MurphTheSurf3 : If anyone is still here….this is the link to the Walker/Barrett debate tonight «link»
Chernynkaya : Thanks for everyone for joining Vox Populi!
SallyT : Good night Cher. Well, not fat but I will admit to chubby.
Chernynkaya : Good job–but you’re no fat lady! See you soon Sally, and thanks for the help!
SallyT : Happy Trails to you until we meet again.
SallyT : I think it is time to sing
SallyT : I gather the empties.
Chernynkaya : So Sally, is this the end?
SallyT : Will be there Sherlock!
Chernynkaya : Thanks, Sally. I’ll finish the dip and drain the drink left-overs.
SueInCa : Thanks to both of you see you on the flip side
SallyT : Good night Sue. I will help Cher clean up and close out.
choicelady : Cher – thanks, will do. Have fun all!
Chernynkaya : Sue, good luck with the house hunt!
Chernynkaya : I know how you feel, CL–but I refuse to be this old! Anyway, get some sleep and enjoy the holiday.
SueInCa : Well I must go too, my pc is acting up like I am going to lose VOx. Are you alright Cher?
SallyT : Good night CL! Enjoy the weekend!
choicelady : And I think I’m following KT out the door, so to speak. It’s been fun, there WAS a lot substantive, but I really enjoyed the trip down memory lane. Cannot believe we are this old though…Sigh. Have a great weekend everyone. See you soon!
Chernynkaya : I know, CL. WTF? One would think at his freaking trial he’s exercise some probity.
SallyT : CL, I heard a couple of attorneys talking about this sort of thing and they said that many times the juror votes against the client.
choicelady : Goodnight, KT – have a lovely weekend!
SueInCa : KT i posted them for you on TO night
Chernynkaya : Goodnight, KT. Be well.
SallyT : Good night KT. I know I will see you later on here!
choicelady : Cher – Eeeuuuuuwwwww! (But I have to say the comments about the story were better than the story.) I can’t believe a judge would overlook that – if she had to become a juror, that’s seriously illegal!
KillgoreTrout : Well Planet Peeps, it’s time to hit the dusty trail. Good evening all!
Chernynkaya : But EW Sally, huh?
SallyT : Cher with the facts!!
Chernynkaya : It’s as bad as I heard: «link»
SallyT : Since she was an alternate, CL, they weren’t doing much about it.
choicelady : Sue – I’d actually think not. His adult daughter has been there every day, and I don’t think she’d be that loyal after all this if he’d harmed her. I wonder though if his girlfriend who is the mother of the baby is his ONLY fling. He had such a great friend in Elizabeth. How could he be so mean to her?
SueInCa : KT look on OT after the show here LOL
SallyT : CL, I don’t know the whole of it either but apparently there was a lot of smiling back and forth.
SueInCa : KT I will get you the link along with the Romney vetting. I wrote it for Gods Own Party
KillgoreTrout : What’s the “white horse,” thing? Mormon oriented? Pale Rider.
Chernynkaya : CL, I really don’t know the full sotry–hild on a sec…
SueInCa : I bet if you look under the covers with Edwards there has been incest too he is totally creepy
choicelady : Cher and Sally – Edwards was fliring while he was at the DEFENSE TABLE in the middle of COURT? I do believe that is illegal – contact with jurors is strictly forbidden and vice versa!
SueInCa : If I could get in and if I got picked to ask the question I sure would. Make the evening news being pulled out of there screaming about white horses lol
KillgoreTrout : Edwards turned out to be a total narcissist!
Chernynkaya : Sue, he’d never answer, but I hope you do it.
choicelady : Oh Sue – DO IT!!! He has to be out here sometime. He NEEDS to be asked about it!
Chernynkaya : CL, he has to be sick. The juror was flirting with him blatantly, but it seems he reciprocated.
SallyT : Cher, she was an alternate juror and supposedly she wore to court the other day a off the shoulder dress. She was flirting with him, too.
SueInCa : Cher I want to try to get into one of his townhalls give a question that is nicey nicey then screw them all over by asking the religious question about white horses
KillgoreTrout : cher, so was I. I didn’t want him to be nominated, but I sure thought he’d be a good second choice. Slimeball is a good description.
choicelady : I have to say there is not a Dem I know who is defending Edwards. I really liked him. He’s a creep. I had NOT heard he was flirting with JURORS???? Is this man nuts or what? He’s sounding more and more unstable. Kinda like Mitt…
Chernynkaya : Sue, I think your White Horse post was excellent. I totally believe it.
SueInCa : Cher no offense to NC people but some guys from there are really creepy
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, I remember now. What a dolt!
Chernynkaya : Yes, Sally. Creepy!
SallyT : Jurors
KillgoreTrout : Thanks Sue, I remember now. What a doofus. That’s as bad as Palin saying she had foreign policiy experience because she said she could see Russia from her porch.
SueInCa : I want to ask him how the White Horse prophecy afftects how he would govern LOL then watch him have a stroke
SallyT : Cher, are you talking about Edwards flirting with one of the juriors?
choicelady : KT – honestly, haven’t you heard Mitt going on and on about the dangers to the US from our mortal enemy, Russia the Soviet threat? Seriously – he’s re-opening the Cold War and claiming Obama is appeasing the Commies. I am NOT making this up!
Chernynkaya : How slimy is John Edwards? Boy, was I ever taken in by him.
SueInCa : Yeah KT Romney said the Soviet Union was our biggest geopolitical foe and his campaign was whining about Chechslovakia LOL yeah I spelled it wrong
SallyT : Oh, Cher, now that i think of it, it was called a cork screw tail.
KillgoreTrout : CL, that’s funny. Turnabout is fair play!
Chernynkaya : I think she did once.
KillgoreTrout : Sue, the “Soviet Union?”
choicelady : Sue – fantastic, thank you! On a funny note, someone (ongue in cheek) is demanding Romney prove he was not born in Mexico! They’re calling for his birth certificate!
SallyT : Oh, i remember her, Cher. She doesn’t have a screw tail.
Chernynkaya : I did have a ponytail. I wanted it to look like a singer, Molly Bee: «link»
SueInCa : The debates will be telling. Obama is the incumbant and he is the one with the actual experience now. It will show I mean The Soviet Union? I can post the link to it it is on ScribID
SallyT : I only remember Pepper because my mom named her dog after her.
choicelady : Sue – that would be SO fascinating to see! Is it something you can scan into a report for us? Romney has no substantive strengths. He has no substance! It would be very good to know what McCain’s people discovered are his many weaknesses.
KillgoreTrout : Absolutely CL and Sue.
SallyT : Did you have a ponytail? You had to work for hours to get that ringlet just right. i don’t think it was regional.
Chernynkaya : Sally–that show was obviously before pepper spray! What a name for a cop, huh?
Chernynkaya : Sally, I never heard that expression for a ponytail. Regional, maybe, or was I uncool?
KillgoreTrout : I don’t recall those other two. Angie Dickonson? Wow!
SueInCa : KT he cannot run on his gov record, I have the vetting doc from the McCain campaign if anyone wants a copy
choicelady : KT – I totally agree! If he thinks business principles are something he did well, then he needs to be called out for his massive dislocation from reality and the needs of the nation! He contributed to the problems, and he therefore is the WRONG person to fix our crisis.
SallyT : Oh yah, Angie Dickerson was named Pepper!
Chernynkaya : KT–Loved Honey West. And the one with Beverly Garland–a police woman. And later another female cop who I can’t remember. Oh–Angie Dickenson!
KillgoreTrout : Romney’s business record is very much fair game for the Obama campaign. It’s basically what Romney is running on.
SallyT : Remember Cher, the ponytail was called ‘the screw”. Because of the ringlet.
choicelady : Ohhhh – bito left! Sorry he got lost in the 50s!
SueInCa : Cory Booker is a nice guy but he is too easily impressed and if he knows the snakes in education he is in bed with then too bad but you know Arne Duncan is in bed with them too. Rhee is a total phony
Chernynkaya : Holy crap, Sally, you’re right!
KillgoreTrout : Anyone remember Honey West, with Ann Francis?
choicelady : I think the thing with Booker will blow over. I just wish Dems would be more careful. The ad with the steel mill is about Romney’s absolute lack of care for both sane investment AND the impact on people. The proposed Wright ad is unrelated to a single thing Obama has DONE. For Booker to equate the two is just stupid.
Chernynkaya : Sue, CL, Booker got such huge pushback from Dems on twitter, he made a hasty YouTube video and then did a big mea culpa on Maddow. but too little too late, IMP.
SallyT : She was on 77, too and she is who sang the song.
KillgoreTrout : Exactly cher. And when I say “loosely,” based, I mean loosely. The Beats were always on the fringe, and TV was so conservative then.
Chernynkaya : Sally, that was Hawaiian Eye, and she was Cricket, played by Connie Stevens.
SallyT : Connie Stevens!
choicelady : Cher – who knows? More to the point, who cares? We at least know what we mean!
SueInCa : Obama team needed to disown him completely. He will need dems someday.
Chernynkaya : CL, I think I spelled it wrong.
choicelady : Sue – then Booker is one danged fool! He should NOT be speaking for Obama!
SallyT : Cher, the blonde with the ponytail?
Chernynkaya : KT, I didn’t realize it was based on Kerouack! But who knew that then?
Chernynkaya : yes, Sally. Kookie, Kookie, lend me your comb was also a hit song.
choicelady : Cher – I think despite nail trimming, I’m not capable of spelling anything tonight!
SallyT : Sue, they did because of some deal they had going in NJ or something.
SueInCa : CL they are both in cahoots on the privitizing of Education. Fool that Cory is he is not aware of the snakes crawling all around him
KillgoreTrout : Cher, another great one. Also Route 66. Loosely based on Kerouack’s On The Road.
SallyT : I loved Kookie! That was it wasn’t it????
Chernynkaya : KT; 77 Sunset Strip!
choicelady : Sue – I did NOT understand that stupid commercial of Booker and Christie. Makes NO sense unless they are in thick with PE and each other. Or both are mobbed up. Whatever.
SueInCa : Well Sally that explains it but not sure why Bain would give to him? I am not aware of any companies they had in NJ
SallyT : Kt, I remember them, too.
Chernynkaya : I was livid at Booker. He undercut one of Obama’s main campaign themes.
SallyT : Booker got $500,000 from Bain.
Chernynkaya : CL “montebank” is every bit as good as “quisling!” And I couldn;t agree more.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, I was into The Untouchables and Peter Gunn.
SueInCa : Booker has been cozying up to Christie. I was disappointed in his comments but he gets his money from PE
choicelady : Sally – yes I do remember the Honeymooners! Never really liked it though. Not sure why.
SallyT : Sorry, Cher, I got here late! As usual I missed most of it.
choicelady : Cher – we didn’t really talk about him last week. I’m not sure it had happened yet? I think he’s a fool and a mountebank – and he’s INTO venture capital personally, so he shouldhave had the good grace to STFU!
SallyT : CL, you didn’t mention the Honeymooners and I know you remember that one!
Chernynkaya : Sally, I think we covered that–but Biden was fabulous.
Chernynkaya : I think I ran out too, CL. BTW, did PPOV discuss Cory Booker to death already?
SallyT : Biden gave a good speech today.
choicelady : Cher – nothing wrong with being silly when times are hard. It’s fun! I just ran out of memories of 50s TV shows! Had to change the topic!
Chernynkaya : For example, Obama gave a fantastic speech or two this week I like this one: «link»
KillgoreTrout : cher, I really can’t wait for the presidential debates. Things will really get rolling then.
choicelady : Sue – OH, of course! Well I remember private equity from the 60s and early 70s when its objective was to help companies grow. After the downturn of 1973 (a watershed year on MANY levels) corporations changed. One steelworkers I knew, the boss roller in the Bethlehem rail mill, said of their new boss in 1977, “That’s when Bethlehem stopped making steel and started making money.” While it sound like a “so what” statement, it’s when they shifted to paper trading and away from making durable things of real value. That was the beginning of the end, and it’s what Bain and Romney based their lives on – shuffling paper and gutting the real stuff for the cash they could gouge out of them. That IS killing the goose that laid the golden egg. You cannot build a successful society on paper alone. It’s a fraud, and it comes tumbling down.
Chernynkaya : KT, there was but it’s all nerve-wracking. Nothing Huge tho.
KillgoreTrout : Actually there really wasn’t much happening this week in politics.
SallyT : And, they don’t buy these companies with their own money. They borrow against the company and put that money in their pockets. This adds to the company’s debt and leads to bankruptcy.
Chernynkaya : My hat’s off to you, CL. I’m in a silly mood. Sometimes the news is so upsetting, I need a break. But I can sober up in a second.
SueInCa : BRB………..
choicelady : Cher – funk was hanging in, and I was giving it a shot.
SueInCa : CL Private Equity. It is like evry1 says only there to make investors money they do not make anything
KillgoreTrout : CL, he’s also done a good bit on stage.
choicelady : ‘Night funk – sorry you’re leaving!
Chernynkaya : CL, bito is the ONLY one grounded tonight!
SueInCa : Nite funk keep safe
choicelady : Sue – I’m confused – what’s PE besides my least fave class in high school or price/earnings?
SueInCa : Geez KT he really is some actor
SallyT : Night Funk. See you later.
funksands : Wait, maybe its not that funny…yes, yes it is.
choicelady : bito! Stay grounded here! We love you and don’t want to lose you!!!
Chernynkaya : Gee funk. OK, have a great weekend!
KillgoreTrout : Later Funk.
funksands : Bito!!!! Line of the night. HA!
SueInCa : Bito the problem is no one NO One really understands PE
KillgoreTrout : TLJ was also in the “The Executioner’s Song,” written by Norman Mailer about Gary Gillmore.
choicelady : Cher – fer shure! We LOVE you!
Chernynkaya : Sally– actually it is–I’m laughing!!
bito : No thanks funk, I’ve already had one.
funksands : Speaking of which, I am going to toddle off into the night and slip into a comfortable coma. Enjoy your weekend.
SueInCa : No prob Cher I am in a funnyu mood tonite so I can go with anything.
choicelady : bito – that’s the point. It was struggling, could have used a capital infusion to modernize, but Bain DID knife it to death. That is a choice that hedge funds and private equity is making today that never would have happened prior to deregulation. Bain is the poster child for vulture rather than venture capital.
Chernynkaya : CL- I’ll quote you to AdLib on that, OK?
SallyT : Cher, it is still funny!
SueInCa : I cannot even imagine and someone asked and no I did not like Danno but I did like Ho Chen or the other detective and I love Caan in the new 5=0
Chernynkaya : Thanks, Sue. I feel slightly less guilty.
Chernynkaya : Talk about a memory: I was watching Sky King with a little boy (we were prolly 6) and Penny was keeping a Thermos of coffee warm for Sky King by sleeping with it. The little Boy (Eddie his name was) said, “Aw, she probably farted on it–ew.!” I thought that was hilarious.
bito : C’L it may or may not have been struggling, but Bain made sure that it wasn’t going to succeed. They put a knife in it’s back and made millions off of it. That is a success for private equities.
KillgoreTrout : Ha. I wonder how Al was in his college days? A wild child, I think not.
SueInCa : om word KT how boring LOL
SueInCa : Cher even Adlib has let VP fall into disrepair a time or two. It is the end of a long week just before a three dayer
choicelady : funk – that’s another thing Brooks said is that the steel plant shut down AFTER Mitt left Bain, and that is NOT true. The workers there remember him clearly. Brooks is lying, and he’s usually NOT that egregious!
KillgoreTrout : Sue, I didn’t know that. You know who his real life college room mate was, at Harvard? Al Gore!
funksands : Cher, I think we’re giving Bito a stroke
choicelady : Cher – it’s a holiday weekend, and everyone is exhausted with work AND politics, and having fun is not a crime. Anyway, he can’t fire you! We;ll REBEL!
Chernynkaya : Sally, oh yeah. it’s coming back to me.
SueInCa : KT that is it he was also Oliver’s roommate in Love Story
funksands : CL, he also claimed credit for jobs created by companies he was associated with even long after he left Bain
SallyT : Cher, Whirleybirds was on around the same time as Sky king. They of course had a helicopter.
SueInCa : Tara’s boyfriend
KillgoreTrout : Actually, No Country For Old Men.
Chernynkaya : AdLib is gonna fire me for this edition of Vox Pop.
SueInCa : I fell in love with TLJ when he was in All My children or General Hospital I think he was Tara
choicelady : bito – I could have bonked Brooks today on NPR saying that the steel mill in the ad was already ruined. It was NOT. Bain stripped out capital which is illegal, and closed it down for the write down and cash back from the government. I was furious no one refuted Brooks’ claim – Bain destroyed a profitable mill and left nearly 1000 without jobs. They could have saved it. They cannibalized it instead.
KillgoreTrout : Sue, yeah, he was, Did a great job too.
Chernynkaya : Sally, I don’t remember Whirleybirds but I liked Sky King.
KillgoreTrout : It’s pretty good funk, and also stars Levi Helm!
Chernynkaya : Sue, I liked him in that a lot.
SallyT : Sugarfoot was that western that was on before or after Cheyenne. And Chuck and PT were from the Whirlybirds. Remember that show?
SueInCa : Wasn’t he also in No Country for Good Men or something like that
Chernynkaya : CL, see, I think we both liked disobedient wives.
funksands : I haven’t seen that one.
KillgoreTrout : Funk, I’ll have to check it out. In The Electric Mist, was a good one too, with TLJ and John Goodman.
SallyT : No Cher, my maiden name was Noble.
choicelady : Cher – I agree the show was boring. I loved “I Married Joan”, too. NOT I Dream of Jeannie. Dull, dull, dull.
bito : Anybody and I do mean anybody claiming facts about the “success” rate or the employment rate of Bain Capital is making it up. Only Bain has those figures and have refused to release them. If Mitt wants to claim a 80% success rate, prove it Mitt, let’s see the figures!
Chernynkaya : Sally, was your maiden name Cheyenne?! I’d have kept that one!
SueInCa : Something about TLJ you are talking tommy leejones right> he was in a soap opera and Love Story
SallyT : My pony’s name was Sugarfoot Chuck PT Cheyenne (then my maiden name)
funksands : KT, you ever see the Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada? Very undrrated TLJ movie.
Chernynkaya : CL, just between you and me–I think it was that they wanted their own little Jeannie. Personally, the show bored me. Give me I Love Lucy or I Married Joan any day.
KillgoreTrout : Sue, I think a lot of women did. What about Danno?
SueInCa : KT he was good in The Client too.
SueInCa : I drooled over Jack Lord and Hawaii Five-o
KillgoreTrout : I really like TLG as an actor. Very versatile. Loved him in the Men In Black movies.
funksands : Night AB, remember your safe words!
Chernynkaya : OOOH! Thanks AB. Now you may sleep.
choicelady : Cher – Yes. I agree. Every man I know drooled over Barbara Eden.
AlphaBitch : Night Funk and KT and ladies. Laddies and ladies. Love you all.
choicelady : Bye AB! Anyone who can swing from wanting to be Davy to Jeanie is worth knowing!
Chernynkaya : I guess now I’ll never know why Tommy Lee Jones is a dick.
funksands : Night AB.
KillgoreTrout : cher, very true. She was not only gorgeous, but seemed like a nice person as well.
AlphaBitch : Cher: He screams at EVERYONE – including children – in PUBLIC if they see him and ask for an autograph. That’s what I mean – not “I”m sorry, but I’m eating/with friends” – just yelling. AND he divorced his sweet wife and married his cha-cha queen hairdresser (EEUUWW)
Chernynkaya : Happy Trails, AB!
choicelady : bito – I HATE that we mix up social supports with socialism. The latter means the government OWNS the means of production, and we do not have that. Social supports are very middle of the road save in GOP minds. And when social supports go to ONLY those who own the means of production (along with defending those entities via the military) it’s not socialism. It’s fascism.
SallyT : Good night AB.
SueInCa : later AB stay crazy
Chernynkaya : KT, I’ve yet to meet a man who didn’t adore Barbara Eden.
KillgoreTrout : later AB.
AlphaBitch : Till we meet again! The Blov is giving me a shoulder rub. Time to turn in.
Chernynkaya : AB, A dick how? Do tell!
SueInCa : happy trails to you until we meet again
Chernynkaya : CL– I LOVED Mr and Mrs North! But got annoyed by Topper a little: “Goerge! Marion!” And his wife, Henrietta, made me want to sock her in the neck.
choicelady : bito – just saw an interview but cannot recall with whom about how the best this nation has been is with a balance between private and public institutions. I think that’s very true.
KillgoreTrout : A horse is a horse of course of course!
SueInCa : Bito it is fast regressing to the past, we want our country back
SallyT : Go right to the source and ask the horse, he’ll give you an answer that you’ll endorse.
KillgoreTrout : I loved her harem costume! GRRRRRRowl!
AlphaBitch : Bito – sorry we digress.
choicelady : bito – I like that! I’ve never heard that before!
AlphaBitch : KT: Well, of course. I wanted to BE Jeannie!
SueInCa : AB Happy Trails was a good song by a rock group in the 60;a
SallyT : A horse is a horse of course of course and no one can talk to a horse of course. that is of course unless the horse is the famous mr. Ed.
bito : “The Nation looked to Government but the Government looked away.” -+- FDR. The nation looks to government, not to shrink it.
KillgoreTrout : AB, I had a big time crush on Annette. As I grew a bit older, the crush shifted to Barbra Eden as Genie!
Chernynkaya : AB Peter Graves was the dad and the kid I can’t remember but can see his face.
AlphaBitch : Cher: What a beautiful image that is. Makes me happy. Tommy Lee Jones is a dick.
choicelady : Sue – those weren’t horse shows. Horses were incidental to the shoot ’em ups and saving fair maidens and stuff. It’s just what was on. I got into my stride with Mr. and Mrs. North and Topper and other things much more interesting than cowboys. But funk – I DO like the song!
Chernynkaya : Sue and funk–when my brother-in-law got sick last year, Scott Glenn drove his car all the way from DC to L.A. while he had to take the plane. He sat at his side many days.
AlphaBitch : CL & Cher: But Happy Trails was a good song. I would sing it after singing the Ballad of Davy Crockett.
SueInCa : What is with all the horse shows? I only watched real people like Lucy and Ricky
SallyT : The dog was Bullet!
funksands : Of course, maybe it was Kate Capshaw I was more interested in…
AlphaBitch : KT: Too cute!
choicelady : Cher – yes, stuffing Trigger was another thing that put me right off Roy.
KillgoreTrout : I liked Mr. Ed!
funksands : Who doesn’t like My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys?
Chernynkaya : Funk–ya got me–I didn;t know he had a dog.
AlphaBitch : Cher: YES! But who were the non-horse actors in Fury????
choicelady : Cher – what other kinds of moments can we have? And you’re STILL younger than I, so…
funksands : HA!
Chernynkaya : AB–fury was a gorgeous black horse in his own show. I loved Fury!
choicelady : AB – Roy and Dale had a little girl who died of, I think, leukemia. Dale wrote a smarmy and creepy book about her. It was nauseatingly religious.
AlphaBitch : Was Buttermilk a line backed dun?
SueInCa : CL was drinking a beer with a margarita chaser Funk
KillgoreTrout : AB, yeah, I think he was. He was also in The Right Stuff. Love that movie.
funksands : And was it with Scott Glenn?
Chernynkaya : CL, it creeped me out that they stuffed Trigger.
AlphaBitch : Funk: Don’t ask, don’t tell CL
funksands : CL, what exactly were you doing in the parking lot?
AlphaBitch : I love Scott Glenn. Was he in Silverado?
Chernynkaya : Cl, no worries–I’m having ONLY senior moments, reliving my distant past.
choicelady : funk – I give up. Was it Bullet?
funksands : Cher, I love Scott Glenn!! One of my favs.
SueInCa : Cher I like Scott Glenn he is a classic type guy
choicelady : Sue – I had a “blimp incident” as an adult. One shined a light on me while I was watching it in a parking lot. THAT was nasty and mean, too!
AlphaBitch : Yep, even at a young age I knew that Sue.
SallyT : Nelly Bell was the jeep.
funksands : Shazaam! Sally
AlphaBitch : CL: What dead daughter.
Chernynkaya : Funk, no. I knew some Hollywood types. One is still a dear dear family friend–Scott Glenn.
SallyT : Bullet
SueInCa : We were scared it was funny tho all tough then we ran crying and AB john wayne was a mfing fake mf
funksands : Pop Quiz: What was the name of Roy Roger’s dog?
choicelady : AB – and Cher – I liked Roy and Dale until I read about their dead daughter, and it creeped me out.
SallyT : Buttermilk was Dale’s horse.
AlphaBitch : Who was in Fury?
AlphaBitch : I liked Trigger the best.
AlphaBitch : Cher: I liked Roy but not Dale.
KillgoreTrout : I think Tonto got a raw deal!
SallyT : You are right AB! I have the piano music still of that. Damn, I have a lot of junk!
choicelady : funk – OH! That’s COLD, funk. REALLY cold!
Chernynkaya : Sally– I never really like Dale Evans. I think even at a tender age, I smelled RW nutjob.
funksands : Sue, all blimp drivers are dicks. Don’t take it personally.
choicelady : Della Reese was cool, too though.
AlphaBitch : Cher: He only pretended it was his hand…
choicelady : Again Cher – yes – Della STREET. I haven’t been keeping things straight in my tired brain for months now.
funksands : Cher, was this during one of your dad’s Saudi parties?
SueInCa : Funk I tried waving down a blimp once and it started coming down my girlfriend and I ran crying. I bet the guy in that lower compartment had a good laugh
AlphaBitch : Sally, it was “kilt him a bar when he was only 3”. Don’t challenge me on this one!
choicelady : Sue – that’s a stich – “The plane, boss, the plane!” What an icky show that was though!
Chernynkaya : Funk. I met Herve Vallachez once. At a Halloween party. I shook his little hand.
AlphaBitch : Funk: All wars are great wars now, aren’t they????
choicelady : AB – Indeed, Fess was THE Davy Crockett!
SallyT : Davy, He shot him a bear when he was only 3!
AlphaBitch : CHer – close. And now I live 5 minutes from where my beloved Davy fell.
funksands :
Chernynkaya : Ab did you grow up in San Antonio? That would explain it.
choicelady : Sally – oh I’m jealous! My mom wouldn’t buy me Dale’s outfit!
funksands : AB, I’m just lost as to what show you are talking about. Was this before the great War or after?
SueInCa : CL kind of I just did not like girlie things and my sister was a total wussie
choicelady : funk – Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier. I think it was a Disney production, wasn’t it? It was a show some of who are (cough) of a certain age remember very clearly.
KillgoreTrout : cher, when I was “little,” everytime a plane passed by overhead, I thought Annette was on it, and would wave my arms and yell “Annette, I love you!” Really.
Chernynkaya : CL Della STREET! HHAHAHAHAH–Rees e was a singer.
AlphaBitch : Cher: I almost checked out, too. Who did you play on LB, Funk? Gopher?
SueInCa : When we were in Hawaii there was a little hawaiian boy who used to come to get out daughter to play he sounded just like the little guy in Fantasy Island
Chernynkaya : I got so upset by Funk and The Love Boat, I discoinnected myself for a sec there.
choicelady : Sue – so, are you saying you were a little thug? Seems at odds with who you are now! My brother broke MY toys, but I never broke his, the little worm.
AlphaBitch : I never wanted to be anybody but Davy. And later in life I met his great-great-grea t granddaughter. An honor. And I slept in a room which had housed Fess Parker, who WAS the ONLY Davy for me (screw John Wayne)
KillgoreTrout : Sue, so were both of my sisters.
choicelady : Remember Della Reese, Perry Mason’s secretary? The actress who played her had a little girl whose kindergarten teacher was my aunt.
SueInCa : Funk De Plane De Plane
KillgoreTrout : I once read a very funny book, it was 50’s and early 60’s sitcom scripts, written in the style of the famous Beat writers. It was hilarious!
SallyT : I had a Dale Evans outfit. I still have the skirt to it. Of course not even one thigh fit in it now.
funksands : or Fantasy Island?
Chernynkaya : CL, It was really all about the cap. Therefore, girly. I wanted to be Annette Funicello on the Mousketeers.
funksands : Was this before Love Boat?
AlphaBitch : Funk, now don’t go breakin’ my heart…
SueInCa : I was inlove with Ricky Nelson was going to marry him too
funksands : Who is this “Davy” you are all referring to?
AlphaBitch : You could have ridden the BBQ pit/horses side by side with me. Davy always welcomed Annie. My poor little neighbor constantly had to be Russell….
choicelady : Cher – you’re right. That was the correct spelling of Gayle.
choicelady : Cher – YOU were Davy, too???? I admit the cap was cool, but I never related to tall men. You’ve met me. You can see why.
Chernynkaya : Marjorie Lord was Danny Thomas’ second wife on Make Room for Daddy.
choicelady : AB – I loved Davy Crockett, too, but did not want to BE him. I was Annie Oakley. I had the two shortest pigtails in creation. My mother would not let me have long hair. I’m still in therapy over the deprivation.
SueInCa : I had a ten speed and skates and a skateboard. No dolls for me but I remember breaking my sister;s kelly doll or something with hair that grew out of the top of her head, how silly LoL
KillgoreTrout : Good one Sally. LOL
Chernynkaya : CL, do you remember the name of Margie’s dad’s boss? Now that’s insane that I do!
choicelady : AB Marjorie Lord was an actress. My Little Margie was played by Gale Storm. Now top THAT for trivia!
AlphaBitch : YES Cher. Thank you – would have made me nuts.
SallyT : Funk, your grandpa was saying, “Surely you aren’t my grandson. I must be lit!”
AlphaBitch : Cher: With any luck,I can someday scan and send a photo of me in my mother’s attempt to feminize me with a pearl and diamond red sweater. Of course, I’m on the stick horse WITH the Crockett cap AND my pistol. Didn’t work.
choicelady : Cher – I LOVED “My Little Margie”! You did NOT stroke out – you went down memory lane is all.
KillgoreTrout : I had a toy musket!
KillgoreTrout : Funk, is there more to that story? LOL!
Chernynkaya : Gayle Storm.
choicelady : ‘Night Nana! Have a great time!
Chernynkaya : AB– I WAS DAVEY CROKETT TOO!! Cuz I wanted the raccoon cap.
AlphaBitch : Cher: Yes – and who was Margie??? Something Lord?
SueInCa : Kt i call them infotainers
Chernynkaya : Wow, I’m taking a trip down memory lane. AB, I remember a TV show when I was a tot: My Little Margie. Damn, I think I DID stroke out!
AlphaBitch : Cher: Did I tell you that I WAS Davy Crockett as a child? Yep. Talk about gender confusion……p eople had to call me “Davy” and I would only wear the faux buckskin/real coonskin cap.
KillgoreTrout : Sue, “uncle like.” cher, we grew up with Walt. All of us. He was a god compared to the “journalists,” we have now.
funksands : My grandfather always made me call him “Shirley” and light his cigarettes…..
Chernynkaya : He was KT. I still remember him introducing his TV shows.
SueInCa : What does that mean KT> finally a word I don’t know
AlphaBitch : My “other mother” Margie was GrandMargie to her grandkids. Loved that.
KillgoreTrout : Exactly sue.
KillgoreTrout : Cher, OK. Walt was avuncular.
SueInCa : You go Sbreen I am nana too
Chernynkaya : Have fun, Sabreen! (Old broad.)
SallyT : Good night Sabreen. I am called Gee by my grandkids.
AlphaBitch : Sabreen: Have a safe and good trip, and love that “grand” child for us all! (See that is not too painful – grand is a lovely word)
SueInCa : Why the hell do they wait until they die to lie about them? Because they are cowards
KillgoreTrout : cher, I thank my lucky stars that I have retained a few brain cells.
Chernynkaya : Wait, KT–wasn’t Uncle Walt: Walt Disney? He was to me.
Sabreen60 : Well folks I have an early morning – going to see my 19 month old grandson. No don’t call me grandma. I’m Nana or Foxy Old Broad, but never grandma. I’m not growing old gracefully.
Nite All.
SueInCa : LOL you don’t fool me AB
AlphaBitch : KT: DO tell. The Walter is one of my heros.
SallyT : Bush’s mind was wasted.
AlphaBitch : No ma’am, Mizz Sue. I just get punch drunk when this tired.
KillgoreTrout : Oh, and some other slug wrote a book condemning Walter Cronkite! WALTER CRONKITE! UNCLE WALT!
Chernynkaya : KT- ‘zactly. But the ad was “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Quail misquoted it hilariously: “What a shame it is to waste one’s mind. How true, how true.”
SueInCa : LOL AB you are crazier than me hands down
AlphaBitch : Sue: That’s what MLK meant by “I have a dream”. I”m pretty sure of it….
SueInCa : Because the mind is a terrible thing? Cher
KillgoreTrout : How do you spell potato again?
SallyT : On Real Time tonight Bill Maher said that the Dems should counter the Birthiers with the Wivers. That Romney has 5 wives and we should ask for the marriage certificates.
SueInCa : I have dreams AB of asking those dudes stupid questions to maje fun of them
bito : C’Lady, I ran across that word today looking for something else. Bingo! From the meeting they held after the inauguration to their filibusters yesterday, that’s what they are–Quislings
funksands : Sue / AB, you should really learn to express yourselves
Chernynkaya : Sally, speaking of that egg–this is a non-sequitor–bu t remember that ad for the United Negro College Fund? Remember Dan Quail? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
AlphaBitch : I wanted to get that Ask me about my abortion tee shirt, wear it around Santorum, pretend I had regrets and then tell him my ONLY regret was that he wasn’t the fetus. But there are so many others….I’d be like Octomom times five.
KillgoreTrout : Good one Funk! Minions they are.
SueInCa : Ok when Bush name comes up then the f word comes from me. He really was that fetus in the jar his mom showed him ole Bush sr did some boris karloff to get that boy
KillgoreTrout : Exactly cl. But the righties are really reaching for any sort of “dirt,” they can find. Luckily, they are really lousy at it.
funksands : All of the GOP’ers work for minion wage.
AlphaBitch : Sue – Amen dat.
Chernynkaya : Did someone say “quisling?” So many of ’em.
choicelady : Sue! That is VERY funny if not at all nice! Keep it up!
AlphaBitch : Ah, Funk man – you always crack me up! (But not like “Crack” crack..)
SueInCa : Bush is the poster child for pro choice
choicelady : KT – all of PBO’s youthful indiscretions were exposed by him in his books. There is nothing left to tell.
funksands : KT, I’m not sure we want to relax Mitt’s tight grip on himself. I think he’s one loose wire away from serial-killer
KillgoreTrout : Funkman in the house!
SallyT : Bush’s brain was that fry egg on drugs.
AlphaBitch : So Bush is the poster child of “Don’t Do Drugs”?
KillgoreTrout : If Mitt were stoned, who would know the difference?
choicelady : bito – YES! That’s who they are- Quislings! And the FDL and AOLHP types are Fifth Columnists. We are surrounded on all sides!
KillgoreTrout : Oh, I think it is to Obama’s credit that smoke pot for a while. I wouldn’t want him doing it know, but way back when? Really, who cares. Bush was a drunken coke head.
AlphaBitch : Good idea, Sally. Who’s willing to get Mitt high? Think how much fun that could be…..
SallyT : Good to see you in type there Funk.
choicelady : AB – it’s just your alter ego, Biff, acting up. Not to worry. We love you both.
bito : My word of the day-probably longer for the GOP- Quisling «link»
AlphaBitch : Hemorrhoidick? Uh oh. I”m acting out and badly again. Sorry!
SallyT : Maybe Romney should have smoked a little pot and relaxed in school.
choicelady : funk – that’s GREAT! Very applicable. The heartbreak of GOPsoriasis is everywhere!
funksands : Hi Sabreen
SallyT : Yes, I saw it, KT. Sounds like alot of high school stories. True or not but who cares if he smoked pot. At least he wasn’t a bully!
AlphaBitch : FUNK! Good one.
funksands : AB, that would be the “Heartbreak of Cheney” or is that GOPsoriasis?
choicelady : AB – Ahhhhhh, yes! Send Biff!
AlphaBitch : Funk: Huh?
Sabreen60 : Hey Funk!
funksands : AB, the would be the “
choicelady : KT – I know she teaches, and I figured she’s tres busy, but I just hope she’s OK.
AlphaBitch : CL: Amen. He’s the kind of guy Biff would like to work on, thought – right?
KillgoreTrout : Yeah Sally, that’s it. Did you see the photo of a supposed young Obama? It didn’t even look like him.
funksands : I am wiped out but very happy. After a month of wrangling with the school district we got another year of placement at my son’s school.
choicelady : AB – I would agree. Not enough to rid us of him. And when he does go, the stench of sulphur and brimstone will linger long.
SallyT : KT, that book is named “Barack Obama: The Story and says that PBO was in the Choom Gang.
Chernynkaya : I’ll be back in a sec too…
AlphaBitch : Cher – that is too funny. I’ll not be able to watch an Activia commercial again w/o thinking of dear sweet old “Shoot your pal in the face and then get HIM to apologize” Cheney.
KillgoreTrout : CL, she is in Ohio, and probably busy teaching and grading papers and such.
choicelady : Hey funk! How ARE you?
Chernynkaya : Hiya Funk!
SueInCa : Nope BRB though hey Funk
AlphaBitch : FUNK!!!!
choicelady : AB – I don’t know about Chris’s status at all. Just haven’t heard from her in weeks. Anyone know where and how she is?
Chernynkaya : AB! Now I understand. Activia works for me to keep Cheney away.
AlphaBitch : CL: Not enough ExLax in existence to rid the world of that one.
funksands : Hi everyone!
choicelady : AB – oh, that laxatives would work internationally to rid us ALL of Cheney!
AlphaBitch : CL: Is Chris OK???
AlphaBitch : Sabreen: Not kidding. Seriously. But some laxatives helped.
choicelady : Sue – I appreciate the care you use with words. There are so many degrees of stupidity, and you parse the use of “idiot” very well, I think!
Chernynkaya : AB–explain please? Exorcism? He inhabited your body? Ew.
KillgoreTrout : Sue, from what i could tell, he IS an idiot. Hey is Sally in the house?
SueInCa : AB you make me smile
Sabreen60 : AB
SueInCa : KT before getting upset watch that guy in an interview he comes off as an idiot. I don’t use that word lightly either
choicelady : Hey Ohioans – anyone heard from Chris lately? Miss her.
Chernynkaya : FC, I said goodnite to you too early, so I won’t say anything now.
AlphaBitch : I almost had to have an exorcism about Cheney once.
SallyT : Damn, FC is leaving as i am getting started.
KillgoreTrout : Take care FC and murph!
Sabreen60 : Good nite Murph!
choicelady : ‘Night food! Sweet dreams!
AlphaBitch : Night FC
AlphaBitch : Sue: That was great.
Sabreen60 : Hi Sally!
SueInCa : AB I loved the comment in Game Change How does Cheney eat with that hood on?
Sabreen60 : Nite Foodchain!
SallyT : Hi CHER! You and CL been handing everything I see.
Chernynkaya : Take care Murph.
KillgoreTrout : CL, from what i read in the excerpts, this just sounds like a hack writer trying to sell books. I doubt there is any substantiation at all. The photo they used for the young Obama, didn’t even look like him.
choicelady : Good night, Murph – hope things get a LITTLE better for you all!
Chernynkaya : CL. Rom said it this week, I think. THIS WEEK!
AlphaBitch : No freakin’ sh*t Cher. DICK. CHENEY (who knew a 6 letter word could become a 4 letter word??)
SueInCa : night food
bito : So did Matthews/newt–t hat’s was a love fest.
foodchain : This is it for me this time. Take care all. Good weekend
Sabreen60 : Bito, AB I went to the Northwest facebook page and it’s pretty sad. They had a like to an article (I didn’t read it) about what BushI said about the school. They had a negative comment about PBO in on the side bar.
Chernynkaya : Oh thank god, it’s finally SALLY!! HI!
choicelady : Cher – no, Mitt does NOT think about what he’s saying. Back to AdLib’s “Is Romney a Sociopath?” I have no idea how he’s going to deal with this – this is a RECENT statement, not even a few months old.
bito : Halprin did a lousy job generally.
AlphaBitch : Bye MTS. Hello Sally. I’m not long for this world either tonight, but here for a few more minutes
KillgoreTrout : Cher, I saw on article about the book earlier today, but can’t find it now. It was on Yahoo. (there is a hint to it’s voracity right there)
SueInCa : Night MTS
Chernynkaya : AB–I saw that. America, really? It’s OK to campaign with CHENEY??
Chernynkaya : Exactly, bito. And what a joke of a reporter mark Halperin is to not even catch it,
SallyT : Good evening everyone here on this long weekend.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey all…I am going to check out…just brain dead. Another meeting tomorrow.
AlphaBitch : Did anyone catch RAchel last night/a few nights ago when she went off on Cheney? Jiminy Cricket that guy gives me the heebee jeebees.
choicelady : KT – I saw some kind of story about it from the pro-marijuana legalization people here in CA calling him a hypocrite for enforcing the laws. I called them out on using that totally unsubstantiated story, and it really pissed me off. Everything does NOT go just to make your own point.
bito : Cher, all while ignoring the Ryan budget, which he supports
SueInCa : KT that guy is a total whizzball. Anyone with a brainb talking to him would think WTF
Chernynkaya : Cl–Does he even listen to himself? I mean, that refutes the entire Repub budget
AlphaBitch : KT: That makes PBO even more cool.
Chernynkaya : KT, I don’t know the book, but that talking point’s been all over the internet today.
choicelady : Sue – I think it’s Goldberg. An ally of Leah’s though not exactly a friend if I recall.
choicelady : Cher – yes! Isn’t that wonderful! ROMNEY said that about budget cuts – and it’s going to be a major point in PBO’s campaign! Let’s see Mitt wriggle out from THAT since he JUST said it recently!!!
SueInCa : Did they never read title X
KillgoreTrout : Speaking of books, has anyone heard about the new book by some scumbag, that claims Obama was some kind of pot smoking leader of some sort of Asian gang?
choicelady : Bob Jones U. came up as I gently tried to explain to my Catholic friends that they may not take federal tax money for their functions as charities, hospitals, universities, and then discriminate against their employees who are not Catholic by denying contraception coverage. They were shocked – shocked I tell you – to discover that Protestants ALL have done discernment and theological reflection and believe contraception is a moral GOOD. I think they just thought we were kinda “ya know, whatever” about it. I believe they believe we don’t believe anything really – just go along with whatever’s trendy. NOT!!!!
Chernynkaya : «link»
Chernynkaya : Say, didja all see that Romney said “Budget Cuts Would Throw Economy Into ‘Recession Or Depression’
bito : That lowers status of even the honorary doctorate, Sabreen
SueInCa : Or is it goldberg? She wrote Kingdom Coming
KillgoreTrout : Cher, LOL!
SueInCa : Good for Michelle Goldman she just told the truth about Obamacare and Obama overall.
AlphaBitch : Sabreen: do they list any famous alums from Northwood???
KillgoreTrout : AB, great idea!
Chernynkaya : KT, honestly, I felt fine, but I guess that’s me “thinking” look now. {{sigh}}
AlphaBitch : Just know it will be fabulous Cher when it is finished.
SueInCa : Those doctorates must be like candy now anyone can buy one when you give one to an asshole like allen it loses its meaning
choicelady : Sabreen – oh, that’s pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. There are NO standards anymore are there?
Chernynkaya : Lollygag mansion! Love it! I still have about another week or so.
AlphaBitch : There was also “Hairvoyant”. for real. Palm reader and beautician. One stop shop.
foodchain : AB Book? Absolutely!
choicelady : Murph – LOL!!!! I think that made me swallow my tongue laughing! He WOULD do it, wouldn’t he???
Sabreen60 : Northwood University Florida (West Palm Beach) recently hosted Congressman Allen West as its commencement ceremony keynote speaker and awarded him an honorary doctorate. «link»
KillgoreTrout : Whoa cher! I get that look quite often. I’ve been a real space case all day today.
AlphaBitch : KT: That’s a great one!
choicelady : Ohhhhh Cher, I’m soooo sorry! To be told you looked as if you’d stroked out. Yikes. Are you done with the project yet? I surely hope so!
AlphaBitch : Cher:Poor baby! We did the painting thing for 2 weeks solid when we bought Lollygag Mansion.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….West would be happy to appear at Jones in a White Sheet if that would help.
KillgoreTrout : AB, I want to see one called The Hair Ball!
choicelady : AB – I want to READ your book. Let us know when it’s done. That’s a GREAT idea!
Chernynkaya : Speaking of senior moments, my son and I were on one of our thousand trips to Home Depot for paint when he asked me if I was OK. I asked why he asked, and he said he thought I’d stroked out, I had such a faraway look.
choicelady : Sue and AB – you’re absolutely spot on. Bob Jones would – but he’d have to sit in a separate place. They still believe in segregation even tho they’ve been threatened with loss of federal money and their 501-c-3 status. Some traditions MUST be upheld they believe – and racial segregation is one of them.
KillgoreTrout : FC, often times it’s all about the money!
AlphaBitch : Is it just me, or do people love the unique stylings found on the names of beauty shops? Like Curl Up and Dye? Hairstory? Shampooch? I want to do a coffee table book of just fun names of hair places (pets and people)
bito : Agree Murph, very moving.
foodchain : cl, who would think that higher education would have so many undeducated leaders
SueInCa : Bob Jones University would invite him
AlphaBitch : CL: The beauty school that trains cutters for the Hairport (a real place in Nashville)
Sabreen60 : CL, I will do a quick search. I couldn’t believe it.
KillgoreTrout : You’re right cl. There is no way!
choicelady : Sabreen- WTF? What college would invite ALLEN WEST????
MurphTheSurf3 : Bito…yes Biden today very moving. He has a powerful human touch. The story of him sitting in is sons’ hospital room night after night wondering if he should resign his just won seat in the Senate…and having a conversation with his deceased wife holding their daughter gets to me every time….that was one of the ways he got to the place he is in now.
AlphaBitch : Sabreen: It’s a wonder Allen West could FIND a college, much less speak at one. Didn’t happen to be a beauty college,now was it?
choicelady : KT – is there anyway we cannot have “senior moments” given who we are? Even the younger ones in the crowd are influenced by it all.
bito : and the R’s will call it political
SueInCa : AB I will try it. Look up Juanita she wil make you laugh all day long she has a unique approach to the news of the day
Chernynkaya : There have been very few years in my life when Memorial Day was a time to <i>remember</i> a war. In my 62 years, we’ve mostly been at war.
choicelady : AB – I snorted when you reminded me of the Always slogan. I’ve heard her riff on that, and it makes me laugh every time!
bito : PBO will not just go to Arlington this year, but also The Wall to mark 50 years.
AlphaBitch : Who the heck is Juanita? Barney Fife’s squeeze on the side when he wasn’t with Thelma Lou?
Sabreen60 : Speaking of Florida. Was anyone speaking of Florida? Anyway, I caught the end of clip on the teevee that ALLEN WEST gave the commencement address at some college in Flordia.
choicelady : Oh Sue – you linked me to Juanita Jean – it’s a GREAT site!
AlphaBitch : NO Sue – but read Wendi Aarons. She’s the one who wrote the Always manufacturer when he stamped his “products” with “Have a Happy Period”. Hilarious – wendiaarons.com
Chernynkaya : CL–I’ll take it as a compliment.
KillgoreTrout : Are we all having “senior moments?”
choicelady : Cher – you’re doing fine. At least as fine as the rest of us. Wait. That may NOT be a compliment…
Chernynkaya : Bito–that’s the one. Biden’s speech was actually historic in it’s personal, heartfelt honesty.
SueInCa : AB ever heard of Juanita Jean from Texas? You should read her blog
AlphaBitch : KT – me too.
choicelady : Hey bito! Wonderful to see you! Maybe everthing will calm down now you’re here! We got very confused about who’s staying, who’s leaving. Bourne DID leave. And that’s when we all got confused.
AlphaBitch : I sent AdLib a little ‘sumpin that I made to mock Perry – with his quote about “Let me tell you, when I’m in, I’m in ALL THE WAY”. Use your imagination.
KillgoreTrout : I thought it was great that after 40 years, a Vietnam Vet received the medal of honor. Postumously sad to say.
Chernynkaya : AB, bite your tongue! LOL–not Perry!
choicelady : I dunno’s on third, KT.
AlphaBitch : The ONLY thing I don’t like about Biden is the dentures he got when he knew he’d be the VP pick. Or maybe they were just overly whitened. Everything else is great.
bito : ICYMI: Joe Biden’s Moving Speech To Familes Of Fallen Military «link»
choicelady : AB – we KNOW you are NOT Rick Perry. You’re smart.
Chernynkaya : CL–whew! I’m so rusty actually talking to anybody, I need help.
foodchain : Murph, the Clintons have a continuing history; maybe not as bad a black Kenyan but one they love to attack none the less
choicelady : Cher – Biden is the poorest member of the Senate which says volumes about him. His outreach to ordinary people is born of his BEING an ordinary man. I love everything about him. Never liked Hillary after she got into the Senate, and yes, she has mucho baggage.
AlphaBitch : Poop’s on second.
SueInCa : I don;’t know is on third
AlphaBitch : In Texas, MTS. Not unusual, but counter to what I saw in ’08.
KillgoreTrout : Who’s on first, what’s on second!
Chernynkaya : AB “No one leaves.”
SueInCa : OK I drop it now. Just a thought I am thinking of anything to win. Mayvbe I am really a Rethuglican?”
AlphaBitch : Bar the door, Katie.
choicelady : OK – I’m with Sue and AB – NOBODY MOVES! This is slapstick!
MurphTheSurf3 : AB….gop signs where?
Chernynkaya : Were y’all talking about Biden’s incredible speech to vets’ families?
AlphaBitch : Cher: You mean I’m Rick Perry????
KillgoreTrout : No, I thought someone said you were. Oooops!
choicelady : KT – are YOU leaving? I’m not!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue..Hillary may have plans of her own…she cannot campaign as Sec of State and stepping out of that office without very careful transition is very problematic…fi nally Hillary also has baggage which will be unpacked anew by the GOP. O will stick with Joe.
AlphaBitch : Me too CL and his lovely fambly.
Chernynkaya : Alpha–you rick!
Sabreen60 : Oh, so Sue you’re not leaving – ok. So I take back my “nite”
KillgoreTrout : See ya later bourne and cl.
choicelady : AB – Biden said, right after the election, that yes, he’d wanted the BOB ticket, too – “But we got it right,” he smiled.”We got it right.” LOVE that man for that and many other issues!
Chernynkaya : Sleep well, Bourne.
AlphaBitch : I see nothing but Repub signs EVERYWHERE here, a change from 08. And Repubs eating each otehr…….
SueInCa : NO NO NO ok AB is right no one LEAVES LOL
SueInCa : And i cannot spell tonite
Sabreen60 : Nite Sue!
choicelady : Cher – no I’m here. I can’t tell WHO is leaving! Whoever – good night and sweet dreams. Have a great Memorial Day weekend! Whoever you are!
SueInCa : I like Joe not in love but like I just see Hillary as a real game changer. No Borune is leaving I thought it was CK your pics are the same
AlphaBitch : No one leaves.
Sabreen60 : Hey Bito. Nite, nite Bourne
choicelady : Oh is Bourne leaving or you, Sue? Now I’m confused…
Chernynkaya : Wait, what? CL is Leaving?? Damn.
AlphaBitch : I had originally hoped the ticket in ’08 would be Biden-Obama, or B-O’B, as I called it.
KillgoreTrout : Choice, I like Biden too. I think he is really an honest man.
choicelady : Sue – good luck hunting, dear friend. See you soon I hope. Keep us posted on progress and find your dream house!
Chernynkaya : Sabreen –I’m with you on voter suppression! Rick Scott just declared thousands of voters “ineligible” for no reason. Where the fuck is the DOJ? Although they maight not be able to do anything.
foodchain : Choice, I lOVE JOe BIden too. Don’t know what the flap is about. He’s real and I love it
choicelady : Sabreen – yup – voter supression is HUGE. BTW – a woman on TPV from Milwaukee said the DOJ was all over WI on voter supression in registration. Hooray!
KillgoreTrout : Choice, I go visit every summer. My family and i started going there in 68, and when my dad retired, they bought a modest home there, for, get this, 37, 500 dollars. Brand new in beautiful wooded area.
AlphaBitch : FWIW, I agree with CL on the Biden issue.
SueInCa : oops bourne and cl look alike see you Bourne
choicelady : AB – sure, hon, we’re always here for you, quickie or long term! How are you?
AlphaBitch : Hi Cher honey! Couldn’t resist, with you here and all…
Chernynkaya : Oh, got it, Murph.
choicelady : KT – I LOVE Joe Biden and think he’s perfect for Obama because he LIKES Obama and has his back. I don’t think he makes gaffes – I think he’s the advance man. Maybe not on the F bomb over health care, but that was just funny!
SueInCa : Nite CL have a good one
Chernynkaya : Alpha–naughty girl–of course!
AlphaBitch : FC: Right. I agree. Katherine Harris in FL, and shenanigans in OH. Watch ’em!
BourneID : Hey all, as I was saying – will I ever learn this system? I’m checking out now. I’ve been up since 4:30am – uncivilized time, and I’m fading rapidly. I’ll read this entire transcript when it’s published. Have a great 3 day weeekend, all you employed/still working people.
Sabreen60 : KT, I worry about voter suppression and Diebold machines. I want to believe Americans are smart enough not to elect Romney. Then I think of the millions who voted for McCain – knowing that Palin was a heartbeat away for the Oval Office. I just try not to dwell on the possibility. It’s a long time until November and I need to stay sane.
MurphTheSurf3 : Cher and Choice..my guess is that is the poll Frum was using…it is why I shared it.
Chernynkaya : Bito!! Hey. I agree, I think Frum is off. But what’s interesting is, REPUBS believe those numbers and that explains a lot.
SueInCa : Just go to the ocean that always soothes ne I can sit for days
foodchain : voter fraud won 2000 and 2004
AlphaBitch : ‘Scuse me! Is there room on the sofa for a “quickie”?
KillgoreTrout : Sue, I love my mom dearly, but inside two weeks I would be going bananas.
bito : That said, since my early days of door knocking, Dems biggest problem has been GOTV
choicelady : KT – Falmouth is tres cool! Lucky mom!
KillgoreTrout : Sue, I don’t know. It might show Obama as not being loyal. I think Obama is going to keep Joe.
choicelady : Murph – it soooo depends on how the questions are posed. I consider myself a fiscal moderate and DO believe in responsible spending. I’m a radical on HOW that money is spent however. I know from surveys on religion that polling firms use simplistic standards – do you go to church at least once a week? Say “yes” and you’re religious. Say “no” and you’re SECULAR. Bullshit! I do’t even belong to a church, don’t go regularly but work for a kick ass progressive faith organization with millions of members who are just like me. With so little gradation – with no subtlety to the questions – they can skew this any old way they like.
Chernynkaya : Murph, I don’t trust that poll because they don’t ask respondents to articulate what they mean by economic conservatives. Also, in general Gallup is suspect because they are Right-leaning. Besides, I think one could call themselves a Dem and an economic conservative. So this highlight how hard it is to tell how the voters break down by Party–and it shouldn’t be that hard!
BourneID : Hey All
SueInCa : KT you should live with her LOL
bito : Cher, I think Frums numbers are a bit off, I have seen quite a few polls and studies (MonkeyCage?) and it’s all in how people self identify, much like the ACA. People say they hate the ACA but they like all the parts. More R’s self identify as conservative but don’t really agree with the parts.
SueInCa : Who thinks the Prez should drop Biden and pick up Hillary? Would it be a betrayal and would it not be a political move? Or would it boost him with women even more? I like Biden but he is not exciting.
KillgoreTrout : Sue, I think the majority of Latinos see right through Romney. They know he is full of shit.
SueInCa : You cannot fool latinos by running a cuban with you. ALL Latinos know the difference.
KillgoreTrout : Falmouth, about 4 miles past the Bourne bridge. Just about a mile from Old Silver beach. It faces west and has some of the most beautiful sunsets.
Chernynkaya : CL–I thought Frum’s numbers are wrong too, but couldn’t find where I saw that.
MurphTheSurf3 : Cher…very up to date info from gallup «link»
SueInCa : Cher that last was mistake. I think in the end the indies will do the right thing and the minority(not so much anymore) will not vote against their best interests.
choicelady : KT – where on Cape Cod? I LOVE it there!
Sabreen60 : Cher, I don’t have a link, but I’ve read that the Republican base is 20%. More people vote Dem. That is why voter suppression is so important to Repubs.
choicelady : Cher – I think the numbers are very wrong. It is my understanding that Dems outnumber the GOP by a respectable margin, while yes, indies outnumber either one of them. But I do believe most people (and perhaps not in MO) actually want a stable adult for president. I’m far less worried about the president than about Congress. FAR less worried.
Chernynkaya : Great post, CL–thanks for that link!
KillgoreTrout : My biggest worry about the general election is voter fraud. That’s the only way the GOP can win, IMHO.
SueInCa : /Cher
SueInCa : I tell you CL he scares the shit out of us when he does not want to be touched
Chernynkaya : As an aside, I read an interesting piece by David Frum today Why the Fringe Sets the Agenda. He says that Dems have a base of about 20% and Repubs have a base of 40%, although in fact, elections are won by the Indies in the middle. (First–is he right about those numnbers? anyone have a link?) anyway, what made sen to me is this: <blockquote>Abou t 20% of America calls itself liberal; about 40% calls itself conservative. That asymmetry explains a great deal of the difference between the parties. The Democrats cannot remotely convince themselves that their base can deliver elections for them. They know they must work to broaden their coalition—and to restrain their base. Their base knows it too. The bigger Republican base, however, can imagine itself as representing the majority of the country, or anyway, something close to it. All that’s needed is one last push! And when you are so close to having everything your own way—why compromise?</blo ckquote> What do you think?
KillgoreTrout : My mother lives in a very small, out of the way community, with homes that average about 30 to 40 years old. It’s a really great community on Cape Cod. All liberal! Great neighbors who really look out for each other.
choicelady : Sue – thank you darling – and thank you to your dog! LOL!!
choicelady : Anyone – we have to hope the Dems get out the charts that show government spending under PBO is not only LESS than any previous prez since Carter but is spent on REAL economic stimulus, not waste. The People’s View’s most recent post is just GREAT on that. «link»
SueInCa : Those people are vicious. They are stingy except when it comes to their corp masters and they will lie then tell you what good christians they are, they have no clue what a real christian is. Even with all my faults I am better at it than them
Sabreen60 : Murph, And Ed is so dense that he doesn’t realize that if the President did insert himself it would immediately become all about the President.
foodchain : Murph, the pres cannot involve himself in local politics. Naive and over emotional on Shultz’ part
foodchain : KT, or a stupid rampaging elephant!
KillgoreTrout : FC, being scared by a grizzly bear would be a good motivator to run!
SueInCa : CL you let me know I will hide you. My dog will eat them alive
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen…Schult z called on the Prez to put his name, office and prestige on the line for the Wi. race….? so foolish
SueInCa : CL I was really surprised because the new building was always my pick not anymore at least not now
foodchain : KT fear is never a good motivator but it is a pwerful one
choicelady : Murph – that’s part of my personal history, and Rachel’s report scared the crap out of me. It’s 1998 all over again.
KillgoreTrout : Cher, I can see that. Fear is not always a “good,” motivator.
choicelady : Sue – God, that’s the truth! North Natomas and all the new subdivisions are in the toilet. We just got an appreciation of our house – we are significantly above purchase price in an old part of Sacto. If we had to sell and flee the country, we could. And for me that’s not a joke – remember ALL the GOP prez candidates signed a pledge to investigate all groups that supported GLBT rights. Well, that’d be me…
SueInCa : Sabreen I said it below it seems like some just want a reason to bitch so they sit it out. I agree Cher
Chernynkaya : KT, I don’t think Romney will win, but becasue the economy is still weak, people might be scared enough to give him a try, in which case the US is over.
MurphTheSurf3 : Cher, CL….just caught a bit of Rachel’s report on intimidation in Atlanta re. women’s health centers…sent by a friend from the meeting….you are both correct….this neck of the woods falls quickly into old patterns and this is one of those times when the old patterns are so easy to resurrect.
Sabreen60 : Most races in 2010 that were won by Repubs were won with small margins. Walker won with 52% of the vote. Dems have always had a better ground game. However, if Dems choose to sit out elections then there’s not much anyone can do about it.
KillgoreTrout : Bourne, that’s cool. You do contribute good comments.
foodchain : Sabreen60, the WI people are more peculiar than I would have thought. They had no dem party to speak of until Joe McCarthey pissed them off and the mod GOP created a dem party. They haven’t moved far off the mark of mostly GOP and a lot of underinformed voters’
SueInCa : All you have to do is go house hunting to see what is really going on in the country. I may write a post about it. The areas you would think you would want to move to(new subdivisions) are really going downhill real fast. The older sections where retired ppl live are thriving.
BourneID : KT I’ve actually been here every week; just observing; sometimes I dont have much to contribute and your conversatons flow so well.
KillgoreTrout : I don’t see how anybody, if they are honest with themselves, can think Romney would be a good president. Have our standards really sunk that low?
choicelady : Sabreen – YES! Ed never seems to learn from his own mistakes. HE told the nation that if PBO did not show up on the picket lines, they should “send the Dems a message: and NOT vote. Well, you can see how well THAT worked out…
Chernynkaya : Sabreen, I RT’s that and my followers were livid at Ed. I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him. It’s all about HIS involvement in WI.
SueInCa : I agree about Ed. These people who switch midstream then think they can run things bug the shit our of me
Sabreen60 : President Obama went to WI, OH, IN over and over before 2010 and told the people NOT to give the keys back to the Repubs. They didn’t listen. Now they want the President and the DNC to save them. I hope PBO does NOT insert himself in this recall election. I turned on Ed Schultz & again he is crying for PBO to insert himself into WI. The last time Ed said PBO should be a one-term President if he didn’t go protest with the people of WI. What a doofus.
SueInCa : I really do not know what the answer is. From my research(CL you know this) they are so far ahead of Dems in their mobilization they lost 2008 but came back roaring. Hey Sabreen
Chernynkaya : SABREEN! So happy to see you!
Chernynkaya : CL and all, I think that when the economy is scary, people revert to feral. And all through Obama’s presidency, about 40% of the nation has been suffering from mass hysteria. But polls show increased optimism, and I believe that come November, the sickness will have abated enough that sense will be returned. Anyway, I HAVE to believe that. The alternative is literally unthinkable.
choicelady : Hey Sabreen – lovely to see you!
choicelady : Cher – that’d take out the entire breadbasket, leave a gaping hole between OUR halves. I want them to GROW UP and understand that while Sue can find a Norman Rockwell house, this is NOT a Norman Rockwell painting of a nation. Well, and anyway Rockwell did those great pictures of the little girl being escorted to school by federal marshalls in Little Rock. HE got it. So must the rest of the nation and SOON!
Sabreen60 : Hi folks. Hope everyone is ok. Did anyone watch the debate on C-Span between Walker and Barrett. Walker is so sleazy and refused to answer certain questions. I think Barrett won, but who knows what the people of WI will do.
Chernynkaya : Murph, it’s important for me to know what conservative states like MO are like. I have no experience with that thinking. But it’s also important to see the bigger picture too, right?
foodchain : Ha, he’s slow to respond. So talk about WI, my neigboring state? GOP $$ are huge and the dems had to be shamed into giving and now it’s tied! Let me say that dem leadership continues to be (kindly she said) FRUSTRATING!
BourneID : MTA the name calling is not new; the reason it’s effective is because we don’t respond in kind. Why do we think it’s just going to go away, This tone started in 2008 when Sarah came on scene and started her garbage about the president. She was brutal.
choicelady : Bye food – say hi to China and your son for us!
Chernynkaya : Sue, let the red states secede! We built this country and let them try to start from scratch.
choicelady : Oh Murph I’m SO sorry. That IS a major difference, and it’s horrible. MO is such a weird state – sort of South, sort of North. I once decided St. Louis was the dead center of the nation – restaurants carried both grits AND hashbrowns. Clear sign of demarcation. But I understand how horribly demoralizing this must be. My grandfather, a professor of English in NE, was from Albany, Gentry County and was a follower of Rose Wilder Lane who influence Ayn Rand, and he was a racist anti-Semite. Despite his education, he never lost his bigotry. My grandmother was dead opposite – they separated before I was born. I have a sense of how awful MO is. Not to mention Springfield, home of the Assembly of God, John Ashcroft, and the skinhead neo Nazis. I get it.
SueInCa : BRB gotta go let the pup out
Chernynkaya : See ya soon, FC!
Chernynkaya : I knew he’d be great FC. I don’t have to tell you what Zorro means to us all.
foodchain : My son just skyped from China, goota go; damn, I was looking forward to a llittle time here
KillgoreTrout : Good to see you here again Bourne!
foodchain : Cher, he’s GREAT!
foodchain : reaaly busy here KT. I peek a lot but everyone wirtes such good comments, I can’t just write a quick reponse.
KillgoreTrout : Be back in a few, have to step away for a moment.
BourneID : Hi KT
Chernynkaya : Hi Foodchain! How’s the pup?
SueInCa : KT someone else I know I think here does the glass blowing or maybe it is someone I met. Food I may post some pics here in a post so you can see.
foodchain : I would love to see hand made jewelry. It’s just so personal and beautiful
KillgoreTrout : What’s up FC.
MurphTheSurf3 : Cl…my brain is numb from discussions about this but I got such good ideas here last week I want to respect your, and others, contribution. Signs are being torn up and the police do not even take reports…that is different from 4 years ago…there have been threats….the tag of anti-American, socialist, atheist, is now being publicly attached to anyone who supports Dems….the nasty is getting nastier.
choicelady : Hey food! Great to see you!
SueInCa : Oh CL you are my biggest fan. Hey food
choicelady : Sue – Yup. He’d be singing soprano even IF it was only over the blogwaves.
KillgoreTrout : Sue, must be good to be creating again! I really miss glass blowing.
Chernynkaya : Of course, all I know is what I read. And every poll–all the big ones–show Obama ahead, although not by as many points as I’d like. But beyond the braod question of how many points Obama or Romney have, polls show Obama ahead on the issues–even on handling of the economy. Also, he’s got a gigantic lead among women, latinos, youth and blacks. Also a good lead among white college-educated . To me, it all boils down out GOTV.
foodchain : Hi all, jewelry and house hunting> Nice work
choicelady : KT – I can attest that Sue makes very lovely jewelry! I’ve seen it, and she is wildly talented!
SueInCa : CL lucky for him it was not honey
choicelady : Murph – when I talked about the things that worried you (did not name you) over at The People’s View, one idiot told me to shut up, that negative thinking could not be permitted, and kept calling me GIRL. Keithinohio was his handle – and I finally slapped him down. It’s no more appealing to me to have brainless Obama supporters than brainless anything else. AND DON”T CALL ME GIRL!
SueInCa : Bourne I know and I get pissed. KT every bead and finding you can think of I use a lot of mediums.
KillgoreTrout : Sue, glass beads?
SueInCa : Really good I started making jewelry again and am looking for a house again busy but good
KillgoreTrout : Hey cher and choice. Long time no see, cher!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sue, pretty good, and you?
Chernynkaya : Kilgore! Hiya!
Chernynkaya : Sue, I need to read more papers around the country, at the Newseum. I’m in a California bubble. But as of now, I think when PBO wins it’ll be amazing considering all he’s got against him.
choicelady : KT – Hi – how ARE you?
MurphTheSurf3 : Cher- I was very, very involved in the obama campaign and it was romantic and sexy….a no brainer for many, appealing to groups that had never seen one of their own having a real shot at the top job AND the anger at Bush and dislike for McCain was palpable…even so…it was not a blowout. 4 years later…the choice is so much more complex and people are so simplistic. I was often struck by how little very enthusiastic supporters of Barack actually knew about him or his positions.
SueInCa : KT how are you?
BourneID : Sue I don’t think we have the ruthlessness we need to fight the kind of fight the repubs have chosen. Money is important but not everything. The perception of weakness was pretty well established since 2010 with the dems failure to stop anything in congress.
KillgoreTrout : Ah ha! I found you! What’s up Peeps?
SueInCa : On Bain all anyone has to do is talk to Josh Kosman he will give them the skinny. NPR probably has no idea how PE works
choicelady : Murph – you’ve said that before, especially about your drinking buddies. I get it (I have family roots there – not progressive ones). But it’s YOU and folks like you who set a quiet standard. Put up a sign – people know who you are – and just gently explain things. Everyone who does anything helps move this along. Maybe it won’t work – but it needs to be tried. The respect people have for you is a very powerful reason for them to think about WHY you’d support her.
Chernynkaya : Murph, well, the people I think you’re talking about (rurals and suburbs) aren’t Indies and aren’t going to vote for a Dem anyway. So it’s no loss, right?
SueInCa : I agree Cher. They are laying down like everyone else. It seems sometimes like no one is sticking up for Obama
Chernynkaya : CL, NPR has become mostly useless. They are so afraid of losing funding they WON’T refute GOP lies. I’ll not give them another cent.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…the walk and talk in precincts is a good tactic in the cities but in suburbs and countryside…no t so much…in fact it can create a wicked backlash. Do not know Wi the way I know Mo. and the power of the GOP outside of the urban centers is fearsome.
SueInCa : I agree Bourne but how are they going to like being called the other? Problem is Dems will lay down THAT pisses me off.
Chernynkaya : Bourne, I tend to agree about people’s intelligence–af ter all, Obama won handily in ’08–did everyone get dumber in 4 years? I doubt it.
BourneID : Hey MTS, isn’t Clair from Kansas?
choicelady : Sue – honestly, if Romney wins along with the House and Senate, this nation is doomed. We will be in Depression by the end of 2013. He has NO clue what governing is all about. NONE.
SueInCa : My thought is if Mitt and pubs win, it is drop out time. We are screwed and people will be crying but I think some people like to be miserable, they sure vote like it
choicelady : Cher and Murph – I feel as if a lot of the MSM is starting to refute the GOP crap. Not all the time, not every one of them, but I’m hearing stuff I like. NPR may be the biggest problem – tonight Brooks said the steel mill ad was a lie, it was in the toilet and Bain did not kill it off. THAT IS DEAD WRONG. They stripped out capital (illegal by the way) and ran it into the ground with “transfer pricing” a form of duplicitous bookkeeping. Brooks was NOT contradicted – and he lied.
Chernynkaya : CL I totally agree! I think in general, we’ve all become lazy and think just donating is enough. It’s not. Obama will be outspent by Romney but he has a much better organization and that’s where voter enthusiasm counts–getting out the vote.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello Cher and Bourne…the meeting…Claire is being outspend 50 to 1 right now….She is one of the Dem Senators with a target painted on her back…she is a woman, smart, knows finance, is a moderate, not from St. Louis, as much of a Dem as this state can elect and they are out to get her….we analyzed the media campaign being used….one bold faced lie after another…all linking her to Obama.
BourneID : CL I have faith in the basic intelligence of the people – it takes awhile to come around. I think we aren’t attacking the right things, e.g. what makes Romney qualified for the presidency simply based on his being a CEO of a corporation? the CEO does nothing – and Romney probably never crunched a number in his life. Like Cain so eloquently said when he couldn’t answer a question about Lybia because he didn’t know where it was and what was happening there, he had “people” to take care of those things. Romney has people too.
SueInCa : Cher all you can do is keep telling the truth.
SueInCa : CL I agree with you. In your face real conversations about the issues
choicelady : Murph – great to see you! If McC. can’t get money, get walking precincts for her. That’s the feedback from the folks at The People’s View (thepeoplesview. net) who are in WI. They decided if they can’t outspend Walker, they can out-DO him, and they are. It made me feel much better after last week’s conversation. Boots on the ground CAN and DID and WILL be as effective as money.
Chernynkaya : I only watched a few minutes on CSPAN. Walker was lying through his teeth. I honestly don’t know how we can refute all the lies–not just from Walker, but from all the Repubs.
SueInCa : Bourne I will follow your lead Hey MTS
BourneID : HI Murph – from now this evening, it’s MTS – every time I take the long route in spelling I have to erase and start over.
choicelady : Cher – no I did not know the debate was on out here. Where? Is it worth anything? How’s Barrett doing? My husband sent him a wad of cash. Well by OUR standards, a wad…
SueInCa : Bungalows, some craftsman and some ranch style. most we are looking at need little updating
Chernynkaya : hey Murph! How was the meeting? Money is tight!
choicelady : She – you did your homework, and that sounds GREAT, and I do NOT blame you for wanting the N. Rockwell moment! Vallejo has some very lovely areas!
BourneID : Sue, if you’re looking at the older homes, are they the typical Sacramento kind (like on the downtown neighborhoods); what’s their age? I love them but I would want upgraded, modern kitchen and bathrooms.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello all and guest host Cher….I am just back from a Claire McCaskill organizing meeting….all of the talk is about money…as in how to get some.
Chernynkaya : Sue, I hear ya! BTW, has anyone been watching the Walker/Barrett debate tonit?
choicelady : Bourne – Murph is right, of coure, but it’s been very interesting to me how much the “boots on the ground” (or as one person wrote – flip flops on the sidewalks) have bested all the crap ads the Kochs have done. Social media (PPOV etc. to tweets) have exposed the lying sacks of excrement and made a huge difference, too. I am actually excited to see how many people are BACK IN THE RACE as they were years ago – walking, talking, making a REAL difference!
SueInCa : Oregon no state taxes my friend lives there but somewhat expensive
SueInCa : I am not ready to give up Norman Rockwell just yet
Chernynkaya : I still dream of buying a few acres in Oregon or Washington and living off the land with extended family.
SueInCa : Cher only if I get what I want lol and CL they are fine. Some street issues but city services are ok.
Chernynkaya : Sue, I know it’s frustrating house hunting, but also kinda exciting, no?
choicelady : Sue – oh how cool, but remember – Vallejo is BANKRUPT. I’d make VERY sure they can provide services before buying there!
SueInCa : Hey Bourne
SueInCa : We are looking in a specialized area of older homes in Vallejo the streets look like something out of Norman Rockwell
BourneID : Hi Sue
choicelady : Bourne – Sue lives near us. Used to live MORE near us. even volunteered for my organization, bless her heart, but she’s now living in a MUCH cooler and nicer area. Still not awfully far from us.
BourneID : CL I’ve been interested in WI from outset of their recall business. I know he’s concerned about that and other things We communicate every day; I feel less pessimistic also but he is very worried about the money issue -hundreds ofmillions. I hope the great WI people hang in there – they’ve done the work. What I see in the repubs is an extremely well organized single-minded plan – we, unfortunately, don’t do that as well. I don’t want money to be the factor here that defeats our president.
Chernynkaya : I still have bathroom and a bedroom to paint. And I’m OCD about it.
SueInCa : Yeah soon as I find them they go pending
choicelady : Sue – how’s it going on the hunt? Anything promising?
choicelady : Cher – ooooooh. Been there, done that. I REALLY feel your pain! Ouch!
SueInCa : I am fine house hunting yuck
Chernynkaya : Sue, special to me! How are ya?
choicelady : Special, darlin’ – absolutely SPECIAL!
SueInCa : Hello all I forgot my manners
Chernynkaya : Home maintenance. Just. Awful.
SueInCa : Cher and CL because I am special special or special needs?
choicelady : Sue – I see your name at the top. You’re definitely logged in fine.
choicelady : Sue – hello by the way!!! Great to see you!
Chernynkaya : Sue, because we treat you special? Seriously, that’s weird.
choicelady : Sue – you may have to clean your cache. I have to about every two weeks or I come out as SPAM!
choicelady : Cher – Painting? As in Great Art or as in Home Maintenance?
SueInCa : How come I show as a guest?
choicelady : Bourne – I reported some of Murph’s concerns at The People’s View, and a LOT of folks from WI and environs assured me that things were MUCH better than were reported to Murph. I’ve not been able to connect with him to let him know. These were voices from the streets – registering people, etc. Said things from polls are NOT what they are seeing there. So I feel better and hope he will, too.
BourneID : CL no rain in Fair Oaks, but grey skies and little chily.
Chernynkaya : Bourne, I should have read last week’s Vox. But feel free to “lurk.”
Chernynkaya : Anyway, I’ve been painting for almost 2 weeks and I’m sore and beat.
choicelady : Cher – I cannot see how MSNBC makes a dime with that horrible set of programs! Ick!
BourneID : My plan this evening is to set back for awhie and watch the conversation develop. I hope Murph is going to pick up whre all of you were last week on the election. He seems very concerned.
Chernynkaya : CL–Now I remember that horror. Er, thanks.
Chernynkaya : OK, “Lockup” is on, and that means it’s officially time for Vox Pop!
choicelady : Hi Bourne! Great to see you. GORGEOUS day today wasn’t it? We got a bit of rain at work – did you?
choicelady : Eric Rudolph bombed clinics, gay bars, and the Olympics in Atlanta, bombed a clinic in Birmingham AL that left Emily Lyons, a nurse, with nails in her body even now, and then in October Buffalo doctor Bart Slepian was shot through his kitchen window by an Army of God member and Rudolph ally, James Kopp. Year from hell, IMHO.
Chernynkaya : Hey Bourne! Glad you’re here.
BourneID : Hi CL and Cher. Good seeing you.
choicelady : Same old same old; lots of demands for intervention on social justice, too little time for it all!
Chernynkaya : 1998? Refresh me.
Chernynkaya : Yes, that was hair-raising! Sorry about work–UGH!!
choicelady : This is how 1998 started. First Atlanta, then Birmingham, then Buffalo. Scares me.
choicelady : Work – and learning on Maddow about the clinic arsons in Atlanta. Hits close to home. Always raises my hackles and anxieties even though I’m a long way away from there!
Chernynkaya : Definitely need that drink. What happened today that was hard? Work?
choicelady : Cher – AdLib won’t like discovering he’d been bumped off the main page! LOL! How are you? Been awhile since we’ve talked. I’ll be delighted to hang in as long as I can with you. It’s been “one of those days” though – no promises! Be glad to buy you a drink later though!
Chernynkaya : CL, We can do it together if you like? I just saw his email today because I had so many emails, his was pushed to the second page.
choicelady : Hey! Glad to see you! I’m on early, nails ALSO trimmed, no coffee (can’t sleep with it after about 3:00)so good to see you! AdLib wasn’t sure he’d connected with you, so I’m here, too! Wonderful to hear from you!
Chernynkaya : I ate my dinner, got my coffee ready and trimmed my nails so I can type. Hope you’ll join me as I sub for AdLib tonight!
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive! BTW, guest hosting for me tonight will be the witty and inimitable Chernynkaya. Have a great evening and don’t forget to buy the guest host a drink!
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