SallyT : Night!
AdLib : Night!
SallyT : Done!
AdLib : Thanks Sally! You’re the best! Don’t forget to put the dip back in the fridge.
SallyT : You go enjoy the show and the rest of the evening. I will get the lights.
AdLib : He was a government lawyer, wonder if that’s why?
SallyT : That surprised me!
SallyT : Yea but he said that the Citzen United was the right vote.
AdLib : Cheers Sally! Sleep well!
AdLib : Yep, saw that one, it was pretty good.
SallyT : Oh, okay, I won’t keep you.
SallyT : It was a few weeks ago.
AdLib : So, I’m off to watch the show now thanks to my trusty Tivo. Thanks so much Sally for helping to make it another great edition of Vox Populi. Have a great weekend and thanks for the heads up about Maher tonight!
SallyT : Did you see when he had Spitzer on?
SallyT : You will like the show tonight. I don’t think he will let you down.
AdLib : I do think it is a big plus for Maher to have put his money where his mouth is in a big way, earned him back more appreciation and respect from me.
SallyT : He says that he did it because all the millionaire, billionaire liberals are there…..in California and he wants more to give. i thought that was good.
SallyT : Maher says that giving the million did hurt him but there are many out there that giving more they won’t feel it.
AdLib : What a great lineup, now I’m anxious to see it!
SallyT : He of course doesn’t think contributing to super pac was such a good thing.
SallyT : He also has Feingold on.
SallyT : Carville cracks up laughing.
AdLib : Sally – GOTV will make the difference, the majority is on our side but getting them out to vote will be the difference between winning and losing.
SallyT : You will have to hear him compare Gore and Bush. It is funny.
SallyT : He is not putting us down, just wants us to show up to vote.
AdLib : Sally – That is what he said after donating his $1 million and he is absolutely right. BTW, that’s not true about Bush, he was always competitive with Gore.
SallyT : He warns how no one thought Bush would win.
SallyT : Also, Bill does give us liberals a warning not to take the election of Obama for granted.
AdLib : Someone should light his toupee on fire and ask him if he now believes in global warming.
AdLib : Lutz is a putz.
SallyT : Lutz is an AHole on there tonight.
AdLib : Just too bad that Climate Change has been so shoved to the back of the urgency list!
SallyT : He gives it in answer to Bob Lutz who doesn’t believe in it.
SallyT : It is the best description I have ever heard.
AdLib : Sally – Will do, I really like him!
SallyT : Watch what Neil deGrasse Tyson says about climate change.
AdLib : Sally, great, will be watching it shortly! Thanks for closing the Vox Populi bar with me tonight! Have a great weekend!
AdLib : Patsy, that’s what I always say, keep your goals small! Right with ya Patsy!
SallyT : Oh, AdLib, since it is just us, Bill Maher was good tonight.
PatsyT : Just trying to help save the planet….
SallyT : I second AdLib!
AdLib : Patsy – You are pretty damn remarkable yourself! Great work!
PatsyT : You guys are the total best
SallyT : You take that sweater vest to bed and sleep well.
AdLib : Sleep well Patsy! Have a great weekend and please do write that article so we can help promote the initiative as best as we can here!
SallyT : Patsy, I will help you if I can, you know that.
PatsyT : Well this sweater vest must go to bed…. Love you guys!
AdLib : Patsy – Step by step Instructions are under FAQ in the top menu if you need a refresher on anything like adding graphics, etc. but I’m here to help! Just write a draft you’re happy with and submit it for publishing, we’ll fix anything needing to be fixed or formatted.
PatsyT : Awww Sally you are the bestest
SallyT : If you need anything typed wrong, I am here for ya!
SallyT : Well, AdLib is the best to ask for help.
PatsyT : OK Yes AdLib.. I have to do a post just let me know when you are available to help … I am rusty
SallyT : Patsy, you will be great!
PatsyT : the second one… I am speaking at this one… «link»
AdLib : Great work Patsy!
PatsyT : Check out our two events.. «link»
AdLib : Patsy – How about writing an article about this with a link to the petition?
PatsyT : We are on it….
SallyT : Patsy, can you get the Occupy involved?
PatsyT : I actually like standing at the Whole Foods and Mother Markets … We are taking away the curtain of secrecy that th nuclear industry has depended on.
AdLib : Patsy – I see the deadline for filing petitions is April 2nd, how many signatures do you need and how many do have you gotten so far?
PatsyT : AdLib…. It is just us … We the people… so we need a Egypt like viral campaign
SallyT : It was your state pushing for emission controls on the autos before there was any real change in the production.
SallyT : Patsy, you must be working so hard. I am so impressed! It will take Calif making major changes before the rest of the country will pay attention. You guys are so important!
AdLib : Patsy – Does the group behind this have the money to hire signature gatherers? From what I’ve been learning about this, it’s pretty much necessary to get enough signatures.
AdLib : Sally, it is a corruption of what the Fed and State credits are about. It’s not about putting that money in the pockets of Wall Street, it was meant to help homeowners defray the short term cost of going green and then benefiting the state in the long term.
PatsyT : I have not been around lately because of the amount of activity on the ground that we are engaged in. We want to get this Initiative on the California Ballot for November. «link»
AdLib : Patsy – I was sold on the Bloom boxes after seeing the 60 Minutes piece and have been checking in on them regularly to see when they will come out with a residential model. Bloom has said it may be 2015 or 2020 before they have residential models and that the price range would be $3,000. With fed support, getting homeowners to adopt them would more than pay back their cost in the same year and then energy would be cheap and plentiful.
SallyT : Oh, and water, too.
SallyT : Industry making profit on the wind and the sun…..somethin g is not right there, is it?
SallyT : We had a windmill on the farm, it had been there for 50 years, that operated the water pump for the livestock and the house. Funny how we need to go backwards to sustain the future.
PatsyT : AdLib its the old industry trying to hand on to their profit center and the awkward new industry trying to take hold
AdLib : And an FYI on these solar leases, they require a 20 year commitment, you’re locked in for two decades and at the end, you have to pay whatever price they decide you have to pay to buy them or they remove them and leave your roof damaged which you would then have to repair.
PatsyT : I love the Bloom Box… remember … I told you guys about them… I like this guys approach no coal, no oil, and no nuclear to have a clean energy future «link»
AdLib : The Bloom box that would power a house would be the size of a toaster, using natural gas for fuel and hydrogen as exhaust. Pretty green though I would like them to find a renewable fuel.
SallyT : We can op to pay on our electric bill a portion towards our windmills that Pacific Power pulls from.
AdLib : Patsy – You left out Bloom boxes, my fave localized energy prospect so far.
SallyT : Patsy, that is so true! I just wish we could get more going in that direction.
AdLib : Patsy – We’ve been exploring solar and were on the verge of doing a lease plan until I researched a bit to find that such plans are in the end, a rip off of consumers and a goldmine for the solar companies who grab all the fed and state incentives in the process. Big Wall Street firms have financed companies to do this because it’s a bad deal for consumers. The good news is that a plan will be coming out soon nationally where you can finance solar through local government and have the cost, over 30 years, added onto your property tax bill. The huge issue with solar leases is that there is no guarantee that if someone buys your house, they would qualify to take over your lease so you could be stuck paying on solar panels for a house you don’t even own! By having it attached to property tax bills, when you sell your house, the new owner would immediately take over payments.
PatsyT : If we want Co2 reduction we will get so much more bang for the buck by investing in the decentralized model of roof top solar as well as solar from the big plants in the dessert and wind, geo thermal ….
SallyT : Saudi Arabia is investing in solar. They think they will be the largest supplier of that as well.
SallyT : Yes, solar is the answer, just ask Saudi Arabia.
PatsyT : AdLib, This is a fight OF decentralization .. Roof top solar would put California in the Lead.
SallyT : Aren’t mostly all of ours past their normal use age?
AdLib : Sally – Yes, very expensive and dangerous. Right now, because we don’t have a way to store nuke waste in a national way, it’s stored at the actual nuke facilities in many cases…so we have many places round the nation where huge radiation leaks are possible.
PatsyT : There has never been a nuke plant built on schedule or on budget …. think decades and two or three times the cost.
SallyT : Isn’t the waste from those plants costly to contain as well?
AdLib : As I’ve mentioned before, setting up Bloom boxes throughout communities, decentralizing power and going pretty much green in doing so (they do use a bit of Natural Gas), would be an energy revolution and slash our energy costs and usage.
AdLib : Patsy – That’s something I never understood. How is it cost effective to build something that costs that much and then causes huge costs to deal with the fuel it uses? As you say, that money could be better spent on many other energy projects such as improving grids or localizing power more, the savings of which would be far greater than any amount of power a nuke could generate.
SallyT : AdLib, I think Obama’s second term is going to see more hope in that change.
PatsyT : The cost of nukes will sink them .. 20 Billion per new reactor? That will buy alot of roof top solar
SallyT : Good night there, Funk! You rest so you can save Washington my northern neighbor!
AdLib : Night Funk! Hope all goes well!
funksands : Night everyone. Really enjoyed the conversation tonight. Big day tomorrow.
AdLib : Sally and Patsy – The thing is, it’s a neotiable issue for him as opposed to one where he says, “This isn’t the answer.” He’s staked out a policy of “All of the above” and will be held to that by Repubs, especially if he intercedes on nukes. I think he’s painted himself into a corner though in a second term, with nothing to lose, he could reverse himself.
PatsyT : He put out a path ….
PatsyT : Obama is not as pro nuclear as you might think
SallyT : AdLib, I don’t think he really is. I think he said that just to appease for the moment. He added that it had to be proven SAFE before he would agree to more. I think that SAFE was his out.
AdLib : And the tough part is, Obama is pro-nuclear, one of the issues where I oppose him.
PatsyT : AdLib… I have never been so depressed and so encouraged.
SallyT : How many of the 1% live near a nuclear plant????
AdLib : Patsy and CL – We see the corporate destruction of lives all around us, in the economic way after 2008 but to see it in the literal destruction of lives is horrible and outrageous. How many lives are corporate profits worth in the nuclear industry?
SallyT : You desire another Good Night, CL, my friend. Rest well!
PatsyT : Thanks CL
choicelady : ‘Night again all!
choicelady : Oh Patsy – just saw what you said. Why do we never learn? No such thing as “safe” levels of radiation. I’m an old Goffman follower – he always said every bit of radiation adds to your cumulative total. I’m so sorry for those kids!
PatsyT : Nighty Night KQ All the best to you
AdLib : Seeya KQ, stay safe!
AdLib : CL – I know you’ve had a huge week! Get some good rest and recharge, you are doing incredible work for so many, thanks for all you do! Have a great weekend!
SallyT : KQ, you take care over there. Do you have a bed in the basement?
KQµårk 死神 : Take car all I’m signing off too.
PatsyT : One of the kids is in my carpool
SallyT : Good night, CL! See you later on here!
AdLib : Patsy – That’s heartbreaking!
choicelady : Well all – I think I’m following Murph’s suggestion – I was on the road 6 hours for a 2-hour lunch, and I’m whipped. Big week ahead, so I’m heading for bed to rest up for it. Everyone have sweet dreams, and KQ – hope things quiet down SOON so you can also sleep well and be safe.
KQµårk 死神 : The plan. Reelect Obama, take back the House, keep the Senate. Remove the filibuster and overturn Citizens United ruling. Result democracy.
PatsyT : I know four children with cancer nearby one next door
SallyT : Good night Murph. Game Change is on HBO on March 10th. Suppose to be good.
AdLib : Murph – Yes, we will chat, thanks for your patience and understanding on the delay. Next week for sure! Have a great weekend!
choicelady : Good night, Murph! Sweet dreams!
MurphTheSurf3 : Well gang. Time to call it a night. Midnight in my little world. AD LIB…we will “chat” when you have time.
AdLib : CL – It is a realistic possibility, just hard to imagine after being held hostage to the GOP House and SCOTUS for what seems like an eternity.
choicelady : AdLib – you may be right about that – not wishing Armageddon but “business friendly” rules. NOT seeing consequences is the province of little kids (your daughter likely the exception who has good sense) which is what this load of GOPTEA people are acting like.
SallyT : KT, I saw all the weather on the Weather Channel tonight! You be safe!
PatsyT : We hear from the whistle blowers and they hate the thing. This is total bullshit here they want to keep this plant open no matter what, We have made the successful logical argument that San Onofre is off line (brand new – bad steam generators) and we all still have our lights on. So why the Risk?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…love your wish list if we get a Dem Sweep…It’s every holiday rolled into one.
AdLib : CL – I heard about the GOP obstruction to Dodd-Frank being brought to fruition. I don’t think the GOP are thinking that they want Armegeddon, they just want their Wall Street puppeteers to be free from any and all regulations so they can steal from the majority. The fact that it leads to economic Armegeddon is beside the point and takes vision none of them seem capable of having.
choicelady : AdLib – See? You’re not greedy. You’re RATIONAL. That is a trait in very short supply in this Congress.
funksands : Murph, I think it will be a load of fun to attend. I think more should. Being an observer is a more ethical way to do it. Me? I’m bending everyone I can to get on the Newt-train.
AdLib : With a Dem Congress and WH and a 5-4 of moderates on the SCOTUS, Citizens United could be overturned along with corporate personhood, tax rates could be raised on the wealthy and services, infrastructure and public sector jobs could improve, man, so much could turn around and it is possible.
choicelady : KQ – Sorry you have to duck and cover tonight! Stay safe?
funksands : Geez Patsy, I was looking at the NRC website and they say that the San Onfre site is going to be open until 2030.
choicelady : Patsy – I had NO idea that it was in such terrible shape! Any danger to you and others from it?
SallyT : Patsy, I am sorry for that.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…I will be attending the GOP caucus on March 17. I am going as an independent and was invited. Most folks know my Obama sentiments, but things here are getting weird. There is a lot of disatisfaction with the GOP offerings so someone is getting create. I might just observe. Don’t know yet.
choicelady : AdLib and everyone – heard on NPR that we cannot even enforce Dodd-Frank thanks to obstructionism from the GOPTEA folks. We have other options the administration can use and IS using, but we cannot dig into the real problem of fiscally unsound banks without Dodd Frank, and they’re blocking it every inch of the way. They WANT Armageddon!
KQµårk 死神 : Oh we’re fine CL. Just got distracted by the crazy weather tonight.
PatsyT : No Sally, sadly Depends will not help us out … I live next to the most dangerous nuke plant in the country The worst safety rating in the country «link»
funksands : Ad, it would sure give us a little breathing room to start untangling some big messes.
SallyT : I’d say that would ROCK, AdLib.
choicelady : AdLib – I think that’s not greedy, that’s a necessary thing for the survival of democracy!
AdLib : I am not ordinarily greedy but if there was a Dem sweep in Nov followed by a departure from the SCOTUS by one of the 5 haters…wouldn ‘t America just rock?
choicelady : Patsy – that’s a new problem I’d not heard about. Yikes! Sally – that’s what we need – Nuke Depends!
AdLib : Sally –
AdLib : Funk – Fantastic! Looking forward to it!
SallyT : Patsy, I guess Depends don’t work on those, huh?
funksands : Ad, already planning on it.
choicelady : KQ – hi! Are you OK????
AdLib : Hey Funk, if you’re attending the GOP caucus, any way I can convince you to write an article about the experience?
SallyT : I will donate money to send Gingrich to colonize it. But as James Carville said, we will need more booster rockets to get Gingrich to the moon.
AdLib : Hey KQ! Wussup?!
AdLib : Funk – Your allegory of Reid and McConnell as swamp creatures fits very well for me. Reid is a technocrat who seems to love the status quo and consistency of the rules which is detrimental to fixing what’s broken in our Congress. I really do wish he was replaced, the silver lining to him being beat by the horrible Angle would be having a new and better leader for Dems in the Senate who would be willing to limit the filibuster rule.
PatsyT : Ammonia leek, and others. when they get old they can get leaky, just like people.
funksands : Or at least by the end of his third term…
MurphTheSurf3 : funk…and you will have it by the end of Newt’s 2nd term
SallyT : Hello, KQ!
funksands : I want that goddamn moon base!!!
KQµårk 死神 : Just watching all the tornadoes flying around is us in the ATL area.
funksands : Patsy isn’t that the one that leaked last year? WTF??
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ…out of the blue…good to see you
KQµårk 死神 : Sup peeps.
PatsyT : Funk, we have a plant San Onofre that was set to be decommissioned in 2013 and they want to push that to 2022.
SallyT : You go for it Funk!
funksands : Sally, that’s why I’m voting for Gingrich tomorrow. Must stop Rom-bot!!!!
SallyT : Oh, Funk, Jennifer Ganholm just said that Romney has an eleven point lead in WA.
AdLib : CL – Yes, the emoprogs are being left to play with themselves (take that as you will). I mean, if ex-emoprog Bill Maher can donate $1 million to Obama’s election, the turnaround is pretty clear.
funksands : Ad, I agree. Reid is a creature spawned by the very paralysis we have now. His rise came from simply being able to navigate through those waters. Same with McConnell. Same creature, different people.
PatsyT : I am so glad that you guys are on the national stuff. You are all doing such a good job!
funksands : Patsy, what is the biggest hurdle right now?
MurphTheSurf3 : Evening Patsy.
choicelady : Patsy – just heard from Rochelle on a major step forward she accomplished, so I hope it has spillover impact on your work. She got testimony admitted that the nuke/utilities did NOT want to have. She’s a fighter, is our Rochelle – just like you!
funksands : CL – Oh yeah. It’s bad for business in an election year. Better to lob grenades when no one will lob them back.
AdLib : PATSY!!!
PatsyT : I am good but the nuke fight is huge
AdLib : Funk – I have been a real critic of Reid, I do not like him as leader for that very reason, he is too afraid to mess with the filibuster rule because he and other Dems think like losers, “What if we’re in the minority after the next election?” They should think like winners instead, “If we get a lot of great bills passed by modifying the rule, we’ll ensure our continuing as the majority party and be able to get mroe and more accomplished each term.”
SallyT : Good evening there, Ms Patsy!
funksands : Patsy! How goes the no-nuke fight?
choicelady : Patsy! Hi, how are you?
SallyT : I know, AdLib, it does matter mostly on the turnout but I just was making a joke that since we vote party line ususally, why not save the money and have the Indies do the voting.
PatsyT : Hi Guys
choicelady : Everyone – I’m seeing sort of a backing off of the cricism of Obama from the Emo/Igno Progs. Anyone else seeing that?
MurphTheSurf3 : AD….the current rules have been used by both sides and both seem to be in love with the protection they provide to the minority “just in case”….they came close to doing this in 2011 when they reorganized the Senate, but did not for fear of 2012.
AdLib : Sally – It’s kind of a joke and kind of the truth. Elections are decided primarily by indie voters though turnout and new voters does make a difference, as it did in 2008 with so many young voters coming on board for Obama.
choicelady : AdLib – i think Reid might modify the filibuster IF we lean on him. He’s sort of a stick – fearful that changing the rules will make him look mean spirited, but NOT if we support that. Common Cause is looking forward to more pressure – it’s one of their big issues.
funksands : Ad, I don’t know. Reid has never struck me as a guy who goes for the jugular when his opponent is down.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….a good suggestion. It makes real what for many is just political jabber….turn folk on to the ACA.
SallyT : CL, thank you for that. I have a hard time with my conservative friends explaining healthcare.
AdLib : Mind if I imagine for a moment? Imagine if Obama and the Dems do in fact sweep Congress. Knowing the Repubs are not to be trusted and having a mandate, Obama could push a lot through…as long as Reid modifies the filibuster in the Senate. Do you think with a newly affirmed Dem majority in the Senate, Reid would do this?
choicelady : I don’t know why it keeps coming out .gov with a space. There is not space between the g and the o. Must be either bad typing or a weird glitch – or a plot from the GOP.
funksands : CL, Just saw that 27.6% of all Texans are uninsured.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…a comment on your sense of the GOP ethos…I think it is spot on. There is a sense of me-first, me-always in so much of what they do. They do not think communally despite all of their pining back to the days of the simple revolutionary community that formed the nation. It is all window dressing.
choicelady : OK everyone. You know someone who needs medical coverage, go to www.healthcare.g ov and in a few easy steps you can find programs and phone numbers in each state that take you to the offices, state or federal, that can help.
SallyT : AdLib, since all the Repugs are going to vote for the Repugs and all the Dems are going to vote for all the Dems, wouldn’t be cheaper just to have the Independents vote? that’s a joke
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…thanks…
choicelady : funk – that’s what makes America great! Diversity is NOT scary. It provides the vitality we need. The xenophobes are illogical. The strongest societies have always been very diverse. Murph – it’s disgusting to think your state would NOT TELL PEOPLE what is available especially if it’s the feds paying for it!
AdLib : Murph – May I add my props as well for turning that guy around and helping out his entire family? Well done!
AdLib : CL – That is something the Repubs are totally ignorant about. The idea of caring for others and their futures just doesn’t compute. Just like a thief always suspects others of being thieves, Repubs think everyone else thinks in a selfish, greedy way as they do. So they just don’t get that grandmas won’t be content to get SS and Medicare and not care that their grandkids will be left vulnerable without it when they grow older. Real human beings love their families and won’t sell them out. Repubs just don’t get that.
SallyT : CL, I am not saying all older women, no way. I want everything I fought for to be there for my granddaughter and a lot more. But, she needs to learn that she will have to fight, too, to keep it and make it better. I will be there with her all the way. As long as I can be.
funksands : CL, in my 7 year-old class they speak English, Spanish, Chinese, German, Russian, Korean, Hindi, Czech. I LOVE that. Santorum is the antithesis of all of that.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…SD has lots of money…making the withholding of resources even nastier.
choicelady : Sally – well, I blame Reagan for ALL of this, so sure – why not that?
choicelady : Murph – that is fantastic. And I’m so glad his wife is OK! Whew! You’re right about the autopilot conversations, but sometimes necessity brings them back. Ironically CA may be a worse place to be – the state is mostly Dem, but Brown is seeking major cuts in CHIP, in Medi-Cal (courts are blocking him), and in all other kinds of social supports. He’s a rat bastard.
funksands : I blame Reagan for a lot.
SallyT : Funk, that is how I see it, too. My older classmates that took to the streets in the 60s have now turned conservative! I still blame Reagan!
MurphTheSurf3 : Thanks funk and choice….like all of us, doing what I can.
AdLib : What is fascinating is that the GOP is appealing to a minority of voters in each case. White men, extremist fundamentalists, racists, etc. Compare that with a Dem coalition of a majority of women, all minorities, gays, young voters and with the attack on Medicare and SS, older voters. If it wasn’t for all the voter suppression laws and tactics, Dems should blow out Repubs with little effort needed. Instead, we will need to work as hard as possible but the results should still be the same, a Dem sweep.
choicelady : AdLib – as someone who is now official a grandmother even though I never had kids (inherited status is great – never had to raise anyone, all the perks, none of the worries) I think about what life for my 5-year-old granddaughter would be like if Saintorum won. She goes to a fully integrated preschool in AZ and has wise and liberal parents. Where would she fit in a Saintorum world? She would not. I want a good life for her, not one where she’s fearful of the future and an outcast.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I have learned that it is worthwhile to try to engage those on far right auto pilot for at least two or three interchanges. By that point if I have not drawn them into a conversation I never will, but often we end up disagreeing without being disagreeable and that is good. But in this case, the young man felt genuinely betrayed by the GOP who had lied to him. He wrote me via the blog on the day his kids had their first physicals in three years and then the next day to say his wife had been to a doctor to check on a mass in a breast (a mass he did not know about until then, she did). Not malignant….suc h a relief. The fact that the GOP leadership in his small town would keep in the dark re. CHIP and clinical services is so disgusting.
SallyT : Remember, CL, many don’t understand that Medicare is government healthcare.
SallyT : CL, I don’t understand it either but many of the people I grew up with in the 1960’s have gone conservative. I blame Reagan!
funksands : CL, its a proven demographic issue. The older a voter gets the more conservative they tend to get. Not as a rule, but as a trend.
choicelady : Sally – that is purely weird. Why would women of Medicare Age become conservative?
choicelady : Sally – maybe they don’t want to fight – tired out – but it doesn’t mean they won’t talk, and it doesn’t mean they won’t vote. But yes, the energies HAVE to include the young – they have to take ownership of their rights.
SallyT : I don’t doubt women in their 80’s are just that! It those in their late 60’s and early 70’s I worry about. A lot of those have gone conservative for some reason.
AdLib : CL – This is what the Repubs are wholly ignorant about. When it came to killing Medicare, they assured those on it, “Don’t worry, it doesn’t affect you.” Such idiots, they didn’t realize that they were simultaneously saying, “We’re going to take this away from your children and grandchildren but why should you care, you’ll still have it for yourself.” As if normal people are like them and selfish bastards who don’t care about their families suffering in the future, as long as they get theirs. Same thing with this War on Women, the Moms and Grandmas don’t want their kids and grandkids to have birth control to be taken away from them.
funksands : Murph, you are a good man. Well done.
funksands : Jobs report will show another 200,000 in job growth.
choicelady : Sally – maybe it’s regional? My best activists even on this issue are church going women in their 80s!!
SallyT : Murph, many that was what I was thinking?????
choicelady : Murph – that is freaking amazing! You “done good”!!!!
SallyT : CL, I haven’t found that. Many no longer care to fight. Sure many old timers do but many won’t. You always need to engage the young.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…many men still think of women as enslaved…aboli ton makes sense too.
funksands : Oh by the way, jobs report is going to hit the GOP hard again in a couple of days. Keep piling ON!!
choicelady : Sally – I find older women actually more troubled about losing birth control. They have daughters and granddaughters and don’t want them facing a world without it. And when they are retirees, older women have the time to become more activist. I know I’m in CA, but I see the concern across all lines, even conservative ones. That includes Black Pentecostals! I’m quite serious about this!
AdLib : Sally, no worries, I know what you meant and I think it’s an excellent point!
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…the man is 24 years old…did not graduate from high school..was killing time in a small town public library on the internet to stay awake between jobs. Someone turned him on to trolling at the site I was on and he was being a good little TP clone until he got into a conversation with me….Obama Cares…now he believes it.
SallyT : CL, I was typing my comment at the same time as you!
funksands : Chris. Word.
AdLib : Murph – Didn’t hear about that but it just continues to enhance the humanity of Obama which is in direct opposition to Romney’s out of touch elitist greed and inhumanity.
ChrisR266 : Funk et. al.I agree that the O administration did not toot the horn enough when Dadt went down and when they accomplished so much mnore. But tooting time is not now. They need to save that energy and money for June and beyond.
SallyT : Shit, I meant abortion! Why did I type abolition????
SallyT : Another thing, AdLib, is that a lot of the older women no longer find birth control important as they no longer need it. Their attitudes towards abolition has changed, too. They won’t be there to help any longer. Many older women will be but the young are going to have to come out in double to give us the wins.
choicelady : Sally – I stood in rain, snow, blizzards, heat, and humidity to help women get access to family planning and abortion services, and I will be DAMNED if I’ll let that go down without a fight!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…did you catch Obama directing the emergency medical services folk and the crowd in helping out a person who fainted at an event yesterday. So human. I heard this morning that he sent an autographed picture to the fainter.
funksands : Ad, I agree. They’ve been too quiet about it so far. The party even more so.
choicelady : Murph – once people get past the lies, they discover Obamacare means Obama CARES. It’s a GREAT program – it’s expensive mostly here in the Bay Area around SF, but nationwide it works. KQ and Boomer1949 both got in and are breathing sighs of major relief. Everyone likes it! Thank you for doing that for that family!!!
AdLib : CL – You reminded me of something I’m looking forward to in the GE, the ads from Obama touting all that he’s accomplished. People have been lied to constantly by the GOP and the cooperative MSM but once Obama gets to campaign on what he’s accomplished, and it’s a huge list, I think people will really wake up to what a remarkable President he’s been. Contrast that with Romney’s lack of character, humanity and honesty and I think Obama sweeps up the floor with him.
SallyT : ADLib, that is how she was seeing it. The young women didn’t know until now how far women have fought for our rights and now they have to see how easy those can be lost. It is up to the young to get out there and help us keep all we have and work for more. I think that is a good point to push on the young ladies.
choicelady : funk – everyone who thinks he or she hates the health care needs to know if it WERE to go down, private insurance rates would go through the roof AND public clinics would close. That’s a dead cert.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…this is a long story, but the short form is that on another site I made the acquaintance of a young husband and father in SD who had no health insurance, worked two jobs, wife worked one, and three kids. I was able to link him up to the services yoi describe by giving him the internet address, a telephone number with a name and a little coaching. That dyed in the wool Republican is now a Democrat…You are correct…this can work.
choicelady : funk – most states are divided. Illinois where I grew up had that Chicago and everybodyelse split always.
funksands : McKenna has already come out and said that if he is elected he will opt WA out of the AFCA. I personally have a lot riding on keeping it alive, so my attentions focus statewide.
choicelady : Murph – if anyone has a pre-existing condition that is especially true on affordability! (It IS the public option – the High Risk Pool, so it’s lots cheaper.)
AdLib : Sally – This is what makes a lot of sense to me. By rampaging in this War on Women, the GOP has truly awakened a sleeping giant and men and women who believe in the rights of women not to be controlled like second class citizens by Repubs in government are energized.
choicelady : Murph – you can just idly mention oh, by the way…and not refer to “Obamacare” at all. Just that the state (which it may not be) might have some help to offer. These programs are all being run differently, so if your state – KY? IN? I forget – does not have it, the feds do, and it’s pretty damn affordable relative to the much vaunted “private market”.
funksands : Our state is a day and night divide between east and west of the mountains. It’s really quite conservative other than three or four very dense urban blue pockets.
SallyT : Funk, WA is two, Seattle and the rest of the state? Kinda like OR is Portland and the rest of the state is Conservative.
funksands : The GOP is VERY VERY motivated this election and Inslee is still working full time in Congress. McKenna has been sucking up Koch money for over a year now.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…good strategy. I will carefully consider it.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…my image of WA is predicated on your Senators…not so?
funksands : The GOP in our state is spitting mad after two razor-close losses in the last two elections and then getting gay marriage thrown in their face right before Gregoire leaves.
AdLib : Funk – How can McKenna be up by so much?
choicelady : funk – what are the Dem’s chances there?
funksands : Murph, I am actually going to be doing most of my volunteering in the WA Gov. election. We have our very own Walker/Kasich clone here that is 10 points up in our state. Rob McKenna. He’s running against a really good guy Congressman Jay Inslee, who was one of the whistleblowers on Enron.
choicelady : Murph – you live in an unenviable spot, but your calm neighborliness makes what you say more palatable. I hope you can convince white working families that a lot they depend on will go away. If they need health care send them (if they have computers or do it for them) to www.healthcare.g ov and there will be directions for your state on affordable insurance coverage NOW. They don’t have to wait for 2014. And they can pick their doctors which is all anyone cares about.
AdLib : Funk – So true, the War on Women is real and it is a supremely powerful issue for the Dems. So is the 99%/economic justice issue. However, threatening to take birth control coverage away from young female voters who might otherwise not vote, is not the best idea from the GOP. They now have an issue that affects their lives and a real reason to vote.
ChrisR266 : Also, what the GOPTEA doesn’t understand is this: in the voting booth, it is just a woman and her ballot. No Priests, husbands, demagoguery, out of touch men, and someone’s version of god to judge them. Just the woman and her ballot. That’s why that “personhood” bill went down in the south in December. In the booth, a woman votes her own interest.
MurphTheSurf3 : I am encouraged by a number of the comments here by several of you whose opinions I value re. the November elections. I know I will work hard. I suspect all of you will. Now we need to invite, urge and push everyone we know.
funksands : Ad, GREAT point. Student loan debt surpassed credit card debt in the US in 2010. WTF?
SallyT : I heard the Pres of NAOW on TV say the other day that now the young women of the nation will realize all that us older women fought for in the 60’s. They have grown up thinking it was always there. But, now they will see how easy it can go away and now they need to get out there and fight to keep it.
choicelady : funk – i heard a lot of younger voters are re-upping seeing what ELSE is in store. I worry about us Boomers – too many are turning a blind eye to Paul’s horrible things and speaking well of him. YUCK!
AdLib : Funk – Yes and I think issues such as college fees is a great issue for Obama to attract younger voters. The whole 99% issue is also a great one to motivate that age range and come Spring, OWS will re-emerge big time and rev up that whole base once more.
ChrisR266 : Funk: Yep. They need to say it until we’re all sick of it.
funksands : Murph I’ll check it out.
funksands : Chris, couldn’t agree more. I hate to say it, but the Dems need to say “War on Women” about a zillion times between now and Nov.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk..she is really good…and I am a very enthusiastic Rachel fan.
ChrisR266 : Funk: Just threaten their birth control. That’ll do it. Dems must not let this issue die. It must be most prominent from now until the vote. The youngsters are just beginning to tune in. They will not be fully tuned in until September.
AdLib : Funk – Yes, I’ve been making that point as well. Romney should be well ahead of Obama now, this is his best potential high point, while all the GOP are pounding on Obama and Obama has yet to pound back, especially in the midst of a poor economy and high unemployment. For Obama to be ahead now is virtually unprecedented and bodes very well for Nov.
SallyT : Yes, Murph, she tore into Rush big time!
funksands : Murph I had no idea that she was hosting a show. I admit I haven’t watched current in some time.
MurphTheSurf3 : Just watched Jennifer Granholm on Current TV skewer rush…She is good and getting better. There is something about having a successful two term woman governor anchoring a news show that gives the whole thing such HEFT!
funksands : Ad, a higher than 9% turnout by voters under 30 would be useful too. (2010)
AdLib : Chris – Exactly! And with all the Voter ID laws and voting changes designed to suppress Dem turnout, we will have to work harder than ever to make a Dem sweep a reality. However, we have the momentum and energy on our side. And a President that stands out hugely from the slimy competition.
ChrisR266 : Indeed, Funk. hi ya, dude.
funksands : Ad, Kerry was beating Bush by 7 points at this time in 2004. The challenger is supposed to be doing well early and then have it tighten up as the incumbent gets started campaigning. Romney is already 5-6 points down nationally and even further in swing states.
SallyT : Until then, have a good evening KT!
ChrisR266 : AdLib: My take is similar, but turnout will be key. You know the GOPTEA will turn out, it is what they do. The Dem turnout needs to be on par with ’08 to stave off threat. If Dems turn out in those numbers, the House and Senate will both be Democratic. That’s my take.
SallyT : Good, KT! I’ll see you more?
KillgoreTrout : Same here Sally. I’m starting to keep later hours again.
choicelady : KT – good night – sleep well!
AdLib : Hey Killgore, nice to see you here, have a great weekend!
funksands : Night KT! Great seeing you.
choicelady : Chris – THAT makes sense! No one lives on top of that fragile Ogallala aquifer without caring VERY much that it not become the Gulf Coast of the Midwest! And I heard Saintorum say it would have created “tens of thousands of jobs” when it’s apparently around 6500. And it’s NOT ended – it’s being carefully reviewed to protect environment and farm land. BOPTEA – you gotta problem with that?
funksands : CL most farmers in NE oppose the pipeline. For obvious reasons
SallyT : I’ve missed you, KT!
AdLib : Chris – I see the makings of a Dem landslide in Nov. The GOP thinks that having Romney as their nom will have no effect on their winning in Congress but what idjits! The top of the ticket drives voters to the polls to vote for Senators and Reps! If Obama is hitting on all cylinders as he is now, whi I expect and Romney’s dishonesty and flipflopping demoralizes Repubs, turnout will drop for Repubs and many close races could go Dem. We do have to fight hard to make that happen, GOTV will be crucial because the Kochs and others will be pouring hundreds of millions into getting their people out and preventing our side from voting. In the end, I am very optimistic that we will prevail.
SallyT : KT, gee, this is the first I have been on at the same time as you in a long time!
ChrisR266 : Take it easy, KT. Good to chat with you.
KillgoreTrout : Well folks, wish you all a great night. Just blew in for a while. I’ve missed VOX POP for several weeks now.
MurphTheSurf3 : Here’s the Clip of Kerry «link»
ChrisR266 : Choice: As I understand it, the anger is from the GOPTEA in Nebraska ramrodding things through without even listening to voter concerns. They just ignored their constituents.
ChrisR266 : Murph: Agreed, that was wonderful.
choicelady : Chris – I’m not sure everyone in NE was pissed about Keystone being put off – it’s a worry on water pollution in a state with huge agricultural dependence. Am I misunderstanding your point?
MurphTheSurf3 : BOB KERRY singing “And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda”…the clip starts light but gets very serious…speaks to the nature of this guy…
ChrisR266 : adlib: it’s hard to imagine the GOPTEA taking the senate after the last few weeks. They’ve just thrown this thing away.
choicelady : funk – thank you ! Think I’ll send him money! I was born in Lincoln and until 2004 had family there. They’re gone now, but I do like Omaha and have residual affection for the state even tho I did not grow up there.
AdLib : Chris – That is wonderful news to hear and what a trade up from Nelson to Kerry! He is a good guy and to have him instead of the wretched Nelson would be a double win.
AdLib : It’s going to be MUCH harder now for the Repubs to win the Senate, especially with the anti-woman platform…which the GOP convention will no doubt memorialize.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: my pipeline tells me that people in Nebraska are so pissed about Keystone that Kerrey will be greeted with open arms. He was a good governor 20 years ago. They remember.\
funksands : CL, here you go. «link»
choicelady : funk – that is EXCELLENT news that Kerry is running! Last I heard he was considering it, but knowing he’s DOING it makes me really happy!
KillgoreTrout : Glad to hear that Murph. She is a genuine good person.
AdLib : Murph – I do think that Brown is in huge trouble now in MA after the Blunt vote. Kerry stands a strong chance of winning and ME ain’t gonna go for a hard right conservative which is all the GOP has to offer in ME as far as I’ve heard (the Baggers were going to primary Snowe and will be fighting to get the nom now).
choicelady : Murph – it’s NE for Nebraska. My family is from there and retired back and liked Bob Kerry a LOT. It’d be great if he went for Nelson’s seat!!!
MurphTheSurf3 : KT…Brown is now linked to the Blunt amendment as a principal cosponsor. Warren is all over it.
KillgoreTrout : I’m sure hoping Elizabeth Warren beats Brown in MA.
funksands : Kerry IS running
AdLib : CL – Word is Kerry will run in NE.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…Kerry is in in NB.
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib…I have met Bob Kerry and know his work well….amazing man…a great man….hope he can strike a deep chord in NB. Given how awful the GOP gov and assembly have been in Maine, I think the Dems stand a good chance of grabbing Snow’s seat. Brown is toast in MS especially after cosponsoring the Blunt Amendment.
KillgoreTrout : Chris, I am in Reynoldsburg. A studio.
choicelady : AdLib – any more word on whether Kerrey is going to run again in NE? He’s a pretty good guy, and even NE people like that Dem.
ChrisR266 : KT: are you in Cols or outside? Seems like everyone has one in my ‘burb.
choicelady : Chris – oh wow – that’s funny! As one who lived in upstate NY balance billing is what kept us sane. The idea you could accrue a CREDIT is amazing!
KillgoreTrout : I’d love to have a small fireplace. Really great on those cool wet evenings. Great for book reading.
ChrisR266 : Choice: We can opt for a year-round payment that averages out our usage over the year. This year it is so skewed to the low end that some of us have been asked to stop paying so we don’t accrue too big of a credit with the gas provider
AdLib : Murph – The Repubs in The House are really the people coloring the negative view of Congress. And yes, the Repubs are seen by a big margin as the main perps. Since they have the majority in the House, they are the most vulnerable to a “throw out the bums” election. In the Senate, we’ve got three surprise potential wins that harm the Repub scenario for takeover, especially Snowe’s retirement. I think MA and NE could come in for Dems too!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…thanks for the briefing on the Breitbart tapes….can’t wait to see them….I have no fear because it seems as if those who hate Obama will believe anything the Breitbart crowd says..and the rest believe nothing they say.
choicelady : KT – good for you. My friends in Y’town are all doing pretty OK on the heating front. Most of them have big old drafty houses but the benefits are they also have fireplaces. While not terribly efficient, they DO let you reduce heating while you’re burning wood in the evening. Does make the upstairs cold though!
SallyT : CL, it is just something they are spreading to make it appear it was a conspiracy.
ChrisR266 : Funk: that number was even higher from some other organizations, but I agree $ 10 makes sense to most people
KillgoreTrout : Chris, my place is all electric, and I’ve been lucky this winter.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…those Congressional ratings apply to both sides of the aisle, yes? But, the GOP sure does look worse, far worse.
choicelady : Sally – I don’t trust anything Breited either, but lots of people think it’s gospel.
choicelady : Chris – I’m not following on your heating?
SallyT : CL, I wouldn’t trust anything Breitbart showed as fact.
AdLib : Murph – I know what you mean, after the 2010 elections, I don’t have enormous faith in the reasoning of American voters in general. I do however think that the GOP has been disqualifying themselves and angering Americans by blocking progress in Congress and blackmailing the nation, the low approval ratings nationwide for Congress makes me think that many Baggers will lose and moderate Dems will replace them.
choicelady : AdLib – I’m with you. If someone was evil, they’re evil after death.
choicelady : funk – many that’s the truth on $10 to the price!
ChrisR266 : KT: Word about the heating bills. Columbia Gas just told me to stop paying budget, dropped it to nothing.
SallyT : John Heilemann said that after someone dies is the best time to say bad things about a person.
choicelady : Sally – I have no doubt everyone has videos of Obama – Breitbart’s specialty is selective editing, tampering, and possible photoshopping. He’s supposedly going to prove he was Ayers’ and Dohrn’s pick for pres to take over the government. The fact that the Annenbergs (or someone like them) chose Ayers for the committee where he and Obama shared space needs to be emphasized. The video won’t show Obama with Ayers unless – like the still photo of Kerry with Jane Fonda that proved utterly false – it’s doctored.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT and funk…yes, the MSM has a meme when one of their own dies, but that man dragged journalism down, down, down…For what he did to Acorn alone he earned my undying scorn.
funksands : Ad, we needed massive turnout to keep from losing the Senate. Attacking women is a good way to boost numbers.
AdLib : CL – As is no doubt clear around here, I absolutely reject the BS PC mentality of “Always say nice things about someone when they die.” Nope, if they were vicious, poisonous people who caused harm to millions, no way! You have to earn respect and dying isn’t a magic cocoon that makes all the bad someone does, just peachy.
funksands : CL, one of the heads of the Commodity Futures Trading Association says that speculation has added $10 per tank of gas.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, with any luck, they will lose seats.
funksands : KT, I agree, its reflex.
KillgoreTrout : Murph, I think it’s just phony political correctness for the most part. Gee, a man died and we’re all supposed to feel sorry about it. Well, I’m sure not.
choicelady : AdLib – I do think the president needs to address the wheeling and dealing shoving up gas prices. I’m thinking he may release more reserves to help bring prices down – but this happened before and he dealt well with it, I presume behind closed doors.
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib…maybe because I live in rural Mo…..I have no faith in the good sense of most people…includi ng women.
AdLib : KT – The meme from the right now is that they’re going to focus on Congress since their Presidential candidates all look weak…but after today’s vote and the lack of condemnation of Rush, how do they win Congressional seats being anti-women…who make up the majority of voters?
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…well at least there was a good reason.
choicelady : AdLib – i honestly wish I could feel bad for the Breitbart family in more than just a general sort of way. That man was pure poison.
SallyT : Okay, have you guys already talked about the videos that Breitbart supposely had of Obama in Harvard that he was going to release Mar 1 and that is why he was supposely knocked off?
MurphTheSurf3 : Can anyone figure out all of the crocodile tears for Breitbart from the MSM..the man was pond scum for God’s sake.
funksands : You know, what Rush said isn’t all that different from the shit he usually says. I think he is getting the end product of a lot of female rage. They just aren’t going to put up with crap like that right now. Good.
choicelady : Murph – yes. And that was a problem in the 60s but to a far lesser degree.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, the GOP deciding to take on the women was a very, very bad move.
choicelady : Chris – wow! You all are on a real roller coaster weather-wise!
AdLib : Have to say, though it was an infuriating week, we saw Breitbart leave this plane of existence, Rush being knocked back on his heels and Repubs in Congress voting to deny women medicine. How is this not a big win for Dems on the whole?
KillgoreTrout : Yeah Chris, it’s been a crazy winter here, for sure. Low heating bills for the most part though.
choicelady : funk – That might be a good analogy. Another town farther north, Richmond, is equally depressed and predominantly Black and LAtino, but it has far fewer problems. It had a good mayor – a Black woman – who got replaced by a Green who is actually doing a good job. Not everyone likes her, but she did get re-elected. So who’s in power DOES make a difference.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….remember the piece I and several others did several months back….the truth in it keeps being demonstrated. I have been assured that a lot more planning is going on now…we will see. No real consultation with the “vets.”
KillgoreTrout : Funk…Brad Pitt in Tree of Life?
ChrisR266 : Choice: 56 here this afternoon, storms blew through and now it’s 37 and real windy. Supposed to snow tomorrow. Best that.
funksands : Ad: Not that hard. It was a friendly punch.
choicelady : ADLib – could be baggers, could be anarchists – who knows. Just know they’re mean SOBs.
funksands : Murph, you stole my line
He’s seven
AdLib : Murph – Beat you by one second!
KillgoreTrout : CL, that sounds about right!
funksands : CLady is Oakland the west coast Newark?
MurphTheSurf3 : funk…great…. unless the kid is 15….in which case there might be a concern
AdLib : Congrats Funksands! How hard did you punch him?
SallyT : It is the largest Fashion design college in the west. It is in Oakland and Los Angeles.
choicelady : KT – I know SO many people doing so many good things in Oakland, and it all gets trod on by lousy city government, horrible police, and now this. Oakland – the city everyone pisses on while robbing the till.
AdLib : CL – Whoops, I didn’t realize that those OO infiltrators ARE Baggers! That explains everything! It is a vicious and nasty business, standing up against the RW.
funksands : Hey! My kiddo just lost one of his front teeth! Woo hoo!
KillgoreTrout : CL, Oakland was bad way back in the 60s too. Seems they haven’t changed all that much.
choicelady : Sally – where is FIDM? I never heard of it.
AdLib : CL – Those people in Occupy Oakland are no different that Baggers. As Murph describes, sounds like OO was infiltrated by radicals who are anarchists at heart, not true OWS types.
choicelady : Chris! Hi – how are you and how is central OH? I heard it was cold and snowy over the weekend then warmed up and turned everything to slush. Still true?
funksands : Nanu nanu Murph
choicelady : Murph – I’m deeply suspicious of Black Bloc types of groups. Always suspect they’re actually righties looking to discredit the entire movement. Pity is – it’s working. But OO was so damaged by the police, I’m not surprised the good guys went home. Brutal. Oakland PD is absolutely the worst according to my allies there.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk and Chris….greetin gs earthlings
SallyT : CL, she goes to FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise)
funksands : Hey Chris, CLady, Howdy Ad!
AdLib : Hey Chris!
AdLib : Funk in da howse!
KillgoreTrout : Evening Chris. Long time no see.
funksands : Hi KT!
choicelady : Hey funk! Welcome!
ChrisR266 : Evening, everyone.
choicelady : KT – See? We always said the hairpiece was alive.
funksands : I am more likely to be eaten by a black panther than intimidated by a Black Panther
KillgoreTrout : Hey Funk!
choicelady : Murph – from what I’ve seen I’d confirm that about OO.
choicelady : Sally – which college? There aren’t any downtown so she should be safe.
funksands : I’m here. «link»
KillgoreTrout : It is, minus the dead squirrel on the head!
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…the word among the old hands is that Occupy Oakland has been polluted by the “Black Bloc” anarchists with Marxist language who wear a lot of black clothing (including masks). Have you heard of this?
AdLib : Murph – Arpaio is to law enforcement as Rush Limbaugh is to women’s rights.
SallyT : CL, my granddaughter is going to college in Oakland.
choicelady : KT – Always thought Arpaio WAS Trump in drag.
KillgoreTrout : Is Arpio now working for Trump?
choicelady : AdLib – outside of their smashing up small businesses IN Oakland, there was an pro-apratheid group here in Sacramento, and as the police were taking them AWAY, the Occupy people jumped on the white supremacists AND the cops. The police were MOVING THEM OUT and the OO folks called them pig collaborators. EVery move Occupy Oakland people have made recently has been stupid, thoughtless, violent, and often acts against small individuals and stores. They have decided anyone who runs a business is a fascist and that they and only they are pure. NO one can stand them. When people of faith get together in support – it’s across the Bay in SF. They’ve been fine. The Oakland people are just AWFUL.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad LIb…Legit and Arpaio do not belong in the same paragraph.
SallyT : KT, they say it is a good movie from the ones that have seen it.
KillgoreTrout : I saw today that the movie Game Changers is coming out soon. I guess McCain and Sarah aren’t too pleased with it. That’s a glowing recommendation, in my book!
AdLib : Murph – No legit law enforcement person would make any conclusion based on a video image of a document.
MurphTheSurf3 : Cl….Orly Taitz says she is very encouraged by the results and Jerome Corsi has endorsed them….come on, have a little faith in America’s toughest sheriff.
AdLib : CL – What’s your experience with Ocuupy Oakland?
SallyT : CL, I keep shoveling it your way!
choicelady : Murph. A video. Yeah. That’s convincing evidence.
KillgoreTrout : I must admit CL, I haven’t been keeping up on OWS lately.
choicelady : Oh Sally – send some rain here! We got about .37 inches and need more – we are less than half of normal.
choicelady : KT – well, I do NOT want Occupy Oakland to make another single move. They are idiots! OWS, fine. OLA- not a problem. Oakland? They need to go home to mommy. They are disgusting.
SallyT : Cl and KT and AdLib, good evening to you all. It is raining in Portland. Surprise!
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…the sheriff had “experts” on his cold case posse (I am not making that up) who examined the video and have come to the conclusion that a fraud is being perpetrated…
AdLib : Hey Sally!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sally! How’s things in Portland?
choicelady : Hi Sally! How are you! Yes, AB is done in from settling in. I forget where she moved? I hope at least her weather is OK? But she could be in Alaska for all I’ve kept up.
KillgoreTrout : I agree Murph. I am also looking forward to the Spring and having more action by OWS.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…well neither Noonan or Will are considered pundits by the far right currently…so your wish could come true.
choicelady : Murph – now how did the good sheriff even get a look at the birth certificate? He has not left the state, and the Hawaii Secretary of State is not letting it be copied anymore.
SallyT : AB, you can’t leave when I am just getting on here!
MurphTheSurf3 : KT-+- Yes it will still be very easy to lose this whole thing (WH, House, Senate and State Governments)…w e need every Dem and independent we can get our hands on.
choicelady : Oh AB – I’m SO sorry! Speaking as one with 2 herniated discs, I send ALL my sympathies! Get all that rested up – nothing to fool with! You’re there, take your time now getting settled.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB, but Sheriff Arpaio has assured us that there is a real possibility Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud…..how can you be so skeptical?
AlphaBitch : CL; From your lips to God’s ears. Got the socks, tore my meniscus and think I have a hernia. Still, I’m happy, happy to be here. Now, nite nite for real.
choicelady : Murph – I hope nobody reads Noonan and Will. I want all the energies focused on electing some doofus as president while all the while we’re taking back seats in both houses.
KillgoreTrout : Murph, we have to remind the dems that stayed home in 2010 just how serious the consequences were from their complacency!
choicelady : AB – I don’t think so. I think they honestly would prefer to be martyrs to voting for someone in their own party who is not perfect.
AlphaBitch : CL: Before I go, they will vote for ANYONE put out there by “their” side to defeat the black man secret Muslim in the WH. They have no scruples.
choicelady : AB – how are things coming along? Found the socks yet?
MurphTheSurf3 : NOONAN and Will have written long columns condemning the entire Prez field and suggesting it is time to focus on holding the House and getting a few more seats in the Senate.
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams AB.
choicelady : AB – at a brokered convention, if the GOP has one, everyone’s worried on our side that a mod will emerge, but if so, the base will not vote for him. And a mod cannot run without an extremist as Veep. It would be redux of McCain-Palin, and it wasn’t enough.
AlphaBitch : OK, obviously I can’t play nice tonight – too sleepy and sore. Off to snore and dream on glitter ‘pons. Peace out, wonderful and thoughtful folks. Love you all,a nd would stay and play if I could, but the new KS bed is calling me…….
MurphTheSurf3 : Jeb also has publicly disassociated himself from the current GOP milieu AND he wants a shot at the WH on his own terms….he will continue to be clear…NO HOW, NO WAY.
KillgoreTrout : AB, great analogy! This one is tooooooo crazy!
AlphaBitch : God, the whole Republican thing is like Goldilocks with some really bad porridge choices. This one is too mean, this one is too boring, this one is too stupid, this one is too crazy. Seriously. I’ve given up caring at this point. L-O-S-E-R-S all.
choicelady : AB – I think Jeb’s baggage is being caught up in a Medicare fraud scheme AND having a Latina wife. Never “misunderestima te” the bias of the GOP against ANY person of color.
AdLib : Jeb would do poorly amongst Baggers and piss them off, he’s truly moderate and how much more establishment can you get?
MurphTheSurf3 : I expect Romney to win most of the states from here on in with a couple of Newt exceptions. But with split delegate apportionment it will take time to gather the critical number of delegates. He will creep up on the nomination with Rick, Newt, and Ron nipping at his heels.
AlphaBitch : Good effort AdLib. Maybe Jeb “I’m not sure I’m a conservative – where are my Super Underpants?”
KillgoreTrout : Sad to say AdLib, but Santorum just might take Ohio. A lot of religious zealots in Ohio. But hey, it would be great to see him go up against Obama. Slice and dice time!
choicelady : AdLib – glitter bombing was a topic? OK – I do not think Santorum will win OH but do think he’ll be close enough to keep his loud and vile mouth moving.
choicelady : KT – oh indeed! He appeals to an entire segment of America that thinks ignorance is a show of strength. Look I can appreciate not being taken with some of the arcane foolishness of the Ivory Tower – but since when is being dumb about democracy or the basics of being an American a laudable thing? I’ll TELL you – since it means Rush gets to tell you what everything means, and then what you’re to do about it.
AdLib : And does anyone think that someone new will be drafted at the convention?
AlphaBitch : Oh KT – you are SUCH a Pinocchio!
KillgoreTrout : Gee, I forgot to add how shook up I am about the passing of Breitbart!
MurphTheSurf3 : Limbaugh needs to be hurt where he will feel it. His pride. Rob him of his advertisers. Make Clear Channel answer for its total lack of standards and keep the pressure on.
KillgoreTrout : I think fat bastard is actually proud of his ignorance and meanness!
choicelady : AB – potty mouth! Yes – he had Oxy AND Viagra, and he was NOT married to No. 4 at the time. Or No. 3 either.
choicelady : AB – trying to find ways to embarass Rush – but frankly, he can’t be. There really is nothing left in him that would remotely comprise a conscience.
AlphaBitch : Wasn’t he “apprehended” with Viagra and Oxycontin at the same bust??? Heh heh – I said bust.
KillgoreTrout : Ah, thanks for the suggestion!
choicelady : KT – read the stock reports or something. It’ll help move you past the discussion.
AlphaBitch : Ah, KT – it’s a tired tired mind tonight. Just popped in to see what my favorite people were up to tonight….
KillgoreTrout : I am starting to feel like Oedipus after he found out who he’d been sleeping with. Gouge out my eyes!
choicelady : KT – THAT is the issue! He freaking takes Viagra and did so before wifey no. 4, so…he’s fucking like a rabbit. No way around it. Except the rabbit don’t need no stinkin’ blue pills.
KillgoreTrout : Ooooh AB, I like the way your mind works!
choicelady : AB – I’m with you on the Pez dispensers. Guys – you’re starting to gross ME out, and I’m no prude. I’d rather NOT give Rush anything real to get his panties in a wad over (more Clorox, KT).
AdLib : AB – I agree, I vote for tampons too!
AlphaBitch : KT – or switch it for colored estrogen.
choicelady : KT – THAT, my friend, shows you have very high standards. I would say, following the NPR discussion of the new “girlie” images from the author of “Cinderella Ate My Daughter” that ONLY women who are deeply insecure OR incredibly predatory materialists could possibly be attracted to either of them. And by “attracted” I don’t mean in a genuine way. Rush is just disgusting. Even Christie, with his HUGE posterior, is not that bad.
AlphaBitch : I think tampons are more humiliating, personally. Lady bidness.
KillgoreTrout : We should confiscate fat bastard’s Viagra.
AlphaBitch : M&Ms – instead of MOMs???
KillgoreTrout : I like the little circular packs. Looks kinda likt a sun dial!
AdLib : AB – How about getting pastel blue and pink mini M&Ms and bombing with those?
AlphaBitch : Pez, not Pres, material.
AlphaBitch : OK, work with me here. We get Pez dispensers marked as birth control.
KillgoreTrout : HAHA! If I were a woman, there wouldn’t be enough money in the world for me to sleep with either of them.
choicelady : AB – OMG! That’s seriously Laugh Out Loud!!!!!!
AdLib : AB – Or how about Pill Dispenser Bombing Santorum?
AlphaBitch : AdLib: Can we glitter the pads?
choicelady : KT – sorry. That is pretty awful, isn’t it? Sort of like envisioning Newt (here’s the Clorox.)
AlphaBitch : Yeppers, or as we called them in TX – “beach whistles”. Cl will know to what I refer – the little pink plastic holders.
choicelady : KT – you have identified a hugely important point. Have Santorum define “decency”. No longer does it have anything to do with humane treatment of your fellow citizens.
AdLib : AB – Love it! Instead of Glitter Bombing, Kotex Bombing Rush and GOP candidates!!!
KillgoreTrout : OH geeze CL, now I have to bleach my eyes!
AlphaBitch : Let’s start a new tradition – throwing tampons and kotex at em as a protest. Darn lot better’n shoes.
KillgoreTrout : If Santorum is the champion of decency that he pretends to be, he would have trashed the fat bastard for saying what he did about Ms. Fluke!
choicelady : AB – Ohhhhh I remember that from Natalie! I do wish some woman would say to Rush, what’s the double standard here, big boy? You fuck like a bunny but we’re the sluts?
KillgoreTrout : Santorum didn’t do any better in rebuking limpballs. He sluffed it off as just the words of an “entertainer.” Cowardly moron.
AlphaBitch : Hi CL – damn straight. Forgive? Sounds good. Forget? I’m not sure I could. In the words of Ms. Natalie Maines, per the Dixie Chicks.
choicelady : Hey – I see Alpha Bitch in the balcony! Bet she’s not calm either!
KillgoreTrout : CL, that’s good. Anger is a great motivator!
AdLib : I agree, how can ROmney come back and appeal to women after being cowardly and essentially condoning Rush’s vicious attack and slander on an innocent woman who was merely standing up for women?
choicelady : KT – I’m serouos about not forgiving some men for 1920 votes against the 19th Amendment. We won’t support their descendants either, down through the 7th generation. Very Biblical is our anger.
KillgoreTrout : They’ve really let their hatred get the best of them. Supposing there is any “best,” to be had.
KillgoreTrout : I think it’s actually too close to November for women to forget just how the GOP wants to treat them!
choicelady : AdLib – we may forget lots of things – this war on women is not one of them. Men may not care as much (not you all, but the middle of the road to conservatives) but women? We’ve not forgiven the pols who wanted to deny us the vote.
MurphTheSurf3 : Limbaugh has recast the entire OBama Health Care Rules Debate..moving it from the GOP preferred “it’s about freedom of religion” back to “it’s about who gets to make a woman’s health decisions” and that is where the discussion is now going to stay.
KillgoreTrout : The GOP needs to wash their hands of him. But they won’t and guys like limbaugh should keep flapping their gums and, Obama will breeze into his second term.
AdLib : Can the GOP win in Nov after this war on women or will people forget by then or let gas prices decide it for them?
KillgoreTrout : I’ll sign on to that. He’s really gone too far this time. One good thing, he really isn’t helping the GOP’s chances right now.
choicelady : Murph – speaking of yanking Jabba’s tail, poking Rush always makes me think of Jack in the Beanstalk. The giant is big, fat, mean, and s-l-o-w and comes crashing down. The idea of Rush falling by the way is very cool. But he’d leave so many imitators behind – Michael Savage on down. We’d see them fill the void I fear. But none of them has the power he does – or thinks he does – so good riddance if he goes!
MurphTheSurf3 : Kilgore…missio n the past two days has been ginning up on line support for a boycott of Jabba the Limbaugh’s advertisers.
KillgoreTrout : I love my movies. Especially the early gangster flicks!
KillgoreTrout : What’s up Murph?
AdLib : KT – I had a feeling you’d get the reference!
KillgoreTrout : Good evening CL.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT…how ya Be.
choicelady : Hey KT! Welcome!
KillgoreTrout : Is this the end of Rico Limbaugh? One can only hope!
choicelady : AdLib and Murph – OK, then I DO know what he said. He just cannot keep his mouth shut can he? She was testifying about MEDICAL uses of contraceptive hormones, and he just had to run his big, fat mouth. So good for the women of America!
MurphTheSurf3 : CL- and today the President called her when she was at MSNBC getting ready to go on Hardball…RusBo hit the roof….Obama in solidarity and yanking Jabba’s tail.
AdLib : Hey KT!
AdLib : Could this be the end of big fat Caesar?
KillgoreTrout : Hail Planeteers!
AdLib : CL – His calling Sandra Fluke a slut and calling for all women using contraceptives covered by insurance to post videos of having sex has caused a huge backlash. He only ratcheted up each day!
choicelady : Oh – KQ came and went. Hope he comes back and is OK.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…you have to catch up on the flack RusBO is getting…major. ..and he has doubled down so he is getting it worse. Two advertisers have pulled out. Four others are reviewing their ad policy.
choicelady : Murph – that makes sense. Maybe turn it into a post? Or, to draw less attention, an answer to a post.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib and CL…it is a long list…it will fill up this space and then some…..I can e mail it to Ad Lib and then it could be posted….or whatever you want me to do.
AdLib : Murph – Yes, I would like it. Oh, apologies about not replying to your email this week, was a bit nuts, will be back at ya next week!
choicelady : Murph – I’ll take the advertisers (I did do that around Beck’s Islamophobic stuff) but what is the specific issue? You do know it will gin up his “feminazi” rant if it turns out wimmin are behind this move to disenfranchise his hate?
choicelady : Murph – I thought that kind of talk was up your alley? You DO hang out here…
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….Rush….S pent a long time on line the last two days spreading a list of advertisers with contact info. You want it?
choicelady : AdLib – I’ve been paying NO attention to Rush. What’s up he’s losing advertising? Surely it’s not what he said about that young woman? He’s said that and worse about EVERYONE. If it IS then good for the women of America. I’ve just not, as I said, been focused on him.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL and AdLib….condoms , birth control…if you guys are going to talk dirty, I may have to leave…..never mind…go ahead.
AdLib : Santorum would have a “No Child Left Without a Chastity Belt” policy.
AdLib : Looks like Rush has lost several advertisers so far. Could this be the last straw for him and a path to Glenn Beck ville?
choicelady : Murph – I firmly agree about Ebert. I love him.AdLib – I dunno – condoms. The slippery slope to wanton marriageless sex just like the pill. I’m thinking if, God forbid, Santorum became president, he’d revive the Comstock Commission. Along with HUAC and lots of other goodies from the Golden Age of America.
AdLib : Murph – I do have a lot of respect for Ebert, amazing guy and a real educated guy about film…as opposed to most poorly film-educated critics today.
AdLib : CL – Sex and only condoms, no pill. Halfway to Santorum’s perfect world.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…I read Roger Ebert for film reviews. He and I are on the same page. Ebert manages to review the film within the genre and from aisle seats….a real gift from an extraordinary person who has triumphed over disease that could have totally debilitated him.
choicelady : AdLib – I managed to miss ALL of it, but wasn’t there, well, (whisper) sex in it?
AdLib : Mad Men is a futuristic Sci Fi series to Rick Santorum.
choicelady : Murph – I’d agree – our reviewer sucks on most of his reviews. When I’ve gone to his 4-star picks, I’ve been terminally bored. He reviews for the subtle nuances of previous (fill in the artist – director, writer, lighting, etc.) and likes things that echo his intellectual library rather than being, you know, interesting?
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…the reviewer of the Sacramento Bee was in the 7 percent that did not praise the film. It is really gorgeous.
choicelady : AdLib – all those GOP men and women in starched clothes, women in dresses, men in suits – throwback to the 50s? However, the thought of the GOP in natural fibers is mind boggling. They DEFINE polyester!
AdLib : If you really want to see something authentically looking like the very distant past…watch the GOP convention this summer.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…here is rotten tomatoes….http ://www.rottentom atoes.com/m/hugo /….94 Percent Critics Thumbs Up….
choicelady : Murph – I’m tellin’ ya – the local Sacramento Bee reviewer did not like Hugo. He’s the “Mikey” of films – he hates everything.
choicelady : AdLib – I LOVE films that capture a time and place really well! I will make a point (after we buy a new TV) of adding that to the “must watch” list.
AdLib : CL – It’s not an amazing script but the production was amazing, it really looks authentically 1920’s and the film style was very well done.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…Hugo Panned? Oh No. It was widely acclaimed (look it up on Rotten Tomatoes, Meta Crtiic, won all kinds of awards)….but its box office was soft…..too artsy a picture I think.
choicelady : AdLib – I didn’t see The Artist either. Heard the soundtrack left something to be desired…
AdLib : Hugo is a fine film, IMO!
MurphTheSurf3 : Greetings Ad Lib and Choice….CL…. you still need that DVD player…so much good film out there.
choicelady : Murph – BTW – the film reviewers here panned Hugo. I STILL want to see it!
AdLib : Hugo was my number 2 pick after The Artist for best film.
choicelady : Hi Murph! I wanted to see Hugo but, as is my wont, I missed it, and our DVD player is on the fritz. We have a new one, but our TV is too old to hook it up so we have to buy a new one. All to see a movie I COULD have seen at the boxoffice. That’s America – turning a $10 ticket into a $500 purchase!
AdLib : Hey Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Greetings all….(well actually, right now, the all is the few), but greetings anyway. Just finished watching Scorcese’s “Hugo” with some friends. Delightful, enchanting film.
AdLib : Yep! The Fonz was actually a very short and skinny guy.
choicelady : AdLib – I’m not convinced he’d let that sneak through…He’s not a practicing Christian, but he defends their right to power nonetheless.
AdLib : Heh! Love it! As long as it’s rudely insulting, it has a home on Rush.
choicelady : Those legs belong to the FONZ?????
AdLib : It is a still from the Happy Days episode where Fonzi water skis…and jumps a shark, which is where the term originated.
choicelady : AdLib – oh goodie! Can I buy an ad by dissing Dominionist Christians who are SO sure they’re persecuted our line has become – “Get off the cross. Someone else is using it.”
choicelady : Hey AdLib – went back out to look at Hacklines. Question – why is Arianna water skiing in a leather jacket????
AdLib : So, in case anyone’s interested, you can buy an ad on Rush Limbaugh now for a song…and a misogynist slur.
AdLib : How are you doing this evening, CL?
AdLib : They’re still having appetizers. Hey CL!
choicelady : {Cough} It’s 7:09. Where is everybody?
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive.
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
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