AdLib : Sleep well!
SallyT : Nite nite!
SallyT : It’s the pagan in me!
AdLib : Thanks Sally, you too!
AdLib : Sally – Aw, homework on Easter Weekend! You’re strict!
SallyT : Have a wonderful holiday in any way you choose to celebrate it!
SallyT : You now have a homework assignment.
SallyT : I was just typing the same thing!
AdLib : Sally, it’s you and me again closing the bar. Cheers! Have a wonderful Easter, hope the Easter Bunny leaves you lots of fun stuff! See you here for Vox Populi next week!
SallyT : Murph, you have a nice weekend with or without the bunny,
SallyT : Sounds good AdLib.
AdLib : Very cool Murph! Have a great Easter weekend and cheers for all the good work you do!
AdLib : Sally – You’ve given me an idea for another article, should we be taking the bait and actually argue what are phony and transparent “complaints” by the GOP that are solely meant to suck up MSM time? Their dishonest reasons for opposing everything from the ACA to The Volt to killing Bin Laden are so plainly phony and just about always finding a reason to attack Obama. Shouldn’t we be attacking the GOP for their dishonesty when they launch one BS complaint after another instead of arguing the BS complaint?
MurphTheSurf3 : Well…going to call it a night….though I am a Christian Humanist, I associate with a church and am one of those who helps out with all of the Holy Week Services….seem s to move folks in a good way….an adult experience of faith challenging us to deal with tough issues…and that is good.
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLIb..agee re. KO’s temper tantrum and his expecting 24 character gold in a gold plate operation. As to Jennifer G.- give her some more of your time. She did not win me over immediately but has in the long run. She is a real life politician who has a pretty solid record….I think she is the only one on a cable news show (I do not count Spizer or Scarborough).
SallyT : She is getting more relaxed in front of the camera and I think she is coming along. She is certainly more pleasant than Cenk but he is more for the younger viewers.
AdLib : I don’t feel as strongly about Granholm, I’ve seen her in the past be quite the corporate-protec tive politician and have reservations about her but that’s beside the point. In show business, charisma is important as is inspiration. I haven’t seen a lot of her show, it was good but I don’t know that she grows much bigger than she is. She isn’t a breakout star though and that’s what Current needs. I will send them my agent’s phone number or they can reach me at Adlib Broadcasting Empire.
SallyT : To hell with all those jobs and rural America is the Repugs attitude. Can’t anyone see and hear that?
SallyT : Also, why isn’t there more about the US Postal Service! They have gotten the shaft by the Repugs!
SallyT : I really think that is something that should be talked about more in the campaign, that the Repugs were against the Volt and an American Company making it!
AdLib : Murph – The black background was the act of a temperamental brat. I don’t like brats whether they’re Romney or KO. You’re getting paid millions and you have a fledgling operation to grow into a powerhouse. You make compromises and work towards growth. KO acted like Julia Roberts on a $3 million movie, expecting all the private trailers and entourage to be paid for…if you can’t live within the budget of an indie channel, don’t go there.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…I think Granholm is outstanding. I watch her every night.
SallyT : And, she drives a Volt and loves it! Talks about it all the time.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…Granholm is the one breakout possibility. She has a unique background…sta te legislator, municipal leader, governor, attorney, with a really good stage presence and a pleasant demeanor. Her show is one I choose to watch every night.
SallyT : I do like Jennifer and the War Room
MurphTheSurf3 : OK….it sounds like we are all on the same KO page…Sad….
AdLib : The lineup at Current is…pardon the phrase…conserv ative. The hosts are okay but there are no potential breakouts for them, just solid workhorses. I think you need a better business plan, to be more innovative and not just recycle through many cast-offs from CNN and MSNBC. This could be part of what caused some friction, the ambition is missing at the top and they are charting a safe course as a small concern.
SallyT : I only liked about the first 2 mos of KO on Current and then I stopped watching and stayed with ED on MSNBC.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…you and I are of the same mind with this. I too fought for his quick return to Countdown MSNBC and was willing to give him a chance at Countdown Current, but I hear disturbing things from the start regarding a prima donna approach. Even his dark hole background was a sign….he could not get along with the production people so he said he wanted no staging at all…thus the dark womb look….weird… .
SallyT : See you later, Bito!
AdLib : That’s messed up Bito! Sorry about that! Have a great weekend!
MurphTheSurf3 : That was a quick but useful visit Bito…thanks
AdLib : It does piss me off a bit, I was a very vocal supporter of KO’s when he was fired from MSNBC after Comcast bought them out. Now, he has proven to me that he wasn’t worthy of my support, in fact, I stopped watching him a while ago after he started attacking a pragprog colleague of ours, Deaniac.
bito : «link» My “puter is crashing, G’night
SallyT : And think what he could have done with 2 mins!
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib….yes, I see KO the way you do. Read through the suit today. The plantiffs are Keith Olbermann and the Olbermann Broadcasting Empire….FLASHI NG EGOMANIA….Curr ent has promise. I love Granholm. I cannot stand Cenk. Bill Press is good. Spitzer grates on my nerves BUT he really knows what he is talking about so I might be able to develop a taste for is style…
bito : Obama campaign video exposes seven Mitt Romney lies in 84 seconds
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi Bito!
AdLib : Hey Bito! Thanks, good ad!
SallyT : Oh, didn’t know that Murph.
AdLib : Murph – Got tied up today but was going to write a post on Olbermann. I think he has jumped the shark now, especially with suing Current TV. Not saying that Current didn’t operate bureaucratically and inefficiently but trying to essentially destroy the one independent Progressive outlet is the act of an egotistical creep. He got millions already, he should have just walked away. Now, wo in their right mind would hire him and risk going through this all over again. I see GBTV being the model for his future.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…the two morning programs are C Span like….radio shows with cameras in the studio….zero production values….
bito : «link»
SallyT : AdLib they sure wouldn’t believe in history if they went with Jeb Bush!!!!
SallyT : I don’t think it is the end of Current TV. They have added two new shows to the morning line up.
SallyT : He would still have time.
AdLib : Sally – Good point but remember, the GOP doesn’t believe in science or history. BTW, Christie is 50.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…let me throw something out here as we seem to be running down….any thoughts on the Olbermann situation this week and on Current TV in general.
SallyT : Christie can’t be missed in a crowd. How old is he?
AdLib : Santorum will run in 2016, either Ron Paul or Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, maybe Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan might…could be a tough field for any one of them to stand out…though Christie just has to stand and he will stand out.
SallyT : Goodnight, Chris and rest well.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally T….great point. No one should run as VP unless he/she is very sure that they will win. Not a good bet.
MurphTheSurf3 : Take care….Chris… .come back soon…and stir up hornet’s nests.
SallyT : AdLib, no VP on the losing ticket has ever been elected President.
AdLib : Chris – Back at ya! Have a great weekend and a great Easter!
ChrisR266 : To rest of y’all, goodnight!
ChrisR266 : ON that all, we agree, Ad Lib. Golden slumbers to you, and know I value your conversation.
AdLib : Sally – Think of it this way, in 2016, Christie would have to outshine Jeb Bush and a whole army of established Repubs who were too scared to rn against Obama this year. How does he start off as the favorite over Jeb? Being VP could be an answer.
SallyT : And, regardless of the mess ups that Joe has now and then, Biden is no dummy! He will be tough in a debate.
SallyT : That is a way to see it, AdLib. But, couldn’t he also sell that he knew it wasn’t the time to run and he knew not to?
AdLib : Chris – Romney isn’t ready to run against Obama, whoever he picks as VP will likely be just as ill prepared. Mainly because they’re Repubs and Repubs now live in an alternative reality that just doesn’t play well with most Americans nor in debates.
MurphTheSurf3 : S’long…KT
ChrisR266 : Aw, Goodnight, Kilgore. So good to talk to you. Enjoy the weekend and golden slumbers to you.
MurphTheSurf3 : Let’s face it….Romney is going to suck big time as a candidate against Obama….he just sucks….did I mention that I think he really,really sucks…Hell, he looked bad when compared with Santorum and Gingrich…if he didn’t have the money and insider connections, he could have been taken down. Obama has a hard road ahead, but it is not Romney who threatens him. It is external events, domestic issues and the giant money sphincter the GOPPAC system has become.
AdLib : Sally – That is definitely a consideration though someone like Christie might see it as an opportunity to outshine the top of the ticket and have the 2016 buzz created about him being the frontrunner.
ChrisR266 : AdLib:He picks Christie? He will lose. Christie will blow it. He is not ready.
SallyT : You leaving KT?
SallyT : I think Morning Joe told the truth that most Repub don’t see Romney winning and that is why I don’t see anyone with future hopes going for being his VP.
AdLib : Night Killgore! Sleep well and find lots of eggs on Sunday!
AdLib : Sally and Murph – Don’t disagree with you, just saying that from Romney’s side, Christie is almost exactly what they need. From Christie’s side…well..how do you find Christie’s side???
KillgoreTrout : Well as Billy Shakespeare once said, “ah to sleep, perchance to dream.” Good night all.
AdLib : Murph – Christie also comes with the Repub talking point about cutting spending as governor since the deficit is their big economic issue.
SallyT : I see Romney wanting Christie but I don’t see Christie wanting to be VP.
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib…oh, Romney could us Gov. Hefty, but he does not need Romney and the Big Boy does nothing for anyone but himself.
AdLib : Murph – Maybe you’re right but Christie seems to have the majority of traits Romney needs in a VP. Someone who claims they can work with Dems, an asshole attack dog against Obama, someone with charisma, someone embraced by both the Baggers and GOP Elite and someone already with national exposure.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB…bye, bye…next week I hope!
SallyT : Good for you, Alpha. Enjoy Bonzo or whomever is under the covers there with you.
ChrisR266 : Ab, so good to see you. Have a relaxing and joyfilled weekend.
AdLib : Night AB, great to see you! Have a wonderful Easter weekend!
ChrisR266 : Murph: Good question. I happen to think that we play to win in the end. We think that the final battle is the end we think is most beneficial to all. If that is winning the war, that’s where we go.
AlphaBitch : To save time: Night AL, Chris (you’ve got your own back, girl!), KT, Murph and dear Sally. See you this coming week.
SallyT : I see Romney picking someone that will go along well with his campaign that he know how to create jobs and build. Not that he does but that is how he is campaigning.
KillgoreTrout : AB, a girl after my own heart!
Sweet dreams!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…agree with most, actually almost all of what you said, but Christie will not be chosen because Christie will not want to be chosen….he has raised his career from the dead twice already and he does not want another moment like this. His loyalty to Romney is all about strategy…movin g him closer to the party’s center.
AdLib : Chris – Can’t say I agree, hasn’t Obama and his team done pretty well under the circumstances to win the war in the end? I do think men are more prone to hostility and violence but from Sun Tzu to Patton to Obama, men also look at winning the war as opposed to every battle in it.
KillgoreTrout : I don’t know about Christie, he has that whole Tony Soprano image to deal with. But then, GOPers may admire that in VP.
AlphaBitch : Yikes guys. It’s an hour past bedtime for this bonzo. I just never can resist a Friday night quickie…..
AlphaBitch : AL: So you are going Christie? Is that why he went to Israel?
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Thanks for the elaboration. Hmmm. You and I know Portman. No one else does. He brings absolutely NOTHING to the ticket. Is that what Romney is really looking for?
MurphTheSurf3 : Chris..Women Play to Win the War OR do the play to END the WAR in a way that brings peace. Winning sometimes leads to more war.
AlphaBitch : And going out on the limb w/ a woman or Hispanic might give them the “See? We tried that and it never worked. Now which white guy do you want?” angle. (but not as in Sharon Angle) And if they think they will lose regardless in ’12, then why not?
KillgoreTrout : I think one of losers in the GOP primary race may be the VP pick.
SallyT : His daughter has said what I think she has heard some from her dad. But must was of her own thoughts.
KillgoreTrout : You’re right Sally, he’d never publicly admit it.
AdLib : Chris – The justification for Portman is that, if Romney runs on the economy and fixing everything, Portman would supposedly strengthen that. I disagree with that, Bush’s budget guy has a good rep nationally??? Ryan is Obama’s choice for ROmney’s VP, he would give indies an excuse to vote against the hated Baggers in the House. WOuld love it but Ryan wants a future and this could damage it. I don’t think it will be him. Romney needs someone with charisma, maybe Chris Christie. Christie has a lot of baggage but I’d but more money on him right now.
ChrisR266 : ok, guys. AdLib’s last comment has clued me into how I need to explain the difference between men and women to you. Women, especially those strategically bent on accomplishing a task, don’t give a rat’s ass about who wins and who loses. women play TO WIN THE WAR. They may lose a few battles, yes. but they play to win the war. Victories can be cheap. Peace is much more long lasting. Does that make sense?
SallyT : I am sure he has, too, KT. But, he won’t admit it.
KillgoreTrout : I’m quite sure that McCain has been privately kicking himself in the ass ever since the Palin decision. Common, a former beauty queen?
AlphaBitch : AL: And that’s what I’m guessing.
SallyT : AdLib, I know that about Romney but he is very different under the surface and that religion does have pull.
AdLib : Murph – I totally agree (and I did see Game Change, great film!). However, the GOP is mercenary about winning and they don’t learn from their mistakes so I wouldn’t put it outside the realm of possibility that they make another stunt casting choice for VP that they think will get the women’s vote or the Latino vote, later to learn people aren’t that stupid.
KillgoreTrout : I think you’re right Murph. I bet many in the GOP wish could could get that payed card back.
AlphaBitch : Murph: One of my chirrens lives in Columbia.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB..I live in rural Missouri.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: I’m stumped about the possibilities a bit. Won’t be portman, doesn’t get him anything. I might still put some change on Ryan. No McDonnell or Even Rubio. Palin is an “are you effin kidding me?”
AlphaBitch : Murph: From whence do you hail?
AdLib : Sally – Romney would betray his religion in a second as he has every other principle, if it meant he’d get what he wanted. He is greedy first, Mormon and Conservative second. A woman is possible but as mentioned below, would evoke the ghost of the Palin VP and that’s a bad thing. Also, a woman Repub supporting the anti-woman agenda of Romney just doesn’t seem too effective.
KillgoreTrout : Oh AB, I get it now. My answer was of course, “never.” And I am glad of it!
AlphaBitch : AL: The ONE thing different is that Rove is running the Romney campaign. He was not running McCains.
MurphTheSurf3 : How many of you saw GAME CHANGE….? How many read it. It is clear from both that Palin was chosen in a blind….she looked good…seemed capable….and was not properly vetted. ANYONE who is a woman in the GOP VP spot is going to be seen as Palin 2.0 no matter how good she is AND Martinez is not that good.
ChrisR266 : Kilgore: Ah, bless your wife. The long labor might have, I did a 24 hour stint with my daughter as well. I suspect it had more with her being small and having that 8 lb. bundle of joy to pass into the world. She is right about the basketball part. That’s what the crowing (head coming to the mouth of the vagina) feels like. I about flew off the table. In hindsight, it was pretty funny.
AlphaBitch : KT: To your wife’s reference re: basketball….
KillgoreTrout : Ab, I missed something. My answer to what question?
AdLib : AB – Not sure at this point. Some are talking up Rob Portman. I don’t think Ryan would see any plus in jumping on the Romney Titanic. Maybe McDonnell but he has a lot more baggage now after the vaginal probe bill. Possibly Rubio, that would be such a foolish mistake, right up the GOP’s alley after Palin.
AlphaBitch : KT: And your answer?
KillgoreTrout : chris, my wife’s water broke 24 hours before giving birth. I don’t know if that had anything to do with screaming, but I think it may have. Plus she is very small and gave birth to a healthy 8lb baby. I once asked her what it felt like and she quickly responed, “you ever tried to shit a basketball?
ChrisR266 : Sally: yes, that is my thought, too.
SallyT : Chris, not if he is a true Mormon. Their belief is that women should not be in a position of power but at home with the kids.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB- Martinez VP pick would be ‘Palin-esque,’ Johnson Says «link»
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Labor is not as bad as so many make it out. But, it has its moments, and they are so intense that I am hard pressed to describe them to you.
AdLib : Sally – That is pretty remarkable!
AlphaBitch : AL; So you still think Ryan? Or McDonnell?
SallyT : AdLib, I have pass both and it is a tie with me. However, I only had three labor pains and they were here. Native American in me. We use to squat, give birth, and go back to planting corn.
AdLib : AB – I think that if they chose Martinez, and I think it’s unlikely that they do because Romney needs a real attack dog as VP, it may help the Repub women you mention in feeling better about voting for Romney but people don’t vote for the bottom of a ticket for the most part, they vote for the top of the ticket and that will be the War on Women supporter, Mitt Romney. Martinez will look like a traitor to women if she supports him and jumps on his ticket.
KillgoreTrout : McCain foolishly thought that since Hillary came so close to winning the nomination, he thought it was because she was a women. It didn’t occur to the dimwit McCain that Hillary was not just a woman, but a very capable woman. He really showed his sexist side by choosing Palin the twit from Alaska.
ChrisR266 : Sally: I don’t think he will go female. I don’t think he can wrap his mind around that mentally or spiritually.
AlphaBitch : Sally, I don’t worry about Haley or any other. Just Martinez cuz she’s a “triple threat” (their words, not mine)
ChrisR266 : AdLib: They mean passing an 8 lb. kidney stone. for real.
SallyT : Well, I hope Romney doesn’t go with a woman for VP. I want to see Biden at his best in a debate and not have to hold back because he is up against a woman again!
ChrisR266 : Kilgore: I yelped at one part, the part that the doctors and medical people never talked about: crowning. That hurt like hell. I recall snapping at my OB: What the hell was THAT!?
AdLib : Chris – I’ve heard that passing a kidney stone for a man is as painful as a woman giving birth. I wonder if they mean passing an 8 pound kidney stone?
AlphaBitch : AL: Because -even to the Repub women I know well – Palin was an eejit. Martinez, not so much.
AlphaBitch : Murph: I have friends in NM who are quite concerned about this. Martinez is unpopular with dems, not so much with the repubs. Could handle the independents. Time to vet her, I say. I don’t trust but that ole’ Porky Rove isn’t doing a “watch my left hand” act with Ryan. I smell him.
AdLib : AB – A VP pick has never been proven as a real decision maker for voters, outside of the VP’s home state. If women were so easily manipulated, why didn’t they vote for McCain/Palin?
SallyT : AB, so that would give them a reason to vote for the Republican man even if they don’t like what he has been saying? I can see some women doing that.
ChrisR266 : Ha, AdLib: Women know with certitude that you weenies wouldn’t make it through an hour of labor, let alone 14. That’s where the real epiphany happens.
KillgoreTrout : Chris, it was her alright!
AlphaBitch : I’m just saying, I hear the repubs I’m friends with here tossing this around – WOMEN repubs, who desperately want an excuse to not tear their hair out (not after it is cut and styled so nicely) over the MALE repubs stance.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB Martinez is getting lukewarm reviews in NM and NM has a certain Alaska quality to it….very different from most of the states…few population centers and those are not large…a frontier feel and limited range economy. Now, Martinez seems more self aware than SP so I suspect she would not be prone to say yes, but you never know.
AdLib : AB – Not an insult at all. The plain fact is that birth is an external thing for men and an internal thing for women. Women are unarguably more connected to the process and impact of “life” than men.
ChrisR266 : Aw, Kilgore, are you sure it was her you heard screaming? I didn’t scream; was working too hard on breathing to worry about screaming…
SallyT : And, why would women vote for the women that have been going along with the Repub votes! Sure, they can say they made a mistake, after they got attacked by their women at home after the vote. But that is too late!
ChrisR266 : AdLib and AB: I have to agree with AdLib. No foolin’ women again. If there’s anything women hate, it’s being pandered to.
AlphaBitch : Disagree. I think the “we’re so pro women we’ve nominated a woman as our VP” might work. Martinez is not a Palin. Plus it dredges up energy and ethnicity into the mix. I’m thinking she will be the one, not Ryan (too white bread).
KillgoreTrout : Chris, my daughter was born in a military hospital and I wasn’t allowed to be with my wife during birth. I tried to sneak in to be with her, and I heard this blood curdling scream that I had never heard before! I suddenly wasn’t so keen on being with her during that ordeal. Call me a chicken, but that scream was otherwordly to me.
AdLib : AB – I don’t think so, I don’t think most women are that shallow and would go with an unknown woman as a Palin Vol. 2 to vote in a man and party who want to continue using the law to oppress women. Women didn’t fall for this stunt with Palin, I don’t think women or Latinos will vote against their own interests just to have a meaningless VP who’s part of their demo.
SallyT : Well, we have more in the game those 9 mos.
ChrisR266 : Murph: Haven’t you heard about the Uterus? It has a mind of its own. It sends out waves of energy and makes levers move.
MurphTheSurf3 : Bye bye bourne…you started a firestorm….goo d for your.
AlphaBitch : KT: I agree. I’ve always believed that women are much more reluctant to go to war since they have lived the nine long months it takes to get that life HERE, not to mention L&D. For men, the act of creating life is……to some, not all…. a bit less involved. Forgive me if I piss anyone off.
ChrisR266 : Kilgore: indeed. Aren’t you glad that creating ability is the province of the sex that is not yours? Shall I send a little labor pain your way?
MurphTheSurf3 : Chris…re how men and women vote….how do they manipulate the levers, buttons, styli, and pens with their uteri and penises?
AdLib : Night Boune, have a great Easter weekend!
AdLib : Chris – For voting booths that use punching holes in chads, only Repub men would be able to use their peenies to vote.
KillgoreTrout : Bourne, sleep tight my friend.
AlphaBitch : Night Bourne. Was it me????
ChrisR266 : Happy weekend, Bourne.
AlphaBitch : AL: Thoughts on Martinez? I think she is laying low and will be the convention surprise. She WILL appeal to excuse making Repub women and give them an excuse to vote R.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: they cannot. Discussion over. heh.
KillgoreTrout : I think a big difference between men and women is the fact that women are creaters just by the ability to develop and bear children.
SallyT : Good night Bourne!
BourneID : Bourne
BourneID : Enjoy the rest of your conversations.
SallyT : When it comes to the issues at hand, there are some that women will find much more important than the men will.
BourneID : Hey, everyone. Have a great weekend and a wonderful Easter. I’ve been at my computer since 6am, and I am fading fast.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: also, don’t forget, women vote with their uteri, maybe more strongly than men vote with their peenies.
AdLib : AB – The base of the conversation is about whether women can be turned around by the GOP and Romney pandering to them now to support him.
ChrisR266 : Alpha: about that, yes.
AdLib : Bourne – I agree, in the end I think that women and men will walk into the voting booth and vote for the man they think will be the best President and do best by them. And with so many already seeing what a fraud and a betrayer Mitt Romney is, I do think Obama can and should win by a sizable percentage.
AlphaBitch : OK. Let me read a little. Strengths in men v women???
KillgoreTrout : Hey AB! What’s shakin?
SallyT : I was here before you! But I am fine.
AlphaBitch : Hidee ho, Planetarians! Sally, Chris, KT, KQ, Murph Bourne and AL!
MurphTheSurf3 : AB…hot topic…..read over the most recent posts.
ChrisR266 : OH, Hi Sally! Didn’t see you here. How are you, darlin’?
MurphTheSurf3 : Bourne…so what do you think the person in the polling booth will make his/her decision based on…if not the pollster list. I think you are correct, but cannot name it.
SallyT : Hey, Chris! What am I, chopped liver here!!
AlphaBitch : Does anyone think that by nominating Suzanna Martinez Romney wins a trifecta – with HIspanics, women and energy?
ChrisR266 : Alpha: We’re on the womenfolks’ side.
AdLib : Hey AB!
SallyT : Good evening Alpha !
ChrisR266 : Ah, ok, AdLib. We do. We’re agreed.
AlphaBitch : Got your back, darlin’! Which side are we on??
KillgoreTrout : I am not being sexist when I say that the real power over men that women have is sexual. Many times a man’s brain is below his waist line.
ChrisR266 : Evening, AB! I’m a needing some reinforcements here.
AdLib : Chris – I disagree with me as well, I meant to say that men and women DO have different strengths and weaknesses!
AlphaBitch : ‘Sup, peeps?
ChrisR266 : Murph: You are on to it, I think. Women view issues of character differently when it comes to building alliances and consensus.
BourneID : AdLib I think when push comes to shove and people walk into the voting booth, gas prices and some of the other things that the pllsters think are important aren’t going to decide who wins. We have been so programmed by the news media, by people who tell us everyday what is important that we don’t call on our own personal power and instincts anymore. And remember, the women we see on the wide screens are the not the women in our lives every day. This won’t make sense because I’m readng while I”m writing – bottom line for me is that we have the worst of the worst tellng us what to think, guessing, no real thought.
AdLib : Nikki Haley, Jan Brewer and a wide array of RW women in the House reflect a very different perspective than the ideal we’re discussing about women. I think it’s always a mistake to make broad generalizations. Again, I think it always comes down to the individual. Religion, sex, ethnicity are all ancillary when in individual is principled and thoughtful.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: About strengths, you and I disagree. I do, fundamentally, think we have different strengths.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…women and men are creatures of their biology….and that means through and through….I can’t help but think that there is some fundamental equation in each gender that shifts he thinking process in such a way that processing issues of character is bound to be different.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, the typical distinction do melt away a bit now that more women are the bread winners. It’s no longer strictly a man’s game. It’s more a game of basic survival.
SallyT : Those three women got exactly what they were after, attention. And they are very good at it.
ChrisR266 : Murph: exactly. Love you.
ChrisR266 : Bwaaahahaha, AdLib: And each of the fab three are self-absorbed, righteous women. Most of us are not, by a long shot.
AdLib : I don’t think men and women have their different strengths and weaknesses in general but it is really about the individual as opposed to what sex they are when it comes to using critical thinking and wisdom.
KillgoreTrout : Chris, you came to the same conclusion I did, in that the men sometimes miss a lot during the “hunt.”
MurphTheSurf3 : Chris….AD LIBS…point is also important to me….there are women….many in fact who play the game and love it (look at celebrity culture in this)…BUT it seems to me that most women in politics have a different approach….MOST …there’s Fox and Blackburn too…
KillgoreTrout : Agreed AdLib, though I’m not so sure about Coulter.
KillgoreTrout : Chris, not at all. I’ve seen it many times.
MurphTheSurf3 : Chris…is this because women know there is a better way and while they can play the badass game they know it is a real misuse of time and energy….
AdLib : Chris – In the majority of cases, I do think that is so when it comes to women. But let us not forget that Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter and Michele Bachmann are also women.
ChrisR266 : Kilgore: although you are right, you guys miss a great deal during the hunt.
ChrisR266 : Kilgore: aw, you’re sweet. You give us much too much credit.
ChrisR266 : Murph: (I’m jumping into the conversation, let’s hope I’ve sussed it accurately). The sadness you detect–and I agree that it’s there–comes from the fact that although women can and do play well the games of hard assness (and get called bitches because they do), they’d just rather not play those cards. Because when a woman decides to play the bitch, she’s NASTY and ruthless. WE WOMEN know that.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, men are still basically hunter/gatherers and women are still nest builders, despite the roles changing throughout the years. I think it is necessary, by nature for a woman to be more intuitive. I’m not really talking about levels of smarts here, but something more basic. We hunter gatherers sometimes miss a great deal during the hunt!
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib…are you a Romney speech writer? Your tough, bold position on men and women being different, but not holding you to it…it is positively Romneyesque.
AdLib : So if women aren’t as forgetful and easy-to-manipula te as the GOP thinks…and Latinos aren’t either…Romney can’t win. The real question is, if gas prices rise and the economy weakens, could that be enough to push both groups away from common sense and into the GOP’s hands when Obama is blamed for it all?
MurphTheSurf3 : Bourne…I am also struck by the note of sadness which women in Congress (mostly Dem, but a reasonable number of GOP) sound when they speak of how dysfunction both the House and Senate have become….they know the truth of things
AdLib : Killgore – I’d agree with that about women having an intuition men don’t. It completely bewilders me why I can’t do that! At the same time, men have their strengths too when it comes to sussing out things. I’ll stick my neck out here to say, men and women are different in some ways…but don’t hold me to it.
ChrisR266 : All of the above, Murph, ha.
MurphTheSurf3 : Chris…which state…there are so many…including my state of mind
ChrisR266 : Hi Murph. You still keeping that state from falling into chaos?
MurphTheSurf3 : Chris…missing ya here, glad you are with us tonight
ChrisR266 : Evening, AdLib. You’re looking dandy.
ChrisR266 : Hi KT: Good to see you! I’ve been out and about for the last three weeks or so.
AdLib : Hey Chris!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Chris, long time no see.
BourneID : My observation is philosophical; comes from an incredible book the events of which lead to the comment by the protagonist. I agree with the facts you present about the impact of each gender on the elction, and other things.
ChrisR266 : Hi y’all. I’m creeping on google tonight and my hunt led me here.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib and Bourne, I do think women are more intuitive than men.
AdLib : Hey KQ! Sounds great!
SallyT : That is nice, KQ.
AdLib : Bourne – I wouldn’t go as far as saying women are better than men at evaluating people but I would say that women have certain insights that are unique from men and vice versa. It’s proven that indie women voters were the key demo that voted in Repubs into power in the House in 2010…yet it is men who now support Repubs winning the presidency in percentages far higher than women. Even bright people can be deceived, I think it is the men and women who question and check into what is fed to them who make the best decisions.
KillgoreTrout : KQ, you romantic old devil!
KQµårk 死神 : Hey gang just wanted to say hi. My wife and I have been doing date the last few Fridays.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, that’s where the majority of Rmoneys gaffes come from, trying to relate himself with the working poor and middle class. He just can’t pull it off. He has no basis in fact.
SallyT : And, did Mrs. Romney keep him from putting the dog on the car roof? NO!
AdLib : Murph – Exactly and same goes for looking at Rubio to solve Romney’s Latino problem. Latinos and women are not lemmings who just follow the nearest woman or Latino off a cliff. The GOP however is filled with out of touch people like “Cheesy Grits” Romney who think that if you nakedly patronize a demo group, they robotically follow. I think 2012 will prove how clueless the GOP “brains” really are.
SallyT : And, why do they think Mrs. Romney can relate to the women better? She comes from a rich background, too.
BourneID : Well finally; something to jump in for Murph, you’re right. Women are better (not smarter) than men at evaluating people; no doubt. Remember my quote from The Magus, “Men see objects and women see the relationships between the objects.’ It’s kind of a whole picture thing. I’m seeing people evaluate Romney and Santorum by each dumb they do. Women see patterns; we all have patterns. Once you find the key, easy to read probable results. Although all the men at VP tonight are the exceptions. sort of.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, that’s the one good thing about Palin not completely disappearing from the media!
SallyT : KT, I agree. I don’t think they would try that again so soon.
KillgoreTrout : After the Palin fiasco, I doubt the GOPers will take that route again. They really aren’t in favor of women in power.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…Martinez’ s reviews in NM are not outstanding AND NM is Alaska (small population, a few population centers, living on singular resources, and unusual in character). It is the Tundra Queen Scenario transferred to the desert.
AdLib : More women vote in elections than men, are a greater percentage of the population and of indie voters. Romney would have to have a massive lead in the men’s vote to counter this and according to the latest polls, it’s an even split on men.
SallyT : They won’t buy off so quickly this time, I hope!
MurphTheSurf3 : Men may still slightly favor Romney, but men have not (as a whole) had Romney’s positions shoved up their noses the way women have. ANd besides, women are smarter than men in assessing true character and they smell bad cheese in Rombot.
SallyT : I think that the voters are much more cautious about the RW/Teaparty. Last time it was vote for us and you will get jobs and instead they got attacks on Voting ID’s and Women’s health.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, not to mention the minority vote. That’s why the GOP is desperately trying to make the voter ID laws stick.
AdLib : Sally – I do think that’s a possibility but Nikki Haley would be a problem as a Sarah Palin lite, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez is an unknown…even if he does, will having a woman on a ticket that has Romney at the top who is avowed against women, really fool women into voting for him? One would have to have a pretty low opinion of the intelligence of women (as the GOP has) to believe that will solve the problem.
SueInCa : Even if he picked a woman to run with the GOP has already played their hand when it comes to women. You cannot shake an etchasketch and make it go away besides a woman would be a token
KillgoreTrout : That’s cool too Bourne. Topics will appear in upper case text. AdLib just threw out the first one.
SallyT : Personally, I think woman are too smart for that because they saw why McCain added Palin. To try to get the Clinton vote. Didn’t work.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, that won’t save him. The damage is done.
AdLib : The poll numbers I saw today showed Obama with 47% of the men’s vote and Romney with 48%. So if they split the men and is down double digits with women…I don’t see how he can possibly win.
SallyT : Do you think he will choose a woman for his VP running mate to help him with all that?
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, I think Rmoney is screwed on that front. Women have long memories.
BourneID : KT I am by no means shy? Give me a couple more weeks and then you will ID the real Bourne. I just haven’t found an opening cause I don’t know what the subject is. I’ll sit and read and just in later.
KillgoreTrout : Great minds Sally…
KillgoreTrout : Bourne we are just fooling around. there is some unique brands of humor here. Dive in, head first, the water’s fine.
MurphTheSurf3 : Bourne, I did and replied, but the scroll moves pretty fast and you may have missed it. So….yep, know it is there and will get to work on it.
SallyT : Woody and I had the same idea, imagine that!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- you are a stitch..my dad would have chosen the dead celebrity golf tournament.
AdLib : Sally – If the RW went to Hell, they’d think it was Heaven.
BourneID : Murph, did you read my comment that the project is in your inbo?
SallyT : If the RW went to Hell, they still wouldn’t believe in global warming.
AdLib : Sally –
KillgoreTrout : Sally that reminds me of Woody allens great line about god and science. He said if he had a choice, he’d choose air conditioning.
BourneID : Forthe first time, I am actually reading all your writing, but I have no idea what you’re talking about. Aren’t you glad I came?
AdLib : Murph – I like that parable! As I joked about in my last, the concept of Heaven is indeed quite subjective. People in different religions see it very subjectively and even those in the same religion may have conflicting concepts of what it actually is. “Heaven” is a rather vague concept for most. I mean, some people think Heaven is for having sex with many virgin women and others think it’s a Dead Celebrity golf tournament every day.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, that reminds me of Woody Allens great line,
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, I agree with Mark Twain when he said he’d rather go to hell, because there is a better class of people there!
SallyT : AdLib, don’t worry, if all the scientist go to hell, there will be air conditioning!
AdLib : Killgore – If Heaven was actually a place where the Karl Roves and Koch Brothers and Pat Robertsons go and Hell was a place where Gandhi, Jefferson and most scientists go…I’d have to say that the concept of Heaven is a bit more subjective than it may appear.
SallyT : Well, one thing is for sure, KT, it was a hell of a long clothes line!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….and they only quote the parts of the OT that do not put them in a bad light…..hardly a one of them is a Jew, and therefore NOT one of the Chosen People. And do they really support executing sons who are disrespectful of their dads or beating women who are disobedient to their husbands…..Ok, well some of them do, but you get my point.
KillgoreTrout : Can you imagine Joseph Smith’s dry cleaning bill” Whew!
AdLib : Murph – Good point. If you notice, the RW NEVER quotes Jesus, only the parts of the Old Testament that validate their hatreds and fears, claiming they’re God-approved.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….Erasmus has a parable in “In Praise of Folly” where the Pope shows up at the gates of heaven and St. Peter has no idea who is or what he is doing htere.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, that’s a lot of magic underwear! Imagine the dry cleaning bills!
AdLib : Sally – The RWs just say Jesus died for their sins, they don’t have any idea what that’s supposed to mean. To them, it’s like the black kid got shot for their crime and they got away with it.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, what a great movie, and a great scene. Puts the pretentious pricks in their place!
SallyT : Well, if you have 3 at a time, it is Mormon, KT.
AdLib : I do like to imagine Jesus coming back in the middle of a Romney/Obama debate and walking over to Romney to deliver a modified version of the McLuhan exchange from Annie Hall: OBAMA: “You say I hate Christianity and that you support it? Well, that’s funny, because I happen to have Jesus Christ right here, so, so, yeah, just let me…come over here for a second…tell him!” JESUS: “I heard what you were saying! You know nothing of my work! You mean my whole fallacy is wrong. How you got to preach a course in anything is totally amazing!” OBAMA: “Boy, if life were only like this!”
KillgoreTrout : Third wife? Isn’t that called being “sworn again?”
SallyT : Exactly, KT, or when they are born again after their 3rd wife.
MurphTheSurf3 : Bourne…talk to that niece of yours about clearing cache’s- it is important for a live blog like this one.
KillgoreTrout : Sure Sally, as long as they kiss his divine behind before they croak.
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib…actually a good question. The GOD embraced by the right ring may look like Jesus but that is only a front. The God of the Right Wing is the God of Wrath, of Vengence, of Righteousness, of Unbending Law, of Mass Extermination (of the Canaanites, the folks who were not HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE). The new covenant of Yeshua bar Yusef bin Nazrith is unknown to them. The law of love, of the neighbor, of forgiveness, of openness, of care for the least is foreign to them.
BourneID : Murph, I’m okay. ‘
SallyT : AdLib, Jesus died for their sins. That is why they can keep sinning.
KillgoreTrout : Doing well Bourne, hope the same is true for you!
BourneID : HOw are all of you?
KillgoreTrout : Murph, there’s a Saxon on the steppes!
SallyT : Murph, I don’t think mine got up that far north. More like Scottish.
BourneID : AL, thanks for the advice but I don’t know what a cache is! Everybody says, clear the casche or do somethng to the cookies – disgraceful.But I’m with all of you now and I”m actually keeping up with the comments.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, they desperately need their martyrs!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally….”Saxon “…..is that like “Russian.”
AdLib : so
AdLib : Do Tea Partiers and the RW really celebrate Easter? They only seem to worship the Old Testament and reject all of the teachings of Jesus do isn’t there a part of them that secretly cheers for the Romans?
MurphTheSurf3 : Bourne…..just take a deep breath…my first night here was confusing for me too. It becomes easy once you have done it a few times.
KillgoreTrout : The word “phallic,” comes to mind!
SallyT : Murph, that comes from my Saxon background.
BourneID : Thank you everybody for rescuing me. You’re forcing to learn how to use this digital junk.
AdLib : I would call Newt a something-head but “egg” wasn’t at the top of my list.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…..Aren’ t you aware that all real Americans believe that we live in a Judaeo-Christian nation – the Founders and Framers made this clear. Ask anyone in the Tea Party. So….what are you….hmmmm…. inquiring minds want to know…one of those “free thinking” types?
AdLib : Bourne – Best thing to do if the page isn’t coming up properly or you don’t see the comments is to clear your browser’s cache then restart your browser.
KillgoreTrout : Well one egghead deserves another.
AdLib : Killgore – I think it’s Newt who’s hidden his Tiffany eggs in Callista’s hair–she’ll never find them!
KillgoreTrout : Bourne, try refreshing the page.
SallyT : All Romney’s eggs for his kids are in trust funds.
AdLib : Mitt Romney celebrated Easter by telling his kids to look for eggs when he didn’t hide any.
KillgoreTrout : I wonder if Rmoney is hiding Fabrage eggs this Easter.
BourneID : I’m reading your answers in a 4″ column on the far right of the screen. If it were any farther, I’d fall out of the computer. I’m going to demand a refund.
SallyT : Happy celebration of the Goddess Oestre, She was the goddess of spring and fertility, responsible for the creation of new life. Just a little pagan history for you.
AdLib : Bourne – Not clear on what you’re seeing, are you on the Vox Populi page or using the widget in another page?
KillgoreTrout : Why we are, you’re coming in loud and clear.
MurphTheSurf3 : Bourne-+–thank you…will get to soon
BourneID : Murph, the project is in your inbox.
BourneID : KT – I thought we were friends,
BourneID : Why am I seeing VP in a 4″ wude column? I keep knocking and nobody is opening the door.
AdLib : Who sang, “Chickens lay eggs in Kansas. Chickens have pretty legs in Kansas.”
KillgoreTrout : Ouch! I’ve been cracked for decades now!
SallyT : Not until they cracked, KT!
KillgoreTrout : Sally, I hope it wasn’t painful.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally….you rascal
AdLib : Cheers Murph! Can’t resist a Passover night straight line!
KillgoreTrout : Ha! AdLib!
SallyT : No, KT, but I have layed a few!
AdLib : Or is Hide The Egg the GOP’s new suggestion for birth control?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad LIb…with all of your other talents….you have a handle on the tradition of the Elijah seat and cup…WOW
KillgoreTrout : hey Sally! Colored any eggs lately?
AdLib : Hey Sally! And a happy Hide-the-Egg Friday to you!
MurphTheSurf3 : Bourne….you are THERE! Welcome to VP on GF.
KillgoreTrout : Bourne, you’re already here! We’re just talking about Peeps.
AdLib : Bourne, quick come in and don’t let all the heat out. Click here to go right to the VP page: «link»
SallyT : Happy Oestre!
AdLib : Elijah and his posse.
BourneID : Okay, You don’t have to open the door; I’m outside in the cold; on the far right of the screen. How do I get into VP?
KillgoreTrout : OK, who are the 4 guests?
AdLib : Coming to The Planet each day is like an Easter Egg hunt for me, finding all kinds of nuggets and treats behind every post.
KillgoreTrout : LOL AdLib. It’s all about Peeps.
MurphTheSurf3 : AD LIB! “You folks are my Peeps!” Chuckle, Snort, Chortle, Guffaw!
KillgoreTrout : Murph, but they are so tasty, and cute!
AdLib : Hwy Killgore! You folks are my Peeps!
MurphTheSurf3 : KT….Peeps, pure sugar in a chicky form….a mom’s nightmare.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Planeteers! Everybody got a good supply of Peeps?
AdLib : I never snark about The Easter Bunny…or he won’t leave eggs for me on Sunday…
MurphTheSurf3 : Now wait a minute…..you can have doubts about the historicity of the Paschal Narrative of the Triduum….but don’t go getting snarky about the Easter Bunny…
AdLib : Or Friday before Magical Bunny Day.
AdLib : Hey Murph! Happy Magical Bunny Day!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello….”happy ” good Friday or as Matt Broderick said in Bilouxi Blues…”Consid ering what happened on that day shouldn’t it be call ‘Not Very Good Friday’?” Ok, enough sacrilege.
AdLib : Sue, we’ll miss you, hope you have a wonderful evening and Easter!
SueInCa : You all have a good evening here I have to go pick up my grandson
AdLib : And wishing our members a Happy Good Friday and a happy Passover!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
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