KQµårk 死神 : Take Care AdLib
KQµårk 死神 : Yeah that fizzled out quick
AdLib : Looks like time to call this edition of Vox Populi to a close. Have a great weekend KQuark and thanks to all who made it such a fun discussion tonight. See you next week!
KQµårk 死神 : Absolutely CL but I have confidence Obama and his team have every contingency covered. Just take care of yourself and you hubby and have as good a weekend as you all can.
choicelady : KQ – shhhh, don’t let him hear. He’ll be over…
choicelady : ‘Night all!
KQµårk 死神 : Oh CL I wish I could transport some of my wife’s stew to your hubby.
AdLib : Night CL!
choicelady : KQ – quickly – I think you may well be right, but it’s always worrisome.
KQµårk 死神 : CL I think it was hurting but then the financial crisis hit at the right time and it was obviously no longer an issue.
choicelady : Well now I am flaking out. Hubby is up looking for sustenance, and he can’t find anything. Have to go help him hunt down where I “hid” the cereal. As if it’s a big secret… Be well all, and for those who have Monday off – have a lovely 3-day weekend! See you next week!
KQµårk 死神 : CL I think our deflationary pressures are so great right now that even if there is more investment with the dollar it will not bring up the dollar. Especially since the Fed is freezing rates for two years at all time lows.
choicelady : KQ – yes, I will be watching the pump prices. But it did not hurt Obama in 2008, and with good PR about greed, it won’t hurt HIM but those who want to deregulate oil – aka Mittens.
choicelady : KQ – now you and I are cross typing! I’m with AB – watch out fingers!
KQµårk 死神 : But watch their will be another manufactured gas price hike to try and help the GOP like in 2008.
choicelady : AdLib – yes, the dollar is likely to be popular again. Down side? If it goes up, our exports are at risk. That could slow domestic production. WORST move EVER was the ’73 decision to let national media of exchange become tradable commodities – that has done SO much damage to our ability to export, our stability – that’s gotta get re-regulated next, and the EU crisis and other factors are pushing that toward reality. Obama gets it and has the capacity to make greater currency value stability a reality.
KQµårk 死神 : It all depends if the Euro inflates. If it does that’s real trouble. If it’s more stable the dollar is so depressed US goods are still cheap in Europe and they invented outsourcing for cheaper goods.
AdLib : Invient – It is something on the horizon that could harm our economy…or it could also make the US a safer place for world money to go and juice up our economy.
choicelady : AdLib – that’s precisely what I mean. Obama can handle it. Bain can be linked to CAUSING a lot of our crises.
KQµårk 死神 : What CL and AdLib said.
AdLib : Invient – EU seems to have a structure in place and austerity measures are continuing. It is a possibility but not a probability. As for BofA, it could be a blessing in disguise if they were to have trouble, Obama would be in a position to require the splitting up of a Too Big To Fail bank…which could help the financial marketplace by removing more risk of another TARP situation.
choicelady : invient – if the EU crisis heats up, ONLY Obama can handle it. I see in the paper though that there is a new meme – the Fed “did not see it coming” – they’re using 2006 info as if that was a time it COULD be seen and Geitner is to blame. Cute. Still and all, Obama has the juice and the chops to deal with whatever happens overseas.
KQµårk 死神 : invient I don’t think it will be like an explosion rather like a balloon being deflated.
choicelady : “Night AB – stay warm!
invient : Nope, eu crisis is going to implode. Then bofa is next. It’s only a matter of time.
KQµårk 死神 : Even if Obama switched out Biden as SOS it would be after the election and I’m not sure Hillary would be the VP.
choicelady : ‘Night Murph – hope you get some rest! “See” you next week!
AdLib : Night Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : I know I have been quiet tonight…just tuckered out. Enjoyed being a bystander. See y’all next week.
AdLib : So what do you think, will the economy and jobs continue to improve through 2012? If so, what does Romney have to run on?
AdLib : It is an MSM creation, the Biden-Hillary switch. It sounds as absurd as it is. When has such a thing ever been done and why would it happen now, with Obama beating ROmney in poll after poll even before he’s begun to campaign? Silly stuff IMO.
KQµårk 死神 : I agree 100% CL.
KQµårk 死神 : And a half Mwah.
AdLib : AB – No Mwah! for me? Have a great weekend!
KQµårk 死神 : Have a great weekend Kes.
AlphaBitch : KQ: Mwah! and Mwah to you too, kes! Love to all.
choicelady : kes – have a grand weekend. I have to work Monday, so I wish you time off? Be well!
kesmarn : G’night, AB. Snuggle with the Blov to stay warm.
KQµårk 死神 :
I kid you AB because you are such a great sport.
invient : I don’t wanna say it, but I think Denver will be creamed.
choicelady : AB – there is nothing unelectable about Biden. He is highly liked and is a good guy who has done a lot that’s very worthwhile. Hillary is the one with baggage, and I don’t trust her. If and ONLY if Biden WANTS to be Secretary of State would I want him to leave – his call. But I do NOT want Hillary! She’d drag Obama down.
AdLib : Thanks Kes! Sleep well!
AlphaBitch : KQ: Don’t you threaten me, young man! Hey! Our heater crapped out. (Too much talk of free enterprise) It’s getting cold, so I’m turning in. Have fun, play nice, and don’t mention Paul you know who again, invient!!
kesmarn : Well kids, I have to work tomorrow, so I’d better say good night. Have a great weekend and a wonderful Martin Luther King day on Monday.
AdLib : The problem with having such a lame candidate as Romney is that neither he nor the GOP want a VP that shows him up or harms the ticket. That’s a tough mission!
KQµårk 死神 : Go Pats!
KQµårk 死神 : Watch it I’ll bring up the replace Biden with Hillary question again AB.
choicelady : kes – kudos to Cher for that description. Mine would be she was rode hard and put away wet. Pretty much the same difference!
invient : I should know. I gotta see the end of Maddow, she picked a team. It better be Denver.
kesmarn : There you go, c’lady. I’ll never forget Cher’s description of Brewer: “too much sun and too much saddle.”
choicelady : kes – I don’t think the accent will carry him. Invient – that’s who I mean – RYAN!
KQµårk 死神 : Face it the GOP has a weak first team and a worse bench. BTW when does NE and Denver play tomorrow?
AlphaBitch : CL: ha ha ha. Not enough ciggies in the world! Geez, she has smoker’s mouth BIG TIME!
invient : AB, sorry :p
choicelady : Jan Brewer!!!!
choicelady : kes – Kasich is too northern and did not screw the Ohio folks well enough. But what about Walker? No – also too northern. What about (damn – mental block) the House guy who wants to kill Medicare. Evangelical, heartless, anti-labor, anti-“entitleme nts” – these all play well.
AlphaBitch : That woman in New Mexico is hard core, and beneath the radar. LOTS of oil money, too.
KQµårk 死神 : I wish it was Ryan so they could bring up the Ryan budget 24/7. Everyone knows it ends Medicare in the real world.
AlphaBitch : Invient: I just threw up in my throat!
KQµårk 死神 : Yeah CL Louisiana is a little bit different than the rest of the deep south.
kesmarn : He’s got the accent nailed pretty well, c’lady. Does that count?
invient : How about Paul Ryan.
AlphaBitch : What about that woman in N Mexico???
choicelady : kes – Jindal? Maybe. He’s evangelical. But he’s foreign, so I’m not sure he’d play in the rest of the Deep South. Louisiana has a real tolerance for odd people the rest of the South does NOT have, and I can’t see him drawing Iowa etc.
AlphaBitch : Or Scott Walker. I hear he might be available soon.
KQµårk 死神 : Don’t forget about Mitch Daniels.
AdLib : It has to be someone who’s more likeable than Romney and neither Rubio nor Haley fill that bill, their constituents don’t like them.
invient : Don’t be surprised if hate wins out in the gop
AlphaBitch : In the words of Jimmy Lafave, KQ: “desperate men do desperate things”.
KQµårk 死神 : CL I agree they need on protestant at least.
invient : Ahhh the delicate balance between hate for Obama and values
kesmarn : And there’s always JOHN KASICH…. {{scary music}}}
choicelady : Rubio strikes me as the male Palin. Lots and lots of baggage, lies about one’s past, and probably is a Dominionist Christian posing as a Catholic. And because of the latter, he’d be anathema I think to the evangelicals – he does not compensate for Romney’s Mormonism. In fact I think whoever it is will HAVE to be evangelical and a wild eyed one, too.
KQµårk 死神 : Sure a Mormon and an India. We are talking about the GOP folks.
AlphaBitch : Now there’s a thought…
invient : Kes, I was just thinking that.
AdLib : “The (Columbia, S.C.) State newspaper reported Sunday on a Winthrop University poll that revealed only 34 percent of registered voters approve of the job Nikki Haley is doing as governor. Upon reviewing Haley’s first year in office, one is left wondering not why her approval rating is so low but rather why it is so high.” «link»
kesmarn : There’s always Bobby Jindal….
KQµårk 死神 : My money goes back on milquetoast Pawlenty. Romney likes people that suck up to him.
kesmarn : And let’s face it, c’lady. Girls can’t get away with carrying baggage, even in the 21st century!
KQµårk 死神 : After the loses of most of the GOP woman in 2010 I doubt it would be a woman VP.
choicelady : Oh wow – so would I! She’d be wonderful, but I strongly believe she would NOT want the job!
KQµårk 死神 : Yeah Rubio would be the perfect pander and another terrible decision by a GOP candidate.
choicelady : kes – Nikki carries some baggage. It came out, got swept back, but would REALLY get pulled up if she were Veep candidate. She’d make Sarah look demure!
AlphaBitch : KQ: Yo tambien!
KQµårk 死神 : Though I would vote for Michelle Obama in 2016 in a second.
AdLib : “Marco Rubio’s approval ratings continue to decline; may not be much help in Florida as VP choice Public Policy Polling: Marco Rubio’s poll numbers have declined every time PPP’s polled Florida this year and voters are now evenly divided on him with 40% approving and 40% disapproving.” «link»
AlphaBitch : But AL, even the rocks know Jeb is way smarter than W. And he DOES have charisma!!! Trust me.
choicelady : ADLib – if Jeb thinks we’ll forget by 2016, he’s stupider than I thought. And by that point he’d be getting on in years though not old – he was born in ’53 so he’d be 63. Still these days, that’s maybe too old to start running. And he has major baggage from a Medicare scam he pulled as I recall. That would not look good, though he got away with it in FL, land of those who’d care.
KQµårk 死神 : Honestly AdLib if there was not Bush II, Hillary probably would have won last time around. People are tired of the US monarchy.
kesmarn : AdLib, I’m so glad you said “champing” and not “chomping” the way so many people do. Just had to toss that in there…
KQµårk 死神 : True AdLib it has not hurt him in FL but I’m sure he would not pass the media vetting as a VP canididate.
AdLib : Yep, America is just champing at the bit to put ANOTHER Bush in the WH. Not.
kesmarn : c’lady, that’s hilarious about Nikki’s “adventures.” And she looks so…Republican. ..
AlphaBitch : By Turdblossom, I mean Rove can “do his thing” with a Bush again.
AdLib : KQ – And Rubio’s been outed as a fraud. You don’t need to add that baggage on your campaign when you’re a fraud, as Romney is.
AlphaBitch : Unless there’s a gentleman’s agreement that Romney will only CHOOSE to run one term! And Turdblossom can bloom once more. This makes sense, team.
KQµårk 死神 : The thing about Rubio is he’s Sarah Palin with less experience. He’s only been US Senator for a little over a year and was in the FL legislator before.
kesmarn : Oh yeah…old man George Romney used to talk about his “family in “Olde Mexico”…serio usly.
invient : I think we a
AdLib : AB – But if Romney won, Jeb wouldn’t be able to run until 2020. Jeb has to instead bet that Romney loses without him on the ticket, which could make him damaged goods.
choicelady : kes – ummmm, Mexican? Not exactly! LOL!!!
AlphaBitch : BINGO, AL. You get southern, Bush, and minority all in one. If only HE had a “mangina”. (For you, kes!)
kesmarn : But AB, the Romney claim to BE Mexican…
choicelady : kes – oh now there’s a possibility. She only has endless affairs hanging around her neck. She’d be good with Mittens. If he could keep her off his bod – one hears things about her rather indelicate tendency to boff anyone who comes her way…
AlphaBitch : What better lead up, AL???
kesmarn : She’d “balance” the ticket, though, AdLib…
AlphaBitch : AND he’s married to a “Mexican”.
AdLib : Jeb is waiting to run in 2016, no way he’d be Romney’s VP.
invient : Jeb*. Err
AdLib : Kes – I think that’s a very good suggestion, Nikki Haley would be a clever pick except she is very disliked in her state, she is a woman and a minority which doesn’t appeal to Baggers generally.
AlphaBitch : Kes: *snicker*
invient : Jen would be the best fit, he’ll if they could get the adopted Reagan.
kesmarn : “Mangina”!
choicelady : COULTER???? Nah – she’d not want to lose her income. She wants to dish it out, but as an elected official, she’d be subject to criticism, and you’ve SEEN how well she deals with THAT.
AlphaBitch : AL: She’s not a witch.
choicelady : AB – I’m not sorry for him. It’s pure self indulgence on his part. He’s a glutton and always has been and sees nothing wrong with it while he criticizes everyone else for loving the “wrong” person. SOB.
AdLib : I know who would be perfect for Romney’s running mate! Christine O’Donnell!
kesmarn : Nikki Haley? (Do I have her name right?)
AlphaBitch : AL: Jeb??????
AlphaBitch : OT, but who was “Ann Coulter’s Mangina” on that other site? I used to crack up at that!
AdLib : AB – Then again, maybe they would be worried about it being a reminder of the Palin disaster, to have Bachmann on. Romney does need an attack dog and a Southerner.
choicelady : AdLib – yeah, but Michelle is geographically undesirable. Mitt has too many ties to MI, and she’s from right next door (sort of.)
invient : Good. Glad maher is back on.
kesmarn : Ann Coulter?
AlphaBitch : AL: But she’s a northener…….
choicelady : AB – oh perish those thoughts! Those two women breed mean!
choicelady : Hi invient! How are you?
AdLib : Hey Invient!
AlphaBitch : Hi back atya, invient!
kesmarn : Hey, invient!
AlphaBitch : AL: I was thinking the same scary thing…
invient : Hi!
kesmarn : I love them too. Pure mirth. No mean.
AlphaBitch : CL: You’re right. He’s porked up quite a bit. Sorry for him.
choicelady : Point about Huckabee – while all the fingers get pointed at GLBT people, they never think about Gluttony as one of the seven deadly sins, do they?
KQµårk 死神 : Dumb and Dumber would be Romney and Perry.
AdLib : Michele Bachmann?
AdLib : Murph – Thanks for the link, will definitely read it later. I still enjoy The Boys!
AlphaBitch : Liz Cheney?? Mrs. Clarence Thomas???
choicelady : Well – always Huckabee, but I’m thinking he’s not interested since he’s regaining all the weight. He’s starting to resemble Christie again.
MurphTheSurf3 : Here is that Laurel and Hardy link again. It did not print correctly. A fine analysis. «link»
AdLib : How about Dumb and Dumber?
AdLib : Murph – I would never denigrate Laurel & Hardy, they have far more integrity than anyone in the GOP.
AlphaBitch : Thanks, kes, queen of the puns!
choicelady : AB – now THAT’s scary! When dirt disses you, you are DUMB!
kesmarn : AB :lol
KQµårk 死神 : How about Abbot and Costello then.
kesmarn : Good point, c’lady. And he’s a poster boy for the RR evangelicals.
AlphaBitch : Rocks realize Perry is stupid, CL.
AdLib : Nope, would never be Paul. The GOP Elite wouldn’t want him to be one heartbeat away from the presidency.
MurphTheSurf3 : Let’s not denigrate Laurel and Hardy. They served a noble purpose. I cannot imagine either Romney or Christie doing as well. A fine mess: the enduring appeal of Laurel and Hardy In the Great Depression, they bypassed the pathos of Charlie Chaplin and went straight for slapstick laughs every time. No wonder Laurel and Hardy can still crack us up «link» ian.co.uk/film/2 009/aug/28/laure l-hardy-slapstic k
KQµårk 死神 : Nah Perry would never do it now anyway.
choicelady : Folks – we are making an assumption the GOP recognize that Perry’s stupid. That may not be accurate.
AdLib : Hey! AB, you beat me!
AlphaBitch : Not enough tinfoil. Remember: Porky Rove has to approve.
KQµårk 死神 : The ironic part is if he picks Rubio it shows how stupid the GOP thinks the hispanic community is. Rubio would not get one more hispanic vote past FL but that may be all he would count on.
choicelady : AB – there’s always Paul. Texas, youth. Twofers.
AlphaBitch : Jinx, AL.
AlphaBitch : CL: No, Perry is too dumb even for TP’ers.
AdLib : CL – Perry would have been ideal if he hadn’t proven himself to be such a moron and loser.
kesmarn : Romney’s veep had better get used to riding in a crate on top of the presidential limo, whoever he is.
AlphaBitch : I think the VP will need to appeal to either 1) women or 2) youth or 3) any ethnic group other than white. That’s their only shot.
choicelady : kes and everyone – I just had a very scary thought: If Willard needs geographic diversity and pandering to the Religious Right, would he be awful enough to pick PERRY????
kesmarn : “Why don’t you DO something to HELP me, Willard?”
KQµårk 死神 : The only other one it could possible be is Pawlenty and that would be because Romney is afraid of being up staged.
AdLib : Beat me Kes!
choicelady : kes – LOL!!!! That’s priceless!
AdLib : Kes – “Well here’s another fine mess you’ve gotten us into, Willard!” “I’m sorry Chrissy! I’ll bet you $10,000 it never happens again!”
KQµårk 死神 :
kes you have me in stiches.
kesmarn : “Another fine mess you’ve gotten me into, Mittens!”
choicelady : KQ – Barbour did not realize they WERE criminals. They were no different from his friends.
KQµårk 死神 :
kes that’s the image I have in my brain too.
AlphaBitch : Naughty again, kes!
choicelady : kes – there’d never be room on the platform for both. Romney and SuperKeester just cannot co-exist. I think Christie cannot do it, and I believe with ALL my heart he’s mobbed up. Romney will pick someone with few negatives (from HIS point of view). So if you’ve put steel mills out of business, Santorum’s focus on re-indstrializat ion (via ZERO taxes and probably NO unions) would be a lovely counterbalance.
kesmarn : They might have a certain Laurel and Hardy visual going for them, though. Romney and Christie.
KQµårk 死神 : I think it almost has to be Rubio and it fits Romney’s need to pander.
AdLib : Murph – And Glenn Beck advertising on MSNBC??? Huh? For people to pay to watch him? Crazy!
AlphaBitch : Christie is a scary thought. he said he wouldn’t run for PRESIDENT. Nothing about VP. And Mitt could use the charisma help. If you think Christie has charisma….
KQµårk 死神 : Was it a spiteful kick in the nuts to liberals saying you want all these criminals back on the streets here they are.
AdLib : I don’t think Christie, MA and NJ, too East Coast of a ticket and Christie shows up Romney on the charisma factor which would make him look bad.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB…all of those right wing ads on MSNBC…who is listening to them….Huckabee demanding we all sign a petition to repeal OBAMACARE….ooo oooh scarrrreeeeeee.
KQµårk 死神 : So why did Barbour release all those criminals?
AdLib : Barbour is damaged goods now too…maybe Jim DeMint?
kesmarn : Chris Christie?
choicelady : AB – I totally fear Santorum is very probable. People are defending his late term abortion as a natural miscarriage. Well, we have to find the Family Circle article of 1997 (I read it then) where Karen merely defends the TYPE of procedure, not the FACT of doing it.
KQµårk 死神 : CL I’ve done hundreds of tech presentations and even though the material has to be technical to some degree you do just lose people and have to gear any type of presentation you are doing to the target audience if it’s a speech, an ad or debate.
AlphaBitch : So: Ben Nelson? Haley Big Butt Barbour? Who??
kesmarn : Romney-Beck!
AlphaBitch : Naughty, kes!
AdLib : AB – With an East Coaster at the top of the ticket, Romney needs a Southerner or at least a middle America type. Unless he goes for stunt casting like McCain did with Palin.
kesmarn : There’s always Beck’s chalk and blackboard…
choicelady : Murph – I know, but one of Obama’s strengths, not at all unlike Clinton’s, is his ability to connect with real people in immediate ways.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…see your point…but all those words in a world which is so visual.
AlphaBitch : Can dems even BUY ads on Fox??? In “prime time” like O’Reilley.
choicelady : kes – well, there is that. Cheney kinda lowered the bar, didn’t he? But I agree with AdLib – Rubio is VERY damaged goods.
AdLib : Murph – Perot was really onto something. Just show a simple graphic chart that tells Americans the truth about something and they will get it immediately. Rattle off numbers and their eyes glaze over. It’s so simple and easy, I hope they figure this out.
KQµårk 死神 : Remember campaigns are about touching people’s emotions, especially with the low info voters.
AlphaBitch : AL: Think he’d pick a Santorum or a Huckabee?
choicelady : AB – I KNOW who is talking! And I agree with her!
choicelady : Murph – what you see is usually a person-to-person interchange. I think you see the media stuff in ads, etc. But I found in trainings I do that media diverts attention away from the speaker, and Obama does not want that.
kesmarn : No, AB. Cable all gone. What did she say?
KQµårk 死神 : Completely agree AB but Obama has to use personal accounts with real people too.
AlphaBitch : Kes: see Liz C. today?
AdLib : Rubio is damaged goods, his whole story was a fraud and he’s been outed as a liar. Also, his policies are adversarial towards most Latinos.
kesmarn : c’lady, after Cheney in the heartbeat-away job, you’d think they could handle it.
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLb- speaking of charts. Why don’t folks like Obama use AV aids….huge scrim screems with projected power points and graphs. Why this 19th century reliance on oratory….yaday adayada.
AlphaBitch : KQ: but every damn ad needs a chart. Every stinking one of them. Or a photo of workers losing jobs.
choicelady : AdLib – you’re spot on. Those charts are mindblowing!
KQµårk 死神 : I don’t think they are allowed props unless it’s an ear receiver like Bush had.
AlphaBitch : Ok, CL. then OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! sayeth you-know-who
choicelady : kes – if the GOP goes Rubio, even the birthers will be on his butt. A lying sack of shit – a heartbeat away from the presidency?
choicelady : AB – that’s fine, but I worked with union folks. For me it’s RAGE.
AdLib : CL – I mentioned this on Daily Planet today but all Obama needs to do is hold up a few simple charts at every debate, that show how 99% have lost wealth and the 1% have gained, how the economy and employment have improved under his Presidency and how his tax plan makes rates fair on all and Romney’s taxes the poor and middle class to greatly benefit the wealthy. Simple, indisputable images…picture s that speak thousands of words Romney could never deflect.
AlphaBitch : Kes: my guess too!
choicelady : AB – he may be forgiven his color choice. You’re right. It WAS the 80s!
MurphTheSurf3 : kes..by my count Bain used the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation six times to cover its raid on funds and then choking off future contributions.
kesmarn : Rubio, AB?
AlphaBitch : CL: I prefer “Righteous indignation”.
choicelady : AdLib – raiding pension funds – the employers’ contribution – is perfectly legal. That’s how they changed and gamed the system. We need to talk about how they changed the rules of the game to benefit the few at the expense of the many. It’s not ‘envy’ we feel – it’s RAGE!
AlphaBitch : So: running mate guesses again? I love this game!
kesmarn : Awww…nemmind about the pensions… the Pension Guarantee Fund’ll cover it. Forget paying loans back … the FDIC will take care of it. (Romney) But he hates big gummint.
KQµårk 死神 : AB I had a boss who was Chinese and he was so proud when he bought his first McMansion. You would have thought he was declared emperor or something.
AlphaBitch : CL: NO! He laughed as loud and long as I did! I was amazed – there was no sense of “losing face”. He recognized and appreciated absurdity so well. We went to bluegrass concerts and went to stock his apartment at Target. The only “sad” thing he did was try and buy one fork, one spoon, one glass, etc. He could not believe he could have a set!! AND he loved the color peach. (It WAS the 80s)
choicelady : KQ – we have to move this discussion away from “income REdistribution” to income justice so that the work you do to build wealth is rewarded decently. Jobs must be able to sustain families. Labor is not a commodity – it is shared responsibility which means the fruits of labor must be shared as well. The ‘race to the bottom’ is not American!
AdLib : AB – Very funny!
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes and KQ….I am just trying to get a leg up in the service to my future Lords and Masters. SO, BOW, NOW.
AdLib : [whisper]Wait until we get info about all of the workers pension funds that were raided by Bain when they chopped up businesses. Stealing from the workers to enrich themselves then destroying the company and tossing thousands out of work. THAT is the kind of background we want in a President!
choicelady : AB – oh, that’s funny! I hope he knew you were not laughing AT him!
KQµårk 死神 : Like someone on the Rachel show said income inequality is just a debate the GOP is afraid to have.
AlphaBitch : My favorite was a wonderful young man, sent to “oversee” us while we handled a very large, EXTREMELY complex maritime case. Seems a shipload of wood from South America, en route on a ship licensed in the Bahamas and captained by a Dutchman, caught fire and had to land in Honolulu en route to China. This amazing man and I had many lunches and conversations. My fave experience was when I asked him: “So, what do you like best about America so far?” and he got a very perplexed look on his face, repeating to me: “What …do….I…lik e…about…Amer ican supper?” We laughed our heads off at that one!
choicelady : Murph – here’s my card. Everyone else?
KQµårk 死神 : Shhhhhh…..Murp h
AdLib : In fact, the America that the GOP want is more of a mirror image of what China is today!
choicelady : AB – if the Left capitalists, and there are many, were smart, they’d try again with a progressive station network. But I want people OTHER than Thom Hartmann – he’s peddling lies about Obama, the creep.
MurphTheSurf3 : PLEASE EVERYONE….BEFO RE THIS GOES ON….is this a Romney certified “quiet room” appropriate to such a discussion. Are you all part of the club? Membership cards, please.
KQµårk 死神 : I’ve never been there AdLib but from the Chinese folks I knew they never wanted to go back.
kesmarn : Ooooh, so sorry to hear about the pneumonia, c’lady. Hope he’s better soon!
choicelady : AB – that’s amazing. Clear Channel????
AdLib : AB – I had the great fortune to visit Beijing and the people are, in general, very pleasant. However, there is a velvet oppression hanging in the air and there are different worlds there, the wealthy and some middle class and the dirt poor and horribly exploited.
KQµårk 死神 : It’s just a half notch ahead of Phil Graham’s country of whiners quote.
choicelady : kes – I’m well. Hubby has pneumonia but getting better. It’s cold here, too – not as much as there – frost on the cars every morning.
kesmarn : I have, AB. Can’t remember the source. But I remember the “Yippee!” reaction i had.
KQµårk 死神 : You are spot on with your point AdLib and the whole envious line of defense is as lame as it gets.
AlphaBitch : Anyone else heard that?
choicelady : AB – I knew a young Chinese man back in the 80s, too – he was delightful! He was from Shanghai and it was his first time out as a student at Brown University. He loved America but loved China, too. He was so fun to know.
kesmarn : AB That’s what being owned by Bain will do for ya. Clear Channel, meet the bankruptcy judge!
KQµårk 死神 : Oh believe me I’ve been on the worry side more often but I think Romney could give a rats arse about firing anyone.
kesmarn : Doing well, c’lady. Super cold here. And yourself?
choicelady : kes! Hi – I had to tend hubby a minute and missed your arrival! How are you?
AlphaBitch : Clear Channel is close to bankruptcy themselves, I’ve heard.
AdLib : KQ – I think the point was well made that Romney “likes” firing people and that is not a trait good people will relate to. Most people have never been in the position you were in, just on the other side, worrying about being let go or actually let go. This will haunt Romney as a narrative is built to portray him as a cold and unsympathetic, selfish elitist.
KQµårk 死神 : Absolutely AB being the science field I worked with a good number of Chinese folks and had a similar positive experience. I still keep in touch with a few.
kesmarn : I see that Bain Capital owns Clear Channel which owns Rush and Hannity. Surprise!
KQµårk 死神 : Fortunately I was lucky because I got to hire a couple dozen and obviously most worked out or moved on their own.
kesmarn : Aryana, the world’s richest, most conscience-less mercenary.
AlphaBitch : AL: No she did not. but I worked for the law firm in Seattle that represented the People’s Republic in the early 80s – we were the first after trade opened – and I have to say, I really enjoyed the Chinese. They were much more easy going, open minded, playful than I had expected, after having worked with several other Asian cultures as well. But I agree – she didn’t see the “other side” of sweat shops and having to go work in the city.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes….good timing….the topic seems to be how to fire Ariaanna Huffington who some here seems to have a few concerns about….or am I being too harsh?
KQµårk 死神 : I’ve had to fire two people in my career and it was the most gut wrenching thing I’ve ever had to do. And believe me these people really really deserved to be fired.
kesmarn : I’m down with those pink slips.
AdLib : Kes – Yes, we were talking about firing Arianna and Romney.
kesmarn : Yay!!! What’s my new job? La-Z-Boy tester?
AlphaBitch : Kes: You’re HIRED!
AdLib : AB – I don’t know that your German friend visited any of the sweat shops or factories in China. Or the desperate rural areas.
AlphaBitch : CL: Another wise woman once told me that fear and love cannot exist within your heart simultaneously, and it’s up to you to choose. But when I watch Repubs, I have to say that I think the fear and greed run fairly high. I love Campbell.
kesmarn : Good Friday evening,folks! Tonight’s topic: “I like being able to fire people.”?
choicelady : ADLib – Ms. H. needs to know you are a mensch!
AdLib : CL – I would make sure guards escorted AH out with a small cardboard box with her desk’s contents and tossed her onto the sidewalk. I would ask that they not re-enact what the soldiers did to the Taliban.
AlphaBitch : CL: Today I had lunch with a friend who is German. She just came back from China. She wants to MOVE to China because of the joyful spirit she found there among the people – true belief of something better. At least that was her take after a few weeks.
choicelady : AB – I really disagree with that. The basic human needs include love and security. Adults can eliminate those but greed and fear as your sole emotions require supressing what is very primitive on the good side. Otherwise we’d have babies born with dagger teeth and the ability to steal within hours of birth. Seriously.
AdLib : AB – Actually, if you go by Joseph Campbell’s work, the only two main emotions in people are fear and desire. Greed is a negative and extreme aspect of desire but love and compassion are positive ones.
choicelady : AL – THAT would be worth it! SEeing the back of Ms. H as she crawls out the door with her box of…WAIT! She’s taking all the MONEY!!!! Catch her!
KQµårk 死神 : Let’s fire Romney and the GOPTEA house first though.
KQµårk 死神 : That would be a person I would joyfully fire AdLib. One of the few.
choicelady : AB – with the US populace as mobile as it is, that kind of fear of the “other” does seem odd. But people have been told for years we have the highest material standard of life. It’s kind of true, but other developed nations have a higher standard of LIFE overall. We are terrified to be “reduced” to European levels. And then, we’re the only free-range gun nation, and that plays a big role. We just cannot tolerate not being No. 1.
AdLib : CL – If I took over HP, Arianna would see her first pink slip.
KQµårk 死神 : Yes and that’s the problem AdLib is that Obama now has a better record of keeping Americans safe than the past few presidents and that includes healthcare now.
AlphaBitch : AL: A very smart man (from Microsoft) once told me that there are only two real emotions in humans: greed and fear. I’ve never forgotten that. I’m afraid he is right – see? There’s fear!
AdLib : Murph – Clear your cache then reload this page and it should solve it.
MurphTheSurf3 : All- I am still experiencing problems with the site. I have had to refresh the page several times because the auto update IM system keeps freezing. So if I miss comments, sorry, doing my best.
AdLib : AB – It’s an innate part of the human brain, fear. And the fear of the unknown is a big one. People who are different trigger that part of the fear response in insecure people.
choicelady : AdLib – well, of course we’d win, but would you REALLY want to own HP? I think it’s loaded with debt thanks to Ms. H’s “fabulous, dahling” business non-acumen.
AlphaBitch : but WHY are people so scared of “different”? Seriously.
AlphaBitch : AL: Great idea!
KQµårk 死神 : tuned=turned
choicelady : KQ – xenophobia plays in Peoria.
AdLib : KQ – Do yuo think I could challenge HP to a Parody-Off and winner takes over the other’s blog?
KQµårk 死神 : Yeah and they don’t even make sense. They say Obama has tuned our allies against us (most of our allies are in Europe) and he wants to be like Europe. It does not pass the sniff test at all.
choicelady : Oh Sabreen – having had something similar I say YES – take care of yourself. Get all of you to equal the little finger. We are sorry you’re hurt – heal fast!
AdLib : Oh Sabreen, so sorry to hear that. Please get some rest and heal up!
KQµårk 死神 : I mean I can usual watch any parody but this was sooooo bad I could not even watch a minute of it.
AdLib : KQ – They’re dragging up insults such as “communist” against people in 2012? Really? And “European” is a bad thing? What year do they think it is?
choicelady : AdLib – when so many people continue to vote for those who have done them harm, to follow a party that caters to everyone BUT them, then I have no choice but to think it goes back to 1964 and the Civil Rights Act and the white refusal to BE equal. Nostalgia for the 50s is partly legit (high unionization, good wages, etc.) and largely because it was the heyday of white privilege and affluence. I can come up with NO other explanation.
KQµårk 死神 : Ouch, take care Sabreen and watch your step, seriously.
AlphaBitch : Sabreen – take care. I’m so sorry, and I’m a queen klutz! I have two bad ankles to prove it.
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ…AOLHP absolutely sucks in the humor department….la me, lamer, lamest
Sabreen60 : Good folks, I can’t hang. Truth be told, I’m a klutz – have been most of my life.
Day before yesterday, I missed a step and hit the ground. I don’t think I further damaged my back, but my little finger is the only part of my body that doesn’t hurt. I’m going to lay down. Have a great week.
KQµårk 死神 : I say let them be the incompetents they are AdLib. Every attack that is not related to the job picture is a waste of time.
KQµårk 死神 : Exactly Murph they could nominate Chavez and still turn out 45% using rationalizing.
choicelady : Murph – I know, I know – but it’s so hard to wrap my mind around the horrifying notion that nearly HALF this country would buy that crap.
AlphaBitch : CL: You’re welcome. America was safe again, for a time. Now it’s Newts and Santorums and Romneys and Pauls, oh my!
AdLib : KQ – I think that’s so true. Seriously, in 2012, in the midst of a recession, who out of the 99% are going to cry for the wealthy and corporations who destroyed the economy, took their homes, jobs and retirement savings away? But that’s the only tune they know.
choicelady : AB – that may be more than I wanted to know about The Blov…thank you for retiring them!
KQµårk 死神 : I know what I said AdLib. AOLHP had a horrible attempt at political humor tying together a song from the sound of music and Romney quotes in a video. The only reason I noted it at all was because it was so inferior to your parodies AdLib.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….there is a narrative at work in the minds of the 45 percent who will vote against obama no matter what. The GOP Story fits into that narrative. They add to the story providing faux facts, delusional details, and inane info to give the faithful a comfortable base upon which to stand.
choicelady : AB – I know. But honestly – what is the MATTER with these people? It’s right up there with Santorum saying McCain knew nothing about torture. They can’t even deal with their OWN side. I mean it’s good overall for us, but Americans buy that crap. Like Reagan said trees cause pollution – and there are people who STILL believe it!
AlphaBitch : The Blov owned some Angel Flight disco pants once upon a time, too. We had to “retire” them in the early 80s. Not a moment too soon…
KQµårk 死神 : CL that’s what I mean when I say the GOP is stuck in 2004. People don’t buy that Dems are crap stuff anymore with Obama in office.
choicelady : AB – rats. I was gonna say that!
AdLib : CL – It almost seems like a self-conscious BSing, like even they don’t believe it but they know they have to demonize him. Romney says any of this crap in a debate and Obama will crush him.
AlphaBitch : CL: And they had no minds to lose…..
AlphaBitch : CL; Yes.
AlphaBitch : I dibs “free enterprise” as the most used words after the SC election, to be uttered by the “winner”.
choicelady : AB and everyone – all this about Obama freeing us from pirates coupled with EVERYTHING he has accomplished around ending the wars to taking out OBL – and yet the goons in the GOP keep talking about how he has ‘weakened’ the US in the world. HAVE THEY COMPLETELY LOST THEIR MINDS????
AlphaBitch : *Drink*!
AdLib : “Romneyjuice! Romneyjuice! Romneyjuice!” Anything happen?
AlphaBitch : And I said “pee”
AdLib : I did say “Romney” three times…
AlphaBitch : S-A-B-R-E-E-N! (worked for Murph) F-O-O-D!!
choicelady : AB – LOL!!!!
AlphaBitch : Murph: It did. But Obama got the captain and we were freed.
choicelady : Murph – nope. We’re faster.
MurphTheSurf3 : I thought an Iranian fast boat had gotten you all.
choicelady : AB – I will check it out, thanks!
AlphaBitch : M-U-R-P-H!
choicelady : Gosh – I hope Murph comes back. Don’t want him to think we don’t love him!
AlphaBitch : He wrote an incredible book called “The Irresistable Revolution”.
AdLib : Well, thanks all for hanging in there. So, what do we think about SC, might Newt pull out a win and turn the race upside down?
choicelady : AB – no, never heard of him. What has he done?
AlphaBitch : It’s right up my alley, CL. Do you know Shane Claiborne?
choicelady : AB – I think you will like the book. It’s just wonderful! Moore told me that a couple of seminaries are using it, as utterly irreverent as it is. It’s also amazingly insightful!
KQµårk 死神 : Yes CL not much to say about it but that.
AlphaBitch : CL: I hope so! I had no idea a donut could be quite so offensive.
KQµårk 死神 : Me too and I forgot what is was about AdLib.
AlphaBitch : Oh just make sumpin up, AL.
choicelady : AB – KQ means the peeing incident. I feel sure he’s OK with donuts.
AdLib : And I had just written a long comment. Dont ya hate that?
AlphaBitch : I went and ordered Lamb, CL. And Chris Isaaks new CD.
KQµårk 死神 : I blame the Google crawler.
Sabreen60 : I thought everyone went into the “quiet room”.
AdLib : I’m cursing on the inside.
choicelady : AdLib – that’s a polite way to put it.
AdLib : A server burp!
choicelady : What happened? All my friends were rendered immobile!
AlphaBitch : Mea culpa??
AdLib : WHoops!
Sabreen60 : Take care Cher
AlphaBitch : The donut? Or the pee?
KQµårk 死神 : I thought that was despicable AB.
AlphaBitch : She’s sneaking off for a donut after that cleanse….(JK). Bye Cher!
choicelady : KQ – thank you!
AdLib : Seeya Cher!!!
choicelady : Cher – you coming back? Household chores aren’t nearly as much fun as we are!
AdLib : Cher – I agree, Romney would follow the lead of the GOP Elite and though they threaten to bomb Iran for votes, I don’t think the Kochs want a war that could destroy the global economy just when they’re making record profits.
KQµårk 死神 : Boo Hiss Cher, jk jk have fun.
choicelady : My fave book about Jesus is the novel, “Lamb” which is just a howl. Supposedly his boyhood friend, Biff, counseled Jesus to leave OUT “Blessed are the dumbfucks” from his Sermon on the Mount. But lordy – that’s Perry! He coulda used that blessing!
AlphaBitch : Peeing on the Taliban, anyone?
Chernynkaya : Well, dear folks, I have to do some chores. Don’t throw any food, OK?
KQµårk 死神 : Cher you are completely right. He would be a tool. He proved that as Gov of MA the opposite way.
AlphaBitch : Perry would do it because he’s just a dick. Rapture smapture to that ass.
KQµårk 死神 : Here is the article CL «link»
choicelady : KQ – I will go look, thanks.
AdLib : Newt, Santorum or Perry would be willing to go to war with Iran and cause global destruction. Newt would do it because he’s an ass and Santorum and Perry would see it as bringing The Rapture sooner.
AlphaBitch : CL: That’s because you know to pity the poor. Bless his heart.
Sabreen60 : Cher, I heard that. Perry named the Interior Dept as one of the three.
choicelady : Cher – Yes – Perry strikes out again. I’d like to suggest he use a “palm pilot” just like Sarah’s. Even I am embarrassed for him, and I hate him!
Chernynkaya : AL, I think if elected, Ronmey would do whatever Congressional Repubs wanted. And the Kochs.
KQµårk 死神 : Oh CL I posted that on Cher’s post or TO/OT.
AlphaBitch : I hear something stupid from Perry every day. I live in TX
Chernynkaya : Did you hear that Perry forgot again today which Cabinet level agencies he’d cut?
KQµårk 死神 : I think Perry is dumb enough to embrace Bush III
AlphaBitch : Or worse: Santorum?
AlphaBitch : How about Newt, AL?
AdLib : Cher – I know Romney threatens war with Iran but he just seems to be mouthing the words for votes. If he did become President, I don’t think he’d do it because he’s a coward anyway and would be afraid of becoming Bush II.
AlphaBitch : He confuses it with OK, Cher
KQµårk 死神 :
choicelady : KQ – WHAT???? Israelis said they were CIA???? WTF???
Chernynkaya : If he could find it, KQ.
AlphaBitch : CL: But if this were handled differently – that’s what’s so scary.
KQµårk 死神 : Shite Perry would start another war with Iraq.
AlphaBitch : AL: they have Lebanon too – and perhaps Turkey. The Shia Sunni thing fades when it becomes attacks from the outside.
choicelady : Cher – yes, Perry would not declare war on Canada unless it’s a war of secession – Texas vs. the whole of what he thinks is the US. LOL!!!
AlphaBitch : CL: I declared war on Canada already once this decade. Not again!!
KQµårk 死神 : I think the latest thing were Israel operatives said they were CIA made Obama’s cooperation with an operation on Iran almost nil.
Chernynkaya : KQ–Israel is definitely on that course. They just need to figure out where the bombs are.
AdLib : AB – The support for Iran is weakening as the world all moves to the opposite side of the fence. They have CHina and Russia with them but if they threaten China’s oil supplies…
choicelady : AB – that may be true (you have real insight) BUT it so depends on how this is all handled. If Israel makes no sudden moves, Iran closes the Straits, the people CAN see that it was pointless and that the fallout is on the people of Iran.
AlphaBitch : KQ: i agree. I once did a whole research paper on the bombing in 1981 of the Osirak reactor in Iraq.
Chernynkaya : well, CL, Perry wouldn’t consider that a war. he thinks Canada IS the US.
KQµårk 死神 : Though I think the odds of Israel bombing Iran at least in a special ops mission is over 50% too. No matter who wins.
Chernynkaya : Seriously, who ARE these evil morons that got into government? Is America really that disgusting?
choicelady : Cher – if either of them wins, I am thinking war with Canada over tar sands is not beyond the pale…
AlphaBitch : Iran is NOT NK. There is no support from other countries. There is tons of support for Iran. And the Green Revolution kids are turning TOWARDS the mullahs, because of perceived attacks from Israel and outsiders. At least that was the perception of some of the chirrens.
AdLib : AB – I don’t mean to minimize it but there is no gain for Iran in blocking the strait. They’ve got the world moving against them now, they want to stop sanctions and convincing the world that they deserve MORE sanctions makes no sense to me. This threat is like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum and threatening to hold their breath till they die. It doesn’t pass my smell test for being legit.
choicelady : Cher – Oh yes – if Romney wins, or God forbid, Newt, it definitely will go to war. It’s the only foreign policy the GOP has.
KQµårk 死神 : Cher absolutely at least that.
choicelady : AB – I agree with AdLib that anything they do is suicidal for them, and they KNOW it. Posturing, banging the podium, fine. Actually doing something stupid? Not so much. The uprising IN Iran is never far from their minds. Add the general upheavals from before to a population that is hungry and without basics, and it’s recipe for an internal democratic revolution that would probably NOT be thwarted by the military that is as hungry as the populace. Iran needs to be careful, and they know that, too.
Chernynkaya : If Romney wins, I’d say a war with Iran goes to 70%.
AlphaBitch : And watching the Repubs debate, I can’t help but worry myself.
AlphaBitch : All I know is my kids are on alert, and hoping the US isn’t “Stupid enough to try something THAT dumb” in the words of my hard-headed Pashtun boy.
AdLib : Cher – Yep, I’m talking about Iran. I think they are obviously saber-rattling.
Chernynkaya : It’s come to this: we can’t ell the Repubs from the Ayatollahs.
choicelady : AdLib – I agree. I am not terribly worried about Iran as a global threat.
AlphaBitch : I disagree, AL. I think it’s to lure the US into another stupid “war against Islam” maneuver. Hey wait: aren’t you talking about Iran?
Chernynkaya : Oh, wait, no. You are talking about Iran, nit the Repubs.
Chernynkaya : AL HAd to read your comment twice. I thought you were talking about the Iranians.
KQµårk 死神 : Exactly CL but think about the whole party being like that. Well until the recent cracks in the GOP are showing now.
AlphaBitch : Sabreen! Welcome!
Chernynkaya : Hi Sabreen!
AdLib : AB – When negotiating a situation, you need to put yourself in the adversary’s shoes. The whole motivation for the ridiculous threat is to end the sanctions that are crippling their economy. Would such a party then intentionally cripple themselves, possibly to the point of igniting a public uprising? I don’t see it happening. Add to that they don’t want to give the US and Israel justification to bomb their nuclear facilities. I think this is an obvious NK style scare tactic that makes no sense.
choicelady : Hey – SAbreen just checked in – HI!
Sabreen60 : Hello Everyone!
AlphaBitch : Unless they are the bottle blondes.
Chernynkaya : AB–that doesn’t help–they ALL have squinty eyes.
KQµårk 死神 : sorry big head Billo.
KQµårk 死神 : While on the other hand Obama is brave enough to go on with O
choicelady : KQ – well, I deal with Lefties that orthodox, too, and I give thanks every day that none of them is running for public office!
Chernynkaya : The Goopers are still thinking the Tea Baggers are all the rage. They flamed out.
AlphaBitch : I would have said “he’s ugly”, but that would have been mean AND confusing to boot.
KQµårk 死神 : Yup dark hair, kind of hunched over.
AlphaBitch : Cher: He’s got squinty eyes.
KQµårk 死神 : Absolutely CL the GOP just cannot adapt because of their rigid orthodoxy.
Chernynkaya : Id he the one with hardly any forehead, KQ?
choicelady : AB – LOL!!
Chernynkaya : He’s a guy on Fox. A “journalist.”
KQµårk 死神 : A Faux News host that dared ask Romney to explain his flip flops.
AlphaBitch : CL: KUDOS to you! I unfortunately know the answer to that one.
choicelady : KQ – who is Bret Baier?
KQµårk 死神 : Totally agree on the coward thing AdLib. He’s a coward to do a real interview and always wants to please.
Chernynkaya : Even when his says the things the base wants to hear, he says it wrong.
choicelady : KQ – the belief that what flew in 2004 flies now is one of the mystifying weaknesses of the GOP. They just don’t seem to learn from their OWN mistakes!
AlphaBitch : Is there such a thing as Bain envy?
KQµårk 死神 : Did you see the Brett Baier interview AdLib? He was like a petulant child.
choicelady : AdLib – Romney SHOULD be afraid of saying the wrong thing because he always does! At least he sees the pattern.
KQµårk 死神 : And his all his campaign can come up with to defend Bain is to call voters envious. Yes his handlers and speech writers are campaigning like it’s 2008 or even 2004
Chernynkaya : Thanks AB! We gotta keep these fast typists in line.
AdLib : KQ – I don’t know that Romney thinks it’s beneath him to answer questions, he’s just one of The Entitled who thinks that just because he’s Mitt Romney, he should be given the nom. And also, he’s a coward, he’s afraid of saying the wrong thing and he is definitely afraid of how his tax returns would destroy him.
choicelady : AB – Why am I not surprised your alter ego is the Red Queen?
AlphaBitch : Cher: Off with his fingers! (sayeth the Red Queen)
AlphaBitch : AL: thanks for the talk down. I’m not all that confident about it though.
choicelady : AdLib – that’s what the analyst said. Closing the Strait would be suicide for Iran, and Obama is being very judicious in letting them know that we can deal with them. To their detriment.
KQµårk 死神 : Cher I say yes. They are first tried the same inevitability strategy that killed Hillary and now are trying the McCain/Palin anti-American strategy with even more lies to attack Obama. They think the whole electorate is Faux News viewers. And believe it or not allot of conservatives don’t like Faux News.
Chernynkaya : Dammit KQ-stop typing what I’m typing, and stop doing it faster!
Chernynkaya : Murph– $250 mill ONshore and we don’t know how much offshore. I’m pretty sure of that.
AdLib : As for Iran, I am actually not as concerned and agree with the meme that Iran is pulling a North Korea, threatening the absurdly self-destructive as a negotiating chip. I like Obama’s approach to this, just telling them we”re not threatened and will use force if they block it. The whole reason they’re threatening the world is because their economy is crashing under sanctions. If they blocked their ability to make money off of oil, the country would collapse. BTW, I understand that they even have to import gasoline!
KQµårk 死神 : The problem with Romney’s superiority complex is he really thinks it’s beneath him to answer questions.
Chernynkaya : KQ–OK not just him. He can hire the best advisors/strateg ists money can buy. Are they all stupid? No, I think he thinks he’s above the rules.
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib….Romney tax forms….worth more than 250 million….a lot of it offshoe….effec tive tax ate at 15% o less.
KQµårk 死神 : Cher that’s why Romney is a bad politician you would have thought he would have better answers for allot of things.
Chernynkaya : I know, AB. But seriously–doesn ‘t that show a lack of foresight? He know where his offshore money is–did he honestly think no one would ask? Or is that just his rich guy hubris?
AlphaBitch : Or have a bet as to his effective rate of return??
KQµårk 死神 : Yes taxreturngate continues. Maybe we should start a counter on the number of days Romney has not released his tax returns on the planet.
AlphaBitch : Cher: There you go again, assuming a Repub pol can think!
Chernynkaya : But, he’s running for office, for Pete’s sake! You’d think he’d have thought of that a year ago.
AlphaBitch : I have been too busy to catch up on ANY news – here, there or anywhere – and what little I see frightens or depresses me. Peeing on Taliban corpses? PLEASE. After what they did to my kids, I could poop down their necks. BUT – I would never ever do that. Not only because it is disgusting, but it puts so very many others at risk.
TheBlovicator : you mean “vulture capital”
KQµårk 死神 : CL I agree the fact is Ahmadinejad is a cowboy like Bush without the biggest army on earth
choicelady : ADLib – I think a clear discussion/debat e on predatory venture capital would be excellent. People need to know this stuff!
AdLib : Murph – That’s why I think forcing him to release his tax returns are so important. He makes most of his money as Capital Gains and pays 15%…only on what he has in the US. I bet we’d find him paying an effective tax of less than 15% and with money sheltered in offshore accounts. His tax returns could destroy him and he knows that.
choicelady : AB – I’m hoping one analyst of Iran is correct: shutting the straits of Hormuz means cutting off their income. And given the past unrest,they cannot afford to do that. On the other hand, you do have a crazy person in charge…
Chernynkaya : They’re not going to close down the Straight.
AlphaBitch : Cher: Oh, I hope!
Chernynkaya : Iran is pretty scary right now. But I think it’s a bluff.
KQµårk 死神 : The Republican turn out is down 16% so far in the primaries.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL As to Wright vs. Bain…quite so.
AlphaBitch : So what’s going to happen in Iran?
AdLib : CL – I think a good healthy debate about destructive crony capitalism and Wall Street’s making money without producing or creating vs. capitalism that truly creates jobs, grows the middle class and makes society and the economy better.
AlphaBitch : CL: I saw that hump on his back in a debate!
choicelady : Murph – Rev. Wright was one person. Bain is a system of endless proportions.
KQµårk 死神 : own=on
Chernynkaya : Sorry KQ–we said the same but you first.
KQµårk 死神 : We talked about it last week but how many presidential candidates win whose on party does not really like them? I think Nixon was the only one we ended up with like that and that was because of the RFK assassination.
MurphTheSurf3 : AD LIB……Wouldn ‘t it be CHOICE if the GOP’s One Percent Post Boy also becomes an Audio Visual aid demonstrating precisely how the system has worked to screw the 99%
choicelady : AB – good call. BTW – Ronnie used teleprompters, too. So did Daddy Bush. So did Clinto. Only W did not – he was being fed his lines in an earpiece. I think he couldn’t read fast enough for the prompter…
Chernynkaya : McGrumpy is senile. He used Bain against Mitt in 08. What a turd.
choicelady : Cher – good image. It is like a supertanker – that takes miles to stop and turn around. But it’s always moving in the right direction when a good captain is at the helm.
Chernynkaya : KQ-just catching up on earlier comment. I agree that people get excited about voting FOR someone, but they will vote against someone they really hate too. Hatred IS a motivator, IMO. Especially against Obama.
choicelady : ADLib – Bain is not the only player, so yes, we need to hear it all, but we need to have people understand ALL those predatory capitalists and what they did. Plants in America were NOT unprofitable – they were stripped of assets and had debt artificially loaded on them to justify a shutdown for which we paid ALL the costs – the cash for the accelerated depreciation, all the employee costs, the loss of revenues locally, and all the tax breaks the plants never got to honor. Disgusting!
MurphTheSurf3 : Cher, Choice, AdLib….in full agreement. This is NOT like Rev. Wright (which is the compaison being made now. Bane Bain will not go away.
KQµårk 死神 : AdLib McCain was the first one to hit Romney’s record at Bain
AlphaBitch : Blov and I used to go to Canada on Thanksgiving when Ronnie was Prez because we could not feel thankful about our country during that time. James Watt and all….
Chernynkaya : The economy is turning around and I was thinking of how much it’s really like the proverbial tanker. Obama’s at the helm ans he’s trying to get that sucker turned around inch by inch, while the tide of obstuctionists is making the waves against it.
AdLib : Cher – Actually, McCain said that there are only two choices, Bain style capitalism or communism. Right.
choicelady : AB – Bette Ford was wonderful, indeed. Grand woman in all respects. And Ford is looking better and better, isn’t he! But I will NOT get over the reason you voted for him – that is SO KIND!
KQµårk 死神 : I almost wish Ford beat Carter because we would have never got Reagan.
AlphaBitch : Besides, I liked Betty Ford a lot.
AlphaBitch : Sad, my friends, but true.
choicelady : AB – LOL!!! A pity vote for Ford. Oh that’s priceless!
Chernynkaya : AB–THAT’S HILARIOUS!
KQµårk 死神 : Actually what happened to Carter is what repugs are trying to do to Obama now. The GOP effed things up so much that it took more than one term to fix it.
TheBlovicator : It is impossible to watch Kung Fu movies and blog at the same time. Kinda of like watching the Republican debates and reading the N Y Times concurrently.
AlphaBitch : Note: I repented and will not transgress again.
AdLib : Murph – As the year goes on, I think we’ll start seeing more and more specifics about how Bain trashed many companies to squeeze all the money they could get from them then left them for dead. If Obama’s campaign hasn’t prepared that material, I would be very surprised.
choicelady : Murph – I heard some folks in SC interviewed about Bain and the hell they brought to SC. I’m so sorry. I did work in the NE textile world documenting shuttered plants, and we had Ratheon to thank for much of that. The predators – the vulture capitalists – will always find a way to suck money out of human lives. And then demand we spend our way out of recession. Uh-huh. We are starting to turn this around, but people still admire wealth thinking people earned it. They have to know it was taxpayer subsidized and that Mitt et al. were born in it, did not earn it.
AlphaBitch : I voted for Ford cuz he ate a tamale with its shuck still on here in south Texas. He chewed for a long, long time. It was a pity vote, and my ONLY Repub vote – but it gives me street cred when I fight with RWers. I ask them if they have EVER voted for a Dem (answer: no or hell no) and then tell them I once voted for a Repub.
Chernynkaya : Murph, tonite the Repubs are saying, Well, that’s Capitalism, as if it’s the way of the Lord. I think this might help some people see that not all “capitalism” is the same–it’s not inherently good. But I’m sure that will fly straight over the ehads of 70% of the voters.
KQµårk 死神 : Let me do the Church Lady superiority dance. jk jk
KQµårk 死神 : I was a kid then and I remember being so happy in 1976 that the Nixon and Ford thing was over.
MurphTheSurf3 : MISTYPED. Submit again.As some of you know I came to Missouri from SC. What Bain did to Georgetown and Gaffney is heartrending. Small, small towns where the impact of the closure of these businesses was like a boulder in a pond.
choicelady : KQ – That’s a good one!
AlphaBitch : Okey dokey CL. That’s WHY I will vote for Obama (jk)
KQµårk 死神 : Amen CL!
choicelady : Blovicator – you be good to AB! We have her back!
MurphTheSurf3 : As some of you know I came to Missouri from SC. What Bane did to Georgetown and Bane is heartrending. Small, small towns where the impact of the closure of these businesses was like a boulder in a pond.
AlphaBitch : He’s blovvy, Cher. Watch out.
choicelady : AB – thank you. We all are holding our breath for her growing up well to a good place to be. Susan St. JAmes the actress was for McGovern in ’72 and gave a speech detailing her pregnancy, delivery (long and hard) until we were all wondering where the HELL she was going with it when she said, “I did NOT go through all this just to have my daughter spend the first four years of her life under Richard Nixon!” Well that’s why I want FOUR MORE YEARS for my granddaughter – she deserves stability and peace of mind and a happy childhood. All kids do!
KQµårk 死神 : Welcome TBo!
Chernynkaya : Uh Oh–its THE BLOV!!!!
AlphaBitch : Quit spying on me. Go back to that stupid kung fu movie!
AdLib : TheBlov!
TheBlovicator : hello all This is The Blov. Just thought I would say, “Hi”! I’m only lurking to to see what AB has to say.
KQµårk 死神 : Cher that’s the problem his how argument for being POTUS is built on a lie. PE’s are mission is to create wealth for them and their cronies, period.
KQµårk 死神 : It was true that ACA was held back by the most conservative Dem but it would have been not even passed or held back more if Repugs had to sign on.
AdLib : Hey Murph!!!
AlphaBitch : Happy bday to a GRANDdaughter, CL! May she grow into a better world.
Chernynkaya : Didn’t anyone tell Mitt that vulture capitalism does not create jobs by it’s very nature? Some say he will hone his message on this but all he can do is lie, and the Left will expose those lies. He was both a job destroyer and a bad governor. And has no personality. What else?
choicelady : Hey Murph – Friday the 13th is a GOOD day. You’re here, and it’s my granddaughter’s fifth birthday. What’s not to love?
KQµårk 死神 : CL I like Klein but I think his assessment was wrong. Their obstruction strategy is not a winning one in the long term.
choicelady : ADLib – that is a GREAT question!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello everyone. Friday the 13th. So far so good.
KQµårk 死神 : AdLib the retorts are endless and yes that will be asked some way.
AlphaBitch : CL, AdLib, KQ. Come on, Food Chain – you’re my music bud!
choicelady : AB – I will be careful, thank you!
KQµårk 死神 : Come in foodchain or we will start talking about you. jk jk
AdLib : Hey AB!!!
choicelady : Hey Alpha – how are you?
choicelady : Cher – I agree. I think SCOTUS will uphold ACA, and the tax issues will rest on the GOP: you won’t keep tax cuts for the middle and working families? GOP = Greedy Old Party! No WAY will this work in their favor. Ezra Klein said when Dems could vote only to their weakest link – Nelson – they keep going Right. But that is not remotely true. Obama has given them ways to protect what is important and not HAVE to go “right” on issues. And they have not – he has not. But the GOP keep thinking they got him, and they never do.
AdLib : KQ – Obama should ask him in a debate, “As a Bain Executive, would you ever keep Americans employed even if it meant making less money for your investors?”
Chernynkaya : KQ-lol!
AlphaBitch : Cher! The blov thought I wrote “greetings grovers” as in Norquist, I guess.
KQµårk 死神 : Cher thanks I don’t have that smart drug estrogen in my system.
Chernynkaya : HEY! It’s the Alpha!!
AlphaBitch : Greetings groovers! How’s it going? CL – please wish your hub the best. The Blov is lurking tonight, so BE CAREFUL…..
Chernynkaya : KQ, that was the excellent Felix Salmon from Reuters.
KQµårk 死神 : Cher and if the ACA is upheld Obama wins both arguments.
Chernynkaya : AL–I saw him. And AGAIN he stumbled. he kept sayng we have to take care of “our poor.” Wtf? What;s with “OUR” poor??
Chernynkaya : CL–there will be two huge discussion this cycle: ACA and taxes. With the SCOTUS ruling on ACA, and the taxes expiring in the lame duck, that’s where the fights will be.
KQµårk 死神 : One of the MSNBC had a British economist on and he said people in private equity have to have a special kind of ruthlessness. Again a Mickey Mouse mistake by Romney was to claim job creation in the first place at Bain. They created wealth but Romney is so desperate to please he always tries to put himself in a better light than he really is.
choicelady : Cher – yes, that is precisely what he said – PEOPLE. So he may have been referencing insurance companies, but it was not the “corporations are people, too, my friend” but flesh and blood ones. That’s why we love that sound bite, and hate the speaker!
AdLib : Cher and KQ – I do think Romney is doomed, no matter how hard the MSM and GOP try to prop him up. Did you see him today trying to feign empathy “When anyone gets fired it’s a tragedy,” and “I just care about the 90% or so, the wealthy are doing just fine.” He is such an obvious liar.
choicelady : Everyone – and if Obama is smart, he will tip his hat to Romneycare and then say it had a lot of problems, and Obamacare is soooo much better! Because that is the truth.
Chernynkaya : CL–it was the word “like” not, “I want the right to change companies” or I want choice. No, he said I like to fire PEOPLE.
KQµårk 死神 : Cher you have to be FOR something. I hate to dwell on Kerry but that was his problem too. His only rational was being anti-Bush and he could not even sell that. Romney will have the same problem since he invented Romneycare.
choicelady : KQ – I realize that when Mitt said “I like to fire people” he was talking about insurance companies, but I really don’t care. It’s still crass, and I think the reason people jumped on it is we suspect insurance companies are NOT the only people he likes to fire!
Chernynkaya : Yes–soup recipe coming.
Chernynkaya : I do believe Romney will lose. He’s really such a stiff with no ideas. And now that his business accumen BS is shown to be zilch, what does he have? The only voters are Obama haters. There is no logic to it.
KQµårk 死神 : CL great point of course the GOP claims Obama needs a teleprompter but off script Romney is really worse than McCain by far.
choicelady : Cher – water or not, it’s GONE. Congrats! Will you share the soup recipe in TO/OT soon?
KQµårk 死神 : Cher it’s only going to be close because of GOP hatred and the economy but nobody really likes Willard so he will lose just like Kerry did.
choicelady : AdLib – I thought they’d gone to New Mexico, so I TOTALLY missed that reference – right over the head.
Chernynkaya : Hubby lost 20 pounds and I think I lost about 15, but it’s mostly water.
choicelady : KQ – you’re the first really to note that Mittens is not a good politician. I keep thinking – “that’s a GOOD thing to do, Mr. R.?” EVeryone shoots him or herself in the foot. Only Romney goes back and reloads.
AdLib : CL – That’s where the TX Dems fled to to avoid a quorum when they changed redistricting. An obscure reference indeed.
Chernynkaya : Honestly, I’m already sick if the election. I just feel it’s going to be Mitt V Obama and that there are so many who will vote for Romney nauseates me.
KQµårk 死神 : Newt was really the only conservative with a chance after Perry fell on his face but the TPM let them split up more and more.
choicelady : Cher – that’s a long cleanse. I’ve done it but never more than three days. You must both look like toothpicks?
AdLib : KQ – I like that Newt is in a virtual tie with Mitt in SC, plenty of time for him to surpass Mitt and wipe that phony smile off Mitt’s face.
KQµårk 死神 : I have really come to the belief that Mittens is just a bad politician and GOP strategists are out to lunch lately. I mean c’mon the whole envy thing is blame the voters shit.
choicelady : Cher – thank you – I think he’s improving. We’ll know better now he’s finished the antibiotics that may have been adding to the rotten feeling.
Chernynkaya : I’m fine. We just came off a 10 day cleanse and I made the best vegetable soup ever.
choicelady : Cher! How are you tonight? And AdLib – who the hell is going to Oklahoma?
Chernynkaya : Hey AL!
Chernynkaya : CL, I hope your husband’s much better soon!
KQµårk 死神 : AdLib allot of blue collar conservatives don’t like vulture capitalism either and the whole anointing Mittens process is getting them madder and madder.
choicelady : AdLib – I LOVE the propaganda machine. It’s amusing when the Right eats its own!
AdLib : Hey Cher!
Chernynkaya : Im’ here for a wile.
AdLib : As long as some of our members don’t run off to Oklahoma.
choicelady : AdLib – you could set that to music, “A long and draining road…” It might cheer him up! He feels so useless. And Monday and Tuesday I’m gone out of town to board meetings, so he will have to fend for himself. I shall leave him food and drink, but he’ll actually have to EAT it on his own (not that he isn’t, but it’s the sense of being abandoned in his hours of need) and he doesn’t like that.
KQµårk 死神 : Do we have a quorum yet?
AdLib : How do you like the MSM propaganda machine that’s trying to bury Newt and anoint Mitt, repeating the mantra that Bain criticism is now played out?
AdLib : CL – Glad he’s on the mend but it’s a long and draining road.
choicelady : Thanks, AdLib and KQ – he’s on the mend I THINK, but he has NO energy and still feels rotten. But the cough is GONE, so that’s good news!
AdLib : KQ – Maher is so rarely funny anymore. He’s so contrived and just snide nowadays.
KQµårk 死神 : Oh no CL. That’s terrible.
AdLib : Hey CL! Please pass along my best to him, sorry to hear that!
KQµårk 死神 : I just had to mute he was making jokes about Marines urinating on dead Taliban.
choicelady : Hi KQ – pretty OK. Hubby has pneumonia, it turns out, so altho he’s mostly OK, it’s been a very long, long week.
KQµårk 死神 : Good you CL?
AdLib : I still Tivo Maher but it’s like watching a CNN comedy show. Meaning, not so much comedy and an appearance of moderate views from an insincere host.
choicelady : Hi everybody – Google was crawling, and it gives me the creeps. I was ALONE…with THEM. So I went and ate dinner. How IS everyone tonight?
AdLib : Actually, CL left earlier!
KQµårk 死神 : There she is yeah!
KQµårk 死神 : I don’t know what I said CL left when I got on.
KQµårk 死神 : Ugh I hate Bill Maher but I feel like I want to watch it because DSW is on.
AdLib : I blame America for burning my toast this morning!
AdLib : Hey KQ!
KQµårk 死神 : CL that makes my skin crawl too. Pun intended.
KQµårk 死神 : Watching the end of Rachel. Now Russia is claiming the US is sabotaging their faulty rockets. Of course Paul woo woo types will blame America too.
AdLib : Hey, no need to fear the Google!
choicelady : Google is crawling, and I am leaving! Gives me the willies, it does.
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
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