AdLib : Rafalka!
SallyT : Cheerio
AdLib : Cheers!
SallyT : You have a great weekend, too. Thanks for the evening!
SallyT : LOL, it was, I guess.
AdLib : That had to be very uncomfortable.
SallyT : He’ll have to tell you about it sometime. He loves to tell about being on a military plane for 13 and half hours.
AdLib : Time to set off the fireworks in the backyard now! Sleep well and have a great weekend Sally!
AdLib : Enjoyed watching it with you as well, Sally! Very cool about Mr. T playing for the USO. What a night, really a treat!
SallyT : The USA flag barer was from Oregon!
SallyT : AdLib, I appreciate that you stayed with me through all. Mr T gets up each day at 2:30 am. It tries to stay up on Fridays but he seldom does. He woke up when Paul came on. Mr. T was in a band for many years. Went on a USO tour and everything. Anyway, he said he was glad I had a boyfriend on line to watch with me since he couldn’t. You don’t mind being my boyfriend for the night, I hope?
SallyT : No kidding!
AdLib : Well, that was quite a long but mostly remarkable event…aside from Costas’ ass kissing of Romney.
AdLib : Ringo performs a bit down here with his All Stars.
SallyT : Paul loves to perform. Ringo, not so much.
AdLib : Yep, he’s seemed to hold up pretty well but not so much tonight. Still, I’ll bet he’s enjoying it all.
SallyT : Yes. And, this is the first I have seen him really showing it.
AdLib : Man…that’s a bit sobering.
AdLib : He is 70.
AdLib : Him.
SallyT : Is it him or the sound equipment?
AdLib : Paul’s a bit shaky…
AdLib : Hey…it does! Ending with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon? They’ve hit my target!
SallyT : ADLIB That Looks Like Your Hair!
SallyT : So, did he have to run in place until the commercial was done?
AdLib : Stay tuned…and watch more commercials. Cha-ching!
SallyT : The guy is running in with the torch and they go to commercial?
SallyT : Right.
AdLib : I know about that, as I mentioned, “stated” dogma. That doesn’t mean anything about the reality.
SallyT : It is still practiced.
SallyT : AdLib, there are so many polygamy families is SLC. You wouldn’t believe it. They have these giant houses. You know them from that alone.
SallyT : Yes, that is really cool.
AdLib : Cool bike birds, yes?
AdLib : Yep, Mormons may have removed the polygamy and racist elements from their stated dogma but they remain chauvinist and racist in general as a religion…thoug h of course there are many individuals who are neither.
SallyT : AdLib, the men are real domineering. You are looked down on if your wife is working. The church doesn’t like it.
SallyT : AdLib, Mormons don’t think women should have the right to vote. Really. I worked with a lot of them in SLC and all the women told me that their husbands didn’t like them working but they liked the money. They didn’t want them to have a real career, tho.
AdLib : It’s just a way for him to distance himself from being the elitist snob he really is, I don’t believe him about that or anything.
SallyT : But, a true Mormon wouldn’t like his wife out shining him. She should be home and waiting for him to call and make sure he has clean shirts.
SallyT : Romney is such a jerk. Saying he won’t be watching his wife’s horse! My husband would drop everything to be with me if I had a horse in the Olympics. Hell, he would if I had a horse in the 4H!
AdLib : Yep, and the propaganda about how he “saved” the US Olympics??? Yeah…with $1.2 billion of taxpayer money!
SallyT : ERK Romney and Ann!
SallyT : Not communism. Socialism economics. The New Deal was seen as that.
AdLib : Eventually, I think it will happen. Unfortunately, people are far to willing to accept a gradual loss of rights and economic fairness…but when it becomes unbearable, there will be an uprising. Who knows when that will happen?
AdLib : Yep, typical pig. Once he cashed in hugely, only then does he want the economy not to be destroyed by TBTF…to protect the money he has!
SallyT : The younger generation around the world aren’t afraid of socialism.
SallyT : AdLib, I don’t know if it will happen, but I really think that the people of the world are going to turn against these banks and force us into more of a socialist attitude about such things. Just a feeling but I know it would be impossible probably.
SallyT : Did you see where that jerk that worked to get Glass-Seagal over turned back when they drugged Clinton (lol) to sign it. Now he says we should put it back! Really! AHOLE!
AdLib : They are a cancer in the global economy. Deadly.
SallyT : Goldman Sachs is evil!
AdLib : Goldman Sachs is hugely responsible for helping Greece defraud the EU to hide debt and get accepted in…then they deafulted when the BS couldn’t withstand the global crash.
SallyT : Thanks to the crooked banks.
AdLib : Spain, Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, the list is only growing.
SallyT : Here you go, AdLib, Portman is the guy: «link»
SallyT : Wow, that field is getting crowded!
SallyT : LOL, so true but Spain has the Euro. Or they don’t have much of it anymore……
AdLib : The UK isn’t doing so well either and look at this extravaganza.
SallyT : Isn’t it funny, they have the Queen of Spain waving away and the country is about tits up.
AdLib : Not sure about that.
SallyT : Isn’t that Portman got some bill to stop government shut down? Or is that someone else? I can look it up but you probably know.
AdLib : Yep, the Blue Collar Ticket against The Corporate Millionaire Ticket. What kind of idjits want the greedy bastards controlling their economy?
SallyT : He will look like a rich aHole up against Biden’s tax returns. Biden is not rich and doesn’t care who knows it
AdLib : Portman will have to release at least 2 years tax returns. I’m sure he’s into all kinds of problematic things. And though OH is a swing state, Portman is not very beloved there and won’t help Romney much there…but being from OH helps his case.
SallyT : Oh is a swing state, too.
SallyT : I hope he has money overseas.
SallyT : If he won’t, wow, could we make a lot out of that!
SallyT : Wow, two ultimately rich guys! Will he release his tax returns?
AdLib : Boehner likes skin the color of copper. Still, I think that’s the more likely choice.
SallyT : BoneHead likes Portman: «link»
AdLib : Pawlenty is so lame, he dropped out before the first primary contest and was too cowardly to take on Romney in person. He’d wilt in a debate with Biden. I say Portman is most likely.
AdLib : In appearance and manner, Portman is very bland. He’s also incredibly wealthy and was Bush’s Budget Director. A perfect fit for Romney and a perfect nightmare ticket to run against.
SallyT : Pawlenty is a nerd.
SallyT : I can’t stand Jindal!
SallyT : Is Portman bland?
AdLib : Jindal is also the one who signed a bill to push evolution aside in LA schools.
AdLib : Jindal is a possibility but he would get his tail whipped on the campaign trail and in a debate with Biden. Also, his base would be happier with a wealthy white man like Portman. Still, could happen but it would take attention away from Romney and as unattractive as he is, I think he wants a bland VP who won’t overshadow him.
SallyT : He is the one that said, “We don’t care what they say in foreign papers. We only care about the votes here.” Cute….
SallyT : That Jindal has been out on the trail campaigning like hell for him.
AdLib : Palin would no longer be the young “hot” VP fantasy for Repubs and she’d go nuts…more nuts. But no way, an unknown AG from FL is a Palin flashback and they absolutely wouldn’t take such a huge risk. I think Portman and Pawlenty are the two most likely picks.
SallyT : Oh, and AdLib, would Palin get jealous!! She would stomp up a fit!
AdLib : I remember her from a story about her doing Rick Scott’s bidding to file against Obamacare. Otherwise, she’s an unknown and a Repub tool. As I said, Romney’s camp is throwing out BS like her, Condi Rice, Rubio, etc. when they know full well they want a “safe” choice…especia lly with Romney so disliked.
SallyT : They do tend to go for the pretty to get the rednecks excited.
SallyT : I hadn’t seen her before, had you?
AdLib : No way he’ll choose her and start the Palin alarms going off.
SallyT : «link»
SallyT : Not to take you away from the Olympics but have you seen this:
AdLib : Yep, Bee Gees!
SallyT : Oh, I get it, the BeeGees
SallyT : Staying Alive????
SallyT : Romney got money in Denmark?
SallyT : You know, AdLib, if the Unions were as powerful as they once were, the Republicans would be for limiting money in elections.
SallyT : Yes, I think we have. Yellow jackets and Cuba?
AdLib : I think we’re caught up now, Croatia?
SallyT : I liked it!
SallyT : I did too and it was one I hadn’t seen before.
AdLib : Just saw an Obama ad!
AdLib : We’ll need a new majority in the SCOTUS before we have a prayer of limiting the money in politics.
SallyT : I have gotten 6 emails today to contribute. That Romney has beat in contributions for the last 2 months. I hate all this money! We could do so much with that money else where.
AdLib : Sally – Makes perfect sense. Many of the real competitors have been denied a full fledged childhood, practicing every day, having little social life. Now, on their own, with so many young people in one place, in great shape…man…th e people with the condom concession are going to be millionaires!
SallyT : I heard someone talking about it. Many of these young people, this is their first time away from home and parents. They are in close quarters. They have been in training for so long that they just have to have fun! Now, AdLib, when I was young, I probably would have been having “fun”, too
AdLib : Sally – There are so many contradictory polls out there, Dems sometimes like the ones slanted towards the Repubs because they fell it motivates Dems to contribute and get motivated. Even so, I don’t buy a Repub advantage on enthusiasm, up until this poll, it’s been the other way around in a big way for Dems.
SallyT : LOL, no they got more brought in, AdLib.
AdLib : We better prepare for a population boom internationally after the Olympics.
SallyT : I don’t know if I do either but it was on Rachel Maddow tonight and I didn’t catch all of it.
AdLib : Sally – That is one poll I don’t buy.
SallyT : There are some really attractive people there. I can see why they ran out of condoms.
SallyT : I saw a report tonight that in 2008 the Democrat enthusiastic at this time of the year was 68% and now it is only 39%. The Repukes was like 38% and now is 59%. We need to get excited!
AdLib : Indie voters though, who will decide this, aren’t rabid anti-Obama types. They will make a choice between Obama and ROmney and not liking Romney will move a majority into Obama’s column. The economy usually picks up in the Fall too so if that happens, the momentum really goes to Obama.
SallyT : You’re right. Many won’t even be voting for Romney but voting against Obama.
AdLib : The RW will try their best but all the money in the world can’t make people like Romney.
SallyT : I hope so! Don’t want another FL or OH.
AdLib : Sally, even so, I will bet it won’t be close enough for that to elect Romney. Obama leads strongly even today in enough swing states.
SallyT : No, I don’t think so unless they can suppress enough of the votes.
AdLib : In the end, will a majority elect a man they and the rest of the world find to be an ass? I don’t think so.
SallyT : I meant plain but he can’t talk plane either.
SallyT : He does, dosen’t he? The guy just can’t talk to the plane folks.
AdLib : He already has. Too late, as I watch the incredible production, I can’t help but think about what a jerk Romney looks like now and will tomorrow and on and on.
SallyT : Hey, Romney is going to really be back tracking on London and the Olympics after this.
SallyT : No kidding!
AdLib : Man, how long is this??? Amazing, the amount of production!
SallyT : Don’t waste your time, I ain’t noughin to look at.
AdLib : I’ll look for you.
SallyT : I’m in a commercial…..
AdLib : I’m in the 80’s Sally, catching up!
SallyT : Okay, AdLib, I have to live through commercials so you are going to catch me!
SallyT : Good night, Murph. Have enjoyed you and your input!
AdLib : Same here, Murph! Enjoyed it!
MurphTheSurf3 : Goodnight Sally and Ad Lib…..great sharing the evening with you, even if in different time zones.
SallyT : Bernard Lee
AdLib : Stones – Satisfactiion.
AdLib : My Generation – The Who
AdLib : Sally, no problem, one or two more commercial breaks and I’ll have caught up with you.
SallyT : Stay as cool as you can, Murph!
AdLib : Murph – Sorry about that, hope your garden hangs in there! Do we have to have the country dehydrated before the RW accepts Climate Change? Have a great weekend!
SallyT : Murph, I saw that you are in for a couple of real hot days this weekend. It is in the low 70’s here.
SallyT : I’d wait for you, AdLib, but I can’t stop mine.
MurphTheSurf3 : Well…to bed. I have been wrestling with the drought and the day after day of record heat to keep my garden alive. Day by day a little more of it dies. It has been productive but it is really taking it out of me…dead tired. Putting up shading every day, hand watering every day, pruning in the evening etc. Woooof!
AdLib : Sally, I’m catching up, flipping past the commercial breaks on Tivo.
SallyT : 80’s
AdLib : Murph – That would be a lot of fun, please do!
MurphTheSurf3 : Well…this has been a great night…perhaps I will get motivated to do a short “review” of the opening ceremony from my anglophile point of view.
AdLib : Murph – Yep, it is extraordinary for her to have participated in such a bit, she has endeared herself more and more over recent years in a concerted effort. Very appreciated.
SallyT : Get ready, AdLib, lots of air guitars!
MurphTheSurf3 : AL And yet…she did…figurative ly speaking….with out her intro at Buckingham Palace and her interaction with Craig, it would never have worked. Don’t know how much you know about Elizabeth and her sense of propriety…but it is very, very, high….and for her to do this is extraordinarily gracious….no wonder she is loved.
SallyT : are at the 70’s
SallyT : We
AdLib : Mr. Bean at the keyboard.
SallyT : BEATLES!!!!
AdLib : Chariots of Fire right now. Which Kinks song?
SallyT : Kinks!
SallyT : Rolling Stones! Oh, the music of my youth!
AdLib : Murph – Yes, saw it a little bit ago, had to explain to my daughter The Queen didn’t really jump out of the helicopter.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…have you gotten to part involving James Bond and the Queen?
SallyT : Mitt is a Twit, Sabreen! But, have a good night!
AdLib : Night Sabreen! Mitt wins the gold at The Twit Olympics!
Sabreen60 : I just came back to say Good Night to everyone! Mitt is still the Twit.
AdLib : Murph – How forgettable are the Beijing OC in light of emotional and humanity infused OCs?
AdLib : Bond and Bean, you can’t go wrong. No Monty Python?
SallyT : Mr. Bean is on now.
AdLib : She loves Mary Poppins and The Beatles.
SallyT : She’ll like seeing Mary Poppins, AdLib, that is coming up.
MurphTheSurf3 : The Olympic Cauldron is glorious….at the center of the stadium, at is heart and made up of the flames from the 200 plus delegates….so well done…such heart…
SallyT : Well, because it says it in a song, anyway.
AdLib : Murph – Looking forward to that. This is the first time my daughter has seen the Olympics, a very memorable Opening Ceremonies for her.
AdLib : I suppose that God will save the Queen only because God can be mentioned in schools.
MurphTheSurf3 : And in the end, the love you get is equal to the love you make…..amazing message to close the lighting….and then Hey Jude….his voice is no longer fine but he represents so much that is good about Britain…a land I dearly love.
AdLib : Haven’t heard him yet, just hearing God Save the Queen right now.
SallyT : The NBC coverage he is doing.
AdLib : Brian Williams in the interview with Mitt or in the NBC coverage of the Olympics?
SallyT : I agree but Brian Williams is sounding like him! He is a dork!
AdLib : After watching the Opening Ceremony…Mitt really looks like a douche for dissing the UK.
AdLib : Anyone watching the Repub debates knows we applaud letting people die who can’t afford health insurance.
SallyT : You’re catching up with me AdLib.
AdLib : Bond and the queen now…
SallyT : Well, ADLib, we look rather silly to the rest of the world since we think national health care isn’t a right for our people. The Repukes will say, “Yes, but they didn’t show you the waiting lists to see a doctor!”
AdLib : Sally – To the Brits, Universal Health Insurance is a beloved and historic part of their society, to Romney and the Repubs, “Obamacare” is fascism. Sometimes I’m not so proud of America.
SallyT : ObamaCare!
SallyT : Oh, I guess it should be called National Health Services. NHS
AdLib : Sally – Yes, I heard about that part, so cool and no doubt Mitt was squirming.
AdLib : We’ve got a long ways to go until that!
SallyT : AdLib, I am ahead of you just a little but they are now celebrating their universal health care! Now that is something you won’t see here!
MurphTheSurf3 : THE TORCH ARRIVAL IS SO COOL…up the Thames on a speedboat with fire lighting the way on both sdes…..and now the passing off…..firework s everywhere…SO Cool…..
AdLib : Well, the agrarian society is now industrial. Mitt’s smiling.
MurphTheSurf3 : Nite AB…enjoyed it.
SallyT : Enjoy your HBO with a White Russian and think of me! Good night AB!
AlphaBitch : Night night.
AdLib : Night AB! Lots of fun!
AlphaBitch : Ad: Agree – Mariah Carey didn’t have to hit the screech on every single song. It’s better to use that talent sparingly.
AlphaBitch : OK, all – it’s my sign off time. And we JUST got HBO and Newsroom. Love you all, but I’ll see you later, gators.
AdLib : AB – That’s my issue with many of the American Idol type singers, such great technique but no soul beneath it.
AlphaBitch : And I was humming “Send in the Clowns” when I saw him, Ad.
AlphaBitch : I was a huge fan of bluegrass for decades. The Japanese could play it flawlessly, but it lacked the “feel”.
AdLib : AB – Mitt’s looking at the slavish industrial workers and humming, “Those Were the Days”.
AdLib : This opening ceremony is about story telling, the Beijing one was spectacular but hollow.
AlphaBitch : Gotta make Mittens feel good, huh, seeing all those workers and everything, Ad.
AdLib : Just watching the industrial age taking over…on my flat screen.
AlphaBitch : The Queen truly rocks the color peach. Way to go, Your Highness!
AdLib : Murph – Carry on, indeed. I’ll take creativity and earnest emotion over the cold, emotionless spectacle of Beijing.
AdLib : Mmm…pirogue!
AlphaBitch : We can float the beers….
MurphTheSurf3 : ONE MORE TIME….MurphThe Surf3 : When the Brits pitched their case for the Olympics they made the point that the first one was held because Italy could not as a result of Mt. Vesuvius eruption and the need to devote all funding to relief. In the second case it was just after WWII and competitors had to bring their own food in what was often described as the austerity Olympics. They asked to have one where they could really do it up right. AND then the economic meltdown of 2008…..BUT still they are doing it up right. Stiff upper lip, carrying on, staying calm, in good cheer.
AlphaBitch : We may only have a pirogue, Ad, but we’d have fun!
AdLib : PlanetPOV Adventure Tours!
MurphTheSurf3 : AB “Sport” in britese is “Atletics”…I know you know it and did giggle at idea of Mutt as “Sport”
AlphaBitch : Then we could meet the Planeteers from around the globe.
AlphaBitch : I think we need a cruise of our own.
AlphaBitch : Why is this guy saying “I love sport?” Is he pro-Romney?????
AdLib : Ab – I’m jealous! Wish I could do a trip around the US meeting all Planeteers!
SallyT : What a good sport the Queen is!
AlphaBitch : Oh that Kes! She’s a clever one. I’m going to meet her (I hope) in October.
SallyT : James! James Bond!
AdLib : As Kes calls her, Marie Ann-toinette Romney.
AlphaBitch : I’m calling her Your Bitchshit.
AlphaBitch : I was a Tumble Bug, too, AdLib.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB…Sally…I will be sick to death if Ann Rummy becomes our First Lady. I suspect she will want to be called “your Ladyship”
AdLib : AB – But you could somersault across the surface of the pool!
AlphaBitch : wow, this was great. Arctic Monkeys were great.
SallyT : Murph, I caught a little of her pep talk to them. Yes, she is classy.
AlphaBitch : Ad: It’s a gift. It freaks out people mostly. My AFGs laugh when I say it’s no big deal – I still can’t walk on water!
AlphaBitch : Murph: of course she would. She’s a natural.
AdLib : AB – Your floating ability! You should have been on the Olympc water polo team!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- saw video of Michelle with the U.S. delegation earlier today…what a classy lady and so at ease. My Brit friends says she has gotten great press in GB
AdLib : I’m here, just watched the opening video. Kinda cool!
AlphaBitch : Or that I can throw?
AlphaBitch : What is amazing? Gold lame lives?
AlphaBitch : No girls.
SallyT : Are the girls with Michelle?
AdLib : AB – That is amazing!
AlphaBitch : I was SO happy to see Michelle, and then had to go throw after seeing romney.
AlphaBitch : Good to know, Murph. I don’t speak English. I speak ‘Murican.
MurphTheSurf3 : Cheerio is goodbye…cheers is often a greeting.
AlphaBitch : They set a record just getting in the teams, evidently. Oh oh – we’ve lost AdLib I bet. It’s the color. I’m still going Cameroon.
AlphaBitch : Murph: You mean cheerio?
MurphTheSurf3 : When the Brits pitched their case for the Olympics they made the point that the first one was held because Italy could not as a result of Mt. Vesuvius eruption and the need to devote all funding to relief. In the second case it was just after WWII and competitors had to bring their own food in what was often described as the austerity Olympics. They asked to have one where they could really do it up right. AND then the economic meltdown of 2008…..BUT still they are doing it up right. Stiff upper lip, carrying on, staying calm, cheers.
AlphaBitch : It’s at the end. Try to stay awake. I forgot to DRINK for Mitten’s Swiss account. Darn it.
AdLib : Just starting the wind up for the Opening Ceremonies…wil l be looking forward to the gold lame.
AlphaBitch : Ad – nope. I have a swim bladder between my ears instead of a brain according to my swim coach who made me sit on the sidelines. I was – at 118 lbs and 6% fat at the time – the most bouyant human he had ever seen. Made me a fearless water polo competitor. The Blov thinks of me as a life raft/floaties. I’m no longer 118, or 6%, sad to say.
AlphaBitch : Okey dokey……gold lame is alive and well in GB. I’m exhausted.
AlphaBitch : Murph: French inspired Chinese made berets. Can it get worse?
AdLib : They have Romney buttons that say, “It’s okay to vote Romney, the rest of the world hates him too!”
SallyT : Do they have Romney buttons?
AdLib : The US uniforms are so lame. And the designer’s logo is larger than the Olympics symbol, what a freaking egotist.
AdLib : Come on West Indies! Romney’s got to have some money offshore there and since that’s our drinking game, I’m ready to drink!
MurphTheSurf3 : USA and those stupid Chinese Berets…grrrrr. …bet rummy is smiling…oh there he is…first time more women than men in our delegation….he ar them roar~
AdLib : AB – You have a bathing suit made out of styrofoam?
AdLib : male
AdLib : AB – That makes incredible sense, of course the Afghans would be make and mainly fighters, that reflects a lot.
AlphaBitch : Oh oh UAE
AlphaBitch : Do you want to know my truly magic trick? I can jump in a pool, fully dressed, even with shoes, and sink only up to my upper lip. I don’t need to tread water.
AdLib : Murph – Perfection isn’t human. Neither is perfect imperfection as Romney displays.
AlphaBitch : Ad: There are 6 AFG athletes, but I think they are all male. Mostly martial arts.
AdLib : AB – Yep, considering the lengths swimmers go to in their quest to reduce drag, wearing a burqini would be quite a handicap…but it’s better than not being able to compete.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL- My British friend knows two people who took part in the opening casts of thousands upon thousands. At one point during a “dance number” (pretty rudimentary), one of the choreographers told the crowd: “You people are never going to get this perfect…and that is perfectly ok. This is our home and we are invited to world to visit. Who wants perfection.” Love it.
AdLib : Mitt Romney likes Tonga, he says he used to play with one of their trucks when he was a young boy.
Sabreen60 : BBL, I want to see more countries.
AlphaBitch : Ukraine. BRB.
AlphaBitch : Ad: The burqini (burka+bikini??) even has hair covered a la swim hat. Now they want to add a skirt. Gonna produce drag, and I could take ’em down, I tell you.
AdLib : Murph – The Olympics should indeed be about humanity and the capacity of human beings to perform. The Beijing Opening Ceremonies seemed instead to symbolize how the individual is unimportant, just a dot among many other dots.
AlphaBitch : Murph: That’s a GREAT image!!!! Bless you.
SallyT : Here AdLib, is the link: «link»
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally T….there is a slide show that I saw a couple of days ago- there is a story that goes with it. The Chinese built to impress and then discarded what they built.
AlphaBitch : They can. Baby Girl wore hijab and played “wolleyball”.
AdLib : Sally – Really? The Chinese Olympic sites have fallen apart from neglect?
AlphaBitch : Tonga. Men in skirts. have to go there.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL…when you see them I think you will agree. At one point there were a lot of tears and at another a Queen with a quivering lower lip.
SallyT : AdLib, if you get a chance, go to Business Insider and see the pictures of the China ruins of the Olympic sites. Decayed.
AdLib : Hey Sabreen!
AdLib : AB – So Muslim countries can’t have women competing in any sport where they can’t wear hijabs?
MurphTheSurf3 : AB good catch re. rummy and NHS…of course he is heading for Israel where I hope he prays “in Jesus name” for the integrity of the Israeli nation.
AdLib : Murph – Haven’t seen them yet but will keep that in mind. I don’t see how anyone could compete with China on using people as props on a grand scale, definitely makes more sense to go in a completely different direction.
AlphaBitch : BRB. Up to Tanzania.
SallyT : Hey there, Sabreen!
AlphaBitch : Sally, they marched with the pizza hut covered men.
AlphaBitch : Sabreen!
SallyT : AB, well, I guess that changes the “first” for women. But, they were there for awhile, huh?
AlphaBitch : Murph: Agreed! The Chinese were awesome but soulless in my mind. Rowan was terrific in Chariots. Lots of soul. And Mitt had to hate the homage to NHS.
Sabreen60 : Hello Folks!
SallyT : AB, exactly, they think alike!
AlphaBitch : Saudis are pulling the women out. They wanted head coverings while doing judo, which the IOC nixed.
AlphaBitch : Sally: Wasn’t that Palin? Palin in pants Romney?
AlphaBitch : NO, Ad. It’s why – when we taught the Afghan girls swimming at the orientation – we told them they cannot cannot cannot wear hijabs and come up for air. Nine girls threw of their hijabs and learned to swim like fish. That being said, Syria just came through. I’m on pins and needles waiting for my Damascus girl to get into the air tomorrow night. Prayers/wishes, please all.
SallyT : I read somewhere that this is the first Olympic that every country had women participating in some event.
MurphTheSurf3 : Perhaps you all discussed this, but as one who spent a number of years in Britain as a lad and then as a grad, I thought the opening ceremonies felt veddy, veddy, British…..home y, quirkish, formal and yet a bit off, celebrating humor and drama, and absolutely no effort to compete with the Chinese….loved all the volunteers….an d they all looked so proud.
SallyT : ADLib, because Romney thought Africa was a state and not a continent.
AlphaBitch : Sweden goes with a very bold choice. I’m liking it for it’s uniqueness.
AdLib : AB – Seriously, can women from Muslim countries compete in Olympic outfits?
AlphaBitch : Sudan. Wow. Women are covered. Says a lot.
AdLib : Surprised that Romney isn’t visiting South Africa.
AlphaBitch : Murph: You are RIGHT (but not leaning)
AlphaBitch : Ad: wow. Irony, huh?
AdLib : AB – Think what the white South Africans think about the US team.
AlphaBitch : Athpain has nice fedoras.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB For S Africa sport is still very much a haves game and the have nots are overwhelmingly black.
AlphaBitch : Too many Anglo S. Africans.
AdLib : I’m waiting for Zanzibar.
AlphaBitch : Solomon Islarnds! Nice look. Very Solomon Burk=esh.
AdLib : Murph – Romney is in London collecting contributions from corporate banking criminals. Sounds about right.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL- Rummy’s connections to Barclays have also not gone unnoticed…..th e U.S. on the auction block.
AlphaBitch : I love that one nation (China) carried the Union Jack. That’s a moment to catch.
SallyT : AB, here’s a link to the YouTube Trailer for Flowers of War. «link»
AdLib : They could have installed a moving sidewalk to make the march go faster.
AlphaBitch : Cuz me and the Blov are fading. They’d better trot it up.
MurphTheSurf3 : The parade of nations is turning into the jog of nations. Boy are they moving.
AdLib : Murph – It can only help to have the UK nudge America with one voice, “That Romney fellow of yours…is real wanker.”
AlphaBitch : Can’t even spell I’m so excited. Fortunately, SEnegal (who followed) have nice colors…….
SallyT : Romney’s horse’s shit smells better than Romney as a man.
AlphaBitch : YIKES. the SUadis are coming!!!!!!
MurphTheSurf3 : AB- we have a winner.
AdLib : AB – Cheers to the Pup! How cool!
AlphaBitch : Michelle le rose. Mitt chou chou.
SallyT : If you get a chance to rent it, do, AB. You will like it, I think.
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL- spoke with a friend today from Britain, a former academic like myself with whom I studied, and a great watcher of the U.S. political scene. His comment via e-mail earlier- “Murph, your country sent us two special reps for the opening of our 3rd Summer Olympia; one was a bouquet of roses, the other a cabbage who stank up the joint! Guess which one is which?” I had to call him and chat.
AlphaBitch : Nope, Sally.
AlphaBitch : Hey Dnan – you here?
SallyT : Speaking of movies, I came across one by accident and it turned out to be a wonderful one. Flowers of War. Anyone seen it?
AdLib : Hmm…maybe a Food Olympics Opening Ceremony would be entertaining. Polish sausage, Jamaican Jerk Chicken, French fries…
AlphaBitch : So the Pup is thinking of becoming a nurse. Like his Khala Kes.
AlphaBitch : Glad you liked it. It’s one of my favorites. “It’s the gesture.”
AdLib : Hey Murph! It’s just starting here in CA.
AlphaBitch : Oh Sally, gal of my heart!
AlphaBitch : Murph: I’m not a fashion queen, which is what makes this hysterically funny for me.
SallyT : I prefer a White Russian, AB.
AdLib : AB – Yes, I’ve seen it and enjoyed it.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB- you are totally out of my league in this, I shall stand to side and take your critique as gospel.
AlphaBitch : Ad: Still whipping watching. Will look at it as soon as we finish. Up to Russia now.
AlphaBitch : Murph! I’ve been fashion critiquing. Qatar – how lovely in black hijabs! And the Saudis, with pizza hut tablecloths!
AdLib : AB – Here’s the trailer – «link»
AlphaBitch : Ad: I will order it pronto. Did you ever see Everlasting Piece? Please do!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey there, at a Olympics viewing party, just home and have the parade of nations on waiting for the torch and Paul M. Hope all are well.
AlphaBitch : Poland is coming in, probly thinking: crap, where’s that horse turd Romney?
AdLib : AB – It’s a haunting, mystical film about a Maori curse/prediction of a great wave coming to wipe away civilization.
SallyT : I did barrel race a couple of times but my horse was a little too big to be good at it.
AlphaBitch : Ad: Nope. Should I?
AlphaBitch : I used to go the cutting horse championships in Foat Wuth, TX. LOVED it.
AdLib : AB – Did you ever see the movie, The Last Wave?
SallyT : AB, my dad raised quarter horses! My horse could turn on a dime. And, Dad’s, oh what a horse he was.
AdLib : Sally – Indeed, the horse is the athlete. So is this the Animal Olympics? WTH? Next time can they add the dog obstacle course?
AlphaBitch : What does Rafalka mean? I mean, in ‘Murican.
SallyT : I love horses, grew up with them, but I think I will have a hard time rooting for their horse. And, the horse is a beautiful animal.
AlphaBitch : I like cutting horses, Sal. Now those guys are cool, not prissy dancing ponies.
AlphaBitch : I’d love them, but they need uniform help. When you watch, keep it in mind. I’m thinking more Maori, less touristi.
AdLib : I wonder if the Chinese were wearing the extras of the uniforms they made for the US?
SallyT : It really is the horse that is the athletic one. The rider does give signals with his knees but still it is the horse that is dancing.
AlphaBitch : Poor Palau. Following Pakis, preceding Palestine.
AdLib : AB – Kiwis rock. When I visited NZ many years ago, it was like going back decades in America. So quaint and great people.
AlphaBitch : Rut ro – Pakistan. Such joy….not….
AdLib : Sally – I don’t regard such an elitist thing as a sport so I would be fine if all of the participants lost. But it would be hypocritical for me to say I would be happy if the Romney’s bought themselves an Olympic medal.
AlphaBitch : Norway. Booorrriiing.
AlphaBitch : NIGERIA. One of K’s trivia questions. Good hats. Bright green.
AlphaBitch : Ad: I’ll find out. wow, the Kiwis look like tourists.
AlphaBitch : Sally: No.
AdLib : AB – I’m with you on that, how can ANY somewhat intelligent person not see Romney as a total idiot and fool? Even if some are voting for him because they’re racist or greedy, don’t they feel ashamed at the same time?
SallyT : Regardless of how we feel about the Romneys, should we still pull for Ann’s horse since it is representing the USA?
AdLib : Yes?
SallyT : AdLib, that reminds me of a question for tonight.
AlphaBitch : how boring can Monaco be? Mongolia is good.
SallyT : AdLib, sorry…..
AdLib : Sally – Damn! You spoiled the ending!
AlphaBitch : AdLib: Remember, color counts.
AdLib : AB – Maybe they only allow so much horseshit in the stadium and Romney would disqualify her?
SallyT : Okay, AdLib, I won’t but the Queen does helicopier in with James Bond
AlphaBitch : I for the life of me can’t believe ANYONE would be unashamed to vote for Mittens. I’m meeting some conservs on Monday, and will ask them about it.
AlphaBitch : Sally: a good one.
AdLib : Sally – I’m Tivoing it, don’t tell me who wins the Opening Ceremonies!
AlphaBitch : Ad: Maybe he can’t watch because he would pelted with horse SHOES.
SallyT : Send Me No Flowers with Rock Hudson
AdLib : How about Romney trying to deflect criticism by saying he won’t even watch his wife’s horse riding competition? Doesn’t snubbing your wife publicly look more dickish than supporting her elitist “sport”.
SallyT : Business Insider has had pictures of the Opening since it started this afternoon. Looks pretty interesting.
AlphaBitch : Sally: Which DD movie? I’ve had DD marathon weekends.
AlphaBitch : I”m having to head whip to see the TV. Getting dizzy…
AdLib : Hey Sally!
AlphaBitch : Good job, Sally. Marshall Islands gets points.
AdLib : They should have a Moral Olympics, with a march of countries from most immoral to least. Romney could organize that.
SallyT : I am reading your commentary on the Olympics AB and watching an old Doris Day movie and typing. Me can multitask!
AdLib : You do have quite an influence on things.
AlphaBitch : Maldives. LOwest in altitude, highest in literacy.
AlphaBitch : Alpha Bitchical.
AdLib : Going alphabetical or by order of who owes less debt than the US?
AlphaBitch : Nice colors Malaysia.
AlphaBitch : Have to start Newsroom!
AlphaBitch : Boring outfits of late. Up to Madagascar.
AlphaBitch : HA
AdLib : Have to catch up on Newsroom!
AdLib : I love three cheese Lisoto!
AlphaBitch : I FINALLY got HBO so we can watch Newsroom. Hurray!
AdLib : Of course, it means I’d probably only be able to watch about 18 minutes of tv a day but that could be a good thing.
AlphaBitch : Nice hats, Lisoto.
AlphaBitch : Yep that’s a BSS (Bull Shit Shutoff)
AdLib : Stupid is as Romney does.
AdLib : AB – I like that! Can I program my tv to be like that, so it shuts off when BS comes on?
AlphaBitch : He’s a stuttering moron.
AlphaBitch : Hey KQ and Sally! I was warming up while I waited for you guys!
AdLib : Have you ever seen a candidate as stupid as Romney? This is the one meme that I’m surprised hasn’t really been pushed. Romney is an idiot. Just because he has money, people think he’s smart, all the evidence is that he’s a moron.
AlphaBitch : AdLib: I’m camel like in the inner nostril which shuts off when I detect bullshit.
AdLib : AB – McConnell, turtles can stare for a very long time because of an inner eyelid.
AlphaBitch : Romney is wearing Egg on His Face.
AdLib : Romney suggested that the UK should wear Failure Gray.
AlphaBitch : Who do you think would win Olympic stare down: Obama or McConnell?
AlphaBitch : Kazakhstan wears sky blue. Bold color choice for men.
AdLib : And Romney does the 500 pound UnClean and Jerk.
AdLib : Hmm…not sure which thread but you can use the search function.
AlphaBitch : Obama is the Olympic bullshit hurdler.
AdLib : AB – Sports can be the great equalizer. If only Obama was an Olympian!
AlphaBitch : I was looking for the list of weird Mormon beliefs which was on here a few days/weeks ago – you remember where it was?
AlphaBitch : Hey what’s up with all my conservative friends rooting for Doobie Phelps? They are, which I think is way cool.
AdLib : Mitt drinks…just blood though, it’s a Mormon thing.
AlphaBitch : too bad Mitt doesn’t drink.
AlphaBitch : I wanted to watch tonight to see if Mittens showed up on some jumbotron and if everyone would boo. I won’t spoil it for you…
AdLib : MITT: “Lookie! That’s 8 straight I have accounts in! I’m rooting for them!”
AlphaBitch : Sorry. I’ll leave if I’m distracting. I’m just – oh, just saw your message. Hmmm..so far the Cayman Islands. DRINK
AdLib : The drinking game is how many countries march in a row that Mitt Romney has off shore accounts in.
AlphaBitch : GREAT idea ! All the pomp and color. Better’n posturing.
AlphaBitch : Announcer’s discussing the brew ha over the Israeli athletes in Munich.
AdLib : Maybe they should start each session of the UN like this?
AlphaBitch : Ha!
AdLib : Any American contractors on Iraq’s team?
AlphaBitch : Rut ro. Israel.
AlphaBitch : Sorry – Maybe I’m ruining it for you. Iraq has 8 athletes.
AdLib : I’ve got a half hour until the opening ceremonies start here, I’ll just have to enjoy it through your descriptions.
AlphaBitch : Iran. Gray and boring.
AlphaBitch : Sorry – ADD tonight. I had to sit the rest of the games out on the sidelines.
AlphaBitch : India: Nice outfits. The yellow boots would be good.
AdLib : How did you do?
AlphaBitch : I’m a tad overcompetitve.
AdLib : Grey Poop-On – The dressing of Choice for Mitt Romney at the Olympics.
AlphaBitch : Yes, AdLib – I tried in college when playing.
AdLib : AB – Do you drown the competition?
AlphaBitch : My grey poop-ons are there too.
AdLib : Dijon mustard boots.
AlphaBitch : I just learned I could be Hungarian. I’m a mean water polo player.
AdLib : My mustard yellow boots are at the cleaners.
AdLib : The GOP is in a bad and disorganized way in CA.
AlphaBitch : Fashion, babe. I’m not running for Prez, so the who the heck had the fugly blue plastic boots??
AdLib : What up AB?
AdLib : Hey Bourne!
AlphaBitch : Hey Bourne! that’s interesting. I’m early too so I can watch the fashion parade of the athletes. I vote on dress usually; so far Cameroon has ruled. The Germans need major help, and which country had the God awful blue boots??
BourneID : Damn! I forget that the return key sends stuff…. On the local news I just heard that the Republican Campaign Headquarters in Sacramento closed today because they have no money. What’s that about? Where are Citizens United? Interesting, no?
BourneID : All, Signing in early to drop off a bit of information you might find interesting. I’m not staying this eveninng.
BourneID : All,
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. See you then!
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