disturbing since he’s supposed to be healthy and all. Did he have a spinal fusion or something – what’s the reason? x
bito : Jon Ralston @RalstonFlash Harry Reid has an extremely credible source that it’s Ryan. ~~~~
Sabreen60 : CL, David Shuster said he believes Mitt has Aspergers. I think I heard this farmer owns 54 farms. x
foodchain : I’d guess that VA means Cantor which means a cheap play to FL. Well, that could be a problem of sovereignty x
choicelady : food – technically GMO corn cannot be used for food for either people or animals. So it’s not yet clear what it IS for since some of it has been doctored with material that makes up RoundUp embedded in the genes of the corn. Ethanol would be the only use. I hope it’s all proving to be highly vulnerable to heat and drought. x
KQµårk 死神 : CL I said I thought Romney had a mild form of Asperger’s last week but psychopaths also behave like Romney too. No matter what there is something very very wrong with Romney’s character. x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….yes and if the rumors are true he has picked a very bad VP….AARP hates Ryan…hates him. x
foodchain : Killer Corn? Savior of ethanol subsidies, corn syrup killers or where does one start with corn> x
choicelady : Murph – this is one of many reasons I think Romney as Asperger’s – he has a totally tin ear for implications of what he does. An agribiz lord now equals a FARMER????? That’s right up there with Marie Antoinette and her friends playing shepherdess with washed and perfumed sheep. x
AlphaBitch : How’s MOnsanto’s GM corn holding up in the drought? Sorry to bring up a topic…. x
Sabreen60 : AB, I am not under the affluence of inkelhol although some thinkle peep I am. x
AlphaBitch : Ah, Murph – the Omni whatever. That silly Mitt! x
foodchain : KQ Yes, I belive it was so lol x
KQµårk 死神 : Murph that was a genuine laugh out loud optic to me. x
foodchain : So in a urban dictionary rove = rat x
AlphaBitch : Sabreen: I suppose replacing the “a” with a “u” would be too much….. x
MurphTheSurf3 : AB…more terrific Romney staff work…he visited a farmer today…a multi millionaire agribusiness king who lives in a flying saucer castle…. x
KQµårk 死神 : Food isn’t that the country were vampires come from? x
Sabreen60 : CL, a posted link to Cantor’s opponent’s website. CanCantor.com. They are calling Cantor a crook and asking people to sent any negative names they can think of to call him. x
foodchain : AB, I Know! What is transvaginal anyway? a highway? x
AlphaBitch : I smell a Rove. x
AlphaBitch : But why announce in VA???? It’s not even one of his “homes” and it’s not for play. So WHY VA???? x
AlphaBitch : FC! for shame! It’s an insertion of a probe into the “tu-tu”. Don’t use that “veejayjay” word again. x
foodchain : So, meh, he wants FL? x
AdLib : Been on the run with my daughter, have to pop away again for a bit but will be back! x
choicelady : AB – if Romney thinks by picking a member of the “other tribe”, a Jew, that he’s doing something amazing, wow is HE in for a surprise. Cantor is an even bigger drag than a lot of others since he’s opened his yap and inserted his foot several times over. x
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen…just posted a mini bio of Portman and he was as you say Bush’s budget czar! x
foodchain : I don’t get why transvaginal isn’t “insertion of a probe into the vagina” Most of these idiots need description x
AlphaBitch : Cantor DID manage to hold the house against doing any damn thing. I just have an “October surprise” sort of feeling about this…… x
Sabreen60 : Portman was W’s budget man, wasn’t he? x
AlphaBitch : COULD he pick Cantor? Jewish, Tea Party – would that make the right happy? x
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ If its Portman…A close associate of the Bush family, Portman served in the first Bush Administration as White House Counsel and then as the president’s chief lobbyist. He returned to serve in two federal cabinet-level positions under President George W. Bush, from May 2005 to May 2006, as U.S. Trade Representative and from May 2006 to June 2007 as Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) A GEORGE BUSH SURROGATE….hmm mm, almost as good as Ryan x
AlphaBitch : Ha ha AdLib – yeah sure, you betcha! x
KQµårk 死神 : Wow I just heard a big flushing sound up here in GA. I think it was Floridians flushing Romney stickers down the drain after learning about the Ryan pick. x
AdLib : I am totally bummed about missing this. x
AlphaBitch : CL: yep, but when I checked the ‘lines, I saw that about the VP and HAD to pop back in. My mind is reeling….why VA? Is it McTransvaginal Ultrasound? Cantor? x
foodchain : Oh Sue, rest well, sleep well, wake well, enjoy the am well==every minute x
choicelady : AB – what have I missed while I was out? Who we dishing on and why? x
AlphaBitch : OK, meet you guys tomorrow to dish. wow wow whee wow. Who would have thought it would come to this? x
choicelady : AB – thought YOU were headed to dreamland long ago. It’s almost 11 there isn’t it? x
AlphaBitch : I’m not far behind. I have VEEP dreams awaiting – better slug some tequila! x
SueInCa :
I hear you Kquark night all for good this time. x
AlphaBitch : I’m thinking he pulled a Rmoney, KQ! (JK of course) x
choicelady : Sue -sleep well. You’ve earned it! Sweet dreams! x
AlphaBitch : KQ: Not ironic. Notice how he skirted the issue when I pressed him on Portman? x
KQµårk 死神 :
sue I was thinking the same thing. Good thing AB stood in there a little while longer. x
Sabreen60 : Sleep well, Sue. x
SueInCa : Tell Adlib you snooze you lose LOL x
AlphaBitch : Would there be any reason it would NOT be Cantor? x
KQµårk 死神 : The ironic part is AdLib is missing all this. x
SueInCa : Well all it is good night from me. Been up since 3:30 this morning time to try to sleep well. Sabreen that is the guy sending me emails. x
Sabreen60 : Sue, Cantor’s opponent is Wayne Powell. x
SueInCa : Paul Ryan who wants to take your medicare and give you a voucher. It would serve those teapers right if he actually won and they lost that medicare they so dearly love. No I am just kidding. x
KQµårk 死神 : Huff n’ Puff just told me the pick will be Portman. It could be the bait and switch. x
SueInCa : Sabreen I have been getting emails from someone in VA bt cannot remember the name. x
foodchain : Sabreen I am so bye bye Cantor x
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen I watch Bill Press and Stephanie Miller most mornings (with a check in to Morning Joe to remind me how much I hate Scarface)…..ye s….the Cantor segment is a kick….I wonder if he has a chance. x
foodchain : KQ, he’s one of the few the catholic organizations have attacked as not fulfilling the mission of caring for those least among us x
SueInCa : Talk about inept. Jebus the republican party is done for, the loonies have taken over x
Sabreen60 : Here’s the website. Geez, it would be great if they kick Cantor out of office. «link» x
AlphaBitch : Oh what I wouldn’t give for a peek at Axelrod and Plouffe right now! x
KQµårk 死神 : Sue I saw on Tweety where a plurality of people did not even know who Ryan was. I can’t wait for Obama do define who he is. x
MurphTheSurf3 : RYAN…three sources I have in the campaigns say that Ryan is the choice….I think I will do my SNOOPY DANCE….. x
Sabreen60 : You guys ever watch Stephanie Miller on Current TV? Each Thursday she has “Mudcat” Saunders on the phone. He’s the campaign manager for the guy who is running against Cantor. Old Mudcat talks about Cantor like he has two heads and a tail. I think he said the website is “CanCantor.com “. x
bito : The Daily Edge @TheDailyEdge Mitt Romney to announce VP choice in Virginia 9:05 AM. Chris Christie expected to start shouting at people on a NJ boardwalk around 9:06 AM x
foodchain : Murph, good strategy. Funny how some of our states are. Have family in WI and I forgot how difficult that state could be x
SueInCa : So maybe Ryan for Mitt? Does he know just how unpopular Ryan is? x
KQµårk 死神 : Yup pushing the same ole bullshite that regulations and taxes are why jobs are going overseas. Just schooled them using the Forbes Tax Misery index which shows Americans pay one of the lowest tax burdens in the Western world why China has the 2nd tax burden after France. x
MurphTheSurf3 : foodchain…Akin ….he is a reactionary and his views are hostile to everything I value….even the TP was not overly enthused about him, but in a three way split he won the plurality and that is what we wanted. He is not a vociferous personality tending to speak to small groups so we need to make his voice LOUD in the state. Working at it. x
foodchain : Ryan and Cantor are a funny twosome. Hairline buddies x
KQµårk 死神 : bito Dems could not be that lucky. x
foodchain : KQ Arrrgggghhhh! x
MurphTheSurf3 : Ryan and Cantor….the “CREEPY” Brothers joined at the hip…matched up with Zombie Rombie…perfect x
KQµårk 死神 : Sorry responding to a troll on ThinkProgress. x
foodchain : Murph, what insights did you gain in your support for Akin? x
AlphaBitch : Bito: saw on a less reputable site that WI Repubs have been told to clear their calendars tomorrow. Ryan! x
MurphTheSurf3 : RYAN, RYAN, RYAN, RYAN, RYAN…..AND HIS BUDGET….yeah! That would be great. x
foodchain : Ryan as VP? Oh rapture! NO medicare, no social security running with Mitt! Be still my beating heart x
Sabreen60 : Please let it be Ryan!!! x
MurphTheSurf3 : foodchain…we will see. I actually worked for akin (made some calls, gave some money) as the word was that he was the only one of the three she could beat and she is 4 percent behind him….so…. x
bito : John Dean @JohnWDean CNN is reporting Romney will announce VP choice tomorrow. Fox News says it will be Ryan. x
foodchain : Murph, good news for McCaskill. I’d guess that MO can’t pull off a tea party statewide win x
foodchain : Bito, not to be flip; I will make sure I know x
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice et. al. McCaskill’s opponent. On Tuesday night, Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) wrapped up his state’s Republican Senate nomination, defeating two other Tea Party Republicans in a race that split the GOP’s hard right faction. Akin’s highest profile backers were former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Rep. Michele Bachmann 1. Akin believes Medicare is unconstitutional ; 2. 2. Akin said that “the heart of liberalism really is a hatred for God”; 3. Akin is one of the most anti-gay GOP members of the House; 4. Akin called recent legislation streamlining the student loan process a “state three cancer of socialism.” 5. Akin wants the United States to withdraw from the UN. x
foodchain : Tai chi v Mitt oh oh. x
bito : ThinkProgress @thinkprogress BREAKING: Romney will announce VP pick tomorrow morning in Norfolk, Virginia x
foodchain : I like IKE too. Most of the GOP has come to scorn him. Go figure x
Sabreen60 : Take care CL. Hope I’m still here when you return. x
Sabreen60 : VA Governor – Transvaginal Ultrasound x
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ….how far the GOP has come from the first Republican I knew and admired, IKE. x
foodchain : Choice; take care of you too x
KQµårk 死神 : Murph Reagan is a complete myth. He would not even win a primary in the GOP today. x
choicelady : I have to dash out – my odd neighbors had another medical emergency, so I’m picking them up to bring them home. Back in a bit if I can. x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…I know Simone as well…it is funny how the Sisters have emerged as the RCC cultural folk heroes when they were maligned for so many years. The Bishops have picked the wrong target in this, but demographics are on their side in the long run. Simone’s kind of “nun” is a dying breed and a far more conservative, traditional, obedient, out of the way, and garbed sister is what will be left, in far fewer numbers. x
Sabreen60 : I just heard about the book, “The New New Deal”. Evidently, Repub Senators are fessing up to the obvious. They were on notice to obstruct everything PBO and the Dems proposed. Also VP Biden said Repub Senators told him they were not going to let PBO be successful. x
AlphaBitch : Just peeked at another source – Romney is naming his VP in Norfolk VA tomorrow – does that mean Bob McConnell? Or whatever his name is? Beelzebub? x
foodchain : AB, Let those wonderful stars shine upon you. x
AlphaBitch : My prayer CL is that the interest in the bus thing will spill over into other worthwhile ventures. Looking forward ot finding out which org you work with, and I will try and help. Thanks for all you do! – Your BFF, Biff. x
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ AND Reagan was helped by a reversal in Fed policy by Volcker that led to the flow of money after inflation had been beaten back down…..he had nothing to do with a lot of his recovery. x
choicelady : AB – Sweet dreams, dear friend. I will have AdLib send my contact info. To you, too, Murph! x
Sabreen60 : Good night AB. Take care! x
choicelady : AB – Sr. Simone Campbell who heads up the nun movement and the Nuns on the Bus knows of Lamb from me and LOVED it! She’d totally relate to Biff. But shhhh – we’re not outing her on that! Yes -they are marvelous. It was Simone’s immediate predecessor here, Sr. Sheila Walsh, who taught me to speak truth to power and never to flinch. She knew no fear. She’s retired now and legislators still cringe when she turns her laser gaze on them. She’s over 80 and going strong. Wonderful people. x
AlphaBitch : Night you youngster! x
KQµårk 死神 : Night AB sleep well. x
KQµårk 死神 : Absolutely Murph. In the face of an obstructionist party that has done noting to make one new job Obama has done remarkably well. Everyone forgets the Reagan recovery was a result of raising government spending 3.5%/YEAR while under Obama government spending is going down 1.5%/Year. x
AlphaBitch : Well, dear brothers and sisters – it’s my bed time. It was a pleasure as always. We had wanted to go see “The Campaign” but it was sold out! In TEXAS. maybe there is hope yet… x
foodchain : Choice; it’s funny how the “religious” care and then there are all the rest of us to pick up the pieces x
choicelady : FC – sorry hit the wrong key – what Jesus wrote is no longer operative. They SAID that. So Jesus does NOT matter. Only Bain and individualism matter. x
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen and KQ…more and more I buy into Ad Lib’s basic model of media coverage. It’s all about the money which means it is all about ginning up interest which means creating conflict. If they were to put the “Are you better off today than 4 years ago” in front of folks as often as they do the “bad economy” meme the race on the Presidential level would be different AND so would the House and Senate races….the high tide rasing all boats. x
AlphaBitch : CL: I have to admit, I lubs me some nuns. Sister power! They do all the work, the Pope gets all the glory. I’d fight for the Sisters of the Incarnate Word here – they are wonderful, remarkable people. I’m very proud to know them, and have them know me in my Biffness. x
choicelady : FC – I maintain these pseudo Christians are actually Old Testamentarians for whom Jesus is just the ‘get out of jail free’ card. They now say, what with the end of the world coming and all, that what Jesus taught in the Beatitudes is ” x
AlphaBitch : I think we should send the Mittens a “WWBD” bracelet. x
foodchain : There was a group that called out Mitt for not caring for those among us needing help; it is a Christian calling. Perhaps not a Bain/Capitalisti c calling. And where does Christ fit? x
choicelady : AB – oh wow those are marvelous people! The former head of the AZ Council of Churches was, I think, Methodist. He just retired – stood right up to Jan Brewer et al. GOOD people! x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL- those are wonderful. I will copy and paste later. x
Sabreen60 : KQ, the “bad economy” was part of a rant I did on the Obama Diary. You are correct, both the left and the right talk about how bad the economy is as though we are still losing 750,000 jobs a month. Another point is that there are over 30 states with less than 8% unemployment rate. Of course, those states with high unemployment increases the overall number. The MSM never reports on individual states unemployment rates. The MSM is useless. x
choicelady : Murph – yes! It is a great slogan. I also love UCC’s “Wherever you are on the journey of life, you are welcome here.” They have several great slogans my fave of which is “Don’t put a period where God only put a comma.” The author (credited) is Gracie Allen. Although they are NOT remotely literalists, another is “If you have trouble getting up Sunday morning, try rising from the dead.” x
AlphaBitch : CL: We called ourselves “Social justice CAtholics without the bother of Pope”. Or at least I called them that. x
AlphaBitch : CL: My church had the best pastors ever – a husband and wife team -John Flowers and Karen Vannoy. Now in Phoenix, but Karen is at conference. They ministered to the homeless. Someone once remarked it smelled like urine, and John said: “I know! Smells like Jesus and the people HE would have worked with!” which made me so happy. x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL send on the Mo. info too….. x
choicelady : Murph – will get the info to you, though we have a companion group there in MO who ALSO needs help. x
choicelady : AdLib – where you going? Are you taking all the booze, too? x
foodchain : Choice; dog agility class and I was not agile. Bang went me on one knee. x
choicelady : AB – GREAT!!!!! Too bad the nationl went so lousy… x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL Methodists: Open Hands, Open Hearts, Open Minds…best church slogan of the decade. x
AlphaBitch : CL: our church was one of the reconciling ministries. x
AlphaBitch : Speaking of popping, it’s past ten and I’m a tenner so not long for this world. It was fun as always. x
choicelady : FC – what happened to your knee? Only thing I know is ice and rest. Did that once. That’s all that helped. x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL- if you can think of a way to get the info to me I might be able to help….per Ad Lib would be fine…. x
choicelady : AB – most of my members are Methodist. Bush and Cheney and even NEWT was. Newt lived at the Methodist building when first in Congress. They have a huge sign from their 1907 declaration of support for organized labor next to the elevator. He demanded they take it down. They smiled and told him he was free to live elsewhere. There are Methodists. And then there are METHODISTS!!!!! We represent the latter. x
foodchain : Ad, unless something goes very wrong-+-I think he might have it x
AdLib : KQ – One note before I pop away, I agree 100%, Obama will use the Dem convention to launch a positive campaign focused on all he plans to do in his 2nd term. Meanwhile, on a dual track, his SuperPAC will keep hammering Romney since you can’t have just them hammering Obama. x
AlphaBitch : FC, sometimes it’s nice to just kick back and play…. x
foodchain : Anyone have bad knee bruise advice? x
KQµårk 死神 : One meme that really bugs me and some Dems buy this too is they keep talking about how bad the economy is too. But when we ask ourselves the ultimate question are we better off than four years ago the answer should be fuck yeah. People just forget what 2008 was like. People thought a third of the country could be on breadlines. Not only is that now true we are doing a heck of allot better than huge parts of the global economy like the Eurozone. x
foodchain : while everything is so very serious, this is the best time I;ve had today x
SueInCa : BRB Sister is moving too and she is here for our left over boxes x
choicelady : Murph – no, but AdLib does. It’s not just my organization but so many doing good things but in NON flashy ways. I once asked the Op Ed editor of the SF Chronicle why they never printed our stuff, and they said we were liberal so it was ‘predictable and boring’. I asked if it would help if I smacked Jerry Falwell across the chops, and he said, “It’d be a start.” Rational action and behavior don’t make news. Even though we’ve openly defied so many conventions – standing for marriage equality, opposing the Dominionists, etc. – we just don’t make news because even the bad stuff is ignored. And the “bus” thingy has already been done… x
foodchain : Well I know it’s a coffee liquor; I was afraid someone had made it a state of mind
AlphaBitch : FC: No dear one. It’s a coffee liquor. figure I might as well be awake if I’m typing… x
foodchain : Kahlua is a place? x
AlphaBitch : FC: He’s gone for the Kahlua. I want a white Russian. x
KQµårk 死神 : Absolutely CL. Having someone who believes that with their finger on the button is frightening. x
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- welcome….I refer to your work on the dominionist strains in many groups often…. x
foodchain : Ad, Where aare you going and where can we send supplies? x
AlphaBitch : Now now, CL – don’t belittle the Methodones. Cheney “is” one. x
choicelady : ADLib – we’ll leave some sangria for you. x
SueInCa : Thanks Murph it is nice to know the article is getting good use x
choicelady : Sue – I agree with Murph. Digging into the beliefs is important when said beliefs are driving the candidate’s agenda. Hey – you’re a Methodist? Who cares. Boring. You’re a member of a faith that really believes some apocalyptic things, and that includes Dominionism, then we, the people have the right to KNOW that. x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL- you mentioned that your organization is starved for cash….do we know the name of it…. x
AlphaBitch : I had tom tartoonies. x
SueInCa : KQ You may be right. I have not seen alot of news lately but now that I am moved I should be able to get back in the know. x
KQµårk 死神 : I only had tee martoonies AdLib. x
foodchain : Choice, right your are and good company/fami;y x
MurphTheSurf3 : AB- yes, I have used it in a number of places. x
AlphaBitch : The only way to scare the roaches is to turn on the lights. Or something poetic like that… x
AdLib : BRB…and don”t drink all the booze while I’m gone! x
KQµårk 死神 : Sue I think Obama’s campaign will pivot during the convention and focus more on moving forward. The Obama campaign just wants to ding Romney as much as they can this summer. I think they want a summer knockout like Rove and col. did against Kerry. x
SueInCa : It is a problem Murph and I am really surprised some surrogate has not approached the issue. Maybe if Wright is dragged out this will be too x
choicelady : FC, AB, KQ – definitely do NOT make shows like Newhart, Cheers, etc. anymore. I always wondered how the actor playing Larry managed not to laugh at all he said. x
AlphaBitch : Murph – that was an amazing article. I had learned about that years earlier from a masseuse in CO. x
SueInCa : KQ is that sign your name in Japanese? x
AlphaBitch : The first grown up quad birth, here on the Planet! x
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- just saw that you were with us….mentioned you earlier as the source of a fine article on the White Horse Prophecy that I have been recommending to those raising concerns about mormon triumphalism. x
AlphaBitch : Oh, our poor Momma! But lucky us – now we are quads! x
foodchain : or gents x
KQµårk 死神 : LOL those two would be my favorites. x
foodchain : I’m in ladies! x
choicelady : FC and AB – make it triplets because I love it, too! x
foodchain : Choice , it was a very good line. Can still see them with the sack and gun x
SueInCa : KQ I did not think of that but you are right and the Dems need to highlight the foreign policy deficit as a major weakness x
AlphaBitch : So KQ – does that mean “Ican see Russia from my house” or “I’m a Cuban refugee”? x
choicelady : foodchain – LOL!!! I’d TOTALLY forgotten that amazingly awful line! GREAT! x
foodchain : AB I’m short and not young but willing x
SueInCa : Yep she is not one to sit back and not be a fool x
KQµårk 死神 : AB I thought it was going to be Pawlenty for a long time but with Romneyshambles in Europe I think he needs someone with a little more foreign policy. It’s really amazing how Repugs have all but given running on national defense or security this time. x
foodchain : Who would have belived that Palin Power would last this long? x
AlphaBitch : FC: I loved the old Newhart shows! We ARE twins! x
choicelady : AB – yes indeed – what ARE they going to do with Sister Sarah? Now one horrible scary thought arises – I think Romney COULD see his way with Michelle because he’s SUCH a misogynist he’d never dream she’d one up him. And man – she makes Sarah look wise, so that’d be fine with me. x
AlphaBitch : Sue: or come roaring in on a Harley or driven by a Nascar guy. x
foodchain : Old Bob Newhart show with Larry, Larry and Darryl: “Women, can’t live with ’em, can’t stuff ’em in a sack” = Palin x
SueInCa : Sister Sarah or Bible Spice as I call her I think is going to make some kind of splash at the convention. Maybe drive to FL on that stupid bus x
AlphaBitch : They are being too coy with the “wikipedia rewrites up for Portman”. To me, it’s the “watch my right hand” manuever. x
KQµårk 死神 : AB that is the question right now. On one hand she’s a loose cannon but the teabaggers lover her. x
foodchain : Oh sister Sarah! They can’t put her down, can’t shut her up x
AlphaBitch : Ah, KQ. It’s one of the reasons I love you so! x
foodchain : Smile on Pauly, good series x
SueInCa : I like that KQ
AlphaBitch : WTF are they going to do w/ Sister Sarah? I bet she will have a much bigger role than people think. She’s a TP pacifier, and a base riler. x
KQµårk 死神 : You all are 29 to me.
SueInCa : I think it will be Portman but I also think it is the kiss of death x
AlphaBitch : FC: told you so! x
AlphaBitch : Sue – so who do you think it will be?? x
choicelady : KQ – you’re just a young’un! Happy Birthday though! Always better than the alternative I’m told… x
foodchain : Hahahaha, YES, he looks like Pauly x
SueInCa : KQ I saw that 9 years ago x
AlphaBitch : KQ; you just a baby, doll! x
SueInCa : I am with you AB that man has no sense of what he really portrays and Portman is a Bush budget reject. WTH is the right thinking? x
KQµårk 死神 : I’m hitting 50 in a couple weeks. x
foodchain : Liet me look up Pauly Walnuts
choicelady : AB – I agree he has to be bold or be toast, but I think his ego won’t permit a bold pick. So – he’s toast all the while thinking he’s winning on his magnificent personality. x
KQµårk 死神 :
AB did not know that. x
AlphaBitch : Anyone think Mittens looks like Pauly Walnuts? x
AlphaBitch : CL: Correctomundo! Legal does NOT = moral. x
foodchain : AB I think the news is shifting a little to not look like the goat in all this. Good for us x
AlphaBitch : I’m starting to think I don’t trust those blue eyed pols – like Bachmann, Steve King and Paul Ryan. Something scary in their glare. x
choicelady : FActcheck misses the point – the ad is not asserting illegality or personal benefit to Romney but that his Modus Operandi is getting tax avoidance for corporations. That it’s LEGAL is even worse – it means he and they are utterly capable of obtaining favorable laws that put the taxation burden on families and not on those MAKING all the income. That is a hugely important view of the world that deserves to be exposed. “Perfectly Legal” is also “Utterly Immoral”. x
AlphaBitch : KQ: Eddie is Marty Stuart, the country star. Love him, but always chuckle when I see him thinking “Eddie Muenster”. I”m 60 BTW x
foodchain : Ryan has a hairline that comes pretty close to his nose;;;;but I love a bald man x
AlphaBitch : Makes me want to start a journalism school . x
KQµårk 死神 : AB I call him Eddie Munster but that shows my age. x
foodchain : NEWSROOM is TERRIFIC x
AlphaBitch : Is it Ryan’s widow peak? Cuz his plan would sure make a lot of widows! x
foodchain : Choice, Yeah. Mine are all here and I have to find my place to keep them close but not so close. x
KQµårk 死神 : I would love for Romney to pick Ryan but that ain’t gonna happen. He would upstage Romney way too much. x
AlphaBitch : FC: LOVE Newsroom! x
KQµårk 死神 : food I think it will be Portman because he’s the most boring pick. x
foodchain : Anyone think the MSM will change their evil ways before Nov? As in “Newsroom?” x
choicelady : FC – sorry you’re having unreliable allies, too. People always want to support what’s trendy or shiny – it’s important for all of us to honor the work each of us does instead of looking for another Magic Unicorn. x
KQµårk 死神 : I dunno fact checkers are as useless as the rest of the MSM these days. x
AlphaBitch : If he loses, he can blame it on the VP pick. x
foodchain : But Portman is not a strong pick either. He’s damned by his shiftiness x
AlphaBitch : Disagree. He’s got to go bold or be toast. x
choicelady : AB – I think Romney can’t tolerate anyone who’d take his thunder. Not for him a Palin – I think it’s going to be someone very bland. Two Boring White Guys. x
AlphaBitch : KQ: I do keep track. My money is my protest. I sometimes find out things that make me sad, but I try. Costco is true blue. x
KQµårk 死神 : AB I think it will be Portman especially after this week because Romney is just too timid to make a bold pick. x
Sabreen60 : BRB x
Sabreen60 : KQ, I agree. But what I don’t understand is why Factcheck.org is slamming PBO for this ad. x
choicelady : Sue – awesome! You really ARE settled in! x
KQµårk 死神 : AB I gotta admit I can’t keep track of all the businesses I should be boycotting. Face it 90% of big businesses are run by conservatives who are not worth anyone’s patronage but what can you do. x
foodchain : CL Real friends are something. Been doing a bit of that here. Shifting sands x
AlphaBitch : I have a bad feeling about the VP nomination. I sense a big freakin’ surprise coming. x
AlphaBitch : OK, AdLib – Portman or not?? x
AlphaBitch : What, me worry? I lie instead! x
foodchain : It is GREAT. The way the R floats into the money is great. the Alfred E Newman–It’s a keeper x
AlphaBitch : I also don’t buy any Vanity Fair paper products, Brawny paper towels, etc. Nor do I buy Exxon, like it makes a whit of difference in their profitability. But I sleep better. x
choicelady : AB – will do. I’m just exhausted trying to make people pay attention to who their REAL friends are. The nuns are great. But they have no financial worries – we do. NO one pays attention to us until we’re gone! x
SueInCa : CL I have time to be here so you know we busted a move. My craft room/office is all set up x
AdLib : FC – Thanks, it’s now one of my favorite creations! Alfred E. Romney. x
AlphaBitch : It’s why I don’t stay – or won’t stay – at a Marriott. x
AlphaBitch : So sorry to hear of your troubles, CL! Send me an email – ask AdLib to pass along my address. x
SueInCa : I hear you Food and I am gonna be at the door watching as they fall into the lake of fire x
KQµårk 死神 : As Rachel said tonight Romney’s main hobby was tax avoidance. x
choicelady : Sue – how goes the move?? x
choicelady : Sabreen – thanks for the link! I’m out of the loop. x
foodchain : Sue, GOd must be soooo waiting for these a hoes x
SueInCa : Uh oh KQ another scandal? Romney is a man of many talents x
KQµårk 死神 : Sabreen Romney was on on the audit board of Marriott so he was part of the oversight group that was directly responsible to make sure they complied with the tax laws. x
SueInCa : Food I am laughing my ass off. Anyone who listened to the full unedited sermon knew exactly what he was talking about. Hubby and I have a saying. After some patriotic or rah rah American thing on TV We say And Only in America. You know like God Bless America – Only America x
foodchain : Hey Ad Good to be here x
AdLib : Hey Foodchain! x
choicelady : AB – we have written letter to the editor, Op Eds, blogs and tried to do interviews – no one cares. And the WORST is that I’ve been very proactive in protecting Catholic rights in health care etc. – and they slap ME in the face by being AMAZED we even HAVE values. One friend asked, “Really?” when I described our beliefs. REALLY? YES REALLY!!! EVeryone is rushing to the nuns on the bus whose leader, Sr. Simone Campbell I know well. But do THEY actually DEFEND women’s rights and GLBT rights and marriage equality? NO. But they’re the new darlings because the Vatican is hounding them. Well they do good stuff – but they’re rolling in dough while MY organization teeters on the brink of closing permanently from insufficient support – and we are the ones getting in the RW face and taking the heat, NOT the nuns. x
foodchain : Ad, your pic for mitt in the new article is terrific x
Sabreen60 : Hi Sue x
foodchain : Sue Wright vs LDS. That’s prime time x
AlphaBitch : Exactly, KQ. And it’s in one of their books (maybe the Book of Abraham or their D&C). Still trying to learn more about it. x
SueInCa : Hey Adlib x
SueInCa : OH my word not even close bud. Wright against the crazy LDS? x
AdLib : Hey Sue! x
Sabreen60 : CL Here’s a link explaining the ad. Evidently there is some controversy about whether Romney personally was involved in the tax scheme. I have not seen the ad, but I will look for it on Youtube. «link» x
AlphaBitch : Yum, Sue. Me too! Nothing like it. Having some tomorrow morning. x
KQµårk 死神 : Yup AB and fundamental Christian’s know while they cozy up to right wingers in Israel they really want Israel to ignite into a million degree crucible to start the end times. x
SueInCa : AB I love bacon x
AlphaBitch : No that was told to me that IF the Dems make fun of LDS, the Rs will counter with Wright. Bring it on. x
SueInCa : Oh Jesus Jesus they are going after Wright again? Well morons are now fair game too x
AlphaBitch : I know, CL. and I agree. x
choicelady : Sue – I’d expect he’d show it clean, pressed, and unworn. x
foodchain : Hey choice. And Sue too! x
choicelady : AB – Jeremiah Wright is old stuff, there are three clips, all worn out with over playing, and he is a mainstream Congregationalis t whose occasional lapses are hardly news anymore. Let ’em play the tapes. x
AlphaBitch : Did someone say “bacon”? x
SueInCa : Ugh CL I don’t want to see his dirty underwear x
KQµårk 死神 : Hear! Hear! CL x
SueInCa : Hello everyone. Been out of the loop for a couple days what’s shakin bacon? x
choicelady : Hey FC! I think Mitt owes it to us to show his underwear and explain it. x
AlphaBitch : And it also is why Israel figures so prominently. I hope U.S. Jewish populations is more informed….and doesn’t put Israel first. Worries me though. x
foodchain : I think we need visuals on the underware. x
choicelady : AB – DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THE WAR ON RELIGION. I have been screaming til blue faced that NO one is paying attention to the REAL war which is on NON Catholics paying taxes to support religiously-spon sored institutions and who work for same. WE are being deprived of our religious values that call for care for creation, stewardship of the earth without over population, for strong families and marital intimacy – those are OUR values, and NO ONE CARES. x
AlphaBitch : KQ: I think the description of him as a psychopath is spot on. x
AdLib : The meme is that it is rude to even discuss the Mormon religion with regards to Romney but if the POTUS believes in magic underwear and the necessity of keeping it on at all costs, the rest of his allegiances to other nonsensical dogma is critical. x
AlphaBitch : KQ – take the time to google a few things. There are some ex-Mormon sites that are positively fascinating. The right told me that if we attack Mormonism, they will counter with Jeremiah Wright. At least he’s understandable! Magic panties and dead God and star Kolob not so much… x
KQµårk 死神 : CL his sense of entitlement is just astonishing to me. He really can’t see the real world through his whole ego. x
foodchain : HEY AB! x
KQµårk 死神 : Actually AB that reminds me we can’t talk about Romney’s Mormon religion too. I admit I’m wildly ignorant about Mormonism but if it produces people like Romney that’s a terrible example. x
AlphaBitch : HEY HEY FC! x
foodchain : hey everyone x
choicelady : AB – how does lying in the Mormon faith differ from “mental reservation”? x
foodchain : false prophets in phunny underware x
AlphaBitch : Sabreen: it’s allowed. Also they believe (like Muslims) that if people argue against you, it only proves you are right. Nice set up. x
choicelady : Oh KQ – we can talk endlessly about how bad Obama is and how this mystical Romney will SAVE THE WORLD. Accountability? That’s for little people. x
AlphaBitch : KQ – only O’s shortcomings, of course. AND his “war on religion”. Beware false prophets, my friends. x
Sabreen60 : AB, I have wondered about Mitt’s lying and what other Mormons think about it. x
choicelady : Sabreen – I missed that on Rachel, but I don’t actually know what the Son of Boss ad is. Can anyone enlighten me? I’ve been up to my eyebrows in meetings etc. and am paying NO attention. x
AlphaBitch : Get back to WHERE ARE THE TAXES?? That’s a winner. Combine with Kolob and magic panties. x
KQµårk 死神 : Now let’s see Romney does not want to talk about Bain, his taxes, his time as Gov of MA, income inequality. WTF can we talk about? x
choicelady : OK AB – I’m definitely NOT converting! x
AlphaBitch : KQ; Keeping with the Mormon issue – they believe it is all right to lie! Perfectly OK to keep the secrets and guard against outside influence. x
Sabreen60 : KQ et al, I happened to turn on Rachel and her theory is that all this outrage from the Romney camp over the Soptic ad is really a distraction to get people to look away from the Son of Boss ad. x
AlphaBitch : Over, CL. Which just makes it hotter. x
MurphTheSurf3 : AB- the interpretive role of mullahs, ayatollahs is very important which is why there are so many divisions in the community of believers. x
KQµårk 死神 : Romney is the same guy who started this campaign with a big lie. Remember he not only spliced Obama’s words together but Obama was quoting McCAIN. x
choicelady : AB – just went on Mormon Curtain and saw. Looks uncomfy. Do you wear it OVER conventional underwear or what? x
AlphaBitch : Agreed, KQ. What a putz. x
AlphaBitch : I read one nurse’s report of having to care for post surgical Mormons, and how they would – when given the OK – shower, but keep one foot in the magic undies and then switch feet so as to not allow no non-undie moment. x
Sabreen60 : This whole underwear conversation is fascinating.
AdLib : Hey Sabreen! x
KQµårk 死神 : I’ll tell you I knew Romney was thin skinned in interviews but I can’t believe how he can’t take a political punch. I meant the Soptic ad didn’t even show on TV. Seriously how is this guy going to be able to stand up to the likes of Putin. x
AlphaBitch : Two piece, CL. My, my. Someone is just beggin’ for some temple garments! x
AlphaBitch : Murph – I think they regard the mullahs and ayatollahs as “enforcers” and “interpreters” , not prophets. x
choicelady : Are the women’s step in or like slips? x
AlphaBitch : Sabreen! x
KQµårk 死神 : Hi Sabreen we missed you too. x
choicelady : Hi SAbreen! x
MurphTheSurf3 : AB- they use the word prophet but I think that the work of Ayatollah’s is much the same x
AlphaBitch : Nope, CL – on all of ’em. Perhaps I can snag you a pair for that special Valentine’s Day evening apparel! They have cap sleeves on the women’s and come to the knees. Google it – you can find drawings. x
choicelady : AB – I’m not sure the underwear is to protect from evil but from being snatched by the divvil – he will get hold of the underwear, you slide out and are free. So the symbols are all new to me. x
Sabreen60 : Hi folks – missed not being here last week. x
AlphaBitch : Murph: Don’t LDS believe in modern day prophets? That’s is so unlike Islam. x
choicelady : AB – WHY, for God’s sakes – WHY??? What do the symbols mean and are they on ALL the magic underwear or just the men’s? x
AlphaBitch : the magic undies may protect from evil (who am I to say they don’t?) but they obviously don’t protect from stupidity. x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….the LDS have a very odd patchwork faith history- like Islam it is one man’s expression of religious understanding and has not had a true reform in its history….all troubling…. x
choicelady : AdLib – clearly we are headed downhill on the slippery slope of REALLY BAD PUNS TONIGHT! x
AlphaBitch : There is a Star Trek like V over the right, some symbol I can’t remember above the left, a navel – and then marks over the knees. x
AdLib : AB – As for symbols, I know there’s a fly on the magic underwear. x
choicelady : AB – there are symbols on the u-trou? What are they? x
choicelady : KQ – Sugar Ray retweeted that?!!!! FANTASTIC!!! Beautifully said, and what a superb link you just made! x
AlphaBitch : Fight like you think you are going to lose, I say. Although I think Team O has it head and shoulders above Ham and Fehrwhatever. So I am optimistic, but not overly so. x
choicelady : ADLib – No – I do NOT think Romney can win. Therefore the issues of voter supression suddenly get huge. Murph – I do know that the deep roots of Mormon are very odd. I have enough trouble with the burning bush on Sinai – do NOT ask me to believe the Book of Mormon was brought by a flaming slamander. As a Christian (Protestant) who works for a large faith organization promoting social justice, I am NOT bound to believe anything doctrinal and don’t. And it mystifies me when people do. KOLUB? Wow. x
AlphaBitch : Always good to not believe the hype, KQ. Makes us work harder. x
KQµårk 死神 : You know me AdLib the better things look for Obama and the Dems the more nervous I get about the election. x
AlphaBitch : Who knows the secret symbols on the magic underwear? I do! x
AdLib : Hey KQ! x
AlphaBitch : Cool! x
KQµårk 死神 : I just had my day made on Twitter. I Tweeted “With all of Romney’s crying it’s the ‘No Más Fight’ all over again but this time Obama is Sugar Ray Leonard and Romney is Roberto Durán.” And the great boxer Sugar Ray Leonard retweeted it. x
choicelady : AB – I once met a prochoice, Puerto Rican Mormon which means I don’t have a clue what they’re all about. x
choicelady : Hey KQ – great to see you! x
AlphaBitch : Gas prices worry me, AdLib x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL and AB I have referred a dozen people to articles at the Planet re. the LDS crowd, especially Sue’s White Horse Prophecy article, as they raised questions about the impact of Mormon belief- all based on their sense that their is something amiss in him. x
AlphaBitch : Hey KQ! x
AdLib : So the dog days of Summer have also been the dog on the car roof days of summer for Romney. It is hard to find precedent for a poor campaigner like Romney being behind in Summer and coming back against a well-liked incumbent President like Obama. Do you think Romney can win this in the few months left? x
AlphaBitch : That’s reassuring, CL. Good on ’em. x
KQµårk 死神 : Hey folks. x
choicelady : AB – I know some great Mormons who are voting for Obama. I’m sworn to secrecy (don’t ask – I won’t tell) but they believe in justice and equality and think Romney is horrific. And I doubt they’re totally focused on Kolub either… x
choicelady : Murph – Oh I’d forgotten the Monty Python send up! x
AlphaBitch : Had some real staunch Repubs admit that if more people knew about Mormonism and some of its stranger beliefs, NO ONE would vote for Romney except other Mormons. x
choicelady : AB – I think we match dates of origin, but my family lore says Mayflower. We froze. You boiled. We all survived. Sorry about the slave legacy, but rising above it and fighting injustice matters. I can’t abide those in denial – oh, that was soooo long ago, what does it matter. CARING and assuring equality counts does make a difference now! That’s you. x
AlphaBitch : Murph: Thank you kindly. I will click on the link. I’m a little slow tonight…. x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL I just passed on the Moore code to AB….a Monty Python moment x
AlphaBitch : Oh guys – I’m working on my family history. It’s pretty cool, and I quality for DAR since my family was here since 1635. One of the old ones has a letter from Geo. Washington – with whom he worked on the constitutional convention. Never knew this before. Sad thing, wills referenced their tobacco plantations in VA and deeding over slaves to heirs. Sigh. It’s no wonder I’m messed up. x
choicelady : AdLib – so besides losing a/c – what else is going wrong down there? I hope you’re OK? x
MurphTheSurf3 : AB- Moore is a great bit from Monty Python making fun of the Robin Hood Tradition. Quite funny and so Python. x
choicelady : AB – at least you had parents with foresight. I can’t imagine how awful that was. Canned ham for days? No WONDER you cannot abide Karl who so distinctly resembles one. Eeeuuuwww/ x
AlphaBitch : I had a strong daddy and best friend and a hard working momma who had put water in every available tupperware container for days before the storm. We had canned hams (Rove) and fruit cups for days. x
choicelady : AB and Murph – this heat plus that humidity I think is a recipe for growing tobacco, not for human habitation. x
choicelady : AB – I heard anyone involved in Corpus Christi in Celia was in total misery. YOU, girl, are a SURVIVOR!!! Yikes! x
AlphaBitch : Ad: Just thank the stars (Kolob) you are not in MO. x
AlphaBitch : Yeah, Murph – who is Dennis Moore? Dare I click the link??? x
AdLib : Hey CL! We’ve had a few other things go awry too because of the heat. x
AlphaBitch : I was in Corpus Christi (we called it “carcass crispy”) when Celia hit in 1970. Spent weeks lying in bed with a washrag and a bowl of water beside the bed. The cloth covered the bits. Helped some, but I’m at least a 20th century girl. That’s for sure. x
choicelady : Biff! I’d know you anywhere – kvetching about the heat and everything. How ARE you now your a/c is back? Ugh – how awful for you! x
choicelady : Ummmm Murph? who the HELL is Dennis Moore? x
AlphaBitch : CHOICE! M’lady! It’s me, Biff. x
choicelady : Hi everyone – clearly the heat is getting to one and all. At the MOMENT my a/c works, but since over the past two months virtually every system in my house has died, well…but for now – howdy all! x
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…that is in the third verse….haha x
AdLib : Murph – “He takes from the poor and gives to the rich, stupid bitch!” x
AlphaBitch : Mine went out too last Saturday night. I pitched a fit. Turns out, it had just “frozen up” and shutting everything off allowed it to “heal”. Got to sleep at 2AM. YIKES. I’m a tenner. x
MurphTheSurf3 : If you want to hear it and see it: «link» x
MurphTheSurf3 : Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore Galloping through the sward Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore And his horse Concorde He steals from the rich And gives to the poor Mr. Moore, Mr. Moore, Mr. Moore Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore Riding through the night; Soon every lupin in the land Will be in his mighty hand; He steals them from the rich; And gives them to the poor- Mr. Moore, Mr. Moore, Mr. Moore Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore Dum dum dum the night Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore…..Romney Hood lyrics still to come x
AdLib : A/C went out yesterday, a long night indeed. It’s back up today! x
AlphaBitch : You still thinking Portman is “the one”? x
AlphaBitch : Sweatin’ to the moldies, Ad. x
AdLib : Hey AB? How are you this warm evening? x
AlphaBitch : Romney crap. x
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” or “Romney Hood” when you arrive. x
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. See you then! x
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