AdLib : Sleep well!
SallyT : I’ll probably be here and good night to you, too.
AdLib : Heh! Thanks, I love OR!
SallyT : And, you can move to Oregon anytime! No complaints.
AdLib : Thanks Sally! Have a great weekend and maybe see you here tomorrow for the SC Primary results. Night!
SallyT : See you in the posts!
SallyT : Anyway, have a good night and thanks for staying up with me and closing the bar.
AdLib : Yep, enjoyed the chat too!
SallyT : I had to show you I was typing the same thing to you.
SallyT : Well, I think it is just the two of us,
AdLib : Well…looks like it’s around that time to end tonight’s edition of Vox Populi! Thanks Sally for closing the bar with me! Have a great weekend!
SallyT : That would be cool.
AdLib : Actually, OWS should do the Human Megaphone of his laugh, echoing it every time he does it in a debate.
SallyT : There will be when they get the Dems in the audience.
AdLib : There should be a loud moan from the audience everytime he does that.
SallyT : I think they already have, Adlib.
AdLib : At what point will most Americans tire of the phony laugh and phony smile as a way to answer serious questions he doesn’t like?
SallyT : And, Newt will say to the host, “How dare you ask me such a question!”
SallyT : He is going to get so tongue tied that his face will cave.
AdLib : If Romney is choking on such simple issues now, what do you think’s going to happen against Obama?
SallyT : There you go. Murph has it!
AdLib : Cool, thanks Murph for the link and Sally for the catch!
SallyT : It might have been on Rachel’s tonight.
MurphTheSurf3 : «link»
AdLib : Laura Ingram?
MurphTheSurf3 : INGRAHAM: You’ve noted that there are signs of improvement in the economy on the horizon. How do you answer the president’s argument that the economy is getting better in a general election campaign if you yourself are saying that it’s getting better? ROMNEY: Well, of course it’s getting better. The economy always gets better after a recession. There’s always a recovery. There’s never been a time anywhere in the world where the economy has never recovered. But the question is: has it recovered by virtue of something that the president’s done, or has he delayed the recovery and made it more painful?
SallyT : I can’t remember where I heard it, damn it! But it was that lady that has that conservative talk show.
AdLib : Murph – That would be extremely cool, to get such scoops! Cheers!
AdLib : Sally – I do want to track that down!
SallyT : They said that was going to be in the Dems ads for sure!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…I will reach out to my SC friends for some inside scoops. I should have a few good stories.
SallyT : AdLib, you have to find that radio talk show that Romney was on that he said that after a recession there is always an upturn and that is where Obama is. The host said she didn’t think that would sound good and Romney said, “well, that is the truth,”
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad..count me in.
AdLib : Night Murph, we’ll have a SC primary thread here tomorrow, hope to see you then!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad and Sally….I think we are all correct….much truth here tonight. Enjoyed our late night chat. Cheers! And good night.
SallyT : I agree AdLib!
AdLib : Pig Newton.
SallyT : Murph, LOL, I think you have nailed him!
AdLib : Sally – In a debate against Obama, both Newt and Romney would be shown up to be abject liars and frauds. This is the huge think Obama has going for him, he alone will be speaking truth while all Romney or Newt have to run on are lies. As those lies are knocked out from under them, they will fall.
MurphTheSurf3 : A newt is an aquatic amphibian of the family Salamandridae, although not all aquatic salamanders
SallyT : AdLib, I wonder if Newt would be that swift against Obama. Right now he is throwing out lies and attacks against Obama that aren’t true, like he is the most dangerous President ever. I don’t think he will have those kinds of come backs with Obama next to him. I think he will have a hard time against the truth.
AdLib : Sally – I think Obama would totally humiliate Newt in a debate as well. As for how he looks, Newt is like a walking stomach, a physical mirror of his self-indulgence and greed. Romney reflects his superficiality and greed as well but you are right, he is not a toad like Newt.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally….looks count….I wrote last night that Newt reminds of that fat little kid on the playground who is a know it all in the classrooms (whose arrogance drives even the teachers crazy). He got picked on and bullied. As an adult he has become the bully. Bullies never look good. In his case he will look really bad.
SallyT : Have you guys notice when they announce them at the beginning of a debate and they walk out on stage? Newt looks, well, icky next to the others. Except for Ron Paul. Paul just looks old.
AdLib : Murph – I agree that Newt would be far swifter on his toes in a fight against Obama than Romney but in his swiftness, would be far more repulsive to the indie voters who don’t like hateful candidates. Mitt will be less hateful but less skilled at debating Obama. So, on the nubers alone, Romney would look right now to be the stronger of the two but in the end, I think Romney could lose as badly as Newt would.
SallyT : Another thing, guys, Romney and Obama are both nice looking men. Newt, well, he will look fat and dumpy up against Obama.
SallyT : Murph, I don’t know if it was a debate but it was a face off and they said that Newt was tongue tied. Maybe it was something after they were both out of office. I will have to read more about that. However, they said that Newt looked down beaten up against Clinton. Of course, most would, don’t you think? Clinton can talk like no other. That man is smart and knows so much.
AdLib : Murph – Got it! As I said, they don’t need the 3 Straight Victories ballroom when it is now “1 out of 3 Victories!”. I’m liking this race again, was a bit disappointed when it looked like a quick win for Romney but it did have its plusses.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….reading your post it sounds like you sort of disagree and agree at the same time. I think reading your POV I do too. They both will look awful.
SallyT : They thought Newt might yelled at the media host but he won’t be able to get away with that with Obama.
AdLib : Murph – I don’t know that I’d agree, Newt is so hugely disliked by moderate voters, he would only be digging himself a deeper hole each time he attacked Obama. As for Romney, I do think he’s clearly exposed that he has a glass jaw and can’t deal with anything that doesn’t go his way. On that count, I do think he will be much easier to beat than some may think. And on the debate stage, seeing the artificial, fake smiled Romney up against Obama will make him look so weak and insubstantial.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally….good point but I do not think Clinton and Gingrich were ever really in a staged debate together were they?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…misled you…my reference was to the ballroom….so they think they will need a small one…for a small crowd…but I suspect they are also downsizing overall including the penthouse suite (now closet).
SallyT : Murph, someone pointed out that Newt was tough in debates but that he caved when he went up against Clinton. He can’ bark loud enough against the truth.
SallyT : I’ll do my best for ya, AdLib! I was planing on pointing to the ocean.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally….Obama will have an easier job wiping out Romney because he will not be able to fight back as effectively as Newt who is more capable in the bare knuckle debates we are now seeing.
AdLib : Sally, please point the “This Way To California” sign to TX so those Repubs don’t come back here!
AdLib : Murph – That’s very funny! They need to start saving now because they’ll have to spend a lot more against Newt! And no sense to rent the Victory Suite when you’re going to lose!
SallyT : AdLib, I think Bend got stuck with all the Calif Repubs, too. But, I think they are leaving now.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…Having read your piece on how an easy win for Mitt would keep him unprepared for the battle with Obama, I know what you mean about a fast win having an upside. But the way this is going, Mitt will be exposed to far more damage than a fair fight would create…..here is a little tidbit….the Romney campaign has asked the hotel where they were planning their primary night festivities for one TWO sizes smaller than the one they reserved. Oh My!
AdLib : Better? Well, Romney would lose by less than Newt in running against Obama but I truly don’t believe that in the end, either could beat him.
AdLib : Sally – I get it and totally understand. You surely don’t want a replay of what happened in the past. However, such a boom could only be based on a real economy, not a bubble. People would be moving back to OR for real jobs at realistic wages and paying a more reasonable price for homes.
SallyT : Okay, you two, who is the better of the two to go against Obama?
AdLib : Murph – That’s great news! I do see an upside to Mitt quickly winning the nom but I see a far better benefit to Mitt having to be sullied more and having to spend more of his money on Newt than on Obama.
SallyT : No doubt about it. It takes a lot of different things. But, as you are trying to point out, you have to start somewhere. I am just the doubting Thomas for discussion sack. You know I am all for it in the long run.
AdLib : Sally – I knew of people who moved up there after selling their homes down here. You explained it perfectly, they took their profits here, bought their “dream house” there then slowly realized…”How do I get a job that will pay for this?”
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad LIb…I was VERY involved in the state political scene for years and this person is a Dem field organizer whose GOP info sources are excellent.
SallyT : And, you know, AdLib, Portland had the biggest turnout of the 99%.
AdLib : Murph – This is from folks you know out there? Sure hope that’s what happens tomorrow, making life miserable and complicated for Mitt makes me smile.
SallyT : And, Portland is one of the most liberal cities you can ever imagine. Pretty city, too, with the two big rivers and all its bridges. At night it is a beautiful site.
MurphTheSurf3 : Anybody who is still here…the word from SC is Newt by 4 to 6 Percent AND the State Organization is definitely NOT in the field.
AdLib : Sally – FYI, CA is suffering from the same problems, home prices are still high, taxes are insufficient and unemployment is high. It takes a number of elements to get our economies back on track and I do think HC is an important one. It will help but more is needed and one big thing would be higher taxes on the wealthy to help pay for more government spending on infrastructure, teachers, firemen, etc. The more money there is in more of the 99%s hands, the stronger our economy will get.
SallyT : They could buy land cheap, AdLib, and they built these great big houses. Than they realized that there weren’t that many jobs. They couldn’t sale the houses so they just walked away. It is a real sad story down in Bend because of that. Oregon is trying hard to get more businesses. But, no one is moving corp offices or plants right now.
AdLib : I understand, I remember when people from CA were flooding up to OR and WA. It is kind of an unspoken story about what happens when a bubble gives homeowners in expensive cities money to move to other cities. It’s like a disease that spreads.
SallyT : We do have a lot of movie companies come here because of our corporate taxes.
AdLib : And OR would of course be with CA and many other Blue States in setting up HC Exchanges. If you consider the cost to employers of HC, it’s a huge chunk. Any state with an exchange that allows their employees to be covered affordably, would be a magnet for business and that means jobs.
SallyT : It got so bad with people moving in here that we started advertising that it really does rain here! It wasn’t funny, AdLib. It was serious to the people living here and trying to get by. There are no simple answers.
AdLib : Sally – OR would be a huge beneficiary of a state HC exchange and would attract businesses from the South.
AdLib : Sally – I do think that what would happen would be a two stage thing. First, the Southern states would try to prove how much they don’t believe in government and would not create exchange. Then once they see how it has damaged their state, they’ll do a u-turn and start them up. Just as AL has with their anti-immigrant legislation that chased out workers and let crops die on the vine. Once they realized how it hurt them, they’ve now turned around and are voluntarily trying to undo some of that law.
SallyT : Oregon, and we have a high minimun wage, which people come for, and good state health care for children. We had a lot of high tech companies but they have moved out. Our large call center in Bend went overseas.
SallyT : Well, I think the North is ahead of the South in so many ways. Perhaps that might be one of the ways to wake up the south.
AdLib : Night Invient!
AdLib : Sally – That is a pickle you’re in. It would seem though that having more businesses move back there (where are you again?) and offering competitive salaries would help to address the situation best.
SallyT : Good night Invient. See you later, I hope.
AdLib : Sally – Not judging, just trying to address your concerns. There are a lot of Blue States out there, many of which have suffered the reverse, a loss of population to Southern states. Think of this, it could lead to a rebirth of states like MI which have lost a lot of citizens. There would be many states that have exchanges and as population migrates to them, the Southern states would first suffer then I think, eventually jump on the Exchange wagon. Eventually, it may very well lead to national single payer. But in the process, the best minds may migrate North and economic growth may benefit the North far more than the sSouth.
invient : Sally, ad. Good night. I’m out. In case you don’t find the article I mentioned on that blog here it is. «link»
SallyT : Hopefully, people are now moving back to Calif and leaving us with oversized houses that no one can afford. They just walked away from the houses because they were upside down. That has crippled our state and tax income.
KQµårk 死神 : Yes that’s how it works for the most part AdLib. The big losers are the trial lawyers in the no fault system so they would push back. Because the rewards are fixed based on specific types of injuries. But care is always provided first. It sounds like tort reform but it’s not. Because tort reform does a bad job of differentiating different types of injuries.
SallyT : Our taxes here are out of controlled because so many people relocated from Calif and over paid for housing here (which of course was cheaper than Calif). Now with the housing market collapes we are suck with high taxes and no jobs.
invient : If its exciting sure, otherwise no. Where are you moving?
AdLib : KQ – I will have a thread up for tomorrow’s SC returns. Sleep well and see you here tomorrow!
SallyT : Yes, AdLib, I do know that. I think you are over judging me on this. I am just saying that one state cannot support everyone. And, if you are the state that is smart enough to do that right thing, you can’t expect them to do it for everyone. That is when the people in the state that have thought ahead get punished in housing costs and other things as well.
KQµårk 死神 : Wow it’s getting late. I’m out for the night as well. Anyone gonna be around when the results of SC come in?
AdLib : KQ – As long as the judgements plaintiffs would get were logical and for those who suffer deaths to loved ones or permanent injuries that require care for the rest of their lives, they would need to be assured of being able to receive large enough judgements that fairly address that.
KQµårk 死神 : I guess the thing to look at were no fault works well is with car insurance. It’s not like a doctor would get off without paying more than anyone else. Yes there is some trade off like other countries you don’t have the massive rewards juries give in the US but the other side of the equation is more fair too.
AdLib : Yay KQ! I forgot where you said your were moving!
SallyT : AdLib, it showed how people can be told something to sway them but how important trial by jury is because they hear the real matter and how it happened.
AdLib : Sally – This is how you grow an economy. There are the REAL job creators which are small businesses and which then need to hire employees. Did you know that when you hear jobs reports, it is mostly small businesses that have hired all those people? It may seem like a long time now but not long ago, we had a booming economy that was producing a lot of jobs and they came from start ups. So if you want a jobs boom, you need a small business boom and slashing the expense of HC for small business would be a boon for that.
SallyT : They had the coffee machine set higher than the coffee maker company said it should be set.
invient : Mandatory arbitration. That should be illegal. I thought you couldn’t sign away your rights.
SallyT : I know, Invient, and the pictures. I don’t think people knew that McDonalds had gotten more complaints and usually just paid them off. That coffee was as hot as the water in your car radiator!
AdLib : Sally – I saw that doc and it totally blew up what most people have been deceive about when it comes to the McDonalds hot coffee lawsuit. The public has been convincingly lied to and needs to learn that.
invient : Yes, bill Meyers had good analysis on the souths mentality and how it was developed. He was on real time.
KQµårk 死神 : Well we are getting out of the South this year, we’ve had it.
AdLib : Invient – As a fantasy, I would get some satisfaction out of letting the South secede and find out how quickly they would collapse without the Feds giving them money. However, many of our Progressive friends live in The South so that would be unfair to them. In essence, at least psychologically, there continues to be an ongoing Civil War, as the SC debate proved.
invient : Kq, I watched hot coffee as well and it is eye opening. Especially the scene where they tell the story of the guy who voted for it, then it happens to him. My case isn’t frivolous, oh woes me.
SallyT : Perhaps, but not everyone can work for themselves. And, there are just so many jobs. Don’t get me wrong. I am for it but I also know how a state can get over run by those moving in, too.
KQµårk 死神 : The worse part is tort reform is not even effective. Litigation makes costs high not because of lawsuits. The whole malpractice insurance is a worse racket than HC insurance was. They pay less than 50% of premiums for claims as an example.
AdLib : Sally, as KQ mentions, I think that the flow of people from Red States to Blue States would bring many who will create jobs. Anyone starting up a small business would be much better off in such a state, not having to pay for employee HC or have employees out due to not having HC. It’s not just the poor who this would help, it’s the entrepreneurs who would greatly benefit and having them move to Blue States would mean more jobs.
SallyT : I saw a show on HBO about lawsuits and how the corps put stories out that make them seem foolish when in fact they aren’t. Like the lady that sued McDonalds over the coffee.
invient : Kq, if we do separate, let’s keep the southerners down wind and water. Just saying.
invient : Isn’t that what malpractice insurance is?
KQµårk 死神 : The way southern states compete is they run to the bottom. They don’t care if people make a working wage and give corps ridiculous land deals, environment waivers and tax breaks.
AdLib : KQ – The Repub lobbying for capping malpractice burns me up. The wealthy can have unlimited capital gains and loopholes but someone whose life has been severely damaged and will need paid care for the rest of their life should just be screwed so that insurance companies can make more unlimited profits. At the same time, I am always for making a system work better and as you describe, a pool for malpractice awards makes enormous sense.
invient : Adlib, on the Norman Goldman radio show a guy called in about succession from southern states so they can have their lessez faire capitalism. It was about them usually getting more federal dollars back than they put in.
KQµårk 死神 : Think about it AdLib in blue states you actually would have the freedom to work for yourself and not be a wage slave.
SallyT : Okay, AdLib, if the state they are coming to have jobs.
invient : KQ: better yell palomino.
AdLib : Sally – All Blue states that have an exchange should absolutely welcome all folks to their state. Since people still have to pay through the exchange and it’s not an entitlement, it costs the state nothing. And think of the huge drop in unpaid medical costs that are passed onto those who pay premiums, if all the undocumented workers who use the emergency room for primary care have HC and get treated early, before it becomes an emergency. HC costs will really go down.
KQµårk 死神 : Actually AdLib I learned allot about the true cost of malpractice from the Denialism blog.
SallyT : That’s okay, KQ, if it is the wife. Just not the Police.
KQµårk 死神 : I’m locked up constantly.
invient : Ad, sure thing.
SallyT : I bookmarked to read later, Invient. Thanks
SallyT : Well, as long as you’re not locked up, KQ.
AdLib : Thanks Invient, opened the site in a window and will read later!
KQµårk 死神 : Sorry for the double post my system locked up for a second.
AdLib : Seeya Murph!
AdLib : Night Patsy! Sleep well!
KQµårk 死神 : Sweet dreams Patsy.
KQµårk 死神 : Sweet dreams Patsy.
invient : Here’s a blog I like to read, the author had a recent article on mitt that I enjoyed. «link» He is creating a network called North Star, that is meant to reinvigorate the left. By left I mean super left.
AdLib : Night CL! Have a wonderful weekend (should be raining a bit so you stay warm and dry as you can during the march tomorrow!).
KQµårk 死神 : There is AdLib with more regulation by the medical boards instead. All it really means is broader risk pools or single payer malpractice insurance in some systems.
MurphTheSurf3 : Got to leave. But here is my man, the Prez at the Apollo to seranade y’all (a tip of the hat to SC)…«link» .youtube.com/wat ch?v=EGtImPa5ygw
SallyT : Night Patsy.
invient : Night patsy
PatsyT : Hey I have to pack it in myself… Love to you all ..
choicelady : Goodnight all!
SallyT : Goodnight CL. Be watching for you later.
choicelady : ‘Night Patsy – you have a good one, too!
invient : Night cl
KQµårk 死神 : Sleep well CL my ADD almost missed your post.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Choice Dear, All the best
AdLib : KQ – I really like the idea of a pool for malpractice claims but there would need to be some kind of financial pain inflicted on the dr. who malpracticed.
SallyT : Yes, AdLib, that could happen. And, the states with HC shouldn’t let them immigrant into theirs.
invient : We need more Bernie’s in the world. People that actually defend their positions against someone who is just loud.
KQµårk 死神 : I agree AdLib. You will also see people moving back to ‘blue states’ because they will progress faster on the ACA. The days insurance is only tied to your employment will be over faster than people think.
MurphTheSurf3 : Invient….true
choicelady : Everyone – the back is getting achy and the mind is giving out. All that wind and rain to and from the Bay Area tuckered me out, so I’m heading off to bed. I wish you all a GREAT weekend and sweet dreams. ‘Night everyone!
invient : Murph, yes I know. Of course, the dems don’t want his message either.
SallyT : Bernie was quick to correct him on a couple of things, tho.
choicelady : AdLib – I will work up an article on ACA this weekend if I can, and I will give you a heads up about it when I’m done. I mastered the technology once and ONLY once on graphics, so that’s where I need help. Anyway, I appreciate the offer.
AdLib : Sally – I think HC could be what finally destroys the GOP. Most Northern states will use the ACA to start up state exchanges for health care. The GOP states will refuse because they hate “guv’ment” controlling our lives when it doesn’t have to do with sex. As time goes by, people will move out of those states to get affordable HC and the brain drain and population drain will lessen their revenues and political representation in The House. The GOP’s anti-HC stand could be what ultimately dooms them to long term minority status.
SallyT : Buddy was sure campaigning but that is the only place he was getting air time.
KQµårk 死神 : I’ve noticed that there are more and more blogs like the Planet, peoples view etc. popping up that were tired of the mega blogs on the left.
MurphTheSurf3 : Invient…Buddy ‘s message is not one the GOP wants promoted. They will continue to work against him to keep him an irrelevant distraction.
PatsyT : KQ Cesca is an oasis of sanity over there…
invient : SallyT, they were talking about corporate democrats in that show, It reminded me of benett here in Colorado. Err.
SallyT : I agree Invient. You could see on Bernie’s face that he was having a hard time staying in his seat.
KQµårk 死神 : Bob Cesca is doing his best at AOLHP but they are majority Paul cultists over their. Actually I just go to his blog now.
choicelady : KQ – I hear after the people of color boycotted Kos that it started being more responsible, while HP (spit) is going bankrupt. I pay no attention to the rest. More and more blogs are like the Planet – the folks listed on the right side, and Politicususa.com – all doing solid analytical work. The hair on fire places such as FDL still attract some, but not so many. What remains to be done is a full court press on the MSM by us – the Right does it, so we need to do it as well.
MurphTheSurf3 : sally….Bernie is someone I donate to and phone bank for. His office has proven helpful a number of times even knowing I am from Mo. As one staffer said: “Where else you going to go?”
invient : SallyT, that was the best real time I’ve seen in a while, let’s hope buddy romer doesn’t pick up. He would be a sane republican.
KQµårk 死神 : We should have a “no fault” type malpractice insurance system like most other universal healthcare systems have. It’s not the cost of the lawsuits, it’s the costs of all the unnecessary procedures that doctors order for CYA in the US
SallyT : Bernie Sanders on Real Time tonight really got hot when defending HC. Bill Mahur agreed with him 100% that it was a great starting point and it will be built on. Bernie also said that Vermont will pass a single payer and that will be a start for the nation.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…wonderf ul. Heck Ad Lib was a wonder worker when I first started fumbling around.
choicelady : KQ – the emoprogs (I call ignoprogs for their ignorance) never will admit it’s working just as they wanted. They wanted it all of a piece, not phased in, because, well, it was more PURE that way. Bah!
AdLib : CL – Would love to help you any way I can with such an article!
AdLib : KQ – I think Sullivan just beat everyone else to the punch though it was a great piece. As the year goes on and the campaign truly gets underway, the case for Obama will be made by many (including many here at The Planet).
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib…there is also a growing sense that a more communal (i.e. socialistic!) model will deliver better service, protect physicians from unwarranted litigation and compensate them at a reasonable level).
KQµårk 死神 : What the hell has happened to so called progressive blogs and pundits?
choicelady : Murph – OK, if AdLib and the Help DEsk will deal with my incredible fumbling with technology, I WILL do a major post since I just spent three hours training someone on all the issues. Might as well move it out into the ether, too.
choicelady : Murph – that is a GREAT survey! Doctors feared Medicare, too, but today most of them like it, and ACA in 2014 brings all payments to much higher levels for Medicaid and Medicare. It is going VERY well and serving millions. I mentioned to one group though that we can have advertising to recruit people to the military but not a DIME to let them know about health care programs for them. I want the HOUSE and SENATE and WHITE HOUSE back so we can coordinate these things WELL. How, if it SAVES money, covers millions who’ve gone without – how is this BAD for doctors, patients, and the general welfare of the nation?
KQµårk 死神 : Anyone else find it sad that the best defense of Obama’s record to date was written by a right leaning independent. Andrew Sullivan
AdLib : Murph, that’s very interesting. I think the provisions that change the pay for service to paying for quality care have proven to be better for them than they thought.
KQµårk 死神 : Exactly AdLib that’s why it’s so stupid for emoprogs to keep on attacking the ACA from the left. It already provides the PO and single payer like CL said.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL you should do a major post on ACA as a working model for us. I think it would be great.
AdLib : KQ – And they’re afraid that the ACA will be built on and improved as SS and Medicare were so the 99% may finally get health care as a right and Single Payer. The RW only has another 2 years to kill it before its biggest aspects kick in, then, it would be like proposing to kill SS and Medicare…which , they still seem open to proposing but they’ve got no public support for it.
KQµårk 死神 : True CL.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib. I surveyed the six doctors I see when ACA was newborn. 5 of 6 opposed it. Now it is 5 of 6 in support.
choicelady : Sorry – hit the wrong button – this month the medical loss ration kicked in at 80 and 85% directed spending on health, not profits and administration. Already one company pulled out of the health insurance field. If that keeps on, well, we HAVE a public option by default in the High Risk Pool, and it’s incredibly affordable as some of our own folks can attest. With ONE tweak – the waiting period without insurance – voila! It picks up those who have been denied, dumped, abandoned and we are that much closer to a “Medicare for All” system that would DEFINITELY be cheaper than subsidizing private insurance.
KQµårk 死神 : I saw where Ryan’s plan would put 75% of healthcare costs on the backs of seniors.
KQµårk 死神 : AL we all know they want to kill the ACA because they know Americans will like it. Like Americans like every entitlement program that improves the lives of the 99%
PatsyT : Exxon shoul rename the body of water that they have dumped the most oil into!
AdLib : CL – I saw that, health costs have stopped their steep rise…just after the ACA was put into law. Real coincidence…
choicelady : Thanks to ACA and careful stewardship by Obama, costs are rising very little now. This month the
KQµårk 死神 : Hmmm… interesting observation CL.
AdLib : Invient, KQ had a great cartoon on the dog-on-roof thing too!
SallyT : Not me, Patsy. And there has been a lot of leaks on the Alaska one already.
AdLib : The reason the GOP wants to kill the ACA so quickly is that by 2014, states will be able to set up exchanges and the power of that to drive down the cost of health care will become clear. It’s ridiculous when Romney claims ACA raises billions in health care costs and slashes Medicare. Can’t wait for him to have his head handed to him on a platter in a debate with Obama.
KQµårk 死神 : There are dozens of pipelines though so why attack that one?
choicelady : KQ – Romney strikes me as having ADD. I’m quite serious about this. He acts impulsively and without thinking of consequences. OK – maybe that’s just privilege manifesting the “no consequences” part, but he is impulsive and idiosyncratic, and it just says to me – something’s not quite right here…
PatsyT : On that Keystone Pipeline… It would not take much for a terrorist group to disrupt that and create total havoc. Do we want to give terrorist any more easy targets?
KQµårk 死神 : Exactly and he’s seen more of America than most up us with his multi-ethnic background.
SallyT : The roof of my car wouldn’t hold my dogs!
invient : I have a great political cartoon for that. Link incoming.
KQµårk 死神 : I mean how fucking smart is putting your dog on the roof of your car. Their is a basic disconnect in Romney
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ Thinking of Obama at the Apollo last night in terms of your observation re. his diverse experience.
choicelady : Murph – that’s helpful since (blush) I got the 20,000 figure from, gulp, Romney!
SallyT : I thought they had an independent study and it was going to be only 6500 jobs on that pipeline.
choicelady : Murph and KQ – I said Romneycare was essentially catastrophic coverage at a national health meeting, and I am now persona non grata (I don’t even get invites anymore) there, but it’s TRUE. ACA is SO much better!!!
KQµårk 死神 : Being Mormon is like being home schooled you get very little exposure outside that community. The best part about Obama is he was exposed to people all over the world at all income levels and different cultures. This makes a person wise which is what a president needs to be.
AdLib : CL – That 20,000 jobs comes from the pipeline company. A much lower estimate comes from an independent group and they say it would only create 7,000 jobs.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL Cornell Study makes it pretty clear that the Keystone jobs are closer to 6000 AND offsets from job loss in other regions will drop that by half.
SallyT : Someone said that maybe Romney doesn’t want to show his tax returns because he hasn’t given all his 10% to the Mormon Church. He has been holding out on them, too. LOL
choicelady : AdLib – even the rotten aspects of Keystone still involves maybe 20,000 jobs, but again – the very people who’d work the pipeline would be harmed with environmental contamination. People KNOW this, and they are not furious with Obama but with the crappy way the line itself is being pused without environemental controls.
KQµårk 死神 : Exactly CL and that’s the BEST Romney could do.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL Great ACA summary vs. RomneyCare
AdLib : Risking the destruction of the water for the entire Midwest and incurring toxic pollution, worsening Climate Change…for maybe 7,000 jobs? That’s a great deal?
KQµårk 死神 : I’m sure it did surf but Romney did not run for reelection because his poll numbers were 34% in MA.
SallyT : Mormons take very good care of their own BUT only their own.
choicelady : KQ – Romneycare is proving not so hot. To keep the premium low for the state, it’s slapped on a huge deductible ($5000) and $10,000 out of pocket. Now you can get catastrophic coverage, but you cannot afford to PREVENT the catastrophe in the first place! Obamacare has huge numbers of tests and measures to help you prevent getting sick and then much lower costs if you do. It’s also subsidized on a sliding scale based on your income rather than a flat (and usually too low) flat rate. It is SO much better than Romneycare I cannot even say enough about it!
SallyT : That is right CL. They were really upset that no one was listening to them and their concerns. I think that got a good response for Obama with them because he appeared to take them into the consideration of it even over jobs.
invient : Ad, damn those externalities. You can’t expect corporate tools to pay for it.
AdLib : Hey Invient!
KQµårk 死神 : You have to remember Romney never “lived on the streets” he does not have a clue what being middle class really means. Even his Mormon faith has shielded him from allot in life.
invient : Still kicken. After my kombucha drinking : P
AdLib : I like how someone described it in a comment in TO/OT, with Keystone, we would get all the pollution and toxic crap from the pipeline but the reason it goes to Louisiana is so that it can processed then shipped out overseas. The one question I want someone to ask on this is, “Is Canada promising that all the oil that comes from the pipeline will go to America? If not, what is the exact percentage?” Truth is, we would likely see very little of that oil and pay a high price for the pipeline, especially once the inevitable accident poisons the water for the entire midwest.
choicelady : Hi invient! How are you tonight>
invient : Hopefully you all caught the maddow bit on Romney, he admits Obama has improved the economy. Me thinks it’s over for mitt, but I’m probably wrong
choicelady : Sally – that is right. And many of the people who were worried about the aquifer are ALSO those who’d benefit with jobs, and it’s not a cut and dried thing with them. They WANT clean water in the nation’s largest natural reserve! So Obama’s concern for them is NOT going un-noticed.
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ The job situation in MA was the result of a number of factors not the least of which was the cost of new jobs in the state- at the time enormous….bene fit, pension, requirements were gigantic and businesses were not much interested. Mass has pulled in its horns since. A nod to Mr. Patrick.
KQµårk 死神 : The only thing Romney did well is with Romneycare and it was not really his idea but the Dems in the legislator and he’s running away from that and Obamacare is much much better.
SallyT : Hi Invient.
choicelady : KQ – that PhDs-lack-common -sense theme has been shown true often. Some humility about their lack of practical experience in the world would seem to be in order?
PatsyT : Hey Invient!
KQµårk 死神 : Hi invient.
KQµårk 死神 : Sorry 47th.
invient : Hello everyone
KQµårk 死神 : How is 4th in job growth doing well in MA surf?
PatsyT : AdLib… That is why the powers that be love him… he will do their bidding in style
choicelady : ADLib – indeed! He really is an empty suit. You’re right – he cannot speak the truth because it puts him in a terrible light. As bito posted on (I think) TO/OT, he’s a finacialist, NOT a capitalist, and he has not a shred of solid ground upon which to stand. He’s accomplished nothing but self enrichment.
SallyT : Also, too many people in the midwest did not want that running through their water basen and farm land.
KQµårk 死神 : The problem in the right wing world is they actually believe stuff like Solyndra and Fast and Furious matters to voters.
KQµårk 死神 : Absolutely the Repugs messed up again and overplayed their hand on Keystone.
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ..he did very well as Gov. in Mass. He did, but the Dem resurgence there made another run foolish for his long term hopes.
AdLib : CL – That’s why I made the joke about Romney running on taking out Bin Laden, he might as well because his nonsensical attacks on Obama seem to be disconnected from reality and what has actually happened. He just reads what’s written for him. Does Romney have any beliefs himself? Does he write any of his speeches as Obama does? I say no, I don’t think he writes a single one. He’s a fucking news show anchor reading a teleprompter that says, “This is what I think.”
KQµårk 死神 : Surf I think he is stupid. He reminds me of the dozens of PhDs I’ve worked with that don’t have an ounce of common sense.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib, China, like India, has a level of desperate poverty among its billions which we cannot imagine and a hyperinflated capitalist class driving the economy relentlessly. It is a tinder box.
choicelady : KQ – did you hear that we are importing less than 50% of our oil now? That’s HUGE in terms of lowering costs and improving our national security! Obama has not put a foot wrong on anything – and Keystone will NOT cost him votes over lost jobs since he’s open to review about protecting the areas where those same people will live as well as work.
SallyT : Adlib, I never said that the Kochs didn’t get a good return. I just said that they have it setup that donations are going through as a tax write off.
KQµårk 死神 : Great point AdLib but the reason I don’t think China will collapse is because right wingers have predicted it. Remember we are suppose to have hyper inflation now. That idiot Mo fell for that shite too.
MurphTheSurf3 : Romney is not stupid. He knows the truth. He cannot speak it. I think this explains a lot of his body language. People in Mass. report that he looks like he is wired up in ways unfamiliar to them.
AdLib : I’ve heard that China may be in for a hard economic landing because of all of the monkey business they’ve used to give themselves an advantage. The US better be on solid ground by then!
KQµårk 死神 : True dat AdLib and we are drilling now more than ever despite what the right wing says.
choicelady : ADLib – we ARE keeping HOPE alive!
choicelady : AdLib – you are assuming Romney actually KNOWS Obama took out bin Laden!!! He might have missed it. He misses quite a good deal, you know! So his attacks on Obama as “ruining our reputation with overseas allies” may well be grounded in TOTAL ignorance! And never EVER forget Santorum was the one who said McCain knew nothing about torture. These guys are clueless!
KQµårk 死神 : I love that planned and installed windmills and solar farms quadrupled under Obama.
AdLib : Sally – Truth is that the Kochs have gotten a great return on their investments in government. When you see the figures for how much wealth the wealthy now have, it’s a great investment.
KQµårk 死神 : Exactly they made it off of inflated housing values.
SallyT : China loves Cadillacs
AdLib : CL – Yep, we do indeed! Keep HOPE alive!
KQµårk 死神 : I couldn’t believe that GM sold 2.3 million cars to China last year.
SallyT : But they aren’t making their money from Product.
choicelady : ADLib – yup. The Planet not only was there but has made firm allies with other groups around that experience. We need to keep those enduring relationships – we ROCK!
AdLib : If the economy continues to improve and economic inequity remains, what can Romney run on? That Obama is a failure in foreign policy and that Romney will hunt down Bin Laden?
KQµårk 死神 : Well for a while magical thinking did work and the finance sector over doubled in size creating nothing but money.
AdLib : Patsy – Cool of you to say! And we’ve got more in the pipeline!
choicelady : KQ – I totally agree! But since the mid-1970s the corporate shills have shown repeatedly that they believe in magical thinking and endless riches for themselves. They could all use a good dose of Econ. 101.
KQµårk 死神 : It was like asking Paul what he would do for creating jobs and his answer was basically nothing.
AdLib : CL – It was and all those people who came together, made a difference and started something.
PatsyT : AdLib… The Planet was WAAAYYY ahead of its time!
KQµårk 死神 : Policies they don’t care about no stinkin’ policies.
choicelady : AdLib – last Jan. was one very cool day!
KQµårk 死神 : CL like you I think it’s malicious intent on their part. Because even outsourcing is stupid in the long run. All you are doing is killing your customer base of the future.
AdLib : CL – Who woulda thunk it, how the ball got rolling against the Kochs and the 1% in Palm Springs just one year ago! And The Planet was there!
choicelady : ADLib – yes, I really want that amendment. That’s why I’m going to speak at a rally at the Capitol tomorrow, wind and rain be damned.
MurphTheSurf3 : Did you all see Obama at the Apollo…talk about someone comfortable in his skin….more of that…such a contrast to Mitt or Newt.
choicelady : KQ – the repugs thinking of Walker for VP are ignoring today’s signature drive for his recall. It’s HALF the eligible voters in WI! HALF!!!! That does not make Walker’s future political fortunes look too hot.
SallyT : They would never put Walker on the ticket, tho.
AdLib : CL – The only real undoing of the Kochs would be a Constitutional amendment that says corps aren’t people, money isn’t speech and creates a public financing system for elections. Then The Kochs would be undone.
SallyT : I think it is all talk about Walker as VP. They don’t want anyone to think their guy was a loser.
PatsyT : I think it boils down to hatred for a black President
choicelady : ADLib – indeed. And it really did start with Jan. 30 last year in Palm Springs!!!
KQµårk 死神 : I can’t believe some repugs are still talking about Walker as VP but he’s a hero to them I guess.
choicelady : Patsy – that makes waaay too much sense! Their slavering need to have total control over the economy and the politics supporting their avarice makes them foolish. That, I hope, is their undoing!
AdLib : CL – And that exposure preceded the outing of their puppet Walker in WI and all that has followed, including OWS.
SallyT : Its a tax write off for the Kochs.
KQµårk 死神 : Patsy I don’t get that either. The same with regulations in the long run it makes MORE money for industry.
choicelady : AdLib – sunshine is a powerful way to heal pustulating rot. The Kochs are EXPOSED!
PatsyT : Nighty Night AB !!
PatsyT : Choice… When will they decide to leave their cash in the bank and not throw it away on these campaign adventures… they would save so much $$$$ if they just paid a bit more in taxes..
AdLib : Night Sabreen! Sleep well!
SallyT : See you later Kes. Stay warm and safe.
AdLib : Night AB, great to see you, have a wonderful weekend!
KQµårk 死神 : Night you two sweet dreams
choicelady : kes – stay warm and dry yourself! Good night AB – sweet dreams!
AdLib : Night Kes!
SallyT : Goodnight AB.
AdLib : CL – Thanks to all the work many have done to expose the Kochs and their game!
Sabreen60 : Me too y’all. Nighty night and have a safe and fruitful week.
choicelady : I was telling a younger friend today that I’ve not seen a crop of candidates this awful since the HUAC/McCarthy days. This is the most venal, ignorant, pernicious group of candidates since then, and I think the lack of energy for any one of them is well to our advantage.
AlphaBitch : Bye and night night all. Toothpicks failing to keep eyes open. Ttill then..adios
kesmarn : I will, AB, but there’s a lotta snow blowing in here…!
KQµårk 死神 : Remember as much as the MSM and Faux News lies the number of registered Dems is still several points higher than registered Repugs. So if the GOP does not “over vote” they lose.
AdLib : Whereas, Obama supporters are passionate and will trudge through rain, sleet and snow for him. Yes, many Repubs hate the black man in the WH but when you hate your nominee too, it cancels out a bit of enthusiasm.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…friends in WI say the BIG MONEY buys are a huge turnoff to most who regard them as the work of puppeteers. The moment they show up, folks turn them off.
AlphaBitch : Kes – hold the door for me too, will ya!
SallyT : Than we pray for snow in November!
kesmarn : From your lips to God’s ear, c’lady.Midnight here, kids. This is fascinating but I’d better head off to bed. Have a warm, cozy weekend.
choicelady : All – I think the abject failure of the Koch machine in WI and OH is GREAT. They threw hundreds of millions into ads, and nothing worked. WI is turning around, and even the awful redistricting in OH may not produce the wins desired.
AdLib : KQ – Right, I mentioned the same. It should be kept in mind that Repubs repeatedly said in polls that they don’t like ANY of the candidates they have to choose from. They are not going to ever fall in love with Romney, they will vote for him begrudgingly but won’t walk through 8 inches of snow for him.
KQµårk 死神 : CL exactly and for Obama the campaign really does not start before the SOTU not counting the ground organizing OFA has done all the way through.
PatsyT : KQ if only they would listen to him on that point!
choicelady : KQ – that IS a critical point. Why should independents vote for someone whose entire policy philosophy is NOT embraced by their own party?
KQµårk 死神 : Bingo Patsy.
PatsyT : Oh Yeah !! Walker Fail!
Sabreen60 : I understand now.
AdLib : Murph, thanks for the info, very interesting. I think it also reflects a growing disappointment in having to choose between candidates that most Repubs didn’t want anyway.
KQµårk 死神 : And in the general Independents are gonna think. Why is the GOP not even thrilled about their candidate.
choicelady : Murph – that’s freaking amazing! Thanks for the update.
PatsyT : Faux news hates Paul because he calls out for the end of such endless spending by the MIC Not that I like Paul but on that point I am glad he is saying that to that audience
kesmarn : Despair? Disarray? Confusion? Indifference?
choicelady : Patsy – I think the overall improvement in the economy plus good messaging in the campaigns will help. The midwest looks poised to go Dem thanks to Walker et al., though it’s not clear about Ohio. Some said today’s SCOTUS decision about using the leg. drawn maps to do over the Texas redistricting to make it more fair was a set back for Dems, but I do not agree since judges are the ones doing it. Could go either way – the Latino vote HAS to be taken into account.
KQµårk 死神 : Especially with Beck gone and Limbaugh on radio, Faux News is seen as the establishment and Hannity is a shill for Romney.
MurphTheSurf3 : The Word from SC. Just called a friend down there. Says it is REALLY QUIET tonight. No big phone banks, no door knocks, no car pool organizing…her guess is the GOP SC is letting the chips fall where they will.
AdLib : Sally – I do think there will be some enthusiasm for TPs to win the Senate and keep The House but in a Presidential election year, it is the top of the ticket that chiefly motivates people. And if the TP feel that they were used by The GOP elite and spurned in the Presidential nomination, I think they might very well be disappointed and de-energized. After all, why help the GOP Elite elect more of their brethren so that they can have power and TPs won’t?
KQµårk 死神 : Yup that’s it Kes.
kesmarn : I think KQ was saying that the Libertarians hate FOX News because FOX hates Paul…which they admittedly do.
KQµårk 死神 : Sabreen I might have messed it up but it’s Faux News that hates Paul.
PatsyT : Oh Sally I hope you are right… I want to see Dem gains in the senate and house.
KQµårk 死神 : Don’t forget the first time Bush ran he lost the popular vote because some of the base stayed home because of the last minute DUI revelations
choicelady : Patsy – I think it’s the internal divisions among the GOP that will be useful to the Dems and Obama. One SC woman said she would NEVER back down on her principles in the primaries, but she might – MIGHT – hold her nose and vote in the general. Lots of people won’t do either.
Sabreen60 : KQ, I don’t understand. Why do you say the libertarians hate Paul. I thought he was their god?
SallyT : But, you don’t think the TPs will get out the vote on the Senate and the House.
PatsyT : Wow KQ those GOP ers are conflicted!
AlphaBitch : Kes – I think that’s it. But someone needs to jump the shark there.
SallyT : Okay, AdLib, I can see that.
KQµårk 死神 : EXACTLY AdLib!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…if the GOP Lords want Romney are they pushing him in SC or are they just letting the chips fall where they will and look to Florida and the other Southern states (but Paul is stronger the further West you go)
kesmarn : AB…or do they see that as a Bush failure, but not a Rove failure?
AdLib : Sally – You’re right, the Baggers hate Obama the most so most will vote against him whoever the nominee is but their enthusiasm to knock on doors, get on the phones and donate to Mitt Romney will be far less than in 2010.
KQµårk 死神 : Bad for Romney then.
choicelady : AB – are they beginning to look on the past 8 years with nostalgia? The upper income folks did GREAT, and they’re the ones likely to vote.
KQµårk 死神 : There are three parts of the GOP now, establishment, tea baggers and the libertarians. Libertarians hate Faux news because they hate Paul. Tea baggers hate Faux News because they feel they are shoving Romney down their throats.
AlphaBitch : Guys, I get it that Rove HAS the power. But why give the wheel back to him, regardless of power, if what he sold you last time (Bush) was rotten to the core and sold out your cause.
AdLib : Murph – They may not have distance but the GOP Elite aren’t controlling the Tea Party, if anything, as the debate audiences reflect, it’s the other way around.
choicelady : AB – do the base KNOW about Rove? Or care?
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ raining in SC tomorrow.
AlphaBitch : I agree, CL, but my point is: why go with the guy (Rove) who brought you such grief?
KQµårk 死神 : Put it this way Sally if it’s bad weather many parts of the US election day the base will stay home.
choicelady : KQ – the base hates FOX???? Why? I thought they loved FOX!
kesmarn : They hate Faux News? Why?
AdLib : AB – The power center of the GOP still lies in the same hands that had control of it in the past. Rove, the Kochs, etc. They are the “Lords” of the GOP and the path to the Presidency goes through them. They’re like the Mafia, you can hate them but if you don’t pay them protection, they will break your legs.
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ Why do you say the Base GOP hates Faux?
KQµårk 死神 : That’s my take AdLib. If it was close like IA sure but if it’s a few percentage points they can’t do anything. BTW the other thing the base conservatives hate is Faux News.
choicelady : AB – I think to the one who embraces the corporatists the most will go the spoils. The “values voters” don’t matter, but offering major tax breaks to corporations will.
SallyT : ADLib you don’t think the TP hates Obama so much that they will vote for anyone?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad LIb…the TP and GOP Organization are very connected in SC…home of the TP in many ways and the HQ of several of the national political TP icons. So they don’t have the distance.
AlphaBitch : But why would the powers that be then throw in again with Rove? He is still tight w/ W.
KQµårk 死神 : It was not like a majority of conservatives but the first time I remember the base grumbling was with Medicare Part D and Harriet Miers.
choicelady : kes – yes, in Sacramento. We have big sycamores along the street, and they shed HUGE branches in windstorms!
AdLib : Murph – The Tea Party is the engine of the GOP today, unlike in 2008. They aren’t controlled by the GOP Elite. Yes, they can throw a lot of weight around in SC but the Tea Party doesn’t like Romney much and a majority won’t vote for him.
kesmarn : Are you in CA,c’lady?
PatsyT : Thanks AB … sounds like one of those things that my kids like … they love that John McCain thing of him wandering in front of the camera
SallyT : I think the GOP is nervous that the monster they created is about to eat without looking closely to see if it is one of them?
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ….Newt has no ground game in SC and the GOP Organization has a huge one…again I fought it in 2008…very tough and very prone to cheating.
choicelady : Yikes – tree branches crashing outside. So far we still have power, but…
kesmarn : I feel like a hick, but honestly KQ, I never knew/heard that there was a significant % of conservatives who were really unhappy with Bush. They certainly kept their opinions under wraps…
KQµårk 死神 : Good question surf but I’m not sure what control the establishment has. In this case momentum may trump organization.
choicelady : AdLib- I worry that trickle down is baaaack. That’s the package the GOP is selling, and with the true believers, they already have forgotten what CAUSED their misery!
AdLib : AB – Rove wants the power of the WH again and Romney has no doubt thrown in with him.
KQµårk 死神 : We did not hear about it AdLib because at the time conservatives stayed quiet for the most part so the anger was pent up and would have come out but true the bailout was the last straw.
AlphaBitch : It would seem that “Bush’s Brain” picking the next pres would sit sour with some repubs who feel burnt by Bush.
MurphTheSurf3 : The key question re. tomorrow is….does the national party organization and its backers really want Mitt bad enough to pressure the state GOP to create a crowd to vote for Mitt OR are they having second thoughts OR is the GOP SC wanting to sent a message…we do not want Mitt. No one wants Newt, he screwed SC as Speaker.
AlphaBitch : Why then AdLib is Rove driving Mitt?
AlphaBitch : Patsy – I don’t remember where it came from, but iffn I find it, I will
AdLib : KQ – They only turned on Bush when the economy collapsed and because it helped Obama and proved the GOP and Trickle Down were frauds. They weren’t upset at what he did, just that he got caught doing it. And now, in the GOP, Bush is Lord Voldemort, he who can not be named.
KQµårk 死神 : And don’t forget Bush tried immigration reform another thing the right wing hated.
AlphaBitch : I think all the crowds rate high on “codger factor” – a term we used at bluegrass festivals.
PatsyT : Oh AB do Share
SallyT : Sabreen there was another shot of Romeny with people all around until they pulled back the camera and it was like 10 people.
AlphaBitch : Remember the video of the woman in red pants dancing at a tea party rally? So sad.
KQµårk 死神 : Think about it they had 6 years in power and what did Bush do INCREASE entitlements and not touch SS, Medicare or Medicaid.
Sabreen60 : Over at The Obama Diary there’s a picture of one lonely person sitting outside at a Romney rally. Pretty funny.
PatsyT : Newt should be booked
SallyT : I dont know Patsy. but it was a big autorium and only 25 showed. He canceled. If I was one of the 25 that would piss me off.
AlphaBitch : Patsy! Newt Book just sounds nasty, now
AdLib : I think Romney needs a hard core conservative on his ticket, that would remove Daniels and Pawlenty from his list. And Rubio is damaged goods. Not sure who he would pick.
PatsyT : Oh Sally what was wrong? Everyone does not want a Newt Book?
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…that is what I am talking about. Newt had one big crowd today and friends down there say that took a lot of doing. Mitt has had small crowds. The key….who do the party bosses back. Mitt or just anyone else.
AlphaBitch : Good summation KQ.
AlphaBitch : BIGGEST crowd, shouting “Stephen, Stephen”
KQµårk 死神 : Bush is the one that blew the whole in the budget with not only tax cuts but wars and the Rx drug program. The right think Bush is a big government conservative who betrayed their cause.
SallyT : Yes, Kes. There was a big turnout today. Cain was with him.
kesmarn : Seriously? Are crowds turning out for Colbert?
SallyT : Colbert had the biggest turnout today. In fact Newt cancel one because only 25 people showed.
KQµårk 死神 : Cheers AB should have it out next week.
AlphaBitch : Daniels does look strong, KQ – as in candidate, that is.
kesmarn : KQ,can you explain a bit… The right angry at Bush?
AlphaBitch : Love the it about KQ’s new table.
KQµårk 死神 : My pick is Daniels or Pawlenty AdLib.
AlphaBitch : Hola Sabreen, AdLib et al
MurphTheSurf3 : kes…depends on whether the GOP organization wants him to. There really is not a lot of authentic energy on the ground there for anyone.
choicelady : Hi AB – great to see you!
AlphaBitch : Rick thinks he flies wid angel wings over all, kes
Sabreen60 : Hi AB!
SallyT : I think you will see a big number for Cain/Colbert. That is getting a lot of attention.
AdLib : Hey AB!
KQµårk 死神 : The worst part Kes the anger the right had was all penned up during the Bush years. He’s the one that they hated but they could not say that so they took it out on Obama.
kesmarn : HEY! AB! Ya think Ricky Santorum might fly in Florida?
AdLib : And if Mitt’s the nominee, who would his VP be? Christie? That would be two East Coasties.
PatsyT : CL Stranger things have happened
choicelady : Hey Murph – we gotcha! Welcome!
kesmarn : Interesting perspective, Murph. So you think SC will go for Romney tomorrow?
AlphaBitch : Hey hey there – just checking in and amusing myself. Newt wins, of course. But what about remaining Rick? Any chance for him?
AdLib : Murph, if you’re having issues with the live chat, try clearing your cache and restarting your browser.
PatsyT : Ewww Ick make it stop …
MurphTheSurf3 : I worked for Obama in NC, SC, GA. I know SC rather well. The GOP is very well organized down there when they want to be. They can deliver a big vote for Mitt if they want to. Do they? Will the national big boys backing Mitt as the most credible nominee push it so he can go into Obama Mode OR will they want to send a message to the national folks that Mitt is not going to cut it? By the way, none want Gingrich….for many reasons, but the big one was the way he treated the GOP sC reps when he was Speaker.
choicelady : patsy – You think Arianna has the hots for Newt? Well Calista better watch out – wonder if he’s boffing AH on the side? Marianne said Newt told her Calista doesn’t care what he does, so she might not mind an open marriage. Wonder whom SHE is boffing?
KQµårk 死神 : Yeah CL I missed the actually point Evangelicals accepted Catholics.
SallyT : Patsy, I think all you would see is a one eyed stomach. Everything else will be under a big fold.
kesmarn : I wonder if Palin was a cause or a symptom, though, KQ… Either way she’s a disaster.
MurphTheSurf3 : Having a bit of trouble posting…test
AdLib : Polls about Obama vs. Romney at this point are of nominal value. There is only a GOP campaign going on right now to trash Obama. Once Obama’s campaign jumps in fully and Romney is being equally slammed, watch the numbers strengthen for Obama. This is as good as Romney can do and it’s the floor of what Obama can do…and in most polls, he’s beating Romney.
PatsyT : Newt Nude Never! Oh My!
SallyT : There you have it, Pats.
PatsyT : Oh Sally that fits… That is why he went Catholic
KQµårk 死神 : I’ll never forgive McCain for picking Palin and running the campaign he did. He knew he was going to lose and what he did was bad for the country.
choicelady : Patsy – I’m right there with you, Sister. Nude Newt? Euuuuwwwwww.
SallyT : Well, Patsy he is caholic so a nun might see him that way.
choicelady : SAbreen – why is he using evangelical talk when he’s now Catholic? Catholics don’t talk like that. He’s playing both sides of the fence, isn’t he?
KQµårk 死神 : It probably won’t happen but I think Newt going up against Obama is worse, not that he would have a better chance to win but he would make Obama’s second term even harder with the vitriol he would raise up with the right wing.
kesmarn : I hope we make ’em regret Citizens United, Sabreen.
PatsyT : Yep CL I would rather be a nun the see that Newt in the Newtude.
Sabreen60 : We may not like the Super Pacs, but the Dems have a few and they’re going to hit the Rethug candidates where it hurts.
SallyT : Obviously KQ, they aren’t thinking.
AdLib : KQ – That poll is an outlier. I saw another poll showing Obama beating Romney by that margin with indies.
KQµårk 死神 : WTF are these people thinking?
choicelady : Patsy – would ANYONE love Newt if he did not have a $500K credit line at Tiffany’s? And he used to be fatter than he is now. The contemplation of him naked and in the throes of passion is a real ‘GAG ME’ moment. He’s one of the most unattractive people maybe EVER.
PatsyT : KQ She love that Newt.. but maybe very jealous of Calista.. that was supposed to be her
Sabreen60 : Oh CL, haven’t you heard. Newt has been saved and washed of all his past sins. That’s what he is selling in SC.
kesmarn : Ugh, bummer.
KQµårk 死神 : I about threw up when I saw 50-38 independents going for Romney in a poll over Obama.
choicelady : Patsy – Ron Paul is icky-er than Newt and Mitt. He is to the bone despicable. The other two have a faint glimmer of humanity. He has none.
KQµårk 死神 : Ya gotta wonder Pasty she sure is trying to take down Romney and I don’t think it’s to help Obama.
AdLib : The key thing about both Newt and Mitt is that they both have high unlikeability numbers and Obama’s are relatively high.
SallyT : The corruption of Newt as House leader will be made more of soon.
kesmarn : They’re only right on one thing. This IS the election of our lifetimes. We have GOT to win this one.
choicelady : Sally – way too little has been made of Newt dumping Wife No. Two when she got MS. Calista better pray for good health. Newt does not seem to be fully engaged with that “in sickness and in health” thingy.
PatsyT : Dose A Huff still love Newt?
KQµårk 死神 : Oh I hear you CL.
choicelady : KQ – I agree. ANY of this crop of candidates is a disaster!
SallyT : How can you have a soul and divorce two wives when they become ill.
choicelady : Sabreen – my only reservation about Newt’s dirty laundry is that we already elected a president who draft dodged, went AWOL, and did other totally illegal things BEFORE he ran, and nobody cared. He spouted the morality lingo, and people bought it. They ALL care more for ideology than substance, and I think unless you found Newt in bed with a young BOY, he can get past that. Now the corruption and lobbying and all that – this MIGHT matter more than his sexual depravity. No one seems to care when GOP candidates screw up though.
PatsyT : CL I don’t how you get any icky-er then Newt or Mitt
KQµårk 死神 : It’s either a blighted soul with Gingrich or no soul with Romney.
Sabreen60 : Hi Patsy and all others that I missed
kesmarn : The soulless millionaire vs. the angry racist. There’s no up side.
KQµårk 死神 : I just don’t see a lesser evil between Gingrich or Romney CL.
SallyT : Cl, I am scared of that too.
KQµårk 死神 : Despite Newt’s many infidelities, E.D. Kain prefers Gingrich to Romney: Romney, I’m quite certain now, has no soul. Gingrich may have made bad choices – his soul may be black in a few spots – but he has one. He’s a human being at the very least, warts and all. Romney is a machine at best, a blank slate willing to say and do anything to get elected.
KQµårk 死神 : I bookmarked a good quote for this discussion.
Sabreen60 : I think Newt will win SC. Actually, I hope he wins the nomination. The dude has so much dirty laundry, the Obama campaign won’t be able to use it all.
choicelady : Topic #1 – Yes, Romney will lose to Newt. It will slightly affect his candidacy until they get to a state that hates creepy little lying, whoring, cheating bastards. Then the lying, cheating, sniveling candidate will regain some ground. I think it might well be possible that they will get to the convention with no front runner. That’s fun in a way and scary because that’s when Jeb or someone icky might come to the fore…
PatsyT : Newt – Serial Divorcee
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen. Kes…greetings
SallyT : Oh, I shouldn’t say that. I wasn’t one of those married to him.
kesmarn : Based on the blood-thirsty crowd at the debate, I think Newtie might pull it off.
SallyT : I hate Newt.
PatsyT : I hate to see Mittens lose to Newt
SallyT : I second KQ!
kesmarn : Hey, Murph! Trying to decide whether it’s going to be Newt or Mitt tomorrow.
Sabreen60 : Hi Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy…howdy
KQµårk 死神 : It looks like there’s Newtmentum so he will win. I think it makes it very uncomfortable for Romney up to Super Tuesday.
PatsyT : Hey Murph!
SallyT : I think Newt will win but not a landslide.
MurphTheSurf3 : Well what is going on?
Sabreen60 : CL, it’s not usually a one-shot deal. Research suggested that if you haven’t acquired relief after 10 treatments, stop. It’s not working.
kesmarn : Good! I didn’t know that. I hope they seriously consider that as the campaign theme.
SallyT : Hello to all of you here.
choicelady : Hey Sally!
AdLib : Sabreen, glad to hear you’re feeling better!
PatsyT : I have been standing in the sun all day
Sabreen60 : Hi Sally!
KQµårk 死神 : Ain’t that the truth AdLib.
SallyT : I know, you are all fried tonight.
PatsyT : Hey Sally
Sabreen60 : I agree Kes. A couple of people tweeted Axe and asked him to consider “Lets Stay Together”.
AdLib : Nice to see you Sally! I’ve got my Tivo set to record Maher, very pleased to hear Moyers and Sanders are on! Now, if only we could replace Maher…
choicelady : Sabreen – that’s GREAT news! I knew you were contemplating it, but it’s super you went. Did it help? That’s next on my agenda.
kesmarn : Sally! I don’t think i said hi when you came in. We were too wrapped up in bacon…
KQµårk 死神 : TC Sally.
SallyT : Good evening AdLib. I am joining late because I watched Bill Maher and he had Bill Moyer as a special quest and then Bernie Sanders. Was a good debate.
KQµårk 死神 : You know what I like AdLib.
AdLib : Thanks Patsy, listening to it right now!
Sabreen60 : CL, et al I went for my first acupuncture treatment today. It wasn’t bad at all. Hopefully, it’ll help my back. I’ve just about healed from my fall. Thanks for asking.
choicelady : Patsy – aren’t you nice! I’ll be right over!
PatsyT : Mmm Mmmm «link»
KQµårk 死神 : I think she’s gonna come back and get them if she can. He’s about an hour away. She is cooking him is last meal so to speak because he’s getting his stomach operated on to reduce it’s size.
kesmarn : Isn’t the official title of the Al Green song “Let’s Stay Together.” I say that should be his re-election theme song.
AdLib : Thanks Kes and Sally for your votes! If you can pull yourselves away from the bacon counter for a few seconds, could you please scroll down to read the options for blogging the SOTU and let me know your preference? And I’ll have bacon with that.
ChrisR266 : What ever you want to do, is alright by meeeeeee…
PatsyT : CL Gluten Free Cookie Dough will be made available by request
choicelady : Sabreen! How are you?
ChrisR266 : I IIIII I’m so in love with you….
KQµårk 死神 : You really just watch it but it takes under about 45 min. As long as you use cookie sheets with about a half inch side it’s not bad. It cooks a bit strange though. It doesn’t seem like it’s cooking but then all of a sudden it cooks fast. Probably when it hits the temp of the bacon fat.
choicelady : KQ – sorry your wife forgot them. But does this mean YOU get more?
choicelady : Patsy – that’s pure decadence: bacon and cookie dough. I can’t eat it (wheat intolerant) but I can drool at the thought!
kesmarn : Ahhh Sabreen! I’m so in love with him! The song did it.
AdLib : Kes – How about a franchise called “Heart Attack Heaven”. Where you serve Paula Dean recipes and have 31 varieties of bacon?
PatsyT : Sabreen! I loved that sooo much! Why is hiding that?
kesmarn : Uh-oh…you had no choice but to eat them then, KQ. It was your duty.
ChrisR266 : Choice: LMFAO! Ok. Cripes! I give.
Sabreen60 : Hello Everyone! IIII-mmm so-oh in love with you…..
choicelady : KQ – how long in the oven? And what about the splatter? I bought some (2-for-1 sale) for visitors, Hormel which for years I boycotted for lousy labor standards (I backed the P9 strikers) BUT the Hormel heir is gay and gives money for good causes, so I broke down and bought some. It purely sucked. Doesn’t taste like bacon but kind of like old shoes slightly smoked. Never again.
SallyT : 3
KQµårk 死神 :
kes after all that my wife forgot the cupcakes when she went to visit her friend.
PatsyT : Lets live a little
kesmarn : 3!
SallyT : What the hell, you guys all fried on bacon tonight?
kesmarn : And KQ’s wife can make bacon cupcakes for the Drive-Thru…
PatsyT : How about Bacon with a side order of Raw Cookie Dough!
AdLib : Ok, so just to sum up, could you vote for one of the three options below for the SOTU: 1: Live blog comments on a post. 2: Live chat. 3: Live chat during the SOTU then go to comments on a post afterwards.
AlphaBitch : Trying to catch up – what is this you are talking about KQ’s asticles?????
PatsyT : Oh Geez just imagine the menu of the local drive thru Bacon Enterprise
KQµårk 死神 : You forget down south bacon is a food group.
KQµårk 死神 : CL cook it in the oven on a cookie sheet at 325 much easier than frying in a pan.
choicelady : Well, Chris – I honest to God never thought your avatar was a self portrait! I just happen to resemble a chess pawn in some ways, so it’s kind of funny.
kesmarn : Who was it that posted bacon recipes and one of them started with: “Weave a mat of bacon…” Gotta love the chootspa there.
PatsyT : Lets face it Kes… everyone wants it… so lets give it to them … Bacon Castle
AdLib : Instabacon!
ChrisR266 : AdLib: agreed. 100%.
choicelady : Patsy – that’d be great! I HATE cooking bacon but love eating it! Carry-out Bacon – whoooeeeee.
AdLib : Hey, we’re a public blog, we’re on the internet and we have a bit of popularity out there. If we didn’t have people reading us, then we can worry.
ChrisR266 : Choice: look at my Avatar. You can be and yet not look like you.
PatsyT : I’ll say anything to their face if they like… but they may not like my dog.
KQµårk 死神 : Patsy I would be your #1 customer but for my wife watching over me.
kesmarn : Brilliant, Patsy! What would be the “speciality” as the Brits say?
choicelady : It’s that “being watched” thingy that keeps my avatar looking like a chess pawn. It would be better if that weren’t the way I really look! Better hair though…
PatsyT : Kes that makes me feel the need to create a drive thru Bacon Franchise … What do you think?
AdLib : But who watches the watchers? I know, News Corp!
KQµårk 死神 :
AdLib I was thinking the opposite just because chat is quick and if people are watching different channels it might get muddled.
ChrisR266 : Patsy: do people have a problem with that? Being watched? It is assumed, I assumed…
kesmarn : That’s mildly terrifying.
PatsyT : We are all being watched… in one way or another
AdLib : Kes – We do have a lot of readers, tens of thousands, who may read at the time or may read later on that night or the following day.
kesmarn : Better be careful, KQ. I won’t get on-call, but I will get bacon that way.
KQµårk 死神 : My spanish is so rusty it would sound like pig latin.
PatsyT : Good Question Kes.
kesmarn : Eggsellent.
choicelady : Patsy – Planet Anelysis sounds like a medical procedure…
AdLib : Kes – I will pray for you in Esperanto.
PatsyT : Oppps better spell is first… darn that Perry… Oppps
kesmarn : Do many “lurkers” really read our comments during the debates, AdLib?
KQµårk 死神 : Yeah because after the chat people will be on different pages so to speak.
PatsyT : Planet Anelysis! Love It !
choicelady : KQ and ADLib – bloody brilliant! Best of both worlds!
KQµårk 死神 : Micheal Meyer
AdLib : KQ – That’s an interesting idea. Blog on a post during the SOTU then we adjourn to the live chat for Planet analysis?
kesmarn : Why am drawing a blank on the other Canadian funny guy… Dr. Evil?… Argh! Is it Mike Myers?
choicelady : kes – could the prayer be in English? Good luck in whatever language!
choicelady : ADLib. Oh, I’m SO glad. I never like a person who is redundant, repeating things over and over again.
ChrisR266 : Choice: I’m ok with keeping Shatner. The Shat is himself history.
KQµårk 死神 : I say go for the live chat during the SOTU and blog when the talking heads go on.
choicelady : kes – They might want Michael back. He’s cool.
AdLib : CL – Thanks, a pride myself in never repeating myself or being redundant.
kesmarn : Michael J. Fox
choicelady : Patsy – if Canada invades and wins, they will make us keep Shatner, too.
ChrisR266 : Kes: Will send it from the south, too.
PatsyT : William Shatner is Canadian
choicelady : AdLib – my. You do have a way with words…
kesmarn : Say a little prayer for on-call on Tues, c’lady. It can be in Hebrew, Arabic or Latin.
AdLib : The benefit of using a thread for the SOTU is that the comments are more accessible for people to read after the fact. The benefit of the live chat is…the live chat aspect of live chats!
KQµårk 死神 : We should blog SC primary tomorrow.
choicelady : kes – I’m sorry you have to work!
KQµårk 死神 : I was thinking about chats for a debate or two as well.
kesmarn : If it could be worked out, this kind of chat doesn’t require as much refreshing and stuff. What am I saying? I’m scheduled to work!
choicelady : ADLib – I vote for chat, but I’m fine with blog.
KQµårk 死神 : I really like the live chat format now.
choicelady : AdLib – threatening to return Justin would make them promise ANYTHING to avoid that!
AdLib : A mini-poll – For Obama’s SOTU speech this upcoming week, would you prefer a live blog on a thread or using this kind of live chat?
kesmarn : LOVE John Candy. Whatta guy.
kesmarn : We suspect they’re too wily to fall for our plans, though.
KQµårk 死神 : Yum Canadian Bacon great movie.
choicelady : ADLib – I can’t see them wanting ANYTHING from us – they have U.S. TV and know how incredibly screwed up we are. I lived in Sidney, NS one summer, and they got Detroit cable news – it RUINED the city. Everyone got scared of crime despite the fact they actually have almost NONE. Taught a huge lesson – the US is great to visit. They don’t want to be responsible for it!
ChrisR266 : Kes: Bwaaaahnahaha! Now that’s funny, and of course, worth considering.
AdLib : Chris – Of course! Canadian invasions of the US to solve the HC crisis was this weeks top issue!
kesmarn : We’re trying to find a way to annex ourselves to Canada, Chris.
PatsyT : Well KQ I took care of my husband parents …. Wow all I have to Say is Wow It is amazing what they can bring you back from.
ChrisR266 : I slipped out for a moment, but I see all of you have covered just about everything worth covering this last week., LOL.
KQµårk 死神 : The sad part pain medication wise I could get it all over the counter in Canada and Europe
kesmarn : That’s what I was afraid of,c’lady. They’re just too darned smart to invade us
AdLib : CL – What if we offered to keep Justin Bieber in the US…or threaten to return him?
choicelady : AdLib – but remember: they have to invade us, not the other way around!
AdLib : CL – I’m signing on to your idea of a Canadian invasion!
choicelady : kes, AdLib – there is not enough money in the world to get Canada to invade and then be responsible for us.
KQµårk 死神 : You have no idea Patsy
choicelady : ADLib – it’s the only way we’ll get it given how incredibly dysfunctional the advocates for it here in CA are. I say let them invade, and we’ll pull a “mouse that roared” reparations and settlement on them and demand health care.
PatsyT : Geez KQ they really ran you thru the ringer…
KQµårk 死神 : I really have to watch my amounts of acetaminophen too because of my Kidneys.
kesmarn : I wonder how big a bribe it would take to get Canada to invade this place…
choicelady : AdLib – No. Even Romney will not make Bush look good. No.
AdLib : CL – You just solved our health care crisis! We encourage Canada to invade us then we surrender and the US becomes Canadian territory and we all get single payer health care! Brilliant!
KQµårk 死神 : So we get all our pain meds from Cypress of all places.
choicelady : KQ – well, scratch the Percocet! I tolerated it quite well, but for about a week I took two at night, and I had withdrawal cramps when I stopped. That’s scary after only a WEEK!
PatsyT : OxyRotten
kesmarn : Oxycontin, Patsy.
KQµårk 死神 : Time release codeine is really not that bad less withdrawal and it lasts long. The big thing about the designer opiates is they get you high. Studies in Europe shows 30mg Codeine is just as effected as 5-15 mg of the designer crap the US pushes.
PatsyT : What was that stuff the Rush was on?
choicelady : AdLib – if the Canadians invade, we sign up for health care and demand access to the cod fishing. That’ll show ’em! Eh?
AdLib : So, will Newt win tomorrow in SC? If so, will he win in FL? Then what?
kesmarn : “Government of the wealthy, by the wealthy and for the wealthy.”
AdLib : Can anyone really imagine a Romney Presidency? It would make Bush look like Lincoln.
KQµårk 死神 : CL percocet makes me nauseated and hydrocodone does not last long enough.
choicelady : AdLib – you have to shake your head when Romney thinks battleships would deter 9/11 type actions. What a maroon.
kesmarn : If we’re invaded by Canada during a Romney presidency,we’l l greet them with flowers and kisses.
PatsyT : Choice accurate point ..
KQµårk 死神 : I’m not gonna say you get use to it but you learn how to live with it.
choicelady : KQ – when I had the burning nerve pain, peripheral neuropathy, they gave me Percocet, and one generally did the trick. It’s oxycoton and acetominphen, and it’s not terribly strong but IS effective. If you don’t like what you’re on, that might be better? It is a Class 2 controlled substance.
AdLib : KQ – But what if we’re invaded by Canada? What will we do?
kesmarn : Ouch, KQ! That sounds like it would be tough to deal with day in and day out. I take it Neurontin didn’t do the job… It’s not terribly effective although we give it a lot.
KQµårk 死神 : AL we know it’s just plain stupid. We are not going to do any more occupations so we don’t need that many troops or ships.
AdLib : KQ – Damn, that is tough to live with but you are one tough customer!
PatsyT : So the repubs could win big if they could just enough Roofies (Romnies) into the public bloodstream
KQµårk 死神 : Slow release codeine or morphine is the only thing I can take for my nerve damage in my feet or they constantly feel like they are on fire.
choicelady : Patsy – one generally doesn’t TAKE it, it is thrust upon one. Generally female by male. DAte rape drug. Or, in one case I know, stranger rape drug. But it’s not something you take on your own.
AdLib : KQ – I love the very fragile and flawed line, “I want to build a military that will scare off anyone from ever attacking us!” What nation has tried to attack the United States since WWII? Al Qaeda wouldn’t have done 9/11 if only we had more battleships? What an idiot!
kesmarn : KQ, really? Was the withdrawal bad? We don’t use a lot of that.
KQµårk 死神 : Love it kes I might put a couple Romney’s on especially if he is the nominee.
choicelady : kes – applies well to Romney, too!
PatsyT : Ahhh Yes Choice The pill you take when you don’t want to remember anything
kesmarn : That could be Romney on the Periodic Table: Romhypnol
KQµårk 死神 : kes I was doing Kadian for a while but you talk about withdrawal when I stopped taking it.
choicelady : Patsy – roofies? Rohypnol. I think the GOP invented it, or at least Newt. Who’d boff him without it?
kesmarn : Rohypnol!
KQµårk 死神 : You hear Romney wants to add 100,000 troops and dozens of ships to the navy. FFS how is he gonna pay for that with his tax cuts too.
PatsyT : Hey what is that drug they use for date rape?
choicelady : kes! You mean trivia is NOT important!!! Oh the disillusionment!
AdLib : Patsy – I have been making it okay through the GOP debates for the most part, it’s been more of a demolition derby with little if anything sticking to Obama (Romney calls him a failure in foreign policy…what a fool). The only debates that were hard to get through were when they all just echoed the same BS and were too timid to confront each other.
kesmarn : Plus Morphine in this case, Patsy.
choicelady : AdLib – yes – Cabaret. About Weimar Germany which,if the GOP get control, we will closely resemble.
kesmarn : I can remember trivia. Just nothing important.
KQµårk 死神 : Oh CL take care of yourself.
PatsyT : Do they make Ambien Plus? What is the Plus?
choicelady : kes – thank you. Today I was down to Berkeley in rain and wind, a 3 hour training for a new staff person, and 2 hours back in rain and wind. I have a certified case of CRS.
kesmarn : Patsy, the Repub debates ARE heavy meds. Ambien Plus.
KQµårk 死神 : Newticritium ?
AdLib : CL – That’s a better pick! As is Kes’ “Money Makes the World Go ROund”. Then again, there’s the Beatles, “That’s What I want! (Money)”
choicelady : kes – YES! CAbaret!
kesmarn : Oh…gotcha!
choicelady : kes – that IS my one concern. The rally is 2 hours long, and the back is good for about 30 minutes before it starts to ache. Lucky for me, I’m fourth speaker. Then – I’m OUTTA there!
KQµårk 死神 : Oh I know I was just talking about the register Obama was singing in.
PatsyT : How are you all surviving the GOP Debates… do you have to take heavy meds to watch? I have not been able to look..
kesmarn : “Money Makes the World Go Round”
KQµårk 死神 : Then again when Obama gets irritated I think that’s his true register or at least falsetto (sp)
kesmarn : Cabaret!
kesmarn : Take care of your back, c’lady.
choicelady : ADLib – but if it’s Newt he could sing “Money, money, money, money” from whatever it’s from. That thing with Joel Gray…sigh.
AdLib : KQ – I’m with CL on Haguebound, nice one!
PatsyT : I was blown away by Pres Obamas voice! He Rocks!
kesmarn : That was Al Green, KQ!
AdLib : CL – That would be very cool! And cold so dress warmly and don’t forget that umbrella!
KQµårk 死神 : I’ll tell you though I was expecting something more like Lou Rawls not Marvin Gaye.
choicelady : KQ – Oh excellent for Mubarak! EXCELLENT!
AdLib : Obama has a damn good voice…hey, why not have a debate moderated by America Idol! Then we could get a bigger number of Americans watching a debate and there could be a sing-off! Obama would crush Romney’s rendition of “Fool On The Hill”.
KQµårk 死神 : Mubarack is Haguebound
choicelady : Hey Patsy – I’m doing that tomorrow, wind and rain notwithstanding! PlantePOVers Strike a Blow for Freedom!
kesmarn : Or there’s the French/German version Merd!-ach!
KQµårk 死神 : I think I can work with the ispy theme
choicelady : ADLib – oh, THAT is GREAT: Ispyonu. Fantastic! Now we know why we pay you the big bucks!
AdLib : Murdoch: Ispyonu
PatsyT : I worked at a event today in Santa Ana… It was Great! «link»
choicelady : kes – I LIKE Oatsy – it’s very down home!
ChrisR266 : AdLib: I couldn’t agree more. I was awestruck by it all when I pulled up the President’s little tune on video.
KQµårk 死神 : That’s good adlib but I don’t think it will fit.
choicelady : ADLib – and what about your toes? I may see the Big Enchilada tomorrow – Citizens United rally (in favor of the Constitutional Amendment, NOT the decision!) so he might be there. If I get to talk to him, I will let you know.
kesmarn : I have fallen in love with the Prez’s crooning, AdLib.
AdLib : Peepingtomium.
AdLib : Murdoch could be Pepingtomium.
kesmarn : C’lady, that “Oatsy” moniker is the result of a typo a few weeks ago.
AdLib : Hey Patsy! Hey Kes! Wassup?!
KQµårk 死神 : Hmmm… I do need to fit in Murdoch this time
choicelady : ADLib – I have NO doubt that the story was Rovian timing. But Newt is scum, and I never mind TRUE stories emerging.
AdLib : CL – I will check my email for it but it’s hard to type with all my fingers crossed!
kesmarn : Or the Murdoch crew…
choicelady : kes – a new name for our friend? Makes her sound like a hayseed!
AdLib : CL – We all know Newt is nasty and I don’t doubt the story but coming out 2 days before the primary? That was a secret op by Romney’s camp or supporters.
kesmarn : Oatsy! How are ya?
choicelady : Hey Patsy! Great to see you!
PatsyT : Hey Folks! How is everyone?
kesmarn : Hola! Windy, snowy, wind chill about zero. Lovely!
choicelady : kes – oh THAT’s what it is! I’d wondered. And here I thought it was just Youngstown.
AdLib : Chris – I do think that night was the most surreal and yet poignant yet. The hateful and hollow old white men getting nasty with each other and Obama crooning perfectly on key at a dignified presentation. Perfect!
KQµårk 死神 : Heya Kes
ChrisR266 : Don’t you know it, Kes. How are things on the lake?
kesmarn : Here in Kasich’s Ohio, hell has frozen over. Hiyall!
choicelady : Chris – in Ohio “fine” means you still have power!
choicelady : AdLib – stay dry! And check your email for a cartoon I sent you!
KQµårk 死神 : Romney is a fecking gaffe machine. I’m really surprised how bad he is on his feet.
ChrisR266 : Evening, Choice, good to read you here this FINE evening in Ohio. Har har.
choicelady : AdLib – my ex knows Newt’s second ex slightly. Knows her uncle actually. She said some of this about 4 years ago, so I think it’s true. That’s not to say Rove was not behind it, but it doesn’t make it NOT true.
KQµårk 死神 :
shhh… just talk about it in “quiet rooms”
AdLib : Hey CL! Yep, that wind and rain is headed down here shortly.
AdLib : KQ – I will take your $10,000 bet because I am just a guy on the street.
ChrisR266 : All: I think this has been nothing short of a grand week in politics, and the President slam dunked it with a pitch perfect rendition of “Let’s stay together.” What a thoroughly human and wonderful moment.
KQµårk 死神 : Hey CL great to have you.
AdLib : Chris, glad you’re well but sorry to hear about that terrible weather. Has been a pretty warm summer in LA but like everywhere, Climate Change has made it crazy from time to time.
choicelady : Hey everyone! Great to see you. Chris – so sorry about the sleet! It’s only rain and wind here.
KQµårk 死神 : You also heard the whisper campaign that Newt forced his wife to have an abortion or something like that. Remember Romney has allot of the Rove disciples.
KQµårk 死神 : Dude I bet you $10,000 you are right.
KQµårk 死神 : Yikes sounds nasty Chris
AdLib : KQ – I will bet that the Romney/Rove machine was behind getting Newt’s ex-wife to come out and do an interview 2 days before the primary. It’s the classic SC dirty trick.
ChrisR266 : I’m Well, AL, I hope you are the same. We have some serious sleet coming down up here, the roads ought to be a cluster f#$k in about an hour or so, 4 inches of snow coming after that.
KQµårk 死神 : Trinewtium
KQµårk 死神 : Yeah I’m not crazy of the Cheat meme.
AdLib : Or for Newt: Trithreesome
ChrisR266 : For Gingrich: Gadolinium. It’s a real element, too. seems to fit.
AdLib : How are you doing tonight, Chris?
AdLib : Heh! That’s it KQ!
KQµårk 死神 : Hermium 999
AdLib : Herman Cain – Nineum?
KQµårk 死神 : Gotcha I always forget he’s an old wanker
AdLib : KQ – You’re welcome for the set up, my friend!
KQµårk 死神 : Definitely an isotope of 999.
AdLib : Ron Paul is so old, he lives in a crypt.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Oh, ok. In that case, I can be a little more flexible. Some of these things you have to be a stickler about normally, you know? :=)
AdLib : How about Herman Cain? What element would he be?
KQµårk 死神 : Cryptonite is going over my head for some reason.
KQµårk 死神 :
I think I will use that or a derivation. The picture I used his wig is all over the place.
AdLib : Chris – Hey! Yes, we were thinking up new element names for people, Crypt-onite was for Ron Paul.
KQµårk 死神 : Coastal states in the west and NE are gonna be tough for Newt with the Midwest.
AdLib : Trump: Egowig\
ChrisR266 : Hi all: only read back a bit, but kryptonite is spelled with a K. Got that? Happy friday to everyone.
KQµårk 死神 : Yeah that’s why he need VA so much because GA and a couple other Southern states would help.
AdLib : Newt will fall apart during Super Tuesday though because of the lack of resources and organization. It’s manageable for him to compete in one state at a time but otherwise, he won’t have what it takes.
KQµårk 死神 : Hey can you think of a name for trump?
KQµårk 死神 : Sodomized but I might have to change that one.
AdLib : I guess Gaddafi is an element in that group too.
KQµårk 死神 : Nope you are right about VA though that will help Romney stem the tide in southern states because Gingrich could run the table.
AdLib :
AdLib : And ROmney being Mormon doesn’t sit too well with Jews and RW Christians there.
KQµårk 死神 : OBL is Okilldum
KQµårk 死神 : Yeah and I think he has a hell of a shot with FL because of the seniors. They don’t trust Romney.
KQµårk 死神 : I added the a despots and terrorist group with OBL and Qaddafi
AdLib : And Newt could win FL too! Too bad he’s not on the ballot in VA, he could’ve done well there too.
AdLib : This is just too funny, KQ, can’t wait!
KQµårk 死神 : Sanctimony under the xenophobe group.
AdLib : What element, that is, is Santorum?
KQµårk 死神 : Yup and Real Clear Politics have him up by an average of three which is higher than what Santorum was up by in IA.
AdLib : What is Rick Santorum?
AdLib : Flipflopium works for me!
KQµårk 死神 : I could probably do a half dozen on Romney but I got a great two faced graphic for Flipflopium
AdLib : The latest poll I saw from PPP had Newt ahead by 6.
KQµårk 死神 : Oh I’m crossing my fingers that would be a great ending.
AdLib :
KQµårk 死神 : Walker is Recallum
AdLib : Heh!
AdLib : So, looks like Mitt may indeed lose SC. If so, can’t wait to see his concession smile.
KQµårk 死神 : Not yet Boehner is the new Kryon though.
AdLib : Cryptonite?
AdLib : Love them all!
KQµårk 死神 : You mean Newsletteron
AdLib : Right!
KQµårk 死神 : The antilaboride series has Walker, Kasich and the Kock bros.
AdLib : Or in the case of ROn Paul, Bore-on.
KQµårk 死神 : Yeah Newt derivatives write themselves.
KQµårk 死神 : LOL he’s one there as Cheatogen and so is Flipflopium
AdLib : Or Rom-moanium?
AdLib : What about Newtrons?
AdLib : That would be fantastic and no doubt, hilarious.
KQµårk 死神 : Adding the Antilaboride and Destroid series.
KQµårk 死神 : Yeah I remember I thought an update for the 2012 election was due.
AdLib : articles
AdLib : I don’t know if I told you but your original is and remains one of our most popular asticles!
AdLib : Hey KQ!
KQµårk 死神 : He y’all working on the new Periodic Table of Dangerous Elements
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “Hi!” when you arrive!
AdLib : See you then CL!
choicelady : Off to dinner after a hair-raising drive in rain and wind. Be back a little after 7. “See” you all then!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
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